diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fp1')
60 files changed, 0 insertions, 2200 deletions
diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/1.1/Start.icl b/fp1/week1/camil/1.1/Start.icl deleted file mode 100644 index b56a850..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/camil/1.1/Start.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -module Start
-import StdEnv
-Start = expr11
-expr0 = "Hello World!"
-expr1 = "Hello " +++ "World!"
-expr2 = 5
-expr3 = 5.5
-//expr4 = 5 + 5.5
-expr5 = [1..10]
-expr6 = (expr1,expr2,expr3,expr5)
-//expr7 = [expr1,expr2,expr3,expr5]
-expr8 = [1,3..10]
-expr9 = ['a'..'z']
-expr10 = ['a','c'..'z']
-expr11 = ['Hello World!']
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/1.1/antwoorden.txt b/fp1/week1/camil/1.1/antwoorden.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3a223e2..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/camil/1.1/antwoorden.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -Antwoorden opgave 1.1 -Camil Staps (s4498062) - -1. Het programma wordt gecompileerd. -2. Het programma wordt uitgevoerd. -3. De data types van de variabelen worden automatisch achterhaald door de IDE (en hoeven dus niet expliciet te worden gegeven door de programmeur) - -expr1 "Hello World!" - De strings worden geconcateneerd -expr2 5 - Dit is een Int waarde -expr3 5.5 - Dit is een Real waarde -expr4 Type error; cannot unify types Real and Int - Dat is omdat + is niet gedefinieerd voor Real met Int -expr5 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] - Dit is een korte schrijfwijze voor deze lijst ([min..max]) -expr6 ("Hello World!",5,5.5,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) - Een tupeltje -expr7 Type error; cannot unify types [Int] and Real - Dat is omdat elementen van een lijst hetzelfde type moeten hebben, en dat hier niet het geval is -expr8 [1,3,5,7,9] - Een andere vorm van expr5 waarmee in het begin wordt aangegeven wat de interval is -expr9 ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'] - Een lijst van karakters -expr10 ['a','c','e','g','i','k','m','o','q','s','u','w','y'] - Een combinatie van expr9 en expr8 -expr11 ['H','e','l','l','o',' ','W','o','r','l','d','!'] - Blijkbaar wordt ['...'] als lijst van karakters beschouwd diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/2.1/NotatieFuncties.icl b/fp1/week1/camil/2.1/NotatieFuncties.icl deleted file mode 100644 index bab2054..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/camil/2.1/NotatieFuncties.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -module NotatieFuncties
-import StdEnv
-f1 :: Int
-f1 = 1 + 5
-f2 :: Int
-f2 = (+) 1 5
-f3 :: Int Int -> Int
-f3 m n
-| m < n = m
-| otherwise = n
-f4 :: String Int -> String
-f4 s n
-| n <= 0 = ""
-| otherwise = s +++ f4 s (n-1)
-f5 :: Int Int -> Int
-f5 x 0 = x
-f5 x y = f5 y (x rem y)
-f6 :: (Int,Int) -> Int
-f6 x = fst x + snd x
-f7 :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
-f7 (a,b) = (b,a)
-f8 :: (a,a) -> (a,a)
-f8 x = f7 (f7 x)
-//Start = (f3 1 5, f3 4 3, f3 6 6)
-//Start = f4 "ab" 4
-//Start = (f5 13 5, f5 8 4, f5 20 20)
-//Start = f6 (2,3)
-//Start = f7 (5,7)
-Start = f8 (5,7)
diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/2.1/antwoorden.txt b/fp1/week1/camil/2.1/antwoorden.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c0c98d6..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/camil/2.1/antwoorden.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -f1 5+1=6; constant -f2 Reverse polix notation voor f1; zelfde functie dus -f3 Geeft de kleinste van twee integers terug -f4 Herhaalt s n keer -f5 Geeft de ggd van x en y met Euclides' algoritme -f6 Geeft de optelling x+y voor een tupel (x,y) -f7 Flipt de twee elementen van een tupel -f8 Flipt de twee elementen van een tupel twee keer (heeft geen effect) diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/2.11/BottlesOfBeer.icl b/fp1/week1/camil/2.11/BottlesOfBeer.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 70628a1..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/camil/2.11/BottlesOfBeer.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -module BottlesOfBeer
-import StdEnv
-Start = [(fst_line x +++ "\n" +++ snd_line x +++ "\n\n") \\ x <- [99,98..0]]
-fst_line :: Int -> String
-fst_line n = btl n True +++ wall +++ ", " +++ btl n False +++ " of beer."
-snd_line :: Int -> String
-snd_line 0 = "Go to the store and buy some more, " +++ btl 99 False +++ wall +++ "."
-snd_line n = "Take one down and pass it around, " +++ btl (n-1) False +++ wall +++ "."
-btl :: Int Bool -> String
-btl 0 True = "No more bottles"
-btl 0 False = "no more bottles"
-btl 1 b = "1 bottle"
-btl n b = toString n +++ " bottles"
-wall :: String
-wall = " of beer on the wall"
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/2.2/VindtDeRedex.icl b/fp1/week1/camil/2.2/VindtDeRedex.icl deleted file mode 100644 index c7ec330..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/camil/2.2/VindtDeRedex.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -module VindtDeRedex
-import StdEnv
-e1 = 42
-e2 = 1 + 125 * 8 / 10 - 59
-e3 = not True || True && False
-e4 = 1 + 2 == 6 - 3
-e5 = "1 + 2" == "6 - 3"
-e6 = "1111 + 2222" == "1111" +++ " + " +++ "2222"
-Start = e6
diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/2.2/antwoorden.txt b/fp1/week1/camil/2.2/antwoorden.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 413465c..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/camil/2.2/antwoorden.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -e1 = 42 Is elementair - -e2 = 1 + 125 * 8 / 10 - 59 -e2 = (1 + ((125 * 8) / 10)) - 59 - ------- -e2 = (1 + (1000 / 10)) - 59 - --------- -e2 = (1 + 100) - 59 - ------- -e2 = 101 - 59 - -------- -e2 = 42 - -e3 = not True || True && False -e3 = (not True) || (True && False) - -------- -e3 = False || (True && False) - ------------- -e3 = False || False - -------------- -e3 = False - -e4 = 1 + 2 == 6 - 3 -e4 = (1 + 2) == (6 - 3) - ----- -e4 = 3 == (6 - 3) - ----- -e4 = 3 == 3 -e4 = True - -e5 = "1 + 2" == "6 - 3" - ------------------ -e5 = False - -e6 = "1111 + 2222" == "1111" +++ " + " +++ "2222" -e6 = "1111 + 2222" == (("1111" +++ " + ") +++ "2222") - ----------------- -e6 = "1111 + 2222" == ("1111 + " +++ "2222") - -------------------- -e6 = "1111 + 2222" == "1111 + 2222" - ------------------------------ -e6 = True diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.dcl b/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 527447c..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -definition module MatchStrings
-head :: String -> Char
-tail :: String -> String
-is_gelijk :: String String -> Bool
-is_deelstring :: String String -> Bool
-is_deel :: String String -> Bool
-is_match :: String String -> Bool
diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.icl b/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 17859ae..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -implementation module MatchStrings
-import StdEnv
-head :: String -> Char
-head "" = abort "head uitgevoerd op lege string"
-head s = s.[0]
-tail :: String -> String
-tail "" = abort "tail uitgevoerd op lege string"
-tail s = s % (1, size s - 1)
-is_gelijk :: String String -> Bool
-is_gelijk "" "" = True
-is_gelijk a "" = False
-is_gelijk "" b = False
-is_gelijk a b = (head a == head b) && (is_gelijk (tail a) (tail b))
-is_deelstring :: String String -> Bool
-is_deelstring "" b = True
-is_deelstring a "" = False
-is_deelstring a b = is_gelijk a (b % (0, size a - 1)) || is_deelstring a (tail b)
-is_deel :: String String -> Bool
-is_deel "" b = True
-is_deel a "" = False
-is_deel a b = head a == head b && is_deel (tail a) (tail b) || is_deel a (tail b)
-is_match :: String String -> Bool
-is_match "" "" = True
-is_match "" b = False
-is_match "*" "" = True
-is_match a "" = False
-is_match a b = (head a == '.' || head a == head b) && is_match (tail a) (tail b) || head a == '*' && (is_match a (tail b) || is_match (tail a) b)
-//Start = (head pink_floyd, tail pink_floyd)
-//Start = is_gelijk "" " "
-//Start = is_deelstring "there" pink_floyd
-//Start = is_deelstring "there" marillion
-//Start = is_deel "there" marillion
-//Start = is_deel "she and her" pink_floyd
-//Start = is_deel radiohead pink_floyd
-//Start = is_match "*.here*.here*." pink_floyd
-//Start = is_match ".here.here." pink_floyd
-pink_floyd = "Is there anybody in there?"
