path: root/sucl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sucl')
45 files changed, 7937 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/Makefile b/sucl/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd52bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+COCL = cocl
+#COCLFLAGS = -lat
+SYS = Clean\ System\ Files
+MODULES = basic pretty pfun graph dnc rule trd rewr complete history spine trace absmodule spine strat loop law
+ABC = $(patsubst %,$(SYS)/%.abc,$(MODULES))
+#default: $(SYS)/history.abc $(SYS)/spine.abc $(SYS)/absmodule.abc $(SYS)/trace.abc $(SYS)/complete.abc $(SYS)/rewr.abc $(SYS)/trd.abc $(SYS)/rule.abc $(SYS)/dnc.abc $(SYS)/graph.abc $(SYS)/pfun.abc $(SYS)/pretty.abc $(SYS)/basic.abc
+default: $(ABC)
+ rm -Rf errors.err $(SYS)
+%: $(SYS)/%.abc
+ @:
+$(SYS)/%.abc: %.icl
+$(SYS)/law.abc: law.icl law.dcl
+$(SYS)/loop.abc: loop.icl loop.dcl trace.dcl strat.dcl history.dcl rule.dcl graph.dcl basic.dcl
+$(SYS)/strat.abc: strat.icl strat.dcl history.dcl spine.dcl dnc.dcl rule.dcl graph.dcl pfun.dcl basic.dcl
+$(SYS)/history.abc: history.icl history.dcl spine.dcl rule.dcl graph.dcl basic.dcl
+$(SYS)/spine.abc: spine.icl spine.dcl rule.dcl pfun.dcl basic.dcl
+$(SYS)/absmodule.abc: absmodule.icl absmodule.dcl rule.dcl
+$(SYS)/trace.abc: trace.icl trace.dcl rule.dcl
+$(SYS)/complete.abc: complete.icl complete.dcl graph.dcl
+$(SYS)/rewr.abc: rewr.icl rewr.dcl graph.dcl pfun.dcl basic.dcl
+$(SYS)/trd.abc: trd.icl trd.dcl rule.dcl graph.dcl basic.dcl
+$(SYS)/rule.abc: rule.icl rule.dcl graph.dcl basic.dcl
+$(SYS)/dnc.abc: dnc.icl dnc.dcl graph.dcl
+$(SYS)/graph.abc: graph.icl graph.dcl pfun.dcl basic.dcl
+$(SYS)/pfun.abc: pfun.icl pfun.dcl basic.dcl
+$(SYS)/pretty.abc: pretty.icl pretty.dcl
+$(SYS)/basic.abc: basic.icl basic.dcl
diff --git a/sucl/absmodule.dcl b/sucl/absmodule.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b22b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/absmodule.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+definition module absmodule
+from rule import Rule
+:: Module sym pvar tsym tvar
+ = { exportedtypesymbols :: [tsym] // Exported type symbols (from DCL)
+ , typealias :: [(tsym,Rule tsym tvar)] // Alias types
+ , typeconstructors :: [(tsym,[sym])] // All constructor symbols of each declared algebraic type
+ , exportedsymbols :: [sym] // Exported function/constructor symbols
+ , aliases :: [(sym,Rule sym pvar)] // Macros
+ , typerules :: [(sym,Rule tsym tvar,[Bool])] // Info from type rules (actual type and argument strictnesses)
+ , rules :: [(sym,[Rule sym pvar])] // Rewrite rules of each symbol, absent if imported
+ }
diff --git a/sucl/absmodule.icl b/sucl/absmodule.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92addeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/absmodule.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+implementation module absmodule
+import rule
+> %export
+> module
+> addtalias
+> addtsymdef
+> addalias
+> addsymdef
+> newmodule
+> %include "basic.lit"
+> %include "graph.lit" -extgraph
+> %include "rule.lit"
+Module implementation.
+> module * *** **** *****
+> == ( ( [****], || Exported types
+> [(****,rule **** *****)], || Type alias rules
+> [(****,[*])] || Constructor symbols for algebraic type symbol
+> ),
+> ( [*], || Exported symbols
+> [(*,rule * ***)], || Alias rules
+> [(*,(rule **** *****,[bool]))], || Typerule for symbol
+> [(*,[rule * ***])] || Rewrite rules for symbol, absent if imported
+> )
+> )
+:: Module sym pvar tsym tvar
+ = { exportedtypesymbols :: [tsym] // Exported type symbols (from DCL)
+ , typealias :: [(tsym,Rule tsym tvar)] // Alias types
+ , typeconstructors :: [(tsym,[sym])] // All constructor symbols of each declared algebraic type
+ , exportedsymbols :: [sym] // Exported function/constructor symbols
+ , aliases :: [(sym,Rule sym pvar)] // Macros
+ , typerules :: [(sym,Rule tsym tvar,[Bool])] // Info from type rules (actual type and argument strictnesses)
+ , rules :: [(sym,[Rule sym pvar])] // Rewrite rules of each symbol, absent if imported
+ }
+> newmodule :: module * *** **** *****
+> newmodule = (([],[],[]),([],[],[],[]))
+> addtalias :: **** -> bool -> rule **** ***** -> module * *** **** ***** -> module * *** **** *****
+> addtalias ts exp tr ((tes,tas,tcs),defs)
+> = ((cond exp (ts:tes) tes,(ts,tr):tas,tcs),defs)
+> addtsymdef :: **** -> bool -> [*] -> module * *** **** ***** -> module * *** **** *****
+> addtsymdef ts exp ss ((tes,tas,tcs),defs)
+> = ((cond exp (ts:tes) tes,tas,(ts,ss):tcs),defs)
+> addalias :: * -> bool -> rule * *** -> module * *** **** ***** -> module * *** **** *****
+> addalias s exp r (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs))
+> = (tdefs,(cond exp (s:es) es,(s,r):as,ts,rs))
+> addsymdef :: * -> bool -> rule **** ***** -> bool -> [rule * ***] -> module * *** **** ***** -> module * *** **** *****
+> addsymdef s exp t imp rr (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs))
+> = (tdefs,(cond exp (s:es) es,as,(s,(t,[])):ts,cond imp rs ((s,rr):rs)))
diff --git a/sucl/basic.dcl b/sucl/basic.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59558cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/basic.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+definition module basic
+Basic definitions
+Basic types and functions.
+import StdOverloaded
+import StdString
+// The optional type of type t is a type like t
+// where the actual t value may be present or absent.
+:: Optional t = Absent | Present t
+// Adjust a function for a single argument
+adjust :: !arg res (arg->res) !arg -> res | == arg
+// Claim a list of nodes from a heap
+claim :: ![.param] u:[.cell] -> ([.cell],v:[.cell]), [u<=v]
+// Cons prepends an element to a list
+cons :: .elem u:[.elem] -> v:[.elem], [u <= v]
+// Depthfirst does depth first enumeration of a search process
+/* Depthfirst collects results of a function (called process), applied to a
+ given list of inputs and other inputs which are generated from the
+ results recursively, and so on. Duplicates are removed.
+depthfirst :: (res->.[elem]) (elem->res) !.[elem] -> .[res] | == elem
+// `Disjoint xs ys' checks whether xs and ys are disjoint.
+disjoint :: .[elem] !.[elem] -> Bool | == elem
+// `Eqlen xs ys' determines whether `xs' and `ys' are equally long.
+eqlen :: ![.elem1] ![.elem2] -> .Bool
+// `Foldlm' is a combination of foldl and map.
+foldlm :: ((.collect,.elem) -> (.collect,.elem`)) !(.collect,![.elem]) -> (.collect,[.elem`])
+// Foldlr combines foldl and foldr:
+// Information flows both forward and backward through the list.
+foldlr :: (.elem -> .((.lrinfo,.rlinfo) -> (.lrinfo,.rlinfo))) !(.lrinfo,.rlinfo) ![.elem] -> (.lrinfo,.rlinfo)
+// Foldmap is the fold function for a map type (from arg to res) given by a list,
+// deriving a total function from it giving res`.
+foldmap :: (x:res -> w:res`) w:res` -> u:(![(arg,x:res)] -> v:(arg -> w:res`)) | == arg, [v u <= w, v <= x]
+// Foldoptional is the standard fold for the optional type.
+foldoptional :: .res .(.t -> .res) !(Optional .t) -> .res
+// Forget drops a mapped value from a map given by a list.
+forget :: val -> .(![.(val,res)] -> .[(val,res)]) | == val
+// Indent a list of strings with spaces,
+// except the first which is indented with a specific string.
+indent :: .String -> .([.String] -> .[String])
+// `Identifiers' is the list of all identifiers
+identifiers :: [String]
+// `Intersect xs ys' is the intersection of list `ys' with list `xs'.
+intersect :: ![elem] [elem] -> .[elem] | == elem
+// `Join x xss' is the join of the list of lists `xss', separated by `x'.
+join :: a ![.[a]] -> .[a]
+/* `Kleene xs' determines the kleene closure of the list `xs' of symbols,
+ i.e. all strings over that list in standard order. The implementation
+ is designed for maximum sharing.
+kleene :: !.[symbol] -> .[[symbol]]
+// Lookup finds a value mapped in a list mapping.
+lookup :: u:([(arg,w:res)] -> v:(arg -> w:res)) | == arg, [v u <= w]
+// Map a function onto the zip of two lists.
+map2 :: (.a -> .(.b -> .c)) ![.a] [.b] -> [.c]
+// Map a function on the first element of a 2-tuple.
+mapfst :: v:(.a -> .b) -> u:((.a,.c) -> (.b,.c)), [u <= v]
+// Map a function on the first element of a triple.
+mapfst3 :: v:(.a -> .b) -> u:((.a,.c,.d) -> (.b,.c,.d)), [u <= v]
+// Map a function onto the head of a list.
+maphd :: .(.a -> .a) !u:[.a] -> v:[.a], [u <= v]
+// Map a function onto an optional value.
+mapoptional :: .(.a -> .b) !(Optional .a) -> Optional .b
+// Map two functions onto a pair.
+mappair :: .(.a -> .b) .(.c -> .d) !(.a,.c) -> (.b,.d)
+// Map a function onto the second element of a 2-tuple.
+mapsnd :: v:(.a -> .b) -> u:((.c,.a) -> (.c,.b)), [u <= v]
+// Map a function onto the tail of a list.
+maptl :: .(x:[.a] -> u:[.a]) !w:[.a] -> v:[.a], [u <= v, w <= x]
+// Map three functions onto a triple.
+maptriple :: x:(.a -> .b) w:(.c -> .d) v:(.e -> .f) -> u:((.a,.c,.e) -> (.b,.d,.f)), [u <= v, u <= w, u <= x]
+// Pairwith pairs a value with its result under a given function
+pairwith :: .(arg -> .res) arg -> (arg,.res)
+// Partition a list.
+// The first argument is a representer function that defines partition blocks.
+// The second argument is a selector function that is applied to each element of each block.
+partition :: (a -> b) (a -> .c) -> .(!.[a] -> [(b,[.c])]) | == b
+// Plookup is a printable lookup with a more readable error message for the not found case.
+plookup :: .(arg -> String) ![(arg,.res)] arg -> .res | == arg
+// Power applies a function a number of times to a value.
+power :: !Int (.t -> .t) -> .(.t -> .t)
+// Printoptional produces a printable representation of an optional type.
+printoptional :: .(.t -> String) !(Optional .t) -> String
+// Proc is an argument-permuted variant of foldr
+proc :: .((w:elem -> .(.res -> .res)) -> v:(![w:elem] -> u:(.res -> .res))), [u <= v, u <= w]
+// `Relimg rel x' is the relational image of `x' in relation `rel' (represented by a table).
+relimg :: ![(a,.b)] a -> [.b] | == a
+// `Remap x y mapping' alters the mapping by associating y with x, removing the old values.
+remap :: a b [.(a,b)] -> .[(a,b)] | == a
+// `Shorter xs' determines whether a list is shorter than list `xs'.
+shorter :: ![.a] [.b] -> .Bool
+// `Showbool b' is the string representation of boolean `b'.
+showbool :: .(!.Bool -> a) | fromBool a
+// `Showoptional showa opt' is the string representation of optional value `opt',
+// where `showa' determines the string representation of the inner value.
+showoptional :: .(.a -> .String) !(Optional .a) -> String
+// `Showpair showa showb pair' is the string representation of a pair,
+// where showa and showb represent the internal types.
+showpair :: !.(.a -> .String) !.(.b -> .String) !(.a,.b) -> String
+// `Showstring s' represents a string as a string.
+showstring :: .(!.String -> a) | fromString a
+// `Showtriple' determines the string representation of a triple.
+showtriple :: !.(.a -> .String) !.(.b -> .String) !.(.c -> .String) !(.a,.b,.c) -> String
+// `Split sep' splits a list into a list of sublists which are separated by `sep'.
+split :: a -> .(.[a] -> [.[a]]) | == a
+// `Superset xs ys' determines whether ys is a superset (actually, super-multi-set or super-list) of xs.
+superset :: .[a] -> .(.[a] -> Bool) | == a
diff --git a/sucl/basic.icl b/sucl/basic.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1ffb70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/basic.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+implementation module basic
+Basic definitions
+Basic types and functions.
+import StdEnv
+:: Optional t = Absent | Present t
+// Adjust a function for a single argument
+adjust :: !arg res (arg->res) !arg -> res | == arg
+adjust a r f x
+ | x==a = r
+ = f x
+// Claim a list of nodes from a heap
+claim :: ![.param] u:[.cell] -> ([.cell],v:[.cell]), [u<=v]
+claim [] heap = ([],heap)
+claim [pnode:pnodes] [snode:heap]
+= ([snode:snodes],heap`)
+ where (snodes,heap`) = claim pnodes heap
+claim pnodes emptyheap = abort "claim: out of heap" // Just in case. Should be used with an infinite heap.
+/* Depthfirst collects results of a function (called process), applied to a
+given list of inputs and other inputs which are generated from the
+results recursively, and so on. Duplicates are removed. */
+depthfirst :: (res->.[elem]) (elem->res) !.[elem] -> .[res] | == elem
+depthfirst generate process xs
+= snd (collect xs ([],[]))
+ where collect [] seenrest = seenrest
+ collect [x:xs] (seen,rest)
+ | isMember x seen
+ = collect xs (seen,rest)
+ = (seen``,[y:rest``])
+ where (seen`,rest``) = collect (generate y) ([x:seen],rest`)
+ (seen``,rest`) = collect xs ( seen`,rest)
+ y = process x
+// `Disjoint xs ys' checks whether xs and ys are disjoint.
+disjoint :: .[elem] !.[elem] -> Bool | == elem
+disjoint xs ys = not (or (map (flip isMember xs) ys))
+eqlen :: ![.elem1] ![.elem2] -> .Bool
+eqlen [x:xs] [y:ys] = eqlen xs ys
+eqlen [] [] = True
+eqlen xs ys = False
+// `Foldlm' is a combination of foldl and map.
+foldlm :: ((.collect,.elem) -> (.collect,.elem`)) !(.collect,![.elem]) -> (.collect,[.elem`])
+foldlm f (l,[]) = (l,[])
+foldlm f (l,[m:ms])
+= (l``,[m`:ms`])
+ where (l`,m`) = f (l,m)
+ (l``,ms`) = foldlm f (l`,ms)
+foldlr :: (.elem -> .((.lrinfo,.rlinfo) -> (.lrinfo,.rlinfo))) !(.lrinfo,.rlinfo) ![.elem] -> (.lrinfo,.rlinfo)
+foldlr f (l,r) []
+ = (l,r)
+foldlr f (l,r) [x:xs]
+ = (l``,r``)
+ where (l``,r`) = foldlr f (l`,r) xs
+ (l`,r``) = f x (l,r`)
+foldmap :: (x:res -> w:res`) w:res` -> u:(![(arg,x:res)] -> v:(arg -> w:res`)) | == arg, [v u <= w, v <= x]
+foldmap f d
+= foldr foldmap` (const d)
+ where foldmap` (x,y) g v = if (x==v) (f y) (g v)
+foldoptional :: .res .(.t -> .res) !(Optional .t) -> .res
+foldoptional absent present Absent = absent
+foldoptional absent present (Present x) = present x
+forget :: val -> .(![.(val,res)] -> .[(val,res)]) | == val
+forget x = filter (neq x o fst)
+neq x y = x <> y
+indent :: .String -> .([.String] -> .[String])
+indent first = map2 (+++) [first:repeat (createArray (size first) ' ')]
+map2 :: (.a -> .(.b -> .c)) ![.a] [.b] -> [.c]
+map2 f [x:xs] [y:ys] = [f x y:map2 f xs ys]
+map2 f _ _ = []
+// `Identifiers' is the list of all identifiers
+identifiers :: [String]
+identifiers =: map toString (tl (kleene ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz']))
+// `Intersect xs ys' is the intersection of list `ys' with list `xs'.
+intersect :: ![elem] [elem] -> .[elem] | == elem
+intersect [] _ = []
+intersect [y:ys] xs = elim (cons y o intersect ys) (intersect ys xs) y xs
+// Elim removes a given element from a list.
+// There are two continuations, one for failure and one for success.
+elim :: .(v:[elem] -> .res) .res elem u:[elem] -> .res | == elem, [u <= v]
+elim found notfound y []
+= notfound
+elim found notfound y [x:xs]
+| x==y
+= found xs
+= elim (found o cons x) notfound y xs
+// Cons prepends an element to a list
+cons :: .elem u:[.elem] -> v:[.elem], [u <= v]
+cons x xs = [x:xs]
+// `Join x xss' is the join of the list of lists `xss', separated by `x'.
+join :: a ![.[a]] -> .[a]
+join sep [] = []
+join sep [x:xs] = x++flatten (map (cons sep) xs)
+/* `Kleene xs' determines the kleene closure of the list `xs' of symbols,
+ i.e. all strings over that list in standard order. The implementation
+ is designed for maximum sharing.
+kleene :: !.[symbol] -> .[[symbol]]
+kleene [] = [[]]
+kleene symbols
+= flatten (iterate prefix [[]])
+ where prefix strings
+ = flatten (map appendstrings symbols)
+ where appendstrings symbol = map (cons symbol) strings
+lookup :: u:([(arg,w:res)] -> v:(arg -> w:res)) | == arg, [v u <= w]
+lookup = foldmap id (abort "lookup: not found")
+pairwith :: .(arg -> .res) arg -> (arg,.res)
+pairwith f x = (x,f x)
+plookup :: .(arg -> String) ![(arg,.res)] arg -> .res | == arg
+plookup showa tbl a = foldmap id (abort (showa a+++": not found")) tbl a
+power :: !Int (.t -> .t) -> .(.t -> .t)
+power n f
+| n <= 0
+= id
+= f o power (n-1) f
+printoptional :: .(.t -> String) !(Optional .t) -> String
+printoptional printa Absent = ""
+printoptional printa (Present a) = printa a
+proc :: .((w:elem -> .(.res -> .res)) -> v:(![w:elem] -> u:(.res -> .res))), [u <= v, u <= w]
+proc = flip o foldr
+mapfst :: v:(.a -> .b) -> u:((.a,.c) -> (.b,.c)), [u <= v]
+mapfst f = app2 (f,id)
+mapfst3 :: v:(.a -> .b) -> u:((.a,.c,.d) -> (.b,.c,.d)), [u <= v]
+mapfst3 f = app3 (f,id,id)
+maphd :: .(.a -> .a) !u:[.a] -> v:[.a], [u <= v]
+maphd f [] = []
+maphd f [x:xs] = [f x:xs]
+mapoptional :: .(.a -> .b) !(Optional .a) -> Optional .b
+mapoptional f Absent = Absent
+mapoptional f (Present x) = Present (f x)
+mappair :: .(.a -> .b) .(.c -> .d) !(.a,.c) -> (.b,.d)
+mappair f g (x,y) = (f x,g y)
+mapsnd :: v:(.a -> .b) -> u:((.c,.a) -> (.c,.b)), [u <= v]
+mapsnd f = app2 (id,f)
+maptl :: .(x:[.a] -> u:[.a]) !w:[.a] -> v:[.a], [u <= v, w <= x]
+maptl f [] = []
+maptl f [x:xs] = [x:f xs]
+maptriple :: x:(.a -> .b) w:(.c -> .d) v:(.e -> .f) -> u:((.a,.c,.e) -> (.b,.d,.f)), [u <= v, u <= w, u <= x]
+maptriple f g h = app3 (f,g,h)
+partition :: (a -> b) (a -> .c) -> .(!.[a] -> [(b,[.c])]) | == b
+partition f g
+= h
+ where h [] = []
+ h [x:xs]
+ = [((r,[g x:ins])):h outs]
+ where ins = [g x\\x<-xs|f x==r]
+ outs = [x\\x<-xs|f x<>r]
+ r = f x
+relimg :: ![(a,.b)] a -> [.b] | == a
+relimg rel x` = [y\\(x,y)<-rel|x==x`]
+remap :: a b [.(a,b)] -> .[(a,b)] | == a
+remap x y xys = [(x,y):forget x xys]
+shorter :: ![.a] [.b] -> .Bool
+shorter [] yys = False
+shorter [x:xs] [] = True
+shorter [x:xs] [y:ys] = shorter xs ys
+showbool :: .(!.Bool -> a) | fromBool a
+showbool = fromBool
+showoptional :: .(.a -> .String) !(Optional .a) -> String
+showoptional showa Absent = "Absent"
+showoptional showa (Present a) = "(Present "+++showa a+++")"
+showpair :: !.(.a -> .String) !.(.b -> .String) !(.a,.b) -> String
+showpair showa showb (a,b) = "("+++showa a+++","+++showb b+++")"
+showstring :: .(!.String -> a) | fromString a
+showstring = fromString
+showtriple :: !.(.a -> .String) !.(.b -> .String) !.(.c -> .String) !(.a,.b,.c) -> String
+showtriple showa showb showc (a,b,c) = "("+++showa a+++","+++showb b+++","+++showc c+++")"
+split :: a -> .(.[a] -> [.[a]]) | == a
+split sep
+= uncurry cons o spl
+ where spl [] = ([],[])
+ spl [x:xs]
+ | x==sep
+ = ([],[ys:yss])
+ = ([x:ys],yss)
+ where (ys,yss) = spl xs
+superset :: .[a] -> .(.[a] -> Bool) | == a
+superset set = isEmpty o (removeMembers set)
diff --git a/sucl/canon.icl b/sucl/canon.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98572eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/canon.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+canon.lit - Area canonicalization
+This script defines functions for folding areas and generating canonical
+forms from them for renewed symbolic reduction.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> canonise || Transform an area into canonical form
+> foldarea || Fold an area to an application of its assigned symbol
+> labelarea || Use a list of symbols to label a list of areas
+> %include "basic.lit" -uncurry -split
+> %include "graph.lit" -extgraph
+> %include "rule.lit"
+`Canonise heap' canonises an area to a standard form, so that equal
+areas are detected by the `=' operator. Canonisation is done in three
+(1) Splitting arguments to prevent too much sharing and allowing delta
+ functions to be recognised.
+(2) Adding extra arguments to the full complement according to the type
+ rule for the top symbol.
+(3) Relabeling the nodes in a standard way.
+> canonise :: (*->rule **** *****) -> [***] -> rgraph * ** -> rgraph * ***
+> canonise typerule heap = relabel heap.uncurry typerule.split.relabel localheap
+> split :: rgraph * num -> rgraph * num
+> split rgraph
+> = foldsingleton single rgraph rgraph
+> where single root sym args = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (sym,fst (claim args (localheap--[root]))) emptygraph)
+> uncurry :: (*->rule **** *****) -> rgraph * num -> rgraph * num
+> uncurry typerule rgraph
+> = f (nc root)
+> where f (True,(sym,args))
+> = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (sym,fst (claim targs (args++localheap--nodelist graph [root]))) graph)
+> where targs = lhs (typerule sym)
+> f cont = rgraph
+> nc = nodecontents graph
+> root = rgraphroot rgraph; graph = rgraphgraph rgraph
+> localheap = [0..]
+> foldarea :: (rgraph * **->*) -> rgraph * ** -> (*,[**])
+> foldarea label rgraph
+> = (label rgraph,foldsingleton single nosingle rgraph)
+> where single root sym args = args
+> nosingle = snd (nodeset (rgraphgraph rgraph) [rgraphroot rgraph])
+> labelarea :: [rgraph * **] -> [*] -> rgraph * ** -> *
+> labelarea areas labels
+> = foldmap id nolabel (maketable areas labels)
+> where nolabel = error "labelarea: no label assigned to area"
+> maketable :: [rgraph * **] -> [*] -> [(rgraph * **,*)]
+> maketable [] = const []
+> maketable (area:areas) labels
+> = (area,label):maketable areas labels'
+> where (label,labels') = getlabel (nc aroot) labels
+> getlabel (True,(asym,aargs)) labels = (asym,labels), if ~or (map (fst.nc) aargs)
+> getlabel acont (label:labels) = (label,labels)
+> getlabel = error "maketable: out of labels"
+> nc = nodecontents agraph
+> aroot = rgraphroot area; agraph = rgraphgraph area
+> relabel :: [***] -> rgraph * ** -> rgraph * ***
+> relabel heap rgraph
+> = mkrgraph (move root) graph'
+> where root = rgraphroot rgraph; graph = rgraphgraph rgraph
+> nodes = nodelist graph [root]
+> table = zip2 nodes heap
+> move = foldmap id nonew table
+> nonew = error "relabel: no new node assigned to node"
+> graph' = foldr addnode emptygraph table
+> addnode (node,node')
+> = updategraph node' (sym,map move args), if def
+> = id, otherwise
+> where (def,(sym,args)) = nc node
+> nc = nodecontents graph
+> foldsingleton
+> :: (**->*->[**]->***) ->
+> *** ->
+> rgraph * ** ->
+> ***
+> foldsingleton single nosingle rgraph
+> = f (nc root)
+> where f (True,(sym,args)) = single root sym args, if ~or (map (fst.nc) args)
+> f cont = nosingle
+> nc = nodecontents graph
+> root = rgraphroot rgraph; graph = rgraphgraph rgraph
diff --git a/sucl/clean.icl b/sucl/clean.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0451a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/clean.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+clean.lit - Clean core language
+This script contains the implementation of the core of the Clean
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export || law.lit cli.lit test.lit
+> cleanpart || + + -
+> node || + + +
+> symbol || + + +
+> typenode || + + +
+> typesymbol || + + +
+> cleantyperule || - + -
+> corecomplete || + + -
+> coretypeinfo
+> coretyperule || - + -
+> readcleanparts || - + -
+> showcleanpart
+> shownode || - - +
+> showsymbol || + + +
+> showtypenode || - + -
+> showtypesymbol || - + -
+> symbolmodule
+> typesymbolmodule
+> usersym
+> cleanalias
+> cleanmacro
+> cleantype
+> cleanrule
+> heap || Infinite list of anonymous nodes
+> typeheap || Infinite list of anonymous type nodes
+> %include "basic.lit"
+> %include "hunt.lit"
+> %include "graph.lit" -extgraph
+> %include "rule.lit"
+Implementation of identifier
+> typesymbol
+> ::= INT | || Integer
+> BOOL | || Boolean
+> CHAR | || Character
+> STRING | || String
+> REAL | || Real
+> FILE | || File
+> FN | || Function
+> LIST | || List
+> TUPLE num | || Tuple of specific arity
+> USER [char] [char] || User-defined type <module.ident>
+> typenode
+> ::= NAMED [char] | || A type node with an explicit nodeid
+> ANONYMOUS num || A type node without an explicit nodeid
+> symbol
+> ::= Int num | || A specific integer
+> Bool bool | || A specific boolean
+> Char char | || A specific character
+> String [char] | || A specific string
+> Real num | || A specific real
+> Tuple num | || The tuple constructor of specific arity
+> Cons | || The list constructor
+> Nil | || The empty list
+> Apply | || The curried function application symbol
+> If | || The predefined if symbol
+> Select num num | || The tuple element selector for tuple arity and element number
+> User [char] [char] || A user-defined symbol <module.ident>
+> node
+> ::= Named [char] | || A node with an explicit nodeid
+> Anonymous num || A node without an explicit nodeid
+> cleanpart
+> ::= Typeexport typesymbol |
+> Alias typesymbol [typenode] typenode [(typenode,(typesymbol,[typenode]))] |
+> Algebra typesymbol [symbol] |
+> Export symbol |
+> Macro symbol [node] node [(node,(symbol,[node]))] |
+> Type symbol [typenode] typenode [(typenode,(typesymbol,[typenode]))] [char] |
+> Rules symbol |
+> Rule symbol [node] node [(node,(symbol,[node]))] |
+> Constructor symbol
+> showcleanpart :: cleanpart -> [char]
+> showcleanpart = show
+> ct = printrule show show.coretyperule
+> coreconstructor :: symbol -> bool
+> coreconstructor (Int i) = True
+> coreconstructor (Bool b) = True
+> coreconstructor (Char c) = True
+> coreconstructor (String s) = True
+> coreconstructor (Real r) = True
+> coreconstructor (Tuple a) = True
+> coreconstructor (Cons ) = True
+> coreconstructor (Nil ) = True
+> coreconstructor (Apply ) = True
+> coreconstructor (If ) = False
+> coreconstructor (Select a i) = False
+> coreconstructor (User m n) = False
+> coreexports :: [symbol]
+> coreexports = []
+> coreimported :: symbol -> bool
+> coreimported (Int i) = False
+> coreimported (Bool b) = False
+> coreimported (Char c) = False
+> coreimported (String s) = False
+> coreimported (Real r) = False
+> coreimported (Tuple a) = False
+> coreimported (Cons ) = False
+> coreimported (Nil ) = False
+> coreimported (Apply ) = True
+> coreimported (If ) = False
+> coreimported (Select a i) = False
+> coreimported (User m n) = False
+> corerules :: symbol -> [rule symbol node]
+> corerules (Int i) = []
+> corerules (Bool b) = []
+> corerules (Char c) = []
+> corerules (String s) = []
+> corerules (Real r) = []
+> corerules (Tuple a) = []
+> corerules (Cons ) = []
+> corerules (Nil ) = []
+> corerules (Apply ) = []
+> corerules (If )
+> = [ mkrule [Named "cond",Named "then",Named "else"] (Named "else") (updategraph (Named "cond") (Bool False,[]) emptygraph)
+> , mkrule [Named "cond",Named "then",Named "else"] (Named "then") (updategraph (Named "cond") (Bool True ,[]) emptygraph)
+> ]
+> corerules (Select a i) = [mkrule [Named "tuple"] (Anonymous i) (updategraph (Named "tuple") (Tuple a,map Anonymous [1..a]) emptygraph)]
+> corerules (User m n) = []
+ coresymbols :: [symbol]
+ coresymbols = [If,Select a i]
+> coretyperule (Int i) = mkrule [] (NAMED "int" ) (updategraph (NAMED "int" ) (INT ,[]) emptygraph)
+> coretyperule (Bool b) = mkrule [] (NAMED "bool" ) (updategraph (NAMED "bool" ) (BOOL ,[]) emptygraph)
+> coretyperule (Char c) = mkrule [] (NAMED "char" ) (updategraph (NAMED "char" ) (CHAR ,[]) emptygraph)
+> coretyperule (String s) = mkrule [] (NAMED "string") (updategraph (NAMED "string") (STRING,[]) emptygraph)
+> coretyperule (Real r) = mkrule [] (NAMED "real" ) (updategraph (NAMED "real" ) (REAL ,[]) emptygraph)
+> coretyperule (Tuple a)
+> = mkrule args (NAMED "tuple") (updategraph (NAMED "tuple") (TUPLE a,args) emptygraph)
+> where args = take a (map ANONYMOUS [1..])
