path: root/sucl/canon.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'sucl/canon.icl')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/canon.icl b/sucl/canon.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98572eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/canon.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+canon.lit - Area canonicalization
+This script defines functions for folding areas and generating canonical
+forms from them for renewed symbolic reduction.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> canonise || Transform an area into canonical form
+> foldarea || Fold an area to an application of its assigned symbol
+> labelarea || Use a list of symbols to label a list of areas
+> %include "basic.lit" -uncurry -split
+> %include "graph.lit" -extgraph
+> %include "rule.lit"
+`Canonise heap' canonises an area to a standard form, so that equal
+areas are detected by the `=' operator. Canonisation is done in three
+(1) Splitting arguments to prevent too much sharing and allowing delta
+ functions to be recognised.
+(2) Adding extra arguments to the full complement according to the type
+ rule for the top symbol.
+(3) Relabeling the nodes in a standard way.
+> canonise :: (*->rule **** *****) -> [***] -> rgraph * ** -> rgraph * ***
+> canonise typerule heap = relabel heap.uncurry typerule.split.relabel localheap
+> split :: rgraph * num -> rgraph * num
+> split rgraph
+> = foldsingleton single rgraph rgraph
+> where single root sym args = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (sym,fst (claim args (localheap--[root]))) emptygraph)
+> uncurry :: (*->rule **** *****) -> rgraph * num -> rgraph * num
+> uncurry typerule rgraph
+> = f (nc root)
+> where f (True,(sym,args))
+> = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (sym,fst (claim targs (args++localheap--nodelist graph [root]))) graph)
+> where targs = lhs (typerule sym)
+> f cont = rgraph
+> nc = nodecontents graph
+> root = rgraphroot rgraph; graph = rgraphgraph rgraph
+> localheap = [0..]
+> foldarea :: (rgraph * **->*) -> rgraph * ** -> (*,[**])
+> foldarea label rgraph
+> = (label rgraph,foldsingleton single nosingle rgraph)
+> where single root sym args = args
+> nosingle = snd (nodeset (rgraphgraph rgraph) [rgraphroot rgraph])
+> labelarea :: [rgraph * **] -> [*] -> rgraph * ** -> *
+> labelarea areas labels
+> = foldmap id nolabel (maketable areas labels)
+> where nolabel = error "labelarea: no label assigned to area"
+> maketable :: [rgraph * **] -> [*] -> [(rgraph * **,*)]
+> maketable [] = const []
+> maketable (area:areas) labels
+> = (area,label):maketable areas labels'
+> where (label,labels') = getlabel (nc aroot) labels
+> getlabel (True,(asym,aargs)) labels = (asym,labels), if ~or (map (fst.nc) aargs)
+> getlabel acont (label:labels) = (label,labels)
+> getlabel = error "maketable: out of labels"
+> nc = nodecontents agraph
+> aroot = rgraphroot area; agraph = rgraphgraph area
+> relabel :: [***] -> rgraph * ** -> rgraph * ***
+> relabel heap rgraph
+> = mkrgraph (move root) graph'
+> where root = rgraphroot rgraph; graph = rgraphgraph rgraph
+> nodes = nodelist graph [root]
+> table = zip2 nodes heap
+> move = foldmap id nonew table
+> nonew = error "relabel: no new node assigned to node"
+> graph' = foldr addnode emptygraph table
+> addnode (node,node')
+> = updategraph node' (sym,map move args), if def
+> = id, otherwise
+> where (def,(sym,args)) = nc node
+> nc = nodecontents graph
+> foldsingleton
+> :: (**->*->[**]->***) ->
+> *** ->
+> rgraph * ** ->
+> ***
+> foldsingleton single nosingle rgraph
+> = f (nc root)
+> where f (True,(sym,args)) = single root sym args, if ~or (map (fst.nc) args)
+> f cont = nosingle
+> nc = nodecontents graph
+> root = rgraphroot rgraph; graph = rgraphgraph rgraph