-marillion = "Just for the record"
-radiohead = "There there"
diff --git a/fp1/week1/mart/1.txt b/fp1/week1/mart/1.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7ac4230..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/mart/1.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -1.1: -1.2: -Beide niet mogelijk zonder IDE(linux) diff --git a/fp1/week1/mart/MatchStrings.dcl b/fp1/week1/mart/MatchStrings.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 527447c..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/mart/MatchStrings.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -definition module MatchStrings
-head :: String -> Char
-tail :: String -> String
-is_gelijk :: String String -> Bool
-is_deelstring :: String String -> Bool
-is_deel :: String String -> Bool
-is_match :: String String -> Bool
diff --git a/fp1/week1/mart/MatchStrings.icl b/fp1/week1/mart/MatchStrings.icl deleted file mode 100644 index f10df45..0000000 --- a/fp1/week1/mart/MatchStrings.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -implementation module MatchStrings
-import StdEnv
-head :: String -> Char
-head "" = abort "Empty String"
-head s = s.[0]
-tail :: String -> String
-tail "" = abort "Empty String"
-tail s = s % (1, size s - 1)
-is_gelijk :: String String -> Bool
-is_gelijk "" "" = True
-is_gelijk a b = (size a == size b) && (head a == head b) && is_gelijk (tail a) (tail b)
-is_deelstring :: String String -> Bool
-is_deelstring _ "" = False
-is_deelstring a b = is_begin a b || is_deelstring a (tail b)
-is_begin :: String String -> Bool
-is_begin "" _ = True
-is_begin _ "" = False
-is_begin a b = head a == head b && is_begin (tail a) (tail b)
-is_deel :: String String -> Bool
-is_deel "" _ = True
-is_deel _ "" = False
-is_deel a b = head a == head b && is_deel (tail a) (tail b) || is_deel a (tail b)
-is_match :: String String -> Bool
-is_match a b = is_begin_match a b || size b > 0 && is_begin_match a (tail b)
-is_begin_match :: String String -> Bool
-is_begin_match "" _ = True
-is_begin_match a "" = head a == '*' && size a == 1
-is_begin_match a b
-| head a == '.' || head a == head b = is_begin_match (tail a) (tail b)
-| head a == '*' = is_begin_match a (tail b) || is_begin_match (tail a) b
-| otherwise = False
-//Start= (head pink_floyd, tail pink_floyd)
-//Start= is_gelijk "" " "
-//Start= is_deelstring "there" pink_floyd
-//Start= is_deelstring "there" marillion
-//Start= is_deel "there" marillion
-//Start= is_deel "she and her" pink_floyd
-//Start= is_deel radiohead pink_floyd
-//Start= is_match "*.here*.here*." pink_floyd
-//Start= is_match ".here.here." pink_floyd
-pink_floyd= "Is there anybody in there?"
-marillion= "Just for the record"
-radiohead= "There there"
diff --git a/fp1/week2/camil/Makefile b/fp1/week2/camil/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 9095df9..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/camil/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -all: - clm StdT -o StdT - clm TupleOverloading -o TupleOverloading - clm VectorOverloading -o VectorOverloading diff --git a/fp1/week2/camil/StdT.dcl b/fp1/week2/camil/StdT.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index ca97fdc..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/camil/StdT.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -definition module StdT
-import StdOverloaded
-:: T
-instance == T
-instance < T
-instance zero T
-instance + T
-instance - T
-instance toInt T
-instance fromInt T
-instance toString T
-instance fromString T
diff --git a/fp1/week2/camil/StdT.icl b/fp1/week2/camil/StdT.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 03c8645..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/camil/StdT.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -/**
- * Mart Lubbers, s4109503
- * Camil Staps, s4498062
- */
-implementation module StdT
-import StdEnv
-:: T = {m :: Int, s :: Int}
-instance == T where == a b = a.m == b.m && a.s == b.s
-instance < T where < a b = a.m < b.m || a.m == b.m && a.s < b.s
-instance zero T where zero = {m = zero, s = zero}
-instance + T where + a b = fromInt (toInt a + toInt b)
-instance - T where - a b = if (a < b) zero (fromInt (toInt a - toInt b))
-instance toInt T where toInt a = a.m * 60 + a.s
-instance fromInt T where fromInt n = if (n < 0) zero {m = n/60, s = n rem 60}
-instance toString T where
- toString {m = x, s = 0} = toString x +++ ":00"
- toString a = toString a.m +++ ":" +++ (if (a.s < 10) "0" "") +++ toString a.s
-instance fromString T where
- fromString s = if (s.[size s - 3] == ':')
- {m = toInt (s % (0, size s - 4)), s = toInt (s % (size s - 2, size s - 1))}
- zero
-Start :: (Bool, Bool, T, T, T, Int, String, T, T)
-Start = (LOTR == Tea, Tea < LOTR,
- zero + LOTR, LOTR + Tea, Tea - LOTR,
- toInt LOTR, toString Tea,
- fromString "5:40", fromString "foo")
-LOTR = {m=178, s=0}
-Tea = {m=0,s=41}
diff --git a/fp1/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.dcl b/fp1/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 6831948..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -definition module TupleOverloading
-import StdEnv
-instance + (a,b) | + a & + b
-instance + (a,b,c) | + a & + b & + c
-instance - (a,b) | - a & - b
-instance - (a,b,c) | - a & - b & - c
-instance * (a,b) | * a & * b
-instance * (a,b,c) | * a & * b & * c
-instance / (a,b) | / a & / b
-instance / (a,b,c) | / a & / b & / c
-instance zero (a,b) | zero a & zero b
-instance zero (a,b,c) | zero a & zero b & zero c
-instance one (a,b) | one a & one b
-instance one (a,b,c) | one a & one b & one c
-instance ~ (a,b) | ~ a & ~ b
-instance ~ (a,b,c) | ~ a & ~ b & ~ c
diff --git a/fp1/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.icl b/fp1/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 0ea437d..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -/**
- * Mart Lubbers, s4109503
- * Camil Staps, s4498062
- */
-implementation module TupleOverloading
-import StdEnv
-instance + (a,b) | + a & + b where
- + (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)
-instance + (a,b,c) | + a & + b & + c where
- + (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a+d,b+e,c+f)
-instance - (a,b) | - a & - b where
- - (a,b) (c,d) = (a-c,b-d)
-instance - (a,b,c) | - a & - b & - c where
- - (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a-d,b-e,c-f)
-instance * (a,b) | * a & * b where
- * (a,b) (c,d) = (a*c,b*d)
-instance * (a,b,c) | * a & * b & * c where
- * (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a*d,b*e,c*f)
-instance / (a,b) | / a & / b where
- / (a,b) (c,d) = (a/c,b/d)
-instance / (a,b,c) | / a & / b & / c where
- / (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a/d,b/e,c/f)
-instance zero (a,b) | zero a & zero b where
- zero = (zero, zero)
-instance zero (a,b,c) | zero a & zero b & zero c where
- zero = (zero, zero, zero)
-instance one (a,b) | one a & one b where
- one = (one, one)
-instance one (a,b,c) | one a & one b & one c where
- one = (one, one, one)
-instance ~ (a,b) | ~ a & ~ b where
- ~ (a,b) = (~ a, ~ b)
-instance ~ (a,b,c) | ~ a & ~ b & ~ c where
- ~ (a,b,c) = (~ a, ~ b, ~ c)
-Start = (test (1,2), test (1,2,3))
-test a = ( zero + a == a && a == a + zero
- , a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a)
- , one * a == a && a == a * one
- , zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero
- , a / one == a
- , ~ (~ a) == a
- )
diff --git a/fp1/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.dcl b/fp1/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 76f8520..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -definition module VectorOverloading
-import StdEnv
-:: Vector2 a = {x0 :: a, x1 :: a}
-instance == (Vector2 a) | == a
-instance zero (Vector2 a) | zero a
-instance one (Vector2 a) | one a
-instance ~ (Vector2 a) | ~ a
-instance + (Vector2 a) | + a
-instance - (Vector2 a) | - a
-instance * (Vector2 a) | * a
-instance / (Vector2 a) | / a
diff --git a/fp1/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.icl b/fp1/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 4c9c84a..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -/**
