diff options
authorronny2003-05-16 09:59:19 +0000
committerronny2003-05-16 09:59:19 +0000
commitd70d064e64fea680078f0248e6ddb8ece76e0cde (patch)
parentfoldExp - added alternative for EE (diff)
renamed field names of type Ident in syntax tree
s/\<mod_name\>/mod_ident/g s/\<ps_field_name\>/ps_field_ident/g s/\<ps_selector_name\>/ps_selector_ident/g s/\<pc_cons_name\>/pc_cons_ident/g s/\<class_name\>/class_ident/g s/\<gen_name\>/gen_ident/g s/\<gen_member_name\>/gen_member_ident/g s/\<gc_name\>/gc_ident/g s/\<gc_gname\>/gc_gident/g s/\<fs_name\>/fs_ident/g s/\<td_name\>/td_ident/g s/\<fv_name\>/fv_ident/g s/\<var_name\>/var_ident/g s/\<type_name\>/type_ident/g s/\<symb_name\>/symb_ident/g s/\<tv_name\>/tv_ident/g s/\<av_name\>/av_ident/g s/\<me_symb\>/me_ident/g s/\<ft_symb\>/ft_ident/g s/\<fun_symb\>/fun_ident/g s/\<cons_symb\>/cons_ident/g s/\<sd_symb\>/sd__ident/g git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1340 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
40 files changed, 1622 insertions, 1622 deletions
diff --git a/backend/backendconvert.icl b/backend/backendconvert.icl
index af5ca46..c0ccef5 100644
--- a/backend/backendconvert.icl
+++ b/backend/backendconvert.icl
@@ -414,17 +414,17 @@ backEndConvertModulesH predefs {fe_icl =
( "dcl conversions"
, currentDcl.dcl_conversions
, "dcl constructors"
- , [constructor.cons_symb.id_name \\ constructor <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_cons_defs]
+ , [constructor.cons_ident.id_name \\ constructor <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_cons_defs]
, "dcl selectors"
- , [selector.sd_symb.id_name \\ selector <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_selector_defs]
+ , [selector.sd__ident.id_name \\ selector <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_selector_defs]
, "dcl types"
- , [type.td_name.id_name \\ type <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_type_defs]
+ , [type.td_ident.id_name \\ type <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_type_defs]
, "icl constructors"
- , [constructor.cons_symb.id_name \\ constructor <-: icl_common.com_cons_defs]
+ , [constructor.cons_ident.id_name \\ constructor <-: icl_common.com_cons_defs]
, "icl selectors"
- , [selector.sd_symb.id_name \\ selector <-: icl_common.com_selector_defs]
+ , [selector.sd__ident.id_name \\ selector <-: icl_common.com_selector_defs]
, "icl types"
- , [type.td_name.id_name \\ type <-: icl_common.com_type_defs]
+ , [type.td_ident.id_name \\ type <-: icl_common.com_type_defs]
#! backEnd
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ where
= foldStateWithIndexA (removeExpandedTypesFromFunType moduleIndex) dcl_functions
removeExpandedTypesFromFunType :: ModuleIndex Index FunType -> BackEnder
- removeExpandedTypesFromFunType moduleIndex functionIndex {ft_symb, ft_type_ptr}
+ removeExpandedTypesFromFunType moduleIndex functionIndex {ft_ident, ft_type_ptr}
= \be0 -> let (ft_type,be) = read_from_var_heap ft_type_ptr be0 in
(case ft_type of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
@@ -563,16 +563,16 @@ instance declareVars (Ptr VarInfo) where
instance declareVars FreeVar where
declareVars :: FreeVar !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder
declareVars freeVar _
- = declareVariable BELhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name
+ = declareVariable BELhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_ident.id_name
instance declareVars LetBind where
declareVars :: LetBind !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder
declareVars {lb_src=App {app_symb, app_args=[Var _:_]}, lb_dst=freeVar} aliasDummyId
- | not (isNilPtr app_symb.symb_name.id_info) && app_symb.symb_name==aliasDummyId
+ | not (isNilPtr app_symb.symb_ident.id_info) && app_symb.symb_ident==aliasDummyId
= identity // we have an alias. Don't declare the same variable twice
- = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name
+ = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_ident.id_name
declareVars {lb_dst=freeVar} _
- = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name
+ = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_ident.id_name
declareVariable :: Int (Ptr VarInfo) {#Char} -> BackEnder
declareVariable lhsOrRhs varInfoPtr name
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ instance declareVars Expression where
= foldState declVar outParams
declVar {bind_dst=freeVar}
- = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name
+ = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_ident.id_name
declareVars _ _
= identity
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ declareFunctionSymbols functions functionIndices globalFunctions backEnd
= foldl declare backEnd [(functionIndex, componentIndex, functions.[functionIndex]) \\ (componentIndex, functionIndex) <- functionIndices]
declare backEnd (functionIndex, componentIndex, function)
- = appBackEnd (BEDeclareFunction (functionName function.fun_symb.id_name functionIndex globalFunctions)
+ = appBackEnd (BEDeclareFunction (functionName function.fun_ident.id_name functionIndex globalFunctions)
function.fun_arity functionIndex componentIndex) backEnd
functionName :: {#Char} Int [IndexRange] -> {#Char}
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ declareArrayInstances array_first_instance_indices /*{ir_from, ir_to}*/ predefs
= declareArrayInstances (member_n+1) first_member_index backend
declareArrayInstance :: Index FunDef -> BackEnder
- declareArrayInstance index {fun_symb={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type}
+ declareArrayInstance index {fun_ident={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type}
= beDeclareRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (id_name +++ ";" +++ toString index)
o` beDefineRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n type)
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ declareListInstances array_first_instance_indices predef_list_class_index predef
= declareListInstances (member_n+1) first_member_index backend
declareListInstance :: Index FunDef -> BackEnder
- declareListInstance index {fun_symb={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type}
+ declareListInstance index {fun_ident={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type}
// | trace_tn ("declareListInstance "+++toString index+++" "+++toString main_dcl_module_n)
= beDeclareRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (id_name +++ ";" +++ toString index)
o` beDefineRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n type)
@@ -758,20 +758,20 @@ instance declare CommonDefs where
instance declareWithIndex (TypeDef a) where
declareWithIndex :: Index ModuleIndex (TypeDef a) -> BackEnder
- declareWithIndex typeIndex moduleIndex {td_name}
- = appBackEnd (BEDeclareType typeIndex moduleIndex td_name.id_name)
+ declareWithIndex typeIndex moduleIndex {td_ident}
+ = appBackEnd (BEDeclareType typeIndex moduleIndex td_ident.id_name)
declareFunTypes :: ModuleIndex {#FunType} Int -> BackEnder
declareFunTypes moduleIndex funTypes nrOfDclFunctions
= foldStateWithIndexA (declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions) funTypes
declareFunType :: ModuleIndex Index Int FunType -> BackEnder
-declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions functionIndex {ft_symb, ft_type_ptr}
+declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions functionIndex {ft_ident, ft_type_ptr}
= \be0 -> let (vi,be) = read_from_var_heap ft_type_ptr be0 in
(case vi of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
- -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName ft_symb.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions)
-// -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName moduleIndex ft_symb.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions)
+ -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName ft_ident.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions)
+// -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName moduleIndex ft_ident.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions)
o` beDefineRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (convertTypeAlt functionIndex moduleIndex expandedType)
-> identity) be
@@ -809,17 +809,17 @@ convertTypeVars typeVars
convertTypeVar :: ATypeVar -> BEMonad BETypeVarListP
convertTypeVar typeVar
- = beTypeVarListElem (beTypeVar typeVar.atv_variable.tv_name.id_name) (convertAttribution typeVar.atv_attribute)
+ = beTypeVarListElem (beTypeVar typeVar.atv_variable.tv_ident.id_name) (convertAttribution typeVar.atv_attribute)
defineType :: ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} {#SelectorDef} Index CheckedTypeDef *BackEndState -> *BackEndState
-defineType moduleIndex constructors _ typeIndex {td_name, td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=AlgType constructorSymbols} be
+defineType moduleIndex constructors _ typeIndex {td_ident, td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=AlgType constructorSymbols} be
# (flatType, be)
= convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_attribute td_args be
# (constructors, be)
- = convertConstructors typeIndex td_name.id_name moduleIndex constructors constructorSymbols be
+ = convertConstructors typeIndex td_ident.id_name moduleIndex constructors constructorSymbols be
= appBackEnd (BEAlgebraicType flatType constructors) be
defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors typeIndex {td_attribute, td_args, td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields, rt_is_boxed_record}} be
-// | trace_tn constructorDef.cons_symb
+// | trace_tn constructorDef.cons_ident
# (flatType, be)
= convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_attribute td_args be
# (fields, be)
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ convertConstructors typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructors symbols
convertConstructor :: Int {#Char} ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} DefinedSymbol -> BEMonad BEConstructorListP
convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructorDefs {ds_index}
= \be0 -> let (constructorType,be) = constructorTypeFunction be0 in
- (appBackEnd (BEDeclareConstructor ds_index moduleIndex constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name) // +++ remove declare
+ (appBackEnd (BEDeclareConstructor ds_index moduleIndex constructorDef.cons_ident.id_name) // +++ remove declare
o` beConstructor
(beConstructorSymbol moduleIndex ds_index)
@@ -870,9 +870,9 @@ convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructorDefs {ds_index}
= let (cons_type,be) = read_from_var_heap constructorDef.cons_type_ptr be0 in
(case cons_type of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
- -> (expandedType,be) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name, ds_index, expandedType)
+ -> (expandedType,be) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_ident.id_name, ds_index, expandedType)
- -> (constructorDef.cons_type,be)) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name, ds_index, constructorDef.cons_type)
+ -> (constructorDef.cons_type,be)) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_ident.id_name, ds_index, constructorDef.cons_type)
foldrAi function result array
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ convertSelector :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} Bool FieldSymbol -> BEMonad BEFiel
//convertSelector moduleIndex selectorDefs {fs_index}
convertSelector moduleIndex selectorDefs is_strict {fs_index}
= \be0 -> let (selectorType,be) = selectorTypeFunction be0 in
- ( appBackEnd (BEDeclareField fs_index moduleIndex selectorDef.sd_symb.id_name)
+ ( appBackEnd (BEDeclareField fs_index moduleIndex selectorDef.sd__ident.id_name)
// o` beField fs_index moduleIndex (convertAnnotTypeNode (selectorType.st_result))) be
o` beField fs_index moduleIndex (convertAnnotAndTypeNode (if is_strict AN_Strict AN_None) (selectorType.st_result))) be
@@ -1253,10 +1253,10 @@ convertRules rules main_dcl_module_n aliasDummyId be
= convert t rulesP be
convertRule :: Ident (Int,FunDef) Int -> BEMonad BEImpRuleP
-convertRule aliasDummyId (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind, fun_symb, fun_info}) main_dcl_module_n
-// | trace_tn fun_symb.id_name
+convertRule aliasDummyId (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind, fun_ident, fun_info}) main_dcl_module_n
+// | trace_tn fun_ident.id_name
= beRule index (cafness fun_kind)
- (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n (type -*-> ("convertRule", fun_symb.id_name, index, type, (fun_info.fi_group_index, body))))
+ (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n (type -*-> ("convertRule", fun_ident.id_name, index, type, (fun_info.fi_group_index, body))))
(convertFunctionBody index (positionToLineNumber fun_pos) aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n)
cafness :: FunKind -> Int
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ nextAttributeNumber state=:{bes_attr_number}
= (bes_attr_number + BEFirstUniVarNumber, {state & bes_attr_number = bes_attr_number+1})
convertAttributeVar :: AttributeVar *BackEndState -> (BEAttribution, *BackEndState)
-convertAttributeVar {av_info_ptr, av_name} state=:{bes_attr_number}
+convertAttributeVar {av_info_ptr, av_ident} state=:{bes_attr_number}
# (attrInfo, state)
= read_from_attr_heap av_info_ptr state
= case attrInfo of
@@ -1447,8 +1447,8 @@ convertTypeNode (TA typeSymbolIdent typeArgs)
convertTypeNode (TAS typeSymbolIdent typeArgs strictness)
// = beNormalTypeNode (convertTypeSymbolIdent typeSymbolIdent) (convertTypeArgs typeArgs )
= beNormalTypeNode (convertTypeSymbolIdent typeSymbolIdent) (convertAnnotatedTypeArgs typeArgs strictness)
-convertTypeNode (TV {tv_name})
- = beVarTypeNode tv_name.id_name
+convertTypeNode (TV {tv_ident})
+ = beVarTypeNode tv_ident.id_name
convertTypeNode (TempQV n)
= beVarTypeNode ("_tqv" +++ toString n)
convertTypeNode (TempV n)
@@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@ collectNodeDefs aliasDummyId (Let {let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds})
filterStrictAlias [] let_lazy_binds
= let_lazy_binds
filterStrictAlias [strict_bind=:{lb_src=App app}:strict_binds] let_lazy_binds
- | not (isNilPtr app.app_symb.symb_name.id_info) && app.app_symb.symb_name==aliasDummyId
+ | not (isNilPtr app.app_symb.symb_ident.id_info) && app.app_symb.symb_ident==aliasDummyId
// the compiled source was a strict alias like "#! x = y"
= case hd app.app_args of
Var _
diff --git a/backend/backendinterface.icl b/backend/backendinterface.icl
index c479da3..7399fe4 100644
--- a/backend/backendinterface.icl
+++ b/backend/backendinterface.icl
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ printFunctionTypes all attr info components functions attrHeap file backEnd
= flatten [[(componentIndex, member) \\ member <- group.group_members] \\ group <-: components & componentIndex <- [1..]]
printFunctionType :: Bool Bool DictionaryToClassInfo (Int, FunDef) (*AttrVarHeap, *File, *BackEnd) -> (*AttrVarHeap, *File, *BackEnd)
-printFunctionType all attr info (functionIndex, {fun_symb,fun_type=Yes type}) (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
+printFunctionType all attr info (functionIndex, {fun_ident,fun_type=Yes type}) (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
| not all && functionIndex >= size info.dtic_dclModules.[info.dtci_iclModuleIndex].dcl_functions
= (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
-// | trace_tn (toString fun_symb) && True ---> type.st_args
+// | trace_tn (toString fun_ident) && True ---> type.st_args
# (strictnessAdded, type, backEnd)
- = addStrictnessFromBackEnd functionIndex fun_symb.id_name backEnd type
+ = addStrictnessFromBackEnd functionIndex fun_ident.id_name backEnd type
| not strictnessAdded && not all
= (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
// FIXME: shouldn't have to repair the invariant here
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ printFunctionType all attr info (functionIndex, {fun_symb,fun_type=Yes type}) (a
# (type, attrHeap)
= beautifulizeAttributes type attrHeap
# file
- = file <<< fun_symb <<< " :: "
+ = file <<< fun_ident <<< " :: "
<:: ({ form_properties = (if attr cAttributed 0) bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }, type, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n'
= (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
@@ -388,10 +388,10 @@ where
= {tc_class = TCClass klass, tc_types = [at_type \\ {at_type} <- args], tc_var = nilPtr}
typeToClass :: DictionaryToClassInfo TypeSymbIdent -> Optional (Global DefinedSymbol)
-typeToClass info {type_name, type_arity, type_index={glob_module, glob_object}}
+typeToClass info {type_ident, type_arity, type_index={glob_module, glob_object}}
= case typeIndexToClassIndex info glob_module glob_object of
Yes classIndex
- -> Yes {glob_module=glob_module, glob_object = {ds_ident = type_name, ds_arity = type_arity, ds_index = glob_object}}
+ -> Yes {glob_module=glob_module, glob_object = {ds_ident = type_ident, ds_arity = type_arity, ds_index = glob_object}}
-> No
diff --git a/backend/backendpreprocess.icl b/backend/backendpreprocess.icl
index bc2e84b..0e81669 100644
--- a/backend/backendpreprocess.icl
+++ b/backend/backendpreprocess.icl
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ instance sequence LetBind where
= sequence` app lb_dst
sequence` {app_symb, app_args} lb_dst sequenceState=:{ss_aliasDummyId}
- | not (isNilPtr app_symb.symb_name.id_info) // nilPtr's are generated for Case's with case_ident=No in convertcases
- && app_symb.symb_name==ss_aliasDummyId
+ | not (isNilPtr app_symb.symb_ident.id_info) // nilPtr's are generated for Case's with case_ident=No in convertcases
+ && app_symb.symb_ident==ss_aliasDummyId
// the compiled source was a strict alias like "#! x = y"
= case hd app_args of
Var bound_var=:{var_info_ptr}
diff --git a/frontend/StdCompare.icl b/frontend/StdCompare.icl
index f902857..69a9773 100644
--- a/frontend/StdCompare.icl
+++ b/frontend/StdCompare.icl
@@ -224,12 +224,12 @@ where
instance =< BoundVar
(=<) bv1 bv2
- = bv1.var_name =< bv2.var_name
+ = bv1.var_ident =< bv2.var_ident
instance =< FreeVar
(=<) fv1 fv2
- = fv1.fv_name =< fv2.fv_name
+ = fv1.fv_ident =< fv2.fv_ident
instance =< Ident
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ where
instance =< TypeSymbIdent
(=<) s1 s2
- = s1.type_name =< s2.type_name
+ = s1.type_ident =< s2.type_ident
instance =< Type
@@ -316,5 +316,5 @@ where
instance < MemberDef
- (<) md1 md2 = md1.me_symb.id_name < md2.me_symb.id_name
+ (<) md1 md2 = md1.me_ident.id_name < md2.me_ident.id_name
diff --git a/frontend/analtypes.icl b/frontend/analtypes.icl
index bff03d7..99a446d 100644
--- a/frontend/analtypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/analtypes.icl
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ where
= case td_rhs of
SynType type
# (opt_type, type_defs, type_heaps, error)
- = try_to_expand_synonym_type (newPosition td.td_name td.td_pos) type td_attribute (type_defs, type_heaps, error)
+ = try_to_expand_synonym_type (newPosition td.td_ident td.td_pos) type td_attribute (type_defs, type_heaps, error)
-> case opt_type of
Yes type
# type_defs = { type_defs & [gi_module, gi_index] = { td & td_rhs = SynType type}}
@@ -120,18 +120,18 @@ where
# (ok, subst_rhs, type_heaps) = substituteType used_td.td_attribute attribute used_td.td_args types at_type type_heaps
| ok
-> (Yes {type & at_type = subst_rhs }, type_defs, type_heaps, error)
- # error = popErrorAdmin (typeSynonymError used_td.td_name "kind conflict in argument of type synonym" (pushErrorAdmin pos error))
+ # error = popErrorAdmin (typeSynonymError used_td.td_ident "kind conflict in argument of type synonym" (pushErrorAdmin pos error))
-> (No, type_defs, type_heaps, error)
-> (No, type_defs, type_heaps, error)
try_to_expand_synonym_type_in_main_dcl main_dcl_module_index {gi_module,gi_index} (type_defs, main_dcl_type_defs, type_heaps, error)
| main_dcl_module_index == main_dcl_module_index && gi_index < size main_dcl_type_defs
- # (td=:{td_rhs,td_attribute,td_name,td_pos}, main_dcl_type_defs) = main_dcl_type_defs![gi_index]
+ # (td=:{td_rhs,td_attribute,td_ident,td_pos}, main_dcl_type_defs) = main_dcl_type_defs![gi_index]
= case td_rhs of
SynType type
# (opt_type, type_defs, type_heaps, error)
- = try_to_expand_synonym_type (newPosition td_name td_pos) type td_attribute (type_defs, type_heaps, error)
+ = try_to_expand_synonym_type (newPosition td_ident td_pos) type td_attribute (type_defs, type_heaps, error)
-> case opt_type of
Yes type
-> (type_defs, { main_dcl_type_defs & [gi_index] = { td & td_rhs = SynType type}}, type_heaps, error)
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ where
partitionateTypeDef gi=:{gi_module,gi_index} pi=:{pi_type_defs}
- # ({td_name,td_pos,td_used_types}, pi) = pi!pi_type_defs.[gi_module].[gi_index]
+ # ({td_ident,td_pos,td_used_types}, pi) = pi!pi_type_defs.[gi_module].[gi_index]
pi = push_on_dep_stack gi pi
(min_dep, pi) = foldSt visit_type td_used_types (cMAXINT, pi)
= try_to_close_group gi min_dep pi
@@ -195,13 +195,13 @@ where
check_cyclic_type_def td=:{gi_module,gi_index} (group, marks, typedefs, error)
# (mark, marks) = marks![gi_module,gi_index]
- # ({td_name,td_pos,td_used_types,td_rhs}, typedefs) = typedefs![gi_module].[gi_index]
+ # ({td_ident,td_pos,td_used_types,td_rhs}, typedefs) = typedefs![gi_module].[gi_index]
| mark == cChecking
- = (group, marks, typedefs, typeSynonymError td_name "cyclic dependency between type synonyms" error)
+ = (group, marks, typedefs, typeSynonymError td_ident "cyclic dependency between type synonyms" error)
| mark < cMAXINT
| is_synonym_type td_rhs
# marks = { marks & [gi_module,gi_index] = cChecking }
- error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition td_name td_pos) error
+ error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition td_ident td_pos) error
(group, marks, typedefs, error) = check_cyclic_type_defs td_used_types [td : group] marks typedefs error
error = popErrorAdmin error
= (group, { marks & [gi_module,gi_index] = cMAXINT }, typedefs, error)
@@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ where
analTypes_for_TA :: Ident Int Int Int [AType] !Bool !{#CommonDefs} ![KindInfoPtr] !Conditions !*AnalyseState
-> (!KindInfo, !TypeProperties, !(!Conditions, !*AnalyseState))
-analTypes_for_TA type_name glob_module glob_object type_arity types has_root_attr modules form_tvs conds as
- # {td_arity, td_name} = modules.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+analTypes_for_TA type_ident glob_module glob_object type_arity types has_root_attr modules form_tvs conds as
+ # {td_arity, td_ident} = modules.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
({tdi_kinds, tdi_properties}, as) = as!as_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
| type_arity <= td_arity
# kind = kindArrowToKindInfo (drop type_arity tdi_kinds)
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@ analTypes_for_TA type_name glob_module glob_object type_arity types has_root_att
# (type_properties, conds_as) = anal_types_of_type_cons modules form_tvs types tdi_kinds (conds, as)
new_properties = condCombineTypeProperties has_root_attr type_properties tdi_properties
= (kind, new_properties, conds_as)
-// ---> ("analTypes_for_TA", td_name, type_properties, tdi_properties, new_properties, has_root_attr)
- = (KI_Const, tdi_properties, (conds, { as & as_error = checkError type_name type_appl_error as.as_error }))
+// ---> ("analTypes_for_TA", td_ident, type_properties, tdi_properties, new_properties, has_root_attr)
+ = (KI_Const, tdi_properties, (conds, { as & as_error = checkError type_ident type_appl_error as.as_error }))
anal_types_of_rec_type_cons modules form_tvs [] _ conds_as
= (cIsHyperStrict, conds_as)
@@ -421,10 +421,10 @@ instance analTypes Type
analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs (TV tv) conds_as
= analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs tv conds_as
- analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs type=:(TA {type_name,type_index={glob_module,glob_object},type_arity} types) (conds, as)
- = analTypes_for_TA type_name glob_module glob_object type_arity types has_root_attr modules form_tvs conds as
- analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs type=:(TAS {type_name,type_index={glob_module,glob_object},type_arity} types _) (conds, as)
- = analTypes_for_TA type_name glob_module glob_object type_arity types has_root_attr modules form_tvs conds as
+ analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs type=:(TA {type_ident,type_index={glob_module,glob_object},type_arity} types) (conds, as)
+ = analTypes_for_TA type_ident glob_module glob_object type_arity types has_root_attr modules form_tvs conds as
+ analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs type=:(TAS {type_ident,type_index={glob_module,glob_object},type_arity} types _) (conds, as)
+ = analTypes_for_TA type_ident glob_module glob_object type_arity types has_root_attr modules form_tvs conds as
analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs (arg_type --> res_type) conds_as
# (arg_kind, arg_type_props, conds_as) = analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs arg_type conds_as
(res_kind, res_type_props, (conds, as=:{as_kind_heap,as_error})) = analTypes has_root_attr modules form_tvs res_type conds_as
@@ -582,8 +582,8 @@ where
anal_type_def modules gi=:{gi_module,gi_index} (group_properties, conds, as=:{as_error})
# {com_type_defs,com_cons_defs} = modules.[gi_module]
- {td_name,td_pos,td_args,td_rhs} = com_type_defs.[gi_index]
- as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition td_name td_pos) as_error
+ {td_ident,td_pos,td_args,td_rhs} = com_type_defs.[gi_index]
+ as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition td_ident td_pos) as_error
(type_properties, (conds, as)) = anal_rhs_of_type_def modules com_cons_defs td_rhs (conds, { as & as_error = as_error })
= (combineTypeProperties group_properties type_properties, conds, {as & as_error = popErrorAdmin as.as_error })
@@ -654,8 +654,8 @@ where
update_type_def_info modules type_properties top_vars {gi_module,gi_index} updated_kinds
(kind_store, kind_heap, td_infos)
// # {com_type_defs} = modules.[gi_module]
-// {td_name} = com_type_defs.[gi_index]
- # (td_info=:{tdi_kinds}, td_infos) = td_infos![gi_module].[gi_index] // ---> ("update_type_def_info", td_name, type_properties)
+// {td_ident} = com_type_defs.[gi_index]
+ # (td_info=:{tdi_kinds}, td_infos) = td_infos![gi_module].[gi_index] // ---> ("update_type_def_info", td_ident, type_properties)
# (group_vars, cons_vars, kind_store, kind_heap) = determine_type_def_info tdi_kinds updated_kinds top_vars kind_store kind_heap
= (kind_store, kind_heap, { td_infos & [gi_module,gi_index] =
{td_info & tdi_properties = type_properties, tdi_kinds = updated_kinds, tdi_group_vars = group_vars, tdi_cons_vars = cons_vars }})
@@ -681,12 +681,12 @@ where
check_dcl_properties modules dcl_types dcl_mod_index properties {gi_module, gi_index} as
| gi_module == dcl_mod_index && gi_index < size dcl_types
- # {td_name, td_rhs, td_args, td_pos} = dcl_types.[gi_index]
+ # {td_ident, td_rhs, td_args, td_pos} = dcl_types.[gi_index]
= case td_rhs of
AbstractType spec_properties
- # as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition td_name td_pos) as.as_error
+ # as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition td_ident td_pos) as.as_error
| check_coercibility spec_properties properties
-// ---> ("check_coercibility", td_name, spec_properties, properties)
+// ---> ("check_coercibility", td_ident, spec_properties, properties)
|check_hyperstrictness spec_properties properties
| spec_properties bitand cIsNonCoercible == 0
# (as_type_var_heap, as_td_infos, as_error) = check_positive_sign gi_module gi_index modules td_args as.as_type_var_heap as.as_td_infos as_error
@@ -793,10 +793,10 @@ where
determine_kinds_of_class modules class_module class_index (class_infos, as)
| isEmpty class_infos.[class_module,class_index]
# {com_class_defs,com_member_defs} = modules.[class_module]
- {class_args,class_context,class_members,class_arity,class_pos,class_name} = com_class_defs.[class_index]
+ {class_args,class_context,class_members,class_arity,class_pos,class_ident} = com_class_defs.[class_index]
(class_kind_vars, as_kind_heap) = fresh_kind_vars class_arity [] as.as_kind_heap
as_type_var_heap = bind_kind_vars class_args class_kind_vars as.as_type_var_heap
- as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition class_name class_pos) as.as_error
+ as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition class_ident class_pos) as.as_error
class_infos = { class_infos & [class_module,class_index] = cyclicClassInfoMark }
(class_infos, as) = determine_kinds_of_context_classes class_context (class_infos,
{ as & as_kind_heap = as_kind_heap, as_type_var_heap = as_type_var_heap, as_error = as_error })
@@ -805,12 +805,12 @@ where
(class_infos, as) = determine_kinds_of_members modules class_members com_member_defs class_kind_vars (class_infos, as)
(class_kinds, as_kind_heap) = retrieve_class_kinds class_kind_vars as.as_kind_heap
= ({class_infos & [class_module,class_index] = class_kinds }, { as & as_kind_heap = as_kind_heap, as_error = popErrorAdmin as.as_error})
-// ---> ("determine_kinds_of_class", class_name, class_kinds)
+// ---> ("determine_kinds_of_class", class_ident, class_kinds)
= ({class_infos & [class_module,class_index] = [ KindConst \\ _ <- [1..class_arity]] }, { as & as_error = popErrorAdmin as.as_error })
| isCyclicClass class_infos.[class_module,class_index]
- # {class_name,class_arity} = modules.[class_module].com_class_defs.[class_index]
+ # {class_ident,class_arity} = modules.[class_module].com_class_defs.[class_index]
= ({ class_infos & [class_module,class_index] = [ KindConst \\ _ <- [1..class_arity]]},
- { as & as_error = checkError class_name class_def_error as.as_error })
+ { as & as_error = checkError class_ident class_def_error as.as_error })
= (class_infos, as)
fresh_kind_vars nr_of_vars fresh_vars kind_heap
@@ -948,8 +948,8 @@ where
= check_kinds_of_generics common_defs (inc index) generic_defs class_infos gen_heap as
check_kinds_of_generic :: !{#CommonDefs} !GenericDef !*ClassDefInfos !*GenericHeap !*AnalyseState -> (!*ClassDefInfos, !*GenericHeap, !*AnalyseState)
- check_kinds_of_generic common_defs {gen_type, gen_name, gen_pos, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} class_infos gen_heap as
- # as = {as & as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition gen_name gen_pos) as.as_error}
+ check_kinds_of_generic common_defs {gen_type, gen_ident, gen_pos, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} class_infos gen_heap as
+ # as = {as & as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition gen_ident gen_pos) as.as_error}
# (class_infos, as) = check_kinds_of_symbol_type common_defs gen_type class_infos as
# (kinds, as) = mapSt retrieve_tv_kind gen_type.st_vars as
# as = check_kinds_of_generic_vars (take (length gen_vars) kinds) as
@@ -998,11 +998,11 @@ where
= as
check_kinds_of_icl_fuction common_defs fun_index (icl_fun_defs, class_infos, expression_heap, as)
- # ({fun_type,fun_symb,fun_info,fun_pos}, icl_fun_defs) = icl_fun_defs![fun_index]
+ # ({fun_type,fun_ident,fun_info,fun_pos}, icl_fun_defs) = icl_fun_defs![fun_index]
(expression_heap, as) = check_kinds_of_dynamics common_defs fun_info.fi_dynamics expression_heap as
= case fun_type of
Yes symbol_type
- # as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb fun_pos) as.as_error
+ # as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_ident fun_pos) as.as_error
(class_infos, as) = check_kinds_of_symbol_type common_defs symbol_type class_infos { as & as_error = as_error }
-> (icl_fun_defs, class_infos, expression_heap, { as & as_error = popErrorAdmin as.as_error })
@@ -1015,8 +1015,8 @@ where
= (dcl_modules, class_infos, as)
check_kinds_of_dcl_fuction common_defs dcl_functions fun_index (class_infos, as)
- # {ft_type,ft_symb,ft_pos} = dcl_functions.[fun_index]
- as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition ft_symb ft_pos) as.as_error
+ # {ft_type,ft_ident,ft_pos} = dcl_functions.[fun_index]
+ as_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition ft_ident ft_pos) as.as_error
(class_infos, as) = check_kinds_of_symbol_type common_defs ft_type class_infos
{ as & as_error = as_error }
= (class_infos, { as & as_error = popErrorAdmin as.as_error})
@@ -1073,13 +1073,13 @@ where
checkLeftRootAttributionOfTypeDef :: !{# CommonDefs} GlobalIndex !(!*TypeDefInfos, !*TypeVarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
-> (!*TypeDefInfos, !*TypeVarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
checkLeftRootAttributionOfTypeDef common_defs {gi_module,gi_index} (td_infos, th_vars, error)
- # {td_rhs, td_attribute, td_name, td_pos} = common_defs.[gi_module].com_type_defs.[gi_index]
+ # {td_rhs, td_attribute, td_ident, td_pos} = common_defs.[gi_module].com_type_defs.[gi_index]
| isUniqueAttr td_attribute
= (td_infos, th_vars, error)
# (is_unique, (td_infos, th_vars))
= isUniqueTypeRhs common_defs gi_module td_rhs (td_infos, th_vars)
| is_unique
- = (td_infos, th_vars, checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_name td_pos)
+ = (td_infos, th_vars, checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_ident td_pos)
" left root * attribute expected" error)
= (td_infos, th_vars, error)
diff --git a/frontend/analunitypes.icl b/frontend/analunitypes.icl
index ab0b524..53e5541 100644
--- a/frontend/analunitypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/analunitypes.icl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ typeProperties type_index module_index hio_signs hio_props defs type_var_heap td
(tsp_propagation, type_var_heap, td_infos) = determinePropClassOfTypeDef type_index module_index td_info hio_props defs type_var_heap td_infos
tsp_coercible = (td_info.tdi_properties bitand cIsNonCoercible) == 0
= ({tsp_sign = tsp_sign, tsp_propagation = tsp_propagation, tsp_coercible = tsp_coercible }, type_var_heap, td_infos)
-// ---> ("typeProperties", (defs.[module_index].com_type_defs.[type_index].td_name, type_index, module_index), tsp_sign, tsp_propagation)
+// ---> ("typeProperties", (defs.[module_index].com_type_defs.[type_index].td_ident, type_index, module_index), tsp_sign, tsp_propagation)
signClassification :: !Index !Index ![SignClassification] !{# CommonDefs } !*TypeVarHeap !*TypeDefInfos
-> (!SignClassification, !*TypeVarHeap, !*TypeDefInfos)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ signClassification type_index module_index hio_signs defs type_var_heap td_infos
# (tsp_sign, type_var_heap, td_infos)
= determineSignClassOfTypeDef type_index module_index td_info hio_signs defs type_var_heap td_infos
= (tsp_sign, type_var_heap, td_infos)
-// ---> ("signClassification", defs.[module_index].com_type_defs.[type_index].td_name, tsp_sign)
+// ---> ("signClassification", defs.[module_index].com_type_defs.[type_index].td_ident, tsp_sign)
removeTopClasses [cv : cvs] [tc : tcs]
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ where
collect_sign_class_of_type_def group_nr signs_of_group_vars ci {gi_module,gi_index} (sign_requirements, type_var_heap, td_infos)
# ({tdi_group_vars,tdi_kinds,tdi_index_in_group},td_infos) = td_infos![gi_module].[gi_index]
- {td_name,td_args,td_rhs} = ci.[gi_module].com_type_defs.[gi_index]
-// (rev_hio_signs, type_var_heap) = bind_type_vars_to_signs td_args (tdi_group_vars ---> ("bind_type_vars_to_signs",td_name, tdi_group_vars)) tdi_kinds signs_of_group_vars ([], type_var_heap)
+ {td_ident,td_args,td_rhs} = ci.[gi_module].com_type_defs.[gi_index]
+// (rev_hio_signs, type_var_heap) = bind_type_vars_to_signs td_args (tdi_group_vars ---> ("bind_type_vars_to_signs",td_ident, tdi_group_vars)) tdi_kinds signs_of_group_vars ([], type_var_heap)
(rev_hio_signs, type_var_heap) = bind_type_vars_to_signs td_args tdi_group_vars tdi_kinds signs_of_group_vars ([], type_var_heap)
(sign_env, scs) = sign_class_of_type_def gi_module td_rhs group_nr ci
{scs_type_var_heap = type_var_heap, scs_type_def_infos = td_infos, scs_rec_appls = [] }
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ IsArrowKind (KindArrow _) = True
IsArrowKind _ = False
signClassOfTypeVariable :: !TypeVar !{#CommonDefs} !*SignClassState -> (!SignClassification,!SignClassification,!*SignClassState)
-signClassOfTypeVariable {tv_name,tv_info_ptr} ci scs=:{scs_type_var_heap}
+signClassOfTypeVariable {tv_ident,tv_info_ptr} ci scs=:{scs_type_var_heap}
# (var_info, scs_type_var_heap) = readPtr tv_info_ptr scs_type_var_heap
scs = { scs & scs_type_var_heap = scs_type_var_heap }
= case var_info of
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ signClassOfType_for_TA glob_module glob_object types sign use_top_sign group_nr
# (td_info=:{tdi_group_nr,tdi_index_in_group,tdi_kinds}, scs) = scs!scs_type_def_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
| tdi_group_nr == group_nr
= sign_class_of_type_list_of_rec_type types sign use_top_sign tdi_index_in_group ci [] scs
- # {td_arity,td_name} = ci.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+ # {td_arity,td_ident} = ci.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
(sign_classes, hio_signs, scs) = collect_sign_classes_of_type_list types tdi_kinds group_nr ci scs
(type_class, scs_type_var_heap, scs_type_def_infos)
= determineSignClassOfTypeDef glob_object glob_module td_info hio_signs ci scs.scs_type_var_heap scs.scs_type_def_infos
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ propClassification type_index module_index hio_props defs type_var_heap td_infos
# (tsp_prop, type_var_heap, td_infos)
= determinePropClassOfTypeDef type_index module_index td_info hio_props defs type_var_heap td_infos
= (tsp_prop, type_var_heap, td_infos)
-// ---> ("propClassification", defs.[module_index].com_type_defs.[type_index].td_name, tsp_prop)
+// ---> ("propClassification", defs.[module_index].com_type_defs.[type_index].td_ident, tsp_prop)
determinePropClassOfTypeDef :: !Int !Int !TypeDefInfo ![PropClassification] !{# CommonDefs} !*TypeVarHeap !*TypeDefInfos
-> (!PropClassification,!*TypeVarHeap, !*TypeDefInfos)
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ where
collect_sign_class_of_type_def group_nr props_of_group_vars ci {gi_module,gi_index} (prop_requirements, type_var_heap, td_infos)
# ({tdi_group_vars,tdi_kinds,tdi_index_in_group},td_infos) = td_infos![gi_module].[gi_index]
- {td_name,td_args,td_rhs} = ci.[gi_module].com_type_defs.[gi_index]
+ {td_ident,td_args,td_rhs} = ci.[gi_module].com_type_defs.[gi_index]
(rev_hio_props, type_var_heap) = bind_type_vars_to_props td_args tdi_group_vars tdi_kinds props_of_group_vars ([], type_var_heap)
(prop_env, pcs) = prop_class_of_type_def gi_module td_rhs group_nr ci
{pcs_type_var_heap = type_var_heap, pcs_type_def_infos = td_infos, pcs_rec_appls = [] }
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 32c1bdd..4b6cc0c 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ where
check_generic index mod_index gen_defs type_defs class_defs modules heaps cs
- #(gen_def=:{gen_name, gen_pos}, gen_defs) = gen_defs ! [index]
- # cs = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition gen_name gen_pos) cs
+ #(gen_def=:{gen_ident, gen_pos}, gen_defs) = gen_defs ! [index]
+ # cs = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition gen_ident gen_pos) cs
# (gen_def, heaps) = alloc_gen_info gen_def heaps
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ where
# (cs=:{cs_x}) = popErrorAdmin cs
#! cs = { cs & cs_x = {cs_x & x_needed_modules = cs_x.x_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdGeneric}}
= (gen_defs, type_defs, class_defs, modules, heaps, cs)
- //---> ("check_generic", gen_name, gen_def.gen_vars, gen_def.gen_type)
+ //---> ("check_generic", gen_ident, gen_def.gen_vars, gen_def.gen_type)
alloc_gen_info gen_def heaps=:{hp_generic_heap}
# initial_info =
@@ -76,16 +76,16 @@ where
#! th_vars = performOnTypeVars initializeToTVI_Empty types th_vars
= ({heaps & hp_type_heaps={hp_type_heaps&th_vars=th_vars}}, cs)
- mark_var _ {tv_name,tv_info_ptr} th_vars
+ mark_var _ {tv_ident,tv_info_ptr} th_vars
= writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Used th_vars
- check_var_marked {tv_name,tv_info_ptr} (th_vars,cs=:{cs_error})
+ check_var_marked {tv_ident,tv_info_ptr} (th_vars,cs=:{cs_error})
#! (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
#! cs_error = case tv_info of
- TVI_Empty -> checkError tv_name "generic variable not used" cs_error
+ TVI_Empty -> checkError tv_ident "generic variable not used" cs_error
TVI_Used -> cs_error
= (th_vars, {cs & cs_error = cs_error})
- check_generic_type gen_def=:{gen_type, gen_vars, gen_name, gen_pos} module_index type_defs class_defs modules heaps=:{hp_type_heaps} cs
+ check_generic_type gen_def=:{gen_type, gen_vars, gen_ident, gen_pos} module_index type_defs class_defs modules heaps=:{hp_type_heaps} cs
#! (checked_gen_type, _, type_defs, class_defs, modules, hp_type_heaps, cs) =
checkFunctionType module_index gen_type SP_None type_defs class_defs modules hp_type_heaps cs
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ where
= gen_vars ++ (removeMembers st_vars gen_vars)
check_generic_var gv (acc_gvs, [], error)
- = (acc_gvs, [], checkError gv.tv_name "generic variable not used" error)
+ = (acc_gvs, [], checkError gv.tv_ident "generic variable not used" error)
check_generic_var gv (acc_gvs, [tv:tvs], error)
- | gv.tv_name.id_name == tv.tv_name.id_name
+ | gv.tv_ident.id_name == tv.tv_ident.id_name
= ([tv:acc_gvs], tvs, error)
# (acc_gvs, tvs, error) = check_generic_var gv (acc_gvs, tvs, error)
= (acc_gvs, [tv:tvs], error)
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ where
add_var_to_symbol_table :: !TypeVar !(![TypeVar], !*SymbolTable, !*TypeVarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
-> (![TypeVar],!*SymbolTable,!*TypeVarHeap,!*ErrorAdmin)
- add_var_to_symbol_table tv=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}} (rev_class_args, symbol_table, th_vars, error)
+ add_var_to_symbol_table tv=:{tv_ident={id_name,id_info}} (rev_class_args, symbol_table, th_vars, error)
#! (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
| entry.ste_kind == STE_Empty || entry.ste_def_level < cGlobalScope
# (new_var_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ where
remove_vars_from_symbol_table rev_gen_vars cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
#! (gen_vars, cs_symbol_table) = foldSt remove_var_from_symbol_table rev_gen_vars ([], cs_symbol_table)
= (gen_vars, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table})
- remove_var_from_symbol_table tv=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}} (gen_vars, symbol_table)
+ remove_var_from_symbol_table tv=:{tv_ident={id_name,id_info}} (gen_vars, symbol_table)
#! (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
#! symbol_table = writePtr id_info entry.ste_previous symbol_table
=([tv:gen_vars], symbol_table)
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ where
= foldSt (write_type_var_info TVI_Used) gen_vars th_vars
clear_type_vars gen_vars th_vars
= foldSt (write_type_var_info TVI_Empty) gen_vars th_vars
- write_type_var_info tvi {tv_name, tv_info_ptr} th_vars
+ write_type_var_info tvi {tv_ident, tv_info_ptr} th_vars
= writePtr tv_info_ptr tvi th_vars
check_type_vars_not_used :: ![TypeContext] !*TypeVarHeap !*ErrorAdmin -> (!*TypeVarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ where
# types = flatten [tc_types \\ {tc_types} <- contexts]
# atypes = [{at_type=t,at_attribute=TA_None} \\ t <- types]
= performOnTypeVars check_type_var_not_used atypes (th_vars, cs_error)
- check_type_var_not_used attr tv=:{tv_name, tv_info_ptr} (th_vars, cs_error)
+ check_type_var_not_used attr tv=:{tv_ident, tv_info_ptr} (th_vars, cs_error)
#! (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
= case tv_info of
-> (th_vars, cs_error)
- #! cs_error = checkError tv_name "context restrictions on generic variables are not allowed" cs_error
+ #! cs_error = checkError tv_ident "context restrictions on generic variables are not allowed" cs_error
-> (th_vars, cs_error)
_ -> abort ("check_no_generic_vars_in_contexts: wrong TVI" ---> (tv, tv_info))
@@ -194,14 +194,14 @@ where
check_instance index mod_index gen_case_defs generic_defs type_defs modules heaps cs
- #! (case_def=:{gc_name,gc_gname,gc_pos,gc_type}, gen_case_defs) = gen_case_defs ! [index]
+ #! (case_def=:{gc_ident,gc_gident,gc_pos,gc_type}, gen_case_defs) = gen_case_defs ! [index]
- #! cs = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition gc_name gc_pos) cs
+ #! cs = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition gc_ident gc_pos) cs
#! (gc_type, gc_type_cons, type_defs, modules, heaps, cs)
= check_instance_type mod_index gc_type type_defs modules heaps cs
- #! (generic_gi, cs) = get_generic_index gc_gname mod_index cs
+ #! (generic_gi, cs) = get_generic_index gc_gident mod_index cs
| not cs.cs_error.ea_ok
# cs = popErrorAdmin cs
= (gen_case_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, heaps, cs)
@@ -223,15 +223,15 @@ where
#! (cs=:{cs_x}) = popErrorAdmin cs
#! cs = { cs & cs_x = {cs_x & x_needed_modules = cs_x.x_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdGeneric}}
= (gen_case_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, heaps, cs)
- //---> ("check_generic_case", gc_name, gc_type_cons)
+ //---> ("check_generic_case", gc_ident, gc_type_cons)
check_instance_type module_index (TA type_cons []) type_defs modules heaps=:{hp_type_heaps} cs
- # (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr type_cons.type_name.id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
+ # (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr type_cons.type_ident.id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
# cs = {cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table}
# (type_index, type_module) = retrieveGlobalDefinition entry STE_Type module_index
| type_index == NotFound
- # cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_name "generic argument type undefined" cs.cs_error
+ # cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_ident "generic argument type undefined" cs.cs_error
= (TA type_cons [], TypeConsSymb type_cons, type_defs, modules,{heaps&hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps}, {cs&cs_error=cs_error})
# (type_def, type_defs, modules)
= getTypeDef module_index {glob_module=type_module, glob_object=type_index} type_defs modules
@@ -281,10 +281,10 @@ where
= { heaps & hp_generic_heap = writePtr gen_info_ptr info hp_generic_heap}
check_star_case :: !TypeCons !GenericDef !GlobalIndex !*Heaps !*CheckState -> (!*Heaps, !*CheckState)
- check_star_case (TypeConsVar _) {gen_name, gen_info_ptr} index heaps=:{hp_generic_heap} cs=:{cs_error}
+ check_star_case (TypeConsVar _) {gen_ident, gen_info_ptr} index heaps=:{hp_generic_heap} cs=:{cs_error}
# (info=:{gen_star_case}, hp_generic_heap) = readPtr gen_info_ptr hp_generic_heap
| gen_star_case.gi_module <> NoIndex
- # cs_error = checkError gen_name "general kind-* case is already defined" cs_error
+ # cs_error = checkError gen_ident "general kind-* case is already defined" cs_error
= ({ heaps & hp_generic_heap = hp_generic_heap}, {cs & cs_error = cs_error})
# info = { info & gen_star_case = index }
# hp_generic_heap = writePtr gen_info_ptr info hp_generic_heap
@@ -306,8 +306,8 @@ checkTypeClasses module_index opt_icl_info class_defs member_defs type_defs modu
check_type_class module_index opt_icl_info class_index (class_defs, member_defs, type_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error})
| has_to_be_checked module_index opt_icl_info class_index
- # (class_def=:{class_name,class_pos,class_args,class_context,class_members}, class_defs) = class_defs![class_index]
- cs = {cs & cs_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition class_name class_pos) cs_error }
+ # (class_def=:{class_ident,class_pos,class_args,class_context,class_members}, class_defs) = class_defs![class_index]
+ cs = {cs & cs_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition class_ident class_pos) cs_error }
(class_args, class_context, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
= checkSuperClasses class_args class_context module_index type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps cs
class_defs = { class_defs & [class_index] = { class_def & class_context = class_context, class_args = class_args }}
@@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ where
-> (!Index, ![FunType], ![FunType],!v:{#CheckedTypeDef}, !x:{#ClassDef}, !v:{#DclModule}, !*Heaps, !*CheckState)
check_dcl_functions module_index [] fun_index next_inst_index collected_funtypes collected_instances type_defs class_defs modules heaps cs
= (next_inst_index, collected_funtypes, collected_instances, type_defs, class_defs, modules, heaps, cs)
- check_dcl_functions module_index [fun_type=:{ft_symb,ft_type,ft_pos,ft_specials} : fun_types] fun_index
+ check_dcl_functions module_index [fun_type=:{ft_ident,ft_type,ft_pos,ft_specials} : fun_types] fun_index
next_inst_index collected_funtypes collected_instances type_defs class_defs modules heaps cs
- # position = newPosition ft_symb ft_pos
+ # position = newPosition ft_ident ft_pos
cs = { cs & cs_error = setErrorAdmin position cs.cs_error }
(ft_type, ft_specials, type_defs, class_defs, modules, hp_type_heaps, cs)
= checkFunctionType module_index ft_type ft_specials type_defs class_defs modules heaps.hp_type_heaps cs
@@ -422,9 +422,9 @@ checkMemberTypes module_index opt_icl_info member_defs type_defs class_defs modu
= (mds,tds,cds,modules,{heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps,hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap},cs)
check_class_member module_index opt_icl_info member_index (member_defs, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs)
- # (member_def=:{me_symb,me_type,me_pos,me_class}, member_defs) = member_defs![member_index]
+ # (member_def=:{me_ident,me_type,me_pos,me_class}, member_defs) = member_defs![member_index]
| has_to_be_checked opt_icl_info me_class
- # position = newPosition me_symb me_pos
+ # position = newPosition me_ident me_pos
cs = { cs & cs_error = setErrorAdmin position cs.cs_error }
(me_type, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
= checkMemberType module_index me_type type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps cs
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ where
check_instance :: !Index !ClassInstance !u:InstanceSymbols !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState -> (!ClassInstance, !u:InstanceSymbols, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
check_instance module_index
- ins=:{ins_members,ins_class={glob_object = class_name =: {ds_ident = {id_name,id_info},ds_arity}},ins_type,ins_specials,ins_pos,ins_ident}
+ ins=:{ins_members,ins_class={glob_object = class_ident =: {ds_ident = {id_name,id_info},ds_arity}},ins_type,ins_specials,ins_pos,ins_ident}
is=:{is_class_defs,is_modules} type_heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
# cs = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition ins_ident ins_pos) { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -491,10 +491,10 @@ where
check_class_instance :: ClassDef !Index !Index !Index !ClassInstance !u:InstanceSymbols !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (!ClassInstance, !u:InstanceSymbols, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
check_class_instance class_def module_index class_index class_mod_index
- ins=:{ins_members,ins_class={glob_object = class_name =: {ds_ident = {id_name,id_info},ds_arity}},ins_type,ins_specials,ins_pos,ins_ident}
+ ins=:{ins_members,ins_class={glob_object = class_ident =: {ds_ident = {id_name,id_info},ds_arity}},ins_type,ins_specials,ins_pos,ins_ident}
is=:{is_class_defs,is_modules} type_heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
| class_def.class_arity == ds_arity
- # ins_class = { glob_object = { class_name & ds_index = class_index }, glob_module = class_mod_index}
+ # ins_class = { glob_object = { class_ident & ds_index = class_index }, glob_module = class_mod_index}
(ins_type, ins_specials, is_type_defs, is_class_defs, is_modules, type_heaps, cs)
= checkInstanceType module_index ins_class ins_type ins_specials
is.is_type_defs is.is_class_defs is.is_modules type_heaps cs
@@ -528,27 +528,27 @@ where
= (instance_types, instance_defs, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
check_class_instance {ins_pos,ins_class,ins_members,ins_type} mod_index instance_types class_defs member_defs generic_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
- # ({class_members,class_name}, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ins_class mod_index class_defs modules
+ # ({class_members,class_ident}, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ins_class mod_index class_defs modules
class_size = size class_members
| class_size == size ins_members
# (instance_types, member_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
= check_member_instances mod_index ins_class.glob_module
- 0 class_size ins_members class_members class_name ins_pos ins_type instance_types member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ 0 class_size ins_members class_members class_ident ins_pos ins_type instance_types member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
= (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
// otherwise
- # cs = { cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition class_name ins_pos) "different number of members specified" cs.cs_error }
+ # cs = { cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition class_ident ins_pos) "different number of members specified" cs.cs_error }
= (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
check_generic_instance {ins_class, ins_members, ins_generate} mod_index instance_types class_defs member_defs generic_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
- # ({gen_name, gen_member_name}, generic_defs, modules) = getGenericDef ins_class mod_index generic_defs modules
+ # ({gen_ident, gen_member_ident}, generic_defs, modules) = getGenericDef ins_class mod_index generic_defs modules
//| ins_generate
// = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
| size ins_members <> 1
- # cs = { cs & cs_error = checkError gen_name "generic instance must have one member" cs.cs_error }
+ # cs = { cs & cs_error = checkError gen_ident "generic instance must have one member" cs.cs_error }
= (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
# member_name = ins_members.[0].ds_ident
- | member_name <> gen_member_name
+ | member_name <> gen_member_ident
# cs = { cs & cs_error = checkError member_name "wrong member name" cs.cs_error }
= (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
// otherwise
@@ -559,25 +559,25 @@ where
-> (![(Index,SymbolType)], !v:{# MemberDef}, !blah:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !u:{# DclModule},!*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index mem_offset class_size ins_members class_members
- class_name ins_pos ins_type instance_types member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs=:{cs_x={x_main_dcl_module_n}}
+ class_ident ins_pos ins_type instance_types member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs=:{cs_x={x_main_dcl_module_n}}
| mem_offset == class_size
= (instance_types, member_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
# ins_member = ins_members.[mem_offset]
class_member = class_members.[mem_offset]
- cs = setErrorAdmin (newPosition class_name ins_pos) cs
+ cs = setErrorAdmin (newPosition class_ident ins_pos) cs
| ins_member.ds_ident <> class_member.ds_ident
- = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members class_name ins_pos ins_type
+ = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members class_ident ins_pos ins_type
instance_types member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps
{ cs & cs_error = checkError class_member.ds_ident "instance of class member expected" cs.cs_error}
| ins_member.ds_arity <> class_member.ds_arity
- = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members class_name ins_pos ins_type
+ = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members class_ident ins_pos ins_type
instance_types member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps
{ cs & cs_error = checkError class_member.ds_ident "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}
- # ({me_symb, me_type,me_class_vars,me_pos}, member_defs, modules) = getMemberDef member_mod_index class_member.ds_index module_index member_defs modules
+ # ({me_ident, me_type,me_class_vars,me_pos}, member_defs, modules) = getMemberDef member_mod_index class_member.ds_index module_index member_defs modules
(instance_type, _, type_heaps, Yes (modules, type_defs), cs_error)
= determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars ins_type SP_None type_heaps (Yes (modules, type_defs, x_main_dcl_module_n)) cs.cs_error
(st_context, var_heap) = initializeContextVariables instance_type.st_context var_heap
- = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members class_name ins_pos ins_type
+ = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members class_ident ins_pos ins_type
[ (ins_member.ds_index, { instance_type & st_context = st_context }) : instance_types ] member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps { cs & cs_error = cs_error }
@@ -749,25 +749,25 @@ where
check_it _ _ state
= state
- must_not_be_essentially_unique x_main_dcl_module_n {tv_name, tv_info_ptr} th_vars modules type_defs error
+ must_not_be_essentially_unique x_main_dcl_module_n {tv_ident, tv_info_ptr} th_vars modules type_defs error
# (TVI_Type type, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
= case type of
- TA {type_name, type_index} _
- -> must_not_be_essentially_unique_for_TA type_name type_index th_vars
- TAS {type_name, type_index} _ _
- -> must_not_be_essentially_unique_for_TA type_name type_index th_vars
+ TA {type_ident, type_index} _
+ -> must_not_be_essentially_unique_for_TA type_ident type_index th_vars
+ TAS {type_ident, type_index} _ _
+ -> must_not_be_essentially_unique_for_TA type_ident type_index th_vars
-> (False, th_vars, modules, type_defs, error)
- must_not_be_essentially_unique_for_TA type_name type_index th_vars
+ must_not_be_essentially_unique_for_TA type_ident type_index th_vars
# (type_def, type_defs, modules)
= getTypeDef x_main_dcl_module_n type_index type_defs modules
= case type_def.td_attribute of
-> (True, th_vars, modules, type_defs,
- checkError type_name
+ checkError type_ident
( "is unique but instanciates class variable "
- +++tv_name.id_name
+ +++tv_ident.id_name
+++" that is non uniquely used in a member type"
) error
@@ -806,11 +806,11 @@ where
class_defs member_defs modules instance_defs type_heaps var_heap predef_symbols error
| inst_index < size instance_defs
# (instance_def=:{ins_class,ins_pos,ins_type,ins_specials}, instance_defs) = instance_defs![inst_index]
- # ({class_name, class_members}, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ins_class mod_index class_defs modules
+ # ({class_ident, class_members}, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ins_class mod_index class_defs modules
class_size = size class_members
(ins_members, memb_inst_defs1, member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, error)
= determine_instance_symbols_and_types x_main_dcl_module_n next_mem_inst_index 0 mod_index ins_class.glob_module class_size class_members
- ins_type ins_specials class_name ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap error
+ ins_type ins_specials class_ident ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap error
instance_def = { instance_def & ins_members = { member \\ member <- ins_members }}
(ins_specials, next_class_inst_index, all_class_specials, type_heaps, predef_symbols,error)
= check_instance_specials mod_index instance_def inst_index ins_specials next_class_inst_index all_class_specials type_heaps predef_symbols error
@@ -825,22 +825,22 @@ where
!w:{#MemberDef} !u:{#DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin
-> (![DefinedSymbol], ![FunType], !w:{#MemberDef}, !u:{#DclModule}, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap, !.ErrorAdmin)
determine_instance_symbols_and_types x_main_dcl_module_n first_inst_index mem_offset module_index member_mod_index class_size class_members
- ins_type ins_specials class_name ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs_error
+ ins_type ins_specials class_ident ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs_error
| mem_offset == class_size
= ([], [], member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs_error)
# class_member = class_members.[mem_offset]
- ({me_symb,me_type,me_priority,me_class_vars}, member_defs, modules) = getMemberDef member_mod_index class_member.ds_index module_index member_defs modules
+ ({me_ident,me_type,me_priority,me_class_vars}, member_defs, modules) = getMemberDef member_mod_index class_member.ds_index module_index member_defs modules
- = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition class_name ins_pos) cs_error
+ = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition class_ident ins_pos) cs_error
(instance_type, new_ins_specials, type_heaps, Yes (modules, _), cs_error)
= determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars ins_type ins_specials type_heaps (Yes (modules, {}, cUndef)) cs_error
= popErrorAdmin cs_error
(new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- inst_def = MakeNewFunctionType me_symb me_type.st_arity me_priority instance_type ins_pos new_ins_specials new_info_ptr
+ inst_def = MakeNewFunctionType me_ident me_type.st_arity me_priority instance_type ins_pos new_ins_specials new_info_ptr
(inst_symbols, memb_inst_defs, member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs_error)
= determine_instance_symbols_and_types x_main_dcl_module_n first_inst_index (inc mem_offset) module_index member_mod_index
- class_size class_members ins_type ins_specials class_name ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs_error
+ class_size class_members ins_type ins_specials class_ident ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs_error
= ([{ class_member & ds_index = first_inst_index + mem_offset } : inst_symbols], [inst_def : memb_inst_defs], member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs_error)
check_instance_specials :: !Index !ClassInstance !Index !Specials !Index ![ClassInstance] !*TypeHeaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*ErrorAdmin
@@ -944,8 +944,8 @@ ident_for_errors_from_fun_symb_and_fun_kind {id_name} (FK_Function fun_name_is_l
| fun_name_is_location_dependent && size id_name>0
# beautiful_name = if (id_name.[0]==backslash) "lambda" "comprehension"
= { id_name=beautiful_name, id_info=nilPtr }
-ident_for_errors_from_fun_symb_and_fun_kind fun_symb _
- = fun_symb
+ident_for_errors_from_fun_symb_and_fun_kind fun_ident _
+ = fun_ident
// check that there are no strict lets, mark top-level cases as explicit
class checkMacro a :: !Bool !a !*ErrorAdmin -> (!a, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -1049,9 +1049,9 @@ checkFunctionBodyIfMacro _ def ea
checkFunction :: !FunDef !Index !FunctionOrMacroIndex !Level !Int !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionInfo !*Heaps !*CheckState
-> (!FunDef,!*{#FunDef},!*ExpressionInfo,!*Heaps,!*CheckState);
-checkFunction fun_def=:{fun_symb,fun_pos,fun_body,fun_type,fun_kind} mod_index fun_index def_level local_functions_index_offset
+checkFunction fun_def=:{fun_ident,fun_pos,fun_body,fun_type,fun_kind} mod_index fun_index def_level local_functions_index_offset
fun_defs e_info=:{ef_type_defs,ef_modules,ef_class_defs,ef_is_macro_fun} heaps=:{hp_var_heap,hp_expression_heap,hp_type_heaps,hp_generic_heap} cs=:{cs_error}
- # function_ident_for_errors = ident_for_errors_from_fun_symb_and_fun_kind fun_symb fun_kind
+ # function_ident_for_errors = ident_for_errors_from_fun_symb_and_fun_kind fun_ident fun_kind
# cs = {cs & cs_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition function_ident_for_errors fun_pos) cs_error}
(fun_type, ef_type_defs, ef_class_defs, ef_modules, hp_var_heap, hp_type_heaps, cs)
@@ -1099,14 +1099,14 @@ where
remove_calls_from_symbol_table fun_index fun_level [FunCall fc_index fc_level : fun_calls] fun_defs macro_defs symbol_table
| fc_level <= fun_level
- # (id_info, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index].fun_symb.id_info
+ # (id_info, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index].fun_ident.id_info
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
# symbol_table = remove_call entry.ste_kind fun_index entry id_info symbol_table
= remove_calls_from_symbol_table fun_index fun_level fun_calls fun_defs macro_defs symbol_table
= remove_calls_from_symbol_table fun_index fun_level fun_calls fun_defs macro_defs symbol_table
remove_calls_from_symbol_table fun_index fun_level [MacroCall module_index fc_index fc_level : fun_calls] fun_defs macro_defs symbol_table
| fc_level <= fun_level
- # (id_info, macro_defs) = macro_defs![module_index,fc_index].fun_symb.id_info
+ # (id_info, macro_defs) = macro_defs![module_index,fc_index].fun_ident.id_info
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
# symbol_table = remove_call entry.ste_kind fun_index entry id_info symbol_table
= remove_calls_from_symbol_table fun_index fun_level fun_calls fun_defs macro_defs symbol_table
@@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ checkInstanceBodies icl_instances_ranges local_functions_index_offset fun_defs e
instance < FunDef
- (<) fd1 fd2 = fd1.fun_symb.id_name < fd2.fun_symb.id_name
+ (<) fd1 fd2 = fd1.fun_ident.id_name < fd2.fun_ident.id_name
createCommonDefinitions :: (CollectedDefinitions ClassInstance a) -> .CommonDefs;
createCommonDefinitions {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_classes,def_members,def_instances, def_generics,def_generic_cases}
@@ -1277,24 +1277,24 @@ collectCommonfinitions {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_classes,def
sizes = { sizes & [cGenericCaseDefs] = size }
= (sizes, defs)
- type_def_to_dcl {td_name, td_pos} (decl_index, decls)
- = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = td_name, decl_pos = td_pos, decl_kind = STE_Type, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
- cons_def_to_dcl {cons_symb, cons_pos} (decl_index, decls)
- = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = cons_symb, decl_pos = cons_pos, decl_kind = STE_Constructor, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
- selector_def_to_dcl {sd_symb, sd_field, sd_pos} (decl_index, decls)
- = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = sd_field, decl_pos = sd_pos, decl_kind = STE_Field sd_symb, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
- class_def_to_dcl {class_name, class_pos} (decl_index, decls)
- = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = class_name, decl_pos = class_pos, decl_kind = STE_Class, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
- member_def_to_dcl {me_symb, me_pos} (decl_index, decls)
- = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = me_symb, decl_pos = me_pos, decl_kind = STE_Member, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
+ type_def_to_dcl {td_ident, td_pos} (decl_index, decls)
+ = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = td_ident, decl_pos = td_pos, decl_kind = STE_Type, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
+ cons_def_to_dcl {cons_ident, cons_pos} (decl_index, decls)
+ = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = cons_ident, decl_pos = cons_pos, decl_kind = STE_Constructor, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
+ selector_def_to_dcl {sd__ident, sd_field, sd_pos} (decl_index, decls)
+ = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = sd_field, decl_pos = sd_pos, decl_kind = STE_Field sd__ident, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
+ class_def_to_dcl {class_ident, class_pos} (decl_index, decls)
+ = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = class_ident, decl_pos = class_pos, decl_kind = STE_Class, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
+ member_def_to_dcl {me_ident, me_pos} (decl_index, decls)
+ = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = me_ident, decl_pos = me_pos, decl_kind = STE_Member, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
instance_def_to_dcl {ins_class, ins_ident, ins_pos} (decl_index, decls)
= (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = ins_ident, decl_pos = ins_pos, decl_kind = STE_Instance ins_class.glob_object.ds_ident, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
- generic_def_to_dcl {gen_name, gen_member_name, gen_type, gen_pos} (decl_index, decls)
- # generic_decl = Declaration { decl_ident = gen_name, decl_pos = gen_pos, decl_kind = STE_Generic, decl_index = decl_index }
- # member_decl = Declaration { decl_ident = gen_member_name, decl_pos = gen_pos, decl_kind = STE_Generic, decl_index = decl_index }
+ generic_def_to_dcl {gen_ident, gen_member_ident, gen_type, gen_pos} (decl_index, decls)
+ # generic_decl = Declaration { decl_ident = gen_ident, decl_pos = gen_pos, decl_kind = STE_Generic, decl_index = decl_index }
+ # member_decl = Declaration { decl_ident = gen_member_ident, decl_pos = gen_pos, decl_kind = STE_Generic, decl_index = decl_index }
= (inc decl_index, [generic_decl, member_decl : decls])
- gen_case_def_to_dcl {gc_name, gc_pos} (decl_index, decls)
- = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = gc_name, decl_pos = gc_pos, decl_kind = STE_GenericCase, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
+ gen_case_def_to_dcl {gc_ident, gc_pos} (decl_index, decls)
+ = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = gc_ident, decl_pos = gc_pos, decl_kind = STE_GenericCase, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
collectMacros {ir_from,ir_to} macro_defs sizes_defs
= collectGlobalFunctions cMacroDefs ir_from ir_to macro_defs sizes_defs
@@ -1303,24 +1303,24 @@ collectFunctionTypes fun_types (sizes, defs)
# (size, defs) = foldSt fun_type_to_dcl fun_types (0, defs)
= ({ sizes & [cFunctionDefs] = size }, defs)
- fun_type_to_dcl {ft_symb, ft_pos} (decl_index, decls)
- = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = ft_symb, decl_pos = ft_pos, decl_kind = STE_DclFunction, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
+ fun_type_to_dcl {ft_ident, ft_pos} (decl_index, decls)
+ = (inc decl_index, [Declaration { decl_ident = ft_ident, decl_pos = ft_pos, decl_kind = STE_DclFunction, decl_index = decl_index } : decls])
collectGlobalFunctions def_index from_index to_index fun_defs (sizes, defs)
# (defs, fun_defs) = iFoldSt fun_def_to_decl from_index to_index (defs, fun_defs)
= (fun_defs, ({ sizes & [def_index] = to_index - from_index }, defs))
fun_def_to_decl decl_index (defs, fun_defs)
- # ({fun_symb, fun_pos}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![decl_index]
- = ([Declaration { decl_ident = fun_symb, decl_pos = fun_pos, decl_kind = STE_FunctionOrMacro [], decl_index = decl_index } : defs], fun_defs)
+ # ({fun_ident, fun_pos}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![decl_index]
+ = ([Declaration { decl_ident = fun_ident, decl_pos = fun_pos, decl_kind = STE_FunctionOrMacro [], decl_index = decl_index } : defs], fun_defs)
collectDclMacros {ir_from=from_index,ir_to=to_index} fun_defs (sizes, defs)
# (defs, fun_defs) = iFoldSt macro_def_to_dcl from_index to_index (defs, fun_defs)
= (fun_defs, ({ sizes & [cMacroDefs] = to_index - from_index }, defs))
macro_def_to_dcl decl_index (defs, fun_defs)
- # ({fun_symb, fun_pos}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![decl_index]
- = ([Declaration { decl_ident = fun_symb, decl_pos = fun_pos, decl_kind = STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction [], decl_index = decl_index } : defs], fun_defs)
+ # ({fun_ident, fun_pos}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![decl_index]
+ = ([Declaration { decl_ident = fun_ident, decl_pos = fun_pos, decl_kind = STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction [], decl_index = decl_index } : defs], fun_defs)
gimme_a_lazy_array_type :: !u:{.a} -> v:{.a}, [u<=v]
gimme_a_lazy_array_type a = a
@@ -1465,12 +1465,12 @@ renumber_icl_definitions_as_dcl_definitions (Yes icl_to_dcl_index_table) icl_siz
reorder_common_definitions {com_type_defs,com_cons_defs,com_selector_defs,com_class_defs,com_member_defs,com_instance_defs,com_generic_defs,com_gencase_defs}
# dummy_ident = {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr}
# com_type_defs=reorder_and_enlarge_array com_type_defs n_dictionary_types icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cTypeDefs]
- {td_name=dummy_ident,td_index= -1,td_arity=0,td_args=[],td_attrs=[],td_context=[],td_rhs=UnknownType,td_attribute=TA_None,td_pos=NoPos,td_used_types=[]}
+ {td_ident=dummy_ident,td_index= -1,td_arity=0,td_args=[],td_attrs=[],td_context=[],td_rhs=UnknownType,td_attribute=TA_None,td_pos=NoPos,td_used_types=[]}
# dummy_symbol_type={st_vars=[],st_args=[],st_args_strictness=NotStrict,st_arity=0,st_result={at_attribute=TA_None,at_type=TE},st_context=[],st_attr_vars=[],st_attr_env=[]}
# com_selector_defs=reorder_and_enlarge_array com_selector_defs n_dictionary_selectors icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cSelectorDefs]
- {sd_symb=dummy_ident,sd_field=dummy_ident,sd_type=dummy_symbol_type,sd_exi_vars=[],sd_field_nr=0,sd_type_index=0,sd_type_ptr=nilPtr,sd_pos=NoPos}
+ {sd__ident=dummy_ident,sd_field=dummy_ident,sd_type=dummy_symbol_type,sd_exi_vars=[],sd_field_nr=0,sd_type_index=0,sd_type_ptr=nilPtr,sd_pos=NoPos}
# com_cons_defs=reorder_and_enlarge_array com_cons_defs n_dictionary_constructors icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cConstructorDefs]
- {cons_symb=dummy_ident,cons_type=dummy_symbol_type,cons_arg_vars=[],cons_priority=NoPrio,cons_index= -1,cons_type_index= -1,cons_exi_vars=[],cons_type_ptr=nilPtr,cons_pos=NoPos}
+ {cons_ident=dummy_ident,cons_type=dummy_symbol_type,cons_arg_vars=[],cons_priority=NoPrio,cons_index= -1,cons_type_index= -1,cons_exi_vars=[],cons_type_ptr=nilPtr,cons_pos=NoPos}
# com_class_defs=reorder_array com_class_defs icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cClassDefs]
# com_member_defs=reorder_array com_member_defs icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cMemberDefs]
# com_instance_defs=reorder_array com_instance_defs icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cInstanceDefs]
@@ -1614,13 +1614,13 @@ where
# new_cons_defs = if (dcl_cons_index==(-1)) new_cons_defs [ com_cons_defs.[dcl_cons_index] : new_cons_defs ]
# (rt_fields, cs) = redirect_field_symbols td_pos rt_fields cs
= ([ { td & td_rhs = RecordType { rt & rt_constructor = rt_constructor, rt_fields = rt_fields }} : new_type_defs ],new_cons_defs,new_selector_defs,conversion_table,icl_sizes,icl_decl_symbols,cs)
- add_type_def td=:{td_name, td_pos, td_rhs = AbstractType _} new_type_defs new_cons_defs new_selector_defs conversion_table icl_sizes icl_decl_symbols cs
+ add_type_def td=:{td_ident, td_pos, td_rhs = AbstractType _} new_type_defs new_cons_defs new_selector_defs conversion_table icl_sizes icl_decl_symbols cs
# cs_error = checkError "abstract type not defined in implementation module" ""
- (setErrorAdmin (newPosition td_name td_pos) cs.cs_error)
+ (setErrorAdmin (newPosition td_ident td_pos) cs.cs_error)
= (new_type_defs,new_cons_defs,new_selector_defs,conversion_table,icl_sizes,icl_decl_symbols,{ cs & cs_error = cs_error })
- add_type_def td=:{td_name, td_pos, td_rhs = AbstractSynType _ _} new_type_defs new_cons_defs new_selector_defs conversion_table icl_sizes icl_decl_symbols cs
+ add_type_def td=:{td_ident, td_pos, td_rhs = AbstractSynType _ _} new_type_defs new_cons_defs new_selector_defs conversion_table icl_sizes icl_decl_symbols cs
# cs_error = checkError "abstract type not defined in implementation module" ""
- (setErrorAdmin (newPosition td_name td_pos) cs.cs_error)
+ (setErrorAdmin (newPosition td_ident td_pos) cs.cs_error)
= (new_type_defs,new_cons_defs,new_selector_defs,conversion_table,icl_sizes,icl_decl_symbols,{ cs & cs_error = cs_error })
add_type_def td new_type_defs new_cons_defs new_selector_defs conversion_table icl_sizes icl_decl_symbols cs
= ([td : new_type_defs],new_cons_defs,new_selector_defs,conversion_table,icl_sizes,icl_decl_symbols,cs)
@@ -1631,10 +1631,10 @@ where
redirect_field_symbol pos fields field_nr (new_fields, cs)
# field = fields.[field_nr]
- ({ste_kind,ste_index}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr field.fs_name.id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
+ ({ste_kind,ste_index}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr field.fs_ident.id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
| is_field ste_kind
= ({ new_fields & [field_nr] = { field & fs_index = ste_index }}, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
- # cs_error = checkError "conflicting definition in implementation module" "" (setErrorAdmin (newPosition field.fs_name pos) cs.cs_error)
+ # cs_error = checkError "conflicting definition in implementation module" "" (setErrorAdmin (newPosition field.fs_ident pos) cs.cs_error)
= (new_fields, { cs & cs_error = cs_error, cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
is_field (STE_Field _) = True
@@ -2089,9 +2089,9 @@ checkDclModuleWithinComponent dcl_imported_module_numbers component_nr is_on_cyc
(mod_entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr dcl_name.id_info cs_symbol_table
({ ste_kind = STE_Module mod, ste_index }) = mod_entry
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = writePtr dcl_name.id_info { mod_entry & ste_kind = STE_ClosedModule } cs_symbol_table}
- # {mod_name,mod_defs={def_macro_indices,def_funtypes}} = mod
+ # {mod_ident,mod_defs={def_macro_indices,def_funtypes}} = mod
= checkDclModule2 dcl_imported_module_numbers super_components.[mod_index] imports_ikh component_nr is_on_cycle modules_in_component_set
- mod_name dcl_common def_macro_indices def_funtypes ste_index expl_imp_infos dcl_modules icl_functions macro_defs heaps cs
+ mod_ident dcl_common def_macro_indices def_funtypes ste_index expl_imp_infos dcl_modules icl_functions macro_defs heaps cs
renumber_icl_module :: ModuleKind IndexRange IndexRange IndexRange Index Int {#Int} (Optional {#{#Int}}) IndexRange *{#FunDef} *CommonDefs [Declaration] *{#DclModule} *ErrorAdmin
-> (![IndexRange],![IndexRange], ![IndexRange], !Int,!Index,!IndexRange,!*{#FunDef},!*CommonDefs,![Declaration],!*{#DclModule}, *ErrorAdmin);
@@ -2179,7 +2179,7 @@ renumber_icl_module mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range icl_ge
# n_specials = ir_to-ir_from
| n_specials==0
= icl_functions
- # dummy_function = {fun_symb={id_name="",id_info=nilPtr},fun_arity= -1,fun_priority=NoPrio,fun_body=NoBody,fun_type=No,fun_pos=NoPos,fun_kind=FK_Unknown,fun_lifted=0,fun_info=EmptyFunInfo}
+ # dummy_function = {fun_ident={id_name="",id_info=nilPtr},fun_arity= -1,fun_priority=NoPrio,fun_body=NoBody,fun_type=No,fun_pos=NoPos,fun_kind=FK_Unknown,fun_lifted=0,fun_info=EmptyFunInfo}
= arrayPlusList icl_functions [dummy_function \\ i<-[0..n_specials-1]]
add_dcl_instances_to_conversion_table :: (Optional {#{#Int}}) !Index !DclModule !*{# ClassInstance} !*{# GenericCaseDef} *ErrorAdmin
@@ -2256,13 +2256,13 @@ checkModule m icl_global_function_range fun_defs n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_m
0 # (predef_mod,predef_symbols) = buildPredefinedModule predef_symbols
-> (Yes predef_mod,predef_symbols)
_ -> (No,predef_symbols)
- # (mod_name,mod_imported_objects,mod_imports,mod_type,icl_global_function_range,nr_of_functions,first_inst_index,first_gen_inst_index, local_defs,icl_functions,macro_defs,init_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,cdefs,sizes,cs)
+ # (mod_ident,mod_imported_objects,mod_imports,mod_type,icl_global_function_range,nr_of_functions,first_inst_index,first_gen_inst_index, local_defs,icl_functions,macro_defs,init_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,cdefs,sizes,cs)
= check_module1 m icl_global_function_range fun_defs optional_dcl_mod optional_pre_def_mod scanned_modules dcl_modules cached_dcl_macros dcl_module_n_in_cache predef_symbols symbol_table err_file
# icl_instance_range = {ir_from = first_inst_index, ir_to = first_gen_inst_index/*AA nr_of_functions*/}
# icl_generic_range = {ir_from = first_gen_inst_index, ir_to = nr_of_functions} //AA
- = check_module2 mod_name m.mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range icl_generic_range nr_of_functions nr_of_cached_modules optional_pre_def_mod local_defs icl_functions macro_defs init_dcl_modules cdefs sizes heaps cs
+ = check_module2 mod_ident m.mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range icl_generic_range nr_of_functions nr_of_cached_modules optional_pre_def_mod local_defs icl_functions macro_defs init_dcl_modules cdefs sizes heaps cs
-check_module1 {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs} icl_global_function_range fun_defs optional_dcl_mod optional_pre_def_mod scanned_modules dcl_modules cached_dcl_macros dcl_module_n_in_cache predef_symbols symbol_table err_file
+check_module1 {mod_type,mod_ident,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs} icl_global_function_range fun_defs optional_dcl_mod optional_pre_def_mod scanned_modules dcl_modules cached_dcl_macros dcl_module_n_in_cache predef_symbols symbol_table err_file
# error = {ea_file = err_file, ea_loc = [], ea_ok = True }
first_inst_index = length fun_defs
@@ -2302,7 +2302,7 @@ check_module1 {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cde
init_new_dcl_modules.[i-size dcl_modules]
\\ i<-[0..size dcl_modules+size init_new_dcl_modules-1]}
- = (mod_name,mod_imported_objects,mod_imports,mod_type,icl_global_function_range,nr_of_functions,first_inst_index,first_gen_inst_index,local_defs,icl_functions,macro_defs,init_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,cdefs,sizes,cs)
+ = (mod_ident,mod_imported_objects,mod_imports,mod_type,icl_global_function_range,nr_of_functions,first_inst_index,first_gen_inst_index,local_defs,icl_functions,macro_defs,init_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,cdefs,sizes,cs)
add_dcl_module_predef_module_and_modules_to_symbol_table (Yes dcl_mod) optional_predef_mod modules mod_index cs
@@ -2356,7 +2356,7 @@ check_module1 {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cde
(dcl_macro_defs, (sizes, defs)) = collectDclMacros mod_defs.def_macro_indices dcl_macro_defs sizes_and_defs
mod = { mod & mod_defs = mod_defs }
- (cs_symbol_table, cs_error) = addDefToSymbolTable cGlobalScope mod_index mod.mod_name (STE_Module mod) cs_symbol_table cs_error
+ (cs_symbol_table, cs_error) = addDefToSymbolTable cGlobalScope mod_index mod.mod_ident (STE_Module mod) cs_symbol_table cs_error
= ((mod,sizes,defs),dcl_macro_defs,{ cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = cs_error })
convert_class_instances :: ![ParsedInstance a] -> [ClassInstance]
@@ -2380,15 +2380,15 @@ check_module1 {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cde
= ([], [])
convert_generic_instances :: !.[GenericCaseDef] !Int -> (!.[FunDef], !.[GenericCaseDef])
- convert_generic_instances [gc=:{gc_name, gc_body=GCB_FunDef fun_def} : gcs] next_fun_index
+ convert_generic_instances [gc=:{gc_ident, gc_body=GCB_FunDef fun_def} : gcs] next_fun_index
# (fun_defs, gcs) = convert_generic_instances gcs (inc next_fun_index)
# gc = { gc & gc_body = GCB_FunIndex next_fun_index }
= ([fun_def : fun_defs], [gc:gcs])
- //---> ("convert generic case: user defined function", gc.gc_name, gc.gc_type_cons, next_fun_index)
- convert_generic_instances [gc=:{gc_name,gc_pos, gc_type_cons, gc_body=GCB_None} : gcs] next_fun_index
+ //---> ("convert generic case: user defined function", gc.gc_ident, gc.gc_type_cons, next_fun_index)
+ convert_generic_instances [gc=:{gc_ident,gc_pos, gc_type_cons, gc_body=GCB_None} : gcs] next_fun_index
# (fun_defs, gcs) = convert_generic_instances gcs (inc next_fun_index)
# fun_def =
- { fun_symb = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_name gc_type_cons
+ { fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident gc_type_cons
, fun_arity = 0
, fun_priority = NoPrio
, fun_body = GeneratedBody
@@ -2400,13 +2400,13 @@ check_module1 {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cde
# gc = { gc & gc_body = GCB_FunIndex next_fun_index }
= ([fun_def:fun_defs], [gc:gcs])
- //---> ("convert generic case: function to derive ", gc.gc_name, gc.gc_type_cons, next_fun_index)
+ //---> ("convert generic case: function to derive ", gc.gc_ident, gc.gc_type_cons, next_fun_index)
convert_generic_instances [] next_fun_index
= ([], [])
- determine_indexes_of_members [{fun_symb,fun_arity}:members] next_fun_index
+ determine_indexes_of_members [{fun_ident,fun_arity}:members] next_fun_index
#! (member_symbols, last_fun_index) = determine_indexes_of_members members (inc next_fun_index)
- = ([{ds_ident = fun_symb, ds_index = next_fun_index, ds_arity = fun_arity} : member_symbols], last_fun_index)
+ = ([{ds_ident = fun_ident, ds_index = next_fun_index, ds_arity = fun_arity} : member_symbols], last_fun_index)
determine_indexes_of_members [] next_fun_index
= ([], next_fun_index)
@@ -2435,7 +2435,7 @@ check_module2 :: Ident {#Char} [.ImportedObject] .[Import ImportDeclaration] .Mo
(Optional (Module a)) [Declaration] *{#FunDef} *{#*{#FunDef}} *{#DclModule} (CollectedDefinitions ClassInstance IndexRange)
*{#.Int} *Heaps *CheckState
-> (!Bool,.IclModule,!.{#DclModule},.{!Group},!*{#*{#FunDef}},!Int,!.Heaps,!.{#PredefinedSymbol},!.Heap SymbolTableEntry,!.File,[String]);
-check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range icl_generic_range nr_of_functions nr_of_cached_modules optional_pre_def_mod local_defs icl_functions macro_defs init_dcl_modules cdefs sizes heaps cs
+check_module2 mod_ident mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range icl_generic_range nr_of_functions nr_of_cached_modules optional_pre_def_mod local_defs icl_functions macro_defs init_dcl_modules cdefs sizes heaps cs
# (main_dcl_module_n,cs)=cs!cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
(copied_dcl_defs, dcl_conversions, dcl_modules, local_defs, cdefs, icl_sizes, cs)
@@ -2518,7 +2518,7 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
# (icl_functions, e_info, heaps, cs) = checkAndPartitionateIclMacros main_dcl_module_n def_macro_indices local_functions_index_offset icl_functions e_info heaps cs
(icl_functions, e_info, heaps, cs) = checkGlobalFunctionsInRanges icl_global_functions_ranges main_dcl_module_n local_functions_index_offset icl_functions e_info heaps cs
- cs = check_start_rule mod_type mod_name icl_global_functions_ranges cs
+ cs = check_start_rule mod_type mod_ident icl_global_functions_ranges cs
(icl_functions, e_info, heaps, cs)
= checkGlobalFunctionsInRanges icl_generic_ranges main_dcl_module_n local_functions_index_offset icl_functions e_info heaps cs
@@ -2526,7 +2526,7 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
(icl_functions, e_info, heaps, cs)
= checkInstanceBodies icl_instances_ranges local_functions_index_offset icl_functions e_info heaps cs
- cs = check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_name ".icl" cs
+ cs = check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_ident ".icl" cs
{cs_symbol_table, cs_predef_symbols, cs_error,cs_x } = cs
(icl_functions, hp_type_heaps, cs_error)
@@ -2557,7 +2557,7 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
icl_common = { icl_common & com_type_defs = e_info.ef_type_defs, com_selector_defs = e_info.ef_selector_defs, com_class_defs = e_info.ef_class_defs,
com_cons_defs = e_info.ef_cons_defs, com_member_defs = e_info.ef_member_defs,
com_generic_defs = e_info.ef_generic_defs, com_instance_defs = class_instances }
- icl_mod = { icl_name = mod_name, icl_functions = icl_functions, icl_common = icl_common,
+ icl_mod = { icl_name = mod_ident, icl_functions = icl_functions, icl_common = icl_common,
icl_global_functions = icl_global_functions_ranges, icl_instances = icl_instances_ranges, icl_specials = icl_specials,
icl_gencases = icl_generic_ranges,
icl_imported_objects = mod_imported_objects, icl_used_module_numbers = imported_module_numbers, icl_copied_from_dcl = copied_dcl_defs,
@@ -2580,7 +2580,7 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
= (cs_error.ea_ok, icl_mod, dcl_modules, groups, macro_defs, cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n, heaps, cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table, cs_error.ea_file, directly_imported_dcl_modules)
# icl_common = { icl_common & com_type_defs = e_info.ef_type_defs, com_selector_defs = e_info.ef_selector_defs, com_class_defs = e_info.ef_class_defs,
com_cons_defs = e_info.ef_cons_defs, com_member_defs = e_info.ef_member_defs, com_generic_defs = e_info.ef_generic_defs }
- icl_mod = { icl_name = mod_name, icl_functions = icl_functions, icl_common = icl_common,
+ icl_mod = { icl_name = mod_ident, icl_functions = icl_functions, icl_common = icl_common,
icl_global_functions = icl_global_functions_ranges, icl_instances = icl_instances_ranges,
icl_specials = {ir_from = nr_of_functions, ir_to = nr_of_functions},
icl_gencases = icl_generic_ranges,
@@ -2588,7 +2588,7 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
icl_import = icl_imported ,icl_modification_time = mod_modification_time}
= (False, icl_mod, dcl_modules, {}, {}, cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n,heaps, cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table, cs_error.ea_file, directly_imported_dcl_modules)
- check_start_rule mod_kind mod_name icl_global_functions_ranges cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_x}
+ check_start_rule mod_kind mod_ident icl_global_functions_ranges cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_x}
# ({ste_kind, ste_index}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr predefined_idents.[PD_Start].id_info cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
= case ste_kind of
@@ -2605,12 +2605,12 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
-> case mod_kind of
- # pos = newPosition predefined_idents.[PD_Start] (LinePos (mod_name.id_name+++".icl") 1)
+ # pos = newPosition predefined_idents.[PD_Start] (LinePos (mod_ident.id_name+++".icl") 1)
-> { cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos pos " has not been declared" cs.cs_error }
-> cs
- check_predefined_module (Yes {mod_name={id_info}}) modules macro_and_fun_defs macro_defs heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ check_predefined_module (Yes {mod_ident={id_info}}) modules macro_and_fun_defs macro_defs heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
# cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (id_info, { entry & ste_kind = STE_ClosedModule })}
{ste_kind = STE_Module mod, ste_index} = entry
@@ -2650,12 +2650,12 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
= (icl_functions, heaps)
= (icl_functions, heaps)
- build_function new_fun_index fun_def=:{fun_symb, fun_body = CheckedBody {cb_args}, fun_info} fun_index fun_type
+ build_function new_fun_index fun_def=:{fun_ident, fun_body = CheckedBody {cb_args}, fun_info} fun_index fun_type
(var_heap, type_var_heap, expr_heap)
# (tb_args, var_heap) = mapSt new_free_var cb_args var_heap
(app_args, expr_heap) = mapSt new_bound_var tb_args expr_heap
(app_info_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- tb_rhs = App { app_symb = { symb_name = fun_symb,
+ tb_rhs = App { app_symb = { symb_ident = fun_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_module = main_dcl_module_n, glob_object = fun_index }},
app_args = app_args,
app_info_ptr = app_info_ptr }
@@ -2664,9 +2664,9 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
(var_heap, type_var_heap, expr_heap))
new_bound_var :: !FreeVar !*ExpressionHeap -> (!Expression, !*ExpressionHeap)
- new_bound_var {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} expr_heap
+ new_bound_var {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} expr_heap
# (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- = (Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, expr_heap)
+ = (Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, expr_heap)
new_free_var :: !FreeVar *VarHeap -> (!FreeVar, !*VarHeap)
new_free_var fv var_heap
@@ -2711,7 +2711,7 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
= { instance_defs & [ds_index] = { inst_def & fun_type = Yes (makeElemTypeOfArrayFunctionStrict symbol_type ins_offset offset_table) } }
checkSpecifiedInstanceType (index_of_member_fun, derived_symbol_type) (icl_functions, type_heaps, cs_error)
- # ({fun_type, fun_pos, fun_symb}, icl_functions) = icl_functions![index_of_member_fun]
+ # ({fun_type, fun_pos, fun_ident}, icl_functions) = icl_functions![index_of_member_fun]
# (cs_error, type_heaps)
= case fun_type of
@@ -2721,7 +2721,7 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
= symbolTypesCorrespond specified_symbol_type derived_symbol_type type_heaps
| err_code==CEC_Ok
-> (cs_error, type_heaps)
- # cs_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb fun_pos) cs_error
+ # cs_error = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_ident fun_pos) cs_error
= case err_code of
CEC_ResultNotOK -> "result type"
@@ -2736,25 +2736,25 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
-> ( popErrorAdmin cs_error, type_heaps)
= (icl_functions, type_heaps, cs_error)
-check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_name extension cs=:{cs_x={x_needed_modules}}
+check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_ident extension cs=:{cs_x={x_needed_modules}}
# cs = case x_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdGeneric of
0 -> cs
- _ -> check_it PD_StdGeneric mod_name "" extension cs
+ _ -> check_it PD_StdGeneric mod_ident "" extension cs
# cs = case x_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdDynamic of
0 -> cs
- _ -> switch_dynamics (check_it PD_StdDynamic mod_name "" extension cs) (switched_off_Clean_feature PD_StdDynamic mod_name " (dynamics are disabled)" extension cs)
+ _ -> switch_dynamics (check_it PD_StdDynamic mod_ident "" extension cs) (switched_off_Clean_feature PD_StdDynamic mod_ident " (dynamics are disabled)" extension cs)
# cs = case x_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdArray of
0 -> cs
- _ -> check_it PD_StdArray mod_name " (needed for array denotations)" extension cs
+ _ -> check_it PD_StdArray mod_ident " (needed for array denotations)" extension cs
# cs = case x_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdEnum of
0 -> cs
- _ -> check_it PD_StdEnum mod_name " (needed for [..] expressions)" extension cs
+ _ -> check_it PD_StdEnum mod_ident " (needed for [..] expressions)" extension cs
# cs = case x_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdStrictLists of
0 -> cs
- _ -> check_it PD_StdStrictLists mod_name " (needed for strict lists)" extension cs
+ _ -> check_it PD_StdStrictLists mod_ident " (needed for strict lists)" extension cs
= cs
- check_it pd mod_name explanation extension cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ check_it pd mod_ident explanation extension cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# pds_ident = predefined_idents.[pd]
# ({ste_kind}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr pds_ident.id_info cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -2762,16 +2762,16 @@ check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_name extension cs=:{cs_x={x_needed_modules
-> cs
- # error_location = { ip_ident = mod_name, ip_line = 1, ip_file = mod_name.id_name+++extension}
+ # error_location = { ip_ident = mod_ident, ip_line = 1, ip_file = mod_ident.id_name+++extension}
cs_error = pushErrorAdmin error_location cs.cs_error
cs_error = checkError pds_ident ("not imported"+++explanation) cs_error
cs_error = popErrorAdmin cs_error
-> { cs & cs_error = cs_error }
// MV ...
