path: root/sucl/rule.icl
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1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/rule.icl b/sucl/rule.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6d5acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/rule.icl
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+implementation module rule
+import graph
+import basic
+:: Rule sym var
+ :== ([var],var,Graph sym var)
+:: Rgraph sym var
+ :== (var,Graph sym var)
+rule.lit - Rooted graphs and rules
+This module implements abstract types for rooted graphs and rules,
+together with some useful functions on them. Though very simple
+definitions, it greatly helps the readability of error messages if
+rooted graphs or rules occur in them.
+A rooted graph is a tuple consisting of a root and an unrooted graph
+(how obvious).
+The implementation of a rule is less obvious. Instead of simply using a
+graph with two roots, the root of the pattern and its associated
+function symbol have been taken out. Hence the pattern is only
+accessibly by its arguments. The root of the replacement is still
+accessible. The reason for this is twofold: the root must be defined
+anyway, and if the rule is a type rule, we are now able to use two
+different domains for (normal) symbols and type symbols.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> compilerule || Compile a rule from all loose parts
+> emptyrgraph || Creates an empty rooted graph
+> lhs || Determines the left root of a rule
+> mkrgraph || Composes a rooted graph from a root and a graph
+> mkrule || Composes a rule from left and right roots and a graph
+> printrgraph || Makes a readable representation of a rooted graph
+> printrule || Makes a readable representation of a rule
+> prunergraph || Undefines the contents of a node of a rooted graph
+> rgraph || Type of rooted graph over functorspace * and nodespace **
+> rgraphgraph || Determines the (unrooted) graph of a rooted graph
+> rgraphroot || Determines the root of a rooted graph
+> rhs || Determines the right root of a rule
+> rule || Type of rules over functorspace * and nodespace **
+> rulegraph || Determines the graph of a rule
+> showrgraph || Make a representation of a rooted graph
+> showrule || Make a representation of a rule
+> updatergraph || Updates the contents of a node of a rooted graph
+Required types:
+ mkrgraph - graph@graph.lit
+ mkrule - graph@graph.lit
+ rgraphgraph - graph@graph.lit
+ rulegraph - graph@graph.lit
+> %include "basic.lit"
+> %include "graph.lit" -extgraph
+> abstype rgraph * **
+> with emptyrgraph :: ** -> rgraph * **
+> updatergraph :: ** -> (*,[**]) -> rgraph * ** -> rgraph * **
+> prunergraph :: ** -> rgraph * ** -> rgraph * **
+> rgraphroot :: rgraph * ** -> **
+> rgraphgraph :: rgraph * ** -> graph * **
+> mkrgraph :: ** -> graph * ** -> rgraph * **
+> showrgraph :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rgraph * ** -> [char]
+> printrgraph :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rgraph * ** -> [char]
+> abstype rule * **
+> with mkrule :: [**] -> ** -> graph * ** -> rule * **
+> lhs :: rule * ** -> [**]
+> rhs :: rule * ** -> **
+> rulegraph :: rule * ** -> graph * **
+> showrule :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rule * ** -> [char]
+> printrule :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rule * ** -> [char]
+Rooted graphs
+> emptyrgraph root = (root,emptygraph)
+> updatergraph node contents (root,graph) = (root,updategraph node contents graph)
+> prunergraph node (root,graph) = (root,prunegraph node graph)
+> rgraphroot (root,graph) = root
+> rgraphgraph (root,graph) = graph
+> mkrgraph root graph = (root,graph)
+emptyrgraph :: .var -> Rgraph .sym .var
+emptyrgraph root = (root,emptygraph)
+updatergraph :: .var (Node .sym .var) !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
+updatergraph var node rgraph = mapsnd (updategraph var node) rgraph
+prunergraph :: .var !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
+prunergraph var rgraph = mapsnd (prunegraph var) rgraph
+rgraphroot :: !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> .var
+rgraphroot (root,_) = root
+rgraphgraph :: !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+rgraphgraph (_,graph) = graph
+mkrgraph :: .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
+mkrgraph root graph = (root,graph)
+> showrgraph showfunc shownode (root,graph)
+> = '(':snd (showsubgraph root ([],"emptyrgraph) "))++shownode root
+> where showsubgraph node (seen,repr)
+> = (seen,repr), if ~def \/ member seen node
+> = (seen'',repr''), otherwise
+> where (def,(f,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+> (seen'',repr') = foldlr showsubgraph (seen',repr) args
+> seen' = node:seen
+> repr''
+> = "updatergraph "++shownode node++" ("++
+> showfunc f++',':showlist shownode args++")."++
+> repr'
+> printrgraph showfunc shownode (root,graph)
+> = hd (printgraph showfunc shownode graph [root])
+> mkrule lroots rroot graph = (lroots,rroot,graph)
+> lhs (lroots,rroot,graph) = lroots
+> rhs (lroots,rroot,graph) = rroot
+> rulegraph (lroots,rroot,graph) = graph
+mkrule :: [.var] .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rule .sym .var
+mkrule args root graph = (args,root,graph)
+arguments :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> [.var]
+arguments (args,_,_) = args
+ruleroot :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> .var
+ruleroot (_,root,_) = root
+rulegraph :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
+rulegraph (_,_,graph) = graph
+> showrule showfunc shownode (lroots,rroot,graph)
+> = "((mkrule "++showlist shownode lroots++' ':shownode rroot++repr'++") emptygraph)"
+> where (seen,repr') = showsubgraph rroot ([],repr)
+> (seen',repr) = foldlr showsubgraph (seen,"") lroots
+> showsubgraph node (seen,repr)
+> = (seen,repr), if ~def \/ member seen node
+> = (seen'',repr''), otherwise
+> where (def,(f,args)) = nodecontents graph node
+> (seen'',repr') = foldlr showsubgraph (seen',repr) args
+> seen' = node:seen
+> repr''
+> = ".updategraph "++shownode node++" ("++
+> showfunc f++',':showlist shownode args++')':repr'
+> printrule showfunc shownode (lroots,rroot,graph)
+> = (concat.map (++" ").init) reprs++"-> "++last reprs
+> where reprs = printgraph showfunc shownode graph (lroots++[rroot])
+> compilerule :: [**] -> ** -> [(**,(*,[**]))] -> rule * **
+> compilerule args root = mkrule args root.compilegraph