- * Mart Lubbers, s4109503
- * Camil Staps, s4498062
- */
-implementation module VectorOverloading
-import StdEnv
-:: Vector2 a = {x0 :: a, x1 :: a}
-instance == (Vector2 a) | == a where
- == a b = a.x0 == b.x0 && a.x1 == b.x1
-instance zero (Vector2 a) | zero a where
- zero = {x0 = zero, x1 = zero}
-instance one (Vector2 a) | one a where
- one = {x0 = one, x1 = one}
-instance ~ (Vector2 a) | ~ a where
- ~ a = {x0 = ~a.x0, x1 = ~a.x1}
-instance + (Vector2 a) | + a where
- + a b = {x0 = a.x0 + b.x0, x1 = a.x1 + b.x1}
-instance - (Vector2 a) | - a where
- - a b = {x0 = a.x0 - b.x0, x1 = a.x1 - b.x1}
-instance * (Vector2 a) | * a where
- * a b = {x0 = a.x0 * b.x0, x1 = a.x1 * b.x1}
-instance / (Vector2 a) | / a where
- / a b = {x0 = a.x0 / b.x0, x1 = a.x1 / b.x1}
-Start = test {x0=1,x1=2}
-test a = ( zero + a == a && a == a + zero
- , a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a)
- , one * a == a && a == a * one
- , zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero
- , a / one == a
- , ~ (~ a) == a
- )
diff --git a/fp1/week2/mart/Makefile b/fp1/week2/mart/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index a35595b..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/mart/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -PATHS=-I ~/downloads/clean/lib/StdLib -I ~/downloads/clean/lib/MersenneTwister/ -I ~/downloads/usr/lib64/clean/Gast/ -I ~/downloads/clean/lib/Generics/ -FLAGS=-v - -all: tuple vector stdtime - -tuple: TupleOverloading.icl TupleOverloading.dcl - clm $(FLAGS) $(PATHS) TupleOverloadingTest -o TupleOverloadingTest - -vector: VectorOverloading.icl VectorOverloading.dcl - clm $(FLAGS) $(PATHS) VectorOverloadingTest -o VectorOverloadingTest - -stdtime: StdT.icl StdT.dcl - clm $(FLAGS) $(PATHS) StdTTest -o StdTTest - -testall: - ./StdTTest - ./TupleOverloadingTest - ./VectorOverloadingTest - -clean: - $(RM) -r Clean\ System\ Files a.out TupleOverloadingTest VectorOverloadingTest StdTTest diff --git a/fp1/week2/mart/StdT.dcl b/fp1/week2/mart/StdT.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index f4f0d75..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/mart/StdT.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -definition module StdT
-import StdOverloaded
-:: T
-instance == T
-instance < T
-instance zero T
-instance + T
-instance - T
-instance toInt T
-instance fromInt T
-instance toString T
-instance fromString T
diff --git a/fp1/week2/mart/StdT.icl b/fp1/week2/mart/StdT.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 01bee7d..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/mart/StdT.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -implementation module StdT
-import StdEnv
-:: T = {m :: Int, s :: Int}
-instance == T where
- == a b = a.m == b.m && a.s == b.s
-instance < T where
- < a b = a.m < b.m || a.s == b.s && a.s < b.s
-instance zero T where
- zero = {m=zero, s=zero}
-instance + T where
- + a b = fromInt (toInt a + toInt b)
-instance - T where
- - a b = fromInt (toInt a - toInt b)
-instance toInt T where
- toInt a = a.m*60 + a.s
-instance fromInt T where
- fromInt a
- | a<0 = zero
- | otherwise = {m=a/60, s=a rem 60}
-instance toString T where
- toString {m=ms, s=0} = toString ms +++ ":00"
- toString {m=ms, s=ss}
- | ss < 10 = toString ms +++ ":0" +++ toString ss
- | otherwise = toString ms +++ ":" +++ toString ss
-instance fromString T where
- fromString a
- | a.[size a - 3] == ':' = {m = toInt (a % (0, (size a) - 4)), s = toInt (a % ((size a) - 2, size a))}
- | otherwise = zero
diff --git a/fp1/week2/mart/StdTTest.icl b/fp1/week2/mart/StdTTest.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 6af64fc..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/mart/StdTTest.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -module StdTTest
-/* Test module StdTTest
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import StdT
-import StdEnv
-import gast
- = testn 1000
- (\ i ->
- gelijkheid_is_symmetrisch i /\
- ordening_is_monotoon i /\
- negatieve_tijd_bestaat_niet i /\
- omzetten_naar_Int_is_consistent i /\
- parse_print_is_consistent i /\
- True
- )
-t :: Int -> T
-t x = fromInt x
-gelijkheid_is_symmetrisch :: Int -> Property
-gelijkheid_is_symmetrisch i = name "gelijkheid_is_symmetrisch"
- (t i == t i)
-ordening_is_monotoon :: Int -> Property
-ordening_is_monotoon i = name "ordening_is_monotoon"
- ((i <= i+1) ==> t i <= t (i+1))
-negatieve_tijd_bestaat_niet :: Int -> Property
-negatieve_tijd_bestaat_niet i = name "negatieve_tijd_bestaat_niet"
- ((i + 1 >= i) ==> t i - t (i+1) == zero)
-omzetten_naar_Int_is_consistent :: Int -> Property
-omzetten_naar_Int_is_consistent i = name "omzetten_naar_Int_is_consistent"
- ((abs i >= 0) ==> toInt (t (abs i)) == abs i)
-parse_print_is_consistent :: Int -> Property
-parse_print_is_consistent i = name "parse_print_is_consistent"
- (fromString (toString (t i)) == t i)
diff --git a/fp1/week2/mart/TupleOverloading.dcl b/fp1/week2/mart/TupleOverloading.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 6831948..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/mart/TupleOverloading.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -definition module TupleOverloading
-import StdEnv
-instance + (a,b) | + a & + b
-instance + (a,b,c) | + a & + b & + c
-instance - (a,b) | - a & - b
-instance - (a,b,c) | - a & - b & - c
-instance * (a,b) | * a & * b
-instance * (a,b,c) | * a & * b & * c
-instance / (a,b) | / a & / b
-instance / (a,b,c) | / a & / b & / c
-instance zero (a,b) | zero a & zero b
-instance zero (a,b,c) | zero a & zero b & zero c
-instance one (a,b) | one a & one b
-instance one (a,b,c) | one a & one b & one c
-instance ~ (a,b) | ~ a & ~ b
-instance ~ (a,b,c) | ~ a & ~ b & ~ c
diff --git a/fp1/week2/mart/TupleOverloading.icl b/fp1/week2/mart/TupleOverloading.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 2995fbd..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/mart/TupleOverloading.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -implementation module TupleOverloading
-import StdEnv
-instance + (a,b) | + a & + b where
- + (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)
-instance + (a,b,c) | + a & + b & + c where
- + (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a+d,b+e,c+f)
-instance - (a,b) | - a & - b where
- - (a,b) (c,d) = (a-c,b-d)
-instance - (a,b,c) | - a & - b & - c where
- - (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a-d,b-e,c-f)
-instance * (a,b) | * a & * b where
- * (a,b) (c,d) = (a*c,b*d)
-instance * (a,b,c) | * a & * b & * c where
- * (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a*d,b*e,c*f)
-instance / (a,b) | / a & / b where
- / (a,b) (c,d) = (a/c,b/d)
-instance / (a,b,c) | / a & / b & / c where
- / (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a/d,b/e,c/f)
-instance zero (a,b) | zero a & zero b where
- zero = (zero,zero)
-instance zero (a,b,c) | zero a & zero b & zero c where
- zero = (zero,zero,zero)
-instance one (a,b) | one a & one b where
- one = (one,one)
-instance one (a,b,c) | one a & one b & one c where
- one = (one,one,one)
-instance ~ (a,b) | ~ a & ~ b where
- ~ (a,b) = (~a,~b)
-instance ~ (a,b,c) | ~ a & ~ b & ~ c where
- ~ (a,b,c) = (~a,~b,~c)
-Start = (test (1,2), test (1,2,3))
-test a = ( zero + a == a && a == a + zero
- , a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a)
- , one * a == a && a == a * one
- , zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero
- , a / one == a
- , ~ (~ a) == a
- )
