path: root/thesis/results.tex
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diff --git a/thesis/results.tex b/thesis/results.tex
index 76afb27..b826138 100644
--- a/thesis/results.tex
+++ b/thesis/results.tex
@@ -91,42 +91,6 @@ They are:
A sequential version of Warshall's shortest path algorithm on a $6\times6$ matrix.
- \centering
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \begin{axis}
- [ width=.5\textwidth
- , xlabel={Size decrease (\%)}
- , ylabel={Running time increase (\%)}
- , mark options={scale=2}
- , scatter/classes={%
- a={mark=x,draw=red},
- b={mark=+,draw=black}}
- ]
- \addplot[scatter,only marks,scatter src=explicit symbolic]
- table[meta=label] {
- x y label
- 12.8 11.9 a
- 18.6 3.6 b
- 9.8 5.1 a
- 18.9 5.9 b
- 18.9 3.7 b
- 20.1 5.4 a
- 22.9 0.9 a
- 0.0 2.6 a
- 20.0 5.2 b
- 22.0 0.0 b
- 12.1 8.0 a
- };
- \end{axis}
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \caption{
- Comparison of code size decrease and running time increase.
- Red crosses indicate programs that are smaller than 1000b in ARM;
- black pluses correspond to larger programs.
- \label{fig:results:scatter}}
\subsection{Code size}
We compared the code size for the code generated by the ARM and Thumb backends for all programs in the test suite.
@@ -155,25 +119,6 @@ The increase in running time is relatively low compared to the decrease in code
For the larger programs, this is
3.7\% with a standard deviation of 2.04pp. (though this is based on only five programs).
-If we compare the code size decrease with the running time increase,
- we get the plot in \cref{fig:results:scatter}.
-It seems that a high code size decrease often comes together with a low increase in running time,
- suggesting that Thumb is more suitable for some programs than others.
-However, we do not have enough data to see if this is significant.
-More research is needed to see if there actually is such a relationship,
- and if so, what programs are more suitable for Thumb.
-The outliers in \cref{fig:results:scatter} are
- RFib $(0.0,2.6)$,
- Ack $(12.8,11.9)$,
- Fib $(9.8,5.1)$ and
- Tak $(12.1,8.0)$,
- all small programs that rely heavily on recursion.
-This is explained by the relatively high number of jumps:
- in Thumb we had to add several instructions, introducing extra code size and running time (see \cref{sec:storing-pc}).
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