- switched_off_Clean_feature pd mod_name explanation extension cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ switched_off_Clean_feature pd mod_ident explanation extension cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# ident = predefined_idents.[pd]
- # error_location = { ip_ident = mod_name, ip_line = 1, ip_file = mod_name.id_name+++extension}
+ # error_location = { ip_ident = mod_ident, ip_line = 1, ip_file = mod_ident.id_name+++extension}
cs_error = pushErrorAdmin error_location cs.cs_error
cs_error = checkError ident ("not supported"+++explanation) cs_error
cs_error = popErrorAdmin cs_error
@@ -2822,9 +2822,9 @@ makeElemTypeOfArrayFunctionStrict st=:{st_args,st_args_strictness,st_result} me_
st_result = { st_result & at_type = TAS tuple elems (add_strictness 0 strictness)}}
= st
-initialDclModule ({mod_name, mod_modification_time, mod_defs=mod_defs=:{def_funtypes,def_macro_indices}, mod_type}, sizes, all_defs) module_n
+initialDclModule ({mod_ident, mod_modification_time, mod_defs=mod_defs=:{def_funtypes,def_macro_indices}, mod_type}, sizes, all_defs) module_n
# dcl_common= createCommonDefinitions mod_defs
- = { dcl_name = mod_name
+ = { dcl_name = mod_ident
, dcl_functions = { function \\ function <- mod_defs.def_funtypes }
, dcl_macros = def_macro_indices
, dcl_instances = { ir_from = 0, ir_to = 0}
@@ -2941,11 +2941,11 @@ addImportedSymbolsToSymbolTable importing_mod opt_macro_range modules_in_compone
= ([], dcl_modules, cs)
add_field importing_mod mod_index {fs_index} (declarations_accu, dcl_modules, cs)
- # (sd=:{sd_symb, sd_field, sd_pos}, dcl_modules)
+ # (sd=:{sd__ident, sd_field, sd_pos}, dcl_modules)
= dcl_modules![mod_index].dcl_common.com_selector_defs.[fs_index]
= Declaration { decl_ident = sd_field, decl_pos = sd_pos,
- decl_kind = STE_Imported (STE_Field sd_symb) mod_index, decl_index = fs_index }
+ decl_kind = STE_Imported (STE_Field sd__ident) mod_index, decl_index = fs_index }
(is_new, cs)
= add_declaration_to_symbol_table No declaration importing_mod cs
| is_new
@@ -2953,10 +2953,10 @@ addImportedSymbolsToSymbolTable importing_mod opt_macro_range modules_in_compone
= (declarations_accu, dcl_modules, cs)
add_member importing_mod mod_index {ds_ident, ds_index} (declarations_accu, dcl_modules, cs)
- # (sd=:{me_symb, me_pos}, dcl_modules)
+ # (sd=:{me_ident, me_pos}, dcl_modules)
= dcl_modules![mod_index].dcl_common.com_member_defs.[ds_index]
- = Declaration { decl_ident = me_symb, decl_pos = me_pos,
+ = Declaration { decl_ident = me_ident, decl_pos = me_pos,
decl_kind = STE_Imported STE_Member mod_index, decl_index = ds_index }
(is_new, cs)
= add_declaration_to_symbol_table No declaration importing_mod cs
@@ -3094,7 +3094,7 @@ foldlBelongingSymbols f bs st
BS_Constructors constructors
-> foldSt (\{ds_ident} st -> f ds_ident st) constructors st
BS_Fields fields
- -> foldlArraySt (\{fs_name} st -> f fs_name st) fields st
+ -> foldlArraySt (\{fs_ident} st -> f fs_ident st) fields st
BS_Members members
-> foldlArraySt (\{ds_ident} st -> f ds_ident st) members st
@@ -3265,11 +3265,11 @@ checkInstancesOfDclModule mod_index (nr_of_dcl_functions_and_instances, nr_of_dc
= create_funs (inc gc_index) (inc fun_index) gencase_defs hp_var_heap
= (fun_index, [fun:funs], gencase_defs, hp_var_heap)
create_fun gc_index fun_index gencase_defs hp_var_heap
- # (gencase_def=:{gc_name, gc_pos, gc_type_cons}, gencase_defs) = gencase_defs ! [gc_index]
+ # (gencase_def=:{gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_type_cons}, gencase_defs) = gencase_defs ! [gc_index]
# gencase_def = { gencase_def & gc_body = GCB_FunIndex fun_index }
# gencase_defs = {gencase_defs & [gc_index] = gencase_def}
- #! fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_name gc_type_cons
+ #! fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident gc_type_cons
#! dummy_ds =
{ ds_ident = fun_ident
, ds_arity = 0
@@ -3277,7 +3277,7 @@ checkInstancesOfDclModule mod_index (nr_of_dcl_functions_and_instances, nr_of_dc
#! (var_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty hp_var_heap
#! fun =
- { ft_symb = fun_ident
+ { ft_ident = fun_ident
, ft_arity = 0
, ft_priority = NoPrio
, ft_type = {st_vars=[],st_attr_vars=[],st_arity=0,st_args=[],st_result={at_type=TE,at_attribute=TA_Multi},st_attr_env=[],st_context=[],st_args_strictness=NotStrict}
@@ -3287,7 +3287,7 @@ checkInstancesOfDclModule mod_index (nr_of_dcl_functions_and_instances, nr_of_dc
= (fun, gencase_defs, hp_var_heap)
- //---> ("create_gencase_funtypes", gc_name, gc_type_cons, gc_index, fun_index)
+ //---> ("create_gencase_funtypes", gc_ident, gc_type_cons, gc_index, fun_index)
adjust_instance_types_of_array_functions_in_std_array_dcl array_mod_index class_members class_instances fun_types cs=:{cs_predef_symbols}
#! nr_of_instances = size class_instances
@@ -3318,8 +3318,8 @@ checkDclModule :: !NumberSet ![Int] !(IntKeyHashtable SolvedImports) !Int !Bool
!(Module (CollectedDefinitions ClassInstance IndexRange)) !Index !*ExplImpInfos !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*{#*{#FunDef}} !*Heaps !*CheckState
-> (!(!Int,!Index,![FunType]), !(!*ExplImpInfos, !*{#DclModule}, !*{#FunDef},!*{#*{#FunDef}},!*Heaps, !*CheckState))
checkDclModule dcl_imported_module_numbers super_components imports_ikh component_nr is_on_cycle modules_in_component_set
- mod=:{mod_name,mod_defs=mod_defs=:{def_macro_indices,def_funtypes}} mod_index expl_imp_info modules icl_functions macro_defs heaps cs
-// | False--->("checkDclModule", mod_name, mod_index) //, modules.[mod_index].dcl_declared.dcls_local)
+ mod=:{mod_ident,mod_defs=mod_defs=:{def_macro_indices,def_funtypes}} mod_index expl_imp_info modules icl_functions macro_defs heaps cs
+// | False--->("checkDclModule", mod_ident, mod_index) //, modules.[mod_index].dcl_declared.dcls_local)
// = undef
# dcl_common = createCommonDefinitions mod_defs
#! first_type_index = size dcl_common.com_type_defs
@@ -3331,13 +3331,13 @@ checkDclModule dcl_imported_module_numbers super_components imports_ikh componen
= number_class_dictionaries (inc class_index) class_defs (inc index_type)
= class_defs
= checkDclModule2 dcl_imported_module_numbers super_components imports_ikh component_nr is_on_cycle modules_in_component_set
- mod_name dcl_common def_macro_indices def_funtypes mod_index expl_imp_info modules icl_functions macro_defs heaps cs
+ mod_ident dcl_common def_macro_indices def_funtypes mod_index expl_imp_info modules icl_functions macro_defs heaps cs
checkDclModule2 :: !NumberSet ![Int] !(IntKeyHashtable SolvedImports) !Int !Bool !LargeBitvect
!Ident *CommonDefs !IndexRange ![FunType] !Index !*ExplImpInfos !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*{#*{#FunDef}} !*Heaps !*CheckState
-> (!(!Int,!Index,![FunType]), !(!*ExplImpInfos, !*{#DclModule}, !*{#FunDef},!*{#*{#FunDef}},!*Heaps, !*CheckState))
checkDclModule2 dcl_imported_module_numbers super_components imports_ikh component_nr is_on_cycle modules_in_component_set
- mod_name dcl_common dcl_macros dcl_funtypes mod_index expl_imp_info modules icl_functions macro_defs heaps cs
+ mod_ident dcl_common dcl_macros dcl_funtypes mod_index expl_imp_info modules icl_functions macro_defs heaps cs
# (dcl_mod, modules) = modules![mod_index]
dcl_defined = dcl_mod.dcl_declared.dcls_local
cs = addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable dcl_defined cs
@@ -3371,7 +3371,7 @@ checkDclModule2 dcl_imported_module_numbers super_components imports_ikh compone
(icl_functions, e_info=:{ef_modules=modules,ef_macro_defs=macro_defs}, heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}, cs)
= checkAndPartitionateDclMacros mod_index dcl_macros icl_functions e_info heaps cs
- cs = check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_name ".dcl" cs
+ cs = check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_ident ".dcl" cs
com_instance_defs = dcl_common.com_instance_defs
diff --git a/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl b/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl
index 6f1b702..dca1378 100644
--- a/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl
+++ b/frontend/checkFunctionBodies.icl
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ make_unboxed_list type_symbol expr_heap cs
# (stdStrictLists_index,cons_u_index,decons_u_index,nil_u_index,decons_u_ident,cs) = get_unboxed_list_indices_and_decons_u_ident cs
# unboxed_list=UnboxedList type_symbol stdStrictLists_index decons_u_index nil_u_index
# (new_info_ptr,expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- # decons_expr = App {app_symb={symb_name=decons_u_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_u_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
+ # decons_expr = App {app_symb={symb_ident=decons_u_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_u_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
= (unboxed_list,decons_expr,expr_heap,cs)
get_unboxed_tail_strict_list_indices_and_decons_uts_ident :: *CheckState -> (!Index,!Index,!Index,!Index,!Ident,!*CheckState);
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ make_unboxed_tail_strict_list type_symbol expr_heap cs
# (stdStrictLists_index,cons_uts_index,decons_uts_index,nil_uts_index,decons_uts_ident,cs) = get_unboxed_tail_strict_list_indices_and_decons_uts_ident cs
# unboxed_list=UnboxedTailStrictList type_symbol stdStrictLists_index decons_uts_index nil_uts_index
# (new_info_ptr,expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- # decons_expr = App {app_symb={symb_name=decons_uts_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_uts_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
+ # decons_expr = App {app_symb={symb_ident=decons_uts_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_uts_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
= (unboxed_list,decons_expr,expr_heap,cs)
get_overloaded_list_indices_and_decons_ident :: *CheckState -> (!Index,!Index,!Index,!Index,!Ident,!*CheckState);
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ make_overloaded_list type_symbol expr_heap cs
# (stdStrictLists_index,cons_index,decons_index,nil_index,decons_ident,cs) = get_overloaded_list_indices_and_decons_ident cs
# overloaded_list=OverloadedList type_symbol stdStrictLists_index decons_index nil_index
# (new_info_ptr,expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- # decons_expr = App {app_symb={symb_name=decons_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
+ # decons_expr = App {app_symb={symb_ident=decons_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
= (overloaded_list,decons_expr,expr_heap,cs)
make_case_guards cons_symbol type_symbol alg_patterns expr_heap cs
@@ -157,21 +157,21 @@ where
= ([], accus, var_store, e_info, cs)
determine_function_arg (AP_Variable name var_info (Yes {bind_src, bind_dst})) var_store
- = ({ fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
+ = ({ fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
determine_function_arg (AP_Variable name var_info No) var_store
- = ({ fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
+ = ({ fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
determine_function_arg (AP_Algebraic _ _ _ opt_var) var_store
# ({bind_src,bind_dst}, var_store) = determinePatternVariable opt_var var_store
- = ({ fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
+ = ({ fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
determine_function_arg (AP_Basic _ opt_var) var_store
# ({bind_src,bind_dst}, var_store) = determinePatternVariable opt_var var_store
- = ({ fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
+ = ({ fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
determine_function_arg (AP_Dynamic _ _ opt_var) var_store
# ({bind_src,bind_dst}, var_store) = determinePatternVariable opt_var var_store
- = ({ fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
+ = ({ fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
determine_function_arg _ var_store
# ({bind_src,bind_dst}, var_store) = determinePatternVariable No var_store
- = ({ fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
+ = ({ fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, var_store)
check_function_bodies free_vars fun_args [{pb_args,pb_rhs={rhs_alts,rhs_locals},pb_position} : bodies]
e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index} e_state=:{es_var_heap,es_fun_defs} e_info cs
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ where
transform_pattern_into_cases :: !AuxiliaryPattern !FreeVar !Expression !Position !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap ![DynamicPtr] !*CheckState
-> (!Expression, !Position, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap, ![DynamicPtr], !*CheckState)
- transform_pattern_into_cases (AP_Variable name var_info opt_var) fun_arg=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_name} result_expr pattern_position
+ transform_pattern_into_cases (AP_Variable name var_info opt_var) fun_arg=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_ident} result_expr pattern_position
var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
= case opt_var of
Yes {bind_src, bind_dst}
@@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ where
# (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
(let_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
-> (Let { let_strict_binds = [], let_lazy_binds= [
- { lb_src = Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr },
- lb_dst = { fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
+ { lb_src = Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr },
+ lb_dst = { fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
lb_position = NoPos }],
let_expr = result_expr, let_info_ptr = let_expr_ptr, let_expr_position = NoPos },
pattern_position, var_store, expr_heap, opt_dynamics, cs)
@@ -234,11 +234,11 @@ where
(var_expr_ptr2, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
(let_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
-> (Let { let_strict_binds = [], let_lazy_binds= [
- { lb_src = Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr1 },
- lb_dst = { fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
+ { lb_src = Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr1 },
+ lb_dst = { fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
lb_position = NoPos },
- { lb_src = Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr2 },
- lb_dst = { fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
+ { lb_src = Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr2 },
+ lb_dst = { fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
lb_position = NoPos }],
let_expr = result_expr, let_info_ptr = let_expr_ptr, let_expr_position = NoPos },
pattern_position, var_store, expr_heap, opt_dynamics, cs)
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ where
# (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
(let_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
-> (Let { let_strict_binds = [], let_lazy_binds=
- [{ lb_src = Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr },
- lb_dst = { fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
+ [{ lb_src = Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr },
+ lb_dst = { fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
lb_position = NoPos }],
let_expr = result_expr, let_info_ptr = let_expr_ptr, let_expr_position = NoPos },
pattern_position, var_store, expr_heap, opt_dynamics, cs)
@@ -292,22 +292,22 @@ where
transform_pattern_variable :: !FreeVar !(Optional (Bind Ident VarInfoPtr)) !Expression !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!Expression, !Expression, !*ExpressionHeap)
- transform_pattern_variable {fv_info_ptr,fv_name} (Yes {bind_src,bind_dst}) result_expr expr_heap
+ transform_pattern_variable {fv_info_ptr,fv_ident} (Yes {bind_src,bind_dst}) result_expr expr_heap
| bind_dst == fv_info_ptr
# (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- = (Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, result_expr, expr_heap)
+ = (Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, result_expr, expr_heap)
# (var_expr_ptr1, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
(var_expr_ptr2, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
(let_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- = (Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr1 },
+ = (Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr1 },
Let { let_strict_binds = [], let_lazy_binds =
- [{ lb_src = Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr2 },
- lb_dst = { fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
+ [{ lb_src = Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr2 },
+ lb_dst = { fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
lb_position = NoPos }],
let_expr = result_expr, let_info_ptr = let_expr_ptr, let_expr_position = NoPos }, expr_heap)
- transform_pattern_variable {fv_info_ptr,fv_name} No result_expr expr_heap
+ transform_pattern_variable {fv_info_ptr,fv_ident} No result_expr expr_heap
# (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- = (Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, result_expr, expr_heap)
+ = (Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, result_expr, expr_heap)
checkFunctionBodies GeneratedBody function_ident_for_errors e_input e_state e_info cs
= (GeneratedBody, [], e_state, e_info, cs)
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ where
= "first argument of infix operator missing"
build_expression [Constant symb _ (Prio _ _) _ , _: _] e_state cs_error
- = (EE, e_state, checkError symb.symb_name first_argument_of_infix_operator_missing cs_error)
+ = (EE, e_state, checkError symb.symb_ident first_argument_of_infix_operator_missing cs_error)
build_expression [Constant symb arity _ is_fun] e_state cs_error
= buildApplication symb arity 0 is_fun [] e_state cs_error
build_expression [expr] e_state cs_error
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ where
Yes (symb, prio, is_fun, right)
-> case right of
[Constant symb _ (Prio _ _) _:_]
- -> (EE, e_state, checkError symb.symb_name first_argument_of_infix_operator_missing cs_error)
+ -> (EE, e_state, checkError symb.symb_ident first_argument_of_infix_operator_missing cs_error)
-> build_operator_expression [] left_expr (symb, prio, is_fun) right e_state cs_error
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ where
# (appl_exp, e_state, cs_error) = buildApplication symb arity 0 is_fun [] e_state cs_error
= split_at_operator [appl_exp : left] exprs e_state cs_error
split_at_operator left [Constant symb arity (Prio _ _) is_fun] e_state cs_error
- = (No, left, e_state, checkError symb.symb_name "second argument of infix operator missing" cs_error)
+ = (No, left, e_state, checkError symb.symb_ident "second argument of infix operator missing" cs_error)
split_at_operator left [Constant symb arity prio is_fun] e_state cs_error
# (appl_exp, e_state, cs_error) = buildApplication symb arity 0 is_fun [] e_state cs_error
= (No, [appl_exp : left], e_state, cs_error)
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ where
-> build_operator_expression [(symb1, prio1, is_fun1, left1) : left_appls]
middle_exp (symb2, prio2, is_fun2) right e_state cs_error
- -> (EE, e_state, checkError symb1.symb_name "conflicting priorities" cs_error)
+ -> (EE, e_state, checkError symb1.symb_ident "conflicting priorities" cs_error)
# (right, e_state, cs_error) = combine_expressions left2 [] 0 e_state cs_error
(result_expr, e_state, cs_error) = buildApplication symb1 2 2 is_fun1 [left1,right] e_state cs_error
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ where
-> build_left_operand left_appls prior result_expr e_state cs_error
-> (la, result_expr, e_state, cs_error)
- -> (la, EE, e_state, checkError symb.symb_name "conflicting priorities" cs_error)
+ -> (la, EE, e_state, checkError symb.symb_ident "conflicting priorities" cs_error)
build_final_expression [] result_expr e_state cs_error
= (result_expr, e_state, cs_error)
@@ -848,10 +848,10 @@ where
{ cs & cs_error = checkError "<dynamic pattern>" "illegal combination of patterns" cs.cs_error })
transform_pattern (AP_Variable name var_info opt_var) NoPattern pattern_scheme pattern_variables No result_expr _ var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
= ( NoPattern, pattern_scheme, cons_optional opt_var pattern_variables,
- Yes (Yes { fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, result_expr),
+ Yes (Yes { fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, result_expr),
var_store, expr_heap, opt_dynamics, cs)
transform_pattern (AP_Variable name var_info opt_var) patterns pattern_scheme pattern_variables defaul result_expr case_name var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
- # free_var = { fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }
+ # free_var = { fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }
(new_bound_var, expr_heap) = allocate_bound_var free_var expr_heap
case_ident = { id_name = case_name, id_info = nilPtr }
(new_case, var_store, expr_heap, cs_error) = build_and_share_case patterns defaul (Var new_bound_var) case_ident cCaseExplicit var_store expr_heap cs.cs_error
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ where
bind_pattern_variables [] pattern_expr expr_heap
= (pattern_expr, [], expr_heap)
bind_pattern_variables [{bind_src,bind_dst} : variables] this_pattern_expr expr_heap
- # free_var = { fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }
+ # free_var = { fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }
(bound_var, expr_heap) = allocate_bound_var free_var expr_heap
(pattern_expr, binds, expr_heap) = bind_pattern_variables variables (Var bound_var) expr_heap
= (pattern_expr, [{lb_src = this_pattern_expr, lb_dst = free_var, lb_position = NoPos } : binds], expr_heap)
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ checkExpression free_vars (PE_Tuple exprs) e_input e_state e_info cs
# (exprs, arity, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs) = check_expression_list free_vars exprs e_input e_state e_info cs
({glob_object={ds_ident,ds_index},glob_module}, cs)
= getPredefinedGlobalSymbol (GetTupleConsIndex arity) PD_PredefinedModule STE_Constructor arity cs
- = (App { app_symb = { symb_name = ds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Constructor { glob_object = ds_index, glob_module = glob_module }},
+ = (App { app_symb = { symb_ident = ds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Constructor { glob_object = ds_index, glob_module = glob_module }},
app_args = exprs, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
check_expression_list free_vars [] e_input e_state e_info cs
@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ checkExpression free_vars rec=:(PE_Record record opt_type fields) e_input=:{ei_e
= case opt_record_and_fields of
Yes (cons=:{glob_module, glob_object}, _, new_fields)
# {ds_ident,ds_index} = glob_object
- rec_cons = { symb_name = ds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Constructor { glob_object = ds_index, glob_module = glob_module } }
+ rec_cons = { symb_ident = ds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Constructor { glob_object = ds_index, glob_module = glob_module } }
-> case record of
# (exprs, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs) = check_field_exprs free_vars new_fields 0 RK_Constructor e_input e_state e_info cs
@@ -1037,12 +1037,12 @@ where
= ([expr : exprs], free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
check_field_expr :: [FreeVar] (Bind ParsedExpr (Global FieldSymbol)) Int RecordKind ExpressionInput *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState -> *(!.Bind Expression (Global FieldSymbol),![FreeVar],!*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
- check_field_expr free_vars field=:{bind_src = PE_Empty, bind_dst={glob_object={fs_var,fs_name,fs_index},glob_module}} field_nr record_kind e_input e_state e_info cs
+ check_field_expr free_vars field=:{bind_src = PE_Empty, bind_dst={glob_object={fs_var,fs_ident,fs_index},glob_module}} field_nr record_kind e_input e_state e_info cs
# (expr, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
= checkIdentExpression cIsNotInExpressionList free_vars fs_var e_input e_state e_info cs
= ({ field & bind_src = expr }, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
- check_field_expr free_vars field=:{bind_src = PE_WildCard, bind_dst={glob_object=fs_name}} field_nr RK_Constructor e_input e_state e_info cs
- = ({ field & bind_src = NoBind nilPtr }, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError fs_name "field not specified" cs.cs_error })
+ check_field_expr free_vars field=:{bind_src = PE_WildCard, bind_dst={glob_object=fs_ident}} field_nr RK_Constructor e_input e_state e_info cs
+ = ({ field & bind_src = NoBind nilPtr }, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError fs_ident "field not specified" cs.cs_error })
check_field_expr free_vars field=:{bind_src = PE_WildCard} field_nr RK_Update e_input e_state=:{es_expr_heap} e_info cs
# (bind_expr_ptr, es_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty es_expr_heap
= ({ field & bind_src = NoBind bind_expr_ptr }, free_vars, { e_state & es_expr_heap = es_expr_heap }, e_info, cs)
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ where
Var var
-> ({ bind_dst = var, bind_src = bind_src }, (free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs))
- -> ({ bind_dst = { var_name = bind_dst, var_info_ptr = nilPtr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }, bind_src = bind_src }, (free_vars, e_state, e_info,
+ -> ({ bind_dst = { var_ident = bind_dst, var_info_ptr = nilPtr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }, bind_src = bind_src }, (free_vars, e_state, e_info,
{ cs & cs_error = checkError bind_src "bound variable expected" cs.cs_error }))
check_out_parameters expr_level params es_cs
@@ -1102,9 +1102,9 @@ where
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr bind_dst.id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
# (new_info_ptr, es_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty e_state.es_var_heap
cs = checkPatternVariable expr_level entry bind_dst new_info_ptr { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- = ( { bind & bind_dst = { fv_def_level = expr_level, fv_name = bind_dst, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = 0 }},
+ = ( { bind & bind_dst = { fv_def_level = expr_level, fv_ident = bind_dst, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = 0 }},
( { e_state & es_var_heap = es_var_heap }, cs))
- = ( { bind & bind_dst = { fv_def_level = expr_level, fv_name = bind_dst, fv_info_ptr = nilPtr, fv_count = 0 }},
+ = ( { bind & bind_dst = { fv_def_level = expr_level, fv_ident = bind_dst, fv_info_ptr = nilPtr, fv_count = 0 }},
( e_state, { cs & cs_error = checkError bind_src "variable expected" cs.cs_error }))
remove_out_parameters_from_symbol_table expr_level idents symbol_table
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ checkExpression free_vars (PE_Generic id=:{id_name,id_info} kind) e_input e_stat
([generic_info_expr], es_expr_heap, cs)
([], es_expr_heap, cs)
#! symb_kind = SK_Generic { glob_object = gen_index, glob_module = mod_index} kind
- #! symbol = { symb_name = id, symb_kind = symb_kind }
+ #! symbol = { symb_ident = id, symb_kind = symb_kind }
#! (new_info_ptr, es_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty es_expr_heap
#! app = { app_symb = symbol, app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }
#! e_state = { e_state & es_expr_heap = es_expr_heap }
@@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ checkExpression free_vars (PE_Generic id=:{id_name,id_info} kind) e_input e_stat
#! (new_info_ptr, es_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty es_expr_heap
#! app =
{ app_symb =
- { symb_name = pds_ident
+ { symb_ident = pds_ident
, symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module=pds_module, glob_object=pds_def}
, app_args = []
@@ -1239,11 +1239,11 @@ where
= (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError id "undefined" cs_error })
check_id_expression {ste_kind = STE_Variable info_ptr,ste_def_level} is_expr_list free_vars id e_input=:{ei_fun_level} e_state=:{es_expr_heap} e_info cs
| ste_def_level < ei_fun_level
- # free_var = { fv_def_level = ste_def_level, fv_name = id, fv_info_ptr = info_ptr, fv_count = 0 }
+ # free_var = { fv_def_level = ste_def_level, fv_ident = id, fv_info_ptr = info_ptr, fv_count = 0 }
(free_var_added, free_vars) = newFreeVariable free_var free_vars
= (FreeVar free_var, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
#! (var_expr_ptr, es_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty es_expr_heap
- = (Var {var_name = id, var_info_ptr = info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr}, free_vars,
+ = (Var {var_ident = id, var_info_ptr = info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr}, free_vars,
{e_state & es_expr_heap = es_expr_heap}, e_info, cs)
check_id_expression {ste_kind = STE_Generic} is_expr_list free_vars id e_input e_state e_info cs=:{cs_error}
= (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info,
@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ where
{ cs & cs_error = checkError id "generic: missing kind argument" cs_error})
check_id_expression entry is_expr_list free_vars id=:{id_info} e_input e_state e_info cs
# (symb_kind, arity, priority, is_a_function, e_state, e_info, cs) = determine_info_of_symbol entry id_info e_input e_state e_info cs
- symbol = { symb_name = id, symb_kind = symb_kind }
+ symbol = { symb_ident = id, symb_kind = symb_kind }
| is_expr_list
= (Constant symbol arity priority is_a_function, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
# (app_expr, e_state, cs_error) = buildApplication symbol arity 0 is_a_function [] e_state cs.cs_error
@@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ where
determine_info_of_symbol entry=:{ste_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro calls,ste_index,ste_def_level} symb_info
e_input=:{ei_fun_index} e_state=:{es_calls} e_info cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_x}
# (fun_def,e_state) = e_state!es_fun_defs.[ste_index]
- # {fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_kind,fun_priority,fun_info={fi_properties}}=fun_def
+ # {fun_ident,fun_arity,fun_kind,fun_priority,fun_info={fi_properties}}=fun_def
# index = { glob_object = ste_index, glob_module = cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n }
# symbol_kind = convert_DefOrImpFunKind_to_icl_SymbKind fun_kind index fi_properties
| is_called_before ei_fun_index calls
@@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ where
determine_info_of_symbol entry=:{ste_kind=STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction calls,ste_index,ste_def_level} symb_info
e_input=:{ei_fun_index, ei_mod_index} e_state=:{es_calls} e_info cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (macro_def,e_info) = e_info!ef_macro_defs.[ei_mod_index,ste_index]
- # {fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_kind,fun_priority,fun_info={fi_properties}}=macro_def
+ # {fun_ident,fun_arity,fun_kind,fun_priority,fun_info={fi_properties}}=macro_def
# index = { glob_object = ste_index, glob_module = ei_mod_index }
# symbol_kind = convert_DefOrImpFunKind_to_dcl_SymbKind fun_kind index fi_properties
| is_called_before ei_fun_index calls
@@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ where
determine_info_of_symbol entry=:{ste_kind=STE_Imported (STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction calls) macro_mod_index,ste_index,ste_def_level} symb_info
e_input=:{ei_fun_index} e_state=:{es_calls} e_info cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (macro_def,e_info) = e_info!ef_macro_defs.[macro_mod_index,ste_index]
- # {fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_kind,fun_priority,fun_info={fi_properties}}=macro_def
+ # {fun_ident,fun_arity,fun_kind,fun_priority,fun_info={fi_properties}}=macro_def
# index = { glob_object = ste_index, glob_module = macro_mod_index }
# symbol_kind = convert_DefOrImpFunKind_to_dcl_SymbKind fun_kind index fi_properties
| is_called_before ei_fun_index calls
@@ -1598,17 +1598,17 @@ checkPattern (PE_ArrayPattern selections) opt_var p_input (var_env, array_patter
checkPattern expr opt_var p_input accus ps e_info cs
= abort "checkPattern: do not know how to handle pattern" ---> expr
-checkMacroPatternConstructor macro=:{fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_kind,fun_priority} macro_mod_index mod_index is_dcl_macro is_expr_list ste_index ident opt_var ps e_info cs=:{cs_error}
+checkMacroPatternConstructor macro=:{fun_ident,fun_arity,fun_kind,fun_priority} macro_mod_index mod_index is_dcl_macro is_expr_list ste_index ident opt_var ps e_info cs=:{cs_error}
| case fun_kind of FK_Macro->True; _ -> False
| is_expr_list
- # macro_symbol = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol fun_symb ste_index fun_arity, glob_module = macro_mod_index }
+ # macro_symbol = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol fun_ident ste_index fun_arity, glob_module = macro_mod_index }
= (AP_Constant (APK_Macro is_dcl_macro) macro_symbol fun_priority, ps, e_info, cs)
| fun_arity == 0
# (pattern, ps, ef_modules, ef_cons_defs, cs_error)
= unfoldPatternMacro macro mod_index [] opt_var ps e_info.ef_modules e_info.ef_cons_defs cs_error
= (pattern, ps, { e_info & ef_modules = ef_modules, ef_cons_defs = ef_cons_defs }, { cs & cs_error = cs_error })
= (AP_Empty ident, ps, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError ident "not defined" cs_error })
- = (AP_Empty ident, ps, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError fun_symb "not allowed in a pattern" cs_error })
+ = (AP_Empty ident, ps, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError fun_ident "not allowed in a pattern" cs_error })
checkPatternConstructor :: !Index !Bool !SymbolTableEntry !Ident !(Optional (Bind Ident VarInfoPtr)) !*PatternState !*ExpressionInfo !*CheckState
-> (!AuxiliaryPattern, !*PatternState, !*ExpressionInfo, !*CheckState);
@@ -1623,17 +1623,17 @@ checkPatternConstructor mod_index is_expr_list {ste_kind = STE_DclMacroOrLocalMa
checkPatternConstructor mod_index is_expr_list {ste_kind = STE_Imported (STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction _) macro_module_index,ste_index} ident opt_var ps e_info cs
# (macro,e_info) = e_info!ef_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,ste_index]
= checkMacroPatternConstructor macro macro_module_index mod_index True is_expr_list ste_index ident opt_var ps e_info cs
-checkPatternConstructor mod_index is_expr_list {ste_index, ste_kind} cons_symb opt_var ps
+checkPatternConstructor mod_index is_expr_list {ste_index, ste_kind} cons_ident opt_var ps
e_info=:{ef_cons_defs,ef_modules} cs=:{cs_error}
# (cons_index, cons_module, cons_arity, cons_priority, cons_type_index, ef_cons_defs, ef_modules, cs_error)
- = determine_pattern_symbol mod_index ste_index ste_kind cons_symb.id_name ef_cons_defs ef_modules cs_error
+ = determine_pattern_symbol mod_index ste_index ste_kind cons_ident.id_name ef_cons_defs ef_modules cs_error
e_info = { e_info & ef_cons_defs = ef_cons_defs, ef_modules = ef_modules }
- cons_symbol = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol cons_symb cons_index cons_arity, glob_module = cons_module }
+ cons_symbol = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol cons_ident cons_index cons_arity, glob_module = cons_module }
| is_expr_list
= (AP_Constant (APK_Constructor cons_type_index) cons_symbol cons_priority, ps, e_info, { cs & cs_error = cs_error })
| cons_arity == 0
= (AP_Algebraic cons_symbol cons_type_index [] opt_var, ps, e_info, { cs & cs_error = cs_error })
- = (AP_Algebraic cons_symbol cons_type_index [] opt_var, ps, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError cons_symb "constructor arguments are missing" cs_error })
+ = (AP_Algebraic cons_symbol cons_type_index [] opt_var, ps, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError cons_ident "constructor arguments are missing" cs_error })
determine_pattern_symbol mod_index id_index STE_Constructor id_name cons_defs modules error
# ({cons_type={st_arity},cons_priority, cons_type_index}, cons_defs) = cons_defs![id_index]
@@ -1692,14 +1692,14 @@ convertSubPatterns [pattern : patterns] result_expr pattern_position var_store e
convertSubPattern :: AuxiliaryPattern Expression Position *(Heap VarInfo) *(Heap ExprInfo) u:[Ptr ExprInfo] *CheckState -> *(!FreeVar,!Expression,!Position,!*Heap VarInfo,!*Heap ExprInfo,!u:[Ptr ExprInfo],!*CheckState);
convertSubPattern (AP_Variable name var_info (Yes {bind_src,bind_dst})) result_expr pattern_position var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
# (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- bound_var = { var_name = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }
- free_var = { fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }
+ bound_var = { var_ident = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }
+ free_var = { fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }
(let_expr, expr_heap) = buildLetExpression [] [{lb_src = Var bound_var,
- lb_dst = { fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
+ lb_dst = { fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
lb_position = NoPos }] result_expr NoPos expr_heap
= (free_var, let_expr, pattern_position, var_store, expr_heap, opt_dynamics, cs)
convertSubPattern (AP_Variable name var_info No) result_expr pattern_position var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
- = ({ fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, result_expr, pattern_position,
+ = ({ fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, result_expr, pattern_position,
var_store, expr_heap, opt_dynamics, cs)
convertSubPattern (AP_Algebraic cons_symbol type_index args opt_var) result_expr pattern_position
var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
@@ -1711,8 +1711,8 @@ convertSubPattern (AP_Algebraic cons_symbol type_index args opt_var) result_expr
(case_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
# alg_patterns = [{ ap_symbol = cons_symbol, ap_vars = var_args, ap_expr = result_expr, ap_position = pattern_position }]
# (case_guards,expr_heap,cs) = make_case_guards cons_symbol type_symbol alg_patterns expr_heap cs
- = ({ fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
- Case { case_expr = Var { var_name = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr },
+ = ({ fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
+ Case { case_expr = Var { var_ident = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr },
case_guards = case_guards, case_default = No, case_ident = No, case_info_ptr = case_expr_ptr,
case_explicit = cCaseNotExplicit,
case_default_pos = NoPos },
@@ -1723,8 +1723,8 @@ convertSubPattern (AP_Basic basic_val opt_var) result_expr pattern_position var_
({bind_src,bind_dst}, var_store) = determinePatternVariable opt_var var_store
(var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
(case_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- = ({ fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
- Case { case_expr = Var { var_name = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr },
+ = ({ fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
+ Case { case_expr = Var { var_ident = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr },
case_guards = case_guards, case_default = No, case_ident = No, case_info_ptr = case_expr_ptr,
case_explicit = cCaseNotExplicit,
case_default_pos = NoPos},
@@ -1738,13 +1738,13 @@ convertSubPattern (AP_Dynamic pattern type opt_var) result_expr pattern_position
(dynamic_info_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr (EI_DynamicType type opt_dynamics) expr_heap
type_case_patterns = [{ dp_var = var_arg, dp_type = dynamic_info_ptr, dp_rhs = result_expr, dp_type_patterns_vars = [],
dp_type_code = TCE_Empty, dp_position = pattern_position }]
- = ({ fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
- buildTypeCase (Var { var_name = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr })
+ = ({ fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 },
+ buildTypeCase (Var { var_ident = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr })
type_case_patterns No type_case_info_ptr cCaseNotExplicit,
NoPos, var_store, expr_heap, [dynamic_info_ptr], cs)
convertSubPattern (AP_WildCard opt_var) result_expr pattern_position var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
# ({bind_src,bind_dst}, var_store) = determinePatternVariable opt_var var_store
- = ({ fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, result_expr, pattern_position,
+ = ({ fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }, result_expr, pattern_position,
var_store, expr_heap, opt_dynamics, cs)
convertSubPattern (AP_Empty _) result_expr pattern_position var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
= convertSubPattern (AP_WildCard No) EE pattern_position var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
@@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@ checkAndTransformPatternIntoBind free_vars [] e_input e_state e_info cs
transfromPatternIntoBind :: !Index !Level !AuxiliaryPattern !Expression !Position !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*ExpressionInfo !*CheckState
-> *(![LetBind], !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap, !*ExpressionInfo, !*CheckState)
transfromPatternIntoBind mod_index def_level (AP_Variable name var_info _) src_expr position var_store expr_heap e_info cs
- # bind = {lb_src = src_expr, lb_dst = { fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = def_level, fv_count = 0 }, lb_position = position }
+ # bind = {lb_src = src_expr, lb_dst = { fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = var_info, fv_def_level = def_level, fv_count = 0 }, lb_position = position }
= ([bind], var_store, expr_heap, e_info, cs)
transfromPatternIntoBind mod_index def_level (AP_Algebraic cons_symbol=:{glob_module,glob_object=ds_cons=:{ds_arity, ds_index, ds_ident}} type_index args opt_var)
src_expr position var_store expr_heap e_info=:{ef_type_defs,ef_modules} cs
@@ -1802,17 +1802,17 @@ transfromPatternIntoBind mod_index def_level (AP_Algebraic cons_symbol=:{glob_mo
| pd_cons_index==PD_UnboxedConsSymbol
# (stdStrictLists_index,_,decons_u_index,_,decons_u_ident,cs) = get_unboxed_list_indices_and_decons_u_ident cs
# (new_info_ptr,expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- # decons_u_expr = App {app_symb={symb_name=decons_u_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_u_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[src_expr],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
+ # decons_u_expr = App {app_symb={symb_ident=decons_u_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_u_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[src_expr],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
= (decons_u_expr,expr_heap,cs)
| pd_cons_index==PD_UnboxedTailStrictConsSymbol
# (stdStrictLists_index,_,decons_uts_index,_,decons_uts_ident,cs) = get_unboxed_tail_strict_list_indices_and_decons_uts_ident cs
# (new_info_ptr,expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- # decons_uts_expr = App {app_symb={symb_name=decons_uts_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_uts_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[src_expr],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
+ # decons_uts_expr = App {app_symb={symb_ident=decons_uts_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_uts_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[src_expr],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
= (decons_uts_expr,expr_heap,cs)
| pd_cons_index==PD_OverloadedConsSymbol
# (stdStrictLists_index,_,decons_index,_,decons_ident,cs) = get_overloaded_list_indices_and_decons_ident cs
# (new_info_ptr,expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- # decons_expr = App {app_symb={symb_name=decons_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[src_expr],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
+ # decons_expr = App {app_symb={symb_ident=decons_ident,symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_object=decons_index,glob_module=stdStrictLists_index}},app_args=[src_expr],app_info_ptr=new_info_ptr}
= (decons_expr,expr_heap,cs)
= (src_expr,expr_heap,cs)
= (src_expr,expr_heap,cs)
@@ -1847,8 +1847,8 @@ where
transform_sub_patterns_of_record mod_index def_level [pattern : patterns] fields field_module field_index record_expr
all_binds position var_store expr_heap e_info cs
- # {fs_name, fs_index} = fields.[field_index]
- selector = { glob_module = field_module, glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol fs_name fs_index 1}
+ # {fs_ident, fs_index} = fields.[field_index]
+ selector = { glob_module = field_module, glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol fs_ident fs_index 1}
(this_record_expr, expr_heap) = adjust_match_expression record_expr expr_heap
(binds, var_store, expr_heap, e_info, cs)
= transfromPatternIntoBind mod_index def_level pattern (Selection NormalSelector this_record_expr [ RecordSelection selector field_index ])
@@ -1859,9 +1859,9 @@ where
= (binds, var_store, expr_heap, e_info, cs)
bind_opt_var (Yes {bind_src,bind_dst}) src_expr position var_heap expr_heap
- # free_var = { fv_name = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }
+ # free_var = { fv_ident = bind_src, fv_info_ptr = bind_dst, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 }
(var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- bound_var = { var_name = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }
+ bound_var = { var_ident = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }
= (Var bound_var, [{lb_src = src_expr, lb_dst = free_var, lb_position = position}], var_heap <:= (bind_dst, VI_Empty), expr_heap)
bind_opt_var No src_expr _ var_heap expr_heap
= (src_expr, [], var_heap, expr_heap)
@@ -1872,8 +1872,8 @@ where
# new_name = newVarId "_x"
(var_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
// (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- bound_var = { var_name = new_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
- free_var = { fv_name = new_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = def_level, fv_count = 0 }
+ bound_var = { var_ident = new_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+ free_var = { fv_ident = new_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = def_level, fv_count = 0 }
= (Var bound_var, [{lb_src = match_expr, lb_dst = free_var, lb_position = position } : opt_var_bind], var_heap, expr_heap)
adjust_match_expression (Var var) expr_heap
@@ -1894,9 +1894,9 @@ unfoldPatternMacro macro=:{fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}} mod_index
(all_macro_args, [])
(splitAt length_macro_args all_macro_args)
ums = { ums_var_heap = fold2St bind_var tb_args macro_args ps_var_heap, ums_modules = modules, ums_cons_defs = cons_defs, ums_error = error }
- (pattern, {ums_var_heap,ums_modules,ums_cons_defs,ums_error}) = unfold_pattern_macro mod_index macro.fun_symb opt_var extra_args tb_rhs ums
+ (pattern, {ums_var_heap,ums_modules,ums_cons_defs,ums_error}) = unfold_pattern_macro mod_index macro.fun_ident opt_var extra_args tb_rhs ums
= (pattern, { ps & ps_var_heap = ums_var_heap}, ums_modules, ums_cons_defs, ums_error)
- = (AP_Empty macro.fun_symb, { ps & ps_var_heap = ps_var_heap}, modules, cons_defs, checkError macro.fun_symb "sharing not allowed" error)
+ = (AP_Empty macro.fun_ident, { ps & ps_var_heap = ps_var_heap}, modules, cons_defs, checkError macro.fun_ident "sharing not allowed" error)
no_sharing [{fv_count} : args]
= fv_count <= 1 && no_sharing args
@@ -1906,7 +1906,7 @@ where
bind_var {fv_info_ptr} pattern ps_var_heap
= ps_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Pattern pattern)
- unfold_pattern_macro mod_index macro_ident _ extra_args (Var {var_name,var_info_ptr}) ums=:{ums_var_heap, ums_error}
+ unfold_pattern_macro mod_index macro_ident _ extra_args (Var {var_ident,var_info_ptr}) ums=:{ums_var_heap, ums_error}
| not (isEmpty extra_args)
= (AP_Empty macro_ident, { ums & ums_error = checkError macro_ident "too much arguments for pattern macro" ums_error })
# (VI_Pattern pattern, ums_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ums_var_heap
@@ -1914,15 +1914,15 @@ where
unfold_pattern_macro mod_index macro_ident opt_var extra_args (App {app_symb,app_args}) ums
= unfold_application mod_index macro_ident opt_var extra_args app_symb app_args ums
- unfold_application mod_index macro_ident opt_var extra_args {symb_kind=SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object},symb_name} app_args
+ unfold_application mod_index macro_ident opt_var extra_args {symb_kind=SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object},symb_ident} app_args
ums=:{ums_cons_defs, ums_modules,ums_error}
# (cons_def, cons_index, ums_cons_defs, ums_modules) = get_cons_def mod_index glob_module glob_object ums_cons_defs ums_modules
| cons_def.cons_type.st_arity == length app_args+length extra_args
# (patterns, ums) = mapSt (unfold_pattern_macro mod_index macro_ident No []) app_args { ums & ums_cons_defs = ums_cons_defs, ums_modules = ums_modules }
- cons_symbol = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol symb_name cons_index cons_def.cons_type.st_arity, glob_module = glob_module }
+ cons_symbol = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol symb_ident cons_index cons_def.cons_type.st_arity, glob_module = glob_module }
= (AP_Algebraic cons_symbol cons_def.cons_type_index (patterns++extra_args) opt_var, ums)
- = (AP_Empty cons_def.cons_symb, { ums & ums_cons_defs = ums_cons_defs, ums_modules = ums_modules,
- ums_error = checkError cons_def.cons_symb "wrong number of arguments" ums_error })
+ = (AP_Empty cons_def.cons_ident, { ums & ums_cons_defs = ums_cons_defs, ums_modules = ums_modules,
+ ums_error = checkError cons_def.cons_ident "wrong number of arguments" ums_error })
get_cons_def mod_index cons_mod cons_index cons_defs modules
| mod_index == cons_mod
@@ -1939,7 +1939,7 @@ where
unfold_pattern_macro mod_index macro_ident opt_var _ expr ums=:{ums_error}
= (AP_Empty macro_ident, { ums & ums_error = checkError macro_ident "illegal rhs for a pattern macro" ums_error })
unfoldPatternMacro macro mod_index all_macro_args opt_var ps=:{ps_var_heap} modules cons_defs error
- = (AP_Empty macro.fun_symb, { ps & ps_var_heap = ps_var_heap}, modules, cons_defs, checkError macro.fun_symb "illegal macro in pattern" error)
+ = (AP_Empty macro.fun_ident, { ps & ps_var_heap = ps_var_heap}, modules, cons_defs, checkError macro.fun_ident "illegal macro in pattern" error)
checkSelectors end_with_update free_vars [ selector : selectors ] e_input e_state e_info cs
| isEmpty selectors
@@ -2175,7 +2175,7 @@ buildSelections e_input {ap_opt_var, ap_array_var, ap_selections}
= case ap_opt_var of
Yes { bind_src = opt_var_ident, bind_dst = opt_var_var_info_ptr }
# (bound_array_var, es_expr_heap) = allocate_bound_var ap_array_var e_state.es_expr_heap
- free_var = { fv_name = opt_var_ident, fv_info_ptr = opt_var_var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel,
+ free_var = { fv_ident = opt_var_ident, fv_info_ptr = opt_var_var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel,
fv_count = 0 }
-> ([{ lb_dst = free_var, lb_src = Var bound_array_var, lb_position = NoPos }: lazy_binds],
{ e_state & es_expr_heap = es_expr_heap })
@@ -2186,7 +2186,7 @@ buildSelections e_input {ap_opt_var, ap_array_var, ap_selections}
# (var_for_uselect_result, es_var_heap)
= allocate_free_var { id_name = "_x", id_info = nilPtr } e_state.es_var_heap
(new_array_var, es_var_heap)
- = allocate_free_var ap_array_var.fv_name es_var_heap
+ = allocate_free_var ap_array_var.fv_ident es_var_heap
(bound_array_var, es_expr_heap)
= allocate_bound_var ap_array_var e_state.es_expr_heap
(bound_var_for_uselect_result, es_expr_heap)
@@ -2246,11 +2246,11 @@ buildApplication symbol form_arity act_arity is_fun args e_state=:{es_expr_heap}
= (App app, { e_state & es_expr_heap = es_expr_heap }, error)
# app = App { app_symb = symbol , app_args = args, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }
| form_arity < act_arity
- = (app, e_state, checkError symbol.symb_name "used with too many arguments" error)
+ = (app, e_state, checkError symbol.symb_ident "used with too many arguments" error)
= (app, e_state, error)
-buildPattern mod_index (APK_Constructor type_index) cons_symb args opt_var ps e_info cs
- = (AP_Algebraic cons_symb type_index args opt_var, ps, e_info, cs)
+buildPattern mod_index (APK_Constructor type_index) cons_ident args opt_var ps e_info cs
+ = (AP_Algebraic cons_ident type_index args opt_var, ps, e_info, cs)
buildPattern mod_index (APK_Macro is_dcl_macro) {glob_module,glob_object} args opt_var ps e_info=:{ef_modules,ef_macro_defs,ef_cons_defs} cs=:{cs_error}
| is_dcl_macro
# (macro,ef_macro_defs) = ef_macro_defs![glob_module,glob_object.ds_index]
@@ -2325,15 +2325,15 @@ pushErrorAdmin2 string pos=:(LinePos _ _) cs
allocate_bound_var :: !FreeVar !*ExpressionHeap -> (!BoundVar, !.ExpressionHeap)
-allocate_bound_var {fv_name, fv_info_ptr} expr_heap
+allocate_bound_var {fv_ident, fv_info_ptr} expr_heap
# (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- = ({ var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, expr_heap)
+ = ({ var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, expr_heap)
allocate_free_var ident var_heap
# (new_var_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- = ({ fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_name = ident, fv_info_ptr = new_var_info_ptr, fv_count = 0 }, var_heap)
+ = ({ fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = ident, fv_info_ptr = new_var_info_ptr, fv_count = 0 }, var_heap)
diff --git a/frontend/checkKindCorrectness.icl b/frontend/checkKindCorrectness.icl
index b7d118b..ceee1aa 100644
--- a/frontend/checkKindCorrectness.icl
+++ b/frontend/checkKindCorrectness.icl
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n first_uncached_function icl_instances com
= { dcl_mods & [mod_index].dcl_common.com_class_defs
= { el \\ el <- class_defs_with_cacheable_kind_info }}
= (dcl_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
- check_class com_member_defs class_def=:{class_name, class_args, class_members}
+ check_class com_member_defs class_def=:{class_ident, class_args, class_members}
(class_defs_accu, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
# th_vars
= init_type_vars class_args th_vars
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n first_uncached_function icl_instances com
= mapFilterYesSt get_opt_kind class_args th_vars
= ([{ class_def & class_arg_kinds = derived_kinds }:class_defs_accu], th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
check_member_without_context class_args
- {me_symb, me_pos, me_class_vars, me_type=me_type=:{st_vars, st_args, st_result}}
+ {me_ident, me_pos, me_class_vars, me_type=me_type=:{st_vars, st_args, st_result}}
(th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
# error_admin
- = setErrorAdmin (newPosition me_symb me_pos) error_admin
+ = setErrorAdmin (newPosition me_ident me_pos) error_admin
= init_type_vars st_vars th_vars
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n first_uncached_function icl_instances com
= mapSt get_tvi class_args th_vars
= (expected_kinds, bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars)
- write_kind_info {class_name, class_args, class_arg_kinds} th_vars
+ write_kind_info {class_ident, class_args, class_arg_kinds} th_vars
= write_ki class_args class_arg_kinds th_vars
write_ki [{tv_info_ptr}:class_args] [class_arg_kind:class_arg_kinds] th_vars
@@ -153,10 +153,10 @@ checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n first_uncached_function icl_instances com
possibly_check_type (TVI_Kind expected_kind) arg_nr type state
= check_type expected_kind arg_nr type state
check_class_context_and_member_contexts common_defs com_member_defs
- {class_name, class_pos, class_context, class_members, class_args}
+ {class_ident, class_pos, class_context, class_members, class_args}
(bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
# error_admin
- = setErrorAdmin (newPosition class_name class_pos) error_admin
+ = setErrorAdmin (newPosition class_ident class_pos) error_admin
= foldSt (check_context common_defs) class_context
(bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
@@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n first_uncached_function icl_instances com
= state
check_member_context common_defs com_member_defs {ds_index}
(bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
- # {me_symb, me_pos, me_type}
+ # {me_ident, me_pos, me_type}
= com_member_defs.[ds_index]
- = setErrorAdmin (newPosition me_symb me_pos) error_admin
+ = setErrorAdmin (newPosition me_ident me_pos) error_admin
= foldSt (check_context common_defs) me_type.st_context
(bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
get_tvi {tv_info_ptr} th_vars
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n first_uncached_function icl_instances com
-> (fun_defs, bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
Yes st
# (bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
- = check_symbol_type common_defs fun_def.fun_symb fun_def.fun_pos
+ = check_symbol_type common_defs fun_def.fun_ident fun_def.fun_pos
st (bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
-> (fun_defs, bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
check_dcl_functions common_defs mod_index
@@ -201,16 +201,16 @@ checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n first_uncached_function icl_instances com
= iFoldSt (\i state
-> if (in_index_range i dcl_instances || in_index_range i dcl_macros) // yawn
- (let ({ft_symb, ft_pos, ft_type}) = dcl_functions.[i]
- in check_symbol_type common_defs ft_symb ft_pos ft_type
+ (let ({ft_ident, ft_pos, ft_type}) = dcl_functions.[i]
+ in check_symbol_type common_defs ft_ident ft_pos ft_type
0 (size dcl_functions) (bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
= (dcl_mods, bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
- check_symbol_type common_defs fun_symb fun_pos
+ check_symbol_type common_defs fun_ident fun_pos
st=:{st_vars, st_args, st_result, st_context}
(bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
# error_admin
- = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb fun_pos) error_admin
+ = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_ident fun_pos) error_admin
= init_type_vars st_vars th_vars
(th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n first_uncached_function icl_instances com
= (bv_uninitialized_mods, th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
check_atype expected_kind arg_nr {at_type} state
= check_type expected_kind arg_nr at_type state
- check_type expected_kind arg_nr (TA {type_name,type_index} args)
+ check_type expected_kind arg_nr (TA {type_ident,type_index} args)
(th_vars, td_infos, error_admin)
# ({tdi_kinds}, td_infos)
= td_infos![type_index.glob_module,type_index.glob_object]
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n first_uncached_function icl_instances com
init_type_var {tv_info_ptr} tv_heap
= tv_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty)
- unify_var_kinds expected_kind tv=:{tv_name, tv_info_ptr} th_vars error_admin
+ unify_var_kinds expected_kind tv=:{tv_ident, tv_info_ptr} th_vars error_admin
# (tvi, th_vars)
= readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
= case tvi of
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ checkKindCorrectness main_dcl_module_n first_uncached_function icl_instances com
| expected_kind==kind
-> (th_vars, error_admin)
-> (th_vars, checkError "cannot consistently assign a kind to type variable"
- tv_name.id_name error_admin)
+ tv_ident.id_name error_admin)
check_equality_of_kinds arg_nr expected_kind kind error_admin
| expected_kind==kind
= error_admin
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.icl b/frontend/checksupport.icl
index 2c162c7..0e2ae71 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.icl
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class envLookUp a :: !a !(Env Ident .b) -> (!Bool,.b)
instance envLookUp TypeVar
envLookUp var [bind:binds]
- | var.tv_name == bind.bind_src
+ | var.tv_ident == bind.bind_src
= (True, bind.bind_dst)
= envLookUp var binds
envLookUp var []
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ where
instance envLookUp AttributeVar
envLookUp var [bind:binds]
- | var.av_name == bind.bind_src
+ | var.av_ident == bind.bind_src
= (True, bind.bind_dst)
= envLookUp var binds
envLookUp var []
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ where
instance envLookUp ATypeVar
envLookUp var=:{atv_variable} [bind:binds]
- | atv_variable.tv_name == bind.bind_src
+ | atv_variable.tv_ident == bind.bind_src
= (True, bind.bind_dst)
= envLookUp var binds
envLookUp var []
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ addLocalFunctionDefsToSymbolTable level from_index to_index is_macro_fun fun_def
| from_index == to_index
= (fun_defs, symbol_table, error)
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![from_index]
- # (symbol_table, error) = addDefToSymbolTable level from_index fun_def.fun_symb (STE_FunctionOrMacro []) symbol_table error
+ # (symbol_table, error) = addDefToSymbolTable level from_index fun_def.fun_ident (STE_FunctionOrMacro []) symbol_table error
| is_macro_fun
# fun_defs = {fun_defs & [from_index].fun_info.fi_properties = fun_def.fun_info.fi_properties bitor FI_IsMacroFun }
= addLocalFunctionDefsToSymbolTable level (inc from_index) to_index is_macro_fun fun_defs symbol_table error
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ addLocalDclMacroDefsToSymbolTable level module_index from_index to_index macro_d
| from_index == to_index
= (macro_defs, symbol_table, error)
# (macro_def, macro_defs) = macro_defs![module_index,from_index]
- # (symbol_table, error) = addDefToSymbolTable level from_index macro_def.fun_symb (STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction []) symbol_table error
+ # (symbol_table, error) = addDefToSymbolTable level from_index macro_def.fun_ident (STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction []) symbol_table error
# macro_defs = {macro_defs & [module_index].[from_index].fun_info.fi_properties = macro_def.fun_info.fi_properties bitor FI_IsMacroFun }
= addLocalDclMacroDefsToSymbolTable level module_index (inc from_index) to_index macro_defs symbol_table error
@@ -574,23 +574,23 @@ class toIdent a :: !a -> Ident
instance toIdent SymbIdent
- toIdent symb = symb.symb_name
+ toIdent symb = symb.symb_ident
instance toIdent TypeSymbIdent
- toIdent type_symb = type_symb.type_name
+ toIdent type_symb = type_symb.type_ident
instance toIdent BoundVar
- toIdent var = var.var_name
+ toIdent var = var.var_ident
instance toIdent TypeVar
- toIdent tvar = tvar.tv_name
+ toIdent tvar = tvar.tv_ident
instance toIdent ATypeVar
- toIdent {atv_variable} = atv_variable.tv_name
+ toIdent {atv_variable} = atv_variable.tv_ident
instance toIdent Ident
@@ -599,27 +599,27 @@ where
instance toIdent ConsDef
- toIdent cons = cons.cons_symb
+ toIdent cons = cons.cons_ident
instance toIdent (TypeDef a)
- toIdent td = td.td_name
+ toIdent td = td.td_ident
instance toIdent ClassDef
- toIdent cl = cl.class_name
+ toIdent cl = cl.class_ident
instance toIdent MemberDef
- toIdent me = me.me_symb
+ toIdent me = me.me_ident
instance toIdent FunDef
- toIdent fun = fun.fun_symb
+ toIdent fun = fun.fun_ident
instance toIdent SelectorDef
- toIdent sd = sd.sd_symb
+ toIdent sd = sd.sd__ident
instance toIdent DeltaRule
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index 7ee610c..c19d55a 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ where
try_to_combine_attributes TA_Multi _
= True
try_to_combine_attributes (TA_Var attr_var1) (TA_Var attr_var2)
- = attr_var1.av_name == attr_var2.av_name
+ = attr_var1.av_ident == attr_var2.av_ident
try_to_combine_attributes TA_Unique TA_Unique
= True
try_to_combine_attributes TA_Unique TA_Multi
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ where
instance bindTypes TypeVar
- bindTypes cti tv=:{tv_name=var_id=:{id_info}} (ts, ti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
+ bindTypes cti tv=:{tv_ident=var_id=:{id_info}} (ts, ti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# (var_def, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
= case var_def.ste_kind of
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ where
bindTypes cti (TV tv) ts_ti_cs
# (tv, attr, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti tv ts_ti_cs
= (TV tv, attr, ts_ti_cs)
- bindTypes cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} type=:(TA type_cons=:{type_name=type_name=:{id_info}} types)
+ bindTypes cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} type=:(TA type_cons=:{type_ident=type_ident=:{id_info}} types)
(ts=:{ts_type_defs,ts_modules}, ti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# ((type_index, type_module), cs_symbol_table, ti_used_types) = retrieveTypeDefinition id_info cti_module_index cs_symbol_table ti.ti_used_types
ti = { ti & ti_used_types = ti_used_types }
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ where
= (TA { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module}} types, cti_lhs_attribute, ts_ti_cs)
= (TA { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module}} types,
determine_type_attribute td_attribute, ts_ti_cs)
- = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
- = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_name "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
- bindTypes cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} type=:(TAS type_cons=:{type_name=type_name=:{id_info}} types strictness)
+ = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_ident "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
+ = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_ident "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
+ bindTypes cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} type=:(TAS type_cons=:{type_ident=type_ident=:{id_info}} types strictness)
(ts=:{ts_type_defs,ts_modules}, ti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# ((type_index, type_module), cs_symbol_table, ti_used_types) = retrieveTypeDefinition id_info cti_module_index cs_symbol_table ti.ti_used_types
ti = { ti & ti_used_types = ti_used_types }
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ where
= (TAS { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module}} types strictness, cti_lhs_attribute, ts_ti_cs)
= (TAS { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module}} types strictness,
determine_type_attribute td_attribute, ts_ti_cs)
- = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
- = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_name "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
+ = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_ident "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
+ = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_ident "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
bindTypes cti (arg_type --> res_type) ts_ti_cs
# (arg_type, _, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti arg_type ts_ti_cs
(res_type, _, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti res_type ts_ti_cs
@@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ emptyIdent name :== { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
checkTypeDef :: !Index !Index !*TypeSymbols !*TypeInfo !*CheckState -> (!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState);
checkTypeDef type_index module_index ts=:{ts_type_defs} ti=:{ti_type_heaps} cs=:{cs_error}
# (type_def, ts_type_defs) = ts_type_defs![type_index]
- # {td_name,td_pos,td_args,td_attribute,td_index} = type_def
+ # {td_ident,td_pos,td_args,td_attribute,td_index} = type_def
| td_index == NoIndex
- # position = newPosition td_name td_pos
+ # position = newPosition td_ident td_pos
cs_error = pushErrorAdmin position cs_error
- (td_attribute, attr_vars, th_attrs) = determine_root_attribute td_attribute td_name.id_name ti_type_heaps.th_attrs
+ (td_attribute, attr_vars, th_attrs) = determine_root_attribute td_attribute td_ident.id_name ti_type_heaps.th_attrs
(type_vars, (attr_vars, ti_type_heaps, cs))
= addTypeVariablesToSymbolTable cGlobalScope td_args attr_vars { ti_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs } { cs & cs_error = cs_error }
type_def = { type_def & td_args = type_vars, td_index = type_index, td_attrs = attr_vars, td_attribute = td_attribute }
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ checkTypeDef type_index module_index ts=:{ts_type_defs} ti=:{ti_type_heaps} cs=:
determine_root_attribute TA_None name attr_var_heap
# (attr_info_ptr, attr_var_heap) = newPtr AVI_Empty attr_var_heap
- new_var = { av_name = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
+ new_var = { av_ident = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
= (TA_Var new_var, [new_var], attr_var_heap)
determine_root_attribute TA_Unique name attr_var_heap
= (TA_Unique, [], attr_var_heap)
@@ -226,16 +226,16 @@ where
check_rhs_of_TypeDef :: !CheckedTypeDef ![AttributeVar] !CurrentTypeInfo !(!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-> (!TypeRhs, !(!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState))
- check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_name,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:AlgType conses} attr_vars cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} ts_ti_cs
+ check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_ident,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:AlgType conses} attr_vars cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} ts_ti_cs
# type_lhs = { at_attribute = cti_lhs_attribute,
- at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_name td_arity)
+ at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_ident td_arity)
