path: root/sucl/strat.icl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sucl/strat.icl')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/strat.icl b/sucl/strat.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ed23f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/strat.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+implementation module strat
+import history
+import spine
+import dnc
+import rule
+import graph
+import pfun
+import basic
+import StdEnv
+strat.lit - Extended functional strategy
+Describe in a few paragraphs what this module defines.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> law
+> strategy
+> substrategy
+> makernfstrategy
+> checkconstr
+> checkimport
+> checklaws
+> checkrules
+> checktype
+> forcenodes
+> rulelaw
+> trylaw
+> tryrules
+Required types:
+ identifier - type@source.lit type@source.lit
+ ...
+> %include "dnc.lit"
+> %include "../src/basic.lit"
+> %include "../src/pfun.lit"
+> %include "../src/graph.lit" -instantiate
+> %include "../src/rule.lit"
+> %include "../src/spine.lit"
+:: Substrategy sym var pvar result
+ :== ((Spine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ var
+ -> result
+:: Strategy sym var pvar result
+ :== (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ (Node sym var)
+ -> result
+:: Law sym var pvar result
+ :== (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ [var]
+ result
+ -> result
+ :: .(History sym var) // History of previous rooted graphs attached to nodes
+ (Strategy sym var pvar (Answer sym var pvar)) // Strategy for a defined node
+ .[var] // List of nodes known in RNF (closed pattern nodes of subject rule+strict args)
+ var // Root of replacement
+ .(Graph sym var) // Subject graph
+ -> Answer sym var pvar
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+makernfstrategy hist strat rnfnodes node graph
+= substrat [] spinecont rnfanswer node
+ where spinecont spine = Present spine
+ rnfanswer = Absent
+ substrat spinenodes spinecont rnfanswer node
+ | isMember node spinenodes
+ = subspinecont Cycle
+ | isMember node rnfnodes
+ = rnfanswer
+ | not def
+ = subspinecont Strict
+ = strat` (substrat spinenodes`) graph subspinecont rnfanswer cnt
+ where (def,cnt) = dnc (const "in makernfstrategy") graph node
+ spinenodes` = [node:spinenodes]
+ subspinecont subspine = spinecont (node,subspine)
+ strat` = checkinstance (graph,node) histpatts strat
+ histpatts = foldr (foldmap (++) id hist) [] spinenodes`
+ :: ((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> .Bool)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ .[var]
+ -> result
+ [.Rule sym pvar]
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+tryrules matchable substrat subject found sargs
+= foldr (matchrule matchable substrat subject found sargs)
+ :: ((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> .Bool)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ .[var]
+ .(Rule sym pvar)
+ result
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+matchrule matchable substrat subject found sargs rule fail
+| eqlen pargs sargs
+= matchnodes matchable` subject substrat foundsub fail pattern foundmatch pairs emptypfun
+= fail
+ where pargs = arguments rule
+ pattern = rulegraph rule
+ pairs = zip2 pargs sargs
+ matchable` = matchable pattern
+ foundsub matching spine = found (Partial rule matching spine)
+ foundmatch matching = found (Redex rule matching)
+ :: (pvar var -> .Bool)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ ((Pfun pvar var) (Spine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ .(Graph sym pvar)
+ -> ((Pfun pvar var) -> result)
+ [.(pvar,var)]
+ (Pfun pvar var)
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+matchnodes matchable subject substrat found fail pattern
+= foldr matchpair
+ where matchpair (pnode,snode) match matching
+ | not (matchable pnode snode)
+ = fail
+ | not pdef
+ = match (extend pnode snode matching)
+ | not sdef
+ = found matching openspine
+ = substrat (found matching) rnfanswer snode
+ where openspine = (snode,Open (mkrgraph pnode pattern))
+ rnfanswer
+ | psym==ssym && eqlen pargs sargs
+ = foldr matchpair match` psargs matching
+ = fail
+ match` matching = match (extend pnode snode matching)
+ psargs = zip2 pargs sargs
+ (pdef,(psym,pargs)) = (dnc (const "in matchnodes (pattern)")) pattern pnode
+ (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = (dnc (const "in matchnodes (subject)")) subject snode
+Does not try to reduce arguments before matching.
