path: root/backend
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authorronny2003-05-16 09:59:19 +0000
committerronny2003-05-16 09:59:19 +0000
commitd70d064e64fea680078f0248e6ddb8ece76e0cde (patch)
tree0976d44630b049a5ddfb70de86b279d71435af17 /backend
parentfoldExp - added alternative for EE (diff)
renamed field names of type Ident in syntax tree
s/\<mod_name\>/mod_ident/g s/\<ps_field_name\>/ps_field_ident/g s/\<ps_selector_name\>/ps_selector_ident/g s/\<pc_cons_name\>/pc_cons_ident/g s/\<class_name\>/class_ident/g s/\<gen_name\>/gen_ident/g s/\<gen_member_name\>/gen_member_ident/g s/\<gc_name\>/gc_ident/g s/\<gc_gname\>/gc_gident/g s/\<fs_name\>/fs_ident/g s/\<td_name\>/td_ident/g s/\<fv_name\>/fv_ident/g s/\<var_name\>/var_ident/g s/\<type_name\>/type_ident/g s/\<symb_name\>/symb_ident/g s/\<tv_name\>/tv_ident/g s/\<av_name\>/av_ident/g s/\<me_symb\>/me_ident/g s/\<ft_symb\>/ft_ident/g s/\<fun_symb\>/fun_ident/g s/\<cons_symb\>/cons_ident/g s/\<sd_symb\>/sd__ident/g git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1340 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'backend')
3 files changed, 43 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/backend/backendconvert.icl b/backend/backendconvert.icl
index af5ca46..c0ccef5 100644
--- a/backend/backendconvert.icl
+++ b/backend/backendconvert.icl
@@ -414,17 +414,17 @@ backEndConvertModulesH predefs {fe_icl =
( "dcl conversions"
, currentDcl.dcl_conversions
, "dcl constructors"
- , [constructor.cons_symb.id_name \\ constructor <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_cons_defs]
+ , [constructor.cons_ident.id_name \\ constructor <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_cons_defs]
, "dcl selectors"
- , [selector.sd_symb.id_name \\ selector <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_selector_defs]
+ , [selector.sd__ident.id_name \\ selector <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_selector_defs]
, "dcl types"
- , [type.td_name.id_name \\ type <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_type_defs]
+ , [type.td_ident.id_name \\ type <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_type_defs]
, "icl constructors"
- , [constructor.cons_symb.id_name \\ constructor <-: icl_common.com_cons_defs]
+ , [constructor.cons_ident.id_name \\ constructor <-: icl_common.com_cons_defs]
, "icl selectors"
- , [selector.sd_symb.id_name \\ selector <-: icl_common.com_selector_defs]
+ , [selector.sd__ident.id_name \\ selector <-: icl_common.com_selector_defs]
, "icl types"
- , [type.td_name.id_name \\ type <-: icl_common.com_type_defs]
+ , [type.td_ident.id_name \\ type <-: icl_common.com_type_defs]
#! backEnd
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ where
= foldStateWithIndexA (removeExpandedTypesFromFunType moduleIndex) dcl_functions
removeExpandedTypesFromFunType :: ModuleIndex Index FunType -> BackEnder
- removeExpandedTypesFromFunType moduleIndex functionIndex {ft_symb, ft_type_ptr}
+ removeExpandedTypesFromFunType moduleIndex functionIndex {ft_ident, ft_type_ptr}
= \be0 -> let (ft_type,be) = read_from_var_heap ft_type_ptr be0 in
(case ft_type of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
@@ -563,16 +563,16 @@ instance declareVars (Ptr VarInfo) where
instance declareVars FreeVar where
declareVars :: FreeVar !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder
declareVars freeVar _
- = declareVariable BELhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name
+ = declareVariable BELhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_ident.id_name
instance declareVars LetBind where
declareVars :: LetBind !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder
declareVars {lb_src=App {app_symb, app_args=[Var _:_]}, lb_dst=freeVar} aliasDummyId
- | not (isNilPtr app_symb.symb_name.id_info) && app_symb.symb_name==aliasDummyId
+ | not (isNilPtr app_symb.symb_ident.id_info) && app_symb.symb_ident==aliasDummyId
= identity // we have an alias. Don't declare the same variable twice
- = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name
+ = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_ident.id_name
declareVars {lb_dst=freeVar} _
- = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name
+ = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_ident.id_name
declareVariable :: Int (Ptr VarInfo) {#Char} -> BackEnder
declareVariable lhsOrRhs varInfoPtr name
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ instance declareVars Expression where
= foldState declVar outParams
declVar {bind_dst=freeVar}
- = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name
+ = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_ident.id_name
declareVars _ _
= identity
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ declareFunctionSymbols functions functionIndices globalFunctions backEnd
= foldl declare backEnd [(functionIndex, componentIndex, functions.[functionIndex]) \\ (componentIndex, functionIndex) <- functionIndices]
declare backEnd (functionIndex, componentIndex, function)