+> coretyperule Cons = mkrule [NAMED "element",NAMED "list"] (NAMED "list") (updategraph (NAMED "list") (LIST,[NAMED "element"]) emptygraph)
+> coretyperule Nil = mkrule [] (NAMED "list") (updategraph (NAMED "list") (LIST,[NAMED "element"]) emptygraph)
+> coretyperule Apply = mkrule [NAMED "fn",NAMED "arg"] (NAMED "res") (updategraph (NAMED "fn") (FN,[NAMED "arg",NAMED "res"]) emptygraph)
+> coretyperule If = mkrule [NAMED "bool",NAMED "res",NAMED "res"] (NAMED "res") (updategraph (NAMED "bool") (BOOL,[]) emptygraph)
+> coretyperule (Select a i) = mkrule [NAMED "tuple"] (ANONYMOUS i) (updategraph (NAMED "tuple") (TUPLE a,map ANONYMOUS [1..a]) emptygraph)
+> coretyperule (User m n) = error ("coretyperule: untyped user symbol "++m++'.':n)
+> coretypeinfo :: symbol -> (rule typesymbol typenode,[bool])
+> coretypeinfo sym
+> = (trule,corestricts sym)
+> where corestricts Apply = [True,False]
+> corestricts If = [True,False,False]
+> corestricts (Select a i) = [True]
+> corestricts sym = map (const False) (lhs trule)
+> trule = coretyperule sym
+> readcleanparts :: [char] -> [cleanpart]
+> readcleanparts = readvals.findclean
+> findclean :: [char] -> [char]
+> findclean base
+> = foldr const (error ("findclean: "++show base++" not found.")) files
+> where files = findfiles readable ["",".cli"] (getpath ["."] "CLIPATH") base
+> corecomplete :: typesymbol -> [symbol] -> bool
+> corecomplete INT = const False
+> corecomplete BOOL = superset (map Bool [False,True])
+> corecomplete CHAR = superset (map (Char.decode) [0..255])
+> corecomplete STRING = const False
+> corecomplete REAL = const False
+> corecomplete FILE = const False
+> corecomplete FN = const False
+> corecomplete LIST = superset [Nil,Cons]
+> corecomplete (TUPLE arity) = superset [Tuple arity]
+> corecomplete (USER module identifier) = const False
+> showtypesymbol INT = "INT"
+> showtypesymbol BOOL = "BOOL"
+> showtypesymbol CHAR = "CHAR"
+> showtypesymbol STRING = "STRING"
+> showtypesymbol REAL = "REAL"
+> showtypesymbol FILE = "FILE"
+> showtypesymbol FN = "=>"
+> showtypesymbol LIST = "_LIST"
+> showtypesymbol (TUPLE a) = "_TUPLE"++shownum a
+> showtypesymbol (USER module ident) = ident
+> showtypenode (NAMED ident) = ident
+> showtypenode (ANONYMOUS n) = "type"++shownum n
+> showtypenodedef :: typesymbol -> [([char],[char])] -> ([char],[char])
+> showtypenodedef (TUPLE a) [] = issafe "()"
+> showtypenodedef (TUPLE a) [arg] = arg
+> showtypenodedef (TUPLE a) ((safearg,unsafearg):args)
+> = issafe ('(':unsafearg++f args)
+> where f [] = ")"
+> f ((safearg,unsafearg):args) = ',':unsafearg++f args
+> showtypenodedef LIST [(safearg,unsafearg)] = issafe ('[':unsafearg++"]")
+> showtypenodedef symbol [] = issafe (showtypesymbol symbol)
+> showtypenodedef symbol args = showappl (showtypesymbol symbol) args
+> showsymbol :: symbol -> [char]
+> showsymbol (Int i) = shownum i
+> showsymbol (Bool False) = "FALSE"
+> showsymbol (Bool True) = "TRUE"
+> showsymbol (Char c) = show c
+> showsymbol (String s) = show s
+> showsymbol (Real r) = show (r+0.0)
+> showsymbol (Tuple a) = "_Tuple"++show a
+> showsymbol Cons = "_CONS"
+> showsymbol Nil = "[]"
+> showsymbol Apply = "_AP"
+> showsymbol If = "IF"
+> showsymbol (Select a i) = "_Select"++show a++'.':show i
+> showsymbol (User module ident) = ident
+> shownode (Named ident) = ident
+> shownode (Anonymous n) = "node"++shownum n
+> shownodedef :: symbol -> [([char],[char])] -> ([char],[char])
+> shownodedef (Tuple a) [] = issafe "()"
+> shownodedef (Tuple a) [arg] = arg
+> shownodedef (Tuple a) ((safearg,unsafearg):args)
+> = issafe ('(':unsafearg++f args)
+> where f [] = ")"
+> f ((safearg,unsafearg):args) = ',':unsafearg++f args
+> shownodedef Cons [(safehead,unsafehead),(safetail,unsafetail)]
+> = issafe ('[':unsafehead++f unsafetail)
+> where f "[]" = "]"
+> f ('[':ttail) = ',':ttail
+> f unsafetail = '|':unsafetail++"]"
+> shownodedef Apply [fn] = fn
+> shownodedef Apply ((safefn,unsafefn):args) = showappl unsafefn args
+> shownodedef symbol [] = issafe (showsymbol symbol)
+> shownodedef symbol args = showappl (showsymbol symbol) args
+> showappl sym args = mksafe (sym++concat (map ((' ':).fst) args))
+> mksafe unsafe = ('(':unsafe++")",unsafe)
+> issafe safe = (safe,safe)
+> cleantyperule :: symbol -> (rule typesymbol typenode,[bool]) -> [char]
+> cleantyperule sym (trule,tstricts)
+> = ":: "++showsymbol sym++concat (map2 printarg tstricts targs)++" -> "++snd (lookup' troot)++";"
+> where targs = lhs trule; troot = rhs trule; tgraph = rulegraph trule
+> lookup' = lookup table
+> table = map (pairwith printunraveled) (nodelist tgraph (troot:targs))
+> printunraveled tnode
+> = showtypenodedef tsym (map lookup' targs), if tdef
+> = issafe (showtypenode tnode), otherwise
+> where (tdef,(tsym,targs)) = nodecontents tgraph tnode
+> printarg tstrict targ = ' ':cond tstrict ('!':) id (fst (lookup' targ))
+> prettyrule :: (**->[char]) -> (*->[([char],[char])]->([char],[char])) -> rule * ** -> [char]
+> prettyrule shownode shownodedef rule
+> = concat (map ((++" ").fst) (init shownnodes))++"-> "++snd (last shownnodes)
+> where shownnodes = foldgraph prettydef (issafe.shownode) shownodedef graph (args++[root])
+> prettydef node (saferef,unsaferef) = issafe (shownode node++':':saferef)
+> graph = rulegraph rule
+> args = lhs rule
+> root = rhs rule
+> usersym :: symbol -> bool
+> usersym (User module name) = True
+> usersym sym = False
+> symbolmodule :: symbol -> optional [char]
+> symbolmodule (User module ident) = Present module
+> symbolmodule symbol = Absent
+> typesymbolmodule :: typesymbol -> optional [char]
+> typesymbolmodule (USER module ident) = Present module
+> typesymbolmodule symbol = Absent
+Get the Select nodes from a graph.
+> getselectnodes :: graph symbol ** -> ** -> [((**,num),(num,**))]
+> getselectnodes graph root
+> = foldr (withmeta (nodecontents graph) addselectnode) [] (nodelist graph [root])
+> where addselectnode (True,(Select arity index,[tuplenode])) selectnode
+> = (((tuplenode,arity),(index,selectnode)):)
+> addselectnode contents node = id
+Distribute the Select nodes over their indexes.
+> splitselectnodes :: ((**,num),[(num,**)]) -> (**,[[**]])
+> splitselectnodes ((tuplenode,arity),selects)
+> = (tuplenode,foldr dist (rep arity []) selects)
+> where dist (1,selectnode) (ns:nss) = (selectnode:ns):nss
+> dist (index,selectnode) (ns:nss) = ns:dist (index-1,selectnode) nss
+Make left hand sides.
+> makelhss :: [**] -> [[**]] -> ([**],[[**]])
+> makelhss heap nss
+> = (heap,[]), if empty
+> = (heap'',ns':nss''), otherwise
+> where (heap'',nss'') = makelhss heap' nss'
+> (empty,ns',heap',nss') = heads heap nss
+> heads heap [] = (True,[],heap,[])
+> heads (node:heap) ([]:nss)
+> = (empty,node:ns',heap',[]:nss')
+> where (empty,ns',heap',nss') = heads heap nss
+> heads heap ((n:ns):nss)
+> = (False,n:ns',heap',ns:nss')
+> where (empty,ns',heap',nss') = heads heap nss
+> maketuplenodedefs :: [**] -> [(**,[[**]])] -> [([**],**)]
+> maketuplenodedefs heap []
+> = []
+> maketuplenodedefs heap ((tuplenode,nss):rest)
+> = map (converse pair tuplenode) lhss++tuplenodedefs
+> where (heap',lhss) = makelhss heap nss
+> tuplenodedefs = maketuplenodedefs heap' rest
+> printtree :: graph symbol node -> node -> ([char],[char])
+> printtree = unravelwith (issafe.shownode) shownodedef
+> cleanalias sym = indent ":: ".totalpretty typeheap (const (const [])) showtypesymbol showtypenodedef showtypenode sym
+> cleanmacro sym = indent " ".totalpretty heap (const (const [])) showsymbol shownodedef shownode sym
+> cleantype sym = indent ":: ".totalpretty typeheap (const (const [])) showsymbol showtypenodedef showtypenode sym
+> cleanrule sym = indent " ".totalpretty heap getselectnodes showsymbol shownodedef shownode sym
+> heap = map Anonymous [0..]
+> typeheap = map ANONYMOUS [0..]
+> totalpretty
+> :: [***] ->
+> (graph ** ***->***->[((***,num),(num,***))]) ->
+> (*->[char]) ->
+> (**->[([char],[char])]->([char],[char])) ->
+> (***->[char]) ->
+> * ->
+> rule ** *** ->
+> [[char]]
+> totalpretty heap getselectnodes showlhssymbol shownodedef shownode lhssymbol rule
+> = punctuate "" "," " " "" lhsheader lhsbody++
+> punctuate "-> " "," " " ";" rhsheader rhsbody
+> where
+> args = lhs rule; root = rhs rule; graph = rulegraph rule
+> selectnodes = getselectnodes graph root
+> prunedgraph = foldr prunegraph graph (map (snd.snd) selectnodes)
+> tuplenodedefs
+> = ( maketuplenodedefs (heap--nodelist graph (root:args)).
+> map splitselectnodes.
+> partition fst snd
+> ) selectnodes
+> tuplenodes = map snd tuplenodedefs
+> count = refcount prunedgraph (args++root:tuplenodes)
+> sharednodes = [node|node<-nodelist prunedgraph (args++root:tuplenodes);count node>1;fst (nodecontents prunedgraph node)]
+> reprunedgraph = foldr prunegraph prunedgraph sharednodes
+> (argreprs:[rootrepr]:tuplereprs:sharedargreprs)
+> = map (map (unravelwith (issafe.shownode) shownodedef reprunedgraph)) (args:[root]:tuplenodes:map (snd.snd.nodecontents prunedgraph) sharednodes)
+> showtupledef (selectnodes,tuplenode) tuplerepr
+> = '(':join ',' (map shownode selectnodes)++"): "++snd tuplerepr
+> showshareddef (node,argreprs)
+> = mapfst addline, if patnode node
+> = mapsnd addline, otherwise
+> where addline = ((shownode node++": "++snd (shownodedef (fst cont) argreprs)):)
+> (True,cont) = nodecontents prunedgraph node
+> patnode = member (nodelist graph args)
+> lhsheader = showlhssymbol lhssymbol++concat (map ((' ':).fst) argreprs)
+> rhsheader = snd rootrepr
+> (lhslines,rhslines) = foldr showshareddef ([],[]) (zip2 sharednodes sharedargreprs)
+> lhsbody = lhslines
+> rhsbody = map2 showtupledef tuplenodedefs tuplereprs++rhslines
+> punctuate :: [char] -> [char] -> [char] -> [char] -> [char] -> [[char]] -> [[char]]
+> punctuate open endline beginline close l ls
+> = (open++l++end):ls'
+> where (end,ls') = f ls
+> f [] = (close,[])
+> f (l:ls) = (endline,punctuate beginline endline beginline close l ls)
+Useful (higher order) functions.
+> withmeta :: (*->**) -> (**->*->***) -> * -> ***
+> withmeta meta f x = f (meta x) x
+> pair :: * -> ** -> (*,**)
+> pair x y = (x,y)
+> unravelwith :: (**->***) -> (*->[***]->***) -> graph * ** -> ** -> ***
+> unravelwith foldopen foldclosed graph
+> = unravel
+> where unravel node
+> = foldclosed sym (map unravel args), if def
+> = foldopen node, otherwise
+> where (def,(sym,args)) = nodecontents graph node
diff --git a/sucl/cli.icl b/sucl/cli.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..311bd0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/cli.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+cli.lit - Clean implementation modules
+This script implements Clean modules (type module) and partial Clean
+programs (type cli), which are essentially sets of Clean modules.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> cli
+> readcli
+> loadclis
+> exports
+> typerule
+> imports
+> clistrategy
+> constrs
+> complete
+> showcli
+> printcli
+> aliases
+> macros
+> stripexports
+> printalgebra
+Required types:
+ identifier - type@source.lit type@source.lit
+ ...
+> %include "dnc.lit"
+> %include "../src/basic.lit"
+> %include "../src/pfun.lit"
+> %include "../src/graph.lit"
+> %include "../src/rule.lit"
+> %include "../src/spine.lit"
+> %include "strat.lit"
+> %include "law.lit"
+> %include "../src/clean.lit"
+> %include "../src/module.lit"
+Implementation of identifier
+ identifier
+ :: type
+ identifierone arguments
+ = body
+Abstype implementation.
+> abstype cli
+> with readcli :: [char] -> cli
+> loadclis :: [[char]] -> cli
+> exports :: cli -> [symbol]
+> typerule :: cli -> symbol -> rule typesymbol typenode
+> rules :: cli -> symbol -> optional [rule symbol node]
+> imports :: cli -> [symbol]
+> clistrategy :: cli -> (graph symbol node->node->**->bool) -> strategy symbol ** node ****
+> constrs :: cli -> [(typesymbol,[symbol])]
+> complete :: cli -> [symbol] -> bool
+> showcli :: cli -> [char]
+> aliases :: cli -> [(typesymbol,rule typesymbol typenode)]
+> macros :: cli -> [(symbol,rule symbol node)]
+> stripexports :: [char] -> cli -> cli
+> cli == module symbol node typesymbol typenode
+> readcli = compilecli.readcleanparts
+> loadclis
+> = compilecli.concat.map readcleanparts
+> stripexports main (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs)) = (tdefs,([User m i|User m i<-es;m=main],as,ts,rs))
+> exports (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs)) = es
+> typerule (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs)) = fst.maxtypeinfo ts
+> rules (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs)) = foldmap Present Absent rs
+> imports (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs)) = [sym|(sym,tdef)<-ts;~member (map fst rs) sym]
+> aliases ((tes,tas,tcs),defs) = tas
+> macros (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs)) = as
+> clistrategy ((tes,tas,tcs),(es,as,ts,rs)) matchable
+> = ( checktype (maxtypeinfo ts). || Checks curried occurrences and strict arguments
+> checklaws cleanlaws. || Checks for special (hard coded) rules (+x0=x /y1=y ...)
+> checkrules matchable (foldmap id [] rs).
+> || Checks normal rewrite rules
+> checkimport islocal. || Checks for delta symbols
+> checkconstr (member (concat (map snd tcs)))
+> || Checks for constructors
+> ) (corestrategy matchable) || Checks rules for symbols in the language core (IF, _AP, ...)
+> where islocal (User m i) = member (map fst rs) (User m i)
+> islocal rsym = True || Symbols in the language core are always completely known
+> maxtypeinfo :: [(symbol,(rule typesymbol typenode,[bool]))] -> symbol -> (rule typesymbol typenode,[bool])
+> maxtypeinfo ts = extendfn ts coretypeinfo
+> extendfn :: [(*,**)] -> (*->**) -> * -> **
+> extendfn mapping f x = foldmap id (f x) mapping x
+> constrs ((tes,tas,tcs),defs) = tcs
+> complete ((tes,tas,tcs),(es,as,ts,rs)) = mkclicomplete tcs (fst.maxtypeinfo ts)
+> showcli = printcli
+> mkclicomplete
+> :: [(typesymbol,[symbol])] ->
+> (symbol->rule typesymbol *****) ->
+> [symbol] ->
+> bool
+> mkclicomplete tcs typerule [] = False
+> mkclicomplete tcs typerule syms
+> = False, if ~tdef
+> = foldmap superset (corecomplete tsym) tcs tsym syms, otherwise
+> where trule = typerule (hd syms)
+> (tdef,(tsym,targs)) = dnc (const "in mkclicomplete") (rulegraph trule) (rhs trule)
+> printcli :: module symbol node typesymbol typenode -> [char]
+> printcli ((tes,tas,tcs),(es,as,ts,rs))
+> = lay
+> ( (implementation++"MODULE "++thismodule++";"):
+> "":
+> "<< EXPORT":
+> map cleandef es++
+> ">>":
+> "":
+> map showimport (partition fst snd (itypesyms++isyms))++
+> concat (map cleanalg tcs)++
+> concat (map cleanimp [(sym,plookup showsymbol ts sym,rules)|(sym,rules)<-rs;usersym sym])
+> )
+> where cleandef sym = " "++cleantyperule sym (maxtypeinfo ts sym)
+> cleanalg constr
+> = ["","TYPE",printalgebra (fst.maxtypeinfo ts) constr], if typesymbolmodule (fst constr)=Present thismodule
+> = [], otherwise
+> cleanimp (sym,tinfo,rules)
+> = prepend (trulelines++concat (map (cleanrule sym) rules))
+> where trulelines
+> = [], if member (concat (map snd tcs)) sym
+> = [cleantyperule sym tinfo], otherwise
+> prepend [] = []
+> prepend lines = "":"RULE":lines
+> implementation
+> = "", if showsymbol (hd es)="Start"
+> = "IMPLEMENTATION ", otherwise
+> isyms = [(module,ident)|((User module ident),tinfo)<-ts;~member (map fst rs) (User module ident)]
+> itypesyms
+> = foldr add [] tcs
+> where add (USER module ident,constrs) rest
+> = (module,ident):foldr addc rest constrs, if module~=thismodule
+> add typesymbol = id
+> addc (User module ident) rest
+> = (module,ident):rest
+> addc symbol = id
+> thismodule = foldoptional undef id (symbolmodule (hd es))
+> showimport :: ([char],[[char]]) -> [char]
+> showimport (module,idents) = "FROM "++module++" IMPORT "++join ',' idents++";"
+> printalgebra :: (symbol->rule typesymbol typenode) -> (typesymbol,[symbol]) -> [char]
+> printalgebra typerule (tsym,syms)
+> = ":: "++
+> showtypesymbol tsym++
+> concat (map ((' ':).showtypenode) trargs)++
+> concat (map2 (++) (" -> ":repeat " | ") alts)++
+> ";"
+> where symtrules = map (pairwith typerule) syms
+> trule = snd (hd symtrules)
+> trroot = rhs trule
+> (trdef,trcont) = dnc (const "in printalgebra") (rulegraph trule) trroot
+> (trsym,trargs)
+> = trcont, if trdef
+> = (notrsym,notrargs), otherwise
+> notrsym = error ("printalgebra: no type symbol for typenode "++showtypenode trroot)
+> notrargs = error ("printalgebra: no type arguments for typenode "++showtypenode trroot)
+> alts = map (printalt trargs) symtrules
+> printalt :: [typenode] -> (symbol,rule typesymbol typenode) -> [char]
+> printalt trargs' (sym,trule)
+> = showsymbol sym++concat (map (' ':) (printgraph showtypesymbol showtypenode tgraph' targs'))
+> where targs = lhs trule; troot = rhs trule; tgraph = rulegraph trule
+> (trdef,(trsym,trargs)) = dnc (const "in printalt") tgraph troot
+> tnodes = trargs++(nodelist tgraph targs--trargs)
+> tnodes' = trargs'++(typeheap--trargs')
+> redirection = foldr (uncurry adjust) noredir (zip2 tnodes tnodes')
+> noredir tnode = error ("printalt: no redirection for typenode "++showtypenode tnode)
+> targs' = map redirection targs
+> tgraph' = movegraph redirection tnodes tgraph
+Compiling clean parts into module information...
+> compilecli
+> :: [cleanpart] ->
+> module symbol node typesymbol typenode
+> compilecli parts
+> = ((typeexports,aliases,typedefs),(exports,macros,typerules,locals))
+> where typeexports = [tsym|Typeexport tsym<-parts]
+> aliases = [(tsym,compilerule targs troot tnodedefs)|Alias tsym targs troot tnodedefs<-parts]
+> typedefs = [(tsym,syms)|Algebra tsym syms<-parts]
+> exports = [sym|Export sym<-parts]
+> macros = [(sym,compilerule args root nodedefs)|Macro sym args root nodedefs<-parts]
+> typerules = [(sym,(compilerule targs troot tnodedefs,map (='!') stricts))|Type sym targs troot tnodedefs stricts<-parts]
+> locals = [(sym,rules sym)|Rules sym<-parts]
+> rules lsym = [compilerule args root nodedefs|Rule sym args root nodedefs<-parts;sym=lsym]
+> currytrule :: **** -> [*****] -> rule **** ***** -> rule **** *****
+> currytrule fn theap trule
+> = mkrule ctargs ctroot ctgraph
+> where targs = lhs trule; troot = rhs trule; tgraph = rulegraph trule
+> ctargs = init targs
+> ctroot = hd (theap--nodelist tgraph (troot:targs))
+> ctgraph = updategraph ctroot (fn,[last targs,troot]) tgraph
diff --git a/sucl/complete.dcl b/sucl/complete.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42a9ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/complete.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+definition module complete
+from graph import Graph
+from StdOverloaded import ==
+:: Pattern sym var
+ :== (Graph sym var,[var])
+ :: ([sym]->Bool)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ![Pattern sym pvar]
+ [var]
+ -> Bool
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
diff --git a/sucl/complete.icl b/sucl/complete.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f84b69c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/complete.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+implementation module complete
+import graph
+import StdEnv
+To check completeness of patterns, we need to know whether, given a list
+of (constructor) symbols, this list completely covers a type.
+ complete :: [sym] -> Bool
+It is assumed that a type can never be empty, so an empty list of
+constructors can never cover a type. Otherwise, separate type
+information would be needed to determine the completeness of an empty
+list of constructors.
+The algorithm uses /multipatterns/, which are lists of simple patterns. A
+multipattern is used to match at multiple node-ids in a graph in parallel.
+This is necessary in the case of matching of product types.
+:: Pattern sym var
+ :== (Graph sym var,[var])
+Coveredby checks whether a multipattern is covered by a list of
+multipatterns. There are five cases to consider.
+ First, if the multipattern is not the empty list, then to cover it
+ some multipattern must exist, so if the list of multipatterns is
+ empty, then the multipattern is not covered.
+ Second, if the multipattern is the empty list, it is trivially
+ covered by any list of multipatterns, including the empty.
+ Third, if the first pattern of the multipattern is closed, we select
+ only the multipatterns that it can match, then continue with the
+ arguments, and then the rest of the multipattern.
+ Fourth, if the first pattern of the multipattern is open, and all
+ its type constructors are present in the first patterns of the
+ multipatterns in the list of multipatterns, then the first pattern
+ of the multipattern is split according to all constructors, and all
+ possibilities must be covered.
+ Fifth, if not all constructors are present, then the multipatterns
+ of which the first pattern is open must cover the multipattern. So
+ those are selected and we continue with the tails of the
+ multipatterns in this list.
+To understand the order of the first two cases, check how a single open
+integer pattern is covered by a list of integer patterns either
+containing or not containing an open pattern.
+ :: ([sym]->Bool)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ![Pattern sym pvar]
+ [var]
+ -> Bool
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+coveredby complete subject [] svars = False
+coveredby complete subject pvarss [] = True
+coveredby complete subject pvarss [svar:svars]
+| sdef
+= coveredby complete subject tmpvalue (sargs++svars)
+| complete (map fst3 closeds)
+= and (map covered closeds)
+= coveredby complete subject opens svars
+ where (opens,closeds) = split pvarss
+ covered (sym,repvar`,pvarss`) = coveredby complete subject pvarss` (repvar (repvar` undef) svar++svars)
+ (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = varcontents subject svar
+ tmpvalue = (fst (foldr (spl (repvar sargs) ssym) ([],[]) pvarss))
+repvar pvars svar = map (const svar) pvars
+Split splits a list of multipatterns into parts; on one hand, those of
+which the first pattern is open, and on the other hand, for every
+constructor, the list of applicable multipatterns, in which case the
+multipatterns with an open pattern are expanded and added as well.
+ :: [Pattern sym var]
+ -> ( [Pattern sym var]
+ , [ ( sym
+ , var->[var]
+ , [Pattern sym var]
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+split [] = ([],[])
+split [(subject,[svar:svars]):svarss]
+| not sdef
+= ([(subject,svars):opens`],map add closeds`)
+= (opens,[(ssym,repvar,[(subject,sargs++svars):ins]):closeds])
+ where (opens`,closeds`) = split svarss
+ add (sym,repvar,svarss`) = (sym,repvar,[(subject,repvar svar++svars):svarss`])
+ (opens,closeds) = split outs
+ (ins,outs) = foldr (spl repvar ssym) ([],[]) svarss
+ repvar svar = map (const svar) sargs
+ (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = varcontents subject svar
+Spl, given a symbol, derives two lists of multipatterns from one. The
+first are the multipatterns of which the first pattern can match the
+symbol, i.e. open ones and closed ones with the correct symbol. The
+second are the multipatterns that can match other symbols, i.e. also
+open ones, and closed ones with the wrong symbol.
+ :: (var -> [var])
+ sym
+ (Pattern sym var)
+ ([Pattern sym var],[Pattern sym var])
+ -> ([Pattern sym var],[Pattern sym var])
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+spl repvar sym (subject,[svar:svars]) (ins,outs)
+| not sdef
+= ([(subject,repvar svar++svars):ins],[(subject,[svar:svars]):outs])
+| ssym==sym
+= ([(subject,sargs++svars):ins],outs)
+= (ins,[(subject,[svar:svars]):outs])
+ where (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = varcontents subject svar
diff --git a/sucl/dnc.dcl b/sucl/dnc.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cef231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/dnc.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+definition module dnc
+from graph import Graph,Node
+from StdString import String
+from StdOverloaded import ==
+// dnc is like varcontents, but can give a more reasonable error message
+// when the contents is used when undefined.
+dnc :: (var->.String) !(Graph .sym var) var -> (.Bool,Node .sym var) | == var
diff --git a/sucl/dnc.icl b/sucl/dnc.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b17c08f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/dnc.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+implementation module dnc
+import graph
+import StdEnv
+// dnc is like varcontents, but can give a more reasonable error message
+// when the contents is used when undefined.
