path: root/fp1/week4
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fp1/week4')
-rw-r--r--fp1/week4/week4.tar.gzbin890 -> 0 bytes
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/fp1/week4/camil/5.4 b/fp1/week4/camil/5.4
deleted file mode 100644
index accd855..0000000
--- a/fp1/week4/camil/5.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-1. Optelling in de gehele getallen is commutatief, dit maakt dus niet uit.
-2. Het verschil tussen 4-2=2 en 2-4=-2.
- Algemeen: het verschill tussen (-) a b = a-b en flip (-) a b = b-a, dus (-) a b = - flip (-) a b
-3. Vermenigvuldiging in de gehele getallen is commutatief, dit maakt dus niet uit.
-3. Het verschil tussen 4/2=2 en 2/4=0.
diff --git a/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.dcl b/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cad7f1..0000000
--- a/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdSet
-import StdClass
-:: Set a
-toSet :: [a] -> Set a | Eq a
-fromSet :: (Set a) -> [a]
-isEmptySet :: (Set a) -> Bool
-isDisjoint :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isStrictSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-memberOfSet :: a (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-union :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-intersection :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-nrOfElements :: (Set a) -> Int
-without :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-product :: (Set a) (Set b) -> Set (a,b)
-instance zero (Set a)
-instance == (Set a) | Eq a
-powerSet :: (Set a) -> Set (Set a)
diff --git a/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.icl b/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 651c869..0000000
--- a/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdSet
-import StdEnv
-import StdClass
-:: Set a :== [a]
-toSet :: [a] -> Set a | Eq a
-toSet l = toSet` l []
- toSet` [] s = s
- toSet` [x:xs] s = toSet` xs (join x s)
- where
- join :: a (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
- join e s
- | memberOfSet e s = s
- | otherwise = s ++ [e]
-fromSet :: (Set a) -> [a]
-fromSet s = s
-isEmptySet :: (Set a) -> Bool
-isEmptySet [] = True
-isEmptySet _ = False
-isDisjoint :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isDisjoint s1 s2 = length (intersection s1 s2) == 0
-isSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isSubset s1 s2 = nrOfElements (intersection s1 s2) == nrOfElements s1
-isStrictSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isStrictSubset s1 s2 = isSubset s1 s2 && s1 <> s2
-memberOfSet :: a (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-memberOfSet e [] = False
-memberOfSet e [x:xs]
- | e == x = True
- | otherwise = memberOfSet e xs
-union :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-union s1 s2 = toSet (s1 ++ s2)
-intersection :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-intersection s1 s2 = [e \\ e <- s1 | memberOfSet e s2]
-nrOfElements :: (Set a) -> Int
-nrOfElements s = length (fromSet s)
-without :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-without s1 s2 = [e \\ e <- s1 | (memberOfSet e s2) == False]
-product :: (Set a) (Set b) -> Set (a,b)
-product s1 s2 = [(e1,e2) \\ e1 <- s1, e2 <- s2]
-instance zero (Set a)
-where zero = []
-instance == (Set a) | Eq a
-where (==) s1 s2 = isSubset s1 s2 && isSubset s2 s1
-powerSet :: (Set a) -> Set (Set a)
-powerSet [] = [zero]
-powerSet [e:es] = map ((++) [e]) (powerSet es) ++ powerSet es \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fp1/week4/mart/5.4.txt b/fp1/week4/mart/5.4.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 50521d3..0000000
--- a/fp1/week4/mart/5.4.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-1. 4+2 en 2+4. Dit geeft zelfde uitkomst ivm commutativiteit van +
-2. 4-2 en 2-4. Dit geeft 2 en -2. - is niet commutitatief.
-3. 4*2 en 2*4. Dit geeft zelfde uitkomst ivm commutativiteit van *
-4. 4/2 en 2/4. Dit geeft 2 en 0. / is niet commutitatief.
diff --git a/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.dcl b/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c702ca..0000000
--- a/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdSet
-import StdClass
-:: Set a
-toSet :: [a] -> Set a | Eq a
-fromSet :: (Set a) -> [a]
-isEmptySet :: (Set a) -> Bool
-isDisjoint :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isStrictSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-memberOfSet :: a (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-union :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-intersection :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-nrOfElements :: (Set a) -> Int
-without :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-product :: (Set a) (Set b) -> Set (a,b)
-instance zero (Set a)
-instance == (Set a) | Eq a
-powerSet :: (Set a) -> Set (Set a) | Eq a
diff --git a/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.icl b/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index ecb2e60..0000000
--- a/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdSet
-import StdEnv
-import StdClass
-:: Set a = Set [a]
-toSet :: [a] -> Set a | Eq a
-toSet s = Set (removeDup s)
-fromSet :: (Set a) -> [a]
-fromSet (Set s) = s
-isEmptySet :: (Set a) -> Bool
-isEmptySet s = isEmpty (fromSet s)
-isDisjoint :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isDisjoint s1 s2 = nrOfElements (intersection s1 s2) == 0
-isSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isSubset s1 s2 = nrOfElements s1 == nrOfElements (intersection s1 s2)
-isStrictSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isStrictSubset s1 s2 = isSubset s1 s2 && nrOfElements s1 < nrOfElements s2
-memberOfSet :: a (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-memberOfSet a (Set []) = False
-memberOfSet a (Set [x:xs]) = a == x || memberOfSet a (Set xs)
-union :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-union (Set s1) (Set s2) = toSet (s1 ++ s2)
-intersection :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-intersection (Set s1) s2 = Set [e \\ e <- s1 | memberOfSet e s2]
-nrOfElements :: (Set a) -> Int
-nrOfElements s = length (fromSet s)
-without :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-without (Set s1) s2 = Set [e \\ e <- s1 | not (memberOfSet e s2)]
-product :: (Set a) (Set b) -> Set (a,b)
-product (Set s1) (Set s2) = Set [(e1, e2) \\ e1 <- s1, e2 <- s2]
-instance zero (Set a)
-where zero = Set []
-instance == (Set a) | Eq a
-where (==) s1 s2 = isSubset s1 s2 && isSubset s2 s1
-powerSet :: (Set a) -> Set (Set a) | Eq a
-powerSet (Set []) = Set [(Set [])]
-powerSet (Set [e:xs]) = union (powerSet (Set xs))
- (Set [union (Set [e]) x \\ x <- fromSet (powerSet (Set xs))])
diff --git a/fp1/week4/week4.tar.gz b/fp1/week4/week4.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 0258701..0000000
--- a/fp1/week4/week4.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