diff --git a/fp1/week2/mart/TupleOverloadingTest.icl b/fp1/week2/mart/TupleOverloadingTest.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 91417f7..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/mart/TupleOverloadingTest.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -module TupleOverloadingTest - -/* Test module VectorOverloading - Voor werken met Gast: - (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast' - (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' -*/ - -import TupleOverloading -import StdEnv -import gast - -Start - = testn 1000 - (\v -> - zero_is_neutral_for_addition v /\ - zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction v /\ - one_is_neutral_for_multiplication v /\ - one_is_neutral_for_division v /\ - negation_is_idempotent v /\ - add_then_subtract_yields_identity v /\ - subtract_then_add_yields_identity v /\ - True - ) - -:: Vector2 a :== (a,a) -:: BaseType - :== Int -// :== Real - -zero_is_neutral_for_addition :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property -zero_is_neutral_for_addition a = name "zero_is_neutral_for_addition" - (zero + a == a && a == a + zero) - -zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property -zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction a = name "zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction" - (a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a)) - -one_is_neutral_for_multiplication :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property -one_is_neutral_for_multiplication a = name "one_is_neutral_for_multiplication" - (one * a == a && a == a * one) - -zero_is_zero_for_multiplication :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property -zero_is_zero_for_multiplication a = name "zero_is_zero_for_multiplication" - (zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero) - -one_is_neutral_for_division :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property -one_is_neutral_for_division a = name "one_is_neutral_for_division" - (a / one == a) - -negation_is_idempotent :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property -negation_is_idempotent a = name "negation_is_idempotent" - (~ (~ a) == a) - - -add_then_subtract_yields_identity :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property -add_then_subtract_yields_identity a = name "add then subtract" ((a + a) - a == a) - -subtract_then_add_yields_identity :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property -subtract_then_add_yields_identity a = name "subtract then add" ((zero - a - a) + a + a == zero) - -//derive genShow (,) -//derive ggen (,) -derive bimap [] diff --git a/fp1/week2/mart/VectorOverloading.dcl b/fp1/week2/mart/VectorOverloading.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 76f8520..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/mart/VectorOverloading.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -definition module VectorOverloading
-import StdEnv
-:: Vector2 a = {x0 :: a, x1 :: a}
-instance == (Vector2 a) | == a
-instance zero (Vector2 a) | zero a
-instance one (Vector2 a) | one a
-instance ~ (Vector2 a) | ~ a
-instance + (Vector2 a) | + a
-instance - (Vector2 a) | - a
-instance * (Vector2 a) | * a
-instance / (Vector2 a) | / a
diff --git a/fp1/week2/mart/VectorOverloading.icl b/fp1/week2/mart/VectorOverloading.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 74f6f69..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/mart/VectorOverloading.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -implementation module VectorOverloading
-import StdEnv
-:: Vector2 a = {x0 :: a, x1 :: a}
-instance == (Vector2 a) | == a where
- == a b = a.x0 == b.x0 && a.x1 == b.x1
-instance zero (Vector2 a) | zero a where
- zero = {x0=zero, x1=zero}
-instance one (Vector2 a) | one a where
- one = {x0=one, x1=one}
-instance ~ (Vector2 a) | ~ a where
- ~ a = {x0= ~a.x0, x1= ~a.x1}
-instance + (Vector2 a) | + a where
- + a b = {x0=a.x0+b.x0, x1=a.x1+b.x1}
-instance - (Vector2 a) | - a where
- - a b = {x0=a.x0-b.x0, x1=a.x1-b.x1}
-instance * (Vector2 a) | * a where
- * a b = {x0=a.x0*b.x0, x1=a.x1*b.x1}
-instance / (Vector2 a) | / a where
- / a b = {x0=a.x0/b.x0, x1=a.x1/b.x1}
diff --git a/fp1/week2/mart/VectorOverloadingTest.icl b/fp1/week2/mart/VectorOverloadingTest.icl deleted file mode 100644 index e5571bb..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/mart/VectorOverloadingTest.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -module VectorOverloadingTest
-/* Test module VectorOverloading
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import VectorOverloading
-import StdEnv
-import gast
- = testn 1000
- (\v ->
- zero_is_neutral_for_addition v /\
- zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction v /\
- one_is_neutral_for_multiplication v /\
- one_is_neutral_for_division v /\
- negation_is_idempotent v /\
- add_then_subtract_yields_identity v /\
- subtract_then_add_yields_identity v /\
- True
- )
-:: BaseType
- :== Int
-// :== Real
-zero_is_neutral_for_addition :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-zero_is_neutral_for_addition a = name "zero_is_neutral_for_addition"
- (zero + a == a && a == a + zero)
-zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction a = name "zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction"
- (a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a))
-one_is_neutral_for_multiplication :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-one_is_neutral_for_multiplication a = name "one_is_neutral_for_multiplication"
- (one * a == a && a == a * one)
-zero_is_zero_for_multiplication :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-zero_is_zero_for_multiplication a = name "zero_is_zero_for_multiplication"
- (zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero)
-one_is_neutral_for_division :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-one_is_neutral_for_division a = name "one_is_neutral_for_division"
- (a / one == a)
-negation_is_idempotent :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-negation_is_idempotent a = name "negation_is_idempotent"
- (~ (~ a) == a)
-add_then_subtract_yields_identity :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-add_then_subtract_yields_identity a = name "add then subtract" ((a + a) - a == a)
-subtract_then_add_yields_identity :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-subtract_then_add_yields_identity a = name "subtract then add" ((zero - a - a) + a + a == zero)
-derive genShow Vector2
-derive ggen Vector2
-derive bimap []
diff --git a/fp1/week2/week2.tar.gz b/fp1/week2/week2.tar.gz Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 93c0467..0000000 --- a/fp1/week2/week2.tar.gz +++ /dev/null diff --git a/fp1/week3/camil/.gitignore b/fp1/week3/camil/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 341d5f8..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/camil/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/Clean System Files/ -StdStack diff --git a/fp1/week3/camil/StdSortList.dcl b/fp1/week3/camil/StdSortList.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 556dfc0..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/camil/StdSortList.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -definition module StdSortList
-import StdClass
-:: SortList a
-newSortList :: SortList a | zero a // lege gesorteerde lijst
-memberSort :: a (SortList a) -> Bool | Eq, Ord a // is element van
-insertSort :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Ord a // voeg element toe
-removeFirst :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord, zero a // verwijder eerste voorkomen
-removeAll :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord, zero a // verwijder alle voorkomens
-elements :: (SortList a) -> [a] // geef alle elementen
-count :: (SortList a) -> Int // aantal elementen
-minimum :: (SortList a) -> a // huidige minimum waarde
-maximum :: (SortList a) -> a // huidige maximum waarde
-mergeSortList :: (SortList a) (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord, zero a // meng gesorteerde lijsten
diff --git a/fp1/week3/camil/StdSortList.icl b/fp1/week3/camil/StdSortList.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 21778bd..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/camil/StdSortList.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -// Ik kreeg het alleen werkend door de .dcl ook aan te passen.
-// Met een record dat het maximum bijhoudt moet je er namelijk vanuit kunnen gaan dat zero gedefinieerd is voor type a.