- = appBackEnd (BEDeclareFunction (functionName function.fun_symb.id_name functionIndex globalFunctions)
+ = appBackEnd (BEDeclareFunction (functionName function.fun_ident.id_name functionIndex globalFunctions)
function.fun_arity functionIndex componentIndex) backEnd
functionName :: {#Char} Int [IndexRange] -> {#Char}
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ declareArrayInstances array_first_instance_indices /*{ir_from, ir_to}*/ predefs
= declareArrayInstances (member_n+1) first_member_index backend
declareArrayInstance :: Index FunDef -> BackEnder
- declareArrayInstance index {fun_symb={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type}
+ declareArrayInstance index {fun_ident={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type}
= beDeclareRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (id_name +++ ";" +++ toString index)
o` beDefineRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n type)
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ declareListInstances array_first_instance_indices predef_list_class_index predef
= declareListInstances (member_n+1) first_member_index backend
declareListInstance :: Index FunDef -> BackEnder
- declareListInstance index {fun_symb={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type}
+ declareListInstance index {fun_ident={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type}
// | trace_tn ("declareListInstance "+++toString index+++" "+++toString main_dcl_module_n)
= beDeclareRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (id_name +++ ";" +++ toString index)
o` beDefineRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n type)
@@ -758,20 +758,20 @@ instance declare CommonDefs where
instance declareWithIndex (TypeDef a) where
declareWithIndex :: Index ModuleIndex (TypeDef a) -> BackEnder
- declareWithIndex typeIndex moduleIndex {td_name}
- = appBackEnd (BEDeclareType typeIndex moduleIndex td_name.id_name)
+ declareWithIndex typeIndex moduleIndex {td_ident}
+ = appBackEnd (BEDeclareType typeIndex moduleIndex td_ident.id_name)
declareFunTypes :: ModuleIndex {#FunType} Int -> BackEnder
declareFunTypes moduleIndex funTypes nrOfDclFunctions
= foldStateWithIndexA (declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions) funTypes
declareFunType :: ModuleIndex Index Int FunType -> BackEnder
-declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions functionIndex {ft_symb, ft_type_ptr}
+declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions functionIndex {ft_ident, ft_type_ptr}
= \be0 -> let (vi,be) = read_from_var_heap ft_type_ptr be0 in
(case vi of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
- -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName ft_symb.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions)
-// -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName moduleIndex ft_symb.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions)
+ -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName ft_ident.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions)
+// -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName moduleIndex ft_ident.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions)
o` beDefineRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (convertTypeAlt functionIndex moduleIndex expandedType)
-> identity) be
@@ -809,17 +809,17 @@ convertTypeVars typeVars
convertTypeVar :: ATypeVar -> BEMonad BETypeVarListP
convertTypeVar typeVar
- = beTypeVarListElem (beTypeVar typeVar.atv_variable.tv_name.id_name) (convertAttribution typeVar.atv_attribute)
+ = beTypeVarListElem (beTypeVar typeVar.atv_variable.tv_ident.id_name) (convertAttribution typeVar.atv_attribute)
defineType :: ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} {#SelectorDef} Index CheckedTypeDef *BackEndState -> *BackEndState
-defineType moduleIndex constructors _ typeIndex {td_name, td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=AlgType constructorSymbols} be
+defineType moduleIndex constructors _ typeIndex {td_ident, td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=AlgType constructorSymbols} be
# (flatType, be)
= convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_attribute td_args be
# (constructors, be)
- = convertConstructors typeIndex td_name.id_name moduleIndex constructors constructorSymbols be
+ = convertConstructors typeIndex td_ident.id_name moduleIndex constructors constructorSymbols be
= appBackEnd (BEAlgebraicType flatType constructors) be
defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors typeIndex {td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields, rt_is_boxed_record}} be
-// | trace_tn constructorDef.cons_symb
+// | trace_tn constructorDef.cons_ident
# (flatType, be)
= convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_attribute td_args be
# (fields, be)
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ convertConstructors typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructors symbols