[{at_attribute = atv_attribute,at_type = TV atv_variable} \\ {atv_variable, atv_attribute} <- td_args]}
ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_constructors cti 0 [ atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args] attr_vars type_lhs conses ts_ti_cs
= (td_rhs, ts_ti_cs)
- check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_name,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:RecordType {rt_constructor=rec_cons=:{ds_index}, rt_fields}}
+ check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_ident,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:RecordType {rt_constructor=rec_cons=:{ds_index}, rt_fields}}
attr_vars cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} ts_ti_cs
# type_lhs = { at_attribute = cti_lhs_attribute,
- at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_name td_arity)
+ at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_ident td_arity)
[{ at_attribute = atv_attribute,at_type = TV atv_variable} \\ {atv_variable, atv_attribute} <- td_args]}
(ts, ti, cs) = bind_types_of_constructors cti 0 [ atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args]
attr_vars type_lhs [rec_cons] ts_ti_cs
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ where
= ({ ts & ts_cons_defs = { ts.ts_cons_defs & [ds_index] =
{ cons_def & cons_type = cons_type, cons_index = cons_index, cons_type_index = cti.cti_type_index, cons_exi_vars = exi_vars,
cons_type_ptr = new_type_ptr, cons_arg_vars = cons_arg_vars }}}, { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }, cs)
-// ---> ("bind_types_of_constructors", cons_def.cons_symb, exi_vars, cons_type)
+// ---> ("bind_types_of_constructors", cons_def.cons_ident, exi_vars, cons_type)
bind_types_of_cons :: ![AType] !CurrentTypeInfo ![TypeVar] ![AttrInequality] !(!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-> (![AType], ![[ATypeVar]], ![AttrInequality], !(!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState))
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ where
(attr_env, cs_error) = addToAttributeEnviron type_attr cti.cti_lhs_attribute attr_env cs.cs_error
= ([type : types], [local_vars : local_vars_list], attr_env, (ts, ti , { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = cs_error }))
- retrieve_local_vars tv=:{tv_name={id_info}} (local_vars, symbol_table)
+ retrieve_local_vars tv=:{tv_ident={id_info}} (local_vars, symbol_table)
# (ste=:{ste_kind = STE_BoundTypeVariable bv=:{stv_attribute, stv_info_ptr, stv_count }}, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
| stv_count == 0
= (local_vars, symbol_table)
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ where
, ots_modules :: .{# DclModule}
-determineAttributeVariable attr_var=:{av_name=attr_name=:{id_info}} oti=:{oti_heaps,oti_all_attrs} symbol_table
+determineAttributeVariable attr_var=:{av_ident=attr_name=:{id_info}} oti=:{oti_heaps,oti_all_attrs} symbol_table
# (entry=:{ste_kind,ste_def_level}, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
| ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level == cModuleScope
#! (new_attr_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty oti_heaps.th_attrs
@@ -387,15 +387,15 @@ instance toString DemandedAttributeKind where
newAttribute :: !DemandedAttributeKind {#Char} TypeAttribute !*OpenTypeInfo !*CheckState -> (!TypeAttribute, !*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-newAttribute DAK_Ignore var_name attr oti cs
+newAttribute DAK_Ignore var_ident attr oti cs
= case attr of
-> (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
-> (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
- -> (TA_Multi, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "attribute not allowed" cs.cs_error })
-newAttribute DAK_Unique var_name new_attr oti cs
+ -> (TA_Multi, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_ident "attribute not allowed" cs.cs_error })
+newAttribute DAK_Unique var_ident new_attr oti cs
= case new_attr of
-> (TA_Unique, oti, cs)
@@ -404,17 +404,17 @@ newAttribute DAK_Unique var_name new_attr oti cs
-> (TA_Unique, oti, cs)
- -> (TA_Unique, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "inconsistently attributed (2)" cs.cs_error })
-newAttribute DAK_None var_name (TA_Var attr_var) oti cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ -> (TA_Unique, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_ident "inconsistently attributed (2)" cs.cs_error })
+newAttribute DAK_None var_ident (TA_Var attr_var) oti cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (attr_var, oti, cs_symbol_table) = determineAttributeVariable attr_var oti cs_symbol_table
= (TA_Var attr_var, oti, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
-newAttribute DAK_None var_name TA_Anonymous oti=:{oti_heaps, oti_all_attrs} cs
+newAttribute DAK_None var_ident TA_Anonymous oti=:{oti_heaps, oti_all_attrs} cs
# (new_attr_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty oti_heaps.th_attrs
- new_attr = { av_info_ptr = new_attr_ptr, av_name = emptyIdent var_name }
+ new_attr = { av_info_ptr = new_attr_ptr, av_ident = emptyIdent var_ident }
= (TA_Var new_attr, { oti & oti_heaps = { oti_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }, oti_all_attrs = [new_attr : oti_all_attrs] }, cs)
-newAttribute DAK_None var_name TA_Unique oti cs
+newAttribute DAK_None var_ident TA_Unique oti cs
= (TA_Unique, oti, cs)
-newAttribute DAK_None var_name attr oti cs
+newAttribute DAK_None var_ident attr oti cs
= (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ getGenericDef generic_index type_module module_index generic_defs modules
checkTypeVar :: !Level !DemandedAttributeKind !TypeVar !TypeAttribute !(!*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-> (! TypeVar, !TypeAttribute, !(!*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState))
-checkTypeVar scope dem_attr tv=:{tv_name=var_name=:{id_name,id_info}} tv_attr (oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
+checkTypeVar scope dem_attr tv=:{tv_ident=var_ident=:{id_name,id_info}} tv_attr (oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# (entry=:{ste_kind,ste_def_level},cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
| ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level == cModuleScope
# (new_attr, oti=:{oti_heaps,oti_all_vars}, cs) = newAttribute dem_attr id_name tv_attr oti { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -480,10 +480,10 @@ where
incr_ref_count tv_info_ptr _ th_vars
= th_vars
- check_attribute var_name DAK_Ignore (TVI_AttrAndRefCount prev_attr ref_count) this_attr oti cs=:{cs_error}
+ check_attribute var_ident DAK_Ignore (TVI_AttrAndRefCount prev_attr ref_count) this_attr oti cs=:{cs_error}
= (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
- check_attribute var_name dem_attr (TVI_AttrAndRefCount prev_attr ref_count) this_attr oti cs=:{cs_error}
- # (new_attr, cs_error) = determine_attribute var_name dem_attr this_attr cs_error
+ check_attribute var_ident dem_attr (TVI_AttrAndRefCount prev_attr ref_count) this_attr oti cs=:{cs_error}
+ # (new_attr, cs_error) = determine_attribute var_ident dem_attr this_attr cs_error
= check_var_attribute prev_attr new_attr oti { cs & cs_error = cs_error }
check_var_attribute (TA_Var old_var) (TA_Var new_var) oti cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ where
| old_var.av_info_ptr == new_var.av_info_ptr
= (TA_Var old_var, oti, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
= (TA_Var old_var, oti, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table,
- cs_error = checkError new_var.av_name "inconsistently attributed (3)" cs_error })
+ cs_error = checkError new_var.av_ident "inconsistently attributed (3)" cs_error })
check_var_attribute var_attr=:(TA_Var old_var) TA_Anonymous oti cs
= (var_attr, oti, cs)
check_var_attribute TA_Unique new_attr oti cs
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ where
-> (TA_Unique, oti, cs)
- -> (TA_Unique, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "inconsistently attributed (4)" cs.cs_error })
+ -> (TA_Unique, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_ident "inconsistently attributed (4)" cs.cs_error })
check_var_attribute TA_Multi new_attr oti cs
= case new_attr of
@@ -507,12 +507,12 @@ where
-> (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
- -> (TA_Multi, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "inconsistently attributed (5)" cs.cs_error })
+ -> (TA_Multi, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_ident "inconsistently attributed (5)" cs.cs_error })
check_var_attribute var_attr new_attr oti cs
- = (var_attr, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "inconsistently attributed (6)" cs.cs_error })// ---> (var_attr, new_attr)
+ = (var_attr, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_ident "inconsistently attributed (6)" cs.cs_error })// ---> (var_attr, new_attr)
- determine_attribute var_name DAK_Unique new_attr error
+ determine_attribute var_ident DAK_Unique new_attr error
= case new_attr of
-> (TA_Unique, error)
@@ -521,13 +521,13 @@ where
-> (TA_Unique, error)
- -> (TA_Unique, checkError var_name "inconsistently attributed (1)" error)
- determine_attribute var_name dem_attr TA_None error
+ -> (TA_Unique, checkError var_ident "inconsistently attributed (1)" error)
+ determine_attribute var_ident dem_attr TA_None error
= (TA_Multi, error)
- determine_attribute var_name dem_attr new_attr error
+ determine_attribute var_ident dem_attr new_attr error
= (new_attr, error)
- check_attribute var_name dem_attr _ this_attr oti cs
+ check_attribute var_ident dem_attr _ this_attr oti cs
= (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
check_args_of_type_cons :: !Index !Int !DemandedAttributeKind ![AType] ![ATypeVar] !(!u:OpenTypeSymbols, !*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ checkOpenAType :: !Index !Int !DemandedAttributeKind !AType !(!u:OpenTypeSymbols
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = TV tv, at_attribute} (ots, oti, cs)
# (tv, at_attribute, (oti, cs)) = checkTypeVar scope dem_attr tv at_attribute (oti, cs)
= ({ type & at_type = TV tv, at_attribute = at_attribute }, (ots, oti, cs))
-checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = GTV var_id=:{tv_name={id_info}}} (ots, oti=:{oti_heaps,oti_global_vars}, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
+checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = GTV var_id=:{tv_ident={id_info}}} (ots, oti=:{oti_heaps,oti_global_vars}, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
(type_var, oti_global_vars, th_vars, entry) = retrieve_global_variable var_id entry oti_global_vars oti_heaps.th_vars
= ({type & at_type = TV type_var, at_attribute = TA_Multi }, (ots, { oti & oti_heaps = { oti_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, oti_global_vars = oti_global_vars },
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ where
# (var, global_vars, var_heap, ste_previous) = retrieve_global_variable var ste_previous global_vars var_heap
= (var, global_vars, var_heap, { entry & ste_previous = ste_previous })
-checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr_kind type=:{ at_type=TA type_cons=:{type_name=type_name=:{id_name,id_info}} types, at_attribute}
+checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr_kind type=:{ at_type=TA type_cons=:{type_ident=type_ident=:{id_name,id_info}} types, at_attribute}
(ots=:{ots_type_defs,ots_modules}, oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_x={x_check_dynamic_types}})
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -585,16 +585,16 @@ checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr_kind type=:{ at_type=TA type_cons=:{type
# ({td_arity,td_args,td_attribute,td_rhs},type_index,ots_type_defs,ots_modules) = getTypeDef type_index type_module mod_index ots_type_defs ots_modules
ots = { ots & ots_type_defs = ots_type_defs, ots_modules = ots_modules }
| x_check_dynamic_types && checkAbstractType type_module td_rhs
- = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "(abstract type) not permitted in a dynamic type" cs.cs_error}))
+ = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_ident "(abstract type) not permitted in a dynamic type" cs.cs_error}))
| checkArityOfType type_cons.type_arity td_arity td_rhs
# type_cons = { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module }}
(types, (ots, oti, cs)) = check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope dem_attr_kind types td_args (ots, oti, cs)
(new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute (new_demanded_attribute dem_attr_kind td_attribute) id_name at_attribute oti cs
= ({ type & at_type = TA type_cons types, at_attribute = new_attr } , (ots, oti, cs))
- = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}))
- = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
-checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{ at_type=TAS type_cons=:{type_name=type_name=:{id_name,id_info}} types strictness, at_attribute}
+ = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_ident "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}))
+ = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_ident "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
+checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{ at_type=TAS type_cons=:{type_ident=type_ident=:{id_name,id_info}} types strictness, at_attribute}
(ots=:{ots_type_defs,ots_modules}, oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -607,8 +607,8 @@ checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{ at_type=TAS type_cons=:{type_nam
(types, (ots, oti, cs)) = check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope dem_attr types td_args (ots, oti, cs)
(new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute (new_demanded_attribute dem_attr td_attribute) id_name at_attribute oti cs
= ({ type & at_type = TAS type_cons types strictness, at_attribute = new_attr} , (ots, oti, cs))
- = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}))
- = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
+ = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_ident "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}))
+ = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_ident "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = arg_type --> result_type, at_attribute} cot_state
# (arg_type, cot_state) = checkOpenAType mod_index scope DAK_None arg_type cot_state
(result_type, (ots, oti, cs)) = checkOpenAType mod_index scope DAK_None result_type cot_state
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr atype=:{at_type = TFA vars type, at_attr
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = foldSt remove_universal_var vars cs.cs_symbol_table }
= ( { checked_type & at_type = TFA vars checked_type.at_type }, (ots, oti, cs))
- add_universal_var atv=:{atv_variable = tv=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}}, atv_attribute} (oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error})
+ add_universal_var atv=:{atv_variable = tv=:{tv_ident={id_name,id_info}}, atv_attribute} (oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error})
# (entry=:{ste_kind,ste_def_level},cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
| ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level < cRankTwoScope
# (new_attr, oti=:{oti_heaps}, cs) = newAttribute DAK_None id_name atv_attribute oti { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -648,10 +648,10 @@ where
ste_def_level = cRankTwoScope, ste_previous = entry })}))
= (atv, (oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError id_name "type variable already undefined" cs_error, cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }))
- remove_universal_var {atv_variable = {tv_name}, atv_attribute = TA_Var {av_name}} cs_symbol_table
- = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_name (removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cRankTwoScope tv_name cs_symbol_table)
- remove_universal_var {atv_variable = {tv_name}} cs_symbol_table
- = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cRankTwoScope tv_name cs_symbol_table
+ remove_universal_var {atv_variable = {tv_ident}, atv_attribute = TA_Var {av_ident}} cs_symbol_table
+ = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_ident (removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cRankTwoScope tv_ident cs_symbol_table)
+ remove_universal_var {atv_variable = {tv_ident}} cs_symbol_table
+ = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cRankTwoScope tv_ident cs_symbol_table
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_attribute} (ots, oti, cs)
# (new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute dem_attr "." at_attribute oti cs
@@ -699,10 +699,10 @@ checkInstanceType mod_index ins_class it=:{it_types,it_context} specials type_de
# (th_vars, cs_error) = foldSt check_linearity vars (th_vars, cs_error)
= ({heaps & th_vars = th_vars}, {cs & cs_error = cs_error})
- check_linearity {tv_name, tv_info_ptr} (th_vars, error)
+ check_linearity {tv_ident, tv_info_ptr} (th_vars, error)
# (TVI_AttrAndRefCount prev_attr ref_count, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
| ref_count > 1
- = (th_vars, checkError tv_name ": this type variable occurs more than once in an instance type" error)
+ = (th_vars, checkError tv_ident ": this type variable occurs more than once in an instance type" error)
= (th_vars, error)
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ checkSymbolType is_function mod_index st=:{st_args,st_result,st_context,st_attr_
= (checked_st, specials, type_defs, class_defs, modules, heaps, cs)
// ---> ("checkSymbolType", checked_st)
- check_attr_inequality ineq=:{ai_demanded=ai_demanded=:{av_name=dem_name},ai_offered=ai_offered=:{av_name=off_name}} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
+ check_attr_inequality ineq=:{ai_demanded=ai_demanded=:{av_ident=dem_name},ai_offered=ai_offered=:{av_ident=off_name}} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
# (dem_entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr dem_name.id_info cs_symbol_table
# (found_dem_attr, dem_attr_ptr) = retrieve_attribute dem_entry
| found_dem_attr
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ checkSuperClasses class_args class_contexts mod_index type_defs class_defs modul
add_variable_to_symbol_table :: !TypeVar !(![TypeVar], !*SymbolTable, !*TypeVarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
-> (![TypeVar],!*SymbolTable,!*TypeVarHeap,!*ErrorAdmin)
- add_variable_to_symbol_table tv=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}} (rev_class_args, symbol_table, th_vars, error)
+ add_variable_to_symbol_table tv=:{tv_ident={id_name,id_info}} (rev_class_args, symbol_table, th_vars, error)
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
| entry.ste_kind == STE_Empty || entry.ste_def_level < cGlobalScope
# (new_var_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ where
= (rev_class_args, symbol_table, th_vars, checkError id_name "(variable) already defined" error)
retrieve_variables_from_symbol_table :: ![TypeVar] ![TypeVar] !*SymbolTable -> (![TypeVar],!*SymbolTable)
- retrieve_variables_from_symbol_table [var=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}} : vars] class_args symbol_table
+ retrieve_variables_from_symbol_table [var=:{tv_ident={id_name,id_info}} : vars] class_args symbol_table
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
= retrieve_variables_from_symbol_table vars [var : class_args] (symbol_table <:= (id_info,entry.ste_previous))
retrieve_variables_from_symbol_table [] class_args symbol_table
@@ -872,13 +872,13 @@ where
# cs_error = checkError cl.glob_object.ds_ident "class undefined" cs.cs_error
= (TCClass cl, (class_defs, ots, {cs & cs_error = cs_error}))
check_context_class (TCGeneric gtc=:{gtc_generic, gtc_kind}) (class_defs, ots, cs)
- # gen_name = gtc_generic.glob_object.ds_ident
- # (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr gen_name.id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
+ # gen_ident = gtc_generic.glob_object.ds_ident
+ # (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr gen_ident.id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
# cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
# clazz =
{ glob_module = -1
, glob_object =
- { ds_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gen_name gtc_kind
+ { ds_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gen_ident gtc_kind
, ds_arity = 1
, ds_index = -1
@@ -892,16 +892,16 @@ where
, glob_object = {gtc_generic.glob_object & ds_index = generic_index}
= (TCGeneric {gtc & gtc_generic = checked_gen, gtc_class=clazz}, (class_defs, ots, cs))
- # cs_error = checkError gen_name "generic used with wrong arity: generic has always has one class argument" cs.cs_error
+ # cs_error = checkError gen_ident "generic used with wrong arity: generic has always has one class argument" cs.cs_error
= (TCGeneric {gtc & gtc_class=clazz}, (class_defs, ots, {cs & cs_error = cs_error}))
- # cs_error = checkError gen_name "generic undefined" cs.cs_error
+ # cs_error = checkError gen_ident "generic undefined" cs.cs_error
= (TCGeneric {gtc & gtc_class=clazz}, (class_defs, ots, {cs & cs_error = cs_error}))
check_context_types tc_class [] cs=:{cs_error}
= { cs & cs_error = checkError tc_class "type context should contain one or more type variables" cs_error}
- check_context_types tc_class [((CV {tv_name}) :@: _):_] cs=:{cs_error}
+ check_context_types tc_class [((CV {tv_ident}) :@: _):_] cs=:{cs_error}
= cs
-// = { cs & cs_error = checkError tv_name "not allowed as higher order type variable in context" cs_error}
+// = { cs & cs_error = checkError tv_ident "not allowed as higher order type variable in context" cs_error}
check_context_types tc_class [TV _ : types] cs
= cs
check_context_types tc_class [type : types] cs
@@ -919,16 +919,16 @@ where
check_class_variables class_variables cs
= foldSt check_class_variable class_variables cs
- check_class_variable {tv_name} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
- = { cs & cs_symbol_table = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope tv_name cs_symbol_table,
- cs_error = checkError tv_name "wrongly used or not used at all" cs_error}
+ check_class_variable {tv_ident} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
+ = { cs & cs_symbol_table = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope tv_ident cs_symbol_table,
+ cs_error = checkError tv_ident "wrongly used or not used at all" cs_error}
check_class_attributes class_attributes cs
= foldSt check_class_attribute class_attributes cs
- check_class_attribute {av_name} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
- = { cs & cs_symbol_table = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_name cs_symbol_table,
- cs_error = checkError av_name "undefined" cs_error}
+ check_class_attribute {av_ident} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
+ = { cs & cs_symbol_table = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_ident cs_symbol_table,
+ cs_error = checkError av_ident "undefined" cs_error}
checkDynamicTypes :: !Index ![ExprInfoPtr] !(Optional SymbolType) !u:{# CheckedTypeDef} !u:{# DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap !*CheckState
@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ where
remove_global_type_variables global_vars symbol_table
= foldSt remove_global_type_variable global_vars symbol_table
- remove_global_type_variable {tv_name=tv_name=:{id_info}} symbol_table
+ remove_global_type_variable {tv_ident=tv_ident=:{id_info}} symbol_table
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
| entry.ste_kind == STE_Empty
= symbol_table
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ checkDynamicTypes mod_index dyn_type_ptrs (Yes {st_vars}) type_defs modules type
(expr_heap, cs) = check_global_type_variables_in_dynamics dyn_type_ptrs (expr_heap, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
= (type_defs, modules, heaps, expr_heap, cs)
- add_type_variable_to_symbol_table {tv_name={id_info},tv_info_ptr} (var_heap,symbol_table)
+ add_type_variable_to_symbol_table {tv_ident={id_info},tv_info_ptr} (var_heap,symbol_table)
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
= ( var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty),
symbol_table <:= (id_info, {ste_index = NoIndex, ste_kind = STE_TypeVariable tv_info_ptr,
@@ -994,12 +994,12 @@ where
check_global_type_variables global_vars cs
= foldSt check_global_type_variable global_vars cs
- check_global_type_variable {tv_name=tv_name=:{id_info}} cs=:{cs_symbol_table, cs_error}
+ check_global_type_variable {tv_ident=tv_ident=:{id_info}} cs=:{cs_symbol_table, cs_error}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
| entry.ste_kind == STE_Empty
= { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
= { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous),
- cs_error = checkError tv_name.id_name "global type variable not used in type of the function" cs_error }
+ cs_error = checkError tv_ident.id_name "global type variable not used in type of the function" cs_error }
checkDynamics mod_index scope dyn_type_ptrs type_defs modules type_heaps expr_heap cs
= foldSt (check_dynamic mod_index scope) dyn_type_ptrs (type_defs, modules, type_heaps, expr_heap, cs)
@@ -1046,11 +1046,11 @@ where
# cs_symbol_table = removeAttributesFromSymbolTable oti_all_attrs cs_symbol_table
= ({ dt & dt_uni_vars = dt_uni_vars, dt_global_vars = oti_global_vars, dt_type = dt_type },
oti_all_vars, ots_type_defs, ots_modules, { oti_heaps & th_vars = th_vars },
- { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError (hd oti_all_attrs).av_name "type attribute variable not allowed" cs.cs_error})
+ { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError (hd oti_all_attrs).av_ident "type attribute variable not allowed" cs.cs_error})
add_type_variable_to_symbol_table :: !Level !ATypeVar !*(!*TypeVarHeap,!*CheckState) -> (!ATypeVar,!(!*TypeVarHeap, !*CheckState))
- add_type_variable_to_symbol_table scope atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_name}, atv_attribute} (type_var_heap, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error})
- # var_info = tv_name.id_info
+ add_type_variable_to_symbol_table scope atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_ident}, atv_attribute} (type_var_heap, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error})
+ # var_info = tv_ident.id_info
(var_entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr var_info cs_symbol_table
| var_entry.ste_kind == STE_Empty || scope < var_entry.ste_def_level
#! (new_var_ptr, type_var_heap) = newPtr TVI_Empty type_var_heap
@@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ where
(var_info, {ste_index = NoIndex, ste_kind = STE_TypeVariable new_var_ptr, ste_def_level = scope, ste_previous = var_entry })
= ({atv & atv_attribute = TA_Multi, atv_variable = { atv_variable & tv_info_ptr = new_var_ptr }}, (type_var_heap,
{ cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = check_attribute atv_attribute cs_error}))
- = (atv, (type_var_heap, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_name.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error }))
+ = (atv, (type_var_heap, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_ident.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error }))
check_attribute TA_Unique error
= error
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ where
# (binds,cs) = check_type_vars binds cs
= ([bind:binds],cs)
- check_type_var bind=:{bind_dst=type_var=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}}} binds cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
+ check_type_var bind=:{bind_dst=type_var=:{tv_ident={id_name,id_info}}} binds cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
# ({ste_kind,ste_def_level}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
| ste_kind <> STE_Empty && ste_def_level == cGlobalScope
# (STE_TypeVariable tv_info_ptr) = ste_kind
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ where
= (bind, { cs & cs_symbol_table= cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError id_name "type variable not used in type" cs_error })
id_info_occurs_in_list id_info [{bind_dst}:l]
- = id_info==bind_dst.tv_name.id_info || id_info_occurs_in_list id_info l
+ = id_info==bind_dst.tv_ident.id_info || id_info_occurs_in_list id_info l
id_info_occurs_in_list id_info []
= False
checkSpecialTypeVars SP_None cs
@@ -1126,21 +1126,21 @@ addTypeVariablesToSymbolTable scope type_vars attr_vars heaps cs
add_type_variable_to_symbol_table :: !Level !ATypeVar !(![AttributeVar], !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
-> (!ATypeVar, !(![AttributeVar], !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState))
- add_type_variable_to_symbol_table scope atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_name}, atv_attribute}
+ add_type_variable_to_symbol_table scope atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_ident}, atv_attribute}
(attr_vars, heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs}, cs=:{ cs_symbol_table, cs_error })
- # tv_info = tv_name.id_info
+ # tv_info = tv_ident.id_info
(entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr tv_info cs_symbol_table
| entry.ste_def_level < scope // cOuterMostLevel
# (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
atv_variable = { atv_variable & tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr }
- (atv_attribute, attr_vars, th_attrs, cs_error) = check_attribute (scope == cRankTwoScope) atv_attribute tv_name.id_name attr_vars th_attrs cs_error
+ (atv_attribute, attr_vars, th_attrs, cs_error) = check_attribute (scope == cRankTwoScope) atv_attribute tv_ident.id_name attr_vars th_attrs cs_error
cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (tv_info, {ste_index = NoIndex, ste_kind = STE_BoundTypeVariable {stv_attribute = atv_attribute,
stv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr, stv_count = 0}, ste_def_level = scope /* cOuterMostLevel */, ste_previous = entry })
heaps = { heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
= ({atv & atv_variable = atv_variable, atv_attribute = atv_attribute},
(attr_vars, heaps, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = cs_error }))
= (atv, (attr_vars, { heaps & th_vars = th_vars },
- { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_name.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error }))
+ { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_ident.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error }))
check_attribute :: !Bool !TypeAttribute !String ![AttributeVar] !*AttrVarHeap !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!TypeAttribute, ![AttributeVar], !*AttrVarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -1153,11 +1153,11 @@ where
check_global_attribute TA_Multi name attr_vars attr_var_heap cs
# (attr_info_ptr, attr_var_heap) = newPtr AVI_Empty attr_var_heap
- new_var = { av_name = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
+ new_var = { av_ident = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
= (TA_Var new_var, [new_var : attr_vars], attr_var_heap, cs)
check_global_attribute TA_None name attr_vars attr_var_heap cs
# (attr_info_ptr, attr_var_heap) = newPtr AVI_Empty attr_var_heap
- new_var = { av_name = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
+ new_var = { av_ident = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
= (TA_Var new_var, [new_var : attr_vars], attr_var_heap, cs)
check_global_attribute _ name attr_vars attr_var_heap cs
= (TA_Multi, attr_vars, attr_var_heap, checkError name "specified attribute variable not allowed" cs)
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ where
check_rank_two_attribute TA_Anonymous attr_vars attr_var_heap cs
= abort "check_rank_two_attribute (TA_Anonymous, check_types.icl)"
/* # (attr_info_ptr, attr_var_heap) = newPtr AVI_Empty attr_var_heap
- new_var = { av_name = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
+ new_var = { av_ident = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
= (TA_Var new_var, [new_var : attr_vars], attr_var_heap, cs)
*/ check_rank_two_attribute attr attr_vars attr_var_heap cs
= (attr, attr_vars, attr_var_heap, cs)
@@ -1181,21 +1181,21 @@ addExistentionalTypeVariablesToSymbolTable root_attr type_vars heaps cs
add_exi_variable_to_symbol_table :: !TypeAttribute !ATypeVar !(!*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
-> (!ATypeVar, !(!*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState))
- add_exi_variable_to_symbol_table root_attr atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_name}, atv_attribute}
+ add_exi_variable_to_symbol_table root_attr atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_ident}, atv_attribute}
(heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs}, cs=:{ cs_symbol_table, cs_error})
- # tv_info = tv_name.id_info
+ # tv_info = tv_ident.id_info
(entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr tv_info cs_symbol_table
| entry.ste_def_level < cGlobalScope // cOuterMostLevel
# (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
atv_variable = { atv_variable & tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr }
- (atv_attribute, th_attrs, cs_error) = check_attribute atv_attribute root_attr tv_name.id_name th_attrs cs_error
+ (atv_attribute, th_attrs, cs_error) = check_attribute atv_attribute root_attr tv_ident.id_name th_attrs cs_error
cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (tv_info, {ste_index = NoIndex, ste_kind = STE_BoundTypeVariable {stv_attribute = atv_attribute,
stv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr, stv_count = 0 }, ste_def_level = cGlobalScope /* cOuterMostLevel */, ste_previous = entry })
heaps = { heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
= ({atv & atv_variable = atv_variable, atv_attribute = atv_attribute},
(heaps, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = cs_error}))
= (atv, ({ heaps & th_vars = th_vars },
- { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_name.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error}))
+ { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_ident.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error}))
check_attribute :: !TypeAttribute !TypeAttribute !String !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!TypeAttribute, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ where
removeAttributedTypeVarsFromSymbolTable :: !Level ![ATypeVar] !*SymbolTable -> *SymbolTable
removeAttributedTypeVarsFromSymbolTable level vars symbol_table
- = foldr (\{atv_variable={tv_name}} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable level tv_name) symbol_table vars
+ = foldr (\{atv_variable={tv_ident}} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable level tv_ident) symbol_table vars
cExistentialVariable :== True
@@ -1261,11 +1261,11 @@ removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable level {id_info} symbol_table
removeAttributesFromSymbolTable :: ![AttributeVar] !*SymbolTable -> *SymbolTable
removeAttributesFromSymbolTable attrs symbol_table
- = foldr (\{av_name} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_name) symbol_table attrs
+ = foldr (\{av_ident} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_ident) symbol_table attrs
removeVariablesFromSymbolTable :: !Int ![TypeVar] !*SymbolTable -> *SymbolTable
removeVariablesFromSymbolTable scope vars symbol_table
- = foldr (\{tv_name} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable scope tv_name) symbol_table vars
+ = foldr (\{tv_ident} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable scope tv_ident) symbol_table vars
:: Indexes =
{ index_type :: !Index
@@ -1346,14 +1346,14 @@ where
collect_fields field_nr fields (sel_defs, symbol_table)
| field_nr < size fields
# (sel_defs, symbol_table) = collect_fields (inc field_nr) fields (sel_defs, symbol_table)
- ({ ste_kind = STE_DictField sel_def }, symbol_table) = readPtr fields.[field_nr].fs_name.id_info symbol_table
+ ({ ste_kind = STE_DictField sel_def }, symbol_table) = readPtr fields.[field_nr].fs_ident.id_info symbol_table
= ( [ sel_def : sel_defs ], symbol_table)
= ( sel_defs, symbol_table)
store_fields_in_selector_array field_nr fields (sel_defs, symbol_table)
| field_nr < size fields
# field = fields.[field_nr]
- # ({ ste_kind = STE_DictField sel_def }, symbol_table) = readPtr field.fs_name.id_info symbol_table
+ # ({ ste_kind = STE_DictField sel_def }, symbol_table) = readPtr field.fs_ident.id_info symbol_table
# sel_defs = {sel_defs & [field.fs_index] = sel_def }
= store_fields_in_selector_array (inc field_nr) fields (sel_defs, symbol_table)
= ( sel_defs, symbol_table)
@@ -1393,11 +1393,11 @@ where
create_class_dictionary :: !Index !Index !*{#ClassDef} !w:{#DclModule} !u:Indexes !*TypeVarHeap !*VarHeap !*SymbolTable
-> (!*{#ClassDef}, !w:{#DclModule}, !SymbolPtr, !u:Indexes, !*TypeVarHeap, !*VarHeap, !*SymbolTable)
create_class_dictionary mod_index class_index class_defs =:{[class_index] = class_def } modules indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
- # {class_name,class_args,class_arity,class_members,class_context,class_dictionary=ds=:{ds_ident={id_name,id_info}}} = class_def
+ # {class_ident,class_args,class_arity,class_members,class_context,class_dictionary=ds=:{ds_ident={id_name,id_info}}} = class_def
# (type_id_info, symbol_table) = newPtr EmptySymbolTableEntry symbol_table
nr_of_members = size class_members
nr_of_fields = nr_of_members + length class_context
- rec_type_id = { class_name & id_info = type_id_info}
+ rec_type_id = { class_ident & id_info = type_id_info}
class_dictionary = { ds & ds_ident = rec_type_id }
{ index_type, index_cons, index_selector } = indexes
@@ -1414,14 +1414,14 @@ where
[ field_type \\ i <- [1..nr_of_members] ] class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
(cons_id_info, symbol_table) = newPtr EmptySymbolTableEntry symbol_table
- rec_cons_id = { class_name & id_info = cons_id_info}
+ rec_cons_id = { class_ident & id_info = cons_id_info}
cons_symbol = { ds_ident = rec_cons_id, ds_arity = nr_of_fields, ds_index = index_cons }
(cons_type_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
(td_args, type_var_heap) = mapSt new_attributed_type_variable class_args type_var_heap
type_def =
- { td_name = rec_type_id
+ { td_ident = rec_type_id
, td_index = index_type
, td_arity = 0
, td_args = td_args
@@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@ where
cons_def =
- { cons_symb = rec_cons_id
+ { cons_ident = rec_cons_id
, cons_type = { st_vars = [], st_args = reverse rev_field_types, st_args_strictness = first_n_strict nr_of_fields, st_result = rec_type,
st_arity = nr_of_fields, st_context = [], st_attr_vars = [], st_attr_env = [] }
, cons_priority = NoPrio
@@ -1468,10 +1468,10 @@ where
build_context_fields mod_index field_nr [{tc_class = TCClass {glob_module, glob_object={ds_index}}}:tcs] rec_type rec_type_index
next_selector_index rev_fields rev_field_types class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
- # ({class_name, class_arity, class_dictionary = {ds_ident, ds_index}}, _, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ds_index glob_module mod_index class_defs modules
+ # ({class_ident, class_arity, class_dictionary = {ds_ident, ds_index}}, _, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ds_index glob_module mod_index class_defs modules
type_symb = MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = ds_index, glob_module = glob_module } ds_ident class_arity
field_type = makeAttributedType TA_Multi (TA type_symb [makeAttributedType TA_Multi TE \\ i <- [1..class_arity]])
- (field, var_heap, symbol_table) = build_field field_nr class_name.id_name rec_type_index rec_type field_type next_selector_index var_heap symbol_table
+ (field, var_heap, symbol_table) = build_field field_nr class_ident.id_name rec_type_index rec_type field_type next_selector_index var_heap symbol_table
= build_context_fields mod_index (inc field_nr) tcs rec_type rec_type_index (inc next_selector_index) [ field : rev_fields ]
[field_type : rev_field_types] class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
build_context_fields mod_index field_nr [{tc_class = TCGeneric {gtc_generic, gtc_kind}} :tcs] rec_type rec_type_index
@@ -1479,8 +1479,8 @@ where
// FIXME: We do not know the type before the generic phase.
// The generic phase currently does not update the type.
# field_type = makeAttributedType TA_Multi TE
- # class_name = genericIdentToClassIdent gtc_generic.glob_object.ds_ident gtc_kind
- # (field, var_heap, symbol_table) = build_field field_nr class_name.id_name rec_type_index rec_type field_type next_selector_index var_heap symbol_table
+ # class_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gtc_generic.glob_object.ds_ident gtc_kind
+ # (field, var_heap, symbol_table) = build_field field_nr class_ident.id_name rec_type_index rec_type field_type next_selector_index var_heap symbol_table
= build_context_fields mod_index (inc field_nr) tcs rec_type rec_type_index (inc next_selector_index) [ field : rev_fields ]
[field_type : rev_field_types] class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
build_context_fields mod_index field_nr [] rec_type rec_type_index next_selector_index rev_fields rev_field_types class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@ where
(sd_type_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
field_id = { id_name = field_name, id_info = id_info }
sel_def =
- { sd_symb = field_id
+ { sd__ident = field_id
, sd_field = field_id
, sd_type = { st_vars = [], st_args = [ rec_type ], st_args_strictness=Strict 1, st_result = field_type, st_arity = 1,
st_context = [], st_attr_vars = [], st_attr_env = [] }
@@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ where
, sd_type_ptr = sd_type_ptr
, sd_pos = NoPos
- field = { fs_name = field_id, fs_var = field_id, fs_index = selector_index }
+ field = { fs_ident = field_id, fs_var = field_id, fs_index = selector_index }
= (field, var_heap, symbol_table <:= (id_info, { ste_kind = STE_DictField sel_def, ste_index = selector_index,
ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = abort "empty SymbolTableEntry" }))
@@ -1509,11 +1509,11 @@ class toVariable var :: !STE_Kind !Ident -> var
instance toVariable TypeVar
- toVariable (STE_TypeVariable info_ptr) ident = { tv_name = ident, tv_info_ptr = info_ptr }
+ toVariable (STE_TypeVariable info_ptr) ident = { tv_ident = ident, tv_info_ptr = info_ptr }
instance toVariable AttributeVar
- toVariable (STE_TypeAttribute info_ptr) ident = { av_name = ident, av_info_ptr = info_ptr }
+ toVariable (STE_TypeAttribute info_ptr) ident = { av_ident = ident, av_info_ptr = info_ptr }
instance <<< DynamicType
diff --git a/frontend/classify.icl b/frontend/classify.icl
index 897c125..510cd47 100644
--- a/frontend/classify.icl
+++ b/frontend/classify.icl
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class consumerRequirements a :: !a !ConsumerAnalysisRO !AnalyseInfo -> (!ConsCla
instance consumerRequirements BoundVar
- consumerRequirements {var_name,var_info_ptr} _ ai=:{ai_var_heap}
+ consumerRequirements {var_ident,var_info_ptr} _ ai=:{ai_var_heap}
# (var_info, ai_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ai_var_heap
ai = { ai & ai_var_heap=ai_var_heap }
= case var_info of
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ where
ai = { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts.[arg_position] = inc_ref_count ref_count }
-> (temp_var, False, ai)
- -> abort ("consumerRequirements [BoundVar] " ---> (var_name,var_info_ptr))
+ -> abort ("consumerRequirements [BoundVar] " ---> (var_ident,var_info_ptr))
instance consumerRequirements Expression where
consumerRequirements (Var var) common_defs ai
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ where
= ai
instance consumerRequirements App where
- consumerRequirements {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object},symb_name}, app_args}
+ consumerRequirements {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object},symb_ident}, app_args}
common_defs=:(ConsumerAnalysisRO {main_dcl_module_n,stdStrictLists_module_n,imported_funs})
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ instance consumerRequirements App where
= consumerRequirements app_args common_defs ai
- consumerRequirements {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction glob_object,symb_name}, app_args}
+ consumerRequirements {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction glob_object,symb_ident}, app_args}
common_defs=:(ConsumerAnalysisRO {main_dcl_module_n})
| glob_object < size ai_cons_class
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ instance consumerRequirements App where
= consumerRequirements app_args common_defs ai
// new alternative for generated function + reanalysis...
- consumerRequirements {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr index,symb_name}, app_args}
+ consumerRequirements {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr index,symb_ident}, app_args}
# (FI_Function {gf_cons_args={cc_args,cc_linear_bits},gf_fun_def}, ai_fun_heap)
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ reqs_of_args fun_idx arg_idx [form_cc : ccs] [(Var arg): args] cumm_arg_class co
ai = aiUnifyClassifications form_cc act_cc ai
= reqs_of_args fun_idx (inc arg_idx) ccs args (combineClasses act_cc cumm_arg_class) common_defs ai
- consumerRequirements` {var_info_ptr,var_name} _ ai
+ consumerRequirements` {var_info_ptr,var_ident} _ ai
# (var_info, ai_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ai.ai_var_heap
ai = { ai & ai_var_heap=ai_var_heap }
= case var_info of
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ where
ai = { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts.[arg_position] = add_dep_count (fun_idx,arg_idx) ref_count }
-> (temp_var, False, ai)
- -> abort ("reqs_of_args [BoundVar] " ---> (var_name))
+ -> abort ("reqs_of_args [BoundVar] " ---> (var_ident))
reqs_of_args fun_idx arg_idx [form_cc : ccs] [arg : args] cumm_arg_class common_defs ai
# (act_cc, _, ai) = consumerRequirements arg common_defs ai
diff --git a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
index 55850a4..6b918c1 100644
--- a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
+++ b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ where
(ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) = compare_rhs_of_types dcl_type_def.td_rhs icl_type_def.td_rhs dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
| ok && dcl_type_def.td_arity==icl_type_def.td_arity
= (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
- # comp_error = compareError type_def_error (newPosition icl_type_def.td_name icl_type_def.td_pos) comp_st.comp_error
+ # comp_error = compareError type_def_error (newPosition icl_type_def.td_ident icl_type_def.td_pos) comp_st.comp_error
= (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, { comp_st & comp_error = comp_error })
-// ---> ("compare_type_defs", dcl_type_def.td_name, dcl_type_def.td_rhs, icl_type_def.td_name, icl_type_def.td_rhs)
+// ---> ("compare_type_defs", dcl_type_def.td_ident, dcl_type_def.td_rhs, icl_type_def.td_ident, icl_type_def.td_rhs)
= (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st)
compare_rhs_of_types (AlgType dclConstructors) (AlgType iclConstructors) dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ where
# dcl_class_def = dcl_class_defs.[class_index]
(icl_class_def, icl_class_defs) = icl_class_defs![class_index]
# (ok, icl_member_defs, comp_st) = compare_classes dcl_class_def dcl_member_defs icl_class_def icl_member_defs comp_st
- | ok // ---> ("compare_class_defs", dcl_class_def.class_name, icl_class_def.class_name)
+ | ok // ---> ("compare_class_defs", dcl_class_def.class_ident, icl_class_def.class_ident)
= (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st)
- # comp_error = compareError class_def_error (newPosition icl_class_def.class_name icl_class_def.class_pos) comp_st.comp_error
+ # comp_error = compareError class_def_error (newPosition icl_class_def.class_ident icl_class_def.class_pos) comp_st.comp_error
= (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, { comp_st & comp_error = comp_error })
= (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st)
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ where
# (ok2, comp_st) = compare dcl_generic_def.gen_vars icl_generic_def.gen_vars comp_st
| ok1 && ok2
= (icl_generic_defs, comp_st)
- # comp_error = compareError generic_def_error (newPosition icl_generic_def.gen_name icl_generic_def.gen_pos) comp_st.comp_error
+ # comp_error = compareError generic_def_error (newPosition icl_generic_def.gen_ident icl_generic_def.gen_pos) comp_st.comp_error
= (icl_generic_defs, { comp_st & comp_error = comp_error })
| otherwise
= (icl_generic_defs, comp_st)
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ compareTwoFunctionTypes /*conversions*/ dcl_fun_types dclIndex (icl_functions, t
= case fun_type of
No -> generate_error "type of exported function is missing" fun_def icl_functions tc_state error_admin
Yes icl_symbol_type
- # {ft_type=dcl_symbol_type, ft_priority,ft_symb} = dcl_fun_types.[dclIndex]
+ # {ft_type=dcl_symbol_type, ft_priority,ft_ident} = dcl_fun_types.[dclIndex]
# tc_state = init_symbol_type_vars dcl_symbol_type icl_symbol_type tc_state
(corresponds, tc_state)
= t_corresponds dcl_symbol_type icl_symbol_type tc_state // --->("comparing:", dcl_symbol_type ,icl_symbol_type)
@@ -583,38 +583,38 @@ compareTwoMacroFuns macro_module_index dclIndex iclIndex ec_state=:{ec_icl_funct
ec_state = { ec_state & ec_error_admin = ec_error_admin }
| dcl_function.fun_info.fi_properties bitand FI_IsMacroFun <> icl_function.fun_info.fi_properties bitand FI_IsMacroFun ||
- # ec_state = give_error dcl_function.fun_symb ec_state
+ # ec_state = give_error dcl_function.fun_ident ec_state
= { ec_state & ec_error_admin = popErrorAdmin ec_state.ec_error_admin }
# ec_state = e_corresponds dcl_function.fun_body icl_function.fun_body ec_state
= { ec_state & ec_error_admin = popErrorAdmin ec_state.ec_error_admin }
instance getIdentPos (TypeDef a) where
- getIdentPos {td_name, td_pos}
- = newPosition td_name td_pos
+ getIdentPos {td_ident, td_pos}
+ = newPosition td_ident td_pos
instance getIdentPos ConsDef where
- getIdentPos {cons_symb, cons_pos}
- = newPosition cons_symb cons_pos
+ getIdentPos {cons_ident, cons_pos}
+ = newPosition cons_ident cons_pos
instance getIdentPos SelectorDef where
- getIdentPos {sd_symb, sd_pos}
- = newPosition sd_symb sd_pos
+ getIdentPos {sd__ident, sd_pos}
+ = newPosition sd__ident sd_pos
instance getIdentPos ClassDef where
- getIdentPos {class_name, class_pos}
- = newPosition class_name class_pos
+ getIdentPos {class_ident, class_pos}
+ = newPosition class_ident class_pos
instance getIdentPos MemberDef where
- getIdentPos {me_symb, me_pos}
- = newPosition me_symb me_pos
+ getIdentPos {me_ident, me_pos}
+ = newPosition me_ident me_pos
instance getIdentPos ClassInstance where
getIdentPos {ins_ident, ins_pos}
= newPosition ins_ident ins_pos
instance getIdentPos FunDef where
- getIdentPos {fun_symb, fun_pos}
- = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
+ getIdentPos {fun_ident, fun_pos}
+ = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
instance CorrespondenceNumber VarInfo where
toCorrespondenceNumber (VI_CorrespondenceNumber number)
@@ -804,21 +804,21 @@ instance t_corresponds AttributeVar where
instance t_corresponds Type where
t_corresponds (TA dclIdent dclArgs) icl_type=:(TA iclIdent iclArgs)
- = equal dclIdent.type_name iclIdent.type_name
+ = equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident
&&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module
&&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs
t_corresponds (TA dclIdent dclArgs) icl_type=:(TAS iclIdent iclArgs iclStrictness)
- = equal dclIdent.type_name iclIdent.type_name
+ = equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident
&&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module
&&& return (equal_strictness_lists NotStrict iclStrictness)
&&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs
t_corresponds (TAS dclIdent dclArgs dclStrictness) icl_type=:(TA iclIdent iclArgs)
- = equal dclIdent.type_name iclIdent.type_name
+ = equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident
&&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module
&&& return (equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness NotStrict)
&&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs
t_corresponds (TAS dclIdent dclArgs dclStrictness) icl_type=:(TAS iclIdent iclArgs iclStrictness)
- = equal dclIdent.type_name iclIdent.type_name
+ = equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident
&&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module
&&& return (equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness iclStrictness)
&&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs
@@ -881,13 +881,13 @@ instance t_corresponds RecordType where
instance t_corresponds FieldSymbol where
t_corresponds dclField iclField
- = equal dclField.fs_name iclField.fs_name
+ = equal dclField.fs_ident iclField.fs_ident
instance t_corresponds ConsDef where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
= do (init_atype_vars (dclDef.cons_exi_vars++iclDef.cons_exi_vars))
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.cons_type iclDef.cons_type
- &&& equal dclDef.cons_symb iclDef.cons_symb
+ &&& equal dclDef.cons_ident iclDef.cons_ident
&&& equal dclDef.cons_priority iclDef.cons_priority
instance t_corresponds SelectorDef where
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ instance t_corresponds AttrInequality where
instance t_corresponds ClassDef where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
= do (init_type_vars (dclDef.class_args++iclDef.class_args))
- &&& equal dclDef.class_name iclDef.class_name
+ &&& equal dclDef.class_ident iclDef.class_ident
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.class_args iclDef.class_args
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.class_context iclDef.class_context
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.class_members iclDef.class_members
@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ instance t_corresponds MemberDef where
t_corresponds dclDef iclDef
= do (init_type_vars (dclDef.me_type.st_vars++iclDef.me_type.st_vars))
&&& do (init_attr_vars (dclDef.me_type.st_attr_vars++iclDef.me_type.st_attr_vars))
- &&& equal dclDef.me_symb iclDef.me_symb
+ &&& equal dclDef.me_ident iclDef.me_ident
&&& equal dclDef.me_offset iclDef.me_offset
&&& equal dclDef.me_priority iclDef.me_priority
&&& t_corresponds dclDef.me_type iclDef.me_type
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ instance e_corresponds FunctionBody where
instance e_corresponds FreeVar where
e_corresponds dclVar iclVar
- = e_corresponds_VarInfoPtr iclVar.fv_name dclVar.fv_info_ptr iclVar.fv_info_ptr
+ = e_corresponds_VarInfoPtr iclVar.fv_ident dclVar.fv_info_ptr iclVar.fv_info_ptr
instance e_corresponds Expression where
// the following alternatives don't occur anymore: Lambda, Conditional, WildCard
@@ -1161,11 +1161,11 @@ instance e_corresponds {#Char} where
instance e_corresponds BoundVar where
e_corresponds dcl icl
- = e_corresponds_VarInfoPtr icl.var_name dcl.var_info_ptr icl.var_info_ptr
+ = e_corresponds_VarInfoPtr icl.var_ident dcl.var_info_ptr icl.var_info_ptr
instance e_corresponds FieldSymbol where
e_corresponds dclField iclField
- = equal2 dclField.fs_name iclField.fs_name
+ = equal2 dclField.fs_ident iclField.fs_ident
e_corresponds_VarInfoPtr ident dclPtr iclPtr ec_state=:{ec_var_heap}
# (unifiable, ec_var_heap) = tryToUnifyVars dclPtr iclPtr ec_var_heap
@@ -1178,59 +1178,59 @@ e_corresponds_VarInfoPtr ident dclPtr iclPtr ec_state=:{ec_var_heap}
The problem: also different symbols can correspond with each other, because for macros
all local functions (also lambda functions) will be generated twice.
-e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_name, symb_kind=SK_Function dcl_glob_index}
+e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_ident, symb_kind=SK_Function dcl_glob_index}
icl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_Function icl_glob_index}
#! main_dcl_module_n = ec_state.ec_main_dcl_module_n
| dcl_glob_index.glob_module==main_dcl_module_n && icl_glob_index.glob_module==main_dcl_module_n
| dcl_glob_index.glob_object<>icl_glob_index.glob_object
- = give_error symb_name ec_state
+ = give_error symb_ident ec_state
= ec_state
| dcl_glob_index<>icl_glob_index
- = give_error symb_name ec_state
+ = give_error symb_ident ec_state
= ec_state
-e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_name, symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction dcl_glob_index}
+e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_ident, symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction dcl_glob_index}
icl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction icl_glob_index}
| dcl_glob_index<>icl_glob_index
- = give_error symb_name ec_state
+ = give_error symb_ident ec_state
= ec_state
-e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_name, symb_kind=SK_Generic dcl_glob_index dcl_kind}
+e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_ident, symb_kind=SK_Generic dcl_glob_index dcl_kind}
icl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_Generic icl_glob_index icl_kind}
| dcl_glob_index<>icl_glob_index || dcl_kind <> icl_kind
- = give_error symb_name ec_state
+ = give_error symb_ident ec_state
= ec_state
e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_DclMacro dcl_glob_index} icl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_IclMacro icl_index} ec_state
= continuation_for_possibly_twice_defined_macros dcl_app_symb dcl_glob_index.glob_module dcl_glob_index.glob_object icl_app_symb icl_index ec_state
-e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_name,symb_kind=SK_DclMacro dcl_glob_index} icl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_DclMacro icl_glob_index} ec_state
+e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_ident,symb_kind=SK_DclMacro dcl_glob_index} icl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_DclMacro icl_glob_index} ec_state
| dcl_glob_index==icl_glob_index
= ec_state
- = give_error symb_name ec_state
+ = give_error symb_ident ec_state
e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_LocalDclMacroFunction dcl_glob_index} icl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_LocalMacroFunction icl_index} ec_state
= continuation_for_possibly_twice_defined_macros dcl_app_symb dcl_glob_index.glob_module dcl_glob_index.glob_object icl_app_symb icl_index ec_state
-e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_name=dcl_symb_name, symb_kind=SK_Constructor dcl_glob_index} {symb_name=icl_symb_name, symb_kind=SK_Constructor icl_glob_index} ec_state
+e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_ident=dcl_symb_name, symb_kind=SK_Constructor dcl_glob_index} {symb_ident=icl_symb_name, symb_kind=SK_Constructor icl_glob_index} ec_state
| dcl_glob_index.glob_module==icl_glob_index.glob_module && dcl_symb_name.id_name==icl_symb_name.id_name
= ec_state
= give_error icl_symb_name ec_state
-//e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_name} _ ec_state
-e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_name,symb_kind} {symb_kind=symb_kind2} ec_state
- = give_error symb_name ec_state
+//e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_ident} _ ec_state
+e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_ident,symb_kind} {symb_kind=symb_kind2} ec_state
+ = give_error symb_ident ec_state
continuation_for_possibly_twice_defined_macros dcl_app_symb dcl_module_index dcl_index icl_app_symb icl_index ec_state
| icl_index==NoIndex
= ec_state
// two different functions were referenced. In case of macro functions they still could correspond
| not (names_are_compatible dcl_index icl_index ec_state.ec_icl_functions ec_state.ec_macro_defs)
- = give_error icl_app_symb.symb_name ec_state
+ = give_error icl_app_symb.symb_ident ec_state
| dcl_module_index<>ec_state.ec_main_dcl_module_n
- = give_error icl_app_symb.symb_name ec_state
+ = give_error icl_app_symb.symb_ident ec_state
| ec_state.ec_dcl_correspondences.[dcl_index]==icl_index && ec_state.ec_icl_correspondences.[icl_index]==dcl_index
= ec_state
| ec_state.ec_dcl_correspondences.[dcl_index]==cNoCorrespondence && ec_state.ec_icl_correspondences.[icl_index]==cNoCorrespondence
// going into recursion is save
= compareTwoMacroFuns dcl_module_index dcl_index icl_index ec_state
- = give_error icl_app_symb.symb_name ec_state
+ = give_error icl_app_symb.symb_ident ec_state
names_are_compatible :: Int Int {#FunDef} {#{#FunDef}} -> Bool;
names_are_compatible dcl_index icl_index icl_functions macro_defs
@@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ continuation_for_possibly_twice_defined_macros dcl_app_symb dcl_module_index dcl
dcl_name_is_loc_dependent = name_is_location_dependent dcl_function.fun_kind
icl_name_is_loc_dependent = name_is_location_dependent icl_function.fun_kind
= (dcl_name_is_loc_dependent==icl_name_is_loc_dependent)
- && (implies (not dcl_name_is_loc_dependent) (dcl_function.fun_symb.id_name==icl_function.fun_symb.id_name))
+ && (implies (not dcl_name_is_loc_dependent) (dcl_function.fun_ident.id_name==icl_function.fun_ident.id_name))
// functions that originate from e.g. lambda expressions can correspond although their names differ
name_is_location_dependent (FK_Function name_is_loc_dependent)
diff --git a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
index 99c0347..5957f02 100644
--- a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ instance convertDynamics TransformedBody where
# (bind_global_tpv_symb, ci)
= getSymbol PD_Dyn_bind_global_type_pattern_var SK_Function 3 ci
# type_code
- = {var_name = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
+ = {var_ident = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
# (unify_subst_var, ci)
= newVariable "gtpv_subst" VI_Empty ci
@@ -641,9 +641,9 @@ where
constructorExp :: Index ((Global Index) -> SymbKind) Int !*ConversionState
-> (Expression, !*ConversionState)
constructorExp index symb_kind arity ci
- # (cons_symb, ci)
+ # (cons_ident, ci)
= getSymbol index symb_kind arity ci
- = (App {app_symb = cons_symb, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
+ = (App {app_symb = cons_ident, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
typeConstructor (GTT_PredefTypeConstructor {glob_object=type_index}) ci
| PD_Arity2TupleTypeIndex <= type_index && type_index <= PD_Arity32TupleTypeIndex
@@ -656,8 +656,8 @@ where
# predef_type_index
= type_index + FirstTypePredefinedSymbolIndex
= constructorExp (predefinedTypeConstructor predef_type_index) SK_Function 0 ci
- typeConstructor (GTT_Constructor cons_symb _) ci
- = (App {app_symb = cons_symb, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
+ typeConstructor (GTT_Constructor cons_ident _) ci
+ = (App {app_symb = cons_ident, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
typeConstructor (GTT_Basic basic_type) ci
= constructorExp (basicTypeConstructor basic_type) SK_Function 0 ci
typeConstructor GTT_Function ci
@@ -757,18 +757,18 @@ createTypePatternVariable ci
newVariable :: String !VarInfo !*ConversionState -> *(!BoundVar,!*ConversionState)
-newVariable var_name var_info ci=:{ci_var_heap}
+newVariable var_ident var_info ci=:{ci_var_heap}
# (var_info_ptr, ci_var_heap) = newPtr var_info ci_var_heap
- = ( { var_name = {id_name = var_name, id_info = nilPtr}, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr},
+ = ( { var_ident = {id_name = var_ident, id_info = nilPtr}, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr},
{ ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap })
varToFreeVar :: BoundVar Int -> FreeVar
-varToFreeVar {var_name, var_info_ptr} count
- = {fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_name = var_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_count = count}
+varToFreeVar {var_ident, var_info_ptr} count
+ = {fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = var_ident, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_count = count}
freeVarToVar :: FreeVar -> BoundVar
-freeVarToVar {fv_name, fv_info_ptr}
- = { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
+freeVarToVar {fv_ident, fv_info_ptr}
+ = { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
getResultType :: ExprInfoPtr !*ConversionState -> (!AType, !*ConversionState)
@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ getSymbol index symb_kind arity ci=:{ci_predef_symb}
# ({pds_module, pds_def}, ci_predef_symb) = ci_predef_symb![index]
# pds_ident = predefined_idents.[index]
ci = {ci & ci_predef_symb = ci_predef_symb}
- symbol = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = symb_kind { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def} }
+ symbol = { symb_ident = pds_ident, symb_kind = symb_kind { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def} }
= (symbol, ci)
getTupleSymbol arity ci=:{ci_predef_symb}
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ create_dynamic_and_selector_idents common_defs predefined_symbols
# dynamic_temp_symb_ident
= { SymbIdent |
- symb_name = rt_constructor.ds_ident
+ symb_ident = rt_constructor.ds_ident
, symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module = pds_module1, glob_object = rt_constructor.ds_index}
= ({ dr_type_ident = dynamic_temp_symb_ident
diff --git a/frontend/convertcases.icl b/frontend/convertcases.icl
index 0c5d229..2b7496f 100644
--- a/frontend/convertcases.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertcases.icl
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ where
convert_function group_index dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n fun (fun_defs, collected_imports, cs)
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
- # {fun_body,fun_type} = fun_def -*-> ("*** converting ****", fun_def.fun_symb.id_name)
+ # {fun_body,fun_type} = fun_def -*-> ("*** converting ****", fun_def.fun_ident.id_name)
(fun_body, (collected_imports, cs)) = eliminate_code_sharing_in_function dcl_functions main_dcl_module_n common_defs fun_body /* (fun_body
- ("convert_function", fun_def.fun_symb, fun_body)) */ (collected_imports, cs)
+ ("convert_function", fun_def.fun_ident, fun_body)) */ (collected_imports, cs)
(fun_body, cs) = convertCasesInBody fun_body fun_type group_index common_defs cs
= ({fun_defs & [fun].fun_body = fun_body }, collected_imports, cs)
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ where
-*-> ("eliminate_code_sharing_in_function (distributeLets)", 2, tb_rhs)
split :: SymbKind (ImportedFunctions, ImportedConstructors) -> (ImportedFunctions, ImportedConstructors)
- split (SK_Function fun_symb) (collected_functions, collected_conses)
- = ([fun_symb : collected_functions], collected_conses)
- split (SK_Constructor cons_symb) (collected_functions, collected_conses)
- = (collected_functions, [ cons_symb : collected_conses])
+ split (SK_Function fun_ident) (collected_functions, collected_conses)
+ = ([fun_ident : collected_functions], collected_conses)
+ split (SK_Constructor cons_ident) (collected_functions, collected_conses)
+ = (collected_functions, [ cons_ident : collected_conses])
// sanity check ...
class checkCaseTypes a :: !a !*ExpressionHeap -> (!Bool, !*ExpressionHeap)
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class weightedRefCount e :: RCInfo !e !*RCState -> *RCState
instance weightedRefCount BoundVar
- weightedRefCount rci=:{rci_depth} {var_name,var_info_ptr} rs=:{rcs_var_heap}
+ weightedRefCount rci=:{rci_depth} {var_ident,var_info_ptr} rs=:{rcs_var_heap}
# (var_info, rcs_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr rcs_var_heap
rs = { rs & rcs_var_heap = rcs_var_heap }
= case var_info of
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ where
rcs_var_heap = rs.rcs_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_LetVar {lvi & lvi_expression = EE, lvi_new = False})}
(VI_LetVar lvi, rcs_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr rs.rcs_var_heap
-> { rs & rcs_var_heap = rcs_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_LetVar { lvi & lvi_expression = lvi_expression }) }
-// -*-> (var_name, var_info_ptr, depth, lvi.lvi_count)
+// -*-> (var_ident, var_info_ptr, depth, lvi.lvi_count)
// otherwise
-> { rs & rcs_var_heap = rs.rcs_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_LetVar lvi) }
@@ -288,23 +288,23 @@ where
remove_variable ([], var_heap) let_bind
= ([], var_heap)
- remove_variable ([var_ptr : var_ptrs], var_heap) bind=:{lb_dst={fv_name,fv_info_ptr}}
+ remove_variable ([var_ptr : var_ptrs], var_heap) bind=:{lb_dst={fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}}
| fv_info_ptr == var_ptr
# (VI_LetVar {lvi_count,lvi_depth}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= (var_ptrs, var_heap)
-// -*-> ("remove_variable (lvi_count,lvi_dpeth) ", fv_name, lvi_count, lvi_depth)
+// -*-> ("remove_variable (lvi_count,lvi_dpeth) ", fv_ident, lvi_count, lvi_depth)
// otherwise
# (var_ptrs, var_heap) = remove_variable (var_ptrs, var_heap) bind
= ([var_ptr : var_ptrs], var_heap)
- store_binding depth {lb_dst={fv_name,fv_info_ptr},lb_src} var_heap
+ store_binding depth {lb_dst={fv_ident,fv_info_ptr},lb_src} var_heap
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_LetVar {lvi_count = 0, lvi_depth = depth, lvi_previous = [],
- lvi_new = True, lvi_expression = lb_src, lvi_var = fv_name})
+ lvi_new = True, lvi_expression = lb_src, lvi_var = fv_ident})
- get_ref_count {lb_dst={fv_name,fv_info_ptr}} var_heap
+ get_ref_count {lb_dst={fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}} var_heap
# (VI_LetVar {lvi_count}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= (lvi_count, var_heap)
-// -*-> (fv_name,fv_info_ptr,lvi_count)
+// -*-> (fv_ident,fv_info_ptr,lvi_count)
weightedRefCount rci (Case case_expr) rs=:{rcs_expr_heap}
// sanity check ...