-implementation module StdSortList
-import StdEnv
-:: SortList a = {list :: [a], max :: a}
-newSortList :: (SortList a) | zero a
-newSortList = {list=[], max=zero}
-memberSort :: a (SortList a) -> Bool | Eq, Ord a // is element van
-memberSort _ {list=[],max=_} = False
-memberSort m l
- | minimum l == m = True
- | minimum l > m = False
- | otherwise = memberSort m {list=(tl l.list),max=l.max}
-insertSort :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Ord a // voeg element toe
-insertSort m l = insertSort` {list=[],max=l.max} m l
- insertSort` :: (SortList a) a (SortList a) -> (SortList a) | Ord a
- insertSort` l1 m l2
- | count l2 == 0 = {list=l1.list ++ [m], max=m}
- | minimum l2 >= m = {list=l1.list ++ [m] ++ l2.list, max=l2.max}
- | otherwise = insertSort` {list=l1.list ++ [hd l2.list], max=hd l2.list} m {list=(tl l2.list), max=l2.max}
-removeFirst :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord, zero a // verwijder eerste voorkomen
-removeFirst m l = removeFirst` newSortList m l
- removeFirst` :: (SortList a) a (SortList a) -> (SortList a) | Eq, Ord a
- removeFirst` l1 m l2
- | count l2 == 0 = l1
- | minimum l2 > m = {list=l1.list ++ l2.list, max=l2.max}
- | minimum l2 == m && count l2 == 1 = {list=l1.list ++ tl l2.list, max=l1.max}
- | minimum l2 == m = {list=l1.list ++ tl l2.list, max=l2.max}
- | otherwise = removeFirst` {list=(l1.list ++ [hd l2.list]),max=hd l2.list} m {list=(tl l2.list), max=l2.max}
-removeAll :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord, zero a // verwijder alle voorkomens
-removeAll m l = removeAll` newSortList m l
- removeAll` :: (SortList a) a (SortList a) -> (SortList a) | Eq, Ord a
- removeAll` l1 m l2
- | count l2 == 0 = l1
- | minimum l2 > m = {list=l1.list ++ l2.list, max=l2.max}
- | minimum l2 == m = removeAll` l1 m {list=tl l2.list, max=l2.max}
- | otherwise = removeAll` {list=l1.list ++ [hd l2.list], max=hd l2.list} m {list=tl l2.list,max=l2.max}
-elements :: (SortList a) -> [a] // geef alle elementen
-elements l = l.list
-count :: (SortList a) -> Int // aantal elementen
-count l = length l.list
-minimum :: (SortList a) -> a // huidige minimum waarde
-minimum l = hd l.list
-maximum :: (SortList a) -> a // huidige maximum waarde
-maximum l = l.max
-mergeSortList :: (SortList a) (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord, zero a // meng gesorteerde lijsten
-mergeSortList l1 {list=[],max=_} = l1
-mergeSortList l1 l2 = mergeSortList (insertSort (hd l2.list) l1) {list=tl l2.list,max=l2.max}
diff --git a/fp1/week3/camil/StdSortListTest.icl b/fp1/week3/camil/StdSortListTest.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 411f7ca..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/camil/StdSortListTest.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -module StdSortListTest
-/* Test module StdSortList
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' en '16M' Maximum Heap Size.
-import gast
-import GenLexOrd
-import StdSortList
-Start = testn 10000
- (\n` n2` m -> let n = lst2slst (cast [A,B,C] n` )
- n2 = lst2slst (cast [A,B,C] n2`)
- in
- leeg_is_leeg /\
- count_matches_elems n /\
- is_sorted_elems n /\
- member_is_member n m /\
- member_na_insert n m /\
- member_na_remove n m /\
- insert_remove_invariant n m /\
- minimum_property n /\
- maximum_property n /\
- merge_additive n n2 /\
- merge_member n n2 m /\
- True
- )
-:: Enum = A | B | C
-derive bimap []
-derive ggen Enum
-derive genShow Enum
-derive gEq Enum
-derive gLexOrd Enum
-instance == Enum where (==) x y = gEq{|*|} x y
-instance < Enum where (<) x y = gEq{|*|} (gLexOrd{|*|} x y) LT
-// clean should have something like this!
-cast :: a a -> a
-cast _ x = x
-leeg_is_leeg :: Property
- = name "leeg_is_leeg"
- (count newSortList == 0)
-count_matches_elems :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-count_matches_elems n
- = name "count_matches_elems"
- (length (elements n) == count n)
-is_sorted_elems :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-is_sorted_elems n
- = name "is_sorted_elems"
- (isSorted (elements n))
- where isSorted lst = and [ x<=y \\ x<-lst & y<-tl lst ]
-member_is_member :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-member_is_member lst e
- = name "member_is_member"
- ((isMember e (elements lst)) <==> (memberSort e lst))
-member_na_insert :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-member_na_insert lst e
- = name "member_na_insert"
- (memberSort e (insertSort e lst))
-member_na_remove :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-member_na_remove lst e
- = name "member_na_remove"
- (not (memberSort e (removeAll e lst)))
-insert_remove_invariant :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-insert_remove_invariant lst e
- = name "insert_remove_invariant"
- (memberSort e lst <==> memberSort e lst`)
- where lst` = removeFirst e (insertSort e lst)
-minimum_property :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq,Ord a
-minimum_property n
- = name "minimum_property"
- (count n > 0 ==> (memberSort min n /\ all ((<=) min) (elements n)))
- where min = minimum n
-maximum_property :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq,Ord a
-maximum_property n
- = name "maximum_property"
- (count n > 0 ==> (memberSort max n /\ all ((>=) max) (elements n)))
- where max = maximum n
-merge_member :: (SortList a) (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq,Ord a
-merge_member n m e
- = name "merge_member"
- (memberSort e nm <==> (memberSort e n \/ memberSort e m))
- where nm = mergeSortList n m
-merge_additive :: (SortList a) (SortList a) -> Property | Eq,Ord a
-merge_additive n m
- = name "merge_additive"
- (count n + count m == count nm)
- where nm = mergeSortList n m
-lst2slst :: [a] -> SortList a | Eq,Ord a
-lst2slst xs = seq (map insertSort xs) newSortList
diff --git a/fp1/week3/camil/StdStack.dcl b/fp1/week3/camil/StdStack.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 8c861a1..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/camil/StdStack.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -definition module StdStack
-:: Stack a
-newStack :: Stack a // lege stack
-push :: a (Stack a) -> Stack a // plaats nieuw element bovenop de stack
-pushes :: [a] (Stack a) -> Stack a // plaats elementen achtereenvolgens bovenop stack
-pop :: (Stack a) -> Stack a // haal top element van stack
-popn :: Int (Stack a) -> Stack a // haal bovenste $n$ top elementen van stack
-top :: (Stack a) -> a // geef top element van stack
-topn :: Int (Stack a) -> [a] // geef bovenste $n$ top elementen van stack
-elements :: (Stack a) -> [a] // geef alle elementen van stack
-count :: (Stack a) -> Int // tel aantal elementen in stack
diff --git a/fp1/week3/camil/StdStack.icl b/fp1/week3/camil/StdStack.icl deleted file mode 100644 index dd51a94..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/camil/StdStack.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -implementation module StdStack
-import StdEnv
-import StdList
-:: Stack a :== [a]
-newStack :: (Stack a)
-newStack = []
-push :: a (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
-push a s = [a] ++ s
-pop :: (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
-pop [a:s] = s
-pop [] = []
-popn :: Int (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
-popn 0 s = s
-popn n s = popn (n-1) (pop s)
-pushes :: [a] (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
-pushes [] s = s
-pushes a s = pushes (tl a) (push (hd a) s)
-top :: (Stack a) -> a
-top [] = abort "`top s` with s = []"
-top s = hd s
-topn :: Int (Stack a) -> [a]
-topn n s
- | n > length s = abort "`topn n s` with n > length s"
- | otherwise = take n s
-count :: (Stack a) -> Int
-count s = length s
-elements :: (Stack a) -> [a]
-elements s = s
-Start = ( "s0 = newStack = ", s0,'\n'
- , "s1 = push 1 s0 = ", s1,'\n'
- , "s2 = pushes [2..5] s1 = ",s2,'\n'
- , "s3 = pop s2 = ", s3,'\n'
- , "s4 = popn 3 s3 = ", s4,'\n'
- , "s5 = top s4 = ", s5,'\n'
- , "s6 = topn 3 s2 = ", s6,'\n'
- , "s7 = elements s2 = ", s7,'\n'
-// , "s8 = push 10 s1 = ", s8,'\n'
-// , "s9 = popn 10 s8 = ", s9,'\n'
-// , "sa = topn 5 s4 = ", sa,'\n'
-// , "sb = top s0 = ", sb,'\n'
- )
- s0 = newStack
- s1 = push 1 s0
- s2 = pushes [2..5] s1
- s3 = pop s2
- s4 = popn 3 s3