+> rulelaw
+> :: rule * *** ->
+> law * ** *** ****
+> rulelaw rule substrat subject found rnf snids fail
+> = trylaw subject found snids rule fail
+> trylaw
+> :: graph * ** ->
+> (subspine * ** ***->****) ->
+> [**] ->
+> rule * *** ->
+> **** ->
+> ****
+> trylaw graph found sargs rule fail
+> = lawmatch pattern graph fail found' pairs emptypfun, if eqlen pargs sargs
+> = fail, otherwise
+> where pargs = lhs rule; pattern = rulegraph rule
+> found' matching = found (Redex rule matching)
+> pairs = zip2 pargs sargs
+> lawmatch
+> :: graph * *** ->
+> graph * ** ->
+> **** ->
+> (pfun *** **->****) ->
+> [(***,**)] ->
+> pfun *** ** -> ****
+> lawmatch pattern subject fail
+> = foldr lawmatch'
+> where lawmatch' (pnode,snode) success matching
+> = success matching', if ~pdef
+> = fail, if ~sdef \/ ssym~=psym \/ ~eqlen pargs sargs
+> = foldr lawmatch' success (zip2 pargs sargs) matching', otherwise
+> where matching' = extend pnode snode matching
+> (pdef,(psym,pargs)) = (dnc (const "in lawmatch/1")) pattern pnode
+> (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = (dnc (const "in lawmatch/2")) subject snode
+ :: .(Rule sym pvar)
+ -> Law sym var pvar result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+rulelaw rule
+= law
+where law substrat subject found rnf snids fail
+ = trylaw subject found snids rule fail
+ :: .(Graph sym var)
+ (.(Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ .[var]
+ .(Rule sym pvar)
+ result
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+trylaw graph found sargs rule fail
+| eqlen pargs sargs
+= lawmatch pattern graph fail found` pairs emptypfun
+= fail
+ where pargs = arguments rule; pattern = rulegraph rule
+ found` matching = found (Redex rule matching)
+ pairs = zip2 pargs sargs
+ :: .(Graph sym pvar)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ result
+ -> ((Pfun pvar var) -> result)
+ [.(pvar,var)]
+ (Pfun pvar var)
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+lawmatch pattern subject fail
+= foldr lawmatch`
+ where lawmatch` (pnode,snode) success matching
+ | not pdef
+ = success matching`
+ | not sdef || ssym <> psym || not (eqlen pargs sargs)
+ = fail
+ = foldr lawmatch` success (zip2 pargs sargs) matching`
+ where matching` = extend pnode snode matching
+ (pdef,(psym,pargs)) = (dnc (const "in lawmatch (pattern)")) pattern pnode
+ (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = (dnc (const "in lawmatch (subject)")) subject snode
+ :: (Substrategy .sym .var .pvar .result)
+ ((Subspine .sym .var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ ![.var]
+ -> .result
+forcenodes substrat found rnf nodes
+= foldr forcenode rnf nodes
+ where forcenode nid rnfrest = substrat foundforce rnfrest nid
+ foundforce spine = found (Force spine)
+Check for an instance in the termination history.
+ :: (.Graph sym var,var)
+ [.Rgraph sym var]
+ (Strategy sym var .pvar result)
+ -> Strategy sym var .pvar result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+checkinstance (graph,node) history defaultstrategy
+= foldr check defaultstrategy history
+ where check hrgraph defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+ | isinstance (hgraph,hroot) (graph,node)
+ = found (Unsafe hrgraph)
+ = defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+ where hgraph = rgraphgraph hrgraph; hroot = rgraphroot hrgraph
+// Check a type rule for curried applications and strict arguments
+ :: !(sym -> (Rule .tsym tvar,[.Bool]))
+ (Strategy sym var .pvar .result)
+ (Substrategy sym var .pvar .result)
+ .(Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ !.(Node sym var)
+ -> .result
+checktype typeinfo defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+| shorter targs sargs
+= rnf
+| eqlen targs sargs
+= forcenodes substrat found rnf` strictnodes
+= abort "checktype: symbol occurrence with arity greater than its type"
+ where rnf` = defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+ (trule,tstricts) = typeinfo ssym
+ targs = arguments trule
+ strictnodes = [sarg\\(True,sarg)<-zip2 tstricts sargs]
+// Check (hard coded) laws
+ :: [(sym,Law sym var pvar result)]
+ (Strategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ (Node sym var)
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+checklaws laws defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+= foldr checklaw (defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)) laws
+ where checklaw (lsym,law) fail
+ | lsym==ssym
+ = law substrat subject found rnf sargs fail
+ = fail
+// Check a list of rewrite rules (this is the real thing)
+ :: ((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> .Bool)
+ (sym -> [.Rule sym pvar])
+ (Strategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Substrategy sym var pvar result)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ((Subspine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ result
+ (Node sym var)
+ -> result
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+checkrules matchable ruledefs defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+= tryrules matchable substrat subject found sargs fail (ruledefs ssym)
+ where fail = defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+// Check for delta/imported/abstract/black-box (whatever) symbols
+ :: !(sym->.Bool)
+ (Strategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Substrategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Graph sym .var)
+ ((Subspine sym .var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ (Node sym .var)
+ -> .result
+checkimport local defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+| not (local ssym)
+= found Delta
+= defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+// Check for constructors
+ :: (sym->.Bool)
+ (Strategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Substrategy sym .var .pvar .result)
+ (Graph sym .var)
+ ((Subspine sym .var .pvar) -> .result)
+ .result
+ (Node sym .var)
+ -> .result
+checkconstr isconstr defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
+| isconstr ssym
+= rnf
+= defstrat substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)