+dnc :: (var->.String) !(Graph .sym var) var -> (.Bool,Node .sym var) | == var
+dnc makemessage graph var
+| fst vc = vc
+ = (False,(wrong "symbol",wrong "arguments"))
+ where vc = varcontents graph var
+ wrong element = abort ("getting "+++element+++" of free variable: "+++makemessage var)
diff --git a/sucl/extract.icl b/sucl/extract.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf65356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/extract.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+extract.lit - Folding of subject graphs
+This module defines functions that can fold subject graphs, as they are
+usually found at the tips of the trace of a symbolic reduction process.
+Three versions are provided; `actualfold' for folding initiated by
+autorecursion, `splitrule' for folding initiated by introduced recursion
+and `finishfold' for folding initiated without recursion.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> actualfold || Fold subject graph according to autorecursion
+> splitrule || Fold subject graph according to introduced recursion
+> finishfold || Finish folding by introducing areas
+> %include "dnc.lit"
+> %include "../src/basic.lit"
+> %include "../src/pfun.lit"
+> %include "../src/graph.lit"
+> %include "../src/rule.lit"
+`Actualfold foldarea foldcont hist rule' is the result of
+folding occurrences of areas in `hist' to `foldcont', and introducing new
+areas for parts that aren't folded.
+`Self' determines whether an instance of a history graph is the history
+graph itself. We don't want to fold back something we unfolded earlier!
+> actualfold ::
+> [**] ->
+> [**] ->
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> (***->**->bool) ->
+> (*,[***]) ->
+> [(***,graph * ***)] ->
+> rule * ** ->
+> optional (rule * **,[rgraph * **])
+> actualfold deltanodes rnfnodes foldarea self foldcont hist rule
+> = Absent, if list3=[]
+> = Present (mkrule rargs rroot rgraph'',areas'), otherwise
+> where rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> list2 = map (pairwith (findoccs hist rule)) (nodelist rgraph [rroot]--nodelist rgraph rargs)
+> || list2: list combining every node with list of every instantiable history graph
+> list3 = [(rnode,hgraph,mapping)|(rnode,(((hroot,hgraph),mapping):rest))<-list2]
+> || list3: list combining every instantiable node with first instantiable history graph
+> rgraph'
+> = foldr foldrec rgraph list3
+> where foldrec (rnode,hgraph,mapping) = updategraph rnode (mapsnd (map (lookup mapping)) foldcont)
+> (rgraph'',areas') = finishfold foldarea fixednodes singlenodes rroot rgraph'
+> fixednodes = intersect (mkset (argnodes++foldednodes++rnfnodes)) (nodelist rgraph' [rroot])
+> singlenodes = intersect deltanodes (nodelist rgraph' [rroot])
+> argnodes = nodelist rgraph' rargs
+> foldednodes = map fst3 list3
+> findoccs
+> :: [(***,graph * ***)] ->
+> rule * ** ->
+> ** ->
+> [((***,graph * ***),[(***,**)])]
+> findoccs hist rule rnode
+> = [ ((hroot,hgraph),mapping)
+> | ((hroot,hgraph),(seen,mapping,[]))<-list1 || Find instantiable history rgraphs...
+> ; unshared rnode (hroot,hgraph) mapping || ...which don't have shared contents...
+>|| ; ~self hroot rnode || ...and aren't the history graph itself
+> ]
+> where rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> list1
+> = [((hroot,hgraph),inst (hroot,hgraph))|(hroot,hgraph)<-hist]
+> where inst (hroot,hgraph)
+> = instantiate (hgraph,rgraph) (hroot,rnode) ([],[],[])
+> || list1: all instantiation attempts at rnode with the history rgraphs
+> unshared rnode (hroot,hgraph) mapping
+> = disjoint inner outer
+> where inner = map (lookup mapping) (fst (nodeset hgraph [hroot]))
+> outer = nodelist (prunegraph rnode rgraph) (rroot:rargs)--[rnode]
+Splitting a rule into areas to fold to a certain area
+> splitrule
+> :: (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> [**] ->
+> [**] ->
+> rule * ** ->
+> rgraph * ** ->
+> (rule * **,[rgraph * **])
+> splitrule fold rnfnodes deltanodes rule area
+> = (mkrule rargs rroot rgraph'',area':areas)
+> where
+> rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> aroot = rgraphroot area; agraph = rgraphgraph area
+> (rgraph'',areas) = finishfold fold fixednodes deltanodes rroot rgraph'
+> fixednodes = intersect (mkset (aroot:nodelist rgraph' rargs++rnfnodes)) (nodelist rgraph' [rroot])
+> rgraph' = updategraph aroot (fold area') rgraph
+> area' = mkrgraph aroot agraph'
+> agraph' = foldr addnode emptygraph ins
+> ins = nodelist agraph [aroot]--outs
+> outs = nodelist (prunegraph aroot rgraph) (rroot:rargs++snd (nodeset agraph [aroot]))--[aroot]
+> addnode node = updategraph node (snd (dnc (const "in splitrule") rgraph node))
+`Finishfold foldarea fixednodes root graph' finishes folding of a graph
+by introducing areas for parts of the graph that are not fixed in some
+way (e.g. when part of the pattern of the rule, already folded, or
+bearing a delta function symbol).
+> finishfold
+> :: (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> [**] ->
+> [**] ->
+> ** ->
+> graph * ** ->
+> (graph * **,[rgraph * **])
+> finishfold foldarea fixednodes singlenodes root graph
+> = (graph',areas)
+> where graph' = foldr foldarea' graph areas
+> foldarea' area = updategraph (rgraphroot area) (foldarea area)
+> areas = depthfirst generate process arearoots
+> process aroot
+> = mkrgraph aroot (foldr addnode emptygraph ins)
+> where outs_and_aroot = nodelist (prunegraph aroot graph) arearoots++fixednodes
+> ins = aroot:nodelist graph [aroot]--outs_and_aroot
+> generate area
+> = snd (nodeset agraph [aroot])--fixednodes
+> where aroot = rgraphroot area; agraph = rgraphgraph area
+> arearoots = mkset (root:singlenodes++singfixargs)--fixednodes
+> singfixargs = concat (map arguments (singlenodes++fixednodes))
+> arguments node
+> = args, if def
+> = [], otherwise
+> where (def,(sym,args)) = dnc (const "in finishfold/1") graph node
+> addnode node
+> = updategraph node cnt, if def
+> = id, otherwise
+> where (def,cnt) = dnc (const "in finishfold/2") graph node
diff --git a/sucl/frontend.dcl b/sucl/frontend.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82175e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/frontend.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+definition module frontend
+from scanner import SearchPaths
+from general import Optional, Yes, No
+import checksupport, transform, overloading
+:: FrontEndSyntaxTree
+ = { fe_icl :: !IclModule // The ICL being compiled
+ , fe_dcls :: !{#DclModule} // ? The DCLs that were imported
+ , fe_components :: !{!Group} // ? Component groups of functions
+ , fe_dclIclConversions ::!Optional {# Index} // ?
+ , fe_iclDclConversions ::!Optional {# Index} // ?
+ , fe_globalFunctions :: !IndexRange // ?
+ , fe_arrayInstances :: !IndexRange // ?
+ }
+:: FrontEndPhase
+ = FrontEndPhaseCheck
+ | FrontEndPhaseTypeCheck
+ | FrontEndPhaseConvertDynamics
+ | FrontEndPhaseTransformGroups
+ | FrontEndPhaseConvertModules
+ | FrontEndPhaseAll
+ :: !FrontEndPhase // Up to where we want `frontEndInterface' to do its work
+ !Ident // ? Name of module being compiled
+ !SearchPaths // ? Where to look for input files
+ !{#DclModule} // Modules in the DCL cache
+ !{#FunDef} // Functions and macros in the DCL cache
+ !(Optional Bool) // List generated types (with or without attributes)
+ !*PredefinedSymbols // Symbols that are predefined in the Clean langauge (which?), from the DCL cache (?)
+ !*HashTable // ? ... from the DCL cache
+ !*Files // Original file system state
+ !*File // Original standard error stream state
+ !*File // Original standard io stream state
+ !*File // Original standard out stream state
+ (!Optional !*File) // ? TCL file (?)
+ !*Heaps // ? ... from the DCL cache
+ -> ( !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree // Resulting syntax tree if successful
+ , !.{# FunDef } // ? Cached functions and macros (which?)
+ , !Int // ? Don't care (?)
+ , !Int // ? main_dcl_module_n (?)
+ , !*PredefinedSymbols // ? Symbols that are predefined in the Clean language
+ , !*HashTable // ?
+ , !*Files // Resulting file system state
+ , !*File // Resulting standard error stream state
+ , !*File // Resulting standard io stream state
+ , !*File // Resulting standard out stream state
+ , !Optional !*File // ? TCL file (?)
+ , !*Heaps // ?
+ )
diff --git a/sucl/frontend.icl b/sucl/frontend.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd07e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/frontend.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+implementation module frontend
+// vi:set tabstop=4 noet:
+import scanner, parse, postparse, check, type, trans, convertcases, overloading, utilities, convertDynamics,
+ convertimportedtypes, checkKindCorrectness, compilerSwitches, analtypes, generics, supercompile
+:: FrontEndSyntaxTree
+ = { fe_icl :: !IclModule
+ , fe_dcls :: !{#DclModule}
+ , fe_components :: !{!Group}
+ , fe_dclIclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
+ , fe_iclDclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
+ , fe_globalFunctions :: !IndexRange
+ , fe_arrayInstances :: !IndexRange
+ }
+// trace macro
+(-*->) infixl
+(-*->) value trace
+ :== value // ---> trace
+build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions :: !Int !(Optional {# Index}) -> Optional {# Index}
+build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions size No
+ = Yes (buildIclDclConversions size {})
+build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions size (Yes dcl_icl_conversions)
+ = Yes (buildIclDclConversions size dcl_icl_conversions)
+buildIclDclConversions :: !Int !{# Index} -> {# Index}
+buildIclDclConversions table_size dcl_icl_conversions
+ # dcl_table_size = size dcl_icl_conversions
+ icl_dcl_conversions = update_conversion_array 0 dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions (createArray table_size NoIndex)
+ = fill_empty_positions 0 table_size dcl_table_size icl_dcl_conversions
+ update_conversion_array dcl_index dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions icl_conversions
+ | dcl_index < dcl_table_size
+ # icl_index = dcl_icl_conversions.[dcl_index]
+ = update_conversion_array (inc dcl_index) dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions
+ { icl_conversions & [icl_index] = dcl_index }
+ = icl_conversions
+ fill_empty_positions next_index table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
+ | next_index < table_size
+ | icl_conversions.[next_index] == NoIndex
+ = fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size (inc next_new_index) { icl_conversions & [next_index] = next_new_index }
+ = fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
+ = icl_conversions
+:: FrontEndOptions
+ = { feo_upToPhase :: !FrontEndPhase // How much of the frontend to execute
+ feo_search_paths :: !SearchPaths // Folders in which to search for files
+ feo_typelisting :: !Optional !Bool // Whether to list derived types, and if so whether to list attributes
+ feo_fusionstyle :: !FusionStyle // What type of fusion to perform
+ }
+:: FrontEndPhase
+ = FrontEndPhaseCheck
+ | FrontEndPhaseTypeCheck
+ | FrontEndPhaseConvertDynamics
+ | FrontEndPhaseTransformGroups
+ | FrontEndPhaseConvertModules
+ | FrontEndPhaseAll
+:: FusionStyle
+ = FS_online // Do online fusion (supercompilation)
+ | FS_offline // Do offline fusion (deforestation)
+ | FS_none // Do no fusion
+instance == FrontEndPhase where
+ (==) a b
+ = equal_constructor a b
+frontSyntaxTree cached_functions_and_macros n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols hash_table files error io out tcl_file icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ global_fun_range heaps
+ :== (Yes {
+ fe_icl = {icl_mod & icl_functions=fun_defs }
+ , fe_dcls = dcl_mods
+ , fe_components = components
+ , fe_dclIclConversions = optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ , fe_iclDclConversions = build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions (size fun_defs) optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ , fe_globalFunctions = global_fun_range
+ , fe_arrayInstances = array_instances
+ },cached_functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols,hash_table,files,error,io,out,tcl_file,heaps
+ )
+//frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !{#DclModule} !{#FunDef} !(Optional Bool) !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File !*File !*Heaps -> ( !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree,!.{# FunDef },!Int,!Int,!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File !*File, !*File, !*File, !*Heaps)
+frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndOptions !Ident !{#DclModule} !{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File (!Optional !*File) !*Heaps
+ -> ( !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree,!.{# FunDef },!Int,!Int,!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional !*File, !*Heaps)
+frontEndInterface opts mod_ident dcl_modules functions_and_macros predef_symbols hash_table files error io out tcl_file heaps
+ # {feo_upToPhase=upToPhase, feo_search_paths=search_paths,feo_list_inferred_types=list_inferred_types} = opts
+ # (ok, mod, hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
+ = wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident NoPos (hash_table /* ---> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)*/) error search_paths predef_symbols files
+ | not ok
+ = (No,{},0,0,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, tcl_file, heaps)
+ # cached_module_idents = [dcl_mod.dcl_name \\ dcl_mod<-:dcl_modules]
+ # (ok, mod, global_fun_range, mod_functions, optional_dcl_mod, modules, dcl_module_n_in_cache,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
+ = scanModule (mod -*-> "Scanning") cached_module_idents (size functions_and_macros) hash_table error search_paths predef_symbols files
+ /* JVG: */
+// # hash_table = {hash_table & hte_entries={}}
+ # hash_table = remove_icl_symbols_from_hash_table hash_table
+ /**/
+ | not ok
+ = (No,{},0,0,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, tcl_file, heaps)
+ # symbol_table = hash_table.hte_symbol_heap
+ (ok, icl_mod, dcl_mods, components, optional_dcl_icl_conversions,cached_functions_and_macros,main_dcl_module_n,heaps, predef_symbols, symbol_table, error /* TD */, directly_imported_dcl_modules)
+ = checkModule mod global_fun_range mod_functions n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules dcl_module_n_in_cache optional_dcl_mod modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros predef_symbols (symbol_table -*-> "Checking") error heaps
+ hash_table = { hash_table & hte_symbol_heap = symbol_table}
+ | not ok
+ = (No,{},0,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, tcl_file, heaps)
+ #! (icl_functions,icl_mod) = select_and_remove_icl_functions_from_record icl_mod
+ with
+ select_and_remove_icl_functions_from_record :: !*IclModule -> (!.{#FunDef},!.IclModule)
+ select_and_remove_icl_functions_from_record icl_mod=:{icl_functions} = (icl_functions,{icl_mod & icl_functions={}})
+// # {icl_functions,icl_instances,icl_specials,icl_common,icl_import} = icl_mod
+ # {icl_instances,icl_specials,icl_common,icl_import,icl_name,icl_imported_objects,icl_used_module_numbers} = icl_mod
+ (_,f,files) = fopen "components" FWriteText files
+ (components, icl_functions, f) = showComponents components 0 True icl_functions f
+ (ok,files) = fclose f files
+ | ok<>ok
+ = abort "";
+// dcl_mods = {{dcl_mod & dcl_declared={dcls_import=[],dcls_local=[],dcls_explicit=[]}}\\ dcl_mod<-:dcl_mods}
+// # dcl_mods = {{dcl_mod & dcl_declared={dcls_import={},dcls_local=[],dcls_local_for_import={},dcls_explicit={}}}\\ dcl_mod<-:dcl_mods}
+ # var_heap = heaps.hp_var_heap
+ type_heaps = heaps.hp_type_heaps
+ fun_defs = icl_functions
+ array_instances = {ir_from=0, ir_to=0}
+ | upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseCheck
+ = frontSyntaxTree cached_functions_and_macros n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols hash_table files error io out tcl_file icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
+// AA..
+ # error_admin = {ea_file = error, ea_loc = [], ea_ok = True }
+ # (ti_common_defs, dcl_mods) = get_common_defs dcl_mods
+ ti_common_defs = { ti_common_defs & [main_dcl_module_n] = icl_common }
+ # (td_infos, type_heaps, error_admin) = analTypeDefs ti_common_defs icl_used_module_numbers type_heaps error_admin
+ (fun_defs, dcl_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
+ = checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n icl_instances
+ fun_defs ti_common_defs dcl_mods type_heaps.th_vars td_infos error_admin
+ type_heaps = { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
+ # heaps = { heaps & hp_type_heaps = type_heaps }
+ # ti_common_defs = {dcl_common \\ {dcl_common} <-: dcl_mods }
+ # (saved_main_dcl_common, ti_common_defs) = replace ti_common_defs main_dcl_module_n icl_common
+ #! (components, ti_common_defs, fun_defs, generic_range, td_infos, heaps, hash_table, predef_symbols, dcl_mods, optional_dcl_icl_conversions, error_admin) =
+ case SupportGenerics of
+ True -> convertGenerics
+ components main_dcl_module_n ti_common_defs fun_defs td_infos
+ heaps hash_table predef_symbols dcl_mods optional_dcl_icl_conversions error_admin
+ False -> (components, ti_common_defs, fun_defs, {ir_to=0,ir_from=0}, td_infos, heaps, hash_table, predef_symbols, dcl_mods, optional_dcl_icl_conversions, error_admin)
+ # (icl_common, ti_common_defs) = replace copied_ti_common_defs main_dcl_module_n saved_main_dcl_common
+ with
+ copied_ti_common_defs :: !.{#CommonDefs} // needed for Clean 2.0 to disambiguate overloading of replace
+ copied_ti_common_defs = {x \\ x <-: ti_common_defs}
+ # dcl_mods = { {dcl_mod & dcl_common = common} \\ dcl_mod <-: dcl_mods & common <-: ti_common_defs }
+ # error = error_admin.ea_file
+ #! ok = error_admin.ea_ok
+ | not ok
+ = (No,{},0,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, tcl_file, heaps)
+// ..AA
+ # (ok, fun_defs, array_instances, type_code_instances, common_defs, imported_funs, type_def_infos, heaps, predef_symbols, error,out)
+ = typeProgram (components -*-> "Typing") main_dcl_module_n fun_defs/*icl_functions*/ icl_specials list_inferred_types icl_common [a\\a<-:icl_import] dcl_mods icl_used_module_numbers td_infos heaps predef_symbols error out dcl_mods
+ | not ok
+ = (No,{},0,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, tcl_file, heaps)
+ # (fun_def_size, fun_defs) = usize fun_defs
+ # (components, fun_defs) = partitionateFunctions (fun_defs -*-> "partitionateFunctions") [ global_fun_range, icl_instances, icl_specials, generic_range]
+// (components, fun_defs, error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs error
+// (components, fun_defs, error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs error
+// (fun_defs, error) = showFunctions array_instances fun_defs error
+ | upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseTypeCheck
+ = frontSyntaxTree cached_functions_and_macros n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols hash_table files error io out tcl_file icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
+ # (components, fun_defs, predef_symbols, dcl_types, used_conses_in_dynamics, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap, tcl_file)
+ = convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls type_code_instances common_defs main_dcl_module_n (components -*-> "convertDynamics") fun_defs predef_symbols
+ heaps.hp_var_heap heaps.hp_type_heaps heaps.hp_expression_heap tcl_file dcl_mods icl_mod /* TD */ directly_imported_dcl_modules
+// # (components, fun_defs, error) = showComponents3 components 0 False fun_defs error
+// (components, fun_defs, error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs error
+ | upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseConvertDynamics
+ # heaps = {hp_var_heap=var_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap}
+ = frontSyntaxTree cached_functions_and_macros n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols hash_table files error io out tcl_file icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
+// (components, fun_defs, error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs error
+// VZ..
+// Select fusion style and do fusion
+ # (components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ = case opts.feo_fusionstyle of
+ FS_offline
+ # (cleanup_info, acc_args, components, fun_defs, var_heap, expression_heap)
+ = analyseGroups common_defs array_instances main_dcl_module_n (components -*-> "Analyse") fun_defs var_heap expression_heap
+ -> transformGroups cleanup_info main_dcl_module_n (components -*-> "Transform") fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs dcl_types used_conses_in_dynamics type_def_infos var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
+ FS_online
+ -> supercompile common_defs array_instances main_dcl_module_n (components -*-> "Supercompile") fun_defs var_heap expression_heap imported_funs dcl_types used_conses_in_dynamics type_def_infos type_heaps
+ FS_none
+ -> (components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses_in_dynamics, var_heap, expression_heap)
+// ..VZ
+ | upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseTransformGroups
+ # heaps = {hp_var_heap=var_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap}
+ = frontSyntaxTree cached_functions_and_macros n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols hash_table files error io out tcl_file icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
+ # (dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertIclModule main_dcl_module_n common_defs (dcl_types -*-> "Convert icl") used_conses var_heap type_heaps
+ # (dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertDclModule main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods common_defs (dcl_types -*-> "Convert dcl") used_conses var_heap type_heaps
+// (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs out
+ | upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseConvertModules
+ # heaps = {hp_var_heap=var_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap}
+ = frontSyntaxTree cached_functions_and_macros n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols hash_table files error io out tcl_file icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
+// (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs out
+ # (used_funs, components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
+ = convertCasesOfFunctions components main_dcl_module_n imported_funs common_defs fun_defs (dcl_types -*-> "Convert cases") used_conses
+ var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
+ #! (dcl_types, type_heaps, var_heap)
+ = convertImportedTypeSpecifications main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods imported_funs common_defs used_conses used_funs (dcl_types -*-> "Convert types") type_heaps var_heap
+ # heaps = {hp_var_heap = var_heap, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps}
+// (components, fun_defs, error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs error
+// (dcl_mods, out) = showDclModules dcl_mods out
+// (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs out
+ #! fe ={ fe_icl =
+// {icl_mod & icl_functions=fun_defs }
+ {icl_functions=fun_defs,icl_instances=icl_instances,icl_specials=icl_specials,icl_common=icl_common,icl_import=icl_import,
+ icl_name=icl_name,icl_imported_objects=icl_imported_objects,icl_used_module_numbers=icl_used_module_numbers }
+ , fe_dcls = dcl_mods
+ , fe_components = components
+ , fe_dclIclConversions = optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ , fe_iclDclConversions = build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions (size fun_defs) optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ , fe_arrayInstances = array_instances,fe_globalFunctions=global_fun_range
+ }
+ = (Yes fe,cached_functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols,hash_table,files,error,io,out,tcl_file,heaps)
+ where
+ build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions :: !Int !(Optional {# Index}) -> Optional {# Index}
+ build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions size No
+ = Yes (build_icl_dcl_conversions size {})
+ build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions size (Yes dcl_icl_conversions)
+ = Yes (build_icl_dcl_conversions size dcl_icl_conversions)
+ build_icl_dcl_conversions :: !Int !{# Index} -> {# Index}
+ build_icl_dcl_conversions table_size dcl_icl_conversions
+ # dcl_table_size = size dcl_icl_conversions
+ icl_dcl_conversions = update_conversion_array 0 dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions (createArray table_size NoIndex)
+ = fill_empty_positions 0 table_size dcl_table_size icl_dcl_conversions
+ update_conversion_array dcl_index dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions icl_conversions
+ | dcl_index < dcl_table_size
+ # icl_index = dcl_icl_conversions.[dcl_index]
+ = update_conversion_array (inc dcl_index) dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions
+ { icl_conversions & [icl_index] = dcl_index }
+ = icl_conversions
+ fill_empty_positions next_index table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
+ | next_index < table_size
+ | icl_conversions.[next_index] == NoIndex
+ = fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size (inc next_new_index) { icl_conversions & [next_index] = next_new_index }
+ = fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
+ = icl_conversions
+ get_common_defs dcl_mods
+ #! size = size dcl_mods
+ # ({dcl_common=arbitrary_value_for_initializing}, dcl_mods) = dcl_mods![0]
+ = loop 0 (createArray size arbitrary_value_for_initializing) dcl_mods
+ where
+ loop :: !Int !*{#CommonDefs} !u:{#DclModule} -> (!*{#CommonDefs}, !u:{#DclModule})
+ loop i common_defs dcl_mods
+ | i==size dcl_mods
+ = (common_defs, dcl_mods)
+ # ({dcl_common}, dcl_mods) = dcl_mods![i]
+ = loop (i+1) { common_defs & [i] = dcl_common } dcl_mods
+newSymbolTable :: !Int -> *{# SymbolTableEntry}
+newSymbolTable size
+ = createArray size { ste_index = NoIndex, ste_def_level = -1, ste_kind = STE_Empty, ste_previous = abort "PreviousPlaceholder"}
+showFunctions :: !IndexRange !*{# FunDef} !*File -> (!*{# FunDef},!*File)
+showFunctions {ir_from, ir_to} fun_defs file
+ = iFoldSt show_function ir_from ir_to (fun_defs, file)
+ show_function fun_index (fun_defs, file)
+ # (fd, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
+ = (fun_defs, file <<< fun_index <<< fd <<< '\n')
+showComponents :: !*{! Group} !Int !Bool !*{# FunDef} !*File -> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef},!*File)
+showComponents comps comp_index show_types fun_defs file
+ | comp_index >= size comps
+ = (comps, fun_defs, file)
+ # (comp, comps) = comps![comp_index]
+ # (fun_defs, file) = show_component comp.group_members show_types fun_defs (file <<< "component " <<< comp_index <<< '\n')
+ = showComponents comps (inc comp_index) show_types fun_defs file
+ show_component [] show_types fun_defs file
+ = (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
+ show_component [fun:funs] show_types fun_defs file
+ # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
+ | show_types
+ = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_type <<< '\n' <<< fun_def)
+ = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def)
+// = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb)
+showComponents2 :: !{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !{! ConsClasses} !*File -> (!*{# FunDef},!*File)
+showComponents2 comps comp_index fun_defs acc_args file
+ | comp_index >= (size comps)
+ = (fun_defs, file)
+ # (fun_defs, file) = show_component comps.[comp_index].group_members fun_defs acc_args file
+ = showComponents2 comps (inc comp_index) fun_defs acc_args file
+ show_component [] fun_defs _ file
+ = (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
+ show_component [fun:funs] fun_defs acc_args file
+ # (fd, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
+ # file = show_accumulating_arguments acc_args.[fun].cc_args (file <<< fd.fun_symb <<< '.' <<< fun <<< " (")
+ = show_component funs fun_defs acc_args (file <<< ") ")
+ show_accumulating_arguments [ cc : ccs] file
+ | cc == cPassive
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'p')
+ | cc == cActive
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'c')
+ | cc == cAccumulating
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< 'a')
+ = show_accumulating_arguments ccs (file <<< '?')
+ show_accumulating_arguments [] file
+ = file
+show_components comps fun_defs = map (show_component fun_defs) comps
+show_component fun_defs [] = []
+show_component fun_defs [fun:funs] = [fun_defs.[fun ---> fun] : show_component fun_defs funs]
+showTypes :: !*{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !*File -> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef},!*File)
+showTypes comps comp_index fun_defs file
+ | comp_index >= size comps
+ = (comps, fun_defs, file)
+ # (comp, comps) = comps![comp_index]
+ # (fun_defs, file) = show_types comp.group_members fun_defs (file <<< "component " <<< comp_index <<< '\n')
+ = showTypes comps (inc comp_index) fun_defs file
+ show_types [] fun_defs file
+ = (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
+ show_types [fun:funs] fun_defs file
+ # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
+ # properties = { form_properties = cAttributed bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }
+ (Yes ftype) = fun_def.fun_type
+ = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb <<< " :: " <:: (properties, ftype, No) <<< '\n' )
+showDclModules :: !u:{#DclModule} !*File -> (!u:{#DclModule}, !*File)
+showDclModules dcl_mods file
+ = show_dcl_mods 0 dcl_mods file
+ show_dcl_mods mod_index dcl_mods file
+ # (size_dcl_mods, dcl_mods) = usize dcl_mods
+ | mod_index == size_dcl_mods
+ = (dcl_mods, file)
+ | otherwise
+ # (dcl_mod, dcl_mods) = dcl_mods ! [mod_index]
+ # file = show_dcl_mod dcl_mod file
+ = (dcl_mods, file)
+ show_dcl_mod {dcl_name, dcl_functions} file
+ # file = file <<< dcl_name <<< ":\n"
+ # file = show_dcl_functions 0 dcl_functions file
+ = file <<< "\n"
+ show_dcl_functions fun_index dcl_functions file
+ | fun_index == size dcl_functions
+ = file
+ | otherwise
+ # file = show_dcl_function dcl_functions.[fun_index] file
+ = show_dcl_functions (inc fun_index) dcl_functions file
+ show_dcl_function {ft_symb, ft_type} file
+ = file <<< ft_symb <<< " :: " <<< ft_type <<< "\n"
diff --git a/sucl/graph.dcl b/sucl/graph.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd1738d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/graph.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+definition module graph
+from StdOverloaded import ==
+// A rule associating a replacement with a pattern
+//:: Rule sym var
+// A mapping from variables to nodes (unrooted)
+:: Graph sym var
+// A node, bearing the contents of a variable
+:: Node sym var
+ :== (sym,[var])
+graph.lit - Unrooted graphs
+This script implements an abstract type for unrooted graphs and useful
+functions to manipulate them.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> compilegraph || Compile graph from list of node definitions
+> emptygraph || The empty unrooted graph
+> extgraph || Extend a graph with the image of a matching
+> foldgraph || Fold up a graph
+> graph || Unrooted graphs over functorspace * and nodespace **
+> instance || Check whether second graph is instance of first
+> instantiate || Matches a pattern in a graph, if possible
+> movegraph || Move a graph to a new node domain
+> nodecontents || Determine the contents of a node
+> nodelist || Determine the preorder list of reachable nodes from a given node
+> nodeset || Determine the reachable nodes from a given node
+> overwritegraph || Overwrite a graph with a given graph
+> paths || List of all paths in the graph
+> printgraph || Prints a graph seen from given nodes
+> prunegraph || Undefine the contents of a node
+> redirectgraph || Redirects all references to nodes in a graph
+> refcount || Determines the reference count function of a graph
+> restrictgraph || Restricts the graph to certain defined nodes
+> showgraph || Text representation of a graph
+> updategraph || Update the contents of a node
+Required types: none
+> %include "basic.lit" || foldlr mapsnd showlist showpair
+> %include "pfun.lit" || domres emptypfun extend overwrite pfun postcomp restrict showpfun total
+> abstype graph * **
+> with emptygraph :: graph * **
+> updategraph :: ** -> (*,[**]) -> graph * ** -> graph * **
+> prunegraph :: ** -> graph * ** -> graph * **
+> restrictgraph :: [**] -> graph * ** -> graph * **
+> redirectgraph :: (**->**) -> graph * ** -> graph * **
+> overwritegraph :: graph * ** -> graph * ** -> graph * **
+> showgraph :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> graph * ** -> [char]
+> nodecontents :: graph * ** -> ** -> (bool,(*,[**]))
+> nodeset :: graph * ** -> [**] -> ([**],[**])
+> movegraph :: (***->**) -> [***] -> graph * *** -> graph * **
+> printgraph :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> graph * ** -> [**] -> [[char]]
+> refcount :: graph * ** -> [**] -> ** -> num
+> graph * ** == pfun ** (*,[**])
+> emptygraph = emptypfun
+> updategraph = extend
+> prunegraph = restrict
+> restrictgraph = domres
+> redirectgraph = postcomp.mapsnd.map
+> overwritegraph = overwrite
+> showgraph showfunc shownode = showpfun shownode (showpair showfunc (showlist shownode))
+// The empty graph.