convertConstructor :: Int {#Char} ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} DefinedSymbol -> BEMonad BEConstructorListP
convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructorDefs {ds_index}
= \be0 -> let (constructorType,be) = constructorTypeFunction be0 in
- (appBackEnd (BEDeclareConstructor ds_index moduleIndex constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name) // +++ remove declare
+ (appBackEnd (BEDeclareConstructor ds_index moduleIndex constructorDef.cons_ident.id_name) // +++ remove declare
o` beConstructor
(beConstructorSymbol moduleIndex ds_index)
@@ -870,9 +870,9 @@ convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructorDefs {ds_index}
= let (cons_type,be) = read_from_var_heap constructorDef.cons_type_ptr be0 in
(case cons_type of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
- -> (expandedType,be) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name, ds_index, expandedType)
+ -> (expandedType,be) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_ident.id_name, ds_index, expandedType)
- -> (constructorDef.cons_type,be)) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name, ds_index, constructorDef.cons_type)
+ -> (constructorDef.cons_type,be)) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_ident.id_name, ds_index, constructorDef.cons_type)
foldrAi function result array
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ convertSelector :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} Bool FieldSymbol -> BEMonad BEFiel
//convertSelector moduleIndex selectorDefs {fs_index}
convertSelector moduleIndex selectorDefs is_strict {fs_index}
= \be0 -> let (selectorType,be) = selectorTypeFunction be0 in
- ( appBackEnd (BEDeclareField fs_index moduleIndex selectorDef.sd_symb.id_name)
+ ( appBackEnd (BEDeclareField fs_index moduleIndex selectorDef.sd__ident.id_name)
// o` beField fs_index moduleIndex (convertAnnotTypeNode (selectorType.st_result))) be
o` beField fs_index moduleIndex (convertAnnotAndTypeNode (if is_strict AN_Strict AN_None) (selectorType.st_result))) be
@@ -1253,10 +1253,10 @@ convertRules rules main_dcl_module_n aliasDummyId be
= convert t rulesP be
convertRule :: Ident (Int,FunDef) Int -> BEMonad BEImpRuleP
-convertRule aliasDummyId (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind, fun_symb, fun_info}) main_dcl_module_n
-// | trace_tn fun_symb.id_name
+convertRule aliasDummyId (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind, fun_ident, fun_info}) main_dcl_module_n
+// | trace_tn fun_ident.id_name
= beRule index (cafness fun_kind)
- (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n (type -*-> ("convertRule", fun_symb.id_name, index, type, (fun_info.fi_group_index, body))))
+ (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n (type -*-> ("convertRule", fun_ident.id_name, index, type, (fun_info.fi_group_index, body))))
(convertFunctionBody index (positionToLineNumber fun_pos) aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n)
cafness :: FunKind -> Int
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ nextAttributeNumber state=:{bes_attr_number}
= (bes_attr_number + BEFirstUniVarNumber, {state & bes_attr_number = bes_attr_number+1})
convertAttributeVar :: AttributeVar *BackEndState -> (BEAttribution, *BackEndState)
-convertAttributeVar {av_info_ptr, av_name} state=:{bes_attr_number}
+convertAttributeVar {av_info_ptr, av_ident} state=:{bes_attr_number}
# (attrInfo, state)
= read_from_attr_heap av_info_ptr state
= case attrInfo of
@@ -1447,8 +1447,8 @@ convertTypeNode (TA typeSymbolIdent typeArgs)
convertTypeNode (TAS typeSymbolIdent typeArgs strictness)
// = beNormalTypeNode (convertTypeSymbolIdent typeSymbolIdent) (convertTypeArgs typeArgs )
= beNormalTypeNode (convertTypeSymbolIdent typeSymbolIdent) (convertAnnotatedTypeArgs typeArgs strictness)
-convertTypeNode (TV {tv_name})
- = beVarTypeNode tv_name.id_name
+convertTypeNode (TV {tv_ident})
+ = beVarTypeNode tv_ident.id_name
convertTypeNode (TempQV n)
= beVarTypeNode ("_tqv" +++ toString n)
convertTypeNode (TempV n)
@@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@ collectNodeDefs aliasDummyId (Let {let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds})
filterStrictAlias [] let_lazy_binds
= let_lazy_binds
filterStrictAlias [strict_bind=:{lb_src=App app}:strict_binds] let_lazy_binds
- | not (isNilPtr app.app_symb.symb_name.id_info) && app.app_symb.symb_name==aliasDummyId
+ | not (isNilPtr app.app_symb.symb_ident.id_info) && app.app_symb.symb_ident==aliasDummyId
// the compiled source was a strict alias like "#! x = y"
= case hd app.app_args of
Var _
diff --git a/backend/backendinterface.icl b/backend/backendinterface.icl
index c479da3..7399fe4 100644
--- a/backend/backendinterface.icl
+++ b/backend/backendinterface.icl
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ printFunctionTypes all attr info components functions attrHeap file backEnd
= flatten [[(componentIndex, member) \\ member <- group.group_members] \\ group <-: components & componentIndex <- [1..]]
