path: root/sucl/trace.icl
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1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/trace.icl b/sucl/trace.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..335fbd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/trace.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+implementation module trace
+import history
+import spine
+import rule
+import StdEnv
+trace.lit - Symbolic reduction traces
+This script implements traces of symbolic reduction, indicating what
+happened and why. Representation functions for traces are also
+A trace is a possibly infinite tree, with the nodes labeled with a
+rewrite rule, the strategy answer for that rewrite rule, and the
+selected transformation according to the rewrite rule and the strategy
+answer. If any transformation is applicable, then a list of subtrees is
+present and indicates the result of applying the transformation to the
+rewrite rule. This is a list because a transformation may return more
+than one transformed rewrite rule.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> trace || Type of a trace
+> transformation || Type of applied transformation
+> foldtransformation || Break down a transformation
+> mapleaves || Map a function on the rules at the leaves of a trace
+> printtrace || Make a human-readable representation of a trace
+> showtrace || Make a representation of a trace
+> strictchar || Representation of strictness annotation
+> tips || Determine tips of a finite trace
+:: Trace sym var pvar
+ = Trace [Bool]
+ (Rule sym var)
+ (Answer sym var pvar)
+ (History sym var)
+ (Transformation sym var pvar)
+/* The trace (and transformation) data structure provides a record of the
+ actions taken by the partial evaluation algorithm. When partial evaluation
+ is finished, the result is a trace which can be divided into sections
+ separated by abstraction nodes. Thus, abstraction nodes delimit sections.
+ Each section gives rise to a generated function. The rewrite rules of the
+ function (or its case branches, whichever representation is chosen)
+ correspond to the abstraction nodes that delimited the bottom of the trace
+ section. The abstraction node at the top section can be forgotten as it
+ belongs to the above section. However, the state in the top node may be of
+ interest.
+ The abstraction transformation divides the subject graph into areas. The
+ abstraction operation is applied when a part or parts of the subject graph
+ must be turned into closures. There are two possibilities: closure to an
+ existing function, and closure to a new function. Each area becomes a new
+ initial task expression, for which a trace is subsequently produced. The
+ root of each area is the same variable as its root in the original subject
+ graph. The arguments of each area are found back as the arguments of the
+ initial rewrite rule of the subsequent trace. The arguments of each area
+ should be repeated for each of their occurrences in the area.
+ Alternatively, an area can become a backpointer to an earlier occurrence in
+ the trace.
+ Abstraction can happen for several reasons:
+ [1] The result of the application of a primitive function is needed.
+ The abstracted area is the application of the primitive function alone.
+ It is "folded" to itself.
+ The abstracted area is not partially evaluated itself.
+ [2] The strategy found an instance of a pattern in the history.
+ The old pattern had a function name attached.
+ The abstracted area is the pattern. It is folded to the named function.
+ The abstracted area is no longer partially evaluated.
+ [3] The strategy found a cycle in the spine.
+ The abstracted area is the cyclic tail of the spine.
+ It is "folded" to itself (or maybe a special "cycle in spine" function).
+ The abstracted area is not partially evaluated itself.
+ In fact, the whole graph can be replaced with the "cycle in spine" operator,
+ though this may seem kind of opportunistic,
+ and just an optimisation of the optimisation process.
+ [4] Partial evaluation of the graph had a new occurrence of the area (introduced recursion).
+ The current occurrence has no name attached.
+ The abstracted area is the recurring pattern.
+ It is abstracted, and a name is assigned to it.
+ It is folded to the assigned name.
+ The abstracted area is still partially evaluated by itself.
+ [5] The graph is in root normal form.
+ The root node should be abstracted.
+ The root node must be "folded" to an application of itself.
+ The remainder must be partially evaluated.
+ In all these cases, one specific area for abstraction is indicated.
+ This specific area may or may not be partially evaluated itself.
+ The meaning of the Stop constructor should be changed.
+ It is no longer used to force stopping when abstraction is needed.
+ Instead, it is used when nothing at all is left to be done.
+:: Transformation sym var pvar
+ = Reduce var (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | Annotate (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | Stop
+ | Instantiate (Trace sym var pvar)
+ (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | Abstract [Abstraction sym var pvar]
+// Some abstractions (introduced recursion) spawn a fresh subtrace, but others
+// just complete stop partial evaluation, folding to a known rule.
