path: root/sucl/pfun.dcl
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1 files changed, 42 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/pfun.dcl b/sucl/pfun.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfd0ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/pfun.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+definition module pfun
+from StdString import toString
+from StdOverloaded import ==
+// Partial function abstract type
+:: Pfun dom ran
+// The empty partial function
+emptypfun :: .Pfun .dom .ran
+// Extend a partial function
+extend :: .dom .ran (Pfun .dom .ran) -> Pfun .dom .ran
+// Restrict a partial function (take away one mapping)
+restrict :: .dom (Pfun .dom .ran) -> Pfun .dom .ran
+// Overwrite partial function with a new one
+// first arg is the new p.f.
+// second arg is overwritten
+overwrite :: !(Pfun .dom .ran) (Pfun .dom .ran) -> (Pfun .dom .ran)
+// Modify a partial function by applying a function to all its results
+postcomp :: (.ran1 -> .ran2) !(Pfun .dom .ran1) -> Pfun .dom .ran2
+// Build a total function from a partial one by supplying a default value
+total :: .ran !(Pfun dom .ran) dom -> .ran | == dom
+// Domain restriction of a partial function
+domres :: !.[dom] .(Pfun dom ran) -> Pfun dom ran | == dom
+// Apply a partial function to an argument
+// getting a result that may fail
+apply :: !(Pfun dom .ran) dom -> (.Bool,.ran) | == dom
+// Partial functions are printable
+instance toString Pfun dom ran | toString dom & toString ran
+/* `Idpfun dom pfun' checks whether partial function `pfun' is the identity
+ on the nodes in `dom' for which it is defined.
+idpfun :: !.[dom] .(Pfun dom dom) -> Bool | == dom