diff options
authorCamil Staps2017-01-02 21:50:11 +0100
committerCamil Staps2017-01-02 21:50:49 +0100
commit163929496ea077a7882632cd99a98c806b02591a (patch)
parentMake columns optional (diff)
Remove terminology appendix; write discussion
7 files changed, 173 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 5f80202..e8135e0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -617,8 +617,4 @@ need to look at register optimisations.
# Todo
- C calls
-- Capitalisation in the reference list
-- More optimisations: branch optimisation
-- More optimisations: tail recursion
-- Mention that the register counting method is simplistic (or has this been
- mentioned already?)
+- Branch optimisation?
diff --git a/thesis/discussion.tex b/thesis/discussion.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae72de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thesis/discussion.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+\subsection{Optimising subroutine calls}
+In \cref{sec:storing-pc}, we saw that subroutine calls are slower and larger in Thumb than in ARM,
+ because an extra \ual{add} instruction has to be inserted.
+We discussed that a more efficient solution would exploit the link register:
+ upon a \ual{bl} and \ual{blx} instruction, the link register is loaded with the address of the instruction after the branch.
+If the callee would be responsible for saving this address, rather than the caller,
+ we could delay storing the return address and exploit these instructions to eliminate the \ual{add} instruction.
+However, we also mentioned that tail recursion makes this difficult (see \cref{sec:storing-pc:other-solutions}).
+\subsubsection{Tail recursive entry points}
+To improve on this, two things can be done.
+First, we could add a \emph{tail recursive entry point} to function blocks.
+The code for the \clean{length} function from \cref{sec:storing-pc:other-solutions} could then look like this:
+ str lr,[sp,#-4]! @ Store the return address
+slength_P2_tr: @ The tail recursive entry point
+ ldr r0,[r6] @ Load top of A-stack (the list)
+ @ ... etc
+e_0: @ If / after the Cons part has been evaluated
+ add r4,r4,#1 @ Increase counter
+ b slength_P2_tr @ Tail recursively jump back to start of function
+ .ltorg
+This way, the code to store the return address is only executed once.
+The return address is saved on the stack, as before.
+To call the subroutine, the following block can be used:
+ bl slength_P2
+This is an improvement of between two and six bytes per subroutine call:
+ in any case, we win two bytes since the \ual{add} instruction is eliminated.
+In the minimal case that a function is called only once, we save only these two bytes.
+If the function is called often, many \ual{str} instructions can be removed at the cost of one extra \ual{str} instruction in the function itself,
+ and the space saved per subroutine call asymptotically approaches six bytes.
+As for running time, we win one instruction cycle per subroutine call.
+The \ual{add} instruction is removed, but the \ual{str} instruction is still executed
+ (whether it is placed in the caller's or the callee's block does not matter).
+To implement tail recursive entry points,
+ one would need to be able to recognise tail recursion such that the tail recursive entry point is used only for these subroutine calls,
+ but not for the `plain' recursive subroutine calls.
+Also, more research is needed to see if a tail recursive entry point is sufficient in all cases.
+\subsubsection{Mixed calling convention}
+A second possibility would be to have a \emph{mixed calling convention}.
+Currently, in every subroutine call, the caller is responsible for storing the return address on the stack.
+In a mixed calling convention,
+ the callee would be responsible for this,
+ except for functions that exploit tail recursion.
+Recognising tail recursion can be done on a relatively high level of abstraction,
+ so annotations can be added to the intermediate ABC-code to indicate what calling convention should be used for a certain function.
+An advantage of this approach might be that there are less cases to consider.
+The obvious disadvantage is that it makes the calling convention overly complex.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}
+ [ width=.5\textwidth
+ , xlabel={Size decrease (\%)}
+ , ylabel={Running time increase (\%)}
+ , mark options={scale=2}
+ , scatter/classes={%
+ a={mark=x,draw=\ifcolours red\else gray\fi},
+ b={mark=+,draw=black}}
+ ]
+ \addplot[scatter,only marks,scatter src=explicit symbolic]
+ table[meta=label] {
+ x y label
+ 12.8 11.9 a
+ 18.6 3.6 b
+ 9.8 5.1 a
+ 18.9 5.9 b
+ 18.9 3.7 b
+ 20.1 5.4 a
+ 22.9 0.9 a
+ 0.0 2.6 a
+ 20.0 5.2 b
+ 22.0 0.0 b
+ 12.1 8.0 a
+ };
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{
+ Comparison of code size decrease and running time increase.