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ where
check_import cii {symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}} rs=:{rcs_imports, rcs_var_heap}
= checkImportOfDclFunction cii glob_module glob_object rs
- check_import {cii_main_dcl_module_n, cii_common_defs} {symb_name,symb_kind=symb_kind=:(SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object})} rs=:{rcs_imports, rcs_var_heap}
+ check_import {cii_main_dcl_module_n, cii_common_defs} {symb_ident,symb_kind=symb_kind=:(SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object})} rs=:{rcs_imports, rcs_var_heap}
| glob_module <> cii_main_dcl_module_n
# {cons_type_ptr} = cii_common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs.[glob_object]
(rcs_imports, rcs_var_heap) = checkImportedSymbol symb_kind cons_type_ptr (rcs_imports, rcs_var_heap)
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ class distributeLets e :: !DistributeInfo !e !*DistributeState -> (!e, !*Distrib
instance distributeLets Expression
- distributeLets di=:{di_depth} (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr}) ds=:{ds_var_heap}
+ distributeLets di=:{di_depth} (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr}) ds=:{ds_var_heap}
#! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr ds_var_heap
= case var_info of
VI_LetExpression lei
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ where
lei = { lei_count = ref_count, lei_depth = depth, lei_var = { lb_dst & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr },
lei_expression = lb_src, lei_type = type, lei_status = LES_Untouched }
// -*-> ("set_let_expr_info", lb_dst.fv_info_ptr, new_info_ptr)
- ->> ("set_let_expr_info", lb_dst.fv_name.id_name, depth)
+ ->> ("set_let_expr_info", lb_dst.fv_ident.id_name, depth)
= set_let_expr_info depth binds ref_counts types (var_heap <:= (lb_dst.fv_info_ptr, VI_LetExpression lei))
set_let_expr_info _ [] _ _ var_heap
= var_heap
@@ -636,14 +636,14 @@ where
set_strict_let_expr_info {lb_dst} var_heap
= var_heap <:= (lb_dst.fv_info_ptr, VI_LocalLetVar)
- distribute_lets_in_non_distributed_let di {lb_dst={fv_name,fv_info_ptr}} ds=:{ds_var_heap}
+ distribute_lets_in_non_distributed_let di {lb_dst={fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}} ds=:{ds_var_heap}
# (VI_LetExpression lei=:{lei_count}, ds_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr ds_var_heap
| lei_count > 0
// | not lei_moved && lei_count > 0
= distributeLetsInLetExpression di fv_info_ptr lei { ds & ds_var_heap = ds_var_heap }
// otherwise
= { ds & ds_var_heap = ds_var_heap }
- -*-> ("distribute_lets_in_non_distributed_let (moved or not used)", lei_count, fv_name)
+ -*-> ("distribute_lets_in_non_distributed_let (moved or not used)", lei_count, fv_ident)
distributeLets _ expr=:(TypeCodeExpression _) ds
= (expr, ds)
@@ -717,14 +717,14 @@ where
= (CaseKindLeave, var_heap)
- is_lhs_var (Var {var_info_ptr, var_name}) var_heap
+ is_lhs_var (Var {var_info_ptr, var_ident}) var_heap
= case sreadPtr var_info_ptr var_heap of
- -> False ->> (var_name.id_name, "rhs1")
+ -> False ->> (var_ident.id_name, "rhs1")
VI_LetExpression _
- -> False ->> (var_name.id_name, "rhs2")
+ -> False ->> (var_ident.id_name, "rhs2")
- -> True ->> (var_name.id_name, "lhs", info)
+ -> True ->> (var_ident.id_name, "lhs", info)
is_lhs_var _ _
= False
@@ -767,8 +767,8 @@ where
# (VI_LetExpression lei=:{lei_count,lei_depth,lei_var}, var_heap) = readPtr cv_variable var_heap
| lei_count == cv_count && lei_depth==depth-1 // -*-> ("mark_test", lei_count, cv_count)
= ([(cv_variable, lei_count, lei_depth) : local_vars ], var_heap <:= (cv_variable, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_depth = depth}))
-// -*-> ("mark_local_let_var ", lei.lei_var.fv_name, cv_variable, (lei.lei_var.fv_info_ptr, cv_count, depth))
- ->> ("mark_local_let_var ", lei_var.fv_name.id_name, lei_depth, " ->> ", depth)
+// -*-> ("mark_local_let_var ", lei.lei_var.fv_ident, cv_variable, (lei.lei_var.fv_info_ptr, cv_count, depth))
+ ->> ("mark_local_let_var ", lei_var.fv_ident.id_name, lei_depth, " ->> ", depth)
// otherwise
= (local_vars, var_heap)
@@ -776,14 +776,14 @@ where
# (VI_LetExpression lei=:{lei_count,lei_depth,lei_expression}, var_heap) = readPtr cv_variable var_heap
| lei_count == cv_count && lei_depth==depth-1
= case lei_expression of
- TupleSelect _ _ (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr})
+ TupleSelect _ _ (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr})
# (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
-> case var_info of
VI_LetExpression lei2
-> (local_vars,[(cv_variable,lei_depth):local_select_vars],var_heap <:= (cv_variable, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_depth = depth}))
-> ([(cv_variable, lei_count, lei_depth) : local_vars ],local_select_vars,var_heap <:= (cv_variable, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_depth = depth}))
- Selection NormalSelector (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr}) [RecordSelection _ _]
+ Selection NormalSelector (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr}) [RecordSelection _ _]
# (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
-> case var_info of
VI_LetExpression lei2
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ where
mark_local_let_select_var_of_explicit_case depth (cv_variable,old_depth) (local_vars,var_heap)
# (VI_LetExpression lei=:{lei_count,lei_expression}, var_heap) = readPtr cv_variable var_heap
= case lei_expression of
- TupleSelect _ _ (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr})
+ TupleSelect _ _ (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr})
# (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
-> case var_info of
VI_LetExpression lei2
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ where
-> (local_vars,var_heap <:= (cv_variable, VI_LetExpression {lei & lei_depth = old_depth}))
-> ([(cv_variable, lei_count, old_depth) : local_vars ],var_heap)
- Selection NormalSelector (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr}) [RecordSelection _ _]
+ Selection NormalSelector (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr}) [RecordSelection _ _]
# (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
-> case var_info of
VI_LetExpression lei2
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ where
# (VI_LetExpression lei, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
= var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_depth = lei_depth, lei_count = lei_count, lei_status = LES_Moved })
// -*-> ("reset_local_let_var", var_info_ptr)
- ->> ("reset_local_let_var", lei.lei_var.fv_name.id_name, lei.lei_depth, lei.lei_count, " ->> ", lei_depth, lei_count)
+ ->> ("reset_local_let_var", lei.lei_var.fv_ident.id_name, lei.lei_depth, lei.lei_count, " ->> ", lei_depth, lei_count)
is_outer_var {di_depth, di_explicit_case_depth} {cv_variable} (outer, var_heap)
| outer
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ where
# (VI_LetExpression lei, var_heap) = readPtr cv_variable var_heap
| depth == lei.lei_depth
= (var_heap <:= (cv_variable, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_count = cv_count, lei_status = LES_Untouched }))
- -*-> ("mark_local_let_var_of_pattern_expr ", lei.lei_var.fv_name, cv_variable, (lei.lei_var.fv_info_ptr, cv_count, depth))
+ -*-> ("mark_local_let_var_of_pattern_expr ", lei.lei_var.fv_ident, cv_variable, (lei.lei_var.fv_info_ptr, cv_count, depth))
// otherwise
= var_heap
@@ -860,11 +860,11 @@ where
distributeLetsInLetExpression :: DistributeInfo VarInfoPtr LetExpressionInfo *DistributeState -> *DistributeState
distributeLetsInLetExpression _ let_var_info_ptr {lei_status = LES_Moved, lei_var} ds
- = ds -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Moved", lei_var.fv_name.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
+ = ds -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Moved", lei_var.fv_ident.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
distributeLetsInLetExpression _ let_var_info_ptr {lei_status = LES_Updated _, lei_var} ds
- = ds -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Updated", lei_var.fv_name.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
+ = ds -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Updated", lei_var.fv_ident.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
distributeLetsInLetExpression di let_var_info_ptr lei=:{lei_expression, lei_status = LES_Untouched, lei_var} ds=:{ds_var_heap}
- # ds_var_heap = ds_var_heap <:= (let_var_info_ptr, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_status = LES_Updated EE}) /* to prevent doing this expr twice */ -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Untouched", lei_var.fv_name.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
+ # ds_var_heap = ds_var_heap <:= (let_var_info_ptr, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_status = LES_Updated EE}) /* to prevent doing this expr twice */ -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Untouched", lei_var.fv_ident.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
(lei_expression, ds) = distributeLets di lei_expression { ds & ds_var_heap = ds_var_heap }
= { ds & ds_lets = [ let_var_info_ptr : ds.ds_lets ],
ds_var_heap = ds.ds_var_heap <:= (let_var_info_ptr, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_status = LES_Updated lei_expression })}
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ where
(LES_Updated updated_expr) = lei_status
(new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr (VI_Labelled_Empty "build_bind") var_heap
var_heap = var_heap <:= (info_ptr, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_status = LES_Untouched, lei_var = { lei_var & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }})
- -*-> ("build_bind", lei_var.fv_name, info_ptr, new_info_ptr)
+ -*-> ("build_bind", lei_var.fv_ident, info_ptr, new_info_ptr)
= ([{ lb_src = updated_expr, lb_dst = lei_var, lb_position = NoPos } : lazy_binds], [lei_type : lazy_binds_types ], var_heap)
instance distributeLets Selection
@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ newFunctionWithType opt_id fun_bodies local_vars fun_type group_index (cs_next_f
= fun_type.st_arity
fun_def =
- { fun_symb = fun_id
+ { fun_ident = fun_id
, fun_arity = arity
, fun_priority = NoPrio
, fun_body = fun_bodies
@@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ newFunctionWithType opt_id fun_bodies local_vars fun_type group_index (cs_next_f
, fun_lifted = 0
, fun_info = { EmptyFunInfo & fi_group_index = group_index, fi_local_vars = local_vars }
- = ({ symb_name = fun_id, symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr cs_next_fun_nr },
+ = ({ symb_ident = fun_id, symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr cs_next_fun_nr },
(inc cs_next_fun_nr, [fun_def_ptr : cs_new_functions],
cs_fun_heap <:= (fun_def_ptr, FI_Function { gf_fun_def = fun_def, gf_instance_info = II_Empty,
gf_fun_index = cs_next_fun_nr, gf_cons_args = {cc_size=0, cc_args = [], cc_linear_bits = [], cc_producer = False} })))
@@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ convertDefault ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs}
= copy_case_expr ci_bound_vars defoult cs.cs_var_heap
cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- (fun_symb, cs)
+ (fun_ident, cs)
= new_case_function case_ident case_type.ct_result_type defoult form_vars local_vars
ci_bound_vars ci_group_index ci_common_defs cs
@@ -1770,17 +1770,17 @@ convertDefault ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs}
restore_old_fv_info_ptr_value old_fv_info_ptr_value ({fv_info_ptr},type) var_heap
= writePtr fv_info_ptr old_fv_info_ptr_value var_heap
# cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- = (App { app_symb = fun_symb, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
+ = (App { app_symb = fun_ident, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
convertNonRootFail ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} ident cs
# result_type
= { at_attribute = TA_None
- , at_type = TV {tv_name = { id_name = "a", id_info = nilPtr }, tv_info_ptr = nilPtr}
+ , at_type = TV {tv_ident = { id_name = "a", id_info = nilPtr }, tv_info_ptr = nilPtr}
- # (fun_symb, cs)
+ # (fun_ident, cs)
= new_case_function (Yes ident) result_type (FailExpr ident) [] []
ci_bound_vars ci_group_index ci_common_defs cs
- = (App { app_symb = fun_symb, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
+ = (App { app_symb = fun_ident, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ case_expr, case_ident, case_info_ptr} cs
# (is_degenerate, defoult)
@@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ c
cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- (fun_symb, cs) = new_case_function case_ident case_type.ct_result_type caseExpr
+ (fun_ident, cs) = new_case_function case_ident case_type.ct_result_type caseExpr
form_vars local_vars
ci_bound_vars ci_group_index ci_common_defs cs
@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ c
= var_heap
# cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- = (App { app_symb = fun_symb, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
+ = (App { app_symb = fun_ident, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
// otherwise
@@ -1817,8 +1817,8 @@ convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ c
(new_info_ptr, cs_var_heap) = newPtr (VI_LocalVar) cs.cs_var_heap
var_id = {id_name = "_x", id_info = nilPtr}
- case_var = Var {var_name = var_id, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
- case_free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_name = var_id, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = 0}
+ case_var = Var {var_ident = var_id, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
+ case_free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = var_id, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = 0}
kees = {kees & case_expr=case_var, case_explicit=False}
@@ -1832,7 +1832,7 @@ convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ c
cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- (fun_symb, cs) = new_case_function case_ident case_type.ct_result_type caseExpr
+ (fun_ident, cs) = new_case_function case_ident case_type.ct_result_type caseExpr
[(case_free_var, case_type.ct_pattern_type) : form_vars] local_vars
ci_bound_vars ci_group_index ci_common_defs cs
@@ -1845,7 +1845,7 @@ convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ c
= var_heap
# cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- = (App { app_symb = fun_symb, app_args = [case_expr : act_vars], app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
+ = (App { app_symb = fun_ident, app_args = [case_expr : act_vars], app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
get_case_var (Var var)
= var
@@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@ where
copy_case_expr bound_vars guards_and_default var_heap
-// # var_heap = foldSt (\({fv_name,fv_info_ptr},type) -> writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_BoundVar type) -*-> (fv_name,fv_info_ptr)) bound_vars var_heap
+// # var_heap = foldSt (\({fv_ident,fv_info_ptr},type) -> writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_BoundVar type) -*-> (fv_ident,fv_info_ptr)) bound_vars var_heap
# (old_fv_info_ptr_values,var_heap) = store_VI_BoundVar_in_bound_vars_and_save_old_values bound_vars [] var_heap
store_VI_BoundVar_in_bound_vars_and_save_old_values [({fv_info_ptr},type):bound_vars] old_fv_info_ptr_values var_heap
@@ -1878,8 +1878,8 @@ copy_case_expr bound_vars guards_and_default var_heap
retrieve_variable (var_info_ptr, type) (bound_vars, free_typed_vars, var_heap)
# (VI_FreeVar name new_ptr count type, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
- = ( [Var { var_name = name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : bound_vars],
- [({ fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = new_ptr, fv_count = count }, type) : free_typed_vars], var_heap)
+ = ( [Var { var_ident = name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : bound_vars],
+ [({ fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = new_ptr, fv_count = count }, type) : free_typed_vars], var_heap)
new_case_function opt_id result_type rhs free_vars local_vars
bound_vars group_index common_defs cs=:{cs_expr_heap}
@@ -1900,10 +1900,10 @@ new_case_function opt_id result_type rhs free_vars local_vars
// (body, cs)
// = convertCasesInBody body (Yes type) group_index common_defs cs
- # (fun_symb, (cs_next_fun_nr, cs_new_functions, cs_fun_heap))
+ # (fun_ident, (cs_next_fun_nr, cs_new_functions, cs_fun_heap))
= newFunctionWithType opt_id body local_vars type group_index
(cs.cs_next_fun_nr, cs.cs_new_functions, cs.cs_fun_heap)
- = (fun_symb, { cs & cs_fun_heap = cs_fun_heap, cs_next_fun_nr = cs_next_fun_nr, cs_new_functions = cs_new_functions })
+ = (fun_ident, { cs & cs_fun_heap = cs_fun_heap, cs_next_fun_nr = cs_next_fun_nr, cs_new_functions = cs_new_functions })
splitGuards :: CasePatterns -> [CasePatterns]
splitGuards (AlgebraicPatterns index patterns)
@@ -1927,8 +1927,8 @@ copyExpression bound_vars expr var_heap
retrieve_variable (var_info_ptr, type) (bound_vars, free_typed_vars, var_heap)
# (VI_FreeVar name new_ptr count type, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
- = ( [Var { var_name = name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : bound_vars],
- [{tv_free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = new_ptr, fv_count = count }, tv_type = type} : free_typed_vars], var_heap)
+ = ( [Var { var_ident = name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : bound_vars],
+ [{tv_free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = new_ptr, fv_count = count }, tv_type = type} : free_typed_vars], var_heap)
:: CopyState =
{ cp_free_vars :: ![(VarInfoPtr,AType)]
@@ -1940,27 +1940,27 @@ class copy e :: !e !*CopyState -> (!e, !*CopyState)
instance copy BoundVar
- copy var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr} cp_info=:{cp_var_heap}
+ copy var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr} cp_info=:{cp_var_heap}
# (var_info, cp_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr cp_var_heap
cp_info = { cp_info & cp_var_heap = cp_var_heap }
= case var_info of
VI_FreeVar name new_info_ptr count type
-> ({ var & var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr },
{ cp_info & cp_var_heap = cp_info.cp_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_FreeVar name new_info_ptr (inc count) type)})
- -*-> ("copy: VI_FreeVar", var_name.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr)
+ -*-> ("copy: VI_FreeVar", var_ident.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr)
-> (var, cp_info)
- -*-> ("copy: VI_LocalVar", var_name.id_name)
+ -*-> ("copy: VI_LocalVar", var_ident.id_name)
VI_BoundVar type
# (new_info_ptr, cp_var_heap) = newPtr (VI_Labelled_Empty "copy [BoundVar]") cp_info.cp_var_heap // RWS ???
-> ({ var & var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr },
{ cp_info & cp_free_vars = [ (var_info_ptr, type) : cp_info.cp_free_vars ],
- cp_var_heap = cp_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_FreeVar var_name new_info_ptr 1 type) })
- -*-> ("copy: VI_BoundVar", var_name.id_name, ptrToInt new_info_ptr)
+ cp_var_heap = cp_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_FreeVar var_ident new_info_ptr 1 type) })
+ -*-> ("copy: VI_BoundVar", var_ident.id_name, ptrToInt new_info_ptr)
-// | True <<- ("copy BoundVar", var_name.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr, var_info)
+// | True <<- ("copy BoundVar", var_ident.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr, var_info)
// -> (var,cp_info)
- -> abort "copy [BoundVar] (convertcases, 612)" // <<- ("copy BoundVar", var_name.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr, var_info)
+ -> abort "copy [BoundVar] (convertcases, 612)" // <<- ("copy BoundVar", var_ident.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr, var_info)
instance copy Expression
diff --git a/frontend/convertimportedtypes.icl b/frontend/convertimportedtypes.icl
index 96e2d6a..7f49171 100644
--- a/frontend/convertimportedtypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertimportedtypes.icl
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ where
= iFoldSt (convert_dcl_function dcl_functions common_defs) 0 (size dcl_functions) types_and_heaps
convert_dcl_function dcl_functions common_defs dcl_index (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
- #!{ft_type, ft_type_ptr, ft_symb} = dcl_functions.[dcl_index]
+ #!{ft_type, ft_type_ptr, ft_ident} = dcl_functions.[dcl_index]
(ft_type, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
= convertSymbolType cDontRemoveAnnotations common_defs ft_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
= (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap <:= (ft_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType ft_type), type_heaps)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ convertConstructorTypes cons_defs main_dcl_module_n common_defs types_and_heaps
= iFoldSt (convert_constructor_type common_defs cons_defs) 0 (size cons_defs) types_and_heaps
convert_constructor_type common_defs cons_defs cons_index (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
- #!{cons_type_ptr, cons_type, cons_symb} = cons_defs.[cons_index]
+ #!{cons_type_ptr, cons_type, cons_ident} = cons_defs.[cons_index]
(cons_type, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
= convertSymbolType cDontRemoveAnnotations common_defs cons_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
= (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap <:= (cons_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType cons_type), type_heaps)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ convertSelectorTypes selector_defs main_dcl_module_n common_defs types_and_heaps
= iFoldSt (convert_selector_type common_defs selector_defs) 0 (size selector_defs) types_and_heaps
convert_selector_type common_defs selector_defs sel_index (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
- #!{sd_type_ptr, sd_type, sd_symb} = selector_defs.[sel_index]
+ #!{sd_type_ptr, sd_type, sd__ident} = selector_defs.[sel_index]
(sd_type, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
= convertSymbolType cDontRemoveAnnotations common_defs sd_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
= (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap <:= (sd_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType sd_type), type_heaps)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ where
= convert_imported_constructors common_defs imported_conses imported_types type_heaps var_heap
convert_imported_function dcl_functions common_defs {glob_object,glob_module} (imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
- #!{ft_type_ptr,ft_type,ft_symb} = dcl_functions.[glob_module].[glob_object]
+ #!{ft_type_ptr,ft_type,ft_ident} = dcl_functions.[glob_module].[glob_object]
(ft_type, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
= convertSymbolType cDontRemoveAnnotations common_defs ft_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
= (imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap <:= (ft_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType ft_type))
@@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ where
= (imported_types, type_heaps, var_heap)
convert_imported_constructors common_defs [ {glob_module, glob_object} : conses ] imported_types type_heaps var_heap
#!{com_cons_defs,com_selector_defs} = common_defs.[glob_module]
- {cons_type_ptr,cons_type,cons_type_index,cons_symb} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs.[glob_object]
+ {cons_type_ptr,cons_type,cons_type_index,cons_ident} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs.[glob_object]
(cons_type, imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
= convertSymbolType cDontRemoveAnnotations common_defs cons_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types conses type_heaps var_heap
var_heap = var_heap <:= (cons_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType cons_type)
({td_rhs}, imported_types) = imported_types![glob_module].[cons_type_index]
- //---> ("convert_imported_constructors", cons_symb, cons_type)
+ //---> ("convert_imported_constructors", cons_ident, cons_type)
= case td_rhs of
RecordType {rt_fields}
# (imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ where
convert_type_of_imported_field module_index selector_defs fields field_index (imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
#!field_index = fields.[field_index].fs_index
- {sd_type_ptr,sd_type,sd_symb} = selector_defs.[field_index]
+ {sd_type_ptr,sd_type,sd__ident} = selector_defs.[field_index]
(sd_type, imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
= convertSymbolType cDontRemoveAnnotations common_defs sd_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types conses type_heaps var_heap
= (imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap <:= (sd_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType sd_type))
diff --git a/frontend/coredump.icl b/frontend/coredump.icl
index f1eb40e..1d8bca4 100644
--- a/frontend/coredump.icl
+++ b/frontend/coredump.icl
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ where
show_component [fun:funs] fun_defs acc_args file
# (fd, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
| fun >= acc_max && fun < acc_min
- # file = file <<< fd.fun_symb <<< '@' <<< fun <<< " ???"
+ # file = file <<< fd.fun_ident <<< '@' <<< fun <<< " ???"
= show_component funs fun_defs acc_args file
- # file = file <<< fd.fun_symb <<< '@' <<< fun <<< " ("
+ # file = file <<< fd.fun_ident <<< '@' <<< fun <<< " ("
# (acc_arg,acc_args)
= case fun < acc_min of
True -> acc_args![fun]
@@ -292,11 +292,11 @@ where
instance <#< TypeVar
- (<#<) pp_state varid = pp_state <#< varid.tv_name
+ (<#<) pp_state varid = pp_state <#< varid.tv_ident
instance <#< AttributeVar
- (<#<) pp_state {av_name,av_info_ptr} = pp_state <#< av_name
+ (<#<) pp_state {av_ident,av_info_ptr} = pp_state <#< av_ident
instance <#< AType
@@ -411,20 +411,20 @@ where
instance <#< SymbIdent
- (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_name <#< '@' <#< symb_index
- (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction _ symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_name <#< '@' <#< symb_index
- (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_name <#< "[o]@" <#< symb_index
- (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_name <#< '@' <#< symb_index
- (<#<) pp_state symb = pp_state <#< symb.symb_name <#< '?'
+ (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_ident <#< '@' <#< symb_index
+ (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction _ symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_ident <#< '@' <#< symb_index
+ (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_ident <#< "[o]@" <#< symb_index
+ (<#<) pp_state symb=:{symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction symb_index } = pp_state <#< symb.symb_ident <#< '@' <#< symb_index
+ (<#<) pp_state symb = pp_state <#< symb.symb_ident <#< '?'
instance <#< TypeSymbIdent
- (<#<) pp_state symb = pp_state <#< symb.type_name <#< '.' <#< symb.type_index
+ (<#<) pp_state symb = pp_state <#< symb.type_ident <#< '.' <#< symb.type_index
instance <#< BoundVar
- (<#<) pp_state {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}
- = pp_state <#< var_name <#< '<' <#< ptrToInt var_info_ptr <#< '>'
+ (<#<) pp_state {var_ident,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}
+ = pp_state <#< var_ident <#< '<' <#< ptrToInt var_info_ptr <#< '>'
instance <#< (Bind a b) | <#< a & <#< b
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ where
(<#<) pp_state (Constant symb _ _ _) = pp_state <#< "** Constant **" <#< symb
(<#<) pp_state (ABCCodeExpr code_sequence do_inline) = pp_state <#< (if do_inline "code inline\n" "code\n") <#< code_sequence
(<#<) pp_state (AnyCodeExpr input output code_sequence) = pp_state <#< "code\n" <#< input <#< '\n' <#< "" <#< output <#< '\n' <#< "" <#< code_sequence
- (<#<) pp_state (FreeVar {fv_name}) = pp_state <#< fv_name
+ (<#<) pp_state (FreeVar {fv_ident}) = pp_state <#< fv_ident
(<#<) pp_state (ClassVariable info_ptr) = pp_state <#< "ClassVariable " <#< ptrToInt info_ptr
(<#<) pp_state expr = abort ("<#< (Expression) [line 1290]" )
@@ -644,9 +644,9 @@ where
instance <#< FunDef
- (<#<) pp_state=:{function_index} {fun_symb,fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}}
+ (<#<) pp_state=:{function_index} {fun_ident,fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}}
# pp_state
- = pp_state <#< "\nFunction: " <#< fun_symb <#< '@' <#< function_index <#< '\n' <#< tb_args <#< '[' <#< fi_calls <#< ']' <#< " = "
+ = pp_state <#< "\nFunction: " <#< fun_ident <#< '@' <#< function_index <#< '\n' <#< tb_args <#< '[' <#< fi_calls <#< ']' <#< " = "
# pp_state
= IndentLevelForward pp_state
# pp_state
@@ -654,10 +654,10 @@ where
# pp_state
= IndentLevelBackward pp_state
= pp_state
- (<#<) pp_state=:{function_index} {fun_symb,fun_body=NoBody,fun_type=Yes type}
- = pp_state <#< type <#< '\n' <#< fun_symb <#< '.' <#< function_index <#< "Array function\n"
- (<#<) pp_state=:{function_index} {fun_symb,fun_body=Expanding vars,fun_type=Yes type}
- = pp_state <#< type <#< '\n' <#< fun_symb <#< '.' <#< function_index <#< "Expanding function\n"
+ (<#<) pp_state=:{function_index} {fun_ident,fun_body=NoBody,fun_type=Yes type}
+ = pp_state <#< type <#< '\n' <#< fun_ident <#< '.' <#< function_index <#< "Array function\n"
+ (<#<) pp_state=:{function_index} {fun_ident,fun_body=Expanding vars,fun_type=Yes type}
+ = pp_state <#< type <#< '\n' <#< fun_ident <#< '.' <#< function_index <#< "Expanding function\n"
instance <#< FunCall
@@ -670,8 +670,8 @@ where
instance <#< FreeVar
- (<#<) pp_state {fv_name,fv_info_ptr,fv_count}
- = pp_state <#< fv_name <#< '.' <#< fv_count <#< '<' <#< ptrToInt fv_info_ptr <#< '>'
+ (<#<) pp_state {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr,fv_count}
+ = pp_state <#< fv_ident <#< '.' <#< fv_count <#< '<' <#< ptrToInt fv_info_ptr <#< '>'
instance <#< DynamicType
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@ where
instance <#< (TypeDef a) | <#< a
- (<#<) pp_state {td_name, td_args, td_rhs}
- = pp_state <#< ":: " <#< td_name <#< ' ' <#< td_args <#< td_rhs
+ (<#<) pp_state {td_ident, td_args, td_rhs}
+ = pp_state <#< ":: " <#< td_ident <#< ' ' <#< td_args <#< td_rhs
instance <#< TypeRhs
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ where
instance <#< FieldSymbol
- (<#<) pp_state {fs_name} = pp_state <#< fs_name
+ (<#<) pp_state {fs_ident} = pp_state <#< fs_ident
instance <#< InstanceType
@@ -758,15 +758,15 @@ where
instance <#< ConsDef
- (<#<) pp_state {cons_symb,cons_type} = pp_state <#< cons_symb <#< " :: " <#< cons_type
+ (<#<) pp_state {cons_ident,cons_type} = pp_state <#< cons_ident <#< " :: " <#< cons_type
instance <#< SelectorDef
- (<#<) pp_state {sd_symb} = pp_state <#< sd_symb
+ (<#<) pp_state {sd__ident} = pp_state <#< sd__ident
instance <#< ClassDef
- (<#<) pp_state {class_name} = pp_state <#< class_name
+ (<#<) pp_state {class_ident} = pp_state <#< class_ident
instance <#< ClassInstance
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ where
instance <#< (Module a) | <#< a
- (<#<) pp_state {mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs} = pp_state <#< mod_type <#< mod_name <#< mod_defs
+ (<#<) pp_state {mod_ident,mod_type,mod_defs} = pp_state <#< mod_type <#< mod_ident <#< mod_defs
instance <#< (CollectedDefinitions a b) | <#< a & <#< b
diff --git a/frontend/explicitimports.icl b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
index 07bf747..63b1c51 100644
--- a/frontend/explicitimports.icl
+++ b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ foldlBelongingSymbols f bs st
BS_Constructors constructors
-> foldSt (\{ds_ident} st -> f ds_ident st) constructors st
BS_Fields fields
- -> foldlArraySt (\{fs_name} st -> f fs_name st) fields st
+ -> foldlArraySt (\{fs_ident} st -> f fs_ident st) fields st
BS_Members members
-> foldlArraySt (\{ds_ident} st -> f ds_ident st) members st
@@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ solveExplicitImports expl_imp_indices_ikh modules_in_component_set importing_mod
decl_kind = STE_Imported STE_Constructor def_mod_index,
decl_index = ds_index }, dcl_modules)
BS_Fields rt_fields
- # {fs_name, fs_index} = rt_fields.[belong_nr]
- ({sd_symb}, dcl_modules)
+ # {fs_ident, fs_index} = rt_fields.[belong_nr]
+ ({sd__ident}, dcl_modules)
= dcl_modules![def_mod_index].dcl_common.com_selector_defs.[fs_index]
- -> (Declaration { decl_ident = fs_name, decl_pos = position,
- decl_kind = STE_Imported (STE_Field sd_symb) def_mod_index,
+ -> (Declaration { decl_ident = fs_ident, decl_pos = position,
+ decl_kind = STE_Imported (STE_Field sd__ident) def_mod_index,
decl_index = fs_index }, dcl_modules)
BS_Members class_members
# {ds_ident, ds_index} = class_members.[belong_nr]
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ solveExplicitImports expl_imp_indices_ikh modules_in_component_set importing_mod
BS_Constructors constructors
-> ([ds_ident \\ {ds_ident}<-constructors], dcl_modules)
BS_Fields rt_fields
- -> ([fs_name \\ {fs_name}<-:rt_fields], dcl_modules)
+ -> ([fs_ident \\ {fs_ident}<-:rt_fields], dcl_modules)
BS_Members class_members
# (STE_Imported _ def_mod_index) = decl_kind
({class_members}, dcl_modules)
@@ -740,26 +740,26 @@ instance check_completeness SelectorDef where
= check_completeness sd_type cci ccs
instance check_completeness SymbIdent where
- check_completeness {symb_name, symb_kind} cci ccs
+ check_completeness {symb_ident, symb_kind} cci ccs
= case symb_kind of
SK_Constructor _
- -> check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_name STE_Constructor cci ccs
+ -> check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_ident STE_Constructor cci ccs
SK_Function global_index
- -> check_completeness_for_function symb_name global_index cci ccs
+ -> check_completeness_for_function symb_ident global_index cci ccs
SK_DclMacro global_index
- -> check_completeness_for_macro symb_name global_index cci ccs
+ -> check_completeness_for_macro symb_ident global_index cci ccs
SK_LocalDclMacroFunction global_index
- -> check_completeness_for_local_dcl_macro symb_name global_index cci ccs
+ -> check_completeness_for_local_dcl_macro symb_ident global_index cci ccs
SK_LocalMacroFunction function_index
- -> check_completeness_for_local_macro_function symb_name function_index cci ccs
+ -> check_completeness_for_local_macro_function symb_ident function_index cci ccs
SK_OverloadedFunction global_index
- -> check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_name STE_Member cci ccs
+ -> check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_ident STE_Member cci ccs
- check_completeness_for_function symb_name {glob_object,glob_module} cci ccs
+ check_completeness_for_function symb_ident {glob_object,glob_module} cci ccs
| glob_module<>cci.box_cci.cci_main_dcl_module_n
// the function that is referred from within a macro is a DclFunction
// -> must be global -> has to be imported
- = check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_name (STE_FunctionOrMacro []) cci ccs
+ = check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_ident (STE_FunctionOrMacro []) cci ccs
// otherwise the function was defined locally in a macro
// it is not a consequence, but it's type and body are consequences !
#! (already_visited, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[glob_object]
@@ -769,12 +769,12 @@ instance check_completeness SymbIdent where
# (fun_def, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_icl_functions.[glob_object]
= check_completeness fun_def cci ccs
- check_completeness_for_macro symb_name global_index cci ccs
+ check_completeness_for_macro symb_ident global_index cci ccs
| global_index.glob_module<>cci.box_cci.cci_main_dcl_module_n
- = check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_name (STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction []) cci ccs
- = check_completeness_for_local_dcl_macro symb_name global_index cci ccs
+ = check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_ident (STE_DclMacroOrLocalMacroFunction []) cci ccs
+ = check_completeness_for_local_dcl_macro symb_ident global_index cci ccs
- check_completeness_for_local_dcl_macro symb_name {glob_module,glob_object} cci ccs
+ check_completeness_for_local_dcl_macro symb_ident {glob_module,glob_object} cci ccs
| size ccs.box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_macros.[glob_module]==0
// #! n_macros_in_dcl_module=size ccs.box_ccs.ccs_macro_defs.[glob_module]
# (n_macros_in_dcl_module,ccs) = get_n_macros_in_dcl_module ccs glob_module
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ instance check_completeness SymbIdent where
# (macro_def, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_macro_defs.[glob_module,glob_object]
= check_completeness macro_def cci ccs
- check_completeness_for_local_macro_function symb_name glob_object cci ccs
+ check_completeness_for_local_macro_function symb_ident glob_object cci ccs
// otherwise the function was defined locally in a macro
// it is not a consequence, but it's type and body are consequences !
| ccs.box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[glob_object]
@@ -814,12 +814,12 @@ instance check_completeness TransformedBody where
= check_completeness tb_rhs cci ccs
instance check_completeness Type where
- check_completeness (TA {type_name} arguments) cci ccs
+ check_completeness (TA {type_ident} arguments) cci ccs
= check_completeness arguments cci
- (check_whether_ident_is_imported type_name STE_Type cci ccs)
- check_completeness (TAS {type_name} arguments _) cci ccs
+ (check_whether_ident_is_imported type_ident STE_Type cci ccs)
+ check_completeness (TAS {type_ident} arguments _) cci ccs
= check_completeness arguments cci
- (check_whether_ident_is_imported type_name STE_Type cci ccs)
+ (check_whether_ident_is_imported type_ident STE_Type cci ccs)
check_completeness (l --> r) cci ccs
= check_completeness l cci
(check_completeness r cci ccs)
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.icl b/frontend/frontend.icl
index bd7d111..4915ffa 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend.icl
+++ b/frontend/frontend.icl
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ where
| show_types
= show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_type <<< '\n' <<< fun_def)
= show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def)
-// = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb)
+// = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_ident)
//show_components comps fun_defs = map (show_component fun_defs) comps
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ where
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
# properties = { form_properties = cAttributed bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }
(Yes ftype) = fun_def.fun_type
- = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb <<< " :: " <:: (properties, ftype, No) <<< '\n' )
+ = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_ident <<< " :: " <:: (properties, ftype, No) <<< '\n' )
showDclModules :: !u:{#DclModule} !*File -> (!u:{#DclModule}, !*File)
showDclModules dcl_mods file
@@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ where
| otherwise
# file = show_dcl_function dcl_functions.[fun_index] file
= show_dcl_functions (inc fun_index) dcl_functions file
- show_dcl_function {ft_symb, ft_type} file
- = file <<< ft_symb <<< " :: " <<< ft_type <<< "\n"
+ show_dcl_function {ft_ident, ft_type} file
+ = file <<< ft_ident <<< " :: " <<< ft_type <<< "\n"
instance == ListTypesKind where
(==) ListTypesNone ListTypesNone
diff --git a/frontend/generics.icl b/frontend/generics.icl
index 28c927a..9162aad 100644
--- a/frontend/generics.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics.icl
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ where
= (maybe_td_index, instance_defs, gs)
- (TA {type_index, type_name} _)
+ (TA {type_index, type_ident} _)
instance_def=:{ins_generate, ins_ident, ins_pos}
gs_modules gs_error
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ where
= ([type_index], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
| supportPartialInstances && is_partial
= ([type_index], {instance_def & ins_partial = True}, gs_modules, gs_error)
- //---> ("collected partial instance type", type_name, type_index)
+ //---> ("collected partial instance type", type_ident, type_index)
| otherwise
= ([], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
determine_td_index (RecordType _) gs_modules gs_error
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ where
= ([type_index], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
| supportPartialInstances && is_partial
= ([type_index], {instance_def & ins_partial = True}, gs_modules, gs_error)
- //---> ("collected partial instance type", type_name, type_index)
+ //---> ("collected partial instance type", type_ident, type_index)
| otherwise
= ([], instance_def, gs_modules, gs_error)
determine_td_index (SynType _) gs_modules gs_error
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ where
{gs & gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_heaps = gs_heaps, gs_error = gs_error}
- {gen_cons_ptr, gen_name, gen_pos}
+ {gen_cons_ptr, gen_ident, gen_pos}
# (info, th_vars) = readPtr gen_cons_ptr th_vars
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ where
TVI_ConsInstance _
-> gs_error
- -> reportError gen_name gen_pos "instance on CONS must be provided" gs_error
+ -> reportError gen_ident gen_pos "instance on CONS must be provided" gs_error
= ({gs_heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}}, gs_error)
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ where
= (expr, heaps)
- {gen_cons_ptr, gen_pos, gen_name}
+ {gen_cons_ptr, gen_pos, gen_ident}
gs=:{gs_heaps=gs_heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}, gs_error}
# (info, th_vars) = readPtr gen_cons_ptr th_vars
# gs_heaps = { gs_heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ where
TVI_ConsInstance fun_def_sym
-> (fun_def_sym, gs_error)
- -> (EmptyDefinedSymbol, reportError gen_name gen_pos "no CONS instance provided" gs_error)
+ -> (EmptyDefinedSymbol, reportError gen_ident gen_pos "no CONS instance provided" gs_error)
= (fun_def_sym, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps, gs_error = gs_error})
@@ -808,12 +808,12 @@ where
// their mapping is identity
= ([], gs)
- {type_index=type_index=:{glob_module, glob_object}, type_name}
+ {type_index=type_index=:{glob_module, glob_object}, type_ident}
gs=:{gs_gtd_infos, gs_td_infos, gs_modules}
# (gtd_info, gs_gtd_infos) = gs_gtd_infos ! [glob_module, glob_object]
| toBool gtd_info // already marked
= ([], {gs & gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos})
- //---> ("already marked type", type_name, type_index)
+ //---> ("already marked type", type_ident, type_index)
| otherwise // not yet marked
# gs_gtd_infos = {gs_gtd_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = GTDI_Generic EmptyGenericType}
# (td_info, gs_td_infos) = gs_td_infos ! [glob_module, glob_object]
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ where
# (td_indexes1, gs) = collect_in_type_def_rhs glob_module type_def gs
# td_indexes2 = [(type_index, td_info.tdi_group_nr)]
= (merge_td_indexes td_indexes1 td_indexes2, gs)
- //---> ("mark type", type_name, type_index)
+ //---> ("mark type", type_ident, type_index)
collect_in_type (arg_type --> res_type) gs
#! (td_indexes1, gs) = collect_in_atype arg_type gs
@@ -857,13 +857,13 @@ where
= collect_in_conses mod [rt_constructor] gs
collect_in_type_def_rhs mod {td_rhs=(SynType {at_type})} gs
= collect_in_type at_type gs
- collect_in_type_def_rhs mod {td_rhs=(AbstractType _), td_name, td_pos} gs=:{gs_error}
+ collect_in_type_def_rhs mod {td_rhs=(AbstractType _), td_ident, td_pos} gs=:{gs_error}
#! gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos
- (newPosition td_name td_pos)
+ (newPosition td_ident td_pos)
"cannot build generic type representation for an abstract type"
= ([], {gs & gs_error = gs_error})
- //= ([], {gs & gs_error = checkWarning td_name "abstract data type" gs_error})
+ //= ([], {gs & gs_error = checkWarning td_ident "abstract data type" gs_error})
collect_in_conses :: !Index ![DefinedSymbol] !*GenericState
-> (![(Global Index, Int)], !*GenericState)
@@ -943,23 +943,23 @@ where
# (iso_fun_index, iso_group_index, gs) = newFunAndGroupIndex gs
# {gs_modules} = gs
- # (type_def=:{td_name}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
+ # (type_def=:{td_ident}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
# gs = {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules}
# iso_def_sym = {
- ds_ident = {id_name="iso_"+++type_def.td_name.id_name, id_info = nilPtr },
+ ds_ident = {id_name="iso_"+++type_def.td_ident.id_name, id_info = nilPtr },
ds_index = iso_fun_index,
ds_arity = 0
# from_def_sym = {
- ds_ident = {id_name="iso_from_generic_to_"+++type_def.td_name.id_name, id_info = nilPtr },
+ ds_ident = {id_name="iso_from_generic_to_"+++type_def.td_ident.id_name, id_info = nilPtr },
ds_index = from_fun_index,
ds_arity = 1
# to_def_sym = {
- ds_ident = {id_name="iso_to_generic_from_"+++type_def.td_name.id_name, id_info = nilPtr },
+ ds_ident = {id_name="iso_to_generic_from_"+++type_def.td_ident.id_name, id_info = nilPtr },
ds_index = to_fun_index,
ds_arity = 1
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ where
# (type_fun_index, group_index, gs) = newFunAndGroupIndex gs
# type_fun_sym =
- { ds_ident = makeIdent ("type_info_" +++ type_def.td_name.id_name)
+ { ds_ident = makeIdent ("type_info_" +++ type_def.td_ident.id_name)
, ds_index = type_fun_index
, ds_arity = 0
@@ -1018,15 +1018,15 @@ where
= ([fi:fis], [fd:fds], gs)
build_cons_info {ds_index,ds_arity} cons_num type_info_def_sym group_index common_defs gs=:{gs_main_dcl_module_n}
- # {cons_symb, cons_pos, cons_type} = common_defs.com_cons_defs.[ds_index]
+ # {cons_ident, cons_pos, cons_type} = common_defs.com_cons_defs.[ds_index]
# (fun_index, gs) = newFunIndex gs
# def_sym =
- { ds_ident = makeIdent ("cons_info_" +++ cons_symb.id_name)
+ { ds_ident = makeIdent ("cons_info_" +++ cons_ident.id_name)
, ds_index = fun_index
, ds_arity = 0
# {gs_modules,gs_heaps, gs_predefs, gs_main_dcl_module_n} = gs
- # cons_name_expr = makeStringExpr ("\""+++cons_symb.id_name+++"\"") gs_predefs
+ # cons_name_expr = makeStringExpr ("\""+++cons_ident.id_name+++"\"") gs_predefs
# cons_arity_expr = makeIntExpr ds_arity
# cons_num_expr = makeIntExpr cons_num
# (cons_type_expr, gs_heaps) = buildFunApp gs_main_dcl_module_n type_info_def_sym [] gs_heaps
@@ -1091,9 +1091,9 @@ where
= (type_app_expr, { gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps})
- build_type_info {at_type=TA {type_name,type_arity} ts} gs
+ build_type_info {at_type=TA {type_ident,type_arity} ts} gs
# (arg_exprs, gs) = build_type_infos ts gs
- = build_type_def_app type_name.id_name type_arity [] [] arg_exprs gs
+ = build_type_def_app type_ident.id_name type_arity [] [] arg_exprs gs
build_type_info {at_type=arg --> res} gs
# (arg_expr, gs) = build_type_info arg gs
@@ -1114,8 +1114,8 @@ where
= build_type_def_app name 0 [] [] [] gs
- build_type_info {at_type=TV {tv_name}} gs=:{gs_heaps, gs_predefs}
- # name_expr = makeStringExpr ("\"" +++ tv_name.id_name +++ "\"") gs_predefs
+ build_type_info {at_type=TV {tv_ident}} gs=:{gs_heaps, gs_predefs}
+ # name_expr = makeStringExpr ("\"" +++ tv_ident.id_name +++ "\"") gs_predefs
# (expr, gs_heaps) = buildPredefConsApp PD_ConsTypeVar [ name_expr ] gs_predefs gs_heaps
= (expr, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps})
@@ -1125,15 +1125,15 @@ where
= (expr, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps})
- {td_pos,td_name, td_args}
+ {td_pos,td_ident, td_args}
- # type_vars = [ atv.atv_variable.tv_name.id_name \\ atv <- td_args]
+ # type_vars = [ atv.atv_variable.tv_ident.id_name \\ atv <- td_args]
# (body_expr, gs) = build_type_def
- td_name.id_name type_info_def_sym.ds_arity type_vars cons_info_def_syms gs
+ td_ident.id_name type_info_def_sym.ds_arity type_vars cons_info_def_syms gs
# fun_def = makeFunction type_info_def_sym group_index [] body_expr No [] gs_main_dcl_module_n td_pos
= (fun_def, gs)
@@ -1164,22 +1164,22 @@ where
# (rec_fun_index, gs) = newFunIndex gs
# (gs=:{gs_gtd_infos, gs_modules}) = gs
- # (type_def=:{td_name, td_arity}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef glob_module glob_object gs_modules
+ # (type_def=:{td_ident, td_arity}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef glob_module glob_object gs_modules
# (GTDI_Generic gt, gs_gtd_infos) = gs_gtd_infos ! [glob_module, glob_object]
# gtd_info = GTDI_Generic {gt &
gtr_isomap_from = {
- ds_ident = {id_name="isomap_from_"+++td_name.id_name, id_info=nilPtr},
+ ds_ident = {id_name="isomap_from_"+++td_ident.id_name, id_info=nilPtr},
ds_index = from_fun_index,
ds_arity = (td_arity + 1)
gtr_isomap_to = {
- ds_ident = {id_name="isomap_to_"+++td_name.id_name, id_info=nilPtr},
+ ds_ident = {id_name="isomap_to_"+++td_ident.id_name, id_info=nilPtr},
ds_index = to_fun_index,
ds_arity = (td_arity + 1)
gtr_isomap = {
- ds_ident = {id_name="isomap_"+++td_name.id_name, id_info=nilPtr},
+ ds_ident = {id_name="isomap_"+++td_ident.id_name, id_info=nilPtr},
ds_index = rec_fun_index,
ds_arity = td_arity
@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@ where
# (group_index, gs) = get_group module_index type_def_index gs
# {gs_modules, gs_gtd_infos} = gs
- # (type_def=:{td_name}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
+ # (type_def=:{td_ident}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
# (GTDI_Generic {gtr_isomap, gtr_isomap_to, gtr_isomap_from}, gs_gtd_infos)
= gs_gtd_infos![module_index, type_def_index]
@@ -1225,14 +1225,14 @@ where
# funs = [ (from_fun_index, from_fun_def), (to_fun_index, to_fun_def), (rec_fun_index, rec_fun_def) ]
= (funs, gs)
//---> from_fun_def
- //---> ("build isomap for", td_name, module_index, type_def_index)
+ //---> ("build isomap for", td_ident, module_index, type_def_index)
collect_groups :: !Index ![(Index, FunDef)] !*{[Index]} -> !*{[Index]}
collect_groups first_group_index [] groups = groups
- collect_groups first_group_index [(fun_index, fun=:{fun_symb, fun_info={fi_group_index}}):funs] groups
+ collect_groups first_group_index [(fun_index, fun=:{fun_ident, fun_info={fi_group_index}}):funs] groups
# (group, groups) = groups ! [fi_group_index - first_group_index]
# groups = {groups & [fi_group_index - first_group_index] = [fun_index:group]}
- //---> ("add fun " +++ fun_symb.id_name +++ " "+++ toString fun_index +++
+ //---> ("add fun " +++ fun_ident.id_name +++ " "+++ toString fun_index +++
// " to group " +++ toString fi_group_index)
= collect_groups first_group_index funs groups
@@ -1297,10 +1297,10 @@ where
= (new_funs ++ funs, new_groups ++ groups, generic_defs, gs)
build_isomap module_index generic_index generic_defs gs
- # (generic_def=:{gen_name, gen_type}, generic_defs) = generic_defs ! [generic_index]
+ # (generic_def=:{gen_ident, gen_type}, generic_defs) = generic_defs ! [generic_index]
# (fun_index, group_index, gs) = newFunAndGroupIndex gs
# def_sym = {
- ds_ident = {id_name="isomap_"+++gen_name.id_name, id_info = nilPtr},
+ ds_ident = {id_name="isomap_"+++gen_ident.id_name, id_info = nilPtr},
ds_index = fun_index,
ds_arity = gen_type.gt_arity
@@ -1460,7 +1460,7 @@ where
= (ins_fun_def, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps})
- //---> ("created generic alterntaive for " +++ ins_fun_def.fun_symb.id_name)
+ //---> ("created generic alterntaive for " +++ ins_fun_def.fun_ident.id_name)
move_instance instance_def=:{ins_members, ins_pos} gs=:{gs_main_dcl_module_n}
# (new_fun_index, new_fun_group, gs=:{gs_fun_defs, gs_predefs, gs_heaps})
@@ -1481,9 +1481,9 @@ where
#! (undef_expr, gs_heaps) = buildUndefFunApp [] gs_predefs gs_heaps
#! (arg_vars, gs_heaps) =
mapSt buildFreeVar0 ["v" +++ toString i \\ i <- [1..ins_fun_def.fun_arity]] gs_heaps
- # {fun_symb, fun_arity, fun_info, fun_type, fun_pos} = ins_fun_def
+ # {fun_ident, fun_arity, fun_info, fun_type, fun_pos} = ins_fun_def
#! dummy_def_sym =
- { ds_ident = fun_symb
+ { ds_ident = fun_ident
, ds_arity = fun_arity
, ds_index = ins_fun_index
@@ -1597,14 +1597,14 @@ where
# gs = {gs & gs_modules=gs_modules, gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos, gs_heaps = gs_heaps}
# (fun_index, group_index, gs) = newFunAndGroupIndex gs
# fun_def_sym = {
- ds_ident = kind_star_class_def.class_name, // kind star name
+ ds_ident = kind_star_class_def.class_ident, // kind star name
ds_index = fun_index,
ds_arity = member_def.me_type.st_arity
//# (fun_def, gs) = build_dummy_instance fun_def_sym group_index gs
# generic_def_sym = {
- ds_ident=generic_def.gen_name,
+ ds_ident=generic_def.gen_ident,
@@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ where
# new_instance_def = {
ins_class = {glob_module = ins_generic.glob_module, glob_object = kind_star_class_def_sym},
- ins_ident = kind_star_class_def.class_name,
+ ins_ident = kind_star_class_def.class_ident,
ins_type = new_ins_type,
ins_members = {fun_def_sym},
ins_specials = SP_None,
@@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@ where
build_type_var name heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
# (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
# type_var = {
- tv_name = {id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr},
+ tv_ident = {id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr},
tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr
= ( type_var, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}})
@@ -1852,8 +1852,8 @@ kindOfType _ td_infos
buildClassDef :: !Index !Index !Index !GenericDef !TypeKind !*GenericState
-> (!ClassDef, !MemberDef!, !GenericDef, *GenericState)
-buildClassDef module_index class_index member_index generic_def=:{gen_name, gen_classes} kind gs=:{gs_heaps}
- #! ident = makeIdent (gen_name.id_name +++ ":" +++ (toString kind))
+buildClassDef module_index class_index member_index generic_def=:{gen_ident, gen_classes} kind gs=:{gs_heaps}
+ #! ident = makeIdent (gen_ident.id_name +++ ":" +++ (toString kind))
#! class_ds={ds_ident=ident, ds_index=class_index, ds_arity=0}
#! (class_var, gs_heaps) = build_class_var gs_heaps
#! (member_def, class_contexts, gs_heaps) = build_member module_index class_index member_index class_var class_ds generic_def gs_heaps
@@ -1882,7 +1882,7 @@ where
//#! member_type = { member_type & st_context = [type_context : gen_type.gt_type.st_context] }
#! member_type = { member_type & st_context = [type_context : member_type.st_context] }
#! member_def = {
- me_symb = ds_ident, // same name as class
+ me_ident = ds_ident, // same name as class
me_class = {glob_module = module_index, glob_object = class_index},
me_offset = 0,
me_type = member_type,
@@ -1904,7 +1904,7 @@ where
ds_index = NoIndex/*index in the type def table, filled in later*/
#! class_def = {
- class_name = ident,
+ class_ident = ident,
class_arity = 1,
class_args = [class_var],
class_context = class_contexts,
@@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@ currySymbolType4 st=:{st_args, st_result, st_attr_env, st_attr_vars} attr_var_n
// specialize generic (kind-indexed) type for a kind
specializeGenericType :: !GenericDef !TypeKind !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, ![ATypeVar], ![AttributeVar], !*TypeHeaps)
-specializeGenericType generic_def=:{gen_name,gen_type} kind th
+specializeGenericType generic_def=:{gen_ident,gen_type} kind th
//#! th = th ---> ("specializeSymbolType", kind, gen_type.gt_type)
@@ -2201,16 +2201,16 @@ where
#! (attr, th_attrs) = fresh_attr atv_attribute postfix th_attrs
= ({agv & atv_attribute = attr, atv_variable = tv}, {th & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs})
- fresh_tv {tv_name, tv_info_ptr} postfix th_vars
- #! name = makeIdent (tv_name.id_name +++ postfix)
+ fresh_tv {tv_ident, tv_info_ptr} postfix th_vars
+ #! name = makeIdent (tv_ident.id_name +++ postfix)
#! (tv, th_vars) = freshTypeVar name th_vars
#! th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TV tv))
= (tv, th_vars)
fresh_attr (TA_Unique) postfix th_attrs = (TA_Unique, th_attrs)
fresh_attr (TA_Multi) postfix th_attrs = (TA_Multi, th_attrs)
- fresh_attr (TA_Var av=:{av_name, av_info_ptr}) postfix th_attrs
- #! (fresh_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (av_name.id_name+++postfix)) th_attrs
+ fresh_attr (TA_Var av=:{av_ident, av_info_ptr}) postfix th_attrs
+ #! (fresh_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (av_ident.id_name+++postfix)) th_attrs
#! attr = TA_Var fresh_av
#! th_attrs = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr attr)
= (attr, th_attrs)
@@ -2219,7 +2219,7 @@ where
= {th & th_attrs = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr (TA_Var av))}
buildMemberType2 :: !GenericDef !TypeKind !TypeVar !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap -> (!SymbolType, ![TypeContext], !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
-buildMemberType2 generic_def=:{gen_name,gen_type} kind class_var th var_heap
+buildMemberType2 generic_def=:{gen_ident,gen_type} kind class_var th var_heap
# (st, agvs, gavs, th) = specializeGenericType generic_def kind th
@@ -2351,7 +2351,7 @@ where
buildMemberType :: !GenericDef !TypeKind !TypeVar !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps)
-buildMemberType generic_def=:{gen_name,gen_type} kind class_var th
+buildMemberType generic_def=:{gen_ident,gen_type} kind class_var th
// = abort "generics; buildMemberType"
#! (gen_type, th) = freshGenericType gen_type th
@@ -2387,7 +2387,7 @@ buildMemberType generic_def=:{gen_name,gen_type} kind class_var th
= (st, th)
- //---> ("member type", gen_name, kind, st)
+ //---> ("member type", gen_ident, kind, st)
@@ -2486,8 +2486,8 @@ where
// replace all generic variables with fresh variables
#! (tvs, th_vars) = mapSt build_subst gt_vars th_vars
- build_subst gv=:{tv_name,tv_info_ptr} th_vars
- #! name = makeIdent (tv_name.id_name +++ postfix)
+ build_subst gv=:{tv_ident,tv_info_ptr} th_vars
+ #! name = makeIdent (tv_ident.id_name +++ postfix)
#! (tv, th_vars) = freshTypeVar name th_vars
#! th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TV tv))
= (tv, th_vars)
@@ -2503,8 +2503,8 @@ where
build_subst {atv_attribute=TA_Unique} st = (TA_Unique, st)
build_subst {atv_attribute=TA_Multi} st = (TA_Multi, st)
- build_subst {atv_attribute=TA_Var {av_name, av_info_ptr}} (avs, th_attrs)
- #! (fresh_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (av_name.id_name+++postfix)) th_attrs
+ build_subst {atv_attribute=TA_Var {av_ident, av_info_ptr}} (avs, th_attrs)
+ #! (fresh_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (av_ident.id_name+++postfix)) th_attrs
#! attr = TA_Var fresh_av
#! th_attrs = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr attr)
= (attr, ([fresh_av:avs], th_attrs))
@@ -2521,7 +2521,7 @@ where
buildGenericRepType :: !Index !Index !*GenericState
-> (AType, !*GenericState)
buildGenericRepType module_index td_index gs=:{gs_modules, gs_predefs, gs_error}
- # (type_def=:{td_name}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index td_index gs_modules
+ # (type_def=:{td_ident}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index td_index gs_modules
# (common_defs, gs_modules) = gs_modules ! [module_index]
# (atype, gs_error) = build_type module_index type_def gs_predefs common_defs gs_error
= (atype, {gs & gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_error = gs_error})
@@ -2553,9 +2553,9 @@ where
= (type, error) // is that correct ???
