path: root/backend/backendinterface.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'backend/backendinterface.icl')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/backend/backendinterface.icl b/backend/backendinterface.icl
index c479da3..7399fe4 100644
--- a/backend/backendinterface.icl
+++ b/backend/backendinterface.icl
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ printFunctionTypes all attr info components functions attrHeap file backEnd
= flatten [[(componentIndex, member) \\ member <- group.group_members] \\ group <-: components & componentIndex <- [1..]]
printFunctionType :: Bool Bool DictionaryToClassInfo (Int, FunDef) (*AttrVarHeap, *File, *BackEnd) -> (*AttrVarHeap, *File, *BackEnd)
-printFunctionType all attr info (functionIndex, {fun_symb,fun_type=Yes type}) (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
+printFunctionType all attr info (functionIndex, {fun_ident,fun_type=Yes type}) (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
| not all && functionIndex >= size info.dtic_dclModules.[info.dtci_iclModuleIndex].dcl_functions
= (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
-// | trace_tn (toString fun_symb) && True ---> type.st_args
+// | trace_tn (toString fun_ident) && True ---> type.st_args
# (strictnessAdded, type, backEnd)
- = addStrictnessFromBackEnd functionIndex fun_symb.id_name backEnd type
+ = addStrictnessFromBackEnd functionIndex fun_ident.id_name backEnd type
| not strictnessAdded && not all
= (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
// FIXME: shouldn't have to repair the invariant here
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ printFunctionType all attr info (functionIndex, {fun_symb,fun_type=Yes type}) (a
# (type, attrHeap)
= beautifulizeAttributes type attrHeap
# file
- = file <<< fun_symb <<< " :: "
+ = file <<< fun_ident <<< " :: "
<:: ({ form_properties = (if attr cAttributed 0) bitor cAnnotated, form_attr_position = No }, type, Yes initialTypeVarBeautifulizer) <<< '\n'
= (attrHeap, file, backEnd)
@@ -388,10 +388,10 @@ where
= {tc_class = TCClass klass, tc_types = [at_type \\ {at_type} <- args], tc_var = nilPtr}
typeToClass :: DictionaryToClassInfo TypeSymbIdent -> Optional (Global DefinedSymbol)
-typeToClass info {type_name, type_arity, type_index={glob_module, glob_object}}
+typeToClass info {type_ident, type_arity, type_index={glob_module, glob_object}}
= case typeIndexToClassIndex info glob_module glob_object of
Yes classIndex
- -> Yes {glob_module=glob_module, glob_object = {ds_ident = type_name, ds_arity = type_arity, ds_index = glob_object}}
+ -> Yes {glob_module=glob_module, glob_object = {ds_ident = type_ident, ds_arity = type_arity, ds_index = glob_object}}
-> No