+:: Abstraction sym var pvar
+ = NewAbstraction (Trace sym var pvar)
+ | KnownAbstraction (Rule sym var)
+> showtrace showa showb showc (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = "(Trace "++
+> show (map strictchar stricts)++' ':
+> showrule showa showb rule++' ':
+> showanswer showa showb showc answer++' ':
+> showhistory showa showb history++' ':
+> showtransf showa showb showc transf++")"
+> showtransf showa showb showc
+> = stf
+> where stf (Reduce reductroot trace) = "(Reduce "++showb reductroot++' ':str trace++")"
+> stf (Annotate trace) = "(Annotate "++str trace++")"
+> stf Stop = "Stop"
+> stf (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = "(Instantiate "++str yestrace++' ':str notrace++")"
+> str = showtrace showa showb showc
+> strictchar :: bool -> char
+> strictchar strict = cond strict '!' '-'
+> printtrace :: * -> (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> (***->[char]) -> trace * ** *** -> [[char]]
+> printtrace sym showa showb showc
+> = ptr
+> where ptr (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = (showa sym++' ':printrule' showa showb stricts rule (map fst history++answernodes answer)):
+> indent " " (printanswer showa showb showc answer)++
+> printhistory showa showb history++
+> printtransf sym showa showb showc transf
+> printtransf :: * -> (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> (***->[char]) -> transformation * ** *** -> [[char]]
+> printtransf sym showa showb showc
+> = ptf
+> where ptf (Reduce reductroot trace) = ("Reduce to "++showb reductroot):ptr trace
+> ptf (Annotate trace) = "Annotate":ptr trace
+> ptf Stop = ["Stop"]
+> ptf (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = indent "I=> " (ptr yestrace)++ptr notrace
+> ptr = printtrace sym showa showb showc
+> answernodes = foldoptional [] spinenodes
+> printrule' :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> [bool] -> rule * ** -> [**] -> [char]
+> printrule' printa printb stricts rule anchors
+> = concat (map2 annot stricts args')++"-> "++root'
+> where graph = rulegraph rule; args = lhs rule; root = rhs rule
+> (args',root':anchors') = claim args reprs
+> reprs = printgraph printa printb graph (args++root:anchors)
+> annot strict repr = cond strict ('!':) id (repr++" ")
+Tips traverses a finite trace and produces the list of rewrite rules
+that are found at the leaves of the tree. This list of rewrite rules
+precisely constitutes the result of symbolic reduction of the original
+rewrite rule, which can be found at the root of the tree. No folds have
+been applied; this has to be done afterwards.
+> tips :: trace * ** *** -> [rule * **]
+> tips
+> = foldtrace reduce annotate stop instantiate
+> where reduce stricts rule answer history reductroot = id
+> annotate stricts rule answer history = id
+> stop stricts rule answer history = [rule]
+> instantiate stricts rule answer history = (++)
+Mapleaves maps a function onto the rules of the leaves of a trace.
+> mapleaves :: (rule * **->rule * **) -> trace * ** *** -> trace * ** ***
+> mapleaves f
+> = foldtrace reduce annotate stop instantiate
+> where reduce stricts rule answer history reductroot trace = Trace stricts rule answer history (Reduce reductroot trace)
+> annotate stricts rule answer history trace = Trace stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace)
+> stop stricts rule answer history = Trace stricts (f rule) answer history Stop
+> instantiate stricts rule answer history yestrace notrace = Trace stricts rule answer history (Instantiate yestrace notrace)
+ :: ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) var .result -> .result)
+ ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) .result -> .result)
+ ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) -> .result)
+ ([Bool] (Rule sym var) (Answer sym var pvar) (History sym var) .result .result -> .result)
+ !.(Trace sym var pvar)
+ -> .result
+foldtrace reduce annotate stop instantiate trace
+= ftr trace
+ where ftr (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+ = ftf stricts rule answer history transf
+ ftf stricts rule answer history (Reduce reductroot trace) = reduce stricts rule answer history reductroot (ftr trace)
+ ftf stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace) = annotate stricts rule answer history (ftr trace)
+ ftf stricts rule answer history Stop = stop stricts rule answer history
+ ftf stricts rule answer history (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = instantiate stricts rule answer history (ftr yestrace) (ftr notrace)
+ ftf _ _ _ _ (Abstract _) = abort "foldtrace not implemented for abstraction nodes"
+ :: ((Trace sym var pvar) -> .result)
+ (var .result -> .subresult)
+ (.result -> .subresult)
+ .subresult
+ (.result .result -> .subresult)
+ ([.absresult] -> .subresult)
+ ((Rule sym var) -> .absresult)
+ (.result -> .absresult)
+ !.(Transformation sym var pvar)
+ -> .subresult
+foldtransformation ftr reduce annotate stop instantiate abstract knownabstraction newabstraction transf
+= ftf transf
+ where ftf (Reduce reductroot trace) = reduce reductroot (ftr trace)
+ ftf (Annotate trace) = annotate (ftr trace)
+ ftf Stop = stop
+ ftf (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = instantiate (ftr yestrace) (ftr notrace)
+ ftf (Abstract as) = abstract (map fab as)
+ fab (NewAbstraction t) = newabstraction (ftr t)
+ fab (KnownAbstraction r) = knownabstraction r