- td_module td=:{td_rhs=(AbstractType _), td_name, td_arity, td_args, td_pos}
+ td_module td=:{td_rhs=(AbstractType _), td_ident, td_arity, td_args, td_pos}
predefs common_defs error
- #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_name td_pos) "cannot build generic type repesentation for an abstract type" error
+ #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_ident td_pos) "cannot build generic type repesentation for an abstract type" error
= (makeAType TE TA_None, error)
buildIsoRecord :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !*GenericState
@@ -2574,7 +2574,7 @@ buildIsoTo :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !Int !CheckedTypeDef ![DefinedSymbol] !*Generi
-> (!FunDef, !*GenericState)
def_sym group_index type_def_mod
- type_def=:{td_rhs, td_name, td_index, td_pos}
+ type_def=:{td_rhs, td_ident, td_index, td_pos}
# (arg_expr, arg_var, gs_heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" gs_heaps
@@ -2600,10 +2600,10 @@ where
= build_body1 type_def_mod type_def_index [rt_constructor] cons_infos arg_expr gs
build_body type_def_mod type_def_index (AbstractType _) cons_infos arg_expr gs=:{gs_error}
- #! gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_name td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for an abstract type" gs_error
+ #! gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_ident td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for an abstract type" gs_error
= (EE, [], {gs & gs_error = gs_error})
build_body type_def_mod type_def_index (SynType _) cons_infos arg_expr gs=:{gs_error}
- #! gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_name td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for a synonym type" gs_error
+ #! gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_ident td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for a synonym type" gs_error
= (EE, [], {gs & gs_error = gs_error})
build_body1 type_def_mod type_def_index cons_def_syms cons_infos arg_expr gs
@@ -2676,7 +2676,7 @@ buildIsoFrom :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !Int !CheckedTypeDef !*GenericState
-> (!FunDef, !*GenericState)
def_sym group_index type_def_mod
- type_def=:{td_rhs, td_name, td_index, td_pos}
+ type_def=:{td_rhs, td_ident, td_index, td_pos}
gs=:{gs_predefs, gs_heaps, gs_error,gs_main_dcl_module_n}
#! (body_expr, free_vars, gs_heaps, gs_error) = build_body type_def_mod td_rhs gs_predefs gs_heaps gs_error
| not gs_error.ea_ok
@@ -2693,10 +2693,10 @@ where
build_body type_def_mod (RecordType {rt_constructor}) predefs heaps error
= build_sum type_def_mod [rt_constructor] predefs heaps error
build_body type_def_mod (AbstractType _) predefs heaps error
- #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_name td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for an abstract type" error
+ #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_ident td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for an abstract type" error
= (EE, [], heaps, error)
build_body type_def_mod (SynType _) predefs heaps error
- #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_name td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for a synonym type" error
+ #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_ident td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for a synonym type" error
= (EE, [], heaps, error)
build_sum :: !Index [DefinedSymbol] !PredefinedSymbols !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
@@ -2760,7 +2760,7 @@ buildIsomapFromTo :: !IsoDirection !DefinedSymbol !Int !Int !Int !*GenericState
iso_dir def_sym group_index type_def_mod type_def_index
gs=:{gs_heaps, gs_modules,gs_main_dcl_module_n}
- #! (type_def=:{td_name, td_index, td_arity, td_pos}, gs_modules)
+ #! (type_def=:{td_ident, td_index, td_arity, td_pos}, gs_modules)
= getTypeDef type_def_mod type_def_index gs_modules
#! arg_names = [ "i" +++ toString n \\ n <- [1 .. td_arity]]
#! (isomap_arg_vars, gs_heaps) = buildFreeVars arg_names gs_heaps
@@ -2772,7 +2772,7 @@ buildIsomapFromTo
#! (fun_type, gs) = build_type1 iso_dir type_def_mod type_def_index gs
#! fun_def = makeFunction def_sym group_index (isomap_arg_vars ++ [arg_var]) body_expr (Yes fun_type) free_vars gs_main_dcl_module_n td_pos
= (fun_def, def_sym.ds_index, gs)
- //---> ("isomap from/to", td_name, fun_def)
+ //---> ("isomap from/to", td_ident, fun_def)
build_body :: !IsoDirection !Int !Int !CheckedTypeDef !Expression ![FreeVar] !*GenericState
-> (Expression, [FreeVar], !*GenericState)
@@ -2784,18 +2784,18 @@ where
iso_dir type_def_mod type_def_index
- type_def=:{td_rhs=(AbstractType _),td_name, td_pos} arg_expr isomap_arg_vars gs=:{gs_error}
+ type_def=:{td_rhs=(AbstractType _),td_ident, td_pos} arg_expr isomap_arg_vars gs=:{gs_error}
#! gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos
- (newPosition td_name td_pos)
+ (newPosition td_ident td_pos)
"cannot build map function for an abstract type"
= (EE, [], {gs & gs_error = gs_error})
iso_dir type_def_mod type_def_index
- type_def=:{td_rhs=(SynType _), td_name, td_pos} arg_expr isomap_arg_vars gs=:{gs_error}
+ type_def=:{td_rhs=(SynType _), td_ident, td_pos} arg_expr isomap_arg_vars gs=:{gs_error}
#! gs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos
- (newPosition td_name td_pos)
+ (newPosition td_ident td_pos)
"cannot build map function for a synonym type"
= (EE, [], {gs & gs_error = gs_error})
@@ -2847,9 +2847,9 @@ where
build_cons_arg :: !IsoDirection !AType !FreeVar ![FreeVar] !CheckedTypeDef !*GenericState
-> (!Expression, !*GenericState)
- build_cons_arg iso_dir type cons_arg_var fun_vars type_def=:{td_args, td_name, td_pos} gs
+ build_cons_arg iso_dir type cons_arg_var fun_vars type_def=:{td_args, td_ident, td_pos} gs
#! type_def_args = [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args]
- #! (iso_expr, gs) = buildIsomapExpr type type_def_args fun_vars td_name td_pos gs
+ #! (iso_expr, gs) = buildIsomapExpr type type_def_args fun_vars td_ident td_pos gs
#! {gs_heaps, gs_predefs} = gs
#! sel_expr = case iso_dir of
IsoTo -> buildIsoToSelectionExpr iso_expr gs_predefs
@@ -2885,14 +2885,14 @@ where
iso_dir module_index type_def_index
gs=:{gs_heaps, gs_modules, gs_predefs}
- #! ({td_arity, td_name}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
+ #! ({td_arity, td_ident}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
#! (tvs1, gs_heaps) = mapSt (\n->build_type_var ("a"+++toString n)) [1..td_arity] gs_heaps
#! (tvs2, gs_heaps) = mapSt (\n->build_type_var ("b"+++toString n)) [1..td_arity] gs_heaps
#! (iso_args) = [buildATypeISO t1 t2 gs_predefs \\ t1 <- tvs1 & t2 <- tvs2]
#! type_symb_ident = {
- type_name = td_name,
+ type_ident = td_ident,
type_index = { glob_module = module_index, glob_object = type_def_index },
type_arity = td_arity,
type_prop = {
@@ -2927,7 +2927,7 @@ where
#! gs = {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps, gs_modules = gs_modules}
= (symbol_type, gs)
- //---> ("isomap to/from type", td_name, symbol_type)
+ //---> ("isomap to/from type", td_ident, symbol_type)
build_type_var name heaps
#! (av, heaps) = buildAttrVar name heaps
@@ -2938,7 +2938,7 @@ buildIsomapForTypeDef :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !Int !CheckedTypeDef !DefinedSymbol
-> (!FunDef, !Index, !*GenericState)
fun_def_sym group_index type_def_mod
- type_def=:{td_name, td_index, td_arity, td_pos}
+ type_def=:{td_ident, td_index, td_arity, td_pos}
from_fun to_fun
gs=:{gs_main_dcl_module_n, gs_heaps, gs_predefs}
#! arg_names = [ "iso" +++ toString n \\ n <- [1 .. td_arity]]
@@ -2956,7 +2956,7 @@ buildIsomapType :: !Int !Int !*GenericState -> (!SymbolType, !*GenericState)
buildIsomapType module_index type_def_index
gs=:{gs_heaps, gs_modules, gs_predefs, gs_td_infos}
- #! ({td_arity, td_name, td_pos}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
+ #! ({td_arity, td_ident, td_pos}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
# ({tdi_kinds}, gs_td_infos) = gs_td_infos ! [module_index, type_def_index]
# kind = case tdi_kinds of
[] -> KindConst
@@ -2980,8 +2980,8 @@ buildIsomapType module_index type_def_index
, gt_arity = 2
# dummy_generic_def =
- { gen_name = td_name
- , gen_member_name = td_name
+ { gen_ident = td_ident
+ , gen_member_ident = td_ident
, gen_type = generic_type
, gen_pos = td_pos
, gen_kinds_ptr = nilPtr
@@ -2994,7 +2994,7 @@ buildIsomapType module_index type_def_index
// substitute generic variables with the type
#! type_symb = {
- type_name = td_name,
+ type_ident = td_ident,
type_index = { glob_module = module_index, glob_object = type_def_index },
type_arity = td_arity,
type_prop = {
@@ -3027,7 +3027,7 @@ buildIsomapType module_index type_def_index
#! gs_heaps = { gs_heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps }
#! gs = {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps, gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos}
= (symbol_type, gs)
- //---> ("isomap to/from type", td_name, symbol_type)
+ //---> ("isomap to/from type", td_ident, symbol_type)
build_type_var1 name heaps
#! (av, heaps) = buildAttrVar name heaps
@@ -3037,12 +3037,12 @@ where
buildIsomapForGeneric :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !GenericDef !*GenericState
-> (!FunDef, !Index, !*GenericState)
-buildIsomapForGeneric def_sym group_index {gen_type, gen_name, gen_pos} gs=:{gs_heaps,gs_main_dcl_module_n}
+buildIsomapForGeneric def_sym group_index {gen_type, gen_ident, gen_pos} gs=:{gs_heaps,gs_main_dcl_module_n}
#! arg_names = [ "iso" +++ toString n \\ n <- [1 .. gen_type.gt_arity]]
#! (arg_vars, gs_heaps) = buildFreeVars arg_names gs_heaps
#! curried_gt_type = curry_symbol_type gen_type.gt_type
#! gs = {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps }
- #! (body_expr, gs) = buildIsomapExpr curried_gt_type gen_type.gt_vars arg_vars gen_name gen_pos gs
+ #! (body_expr, gs) = buildIsomapExpr curried_gt_type gen_type.gt_vars arg_vars gen_ident gen_pos gs
#! fun_def = makeFunction def_sym group_index arg_vars body_expr No [] gs_main_dcl_module_n gen_pos
= (fun_def, def_sym.ds_index, gs)
@@ -3070,13 +3070,13 @@ where
# (expr, gs_heaps) = buildIsomapIdApp gs_predefs gs_heaps
= (expr, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps})
- build_expr (TA {type_index, type_name} args) arg_type_vars arg_vars name pos gs
+ build_expr (TA {type_index, type_ident} args) arg_type_vars arg_vars name pos gs
# (arg_exprs, gs) = build_exprs args arg_type_vars arg_vars name pos gs
# {gs_heaps, gs_main_dcl_module_n, gs_gtd_infos} = gs
# (gtd_info, gs_gtd_infos) = gs_gtd_infos ! [type_index.glob_module, type_index.glob_object]
# gt = case gtd_info of
(GTDI_Generic gt) -> gt
- _ -> abort ("(generic.icl) type " +++ type_name.id_name +++ " does not have generic representation\n")
+ _ -> abort ("(generic.icl) type " +++ type_ident.id_name +++ " does not have generic representation\n")
# (expr, gs_heaps) = buildFunApp gs_main_dcl_module_n gt.gtr_isomap arg_exprs gs_heaps
= (expr, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps, gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos})
@@ -3129,7 +3129,7 @@ buildInstance :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !ClassInstance !GenericDef !*GenericState
def_sym group_index
instance_def=:{ins_type, ins_generic, ins_pos, ins_ident}
- generic_def=:{gen_name, gen_type, gen_isomap}
+ generic_def=:{gen_ident, gen_type, gen_isomap}
#! original_arity = gen_type.gt_type.st_arity
@@ -3145,7 +3145,7 @@ buildInstance
#! gen_glob_def_sym = {
glob_module = ins_generic.glob_module,
glob_object = {
- ds_ident = gen_name,
+ ds_ident = gen_ident,
ds_index = ins_generic.glob_object,
ds_arity = 0
@@ -3204,7 +3204,7 @@ where
build_instance_expr {at_type} cons_infos type_vars vars gen_sym gs
= build_instance_expr1 at_type cons_infos type_vars vars gen_sym gs
- build_instance_expr1 (TA {type_name, type_index, type_arity} type_args) cons_infos type_vars vars gen_sym gs
+ build_instance_expr1 (TA {type_ident, type_index, type_arity} type_args) cons_infos type_vars vars gen_sym gs
# (arg_exprs, cons_infos, gs=:{gs_heaps}) = build_args type_args cons_infos gs
build_args [] cons_infos gs = ([], cons_infos, gs)
@@ -3282,7 +3282,7 @@ where
- #! (generic_def=:{gen_name, gen_pos, gen_cons_ptr}, gs_modules)
+ #! (generic_def=:{gen_ident, gen_pos, gen_cons_ptr}, gs_modules)
= getGenericDef glob_module glob_object.ds_index gs_modules
#! (info, th_vars) = readPtr gen_cons_ptr th_vars
#! gs_heaps = { gs_heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
@@ -3293,7 +3293,7 @@ where
TVI_ConsInstance fun_def_sym
-> (fun_def_sym, gs_error)
- -> (EmptyDefinedSymbol, reportError gen_name gen_pos "no CONS instance provided" gs_error)
+ -> (EmptyDefinedSymbol, reportError gen_ident gen_pos "no CONS instance provided" gs_error)
#! (app_expr, gs_heaps) = buildFunApp gs_main_dcl_module_n fun_def_sym [cons_info_expr:arg_exprs] gs_heaps
= (app_expr, cons_infos, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps, gs_modules = gs_modules, gs_error = gs_error})
@@ -3446,12 +3446,12 @@ buildAttrVar name heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_attrs}}
freshTypeVar :: !Ident !*TypeVarHeap -> (!TypeVar, !*TypeVarHeap)
freshTypeVar name th_vars
# (info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
- = ({tv_name = name, tv_info_ptr = info_ptr}, th_vars)
+ = ({tv_ident = name, tv_info_ptr = info_ptr}, th_vars)
freshAttrVar :: !Ident !*AttrVarHeap -> (!AttributeVar, !*AttrVarHeap)
freshAttrVar name th_attrs
# (info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty th_attrs
- = ({av_name = name, av_info_ptr = info_ptr}, th_attrs)
+ = ({av_ident = name, av_info_ptr = info_ptr}, th_attrs)
freshSymbolType :: String !SymbolType !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps)
freshSymbolType postfix st type_heaps
@@ -3475,14 +3475,14 @@ freshSymbolType postfix st type_heaps
= (new_st, type_heaps)
- subst_type_var postfix tv=:{tv_name={id_name}, tv_info_ptr} th_vars
+ subst_type_var postfix tv=:{tv_ident={id_name}, tv_info_ptr} th_vars
# (tv, th_vars) = freshTypeVar {id_name=id_name+++postfix, id_info=nilPtr} th_vars
= (tv, writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Type (TV tv)) th_vars)
subst_type_vars postfix tvs type_heaps=:{th_vars}
# (tvs, th_vars) = mapSt (subst_type_var postfix) tvs th_vars
= (tvs, {type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars})
- subst_attr_var postfix av=:{av_name={id_name}, av_info_ptr} th_attrs
+ subst_attr_var postfix av=:{av_ident={id_name}, av_info_ptr} th_attrs
# (av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar {id_name=id_name+++postfix, id_info=nilPtr} th_attrs
= (av, writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_Attr (TA_Var av)) th_attrs)
subst_attr_vars postfix avs type_heaps=:{th_attrs}
@@ -3567,9 +3567,9 @@ where
= writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Attribute ta) th_vars
buildTypeApp :: !Index !CheckedTypeDef [AType] -> AType
-buildTypeApp td_module {td_name, td_arity, td_index} args
+buildTypeApp td_module {td_ident, td_arity, td_index} args
# global_index = {glob_module = td_module, glob_object = td_index}
- # type_symb = MakeTypeSymbIdent global_index td_name (length args)
+ # type_symb = MakeTypeSymbIdent global_index td_ident (length args)
= makeAType (TA type_symb args) TA_Multi
buildPredefTypeApp :: !Int [AType] !PredefinedSymbols -> !AType
@@ -3604,7 +3604,7 @@ makeFunction {ds_index, ds_arity, ds_ident} group_index arg_vars body_expr opt_s
| length arg_vars <> ds_arity
= abort "length arg_vars <> ds_arity\n"
= {
- fun_symb = ds_ident,
+ fun_ident = ds_ident,
fun_arity = ds_arity,
fun_priority = NoPrio,
fun_body = TransformedBody {
@@ -3669,7 +3669,7 @@ where
| fun_def.fun_index == index
= fun_def
- = abort ("conflicting fun_indexes of " +++ fun_def.fun_symb.id_name +++
+ = abort ("conflicting fun_indexes of " +++ fun_def.fun_ident.id_name +++
toString fun_def.fun_index +++ " and " +++ toString index)
@@ -3706,8 +3706,8 @@ where
build_free_var :: !String !*Heaps -> (!FreeVar, !*Heaps)
build_free_var name heaps=:{hp_var_heap}
# (var_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty hp_var_heap
- # var_name = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
- # free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_name = var_name}
+ # var_ident = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
+ # free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_ident = var_ident}
= (free_var, {heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap})
@@ -3749,7 +3749,7 @@ buildConsApp cons_mod {ds_ident, ds_index, ds_arity} arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expres
# cons_glob = {glob_module = cons_mod, glob_object = ds_index}
# expr = App {
app_symb = {
- symb_name = ds_ident,
+ symb_ident = ds_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_glob
app_args = arg_exprs,
@@ -3764,7 +3764,7 @@ buildFunApp fun_mod {ds_ident, ds_index, ds_arity} arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expressi
# fun_glob = {glob_module = fun_mod, glob_object = ds_index}
# expr = App {
app_symb = {
- symb_name = ds_ident,
+ symb_ident = ds_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Function fun_glob
app_args = arg_exprs,
@@ -3779,7 +3779,7 @@ buildGenericApp module_index {ds_ident, ds_index} kind arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expr
# glob_index = {glob_module = module_index, glob_object = ds_index}
# expr = App {
app_symb = {
- symb_name = ds_ident,
+ symb_ident = ds_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Generic glob_index kind
app_args = arg_exprs,
@@ -3847,7 +3847,7 @@ buildPredefConsApp predef_index args predefs heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
# pds_ident = predefined_idents.[predef_index]
# global_index = {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def}
# symb_ident = {
- symb_name = pds_ident,
+ symb_ident = pds_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Constructor global_index
# (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty hp_expression_heap
@@ -3869,7 +3869,7 @@ buildPredefFunApp predef_index args predefs heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
# pds_ident = predefined_idents.[predef_index]
# global_index = {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def}
# symb_ident = {
- symb_name = pds_ident,
+ symb_ident = pds_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Function global_index
# (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty hp_expression_heap
@@ -3902,9 +3902,9 @@ buildVarExpr :: !String !*Heaps -> (!Expression, !FreeVar, !*Heaps)
buildVarExpr name heaps=:{hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap}
# (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty hp_expression_heap
# (var_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty hp_var_heap
- # var_name = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
- # fv = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 1, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_name = var_name}
- # var = Var {var_name = var_name, var_expr_ptr = expr_info_ptr, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr }
+ # var_ident = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
+ # fv = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 1, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_ident = var_ident}
+ # var = Var {var_ident = var_ident, var_expr_ptr = expr_info_ptr, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr }
# hp_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Expression var) hp_var_heap
# heaps = { heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap }
= (var, fv, heaps)
@@ -3919,16 +3919,16 @@ buildVarExprs [name:names] heaps
buildFreeVar :: !String !*Heaps -> (!FreeVar, !*Heaps)
buildFreeVar name heaps=:{hp_var_heap}
# (var_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty hp_var_heap
- # var_name = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
- # var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 1, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_name = var_name}
+ # var_ident = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
+ # var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 1, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_ident = var_ident}
= (var, {heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap})
buildFreeVar0 :: !String !*Heaps -> (!FreeVar, !*Heaps)
buildFreeVar0 name heaps=:{hp_var_heap}
# (var_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty hp_var_heap
- # var_name = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
- # var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_name = var_name}
+ # var_ident = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
+ # var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_ident = var_ident}
= (var, {heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap})
@@ -3938,9 +3938,9 @@ buildFreeVars names heaps = mapSt buildFreeVar names heaps
// create expression from a variable
buildBoundVarExpr :: !FreeVar !*Heaps -> (!Expression, !FreeVar, !*Heaps)
-buildBoundVarExpr free_var=:{fv_info_ptr, fv_name, fv_count} heaps=:{hp_expression_heap, hp_var_heap}
+buildBoundVarExpr free_var=:{fv_info_ptr, fv_ident, fv_count} heaps=:{hp_expression_heap, hp_var_heap}
# (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty hp_expression_heap
- # expr = Var {var_name = fv_name, var_expr_ptr = expr_info_ptr, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr }
+ # expr = Var {var_ident = fv_ident, var_expr_ptr = expr_info_ptr, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr }
# hp_var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression expr) hp_var_heap
# heaps = { heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap }
= (expr, {free_var & fv_count = fv_count + 1}, heaps)
@@ -4082,7 +4082,7 @@ mapExprSt f expr st = f expr st
copyFunDef :: !FunDef !Index !Index !*Heaps -> (!FunDef, !*Heaps)
-copyFunDef fun_def=:{fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_body,fun_info} fun_index group_index gs_heaps
+copyFunDef fun_def=:{fun_ident,fun_arity,fun_body,fun_info} fun_index group_index gs_heaps
# (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}) = fun_body
# (fresh_arg_vars, gs_heaps) = copy_vars tb_args gs_heaps
@@ -4096,7 +4096,7 @@ copyFunDef fun_def=:{fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_body,fun_info} fun_index group_index
# fun_def =
{ fun_def
// & fun_index = fun_index
- //, fun_symb = makeIdent "zzzzzzzzzzzz"
+ //, fun_ident = makeIdent "zzzzzzzzzzzz"
& fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = fresh_arg_vars, tb_rhs = copied_rhs }
, fun_info =
{ fun_info
@@ -4108,7 +4108,7 @@ copyFunDef fun_def=:{fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_body,fun_info} fun_index group_index
copy_vars vars heaps
# (fresh_vars, heaps) = copyVars vars heaps
- # infos = [VI_Variable fv_name fv_info_ptr\\ {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} <- fresh_vars]
+ # infos = [VI_Variable fv_ident fv_info_ptr\\ {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} <- fresh_vars]
# heaps = setVarInfos vars infos heaps
= (fresh_vars, heaps)
diff --git a/frontend/generics1.icl b/frontend/generics1.icl
index 79c5b70..ef5e590 100644
--- a/frontend/generics1.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics1.icl
@@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ where
dump_funs n funs
| n == size funs
= funs
- #! ({fun_symb, fun_type, fun_body}, funs) = funs ! [n]
+ #! ({fun_ident, fun_type, fun_body}, funs) = funs ! [n]
#! funs = funs
- //---> ("icl function ", fun_symb, n, fun_type, fun_body)
+ //---> ("icl function ", fun_ident, n, fun_type, fun_body)
= dump_funs (inc n) funs
dump_dcl_modules n dcl_modules
| n == size dcl_modules
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ where
dump_dcl_funs n dcl_funs dcl_modules
| n == size dcl_funs
= dcl_modules
- # {ft_symb, ft_type} = dcl_funs.[n]
+ # {ft_ident, ft_type} = dcl_funs.[n]
= dump_dcl_funs (inc n) dcl_funs dcl_modules
- //---> ("dcl function", ft_symb, n, ft_type)
+ //---> ("dcl function", ft_ident, n, ft_type)
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ where
#! modules = {modules & [n].com_generic_defs = com_generic_defs}
= clear_module (inc n) modules heaps
- clear_generic_def _ generic_def=:{gen_name,gen_info_ptr} heaps=:{hp_generic_heap}
+ clear_generic_def _ generic_def=:{gen_ident,gen_info_ptr} heaps=:{hp_generic_heap}
#! (gen_info, hp_generic_heap) = readPtr gen_info_ptr hp_generic_heap
#! gen_info =
{ gen_info
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ buildGenericRepresentations gs=:{gs_main_module, gs_modules, gs_funs, gs_groups}
on_gencase index
- case_def=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_index={glob_module,glob_object}, type_name},
- gc_name, gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index, gc_pos}
+ case_def=:{gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_index={glob_module,glob_object}, type_ident},
+ gc_ident, gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index, gc_pos}
(funs_and_groups, gs=:{gs_modules, gs_td_infos, gs_funs})
#! (type_def, gs_modules) = gs_modules![glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
#! (td_info, gs_td_infos) = gs_td_infos![glob_module, glob_object]
@@ -283,16 +283,16 @@ where
-> case type_def.td_rhs of
SynType _
- # gs_error = reportError gc_name gc_pos ("cannot derive a generic instance for a synonym type " +++ type_def.td_name.id_name) gs.gs_error
+ # gs_error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos ("cannot derive a generic instance for a synonym type " +++ type_def.td_ident.id_name) gs.gs_error
-> (funs_and_groups, {gs & gs_error = gs_error})
AbstractType _
- # gs_error = reportError gc_name gc_pos ("cannot derive a generic instance for an abstract type " +++ type_def.td_name.id_name) gs.gs_error
+ # gs_error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos ("cannot derive a generic instance for an abstract type " +++ type_def.td_ident.id_name) gs.gs_error
-> (funs_and_groups, {gs & gs_error = gs_error})
-> case td_info.tdi_gen_rep of
Yes _
-> (funs_and_groups, gs)
- //---> ("generic representation is already built", type_name)
+ //---> ("generic representation is already built", type_ident)
#! (gen_type_rep, funs_and_groups, gs)
= buildGenericTypeRep type_def_gi funs_and_groups gs
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ where
#! gs_td_infos = {gs_td_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = td_info}
# gs = {gs & gs_td_infos = gs_td_infos }
-> (funs_and_groups, gs)
- //---> ("build generic representation", type_name)
+ //---> ("build generic representation", type_ident)
on_gencase _ _ st = st
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ buildGenericTypeRep type_index funs_and_groups
, gs_exprh = hp_expression_heap
= ({gtr_type=atype,gtr_iso=iso_fun_ds}, funs_and_groups, gs)
- //---> ("buildGenericTypeRep", type_def.td_name, atype)
+ //---> ("buildGenericTypeRep", type_def.td_ident, atype)
// the structure type
@@ -417,25 +417,25 @@ buildStructType ::
, (!*Modules, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
buildStructType {gi_module,gi_index} cons_infos predefs (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
- # (type_def=:{td_name}, modules) = modules![gi_module].com_type_defs.[gi_index]
+ # (type_def=:{td_ident}, modules) = modules![gi_module].com_type_defs.[gi_index]
//# (common_defs, modules) = modules ! [gi_module]
= build_type type_def cons_infos (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildStructureType", td_name, atype)
+ //---> ("buildStructureType", td_ident, atype)
- build_type {td_rhs=AlgType alts, td_name, td_pos} cons_infos st
- # (cons_args, st) = zipWithSt (build_alt td_name td_pos) alts cons_infos st
+ build_type {td_rhs=AlgType alts, td_ident, td_pos} cons_infos st
+ # (cons_args, st) = zipWithSt (build_alt td_ident td_pos) alts cons_infos st
= (build_sum_type cons_args, st)
- build_type {td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor}, td_name, td_pos} [cdi] st
- = build_alt td_name td_pos rt_constructor cdi st
+ build_type {td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor}, td_ident, td_pos} [cdi] st
+ = build_alt td_ident td_pos rt_constructor cdi st
- {td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor}, td_name, td_pos}
+ {td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor}, td_ident, td_pos}
[{ci_cons_info, ci_field_infos}]
(modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
# ({cons_type={st_args}}, modules) = modules![gi_module].com_cons_defs.[rt_constructor.ds_index]
- # (args, st) = mapSt (convertATypeToGenTypeStruct td_name td_pos predefs) st_args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ # (args, st) = mapSt (convertATypeToGenTypeStruct td_ident td_pos predefs) st_args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
# args = SwitchGenericInfo [GTSField fi arg \\ arg <- args & fi <- ci_field_infos] args
@@ -444,19 +444,19 @@ where
= (type, st)
- build_type {td_rhs=SynType type,td_name, td_pos} cons_infos common_defs st
- = convertATypeToGenTypeStruct td_name td_pos type st
+ build_type {td_rhs=SynType type,td_ident, td_pos} cons_infos common_defs st
+ = convertATypeToGenTypeStruct td_ident td_pos type st
- build_type {td_rhs=SynType type,td_name, td_pos} cons_infos (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
- # error = reportError td_name td_pos "cannot build a generic representation of a synonym type" error
+ build_type {td_rhs=SynType type,td_ident, td_pos} cons_infos (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ # error = reportError td_ident td_pos "cannot build a generic representation of a synonym type" error
= (GTSE, (modules, td_infos, heaps, error))
- build_type td=:{td_rhs=(AbstractType _),td_name, td_arity, td_args, td_pos} cdis (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
- # error = reportError td_name td_pos "cannot build a generic representation of an abstract type" error
+ build_type td=:{td_rhs=(AbstractType _),td_ident, td_arity, td_args, td_pos} cdis (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ # error = reportError td_ident td_pos "cannot build a generic representation of an abstract type" error
= (GTSE, (modules, td_infos, heaps, error))
- build_alt td_name td_pos cons_def_sym=:{ds_index} {ci_cons_info} (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ build_alt td_ident td_pos cons_def_sym=:{ds_index} {ci_cons_info} (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
# ({cons_type={st_args}}, modules) = modules![gi_module].com_cons_defs.[ds_index]
- # (args, st) = mapSt (convertATypeToGenTypeStruct td_name td_pos predefs) st_args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ # (args, st) = mapSt (convertATypeToGenTypeStruct td_ident td_pos predefs) st_args (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
# prod_type = build_prod_type args
# type = SwitchGenericInfo (GTSCons ci_cons_info prod_type) prod_type
= (type, st)
@@ -533,12 +533,12 @@ buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs = AlgType alts} main_module_index predefs
buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields}} main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
= buildTypeDefInfo2 td_module td [rt_constructor] [x\\x<-:rt_fields] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
-buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs = SynType type, td_name, td_pos} main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
- # error = reportError td_name td_pos "cannot build constructor uinformation for a synonym type" error
+buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs = SynType type, td_ident, td_pos} main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ # error = reportError td_ident td_pos "cannot build constructor uinformation for a synonym type" error
= buildTypeDefInfo2 td_module td [] [] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
-buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs = AbstractType _, td_name, td_pos} main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
- # error = reportError td_name td_pos "cannot build constructor uinformation for an abstract type" error
+buildTypeDefInfo td_module td=:{td_rhs = AbstractType _, td_ident, td_pos} main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
+ # error = reportError td_ident td_pos "cannot build constructor uinformation for an abstract type" error
= buildTypeDefInfo2 td_module td [] [] main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
buildTypeDefInfo2 td_module td alts fields main_module_index predefs funs_and_groups modules heaps error
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ where
dummy_ds = {ds_index = -1, ds_arity = 0, ds_ident = makeIdent "<dummy_generic_info>"}
dummy = (dummy_ds, repeatn (length alts) dummy_ds)
-buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module {td_name, td_pos, td_arity} alts fields main_module_index predefs (fun_index, group_index, funs, groups) modules heaps error
+buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module {td_ident, td_pos, td_arity} alts fields main_module_index predefs (fun_index, group_index, funs, groups) modules heaps error
# num_conses = length alts
# num_fields = length fields
@@ -565,11 +565,11 @@ buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module {td_name, td_pos, td_arity} alts fields main_module_
# group = {group_members = [fun_index .. new_fun_index - 1]}
# new_groups = [group:groups]
- # type_def_dsc_ds = {ds_arity=0, ds_ident=makeIdent("tdi_"+++td_name.id_name), ds_index=type_def_dsc_index}
+ # type_def_dsc_ds = {ds_arity=0, ds_ident=makeIdent("tdi_"+++td_ident.id_name), ds_index=type_def_dsc_index}
# cons_dsc_dss = [ {ds_arity=0, ds_ident=makeIdent("cdi_"+++ds_ident.id_name), ds_index=i} \\
{ds_ident} <- alts & i <- cons_dsc_indexes]
- # field_dsc_dss = [ {ds_arity=0, ds_ident=makeIdent("fdi_"+++fs_name.id_name), ds_index=i} \\
- {fs_name} <- fields & i <- field_dsc_indexes]
+ # field_dsc_dss = [ {ds_arity=0, ds_ident=makeIdent("fdi_"+++fs_ident.id_name), ds_index=i} \\
+ {fs_ident} <- fields & i <- field_dsc_indexes]
# (type_def_dsc_fun, heaps) = build_type_def_dsc group_index cons_dsc_dss type_def_dsc_ds heaps
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ buildTypeDefInfo1 td_module {td_name, td_pos, td_arity} alts fields main_module_
build_type_def_dsc group_index cons_info_dss {ds_index, ds_ident} heaps
- # td_name_expr = makeStringExpr td_name.id_name
+ # td_name_expr = makeStringExpr td_ident.id_name
# td_arity_expr = makeIntExpr td_arity
# num_conses_expr = makeIntExpr (length alts)
# (cons_info_exprs, heaps) = mapSt (\x st->buildFunApp main_module_index x [] st) cons_info_dss heaps
@@ -615,9 +615,9 @@ where
= (fun, heaps)
build_cons_dsc group_index type_def_info_ds field_dsc_dss cons_info_ds cons_ds (modules, heaps)
- # ({cons_symb, cons_type, cons_priority,cons_index}, modules)
+ # ({cons_ident, cons_type, cons_priority,cons_index}, modules)
= modules! [td_module].com_cons_defs.[cons_ds.ds_index]
- # name_expr = makeStringExpr cons_symb.id_name
+ # name_expr = makeStringExpr cons_ident.id_name
# arity_expr = makeIntExpr cons_type.st_arity
# (prio_expr, heaps) = make_prio_expr cons_priority heaps
# (type_def_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index type_def_info_ds [] heaps
@@ -669,11 +669,11 @@ where
make_expr :: !Type !*Heaps -> (!Expression, !*Heaps)
make_expr (TA type_symb arg_types) heaps
# (arg_exprs, heaps) = mapSt make_expr1 arg_types heaps
- # (type_cons, heaps) = make_type_cons type_symb.type_name.id_name heaps
+ # (type_cons, heaps) = make_type_cons type_symb.type_ident.id_name heaps
= make_apps type_cons arg_exprs heaps
make_expr (TAS type_symb arg_types _) heaps
# (arg_exprs, heaps) = mapSt make_expr1 arg_types heaps
- # (type_cons, heaps) = make_type_cons type_symb.type_name.id_name heaps
+ # (type_cons, heaps) = make_type_cons type_symb.type_ident.id_name heaps
= make_apps type_cons arg_exprs heaps
make_expr (x --> y) heaps
# (x, heaps) = make_expr1 x heaps
@@ -685,18 +685,18 @@ where
# (arg_expr, heaps) = make_expr1 type heaps
# (arrow_expr, heaps) = make_type_cons "(->)" heaps
= make_app arrow_expr arg_expr heaps
- make_expr (CV {tv_name} :@: arg_types) heaps
+ make_expr (CV {tv_ident} :@: arg_types) heaps
# (arg_exprs, heaps) = mapSt make_expr1 arg_types heaps
- # (tv_expr, heaps) = make_type_var tv_name.id_name heaps
+ # (tv_expr, heaps) = make_type_var tv_ident.id_name heaps
= make_apps tv_expr arg_exprs heaps
make_expr (TB bt) heaps
= make_type_cons (toString bt) heaps
- make_expr (TV {tv_name}) heaps
- = make_type_var tv_name.id_name heaps
- make_expr (GTV {tv_name}) heaps
- = make_type_var tv_name.id_name heaps
- make_expr (TQV {tv_name}) heaps
- = make_type_var tv_name.id_name heaps
+ make_expr (TV {tv_ident}) heaps
+ = make_type_var tv_ident.id_name heaps
+ make_expr (GTV {tv_ident}) heaps
+ = make_type_var tv_ident.id_name heaps
+ make_expr (TQV {tv_ident}) heaps
+ = make_type_var tv_ident.id_name heaps
make_expr TE heaps
= make_type_cons "<error>" heaps
make_expr _ heaps
@@ -717,8 +717,8 @@ where
make_arrow x y heaps = buildPredefConsApp PD_CGenTypeArrow [x, y] predefs heaps
make_app x y heaps = buildPredefConsApp PD_CGenTypeApp [x, y] predefs heaps
- build_field_dsc group_index cons_dsc_ds field_dsc_ds {fs_name, fs_index} (modules, heaps)
- # name_expr = makeStringExpr fs_name.id_name
+ build_field_dsc group_index cons_dsc_ds field_dsc_ds {fs_ident, fs_index} (modules, heaps)
+ # name_expr = makeStringExpr fs_ident.id_name
# index_expr = makeIntExpr fs_index
# (cons_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index cons_dsc_ds [] heaps
# (body_expr, heaps)
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ buildConversionIso ::
, !*ErrorAdmin
- type_def=:{td_name, td_pos}
+ type_def=:{td_ident, td_pos}
@@ -785,10 +785,10 @@ buildConversionIso
#! (to_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_dcl_module_n to_fun [] heaps
#! (iso_expr, heaps) = build_iso to_expr from_expr heaps
- #! ident = makeIdent ("iso" +++ td_name.id_name)
+ #! ident = makeIdent ("iso" +++ td_ident.id_name)
#! (def_sym, funs_and_groups) = buildFunAndGroup ident [] iso_expr No main_dcl_module_n td_pos funs_and_groups
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildConversionIso", td_name, let (_,_,fs,_) = funs_and_groups in hd fs)
+ //---> ("buildConversionIso", td_ident, let (_,_,fs,_) = funs_and_groups in hd fs)
build_iso to_expr from_expr heaps
= buildPredefConsApp PD_ConsBimap [to_expr, from_expr] predefs heaps
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ buildConversionTo ::
- type_def=:{td_rhs, td_name, td_index, td_pos}
+ type_def=:{td_rhs, td_ident, td_index, td_pos}
@@ -818,16 +818,16 @@ buildConversionTo
# (arg_expr, arg_var, heaps) = buildVarExpr "x" heaps
# (body_expr, heaps, error) =
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod td_index td_rhs arg_expr heaps error
- # fun_name = makeIdent ("fromGenericTo" +++ td_name.id_name)
+ # fun_name = makeIdent ("fromGenericTo" +++ td_ident.id_name)
| not error.ea_ok
# (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
= (buildFunAndGroup fun_name [] EE No main_module_index td_pos funs_and_groups)
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildConversionTo failed", td_name)
+ //---> ("buildConversionTo failed", td_ident)
# (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
= (buildFunAndGroup fun_name [arg_var] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos funs_and_groups)
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildConversionTo", td_name, let (_,_,fs,_) = funs_and_groups in hd fs)
+ //---> ("buildConversionTo", td_ident, let (_,_,fs,_) = funs_and_groups in hd fs)
// build conversion for type rhs
build_expr_for_type_rhs ::
@@ -846,10 +846,10 @@ where
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod type_def_index (RecordType {rt_constructor}) arg_expr heaps error
= build_expr_for_conses True type_def_mod type_def_index [rt_constructor] arg_expr heaps error
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod type_def_index (AbstractType _) arg_expr heaps error
- #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_name td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for an abstract type" error
+ #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_ident td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for an abstract type" error
= (EE, heaps, error)
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod type_def_index (SynType _) arg_expr heaps error
- #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_name td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for a synonym type" error
+ #! error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition td_ident td_pos) "cannot build isomorphisms for a synonym type" error
= (EE, heaps, error)
// build conversion for constructors of a type def
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ buildConversionFrom ::
- type_def=:{td_rhs, td_name, td_index, td_pos}
+ type_def=:{td_rhs, td_ident, td_index, td_pos}
@@ -949,16 +949,16 @@ buildConversionFrom
# (body_expr, arg_var, heaps, error) =
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod td_rhs heaps error
- # fun_name = makeIdent ("toGenericFrom" +++ td_name.id_name)
+ # fun_name = makeIdent ("toGenericFrom" +++ td_ident.id_name)
| not error.ea_ok
# (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
= (buildFunAndGroup fun_name [] EE No main_module_index td_pos funs_and_groups)
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildConversionFrom failed", td_name)
+ //---> ("buildConversionFrom failed", td_ident)
# (def_sym, funs_and_groups)
= (buildFunAndGroup fun_name [arg_var] body_expr No main_module_index td_pos funs_and_groups)
= (def_sym, funs_and_groups, heaps, error)
- //---> ("buildConversionFrom", td_name, let (_,_,fs,_) = funs_and_groups in hd fs)
+ //---> ("buildConversionFrom", td_ident, let (_,_,fs,_) = funs_and_groups in hd fs)
// build expression for type def rhs
build_expr_for_type_rhs ::
@@ -976,12 +976,12 @@ where
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod (RecordType {rt_constructor}) heaps error
= build_sum True type_def_mod [rt_constructor] heaps error
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod (AbstractType _) heaps error
- #! error = reportError td_name td_pos "cannot build isomorphisms for an abstract type" error
- # dummy_fv = {fv_def_level=(-1), fv_count=0, fv_name=makeIdent "dummy", fv_info_ptr=nilPtr}
+ #! error = reportError td_ident td_pos "cannot build isomorphisms for an abstract type" error
+ # dummy_fv = {fv_def_level=(-1), fv_count=0, fv_ident=makeIdent "dummy", fv_info_ptr=nilPtr}
= (EE, dummy_fv, heaps, error)
build_expr_for_type_rhs type_def_mod (SynType _) heaps error
- #! error = reportError td_name td_pos "cannot build isomorphisms for a synonym type" error
- # dummy_fv = {fv_def_level=(-1), fv_count=0, fv_name=makeIdent "dummy", fv_info_ptr=nilPtr}
+ #! error = reportError td_ident td_pos "cannot build isomorphisms for a synonym type" error
+ # dummy_fv = {fv_def_level=(-1), fv_count=0, fv_ident=makeIdent "dummy", fv_info_ptr=nilPtr}
= (EE, dummy_fv, heaps, error)
// build expression for sums
@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ where
module_index index
- gencase=:{gc_name,gc_generic, gc_type_cons}
+ gencase=:{gc_ident,gc_generic, gc_type_cons}
gs=:{gs_modules, gs_td_infos}
@@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ where
= (KindConst, td_infos)
get_kind_of_type_cons TypeConsArrow td_infos
= (KindArrow [KindConst,KindConst], td_infos)
- get_kind_of_type_cons (TypeConsSymb {type_name, type_index}) td_infos
+ get_kind_of_type_cons (TypeConsSymb {type_ident, type_index}) td_infos
#! ({tdi_kinds}, td_infos) = td_infos ! [type_index.glob_module,type_index.glob_object]
= (if (isEmpty tdi_kinds) KindConst (KindArrow tdi_kinds), td_infos)
get_kind_of_type_cons (TypeConsVar tv) td_infos
@@ -1297,12 +1297,12 @@ where
// - context restrictions on generic variables are not allowed
buildMemberType :: !GenericDef !TypeKind !TypeVar !*GenericState
-> ( !SymbolType, !*GenericState)
-buildMemberType gen_def=:{gen_name,gen_pos,gen_type,gen_vars} kind class_var gs=:{gs_predefs}
+buildMemberType gen_def=:{gen_ident,gen_pos,gen_type,gen_vars} kind class_var gs=:{gs_predefs}
#! (gen_type, gs) = add_bimap_contexts gen_def gs
#! th = {th_vars = gs.gs_tvarh, th_attrs = gs.gs_avarh}
#! (kind_indexed_st, gatvs, th, gs_error)
- = buildKindIndexedType gen_type gen_vars kind gen_name gen_pos th gs.gs_error
+ = buildKindIndexedType gen_type gen_vars kind gen_ident gen_pos th gs.gs_error
#! (member_st, th, gs_error)
= replace_generic_vars_with_class_var kind_indexed_st gatvs kind th gs_error
@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ buildMemberType gen_def=:{gen_name,gen_pos,gen_type,gen_vars} kind class_var gs=
# {th_vars, th_attrs} = th
#! gs = {gs & gs_avarh = th_attrs, gs_tvarh = th_vars, gs_error = gs_error }
= (member_st, gs)
- //---> ("buildMemberType returns", gen_name, kind, member_st)
+ //---> ("buildMemberType returns", gen_ident, kind, member_st)
{gen_type=gen_type=:{st_vars, st_context}, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr}
@@ -1395,18 +1395,18 @@ where
module_index class_index member_index kind
- gen_def=:{gen_name, gen_pos}
+ gen_def=:{gen_ident, gen_pos}
# (class_var, gs_tvarh) = freshTypeVar (makeIdent "class_var") gs_tvarh
#! (member_def, gs)
= build_class_member class_var {gs & gs_tvarh = gs_tvarh}
#! class_def = build_class class_var member_def
= (class_def, member_def, gs)
- //---> ("buildClassAndMember", gen_def.gen_name, kind)
+ //---> ("buildClassAndMember", gen_def.gen_ident, kind)
- class_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gen_def.gen_name kind
- member_ident = genericIdentToMemberIdent gen_def.gen_name kind
+ class_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gen_def.gen_ident kind
+ member_ident = genericIdentToMemberIdent gen_def.gen_ident kind
class_ds = {ds_index = class_index, ds_ident = class_ident, ds_arity = 1}
build_class_member class_var gs=:{gs_varh}
@@ -1422,7 +1422,7 @@ where
= buildMemberType gen_def kind class_var gs
#! member_type = { member_type & st_context = [type_context : member_type.st_context] }
#! member_def = {
- me_symb = member_ident,
+ me_ident = member_ident,
me_class = {glob_module = module_index, glob_object = class_index},
me_offset = 0,
me_type = member_type,
@@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@ where
, ds_index = NoIndex/*index in the type def table, filled in later*/
#! class_def = {
- class_name = class_ident,
+ class_ident = class_ident,
class_arity = 1,
class_args = [class_var],
class_context = [],
@@ -1581,14 +1581,14 @@ where
, !*ErrorAdmin
- convert_gencase module_index gc_index gencase=:{gc_name, gc_type} st
+ convert_gencase module_index gc_index gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_type} st
#! st = build_main_instance module_index gc_index gencase st
#! st = build_shorthand_instances module_index gc_index gencase st
= st
- //---> ("convert gencase", gc_name, gc_type)
+ //---> ("convert gencase", gc_ident, gc_type)
build_main_instance module_index gc_index
- gencase=:{gc_name, gc_kind, gc_generic, gc_pos, gc_type, gc_type_cons, gc_body = GCB_FunIndex fun_index}
+ gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_kind, gc_generic, gc_pos, gc_type, gc_type_cons, gc_body = GCB_FunIndex fun_index}
(dcl_functions, modules, (fun_info, ins_info, fun_defs, td_infos, heaps, error))
#! ({gen_classes}, modules, heaps)
= get_generic_info gc_generic modules heaps
@@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ where
= st
module_index gc_index
- gencase=:{gc_kind=KindArrow kinds, gc_type, gc_generic, gc_name, gc_pos}
+ gencase=:{gc_kind=KindArrow kinds, gc_type, gc_generic, gc_ident, gc_pos}
= foldSt build_shorthand_instance [1 .. length kinds] st
@@ -1682,7 +1682,7 @@ where
= (ins_type, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {th & th_vars = th_vars}, hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap})
- //---> ("instance type for shorthand instance", gc_name, gc_type, ins_type)
+ //---> ("instance type for shorthand instance", gc_ident, gc_type, ins_type)
fill_type_args (TA type_symb_ident=:{type_arity} type_args) new_type_args
#! type_arity = type_arity + length new_type_args
@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ where
{ tc_class = TCClass
{ glob_module=gci_module // the same as icl module
, glob_object =
- { ds_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gc_name gci_kind
+ { ds_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gc_ident gci_kind
, ds_index = gci_class
, ds_arity = 1
@@ -1713,15 +1713,15 @@ where
= (type_context, hp_var_heap)
- build_shorthand_instance_member module_index this_kind gencase=:{gc_generic, gc_name, gc_kind, gc_pos} st class_infos fun_info heaps
+ build_shorthand_instance_member module_index this_kind gencase=:{gc_generic, gc_ident, gc_kind, gc_pos} st class_infos fun_info heaps
#! arg_var_names = ["x" +++ toString i \\ i <- [1..st.st_arity-SwitchGenericInfo 1 0]]
#! (arg_var_exprs, arg_vars, heaps) = buildVarExprs arg_var_names heaps
#! (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty heaps.hp_expression_heap
#! heaps = {heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap}
- #! fun_name = genericIdentToMemberIdent gc_name this_kind
+ #! fun_name = genericIdentToMemberIdent gc_ident this_kind
- # (gen_exprs, heaps) = mapSt (build_generic_app gc_generic gc_name) class_infos heaps
+ # (gen_exprs, heaps) = mapSt (build_generic_app gc_generic gc_ident) class_infos heaps
#! arg_exprs = gen_exprs ++ arg_var_exprs
@@ -1731,7 +1731,7 @@ where
# (body_expr, heaps)
= buildGenericApp gc_generic.gi_module gc_generic.gi_index
- gc_name gc_kind arg_exprs heaps
+ gc_ident gc_kind arg_exprs heaps
#! (st, heaps) = fresh_symbol_type st heaps
@@ -1741,21 +1741,21 @@ where
= (fun_ds, fun_info, heaps)
//---> ("shorthand instance body", body_expr)
- build_generic_app {gi_module, gi_index} gc_name {gci_kind} heaps
+ build_generic_app {gi_module, gi_index} gc_ident {gci_kind} heaps
# (generic_info_expr, heaps) = build_generic_info_expr heaps
- = buildGenericApp gi_module gi_index gc_name gci_kind (SwitchGenericInfo [generic_info_expr] []) heaps
+ = buildGenericApp gi_module gi_index gc_ident gci_kind (SwitchGenericInfo [generic_info_expr] []) heaps
build_generic_info_expr heaps
= buildPredefConsApp PD_NoGenericInfo [] gs_predefs heaps
build_class_instance this_kind class_index gencase member_fun_ds ins_type (ins_index, instances)
- # {gc_pos, gc_name, gc_kind} = gencase
+ # {gc_pos, gc_ident, gc_kind} = gencase
- #! class_name = genericIdentToClassIdent gc_name this_kind
- #! class_ds = {ds_index = class_index, ds_arity=1, ds_ident=class_name}
+ #! class_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gc_ident this_kind
+ #! class_ds = {ds_index = class_index, ds_arity=1, ds_ident=class_ident}
#! ins =
{ ins_class = {glob_module=gs_main_module, glob_object=class_ds}
- , ins_ident = class_name
+ , ins_ident = class_ident
, ins_type = ins_type
, ins_members = {member_fun_ds}
, ins_specials = SP_None
@@ -1790,18 +1790,18 @@ where
update_dcl_function :: !Index !GenericCaseDef !SymbolType !*{#FunType} !*Heaps
-> (!*{#FunType}, !*Heaps)
- update_dcl_function fun_index {gc_name, gc_type_cons} symbol_type dcl_functions heaps
+ update_dcl_function fun_index {gc_ident, gc_type_cons} symbol_type dcl_functions heaps
| fun_index < size dcl_functions
#! (symbol_type, heaps) = fresh_symbol_type symbol_type heaps
#! (fun, dcl_functions) = dcl_functions ! [fun_index]
#! fun =
{ fun
- & ft_symb = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_name gc_type_cons
+ & ft_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident gc_type_cons
, ft_type = symbol_type
#! dcl_functions = { dcl_functions & [fun_index] = fun}
= (dcl_functions, heaps)
- //---> ("update dcl function", fun.ft_symb, fun_index, symbol_type)
+ //---> ("update dcl function", fun.ft_ident, fun_index, symbol_type)
= (dcl_functions, heaps)
//---> ("update dcl function: not in the dcl module", fun_index)
@@ -1817,24 +1817,24 @@ where
!Index !GenericCaseDef !SymbolType
!Index ![Group] !*{#FunDef} !*TypeDefInfos !*{#CommonDefs} !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!Index, ![Group], !*{#FunDef}, !*TypeDefInfos, !*{#CommonDefs}, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
- update_icl_function fun_index gencase=:{gc_name, gc_type_cons, gc_pos} st group_index groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
+ update_icl_function fun_index gencase=:{gc_ident, gc_type_cons, gc_pos} st group_index groups fun_defs td_infos modules heaps error
#! (st, heaps) = fresh_symbol_type st heaps
#! (fun=:{fun_body, fun_arity}, fun_defs) = fun_defs ! [fun_index]
- #! fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_name gc_type_cons
+ #! fun_ident = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident gc_type_cons
= case fun_body of
TransformedBody tb // user defined case
| fun_arity <> st.st_arity
- # error = reportError gc_name gc_pos
+ # error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos
("incorrect arity " +++ toString fun_arity +++ ", expected " +++ toString st.st_arity) error
-> (group_index, groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
#! fun =
{ fun
- & fun_symb = fun_ident
+ & fun_ident = fun_ident
, fun_type = Yes st
#! fun_defs = { fun_defs & [fun_index] = fun }
-> (group_index, groups, fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- //---> ("update_icl_function, TransformedBody", fun.fun_symb, fun_index, st)
+ //---> ("update_icl_function, TransformedBody", fun.fun_ident, fun_index, st)
GeneratedBody // derived case
#! (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
@@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ where
# group = {group_members=[fun_index]}
-> (inc group_index, [group:groups], fun_defs, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
- //---> ("update_icl_function, GeneratedBody", fun.fun_symb, fun_index, st)
+ //---> ("update_icl_function, GeneratedBody", fun.fun_ident, fun_index, st)
_ -> abort "update_icl_function: generic case body\n"
// build wrapping instance for the generic case function
@@ -1864,16 +1864,16 @@ where
// module as the instance itself
build_instance_member module_index gencase st fun_info heaps
- # {gc_name, gc_pos, gc_type_cons, gc_kind, gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index} = gencase
+ # {gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_type_cons, gc_kind, gc_body=GCB_FunIndex fun_index} = gencase
#! arg_var_names = ["x" +++ toString i \\ i <- [1..st.st_arity]]
#! (arg_var_exprs, arg_vars, heaps) = buildVarExprs arg_var_names heaps
#! (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty heaps.hp_expression_heap
#! heaps = {heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap}
- #! fun_name = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_name gc_type_cons
+ #! fun_name = genericIdentToFunIdent gc_ident gc_type_cons
#! expr = App
{ app_symb =
- { symb_name=fun_name
+ { symb_ident=fun_name
, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module=module_index, glob_object=fun_index}
, app_args = arg_var_exprs
@@ -1882,20 +1882,20 @@ where
#! (st, heaps) = fresh_symbol_type st heaps
- #! memfun_name = genericIdentToMemberIdent gc_name gc_kind
+ #! memfun_name = genericIdentToMemberIdent gc_ident gc_kind
#! (fun_ds, fun_info)
= buildFunAndGroup memfun_name arg_vars expr (Yes st) gs_main_module gc_pos fun_info
= (fun_ds, fun_info, heaps)
build_class_instance class_index gencase member_fun_ds ins_type (ins_index, instances)
- # {gc_pos, gc_name, gc_kind} = gencase
+ # {gc_pos, gc_ident, gc_kind} = gencase
- #! class_name = genericIdentToClassIdent gc_name gc_kind
- #! class_ds = {ds_index = class_index, ds_arity=1, ds_ident=class_name}
+ #! class_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gc_ident gc_kind
+ #! class_ds = {ds_index = class_index, ds_arity=1, ds_ident=class_ident}
#! ins =
{ ins_class = {glob_module=gs_main_module, glob_object=class_ds}
- , ins_ident = class_name
+ , ins_ident = class_ident
, ins_type = ins_type
, ins_members = {member_fun_ds}
, ins_specials = SP_None
@@ -1925,12 +1925,12 @@ buildGenericCaseBody ::
, !*Heaps
, !*ErrorAdmin
-buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_name, gc_pos, gc_generic, gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_name,type_index}} st predefs td_infos modules heaps error
+buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index gc=:{gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic, gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_ident,type_index}} st predefs td_infos modules heaps error
// get all the data we need
#! (gen_def, modules)
= modules ! [gc_generic.gi_module].com_generic_defs.[gc_generic.gi_index]
- //---> ("buildGenericCaseBody for", gc_name, type_name, st)
+ //---> ("buildGenericCaseBody for", gc_ident, type_ident, st)
#! (td_info=:{tdi_gen_rep}, td_infos)
= td_infos ! [type_index.glob_module, type_index.glob_object]
# (gen_type_rep=:{gtr_iso, gtr_type}) = case tdi_gen_rep of
@@ -1966,15 +1966,15 @@ where
build_generic_info_arg heaps=:{hp_var_heap}
// generic arg is never referenced in the generated body
#! (fv_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty hp_var_heap
- #! fv = {fv_count = 0, fv_name = makeIdent "geninfo", fv_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel}
+ #! fv = {fv_count = 0, fv_ident = makeIdent "geninfo", fv_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel}
= (fv, {heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap})
- build_arg_vars {gen_name, gen_vars, gen_type} td_args heaps
+ build_arg_vars {gen_ident, gen_vars, gen_type} td_args heaps
#! generated_arg_names
- = [ gen_name.id_name +++ atv_variable.tv_name.id_name \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args]
+ = [ gen_ident.id_name +++ atv_variable.tv_ident.id_name \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args]
#! (generated_arg_exprs, generated_arg_vars, heaps)
= buildVarExprs
- [ gen_name.id_name +++ atv_variable.tv_name.id_name \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args]
+ [ gen_ident.id_name +++ atv_variable.tv_ident.id_name \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args]
#! (original_arg_exprs, original_arg_vars, heaps)
= buildVarExprs
@@ -1984,7 +1984,7 @@ where
// adaptor that converts a function for the generic representation into a
// function for the type itself
- build_adaptor_expr {gc_name, gc_pos} {gen_type, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} {gtr_iso} (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
+ build_adaptor_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos} {gen_type, gen_vars, gen_info_ptr} {gtr_iso} (modules, td_infos, heaps, error)
#! (var_kinds, heaps) = get_var_kinds gen_info_ptr heaps
#! non_gen_var_kinds = drop (length gen_vars) var_kinds
@@ -2045,9 +2045,9 @@ where
= ((non_gen_var, expr), heaps)
// generic function specialzied to the generic representation of the type
- build_specialized_expr {gc_name, gc_pos, gc_generic} gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs state
+ build_specialized_expr {gc_ident, gc_pos, gc_generic} gtr_type td_args generated_arg_exprs state
#! spec_env = [(atv_variable, expr) \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args & expr <- generated_arg_exprs]
- = specializeGeneric gc_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_name gc_pos main_module_index predefs state
+ = specializeGeneric gc_generic gtr_type spec_env gc_ident gc_pos main_module_index predefs state
// the body expression
build_body_expr adaptor_expr specialized_expr []
@@ -2056,9 +2056,9 @@ where
= (adaptor_expr @ [specialized_expr]) @ original_arg_exprs
-//buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_name,gc_pos, gc_generic, gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_index}} st predefs td_infos modules heaps error
-buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_name,gc_pos} st predefs td_infos modules heaps error
- # error = reportError gc_name gc_pos "cannot specialize to this type" error
+//buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_ident,gc_pos, gc_generic, gc_type_cons=TypeConsSymb {type_index}} st predefs td_infos modules heaps error
+buildGenericCaseBody main_module_index {gc_ident,gc_pos} st predefs td_infos modules heaps error
+ # error = reportError gc_ident gc_pos "cannot specialize to this type" error
= (TransformedBody {tb_args=[], tb_rhs=EE}, td_infos, modules, heaps, error)
@@ -2108,8 +2108,8 @@ where
convert_function :: !FunDef (!*Modules, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
-> (!FunDef, (!*Modules, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
- convert_function fun=:{fun_type=Yes symbol_type=:{st_context}, fun_symb, fun_pos} st
- # (has_converted, st_context, st) = convert_contexts fun_symb fun_pos st_context st
+ convert_function fun=:{fun_type=Yes symbol_type=:{st_context}, fun_ident, fun_pos} st
+ # (has_converted, st_context, st) = convert_contexts fun_ident fun_pos st_context st
| has_converted
# fun = {fun & fun_type = Yes {symbol_type & st_context = st_context}}
= (fun, st)
@@ -2164,14 +2164,14 @@ where
= (common_defs, modules, (heaps, error))
- convert_class _ class_def=:{class_name, class_pos, class_context} st
- # (ok, class_context, st) = convert_contexts class_name class_pos class_context st
+ convert_class _ class_def=:{class_ident, class_pos, class_context} st
+ # (ok, class_context, st) = convert_contexts class_ident class_pos class_context st
| ok
# class_def={class_def & class_context = class_context}
= (class_def, st)
= (class_def, st)
- convert_member _ member_def=:{me_symb, me_pos, me_type=me_type=:{st_context}} st
- # (ok, st_context, st) = convert_contexts me_symb me_pos st_context st
+ convert_member _ member_def=:{me_ident, me_pos, me_type=me_type=:{st_context}} st
+ # (ok, st_context, st) = convert_contexts me_ident me_pos st_context st
| ok
# member_def={member_def & me_type = {me_type & st_context = st_context}}
= (member_def, st)
@@ -2189,8 +2189,8 @@ where
= updateArraySt convert_dcl_function dcl_functions (modules, heaps, error)
= (dcl_functions, modules, (heaps, error))
- convert_dcl_function _ fun=:{ft_type=ft_type=:{st_context}, ft_symb, ft_pos} st
- # (ok, st_context, st) = convert_contexts ft_symb ft_pos st_context st
+ convert_dcl_function _ fun=:{ft_type=ft_type=:{st_context}, ft_ident, ft_pos} st
+ # (ok, st_context, st) = convert_contexts ft_ident ft_pos st_context st
| ok
# fun={fun & ft_type = {ft_type & st_context = st_context}}
= (fun, st)
@@ -2259,7 +2259,7 @@ specializeGeneric ::
-> ( !Expression
, !(!*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
-specializeGeneric gen_index type spec_env gen_name gen_pos main_module_index predefs (td_infos, heaps, error)
+specializeGeneric gen_index type spec_env gen_ident gen_pos main_module_index predefs (td_infos, heaps, error)
#! heaps = set_tvs spec_env heaps
#! (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
= specialize type (td_infos, heaps, error)
@@ -2296,7 +2296,7 @@ where
#! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index cons_info_ds [] heaps
#! (expr, heaps) = buildGenericApp
- gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_name
+ gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident
(KindArrow [KindConst]) [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
= (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
@@ -2307,14 +2307,14 @@ where
#! (generic_info_expr, heaps) = buildFunApp main_module_index field_info_ds [] heaps
#! (expr, heaps) = buildGenericApp
- gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_name
+ gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident
(KindArrow [KindConst]) [generic_info_expr, arg_expr] heaps
= (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
specialize type (td_infos, heaps, error)
- #! error = reportError gen_name gen_pos "cannot specialize " error
+ #! error = reportError gen_ident gen_pos "cannot specialize " error
= (EE, (td_infos, heaps, error))
@@ -2329,7 +2329,7 @@ where
# arg_exprs = SwitchGenericInfo [generic_info_expr:arg_exprs] arg_exprs
#! (expr, heaps)
- = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_name kind arg_exprs heaps
+ = buildGenericApp gen_index.gi_module gen_index.gi_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps
= (expr, (td_infos, heaps, error))
@@ -2468,12 +2468,12 @@ where
// generic type var is replaced with a fresh one
- subst_gtv {tv_info_ptr, tv_name} th_vars
- # (tv, th_vars) = freshTypeVar (postfixIdent tv_name postfix) th_vars
+ subst_gtv {tv_info_ptr, tv_ident} th_vars
+ # (tv, th_vars) = freshTypeVar (postfixIdent tv_ident postfix) th_vars
= (tv, writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Type (TV tv)) th_vars)
- subst_attr (TA_Var {av_name, av_info_ptr}) th_attrs
- # (av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (postfixIdent av_name postfix) th_attrs
+ subst_attr (TA_Var {av_ident, av_info_ptr}) th_attrs
+ # (av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (postfixIdent av_ident postfix) th_attrs
= (TA_Var av, writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_Attr (TA_Var av)) th_attrs)
//---> ("(2) writePtr av_info_ptr", ptrToInt av_info_ptr, av)
subst_attr TA_Multi th = (TA_Multi, th)
@@ -2656,13 +2656,13 @@ instance mapTypeSt TypeContext where
freshTypeVar :: !Ident !*TypeVarHeap -> (!TypeVar, !*TypeVarHeap)
freshTypeVar name th_vars
# (info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
- = ({tv_name = name, tv_info_ptr = info_ptr}, th_vars)
+ = ({tv_ident = name, tv_info_ptr = info_ptr}, th_vars)
// allocate fresh attribute variable
freshAttrVar :: !Ident !*AttrVarHeap -> (!AttributeVar, !*AttrVarHeap)
freshAttrVar name th_attrs
# (info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty th_attrs
- = ({av_name = name, av_info_ptr = info_ptr}, th_attrs)
+ = ({av_ident = name, av_info_ptr = info_ptr}, th_attrs)
// take a fresh copy of a SymbolType
@@ -2773,7 +2773,7 @@ where
#! (av_info, th_attrs) = readPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs
#! av = case av_info of
AVI_AttrVar new_ptr -> {av & av_info_ptr = new_ptr}
- //---> ("fresh attr var", av.av_name, ptrToInt av_info_ptr, ptrToInt new_ptr)
+ //---> ("fresh attr var", av.av_ident, ptrToInt av_info_ptr, ptrToInt new_ptr)
_ -> abort ("freshSymbolType, invalid av_info\n" ---> av_info)
= ( av, {th & th_attrs = th_attrs})
@@ -3208,7 +3208,7 @@ makeFunction ident fun_index group_index arg_vars body_expr opt_sym_type main_dc
= abort "makeFunction: free_vars is not empty\n"
#! fun_def =
- { fun_symb = ident
+ { fun_ident = ident
, fun_arity = length arg_vars
, fun_priority = NoPrio
, fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = arg_vars, tb_rhs = body_expr }
@@ -3252,8 +3252,8 @@ where
build_free_var :: !String !*Heaps -> (!FreeVar, !*Heaps)
build_free_var name heaps=:{hp_var_heap}
# (var_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty hp_var_heap
- # var_name = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
- # free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_name = var_name}
+ # var_ident = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
+ # free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_ident = var_ident}
= (free_var, {heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap})
@@ -3292,8 +3292,8 @@ where
build_free_var :: !String !*Heaps -> (!FreeVar, !*Heaps)
build_free_var name heaps=:{hp_var_heap}
# (var_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty hp_var_heap
- # var_name = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
- # free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_name = var_name}
+ # var_ident = { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
+ # free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_ident = var_ident}
= (free_var, {heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap})
@@ -3332,7 +3332,7 @@ buildConsApp cons_mod {ds_ident, ds_index, ds_arity} arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expres
# cons_glob = {glob_module = cons_mod, glob_object = ds_index}
# expr = App {
app_symb = {
- symb_name = ds_ident,
+ symb_ident = ds_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_glob
app_args = arg_exprs,
@@ -3347,7 +3347,7 @@ buildFunApp fun_mod {ds_ident, ds_index} arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
# fun_glob = {glob_module = fun_mod, glob_object = ds_index}
# expr = App {
app_symb = {
- symb_name = ds_ident,
+ symb_ident = ds_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Function fun_glob
app_args = arg_exprs,
@@ -3368,12 +3368,12 @@ buildPredefFunApp predef_index args predefs heaps
buildGenericApp :: !Index !Index !Ident !TypeKind ![Expression] !*Heaps
-> (!Expression, !*Heaps)
-buildGenericApp gen_module gen_index gen_name kind arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
+buildGenericApp gen_module gen_index gen_ident kind arg_exprs heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
# (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty hp_expression_heap
# glob_index = {glob_module = gen_module, glob_object = gen_index}
# expr = App {
app_symb = {
- symb_name = gen_name,
+ symb_ident = gen_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Generic glob_index kind
app_args = arg_exprs,
@@ -3388,7 +3388,7 @@ buildPredefConsApp predef_index args predefs heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}
# pds_ident = predefined_idents.[predef_index]
# global_index = {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def}
# symb_ident =
- { symb_name = pds_ident
+ { symb_ident = pds_ident
, symb_kind = SK_Constructor global_index
# (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty hp_expression_heap
@@ -3453,11 +3453,11 @@ buildVarExpr ::
buildVarExpr name heaps=:{hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap}
# (expr_info_ptr, hp_expression_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty hp_expression_heap
# (var_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty hp_var_heap
- # var_name = makeIdent name
- # var = Var {var_name = var_name, var_expr_ptr = expr_info_ptr, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr }
+ # var_ident = makeIdent name
+ # var = Var {var_ident = var_ident, var_expr_ptr = expr_info_ptr, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr }
# hp_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Expression var) hp_var_heap
# heaps = { heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap }
- # fv = {fv_count = 1/* if 0, trans crashes*/, fv_name = var_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel}
+ # fv = {fv_count = 1/* if 0, trans crashes*/, fv_ident = var_ident, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel}
= (var, fv, heaps)
buildVarExprs [] heaps = ([], [], heaps)
@@ -3667,12 +3667,12 @@ instance == FunCall where (==) (FunCall x _) (FunCall y _) = x == y
collectCalls :: !Index !Expression -> [FunCall]
collectCalls current_module expr = removeDup (foldExpr get_call expr [])
- get_call (App {app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_name}}) indexes
+ get_call (App {app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_ident}}) indexes
| glob_module == current_module
= [FunCall glob_object NotALevel : indexes]
- //---> ("collect call ", symb_name, glob_object)
+ //---> ("collect call ", symb_ident, glob_object)
= indexes
- //---> ("do not collect call ", symb_name, glob_module, glob_object)
+ //---> ("do not collect call ", symb_ident, glob_module, glob_object)
get_call _ indexes = indexes
// collects variables and computes the refernce counts
@@ -3687,8 +3687,8 @@ collectVars expr arg_vars
# arg_vars = [ {v & fv_count = 0} \\ v <- arg_vars]
= foldExpr collect_vars expr (arg_vars, [], [])
- collect_vars (Var {var_name, var_info_ptr}) (arg_vars, local_vars, free_vars)
- # var = {fv_name = var_name, fv_count = 1, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel}
+ collect_vars (Var {var_ident, var_info_ptr}) (arg_vars, local_vars, free_vars)
+ # var = {fv_ident = var_ident, fv_count = 1, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel}
# (added, arg_vars) = add_var var arg_vars
| added
= (arg_vars, local_vars, free_vars)
diff --git a/frontend/genericsupport.icl b/frontend/genericsupport.icl
index ba2877d..8b62503 100644
--- a/frontend/genericsupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/genericsupport.icl
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ postfixIdent :: !Ident !String -> Ident
postfixIdent {id_name} postfix = makeIdent (id_name +++ postfix)
genericIdentToClassIdent :: !Ident !TypeKind -> Ident
-genericIdentToClassIdent gen_name kind
- = postfixIdent gen_name ("_" +++ kind_to_str kind)
+genericIdentToClassIdent gen_ident kind
+ = postfixIdent gen_ident ("_" +++ kind_to_str kind)
kind_to_str KindConst = "s"
kind_to_str (KindArrow kinds)
@@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ where
kinds_to_str [k:ks] = "o" +++ (kind_to_str k) +++ "c" +++ kinds_to_str ks
genericIdentToMemberIdent :: !Ident !TypeKind -> Ident
-genericIdentToMemberIdent gen_name kind
- = genericIdentToClassIdent gen_name kind
+genericIdentToMemberIdent gen_ident kind
+ = genericIdentToClassIdent gen_ident kind
genericIdentToFunIdent :: !Ident !TypeCons -> Ident
-genericIdentToFunIdent gen_name type_cons
- = postfixIdent gen_name ("_" +++ type_cons_to_str type_cons)
+genericIdentToFunIdent gen_ident type_cons
+ = postfixIdent gen_ident ("_" +++ type_cons_to_str type_cons)
- type_cons_to_str (TypeConsSymb {type_name}) = toString type_name
+ type_cons_to_str (TypeConsSymb {type_ident}) = toString type_ident
type_cons_to_str (TypeConsBasic bt) = toString bt
type_cons_to_str TypeConsArrow = "ARROW"
- type_cons_to_str (TypeConsVar tv) = tv.tv_name.id_name
+ type_cons_to_str (TypeConsVar tv) = tv.tv_ident.id_name
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/main.icl b/frontend/main.icl
index 9b91d14..c11055a 100644
--- a/frontend/main.icl
+++ b/frontend/main.icl
@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ DoCommand ['c':_] argument symbol_heap ms
DoCommand ['m':_] argument symbol_heap ms
# (file_name, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar (dropWhile isSpace argument)
- # mod_name = toString file_name
+ # mod_ident = toString file_name
# dcl_cache=empty_cache symbol_heap
- # (proj, ms) = makeProject { proj_main_module=mod_name,
+ # (proj, ms) = makeProject { proj_main_module=mod_ident,
proj_cache=dcl_cache} ms
= (False, proj.proj_cache.hash_table.hte_symbol_heap, ms)
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ where
(word, rest_input) = SplitAtLayoutChar xs
compileModule :: String *DclCache *MainState -> *(!Optional InterMod,!*DclCache,!*MainState);
-compileModule mod_name dcl_cache ms
- # (mod_ident, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable mod_name IC_Module dcl_cache.hash_table
+compileModule mod_ident dcl_cache ms
+ # (mod_ident, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable mod_ident IC_Module dcl_cache.hash_table
dcl_cache = {dcl_cache & hash_table=hash_table}
= loadModule mod_ident.boxed_ident dcl_cache ms
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ where
| show_types
= show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< '\n' <<< fun_def)
= show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def)
-// = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb)
+// = show_component funs show_types fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_ident)
showComponents2 :: !{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !{! ConsClasses} !*File -> (!*{# FunDef},!*File)
showComponents2 comps comp_index fun_defs acc_args file
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ where
= (fun_defs, file <<< '\n')
show_component [fun:funs] fun_defs acc_args file
#! fd = fun_defs.[fun]
- # file = show_accumulating_arguments acc_args.[fun].cc_args (file <<< fd.fun_symb <<< '.' <<< fun <<< " (")
+ # file = show_accumulating_arguments acc_args.[fun].cc_args (file <<< fd.fun_ident <<< '.' <<< fun <<< " (")
= show_component funs fun_defs acc_args (file <<< ") ")
show_accumulating_arguments [ cc : ccs] file
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ where
#! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
# properties = { form_properties = cAttributed bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }
(Yes ftype) = fun_def.fun_type
- = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_symb <<< " :: " <:: (properties, ftype) <<< '\n' )
+ = show_types funs fun_defs (file <<< fun_def.fun_ident <<< " :: " <:: (properties, ftype) <<< '\n' )
converFileToListOfStrings file_name files error
diff --git a/frontend/mergecases.icl b/frontend/mergecases.icl
index f99dc59..2146fff 100644
--- a/frontend/mergecases.icl
+++ b/frontend/mergecases.icl
@@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ where
(expr, us) = unfold expr ui us
= (expr, us.us_var_heap, us.us_symbol_heap)
- new_variable fv=:{fv_name, fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+ new_variable fv=:{fv_ident, fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- = ({fv & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Variable fv_name new_info_ptr))
+ = ({fv & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Variable fv_ident new_info_ptr))
rebuild_let_expression lad expr var_heap expr_heap
# (rev_let_lazy_binds, var_heap) = foldSt renew_let_var lad.let_lazy_binds ([], var_heap)
@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ where
(expr, us) = unfold expr ui us
= (expr, us.us_var_heap, us.us_symbol_heap)
- build_aliases [var1 : vars1] [ {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} : vars2 ] var_heap
- = build_aliases vars1 vars2 (writePtr var1.fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name fv_info_ptr) var_heap)
+ build_aliases [var1 : vars1] [ {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} : vars2 ] var_heap
+ = build_aliases vars1 vars2 (writePtr var1.fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_ident fv_info_ptr) var_heap)
build_aliases [] [] var_heap
= var_heap
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.icl b/frontend/overloading.icl
index 668b739..bea32b3 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.icl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.icl
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ uniqueError symbol types err
<<< "\" uniqueness specification of instance conflicts with current application "
<:: (format, types, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n'}
-unboxError class_name type err
- # err = errorHeading ("Overloading error of "+++class_name+++" class") err
+unboxError class_ident type err
+ # err = errorHeading ("Overloading error of "+++class_ident+++" class") err
format = { form_properties = cNoProperties, form_attr_position = No }
= { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< ' ' <:: (format, type, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< " instance cannot be unboxed\n"}
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ overloadingError op_symb err
-> str+++" [line "+++toString line_nr+++"]"
= { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " internal overloading of \"" <<< str <<< "\" could not be solved\n" }
-abstractTypeInDynamicError td_name err=:{ea_ok}
+abstractTypeInDynamicError td_ident err=:{ea_ok}
# err = errorHeading "Implementation restriction" err
- = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< (" derived abstract type '" +++ toString td_name +++ "' not permitted in a dynamic") <<< '\n' }
+ = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< (" derived abstract type '" +++ toString td_ident +++ "' not permitted in a dynamic") <<< '\n' }
typeCodeInDynamicError err=:{ea_ok}
# err = errorHeading "Overloading error (warning for now)" err
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ where
= reduce_context {tc & tc_class = TCClass gtc_class} defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
reduce_context {tc_class=TCClass class_symb=:{glob_object={ds_index},glob_module},tc_types} defs
instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
- # {class_members,class_context,class_args,class_name} = defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[ds_index]
+ # {class_members,class_context,class_args,class_ident} = defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[ds_index]
| size class_members > 0
# class_instances = instance_info.[glob_module].[ds_index]
# ({glob_module,glob_object}, contexts, uni_ok, (var_heap, type_heaps), coercion_env) = find_instance tc_types class_instances defs heaps coercion_env
@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ where
# rcs_class_context = { rc_class = class_symb, rc_inst_module = NoIndex, rc_inst_members = {}, rc_types = tc_types, rc_red_contexts = [] }
| glob_module <> NotFound
= ({ rcs_class_context = rcs_class_context, rcs_constraints_contexts = []}, new_contexts,
- special_instances, type_pattern_vars, (var_heap, type_heaps), coercion_env, predef_symbols, uniqueError class_name tc_types error)
+ special_instances, type_pattern_vars, (var_heap, type_heaps), coercion_env, predef_symbols, uniqueError class_ident tc_types error)
= ({ rcs_class_context = rcs_class_context, rcs_constraints_contexts = []}, new_contexts,
- special_instances, type_pattern_vars, (var_heap, type_heaps), coercion_env, predef_symbols, instanceError class_name tc_types error)
+ special_instances, type_pattern_vars, (var_heap, type_heaps), coercion_env, predef_symbols, instanceError class_ident tc_types error)
# (constraints, new_contexts, special_instances, type_pattern_vars, heaps, coercion_env, predef_symbols, error)
= reduce_contexts_in_constraints tc_types class_args class_context defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars
heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
@@ -543,11 +543,11 @@ where
| cPredefinedModuleIndex == glob_module
= error
- #! ({td_name,td_rhs})
+ #! ({td_ident,td_rhs})
= defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
= case td_rhs of
- AbstractType _ -> abstractTypeInDynamicError td_name error
- AbstractSynType _ _ -> abstractTypeInDynamicError td_name error
+ AbstractType _ -> abstractTypeInDynamicError td_ident error
+ AbstractSynType _ _ -> abstractTypeInDynamicError td_ident error
_ -> error
reduce_TC_context type_code_class tc_type new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars var_heap type_heaps error
@@ -625,8 +625,8 @@ addGlobalTCInstance type_of_TC (next_member_index, instances=:[inst : insts])
addGlobalTCInstance type_of_TC (next_member_index, [])
= (next_member_index, (inc next_member_index, [{ gtci_index = next_member_index, gtci_type = type_of_TC }]))
-tryToExpandTypeSyn defs type cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} type_args type_heaps
- # {td_name,td_rhs,td_args,td_attribute} = defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+tryToExpandTypeSyn defs type cons_id=:{type_ident,type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} type_args type_heaps
+ # {td_ident,td_rhs,td_args,td_attribute} = defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
= case td_rhs of
SynType {at_type}
# (_, expanded_type, type_heaps) = substituteType td_attribute TA_Multi td_args type_args at_type type_heaps
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ where
(glob_fun, os_type_heaps) = trySpecializedInstances oc_context oc_specials os_type_heaps
| FoundObject glob_fun
# os_symbol_heap = os_symbol_heap <:= (over_info_ptr, EI_Instance {glob_module = glob_fun.glob_module, glob_object =
- { ds_ident = oc_symbol.symb_name, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = glob_fun.glob_object }} [])
+ { ds_ident = oc_symbol.symb_ident, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = glob_fun.glob_object }} [])
= (reduced_calls, new_contexts, coercion_env, type_pattern_vars, { os & os_type_heaps = os_type_heaps, os_symbol_heap = os_symbol_heap })
| otherwise
# (class_applications, new_contexts, os_special_instances, type_pattern_vars,
@@ -885,8 +885,8 @@ where
selectFromDictionary dict_mod dict_index member_index defs
# (RecordType {rt_fields}) = defs.[dict_mod].com_type_defs.[dict_index].td_rhs
- { fs_name, fs_index } = rt_fields.[member_index]
- = { glob_module = dict_mod, glob_object = { ds_ident = fs_name, ds_index = fs_index, ds_arity = 1 }}
+ { fs_ident, fs_index } = rt_fields.[member_index]
+ = { glob_module = dict_mod, glob_object = { ds_ident = fs_ident, ds_index = fs_index, ds_arity = 1 }}
getDictionaryTypeAndConstructor {glob_module, glob_object = {ds_ident,ds_index}} defs
# {class_dictionary} = defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[ds_index]
@@ -894,19 +894,19 @@ getDictionaryTypeAndConstructor {glob_module, glob_object = {ds_ident,ds_index}}
= (class_dictionary, rt_constructor)
convertOverloadedCall :: !{#CommonDefs} ![TypeContext] !SymbIdent !ExprInfoPtr ![ClassApplication] !(!*Heaps, ![ExprInfoPtr],!*ErrorAdmin) -> (!*Heaps, ![ExprInfoPtr],!*ErrorAdmin)
-convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symb_name,symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module,glob_object}} expr_ptr [class_appl:class_appls] (heaps,ptrs,error)
+convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symb_ident,symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module,glob_object}} expr_ptr [class_appl:class_appls] (heaps,ptrs,error)
# mem_def = defs.[glob_module].com_member_defs.[glob_object]
(class_exprs, heaps_and_ptrs) = convertClassApplsToExpressions defs contexts class_appls (heaps, ptrs)
(inst_expr, (heaps, ptrs)) = adjust_member_application defs contexts mem_def class_appl class_exprs heaps_and_ptrs
= ({ heaps & hp_expression_heap = heaps.hp_expression_heap <:= (expr_ptr, inst_expr)}, ptrs, error)
- adjust_member_application defs contexts {me_symb,me_offset,me_class} (CA_Instance red_contexts) class_exprs heaps_and_ptrs
+ adjust_member_application defs contexts {me_ident,me_offset,me_class} (CA_Instance red_contexts) class_exprs heaps_and_ptrs
# ({glob_module,glob_object}, red_contexts) = find_instance_of_member me_class me_offset red_contexts
(exprs, heaps_and_ptrs) = convertClassApplsToExpressions defs contexts red_contexts heaps_and_ptrs
class_exprs = exprs ++ class_exprs
- = (EI_Instance { glob_module = glob_module, glob_object = { ds_ident = me_symb, ds_arity = length class_exprs, ds_index = glob_object }} class_exprs,
+ = (EI_Instance { glob_module = glob_module, glob_object = { ds_ident = me_ident, ds_arity = length class_exprs, ds_index = glob_object }} class_exprs,
- adjust_member_application defs contexts {me_symb,me_offset,me_class={glob_module,glob_object}} (CA_Context tc) class_exprs (heaps=:{hp_type_heaps}, ptrs)
+ adjust_member_application defs contexts {me_ident,me_offset,me_class={glob_module,glob_object}} (CA_Context tc) class_exprs (heaps=:{hp_type_heaps}, ptrs)
# (class_context, address, hp_type_heaps) = determineContextAddress contexts defs tc hp_type_heaps
{class_dictionary={ds_index,ds_ident}} = defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[glob_object]
selector = selectFromDictionary glob_module ds_index me_offset defs
@@ -928,20 +928,20 @@ where
find_instance_of_member_in_constraints me_class me_offset []
= abort "Error in module overloading: find_instance_of_member_in_constraints\n"
// AA..
