path: root/sucl/spine.dcl
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diff --git a/sucl/spine.dcl b/sucl/spine.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ebe3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/spine.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+definition module spine
+from rule import Rgraph,Rule
+from pfun import Pfun
+from basic import Optional
+spine.lit - The extended functional strategy
+This script implements the strategy answer, and a function to compute it
+for a given graph in a rewrite system.
+The strategy answer is a spine -- in principle a colon of partial
+matches from patterns of rewrite rules to the graph, with at the bottom
+the insteresting part: a redex, an open node or something else. See the
+definition of subspine for that.
+The strategy function attempts to find a redex to reduce the graph to
+normal form instead of root normal form. This is done by applying a
+root normal form strategy recursively in preorder over the graph (of
+course ignoring cycles). The node at which the root normal form
+strategy was applied is returned in the strategy answer, so laziness can
+be preserved.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> answer || Strategy answer type
+> foldspine || Higher order general spine folding
+> ifopen || Check for answer indicating Open
+> printanswer || Make a human-readable representation of an answer
+> printspine || Make a human-readable representation of a spine
+> showanswer || Make a representation of an answer
+> showspine || Make a representation of a spine
+> showsubspine || Make a representation of a subspine
+> spine || Colon of partial matches
+> spinenodes || Determine nodes in a spine
+> spinetip || Determine bottom of spine
+> subspine || Bottom of spine
+> history || Symbolic reduction history type
+> printhistory || Make a human-readable representation of a history
+> showhistory || Make a representation of a history
+Required types:
+ subspine - rule@rule.lit,rgraph@rule.lit,pfun@pfun.lit
+> %include "basic.lit" || optional
+> %include "pfun.lit" || pfun
+> %include "graph.lit" || graph
+> %include "rule.lit" || rgraph rule
+Answer describes the answer of a strategy. Absence of a spine implies
+that the node was in root normal form.
+> answer * ** *** == optional (spine * ** ***)
+> showanswer showa showb showc = showoptional (showspine showa showb showc)
+> printanswer printa printb printc = foldoptional ["Rnf"] (printspine printa printb printc)
+:: Answer sym var pvar
+ :== Optional (Spine sym var pvar)
+Spine describes the spine returned by a strategy. It contains the node
+at which the strategy was applied, and the result for that node.
+> spine * ** *** == (**,subspine * ** ***)
+> showspine showa showb showc = showpair showb (showsubspine showa showb showc)
+> printspine printa printb printc
+> = foldspine pair cycle delta force missingcase open partial unsafe redex strict
+> where pair node (line,lines) = (printb node++" => "++line):lines
+> cycle = ("Cycle",[])
+> delta = ("Delta",[])
+> force lines = ("Force",lines)
+> missingcase = ("MissingCase",[])
+> open rgraph = ("Open "++printrgraph printa printc rgraph,[])
+> partial rule matching lines = ("Partial <fn> "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching,lines)
+> unsafe rgraph = ("Unsafe "++printrgraph printa printb rgraph,[])
+> redex rule matching = ("Redex <fn> "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching,[])
+> strict = ("Strict",[])
+:: Spine sym var pvar
+ :== (var,Subspine sym var pvar)
+Subspine describes what was the result of the strategy applied to a node
+in a graph.
+> subspine * ** ***
+> ::= Cycle | || The spine contains a cycle
+> Delta | || An imported (delta) rule was found
+> Force (spine * ** ***) | || Global strictness annotation forced evaluation of a subgraph
+> MissingCase | || All alternatives failed for a function symbol
+> Open (rgraph * ***) | || Need root normal form of open node for matching
+> Partial (rule * ***) (pfun *** **) (spine * ** ***) | || A rule was strictly partially matched
+> Unsafe (rgraph * **) | || Terminated due to immininent recursion
+> Redex (rule * ***) (pfun *** **) | || Total match
+> Strict || Need root normal form due to strictness
+> showsubspine showa showb showc
+> = sh
+> where sh Cycle = "Cycle"
+> sh Delta = "Delta"
+> sh (Force spine) = "(Force "++showspine showa showb showc spine++")"
+> sh MissingCase = "MissingCase"
+> sh (Open rgraph) = "(Open "++showrgraph showa showc rgraph++")"
+> sh (Partial rule matching spine) = "(Partial "++showrule showa showc rule++' ':showpfun showc showb matching++' ':showspine showa showb showc spine++")"
+> sh (Unsafe rgraph) = "(Unsafe "++showrgraph showa showb rgraph++")"
+> sh (Redex rule matching) = "(Redex "++showrule showa showc rule++' ':showpfun showc showb matching++")"
+> sh Strict = "Strict"
+ printsubspine printa printb printc
+ = pr
+ where pr Cycle = "Cycle"
+ pr Delta = "Delta"
+ pr (Force spine) = "(Force "++printspine printa printb printc spine++")"
+ pr MissingCase = "MissingCase"
+ pr (Open rgraph) = "(Open "++printrgraph printa printc rgraph++")"
+ pr (Partial rule matching spine) = "(Partial "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching++' ':printspine printa printb printc spine++")"
+ pr (Unsafe rgraph) = "(Unsafe "++printrgraph printa printb rgraph++")"
+ pr (Redex rule matching) = "(Redex "++printrule printa printc rule++' ':printpfun printc printb matching++")"
+ pr Strict = "Strict"
+:: Subspine sym var pvar
+ = Cycle // The spine contains a cycle
+ | Delta // An imported (delta) rule was found
+ | Force (Spine sym var pvar) // Global strictness annotation forced evaluation of a subgraph
+ | MissingCase // All alternatives failed for a function symbol
+ | Open (Rgraph sym pvar) // Need root normal form of open node for matching
+ | Partial (Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) (Spine sym var pvar) // A rule was strictly partially matched
+ | Unsafe (Rgraph sym var) // Terminated due to immininent recursion
+ | Redex (Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) // Total match
+ | Strict // Need root normal form due to strictness
+// Fold up a spine using a function for each constructor
+ :: !(var .subresult -> .result)
+ .subresult
+ .subresult
+ (.result -> .subresult)
+ .subresult
+ ((Rgraph sym pvar) -> .subresult)
+ ((Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) .result -> .subresult)
+ ((Rgraph sym var) -> .subresult)
+ ((Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) -> .subresult)
+ .subresult
+ .(Spine sym var pvar)
+ -> .result
+// Get the tip of a spine,
+// i.e. the last part when all Partial's and Force's are stripped.
+spinetip :: !(Spine sym var pvar) -> Spine sym var pvar
+// Get the main nodes of a spine,
+// i.e. where the spine constructors are applied
+// (not the matched nodes of partial matchings)
+spinenodes :: .(Spine sym var pvar) -> [var]
+// Make a decision (continuation based) on whether a spine ends in Open
+ifopen :: result result !.(Answer sym var pvar) -> result