+ {\ifcolours Red\else Grey\fi} crosses indicate programs that are smaller than 1000b in ARM;
+ black pluses correspond to larger programs.
+ \label{fig:results:scatter}}
+\subsection{Branch optimisation}
+A second optimisation vector that is yet to be considered is branch optimisation.
+The Thumb instruction set has four variants of the simple branch instruction \ual{b}~\parencite[A6.7.12]{armv7m}:
+ \item
+ 16-bits, conditional, with an offset between $-256$ and $254$.
+ \item
+ 16-bits, not conditional, with an offset between $-2,048$ and $2,046$.
+ \item
+ 32-bits, conditional, with an offset between $-1,048,576$ and $1,048,574$.
+ \item
+ 32-bits, not conditional, with an offset between $-16,777,216$ and $16,777,214$.
+By reorganising the code, the code generator could make as many branch instructions as possible 16-bit.
+This optimisation is restricted to the \ual{b} instruction:
+ the branch with link (\ual{bl}) is always 32-bit;
+ the branch and exchange (\ual{bx}) and branch with link and exchange (\ual{blx}) instructions always 16-bit.
+Since the \ual{b} instruction is used relatively little by the code generator,
+ we cannot hope for much improvement.
+The Clean compiler, with a code size of 3,827,868 bytes (Thumb optimised, \cref{fig:reg-alloc:results}),
+ counts only 29,982 simple branches, of which 6,979 ($23\%$) are already narrow.
+In the best case we can make all the wide branches narrow
+ and win $(29,982 - 6,979)\cdot 2 = 46,004$ bytes, only $1.2\%$.
+The \ual{bl}, \ual{blx} and \ual{bx} instructions are used $42,436$, $23,070$ and $306$ times in the Clean compiler, respectively.
+% pi@rasppi:~/clean/src/compiler$ objdump -d a.out | grep -wF b.w | wc -l
+% 23003
+% pi@rasppi:~/clean/src/compiler$ objdump -d a.out | grep -wF b.n | wc -l
+% 6979
+% pi@rasppi:~/clean/src/compiler$ objdump -d a.out | grep -wF bl | wc -l
+% 42436
+% pi@rasppi:~/clean/src/compiler$ objdump -d a.out | grep -wF blx | wc -l
+% 23070
+% pi@rasppi:~/clean/src/compiler$ objdump -d a.out | grep -wF bx | wc -l
+% 306
+\subsection{Matching programs and instruction sets}
+If we compare the code size decrease with the running time increase,
+ we get the plot in \cref{fig:results:scatter}.
+It seems that code size decrease correlates negatively with increase in running time,
+ suggesting that Thumb is more suitable for some programs than others.
+However, we do not have enough data to see if this is significant.
+More research is needed to see if there actually is such a relationship,
+ and if so, what programs are more suitable for Thumb.
+The outliers in \cref{fig:results:scatter} are
+ RFib $(0.0,2.6)$,
+ Ack $(12.8,11.9)$,
+ Fib $(9.8,5.1)$ and
+ Tak $(12.1,8.0)$,
+ all small programs that rely heavily on recursion
+ (for a description of the programs, see \cref{sec:results:testsuite} above).
+This is explained by the relatively high number of jumps:
+ in Thumb we had to add several instructions, introducing extra code size and running time (see \cref{sec:storing-pc}).
diff --git a/thesis/further.tex b/thesis/further.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index e499b7f..0000000
--- a/thesis/further.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-\section{Further work}
- There are some things that are still to be done and some optimisation vectors that are not yet considered.
- What will be written depends on how far I get in the coming weeks with this.
diff --git a/thesis/intro.tex b/thesis/intro.tex
index 3d6347c..ccffb4c 100644
--- a/thesis/intro.tex
+++ b/thesis/intro.tex
@@ -308,22 +308,12 @@ In much of the rest of this thesis we discuss differences between ARM and Thumb,
In \cref{sec:storing-pc}, we consider an issue arising from halfword-aligned instructions and the way a read of PC is interpreted under Thumb.
\Cref{sec:code-addresses} discusses problems related to the fact that Thumb instruction addresses use bit 1 and should have bit 0 set for interworking,
while under ARM a branch will automatically clear both these bits.
-There was a minor problem with negative offsets to the \ual{ldr} instruction,
- that cannot be as large in Thumb as they can in ARM.