+emptygraph :: Graph .sym .var
+// Assign a node to a variable in a graph.
+updategraph :: .var (Node .sym .var) (Graph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+// Unassign a variable in a graph, making it free.
+prunegraph :: .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+// Restrict a graph to a given domain, i.e.
+// make all variables free except those in the domain.
+restrictgraph :: !.[var] .(Graph sym var) -> Graph sym var | == var
+// Redirect references (node arguments) in a graph
+// according to a redirection function
+redirectgraph :: (.var->.var) !(Graph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var | == var
+// Overwrite the variables in the second graph by their contents in the first.
+// Keeps the contents of the second graph if free in the first.
+overwritegraph :: !(Graph .sym .var) (Graph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+// Movegraph moves a graph to a different variable domain
+// Requires a list of bound variables in the graph
+movegraph :: (var1->.var2) !.[var1] .(Graph sym var1) -> Graph sym .var2 | == var1
+// Varcontents obtains the contents of a variable in a graph
+// Returns a boolean determining if it's bound, and
+// its contents if the boolean is True.
+varcontents :: !(Graph .sym var) var -> (.Bool,Node .sym var) | == var
+// Graphvars determines the top-level-bound and free variables in a graph,
+// reachable from a given list of variables.
+// No duplicates.
+graphvars :: .(Graph sym var) !.[var] -> (.[var],.[var]) | == var
+// Graphvarlist determines all top level variables in a graph,
+// reachable from a given list of variables.
+// No duplicates.
+varlist :: .(Graph sym var) !.[var] -> .[var] | == var
+// Cannot remember what this one does???
+prefix :: .(Graph sym var) .[var] !.[var] -> .([var],[var]) | == var
+// Do reference counting in a graph for the outer bindings.
+// References from case branches are counted once only.
+// Initial list of variables is counted too.
+refcount :: .(Graph sym var) !.[var] -> (var -> Int) | == var
+// Determine whether the second argument is an instance of the first,
+// i.e. whether there is a structure preserving mapping from the first to the second.
+// Free variables may be mapped to anything.
+// Bound variables may not be mapped to free variables.
+ :: (.Graph sym pvar,pvar)
+ (.Graph sym var,var)
+ -> Bool
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+> compilegraph :: [(**,(*,[**]))] -> graph * **
+> compilegraph = foldr (uncurry updategraph) emptygraph
+> foldgraph
+> :: (**->***->***) ->
+> (**->***) ->
+> (*->[***]->***) ->
+> graph * ** ->
+> [**] ->
+> [***]
+> foldgraph folddef foldref foldcont graph roots
+> = foldedroots
+> where count = refcount graph roots
+> (unused,foldedroots) = foldlm fold ([],roots)
+> fold (seen,node)
+> = (seen,foldref node), if member seen node
+> = (seen'',cond (def&count node>1) (folddef node folded) folded), otherwise
+> where (seen'',folded)
+> = (seen',foldcont sym foldedargs), if def
+> = (node:seen,foldref node), otherwise
+> (seen',foldedargs) = foldlm fold (node:seen,args)
+> (def,(sym,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+> paths :: graph * ** -> ** -> [[**]]
+> paths graph node
+> = paths' [] node []
+> where paths' top node rest
+> = rest, if member top node
+> = top':cond def (foldr (paths' top') rest args) rest, otherwise
+> where (def,(sym,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+> top' = node:top
+> extgraph :: graph * ** -> graph * *** -> [***] -> pfun *** ** -> graph * ** -> graph * **
+> extgraph sgraph pattern pnodes matching graph
+> = foldr addnode graph pnodes
+> where addnode pnode
+> = total id (postcomp addnode' matching) pnode, if fst (nodecontents pattern pnode)
+> = id, otherwise
+> addnode' snode
+> = updategraph snode scont, if sdef
+> = id, otherwise
+>|| = error "extgraph: closed node mapped to open node", otherwise
+> || Could have used id, but let's report error when there is one...
+> where (sdef,scont) = nodecontents sgraph snode
diff --git a/sucl/graph.icl b/sucl/graph.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e7f848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/graph.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+implementation module graph
+import pfun
+import basic
+import StdEnv
+graph.lit - Unrooted graphs
+This script implements an abstract type for unrooted graphs and useful
+functions to manipulate them.
+// A mapping from variables to nodes (unrooted)
+:: Graph sym var
+ :== Pfun var (Node sym var)
+// A node, bearing the contents of a variable
+:: Node sym var
+ :== (sym,[var])
+// ==> Symbols and variables are going to be defined in different modules.
+// They're here now because I don't want to throw them away.
+:: Symbol
+ = Apply // Unwritten expression application
+ | Cons // Non-empty list
+ | Nil // Empty list
+ | Int Int // A specified integer
+ | Char Char // A specified character
+ | User String String // A user-supplied symbol
+ | Tuple Int // A tuple symbol of specified arity
+ | Select Int Int // A tuple selection operator of specified arity and index
+ | If // Predefined IF function
+ | Bool Bool // A specified boolean
+// | MkRecord [Field] // Record construction?
+// | GetField [Field] Field // Record field selection?
+:: Variable
+ = Named String // Variable was named in the program
+ | Anonymous Int // Implicit variable
+> emptygraph = emptypfun
+> updategraph = extend
+> prunegraph = restrict
+> restrictgraph = domres
+> redirectgraph = postcomp.mapsnd.map
+> overwritegraph = overwrite
+> showgraph showfunc shownode = showpfun shownode (showpair showfunc (showlist shownode))
+// The empty set of bindings
+emptygraph :: Graph .sym .var
+emptygraph = emptypfun
+updategraph :: .var (Node .sym .var) (Graph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+updategraph var node graph = extend var node graph
+prunegraph :: .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+prunegraph var graph = restrict var graph
+restrictgraph :: !.[var] .(Graph sym var) -> Graph sym var | == var
+restrictgraph vars graph = domres vars graph
+redirectgraph :: (.var->.var) !(Graph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var | == var
+redirectgraph redirection graph
+= postcomp (mapsnd (map redirection)) graph
+overwritegraph :: !(Graph .sym .var) (Graph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+overwritegraph newgraph oldgraph = overwrite newgraph oldgraph
+movegraph :: (var1->.var2) !.[var1] .(Graph sym var1) -> Graph sym .var2 | == var1
+movegraph movevar varspace oldgraph
+= foldr addvar emptygraph varspace
+ where addvar var
+ | def
+ = updategraph (movevar var) (sym,map movevar args)
+ = id
+ where (def,(sym,args)) = varcontents oldgraph var
+> nodecontents
+> = total (False,(nosym,noargs)).postcomp s
+> where s x = (True,x)
+> nosym = error "nodecontents: getting symbol of open node"
+> noargs = error "nodecontents: getting arguments of open node"
+varcontents :: !(Graph .sym var) var -> (.Bool,Node .sym var) | == var
+varcontents g v
+= (total (False,(nosym,noargs)) o postcomp found) g v
+ where found x = (True,x)
+ nosym = abort "varcontents: getting symbol of free variable"
+ noargs = abort "varcontents: getting arguments of free variable"
+graphvars :: .(Graph sym var) !.[var] -> (.[var],.[var]) | == var
+graphvars graph roots
+= graphvars` [] graph roots
+// Finds bound and free variables in a graph
+// Excludes the variables only reachable through "prune"
+graphvars` :: .[var] .(Graph sym var) .[var] -> (.[var],.[var]) | == var
+graphvars` prune graph roots
+= snd (foldlr ns (prune,([],[])) roots)
+ where ns var (seen,boundfree=:(bound,free))
+ | isMember var seen = (seen,boundfree)
+ | not def = ([var:seen],(bound,[var:free]))
+ = (seen`,([var:bound`],free`))
+ where (seen`,(bound`,free`)) = foldlr ns ([var:seen],boundfree) args
+ (def,(_,args)) = varcontents graph var
+varlist :: .(Graph sym var) !.[var] -> .[var] | == var
+varlist graph roots
+= depthfirst arguments id roots
+ where arguments var
+ | def = args
+ = []
+ where (def,(_,args)) = varcontents graph var
+> prefix graph without nodes
+> = foldlr f (without,[]) nodes
+> where f node (seen,nodes)
+> = (seen,nodes), if member seen node
+> = (seen',node:nodes'), otherwise
+> where (seen',nodes')
+> = (node:seen,nodes), if ~def
+> = foldlr f (node:seen,nodes) args, otherwise
+> (def,(sym,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+prefix :: .(Graph sym var) .[var] !.[var] -> .([var],[var]) | == var
+prefix graph without vars
+= foldlr f (without,[]) vars
+ where f var (seen,vars)
+ | isMember var seen = (seen,vars)
+ = (seen`,[var:vars`])
+ where (seen`,vars`)
+ = if (not def) ([var:seen],vars)
+ (foldlr f ([var:seen],vars) args)
+ (def,(_,args)) = varcontents graph var
+> printgraph showfunc shownode graph nodes
+> = prntgrph showfunc shownode (refcount graph nodes) graph nodes
+> prntgrph showfunc shownode count graph
+> = snd.foldlr pg ([],[])
+> where pg node (seen,reprs)
+> = (seen2,repr3:reprs)
+> where repr3
+> = shownode node++':':repr2, if ~member seen node & def & count node>1
+> = repr2, otherwise
+> (seen2,repr2)
+> = (seen,shownode node), if member seen node \/ ~def
+> = (seen1,showfunc func), if args=[]
+> = (seen1,'(':showfunc func++concat (map (' ':) repr1)++")"), otherwise
+> (seen1,repr1) = foldlr pg (node:seen,[]) args
+> (def,(func,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+> refcount graph
+> = foldr rfcnt (const 0)
+> where rfcnt node count
+> = count', if count node>0 \/ ~def
+> = foldr rfcnt count' args, otherwise
+> where count' = inc node count
+> (def,(func,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+> inc n f n = f n+1
+> inc m f n = f n
+refcount :: .(Graph sym var) !.[var] -> (var -> Int) | == var
+refcount graph roots
+= foldr rfcnt (const 0) roots
+ where rfcnt var count
+ | (count var>0) || (not def) = count`
+ = foldr rfcnt count` args
+ where count` = inccounter var count
+ (def,(_,args)) = varcontents graph var
+inccounter m f n = if (n==m) (f n+1) (f n)
+Compilegraph compiles a graph from parts.
+Uses in Miranda:
+ * reading a parsed program from a file.
+> compilegraph :: [(**,(*,[**]))] -> graph * **
+> compilegraph = foldr (uncurry updategraph) emptygraph
+`Instance g1 g2' determines whether g2 is an instance of g1.
+Uses in Miranda:
+ * strat.lit.m: checking whether the strategy is starting a graph that is already in the history.
+ * newfold.lit.m: checking whether a tail of the spine occurs in the history.
+> instance :: (graph * ***,***) -> (graph * **,**) -> bool
+> instance (pgraph,pnode) (sgraph,snode)
+> = errs=[]
+> where (seen,mapping,errs) = instantiate (pgraph,sgraph) (pnode,snode) ([],[],[])
+ :: (.Graph sym pvar,pvar)
+ (.Graph sym var,var)
+ -> Bool
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+isinstance (pgraph,pvar) (sgraph,svar)
+= isEmpty (thd3 (findmatching (pgraph,sgraph) (pvar,svar) ([],[],[])))
+Suppose `Instantiate (pattern,graph) (pnode,gnode) (seen,mapping,errs)'
+returns `(seen',mapping',errs')'.
+Then `mapping'' is the best attempt at extending the `mapping' to show that `graph' is an instance of `pattern'.
+If it is not, then `errs'' is `errs' extended with node pairs that fail to match.
+In the mean time, the nodes pairs examined are added to `seen', and returned as `seen''.
+Node pairs already in `seen' are assumed to have already been checked and are not checked again.
+Uses in Miranda:
+ * extract.lit.m: used to find instances of patterns in the termination history, while folding trace tips.
+ * transform.lit.m: Uses a different `instantiate' from rewr.lit.m.
+> instantiate :: (graph * ***,graph * **) -> (***,**) -> ([(***,**)],[(***,**)],[(***,**)]) -> ([(***,**)],[(***,**)],[(***,**)])
+> instantiate (pgraph,sgraph) (pnode,snode) (seen,mapping,errs)
+> = (seen,mapping,errs), if member seen psnode
+> = (psnode:seen,mapping,psnode:errs), if member (map fst seen) pnode
+> = (psnode:seen,psnode:mapping,errs), if ~pdef
+> = (psnode:seen,mapping,psnode:errs), if ~sdef
+> = (psnode:seen,mapping,psnode:errs), if ~(psym=ssym&eqlen pargs sargs)
+> = (seen',psnode:mapping',errs'), otherwise
+> where (pdef,(psym,pargs)) = nodecontents pgraph pnode
+> (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = nodecontents sgraph snode
+> (seen',mapping',errs') = instantiateargs (pgraph,sgraph) (zip2 pargs sargs) (psnode:seen,mapping,errs)
+> psnode = (pnode,snode)
+`Instantiateargs' is the logical extension of `instantiate' to lists of node pairs.
+> instantiateargs :: (graph * ***,graph * **) -> [(***,**)] -> ([(***,**)],[(***,**)],[(***,**)]) -> ([(***,**)],[(***,**)],[(***,**)])
+> instantiateargs psgraph [] = id
+> instantiateargs psgraph (psnode:psnodes) (seen,mapping,errs)
+> = (seen'',mapping'',errs'')
+> where (seen',mapping'',errs'') = instantiate psgraph psnode (seen,mapping',errs')
+> (seen'',mapping',errs') = instantiateargs psgraph psnodes (seen',mapping,errs)
+:: Matchstate var pvar
+ :== ( [(pvar,var)] // Pattern-subject var combo's already visited
+ , [(pvar,var)] // Mapping from pattern vars to subject vars
+ , [(pvar,var)] // Pattern-subject var combo's that don't match (different symbol or arities)
+ )
+ :: (Graph sym pvar,Graph sym var)
+ .(pvar,var)
+ u:(Matchstate var pvar)
+ -> u:Matchstate var pvar
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+findmatching (pgraph,sgraph) (pvar,svar) (seen,mapping,errs)
+| isMember psvar seen
+= (seen,mapping,errs)
+| isMember pvar (map fst seen)
+= ([psvar:seen],mapping,[psvar:errs])
+| not pdef
+= ([psvar:seen],[psvar:mapping],errs)
+| not sdef
+= ([psvar:seen],mapping,[psvar:errs])
+| not (psym==ssym && eqlen pargs sargs)
+= ([psvar:seen],mapping,[psvar:errs])
+= (seen`,[psvar:mapping`],errs`)
+ where (pdef,(psym,pargs)) = varcontents pgraph pvar
+ (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = varcontents sgraph svar
+ (seen`,mapping`,errs`) = findargmatching (pgraph,sgraph) (zip2 pargs sargs) ([psvar:seen],mapping,errs)
+ psvar = (pvar,svar)
+ :: (Graph sym pvar,Graph sym var)
+ [.(pvar,var)]
+ u:(Matchstate var pvar)
+ -> v:Matchstate var pvar
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+ , [u<=v]
+findargmatching psgraph [] seenmappingerrs = seenmappingerrs
+findargmatching psgraph [psvar:psvars] (seen,mapping,errs)
+= (seen``,mapping``,errs``)
+ where (seen`,mapping``,errs``) = findmatching psgraph psvar (seen,mapping`,errs`)
+ (seen``,mapping`,errs`) = findargmatching psgraph psvars (seen`,mapping,errs)
+A folding function for graphs.
+Uses in Miranda:
+ * clean.lit.m: pretty-printing rewrite rules.
+ * pretty.lit.m: pretty-printing rewrite rules.
+> foldgraph
+> :: (**->***->***) ->
+> (**->***) ->
+> (*->[***]->***) ->
+> graph * ** ->
+> [**] ->
+> [***]
+> foldgraph folddef foldref foldcont graph roots
+> = foldedroots
+> where count = refcount graph roots
+> (unused,foldedroots) = foldlm fold ([],roots)
+> fold (seen,node)
+> = (seen,foldref node), if member seen node
+> = (seen'',cond (def&count node>1) (folddef node folded) folded), otherwise
+> where (seen'',folded)
+> = (seen',foldcont sym foldedargs), if def
+> = (node:seen,foldref node), otherwise
+> (seen',foldedargs) = foldlm fold (node:seen,args)
+> (def,(sym,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+`Paths' lists all paths in a graph.
+Never used in Miranda.
+> paths :: graph * ** -> ** -> [[**]]
+> paths graph node
+> = paths' [] node []
+> where paths' top node rest
+> = rest, if member top node
+> = top':cond def (foldr (paths' top') rest args) rest, otherwise
+> where (def,(sym,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+> top' = node:top
+`Extgraph sgraph pattern pnodes matching' extends some graph according
+to the closed nodes in sgraph that closed nodes in pgraph are mapped to.
+That is, we take the nodes from `pnodes', see if they are closed,
+follow the mapping to `sgraph', see if they are closed there too,
+and if so, add the contents in `sgraph' to the graph we're extending.
+Uses in Miranda:
+ * newfold.lit.m: function `findspinepart', to find parts of a spine.
+ Specifically, to extend history patterns as one traverses down the trace.
+ * transtree.lit.m: to extend the history when the reduce transformation is applied.
+ * transform.lit.m: idem.
+`Extgraph' is excluded in most import statements,
+but there doesn't seem to be any other definition of it.
+> extgraph :: graph * ** -> graph * *** -> [***] -> pfun *** ** -> graph * ** -> graph * **
+> extgraph sgraph pattern pnodes matching graph
+> = foldr addnode graph pnodes
+> where addnode pnode
+> = total id (postcomp addnode' matching) pnode, if fst (nodecontents pattern pnode)
+> = id, otherwise
+> addnode' snode
+> = updategraph snode scont, if sdef
+> = id, otherwise
+>|| = error "extgraph: closed node mapped to open node", otherwise
+> || Could have used id, but let's report error when there is one...
+> where (sdef,scont) = nodecontents sgraph snode
diff --git a/sucl/history.dcl b/sucl/history.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70ff418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/history.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+definition module history
+from spine import Spine
+from rule import Rgraph
+from graph import Graph
+from spine import Subspine // for Spine
+:: History sym var
+ :== [(var,[Rgraph sym var])]
+ :: (Graph sym var)
+ (var -> var)
+ (Spine sym var pvar)
+ (History sym var)
+ -> History sym var
diff --git a/sucl/history.icl b/sucl/history.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c79accd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/history.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+implementation module history
+import spine
+import rule
+import graph
+import basic
+import StdEnv
+:: History sym var
+ :== [(var,[Rgraph sym var])]
+> history * ** == [(**,[rgraph * **])]
+> showhistory :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> history * ** -> [char]
+> showhistory showa showb = showlist (showpair showb (showlist (showrgraph showa showb)))
+> printhistory :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> history * ** -> [[char]]
+> printhistory showa showb
+> = concat.map print
+> where print (node,rgraphs)
+> = showb node:map2 (++) ("<= ":repeat " ") (map (printrgraph showa showb) rgraphs)
+ :: (Graph sym var)
+ (var -> var)
+ (Spine sym var pvar)
+ (History sym var)
+ -> History sym var
+extendhistory sgraph redirection spine history
+= snd (foldspine (extendpair sgraph redirection) d d id d (const d) (extendpartial sgraph) (const d) (extendredex sgraph history) d spine)
+ where d = (emptygraph,history)
+> extendpair :: graph * ** -> (**->**) -> ** -> (graph * **,history * **) -> (graph * **,history * **)
+> extendpair sgraph redirect snode (hgraph,history)
+> = (hgraph',remap (redirect snode) (mkrgraph snode hgraph':foldmap id [] history snode) (forget snode history))
+> where hgraph' = cond sdef (updategraph snode scont hgraph) hgraph
+> (sdef,scont) = dnc (const "in extendpair") sgraph snode
+ :: (Graph sym var)
+ (var->var)
+ var
+ (Graph sym var,History sym var)
+ -> (Graph sym var,History sym var)
+extendpair _ _ _ _ = undef
+> extendpartial :: graph * ** -> rule * *** -> pfun *** ** -> (graph * **,history * **) -> (graph * **,history * **)
+> extendpartial sgraph rule matching (hgraph,history)
+> = (extgraph' sgraph rule matching hgraph,history)
+ :: (Graph sym var)
+ (Rule sym pvar)
+ (Pfun pvar var)
+ (Graph sym var,History sym var)
+ -> (Graph sym var,History sym var)
+extendpartial _ _ _ _ = undef
+> extendredex :: graph * ** -> history * ** -> rule * *** -> pfun *** ** -> (graph * **,history * **)
+> extendredex sgraph history rule matching
+> = (extgraph' sgraph rule matching emptygraph,history)
+ :: (Graph sym var)
+ (History sym var)
+ (Rule sym pvar)
+ (Pfun pvar var)
+ -> (Graph sym var,History sym var)
+extendredex _ _ _ _ = undef
+> extgraph' sgraph rule
+> = extgraph sgraph rgraph (nodelist rgraph (lhs rule))
+> where rgraph = rulegraph rule
diff --git a/sucl/hunt.icl b/sucl/hunt.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd4c4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/hunt.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+>|| Literal script "hunt.lit"
+> %export
+> findfiles
+> glob
+> readable
+> writable
+> getpath
+> expand
+> %include "basic.lit"
+> findfiles :: ([char]->bool) -> [[char]] -> [[char]] -> [char] -> [[char]]
+> findfiles goodmode exts paths base
+> = filter (goodmode.filemode) (expand exts paths base)
+> relative :: [char] -> bool
+> relative ('/':cs) = False
+> relative ccs = True
+> expand :: [[char]] -> [[char]] -> [char] -> [[char]]
+> expand exts paths base
+> = [path++'/':base++ext|path<-mkset paths;ext<-mkset exts], if relative base
+> = [base++ext|ext<-mkset exts], otherwise
+> readable :: [char] -> bool
+> readable ('d':rwx) = False
+> readable (d:'r':wx) = True
+> readable drwx = False
+> writable :: [char] -> bool
+> writable "" = True
+> writable ('d':rwx) = False
+> writable (d:r:'w':x) = True
+> writable drwx = False
+> getpath :: [[char]] -> [char] -> [[char]]
+> getpath syspath varname
+> = foldr (fill syspath) [] (split ':' (getenv varname))
+> fill syspath [] = (syspath++)
+> fill syspath = (:)
+> glob :: [char] -> [[char]]
+> glob pattern
+> = filter (~=[]) ((concat.map (split ' ').lines) stdout), if return=0
+> = error ("glob: "++stderr), otherwise
+> where (stdout,stderr,return) = system ("echo "++pattern)
diff --git a/sucl/law.dcl b/sucl/law.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5564a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/law.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+definition module law
diff --git a/sucl/law.icl b/sucl/law.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..836e3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/law.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+implementation module law
+> %export
+> cleanlaws
+> corestrategy
+> %include "dnc.lit"
+> %include "../src/basic.lit"
+> %include "../src/pfun.lit"
+> %include "../src/graph.lit"
+> %include "../src/complete.lit"
+> %include "../src/rule.lit"
+> %include "../src/spine.lit"
+> %include "strat.lit"
+> %include "../src/clean.lit"
+> intmullaw :: law symbol ** node ****
+> intmullaw substrat subject found rnf sargs fail
+> = rulelaw (leftunitrule (Int 1)) substrat subject found rnf sargs fail'
+> where fail' = rulelaw (rightunitrule (Int 1)) substrat subject found rnf sargs fail''
+> fail'' = primlaw (intop product) substrat subject found rnf sargs fail
+> mullaws
+> = [ rulelaw (leftunitrule (Int 1))
+> , rulelaw (rightunitrule (Int 1))
+> , primlaw (intop product)
+> ]
+> intaddlaw :: law symbol ** node ****
+> intaddlaw substrat subject found rnf sargs fail
+> = trylaw subject found' sargs (leftunitrule (Int 0)) fail'
+> where fail' = trylaw subject found' sargs (rightunitrule (Int 0)) fail''
+> fail'' = strictprimop (intop sum) substrat subject found sargs fail
+> found' subspine = found subspine
+> addlaws
+> = [ rulelaw (leftunitrule (Int 0))
+> , rulelaw (rightunitrule (Int 0))
+> , primlaw (intop sum)
+> ]
+> intsublaw :: law symbol ** node ****
+> intsublaw substrat subject found rnf sargs fail
+> = trylaw subject found' sargs (rightunitrule (Int 0)) fail'
+> where fail' = strictprimop (intop sublist) substrat subject found sargs fail
+> found' subspine = found subspine
+> sublist [x,y] = x-y
+> sublaws
+> = [ rulelaw (rightunitrule (Int 0))
+> , primlaw (intop sublist)
+> ]
+> where sublist [x,y] = x-y
+> intop :: ([num]->num) -> [symbol] -> symbol
+> intop op symbols = Int (op [i|Int i<-symbols])
+> leftunitrule leftunit
+> = mkrule [Named "leftarg",Named "rightarg"] (Named "rightarg") (updategraph (Named "leftarg") (leftunit,[]) emptygraph)
+> rightunitrule rightunit
+> = mkrule [Named "leftarg",Named "rightarg"] (Named "leftarg") (updategraph (Named "rightarg") (rightunit,[]) emptygraph)
+> strictprimop
+> :: ([*]->*) ->
+> substrategy * ** node **** ->
+> graph * ** ->
+> (subspine * ** node->****) ->
+> [**] ->
+> **** ->
+> ****
+> strictprimop op substrat subject found sargs fail
+> = forcenodes substrat found foundredex sargs, if and (map fst conts)
+> = fail, otherwise
+> where conts = map (dnc (const "in strictprimop") subject) sargs
+> result = op (map (fst.snd) conts)
+> primrule = mkrule primargs primroot primgraph
+> primargs = map snd (zip2 sargs heap)
+> primroot = Named "primresult"
+> primgraph = updategraph primroot (result,[]) emptygraph
+> matching = foldr (uncurry extend) emptypfun (zip2 primargs sargs)
+> foundredex = found (Redex primrule matching)
+> primlaw
+> :: ([*]->*) ->
+> law * ** node ****
+> primlaw op substrat subject found rnf sargs fail
+> = strictprimop op substrat subject found sargs fail
+> cleanlaws :: [(symbol,law symbol ** node ****)]
+> cleanlaws
+> = [(User "deltaI" "*",law) | law <- mullaws] ++
+> [(User "deltaI" "+",law) | law <- addlaws] ++
+> [(User "deltaI" "-",law) | law <- sublaws] ++
+> [(User "deltaI" "++",primlaw inc)] ++
+> [(User "deltaI" "--",primlaw dec)]
+> inc [Int n] = Int (n+1)
+> dec [Int n] = Int (n-1)
+> corestrategy :: (graph symbol node->node->**->bool) -> strategy symbol ** node ****
+Forcing arguments has already been done by the type rule
+Also, using trylaw is easier
+> corestrategy matchable substrat subject found rnf (Apply,snodes)
+> = trylaw subject found snodes (applyrule nc) (found Delta)
+> where nc = dnc (const "in corestrategy") subject (hd snodes)
+> corestrategy matchable substrat subject found rnf (If,snodes)
+> = tryrules matchable substrat subject found snodes (found MissingCase) ifrules
+> corestrategy matchable substrat subject found rnf (Select a i,snodes)
+> = tryrules matchable substrat subject found snodes (found MissingCase) [selectrule a i]
+> corestrategy matchable substrat subject found rnf (User module id,snodes)
+> = found MissingCase
+> corestrategy matchable substrat subject found rnf (ssym,snodes)
+> = rnf
+> applyrule :: (bool,(*,[**])) -> rule * node
+> applyrule (sdef,scont)
+> = aprule (anode,(sym,aargs)) [enode] aroot
+> where (aargs,anode:aroot:enode:heap') = claim sargs heap
+> (sym,sargs)
+> = scont, if sdef
+> = (nosym,[]), otherwise
+> nosym = error "applyrule: no function symbol available"
+> aprule :: (***,(*,[***])) -> [***] -> *** -> rule * ***
+> aprule (anode,(sym,aargs)) anodes aroot
+> = mkrule (anode:anodes) aroot agraph
+> where agraph
+> = ( updategraph aroot (sym,aargs++anodes)
+> . updategraph anode (sym,aargs)
+> ) emptygraph
+> apmatching :: [**] -> [***] -> pfun *** **
+> apmatching snodes anodes
+> = foldr (uncurry extend) emptypfun nodepairs
+> where nodepairs = zip2 anodes snodes
+> claims :: [[*]] -> [**] -> ([[**]],[**])
+> claims [] heap = ([],heap)
+> claims (nodes:nodess) heap
+> = (nodes':nodess',heap'')
+> where (nodes',heap') = claim nodes heap
+> (nodess',heap'') = claims nodess heap'
+> ifrules :: [rule symbol node]
+> ifrules
+> = [ifrule True then,ifrule False else]
+> where ifrule bool branch = mkrule [cond,then,else] branch (updategraph cond (Bool bool,[]) emptygraph)
+> cond = Named "cond"; then = Named "then"; else = Named "else"
+> selectrule :: num -> num -> rule symbol node
+> selectrule a i
+> = mkrule [tuple] (args!(i-1)) (updategraph tuple (Tuple a,args) emptygraph)
+> where tuple = Named "tuple"
+> args = take a (tl heap)
diff --git a/sucl/loop.dcl b/sucl/loop.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56f0a37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/loop.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+definition module loop
+from strat import Strategy
+from spine import Answer
+from trace import Trace
+from rule import Rgraph,Rule
+from graph import Graph
+from StdOverloaded import ==
+from strat import Substrategy,Subspine // for Strategy
+from graph import Node // for Strategy
+from basic import Optional // for Answer
+from spine import Spine // for Answer
+from trace import History,Transformation // for Trace
+ :: (((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> ub:Bool) -> Strategy sym var pvar (Answer sym var pvar))
+ ([Rgraph sym pvar] (Rgraph sym pvar) -> ub:Bool)
+ !(.[var],.Rule sym var)
+ -> Trace sym var pvar
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+ :: ![var]
+ (sym->[pvar])
+ sym
+ -> ([var],Rule sym var)
diff --git a/sucl/loop.icl b/sucl/loop.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ef0c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/loop.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+implementation module loop
+import trace
+import strat
+import history
+import spine
+import rewr
+import rule
+import graph
+import pfun
+import basic
+import StdEnv
+loop.lit - Looping to produce a trace
+This module describes the transformation of a tree of spines into a
+trace. This is where the actual transformations on graphs are applied
+like instantiation, reduction or strict annotation.