- s5 = top s4
- s6 = topn 3 s2
- s7 = elements s2
-// s8 = push 10 s1
-// s9 = popn 10 s8
-// sa = topn 5 s4
-// sb = top s0
diff --git a/fp1/week3/camil/StdStackTest.icl b/fp1/week3/camil/StdStackTest.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 8127f53..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/camil/StdStackTest.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -module StdStackTest
-/* Test module StdStack
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' en '2M' Maximum Heap Size
-import gast
-import StdStack
- = testn 1000
- (\x n ->
- newStack_is_empty /\
- stack_is_reverse n /\
- pop_empty_is_ok /\
- top_na_push n x /\
- pop_na_push x /\
- count_counts n x /\
- pop_maakt_stack_korter n /\
- True
- )
-newStack_is_empty :: Property
-newStack_is_empty = name "newStack_is_empty" (isEmpty (elements empty))
-stack_is_reverse :: Int -> Property
-stack_is_reverse n = name "stack_is_reverse"
- (elements (pushes [1..n`] newStack) == reverse [1..n`])
-where n` = min (abs n) 100
-pop_empty_is_ok :: Property
-pop_empty_is_ok = name "pop_empty_is_ok" (count (pop empty) == 0)
-top_na_push :: Int Int -> Property
-top_na_push x n = name "top_na_push"
- (top (push x (pushes [1..n`] newStack)) == x)
-where n` = min (abs n) 100
-pop_na_push :: Int -> Property
-pop_na_push a = name "pop_na_push"
- (top (pop (pop (pushes [a,b,c] newStack))) == a)
-where b = a + a + one
- c = b + a + one
-count_counts :: Int Int -> Property
-count_counts n x = name "count_counts"
- (length (elements stack) == count stack)
-where stack = pushes [1..n`] newStack
- n` = min (abs n) 100
-pop_maakt_stack_korter :: Int -> Property
-pop_maakt_stack_korter n = name "pop_maakt_stack_korter"
- (count stack == 0 || count (pop stack) == count stack - 1)
-where stack = pushes [1..n`] newStack
- n` = min (abs n) 100
-empty :: Stack Int
-empty = newStack
diff --git a/fp1/week3/mart/StdSortList.dcl b/fp1/week3/mart/StdSortList.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 46bd238..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/mart/StdSortList.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -definition module StdSortList
-import StdClass
-:: SortList a
-newSortList :: SortList a // lege gesorteerde lijst
-memberSort :: a (SortList a) -> Bool | Eq, Ord a // is element van
-insertSort :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Ord a // voeg element toe
-removeFirst :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a // verwijder eerste voorkomen
-removeAll :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a // verwijder alle voorkomens
-elements :: (SortList a) -> [a] // geef alle elementen
-count :: (SortList a) -> Int // aantal elementen
-minimum :: (SortList a) -> a // huidige minimum waarde
-maximum :: (SortList a) -> a // huidige maximum waarde
-mergeSortList :: (SortList a) (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a // meng gesorteerde lijsten
diff --git a/fp1/week3/mart/StdSortList.icl b/fp1/week3/mart/StdSortList.icl deleted file mode 100644 index db71a36..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/mart/StdSortList.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -implementation module StdSortList
-import StdEnv
-:: SortList a :== ([a], a)
-newSortList :: SortList a
-newSortList = ([], abort "Empty list")
-memberSort :: a (SortList a) -> Bool | Eq, Ord a
-memberSort e ([], y) = y
-memberSort e ([x:xs], y)
-| e == x = True
-| e > x = False
-| otherwise = memberSort e (xs, y)
-insertSort :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Ord a
-insertSort e ([], y) = ([e], e)
-insertSort e ([x:xs], y)
-| e <= x = ([e:x:xs], y)
-| otherwise = ([x:fst result], snd result)
- where result = insertSort e (xs, y)
-removeFirst :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a
-removeFirst e ([], y) = y
-removeFirst e ([e], e) = newSortList
-removeFirst e ([x:xs], y)
-| e == x = ([xs], y)
-removeFirst _ _ = abort ""
-removeAll :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a
-removeAll _ _ = abort ""
-elements :: (SortList a) -> [a]
-elements _ = abort ""
-count :: (SortList a) -> Int
-count _ = abort ""
-minimum :: (SortList a) -> a
-minimum _ = abort ""
-maximum :: (SortList a) -> a
-maximum _ = abort ""
-mergeSortList :: (SortList a) (SortList b) -> (SortList a)
-mergeSortList _ _ = abort ""
-Start :: String
-Start = newSortList
diff --git a/fp1/week3/mart/StdStack.dcl b/fp1/week3/mart/StdStack.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 8c861a1..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/mart/StdStack.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -definition module StdStack
-:: Stack a
-newStack :: Stack a // lege stack
-push :: a (Stack a) -> Stack a // plaats nieuw element bovenop de stack
-pushes :: [a] (Stack a) -> Stack a // plaats elementen achtereenvolgens bovenop stack
-pop :: (Stack a) -> Stack a // haal top element van stack
-popn :: Int (Stack a) -> Stack a // haal bovenste $n$ top elementen van stack
-top :: (Stack a) -> a // geef top element van stack
-topn :: Int (Stack a) -> [a] // geef bovenste $n$ top elementen van stack
-elements :: (Stack a) -> [a] // geef alle elementen van stack
-count :: (Stack a) -> Int // tel aantal elementen in stack
diff --git a/fp1/week3/mart/StdStack.icl b/fp1/week3/mart/StdStack.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 13220e1..0000000 --- a/fp1/week3/mart/StdStack.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -implementation module StdStack
-import StdEnv
-:: Stack a = Stack [a]
-newStack :: Stack a
-newStack = Stack []
-push :: a (Stack a) -> Stack a
-push x (Stack xs) = Stack [x:xs]
-pushes :: [a] (Stack a) -> Stack a
-pushes [] (Stack s) = Stack s
-pushes [x:xs] (Stack s) = pushes xs (push x (Stack s))
-pop :: (Stack a) -> Stack a
-pop (Stack []) = abort "Can't pop from empty stack..."
-pop (Stack [x:xs]) = Stack xs
-popn :: Int (Stack a) -> Stack a
-popn 0 s = s
-popn n s = popn (n-1) (pop s)
-top :: (Stack a) -> a
-top (Stack []) = abort "Can't give top of empty stack..."
-top (Stack [x:_]) = x
-topn :: Int (Stack a) -> [a]
-topn 0 _ = []
-topn n x = [top x:topn (n-1) (pop x)]
-elements :: (Stack a) -> [a]
-elements (Stack s) = s
-count :: (Stack a) -> Int
-count (Stack []) = 0
-count (Stack [_:xs]) = 1 + count (Stack xs)
-Start = ( "s0 = newStack = ", s0,'\n'
- , "s1 = push 1 s0 = ", s1,'\n'
- , "s2 = pushes [2..5] s1 = ",s2,'\n'
- , "s3 = pop s2 = ", s3,'\n'
- , "s4 = popn 3 s3 = ", s4,'\n'
- , "s5 = top s4 = ", s5,'\n'
- , "s6 = topn 3 s2 = ", s6,'\n'
- , "s7 = elements s2 = ", s7,'\n'
- )
- s0 = newStack
- s1 = push 1 s0
- s2 = pushes [2..5] s1
- s3 = pop s2
- s4 = popn 3 s3
- s5 = top s4
- s6 = topn 3 s2
- s7 = elements s2
diff --git a/fp1/week4/camil/5.4 b/fp1/week4/camil/5.4 deleted file mode 100644 index accd855..0000000 --- a/fp1/week4/camil/5.4 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -1. Optelling in de gehele getallen is commutatief, dit maakt dus niet uit. -2. Het verschil tussen 4-2=2 en 2-4=-2. - Algemeen: het verschill tussen (-) a b = a-b en flip (-) a b = b-a, dus (-) a b = - flip (-) a b -3. Vermenigvuldiging in de gehele getallen is commutatief, dit maakt dus niet uit. -3. Het verschil tussen 4/2=2 en 2/4=0. diff --git a/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.dcl b/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 6cad7f1..0000000 --- a/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -definition module StdSet
-import StdClass
-:: Set a
-toSet :: [a] -> Set a | Eq a
-fromSet :: (Set a) -> [a]
-isEmptySet :: (Set a) -> Bool
-isDisjoint :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isStrictSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-memberOfSet :: a (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-union :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-intersection :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-nrOfElements :: (Set a) -> Int
-without :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-product :: (Set a) (Set b) -> Set (a,b)
-instance zero (Set a)
-instance == (Set a) | Eq a
-powerSet :: (Set a) -> Set (Set a)