-\Cref{sec:load-offsets} deals with this.
+For some instructions, the constants in the ARM variant can be larger than those in the Thumb variant.
+\Cref{sec:load-offsets} deals with related issues in the \ual{ldr} instruction.
Moving to Thumb introduces a number of interesting optimisation vectors.
One of them, register allocation, is discussed in \cref{sec:reg-alloc}.
We benchmark the Thumb backend for Clean and discuss the results in \cref{sec:results}.
-As mentioned, we will usually use \enquote{Thumb} where the Thumb-2 extension is meant,
- and only distinguish Thumb and Thumb-2 when this distinction is relevant ---
- for \enquote{ARM}, context makes out whether the architecture or the instruction set is meant.
-For brevity, a number of common abbreviations is used.
-An overview can be found in \cref{sec:terminology}.
diff --git a/thesis/results.tex b/thesis/results.tex
index 76afb27..b826138 100644
--- a/thesis/results.tex
+++ b/thesis/results.tex
@@ -91,42 +91,6 @@ They are:
A sequential version of Warshall's shortest path algorithm on a $6\times6$ matrix.
- \centering
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \begin{axis}
- [ width=.5\textwidth
- , xlabel={Size decrease (\%)}
- , ylabel={Running time increase (\%)}
- , mark options={scale=2}
- , scatter/classes={%
- a={mark=x,draw=red},
- b={mark=+,draw=black}}
- ]
- \addplot[scatter,only marks,scatter src=explicit symbolic]
- table[meta=label] {
- x y label
- 12.8 11.9 a
- 18.6 3.6 b
- 9.8 5.1 a
- 18.9 5.9 b
- 18.9 3.7 b
- 20.1 5.4 a
- 22.9 0.9 a
- 0.0 2.6 a
- 20.0 5.2 b
- 22.0 0.0 b
- 12.1 8.0 a
- };
- \end{axis}
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \caption{
- Comparison of code size decrease and running time increase.
- Red crosses indicate programs that are smaller than 1000b in ARM;
- black pluses correspond to larger programs.
- \label{fig:results:scatter}}
\subsection{Code size}
We compared the code size for the code generated by the ARM and Thumb backends for all programs in the test suite.
@@ -155,25 +119,6 @@ The increase in running time is relatively low compared to the decrease in code
For the larger programs, this is
3.7\% with a standard deviation of 2.04pp. (though this is based on only five programs).
-If we compare the code size decrease with the running time increase,
- we get the plot in \cref{fig:results:scatter}.
-It seems that a high code size decrease often comes together with a low increase in running time,
- suggesting that Thumb is more suitable for some programs than others.
-However, we do not have enough data to see if this is significant.
-More research is needed to see if there actually is such a relationship,
- and if so, what programs are more suitable for Thumb.
-The outliers in \cref{fig:results:scatter} are
- RFib $(0.0,2.6)$,
- Ack $(12.8,11.9)$,
- Fib $(9.8,5.1)$ and
- Tak $(12.1,8.0)$,
- all small programs that rely heavily on recursion.
-This is explained by the relatively high number of jumps:
- in Thumb we had to add several instructions, introducing extra code size and running time (see \cref{sec:storing-pc}).
% vim: nowrap
diff --git a/thesis/terms.tex b/thesis/terms.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 4104875..0000000
--- a/thesis/terms.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- \item[HNF]
- Head normal form, the state of a graph node that cannot be rewritten itself (though it children may).
- \item[ISA]
- Instruction set architecture.
- \item[IT block]
- If-then block, a Thumb construct for conditional execution.
- \item[LSB(s)]
- Least significant bit(s), the bit(s) with the lowest value in a word.
- \item[PC]
- Program counter, \ual{r15} on ARM.
- \item[RTS]
- Run-time system.
- Clean's run-time system ensures that the \clean{Start} node is reduced and printed.
- It also takes care of garbage collecting.
- \item[SP]
- Stack pointer, \ual{r13} on ARM.
- \item[UAL]
- Unified Assembler Language, an assembly language syntax that
- \enquote{provides a canonical form for all ARM and Thumb instructions} \parencite[A4.2]{armv7m}.
diff --git a/thesis/thesis.tex b/thesis/thesis.tex
index 95abdee..273694e 100644
--- a/thesis/thesis.tex
+++ b/thesis/thesis.tex
@@ -54,14 +54,13 @@ It produces on average 20\% smaller code than the ARM code generator, which is o