+/* The action itself takes various arguments, and returns a transformation
+:: Action sym var pvar
+ :== (Actcont sym var pvar) // Continuation to do subsequent symbolic reduction
+ (History sym var) // Termination patterns
+ (Failinfo sym var pvar) // Failed matches
+ Bool // Instantiation attempted
+ [Bool] // Strict arguments of function to generate
+ var // Root of subject graph
+ (Graph sym var) // Subject graph
+ [var] // Heap of unused nodes
+ -> Transformation sym var pvar
+/* Action continuation
+ An action continuation takes the result of a single partial evaluation action,
+ and ultimately collects all suchs actions into a trace.
+:: Actcont sym var pvar
+ :== (History sym var) // Termination patterns
+ (Failinfo sym var pvar) // Failed matches
+ Bool // Instantiation attempted
+ [Bool] // Strict arguments of function to generate
+ var // Root of subject graph
+ (Graph sym var) // Subject graph
+ [var] // Heap of unused nodes
+ -> Trace sym var pvar
+/* Failinfo is a function type
+ A function of this type assigns a list of rooted graphs to a varable.
+ This list of rooted graphs are precisely those patterns that symfailedsym to
+ match at the given variable in the subject graph.
+:: Failinfo sym var pvar
+ :== var
+ -> [Rgraph sym pvar]
+ :: (((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> ub:Bool) -> Strategy sym var pvar (Answer sym var pvar))
+ ([Rgraph sym pvar] (Rgraph sym pvar) -> ub:Bool)
+ !(.[var],.Rule sym var)
+ -> Trace sym var pvar
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+loop strategy matchable (initheap,rule)
+= maketrace inithistory initfailinfo initinstdone initstricts initsroot initsubject initheap
+ where maketrace history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap
+ = Trace stricts (mkrule sargs sroot subject) answer history transf
+ where answer = makernfstrategy history (strategy matchable`) rnfnodes sroot subject
+ transf = transform sroot sargs answer maketrace history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap
+ rnfnodes = removeDup (listselect stricts sargs++fst (graphvars subject sargs))
+ matchable` pgraph pnode snode
+ = matchable (failinfo snode) (mkrgraph pnode pgraph)
+ inithistory = []
+ initfailinfo = const []
+ initinstdone = False
+ initstricts = map (const False) sargs
+ sargs = arguments rule; initsroot = ruleroot rule; initsubject = rulegraph rule
+listselect :: [.Bool] [.elem] -> [.elem]
+listselect _ _ = undef
+ :: ![var]
+ (sym->[pvar])
+ sym
+ -> ([var],Rule sym var)
+initrule [root:heap] template sym
+= (heap`,mkrule args root (updategraph root (sym,args) emptygraph))
+ where (args,heap`) = claim (template sym) heap
+initrule _ _ _
+= abort "initrule: out of heap space"
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ :: var // Top of spine (starting point for strategy)
+ [var] // Arguments of function to generate
+ !(Answer sym var pvar) // Result of strategy
+ -> Action sym var pvar
+ | == var
+ & == pvar
+transform anode sargs (Present spine)
+= selectfromtip (spinetip spine)
+ where selectfromtip (nid,Open rgraph) = tryinstantiate nid rgraph anode sargs
+ selectfromtip (nid,Redex rule matching) = tryunfold nid rule matching spine
+ selectfromtip (nid,Strict) = tryannotate nid sargs
+ selectfromtip spine = dostop
+transform anode sargs Absent
+= dostop
+ :: var // The open node
+ (Rgraph sym pvar) // The pattern to instantiate with
+ var // The root of the spine
+ [var] // Arguments of the function to generate
+ -> Action sym var pvar
+ | == var
+ & == pvar
+tryinstantiate onode rpattern anode sargs
+= act
+ where act continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap
+ | anode==sroot // Check if strategy applied at root
+ && goodorder strictargs sargs subject subject` // Check if order of arguments of rule ok
+ = Instantiate success fail
+ = Stop
+ where success = continue history failinfo True stricts` sroot subject` heap`
+ fail = continue history failinfo` True stricts` sroot subject heap
+ failinfo` = adjust onode [rpattern:failinfo onode] failinfo
+ (heap`,subject`) = instantiate pgraph proot onode (heap,subject)
+ proot = rgraphroot rpattern; pgraph = rgraphgraph rpattern
+ stricts` = if instdone stricts (map2 ((||) o (==) onode) sargs stricts)
+ // Quickly annotate the open node as strict if this is the first instantiation
+ strictargs = [sarg\\(True,sarg)<-zip2 stricts` sargs]
+ :: [var]
+ [var]
+ (Graph sym var)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ -> Bool
+ | == var
+goodorder stricts sargs subject subject`
+= startswith match match`
+ where match = removeMembers (fst (graphvars subject sargs)) stricts
+ match` = removeMembers (fst (graphvars subject` sargs)) stricts
+// See if second argument list has the first one as its initial part
+ :: .[elem] // list S
+ .[elem] // list L
+ -> .Bool // whether L starts with S
+ | == elem
+startswith [] _ = True
+startswith [x:xs] [y:ys]
+| x==y
+= startswith xs ys
+startswith _ _ = False
+ :: var // The root of the redex
+ (Rule sym pvar) // The rule to unfold
+ (Pfun pvar var) // The matching from rule's pattern to subject
+ (Spine sym var pvar) // The spine returned by the strategy
+ -> Action sym var pvar
+ | == var
+ & == pvar
+tryunfold redexroot rule matching spine
+= act
+ where act continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap
+ = Reduce reductroot trace
+ where (heap`,sroot`,subject`,matching`)
+ = xunfold redexroot rule (heap,sroot,subject,matching)
+ noredir = abort "transtree: no mapping foor root of replacement"
+ reductroot = total noredir matching` (ruleroot rule)
+ redirect = adjust redexroot reductroot id
+ history` = extendhistory subject redirect spine history
+ trace = continue history` failinfo instdone stricts sroot` subject` heap`
+ :: var // The node to be made strict
+ [var] // Arguments of the function to generate
+ -> Action sym var pvar
+ | == var
+tryannotate strictnode sargs
+= act
+ where act continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap
+ | not instdone && isMember strictnode sargs
+ = Annotate trace
+ = Stop
+ where stricts` = map2 ((||) o (==) strictnode) sargs stricts
+ trace = continue history failinfo instdone stricts` sroot subject heap
+ :: Action sym var pvar
+= ds
+ where ds continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap = Stop
diff --git a/sucl/new.icl b/sucl/new.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0531019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/new.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+new.lit - One line module description
+Describe in a few paragraphs what this module defines.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> identifier || One line description
+> ...
+Required types:
+ identifier - type@source.lit type@source.lit
+ ...
+> %include "source.lit" || identifier ...
+> ...
+Implementation of identifier
+> identifier
+> :: type
+> identifierone arguments
+> = body
diff --git a/sucl/newfold.icl b/sucl/newfold.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ddfa42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/newfold.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+newfold.lit - New folding function
+This module defines one function, `fullfold'. It derives a function
+defintion from a trace, by first searching and folding autorecursion,
+and searching the remainder of the trace for introduced recursion.
+> %include "dnc.lit"
+> %include "../src/basic.lit"
+> %include "../src/pfun.lit"
+> %include "../src/graph.lit"
+> %include "../src/rule.lit"
+> %include "../src/spine.lit"
+> %include "trace.lit"
+> %include "extract.lit"
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> fullfold || Full folding function
+> tracer || Debugging
+> || extract || Fold a trace and extract new functions
+> || etracer || Debugging
+Deprecated type
+> tracer * ** ***
+> == ( (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> * ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> (bool,([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **]))
+> ) ->
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> * ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> (bool,([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **]))
+`Fullfold foldarea fnsymbol trace' folds the trace. It returns a
+resulting list of rewrite rules and rooted graphs for which new
+functions have to be introduced.
+First, an attempt is made to fold to the right hand side of the initial
+rewrite rule (autorecursion), or residues of the right hand side for
+which no instantiation was necessary. If any tip of the trace can be
+folded, this is done.
+The remaining subtraces of the trace (which is possibly the whole trace)
+are folded in their own right. Introduced recursion is applied if it
+occurs within any subtrace.
+> fullfold ::
+> etracer * ** *** ->
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> * ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> ([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **])
+> fullfold trc foldarea fnsymbol trace
+> = recurseresult, if recursive
+>|| = mapfst3 only (extract trc foldarea trace ([],[],[])), otherwise
+> = newextract trc foldarea trace, otherwise
+> where (recursive,recurseresult) = recurse foldarea fnsymbol trace
+`Recurse foldarea fnsymbol trace' is a pair `(recursive,recurseresult)'.
+`Recurseresult' is the derived function definition (strictness, rules,
+and new areas), obtained by folding the trace. `Recurse' tries to fold
+the areas in the trace to recursive function calls when at all possible.
+The allowed patterns for the autorecursion are derived from the top of
+the trace. If no recursive function call can be found, `recurseresult'
+is `False'.
+> recurse ::
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> * ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> (bool,([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **]))
+> recurse foldarea fnsymbol
+> = f ([],[])
+> where f (newhist,hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history (Reduce reductroot trace))
+> = f (newhist',newhist') trace, if pclosed=[] & superset popen ropen
+> where rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> (pclosed,popen) = nodeset rgraph rargs
+> (rclosed,ropen) = nodeset rgraph [rroot]
+> newhist' = (rroot,rgraph):newhist
+> f (newhist,hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace))
+> = f (newhist',hist) trace, if pclosed=[] & superset popen ropen
+> where rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> (pclosed,popen) = nodeset rgraph rargs
+> (rclosed,ropen) = nodeset rgraph [rroot]
+> newhist' = (rroot,rgraph):newhist
+> f (newhist,hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = foldtips foldarea (fnsymbol,lhs rule) (mkset newhist',mkset hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> where rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> newhist' = (rroot,rgraph):newhist
+`Foldtips foldarea foldcont hist trace' folds all occurrences of (rooted
+graphs in hist) in the tips of the trace. It returns a list of rules,
+which are the results of folding, and a list of areas for which
+functions must be introduced. If no occurrences were found, Absent is
+> addstrict stricts (rule,areas) = (stricts,[rule],areas)
+> foldtips ::
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> (*,[**]) ->
+> ([(**,graph * **)],[(**,graph * **)]) ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> (bool,([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **]))
+> foldtips foldarea foldcont
+> = ft
+> where ft hist trace
+> = ft' transf
+> where Trace stricts rule answer history transf = trace
+> ft' Stop
+> = foldoptional exres (pair True.addstrict stricts) (actualfold deltanodes rnfnodes foldarea (=) foldcont (snd hist) rule)
+> where deltanodes = foldoptional [] getdeltanodes answer
+> rnfnodes = foldoptional [rhs rule] (const []) answer
+> ft' (Instantiate yestrace notrace)
+> = ft'' (ft hist yestrace) (ft hist notrace)
+> where ft'' (False,yessra) (False,nosra) = exres
+> ft'' (yesfound,(yesstricts,yesrules,yesareas)) (nofound,(nostricts,norules,noareas))
+> = (True,(stricts,yesrules++norules,yesareas++noareas))
+> ft' (Reduce reductroot trace)
+> = ft'' (ft (fst hist,fst hist) trace)
+> where ft'' (False,sra) = exres
+> ft'' (found,sra) = (True,sra)
+> ft' (Annotate trace)
+> = ft'' (ft hist trace)
+> where ft'' (False,sra) = exres
+> ft'' (found,sra) = (True,sra)
+> || exres = (False,mapfst3 only (extract noetrc foldarea trace ([],[],[])))
+> exres = (False,newextract noetrc foldarea trace)
+> noetrc trace area = id
+> pair x y = (x,y)
+> only :: [*] -> *
+> only [x] = x
+> only xs = error "only: not a singleton list"
+`Extract foldarea trace (rules,areas)' folds the trace, creating rules
+which are prepended to `rules' and areas for introduced functions which
+are prepended to `areas'.
+The use of `extract' is to derive rules for parts of a trace that aren't
+already folded by the detection of either auto or introduced recursion.
+The accumulator argument is for efficiency reasons. It is probably
+clearer to drop it and instead apply `concat' at a higher level.
+Introduced recursion may be detected inside the trace. Since the trace
+is in practice a subtrace of another trace, introduced recursion might
+exist to the supertrace. This does not count, since it is not possible
+to fold the first occurrence of the termination history pattern which is
+in the supertrace.
+> etracer * ** ***
+> == trace * ** *** ->
+> rgraph * ** ->
+> bool ->
+> bool
+> extract
+> :: etracer * ** *** ->
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> ([[bool]],[rule * **],[rgraph * **]) ->
+> ([[bool]],[rule * **],[rgraph * **])
+> extract trc newname (Trace stricts rule answer history transf) (strictss,rules,areas)
+> = (strictss',recrule:rules,recareas++areas), if trc (Trace stricts rule answer history transf) unsafearea recursive
+> = mapfst3 (ifopen (const strictss') id answer) (f transf (strictss,rules,areas)), otherwise
+> where f (Reduce reductroot trace) = extract trc newname trace
+> f (Annotate trace) = extract trc newname trace
+> f (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = extract trc newname yestrace.extract trc newname notrace
+> f Stop (strictss,rules,areas) = (stricts:strictss,mkrule rargs rroot stoprgraph:rules,stopareas++areas)
+> (recursive,unsafearea)
+> = foldoptional (False,undef) (findspinepart rule transf) answer, if isreduce transf
+> = (False,error "extract: not a Reduce transformation"), otherwise
+> (recrule,recareas) = splitrule newname rnfnodes deltanodes rule unsafearea
+> (stoprgraph,stopareas) = finishfold newname rnfnodes deltanodes rroot rgraph
+> rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> rnfnodes = foldoptional (rroot:) (const id) answer (nodelist rgraph rargs)
+> deltanodes = foldoptional [] getdeltanodes answer
+> strictss' = stricts:strictss
+This is a version of `extract' that does not use the collector argument.
+> newextract
+> :: etracer * ** *** ->
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> ([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **])
+> newextract trc newname (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = (stricts,[recrule],recareas), if recursive
+> = subex transf, otherwise
+> where subex (Reduce reductroot trace) = newextract trc newname trace
+> subex (Annotate trace) = newextract trc newname trace
+> subex (Instantiate yestrace notrace)
+> = (stricts,yesrules++norules,yesareas++noareas)
+> where (yesstricts,yesrules,yesareas) = newextract trc newname yestrace
+> (nostricts,norules,noareas) = newextract trc newname notrace
+> subex Stop = (stricts,[mkrule rargs rroot stoprgraph],stopareas)
+> (recursive,unsafearea)
+> = foldoptional (False,undef) (findspinepart rule transf) answer, if isreduce transf
+> = (False,error "newextract: not a Reduce transformation"), otherwise
+> (recrule,recareas) = splitrule newname rnfnodes deltanodes rule unsafearea
+> (stoprgraph,stopareas) = finishfold newname rnfnodes deltanodes rroot rgraph
+> rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> rnfnodes = foldoptional (rroot:) (const id) answer (nodelist rgraph rargs)
+> deltanodes = foldoptional [] getdeltanodes answer
+> isreduce (Reduce reductroot trace) = True
+> isreduce transf = False
+`Findspinepart toprule rule spine (transformation,trace)' is a pair with
+a boolean determining whether some instance of the `spine', determined
+using `toprule', occurs in a residu of itself in `trace'.
+The use of `findspinepart' is to detect introduced recursion in `trace'
+to its root.
+> findspinepart :: rule * ** -> transformation * ** *** -> spine * ** *** -> (bool,rgraph * **)
+> findspinepart rule transf spine
+> = snd (foldspine pair stop stop id stop (const stop) partial (const stop) redex stop spine)
+> where pair node (pattern,recursion)
+> = (pattern',recursion')
+> where pattern'
+> = updategraph node cnt pattern, if def
+> = pattern, otherwise
+> (def,cnt) = dnc (const "in findspinepart") graph node
+> recursion'
+> = (True,mkrgraph node pattern'), if findpattern (pattern',node) (spinenodes spine) node transf
+> = recursion, otherwise
+> partial rule matching (pattern,recursion) = (extgraph' graph rule matching pattern,recursion)
+> redex rule matching = (extgraph' graph rule matching emptygraph,norecursion)
+> stop = (emptygraph,norecursion)
+> norecursion = (False,error "findspinepart: no part of spine found")
+> graph = rulegraph rule
+> extgraph' sgraph rule
+> = extgraph sgraph rgraph (nodelist rgraph (lhs rule))
+> where rgraph = rulegraph rule
+`Findpattern pattern rule residuroot transformation trace' bepaalt of
+een instance van `pattern' voorkomt in een residu van `residuroot' in de
+Omwille van optimalisatie worden, met behulp van `transformation' en
+`rule', alleen nieuw toegevoegde nodes na een rewrite in de trace
+bekeken. De rest is toch niet veranderd.
+> findpattern :: (graph * ****,****) -> [**] -> ** -> transformation * ** *** -> bool
+> findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot transf
+> = False, if ~member thespinenodes residuroot || Root of residu no longer in spine - must have come to RNF.
+> findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot (Reduce reductroot trace)
+> = fp (redirect residuroot) trace
+> where fp residuroot (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = True, if or [instance pattern (graph,node)|node<-nodelist graph [residuroot]]
+> where graph = rulegraph rule
+> fp = findpattern' pattern
+> redirect = adjust (last thespinenodes) reductroot id
+> findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot (Instantiate yestrace notrace)
+> = findpattern' pattern residuroot yestrace\/findpattern' pattern residuroot notrace
+> findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot (Annotate trace)
+> = findpattern' pattern residuroot trace
+> findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot Stop
+> = False
+> findpattern' :: (graph * ****,****) -> ** -> trace * ** *** -> bool
+> findpattern' pattern residuroot (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot transf
+> where thespinenodes = foldoptional [] spinenodes answer
+`Getdeltanodes spine' is the list of nodes in the spine that we don't
+want to introduce new functions for because they contain a delta symbol
+or a strict argument.
+> getdeltanodes
+> :: spine * ** *** ->
+> [**]
+Uses foldspine with
+ **** == (bool,[**])
+ ***** == [**]
+> getdeltanodes
+> = foldspine pair none (True,[]) force none (const none) partial (const none) redex none
+> where pair node (forced,nodes) = cond forced (node:nodes) nodes
+> none = (False,[])
+> force nodes = (True,nodes)
+> partial rule matching nodes = (False,nodes)
+> redex rule matching = none
diff --git a/sucl/newtest.icl b/sucl/newtest.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13cf8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/newtest.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+newtest.lit - Testing the new trace implementation
+Describe in a few paragraphs what this module defines.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> all || List of all clasp modules
+> list || List a clean module
+> listopt || List rules with introduction
+> listfull || List full processing of optimization
+>|| listtrace || List the trace for a clean module
+> optfiles || Optimize files obeying a pattern
+> optimize || Optimize a clean module
+Required types:
+ identifier - type@source.lit type@source.lit
+ ...
+> %include "dnc.lit"
+> %include "../src/basic.lit"
+> %include "../src/hunt.lit"
+> %include "../src/pfun.lit"
+> %include "../src/graph.lit"
+> %include "../src/rule.lit"
+> %include "../src/trd.lit"
+> %include "../src/spine.lit"
+> %include "strat.lit"
+> %include "trace.lit"
+> %include "loop.lit"
+> %include "../src/clean.lit"
+> %include "../src/module.lit"
+> %include "cli.lit"
+> %include "../src/complete.lit"
+>|| %include "fold.lit"
+> %include "newfold.lit"
+> %include "../src/canon.lit"
+> optfiles :: [char] -> [sys_message]
+> optfiles
+> = optimize.foldr addmodule [].glob.join ' '.expand [".cli"] (getpath ["."] "CLIPATH")
+> addmodule filename modules
+> = subcli scont filename
+> where subcli success ".cli" = success ""
+> subcli success ('/':cs) = subcli scont cs
+> subcli success (c:cs) = subcli (success.(c:)) cs
+> subcli success cs = modules
+> scont = (:modules)
+> all = (foldr addmodule [].glob.join ' '.expand [".cli"] (getpath ["."] "CLIPATH")) "*"
+> optimize :: [[char]] -> [sys_message]
+> optimize modules
+> = complaints++loads++concat (map optone goodnames)++[Stdout "Done.\n",Exit (#complaints)]
+> where allnames = [(module,findfiles readable [".cli"] (getpath ["."] "CLIPATH") module)|module<-modules]
+> badnames = [module|(module,[])<-allnames]
+> goodnames = [(module,cliname,init cliname++"o")|(module,cliname:clinames)<-allnames]
+> complaints
+> = [], if badnames=[]
+> = [Stderr ("Warning: cannot find module"++showmodules badnames++" (ignored).\n")], otherwise
+> where showmodules [module]
+> = ": "++showstring module
+> showmodules modules
+> = "s: "++join ',' (map showstring modules)
+> loads
+> = [], if goodnames=[]
+> = [Stdout ("Loaded modules: "++join ',' [module|(module,cli,clo)<-goodnames]++".\n")], otherwise
+> cli = loadclis (map snd3 goodnames)
+> optone (module,cliname,cloname)
+> = [ Stdout ("Optimizing "++module++" ("++showstring cliname++") to "++show cloname++"..."),
+> Tofile cloname (listnew module cli),
+> Stdout "\n"
+> ]
+`Newfunction' is the type of a new function produced by symbolic
+reduction applied to a cli module. Symbolic reduction on a cli module
+actually produces a list of new functions.
+> newfunction * ** **** *****
+> == ( *, || Assigned symbol of the new function
+> rule * **, || Initial rule of the new function
+> [bool], || Strictness annotations
+> rule **** *****, || Type rule
+> bool, || Export annotation
+> [rule * **], || Rewrite rules
+> bool || Import annotation
+> )
+`Symredresult' is the output produced by symbolic reduction applied to
+an area. Symbolic reduction on an area actually produces a list of
+these tuples.
+> symredresult * ** **** *****
+> == ( rgraph * **, || The initial area in canonical form
+> *, || The assigned symbol
+> [bool], || Strictness annotations
+> rule **** *****, || Type rule
+> trace * ** **, || Truncated and folded trace
+> [rule * **], || Resulting rewrite rules
+> [rgraph * **] || New areas for further symbolic reduction (not necessarily canonical)
+> )
+> listopt :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [char]
+> listopt main = listnew main.loadclis
+> listnew :: [char] -> cli -> [char]
+> listnew main cli = (lay.printnew cli.map (makenew cli).filter hasusersym.fullsymred main.stripexports main) cli
+> printnew
+> :: cli ->
+> [newfunction symbol node typesymbol typenode] ->
+> [[char]]
+> printnew cli results
+> = (implementation exports++"MODULE "++modulename++";"):
+> prefix [""] (showimports [symbol|(symbol,initialrule,stricts,trule,exported,rules,True)<-results])++
+> showtypes ((map (uncurry cleanalias).aliases) cli) (map (printalgebra (typerule cli)) (constrs cli))++
+> prefix ["","MACRO"] ((concat.map (uncurry cleanmacro).macros) cli)++
+> concat (map (shownewrules cli) [(symbol,initialrule,(trule,stricts),rules)|(symbol,initialrule,stricts,trule,exported,rules,imported)<-results;rules~=[]])
+> where exports = [symbol|(symbol,initialrule,stricts,trule,True,rules,imported)<-results]
+> implementation [User module "Start"] = ""
+> implementation exports = "IMPLEMENTATION "
+> getmodule (User module ident) = module
+> modulename = hd (map getmodule exports++["empty"])
+> showimports symbols
+> = map showblock (partition getmodule getident symbols)
+> where getmodule (User module ident) = module
+> getident (User module ident) = ident
+> showblock (module,idents)
+> = "FROM "++module++" IMPORT "++join ',' idents++";"
+> showtypes aliastexts algebralines
+> = prefix ["","TYPE"] (prefix [""] (concat aliastexts)++prefix [""] algebralines)
+> prefix xs [] = []
+> prefix xs ys = xs++ys
+> shownewrules cli (symbol,initialrule,tinfo,rules)
+> = prefix ("":"<<":cleanrule symbol initialrule++[">>","RULE"]) (cleantyperule symbol tinfo:concat (map (cleanrule symbol) rules))
+> makenew
+> :: cli ->
+> symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode ->
+> newfunction symbol node typesymbol typenode
+> makenew cli (area,symbol,stricts,trule,Trace initialstricts initialrule answer history results,rules,areas)
+> = (symbol,initialrule,stricts,trule,exported,rules',imported)
+> where exported = member (exports cli) symbol
+> imported = member (imports cli) symbol
+> rules' = filter ((~).unchanged) rules
+> unchanged rule
+> = def & root=initialroot & sym=symbol
+> where root = rhs rule; graph = rulegraph rule
+> (def,(sym,args')) = dnc (const "in makenew") graph root
+> initialroot = rhs initialrule
+> hasusersym
+> :: symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode ->
+> bool
+> hasusersym (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas) = usersym symbol
+> listfull :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [char]
+> listfull main filenames
+> = (lay.map (showfull cli).fullsymred main) cli
+> where cli = stripexports main (loadclis (main:filenames))
+> showfull
+> :: cli ->
+> symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode ->
+> [char]
+> showfull cli (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas)
+> = hline++
+> "::: AREA :::\n"++
+> printrgraph showsymbol shownode area++
+> "\n\n::: ASSIGNED SYMBOL :::\n"++
+> showsymbol symbol++
+> "\n\n::: DERIVED TYPE RULE :::\n"++
+> printrule showtypesymbol showtypenode trule++
+> "\n\n::: TRACE :::\n"++
+> lay (printtrace symbol showsymbol shownode shownode trace)++
+> "\n\n::: DERIVED STRICTNESS :::\n"++
+> map strictchar stricts++
+> "\n::: RULES :::\n"++
+> lay (map (((showsymbol symbol++" ")++).printrule showsymbol shownode) rules)++
+> "\n::: NEW AREAS :::\n"++
+> lay (map (printrgraph showsymbol shownode) areas)++
+> hline
+> hline = rep 72 '='++"\n"
+> fullsymred
+> :: [char] ->
+> cli ->
+> [symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode]
+> fullsymred main cli
+> = results
+> where results = depthfirst generate process (initareas cli)
+> generate result = map canonise' (getareas result)
+> process area = symredarea foldarea' cli area
+> foldarea' = foldarea (labelarea'.canonise')
+> labelarea' = labelarea (map getinit results) (newsymbols main)
+> canonise' = canonise (typerule cli) heap
+`Initareas cli' is the list of initial rooted graphs that must be
+symbolically reduced. An initial rooted graph is formed by applying an
+exported symbol to its full complement of open arguments according to
+its type rule.