-convertOverloadedCall defs contexts symbol=:{symb_name, symb_kind = SK_Generic gen_glob kind} expr_ptr class_appls (heaps, expr_info_ptrs, error)
+convertOverloadedCall defs contexts symbol=:{symb_ident, symb_kind = SK_Generic gen_glob kind} expr_ptr class_appls (heaps, expr_info_ptrs, error)
#! (opt_member_glob, hp_generic_heap) = getGenericMember gen_glob kind defs heaps.hp_generic_heap
#! heaps = { heaps & hp_generic_heap = hp_generic_heap }
= case opt_member_glob of
- # error = checkError ("no generic instances of " +++ toString symb_name +++ " for kind") kind error
+ # error = checkError ("no generic instances of " +++ toString symb_ident +++ " for kind") kind error
-> (heaps, expr_info_ptrs, error)
Yes member_glob -> convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symbol & symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction member_glob} expr_ptr class_appls (heaps, expr_info_ptrs, error)
// ..AA
-convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symb_name,symb_kind = SK_TypeCode} expr_info_ptr class_appls (heaps, ptrs, error)
+convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symb_ident,symb_kind = SK_TypeCode} expr_info_ptr class_appls (heaps, ptrs, error)
# (class_expressions, (heaps, ptrs)) = convertClassApplsToExpressions defs contexts class_appls (heaps, ptrs)
= ({ heaps & hp_expression_heap = heaps.hp_expression_heap <:= (expr_info_ptr, EI_TypeCodes (map expressionToTypeCodeExpression class_expressions))}, ptrs, error)
-convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symb_name} expr_info_ptr appls (heaps,ptrs, error)
+convertOverloadedCall defs contexts {symb_ident} expr_info_ptr appls (heaps,ptrs, error)
# (class_expressions, (heaps, ptrs)) = convertClassApplsToExpressions defs contexts appls (heaps,ptrs)
= ({ heaps & hp_expression_heap = heaps.hp_expression_heap <:= (expr_info_ptr, EI_Context class_expressions)}, ptrs, error)
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ where
# mem_offset = dec mem_offset
{ds_ident,ds_index} = ins_members.[mem_offset]
mem_expr = App { app_symb = {
- symb_name = ds_ident,
+ symb_ident = ds_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_object = ds_index, glob_module = mod_index }
app_args = class_arguments,
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ where
build_dictionary class_symbol instance_types dictionary_args defs expr_heap ptrs
# (dict_type, dict_cons) = getDictionaryTypeAndConstructor class_symbol defs
- record_symbol = { symb_name = dict_cons.ds_ident,
+ record_symbol = { symb_ident = dict_cons.ds_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module = class_symbol.glob_module, glob_object = dict_cons.ds_index}
dict_type_symbol = MakeTypeSymbIdent {glob_module = class_symbol.glob_module, glob_object = dict_type.ds_index} dict_type.ds_ident dict_type.ds_arity
@@ -1035,18 +1035,18 @@ where
rc_record = App { app_symb = record_symbol, app_args = dictionary_args, app_info_ptr = app_info_ptr }
= (rc_record, expr_heap, [app_info_ptr : ptrs])
- bind_shared_dictionary nr_of_members dict=:(Let {let_expr=App {app_symb={symb_name}, app_info_ptr}}) (binds, types, rev_dicts, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ bind_shared_dictionary nr_of_members dict=:(Let {let_expr=App {app_symb={symb_ident}, app_info_ptr}}) (binds, types, rev_dicts, var_heap, expr_heap)
# (EI_DictionaryType class_type, expr_heap) = readPtr app_info_ptr expr_heap
(var_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- fv = { fv_name = symb_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = nr_of_members }
- var = { var_name = symb_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+ fv = { fv_ident = symb_ident, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = nr_of_members }
+ var = { var_ident = symb_ident, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
= ([{lb_src = dict, lb_dst = fv, lb_position = NoPos } : binds ], [ AttributedType class_type : types ],
[Var var : rev_dicts], var_heap, expr_heap)
- bind_shared_dictionary nr_of_members dict=:(App {app_symb={symb_name}, app_info_ptr}) (binds, types, rev_dicts, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ bind_shared_dictionary nr_of_members dict=:(App {app_symb={symb_ident}, app_info_ptr}) (binds, types, rev_dicts, var_heap, expr_heap)
# (EI_DictionaryType class_type, expr_heap) = readPtr app_info_ptr expr_heap
(var_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- fv = { fv_name = symb_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = nr_of_members }
- var = { var_name = symb_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+ fv = { fv_ident = symb_ident, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = nr_of_members }
+ var = { var_ident = symb_ident, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
= ([{lb_src = dict, lb_dst = fv, lb_position = NoPos} : binds ], [ AttributedType class_type : types ], [Var var : rev_dicts], var_heap, expr_heap)
bind_shared_dictionary nr_of_members dict (binds, types, rev_dicts, var_heap, expr_heap)
= (binds, types, [dict : rev_dicts], var_heap, expr_heap)
@@ -1100,8 +1100,8 @@ where
getClassVariable :: !Ident !VarInfoPtr !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin -> (!Ident, !VarInfoPtr, !*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
getClassVariable symb var_info_ptr var_heap error
= case (readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap) of
- (VI_ClassVar var_name new_info_ptr count, var_heap)
- -> (var_name, new_info_ptr, var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_ClassVar var_name new_info_ptr (inc count)), error)
+ (VI_ClassVar var_ident new_info_ptr count, var_heap)
+ -> (var_ident, new_info_ptr, var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_ClassVar var_ident new_info_ptr (inc count)), error)
# (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
-> (symb, new_info_ptr, var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_ClassVar symb new_info_ptr 1), overloadingError symb error)
@@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ where
= (fun_defs, fun_env, symbol_heap, type_code_info, var_heap, error, predef_symbols)
update_dynamics [fun:funs] type_pattern_vars fun_defs fun_env symbol_heap type_code_info var_heap error predef_symbols
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
- # {fun_body,fun_symb,fun_info} = fun_def
+ # {fun_body,fun_ident,fun_info} = fun_def
# {fi_group_index, fi_dynamics, fi_local_vars} = fun_info
| isEmpty fi_dynamics
= update_dynamics funs type_pattern_vars fun_defs fun_env symbol_heap type_code_info var_heap error predef_symbols
@@ -1152,9 +1152,9 @@ where
| ok
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
(CheckedType st=:{st_context}, fun_env) = fun_env![fun_index]
- {fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info,fun_arity,fun_symb,fun_pos} = fun_def
+ {fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info,fun_arity,fun_ident,fun_pos} = fun_def
(rev_variables, var_heap) = foldSt determine_class_argument st_context ([], var_heap)
- error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb fun_pos) error
+ error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_ident fun_pos) error
(type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
= convertDynamicTypes fun_info.fi_dynamics (type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
@@ -1205,8 +1205,8 @@ where
= { id_name = "_v" +++ id_name, id_info = nilPtr }
retrieve_class_argument var_info_ptr (args, var_heap)
- # (VI_ClassVar var_name new_info_ptr count, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
- = ([{fv_name = var_name, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = count } : args], var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Empty))
+ # (VI_ClassVar var_ident new_info_ptr count, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = ([{fv_ident = var_ident, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = count } : args], var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Empty))
convertDynamicTypes dyn_ptrs update_info
= foldSt update_dynamic dyn_ptrs update_info
@@ -1214,12 +1214,12 @@ where
update_dynamic dyn_ptr (type_code_info, expr_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
# (dyn_info, expr_heap) = readPtr dyn_ptr expr_heap
= case dyn_info of
- EI_TempDynamicType (Yes {dt_global_vars, dt_uni_vars, dt_type}) loc_dynamics _ _ expr_ptr {symb_name}
+ EI_TempDynamicType (Yes {dt_global_vars, dt_uni_vars, dt_type}) loc_dynamics _ _ expr_ptr {symb_ident}
# (expr_info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap
-> case expr_info of
EI_TypeCodes type_codes
# (type_var_heap, var_heap, error)
- = bind_type_vars_to_type_codes symb_name dt_global_vars type_codes type_code_info.tci_type_var_heap var_heap error
+ = bind_type_vars_to_type_codes symb_ident dt_global_vars type_codes type_code_info.tci_type_var_heap var_heap error
(uni_vars, (type_var_heap, var_heap)) = newTypeVariables dt_uni_vars (type_var_heap, var_heap)
(type_code_expr, (type_code_info,var_heap,error)) = toTypeCodeExpression (add_universal_vars_to_type dt_uni_vars dt_type)
({ type_code_info & tci_type_var_heap = type_var_heap }, var_heap, error)
@@ -1231,23 +1231,23 @@ where
({ type_code_info & tci_type_var_heap = type_var_heap }, var_heap, error)
expr_heap = expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic uni_vars type_code_expr)
-> convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (type_code_info, expr_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
- EI_TempDynamicType No loc_dynamics _ _ expr_ptr {symb_name}
+ EI_TempDynamicType No loc_dynamics _ _ expr_ptr {symb_ident}
# (expr_info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap
-> case expr_info of
EI_TypeCode type_expr
- # (type_expr, (var_heap, error)) = updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_name type_expr (var_heap, error)
+ # (type_expr, (var_heap, error)) = updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_ident type_expr (var_heap, error)
expr_heap = expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic [] type_expr)
-> convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (type_code_info, expr_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
EI_Selection selectors record_var _
- # (_, var_info_ptr, var_heap, error) = getClassVariable symb_name record_var var_heap error
+ # (_, var_info_ptr, var_heap, error) = getClassVariable symb_ident record_var var_heap error
expr_heap = expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic [] (convert_selectors selectors var_info_ptr))
-> convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (type_code_info, expr_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
- EI_TempDynamicPattern type_vars {dt_global_vars, dt_uni_vars, dt_type} loc_dynamics temp_local_vars _ _ expr_ptr {symb_name}
+ EI_TempDynamicPattern type_vars {dt_global_vars, dt_uni_vars, dt_type} loc_dynamics temp_local_vars _ _ expr_ptr {symb_ident}
# (expr_info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap
-> case expr_info of
EI_TypeCodes type_codes
# (type_var_heap, var_heap, error)
- = bind_type_vars_to_type_codes symb_name dt_global_vars type_codes type_code_info.tci_type_var_heap var_heap error
+ = bind_type_vars_to_type_codes symb_ident dt_global_vars type_codes type_code_info.tci_type_var_heap var_heap error
(var_ptrs, (type_pattern_vars, var_heap)) = mapSt addLocalTCInstance temp_local_vars (type_pattern_vars, var_heap)
type_var_heap = bind_type_vars_to_type_var_codes type_vars var_ptrs type_var_heap
(type_code_expr, (type_code_info,var_heap,error)) = toTypeCodeExpression (add_universal_vars_to_type dt_uni_vars dt_type) ({ type_code_info & tci_type_var_heap = type_var_heap },var_heap, error)
@@ -1258,17 +1258,17 @@ where
(type_code_expr, (type_code_info,var_heap,error)) = toTypeCodeExpression (add_universal_vars_to_type dt_uni_vars dt_type) ({ type_code_info & tci_type_var_heap = type_var_heap }, var_heap, error)
-> convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamicPattern var_ptrs type_code_expr), type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
- bind_type_vars_to_type_codes symb_name type_vars type_codes type_var_heap var_heap error
- = fold2St (bind_type_var_to_type_code symb_name) type_vars type_codes (type_var_heap, var_heap, error)
+ bind_type_vars_to_type_codes symb_ident type_vars type_codes type_var_heap var_heap error
+ = fold2St (bind_type_var_to_type_code symb_ident) type_vars type_codes (type_var_heap, var_heap, error)
- bind_type_var_to_type_code symb_name {tv_name,tv_info_ptr} type_code (type_var_heap, var_heap, error)
- # (type_code, (var_heap, error)) = updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_name type_code (var_heap, error)
+ bind_type_var_to_type_code symb_ident {tv_ident,tv_info_ptr} type_code (type_var_heap, var_heap, error)
+ # (type_code, (var_heap, error)) = updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_ident type_code (var_heap, error)
= (type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeCode type_code), var_heap, error)
bind_type_vars_to_type_var_codes type_vars var_ptrs type_var_heap
= fold2St bind_type_var_to_type_var_code type_vars var_ptrs type_var_heap
- bind_type_var_to_type_var_code {tv_name,tv_info_ptr} var_ptr type_var_heap
+ bind_type_var_to_type_var_code {tv_ident,tv_info_ptr} var_ptr type_var_heap
= type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeCode (TCE_Var var_ptr))
add_universal_vars_to_type [] at
@@ -1293,25 +1293,25 @@ where
= (new_var_ptr, (type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeCode (TCE_Var new_var_ptr)), var_heap))
updateFreeVarsOfTCE :: !Ident !TypeCodeExpression (!*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin) -> (!TypeCodeExpression, !(!*VarHeap, *ErrorAdmin))
-updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_name (TCE_Constructor type_index type_cons type_args) var_heap_and_error
- # (type_args, var_heap_and_error) = mapSt (updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_name) type_args var_heap_and_error
+updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_ident (TCE_Constructor type_index type_cons type_args) var_heap_and_error
+ # (type_args, var_heap_and_error) = mapSt (updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_ident) type_args var_heap_and_error
= (TCE_Constructor type_index type_cons type_args, var_heap_and_error)
-updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_name (TCE_Selector selections var_info_ptr) var_heap_and_error
- # (var_info_ptr, var_heap_and_error) = getTCDictionary symb_name var_info_ptr var_heap_and_error
+updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_ident (TCE_Selector selections var_info_ptr) var_heap_and_error
+ # (var_info_ptr, var_heap_and_error) = getTCDictionary symb_ident var_info_ptr var_heap_and_error
= (TCE_Selector selections var_info_ptr, var_heap_and_error)
-updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_name (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr) var_heap_and_error
- # (var_info_ptr, var_heap_and_error) = getTCDictionary symb_name var_info_ptr var_heap_and_error
+updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_ident (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr) var_heap_and_error
+ # (var_info_ptr, var_heap_and_error) = getTCDictionary symb_ident var_info_ptr var_heap_and_error
= (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr, var_heap_and_error)
-updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_name tce var_heap_and_error
+updateFreeVarsOfTCE symb_ident tce var_heap_and_error
= (tce, var_heap_and_error)
-getTCDictionary symb_name var_info_ptr (var_heap, error)
+getTCDictionary symb_ident var_info_ptr (var_heap, error)
# (var_info, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
= case var_info of
- VI_ClassVar var_name new_info_ptr count
- -> (new_info_ptr, (var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_ClassVar var_name new_info_ptr (inc count)), error))
+ VI_ClassVar var_ident new_info_ptr count
+ -> (new_info_ptr, (var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_ClassVar var_ident new_info_ptr (inc count)), error))
- -> (var_info_ptr, (var_heap, overloadingError symb_name error))
+ -> (var_info_ptr, (var_heap, overloadingError symb_ident error))
:: TypeCodeInfo =
{ tci_next_index :: !Index
@@ -1333,17 +1333,17 @@ toTypeCodeConstructor type=:{glob_object=type_index, glob_module=module_index} c
# types
= common_defs.[module_index].com_type_defs
// sanity check ...
- # type_name
- = types.[type_index].td_name.id_name
+ # type_ident
+ = types.[type_index].td_ident.id_name
# tc_type_name
- = types.[tc_type_index].td_name.id_name
- | "TC;" +++ type_name <> tc_type_name
- = fatal "toTypeCodeConstructor" ("name mismatch (" +++ type_name +++ ", " +++ tc_type_name +++ ")")
+ = types.[tc_type_index].td_ident.id_name
+ | "TC;" +++ type_ident <> tc_type_name
+ = fatal "toTypeCodeConstructor" ("name mismatch (" +++ type_ident +++ ", " +++ tc_type_name +++ ")")
// ... sanity check
# ({td_rhs=AlgType [{ds_ident, ds_index}:_]})
= types.[tc_type_index]
# type_constructor
- = { symb_name = ds_ident
+ = { symb_ident = ds_ident
, symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module = module_index, glob_object = ds_index}
= GTT_Constructor type_constructor False
@@ -1397,14 +1397,14 @@ instance toTypeCodeExpression Type where
instance toTypeCodeExpression TypeVar where
- toTypeCodeExpression {tv_name,tv_info_ptr} (tci=:{tci_type_var_heap}, var_heap, error)
+ toTypeCodeExpression {tv_ident,tv_info_ptr} (tci=:{tci_type_var_heap}, var_heap, error)
# (type_info, tci_type_var_heap) = readPtr tv_info_ptr tci_type_var_heap
tci = { tci & tci_type_var_heap = tci_type_var_heap }
= case type_info of
TVI_TypeCode type_code
-> (type_code, (tci,var_heap,error))
- -> abort ("toTypeCodeExpression (TypeVar)" ---> ((ptrToInt tv_info_ptr, tv_name)))
+ -> abort ("toTypeCodeExpression (TypeVar)" ---> ((ptrToInt tv_info_ptr, tv_ident)))
instance toTypeCodeExpression AType
@@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ class updateExpression e :: !Index !e !*UpdateInfo -> (!e, !*UpdateInfo)
instance updateExpression Expression
- updateExpression group_index (App app=:{app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind,symb_name},app_args,app_info_ptr}) ui
+ updateExpression group_index (App app=:{app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind,symb_ident},app_args,app_info_ptr}) ui
# (app_args, ui) = updateExpression group_index app_args ui
| isNilPtr app_info_ptr
= (App { app & app_args = app_args }, ui)
@@ -1445,10 +1445,10 @@ where
| fun_index == NoIndex
-> (App { app & app_args = app_args }, ui)
# (CheckedType {st_context}, ui) = ui!ui_fun_env.[fun_index]
- (app_args, (ui_var_heap, ui_error)) = mapAppendSt (build_context_arg symb_name) st_context app_args (ui.ui_var_heap, ui.ui_error)
+ (app_args, (ui_var_heap, ui_error)) = mapAppendSt (build_context_arg symb_ident) st_context app_args (ui.ui_var_heap, ui.ui_error)
-> (App { app & app_args = app_args }, { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error })
EI_Context context_args
- # (app_args, ui) = adjustClassExpressions symb_name context_args app_args ui
+ # (app_args, ui) = adjustClassExpressions symb_ident context_args app_args ui
#! main_dcl_module_n = ui.ui_x.UpdateInfoX.x_main_dcl_module_n
#! fun_index = get_recursive_fun_index group_index symb_kind main_dcl_module_n ui.ui_fun_defs
| fun_index == NoIndex
@@ -1457,17 +1457,17 @@ where
# (CheckedType {st_context}, ui) = ui!ui_fun_env.[fun_index]
nr_of_context_args = length context_args
nr_of_lifted_contexts = length st_context - nr_of_context_args
- (app_args, (ui_var_heap, ui_error)) = mapAppendSt (build_context_arg symb_name) (take nr_of_lifted_contexts st_context) app_args (ui.ui_var_heap,ui.ui_error)
+ (app_args, (ui_var_heap, ui_error)) = mapAppendSt (build_context_arg symb_ident) (take nr_of_lifted_contexts st_context) app_args (ui.ui_var_heap,ui.ui_error)
-> (App { app & app_args = app_args }, examine_calls context_args {ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error })
EI_Instance inst_symbol context_args
- # (context_args, ui=:{ui_var_heap, ui_error}) = adjustClassExpressions symb_name context_args [] ui
+ # (context_args, ui=:{ui_var_heap, ui_error}) = adjustClassExpressions symb_ident context_args [] ui
-> (build_application inst_symbol context_args app_args app_info_ptr,
examine_calls context_args (new_call inst_symbol.glob_module inst_symbol.glob_object.ds_index
{ ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error }))
EI_Selection selectors record_var context_args
- # (all_args, ui=:{ui_var_heap, ui_error}) = adjustClassExpressions symb_name context_args app_args ui
- (var_name, var_info_ptr, ui_var_heap, ui_error) = getClassVariable symb_name record_var ui_var_heap ui_error
- select_expr = Selection NormalSelector (Var { var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }) selectors
+ # (all_args, ui=:{ui_var_heap, ui_error}) = adjustClassExpressions symb_ident context_args app_args ui
+ (var_ident, var_info_ptr, ui_var_heap, ui_error) = getClassVariable symb_ident record_var ui_var_heap ui_error
+ select_expr = Selection NormalSelector (Var { var_ident = var_ident, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }) selectors
| isEmpty all_args
-> (select_expr, { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error })
-> (select_expr @ all_args, examine_calls context_args
@@ -1478,14 +1478,14 @@ where
# (var_info, var_heap) = readPtr tc_var var_heap
= case var_info of
VI_ForwardClassVar var_info_ptr
- # (var_name, var_info_ptr, var_heap, error) = getClassVariable symb var_info_ptr var_heap error
- -> (Var { var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }, (var_heap, error))
- VI_ClassVar var_name new_info_ptr count
- -> (Var { var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr },
- (var_heap <:= (tc_var, VI_ClassVar var_name new_info_ptr (inc count)), error))
+ # (var_ident, var_info_ptr, var_heap, error) = getClassVariable symb var_info_ptr var_heap error
+ -> (Var { var_ident = var_ident, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }, (var_heap, error))
+ VI_ClassVar var_ident new_info_ptr count
+ -> (Var { var_ident = var_ident, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr },
+ (var_heap <:= (tc_var, VI_ClassVar var_ident new_info_ptr (inc count)), error))
# (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- -> (Var { var_name = symb, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr },
+ -> (Var { var_ident = symb, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr },
(var_heap <:= (tc_var, VI_ClassVar symb new_info_ptr 1), overloadingError symb error))
get_recursive_fun_index :: !Index !SymbKind Int !{# FunDef} -> Index
@@ -1505,7 +1505,7 @@ where
= NoIndex
build_application def_symbol=:{glob_object} context_args orig_args app_info_ptr
- = App {app_symb = { symb_name = glob_object.ds_ident,
+ = App {app_symb = { symb_ident = glob_object.ds_ident,
symb_kind = SK_Function { def_symbol & glob_object = glob_object.ds_index } },
app_args = context_args ++ orig_args, app_info_ptr = app_info_ptr }
@@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ where
examine_calls [expr : exprs] ui
= examine_calls exprs (examine_calls_in_expr expr ui)
- examine_calls_in_expr (App {app_symb = {symb_name,symb_kind}, app_args}) ui
+ examine_calls_in_expr (App {app_symb = {symb_ident,symb_kind}, app_args}) ui
= examine_calls app_args (examine_application symb_kind ui)
examine_calls_in_expr (Let {let_expr,let_lazy_binds}) ui
# ui = examine_calls_in_expr let_expr ui
@@ -1650,8 +1650,8 @@ where
EI_Instance array_select []
-> (ArraySelection array_select expr_ptr index_expr, ui)
EI_Selection selectors record_var context_args
- # (var_name, var_info_ptr, ui_var_heap, ui_error) = getClassVariable ds_ident record_var ui.ui_var_heap ui.ui_error
- -> (DictionarySelection { var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr } selectors expr_ptr index_expr,
+ # (var_ident, var_info_ptr, ui_var_heap, ui_error) = getClassVariable ds_ident record_var ui.ui_var_heap ui.ui_error
+ -> (DictionarySelection { var_ident = var_ident, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr } selectors expr_ptr index_expr,
{ ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error })
updateExpression group_index selection ui
= (selection, ui)
@@ -1680,25 +1680,25 @@ where
updateExpression group_index l ui
= mapSt (updateExpression group_index) l ui
-adjustClassExpressions symb_name exprs tail_exprs ui
- = mapAppendSt (adjustClassExpression symb_name) exprs tail_exprs ui
+adjustClassExpressions symb_ident exprs tail_exprs ui
+ = mapAppendSt (adjustClassExpression symb_ident) exprs tail_exprs ui
- adjustClassExpression symb_name (App app=:{app_args}) ui
- # (app_args, ui) = adjustClassExpressions symb_name app_args [] ui
+ adjustClassExpression symb_ident (App app=:{app_args}) ui
+ # (app_args, ui) = adjustClassExpressions symb_ident app_args [] ui
= (App { app & app_args = app_args }, ui)
- adjustClassExpression symb_name (ClassVariable var_info_ptr) ui=:{ui_var_heap, ui_error}
- # (var_name, var_info_ptr, ui_var_heap, ui_error) = getClassVariable symb_name var_info_ptr ui_var_heap ui_error
- = (Var { var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }, { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error})
- adjustClassExpression symb_name (Selection opt_type expr selectors) ui
- # (expr, ui) = adjustClassExpression symb_name expr ui
+ adjustClassExpression symb_ident (ClassVariable var_info_ptr) ui=:{ui_var_heap, ui_error}
+ # (var_ident, var_info_ptr, ui_var_heap, ui_error) = getClassVariable symb_ident var_info_ptr ui_var_heap ui_error
+ = (Var { var_ident = var_ident, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }, { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error})
+ adjustClassExpression symb_ident (Selection opt_type expr selectors) ui
+ # (expr, ui) = adjustClassExpression symb_ident expr ui
= (Selection opt_type expr selectors, ui)
- adjustClassExpression symb_name tce=:(TypeCodeExpression type_code) ui
+ adjustClassExpression symb_ident tce=:(TypeCodeExpression type_code) ui
# (type_code, ui) = adjust_type_code type_code ui
= (TypeCodeExpression type_code, {ui & ui_has_type_codes = True})
adjust_type_code (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr) ui=:{ui_var_heap,ui_error}
# (var_info_ptr, (ui_var_heap,ui_error))
- = getTCDictionary symb_name var_info_ptr (ui_var_heap, ui_error)
+ = getTCDictionary symb_ident var_info_ptr (ui_var_heap, ui_error)
# ui
= { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error}
= (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr, ui)
@@ -1717,20 +1717,20 @@ where
adjust_type_code type_code ui
= (type_code, ui)
- adjustClassExpression symb_name (Let this_let=:{let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr }) ui
- # (let_strict_binds, ui) = adjust_let_binds symb_name let_strict_binds ui
- (let_lazy_binds, ui) = adjust_let_binds symb_name let_lazy_binds ui
- (let_expr, ui) = adjustClassExpression symb_name let_expr ui
+ adjustClassExpression symb_ident (Let this_let=:{let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr }) ui
+ # (let_strict_binds, ui) = adjust_let_binds symb_ident let_strict_binds ui
+ (let_lazy_binds, ui) = adjust_let_binds symb_ident let_lazy_binds ui
+ (let_expr, ui) = adjustClassExpression symb_ident let_expr ui
= (Let { this_let & let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds, let_expr = let_expr }, ui)
- adjust_let_binds symb_name let_binds ui
- = mapSt (adjust_let_bind symb_name) let_binds ui
+ adjust_let_binds symb_ident let_binds ui
+ = mapSt (adjust_let_bind symb_ident) let_binds ui
- adjust_let_bind symb_name let_bind=:{lb_src} ui
- # (lb_src, ui) = adjustClassExpression symb_name lb_src ui
+ adjust_let_bind symb_ident let_bind=:{lb_src} ui
+ # (lb_src, ui) = adjustClassExpression symb_ident lb_src ui
= ({let_bind & lb_src = lb_src}, ui)
- adjustClassExpression symb_name expr ui
+ adjustClassExpression symb_ident expr ui
= (expr, ui)
let_ptr nr_of_binds ui=:{ui_symbol_heap}
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 57dfa52..971d2df 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ wantModule iclmodule file_id=:{id_name} import_file_position support_generics ha
# hash_table=set_hte_mark 0 hash_table
(No, files)
- -> let mod = { mod_name = file_id, mod_modification_time = "", mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] } in
+ -> let mod = { mod_ident = file_id, mod_modification_time = "", mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] } in
(False, mod, hash_table, error <<< "Error " <<< import_file_position <<< ": " <<< file_name <<< " could not be imported\n", files)
file_name = if iclmodule (id_name +++ ".icl") (id_name +++ ".dcl")
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ where
initModule :: String String ScanState !*HashTable !*File *Files
-> (!Bool, !ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*Files)
initModule file_name modification_time scanState hash_table error files
- # (succ, mod_type, mod_name, scanState) = try_module_header iclmodule scanState
+ # (succ, mod_type, mod_ident, scanState) = try_module_header iclmodule scanState
| succ
# pState = { ps_scanState = scanState
, ps_error = { pea_file = error, pea_ok = True }
@@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ where
, ps_hash_table = hash_table
, ps_support_generics = support_generics
- pState = verify_name mod_name id_name file_name pState
- (mod_ident, pState) = stringToIdent mod_name IC_Module pState
+ pState = verify_name mod_ident id_name file_name pState
+ (mod_ident, pState) = stringToIdent mod_ident IC_Module pState
pState = check_layout_rule pState
(defs, pState) = want_definitions (SetGlobalContext iclmodule) pState
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ where
defs = if (ParseOnly && id_name <> "StdOverloaded" && id_name <> "StdArray" && id_name <> "StdEnum" && id_name <> "StdBool" && id_name <> "StdDynamics" && id_name <> "StdGeneric")
[PD_Import imports \\ PD_Import imports <- defs]
- mod = { mod_name = mod_ident, mod_modification_time = modification_time, mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = defs }
+ mod = { mod_ident = mod_ident, mod_modification_time = modification_time, mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = defs }
= ( ps_error.pea_ok
, mod, ps_hash_table
, ps_error.pea_file
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ where
// otherwise // ~ succ
# ({fp_line}, scanState) = getPosition scanState
- mod = { mod_name = file_id, mod_modification_time = modification_time, mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] }
+ mod = { mod_ident = file_id, mod_modification_time = modification_time, mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] }
= (False, mod, hash_table, error <<< "Error [" <<< file_name <<< ',' <<< fp_line <<< "]: incorrect module header",
closeScanner scanState files)
@@ -497,11 +497,11 @@ where
# pState = wantToken FunctionContext "type argument" GenericCloseToken pState
| ok
-> case type_cons of
- (TypeConsSymb {type_name})
- | type_name == type_CONS_ident
+ (TypeConsSymb {type_ident})
+ | type_ident == type_CONS_ident
# (cons_CONS_ident, pState) = stringToIdent "GenericConsInfo" IC_Expression pState
-> (PE_List [PE_Ident cons_CONS_ident, geninfo_arg], pState)
- | type_name == type_FIELD_ident
+ | type_ident == type_FIELD_ident
# (cons_FIELD_ident, pState) = stringToIdent "GenericFieldInfo" IC_Expression pState
-> (PE_List [PE_Ident cons_FIELD_ident, geninfo_arg], pState)
@@ -534,8 +534,8 @@ where
# (rhs, _, pState) = wantRhs localsExpected (ruleDefiningRhsSymbol parseContext) pState
# generic_case =
- { gc_name = ident
- , gc_gname = generic_ident
+ { gc_ident = ident
+ , gc_gident = generic_ident
, gc_generic = {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
, gc_arity = length args
, gc_pos = pos
@@ -1068,8 +1068,8 @@ wantImports pState
wantFromImports :: !ParseState -> (!ParsedImport, !ParseState)
wantFromImports pState
- # (mod_name, pState) = wantModuleName pState
- (mod_ident, pState) = stringToIdent mod_name IC_Module pState
+ # (mod_ident, pState) = wantModuleName pState
+ (mod_ident, pState) = stringToIdent mod_ident IC_Module pState
pState = wantToken GeneralContext "from imports" ImportToken pState
(file_name, line_nr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
(import_symbols, pState) = wantSequence CommaToken GeneralContext pState
@@ -1139,12 +1139,12 @@ want_2_0_import_declaration token pState
-> (ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes members), pState)
-> (ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } No, tokenBack pState)
- # (class_name, pState) = want pState
+ # (class_ident, pState) = want pState
// (ii_extended, pState) = optional_extension pState // MW: removed but still not ok
ii_extended = False
(types, pState) = wantList "instance types" tryBrackType pState
- (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
- (inst_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance types) pState
+ (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_ident IC_Class pState
+ (inst_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_ident (IC_Instance types) pState
(context, pState) = optionalContext pState
-> (ID_Instance { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } inst_id (types,context), pState)
IdentToken fun_name
@@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ wantClassDefinition parseContext pos pState
| begin_members
# (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_or_member_name IC_Class pState
(members, pState) = wantDefinitions (SetClassOrInstanceDefsContext parseContext) pState
- class_def = { class_name = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
+ class_def = { class_ident = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
class_context = contexts, class_pos = pos, class_members = {}, class_cons_vars = class_cons_vars,
class_dictionary = { ds_ident = { class_id & id_info = nilPtr }, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = NoIndex},
class_arg_kinds = [] }
@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ wantClassDefinition parseContext pos pState
// otherwise
# pState = tokenBack pState
(class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_or_member_name IC_Class pState
- class_def = { class_name = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
+ class_def = { class_ident = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
class_context = contexts, class_pos = pos, class_members = {}, class_cons_vars = class_cons_vars,
class_dictionary = { ds_ident = { class_id & id_info = nilPtr }, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = NoIndex },
class_arg_kinds = []}
@@ -1268,8 +1268,8 @@ wantClassDefinition parseContext pos pState
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(prio, pState) = optionalPriority cIsInfix token pState
= (cIsNotAClass, member_name, prio, pState)
- # (class_name, pState) = want_name token pState
- = (cMightBeAClass, class_name, NoPrio, pState)
+ # (class_ident, pState) = want_name token pState
+ = (cMightBeAClass, class_ident, NoPrio, pState)
want_name (IdentToken name) pState
= (name, pState)
@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ wantClassDefinition parseContext pos pState
(member_id, pState) = stringToIdent member_name IC_Expression pState
(class_id, pState) = stringToIdent member_name IC_Class pState
member = PD_TypeSpec pos member_id prio (Yes tspec) SP_None
- class_def = { class_name = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
+ class_def = { class_ident = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
class_context = contexts, class_pos = pos, class_members = {}, class_cons_vars = class_cons_vars,
class_dictionary = { ds_ident = { class_id & id_info = nilPtr }, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = NoIndex },
class_arg_kinds = []}
@@ -1306,10 +1306,10 @@ wantClassDefinition parseContext pos pState
wantInstanceDeclaration :: !ParseContext !Position !ParseState -> (!ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
wantInstanceDeclaration parseContext pi_pos pState
- # (class_name, pState) = want pState
- (pi_class, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
+ # (class_ident, pState) = want pState
+ (pi_class, pState) = stringToIdent class_ident IC_Class pState
((pi_types, pi_context), pState) = want_instance_type pState
- (pi_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance pi_types) pState
+ (pi_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_ident (IC_Instance pi_types) pState
// AA..
# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ wantInstanceDeclaration parseContext pi_pos pState
// otherwise // ~ (isIclContext parseContext)
| token == CommaToken
# (pi_types_and_contexts, pState) = want_instance_types pState
- (idents, pState) = seqList [stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance type) \\ (type,context) <- pi_types_and_contexts] pState
+ (idents, pState) = seqList [stringToIdent class_ident (IC_Instance type) \\ (type,context) <- pi_types_and_contexts] pState
= (PD_Instances
// [ { pi_class = pi_class, pi_ident = pi_ident, pi_types = type, pi_context = context // voor martin
[ { pi_class = pi_class, pi_ident = ident, pi_types = type, pi_context = context
@@ -1401,9 +1401,9 @@ where
build_contexts [] types arity pState
= ([], pState)
- build_contexts [class_name : class_names] types arity pState
+ build_contexts [class_ident : class_names] types arity pState
# (contexts, pState) = build_contexts class_names types arity pState
- (class_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
+ (class_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_ident IC_Class pState
tc_class = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol class_ident NoIndex (length types), glob_module = NoIndex }
= ([{ tc_class = tc_class, tc_types = types, tc_var = nilPtr } : contexts], pState)
@@ -1476,13 +1476,13 @@ optionalCoercions pState
# (more_inequals, pState) = want_inequalities pState
= (inequals ++ more_inequals, pState)
= (inequals, tokenBack pState)
- want_attr_inequality (IdentToken var_name) pState
- | isLowerCaseName var_name
- # (off_ident, pState) = stringToIdent var_name IC_TypeAttr pState
+ want_attr_inequality (IdentToken var_ident) pState
+ | isLowerCaseName var_ident
+ # (off_ident, pState) = stringToIdent var_ident IC_TypeAttr pState
(token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token == LessThanOrEqualToken
- # (var_name, pState) = wantLowerCaseName "attribute inequality" pState
- (dem_ident, pState) = stringToIdent var_name IC_TypeAttr pState
+ # (var_ident, pState) = wantLowerCaseName "attribute inequality" pState
+ (dem_ident, pState) = stringToIdent var_ident IC_TypeAttr pState
ai_demanded = makeAttributeVar dem_ident
= (ai_demanded, [{ ai_demanded = ai_demanded, ai_offered = makeAttributeVar off_ident }], pState)
# (ai_demanded, inequals, pState) = want_attr_inequality token pState
@@ -1516,8 +1516,8 @@ wantGenericDefinition parseContext pos pState
# (type, pState) = want_type pState // SymbolType
# pState = wantEndOfDefinition "generic definition" pState
# gen_def =
- { gen_name = ident
- , gen_member_name = member_ident
+ { gen_ident = ident
+ , gen_member_ident = member_ident
, gen_type = type
, gen_vars = arg_vars
, gen_pos = pos
@@ -1570,8 +1570,8 @@ where
# (generic_ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Generic pState
# (type_cons, pState) = get_type_cons type pState
# derive_def =
- { gc_name = ident
- , gc_gname = generic_ident
+ { gc_ident = ident
+ , gc_gident = generic_ident
, gc_generic = {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
, gc_arity = 0
, gc_pos = pos
@@ -1650,8 +1650,8 @@ where
= (MakeTypeDef ident args (ConsList []) attr contexts pos, annot, pState)
want_type_rhs :: !ParseContext !ParsedTypeDef !Token !Annotation !ParseState -> (ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
- want_type_rhs parseContext td=:{td_name,td_attribute} EqualToken annot pState
- # name = td_name.id_name
+ want_type_rhs parseContext td=:{td_ident,td_attribute} EqualToken annot pState
+ # name = td_ident.id_name
pState = verify_annot_attr annot td_attribute name pState
(exi_vars, pState) = optionalExistentialQuantifiedVariables pState
(token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState // should be TypeContext
@@ -1677,13 +1677,13 @@ where
-> (PD_Type td, parseError "Algebraic type" No ("No lhs strictness annotation for the algebraic type "+name) pState)
want_record_type_rhs name is_boxed_record exi_vars pState
- # (fields, pState) = wantFields td_name pState
+ # (fields, pState) = wantFields td_ident pState
pState = wantToken TypeContext "record type def" CurlyCloseToken pState
(rec_cons_ident, pState) = stringToIdent ("_" + name) IC_Expression pState
= (PD_Type { td & td_rhs = SelectorList rec_cons_ident exi_vars is_boxed_record fields }, pState)
want_type_rhs parseContext td=:{td_attribute} ColonDefinesToken annot pState // type Macro
- # name = td.td_name.id_name
+ # name = td.td_ident.id_name
pState = verify_annot_attr annot td_attribute name pState
(atype, pState) = want pState // Atype
td = {td & td_rhs = TypeSpec atype}
@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@ where
want_type_rhs parseContext td=:{td_attribute} token=:DefinesColonToken annot pState
| isIclContext parseContext
= (PD_Erroneous, parseError "type RHS" (Yes token) "type definition" pState)
- # name = td.td_name.id_name
+ # name = td.td_ident.id_name
(atype, pState) = want pState // Atype
# (td_attribute, properties) = determine_properties annot td_attribute
td = {td & td_rhs = AbstractTypeSpec properties atype, td_attribute=td_attribute}
@@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@ where
# (td_attribute, properties) = determine_properties annot td_attribute
# td = { td & td_attribute = td_attribute, td_rhs = EmptyRhs properties}
= (PD_Type td, tokenBack pState)
- # name = td.td_name.id_name
+ # name = td.td_ident.id_name
= (PD_Type { td & td_rhs = EmptyRhs cAllBitsClear}, parseError "abstract type" No ("type attribute "+toString td_attribute+" for abstract type "+name+" is not") (tokenBack pState))
verify_annot_attr :: !Annotation !TypeAttribute !String !ParseState -> ParseState
@@ -1735,9 +1735,9 @@ where
want_constructor_list :: ![ATypeVar] !Token !ParseState -> (.[ParsedConstructor],ParseState)
want_constructor_list exi_vars token pState
# token = basic_type_to_constructor token
- # (pc_cons_name, pc_cons_prio, pc_cons_pos, pState) = want_cons_name_and_prio token pState
+ # (pc_cons_ident, pc_cons_prio, pc_cons_pos, pState) = want_cons_name_and_prio token pState
(pc_arg_types, pState) = parseList tryBrackSAType pState
- cons = { pc_cons_name = pc_cons_name, pc_arg_types = atypes_from_satypes pc_arg_types, pc_args_strictness=strictness_from_satypes pc_arg_types, pc_cons_arity = length pc_arg_types,
+ cons = { pc_cons_ident = pc_cons_ident, pc_arg_types = atypes_from_satypes pc_arg_types, pc_args_strictness=strictness_from_satypes pc_arg_types, pc_cons_arity = length pc_arg_types,
pc_cons_prio = pc_cons_prio, pc_exi_vars = exi_vars, pc_cons_pos = pc_cons_pos}
(token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token == BarToken
@@ -1784,7 +1784,7 @@ where
basic_type_to_constructor DynamicTypeToken = IdentToken "Dynamic"
basic_type_to_constructor token = token
-makeAttributeVar name :== { av_name = name, av_info_ptr = nilPtr }
+makeAttributeVar name :== { av_ident = name, av_info_ptr = nilPtr }
optionalAnnot :: !ParseState -> (!Bool,!Annotation, !ParseState)
optionalAnnot pState
@@ -1889,13 +1889,13 @@ wantFields record_type pState
want_field record_type pState
# (field_name, pState) = wantLowerCaseName "record field" pState
(fname, linenr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
- (ps_field_name, pState) = stringToIdent field_name (IC_Field record_type) pState
- (ps_selector_name, pState) = stringToIdent field_name IC_Selector pState
+ (ps_field_ident, pState) = stringToIdent field_name (IC_Field record_type) pState
+ (ps_selector_ident, pState) = stringToIdent field_name IC_Selector pState
(ps_field_var, pState) = stringToIdent field_name IC_Expression pState
pState = wantToken TypeContext "record field" DoubleColonToken pState
// (ps_field_type, pState) = want pState // wantAType
(annotation,ps_field_type, pState) = wantAnnotatedAType pState
- = ({ ps_field_name = ps_field_name, ps_selector_name = ps_selector_name, ps_field_type = ps_field_type,
+ = ({ ps_field_ident = ps_field_ident, ps_selector_ident = ps_selector_ident, ps_field_type = ps_field_type,
ps_field_annotation = annotation,
ps_field_var = ps_field_var, ps_field_pos = LinePos fname linenr}, pState)
@@ -2023,10 +2023,10 @@ where
// Sjaak 210801 ...
adjustAttribute :: !TypeAttribute Type *ParseState -> (!TypeAttribute, !*ParseState)
-adjustAttribute attr (TV {tv_name}) pState
- = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr tv_name pState
-adjustAttribute attr (GTV {tv_name}) pState
- = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr tv_name pState
+adjustAttribute attr (TV {tv_ident}) pState
+ = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr tv_ident pState
+adjustAttribute attr (GTV {tv_ident}) pState
+ = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr tv_ident pState
adjustAttribute attr type pState
= (attr, pState)
@@ -2230,8 +2230,8 @@ convertAAType [atype:atypes] attr pState
# (attr, pState) = determAttr_ attr atype.at_attribute type pState
determAttr_ :: !TypeAttribute !TypeAttribute !Type !ParseState -> (!TypeAttribute, !ParseState)
- determAttr_ TA_None (TA_Var {av_name}) (TV {tv_name}) pState
- | av_name.id_name==tv_name.id_name
+ determAttr_ TA_None (TA_Var {av_ident}) (TV {tv_ident}) pState
+ | av_ident.id_name==tv_ident.id_name
= (TA_Anonymous,pState)
determAttr_ attr1 attr2 type pState
= determAttr attr1 attr2 type pState
@@ -2496,7 +2496,7 @@ tryQuantifiedTypeVar pState
(succ, attr, pState) = try_attribute token pState
| succ
# (typevar, pState) = wantTypeVar pState
- (attr, pState) = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr typevar.tv_name pState
+ (attr, pState) = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr typevar.tv_ident pState
= (True, {atv_attribute = attr, atv_variable = typevar}, pState)
# (succ, typevar, pState) = tryTypeVarT token pState
| succ
diff --git a/frontend/partition.icl b/frontend/partition.icl
index 46a0288..8c42f11 100644
--- a/frontend/partition.icl
+++ b/frontend/partition.icl
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ where
= visit_functions funs (min min_dep mark) max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
visit_functions [MacroCall module_index fc_index _:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
- = abort ("visit_functions "+++toString fd.fun_symb+++" "+++toString module_index+++" "+++toString fc_index)
+ = abort ("visit_functions "+++toString fd.fun_ident+++" "+++toString module_index+++" "+++toString fc_index)
visit_functions [DclFunCall module_index fc_index:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
= visit_functions funs min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ where
= visit_functions funs (min min_dep mark) max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
visit_functions [MacroCall module_index fc_index _:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
- = abort ("visit_functions "+++toString fd.fun_symb+++" "+++toString module_index+++" "+++toString fc_index)
+ = abort ("visit_functions "+++toString fd.fun_ident+++" "+++toString module_index+++" "+++toString fc_index)
visit_functions [DclFunCall module_index fc_index:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
= visit_functions funs min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs pi
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ where
= visit_functions funs (min min_dep mark) max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi
visit_functions [MacroCall module_index fc_index _:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi
- = abort ("visit_functions "+++toString fd.fun_symb+++" "+++toString module_index+++" "+++toString fc_index)
+ = abort ("visit_functions "+++toString fd.fun_ident+++" "+++toString module_index+++" "+++toString fc_index)
visit_functions [DclFunCall module_index fc_index:funs] min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi
= visit_functions funs min_dep max_fun_nr fun_defs fun_heap pi
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ import StdDebug
ref_null fd=:{fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}} pi_collect
// | not (fst (ferror (stderr <<< fd)))
-// # tb_args = tb_args ---> ("ref_null",fd.fun_symb,tb_args,tb_rhs)
+// # tb_args = tb_args ---> ("ref_null",fd.fun_ident,tb_args,tb_rhs)
# (new_rhs, new_args, _, _, pi_collect) = determineVariablesAndRefCounts tb_args tb_rhs pi_collect
# fd = {fd & fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args=new_args,tb_rhs=new_rhs}}
= (fd,pi_collect)
diff --git a/frontend/postparse.icl b/frontend/postparse.icl
index 9bfba72..deb4e0a 100644
--- a/frontend/postparse.icl
+++ b/frontend/postparse.icl
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ addFunctionsRange fun_defs ca
MakeNewImpOrDefFunction name arity body kind prio opt_type pos
- :== { fun_symb = name, fun_arity = arity, fun_priority = prio, fun_type = opt_type, fun_kind = kind,
+ :== { fun_ident = name, fun_arity = arity, fun_priority = prio, fun_type = opt_type, fun_kind = kind,
fun_body = ParsedBody body, fun_pos = pos, fun_lifted = 0, fun_info = EmptyFunInfo }
class collectFunctions a :: a Bool !*CollectAdmin -> (a, !*CollectAdmin)
@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ where
# (range, ca) = addFunctionsRange [transformLambda lam_ident args res pos] ca
= (PE_Let cIsStrict (CollectedLocalDefs { loc_functions = range, loc_nodes = [], loc_in_icl_module=icl_module })
(PE_Ident lam_ident), ca)
- collectFunctions (PE_Record rec_expr type_name fields) icl_module ca
+ collectFunctions (PE_Record rec_expr type_ident fields) icl_module ca
# ((rec_expr,fields), ca) = collectFunctions (rec_expr,fields) icl_module ca
- = (PE_Record rec_expr type_name fields, ca)
+ = (PE_Record rec_expr type_ident fields, ca)
collectFunctions (PE_Tuple exprs) icl_module ca
# (exprs, ca) = collectFunctions exprs icl_module ca
= (PE_Tuple exprs, ca)
@@ -1045,12 +1045,12 @@ where
try_to_find mod_id []
= (False,MK_None)
try_to_find mod_id [pmod : pmods]
- | mod_id == pmod.mod_name
+ | mod_id == pmod.mod_ident
= (True,pmod.mod_type)
= try_to_find mod_id pmods
MakeEmptyModule name mod_type
- :== { mod_name = name, mod_modification_time = "", mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs =
+ :== { mod_ident = name, mod_modification_time = "", mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs =
{ def_types = [], def_constructors = [], def_selectors = [], def_classes = [], def_macro_indices={ir_from=0,ir_to=0},
def_macros=[],def_members = [], def_funtypes = [], def_instances = [],
def_generics = [], def_generic_cases = []} }
@@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ parseAndScanDclModule dcl_module import_file_position parsed_modules cached_modu
# ca = {ca & ca_hash_table=ca_hash_table, ca_error={pea_file=err_file,pea_ok=True} }
| parse_ok
= scan_dcl_module mod parsed_modules searchPaths modtimefunction files ca
- = (False, [MakeEmptyModule mod.mod_name MK_None: parsed_modules],files, ca)
+ = (False, [MakeEmptyModule mod.mod_ident MK_None: parsed_modules],files, ca)
scan_dcl_module :: ParsedModule [ScannedModule] !SearchPaths (ModTimeFunction *Files) *Files *CollectAdmin -> (Bool, [ScannedModule],*Files, *CollectAdmin)
scan_dcl_module mod=:{mod_defs = pdefs} parsed_modules searchPaths modtimefunction files ca
@@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ where
scanModule :: !ParsedModule ![Ident] !Bool !Bool !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths (ModTimeFunction *Files) !*Files
-> (!Bool, !ScannedModule, !IndexRange, ![FunDef], !Optional ScannedModule, ![ScannedModule],!Int,!Int,!*HashTable, !*File, !*Files)
-scanModule mod=:{mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs = pdefs} cached_modules support_generics support_dynamics hash_table err_file searchPaths /*predefs*/ modtimefunction files
+scanModule mod=:{mod_ident,mod_type,mod_defs = pdefs} cached_modules support_generics support_dynamics hash_table err_file searchPaths /*predefs*/ modtimefunction files
# predefIdents = predefined_idents
# ca = { ca_error = {pea_file = err_file, pea_ok = True}
, ca_fun_count = 0
@@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ scanModule mod=:{mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs = pdefs} cached_modules support_gene
(reorganise_icl_ok, ca) = ca!ca_error.pea_ok
(import_dcl_ok, optional_parsed_dcl_mod,dcl_module_n,parsed_modules, cached_modules,files, ca)
- = scan_main_dcl_module mod_name mod_type modtimefunction files ca
+ = scan_main_dcl_module mod_ident mod_type modtimefunction files ca
(import_dcls_ok, parsed_modules, files, ca)
= scanModules imports parsed_modules cached_modules searchPaths support_generics support_dynamics modtimefunction files ca
@@ -1135,30 +1135,30 @@ scanModule mod=:{mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs = pdefs} cached_modules support_gene
= (reorganise_icl_ok && pea_ok && import_dcl_ok && import_dcls_ok, mod, fun_range, fun_defs, optional_dcl_mod, modules, dcl_module_n,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,hash_table, err_file, files)
scan_main_dcl_module :: Ident ModuleKind (ModTimeFunction *Files) *Files *CollectAdmin -> (!Bool,!Optional (Module (CollectedDefinitions (ParsedInstance FunDef) [FunDef])),!Int,![ScannedModule],![Ident],!*Files,!*CollectAdmin)
- scan_main_dcl_module mod_name MK_Main _ files ca
- = (True, No,NoIndex,[MakeEmptyModule mod_name MK_NoMainDcl], cached_modules,files, ca)
- scan_main_dcl_module mod_name MK_None _ files ca
+ scan_main_dcl_module mod_ident MK_Main _ files ca
+ = (True, No,NoIndex,[MakeEmptyModule mod_ident MK_NoMainDcl], cached_modules,files, ca)
+ scan_main_dcl_module mod_ident MK_None _ files ca
= (True, No,NoIndex,[], cached_modules,files, ca)
- scan_main_dcl_module mod_name kind modtimefunction files ca
+ scan_main_dcl_module mod_ident kind modtimefunction files ca
# module_n_in_cache = in_cache 0 cached_modules;
in_cache module_n []
= NoIndex
in_cache module_n [cached_module_ident : pmods]
- | mod_name==cached_module_ident
+ | mod_ident==cached_module_ident
= module_n
= in_cache (module_n+1) pmods
| module_n_in_cache<>NoIndex
= (True,No,module_n_in_cache,[],cached_modules,files,ca)
# {ca_error, ca_hash_table} = ca
- # (parse_ok, mod, hash_table, err_file, /*predefs,*/ files) = wantModule cWantDclFile mod_name NoPos support_generics ca_hash_table ca_error.pea_file searchPaths modtimefunction files
+ # (parse_ok, mod, hash_table, err_file, /*predefs,*/ files) = wantModule cWantDclFile mod_ident NoPos support_generics ca_hash_table ca_error.pea_file searchPaths modtimefunction files
# ca = {ca & ca_hash_table=hash_table, ca_error={pea_file=err_file,pea_ok=True}}
| not parse_ok
= (False, No,NoIndex, [],cached_modules, files, ca)
# pdefs = mod.mod_defs
# (_, defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganiseDefinitionsAndAddTypes support_dynamics False pdefs ca
# mod = { mod & mod_imports = imports, mod_imported_objects = imported_objects, mod_defs = defs}
- # cached_modules = [mod.mod_name:cached_modules]
+ # cached_modules = [mod.mod_ident:cached_modules]
# (import_ok, parsed_modules,files, ca) = scanModules imports [] cached_modules searchPaths support_generics support_dynamics modtimefunction files ca
= (import_ok, Yes mod, NoIndex,parsed_modules, cached_modules,files, ca)
@@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ where
= (pea_ok,Yes mod,ca)
collect_main_dcl_module No dcl_module_n ca
| dcl_module_n==NoIndex
- = (True,Yes (MakeEmptyModule mod_name MK_None),ca)
+ = (True,Yes (MakeEmptyModule mod_ident MK_None),ca)
= (True,No,ca)
MakeNewParsedDef ident args rhs pos
@@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ collectFunctionBodies fun_name fun_arity fun_prio fun_kind defs ca
collectGenericBodies :: !GenericCaseDef ![ParsedDefinition] !*CollectAdmin
-> (![ParsedBody], ![ParsedDefinition], !*CollectAdmin)
collectGenericBodies first_case all_defs=:[PD_GenericCase gc : defs] ca
- | first_case.gc_name == gc.gc_name && first_case.gc_type_cons == gc.gc_type_cons
+ | first_case.gc_ident == gc.gc_ident && first_case.gc_type_cons == gc.gc_type_cons
#! (bodies, rest_defs, ca) = collectGenericBodies first_case defs ca
# (GCB_ParsedBody args rhs) = gc.gc_body
#! body =
@@ -1292,18 +1292,18 @@ reorganiseDefinitions icl_module [PD_Type type_def=:{td_rhs = ConsList cons_defs
= (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca)
determine_symbols_of_conses :: [ParsedConstructor] Index -> ([DefinedSymbol], Index)
- determine_symbols_of_conses [{pc_cons_name,pc_cons_arity} : conses] next_cons_index
- # cons = { ds_ident = pc_cons_name, ds_arity = pc_cons_arity, ds_index = next_cons_index }
+ determine_symbols_of_conses [{pc_cons_ident,pc_cons_arity} : conses] next_cons_index
+ # cons = { ds_ident = pc_cons_ident, ds_arity = pc_cons_arity, ds_index = next_cons_index }
(conses, next_cons_index) = determine_symbols_of_conses conses (inc next_cons_index)
= ([cons : conses], next_cons_index)
determine_symbols_of_conses [] next_cons_index
= ([], next_cons_index)
-reorganiseDefinitions icl_module [PD_Type type_def=:{td_name, td_rhs = SelectorList rec_cons_id exivars is_boxed_record sel_defs, td_pos } : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count type_count ca
+reorganiseDefinitions icl_module [PD_Type type_def=:{td_ident, td_rhs = SelectorList rec_cons_id exivars is_boxed_record sel_defs, td_pos } : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count type_count ca
# (sel_syms, new_count) = determine_symbols_of_selectors sel_defs sel_count
(fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganiseDefinitions icl_module defs (inc cons_count) new_count mem_count (type_count+1) ca
cons_arity = new_count - sel_count
pc_arg_types = [ ps_field_type \\ {ps_field_type} <- sel_defs ]
- cons_def = { pc_cons_name = rec_cons_id, pc_cons_prio = NoPrio, pc_cons_arity = cons_arity, pc_cons_pos = td_pos,
+ cons_def = { pc_cons_ident = rec_cons_id, pc_cons_prio = NoPrio, pc_cons_arity = cons_arity, pc_cons_pos = td_pos,
pc_arg_types = pc_arg_types, pc_args_strictness=strictness_from_fields sel_defs,pc_exi_vars = exivars }
type_def = { type_def & td_rhs = RecordType {rt_constructor = { ds_ident = rec_cons_id, ds_arity = cons_arity, ds_index = cons_count },
rt_fields = { sel \\ sel <- sel_syms }, rt_is_boxed_record = is_boxed_record}}
@@ -1312,8 +1312,8 @@ reorganiseDefinitions icl_module [PD_Type type_def=:{td_name, td_rhs = SelectorL
= (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca)
determine_symbols_of_selectors :: [ParsedSelector] Index -> ([FieldSymbol], Index)
- determine_symbols_of_selectors [{ps_field_name,ps_field_var} : sels] next_selector_index
- # field = { fs_name = ps_field_name, fs_var = ps_field_var, fs_index = next_selector_index }
+ determine_symbols_of_selectors [{ps_field_ident,ps_field_var} : sels] next_selector_index
+ # field = { fs_ident = ps_field_ident, fs_var = ps_field_var, fs_index = next_selector_index }
(fields, next_selector_index) = determine_symbols_of_selectors sels (inc next_selector_index)
= ([field : fields], next_selector_index)
determine_symbols_of_selectors [] next_selector_index
@@ -1333,8 +1333,8 @@ reorganiseDefinitions icl_module [PD_Type type_def=:{td_rhs = AbstractTypeSpec p
type_def = { type_def & td_rhs = AbstractSynType properties type }
c_defs = { c_defs & def_types = [type_def : c_defs.def_types] }
= (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca)
-reorganiseDefinitions icl_module [PD_Class class_def=:{class_name,class_arity,class_args} members : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count type_count ca
- # type_context = { tc_class = TCClass {glob_module = NoIndex, glob_object = {ds_ident = class_name, ds_arity = class_arity, ds_index = NoIndex }},
+reorganiseDefinitions icl_module [PD_Class class_def=:{class_ident,class_arity,class_args} members : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count type_count ca
+ # type_context = { tc_class = TCClass {glob_module = NoIndex, glob_object = {ds_ident = class_ident, ds_arity = class_arity, ds_index = NoIndex }},
tc_types = [ TV tv \\ tv <- class_args ], tc_var = nilPtr}
(mem_defs, mem_macros, ca) = check_symbols_of_class_members members type_context ca
(mem_symbs, mem_defs, class_size) = reorganise_member_defs mem_defs mem_count
@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ where
check_symbols_of_class_members [PD_TypeSpec pos name prio opt_type=:(Yes type=:{st_context,st_arity}) specials : defs] type_context ca
# (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name st_arity prio FK_Unknown defs ca
| isEmpty bodies
- # mem_def = { me_symb = name, me_type = { type & st_context = [type_context : st_context ]}, me_pos = pos, me_priority = prio,
+ # mem_def = { me_ident = name, me_type = { type & st_context = [type_context : st_context ]}, me_pos = pos, me_priority = prio,
me_offset = NoIndex, me_class_vars = [], me_class = { glob_module = NoIndex, glob_object = NoIndex}, me_type_ptr = nilPtr }
( mem_defs, mem_macros, ca) = check_symbols_of_class_members defs type_context ca
= ([mem_def : mem_defs], mem_macros, ca)
@@ -1385,9 +1385,9 @@ where
= determine_indexes_of_class_members mem_defs first_mem_index 0
determine_indexes_of_class_members :: [MemberDef] Index Index -> ([DefinedSymbol], [MemberDef], Index)
- determine_indexes_of_class_members [member=:{me_symb,me_type}:members] first_mem_index mem_offset
+ determine_indexes_of_class_members [member=:{me_ident,me_type}:members] first_mem_index mem_offset
#! (member_symbols, member_defs, last_mem_offset) = determine_indexes_of_class_members members first_mem_index (inc mem_offset)
- = ([{ds_ident = me_symb, ds_index = first_mem_index + mem_offset, ds_arity = me_type.st_arity } : member_symbols],
+ = ([{ds_ident = me_ident, ds_index = first_mem_index + mem_offset, ds_arity = me_type.st_arity } : member_symbols],
[ { member & me_offset = mem_offset } : member_defs], last_mem_offset)
determine_indexes_of_class_members [] first_mem_index last_mem_offset
= ([], [], last_mem_offset)
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ reorganiseDefinitions icl_module [PD_GenericCase gc : defs] cons_count sel_count
, pb_position = gc.gc_pos
#! bodies = [body : bodies ]
- #! fun_name = genericIdentToFunIdent gc.gc_name gc.gc_type_cons
+ #! fun_name = genericIdentToFunIdent gc.gc_ident gc.gc_type_cons
#! fun = MakeNewImpOrDefFunction fun_name gc.gc_arity bodies (FK_Function cNameNotLocationDependent) NoPrio No gc.gc_pos
#! inst = { gc & gc_body = GCB_FunDef fun }
#! c_defs = {c_defs & def_generic_cases = [inst : c_defs.def_generic_cases]}
@@ -1480,37 +1480,37 @@ reorganiseDefinitionsAndAddTypes support_dynamics icl_module defs ca
addTypeConstructors [def : defs] rev_defs ca
= addTypeConstructors defs [def : rev_defs] ca
-addTypeConstructor def=:{td_name, td_attribute, td_attrs, td_args, td_arity, td_pos} ca=:{ca_hash_table}
- # tc_name = "TC;" +++ td_name.id_name
+addTypeConstructor def=:{td_ident, td_attribute, td_attrs, td_args, td_arity, td_pos} ca=:{ca_hash_table}
+ # tc_name = "TC;" +++ td_ident.id_name
# ({boxed_ident=tc_cons_ident}, ca_hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable tc_name IC_Expression ca_hash_table
# ({boxed_ident=tc_type_ident}, ca_hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable tc_name IC_Type ca_hash_table
- = (def, type_tc_def tc_type_ident tc_cons_ident td_name td_attribute td_attrs td_args
+ = (def, type_tc_def tc_type_ident tc_cons_ident td_ident td_attribute td_attrs td_args
td_arity td_pos, { ca & ca_hash_table = ca_hash_table })
- type_tc_def type_ident cons_ident type_name attr attrs args arity position
- = { td_name = type_ident
+ type_tc_def ident cons_ident type_ident attr attrs args arity position
+ = { td_ident = ident
, td_index = NoIndex
, td_arity = arity
, td_args = args
, td_attrs = attrs
, td_context = []
- , td_rhs = ConsList [type_tc_cons cons_ident type_name args arity position]
+ , td_rhs = ConsList [type_tc_cons cons_ident type_ident args arity position]
, td_attribute = attr
, td_pos = position
, td_used_types = []
- type_tc_cons cons_ident type_name args arity position
- = { pc_cons_name = cons_ident
+ type_tc_cons cons_ident type_ident args arity position
+ = { pc_cons_ident = cons_ident
, pc_cons_arity = 1
, pc_exi_vars = []
- , pc_arg_types = [type type_name args arity]
+ , pc_arg_types = [type type_ident args arity]
, pc_args_strictness = NotStrict
, pc_cons_prio = NoPrio
, pc_cons_pos = position
- type type_name args arity
+ type type_ident args arity
= { at_attribute = TA_None
- , at_type = TA (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent type_name arity)
+ , at_type = TA (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent type_ident arity)
[{at_attribute = TA_None, at_type = TV arg.atv_variable} \\ arg <- args]
diff --git a/frontend/predef.icl b/frontend/predef.icl
index 7dc659a..1354f25 100644
--- a/frontend/predef.icl
+++ b/frontend/predef.icl
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ predefined_idents
build_variables var_number max_arity idents
| var_number == max_arity
= idents
- # var_name = "a" +++ toString var_number
- # idents = {idents & [PD_TypeVar_a0 + var_number] = i var_name}
+ # var_ident = "a" +++ toString var_number
+ # idents = {idents & [PD_TypeVar_a0 + var_number] = i var_ident}
= build_variables (inc var_number) max_arity idents
init_identifiers :: !*SymbolTable !*World -> (!*SymbolTable,!*World)
@@ -467,13 +467,13 @@ make_list_definition list_type_pre_def_symbol_index cons_pre_def_symbol_index ni
nil_ident = predefined_idents.[nil_pre_def_symbol_index]
list_ident = predefined_idents.[list_type_pre_def_symbol_index]
- cons_symb = { ds_ident = cons_ident, ds_arity = 2, ds_index = cons_pre_def_symbol_index-FirstConstructorPredefinedSymbolIndex }
+ cons_ds = { ds_ident = cons_ident, ds_arity = 2, ds_index = cons_pre_def_symbol_index-FirstConstructorPredefinedSymbolIndex }
nil_symb = { ds_ident = nil_ident, ds_arity=0 ,ds_index = nil_pre_def_symbol_index-FirstConstructorPredefinedSymbolIndex }
- (list_def, pre_def_symbols) = make_type_def list_type_pre_def_symbol_index [type_var] (AlgType [cons_symb,nil_symb]) pre_def_symbols
+ (list_def, pre_def_symbols) = make_type_def list_type_pre_def_symbol_index [type_var] (AlgType [cons_ds,nil_symb]) pre_def_symbols
list_type = MakeAttributedType (TA (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent list_ident 1) [type_var_with_attr])
- cons_def = { pc_cons_name = cons_ident, pc_cons_arity = 2, pc_arg_types = [type_var_with_attr, list_type],
+ cons_def = { pc_cons_ident = cons_ident, pc_cons_arity = 2, pc_arg_types = [type_var_with_attr, list_type],
pc_args_strictness=cons_strictness, pc_cons_prio = NoPrio, pc_exi_vars = [], pc_cons_pos = PreDefPos pre_mod_id}
- nil_def = { pc_cons_name = nil_ident, pc_cons_arity = 0, pc_arg_types = [], pc_args_strictness=NotStrict,
+ nil_def = { pc_cons_ident = nil_ident, pc_cons_arity = 0, pc_arg_types = [], pc_args_strictness=NotStrict,
pc_cons_prio = NoPrio, pc_exi_vars = [], pc_cons_pos = PreDefPos pre_mod_id}
= (list_def,ParsedConstructorToConsDef cons_def,ParsedConstructorToConsDef nil_def,pre_def_symbols);
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ buildPredefinedModule pre_def_symbols
(type_defs, cons_defs, pre_def_symbols) = add_tuple_defs pre_mod_ident MaxTupleArity [array_def,strict_def,unboxed_def] [] pre_def_symbols
alias_dummy_type = make_identity_fun_type alias_dummy_ident type_var
(class_def, member_def, pre_def_symbols) = make_TC_class_def pre_def_symbols
- = ({ mod_name = pre_mod_ident, mod_modification_time = "", mod_type = MK_System, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [],
+ = ({ mod_ident = pre_mod_ident, mod_modification_time = "", mod_type = MK_System, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [],
mod_defs = {
def_types = [string_def, list_def,strict_list_def,unboxed_list_def,tail_strict_list_def,strict_tail_strict_list_def,unboxed_tail_strict_list_def,overloaded_list_def : type_defs],
def_constructors = [cons_def,strict_cons_def,unboxed_cons_def,tail_strict_cons_def,strict_tail_strict_cons_def,unboxed_tail_strict_cons_def,overloaded_cons_def,
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ where
tuple_cons_symb = { ds_ident = tuple_ident, ds_index = MakeTupleConsSymbIndex tup_arity, ds_arity = tup_arity }
(tuple_type_def, pre_def_symbols) = make_type_def (GetTupleTypeIndex tup_arity) type_vars (AlgType [tuple_cons_symb]) pre_def_symbols
- tuple_cons_def = { pc_cons_name = tuple_ident, pc_cons_arity = tup_arity, pc_cons_pos = PreDefPos pre_mod_id,
+ tuple_cons_def = { pc_cons_ident = tuple_ident, pc_cons_arity = tup_arity, pc_cons_pos = PreDefPos pre_mod_id,
pc_arg_types = [ MakeAttributedType (TV tv) \\ tv <- type_vars],
pc_args_strictness = NotStrict,
pc_cons_prio = NoPrio, pc_exi_vars = []}
@@ -557,10 +557,10 @@ where
tc_types = [ TV class_var ], tc_var = nilPtr}],
st_attr_vars = [], st_attr_env = [] }
- member_def = { me_symb = tc_member_name, me_type = me_type, me_pos = NoPos, me_priority = NoPrio,
+ member_def = { me_ident = tc_member_name, me_type = me_type, me_pos = NoPos, me_priority = NoPrio,
me_offset = NoIndex, me_class_vars = [], me_class = { glob_module = NoIndex, glob_object = NoIndex}, me_type_ptr = nilPtr }
- class_def = { class_name = tc_class_name, class_arity = 1, class_args = [class_var], class_context = [],
+ class_def = { class_ident = tc_class_name, class_arity = 1, class_args = [class_var], class_context = [],
class_members = {{ds_ident = tc_member_name, ds_index = cTCMemberSymbIndex, ds_arity = 0 }}, class_cons_vars = 0,
class_dictionary = { ds_ident = { tc_class_name & id_info = nilPtr }, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = NoIndex }, class_pos = NoPos,
class_arg_kinds = [] }
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ where
# a = { at_attribute = TA_Anonymous, at_type = TV type_var }
id_symbol_type = { st_vars = [], st_args = [a], st_args_strictness = Strict 1, st_arity = 1, st_result = a, st_context = [],
st_attr_vars = [], st_attr_env = [] } // !.a -> .a
- = { ft_symb = alias_dummy_id, ft_arity = 1, ft_priority = NoPrio, ft_type = id_symbol_type, ft_pos = NoPos,
+ = { ft_ident = alias_dummy_id, ft_arity = 1, ft_priority = NoPrio, ft_type = id_symbol_type, ft_pos = NoPos,
ft_specials = SP_None, ft_type_ptr = nilPtr }
DynamicRepresentation_String :== "DynamicTemp" // "_DynamicTemp"
diff --git a/frontend/refmark.icl b/frontend/refmark.icl
index a452c7b..1034f21 100644
--- a/frontend/refmark.icl
+++ b/frontend/refmark.icl
@@ -47,23 +47,23 @@ contains x [y:ys] = x == y || contains x ys
saveOccurrences free_vars var_heap
= foldSt (foldSt save_occurrence) free_vars var_heap // (free_vars ===> ("saveOccurrences", free_vars)) var_heap
- save_occurrence {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+ save_occurrence {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence old_occ=:{occ_ref_count,occ_previous}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {old_occ & occ_ref_count = RC_Unused, occ_previous = [occ_ref_count : occ_previous] } )
- ===> ("save_occurrence", fv_name, fv_info_ptr, occ_ref_count, length occ_previous)
+ ===> ("save_occurrence", fv_ident, fv_info_ptr, occ_ref_count, length occ_previous)
restoreOccurrences wher free_vars var_heap
= foldSt (foldSt (restore_occurrence wher)) (free_vars ===> ("restoreOccurrences", wher, free_vars)) ([], var_heap)
- restore_occurrence wher fv=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} (occurrences, var_heap)
+ restore_occurrence wher fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} (occurrences, var_heap)
# (VI_Occurrence old_occ=:{occ_ref_count,occ_previous,occ_bind}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
(prev_ref_count, occ_previous) = case occ_previous of
[x : xs]
-> (x, xs)
- -> abort ("restoreOccurrences" /* ---> (fv_name, fv_info_ptr, wher) */)
+ -> abort ("restoreOccurrences" /* ---> (fv_ident, fv_info_ptr, wher) */)
var_heap = var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {old_occ & occ_ref_count = prev_ref_count, occ_previous = occ_previous })
- = case occ_ref_count ===> ("restore_occurrence", fv_name, fv_info_ptr, (occ_ref_count, prev_ref_count, occ_previous)) of
+ = case occ_ref_count ===> ("restore_occurrence", fv_ident, fv_info_ptr, (occ_ref_count, prev_ref_count, occ_previous)) of
-> (occurrences, var_heap)
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ where
= mark_variable pv var_heap
= mark_selected_variable sel pvs var_heap
- mark_variable {pv_var={fv_name,fv_info_ptr}} var_heap
+ mark_variable {pv_var={fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence old_occ=:{occ_ref_count,occ_observing = (_, expr_ptr)}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
- = case occ_ref_count ===> ("mark_variable", fv_name) of
+ = case occ_ref_count ===> ("mark_variable", fv_ident) of
# occ_ref_count = RC_Used {rcu_multiply = [], rcu_selectively = [], rcu_uniquely = [expr_ptr]}
-> var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {old_occ & occ_ref_count = occ_ref_count } )
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ where
-> var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {old_occ & occ_ref_count = occ_ref_count } )
-refMarkOfVariable free_vars sel (VI_Occurrence var_occ) var=:{var_name, var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr} rms=:{rms_var_heap}
+refMarkOfVariable free_vars sel (VI_Occurrence var_occ) var=:{var_ident, var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr} rms=:{rms_var_heap}
# occ_ref_count = adjust_ref_count sel var_occ.occ_ref_count var_expr_ptr
rms_var_heap = markPatternVariables sel var_occ.occ_pattern_vars rms_var_heap
- = ref_count_of_bindings free_vars var_name var_info_ptr occ_ref_count var_occ { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap }
- ===> ("refMarkOfVariable", var_name, var_occ.occ_ref_count, occ_ref_count, var_occ.occ_pattern_vars)
+ = ref_count_of_bindings free_vars var_ident var_info_ptr occ_ref_count var_occ { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap }
+ ===> ("refMarkOfVariable", var_ident, var_occ.occ_ref_count, occ_ref_count, var_occ.occ_pattern_vars)
adjust_ref_count sel RC_Unused var_expr_ptr
| sel == NotASelector
@@ -131,20 +131,20 @@ where
= [ selection : add_selection var_expr_ptr sel selections ]
- ref_count_of_bindings free_vars var_name var_info_ptr occ_ref_count var_occ=:{occ_bind = OB_OpenLet fv let_info} rms=:{rms_var_heap,rms_let_vars}
+ ref_count_of_bindings free_vars var_ident var_info_ptr occ_ref_count var_occ=:{occ_bind = OB_OpenLet fv let_info} rms=:{rms_var_heap,rms_let_vars}
# rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { var_occ & occ_ref_count = occ_ref_count, occ_bind = OB_LockedLet var_occ.occ_bind })
= { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap, rms_let_vars = [ fv : rms_let_vars ]}
- ===> ("ref_count_of_bindings (OB_OpenLet)", var_name)
- ref_count_of_bindings free_vars var_name var_info_ptr occ_ref_count var_occ=:{occ_bind = OB_LockedLet _} rms=:{rms_var_heap}
+ ===> ("ref_count_of_bindings (OB_OpenLet)", var_ident)
+ ref_count_of_bindings free_vars var_ident var_info_ptr occ_ref_count var_occ=:{occ_bind = OB_LockedLet _} rms=:{rms_var_heap}
= { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { var_occ & occ_ref_count = occ_ref_count })}
-// ===> ("ref_count_of_bindings (OB_LockedLet)", var_name)
- ref_count_of_bindings free_vars var_name var_info_ptr occ_ref_count var_occ rms=:{rms_var_heap}
+// ===> ("ref_count_of_bindings (OB_LockedLet)", var_ident)
+ ref_count_of_bindings free_vars var_ident var_info_ptr occ_ref_count var_occ rms=:{rms_var_heap}
= { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { var_occ & occ_ref_count = occ_ref_count })}
addParRefMarksOfLets call let_vars closed_vars_end_rms
= foldSt ref_mark_of_let let_vars closed_vars_end_rms
- ref_mark_of_let fv=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} (closed_let_vars, rms=:{rms_var_heap})
+ ref_mark_of_let fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} (closed_let_vars, rms=:{rms_var_heap})
# (VI_Occurrence var_occ, rms_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr rms_var_heap
rms = { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap }
= case var_occ.occ_bind of
@@ -152,32 +152,32 @@ where
# rms_var_heap = rms.rms_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {var_occ & occ_bind = OB_LockedLet var_occ.occ_bind})
rms_var_heap = addParRefCounts call ref_counts rms_var_heap
-> addParRefMarksOfLets call let_vars ([fv : closed_let_vars], {rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap})
- ===> ("addParRefMarksOfLets (OB_OpenLet Yes)", fv_name)
+ ===> ("addParRefMarksOfLets (OB_OpenLet Yes)", fv_ident)
OB_OpenLet _ No
# rms_var_heap = rms.rms_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {var_occ & occ_bind = OB_LockedLet var_occ.occ_bind})
-> (closed_let_vars, { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap, rms_let_vars = [fv : rms.rms_let_vars]})
- ===> ("addParRefMarksOfLets (OB_OpenLet No)", fv_name)
+ ===> ("addParRefMarksOfLets (OB_OpenLet No)", fv_ident)
OB_LockedLet _
-> (closed_let_vars, rms)
- ===> ("addParRefMarksOfLets (OB_LockedLet)", fv_name)
+ ===> ("addParRefMarksOfLets (OB_LockedLet)", fv_ident)
addParRefCounts call ref_counts var_heap
= foldSt (set_occurrence call) ref_counts var_heap
- set_occurrence call {cfv_var = {fv_name,fv_info_ptr}, cfv_count} var_heap
+ set_occurrence call {cfv_var = {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}, cfv_count} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence occ=:{occ_ref_count}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
comb_ref_count = parCombineRefCount occ_ref_count cfv_count
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { occ & occ_ref_count = comb_ref_count})
- ===> ("addParRefCounts", call, fv_name, fv_info_ptr, (cfv_count, occ_ref_count, comb_ref_count))
+ ===> ("addParRefCounts", call, fv_ident, fv_info_ptr, (cfv_count, occ_ref_count, comb_ref_count))
addSeqRefCounts ref_counts var_heap
= foldSt set_occurrence ref_counts var_heap
- set_occurrence {cfv_var = {fv_name,fv_info_ptr}, cfv_count} var_heap
+ set_occurrence {cfv_var = {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}, cfv_count} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence occ=:{occ_ref_count}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
comb_ref_count = seqCombineRefCount occ_ref_count cfv_count
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { occ & occ_ref_count = comb_ref_count})
- ===> ("addSeqRefCounts", fv_name, cfv_count, occ_ref_count, comb_ref_count)
+ ===> ("addSeqRefCounts", fv_ident, cfv_count, occ_ref_count, comb_ref_count)
instance refMark BoundVar
refMark free_vars sel _ var rms=:{rms_var_heap}
@@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ where
let_combine free_vars var_heap
= foldSt (foldSt let_combine_ref_count) free_vars var_heap
- let_combine_ref_count {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+ let_combine_ref_count {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence old_occ=:{occ_ref_count,occ_previous=[prev_ref_count, pre_pref_recount:occ_previouses]}, var_heap)
= readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
seq_comb_ref_count = seqCombineRefCount occ_ref_count prev_ref_count
comb_ref_count = parCombineRefCount seq_comb_ref_count pre_pref_recount
= (var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { old_occ & occ_ref_count = comb_ref_count, occ_previous = occ_previouses }))
- ===> ("let_combine_ref_count", fv_name, (pre_pref_recount, prev_ref_count, occ_ref_count, seq_comb_ref_count, comb_ref_count))
+ ===> ("let_combine_ref_count", fv_ident, (pre_pref_recount, prev_ref_count, occ_ref_count, seq_comb_ref_count, comb_ref_count))
init_let_binds let_binds var_heap
= foldSt bind_variable let_binds var_heap
@@ -331,12 +331,12 @@ where
openLetVars let_vars var_heap
= foldSt open_let_vars let_vars var_heap
- open_let_vars {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+ open_let_vars {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence var_occ, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= case var_occ.occ_bind of
OB_LockedLet occ_bind
-> var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { var_occ & occ_bind = occ_bind })
-// ===> ("openLetVars (OB_LockedLet)", fv_name)
+// ===> ("openLetVars (OB_LockedLet)", fv_ident)
-> abort "open_let_vars (refmark.icl))"
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ where
(all_closed_let_vars, rms) = refMarkOfAlternative free_vars new_free_vars sel def case_expr dp_rhs all_closed_let_vars rms
= (inc pattern_depth, all_closed_let_vars, rms)
-refMarkOfAlgebraicOrOverloadedListCase free_vars sel def (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}) alternatives case_explicit case_default rms
+refMarkOfAlgebraicOrOverloadedListCase free_vars sel def (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}) alternatives case_explicit case_default rms
# (def, all_closed_let_vars, rms) = ref_mark_of_default case_explicit free_vars sel def var case_default [] rms
(pattern_depth, all_closed_let_vars, rms) = foldSt (ref_mark_of_algebraic_pattern free_vars sel var def) alternatives (0, all_closed_let_vars, rms)
(let_vars_in_default, rms_var_heap) = addRefMarkOfDefault pattern_depth free_vars def rms.rms_var_heap
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ where
# (VI_Occurrence var_occ, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
= var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { var_occ & occ_pattern_vars = tl var_occ.occ_pattern_vars })
- ref_mark_of_variable_pattern do_seq_combine {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr} (closed_lets, rms=:{rms_var_heap})
+ ref_mark_of_variable_pattern do_seq_combine {var_ident,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr} (closed_lets, rms=:{rms_var_heap})
# (VI_Occurrence var_occ_in_alts, rms_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr rms_var_heap
(var_occ_in_alts, rms_var_heap) = adjust_ref_count_of_variable_pattern var_occ_in_alts var_info_ptr var_expr_ptr rms_var_heap
= add_let_variable do_seq_combine var_info_ptr var_occ_in_alts (closed_lets, { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap })
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ where
addSeqRefMarksOfLets let_vars closed_vars_end_rms
= foldSt ref_mark_of_let let_vars closed_vars_end_rms
- ref_mark_of_let fv=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} (closed_let_vars, rms=:{rms_var_heap})
+ ref_mark_of_let fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} (closed_let_vars, rms=:{rms_var_heap})
# (VI_Occurrence var_occ, rms_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr rms_var_heap
rms = { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap }
= case var_occ.occ_bind of
@@ -507,14 +507,14 @@ where
# rms_var_heap = rms.rms_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {var_occ & occ_bind = OB_LockedLet var_occ.occ_bind})
rms_var_heap = addSeqRefCounts ref_counts rms_var_heap
-> addSeqRefMarksOfLets let_vars ([fv : closed_let_vars], {rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap})
-// ===> ("addSeqRefMarksOfLets (OB_OpenLet Yes)", fv_name)
+// ===> ("addSeqRefMarksOfLets (OB_OpenLet Yes)", fv_ident)
OB_OpenLet fv No
# rms_var_heap = rms.rms_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {var_occ & occ_bind = OB_LockedLet var_occ.occ_bind})
-> (closed_let_vars, { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap, rms_let_vars = [fv : rms.rms_let_vars]})
-// ===> ("addSeqRefMarksOfLets (OB_OpenLet No)", fv_name)
+// ===> ("addSeqRefMarksOfLets (OB_OpenLet No)", fv_ident)
OB_LockedLet _
-> (closed_let_vars, rms)
-// ===> ("addSeqRefMarksOfLets (OB_LockedLet)", fv_name)
+// ===> ("addSeqRefMarksOfLets (OB_LockedLet)", fv_ident)
addRefMarkOfDefault :: !Int ![[FreeVar]] !(Optional [CountedFreeVar]) !*VarHeap -> *(![FreeVar], !*VarHeap)
@@ -523,10 +523,10 @@ addRefMarkOfDefault pattern_depth free_vars (Yes occurrences) var_heap
# (open_let_vars, var_heap) = foldSt set_occurrence occurrences ([], var_heap)
= (open_let_vars, altCombine (inc pattern_depth) free_vars var_heap)
- set_occurrence {cfv_var=fv=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr}, cfv_count, cfv_is_let} (open_let_vars, var_heap)
+ set_occurrence {cfv_var=fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}, cfv_count, cfv_is_let} (open_let_vars, var_heap)
# (VI_Occurrence old_occ, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= (cond_add cfv_is_let fv open_let_vars, var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {old_occ & occ_ref_count = cfv_count } ))
- ===> ("set_occurrence", fv_name, cfv_count)
+ ===> ("set_occurrence", fv_ident, cfv_count)
cond_add cond var vars
| cond
@@ -539,35 +539,35 @@ addRefMarkOfDefault pattern_depth free_vars No var_heap
parCombine free_vars var_heap
= foldSt (foldSt par_combine) free_vars (var_heap===> ("parCombine", free_vars))
- par_combine {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+ par_combine {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence old_occ, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= case old_occ.occ_previous of
[glob_ref_count : occ_previous]
# comb_ref_count = parCombineRefCount old_occ.occ_ref_count glob_ref_count
-> var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { old_occ & occ_ref_count = comb_ref_count , occ_previous = occ_previous })
- ===> ("par_combine", fv_name, old_occ.occ_ref_count, glob_ref_count, comb_ref_count)
+ ===> ("par_combine", fv_ident, old_occ.occ_ref_count, glob_ref_count, comb_ref_count)
- -> abort ("inconsistent reference count administration" ===> fv_name)
+ -> abort ("inconsistent reference count administration" ===> fv_ident)
seqCombine free_vars var_heap
= foldSt (foldSt seq_combine) free_vars (var_heap===> ("seqCombine", free_vars))
- seq_combine {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+ seq_combine {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence pattern_occ, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= case pattern_occ.occ_previous of
[alt_ref_count : occ_previous]
# comb_ref_count = seqCombineRefCount alt_ref_count pattern_occ.occ_ref_count
-> var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { pattern_occ & occ_ref_count = comb_ref_count , occ_previous = occ_previous })
- ===> ("seq_combine", fv_name, pattern_occ.occ_ref_count, alt_ref_count, comb_ref_count)
+ ===> ("seq_combine", fv_ident, pattern_occ.occ_ref_count, alt_ref_count, comb_ref_count)
- -> abort ("inconsistent reference count administration" ===> fv_name)
+ -> abort ("inconsistent reference count administration" ===> fv_ident)
altCombine depth free_vars var_heap
= foldSt (foldSt (alt_combine depth)) free_vars (var_heap ===> ("altCombine", free_vars))
- alt_combine depth {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+ alt_combine depth {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence old_occ=:{occ_ref_count,occ_previous}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
- (occ_ref_count, occ_previous) = alt_combine_ref_counts occ_ref_count occ_previous ((dec depth) ===> ("alt_combine", fv_name, occ_ref_count, length occ_previous, depth))
+ (occ_ref_count, occ_previous) = alt_combine_ref_counts occ_ref_count occ_previous ((dec depth) ===> ("alt_combine", fv_ident, occ_ref_count, length occ_previous, depth))
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { old_occ & occ_ref_count = occ_ref_count , occ_previous = occ_previous })
alt_combine_ref_counts comb_ref_count ref_counts 0
@@ -677,12 +677,12 @@ makeSharedReferencesNonUnique [fun : funs] fun_defs coercion_env subst type_def_
= make_shared_references_of_funcion_non_unique fun_def coercion_env subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap error
= makeSharedReferencesNonUnique funs fun_defs coercion_env subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap error
- make_shared_references_of_funcion_non_unique {fun_symb, fun_pos, fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_local_vars}}
+ make_shared_references_of_funcion_non_unique {fun_ident, fun_pos, fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_local_vars}}
coercion_env subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap error
# variables = tb_args ++ fi_local_vars
(subst, type_def_infos, var_heap, expr_heap) = clear_occurrences variables subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap
- (_, {rms_var_heap}) = fullRefMark [tb_args] NotASelector No /* tb_rhs var_heap */ (tb_rhs ===> ("makeSharedReferencesNonUnique", fun_symb, tb_rhs)) var_heap
- position = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
+ (_, {rms_var_heap}) = fullRefMark [tb_args] NotASelector No /* tb_rhs var_heap */ (tb_rhs ===> ("makeSharedReferencesNonUnique", fun_ident, tb_rhs)) var_heap
+ position = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
(coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error) = make_shared_vars_non_unique variables coercion_env rms_var_heap expr_heap
(setErrorAdmin position error)
var_heap = empty_occurrences variables var_heap
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ where
clear_occurrences vars subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap
= foldSt initial_occurrence vars (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap, expr_heap)
- initial_occurrence {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ initial_occurrence {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap, expr_heap)
# (var_info, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
{at_type, at_attribute} = get_type var_info
(expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr (EI_Attribute (toInt at_attribute)) expr_heap
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ where
make_shared_vars_non_unique vars coercion_env var_heap expr_heap error
= foldl make_shared_var_non_unique (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error) vars
- make_shared_var_non_unique (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error) fv=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr}
+ make_shared_var_non_unique (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error) fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}
# (VI_Occurrence occ, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= case occ.occ_ref_count of
RC_Used {rcu_multiply,rcu_selectively}
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ where
-> (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error)
-> (coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error)
-// ===> ("make_shared_var_non_unique", fv_name)
+// ===> ("make_shared_var_non_unique", fv_ident)
make_shared_occurrences_non_unique fv multiply (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
= foldSt (make_shared_occurrence_non_unique fv) multiply (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 62923d4..c30348f 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ instance == FunctionOrMacroIndex
:: Module defs =
- { mod_name :: !Ident
+ { mod_ident :: !Ident
, mod_modification_time :: {#Char}
, mod_type :: !ModuleKind
, mod_imports :: ![ParsedImport]
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ cNameNotLocationDependent :== False
cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: ParsedSelector =
- { ps_field_name :: !Ident
- , ps_selector_name :: !Ident
+ { ps_field_ident :: !Ident
+ , ps_selector_ident :: !Ident
, ps_field_annotation :: !Annotation
, ps_field_type :: !AType
, ps_field_var :: !Ident
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: ParsedConstructor =
- { pc_cons_name :: !Ident
+ { pc_cons_ident :: !Ident
, pc_cons_arity :: !Int
, pc_exi_vars :: ![ATypeVar]
, pc_arg_types :: ![AType]
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: ClassDef =
- { class_name :: !Ident
+ { class_ident :: !Ident
, class_arity :: !Int
, class_args :: ![TypeVar]
, class_context :: ![TypeContext]
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: ClassDefInfos :== {# .{! [TypeKind]}}
:: MemberDef =
- { me_symb :: !Ident
+ { me_ident :: !Ident
, me_class :: !Global Index
, me_offset :: !Index
, me_type :: !SymbolType
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
// AA ...