diff --git a/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.icl b/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 651c869..0000000 --- a/fp1/week4/camil/StdSet.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -implementation module StdSet
-import StdEnv
-import StdClass
-:: Set a :== [a]
-toSet :: [a] -> Set a | Eq a
-toSet l = toSet` l []
- toSet` [] s = s
- toSet` [x:xs] s = toSet` xs (join x s)
- where
- join :: a (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
- join e s
- | memberOfSet e s = s
- | otherwise = s ++ [e]
-fromSet :: (Set a) -> [a]
-fromSet s = s
-isEmptySet :: (Set a) -> Bool
-isEmptySet [] = True
-isEmptySet _ = False
-isDisjoint :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isDisjoint s1 s2 = length (intersection s1 s2) == 0
-isSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isSubset s1 s2 = nrOfElements (intersection s1 s2) == nrOfElements s1
-isStrictSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isStrictSubset s1 s2 = isSubset s1 s2 && s1 <> s2
-memberOfSet :: a (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-memberOfSet e [] = False
-memberOfSet e [x:xs]
- | e == x = True
- | otherwise = memberOfSet e xs
-union :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-union s1 s2 = toSet (s1 ++ s2)
-intersection :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-intersection s1 s2 = [e \\ e <- s1 | memberOfSet e s2]
-nrOfElements :: (Set a) -> Int
-nrOfElements s = length (fromSet s)
-without :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-without s1 s2 = [e \\ e <- s1 | (memberOfSet e s2) == False]
-product :: (Set a) (Set b) -> Set (a,b)
-product s1 s2 = [(e1,e2) \\ e1 <- s1, e2 <- s2]
-instance zero (Set a)
-where zero = []
-instance == (Set a) | Eq a
-where (==) s1 s2 = isSubset s1 s2 && isSubset s2 s1
-powerSet :: (Set a) -> Set (Set a)
-powerSet [] = [zero]
-powerSet [e:es] = map ((++) [e]) (powerSet es) ++ powerSet es
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fp1/week4/mart/5.4.txt b/fp1/week4/mart/5.4.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 50521d3..0000000 --- a/fp1/week4/mart/5.4.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -1. 4+2 en 2+4. Dit geeft zelfde uitkomst ivm commutativiteit van + -2. 4-2 en 2-4. Dit geeft 2 en -2. - is niet commutitatief. -3. 4*2 en 2*4. Dit geeft zelfde uitkomst ivm commutativiteit van * -4. 4/2 en 2/4. Dit geeft 2 en 0. / is niet commutitatief. diff --git a/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.dcl b/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 0c702ca..0000000 --- a/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -definition module StdSet
-import StdClass
-:: Set a
-toSet :: [a] -> Set a | Eq a
-fromSet :: (Set a) -> [a]
-isEmptySet :: (Set a) -> Bool
-isDisjoint :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isStrictSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-memberOfSet :: a (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-union :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-intersection :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-nrOfElements :: (Set a) -> Int
-without :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-product :: (Set a) (Set b) -> Set (a,b)
-instance zero (Set a)
-instance == (Set a) | Eq a
-powerSet :: (Set a) -> Set (Set a) | Eq a
diff --git a/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.icl b/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.icl deleted file mode 100644 index ecb2e60..0000000 --- a/fp1/week4/mart/StdSet.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -implementation module StdSet
-import StdEnv
-import StdClass
-:: Set a = Set [a]
-toSet :: [a] -> Set a | Eq a
-toSet s = Set (removeDup s)
-fromSet :: (Set a) -> [a]
-fromSet (Set s) = s
-isEmptySet :: (Set a) -> Bool
-isEmptySet s = isEmpty (fromSet s)
-isDisjoint :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isDisjoint s1 s2 = nrOfElements (intersection s1 s2) == 0
-isSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isSubset s1 s2 = nrOfElements s1 == nrOfElements (intersection s1 s2)
-isStrictSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isStrictSubset s1 s2 = isSubset s1 s2 && nrOfElements s1 < nrOfElements s2
-memberOfSet :: a (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-memberOfSet a (Set []) = False
-memberOfSet a (Set [x:xs]) = a == x || memberOfSet a (Set xs)
-union :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-union (Set s1) (Set s2) = toSet (s1 ++ s2)
-intersection :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-intersection (Set s1) s2 = Set [e \\ e <- s1 | memberOfSet e s2]
-nrOfElements :: (Set a) -> Int
-nrOfElements s = length (fromSet s)
-without :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-without (Set s1) s2 = Set [e \\ e <- s1 | not (memberOfSet e s2)]
-product :: (Set a) (Set b) -> Set (a,b)
-product (Set s1) (Set s2) = Set [(e1, e2) \\ e1 <- s1, e2 <- s2]
-instance zero (Set a)
-where zero = Set []
-instance == (Set a) | Eq a
-where (==) s1 s2 = isSubset s1 s2 && isSubset s2 s1
-powerSet :: (Set a) -> Set (Set a) | Eq a
-powerSet (Set []) = Set [(Set [])]
-powerSet (Set [e:xs]) = union (powerSet (Set xs))
- (Set [union (Set [e]) x \\ x <- fromSet (powerSet (Set xs))])
diff --git a/fp1/week4/week4.tar.gz b/fp1/week4/week4.tar.gz Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 0258701..0000000 --- a/fp1/week4/week4.tar.gz +++ /dev/null diff --git a/fp1/week5/camil/Origami.icl b/fp1/week5/camil/Origami.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 74362a9..0000000 --- a/fp1/week5/camil/Origami.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -module Origami
-import StdEnv
-Start = and
- [ sum` [1 .. 5] == sum [1 .. 5]
- , prod` [1 .. 5] == prod [1 .. 5]
- , flatten` [[],[1],[1,2],[1,2,3]] == flatten [[],[1],[1,2],[1,2,3]]
- , reverse` [1 .. 5] == reverse [1 .. 5]
- , takeWhile` ((<>) 0) [1,2,3,0,4,5,6] == takeWhile ((<>) 0) [1,2,3,0,4,5,6]
- , maxList` [1 .. 5] == maxList [1 .. 5]
- ]
-sum` = foldr (+) 0
-prod` = foldr (*) 1
-flatten` = foldr (++) []
-length` = foldl (\l e = l + 1) 0
-reverse` = foldl (\xs x = [x:xs]) []
-takeWhile` _ [] = []
-takeWhile` p xs
- | p (xs!!0) = take (maxList [i \\ i <- [0..length xs-1] | foldr (&&) True [p (xs!!j) \\ j <- [0..i]]] + 1) xs
- | otherwise = []
-maxList` [] = undef
-maxList` [x:xs] = foldr max x xs
diff --git a/fp1/week5/mart/Origami.icl b/fp1/week5/mart/Origami.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 180a119..0000000 --- a/fp1/week5/mart/Origami.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -/**
- * Mart Lubbers, s4109503
- * Camil Staps, s4498062
- */
-module Origami
-import StdEnv
-sum` = foldr (+) 0
-prod` = foldr (*) 1
-flatten` = foldr (++) []
-length` = foldr (\x l=l+1) 0
-reverse` = foldl (\xs x=[x:xs]) []
-takeWhile` p = foldr (\x xs=if (p x) [x:xs] []) []
-maxList` [x:xs] = foldr max x xs
diff --git a/fp1/week6/camil/BewijsMapFlatten.icl b/fp1/week6/camil/BewijsMapFlatten.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 7f2474e..0000000 --- a/fp1/week6/camil/BewijsMapFlatten.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -// Mart Lubbers, s4109503
-// Camil Staps, s4498062
-Zij gegeven:
-(++) :: [a] [a] -> [a]
-(++) [] xs = xs (1)
-(++) [y:ys] xs = [y : ys ++ xs] (2)
-map :: (a -> b) [a] -> [b]
-map f [] = [] (3)
-map f [x:xs] = [f x : map f xs] (4)
-flatten :: [[a]] -> [a]
-flatten [] = [] (5)
-flatten [x:xs] = x ++ (flatten xs) (6)
-Te bewijzen:
- voor iedere functie f, eindige lijst as en bs:
- map f (as ++ bs) = (map f as) ++ (map f bs)
-Met inductie over as.
-Stel as = []. Dan hebben we:
- map f (as ++ bs) // aanname as = []
- = map f ([] ++ bs) // definitie van ++, regel 1
- = map f bs // definitie van ++, regel 1
- = [] ++ (map f bs) // definitie van map, regel 3
- = (map f []) ++ (map f bs) // aanname as = []
- = (map f as) ++ (map f bs).
-Stel map f (as ++ bs) = (map f as) ++ (map f bs) voor zekere as en elke bs (inductiehypothese). Dan hebben we:
- map f ([a:as] ++ bs) // definitie van ++, regel 2
- = map f [a:as ++ bs] // definitie van map, regel 4
- = [f a : map f (as ++ bs)] // inductiehypothese: map f (as ++ bs) = (map f as) ++ (map f bs)
- = [f a : (map f as) ++ (map f bs)] // lijst herschrijven
- = [f a : map f as] ++ (map f bs) // definitie van map, regel 4
- = (map f [a:as]) ++ (map f bs).