+> initareas :: cli -> [rgraph symbol node]
+> initareas cli
+> = map (initialise heap) (exports cli)
+> where initialise (root:nodes) symbol
+> = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (symbol,args) emptygraph)
+> where args = map2 const nodes targs
+> targs = lhs (typerule cli symbol)
+> getinit :: symredresult * ** **** ***** -> rgraph * **
+> getinit (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas) = area
+> getareas :: symredresult * ** **** ***** -> [rgraph * **]
+> getareas (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas) = areas
+`Symredarea' is the function that does symbolic reduction of a single
+> symredarea
+> :: (rgraph symbol node->(symbol,[node])) ->
+> cli ->
+> rgraph symbol node ->
+> symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode
+> symredarea foldarea cli area
+> = (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas)
+> where agraph = rgraphgraph area; aroot = rgraphroot area
+> (symbol,aargs) = foldarea area
+> arule = mkrule aargs aroot agraph
+> trule = ruletype typeheap (ctyperule FN typeheap (typerule cli)) arule
+> trace = loop strategy' complete' matchable' (heap--nodelist agraph [aroot],arule)
+> (stricts,rules,areas) = fullfold (trc symbol) foldarea symbol trace
+> complete' = (~).converse matchable' (mkrgraph () emptygraph)
+> matchable' = matchable (complete cli)
+> strategy' = clistrategy cli
+> trc :: symbol -> trace symbol node node -> rgraph symbol node -> bool -> bool
+> trc symbol trace area recursive
+> = error (lay ("Trace is recursive in area":printrgraph showsymbol shownode area:printtrace symbol showsymbol shownode shownode trace)), if esymbol symbol & recursive
+> = recursive, otherwise
+> esymbol (User m "E") = True
+> esymbol symbol = False
+> printelem symbol (result,optsra)
+> = ( indent "subtrace: " (printresult symbol showsymbol shownode shownode result)++
+> foldoptional [] printsra optsra
+> )
+> printsra (stricts,rules,areas)
+> = ( ("stricts: "++map strictchar stricts):
+> indent "rules: " (map (showrule showsymbol shownode) rules)++
+> indent "areas: " (map (showrgraph showsymbol shownode) areas)
+> )
+> printsras (strictss,rules,areas)
+> = ( showlist (showstring.map strictchar) strictss:
+> indent "rules: " (map (showrule showsymbol shownode) rules)++
+> indent "areas: " (map (showrgraph showsymbol shownode) areas)
+> )
+> trsym (User module "New_ab") = True
+> trsym = const False
+> looping :: * -> rule * ** -> bool
+> looping symbol rule
+> = rdef & rsym=symbol & rargs=args
+> where args = lhs rule; root = rhs rule; graph = rulegraph rule
+> (rdef,(rsym,rargs)) = dnc (const "in looping") graph root
+ listtrace :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [char]
+ listtrace main = lay.map clitraces.mktraces.stripexports main.loadclis.(main:)
+> clitraces :: (symbol,(trace symbol node node,[rule symbol node])) -> [char]
+> clitraces (sym,(trace,rules)) = lay (printtrace sym showsymbol shownode shownode trace)
+ mktraces :: cli -> [(symbol,(trace symbol node node,[rule symbol node]))]
+ mktraces cli
+ = depthfirst
+ ( foldr addsymbols [].
+ snd.
+ snd
+ )
+ (pairwith clisymred')
+ (exports cli)
+ where clisymred' symbol
+ = clisymred ((~=hd heap).rhs) cli symbol (initrule heap (lhs.typerule cli) symbol)
+> addsymbols :: rule * *** -> [*] -> [*]
+> addsymbols rule rest
+> = foldr (addsymbol.dnc (const "in addsymbols") rgraph) rest nodes
+> where nodes = nodelist rgraph (rroot:lroots)
+> rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> rroot = rhs rule
+> lroots = lhs rule
+> addsymbol (def,(sym,args)) = cond def (sym:) id
+> list :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [char]
+> list main = showcli.stripexports main.loadclis.(main:)
+ clisymred :: (rule symbol **->bool) -> cli -> symbol -> ([**],rule symbol **) -> (trace symbol ** node,[rule symbol **])
+ clisymred unchanged cli symbol rule
+ = ( mapsnd (filter unchanged)
+ . pairwith tips
+ . onresults (foldtrace symbol)
+ . loop strategy' complete' matchable'
+ ) rule
+ where complete'
+ = (~).converse matchable' (mkrgraph () emptygraph)
+ matchable' = matchable (complete cli)
+ strategy' = clistrategy cli
+> matchable :: ([*]->bool)->[rgraph * ***]->rgraph * **->bool
+> matchable complete patterns rgraph
+> = ~coveredby complete (rgraphgraph rgraph) [(rgraphgraph pattern,[rgraphroot pattern])|pattern<-patterns] [rgraphroot rgraph]
+`Ctyperule' cli (sym,args)' is the typerule of an occurrence of symbol
+sym with the given arguments, curried if there are too few.
+> ctyperule
+> :: **** ->
+> [*****] ->
+> (*->rule **** *****) ->
+> (*,[**]) ->
+> rule **** *****
+> ctyperule fn typeheap typerule (sym,args)
+> = mkrule targs' troot' tgraph'
+> where targs = lhs trule; troot = rhs trule; tgraph = rulegraph trule
+> trule = typerule sym
+> (targs',targs'') = claim args targs
+> (troot',tgraph',theap') = foldr build (troot,tgraph,typeheap--nodelist tgraph (troot:targs)) targs''
+> build targ (troot,tgraph,tnode:tnodes)
+> = (tnode,updategraph tnode (fn,[targ,troot]) tgraph,tnodes)
+> newsymbols main = map (User main.("New_"++)) identifiers
diff --git a/sucl/pfun.dcl b/sucl/pfun.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfd0ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/pfun.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+definition module pfun
+from StdString import toString
+from StdOverloaded import ==
+// Partial function abstract type
+:: Pfun dom ran
+// The empty partial function
+emptypfun :: .Pfun .dom .ran
+// Extend a partial function
+extend :: .dom .ran (Pfun .dom .ran) -> Pfun .dom .ran
+// Restrict a partial function (take away one mapping)
+restrict :: .dom (Pfun .dom .ran) -> Pfun .dom .ran
+// Overwrite partial function with a new one
+// first arg is the new p.f.
+// second arg is overwritten
+overwrite :: !(Pfun .dom .ran) (Pfun .dom .ran) -> (Pfun .dom .ran)
+// Modify a partial function by applying a function to all its results
+postcomp :: (.ran1 -> .ran2) !(Pfun .dom .ran1) -> Pfun .dom .ran2
+// Build a total function from a partial one by supplying a default value
+total :: .ran !(Pfun dom .ran) dom -> .ran | == dom
+// Domain restriction of a partial function
+domres :: !.[dom] .(Pfun dom ran) -> Pfun dom ran | == dom
+// Apply a partial function to an argument
+// getting a result that may fail
+apply :: !(Pfun dom .ran) dom -> (.Bool,.ran) | == dom
+// Partial functions are printable
+instance toString Pfun dom ran | toString dom & toString ran
+/* `Idpfun dom pfun' checks whether partial function `pfun' is the identity
+ on the nodes in `dom' for which it is defined.
+idpfun :: !.[dom] .(Pfun dom dom) -> Bool | == dom
diff --git a/sucl/pfun.icl b/sucl/pfun.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f720f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/pfun.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+implementation module pfun
+import basic
+import StdEnv
+pfun.lit - Partial functions
+This script implements an abstract type for partial functions and useful
+operations on them.
+:: Pfun dom ran
+ = EmptyPfun
+ | Extend dom ran (Pfun dom ran)
+ | Restrict dom (Pfun dom ran)
+emptypfun :: .Pfun .dom .ran
+emptypfun = EmptyPfun
+extend :: .dom .ran (Pfun .dom .ran) -> Pfun .dom .ran
+extend arg res pfun = Extend arg res pfun
+restrict :: .dom (Pfun .dom .ran) -> Pfun .dom .ran
+restrict arg pfun = Restrict arg pfun
+overwrite :: !(Pfun .dom .ran) (Pfun .dom .ran) -> (Pfun .dom .ran)
+overwrite EmptyPfun old = old
+overwrite (Extend org img new) old = Extend org img (overwrite new old)
+overwrite (Restrict org new) old = Restrict org (overwrite new old)
+postcomp :: (.ran1 -> .ran2) !(Pfun .dom .ran1) -> Pfun .dom .ran2
+postcomp f EmptyPfun = EmptyPfun
+postcomp f (Extend x y p) = Extend x (f y) (postcomp f p)
+postcomp f (Restrict x p) = Restrict x (postcomp f p)
+total :: .ran !(Pfun dom .ran) dom -> .ran | == dom
+total def EmptyPfun arg = def
+total def (Extend x y p) arg
+| arg==x = y
+ = total def p arg
+total def (Restrict x p) arg
+| arg==x = def
+ = total def p arg
+domres :: !.[dom] .(Pfun dom ran) -> Pfun dom ran | == dom
+domres domain oldpfun
+= foldr adddom emptypfun domain
+ where adddom org = total id (postcomp (extend org) oldpfun) org
+apply :: !(Pfun dom .ran) dom -> (.Bool,.ran) | == dom
+apply pfun arg
+= total (False,baddomain) (postcomp s pfun) arg
+ where s x = (True,x)
+ baddomain = abort "apply: partial function applied outside domain"
+instance toString Pfun dom ran | toString dom & toString ran
+where toString pfun
+ = toString ['{':drop 1 (flatten (map ((cons ',') o printlink) (pfunlist pfun)))++['}']]
+ where printlink (arg,res) = fromString (toString arg)++['|->']++fromString (toString res)
+pfunlist :: (Pfun dom res) -> [(dom,res)]
+pfunlist _ = abort "pfunlist not implemented"
+idpfun :: !.[dom] .(Pfun dom dom) -> Bool | == dom
+idpfun domain pfun
+= all idelem domain
+ where idelem x = total True (postcomp ((==) x) pfun) x
diff --git a/sucl/pretty.dcl b/sucl/pretty.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a723331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/pretty.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+definition module pretty
+from StdFile import <<<
+from StdString import String
+/* Pretty printing
+ ===============
+ We don't want to have to concatenate strings all the time.
+ Here's a puny data structure for pretty printing.
+ It's relatively easy to generate, fits most needs.
+ The idea is to generate this once, and then run along it once
+ as the constituent strings are written to an output file.
+:: Layout
+ = Line String // A single line
+ | Indent String [Layout] // A sequence of lines, the first of which is indented by a string (and the rest by an equivalent number of spaces)
+class Pretty t
+where pretty :: t -> Layout
+// We can pretty-print strings (and via it everything that can be written as a string).
+instance Pretty {#Char}
+// Layout structures can be written to a file.
+instance <<< Layout
diff --git a/sucl/pretty.icl b/sucl/pretty.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e23e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/pretty.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+implementation module pretty
+import StdEnv
+:: Layout
+ = Line String // A single line
+ | Indent String [Layout] // A sequence of lines, the first of which is indented by a string (and the rest by an equivalent number of spaces)
+class Pretty t
+where pretty :: t -> Layout
+instance Pretty {#Char}
+where pretty s = Line s
+instance <<< Layout
+where <<< f l
+ = printlayout l cont True [] f
+ where cont first prefixes f = f
+printlayout (Line s) cont first is f
+= cont False (if first (asspaces is) is) ((printindents is f) <<< s)
+printlayout (Indent i ls) cont first is f
+= foldr printlayout cont` ls True [i:is] f
+ where cont` first` is` f`
+ = cont first is f`
+asspaces is = [toString (spaces (sum (map size is)))]
+printindents is f
+= foldr printindent f is
+printindent i f = f<<<i
+> %include "basic.lit"
+> %include "graph.lit" -extgraph
+> %include "rule.lit"
+> %include "clean.lit" -cleanrule -cleantyperule -coretyperule -symbolmodule -typesymbolmodule
+Get the Select nodes from a graph.
+> getselectnodes :: graph symbol ** -> ** -> [((**,num),(num,**))]
+> getselectnodes graph root
+> = foldr (withmeta (nodecontents graph) addselectnode) [] (nodelist graph [root])
+> where addselectnode (True,(Select arity index,[tuplenode])) selectnode
+> = (((tuplenode,arity),(index,selectnode)):)
+> addselectnode contents node = id
+Distribute the Select nodes over their indexes.
+> splitselectnodes :: ((**,num),[(num,**)]) -> (**,[[**]])
+> splitselectnodes ((tuplenode,arity),selects)
+> = (tuplenode,foldr dist (rep arity []) selects)
+> where dist (1,selectnode) (ns:nss) = (selectnode:ns):nss
+> dist (index,selectnode) (ns:nss) = ns:dist (index-1,selectnode) nss
+Make left hand sides.
+> makelhss :: [**] -> [[**]] -> ([**],[[**]])
+> makelhss heap nss
+> = (heap,[]), if empty
+> = (heap'',ns':nss''), otherwise
+> where (heap'',nss'') = makelhss heap' nss'
+> (empty,ns',heap',nss') = heads heap nss
+> heads heap [] = (True,[],heap,[])
+> heads (node:heap) ([]:nss)
+> = (empty,node:ns',heap',[]:nss')
+> where (empty,ns',heap',nss') = heads heap nss
+> heads heap ((n:ns):nss)
+> = (False,n:ns',heap',ns:nss')
+> where (empty,ns',heap',nss') = heads heap nss
+> makenodedefs :: [**] -> [(**,[[**]])] -> [(**,[**])]
+> makenodedefs heap []
+> = []
+> makenodedefs heap ((tuplenode,nss):rest)
+> = map (pair tuplenode) lhss++nodedefs
+> where (heap',lhss) = makelhss heap nss
+> nodedefs = makenodedefs heap' rest
+> pretty :: symbol -> rule symbol node -> [[char]]
+> pretty symbol rule
+> = (showsymbol symbol++' ':concat (map ((++" ").fst) argreprs)++"-> "++snd rootrepr):
+> map2 shownodedef nodedefs (map snd tuplereprs)
+> where args = lhs rule; root = rhs rule; graph = rulegraph rule
+> nodedefs = makenodedefs (heap--nodelist graph (root:args)) tupleselections
+> tupleselections
+> = ( map splitselectnodes.
+> partition fst snd
+> ) (getselectnodes graph root)
+> tuplenodes = map fst tupleselections
+> prunedgraph = foldr prunegraph graph tuplenodes
+> [argreprs,[rootrepr],tuplereprs]
+> = hof (foldgraph prettyref (issafe.shownode) prettydef prunedgraph) [args,[root],map fst nodedefs]
+> where prettyref node (saferef,unsaferef) = issafe (shownode node++':':saferef)
+> shownodedef (tuplenode,selectnodes) tuplerepr
+> = ", ("++join ',' (map shownode selectnodes)++"): "++tuplerepr
+Useful (higher order) functions.
+> withmeta :: (*->**) -> (**->*->***) -> * -> ***
+> withmeta meta f x = f (meta x) x
+> pair :: * -> ** -> (*,**)
+> pair x y = (x,y)
+> hof :: ([*]->[**]) -> [[*]] -> [[**]]
+> hof f xss
+> = claims xss (f (concat xss))
+> claims :: [[*]] -> [**] -> [[**]]
+> claims [] ys = []
+> claims (xs:xss) ys
+> = zs:claims xss ys'
+> where (zs,ys') = claim xs ys
diff --git a/sucl/rewr.dcl b/sucl/rewr.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b4448f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/rewr.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+definition module rewr
+from rule import Rule
+from graph import Graph
+from pfun import Pfun
+from StdOverloaded import ==
+// Unfold a rewrite rule
+ :: var
+ (Rule sym pvar)
+ !( [var]
+ , var
+ , Graph sym var
+ , Pfun pvar var
+ )
+ -> ( [var]
+ , var
+ , Graph sym var
+ , Pfun pvar var
+ ) | == var & == pvar
+ :: (Pfun pvar var) // Matching of replacement
+ sym // Symbol at root of pattern
+ [pvar] // Arguments of pattern
+ pvar // Root of replacement
+ (Graph sym var) // Subject graph
+ -> Graph sym var // Folded subject
+ | == pvar
+ :: tsym
+ (Graph sym pvar)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ !(pvar,var)
+ ((Pfun pvar var) -> tsym)
+ !(Pfun pvar var)
+ -> tsym
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+ :: .(Graph sym pvar) // Pattern to instantiate with
+ pvar // Root of the pattern
+ var // Open node to instantiate
+ (.[var],.Graph sym var) // Heap,graph
+ -> .([var],Graph sym var) // New heap,graph
+ | == var
+ & == pvar
diff --git a/sucl/rewr.icl b/sucl/rewr.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dc2059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/rewr.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+implementation module rewr
+import rule
+import graph
+import pfun
+import basic
+import StdEnv
+Rewriting of graphs
+Exported identifiers:
+\item[\tt unfold] Apply a rewrite rule to a graph
+\item[\tt xunfold] As {\tt unfold}, but also provides full matching
+ from the applied rule to the (resulting) subject
+ graph
+\item[\tt fold] Apply a rewrite rule in reverse to a graph
+\item[\tt instantiate] Instantiate a graph with a pattern
+Temporarily hidden:
+\item[\tt build] Build a copy of a graph
+Temporarily not exported:
+\item[\tt getmap] Determine mapping from one graph to another
+\item[\tt existmap] Determine if a mapping from one graph to another exists
+> %export foldfn getmapping instantiate xunfold
+ unfold
+ :: pfun *** ** -> || Mapping as result from match of lhs
+ rule * *** -> || Rule to unfold
+ ([**],graph * **,**) -> || Heap,graph,node
+ ([**],graph * **,**) || New heap,graph,node
+> xunfold
+> :: ** -> || Root of the redex to unfold
+> rule * *** -> || Rule to unfold by
+> ( [**], || Unused heap
+> **, || Root of subject
+> graph * **, || Subject graph
+> pfun *** ** || Matching of pattern from rule to subject
+> ) ->
+> ( [**], || Remaining heap
+> **, || Possibly redirected root of subject
+> graph * **, || Extended subject graph
+> pfun *** ** || Extended matching from rule to subject
+> )
+ fold
+ :: pfun *** ** -> || Mapping as result from match of rhs
+ rule * *** -> || Rule to fold
+ ([**],graph * **,**) -> || Heap,graph,node
+ ([**],graph * **,**) || New heap,graph,node
+> build
+> :: graph * *** -> *** -> || Graph,root to be copied
+> ([**],[**],graph * **,pfun *** **) -> || Heap,init nodes,init graph,init mapping
+> ([**],[**],graph * **,pfun *** **) || New heap,new nodes,new graph,new mapping
+> getmap :: graph * *** -> *** -> graph * ** -> ** -> pfun *** **
+> existmap :: graph * *** -> *** -> graph * ** -> ** -> bool
+> %include "basic.lit"
+> %include "pfun.lit"
+> %include "graph.lit" -instantiate
+> %include "rule.lit"
+ :: var
+ (Rule sym pvar)
+ !( [var]
+ , var
+ , Graph sym var
+ , Pfun pvar var
+ )
+ -> ( [var]
+ , var
+ , Graph sym var
+ , Pfun pvar var
+ ) | == var & == pvar
+xunfold redexroot rule (heap,root,subject,matching)
+= (heap`,redirection root,redirectgraph redirection subject`,matching`)
+ where (heap`,[rhs`:_],subject`,matching`)
+ = build (rulegraph rule) (ruleroot rule) (heap,[],subject,matching)
+ redirection = adjust redexroot rhs` id
+ :: .(Graph sym pvar) // Pattern to instantiate with
+ pvar // Root of the pattern
+ var // Open node to instantiate
+ (.[var],.Graph sym var) // Heap,graph
+ -> .([var],Graph sym var) // New heap,graph
+ | == var
+ & == pvar
+instantiate pattern proot node (heap,graph)
+| not closed
+= (heap,graph)
+= (heap``,graph``)
+ where (heap``,params``,graph``,_)
+ = foldr (build pattern) (heap,[],graph`,extend proot node emptypfun) params
+ (closed,(f,params)) = varcontents pattern proot
+ graph` = updategraph node (f,params``) graph
+ :: (Graph sym pvar)
+ pvar
+ ( [var]
+ , [var]
+ , Graph sym var
+ , !Pfun pvar var
+ )
+ -> ( [var]
+ , [var]
+ , Graph sym var
+ , Pfun pvar var
+ ) | == var & == pvar
+build pattern node (heap,nodes,graph,mapping)
+| seen
+= (heap,[seenas:nodes],graph,mapping)
+| not closed
+= (heap`,[node`:nodes],graph,mapping`)
+= (heap``,[node`:nodes],graph``,mapping``)
+ where (seen,seenas) = apply mapping node
+ [node`:heap`] = heap
+ mapping` = extend node node` mapping
+ (closed,(f,params)) = varcontents pattern node
+ (heap``,params``,graph``,mapping``)
+ = foldr (build pattern) (heap`,[],graph`,mapping`) params
+ graph` = updategraph node` (f,params``) graph
+> getmap pattern patnode graph node
+> = getmapping nomatch pattern graph (patnode,node) id emptypfun
+> where nomatch = error "getmap: pattern and graph do not match"
+> existmap pattern patnode graph node
+> = getmapping False pattern graph (patnode,node) (const True) emptypfun
+ :: tsym
+ (Graph sym pvar)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ !(pvar,var)
+ ((Pfun pvar var) -> tsym)
+ !(Pfun pvar var)
+ -> tsym
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+getmapping failure patgraph graph (patnode,node) success mapping
+| seen
+= if (seenas==node) (success mapping) failure
+| not patdef
+= success mapping`
+| not (def && patfunc==func && eqlen patargs args)
+= failure
+= foldr (getmapping failure patgraph graph) success (zip2 patargs args) mapping`
+ where (seen,seenas) = apply mapping patnode
+ (patdef,(patfunc,patargs)) = varcontents patgraph patnode
+ (def,(func,args)) = varcontents graph node
+ mapping` = extend patnode node mapping
+The foldfn operation folds an area of a graph back to a function call.
+The following two conditions must be satisfied in order not to need a
+heap of fresh nodes:
+ 1: At least one node is freed by the fold operation to hold the root of
+ the redex. This is the root of the reduct; since it must be freed,
+ the rule that is folded by must not be a projection function;
+ 2: No other new nodes are necessary. Therefore, all nodes of the
+ pattern of the rule that is folded by except the root must also
+ occur in the replacement.
+Furthermore, the pattern of the rule is only given by its root symbol
+and its arguments; the arguments are open nodes.
+ :: (Pfun pvar var) // Matching of replacement
+ sym // Symbol at root of pattern
+ [pvar] // Arguments of pattern
+ pvar // Root of replacement
+ (Graph sym var) // Subject graph
+ -> Graph sym var // Folded subject
+ | == pvar
+foldfn matching symbol arguments replacementroot sgraph
+= updategraph (domatching replacementroot) (symbol,map domatching arguments) sgraph
+ where domatching = total nomatching matching
+ nomatching = abort "foldfn: no matching of argument of pattern"
diff --git a/sucl/rule.dcl b/sucl/rule.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2438dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/rule.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+definition module rule
+from graph import Graph,Node
+// --- Exported types
+:: Rule sym var
+:: Rgraph sym var
+// --- Functions on rules
+// Build a rule from its constituents
+mkrule :: [.var] .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rule .sym .var
+// The arguments of a rule, i.e. the roots of its lhs
+arguments :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> [.var]
+// The root of a rule, i.e. of its rhs
+ruleroot :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> .var
+// The graph part of a rule, i.e. its bindings
+rulegraph :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+// --- Functions on rooted graphs
+// The empty rooted graph with a given root
+emptyrgraph :: .var -> Rgraph .sym .var
+// Update the contents of a variable in a rooted graph
+updatergraph :: .var (Node .sym .var) !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
+// Prune a rooted graph at a variable (making it free)
+prunergraph :: .var !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
+// Get the root of a rooted graph
+rgraphroot :: !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> .var
+// Get the graph part of a rooted graph
+rgraphgraph :: !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+// Build a rooted graph from a root and a graph
+mkrgraph :: .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6d5acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/rule.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+implementation module rule
+import graph
+import basic
+:: Rule sym var
+ :== ([var],var,Graph sym var)
+:: Rgraph sym var
+ :== (var,Graph sym var)
+rule.lit - Rooted graphs and rules
+This module implements abstract types for rooted graphs and rules,
+together with some useful functions on them. Though very simple
+definitions, it greatly helps the readability of error messages if
+rooted graphs or rules occur in them.
+A rooted graph is a tuple consisting of a root and an unrooted graph
+(how obvious).
+The implementation of a rule is less obvious. Instead of simply using a
+graph with two roots, the root of the pattern and its associated
+function symbol have been taken out. Hence the pattern is only
+accessibly by its arguments. The root of the replacement is still
+accessible. The reason for this is twofold: the root must be defined
+anyway, and if the rule is a type rule, we are now able to use two
+different domains for (normal) symbols and type symbols.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> compilerule || Compile a rule from all loose parts
+> emptyrgraph || Creates an empty rooted graph
+> lhs || Determines the left root of a rule
+> mkrgraph || Composes a rooted graph from a root and a graph
+> mkrule || Composes a rule from left and right roots and a graph
+> printrgraph || Makes a readable representation of a rooted graph
+> printrule || Makes a readable representation of a rule
+> prunergraph || Undefines the contents of a node of a rooted graph
+> rgraph || Type of rooted graph over functorspace * and nodespace **
+> rgraphgraph || Determines the (unrooted) graph of a rooted graph
+> rgraphroot || Determines the root of a rooted graph
+> rhs || Determines the right root of a rule
+> rule || Type of rules over functorspace * and nodespace **
+> rulegraph || Determines the graph of a rule
+> showrgraph || Make a representation of a rooted graph
+> showrule || Make a representation of a rule
+> updatergraph || Updates the contents of a node of a rooted graph
+Required types:
+ mkrgraph - graph@graph.lit
+ mkrule - graph@graph.lit
+ rgraphgraph - graph@graph.lit
+ rulegraph - graph@graph.lit
+> %include "basic.lit"
+> %include "graph.lit" -extgraph
+> abstype rgraph * **
+> with emptyrgraph :: ** -> rgraph * **
+> updatergraph :: ** -> (*,[**]) -> rgraph * ** -> rgraph * **
+> prunergraph :: ** -> rgraph * ** -> rgraph * **
+> rgraphroot :: rgraph * ** -> **
+> rgraphgraph :: rgraph * ** -> graph * **
+> mkrgraph :: ** -> graph * ** -> rgraph * **
+> showrgraph :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rgraph * ** -> [char]
+> printrgraph :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rgraph * ** -> [char]
+> abstype rule * **
+> with mkrule :: [**] -> ** -> graph * ** -> rule * **
+> lhs :: rule * ** -> [**]
+> rhs :: rule * ** -> **
+> rulegraph :: rule * ** -> graph * **
+> showrule :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rule * ** -> [char]
+> printrule :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rule * ** -> [char]
+Rooted graphs
+> emptyrgraph root = (root,emptygraph)
+> updatergraph node contents (root,graph) = (root,updategraph node contents graph)
+> prunergraph node (root,graph) = (root,prunegraph node graph)
+> rgraphroot (root,graph) = root
+> rgraphgraph (root,graph) = graph
+> mkrgraph root graph = (root,graph)
+emptyrgraph :: .var -> Rgraph .sym .var
+emptyrgraph root = (root,emptygraph)
+updatergraph :: .var (Node .sym .var) !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
+updatergraph var node rgraph = mapsnd (updategraph var node) rgraph
+prunergraph :: .var !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
+prunergraph var rgraph = mapsnd (prunegraph var) rgraph
+rgraphroot :: !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> .var
+rgraphroot (root,_) = root
+rgraphgraph :: !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+rgraphgraph (_,graph) = graph
+mkrgraph :: .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
+mkrgraph root graph = (root,graph)
+> showrgraph showfunc shownode (root,graph)
+> = '(':snd (showsubgraph root ([],"emptyrgraph) "))++shownode root
+> where showsubgraph node (seen,repr)
+> = (seen,repr), if ~def \/ member seen node
+> = (seen'',repr''), otherwise
+> where (def,(f,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+> (seen'',repr') = foldlr showsubgraph (seen',repr) args
+> seen' = node:seen
+> repr''
+> = "updatergraph "++shownode node++" ("++
+> showfunc f++',':showlist shownode args++")."++
+> repr'
+> printrgraph showfunc shownode (root,graph)
+> = hd (printgraph showfunc shownode graph [root])
+> mkrule lroots rroot graph = (lroots,rroot,graph)
+> lhs (lroots,rroot,graph) = lroots
+> rhs (lroots,rroot,graph) = rroot
+> rulegraph (lroots,rroot,graph) = graph
+mkrule :: [.var] .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rule .sym .var
+mkrule args root graph = (args,root,graph)
+arguments :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> [.var]
+arguments (args,_,_) = args
+ruleroot :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> .var
+ruleroot (_,root,_) = root
+rulegraph :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+rulegraph (_,_,graph) = graph
+> showrule showfunc shownode (lroots,rroot,graph)
+> = "((mkrule "++showlist shownode lroots++' ':shownode rroot++repr'++") emptygraph)"
+> where (seen,repr') = showsubgraph rroot ([],repr)
+> (seen',repr) = foldlr showsubgraph (seen,"") lroots
+> showsubgraph node (seen,repr)
+> = (seen,repr), if ~def \/ member seen node
+> = (seen'',repr''), otherwise
+> where (def,(f,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+> (seen'',repr') = foldlr showsubgraph (seen',repr) args
+> seen' = node:seen
+> repr''
+> = ".updategraph "++shownode node++" ("++
+> showfunc f++',':showlist shownode args++')':repr'
+> printrule showfunc shownode (lroots,rroot,graph)
+> = (concat.map (++" ").init) reprs++"-> "++last reprs
+> where reprs = printgraph showfunc shownode graph (lroots++[rroot])
+> compilerule :: [**] -> ** -> [(**,(*,[**]))] -> rule * **
+> compilerule args root = mkrule args root.compilegraph
diff --git a/sucl/script.icl b/sucl/script.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bdadc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/script.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+%include "../src/clean.lit"
+ -cleanalias -cleanmacro -cleanrule -cleantype -cleantyperule
+ -corecomplete -coretypeinfo -coretyperule -heap
+ -readcleanparts -shownode -showsymbol -showtypenode
+ -showtypesymbol -symbolmodule -typeheap -typesymbolmodule
+ -usersym
+%include "newtest.lit"
diff --git a/sucl/spine.dcl b/sucl/spine.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ebe3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/spine.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+definition module spine
+from rule import Rgraph,Rule
+from pfun import Pfun
+from basic import Optional
+spine.lit - The extended functional strategy
+This script implements the strategy answer, and a function to compute it
+for a given graph in a rewrite system.