:: GenericDef =
- { gen_name :: !Ident // the generics name in IC_Class
- , gen_member_name :: !Ident // the generics name in IC_Member
+ { gen_ident :: !Ident // the generics name in IC_Class
+ , gen_member_ident :: !Ident // the generics name in IC_Member
, gen_pos :: !Position
, gen_type :: !SymbolType // Generic type (st_vars include generic type vars)
, gen_vars :: ![TypeVar] // Generic type variables
@@ -319,8 +319,8 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
| TypeConsVar TypeVar
:: GenericCaseDef =
- { gc_name :: !Ident // name in IC_GenricCase namespace
- , gc_gname :: !Ident // name in IC_Generic namespace
+ { gc_ident :: !Ident // name in IC_GenricCase namespace
+ , gc_gident :: !Ident // name in IC_Generic namespace
, gc_generic :: !GlobalIndex // index of the generic
, gc_arity :: !Int // arity of the function
, gc_pos :: !Position // position in the source file
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ cIsImportedObject :== False
:: FieldSymbol =
- { fs_name :: !Ident
+ { fs_ident :: !Ident
, fs_var :: !Ident
, fs_index :: !Index
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ cIsAnalysed :== 4
NoGlobalIndex :== {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
:: TypeDef type_rhs =
- { td_name :: !Ident
+ { td_ident :: !Ident
, td_index :: !Int
, td_arity :: !Int
, td_args :: ![ATypeVar]
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ NoGlobalIndex :== {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
:: TypeDefInfos :== {# .{# TypeDefInfo}}
:: FunType =
- { ft_symb :: !Ident
+ { ft_ident :: !Ident
, ft_arity :: !Int
, ft_priority :: !Priority
, ft_type :: !SymbolType
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ NoGlobalIndex :== {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
:: FreeVar =
{ fv_def_level :: !Level
- , fv_name :: !Ident
+ , fv_ident :: !Ident
, fv_info_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
// , fv_expr_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr
, fv_count :: !Int
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ FI_IsUnboxedListOfRecordsConsOrNil :== 8
:: FunDef =
- { fun_symb :: !Ident
+ { fun_ident :: !Ident
, fun_arity :: !Int
, fun_priority :: !Priority
, fun_body :: !FunctionBody
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ from convertcases import :: LetVarInfo, :: LetExpressionInfo,
cNotVarNumber :== -1
:: BoundVar =
- { var_name :: !Ident
+ { var_ident :: !Ident
, var_info_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr
, var_expr_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
:: TypeSymbIdent =
- { type_name :: !Ident
+ { type_ident :: !Ident
, type_arity :: !Int
, type_index :: !Global Index
, type_prop :: !TypeSymbProperties
@@ -821,12 +821,12 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
:: SymbIdent =
- { symb_name :: !Ident
+ { symb_ident :: !Ident
, symb_kind :: !SymbKind
:: ConsDef =
- { cons_symb :: !Ident
+ { cons_ident :: !Ident
, cons_type :: !SymbolType
, cons_arg_vars :: ![[ATypeVar]]
, cons_priority :: !Priority
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
:: SelectorDef =
- { sd_symb :: !Ident
+ { sd__ident :: !Ident
, sd_field :: !Ident
, sd_type :: !SymbolType
, sd_exi_vars :: ![ATypeVar]
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
:: TypeVar =
- { tv_name :: !Ident
+ { tv_ident :: !Ident
, tv_info_ptr :: !TypeVarInfoPtr
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
:: AttributeVar =
- { av_name :: !Ident
+ { av_ident :: !Ident
, av_info_ptr :: !AttrVarInfoPtr
@@ -1383,8 +1383,8 @@ cNotAGroupNumber :== -1
EmptyTypeDefInfo :== { tdi_kinds = [], tdi_properties = cAllBitsClear, tdi_group = [], tdi_group_vars = [], tdi_cons_vars = [],
tdi_classification = EmptyTypeClassification, tdi_group_nr = cNotAGroupNumber, tdi_index_in_group = NoIndex, tdi_mark=False, tdi_gen_rep = No }
-MakeTypeVar name :== { tv_name = name, tv_info_ptr = nilPtr }
-MakeVar name :== { var_name = name, var_info_ptr = nilPtr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+MakeTypeVar name :== { tv_ident = name, tv_info_ptr = nilPtr }
+MakeVar name :== { var_ident = name, var_info_ptr = nilPtr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
MakeAttributedType type :== { at_attribute = TA_None, at_type = type }
MakeAttributedTypeVar type_var :== { atv_attribute = TA_None, atv_variable = type_var }
@@ -1401,19 +1401,19 @@ PropClass :== bitnot 0
newTypeSymbIdentCAF :: TypeSymbIdent;
MakeNewTypeSymbIdent name arity
- :== {newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_name=name, type_arity=arity }
+ :== {newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_ident=name, type_arity=arity }
MakeTypeSymbIdent type_index name arity
- :== { newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_name = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index }
+ :== { newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_ident = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index }
ParsedSelectorToSelectorDef sd_type_index ps :==
- { sd_symb = ps.ps_selector_name, sd_field_nr = NoIndex, sd_pos = ps.ps_field_pos, sd_type_index = sd_type_index,
- sd_exi_vars = [], sd_type_ptr = nilPtr, sd_field = ps.ps_field_name,
+ { sd__ident = ps.ps_selector_ident, sd_field_nr = NoIndex, sd_pos = ps.ps_field_pos, sd_type_index = sd_type_index,
+ sd_exi_vars = [], sd_type_ptr = nilPtr, sd_field = ps.ps_field_ident,
sd_type = { st_vars = [], st_args = [], st_args_strictness=NotStrict, st_result = ps.ps_field_type, st_arity = 0, st_context = [],
st_attr_env = [], st_attr_vars = [] }}
ParsedConstructorToConsDef pc :==
- { cons_symb = pc.pc_cons_name, cons_pos = pc.pc_cons_pos, cons_priority = pc.pc_cons_prio, cons_index = NoIndex, cons_type_index = NoIndex,
+ { cons_ident = pc.pc_cons_ident, cons_pos = pc.pc_cons_pos, cons_priority = pc.pc_cons_prio, cons_index = NoIndex, cons_type_index = NoIndex,
cons_type = { st_vars = [], st_args = pc.pc_arg_types, st_args_strictness=pc.pc_args_strictness, st_result = MakeAttributedType TE,
st_arity = pc.pc_cons_arity, st_context = [], st_attr_env = [], st_attr_vars = []},
cons_exi_vars = pc.pc_exi_vars, cons_type_ptr = nilPtr, cons_arg_vars = [] }
@@ -1425,12 +1425,12 @@ ParsedInstanceToClassInstance pi members :==
ins_members = members, ins_specials = pi.pi_specials, ins_pos = pi.pi_pos}
MakeTypeDef name lhs rhs attr contexts pos :==
- { td_name = name, td_index = -1, td_arity = length lhs, td_args = lhs, td_attrs = [], td_attribute = attr, td_context = contexts,
+ { td_ident = name, td_index = -1, td_arity = length lhs, td_args = lhs, td_attrs = [], td_attribute = attr, td_context = contexts,
td_pos = pos, td_rhs = rhs, td_used_types = [] }
MakeDefinedSymbol ident index arity :== { ds_ident = ident, ds_arity = arity, ds_index = index }
MakeNewFunctionType name arity prio type pos specials var_ptr
- :== { ft_symb = name, ft_arity = arity, ft_priority = prio, ft_type = type, ft_pos = pos, ft_specials = specials, ft_type_ptr = var_ptr }
+ :== { ft_ident = name, ft_arity = arity, ft_priority = prio, ft_type = type, ft_pos = pos, ft_specials = specials, ft_type_ptr = var_ptr }
backslash :== '\\'
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 87c7ee2..2195962 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class needs_brackets a :: a -> Bool
instance == BoundVar
(==) varid1 varid2
- = varid1.var_name == varid2.var_name
+ = varid1.var_ident == varid2.var_ident
instance == Ident
@@ -88,18 +88,18 @@ where
instance <<< TypeVar
-// (<<<) file varid = file <<< varid.tv_name
- (<<<) file varid = file <<< varid.tv_name <<< "<" <<< varid.tv_info_ptr <<< ">"
+// (<<<) file varid = file <<< varid.tv_ident
+ (<<<) file varid = file <<< varid.tv_ident <<< "<" <<< varid.tv_info_ptr <<< ">"
instance <<< AttributeVar
- (<<<) file {av_name,av_info_ptr} = file <<< av_name <<< "[" <<< av_info_ptr <<< "]"
-// (<<<) file {av_name,av_info_ptr} = file <<< av_name
+ (<<<) file {av_ident,av_info_ptr} = file <<< av_ident <<< "[" <<< av_info_ptr <<< "]"
+// (<<<) file {av_ident,av_info_ptr} = file <<< av_ident
instance toString AttributeVar
- toString {av_name,av_info_ptr} = toString av_name + "[" + toString (ptrToInt av_info_ptr) + "]"
-// toString {av_name,av_info_ptr} = toString av_name
+ toString {av_ident,av_info_ptr} = toString av_ident + "[" + toString (ptrToInt av_info_ptr) + "]"
+// toString {av_ident,av_info_ptr} = toString av_ident
instance <<< AType
@@ -262,21 +262,21 @@ where
instance <<< SymbIdent
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function symb_index }
- = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident <<< '@' <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction symb_index }
- = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[lm]@" <<< symb_index
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident <<< "[lm]@" <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction _ symb_index }
- = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[g]@" <<< symb_index
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident <<< "[g]@" <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_LocalDclMacroFunction symb_index }
- = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[ldm]@" <<< symb_index
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident <<< "[ldm]@" <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction symb_index }
- = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[o]@" <<< symb_index
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident <<< "[o]@" <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb
- = file <<< symb.symb_name
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident
instance <<< TypeSymbIdent
- (<<<) file symb = file <<< symb.type_name <<< '.' <<< symb.type_index
+ (<<<) file symb = file <<< symb.type_ident <<< '.' <<< symb.type_index
instance <<< ClassSymbIdent
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ where
instance <<< BoundVar
- (<<<) file {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}
- = file <<< var_name <<< "<I" <<< var_info_ptr <<< ", E" <<< var_expr_ptr <<< '>'
+ (<<<) file {var_ident,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}
+ = file <<< var_ident <<< "<I" <<< var_info_ptr <<< ", E" <<< var_expr_ptr <<< '>'
instance <<< (Bind a b) | <<< a & <<< b
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ where
(<<<) file (ABCCodeExpr code_sequence do_inline) = file <<< (if do_inline "code inline\n" "code\n") <<< code_sequence
(<<<) file (AnyCodeExpr input output code_sequence) = file <<< "code\n" <<< input <<< "\n" <<< output <<< "\n" <<< code_sequence
- (<<<) file (FreeVar {fv_name}) = file <<< fv_name
+ (<<<) file (FreeVar {fv_ident}) = file <<< fv_ident
(<<<) file (ClassVariable info_ptr) = file <<< "ClassVariable " <<< info_ptr
(<<<) file (FailExpr _) = file <<< "** FAIL **"
@@ -560,25 +560,25 @@ where
instance <<< FunType
- (<<<) file {ft_symb,ft_type} = file <<< ft_symb <<< "::" <<< ft_type
+ (<<<) file {ft_ident,ft_type} = file <<< ft_ident <<< "::" <<< ft_type
instance <<< FunDef
- (<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_body=ParsedBody bodies} = file <<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< ' ' <<< bodies
- (<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_body=CheckedBody {cb_args,cb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}} = file <<< fun_symb <<< '.'
+ (<<<) file {fun_ident,fun_body=ParsedBody bodies} = file <<< fun_ident <<< '.' <<< ' ' <<< bodies
+ (<<<) file {fun_ident,fun_body=CheckedBody {cb_args,cb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}} = file <<< fun_ident <<< '.'
<<< "C " <<< cb_args <<< " = " <<< cb_rhs <<< '\n'
// <<< '.' <<< fi_def_level <<< ' ' <<< '[' <<< fi_free_vars <<< ']' <<< cb_args <<< " = " <<< cb_rhs
- (<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_local_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}}
- = file <<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< "T "
+ (<<<) file {fun_ident,fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_local_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}}
+ = file <<< fun_ident <<< '.' <<< "T "
// <<< '[' <<< fi_free_vars <<< "] [" <<< fi_local_vars <<< ']'
<<< tb_args <<< '[' <<< fi_calls <<< ']' <<< "\n\t= " <<< tb_rhs <<< '\n'
// <<< '.' <<< fi_def_level <<< ' ' <<< '[' <<< fi_free_vars <<< ']' <<< tb_args <<< " = " <<< tb_rhs
- (<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_body=BackendBody body,fun_type=Yes type} = file // <<< type <<< '\n'
- <<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< body <<< '\n'
- (<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_body=NoBody,fun_type=Yes type} = file // <<< type <<< '\n'
- <<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< "Array function\n"
+ (<<<) file {fun_ident,fun_body=BackendBody body,fun_type=Yes type} = file // <<< type <<< '\n'
+ <<< fun_ident <<< '.' <<< body <<< '\n'
+ (<<<) file {fun_ident,fun_body=NoBody,fun_type=Yes type} = file // <<< type <<< '\n'
+ <<< fun_ident <<< '.' <<< "Array function\n"
- (<<<) file {fun_symb} = file <<< fun_symb <<< "???" <<< '\n'
+ (<<<) file {fun_ident} = file <<< fun_ident <<< "???" <<< '\n'
instance <<< FunctionBody
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ where
instance <<< FreeVar
- (<<<) file {fv_name,fv_info_ptr,fv_count} = file <<< fv_name <<< '.' <<< fv_count <<< '<' <<< fv_info_ptr <<< '>'
+ (<<<) file {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr,fv_count} = file <<< fv_ident <<< '.' <<< fv_count <<< '<' <<< fv_info_ptr <<< '>'
instance <<< DynamicType
@@ -672,8 +672,8 @@ where
instance <<< (TypeDef a) | <<< a
- (<<<) file {td_name, td_args, td_rhs}
- = file <<< ":: " <<< td_name <<< ' ' <<< td_args <<< td_rhs
+ (<<<) file {td_ident, td_args, td_rhs}
+ = file <<< ":: " <<< td_ident <<< ' ' <<< td_args <<< td_rhs
instance <<< TypeRhs
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ where
instance <<< FieldSymbol
- (<<<) file {fs_name} = file <<< fs_name
+ (<<<) file {fs_ident} = file <<< fs_ident
@@ -720,11 +720,11 @@ where
instance <<< ParsedConstructor
- (<<<) file {pc_cons_name,pc_arg_types} = file <<< pc_cons_name <<< pc_arg_types
+ (<<<) file {pc_cons_ident,pc_arg_types} = file <<< pc_cons_ident <<< pc_arg_types
instance <<< ParsedSelector
- (<<<) file {ps_field_name,ps_field_type} = file <<< ps_field_name <<< ps_field_type
+ (<<<) file {ps_field_ident,ps_field_type} = file <<< ps_field_ident <<< ps_field_type
instance <<< ModuleKind
@@ -733,15 +733,15 @@ where
instance <<< ConsDef
- (<<<) file {cons_symb,cons_type} = file <<< cons_symb <<< " :: " <<< cons_type
+ (<<<) file {cons_ident,cons_type} = file <<< cons_ident <<< " :: " <<< cons_type
instance <<< SelectorDef
- (<<<) file {sd_symb} = file <<< sd_symb
+ (<<<) file {sd__ident} = file <<< sd__ident
instance <<< ClassDef
- (<<<) file {class_name} = file <<< class_name
+ (<<<) file {class_ident} = file <<< class_ident
instance <<< ClassInstance
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ where
instance <<< (Module a) | <<< a
- (<<<) file {mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs} = file <<< mod_type <<< mod_name <<< mod_defs
+ (<<<) file {mod_ident,mod_type,mod_defs} = file <<< mod_type <<< mod_ident <<< mod_defs
instance <<< (CollectedDefinitions a b) | <<< a & <<< b
@@ -767,8 +767,8 @@ where
(<<<) file (PD_NodeDef _ pattern rhs) = file <<< pattern <<< " =: " <<< rhs
(<<<) file (PD_TypeSpec _ name prio st sp) = file <<< name <<< st
(<<<) file (PD_Type td) = file <<< td
- (<<<) file (PD_Generic {gen_name}) = file <<< "generic " <<< gen_name
- (<<<) file (PD_GenericCase {gc_name,gc_type_cons}) = file <<< gc_name <<< "{|" <<< gc_type_cons <<< "|}"
+ (<<<) file (PD_Generic {gen_ident}) = file <<< "generic " <<< gen_ident
+ (<<<) file (PD_GenericCase {gc_ident,gc_type_cons}) = file <<< gc_ident <<< "{|" <<< gc_type_cons <<< "|}"
(<<<) file _ = file
@@ -866,14 +866,14 @@ where
= file <<< "lifted argument " <<< arg_name <<< " of " <<< readable fun_name
(<<<) file (CP_Expression expression) = show_expression file expression
- show_expression file (Var {var_name})
- = file <<< var_name
- show_expression file (FreeVar {fv_name})
- = file <<< fv_name
- show_expression file (App {app_symb={symb_name}, app_args})
- | symb_name.id_name=="_dummyForStrictAlias"
+ show_expression file (Var {var_ident})
+ = file <<< var_ident
+ show_expression file (FreeVar {fv_ident})
+ = file <<< fv_ident
+ show_expression file (App {app_symb={symb_ident}, app_args})
+ | symb_ident.id_name=="_dummyForStrictAlias"
= show_expression file (hd app_args)
- = file <<< readable symb_name
+ = file <<< readable symb_ident
show_expression file (fun @ fun_args)
= show_expression file fun
show_expression file (Case {case_ident=No})
@@ -1016,5 +1016,5 @@ newTypeSymbIdentCAF :: TypeSymbIdent;
newTypeSymbIdentCAF =: MakeTypeSymbIdentMacro { glob_object = NoIndex, glob_module = NoIndex } {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr} 0
MakeTypeSymbIdentMacro type_index name arity
- :== { type_name = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index,
+ :== { type_ident = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index,
type_prop = { tsp_sign = BottomSignClass, tsp_propagation = NoPropClass, tsp_coercible = True }}
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 5a10bd5..9466630 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -423,8 +423,8 @@ where
old_f_a_before = takeWhile (\e -> not (isMember e aci.aci_params)) ro.ro_fun_args
old_f_a_help = dropWhile (\e -> not (isMember e aci.aci_params)) ro.ro_fun_args
old_f_a_after = dropWhile (\e -> isMember e aci.aci_params) old_f_a_help
- f_a_before` = [Var {var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} \\ {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} <- f_a_before]
- f_a_after` = [Var {var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} \\ {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} <- f_a_after]
+ f_a_before` = [Var {var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} \\ {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} <- f_a_before]
+ f_a_after` = [Var {var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} \\ {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} <- f_a_after]
(Yes aci) = opt_aci
isMember x [hd:tl] = hd.fv_info_ptr==x.fv_info_ptr || isMember x tl
@@ -479,8 +479,8 @@ transCase is_active opt_aci this_case=:{case_expr = case_expr=:(App app=:{app_sy
| not (equal app_symb.symb_kind unfolder.symb_kind)
// in this case a third function could be fused in
-> possiblyFoldOuterCase this_case ro ti -!-> ("transCase","Diff opt unfolder",unfolder,app_symb)
- # variables = [ Var {var_name=fv_name, var_info_ptr=fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr=nilPtr}
- \\ {fv_name, fv_info_ptr} <- ro.ro_fun_args ]
+ # variables = [ Var {var_ident=fv_ident, var_info_ptr=fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr=nilPtr}
+ \\ {fv_ident, fv_info_ptr} <- ro.ro_fun_args ]
(ti_next_fun_nr, ti) = ti!ti_next_fun_nr -!-> ("transCase","Yes opt unfolder",unfolder)
(new_next_fun_nr, app_symb)
= case ro.ro_root_case_mode of
@@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ where
old_f_a_before = takeWhile (\e -> not (isMember e aci.aci_params)) ro.ro_fun_args
old_f_a_help = dropWhile (\e -> not (isMember e aci.aci_params)) ro.ro_fun_args
old_f_a_after = dropWhile (\e -> isMember e aci.aci_params) old_f_a_help
- f_a_before` = [Var {var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} \\ {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} <- f_a_before]
- f_a_after` = [Var {var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} \\ {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} <- f_a_after]
+ f_a_before` = [Var {var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} \\ {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} <- f_a_before]
+ f_a_after` = [Var {var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} \\ {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} <- f_a_after]
(Yes aci) = opt_aci
isMember x [hd:tl] = hd.fv_info_ptr==x.fv_info_ptr || isMember x tl
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ where
never_ident = case ro.ro_root_case_mode of
NotRootCase -> case_ident
- _ -> Yes ro.ro_fun_case.symb_name
+ _ -> Yes ro.ro_fun_case.symb_ident
transCase is_active opt_aci this_case=:{case_expr = (BasicExpr basic_value),case_guards,case_default} ro ti
| not is_active
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ transCase is_active opt_aci this_case=:{case_expr = (BasicExpr basic_value),case
never_ident = case ro.ro_root_case_mode of
NotRootCase -> this_case.case_ident
- _ -> Yes ro.ro_fun_case.symb_name
+ _ -> Yes ro.ro_fun_case.symb_ident
= transform (hd may_be_match_pattern).bp_expr { ro & ro_root_case_mode = NotRootCase } ti
getBasicPatterns (BasicPatterns _ basicPatterns)
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ possibly_add_let non_unfoldable_args ap_expr not_unfoldable cons_type_args ro ti
possibly_generate_case_function :: !Case !ActiveCaseInfo !ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> *(!Expression, !*TransformInfo)
possibly_generate_case_function kees=:{case_info_ptr} aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti=:{ti_recursion_introduced=old_ti_recursion_introduced}
-// | False -!-> ("possibly_generate_case_function",ro.ro_fun_root.symb_name.id_name,ro.ro_fun_case.symb_name.id_name,ro.ro_root_case_mode)
+// | False -!-> ("possibly_generate_case_function",ro.ro_fun_root.symb_ident.id_name,ro.ro_fun_case.symb_ident.id_name,ro.ro_root_case_mode)
// = undef
| not aci.aci_safe
= skip_over kees ro ti
@@ -845,23 +845,23 @@ possibly_generate_case_function kees=:{case_info_ptr} aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti
= [ outer_argument \\ outer_argument<-outer_arguments & used<-used_mask | used ]
- = [ { fv_def_level = undeff, fv_name = var_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_count = undeff}
- \\ {var_name, var_info_ptr} <- free_vars | not (isMember var_info_ptr outer_info_ptrs)]
+ = [ { fv_def_level = undeff, fv_ident = var_ident, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_count = undeff}
+ \\ {var_ident, var_info_ptr} <- free_vars | not (isMember var_info_ptr outer_info_ptrs)]
= lifted_arguments++arguments_from_outer_fun
| SwitchArityChecks (length all_args > 32) False
# ti
= { ti & ti_cons_args = ti_cons_args, ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_recursion_introduced = No }
| ro.ro_transform_fusion
- # ti = { ti & ti_error_file = ti.ti_error_file <<< "Possibly missed fusion oppurtunity: Case Arity > 32 " <<< ro.ro_fun_root.symb_name.id_name <<< "\n"}
+ # ti = { ti & ti_error_file = ti.ti_error_file <<< "Possibly missed fusion oppurtunity: Case Arity > 32 " <<< ro.ro_fun_root.symb_ident.id_name <<< "\n"}
= skip_over kees ro ti
= skip_over kees ro ti
# (fun_info_ptr, ti_fun_heap)
= newPtr FI_Empty ti_fun_heap
- = { id_name = ro.ro_fun_root.symb_name.id_name+++"_case", id_info = nilPtr }
- fun_symb
- = { symb_name = fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr undeff }
+ = { id_name = ro.ro_fun_root.symb_ident.id_name+++"_case", id_info = nilPtr }
+ fun_ident
+ = { symb_ident = fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr undeff }
<-!- ("<<<transformCaseFunction",fun_ident)
| SwitchAlwaysIntroduceCaseFunction True False
# ti
@@ -871,10 +871,10 @@ possibly_generate_case_function kees=:{case_info_ptr} aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti
# ti
= { ti & ti_next_fun_nr = fun_index + 1 }
# new_ro
- = { ro & ro_root_case_mode = RootCaseOfZombie , ro_fun_case = fun_symb, ro_fun_args = all_args }
+ = { ro & ro_root_case_mode = RootCaseOfZombie , ro_fun_case = fun_ident, ro_fun_args = all_args }
= generate_case_function fun_index case_info_ptr (Case kees) outer_fun_def outer_cons_args used_mask new_ro ti
# new_ro
- = { ro & ro_root_case_mode = RootCaseOfZombie , ro_fun_case = fun_symb, ro_fun_args = all_args, ro_fun_geni = (-1,-1) }
+ = { ro & ro_root_case_mode = RootCaseOfZombie , ro_fun_case = fun_ident, ro_fun_args = all_args, ro_fun_geni = (-1,-1) }
= { ti & ti_cons_args = ti_cons_args, ti_fun_defs = ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_recursion_introduced = No }
(new_expr, ti)
@@ -891,9 +891,9 @@ possibly_generate_case_function kees=:{case_info_ptr} aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti
generate_case_function :: !Int !ExprInfoPtr !Expression FunDef .ConsClasses [.Bool] !.ReadOnlyTI !*TransformInfo -> (!Expression,!*TransformInfo)
generate_case_function fun_index case_info_ptr new_expr outer_fun_def outer_cons_args used_mask
{ro_fun_case=ro_fun=:{symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_info_ptr _}, ro_fun_args} ti
-// | False -!-> ("generate_case_function",ro_fun.symb_name) = undef
+// | False -!-> ("generate_case_function",ro_fun.symb_ident) = undef
# fun_arity = length ro_fun_args
- # ti = arity_warning "generate_case_function" ro_fun.symb_name fun_index fun_arity ti
+ # ti = arity_warning "generate_case_function" ro_fun.symb_ident fun_index fun_arity ti
(Yes {st_vars,st_args,st_attr_env}) = outer_fun_def.fun_type
types_from_outer_fun = [ st_arg \\ st_arg <- st_args & used <- used_mask | used ]
nr_of_lifted_vars = fun_arity-(length types_from_outer_fun)
@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ generate_case_function fun_index case_info_ptr new_expr outer_fun_def outer_cons
{us_var_heap=ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap=ti_symbol_heap, us_cleanup_info=ti_cleanup_info, us_opt_type_heaps = Yes ti_type_heaps}
= us
// generated function...
- fun_def = { fun_symb = ro_fun.symb_name
+ fun_def = { fun_ident = ro_fun.symb_ident
, fun_arity = fun_arity
, fun_priority = NoPrio
, fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = form_vars, tb_rhs = copied_expr}
@@ -970,8 +970,8 @@ where
get_type_of_local_var {fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (EVI_VarType a_type, var_heap) = readExtendedVarInfo fv_info_ptr var_heap
= (a_type, var_heap)
- free_var_to_bound_var {fv_name, fv_info_ptr}
- = Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
+ free_var_to_bound_var {fv_ident, fv_info_ptr}
+ = Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
determine_case_function_type fun_arity ct_result_type arg_types st_attr_env ti
# {ti_type_heaps} = ti
{th_vars} = ti_type_heaps
@@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ where
= is_never_matching_case expr
never_ident = case ro.ro_root_case_mode of
NotRootCase -> kees.case_ident
- _ -> Yes ro.ro_fun_case.symb_name
+ _ -> Yes ro.ro_fun_case.symb_ident
removeNeverMatchingSubcases expr ro
= expr
@@ -1201,12 +1201,12 @@ where
create_fresh_type_vars :: !Int !*TypeVarHeap -> (!{!TypeVar}, !*TypeVarHeap)
create_fresh_type_vars nr_of_all_type_vars th_vars
- # fresh_array = createArray nr_of_all_type_vars {tv_name = {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr}, tv_info_ptr=nilPtr}
+ # fresh_array = createArray nr_of_all_type_vars {tv_ident = {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr}, tv_info_ptr=nilPtr}
= iFoldSt allocate_fresh_type_var 0 nr_of_all_type_vars (fresh_array,th_vars)
allocate_fresh_type_var i (array, th_vars)
# (new_tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
- tv = { tv_name = { id_name = "a"+++toString i, id_info = nilPtr }, tv_info_ptr=new_tv_info_ptr }
+ tv = { tv_ident = { id_name = "a"+++toString i, id_info = nilPtr }, tv_info_ptr=new_tv_info_ptr }
= ({array & [i] = tv}, th_vars)
create_fresh_attr_vars :: !{!CoercionTree} !Int !*AttrVarHeap -> (!{!TypeAttribute}, !.AttrVarHeap)
@@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ where
-> ({ attr_var_array & [i] = TA_Multi}, th_attrs)
# (new_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty th_attrs
- -> ({ attr_var_array & [i] = TA_Var { av_name = NewAttrVarId i, av_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }}, th_attrs)
+ -> ({ attr_var_array & [i] = TA_Var { av_ident = NewAttrVarId i, av_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }}, th_attrs)
coercionsToAttrEnv :: !{!TypeAttribute} !Coercions -> [AttrInequality]
coercionsToAttrEnv attr_vars {coer_demanded, coer_offered}
@@ -1293,9 +1293,9 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
cc_args cc_linear_bits prods fun_def_ptr ro n_extra
ti_type_heaps,ti_cons_args,ti_cleanup_info, ti_type_def_infos}
-// | False--->("generating new function",fd.fun_symb.id_name,"->",ti_next_fun_nr,prods,tb_args) = undef
+// | False--->("generating new function",fd.fun_ident.id_name,"->",ti_next_fun_nr,prods,tb_args) = undef
- | False-!->("generating new function",fd.fun_symb.id_name,"->",ti_next_fun_nr) = undef
+ | False-!->("generating new function",fd.fun_ident.id_name,"->",ti_next_fun_nr) = undef
| False-!->("with type",fd.fun_type) = undef
| False-!->("producers:",II_Node prods nilPtr II_Empty II_Empty,("cc_args",cc_args,("cc_linear_bits",cc_linear_bits))) = undef
| False-!->("body:",tb_args, tb_rhs) = undef
@@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
, ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap, ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap, ti_cons_args = ti_cons_args, ti_type_def_infos = ti_type_def_infos
, ti_predef_symbols = ti_predef_symbols }
| ro.ro_transform_fusion
- # ti = { ti & ti_error_file = ti.ti_error_file <<< "Possibly missed fusion oppurtunity: Function Arity > 32 " <<< ro.ro_fun_root.symb_name.id_name <<< "\n"}
+ # ti = { ti & ti_error_file = ti.ti_error_file <<< "Possibly missed fusion oppurtunity: Function Arity > 32 " <<< ro.ro_fun_root.symb_ident.id_name <<< "\n"}
= (-1,new_fun_arity,ti)
= (-1,new_fun_arity,ti)
# new_arg_types = flatten [ ats_types \\ {ats_types}<-:new_arg_types_array ]
@@ -1547,7 +1547,7 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
store_arg_type_info {fv_info_ptr} a_type ti_var_heap
= setExtendedVarInfo fv_info_ptr (EVI_VarType a_type) ti_var_heap
- # ro_fun= { symb_name = fd.fun_symb, symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr ti_next_fun_nr }
+ # ro_fun= { symb_ident = fd.fun_ident, symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr ti_next_fun_nr }
# ro_root_case_mode = case tb_rhs of
Case _
-> RootCase
@@ -1636,15 +1636,15 @@ generateFunction app_symb fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_i
ti_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps, ti_cleanup_info = us_cleanup_info,
ti_cons_args = ti_cons_args,
ti_predef_symbols = ti_predef_symbols }
- # ti = arity_warning "generateFunction" fd.fun_symb.id_name ti_next_fun_nr new_fun_arity ti
+ # ti = arity_warning "generateFunction" fd.fun_ident.id_name ti_next_fun_nr new_fun_arity ti
# (tb_rhs,ti) = case n_extra of
0 -> (tb_rhs,ti)
# act_args = map f2b (reverse (take n_extra (reverse new_fun_args)))
- f2b { fv_name, fv_info_ptr }
- = Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+ f2b { fv_ident, fv_info_ptr }
+ = Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
-> add_args_to_fun_body act_args fresh_result_type tb_rhs ro ti
(new_fun_rhs, ti)
@@ -1865,10 +1865,10 @@ determine_args _ [] prod_index producers prod_atypes forms _ das=:{das_var_heap}
new_variables [] var_heap
= ([], var_heap)
- new_variables [form=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr}:forms] var_heap
+ new_variables [form=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}:forms] var_heap
# (vars, var_heap) = new_variables forms var_heap
(new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- = ([{ form & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } : vars], writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info_ptr) var_heap)
+ = ([{ form & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } : vars], writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_ident new_info_ptr) var_heap)
determine_args [linear_bit : linear_bits] [cons_arg : cons_args] prod_index producers [prod_atype:prod_atypes]
[form : forms] input das
@@ -1885,9 +1885,9 @@ determine_arg
:: !Producer .(Optional SymbolType) !FreeVar .Int !(!(!Bool,!ConsClass),!ReadOnlyTI) !*DetermineArgsState
-> *DetermineArgsState
-determine_arg PR_Empty _ form=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} _ ((linear_bit,cons_arg), _) das=:{das_var_heap}
+determine_arg PR_Empty _ form=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} _ ((linear_bit,cons_arg), _) das=:{das_var_heap}
# (new_info_ptr, das_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty das_var_heap
- # das_var_heap = writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info_ptr) das_var_heap
+ # das_var_heap = writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_ident new_info_ptr) das_var_heap
= { das
& das_vars = [{ form & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } : das.das_vars ]
, das_new_linear_bits = [ linear_bit : das.das_new_linear_bits ]
@@ -1895,13 +1895,13 @@ determine_arg PR_Empty _ form=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} _ ((linear_bit,cons_arg), _
, das_var_heap = das_var_heap
-determine_arg PR_Unused _ form=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} prod_index (_,ro) das=:{das_var_heap}
+determine_arg PR_Unused _ form=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} prod_index (_,ro) das=:{das_var_heap}
# no_arg_type = { ats_types= [], ats_strictness = NotStrict }
= { das
& das_arg_types.[prod_index] = no_arg_type
-determine_arg (PR_Class class_app free_vars_and_types class_type) _ {fv_info_ptr,fv_name} prod_index (_,ro)
+determine_arg (PR_Class class_app free_vars_and_types class_type) _ {fv_info_ptr,fv_ident} prod_index (_,ro)
das=:{das_arg_types, das_subst, das_type_heaps, das_predef}
# (ws_arg_type, das_arg_types)
= das_arg_types![prod_index]
@@ -1928,10 +1928,10 @@ determine_arg (PR_Class class_app free_vars_and_types class_type) _ {fv_info_ptr
| type_symb1 == type_symb2
= unify class_atype arg_type
// FIXME: check indexes, not names. Need predefs for that.
-// | type_symb1.type_name.id_name == "GenericDict"
+// | type_symb1.type_ident.id_name == "GenericDict"
| type_symb1.type_index == genericGlobalIndex
= unify {class_atype & at_type = TA type_symb2 args1} arg_type
-// | type_symb2.type_name.id_name == "GenericDict"
+// | type_symb2.type_ident.id_name == "GenericDict"
| type_symb2.type_index == genericGlobalIndex
= unify class_atype {arg_type & at_type = TA type_symb1 args2}
unify_dict class_atype arg_type
@@ -1948,8 +1948,8 @@ determine_arg (PR_Class class_app free_vars_and_types class_type) _ {fv_info_ptr
# ws_arg_type` = {ats_types= ws_ats_types, ats_strictness = first_n_strict (length free_vars_and_types) }
= {das
- & das_vars = mapAppend (\({var_info_ptr,var_name}, _)
- -> { fv_name = var_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 })
+ & das_vars = mapAppend (\({var_info_ptr,var_ident}, _)
+ -> { fv_ident = var_ident, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0 })
free_vars_and_types das.das_vars
, das_arg_types = {das_arg_types & [prod_index] = ws_arg_type` }
, das_new_linear_bits = mapAppend (\_ -> True) free_vars_and_types das.das_new_linear_bits
@@ -1961,7 +1961,7 @@ determine_arg (PR_Class class_app free_vars_and_types class_type) _ {fv_info_ptr
determine_arg producer (Yes {st_args, st_args_strictness, st_result, st_attr_vars, st_context, st_attr_env, st_arity})
- {fv_info_ptr,fv_name} prod_index ((linear_bit, _),ro)
+ {fv_info_ptr,fv_ident} prod_index ((linear_bit, _),ro)
# {th_vars, th_attrs} = das_type_heaps
@@ -2014,7 +2014,7 @@ determine_arg producer (Yes {st_args, st_args_strictness, st_result, st_attr_var
= get_fun_def symbol.symb_kind ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n das_fun_defs das_fun_heap
-> case fun_body of
(TransformedBody tb)
- -> (NoBody, take nr_of_applied_args [ fv_name \\ {fv_name}<-tb.tb_args ], das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
+ -> (NoBody, take nr_of_applied_args [ fv_ident \\ {fv_ident}<-tb.tb_args ], das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
-> (NoBody, repeatn arity { id_name = "_x", id_info = nilPtr }, das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
@@ -2022,7 +2022,7 @@ determine_arg producer (Yes {st_args, st_args_strictness, st_result, st_attr_var
= get_fun_def symbol.symb_kind ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n das_fun_defs das_fun_heap
-> case fun_body of
(TransformedBody tb)
- -> (fun_body, take nr_of_applied_args [ fv_name \\ {fv_name}<-tb.tb_args ], das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
+ -> (fun_body, take nr_of_applied_args [ fv_ident \\ {fv_ident}<-tb.tb_args ], das_fun_defs, das_fun_heap)
-> abort ("determine_args:not a Transformed Body:"--->("producer",producer))
(form_vars, act_vars, das_var_heap)
@@ -2041,8 +2041,8 @@ determine_arg producer (Yes {st_args, st_args_strictness, st_result, st_attr_var
= case arg_type.at_annotation of
# (new_info_ptr_l, das_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty das_var_heap
- # free_var_l = { fv_name = { id_name = "free_l", id_info = nilPtr }, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr_l, fv_count = 0, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
- # act_var_l = Var { var_name = { id_name = "act_l", id_info = nilPtr }, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr_l, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+ # free_var_l = { fv_ident = { id_name = "free_l", id_info = nilPtr }, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr_l, fv_count = 0, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
+ # act_var_l = Var { var_ident = { id_name = "act_l", id_info = nilPtr }, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr_l, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
# bind = {lb_dst = fv, lb_src = act_var_l, lb_position = NoPos}
@@ -2073,8 +2073,8 @@ where
= (form_vars, act_vars, var_heap)
build_var_args [new_name:new_names] form_vars act_vars var_heap
# (info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- form_var = { fv_name = new_name, fv_info_ptr = info_ptr, fv_count = 0, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
- act_var = { var_name = new_name, var_info_ptr = info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+ form_var = { fv_ident = new_name, fv_info_ptr = info_ptr, fv_count = 0, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
+ act_var = { var_ident = new_name, var_info_ptr = info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
= build_var_args new_names [form_var : form_vars] [Var act_var : act_vars] var_heap
calc_cons_args curried {symb_kind} symbol_arity ti_cons_args linear_bit size_fun_defs fun_heap
@@ -2218,7 +2218,7 @@ where
freshAttrVar attr_var th_attrs
# (new_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty th_attrs
- = ({ av_name = NewAttrVarId attr_var, av_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }, th_attrs)
+ = ({ av_ident = NewAttrVarId attr_var, av_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }, th_attrs)
//@ max_group_index
@@ -2263,7 +2263,7 @@ where
= abort ("trans.icl: max_group_index_of_producer" ---> prod)
- (App {app_symb = {symb_name, symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_object = fun_index, glob_module = mod_index}}})
+ (App {app_symb = {symb_ident, symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_object = fun_index, glob_module = mod_index}}})
(current_max, cons_args, fun_defs, fun_heap)
| mod_index == ro_main_dcl_module_n
# (size_args, cons_args) = usize cons_args
@@ -2273,7 +2273,7 @@ where
= (current_max, cons_args, fun_defs, fun_heap)
= (current_max, cons_args, fun_defs, fun_heap)
- (App {app_symb = {symb_name, symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction fun_index}})
+ (App {app_symb = {symb_ident, symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction fun_index}})
(current_max, cons_args, fun_defs, fun_heap)
# (size_args, cons_args) = usize cons_args
| fun_index < size_args
@@ -2358,20 +2358,20 @@ instance replaceIntegers AType where
// Variable binding...
-bind_to_fresh_expr_var {fv_name, fv_info_ptr} var_heap
+bind_to_fresh_expr_var {fv_ident, fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- form_var = { fv_name = fv_name, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = undeff, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
- act_var = { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+ form_var = { fv_ident = fv_ident, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = undeff, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
+ act_var = { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
= (form_var, writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression (Var act_var)) var_heap)
-bind_to_fresh_type_variable {tv_name, tv_info_ptr} th_vars
+bind_to_fresh_type_variable {tv_ident, tv_info_ptr} th_vars
# (new_tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
- tv = { tv_name=tv_name, tv_info_ptr=new_tv_info_ptr }
+ tv = { tv_ident=tv_ident, tv_info_ptr=new_tv_info_ptr }
= (tv, writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Type (TV tv)) th_vars)
-bind_to_fresh_attr_variable {av_name, av_info_ptr} th_attrs
+bind_to_fresh_attr_variable {av_ident, av_info_ptr} th_attrs
# (new_av_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty th_attrs
- av = { av_name=av_name, av_info_ptr=new_av_info_ptr }
+ av = { av_ident=av_ident, av_info_ptr=new_av_info_ptr }
= (av, writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_Attr (TA_Var av)) th_attrs)
bind_to_temp_type_var {tv_info_ptr} (next_type_var_nr, th_vars)
@@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@ where
= ([], var_heap)
# new_name = { id_name = "_a", id_info = nilPtr }
(info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- form_var = { fv_name = new_name, fv_info_ptr = info_ptr, fv_count = 0, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
+ form_var = { fv_ident = new_name, fv_info_ptr = info_ptr, fv_count = 0, fv_def_level = NotALevel }
(form_vars,var_heap) = create_new_args (n_new_args-1) var_heap
= ([form_var : form_vars],var_heap)
@@ -2809,13 +2809,13 @@ transformApplication app=:{app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind}, app_args} extra_args
= (App { app & app_args = app_args ++ extra_args}, ti)
| glob_module==ro.ro_stdStrictLists_module_n && is_cons_or_decons_of_UList_or_UTSList glob_object glob_module ro.ro_imported_funs && (not (isEmpty app_args))
-// && True ---> ("transformApplication "+++toString symb.symb_name)
+// && True ---> ("transformApplication "+++toString symb.symb_ident)
# {ft_type} = ro.ro_imported_funs.[glob_module].[glob_object] // type of cons instance of instance List [#] a | U(TS)List a
# [{tc_class=TCClass {glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}}:_] = ft_type.st_context
- # member_n=find_member_n 0 symb.symb_name.id_name ro.ro_common_defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[ds_index].class_members
+ # member_n=find_member_n 0 symb.symb_ident.id_name ro.ro_common_defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[ds_index].class_members
# cons_u_member_index=ro.ro_common_defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[ds_index].class_members.[member_n].ds_index
- # {me_symb,me_offset}=ro.ro_common_defs.[glob_module].com_member_defs.[cons_u_member_index]
- # select_symb= {glob_module=glob_module,glob_object={ds_ident=me_symb,ds_index=cons_u_member_index,ds_arity=1}}
+ # {me_ident,me_offset}=ro.ro_common_defs.[glob_module].com_member_defs.[cons_u_member_index]
+ # select_symb= {glob_module=glob_module,glob_object={ds_ident=me_ident,ds_index=cons_u_member_index,ds_arity=1}}
# [first_arg:other_app_args] = app_args;
# args=other_app_args++extra_args
| isEmpty args
@@ -2896,7 +2896,7 @@ transformApplication app=:{app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind}, app_args} extra_args
= (Selection NormalSelector exp [RecordSelection select_symb me_offset],ti)
// XXX linear_bits field has to be added for generated functions
-transformApplication app=:{app_symb={symb_name,symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr fun_index}} extra_args
+transformApplication app=:{app_symb={symb_ident,symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr fun_index}} extra_args
ro ti=:{ti_cons_args,ti_instances,ti_fun_defs,ti_fun_heap}
| fun_index < size ti_cons_args
# (cons_class, ti_cons_args) = ti_cons_args![fun_index]
@@ -2909,7 +2909,7 @@ transformApplication app=:{app_symb={symb_name,symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction
= transformFunctionApplication gf_fun_def gf_instance_info gf_cons_args app extra_args ro ti
transformApplication app [] ro ti
= (App app, ti)
-transformApplication app=:{app_symb={symb_name,symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_index},app_args} extra_args
+transformApplication app=:{app_symb={symb_ident,symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_index},app_args} extra_args
ro ti=:{ti_cons_args,ti_instances,ti_fun_defs,ti_fun_heap}
# {cons_type} = ro.ro_common_defs.[cons_index.glob_module].com_cons_defs.[cons_index.glob_object]
# (app_args,extra_args) = complete_application cons_type.st_arity app_args extra_args
@@ -2959,7 +2959,7 @@ where
_ -> False
= cnf_args args (inc index) strictness ro
- cnf_app_args {app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_index, symb_name}, app_args} ro
+ cnf_app_args {app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_index, symb_ident}, app_args} ro
# {cons_type} = ro.ro_common_defs.[cons_index.glob_module].com_cons_defs.[cons_index.glob_object]
= cnf_args app_args 0 cons_type.st_args_strictness ro
cnf_app_args {app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind}, app_args} ro
@@ -3016,7 +3016,7 @@ determineProducers is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consum
_ # (info_ptr, ti_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty ti.ti_var_heap
ti = {ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap}
lb = {lb_dst=
- { fv_name = { id_name = "dummy_for_strict_unused", id_info = nilPtr }
+ { fv_ident = { id_name = "dummy_for_strict_unused", id_info = nilPtr }
, fv_info_ptr = info_ptr
, fv_count = 0
, fv_def_level = NotALevel
@@ -3077,10 +3077,10 @@ determineProducer _ _ _ _ app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor _},
, { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }
-determineProducer _ _ _ linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_index, symb_name}, app_args} _
+determineProducer _ _ _ linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_index, symb_ident}, app_args} _
new_args prod_index producers ro ti
# {cons_type} = ro.ro_common_defs.[cons_index.glob_module].com_cons_defs.[cons_index.glob_object]
- rnf = rnf_args app_args 0 cons_type.st_args_strictness ro //---> ("rnf_args",symb_name)
+ rnf = rnf_args app_args 0 cons_type.st_args_strictness ro //---> ("rnf_args",symb_ident)
| SwitchConstructorFusion
(ro.ro_transform_fusion && SwitchRnfConstructorFusion (linear_bit || rnf) linear_bit)
@@ -3097,9 +3097,9 @@ where
_ -> False //---> ("rnf_arg","Other")
= rnf_args args (inc index) strictness ro //---> ("rnf_arg","Lazy")
- rnf_app_args {app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_index, symb_name}, app_args} args index strictness ro
+ rnf_app_args {app_symb=symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Constructor cons_index, symb_ident}, app_args} args index strictness ro
# {cons_type} = ro.ro_common_defs.[cons_index.glob_module].com_cons_defs.[cons_index.glob_object]
- | rnf_args app_args 0 cons_type.st_args_strictness ro //---> ("rnf_args",symb_name)
+ | rnf_args app_args 0 cons_type.st_args_strictness ro //---> ("rnf_args",symb_ident)
= rnf_args args (inc index) strictness ro
= False
// what else is rnf => curried apps
@@ -3115,10 +3115,10 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consume
| length app_args<>fun_arity
| is_applied_to_macro_fun
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Curried symb (length app_args)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce1cc_macro",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce1cc_macro",symb.symb_ident)
| SwitchCurriedFusion ro.ro_transform_fusion cc_producer False
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Curried symb (length app_args)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce1cc_curried",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce1cc_curried",symb.symb_ident)
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
# is_good_producer
= case fun_body of
@@ -3128,7 +3128,7 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consume
-> SwitchGeneratedFusion (ro.ro_transform_fusion && linear_bit && is_sexy_body tb_rhs) False
| cc_producer && is_good_producer
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = (PR_GeneratedFunction symb (length app_args) fun_index)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce1cc",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce1cc",symb.symb_ident)
# not_expanding_producer
= case fun_body of
Expanding _
@@ -3140,12 +3140,12 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consume
((not consumer_is_curried && not_expanding_producer) && is_applied_to_macro_fun && linear_bit && is_higher_order_function fun_type)
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Curried symb (length app_args)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce1cc_ho",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce1cc_ho",symb.symb_ident)
| SwitchHOFusion`
((not consumer_is_curried && not_expanding_producer) && ok_non_rec_consumer && linear_bit && is_higher_order_function fun_type)
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Curried symb (length app_args)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce1cc_hnr",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce1cc_hnr",symb.symb_ident)
// NON-REC...
# non_rec_producer
= (fun_info.fi_properties bitand FI_IsNonRecursive) <> 0
@@ -3157,10 +3157,10 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consume
-> ro.ro_transform_fusion && not_expanding_producer && is_sexy_body tb_rhs && ok_non_rec_consumer && non_rec_producer//is_good_producer
| SwitchNonRecFusion ok_non_rec False
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = (PR_GeneratedFunction symb (length app_args) fun_index)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce1nr",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce1nr",symb.symb_ident)
// ...NON-REC
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
- -!-> ("Produce1--",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce1--",symb.symb_ident)
determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consumer linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind}, app_args} _
new_args prod_index producers ro ti
@@ -3173,23 +3173,23 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consume
| length app_args<>fun_arity
| is_applied_to_macro_fun
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Curried symb (length app_args)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce2cc_macro",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce2cc_macro",symb.symb_ident)
# ({cc_producer},ti) = ti!ti_cons_args.[glob_object]
| SwitchCurriedFusion ro.ro_transform_fusion cc_producer False
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Curried symb (length app_args)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce2cc_curried",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce2cc_curried",symb.symb_ident)
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
#! max_index = size ti.ti_cons_args
| glob_module <> ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n || glob_object >= max_index /* Sjaak, to skip array functions */
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
- -!-> ("Produce2cc_array",symb.symb_name,if (glob_module <> ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n) "foreign" "array")
+ -!-> ("Produce2cc_array",symb.symb_ident,if (glob_module <> ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n) "foreign" "array")
# ({fun_body,fun_type,fun_info}, ti) = ti!ti_fun_defs.[glob_object]
(TransformedBody {tb_rhs}) = fun_body
is_good_producer = SwitchFunctionFusion (ro.ro_transform_fusion && linear_bit && is_sexy_body tb_rhs) False
{cc_producer} = ti.ti_cons_args.[glob_object]
| is_good_producer && cc_producer && not consumer_is_curried
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = (PR_Function symb (length app_args) glob_object)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce2cc",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce2cc",symb.symb_ident)
# not_expanding_producer
= case fun_body of
Expanding _
@@ -3199,7 +3199,7 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consume
// -> cc_producer
| (not consumer_is_curried && not_expanding_producer) && is_applied_to_macro_fun && linear_bit && is_higher_order_function fun_type
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Curried symb (length app_args)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce2cc_ho",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce2cc_ho",symb.symb_ident)
// NON-REC...
# non_rec_producer
= (fun_info.fi_properties bitand FI_IsNonRecursive) <> 0
@@ -3211,12 +3211,12 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun consumer_is_curried ok_non_rec_consume
-> ro.ro_transform_fusion && not_expanding_producer && is_sexy_body tb_rhs && ok_non_rec_consumer && non_rec_producer//&& is_good_producer
| SwitchNonRecFusion ok_non_rec False
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = (PR_Function symb (length app_args) glob_object)}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)
- -!-> ("Produce2nr",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce2nr",symb.symb_ident)
// ...NON-REC
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
- -!-> ("Produce2-1",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce2-1",symb.symb_ident)
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
- -!-> ("Produce2-2",symb.symb_name)
+ -!-> ("Produce2-2",symb.symb_ident)
get_max_index ti=:{ti_cons_args}
#! (max_index, ti_cons_args) = usize ti_cons_args
@@ -3270,7 +3270,7 @@ renewVariables exprs var_heap
= (exprs, (new_vars, free_vars, var_heap))
map_expr :: !Expression !RenewState -> (!Expression, !RenewState)
- map_expr (Var var=:{var_info_ptr, var_name}) (new_vars_accu, free_vars_accu, var_heap)
+ map_expr (Var var=:{var_info_ptr, var_ident}) (new_vars_accu, free_vars_accu, var_heap)
# (var_info, var_heap)
= readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
= case var_info of
@@ -3279,7 +3279,7 @@ renewVariables exprs var_heap
, (new_vars_accu, free_vars_accu, var_heap))
VI_Extended evi=:(EVI_VarType var_type) _
# (new_var, var_heap)
- = allocate_and_bind_new_var var_name var_info_ptr evi var_heap
+ = allocate_and_bind_new_var var_ident var_info_ptr evi var_heap
-> ( Var new_var
, ( [(new_var, var_type.at_type) : new_vars_accu]
, [var:free_vars_accu]
@@ -3290,20 +3290,20 @@ renewVariables exprs var_heap
map_expr x st = (x, st)
preprocess_local_var :: !FreeVar !RenewState -> (!FreeVar, !RenewState)
- preprocess_local_var fv=:{fv_name, fv_info_ptr} (new_vars_accu, free_vars_accu, var_heap)
+ preprocess_local_var fv=:{fv_ident, fv_info_ptr} (new_vars_accu, free_vars_accu, var_heap)
// # (VI_Extended evi _, var_heap)
// = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
# (evi, var_heap)
= readExtendedVarInfo fv_info_ptr var_heap
(new_var, var_heap)
- = allocate_and_bind_new_var fv_name fv_info_ptr evi var_heap
+ = allocate_and_bind_new_var fv_ident fv_info_ptr evi var_heap
= ( { fv & fv_info_ptr = new_var.var_info_ptr }
, (new_vars_accu, free_vars_accu, var_heap))
- allocate_and_bind_new_var var_name var_info_ptr evi var_heap
+ allocate_and_bind_new_var var_ident var_info_ptr evi var_heap
# (new_info_ptr, var_heap)
= newPtr (VI_Extended evi VI_Empty) var_heap
- = { var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+ = { var_ident = var_ident, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
= writeVarInfo var_info_ptr (VI_Forward new_var) var_heap
= (new_var, var_heap)
@@ -3583,9 +3583,9 @@ where
store_arg_type_info {fv_info_ptr} a_type ti_var_heap
= setExtendedVarInfo fv_info_ptr (EVI_VarType a_type) ti_var_heap
- fun_def_to_symb_ident fun_index fsize {fun_symb}
+ fun_def_to_symb_ident fun_index fsize {fun_ident}
| fun_index < fsize
- = { symb_name=fun_symb, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object=fun_index, glob_module=main_dcl_module_n } }
+ = { symb_ident=fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object=fun_index, glob_module=main_dcl_module_n } }
get_root_case_mode {tb_rhs=Case _} = RootCase
get_root_case_mode _ = NotRootCase
@@ -3593,7 +3593,7 @@ where
get_fun_def_and_symb_ident fun ti=:{ti_fun_defs}
| fun < size ti_fun_defs
# (fun_def, ti) = ti!ti_fun_defs.[fun]
- # si = { symb_name=fun_def.fun_symb, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object=fun, glob_module=main_dcl_module_n } }
+ # si = { symb_ident=fun_def.fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object=fun, glob_module=main_dcl_module_n } }
= (fun_def,si,ti)
# (fun_def_ptr,ti_fun_heap) = lookup_ptr fun ti.ti_new_functions ti.ti_fun_heap
@@ -3606,7 +3606,7 @@ where
= lookup_ptr fun new_functions ti_fun_heap
# (FI_Function {gf_fun_def}, ti_fun_heap)
= readPtr fun_def_ptr ti_fun_heap
- # si = { symb_name=gf_fun_def.fun_symb, symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr fun }
+ # si = { symb_ident=gf_fun_def.fun_ident, symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr fun }
ti = { ti & ti_fun_heap = ti_fun_heap }
= (gf_fun_def,si,ti)
@@ -3637,10 +3637,10 @@ where
, prs_group_index = group_nr
# (safe,prs) = producerRequirements fun_body prs
-// # prs = prs ---> ("producerRequirements",fun_def.fun_symb,fun,group_nr,safe,fun_body)
+// # prs = prs ---> ("producerRequirements",fun_def.fun_ident,fun,group_nr,safe,fun_body)
#! ti = {ti & ti_fun_defs = prs.prs_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap = prs.prs_fun_heap, ti_cons_args = prs.prs_cons_args}
// put back prs info into ti?