printFunctionType :: Bool Bool DictionaryToClassInfo (Int, FunDef) (*AttrVarHeap, *File, *BackEnd) -> (*AttrVarHeap, *File, *BackEnd)
-printFunctionType all attr info (functionIndex, {fun_symb,fun_type=Yes type}) (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
+printFunctionType all attr info (functionIndex, {fun_ident,fun_type=Yes type}) (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
| not all && functionIndex >= size info.dtic_dclModules.[info.dtci_iclModuleIndex].dcl_functions
= (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
-// | trace_tn (toString fun_symb) && True ---> type.st_args
+// | trace_tn (toString fun_ident) && True ---> type.st_args
# (strictnessAdded, type, backEnd)
- = addStrictnessFromBackEnd functionIndex fun_symb.id_name backEnd type
+ = addStrictnessFromBackEnd functionIndex fun_ident.id_name backEnd type
| not strictnessAdded && not all
= (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
// FIXME: shouldn't have to repair the invariant here
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ printFunctionType all attr info (functionIndex, {fun_symb,fun_type=Yes type}) (a
# (type, attrHeap)
= beautifulizeAttributes type attrHeap
# file
- = file <<< fun_symb <<< " :: "
+ = file <<< fun_ident <<< " :: "
<:: ({ form_properties = (if attr cAttributed 0) bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }, type, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n'
= (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
@@ -388,10 +388,10 @@ where
= {tc_class = TCClass klass, tc_types = [at_type \\ {at_type} <- args], tc_var = nilPtr}
typeToClass :: DictionaryToClassInfo TypeSymbIdent -> Optional (Global DefinedSymbol)
-typeToClass info {type_name, type_arity, type_index={glob_module, glob_object}}
+typeToClass info {type_ident, type_arity, type_index={glob_module, glob_object}}
= case typeIndexToClassIndex info glob_module glob_object of
Yes classIndex
- -> Yes {glob_module=glob_module, glob_object = {ds_ident = type_name, ds_arity = type_arity, ds_index = glob_object}}
+ -> Yes {glob_module=glob_module, glob_object = {ds_ident = type_ident, ds_arity = type_arity, ds_index = glob_object}}
-> No
diff --git a/backend/backendpreprocess.icl b/backend/backendpreprocess.icl
index bc2e84b..0e81669 100644
--- a/backend/backendpreprocess.icl
+++ b/backend/backendpreprocess.icl
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ instance sequence LetBind where
= sequence` app lb_dst
sequence` {app_symb, app_args} lb_dst sequenceState=:{ss_aliasDummyId}
- | not (isNilPtr app_symb.symb_name.id_info) // nilPtr's are generated for Case's with case_ident=No in convertcases
- && app_symb.symb_name==ss_aliasDummyId
+ | not (isNilPtr app_symb.symb_ident.id_info) // nilPtr's are generated for Case's with case_ident=No in convertcases
+ && app_symb.symb_ident==ss_aliasDummyId
// the compiled source was a strict alias like "#! x = y"
= case hd app_args of
Var bound_var=:{var_info_ptr}