+The strategy answer is a spine -- in principle a colon of partial
+matches from patterns of rewrite rules to the graph, with at the bottom
+the insteresting part: a redex, an open node or something else. See the
+definition of subspine for that.
+The strategy function attempts to find a redex to reduce the graph to
+normal form instead of root normal form. This is done by applying a
+root normal form strategy recursively in preorder over the graph (of
+course ignoring cycles). The node at which the root normal form
+strategy was applied is returned in the strategy answer, so laziness can
+be preserved.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> answer || Strategy answer type
+> foldspine || Higher order general spine folding
+> ifopen || Check for answer indicating Open
+> printanswer || Make a human-readable representation of an answer
+> printspine || Make a human-readable representation of a spine
+> showanswer || Make a representation of an answer
+> showspine || Make a representation of a spine
+> showsubspine || Make a representation of a subspine
+> spine || Colon of partial matches
+> spinenodes || Determine nodes in a spine
+> spinetip || Determine bottom of spine
+> subspine || Bottom of spine
+> history || Symbolic reduction history type
+> printhistory || Make a human-readable representation of a history
+> showhistory || Make a representation of a history
+Required types:
+ subspine - rule@rule.lit,rgraph@rule.lit,pfun@pfun.lit
+> %include "basic.lit" || optional
+> %include "pfun.lit" || pfun
+> %include "graph.lit" || graph
+> %include "rule.lit" || rgraph rule
+Answer describes the answer of a strategy. Absence of a spine implies
+that the node was in root normal form.
+> answer * ** *** == optional (spine * ** ***)
+> showanswer showa showb showc = showoptional (showspine showa showb showc)
+> printanswer printa printb printc = foldoptional ["Rnf"] (printspine printa printb printc)
+:: Answer sym var pvar
+ :== Optional (Spine sym var pvar)
+Spine describes the spine returned by a strategy. It contains the node
+at which the strategy was applied, and the result for that node.
+> spine * ** *** == (**,subspine * ** ***)
+> showspine showa showb showc = showpair showb (showsubspine showa showb showc)
+> printspine printa printb printc
+> = foldspine pair cycle delta force missingcase open partial unsafe redex strict
+> where pair node (line,lines) = (printb node++" => "++line):lines
+> cycle = ("Cycle",[])
+> delta = ("Delta",[])
+> force lines = ("Force",lines)
+> missingcase = ("MissingCase",[])
+> open rgraph = ("Open "++printrgraph printa printc rgraph,[])
+> partial rule matching lines = ("Partial <fn> "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching,lines)
+> unsafe rgraph = ("Unsafe "++printrgraph printa printb rgraph,[])
+> redex rule matching = ("Redex <fn> "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching,[])
+> strict = ("Strict",[])
+:: Spine sym var pvar
+ :== (var,Subspine sym var pvar)
+Subspine describes what was the result of the strategy applied to a node
+in a graph.
+> subspine * ** ***
+> ::= Cycle | || The spine contains a cycle
+> Delta | || An imported (delta) rule was found
+> Force (spine * ** ***) | || Global strictness annotation forced evaluation of a subgraph
+> MissingCase | || All alternatives failed for a function symbol
+> Open (rgraph * ***) | || Need root normal form of open node for matching
+> Partial (rule * ***) (pfun *** **) (spine * ** ***) | || A rule was strictly partially matched
+> Unsafe (rgraph * **) | || Terminated due to immininent recursion
+> Redex (rule * ***) (pfun *** **) | || Total match
+> Strict || Need root normal form due to strictness
+> showsubspine showa showb showc
+> = sh
+> where sh Cycle = "Cycle"
+> sh Delta = "Delta"
+> sh (Force spine) = "(Force "++showspine showa showb showc spine++")"
+> sh MissingCase = "MissingCase"
+> sh (Open rgraph) = "(Open "++showrgraph showa showc rgraph++")"
+> sh (Partial rule matching spine) = "(Partial "++showrule showa showc rule++' ':showpfun showc showb matching++' ':showspine showa showb showc spine++")"
+> sh (Unsafe rgraph) = "(Unsafe "++showrgraph showa showb rgraph++")"
+> sh (Redex rule matching) = "(Redex "++showrule showa showc rule++' ':showpfun showc showb matching++")"
+> sh Strict = "Strict"
+ printsubspine printa printb printc
+ = pr
+ where pr Cycle = "Cycle"
+ pr Delta = "Delta"
+ pr (Force spine) = "(Force "++printspine printa printb printc spine++")"
+ pr MissingCase = "MissingCase"
+ pr (Open rgraph) = "(Open "++printrgraph printa printc rgraph++")"
+ pr (Partial rule matching spine) = "(Partial "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching++' ':printspine printa printb printc spine++")"
+ pr (Unsafe rgraph) = "(Unsafe "++printrgraph printa printb rgraph++")"
+ pr (Redex rule matching) = "(Redex "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching++")"
+ pr Strict = "Strict"
+:: Subspine sym var pvar
+ = Cycle // The spine contains a cycle
+ | Delta // An imported (delta) rule was found
+ | Force (Spine sym var pvar) // Global strictness annotation forced evaluation of a subgraph
+ | MissingCase // All alternatives failed for a function symbol
+ | Open (Rgraph sym pvar) // Need root normal form of open node for matching
+ | Partial (Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) (Spine sym var pvar) // A rule was strictly partially matched
+ | Unsafe (Rgraph sym var) // Terminated due to immininent recursion
+ | Redex (Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) // Total match
+ | Strict // Need root normal form due to strictness
+// Fold up a spine using a function for each constructor
+ :: !(var .subresult -> .result)
+ .subresult
+ .subresult
+ (.result -> .subresult)
+ .subresult
+ ((Rgraph sym pvar) -> .subresult)
+ ((Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) .result -> .subresult)
+ ((Rgraph sym var) -> .subresult)
+ ((Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) -> .subresult)
+ .subresult
+ .(Spine sym var pvar)
+ -> .result
+// Get the tip of a spine,
+// i.e. the last part when all Partial's and Force's are stripped.
+spinetip :: !(Spine sym var pvar) -> Spine sym var pvar
+// Get the main nodes of a spine,
+// i.e. where the spine constructors are applied
+// (not the matched nodes of partial matchings)
+spinenodes :: .(Spine sym var pvar) -> [var]
+// Make a decision (continuation based) on whether a spine ends in Open
+ifopen :: result result !.(Answer sym var pvar) -> result
diff --git a/sucl/spine.icl b/sucl/spine.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd9f668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/spine.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+implementation module spine
+import rule
+import pfun
+import basic
+import StdEnv
+spine.lit - The extended functional strategy
+This script implements the strategy answer, and a function to compute it
+for a given graph in a rewrite system.
+The strategy answer is a spine -- in principle a colon of partial
+matches from patterns of rewrite rules to the graph, with at the bottom
+the insteresting part: a redex, an open node or something else. See the
+definition of subspine for that.
+The strategy function attempts to find a redex to reduce the graph to
+normal form instead of root normal form. This is done by applying a
+root normal form strategy recursively in preorder over the graph (of
+course ignoring cycles). The node at which the root normal form
+strategy was applied is returned in the strategy answer, so laziness can
+be preserved.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> answer || Strategy answer type
+> foldspine || Higher order general spine folding
+> ifopen || Check for answer indicating Open
+> printanswer || Make a human-readable representation of an answer
+> printspine || Make a human-readable representation of a spine
+> showanswer || Make a representation of an answer
+> showspine || Make a representation of a spine
+> showsubspine || Make a representation of a subspine
+> spine || Colon of partial matches
+> spinenodes || Determine nodes in a spine
+> spinetip || Determine bottom of spine
+> subspine || Bottom of spine
+> history || Symbolic reduction history type
+> printhistory || Make a human-readable representation of a history
+> showhistory || Make a representation of a history
+Required types:
+ subspine - rule@rule.lit,rgraph@rule.lit,pfun@pfun.lit
+> %include "basic.lit" || optional
+> %include "pfun.lit" || pfun
+> %include "graph.lit" || graph
+> %include "rule.lit" || rgraph rule
+Answer describes the answer of a strategy. Absence of a spine implies
+that the node was in root normal form.
+> answer * ** *** == optional (spine * ** ***)
+> showanswer showa showb showc = showoptional (showspine showa showb showc)
+> printanswer printa printb printc = foldoptional ["Rnf"] (printspine printa printb printc)
+:: Answer sym var pvar
+ :== Optional (Spine sym var pvar)
+Spine describes the spine returned by a strategy. It contains the node
+at which the strategy was applied, and the result for that node.
+> spine * ** *** == (**,subspine * ** ***)
+> showspine showa showb showc = showpair showb (showsubspine showa showb showc)
+> printspine printa printb printc
+> = foldspine pair cycle delta force missingcase open partial unsafe redex strict
+> where pair node (line,lines) = (printb node++" => "++line):lines
+> cycle = ("Cycle",[])
+> delta = ("Delta",[])
+> force lines = ("Force",lines)
+> missingcase = ("MissingCase",[])
+> open rgraph = ("Open "++printrgraph printa printc rgraph,[])
+> partial rule matching lines = ("Partial <fn> "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching,lines)
+> unsafe rgraph = ("Unsafe "++printrgraph printa printb rgraph,[])
+> redex rule matching = ("Redex <fn> "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching,[])
+> strict = ("Strict",[])
+:: Spine sym var pvar
+ :== (var,Subspine sym var pvar)
+Subspine describes what was the result of the strategy applied to a node
+in a graph.
+> subspine * ** ***
+> ::= Cycle | || The spine contains a cycle
+> Delta | || An imported (delta) rule was found
+> Force (spine * ** ***) | || Global strictness annotation forced evaluation of a subgraph
+> MissingCase | || All alternatives failed for a function symbol
+> Open (rgraph * ***) | || Need root normal form of open node for matching
+> Partial (rule * ***) (pfun *** **) (spine * ** ***) | || A rule was strictly partially matched
+> Unsafe (rgraph * **) | || Terminated due to immininent recursion
+> Redex (rule * ***) (pfun *** **) | || Total match
+> Strict || Need root normal form due to strictness
+> showsubspine showa showb showc
+> = sh
+> where sh Cycle = "Cycle"
+> sh Delta = "Delta"
+> sh (Force spine) = "(Force "++showspine showa showb showc spine++")"
+> sh MissingCase = "MissingCase"
+> sh (Open rgraph) = "(Open "++showrgraph showa showc rgraph++")"
+> sh (Partial rule matching spine) = "(Partial "++showrule showa showc rule++' ':showpfun showc showb matching++' ':showspine showa showb showc spine++")"
+> sh (Unsafe rgraph) = "(Unsafe "++showrgraph showa showb rgraph++")"
+> sh (Redex rule matching) = "(Redex "++showrule showa showc rule++' ':showpfun showc showb matching++")"
+> sh Strict = "Strict"
+ printsubspine printa printb printc
+ = pr
+ where pr Cycle = "Cycle"
+ pr Delta = "Delta"
+ pr (Force spine) = "(Force "++printspine printa printb printc spine++")"
+ pr MissingCase = "MissingCase"
+ pr (Open rgraph) = "(Open "++printrgraph printa printc rgraph++")"
+ pr (Partial rule matching spine) = "(Partial "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching++' ':printspine printa printb printc spine++")"
+ pr (Unsafe rgraph) = "(Unsafe "++printrgraph printa printb rgraph++")"
+ pr (Redex rule matching) = "(Redex "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching++")"
+ pr Strict = "Strict"
+:: Subspine sym var pvar
+ = Cycle // The spine contains a cycle
+ | Delta // An imported (delta) rule was found
+ | Force (Spine sym var pvar) // Global strictness annotation forced evaluation of a subgraph
+ | MissingCase // All alternatives failed for a function symbol
+ | Open (Rgraph sym pvar) // Need root normal form of open node for matching
+ | Partial (Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) (Spine sym var pvar) // A rule was strictly partially matched
+ | Unsafe (Rgraph sym var) // Terminated due to immininent recursion
+ | Redex (Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) // Total match
+ | Strict // Need root normal form due to strictness
+> foldspine
+> :: (**->****->*****) ->
+> **** ->
+> **** ->
+> (*****->****) ->
+> **** ->
+> (rgraph * ***->****) ->
+> (rule * ***->pfun *** **->*****->****) ->
+> (rgraph * **->****) ->
+> (rule * ***->pfun *** **->****) ->
+> **** ->
+> spine * ** *** ->
+> *****
+> foldspine pair cycle delta force missingcase open partial unsafe redex strict
+> = fold
+> where fold (node,subspine) = pair node (foldsub subspine)
+> foldsub Cycle = cycle
+> foldsub Delta = delta
+> foldsub (Force spine) = force (fold spine)
+> foldsub MissingCase = missingcase
+> foldsub (Open rgraph) = open rgraph
+> foldsub (Partial rule matching spine) = partial rule matching (fold spine)
+> foldsub (Unsafe rgraph) = unsafe rgraph
+> foldsub (Redex rule matching) = redex rule matching
+> foldsub Strict = strict
+ :: !(var .subresult -> .result)
+ .subresult
+ .subresult
+ (.result -> .subresult)
+ .subresult
+ ((Rgraph sym pvar) -> .subresult)
+ ((Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) .result -> .subresult)
+ ((Rgraph sym var) -> .subresult)
+ ((Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) -> .subresult)
+ .subresult
+ .(Spine sym var pvar)
+ -> .result
+foldspine pair cycle delta force missingcase open partial unsafe redex strict spine
+= fold spine
+ where fold spine
+ = pair node (foldsub subspine)
+ where (node,subspine) = spine
+ foldsub Cycle = cycle
+ foldsub Delta = delta
+ foldsub (Force spine) = force (fold spine)
+ foldsub MissingCase = missingcase
+ foldsub (Open rgraph) = open rgraph
+ foldsub (Partial rule matching spine) = partial rule matching (fold spine)
+ foldsub (Unsafe rgraph) = unsafe rgraph
+ foldsub (Redex rule matching) = redex rule matching
+ foldsub Strict = strict
+spinetip :: !(Spine sym var pvar) -> Spine sym var pvar
+spinetip (_,Force spine) = spinetip spine
+spinetip (_,Partial _ _ spine) = spinetip spine
+spinetip spine = spine
+spinenodes :: .(Spine sym var pvar) -> [var]
+spinenodes spine
+= foldspine cons [] [] id [] (const []) partial (const []) redex [] spine
+ where partial _ _ = id
+ redex _ _ = []
+ifopen :: result result !.(Answer sym var pvar) -> result
+ifopen open other spine
+= foldoptional other (checkopen o spinetip) spine
+ where checkopen (onode,Open pattern) = open
+ checkopen tip = other
diff --git a/sucl/strat.dcl b/sucl/strat.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a0dd6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/strat.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+definition module strat
+from history import History
+from spine import Answer
+from rule import Rule
+from graph import Graph,Node
+from StdOverloaded import ==
+from spine import Spine // for Answer
+from spine import Subspine // for Spine
+from rule import Rgraph // for History
+from basic import Optional // for Spine
+:: Strategy sym var pvar result
+ :== (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ (Node sym var)
+ -> result
+:: Substrategy sym var pvar result
+ :== ((Spine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ var
+ -> result
+:: Law sym var pvar result
+ :== (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ [var]
+ result
+ -> result
+// Apply a strategy recursively to a graph
+// by deriving the substrategy from it and feeding it back to it
+// Think Y operator
+ :: .(History sym var) // History of previous rooted graphs attached to nodes
+ (Strategy sym var pvar (Answer sym var pvar)) // Strategy for a defined node
+ .[var] // List of nodes known in RNF (closed pattern nodes of subject rule+strict args)
+ var // Root of replacement
+ .(Graph sym var) // Subject graph
+ -> Answer sym var pvar
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+The funcions below tranform (simpler) strategies into more complicated ones
+------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+// A strategy transformer that checks for constructor applications
+ :: (sym->.Bool)
+ (Strategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Substrategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Graph sym .var)
+ ((Subspine sym .var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ (Node sym .var)
+ -> .result
+// A strategy transformer that checks for primitive symbol applications
+ :: !(sym->.Bool)
+ (Strategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Substrategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Graph sym .var)
+ ((Subspine sym .var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ (Node sym .var)
+ -> .result
+// A strategy transformer that checks (hard coded) laws
+ :: [(sym,Law sym var pvar result)]
+ (Strategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ (Node sym var)
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+// A strategy transformere that checks a list of rewrite rules
+// This is the real thing that characterises the functional strategy
+ :: ((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> .Bool)
+ (sym -> [.Rule sym pvar])
+ (Strategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ (Node sym var)
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+// A strategy transformer that checks a type rule
+// for curried applications and strict arguments
+ :: !(sym -> (Rule .tsym tvar,[.Bool]))
+ (Strategy sym var .pvar .result)
+ (Substrategy sym var .pvar .result)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ !.(Node sym var)
+ -> .result
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+The functions below are useful for inspecting a graph
+such as done by a strategy transformer.
+------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+// Force evaluation of stricts arguments of a node in the graph
+ :: (Substrategy .sym .var .pvar .result)
+ ((Subspine .sym .var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ ![.var]
+ -> .result
+// Try to apply a transformation rule (that doesn't need evaluated arguments)
+ :: .(Rule sym pvar)
+ -> Law sym var pvar result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+// Try to apply a law
+ :: .(Graph sym var)
+ (.(Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ .[var]
+ .(Rule sym pvar)
+ result
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+// Try a list of rewrite rules
+// Requires argument evaluation for closed patterns
+ :: ((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> .Bool)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ .[var]
+ -> result
+ [.Rule sym pvar]
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
diff --git a/sucl/strat.icl b/sucl/strat.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ed23f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/strat.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+implementation module strat
+import history
+import spine
+import dnc
+import rule
+import graph
+import pfun
+import basic
+import StdEnv
+strat.lit - Extended functional strategy
+Describe in a few paragraphs what this module defines.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> law
+> strategy
+> substrategy
+> makernfstrategy
+> checkconstr
+> checkimport
+> checklaws
+> checkrules
+> checktype
+> forcenodes
+> rulelaw
+> trylaw
+> tryrules
+Required types:
+ identifier - type@source.lit type@source.lit
+ ...
+> %include "dnc.lit"
+> %include "../src/basic.lit"
+> %include "../src/pfun.lit"
+> %include "../src/graph.lit" -instantiate
+> %include "../src/rule.lit"
+> %include "../src/spine.lit"
+:: Substrategy sym var pvar result
+ :== ((Spine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ var
+ -> result
+:: Strategy sym var pvar result
+ :== (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ (Node sym var)
+ -> result
+:: Law sym var pvar result
+ :== (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ [var]
+ result
+ -> result
+ :: .(History sym var) // History of previous rooted graphs attached to nodes
+ (Strategy sym var pvar (Answer sym var pvar)) // Strategy for a defined node
+ .[var] // List of nodes known in RNF (closed pattern nodes of subject rule+strict args)
+ var // Root of replacement
+ .(Graph sym var) // Subject graph
+ -> Answer sym var pvar
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+makernfstrategy hist strat rnfnodes node graph
+= substrat [] spinecont rnfanswer node
+ where spinecont spine = Present spine
+ rnfanswer = Absent
+ substrat spinenodes spinecont rnfanswer node
+ | isMember node spinenodes
+ = subspinecont Cycle
+ | isMember node rnfnodes
+ = rnfanswer
+ | not def
+ = subspinecont Strict
+ = strat` (substrat spinenodes`) graph subspinecont rnfanswer cnt
+ where (def,cnt) = dnc (const "in makernfstrategy") graph node
+ spinenodes` = [node:spinenodes]
+ subspinecont subspine = spinecont (node,subspine)
+ strat` = checkinstance (graph,node) histpatts strat
+ histpatts = foldr (foldmap (++) id hist) [] spinenodes`
+ :: ((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> .Bool)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ .[var]
+ -> result
+ [.Rule sym pvar]
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+tryrules matchable substrat subject found sargs
+= foldr (matchrule matchable substrat subject found sargs)
+ :: ((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> .Bool)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ .[var]
+ .(Rule sym pvar)
+ result
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+matchrule matchable substrat subject found sargs rule fail
+| eqlen pargs sargs
+= matchnodes matchable` subject substrat foundsub fail pattern foundmatch pairs emptypfun
+= fail
+ where pargs = arguments rule
+ pattern = rulegraph rule
+ pairs = zip2 pargs sargs
+ matchable` = matchable pattern
+ foundsub matching spine = found (Partial rule matching spine)
+ foundmatch matching = found (Redex rule matching)
+ :: (pvar var -> .Bool)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ ((Pfun pvar var) (Spine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ .(Graph sym pvar)
+ -> ((Pfun pvar var) -> result)
+ [.(pvar,var)]
+ (Pfun pvar var)
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+matchnodes matchable subject substrat found fail pattern
+= foldr matchpair
+ where matchpair (pnode,snode) match matching
+ | not (matchable pnode snode)
+ = fail
+ | not pdef
+ = match (extend pnode snode matching)
+ | not sdef
+ = found matching openspine
+ = substrat (found matching) rnfanswer snode
+ where openspine = (snode,Open (mkrgraph pnode pattern))
+ rnfanswer
+ | psym==ssym && eqlen pargs sargs
+ = foldr matchpair match` psargs matching
+ = fail
+ match` matching = match (extend pnode snode matching)
+ psargs = zip2 pargs sargs
+ (pdef,(psym,pargs)) = (dnc (const "in matchnodes (pattern)")) pattern pnode
+ (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = (dnc (const "in matchnodes (subject)")) subject snode
+Does not try to reduce arguments before matching.
+> rulelaw
+> :: rule * *** ->
+> law * ** *** ****
+> rulelaw rule substrat subject found rnf snids fail
+> = trylaw subject found snids rule fail
+> trylaw
+> :: graph * ** ->
+> (subspine * ** ***->****) ->
+> [**] ->
+> rule * *** ->
+> **** ->
+> ****
+> trylaw graph found sargs rule fail
+> = lawmatch pattern graph fail found' pairs emptypfun, if eqlen pargs sargs
+> = fail, otherwise
+> where pargs = lhs rule; pattern = rulegraph rule
+> found' matching = found (Redex rule matching)
+> pairs = zip2 pargs sargs
+> lawmatch
+> :: graph * *** ->
+> graph * ** ->
+> **** ->
+> (pfun *** **->****) ->
+> [(***,**)] ->
+> pfun *** ** -> ****
+> lawmatch pattern subject fail
+> = foldr lawmatch'
+> where lawmatch' (pnode,snode) success matching
+> = success matching', if ~pdef
+> = fail, if ~sdef \/ ssym~=psym \/ ~eqlen pargs sargs
+> = foldr lawmatch' success (zip2 pargs sargs) matching', otherwise
+> where matching' = extend pnode snode matching
+> (pdef,(psym,pargs)) = (dnc (const "in lawmatch/1")) pattern pnode
+> (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = (dnc (const "in lawmatch/2")) subject snode
+ :: .(Rule sym pvar)
+ -> Law sym var pvar result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+rulelaw rule
+= law
+where law substrat subject found rnf snids fail
+ = trylaw subject found snids rule fail
+ :: .(Graph sym var)
+ (.(Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ .[var]
+ .(Rule sym pvar)
+ result
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+trylaw graph found sargs rule fail
+| eqlen pargs sargs
+= lawmatch pattern graph fail found` pairs emptypfun
+= fail
+ where pargs = arguments rule; pattern = rulegraph rule
+ found` matching = found (Redex rule matching)
+ pairs = zip2 pargs sargs
+ :: .(Graph sym pvar)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ result
+ -> ((Pfun pvar var) -> result)
+ [.(pvar,var)]
+ (Pfun pvar var)
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+lawmatch pattern subject fail
+= foldr lawmatch`
+ where lawmatch` (pnode,snode) success matching
+ | not pdef
+ = success matching`
+ | not sdef || ssym <> psym || not (eqlen pargs sargs)
+ = fail
+ = foldr lawmatch` success (zip2 pargs sargs) matching`
+ where matching` = extend pnode snode matching
+ (pdef,(psym,pargs)) = (dnc (const "in lawmatch (pattern)")) pattern pnode
+ (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = (dnc (const "in lawmatch (subject)")) subject snode
+ :: (Substrategy .sym .var .pvar .result)
+ ((Subspine .sym .var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ ![.var]
+ -> .result
+forcenodes substrat found rnf nodes
+= foldr forcenode rnf nodes
+ where forcenode nid rnfrest = substrat foundforce rnfrest nid
+ foundforce spine = found (Force spine)
+Check for an instance in the termination history.