- | safe //-!-> ("producerRequirements",fun_def.fun_symb,safe)
+ | safe //-!-> ("producerRequirements",fun_def.fun_ident,safe)
= safe_producers group_nr group_members funs ti
= (safe,ti)
@@ -3885,9 +3885,9 @@ where
expand_syn_types_in_TA :: !.Int !{#.CommonDefs} !.Type !.TypeAttribute !*ExpandTypeState -> (!Bool,!Type,!.ExpandTypeState)
expand_syn_types_in_TA rem_annots common_defs ta_type attribute ets=:{ets_type_defs}
# (glob_object,glob_module,types) = case ta_type of
- (TA type_symb=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_name} types) -> (glob_object,glob_module,types)
- (TAS type_symb=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_name} types strictness) -> (glob_object,glob_module,types)
- # ({td_rhs,td_name,td_args,td_attribute},ets_type_defs) = ets_type_defs![glob_module].[glob_object]
+ (TA type_symb=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_ident} types) -> (glob_object,glob_module,types)
+ (TAS type_symb=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_ident} types strictness) -> (glob_object,glob_module,types)
+ # ({td_rhs,td_ident,td_args,td_attribute},ets_type_defs) = ets_type_defs![glob_module].[glob_object]
ets = { ets & ets_type_defs = ets_type_defs }
= case td_rhs of
SynType rhs_type
@@ -4118,8 +4118,8 @@ where
adjust_var_info _ (VI_UsedVar _) fvi_variables fvi_var_heap
= (fvi_variables, fvi_var_heap)
- adjust_var_info bound_var=:{var_name} _ fvi_variables fvi_var_heap
- = ([bound_var : fvi_variables], writeVarInfo var_info_ptr (VI_UsedVar var_name) fvi_var_heap)
+ adjust_var_info bound_var=:{var_ident} _ fvi_variables fvi_var_heap
+ = ([bound_var : fvi_variables], writeVarInfo var_info_ptr (VI_UsedVar var_ident) fvi_var_heap)
instance freeVariables Expression
@@ -4219,7 +4219,7 @@ determineGlobalVariables global_variables var_heap
determine_global_variable {var_info_ptr} (global_variables, var_heap)
# (VI_UsedVar v_name, var_heap) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr var_heap
- = ([{var_name = v_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : global_variables], var_heap)
+ = ([{var_ident = v_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : global_variables], var_heap)
removeLocalVariables local_variables all_variables global_variables var_heap
# var_heap = foldSt mark_local_var local_variables var_heap
@@ -4528,12 +4528,12 @@ where
instance <<< Producer
(<<<) file (PR_Function symbol _ index)
- = file <<< "(F)" <<< symbol.symb_name
+ = file <<< "(F)" <<< symbol.symb_ident
(<<<) file (PR_GeneratedFunction symbol _ index)
- = file <<< "(G)" <<< symbol.symb_name <<< index
+ = file <<< "(G)" <<< symbol.symb_ident <<< index
(<<<) file PR_Empty = file <<< 'E'
(<<<) file (PR_Class app vars type) = file <<< "(Class(" <<< App app<<<","<<< type <<< "))"
- (<<<) file (PR_Curried {symb_name, symb_kind} _) = file <<< "(Curried)" <<< symb_name <<< symb_kind
+ (<<<) file (PR_Curried {symb_ident, symb_kind} _) = file <<< "(Curried)" <<< symb_ident <<< symb_kind
(<<<) file _ = file
@@ -4600,15 +4600,15 @@ where
instance <<< SymbIdent
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function symb_index }
- = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident <<< '@' <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction symb_index }
- = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident <<< '@' <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction _ symb_index }
- = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident <<< '@' <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction symb_index }
- = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[o]@" <<< symb_index
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident <<< "[o]@" <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb
- = file <<< symb.symb_name
+ = file <<< symb.symb_ident
instance <<< {!Type}
@@ -4674,10 +4674,10 @@ foundSpecial _ = True
-arity_warning msg symb_name fun_index fun_arity ti
+arity_warning msg symb_ident fun_index fun_arity ti
| fun_arity <= 32
= ti
- = {ti & ti_error_file = ti.ti_error_file <<< "Warning: Arity > 32 " <<< msg <<< " " <<< fun_arity <<< " " <<< symb_name <<< "@" <<< fun_index <<< "\n"}
+ = {ti & ti_error_file = ti.ti_error_file <<< "Warning: Arity > 32 " <<< msg <<< " " <<< fun_arity <<< " " <<< symb_ident <<< "@" <<< fun_index <<< "\n"}
strip_universal_quantor :: SymbolType -> SymbolType
strip_universal_quantor st=:{st_vars,st_args,st_result}
diff --git a/frontend/transform.icl b/frontend/transform.icl
index c7326c0..b999102 100644
--- a/frontend/transform.icl
+++ b/frontend/transform.icl
@@ -40,16 +40,16 @@ where
instance lift Expression
- lift (FreeVar {fv_name,fv_info_ptr}) ls=:{ls_var_heap}
+ lift (FreeVar {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}) ls=:{ls_var_heap}
# (var_info, ls_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr ls_var_heap
ls = { ls & ls_var_heap = ls_var_heap }
= case var_info of
VI_LiftedVariable var_info_ptr
# (var_expr_ptr, ls_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty ls.ls_expr_heap
- -> (Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, { ls & ls_expr_heap = ls_expr_heap})
+ -> (Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, { ls & ls_expr_heap = ls_expr_heap})
# (var_expr_ptr, ls_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty ls.ls_expr_heap
- -> (Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, { ls & ls_expr_heap = ls_expr_heap})
+ -> (Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, { ls & ls_expr_heap = ls_expr_heap})
lift (App app) ls
# (app, ls) = lift app ls
= (App app, ls)
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ where
lift (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr) ls
# (expr, ls) = lift expr ls
= (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr, ls)
- lift (MatchExpr cons_symb expr) ls
+ lift (MatchExpr cons_ident expr) ls
# (expr, ls) = lift expr ls
- = (MatchExpr cons_symb expr, ls)
+ = (MatchExpr cons_ident expr, ls)
lift (DynamicExpr expr) ls
# (expr, ls) = lift expr ls
= (DynamicExpr expr, ls)
@@ -127,16 +127,16 @@ where
add_free_variables_in_app :: ![FreeVar] ![Expression] !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap -> (![Expression],!*VarHeap,!*ExpressionHeap)
add_free_variables_in_app [] app_args var_heap expr_heap
= (app_args, var_heap, expr_heap)
- add_free_variables_in_app [{fv_name, fv_info_ptr} : free_vars] app_args var_heap expr_heap
+ add_free_variables_in_app [{fv_ident, fv_info_ptr} : free_vars] app_args var_heap expr_heap
# (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= case var_info of
VI_LiftedVariable var_info_ptr
# (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- -> add_free_variables_in_app free_vars [Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr } : app_args]
+ -> add_free_variables_in_app free_vars [Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr } : app_args]
var_heap expr_heap
# (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
- -> add_free_variables_in_app free_vars [Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr } : app_args]
+ -> add_free_variables_in_app free_vars [Var { var_ident = fv_ident, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr } : app_args]
var_heap expr_heap
instance lift LetBind
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ where
fun_defs = ls_x.x_fun_defs
fun_defs = { fun_defs & [fun] = { fun_def & fun_lifted = fun_lifted, fun_body = PartitioningFunction {cb_args = cb_args, cb_rhs = cb_rhs} fun_number}}
= {ls_x={ls_x & x_fun_defs=fun_defs}, ls_var_heap=ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap= ls_expr_heap}
-// ---> ("lift_function", fun_def.fun_symb, fi_free_vars, cb_args, cb_rhs)
+// ---> ("lift_function", fun_def.fun_ident, fi_free_vars, cb_args, cb_rhs)
lift_function (DclMacroIndex module_index fun) {ls_x=ls_x=:{x_macro_defs=macro_defs=:{[module_index,fun] = fun_def}}, ls_var_heap=var_heap, ls_expr_heap=expr_heap}
# {fi_free_vars} = fun_def.fun_info
fun_lifted = length fi_free_vars
@@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ where
= {ls_x={ls_x & x_macro_defs=macro_defs}, ls_var_heap=ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap= ls_expr_heap}
remove_lifted_args vars var_heap
- = foldl (\var_heap {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} -> writePtr fv_info_ptr VI_Empty var_heap) var_heap vars
+ = foldl (\var_heap {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} -> writePtr fv_info_ptr VI_Empty var_heap) var_heap vars
- add_lifted_args [lifted_arg=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} : lifted_args] args var_heap
+ add_lifted_args [lifted_arg=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} : lifted_args] args var_heap
# (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
args = [{ lifted_arg & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } : args ]
= add_lifted_args lifted_args args (writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_LiftedVariable new_info_ptr) var_heap)
@@ -328,18 +328,18 @@ where
= (args, var_heap)
unfoldVariable :: !BoundVar UnfoldInfo !*UnfoldState -> (!Expression, !*UnfoldState)
-unfoldVariable var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr} ui us
+unfoldVariable var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr} ui us
# (var_info, us) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr us
= case var_info of
VI_Expression expr
-> (expr, us)
- VI_Variable var_name var_info_ptr
+ VI_Variable var_ident var_info_ptr
# (var_expr_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty us.us_symbol_heap
- -> (Var {var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr}, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap})
- VI_Body fun_symb _ vars
- -> (App { app_symb = fun_symb,
- app_args = [ Var { var_name=fv_name, var_info_ptr=fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr=nilPtr }
- \\ {fv_name,fv_info_ptr}<-vars],
+ -> (Var {var_ident = var_ident, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr}, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap})
+ VI_Body fun_ident _ vars
+ -> (App { app_symb = fun_ident,
+ app_args = [ Var { var_ident=fv_ident, var_info_ptr=fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr=nilPtr }
+ \\ {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}<-vars],
app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, us)
VI_Dictionary app_symb app_args class_type
# (new_class_type, us_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_class_types class_type us.us_opt_type_heaps
@@ -426,9 +426,9 @@ where
unfold (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr) ui us
# (expr, us) = unfold expr ui us
= (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr, us)
- unfold (MatchExpr cons_symb expr) ui us
+ unfold (MatchExpr cons_ident expr) ui us
# (expr, us) = unfold expr ui us
- = (MatchExpr cons_symb expr, us)
+ = (MatchExpr cons_ident expr, us)
unfold (DynamicExpr expr) ui us
# (expr, us) = unfold expr ui us
= (DynamicExpr expr, us)
@@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ where
= case var_expr of
App {app_symb={symb_kind= SK_Constructor _ }, app_args}
# [RecordSelection _ field_index:_] = selectors
- (App { app_symb = {symb_name, symb_kind = SK_Function array_select}}) = app_args !! field_index
- -> (ArraySelection { array_select & glob_object = { ds_ident = symb_name, ds_arity = 2, ds_index = array_select.glob_object}}
+ (App { app_symb = {symb_ident, symb_kind = SK_Function array_select}}) = app_args !! field_index
+ -> (ArraySelection { array_select & glob_object = { ds_ident = symb_ident, ds_arity = 2, ds_index = array_select.glob_object}}
new_ptr index_expr, us)
Var var
-> (DictionarySelection var selectors new_ptr index_expr, us)
@@ -464,9 +464,9 @@ where
instance unfold FreeVar
- unfold fv=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_name} ui us=:{us_var_heap}
+ unfold fv=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_ident} ui us=:{us_var_heap}
# (new_info_ptr, us_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty us_var_heap
- = ({ fv & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }, { us & us_var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info_ptr) us_var_heap })
+ = ({ fv & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }, { us & us_var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_ident new_info_ptr) us_var_heap })
instance unfold App
unfold app=:{app_symb={symb_kind}, app_args, app_info_ptr} ui us
@@ -594,13 +594,13 @@ where
-> (Yes fvs_subst, us)
(var_info, us) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr us
-> case var_info of
- VI_Body fun_symb {tb_args, tb_rhs} new_aci_params
+ VI_Body fun_ident {tb_args, tb_rhs} new_aci_params
# tb_args_ptrs = [ fv_info_ptr \\ {fv_info_ptr}<-tb_args ]
(original_bindings, us_var_heap) = mapSt readPtr tb_args_ptrs us.us_var_heap
us_var_heap = fold2St bind tb_args_ptrs new_aci_params us_var_heap
(tb_rhs, us) = unfold tb_rhs ui { us & us_var_heap = us_var_heap }
us_var_heap = fold2St writePtr tb_args_ptrs original_bindings us.us_var_heap
- new_aci = { aci & aci_params = new_aci_params, aci_opt_unfolder = Yes fun_symb, aci_free_vars = new_aci_free_vars }
+ new_aci = { aci & aci_params = new_aci_params, aci_opt_unfolder = Yes fun_ident, aci_free_vars = new_aci_free_vars }
new_eei = (EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase new_aci) ei)
us_symbol_heap = writePtr case_info_ptr new_eei us.us_symbol_heap
-> (tb_rhs, { us & us_var_heap = us_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap })
@@ -610,8 +610,8 @@ where
_ -> unfold case_expr ui us
// XXX consider to store BoundVars in VI_Body
- bind fv_info_ptr {fv_name=name, fv_info_ptr=info_ptr} var_heap
- = writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression (Var {var_name=name, var_info_ptr=info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr})) var_heap
+ bind fv_info_ptr {fv_ident=name, fv_info_ptr=info_ptr} var_heap
+ = writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression (Var {var_ident=name, var_info_ptr=info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr})) var_heap
bind ({fv_info_ptr}, var_bound_var) var_heap
= writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression var_bound_var) var_heap
@@ -620,10 +620,10 @@ where
/* update_active_case_info_and_unfold case_expr=:(Var {var_info_ptr}) case_info_ptr us
#! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr us.us_var_heap
= case var_info of
- VI_Body fun_symb fun_body new_aci_var_info_ptr
+ VI_Body fun_ident fun_body new_aci_var_info_ptr
# (fun_body, us) = unfold fun_body us
(EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase aci) ei, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap
- new_aci = { aci & aci_var_info_ptr = new_aci_var_info_ptr, aci_opt_unfolder = Yes fun_symb }
+ new_aci = { aci & aci_var_info_ptr = new_aci_var_info_ptr, aci_opt_unfolder = Yes fun_ident }
us_symbol_heap = writePtr case_info_ptr (EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase new_aci) ei) us_symbol_heap
-> (fun_body, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap })
_ -> unfold case_expr us
@@ -739,8 +739,8 @@ updateFunctionCalls calls collected_calls fun_defs symbol_table
add_function_call fc=:(FunCall fc_index _) (collected_calls, fun_defs, symbol_table)
// # fc_index = trace_n ("add_function_call: "+++toString fc_index+++" ") fc_index
- # ({fun_symb}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index]
- (collected_calls, symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall fun_symb fc (collected_calls, symbol_table)
+ # ({fun_ident}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index]
+ (collected_calls, symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall fun_ident fc (collected_calls, symbol_table)
= (collected_calls, fun_defs, symbol_table)
examineFunctionCall {id_info} fc=:(FunCall fc_index _) (calls, symbol_table)
@@ -877,11 +877,11 @@ copy_macro_or_local_macro_function :: !FunDef !(Optional CopiedLocalFunctions) !
copy_macro_or_local_macro_function macro=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_kind,fun_info={fi_local_vars,fi_calls}} local_macro_functions es=:{es_var_heap,es_symbol_heap}
# (tb_args,es_var_heap) = create_new_arguments tb_args es_var_heap
- create_new_arguments [var=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} : vars] var_heap
+ create_new_arguments [var=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} : vars] var_heap
# (new_vars,var_heap) = create_new_arguments vars var_heap
# (new_info, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- # new_var = { fv_name = fv_name, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_info_ptr = new_info, fv_count = 0 }
- = ([new_var : new_vars], writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info) var_heap)
+ # new_var = { fv_ident = fv_ident, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_info_ptr = new_info, fv_count = 0 }
+ = ([new_var : new_vars], writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_ident new_info) var_heap)
create_new_arguments [] var_heap
= ([],var_heap)
# us = { us_symbol_heap = es_symbol_heap, us_var_heap = es_var_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = No,us_cleanup_info = [],
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ copy_macro_or_local_macro_function macro=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,t
{es & es_var_heap=us_var_heap, es_symbol_heap=us_symbol_heap})
unfoldMacro :: !FunDef ![Expression] !*ExpandInfo -> (!Expression, !*ExpandInfo)
-unfoldMacro {fun_body =fun_body=: TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}, fun_info = {fi_calls},fun_kind,fun_symb} args (calls, es=:{es_var_heap,es_symbol_heap,es_fun_defs})
+unfoldMacro {fun_body =fun_body=: TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}, fun_info = {fi_calls},fun_kind,fun_ident} args (calls, es=:{es_var_heap,es_symbol_heap,es_fun_defs})
# (let_binds, var_heap) = bind_expressions tb_args args [] es_var_heap
#! size_fun_defs = size es_fun_defs
# copied_local_functions = Yes { copied_local_functions=[],used_copied_local_functions=[],new_copied_local_functions=[],next_local_function_n=size_fun_defs}
@@ -945,14 +945,14 @@ where
bind_expression {fv_count} expr binds var_heap
| fv_count == 0
= (binds, var_heap)
- bind_expression {fv_info_ptr} (Var {var_name,var_info_ptr}) binds var_heap
- = (binds, writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable var_name var_info_ptr) var_heap)
- bind_expression {fv_name,fv_info_ptr,fv_count} expr binds var_heap
+ bind_expression {fv_info_ptr} (Var {var_ident,var_info_ptr}) binds var_heap
+ = (binds, writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable var_ident var_info_ptr) var_heap)
+ bind_expression {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr,fv_count} expr binds var_heap
| fv_count == 1
= (binds, writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression expr) var_heap)
# (new_info, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- new_var = { fv_name = fv_name, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_info_ptr = new_info, fv_count = 0 }
- = ([{ lb_src = expr, lb_dst = new_var, lb_position = NoPos} : binds], writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info) var_heap)
+ new_var = { fv_ident = fv_ident, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_info_ptr = new_info, fv_count = 0 }
+ = ([{ lb_src = expr, lb_dst = new_var, lb_position = NoPos} : binds], writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_ident new_info) var_heap)
:: Group =
{ group_members :: ![Int]
@@ -994,9 +994,9 @@ reset_body_of_rhs_macros pi_deps fun_defs macro_defs
-> (fun_defs,macro_defs)
-expand_simple_macro mod_index macro=:{fun_body = CheckedBody body, fun_info, fun_symb, fun_pos,fun_kind}
+expand_simple_macro mod_index macro=:{fun_body = CheckedBody body, fun_info, fun_ident, fun_pos,fun_kind}
predef_symbols_for_transform pi=:{pi_symbol_table,pi_symbol_heap,pi_var_heap,pi_fun_defs,pi_macro_defs,pi_error}
- # identPos = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
+ # identPos = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
# es = { es_symbol_table = pi_symbol_table, es_var_heap = pi_var_heap,
es_symbol_heap = pi_symbol_heap, es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos pi_error,
es_fun_defs=pi_fun_defs, es_macro_defs=pi_macro_defs, es_new_fun_def_numbers=[]
@@ -1025,10 +1025,10 @@ macros_are_simple :: [FunCall] Int {#FunDef} {#{#FunDef}} -> Bool;
macros_are_simple [] mod_index fun_defs macro_defs
= True
macros_are_simple [FunCall fc_index _ : calls ] mod_index fun_defs macro_defs
- # {fun_kind,fun_body, fun_symb} = fun_defs.[fc_index]
+ # {fun_kind,fun_body, fun_ident} = fun_defs.[fc_index]
= is_a_pattern_macro fun_kind fun_body && macros_are_simple calls mod_index fun_defs macro_defs
macros_are_simple [MacroCall module_index fc_index _ : calls ] mod_index fun_defs macro_defs
- # {fun_kind,fun_body, fun_symb} = macro_defs.[module_index,fc_index]
+ # {fun_kind,fun_body, fun_ident} = macro_defs.[module_index,fc_index]
= is_a_pattern_macro fun_kind fun_body && macros_are_simple calls mod_index fun_defs macro_defs
macros_are_simple [DclFunCall dcl_fun_index _ : calls ] mod_index fun_defs macro_defs
= dcl_fun_index<>mod_index && macros_are_simple calls mod_index fun_defs macro_defs
@@ -1054,8 +1054,8 @@ partitionate_dcl_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform macro_i
# macros_pi = foldSt (visit_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform) macro_def.fun_info.fi_calls pi
-> expand_dcl_macro_if_simple mod_index macro_index macro_def predef_symbols_for_transform macros_pi
- # identPos = newPosition macro_def.fun_symb macro_def.fun_pos
- -> { pi & pi_error = checkError macro_def.fun_symb "recursive macro definition" (setErrorAdmin identPos pi.pi_error) }
+ # identPos = newPosition macro_def.fun_ident macro_def.fun_pos
+ -> { pi & pi_error = checkError macro_def.fun_ident "recursive macro definition" (setErrorAdmin identPos pi.pi_error) }
-> pi
= pi
@@ -1069,8 +1069,8 @@ partitionate_icl_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform macro_i
# macros_pi = foldSt (visit_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform) macro_def.fun_info.fi_calls pi
-> expand_icl_macro_if_simple mod_index macro_index macro_def predef_symbols_for_transform macros_pi
- # identPos = newPosition macro_def.fun_symb macro_def.fun_pos
- -> { pi & pi_error = checkError macro_def.fun_symb "recursive macro definition" (setErrorAdmin identPos pi.pi_error) }
+ # identPos = newPosition macro_def.fun_ident macro_def.fun_pos
+ -> { pi & pi_error = checkError macro_def.fun_ident "recursive macro definition" (setErrorAdmin identPos pi.pi_error) }
-> pi
= pi
@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ where
= True
has_no_curried_macro_Expression (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr)
= has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr
- has_no_curried_macro_Expression (MatchExpr cons_symb expr)
+ has_no_curried_macro_Expression (MatchExpr cons_ident expr)
= has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr
has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr
= True
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@ where
# pi = { pi & pi_fun_defs.[fun_index] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = pi.pi_next_group },
pi_groups = [[FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index] : pi.pi_groups] , pi_next_group = inc pi.pi_next_group }
-> (max_fun_nr, pi)
- -> abort ("generated function already has a group index: " +++ toString fun_def.fun_symb +++ " " +++ toString fun_index +++ "\n")
+ -> abort ("generated function already has a group index: " +++ toString fun_def.fun_ident +++ " " +++ toString fun_index +++ "\n")
// do not allocate a group, it will be allocated during generic phase
-> (max_fun_nr, pi)
@@ -1415,8 +1415,8 @@ where
expand_macros (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index) es
# (fun_def,es) = es!es_fun_defs.[fun_index]
- {fun_symb,fun_body = PartitioningFunction body _, fun_info, fun_pos,fun_kind} = fun_def
- identPos = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
+ {fun_ident,fun_body = PartitioningFunction body _, fun_info, fun_pos,fun_kind} = fun_def
+ identPos = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
# es={ es & es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos es.es_error }
# (tb_args, tb_rhs, fi_local_vars, fi_calls,fi_dynamics, es)
= expandMacrosInBody fun_info.fi_calls body fun_info.fi_dynamics predef_symbols_for_transform es
@@ -1425,8 +1425,8 @@ where
= {es & es_fun_defs.[fun_index] = fun_def }
expand_macros (DclMacroIndex macro_module_index fun_index) es
# (old_fun_def,es) = es!es_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,fun_index]
- {fun_symb,fun_body = PartitioningFunction body _, fun_info, fun_pos,fun_kind} = old_fun_def
- identPos = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
+ {fun_ident,fun_body = PartitioningFunction body _, fun_info, fun_pos,fun_kind} = old_fun_def
+ identPos = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
# es={ es & es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos es.es_error }
# (tb_args, tb_rhs, fi_local_vars, fi_calls,fi_dynamics, es)
= expandMacrosInBody fun_info.fi_calls body fun_info.fi_dynamics predef_symbols_for_transform es
@@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ addFunctionCallsToSymbolTable calls fun_defs macro_defs symbol_table
= foldSt add_function_call_to_symbol_table calls ([], fun_defs,macro_defs, symbol_table)
add_function_call_to_symbol_table fc=:(FunCall fc_index _) (collected_calls, fun_defs,macro_defs, symbol_table)
- # ({fun_symb = { id_info }, fun_kind}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index]
+ # ({fun_ident = { id_info }, fun_kind}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index]
= case fun_kind of
-> (collected_calls, fun_defs,macro_defs,symbol_table)
@@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ removeFunctionCallsFromSymbolTable calls fun_defs symbol_table
= foldSt remove_function_call_from_symbol_table calls (fun_defs, symbol_table)
remove_function_call_from_symbol_table (FunCall fc_index _) (fun_defs, symbol_table)
- # ({fun_symb = { id_info }}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index]
+ # ({fun_ident = { id_info }}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index]
(entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
= case entry.ste_kind of
STE_Called indexes
@@ -1536,7 +1536,7 @@ where
// # new_function_index=trace ("new_function_index: "+++toString new_function_index+++"\n") new_function_index;
# last_function_index = case local_macro_functions of (Yes {next_local_function_n}) -> next_local_function_n-1
# es = add_new_fun_defs [({old_function_n=DclMacroIndex glob_module glob_object,new_function_n=new_function_index},macro):new_functions] new_function_index last_function_index es
- # (calls, es_symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall macro.fun_symb (FunCall new_function_index NotALevel) (calls, es.es_symbol_table)
+ # (calls, es_symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall macro.fun_ident (FunCall new_function_index NotALevel) (calls, es.es_symbol_table)
# app = App { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction new_function_index }, app_args = app_args }
/* | macro.fun_info.fi_group_index>NoIndex
@@ -1547,7 +1547,7 @@ where
= (app, (calls, { es & es_symbol_table = es_symbol_table }))
- # (calls, es_symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall macro.fun_symb {fc_index = glob_object, fc_level = NotALevel} (calls, es.es_symbol_table)
+ # (calls, es_symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall macro.fun_ident {fc_index = glob_object, fc_level = NotALevel} (calls, es.es_symbol_table)
# app = App { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_object = glob_object, glob_module = glob_module} }, app_args = app_args }
| macro.fun_info.fi_group_index<NoIndex
# macro = {macro & fun_info.fi_group_index= -2-macro.fun_info.fi_group_index}
@@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ where
// # new_function_index=trace ("new_function_index: "+++toString new_function_index+++"\n") new_function_index;
# last_function_index = case local_macro_functions of (Yes {next_local_function_n}) -> next_local_function_n-1
# es = add_new_fun_defs [({old_function_n=FunctionOrIclMacroIndex glob_object,new_function_n=new_function_index},macro):new_functions] new_function_index last_function_index es
- # (calls, es_symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall macro.fun_symb (FunCall new_function_index NotALevel) (calls, es.es_symbol_table)
+ # (calls, es_symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall macro.fun_ident (FunCall new_function_index NotALevel) (calls, es.es_symbol_table)
# app = App { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction new_function_index }, app_args = app_args }
= (app, (calls, { es & es_symbol_table = es_symbol_table }))
@@ -1601,9 +1601,9 @@ where
expand (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr) ei
# (expr, ei) = expand expr ei
= (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr, ei)
- expand (MatchExpr cons_symb expr) ei
+ expand (MatchExpr cons_ident expr) ei
# (expr, ei) = expand expr ei
- = (MatchExpr cons_symb expr, ei)
+ = (MatchExpr cons_ident expr, ei)
expand (DynamicExpr dyn) ei
# (dyn, ei) = expand dyn ei
= (DynamicExpr dyn, ei)
@@ -1945,7 +1945,7 @@ where
# (new_app_info_ptr, cos_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty cos_symbol_heap
{pds_module, pds_def} = cos_predef_symbols_for_transform.predef_alias_dummy
pds_ident = predefined_idents.[PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun]
- app_symb = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def} }
+ app_symb = { symb_ident = pds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def} }
= (App { app_symb = app_symb, app_args = [bind_src], app_info_ptr = new_app_info_ptr },
{ cos & cos_symbol_heap = cos_symbol_heap } )
@@ -1997,9 +1997,9 @@ where
collectVariables (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr) free_vars dynamics cos
# (expr, free_vars, dynamics, cos) = collectVariables expr free_vars dynamics cos
= (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
- collectVariables (MatchExpr cons_symb expr) free_vars dynamics cos
+ collectVariables (MatchExpr cons_ident expr) free_vars dynamics cos
# (expr, free_vars, dynamics, cos) = collectVariables expr free_vars dynamics cos
- = (MatchExpr cons_symb expr, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
+ = (MatchExpr cons_ident expr, free_vars, dynamics, cos)
collectVariables (DynamicExpr dynamic_expr) free_vars dynamics cos
# (dynamic_expr, free_vars, dynamics, cos) = collectVariables dynamic_expr free_vars dynamics cos
= (DynamicExpr dynamic_expr, free_vars, dynamics, cos);
@@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@ where
instance collectVariables BoundVar
- collectVariables var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr} free_vars dynamics cos=:{cos_var_heap}
+ collectVariables var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr} free_vars dynamics cos=:{cos_var_heap}
# (var_info, cos_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr cos_var_heap
cos = { cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap }
= case var_info of
@@ -2120,10 +2120,10 @@ where
VI_Count count is_global
| count > 0 || is_global
-> (var, free_vars, dynamics, { cos & cos_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Count (inc count) is_global) cos.cos_var_heap })
- -> (var, [{fv_name = var_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0} : free_vars ], dynamics,
+ -> (var, [{fv_ident = var_ident, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0} : free_vars ], dynamics,
{ cos & cos_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Count 1 is_global) cos.cos_var_heap })
- -> abort "collectVariables [BoundVar] (transform, 1227)" //---> (var_info ,var_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr)
+ -> abort "collectVariables [BoundVar] (transform, 1227)" //---> (var_info ,var_ident, ptrToInt var_info_ptr)
instance <<< (Ptr a)
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index 20e5e07..6542eb4 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import genericsupport // AA
instance toString BoundVar
- toString varid = varid.var_name.id_name
+ toString varid = varid.var_ident.id_name
class arraySubst type :: !type !u:{!Type} -> (!Bool,!type, !u:{! Type})
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ existentialError position=:(CP_Expression expr) err=:{ea_loc=[ip:_]}
tryToOptimizePosition (Case {case_ident=Yes {id_name}})
= optBeautifulizeIdent id_name
-tryToOptimizePosition (App {app_symb={symb_name}})
- = optBeautifulizeIdent symb_name.id_name
+tryToOptimizePosition (App {app_symb={symb_ident}})
+ = optBeautifulizeIdent symb_ident.id_name
tryToOptimizePosition (fun @ _)
= tryToOptimizePosition fun
tryToOptimizePosition _
@@ -536,13 +536,13 @@ instance freshCopy [a] | freshCopy a
freshCopy l ls = mapSt freshCopy l ls
-freshCopyOfAttributeVar {av_name,av_info_ptr} attr_var_heap
+freshCopyOfAttributeVar {av_ident,av_info_ptr} attr_var_heap
# (av_info, attr_var_heap) = readPtr av_info_ptr attr_var_heap
= case av_info of
AVI_Attr attr
-> (attr, attr_var_heap)
- -> abort ("freshCopyOfAttributeVar (type,icl)" ---> (av_name,av_info_ptr))
+ -> abort ("freshCopyOfAttributeVar (type,icl)" ---> (av_ident,av_info_ptr))
freshCopyOfTypeAttribute (TA_Var avar) attr_var_heap
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ freshCopyOfTypeAttribute attr attr_var_heap
cIsExistential :== True
cIsNotExistential :== False
-freshCopyOfTypeVariable {tv_name,tv_info_ptr} type_heaps=:{th_vars}
+freshCopyOfTypeVariable {tv_ident,tv_info_ptr} type_heaps=:{th_vars}
# (TVI_Type fresh_var, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
= (fresh_var, { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars })
@@ -659,9 +659,9 @@ where
# (exi_attr_vars, attr_store, th_attrs) = fresh_existential_attribute atv_attribute (exi_attr_vars, attr_store, th_attrs)
= (exi_attr_vars, var_store, attr_store, { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs })
- fresh_existential_attribute (TA_Var {av_name,av_info_ptr}) (exi_attr_vars, attr_store, attr_heap)
+ fresh_existential_attribute (TA_Var {av_ident,av_info_ptr}) (exi_attr_vars, attr_store, attr_heap)
= ([ attr_store : exi_attr_vars ], inc attr_store, attr_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar attr_store)))
-// ---> ("fresh_existential_attribute", av_info_ptr,av_name)
+// ---> ("fresh_existential_attribute", av_info_ptr,av_ident)
fresh_existential_attribute attr state
= state
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ where
freshAlgebraicType :: !(Global Int) ![AlgebraicPattern] !{#CommonDefs} !*TypeState -> (![[AType]],!AType,![AttrCoercion],!*TypeState)
freshAlgebraicType {glob_module, glob_object} patterns common_defs ts=:{ts_var_store,ts_attr_store,ts_type_heaps,ts_exis_variables}
- # {td_rhs,td_args,td_attrs,td_name,td_attribute} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+ # {td_rhs,td_args,td_attrs,td_ident,td_attribute} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
# (th_vars, ts_var_store) = fresh_type_variables td_args (ts_type_heaps.th_vars, ts_var_store)
(th_attrs, ts_attr_store) = fresh_attributes td_attrs (ts_type_heaps.th_attrs, ts_attr_store)
ts_type_heaps = { ts_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
@@ -756,8 +756,8 @@ fresh_overloaded_list_type [{ap_symbol}:patterns] pd_cons_symbol pd_nil_symbol d
| ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_index==pd_nil_symbol-FirstConstructorPredefinedSymbolIndex
= case patterns of
- # {ft_type,ft_symb,ft_type_ptr,ft_specials} = functions.[stdStrictLists_index].[nil_u_index]
- # (fun_type_copy, ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos ft_symb 0 ft_type ft_type_ptr common_defs ts
+ # {ft_type,ft_ident,ft_type_ptr,ft_specials} = functions.[stdStrictLists_index].[nil_u_index]
+ # (fun_type_copy, ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos ft_ident 0 ft_type ft_type_ptr common_defs ts
-> ([tst_args],tst_result,tst_context,tst_attr_env,ts)
@@ -767,8 +767,8 @@ fresh_overloaded_list_type [{ap_symbol}:patterns] pd_cons_symbol pd_nil_symbol d
= abort "fresh_overloaded_list_type"
make_cons_type_from_decons_type stdStrictLists_index decons_u_index common_defs ts
- # {me_symb,me_type,me_type_ptr} = common_defs.[stdStrictLists_index].com_member_defs.[decons_u_index]
- (fun_type_copy,ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos me_symb 1 me_type me_type_ptr common_defs ts
+ # {me_ident,me_type,me_type_ptr} = common_defs.[stdStrictLists_index].com_member_defs.[decons_u_index]
+ (fun_type_copy,ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos me_ident 1 me_type me_type_ptr common_defs ts
# result_type = case tst_args of [t] -> t
# argument_types = case tst_result.at_type of
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ where
= (cons_attr, attr_var_heap, attr_vars, attr_env, ps_error)
addPropagationAttributesToAType :: {#CommonDefs} !AType !*PropState -> *(!AType,Int,!*PropState);
-addPropagationAttributesToAType modules type=:{at_type = TA cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_name} cons_args, at_attribute} ps
+addPropagationAttributesToAType modules type=:{at_type = TA cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_ident} cons_args, at_attribute} ps
# (cons_args, props, ps=:{prop_td_infos,prop_type_heaps,prop_attr_vars,prop_attr_env,prop_error})
= add_propagation_attributes_to_atypes modules cons_args ps
(prop_class, th_vars, prop_td_infos) = propClassification glob_object glob_module props modules prop_type_heaps.th_vars prop_td_infos
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ addPropagationAttributesToAType modules type=:{at_type = TA cons_id=:{type_index
= ({ type & at_type = TA cons_id cons_args, at_attribute = at_attribute }, prop_class, { ps & prop_attr_vars = prop_attr_vars,
prop_td_infos = prop_td_infos, prop_attr_env = prop_attr_env,
prop_type_heaps = { prop_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs}, prop_error = prop_error })
-addPropagationAttributesToAType modules type=:{at_type = TAS cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_name} cons_args strictness, at_attribute} ps
+addPropagationAttributesToAType modules type=:{at_type = TAS cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_ident} cons_args strictness, at_attribute} ps
# (cons_args, props, ps=:{prop_td_infos,prop_type_heaps,prop_attr_vars,prop_attr_env,prop_error})
= add_propagation_attributes_to_atypes modules cons_args ps
(prop_class, th_vars, prop_td_infos) = propClassification glob_object glob_module props modules prop_type_heaps.th_vars prop_td_infos
@@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@ standardTupleSelectorType pos {ds_index} arg_nr {ti_common_defs} ts
= freshSymbolType (Yes pos) cWithFreshContextVars { cons_type & st_args = [cons_type.st_result], st_result = cons_type.st_args !! arg_nr } ti_common_defs ts
standardRhsConstructorType pos index mod arity {ti_common_defs} ts
- # {cons_symb, cons_type=ct=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars}, cons_exi_vars } = ti_common_defs.[mod].com_cons_defs.[index]
+ # {cons_ident, cons_type=ct=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars}, cons_exi_vars } = ti_common_defs.[mod].com_cons_defs.[index]
(st_vars, st_attr_vars) = foldSt add_vars_and_attr cons_exi_vars (st_vars, st_attr_vars)
cons_type = { ct & st_vars = st_vars, st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars }
(fresh_type, ts) = freshSymbolType (Yes pos) cWithFreshContextVars cons_type ti_common_defs ts
@@ -1177,16 +1177,16 @@ where
add_attr_var attr attr_variables
= attr_variables
-// ---> ("standardRhsConstructorType", cons_symb, fresh_type)
+// ---> ("standardRhsConstructorType", cons_ident, fresh_type)
standardLhsConstructorType pos index mod arity {ti_common_defs} ts=:{ts_var_store,ts_attr_store,ts_type_heaps,ts_exis_variables}
- # {cons_symb, cons_type, cons_exi_vars } = ti_common_defs.[mod].com_cons_defs.[index]
+ # {cons_ident, cons_type, cons_exi_vars } = ti_common_defs.[mod].com_cons_defs.[index]
(new_exis_variables, ts_var_store, ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps) = freshExistentialVariables cons_exi_vars ts_var_store ts_attr_store ts_type_heaps
// -?-> (not (isEmpty cons_exi_vars), ("standardLhsConstructorType", cons_exi_vars, cons_type))
ts_exis_variables = addToExistentialVariables pos new_exis_variables ts_exis_variables
ts = { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_var_store = ts_var_store, ts_attr_store = ts_attr_store, ts_exis_variables = ts_exis_variables }
= freshSymbolType No cWithFreshContextVars cons_type ti_common_defs ts
-// ---> ("standardLhsConstructorType", cons_symb, fresh_type)
+// ---> ("standardLhsConstructorType", cons_ident, fresh_type)
:: ReferenceMarking :== Bool
@@ -1199,10 +1199,10 @@ storeAttribute No type_attribute symbol_heap
= symbol_heap
getSymbolType :: CoercionPosition TypeInput SymbIdent Int *TypeState -> *(!TempSymbolType,![Special],!*TypeState);
-getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_name} n_app_args ts
+getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_ident} n_app_args ts
| glob_module == ti_main_dcl_module_n
| glob_object>=size ts.ts_fun_env
- = abort symb_name.id_name;
+ = abort symb_ident.id_name;
# (fun_type, ts) = ts!ts_fun_env.[glob_object]
= case fun_type of
UncheckedType fun_type
@@ -1218,12 +1218,12 @@ getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_k
(fun_type_copy,ts) = currySymbolType fun_type_copy n_app_args ts
-> (fun_type_copy, [], ts)
- -> abort ("getSymbolType: SK_Function "+++toString symb_name+++" "+++toString glob_object)
-// -> abort "getSymbolType (type.icl)" ---> (symb_name, glob_object, fun_type)
+ -> abort ("getSymbolType: SK_Function "+++toString symb_ident+++" "+++toString glob_object)
+// -> abort "getSymbolType (type.icl)" ---> (symb_ident, glob_object, fun_type)
# {ft_type,ft_type_ptr,ft_specials} = ti_functions.[glob_module].[glob_object]
| glob_module>=size ti_functions || glob_object>=size ti_functions.[glob_module]
- = abort (toString glob_module+++" "+++toString glob_object+++" "+++toString ti_main_dcl_module_n+++" "+++symb_name.id_name);
- # (fun_type_copy, ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos symb_name n_app_args ft_type ft_type_ptr ti_common_defs ts
+ = abort (toString glob_module+++" "+++toString glob_object+++" "+++toString ti_main_dcl_module_n+++" "+++symb_ident.id_name);
+ # (fun_type_copy, ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos symb_ident n_app_args ft_type ft_type_ptr ti_common_defs ts
= (fun_type_copy, get_specials ft_specials, ts)
get_specials (SP_ContextTypes specials) = specials
@@ -1231,9 +1231,9 @@ getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_k
getSymbolType pos ti {symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object}} n_app_args ts
# (fresh_cons_type, ts) = standardRhsConstructorType pos glob_object glob_module n_app_args ti ts
= (fresh_cons_type, [], ts)
-getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction glob_object, symb_name} n_app_args ts
+getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction glob_object, symb_ident} n_app_args ts
| glob_object>=size ts.ts_fun_env
- = abort symb_name.id_name;
+ = abort symb_ident.id_name;
# (fun_type, ts) = ts!ts_fun_env.[glob_object]
= case fun_type of
UncheckedType fun_type
@@ -1249,20 +1249,20 @@ getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_k
(fun_type_copy,ts) = currySymbolType fun_type_copy n_app_args ts
-> (fun_type_copy, [], ts)
- -> abort ("getSymbolType SK_LocalMacroFunction: "+++toString symb_name+++" " +++toString glob_object)
-// -> abort "getSymbolType (type.icl)" ---> (symb_name, glob_object, fun_type)
+ -> abort ("getSymbolType SK_LocalMacroFunction: "+++toString symb_ident+++" " +++toString glob_object)
+// -> abort "getSymbolType (type.icl)" ---> (symb_ident, glob_object, fun_type)
getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_common_defs} { symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module,glob_object}} n_app_args ts
- # {me_symb, me_type,me_type_ptr} = ti_common_defs.[glob_module].com_member_defs.[glob_object]
- (fun_type_copy, ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos me_symb n_app_args me_type me_type_ptr ti_common_defs ts
+ # {me_ident, me_type,me_type_ptr} = ti_common_defs.[glob_module].com_member_defs.[glob_object]
+ (fun_type_copy, ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos me_ident n_app_args me_type me_type_ptr ti_common_defs ts
= (fun_type_copy, [], ts)
// AA..
-getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_common_defs} symbol=:{symb_name, symb_kind = SK_Generic gen_glob kind} n_app_args ts
+getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_common_defs} symbol=:{symb_ident, symb_kind = SK_Generic gen_glob kind} n_app_args ts
# (opt_member_glob, ts_generic_heap) = getGenericMember gen_glob kind ti_common_defs ts.ts_generic_heap
# ts = { ts & ts_generic_heap = ts_generic_heap }
= case opt_member_glob of
# empty_tst = {tst_args=[], tst_arity=0, tst_lifted=0, tst_result={at_type=TE,at_attribute=TA_Multi}, tst_context=[], tst_attr_env=[]}
- # ts_error = checkError ("no generic instances of " +++ toString symb_name +++ " for kind") kind ts.ts_error
+ # ts_error = checkError ("no generic instances of " +++ toString symb_ident +++ " for kind") kind ts.ts_error
-> (empty_tst, [], {ts & ts_error = ts_error})
Yes member_glob -> getSymbolType pos ti {symbol & symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction member_glob} n_app_args ts
// ..AA
@@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ class requirements a :: !TypeInput !a !(!u:Requirements, !*TypeState) -> (!AType
instance requirements BoundVar
- requirements ti {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr} (reqs, ts)
+ requirements ti {var_ident,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr} (reqs, ts)
# (var_info, ts_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ts.ts_var_heap
ts = { ts & ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap }
= case var_info of
@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ where
(fresh_type, ts_type_heaps) = freshCopy type ts.ts_type_heaps
-> (fresh_type, Yes var_expr_ptr, (reqs, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps }))
- -> abort "requirements BoundVar " // ---> (var_name <<- var_info))
+ -> abort "requirements BoundVar " // ---> (var_ident <<- var_info))
bind_var_and_attr {atv_attribute, atv_variable = {tv_info_ptr}} ts=:{ts_var_store, ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps}
# (ts_attr_store, th_attrs) = bind_attr atv_attribute (ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps.th_attrs)
@@ -1324,9 +1324,9 @@ where
requirements_of_lifted_and_normal_args ti fun_ident arg_nr _ exprs lts reqs_ts
| arg_nr>0
= requirements_of_args ti fun_ident arg_nr exprs lts reqs_ts
- requirements_of_lifted_and_normal_args ti fun_ident arg_nr [{fv_name}:fun_args] [expr:exprs] [lt:lts] reqs_ts
+ requirements_of_lifted_and_normal_args ti fun_ident arg_nr [{fv_ident}:fun_args] [expr:exprs] [lt:lts] reqs_ts
# (e_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti expr reqs_ts
- position = CP_LiftedFunArg fun_ident.symb_name fv_name
+ position = CP_LiftedFunArg fun_ident.symb_ident fv_ident
req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = lt, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = position, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr lt.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
= requirements_of_lifted_and_normal_args ti fun_ident (arg_nr+1) fun_args exprs lts ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions}, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ where
= reqs_ts
requirements_of_args ti fun_ident arg_nr [expr:exprs] [lt:lts] reqs_ts
# (e_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti expr reqs_ts
- req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = lt, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = CP_FunArg fun_ident.symb_name arg_nr, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
+ req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = lt, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = CP_FunArg fun_ident.symb_ident arg_nr, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr lt.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
= requirements_of_args ti fun_ident (arg_nr+1) exprs lts ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions}, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
@@ -1461,16 +1461,16 @@ where
= ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = res_type, tc_position = CP_Expression expr, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions] },
{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
- update_case_variable (Var {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}) [cons_types] var_heap
+ update_case_variable (Var {var_ident,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}) [cons_types] var_heap
# (var_info, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
-// ---> ("update_case_variable 1", var_name, cons_types)
+// ---> ("update_case_variable 1", var_ident, cons_types)
= case var_info of
VI_Type type type_info
-> var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Type type (VITI_PatternType cons_types type_info))
VI_FAType vars type type_info
-> var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_FAType vars type (VITI_PatternType cons_types type_info))
- -> abort "update_case_variable" // ---> (var_name <<- var_info))
+ -> abort "update_case_variable" // ---> (var_ident <<- var_info))
update_case_variable expr cons_types var_heap
= var_heap
// ---> ("update_case_variable 2", expr, cons_types)
@@ -1487,9 +1487,9 @@ where
= ( res_type, opt_expr_ptr, ({ reqs & req_case_and_let_exprs = [let_info_ptr : reqs.req_case_and_let_exprs]},{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
- make_base [{lb_src, lb_dst={fv_name, fv_info_ptr}}:bs] var_types ts=:{ts_var_heap}
+ make_base [{lb_src, lb_dst={fv_ident, fv_info_ptr}}:bs] var_types ts=:{ts_var_heap}
# (v, ts) = freshAttributedVariable ts
- optional_position = if (is_rare_name fv_name) (VITI_Coercion (CP_Expression lb_src)) VITI_Empty
+ optional_position = if (is_rare_name fv_ident) (VITI_Coercion (CP_Expression lb_src)) VITI_Empty
= make_base bs [v:var_types] { ts & ts_var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Type v optional_position) ts.ts_var_heap }
make_base [] var_types ts
= (var_types, ts)
@@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ requirementsOfSelector ti opt_expr expr (ArraySelection {glob_object = {ds_ident
= (True, tst_result, (reqs, ts))
= (True, tst_result, ({ reqs & req_overloaded_calls = [expr_ptr : reqs.req_overloaded_calls ]}, { ts & ts_expr_heap =
ts.ts_expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_Overloaded { oc_symbol =
- { symb_name = ds_ident, symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module = glob_module, glob_object = ds_index}},
+ { symb_ident = ds_ident, symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module = glob_module, glob_object = ds_index}},
oc_context = tst_context, oc_specials = [] })}))
array_and_index_type [array_type, index_type : rest_type ]
@@ -1855,8 +1855,8 @@ possibly_accumulate_reqs_in_new_group position state_transition reqs_ts
makeBase _ _ [] [] ts_var_heap
= ts_var_heap
-makeBase fun_or_cons_ident arg_nr [{fv_name, fv_info_ptr} : vars] [type : types] ts_var_heap
- | is_rare_name fv_name
+makeBase fun_or_cons_ident arg_nr [{fv_ident, fv_info_ptr} : vars] [type : types] ts_var_heap
+ | is_rare_name fv_ident
= makeBase fun_or_cons_ident (arg_nr+1) vars types (addToBase fv_info_ptr type (VITI_Coercion (CP_FunArg fun_or_cons_ident arg_nr)) ts_var_heap)
= makeBase fun_or_cons_ident (arg_nr+1) vars types (addToBase fv_info_ptr type VITI_Empty ts_var_heap)
@@ -1893,10 +1893,10 @@ CreateInitialSymbolTypes start_index common_defs [fun : funs] (pre_def_symbols,
= CreateInitialSymbolTypes start_index common_defs funs (pre_def_symbols, ts)
initial_symbol_type is_start_rule common_defs
- {fun_symb, fun_type = Yes ft=:{st_arity,st_args,st_result,st_attr_vars,st_attr_env},fun_lifted,
+ {fun_ident, fun_type = Yes ft=:{st_arity,st_args,st_result,st_attr_vars,st_attr_env},fun_lifted,
fun_info = {fi_dynamics}, fun_pos }
(pre_def_symbols, ts=:{ts_type_heaps,ts_expr_heap,ts_td_infos,ts_error})
- # fe_location = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
+ # fe_location = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
ts_error = setErrorAdmin fe_location ts_error
(st_args, ps) = addPropagationAttributesToATypes common_defs st_args
{ prop_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, prop_td_infos = ts_td_infos,
@@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@ where
(pds, predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![PD_TypeCodeMember]
({pds_module,pds_def},predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![PD_TypeCodeMember]
pds_ident = predefined_idents.[PD_TypeCodeMember]
- tc_member_symb = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def }}
+ tc_member_symb = { symb_ident = pds_ident, symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def }}
(new_var_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
context = {tc_class = TCClass tc_class_symb, tc_types = [fresh_var], tc_var = new_var_ptr}
(expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
@@ -2043,7 +2043,7 @@ where
tc_class_symb = {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = {ds_ident = pds_ident, ds_arity = 1, ds_index = pds_def }}
({pds_module,pds_def},predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![PD_TypeCodeMember]
pds_ident = predefined_idents.[PD_TypeCodeMember]
- tc_member_symb = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = SK_TypeCode}
+ tc_member_symb = { symb_ident = pds_ident, symb_kind = SK_TypeCode}
(contexts, (var_heap, type_var_heap)) = mapSt (build_type_context tc_class_symb) global_vars (var_heap, type_var_heap)
(expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
= (contexts, expr_ptr, tc_member_symb, (var_heap, expr_heap, type_var_heap, predef_symbols))
@@ -2084,10 +2084,10 @@ where
= ptrs
= get_dict_ptrs fun_index dict_types
- clean_up_and_check_function_type {fun_symb,fun_pos,fun_type = opt_fun_type} fun is_start_rule list_inferred_types defs type_contexts type_ptrs
+ clean_up_and_check_function_type {fun_ident,fun_pos,fun_type = opt_fun_type} fun is_start_rule list_inferred_types defs type_contexts type_ptrs
coercion_env attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env out ts
# (env_type, ts) = ts!ts_fun_env.[fun]
- # ts = { ts & ts_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb fun_pos) ts.ts_error}
+ # ts = { ts & ts_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_ident fun_pos) ts.ts_error}
= case env_type of
ExpandedType fun_type tmp_fun_type exp_fun_type
# (clean_fun_type, type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts_type_heaps, ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap, ts_error)
@@ -2116,7 +2116,7 @@ where
-> beautifulizeAttributes clean_fun_type th_attrs
-> (clean_fun_type, th_attrs)
- -> (out <<< fun_symb <<< " :: "
+ -> (out <<< fun_ident <<< " :: "
<:: (form, printable_type, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n', th_attrs)
ts_fun_env = { ts.ts_fun_env & [fun] = CheckedType clean_fun_type }
-> (type_var_env, attr_var_env, out, { ts & ts_type_heaps = { ts_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }, ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env, ts_error = ts_error })
@@ -2289,7 +2289,7 @@ where
= state
check_type_of_constructor_variable_for_TA glob_module glob_object type_arity types ins_pos common_defs type error type_var_heap td_infos
- # {td_arity,td_name} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+ # {td_arity,td_ident} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
({tdi_properties,tdi_cons_vars}, td_infos) = td_infos![glob_module].[glob_object]
| tdi_properties bitand cIsNonCoercible == 0
# ({sc_neg_vect}, type_var_heap, td_infos)
@@ -2336,8 +2336,8 @@ where
= foldSt show_fun comp ([], fun_defs)
show_fun fun_index (names, fun_defs)
- # ({fun_symb}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
- = ([fun_symb : names], fun_defs)
+ # ({fun_ident}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
+ = ([fun_ident : names], fun_defs)
get_index_of_start_rule predef_symbols
# ({pds_def, pds_module}, predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![PD_Start]
@@ -2467,8 +2467,8 @@ where
-> (*{!Type}, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
unify_requirements_within_one_position _ ti {tcg_type_coercions, tcg_position=NoPos} (subst, heaps, ts_error)
= unify_coercions tcg_type_coercions ti subst heaps ts_error
- unify_requirements_within_one_position fun_symb ti {tcg_type_coercions, tcg_position} (subst, heaps, ts_error)
- # ts_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb tcg_position) ts_error
+ unify_requirements_within_one_position fun_ident ti {tcg_type_coercions, tcg_position} (subst, heaps, ts_error)
+ # ts_error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_ident tcg_position) ts_error
= unify_coercions tcg_type_coercions ti subst heaps ts_error
build_initial_coercion_env [{fe_requirements={req_attr_coercions},fe_location} : reqs_list] coercion_env
@@ -2504,9 +2504,9 @@ where
build_coercion_env [] subst coercion_env common_defs cons_var_vects type_signs type_var_heap error
= (subst, coercion_env, type_signs, type_var_heap, error)
- build_coercion_env_for_alternative fun_symb common_defs cons_var_vects {tcg_position, tcg_type_coercions}
+ build_coercion_env_for_alternative fun_ident common_defs cons_var_vects {tcg_position, tcg_type_coercions}
(subst, coercion_env, type_signs, type_var_heap, error)
- # error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb tcg_position) error
+ # error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_ident tcg_position) error
= add_to_coercion_env tcg_type_coercions subst coercion_env common_defs cons_var_vects type_signs type_var_heap error
add_to_coercion_env [{tc_offered,tc_demanded,tc_coercible,tc_position} : attr_coercions] subst coercion_env common_defs cons_var_vects type_signs type_var_heap error
@@ -2632,10 +2632,10 @@ where
type_function ti fun_index ts=:{ts_fun_env, ts_var_heap, ts_error, ts_fun_defs}
# (fd, ts_fun_defs) = ts_fun_defs![fun_index]
(type, ts_fun_env) = ts_fun_env![fun_index]
- {fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_pos, fun_info, fun_type} = fd
+ {fun_ident,fun_arity,fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_pos, fun_info, fun_type} = fd
temp_fun_type = type_of type
- ts_var_heap = makeBase fun_symb 1 tb_args temp_fun_type.tst_args ts_var_heap
- fe_location = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
+ ts_var_heap = makeBase fun_ident 1 tb_args temp_fun_type.tst_args ts_var_heap
+ fe_location = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos
ts_error = setErrorAdmin fe_location ts_error
// ts = { ts & ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap, ts_error = ts_error}
ts = { ts & ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap, ts_error = ts_error, ts_fun_defs = ts_fun_defs, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env}
@@ -2651,7 +2651,7 @@ where
fe_requirements = { rhs_reqs & req_type_coercions = [], req_type_coercion_groups = req_type_coercion_groups }
({ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
-// ---> ("type_function", fun_symb, tb_args, tb_rhs, fun_info.fi_local_vars)
+// ---> ("type_function", fun_ident, tb_args, tb_rhs, fun_info.fi_local_vars)
has_option (Yes _) = True
has_option No = False
@@ -2665,7 +2665,7 @@ where
add_extra_elements_to_fun_def_array n_new_elements fun_defs
| n_new_elements==0
= fun_defs
- # dummy_fun_def = { fun_symb = {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr},fun_arity=0,fun_priority=NoPrio,fun_body=NoBody,fun_type=No,fun_pos=NoPos,
+ # dummy_fun_def = { fun_ident = {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr},fun_arity=0,fun_priority=NoPrio,fun_body=NoBody,fun_type=No,fun_pos=NoPos,
fun_kind=FK_Unknown,fun_lifted=0,fun_info = {fi_calls=[],fi_group_index=0,fi_def_level=NotALevel,fi_free_vars=[],fi_local_vars=[],fi_dynamics=[],fi_properties=0}}
= {createArray (size fun_defs+n_new_elements) dummy_fun_def & [i]=fun_defs.[i] \\ i<-[0..size fun_defs-1]}
(array_first_instance_indices,fun_defs, predef_symbols, type_heaps, error)
@@ -2712,13 +2712,13 @@ where
= create_instance_types members array_members unboxed_array_type offset_table record_type member_index funs_heaps_and_error
create_instance_type members array_members unboxed_array_type offset_table record_type member_index (fun_defs, type_heaps, error)
- # {me_type,me_symb,me_class_vars,me_pos} = array_members.[members.[member_index].ds_index]
+ # {me_type,me_ident,me_class_vars,me_pos} = array_members.[members.[member_index].ds_index]
(instance_type, _, type_heaps, _, error) = determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars {it_vars = [], it_attr_vars = [], it_context = [],
it_types = [unboxed_array_type, record_type]} SP_None type_heaps No error
instance_type = makeElemTypeOfArrayFunctionStrict instance_type member_index offset_table
fun_index = first_instance_index+member_index
fun =
- { fun_symb = me_symb
+ { fun_ident = me_ident
, fun_arity = me_type.st_arity
, fun_priority = NoPrio
, fun_body = NoBody
@@ -2755,12 +2755,12 @@ where
= create_instance_types members list_members record_type member_index funs_heaps_and_error
create_instance_type members list_members record_type member_index (fun_defs, type_heaps, error)
- # {me_type,me_symb,me_class_vars,me_pos} = list_members.[members.[member_index].ds_index]
+ # {me_type,me_ident,me_class_vars,me_pos} = list_members.[members.[member_index].ds_index]
(instance_type, _, type_heaps, _, error) = determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars {it_vars = [], it_attr_vars = [], it_context = [],
it_types = [record_type]} SP_None type_heaps No error
fun_index = first_instance_index+member_index
fun =
- { fun_symb = me_symb
+ { fun_ident = me_ident
, fun_arity = me_type.st_arity
, fun_priority = NoPrio
, fun_body = NoBody
diff --git a/frontend/type_io.icl b/frontend/type_io.icl
index e6b6994..3a3d7f4 100644
--- a/frontend/type_io.icl
+++ b/frontend/type_io.icl
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ where
instance WriteTypeInfo ConsDef
- write_type_info {cons_symb,cons_type,cons_arg_vars,cons_priority,cons_index,cons_type_index,cons_exi_vars} tcl_file wtis=:{wtis_n_type_vars}
+ write_type_info {cons_ident,cons_type,cons_arg_vars,cons_priority,cons_index,cons_type_index,cons_exi_vars} tcl_file wtis=:{wtis_n_type_vars}
// normalize ...
# (th_vars,wtis)
= sel_type_var_heap wtis
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ where
// ... normalize
# (tcl_file,wtis)
- = write_type_info cons_symb tcl_file wtis
+ = write_type_info cons_ident tcl_file wtis
# (tcl_file,wtis)
= write_type_info cons_type tcl_file wtis
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ instance WriteTypeInfo TypeDef TypeRhs
instance WriteTypeInfo (TypeDef TypeRhs)
- write_type_info {td_name,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs} tcl_file wtis
+ write_type_info {td_ident,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs} tcl_file wtis
// normalize ...
# (th_vars,wtis)
= sel_type_var_heap wtis
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ where
// ... normalize
# (tcl_file,wtis)
- = write_type_info td_name tcl_file wtis
+ = write_type_info td_ident tcl_file wtis
# (tcl_file,wtis)
= write_type_info td_arity tcl_file wtis
# (tcl_file,wtis)
@@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ where
instance WriteTypeInfo FieldSymbol
- write_type_info {fs_name,fs_var,fs_index} tcl_file wtis
+ write_type_info {fs_ident,fs_var,fs_index} tcl_file wtis
# (tcl_file,wtis)
- = write_type_info fs_name tcl_file wtis
+ = write_type_info fs_ident tcl_file wtis
# (tcl_file,wtis)
= write_type_info fs_var tcl_file wtis
# (tcl_file,wtis)
@@ -385,14 +385,14 @@ where
instance WriteTypeInfo TypeSymbIdent
- write_type_info tsi=:{type_name,type_arity,type_index={glob_module,glob_object}} tcl_file wtis=:{wtis_predefined_module_def}
+ write_type_info tsi=:{type_ident,type_arity,type_index={glob_module,glob_object}} tcl_file wtis=:{wtis_predefined_module_def}
# is_type_without_definition
= glob_module == wtis_predefined_module_def
# tcl_file
= fwritec (if is_type_without_definition TypeSymbIdentWithoutDefinition TypeSymbIdentWithDefinition) tcl_file
# (tcl_file,wtis)
- = write_type_info type_name tcl_file wtis
+ = write_type_info type_ident tcl_file wtis
# (tcl_file,wtis)
= write_type_info type_arity tcl_file wtis
# (tcl_file,wtis)
diff --git a/frontend/type_io_common.dcl b/frontend/type_io_common.dcl
index d8df928..57da1d8 100644
--- a/frontend/type_io_common.dcl
+++ b/frontend/type_io_common.dcl
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ FunctionTypeConstructorAsString :== " -> "
// instance toString GlobalTCType
-create_type_string type_name module_name
- :== if (type_name == FunctionTypeConstructorAsString)
- type_name
- (type_name +++ (APPEND_DEFINING_TYPE_MODULE_NAMES_TO_TYPE_NAMES ("'" +++ module_name ) ""))
+create_type_string type_ident module_name
+ :== if (type_ident == FunctionTypeConstructorAsString)
+ type_ident
+ (type_ident +++ (APPEND_DEFINING_TYPE_MODULE_NAMES_TO_TYPE_NAMES ("'" +++ module_name ) ""))
get_type_name_and_module_name_from_type_string :: !String -> (!String,!String)
diff --git a/frontend/type_io_common.icl b/frontend/type_io_common.icl
index 15ce77c..db36510 100644
--- a/frontend/type_io_common.icl
+++ b/frontend/type_io_common.icl
@@ -81,24 +81,24 @@ instance toString GlobalTCType
toString (GTT_Basic basic_type) = create_type_string (toString basic_type) PredefinedModuleName
toString GTT_Function = FunctionTypeConstructorAsString
- toString (GTT_Constructor _ type_symb_indent mod_name _) = create_type_string type_symb_indent.type_name.id_name mod_name
+ toString (GTT_Constructor _ type_symb_indent mod_ident _) = create_type_string type_symb_indent.type_ident.id_name mod_ident
+// +++ (APPEND_DEFINING_TYPE_MODULE_NAMES_TO_TYPE_NAMES ("'" +++ mod_ident) "")
-create_type_string type_name module_name
- :== if (type_name == FunctionTypeConstructorAsString)
- type_name
- (type_name +++ (APPEND_DEFINING_TYPE_MODULE_NAMES_TO_TYPE_NAMES ("'" +++ module_name ) ""))
+create_type_string type_ident module_name
+ :== if (type_ident == FunctionTypeConstructorAsString)
+ type_ident
+ (type_ident +++ (APPEND_DEFINING_TYPE_MODULE_NAMES_TO_TYPE_NAMES ("'" +++ module_name ) ""))
get_type_name_and_module_name_from_type_string :: !String -> (!String,!String)
get_type_name_and_module_name_from_type_string type_string
#! (found_sep,sep_pos)
= CharIndex type_string 0 '\''
| found_sep
- #! type_name
+ #! type_ident
= type_string % (0,dec sep_pos)
#! module_name
= type_string % (inc sep_pos,dec (size type_string))
- = (type_name,module_name)
+ = (type_ident,module_name)
| type_string == FunctionTypeConstructorAsString
= (type_string,PredefinedModuleName)
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index 0f01704..154ff28 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ where
clean_up_attribute_variable av_group_nr (TA_None, cus=:{cus_heaps,cus_attr_store,cus_attr_env})
# (av_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty cus_heaps.th_attrs
- new_attr_var = TA_Var { av_name = NewAttrVarId cus_attr_store, av_info_ptr = av_info_ptr }
+ new_attr_var = TA_Var { av_ident = NewAttrVarId cus_attr_store, av_info_ptr = av_info_ptr }
= (new_attr_var, { cus & cus_attr_env = { cus_attr_env & [av_group_nr] = new_attr_var},
cus_heaps = { cus_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }, cus_attr_store = inc cus_attr_store})
clean_up_attribute_variable av_group_nr attr_and_cus
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ where
cleanUpVariable _ TE tv_number cus=:{cus_heaps,cus_var_store,cus_var_env}
# (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty cus_heaps.th_vars
- new_var = TV { tv_name = NewVarId cus_var_store, tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr }
+ new_var = TV { tv_ident = NewVarId cus_var_store, tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr }
= (new_var, { cus & cus_var_env = { cus_var_env & [tv_number] = new_var},
cus_heaps = { cus_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, cus_var_store = inc cus_var_store})
cleanUpVariable top_level (TLifted var) tv_number cus=:{cus_error}
@@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ newAttributedVariables var_number attributed_variables clean_state=:(_,_,_) /* T
newAttributedVariable var_number (variables, attributes, type_heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs})
# (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
- new_var = { tv_name = NewVarId var_number, tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr }
+ new_var = { tv_ident = NewVarId var_number, tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr }
(av_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty th_attrs
- new_attr_var = { av_name = NewAttrVarId var_number, av_info_ptr = av_info_ptr }
+ new_attr_var = { av_ident = NewAttrVarId var_number, av_info_ptr = av_info_ptr }
= ({ at_attribute = TA_Var new_attr_var, at_type = TV new_var},
([ new_var : variables ], [ new_attr_var : attributes ], { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }))
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ where
instance substitute TypeAttribute
- substitute (TA_Var {av_name, av_info_ptr}) heaps=:{th_attrs}
+ substitute (TA_Var {av_ident, av_info_ptr}) heaps=:{th_attrs}
#! av_info = sreadPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs
= case av_info of
AVI_Attr attr
@@ -1353,44 +1353,44 @@ where
= abort ("<:: (Type) (typesupport.icl)" ---> type)
writeTypeTA :: !*File !(Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) !Format !TypeSymbIdent !a -> (!*File, !Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) | writeType a
-writeTypeTA file opt_beautifulizer form {type_name,type_index,type_arity} types
+writeTypeTA file opt_beautifulizer form {type_ident,type_index,type_arity} types
| is_predefined type_index
- | type_name.id_name=="_List"
+ | type_ident.id_name=="_List"
= writeWithinBrackets "[" "]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
- | type_name.id_name=="_!List"
+ | type_ident.id_name=="_!List"
= writeWithinBrackets "[!" "]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
- | type_name.id_name=="_#List"
+ | type_ident.id_name=="_#List"
= writeWithinBrackets "[#" "]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
- | type_name.id_name=="_List!"
+ | type_ident.id_name=="_List!"
= writeWithinBrackets "[" "!]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
- | type_name.id_name=="_!List!"
+ | type_ident.id_name=="_!List!"
= writeWithinBrackets "[!" "!]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
- | type_name.id_name=="_#List!"
+ | type_ident.id_name=="_#List!"
= writeWithinBrackets "[#" "!]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
- | is_lazy_array type_name
+ | is_lazy_array type_ident
= writeWithinBrackets "{" "}" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
- | is_strict_array type_name
+ | is_strict_array type_ident
= writeWithinBrackets "{!" "}" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
- | is_unboxed_array type_name
+ | is_unboxed_array type_ident
= writeWithinBrackets "{#" "}" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
- | is_tuple type_name type_arity
+ | is_tuple type_ident type_arity
= writeWithinBrackets "(" ")" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types)
- | is_string_type type_name
+ | is_string_type type_ident
= (file <<< "String", opt_beautifulizer)
| type_arity == 0
- = (file <<< type_name, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = (file <<< type_ident, opt_beautifulizer)
| checkProperty form cBrackets
# (file, opt_beautifulizer)
- = writeType (file <<< '(' <<< type_name <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
+ = writeType (file <<< '(' <<< type_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
= (file <<< ')', opt_beautifulizer)
- = writeType (file <<< type_name <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, types)
+ = writeType (file <<< type_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, types)
| type_arity == 0
- = (file <<< type_name, opt_beautifulizer)
+ = (file <<< type_ident, opt_beautifulizer)
| checkProperty form cBrackets
# (file, opt_beautifulizer)
- = writeType (file <<< '(' <<< type_name <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
+ = writeType (file <<< '(' <<< type_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, types)
= (file <<< ')', opt_beautifulizer)
- = writeType (file <<< type_name <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, types)
+ = writeType (file <<< type_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, types)
is_predefined {glob_module} = glob_module == cPredefinedModuleIndex
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.icl b/frontend/unitype.icl
index a5f512f..66ed942 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.icl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.icl
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ typeIsNonCoercible _ _
class lift a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*{! Type} !*LiftState -> (!Bool,!a, !*{! Type}, !*LiftState)
-liftTypeApplication modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity,type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) subst ls
+liftTypeApplication modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_ident,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity,type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) subst ls
# ({tdi_kinds}, ls) = ls!ls_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
# (changed,cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls=:{ls_type_heaps}) = lift_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds subst ls
| changed
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ liftTypeApplication modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={gl
| equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
= (False, t0, subst, ls)
= (True, TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, ls)
-liftTypeApplication modules cons_vars t0=:(TAS cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity,type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args strictness) subst ls
+liftTypeApplication modules cons_vars t0=:(TAS cons_id=:{type_ident,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity,type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args strictness) subst ls
# ({tdi_kinds}, ls) = ls!ls_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
# (changed,cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls=:{ls_type_heaps}) = lift_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds subst ls
| changed
@@ -426,12 +426,12 @@ where
= (False, attr_type, subst_and_es)
expand_attribute :: TypeAttribute *(Heap AttrVarInfo) -> (!.Bool,TypeAttribute,!.Heap AttrVarInfo);
- expand_attribute (TA_Var {av_name,av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
+ expand_attribute (TA_Var {av_ident,av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
= case (readPtr av_info_ptr attr_var_heap) of
(AVI_Attr attr, attr_var_heap)
-> (True, attr, attr_var_heap)
(info, attr_var_heap)
- -> abort ("expand_attribute (unitype.icl)" )//---> (av_name <<- info ))
+ -> abort ("expand_attribute (unitype.icl)" )//---> (av_ident <<- info ))
expand_attribute attr attr_var_heap
= (False, attr, attr_var_heap)
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ where
= (True, TArrow1 arg_type, es)
= (False, type, es)
- expandType modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) (subst, es)
+ expandType modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_ident, type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) (subst, es)
# ({tdi_kinds}, es) = es!es_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
(changed,cons_args, hio_signs, hio_props, (subst,es=:{es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds (subst, es)
| changed
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ where
= (False,t0, (subst, es))
# es = { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
= (True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, (subst, es))
- expandType modules cons_vars t0=:(TAS cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args strictness) (subst, es)
+ expandType modules cons_vars t0=:(TAS cons_id=:{type_ident, type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args strictness) (subst, es)
# ({tdi_kinds}, es) = es!es_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
(changed,cons_args, hio_signs, hio_props, (subst,es=:{es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds (subst, es)
| changed
@@ -821,11 +821,11 @@ where
= TopSign
adjust_sign sign (_ :@: _) cons_vars
= TopSign
- adjust_sign sign (TA {type_name, type_prop={tsp_coercible}} _) cons_vars
+ adjust_sign sign (TA {type_ident, type_prop={tsp_coercible}} _) cons_vars
| tsp_coercible
= sign
= TopSign
- adjust_sign sign (TAS {type_name, type_prop={tsp_coercible}} _ _) cons_vars
+ adjust_sign sign (TAS {type_ident, type_prop={tsp_coercible}} _ _) cons_vars
| tsp_coercible
= sign
= TopSign
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ where
tryToExpandTypeSyn :: !{#CommonDefs} !{#BOOLVECT} !Type !TypeSymbIdent ![AType] !TypeAttribute !*TypeHeaps !*TypeDefInfos
-> (!Bool, !Type, !*TypeHeaps, !*TypeDefInfos)
tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars type cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} type_args attribute type_heaps td_infos
- # {td_rhs,td_args,td_attribute,td_name} = defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+ # {td_rhs,td_args,td_attribute,td_ident} = defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
= case td_rhs of
SynType {at_type}
# type_heaps = bindTypeVarsAndAttributes td_attribute attribute td_args type_args type_heaps