+ :: (.Graph sym var,var)
+ [.Rgraph sym var]
+ (Strategy sym var .pvar result)
+ -> Strategy sym var .pvar result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+checkinstance (graph,node) history defaultstrategy
+= foldr check defaultstrategy history
+ where check hrgraph defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+ | isinstance (hgraph,hroot) (graph,node)
+ = found (Unsafe hrgraph)
+ = defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+ where hgraph = rgraphgraph hrgraph; hroot = rgraphroot hrgraph
+// Check a type rule for curried applications and strict arguments
+ :: !(sym -> (Rule .tsym tvar,[.Bool]))
+ (Strategy sym var .pvar .result)
+ (Substrategy sym var .pvar .result)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ !.(Node sym var)
+ -> .result
+checktype typeinfo defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+| shorter targs sargs
+= rnf
+| eqlen targs sargs
+= forcenodes substrat found rnf` strictnodes
+= abort "checktype: symbol occurrence with arity greater than its type"
+ where rnf` = defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+ (trule,tstricts) = typeinfo ssym
+ targs = arguments trule
+ strictnodes = [sarg\\(True,sarg)<-zip2 tstricts sargs]
+// Check (hard coded) laws
+ :: [(sym,Law sym var pvar result)]
+ (Strategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ (Node sym var)
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+checklaws laws defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+= foldr checklaw (defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)) laws
+ where checklaw (lsym,law) fail
+ | lsym==ssym
+ = law substrat subject found rnf sargs fail
+ = fail
+// Check a list of rewrite rules (this is the real thing)
+ :: ((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> .Bool)
+ (sym -> [.Rule sym pvar])
+ (Strategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ (Node sym var)
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+checkrules matchable ruledefs defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+= tryrules matchable substrat subject found sargs fail (ruledefs ssym)
+ where fail = defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+// Check for delta/imported/abstract/black-box (whatever) symbols
+ :: !(sym->.Bool)
+ (Strategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Substrategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Graph sym .var)
+ ((Subspine sym .var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ (Node sym .var)
+ -> .result
+checkimport local defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+| not (local ssym)
+= found Delta
+= defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+// Check for constructors
+ :: (sym->.Bool)
+ (Strategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Substrategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Graph sym .var)
+ ((Subspine sym .var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ (Node sym .var)
+ -> .result
+checkconstr isconstr defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+| isconstr ssym
+= rnf
+= defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
diff --git a/sucl/sucl.prj b/sucl/sucl.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6daada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/sucl.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+Version: 1.4
+ Built: False
+ Target: StdEnv
+ Exec: {Project}\sucl.exe
+ CodeGen
+ CheckStacks: False
+ CheckIndexes: False
+ TargetProcessor: CurrentProcessor
+ Application
+ HeapSize: 409600
+ StackSize: 102400
+ ExtraMemory: 81920
+ IntialHeapSize: 204800
+ HeapSizeMultiplier: 4096
+ ShowExecutionTime: False
+ ShowGC: False
+ ShowStackSize: False
+ MarkingCollector: False
+ StandardRuntimeEnv: True
+ Profile
+ Memory: False
+ MemoryMinimumHeapSize: 0
+ Time: False
+ Stack: False
+ Output
+ Output: ShowConstructors
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 9
+ WriteStdErr: False
+ Link
+ LinkMethod: Static
+ GenerateRelocations: False
+ GenerateLinkMap: False
+ LinkResources: False
+ ResourceSource:
+ Paths
+ Path: {Project}
+ Path: C:\Vincent\cocl\compiler
+ Name: basic
+ Dir: {Project}
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 552
+ SizeY: 697
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 24
+ SizeX: 1136
+ SizeY: 751
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdOverloaded
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 999
+ SizeY: 511
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdEnv
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdBool
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 970
+ SizeY: 517
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdInt
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
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+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
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+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdReal
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdChar
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdArray
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: _SystemArray
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdString
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdFile
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdClass
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 1083
+ SizeY: 475
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdList
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 1001
+ SizeY: 401
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdMisc
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdEnum
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: _SystemEnum
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdOrdList
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdTuple
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdCharList
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: StdFunc
+ Dir: {Application}\StdEnv
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 4
+ Font: Courier New
+ FontSize: 10
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: pfun
+ Dir: {Project}
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 1110
+ SizeY: 128
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 169
+ SizeX: 1136
+ SizeY: 679
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: graph
+ Dir: {Project}
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 10
+ Y: 10
+ SizeX: 800
+ SizeY: 520
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 10
+ Y: 10
+ SizeX: 1102
+ SizeY: 477
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: casegraph
+ Dir: {Project}
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 10
+ Y: 10
+ SizeX: 1116
+ SizeY: 133
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 10
+ Y: 10
+ SizeX: 1110
+ SizeY: 636
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: dnc
+ Dir: {Project}
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 10
+ Y: 10
+ SizeX: 800
+ SizeY: 520
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 10
+ Y: 10
+ SizeX: 800
+ SizeY: 521
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: rule
+ Dir: {Project}
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 10
+ Y: 10
+ SizeX: 784
+ SizeY: 520
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 10
+ Y: 10
+ SizeX: 800
+ SizeY: 520
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Module
+ Name: rewr
+ Dir: {Project}
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: AllTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: False
+ Dcl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ SizeX: 500
+ SizeY: 300
+ DclOpen: False
+ Icl
+ Editor
+ TabSize: 8
+ Font: Courier
+ FontSize: 7
+ AutoIndent: True
+ ShowTabs: False
+ ShowLins: True
+ WindowPosition
+ X: 10
+ Y: 10
+ SizeX: 800
+ SizeY: 520
+ IclOpen: False
+ LastModified: No 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ Mods
+ Path: C:\Vincent\Sucl\basic.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdOverloaded.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdEnv.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdBool.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdInt.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdReal.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdChar.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdArray.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\_SystemArray.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdString.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdFile.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdClass.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdList.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdMisc.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdEnum.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\_SystemEnum.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdOrdList.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdTuple.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdCharList.icl
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\StdFunc.icl
+ Objs
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\_startup0.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\_startup1.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\_startup2.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\_system.o
+ Path: C:\Vincent\Sucl\Clean System Files\basic.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdOverloaded.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdString.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdEnv.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdBool.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdInt.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdReal.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdChar.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdArray.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\_SystemArray.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdFile.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdClass.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdList.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdOrdList.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdTuple.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdCharList.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdFunc.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdMisc.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\StdEnum.o
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\_SystemEnum.o
+ Dlib
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\kernel_library
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\comdlg_library
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\gdi_library
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv\Clean System Files\user_library
+ Pths
+ Path: C:\Vincent\Sucl
+ Path: C:\Vincent\cocl\compiler
+ Path: C:\Clean 1.3.3\StdEnv
+ AppP: C:\Clean 1.3.3
+ PrjP: C:\Vincent\Sucl
diff --git a/sucl/trace.dcl b/sucl/trace.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29e1eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/trace.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+definition module trace
+from history import History
+from spine import Answer
+from rule import Rule
+from spine import Spine,Subspine // for Answer
+from rule import Rgraph // for History
+from basic import Optional // for Answer
+trace.lit - Symbolic reduction traces
+This script implements traces of symbolic reduction, indicating what
+happened and why. Representation functions for traces are also
+A trace is a possibly infinite tree, with the nodes labeled with a
+rewrite rule, the strategy answer for that rewrite rule, and the
+selected transformation according to the rewrite rule and the strategy
+answer. If any transformation is applicable, then a list of subtrees is
+present and indicates the result of applying the transformation to the
+rewrite rule. This is a list because a transformation may return more
+than one transformed rewrite rule.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> trace || Type of a trace
+> transformation || Type of applied transformation
+> foldtransformation || Break down a transformation
+> mapleaves || Map a function on the rules at the leaves of a trace
+> printtrace || Make a human-readable representation of a trace
+> showtrace || Make a representation of a trace
+> strictchar || Representation of strictness annotation
+> tips || Determine tips of a finite trace
+> result || Deprecated in the new trace structure
+> onresults || Deprecated
+> printresult || Deprecated
+Required types:
+> %include "../src/basic.lit" || optional -
+> %include "../src/pfun.lit" || pfun -
+> %include "../src/graph.lit"
+> %include "../src/rule.lit" || rule - printrule rhs rulegraph showrule
+> %include "../src/spine.lit"
+> result * ** *** :: type
+> onresults :: (result * ** ***->result * ** ***) -> trace * ** *** -> trace * ** ***
+> printresult :: * -> (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> (***->[char]) -> result * ** *** -> [[char]]
+> trace * ** ***
+> ::= Trace
+> [bool] || Strict arguments
+> (rule * **) || Current rule
+> (answer * ** ***) || Answer for uninstantiated rule
+> (history * **) || History up to current rule
+> (transformation * ** ***) || The applied action and subtraces
+:: Trace sym var pvar
+ = Trace [Bool]
+ (Rule sym var)
+ (Answer sym var pvar)
+ (History sym var)
+ (Transformation sym var pvar)
+> transformation * ** ***
+> ::= Reduce ** (trace * ** ***) | || Reduction of the graph by a rewrite rule
+> Annotate (trace * ** ***) | || Addition of a strictness annotation to an argument
+> Stop | || Stop symbolic reduction
+> Instantiate (trace * ** ***)
+> (trace * ** ***) || Instantiation
+/* The abstraction transformation divides the subject graph into areas.
+ The abstraction operation is applied when a part or parts of the subject graph must be turned into closures.
+ There are two possibilities: closure to an existing function, and closure to a new function.
+ Each area becomes a new initial task expression, for which a trace is subsequently produced.
+ The root of each area is the same variable as its root in the original subject graph.
+ The arguments of each area are found back as the arguments of the initial rewrite rule of the subsequent trace.
+ The arguments of each area should be repeated for each of their occurrences in the area.
+ Alternatively, an area can become a backpointer to an earlier occurrence in the trace.
+ Abstraction can happen for several reasons:
+ [1] The result of the application of a primitive function is needed.
+ The abstracted area is the application of the primitive function alone.
+ It is "folded" to itself.
+ The abstracted area is not partially evaluated itself.
+ [2] The strategy found an instance of a pattern in the history.
+ The old pattern had a function name attached.
+ The abstracted area is the pattern. It is folded to the named function.
+ The abstracted area is no longer partially evaluated.
+ [3] The strategy found a cycle in the spine.
+ The abstracted area is the cyclic tail of the spine.
+ It is "folded" to itself (or maybe a special "cycle in spine" function).
+ The abstracted area is not partially evaluated itself.
+ In fact, the whole graph can be replaced with the "cycle in spine" operator,
+ though this may seem kind of opportunistic,
+ and just an optimisation of the optimisation process.
+ [4] Partial evaluation of the graph had a new occurrence of the area (introduced recursion).
+ The current occurrence has no name attached.
+ The abstracted area is the recurring pattern.
+ It is abstracted, and a name is assigned to it.
+ It is folded to the assigned name.
+ The abstracted area is still partially evaluated by itself.
+ [5] The graph is in root normal form.
+ The root node should be abstracted.
+ The root node must be "folded" to an application of itself.
+ The remainder must be partially evaluated.
+ In all these cases, one specific area for abstraction is indicated.
+ This specific area may or may not be partially evaluated itself.
+ The meaning of the Stop constructor should be changed.
+ It is no longer used to force stopping when abstraction is needed.
+ Instead, it is used when nothing at all is left to be done.
+:: Transformation sym var pvar
+ = Reduce var (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | Annotate (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | Stop
+ | Instantiate (Trace sym var pvar)
+ (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | Abstract [Abstraction sym var pvar]
+:: Abstraction sym var pvar
+ = NewAbstraction (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | KnownAbstraction (Rule sym var)
+/* Alternatives for the Abstract constructor:
+ Abstract [Trace sym var pvar]
+ together with: Backpointer (Trace sym var pvar)
+ This means there is always a new trace after an area of the abstraction operator.
+ However, the area is never really partially evaluated.
+ Instead, a trace is produced that immediately ends with the Stop operator.
+ Abstract [Abstraction sym var pvar]
+ with
+ :: Abstraction sym var pvar
+ = NewAbstraction (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | OldAbstraction (Rule sym var)
+ In this case, the abstraction also determines what happens to the area.
+ This may also happen in the former case, but here it's included.
+ The former seems better.
+> showtrace showa showb showc (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = "(Trace "++
+> show (map strictchar stricts)++' ':
+> showrule showa showb rule++' ':
+> showanswer showa showb showc answer++' ':
+> showhistory showa showb history++' ':
+> showtransf showa showb showc transf++")"
+> showtransf showa showb showc
+> = stf
+> where stf (Reduce reductroot trace) = "(Reduce "++showb reductroot++' ':str trace++")"
+> stf (Annotate trace) = "(Annotate "++str trace++")"
+> stf Stop = "Stop"
+> stf (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = "(Instantiate "++str yestrace++' ':str notrace++")"
+> str = showtrace showa showb showc
+> strictchar :: bool -> char
+> strictchar strict = cond strict '!' '-'
+> printtrace :: * -> (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> (***->[char]) -> trace * ** *** -> [[char]]
+> printtrace sym showa showb showc
+> = ptr
+> where ptr (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = (showa sym++' ':printrule' showa showb stricts rule (map fst history++answernodes answer)):
+> indent " " (printanswer showa showb showc answer)++
+> printhistory showa showb history++
+> printtransf sym showa showb showc transf
+> printtransf :: * -> (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> (***->[char]) -> transformation * ** *** -> [[char]]
+> printtransf sym showa showb showc
+> = ptf
+> where ptf (Reduce reductroot trace) = ("Reduce to "++showb reductroot):ptr trace
+> ptf (Annotate trace) = "Annotate":ptr trace
+> ptf Stop = ["Stop"]
+> ptf (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = indent "I=> " (ptr yestrace)++ptr notrace
+> ptr = printtrace sym showa showb showc
+> answernodes = foldoptional [] spinenodes
+> printrule' :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> [bool] -> rule * ** -> [**] -> [char]
+> printrule' printa printb stricts rule anchors
+> = concat (map2 annot stricts args')++"-> "++root'
+> where graph = rulegraph rule; args = lhs rule; root = rhs rule
+> (args',root':anchors') = claim args reprs
+> reprs = printgraph printa printb graph (args++root:anchors)
+> annot strict repr = cond strict ('!':) id (repr++" ")
+Tips traverses a finite trace and produces the list of rewrite rules
+that are found at the leaves of the tree. This list of rewrite rules
+precisely constitutes the result of symbolic reduction of the original
+rewrite rule, which can be found at the root of the tree. No folds have
+been applied; this has to be done afterwards.
+> tips :: trace * ** *** -> [rule * **]
+> tips
+> = foldtrace reduce annotate stop instantiate
+> where reduce stricts rule answer history reductroot = id
+> annotate stricts rule answer history = id
+> stop stricts rule answer history = [rule]
+> instantiate stricts rule answer history = (++)
+Mapleaves maps a function onto the rules of the leaves of a trace.
+> mapleaves :: (rule * **->rule * **) -> trace * ** *** -> trace * ** ***
+> mapleaves f
+> = foldtrace reduce annotate stop instantiate
+> where reduce stricts rule answer history reductroot trace = Trace stricts rule answer history (Reduce reductroot trace)
+> annotate stricts rule answer history trace = Trace stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace)
+> stop stricts rule answer history = Trace stricts (f rule) answer history Stop
+> instantiate stricts rule answer history yestrace notrace = Trace stricts rule answer history (Instantiate yestrace notrace)
+ :: ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) var .result -> .result)
+ ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) .result -> .result)
+ ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) -> .result)
+ ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) .result .result -> .result)
+ !.(Trace sym var pvar)
+ -> .result
+ :: ((Trace sym var pvar) -> .result)
+ (var .result -> .subresult)
+ (.result -> .subresult)
+ .subresult
+ (.result .result -> .subresult)
+ ([.absresult] -> .subresult)
+ ((Rule sym var) -> .absresult)
+ (.result -> .absresult)
+ !.(Transformation sym var pvar)
+ -> .subresult
diff --git a/sucl/trace.icl b/sucl/trace.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..335fbd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/trace.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+implementation module trace
+import history
+import spine
+import rule
+import StdEnv
+trace.lit - Symbolic reduction traces
+This script implements traces of symbolic reduction, indicating what
+happened and why. Representation functions for traces are also
+A trace is a possibly infinite tree, with the nodes labeled with a
+rewrite rule, the strategy answer for that rewrite rule, and the
+selected transformation according to the rewrite rule and the strategy
+answer. If any transformation is applicable, then a list of subtrees is
+present and indicates the result of applying the transformation to the
+rewrite rule. This is a list because a transformation may return more
+than one transformed rewrite rule.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> trace || Type of a trace
+> transformation || Type of applied transformation
+> foldtransformation || Break down a transformation
+> mapleaves || Map a function on the rules at the leaves of a trace
+> printtrace || Make a human-readable representation of a trace
+> showtrace || Make a representation of a trace
+> strictchar || Representation of strictness annotation
+> tips || Determine tips of a finite trace
+:: Trace sym var pvar
+ = Trace [Bool]
+ (Rule sym var)
+ (Answer sym var pvar)
+ (History sym var)
+ (Transformation sym var pvar)
+/* The trace (and transformation) data structure provides a record of the
+ actions taken by the partial evaluation algorithm. When partial evaluation
+ is finished, the result is a trace which can be divided into sections
+ separated by abstraction nodes. Thus, abstraction nodes delimit sections.
+ Each section gives rise to a generated function. The rewrite rules of the
+ function (or its case branches, whichever representation is chosen)
+ correspond to the abstraction nodes that delimited the bottom of the trace
+ section. The abstraction node at the top section can be forgotten as it
+ belongs to the above section. However, the state in the top node may be of
+ interest.
+ The abstraction transformation divides the subject graph into areas. The
+ abstraction operation is applied when a part or parts of the subject graph
+ must be turned into closures. There are two possibilities: closure to an
+ existing function, and closure to a new function. Each area becomes a new
+ initial task expression, for which a trace is subsequently produced. The
+ root of each area is the same variable as its root in the original subject
+ graph. The arguments of each area are found back as the arguments of the
+ initial rewrite rule of the subsequent trace. The arguments of each area
+ should be repeated for each of their occurrences in the area.
+ Alternatively, an area can become a backpointer to an earlier occurrence in
+ the trace.
+ Abstraction can happen for several reasons:
+ [1] The result of the application of a primitive function is needed.
+ The abstracted area is the application of the primitive function alone.
+ It is "folded" to itself.
+ The abstracted area is not partially evaluated itself.
+ [2] The strategy found an instance of a pattern in the history.
+ The old pattern had a function name attached.
+ The abstracted area is the pattern. It is folded to the named function.
+ The abstracted area is no longer partially evaluated.
+ [3] The strategy found a cycle in the spine.
+ The abstracted area is the cyclic tail of the spine.
+ It is "folded" to itself (or maybe a special "cycle in spine" function).
+ The abstracted area is not partially evaluated itself.
+ In fact, the whole graph can be replaced with the "cycle in spine" operator,
+ though this may seem kind of opportunistic,
+ and just an optimisation of the optimisation process.
+ [4] Partial evaluation of the graph had a new occurrence of the area (introduced recursion).
+ The current occurrence has no name attached.
+ The abstracted area is the recurring pattern.
+ It is abstracted, and a name is assigned to it.
+ It is folded to the assigned name.
+ The abstracted area is still partially evaluated by itself.
+ [5] The graph is in root normal form.
+ The root node should be abstracted.
+ The root node must be "folded" to an application of itself.
+ The remainder must be partially evaluated.
+ In all these cases, one specific area for abstraction is indicated.
+ This specific area may or may not be partially evaluated itself.
+ The meaning of the Stop constructor should be changed.
+ It is no longer used to force stopping when abstraction is needed.
+ Instead, it is used when nothing at all is left to be done.
+:: Transformation sym var pvar
+ = Reduce var (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | Annotate (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | Stop
+ | Instantiate (Trace sym var pvar)
+ (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | Abstract [Abstraction sym var pvar]
+// Some abstractions (introduced recursion) spawn a fresh subtrace, but others
+// just complete stop partial evaluation, folding to a known rule.
+:: Abstraction sym var pvar
+ = NewAbstraction (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | KnownAbstraction (Rule sym var)
+> showtrace showa showb showc (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = "(Trace "++
+> show (map strictchar stricts)++' ':
+> showrule showa showb rule++' ':
+> showanswer showa showb showc answer++' ':
+> showhistory showa showb history++' ':
+> showtransf showa showb showc transf++")"
+> showtransf showa showb showc
+> = stf
+> where stf (Reduce reductroot trace) = "(Reduce "++showb reductroot++' ':str trace++")"
+> stf (Annotate trace) = "(Annotate "++str trace++")"
+> stf Stop = "Stop"
+> stf (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = "(Instantiate "++str yestrace++' ':str notrace++")"
+> str = showtrace showa showb showc
+> strictchar :: bool -> char
+> strictchar strict = cond strict '!' '-'
+> printtrace :: * -> (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> (***->[char]) -> trace * ** *** -> [[char]]
+> printtrace sym showa showb showc
+> = ptr
+> where ptr (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = (showa sym++' ':printrule' showa showb stricts rule (map fst history++answernodes answer)):
+> indent " " (printanswer showa showb showc answer)++
+> printhistory showa showb history++
+> printtransf sym showa showb showc transf
+> printtransf :: * -> (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> (***->[char]) -> transformation * ** *** -> [[char]]
+> printtransf sym showa showb showc
+> = ptf
+> where ptf (Reduce reductroot trace) = ("Reduce to "++showb reductroot):ptr trace
+> ptf (Annotate trace) = "Annotate":ptr trace
+> ptf Stop = ["Stop"]
+> ptf (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = indent "I=> " (ptr yestrace)++ptr notrace
+> ptr = printtrace sym showa showb showc
+> answernodes = foldoptional [] spinenodes
+> printrule' :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> [bool] -> rule * ** -> [**] -> [char]
+> printrule' printa printb stricts rule anchors
+> = concat (map2 annot stricts args')++"-> "++root'
+> where graph = rulegraph rule; args = lhs rule; root = rhs rule
+> (args',root':anchors') = claim args reprs
+> reprs = printgraph printa printb graph (args++root:anchors)
+> annot strict repr = cond strict ('!':) id (repr++" ")
+Tips traverses a finite trace and produces the list of rewrite rules
+that are found at the leaves of the tree. This list of rewrite rules
+precisely constitutes the result of symbolic reduction of the original
+rewrite rule, which can be found at the root of the tree. No folds have
+been applied; this has to be done afterwards.
+> tips :: trace * ** *** -> [rule * **]
+> tips
+> = foldtrace reduce annotate stop instantiate
+> where reduce stricts rule answer history reductroot = id
+> annotate stricts rule answer history = id
+> stop stricts rule answer history = [rule]
+> instantiate stricts rule answer history = (++)
+Mapleaves maps a function onto the rules of the leaves of a trace.
+> mapleaves :: (rule * **->rule * **) -> trace * ** *** -> trace * ** ***
+> mapleaves f
+> = foldtrace reduce annotate stop instantiate
+> where reduce stricts rule answer history reductroot trace = Trace stricts rule answer history (Reduce reductroot trace)
+> annotate stricts rule answer history trace = Trace stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace)
+> stop stricts rule answer history = Trace stricts (f rule) answer history Stop
+> instantiate stricts rule answer history yestrace notrace = Trace stricts rule answer history (Instantiate yestrace notrace)
+ :: ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) var .result -> .result)
+ ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) .result -> .result)
+ ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) -> .result)
+ ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) .result .result -> .result)
+ !.(Trace sym var pvar)
+ -> .result
+foldtrace reduce annotate stop instantiate trace
+= ftr trace
+ where ftr (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+ = ftf stricts rule answer history transf
+ ftf stricts rule answer history (Reduce reductroot trace) = reduce stricts rule answer history reductroot (ftr trace)
+ ftf stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace) = annotate stricts rule answer history (ftr trace)
+ ftf stricts rule answer history Stop = stop stricts rule answer history
+ ftf stricts rule answer history (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = instantiate stricts rule answer history (ftr yestrace) (ftr notrace)
+ ftf _ _ _ _ (Abstract _) = abort "foldtrace not implemented for abstraction nodes"
+ :: ((Trace sym var pvar) -> .result)
+ (var .result -> .subresult)
+ (.result -> .subresult)
+ .subresult
+ (.result .result -> .subresult)
+ ([.absresult] -> .subresult)
+ ((Rule sym var) -> .absresult)
+ (.result -> .absresult)
+ !.(Transformation sym var pvar)
+ -> .subresult
+foldtransformation ftr reduce annotate stop instantiate abstract knownabstraction newabstraction transf
+= ftf transf
+ where ftf (Reduce reductroot trace) = reduce reductroot (ftr trace)
+ ftf (Annotate trace) = annotate (ftr trace)
+ ftf Stop = stop
+ ftf (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = instantiate (ftr yestrace) (ftr notrace)
+ ftf (Abstract as) = abstract (map fab as)
+ fab (NewAbstraction t) = newabstraction (ftr t)
+ fab (KnownAbstraction r) = knownabstraction r
diff --git a/sucl/trd.dcl b/sucl/trd.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfe91b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/trd.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+definition module trd
+from rule import Rule
+from graph import Node
+from StdOverloaded import ==
+`Ruletype theap symtype rule' determines the type of `rule'.
+`Theap' must be an endless supply of type variables.
+`Symtype' associates type rules with the symbols that occur in `rule'.
+If typing does not succeed, the function aborts.
+ :: .[tvar]
+ ((Node sym var) -> .Rule tsym trvar)
+ .(Rule sym var)
+ -> .Rule tsym tvar
+ | == var
+ & == tsym
+ & == tvar
+ & == trvar
diff --git a/sucl/trd.icl b/sucl/trd.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ecc2c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/trd.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+implementation module trd
+import rule
+import graph
+import basic
+import StdEnv
+trd.lit - Type rule derivation
+This module defines the derivation of a type rule from a given rule.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> ruletype || Derive a type rule from a rule
+> %include "basic.lit"
+> %include "pfun.lit"
+> %include "graph.lit"
+> %include "rule.lit"
+Naming conventions:
+ * - symbol (sym)
+ ** - node (node)
+ *** - type symbol (tsym)
+ **** - type node in type rule to build (tnode)
+ ***** - type node in given type rules (trnode)
+`Ruletype' determines the type of a rule.
+First, for every closed node, its type rule is copied into a global
+(initially unconnected) type graph, and for every open node, a distinct
+type node is allocated in the same type graph. Then for every closed
+node n and argument n-i, the result type of n-i is unified with the i-th
+argument type of n.
+> ruletype
+> :: [****] ->
+> ((*,[**])->rule *** *****) ->
+> rule * ** ->
+> rule *** ****
+> ruletype theap typerule rule
+> = foldr (buildtype typerule graph) bcont nodes theap emptygraph []
+> where args = lhs rule; root = rhs rule; graph = rulegraph rule
+> nodes = nodelist graph (root:args)
+> bcont theap tgraph assignment
+> = foldr sharepair spcont pairs id tgraph assignment
+> where pairs = mkpairs assignment
+> spcont redirection tgraph assignment
+> = mkrule (map lookup args) (lookup root) tgraph
+> where lookup = redirection.foldmap id notype assignment
+> notype = error "ruletype: no type node assigned to node"
+ :: .[tvar]
+ ((Node sym var) -> .Rule tsym trvar)
+ .(Rule sym var)
+ -> .Rule tsym tvar
+ | == var
+ & == tsym
+ & == tvar
+ & == trvar
+ruletype theap typerule rule
+= foldr (buildtype typerule graph) bcont nodes theap emptygraph []
+ where args = arguments rule
+ root = ruleroot rule
+ graph = rulegraph rule
+ nodes = varlist graph [root:args]
+ bcont theap tgraph assignment
+ = foldr sharepair spcont pairs id tgraph assignment
+ where pairs = mkpairs assignment
+ spcont redirection tgraph assignment
+ = mkrule (map lookup args) (lookup root) tgraph
+ where lookup = redirection o (foldmap id notype assignment)
+ notype = abort "ruletype: no type node assigned to node"
+`Buildtype' builds the part of the global type graph corresponding to a
+node. For a closed node, the type rule is copied; for an open node, a
+single type node is allocated. Track is kept of which type nodes have
+been assigned to the node and its arguments.
+ :: .((Node sym var) -> .Rule tsym trvar) // Assignement of type rules to symbols
+ .(Graph sym var) // Graph to which to apply typing
+ var // ???
+ .([tvar] -> .(z:(Graph tsym tvar) -> .(x:[y:(var,tvar)] -> .result))) // Continuation
+ .[tvar] // Type heap
+ w:(Graph tsym tvar) // Type graph build so far
+ u:[v:(var,tvar)] // Assignment of type variables to variables
+ -> .result // Final result
+ | == var
+ & == trvar
+ , [u<=x,v<=y,w<=z]
+buildtype typerule graph node bcont theap tgraph assignment
+| def
+= bcont theap` tgraph` assignment`
+= bcont (tl theap) tgraph [(node,hd theap):assignment]
+ where (def,cont) = varcontents graph node
+ (_,args) = cont
+ trule = typerule cont
+ trargs = arguments trule; trroot = ruleroot trule; trgraph = rulegraph trule
+ trnodes = varlist trgraph [trroot:trargs]
+ (tnodes,theap`) = claim trnodes theap
+ matching = zip2 trnodes tnodes
+ tgraph` = foldr addnode tgraph matching
+ addnode (trnode,tnode)
+ | trdef
+ = updategraph tnode (mapsnd (map match) trcont)
+ = id
+ where (trdef,trcont) = varcontents trgraph trnode
+ match = foldmap id nomatch matching
+ nomatch = abort "buildtype: no match from type rule node to type node"
+ assignment` = zip2 [node:args] (map match [trroot:trargs])++assignment
+ :: (.var,.var) // Variables to share
+ w:((.var->var2) -> v:(x:(Graph sym var2) -> .result)) // Continuation
+ (.var->var2) // Redirection
+ u:(Graph sym var2) // Graph before redirection
+ -> .result // Final result
+ | == sym
+ & == var2
+ , [u<=x,v<=w]
+sharepair lrnode spcont redirection graph
+= share (mappair redirection redirection lrnode) spcont redirection graph
+`Share' shares two nodes in a graph by redirecting all references from
+one to the other, and sharing the arguments recursively. The resulting
+redirection function is also returned.
+share ::
+ (var,var) // Variables to share
+ ((var->var) (Graph sym var) -> result) // Continuation
+ (var->var) // Redirection
+ (Graph sym var) // Graph before redirection
+ -> result | == sym & == var // Final result
+share lrnode scont redirect graph
+| lnode==rnode
+= scont redirect graph
+| ldef && rdef
+= foldr share scont lrargs redirect` graph`
+= scont redirect` graph`
+ where (lnode,rnode) = lrnode
+ (ldef,(lsym,largs)) = varcontents graph lnode
+ (rdef,(rsym,rargs)) = varcontents graph rnode
+ lrargs
+ | lsym<>rsym
+ = abort "share: incompatible symbols"
+ | not (eqlen largs rargs)
+ = abort "share: incompatible arities"
+ = zip2 (redargs largs) (redargs rargs)
+ redargs = map adjustone
+ redirect` = adjustone o redirect
+ adjustone
+ | ldef
+ = adjust rnode lnode id
+ = adjust lnode rnode id
+ graph` = redirectgraph adjustone graph
+mkpairs :: [(var1,var2)] -> [(var2,var2)] | == var1
+mkpairs pairs
+= f (map snd (partition fst snd pairs))
+ where f [[x1,x2:xs]:xss] = [(x1,x2):f [[x2:xs]:xss]]
+ f [xs:xss] = f xss
+ f [] = []