-Uit het principe van volledige inductie volgt nu dat voor iedere functie f, eindige lijst as en bs:
- map f (as ++ bs) = (map f as) ++ (map f bs) (9.4.1)
-Te bewijzen:
- voor iedere functie f, voor iedere eindige lijst xs:
- flatten (map (map f) xs) = map f (flatten xs)
-Met inductie over xs.
-Stel xs = []. Dan hebben we:
- flatten (map (map f) xs) // aanname xs = []
- = flatten (map (map f) []) // definitie van map, regel 3
- = flatten [] // definitie van flatten, regel 5
- = [] // definitie van map, regel 3
- = map f [] // definitie van flatten, regel 5
- = map f (flatten []) // aanname xs = []
- = map f (flatten xs).
-Stel flatten (map (map f) xs) = map f (flatten xs) voor een zekere eindige lijst xs (inductiehypothese). Dan hebben we:
- flatten (map (map f) [x:xs]) // definitie van map, regel 4
- = flatten [map f x : map (map f) xs] // definitie van flatten, regel 6
- = (map f x) ++ flatten (map (map f) xs) // inductiehypothese: flatten (map (map f) xs) = map f (flatten xs)
- = (map f x) ++ (map f (flatten xs)) // 9.4.1
- = map f (x ++ (flatten xs)) // definitie van flatten, regel 6
- = map f (flatten [x:xs]).
-Uit het principe van volledige inductie volgt nu dat voor iedere functie f en eindige lijst xs geldt:
- flatten (map (map f) xs) = map f (flatten xs)
diff --git a/fp1/week6/mart/BewijsMapFlatten.icl b/fp1/week6/mart/BewijsMapFlatten.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 59fa5bc..0000000 --- a/fp1/week6/mart/BewijsMapFlatten.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -Zij gegeven:
-(++) :: [a] [a] -> [a]
-(++) [] xs = xs (1)
-(++) [y:ys] xs = [y : ys ++ xs] (2)
-map :: (a -> b) [a] -> [b]
-map f [] = [] (3)
-map f [x:xs] = [f x : map f xs] (4)
-flatten :: [[a]] -> [a]
-flatten [] = [] (5)
-flatten [x:xs] = x ++ (flatten xs) (6)
-Te bewijzen:
- voor iedere functie f, eindige lijst as en bs:
- map f (as ++ bs) = (map f as) ++ (map f bs)
- met inductie naar de lengte van as.
- Basis:
- aanname: as = [].
- map f ([] ++ bs) = (map f []) ++ (map f bs) basis
- ********
- => map f (bs) = (map f []) ++ (map f bs) (1)
- ********
- => map f (bs) = [] ++ (map f bs) (3)
- ****************
- => map f bs = map f bs (1)
- Inductiestap:
- aanname: stelling geldt voor zekere as, ofwel:
- map f (as ++ bs) = (map f as) ++ (map f bs) (IH)
- Te bewijzen: stelling geldt ook voor as, ofwel:
- map f ([a:as] ++ bs) = (map f [a:as]) ++ (map f bs)
- map f ([a:as] ++ bs) = (map f [a:as]) ++ (map f bs) basis
- ************
- => map f [a:as ++ bs] = (map f [a:as]) ++ (map f bs) (2)
- ******************
- => [f a : map f (as ++ bs)] = (map f [a:as]) ++ (map f bs) (4)
- ************
- => [f a : map f (as ++ bs)] = [f a : map f as] ++ (map f bs) (4)
- ****************************
- => [f a : map f (as ++ bs)] = [f a : (map f as) ++ (map f bs)] (4)
- **************** ************************
- => map f (as ++ bs) = (map f as) ++ (map f bs) (IH)
- Dus: basis + inductiestap => stelling bewezen.
-Te bewijzen:
- voor iedere functie f, voor iedere eindige lijst xs:
- flatten (map (map f) xs) = map f (flatten xs)
- met inductio van de lengte van xs
- Basis:
- aanname: xs = [].
- flatten (map (map f) []) = map f (flatten []) basis
- **************
- = flatten [] = map f (flatten []) (3)
- **********
- = flatten [] = map f [] (5)
- **********
- = [] = map f [] (5)
- *****
- = [] = [] (3)
- Inductiestap:
- aanname: stelling geldt voor zekere xs, ofwel:
- flatten (map (map f) xs) = map f (flatten xs)
- Te bewijzen: stelling geldt ook voor xs, ofwel:
- flatten (map (map f) [x:xs]) = map f (flatten [x:xs])
- flatten (map (map f) [x:xs]) = map f (flatten [x:xs]) basis
- ******************
- => flatten [map f x: map (map f) xs] = map f (flatten [x:xs]) (4)
- *********************************
- => (map f x) ++ (flatten (map (map f) xs)) = map f (flatten [x:xs]) (6)
- **************
- => (map f x) ++ (flatten (map (map f) xs)) = map f (x ++ (flatten xs)) (6)
- *************************
- => (map f x) ++ (flatten (map (map f) xs)) = (map f x) ++ (map f (flatten xs)) (9.4.1)
- ************************ ****************
- => flatten (map (map f) xs) = map f (flatten xs) (IH)
- Dus: basis + inductiestap => stelling bewezen.
diff --git a/fp1/week7/camil/BewijsMeppenEnTippen.icl b/fp1/week7/camil/BewijsMeppenEnTippen.icl deleted file mode 100644 index ca5e396..0000000 --- a/fp1/week7/camil/BewijsMeppenEnTippen.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -// Mart Lubbers, s4109503
-// Camil Staps, s4498062
-Zij gegeven:
-:: BTree a = Tip a | Bin (BTree a) (BTree a)
-map :: (a -> b) [a] -> [b]
-map f [] = [] (1.)
-map f [x:xs] = [f x : map f xs] (2.)
-mapbtree :: (a -> b) (BTree a) -> BTree b
-mapbtree f (Tip a) = Tip (f a) (3.)
-mapbtree f (Bin t1 t2) = Bin (mapbtree f t1) (mapbtree f t2) (4.)
-foldbtree :: (a a -> a) (BTree a) -> a
-foldbtree f (Tip x) = x (5.)
-foldbtree f (Bin t1 t2) = f (foldbtree f t1) (foldbtree f t2) (6.)
-tips :: (BTree a) -> [a]
-tips t = foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit t) (7.)
-unit :: a -> [a]
-unit x = [x] (8.)
-Te bewijzen:
- voor alle functies f, voor alle eindige bomen t:
- map f (tips t) = tips (mapbtree f t)
- Met inductie over t.
- Inductiebasis: stel t = Tip a.
- Dan hebben we:
- map f (tips t) // definitie tips (7)
- = map f (foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit t)) // aanname t = Tip a
- = map f (foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit (Tip a))) // definitie mapbtree (3)
- = map f (foldbtree (++) (Tip unit a)) // definitie foldbtree (5)
- = map f (unit a) // definitie unit (8)
- = map f [a] // herschrijven lijst
- = map f [a:[]] // definitie map (2)
- = [f a : map f []] // definitie map (1)
- = [f a : []] // herschrijven lijst
- = [f a] // definitie unit (8)
- = unit (f a) // definitie foldbtree (5)
- = foldbtree (++) (Tip (unit (f a))) // definitie mapbtree (3)
- = foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit (Tip (f a))) // definitie tips (7)
- = tips (Tip (f a)) // definitie mapbtree (3)
- = tips (mapbtree f (Tip a)) // aanname t = Tip a
- = tips (mapbtree f t)
- Dus de stelling geldt voor t = Tip a.
- Inductiestap: laten we aannemen dat
- map f (tips t) = tips (mapbtree f t)
- voor alle f en zekere t=t1,t=t2 (inductiehypothese).
- Dan hebben we:
- map f (tips (Bin t1 t2)) // definitie tips (7)
- = map f (foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit (Bin t1 t2))) // definitie mapbtree (4)
- = map f (foldbtree (++) (Bin (mapbtree unit t1) (mapbtree unit t2))) // definitie foldbtree (6)
- = map f ((++) (foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit t1)) (foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit t2))) // definitie tips (7)
- = map f ((++) (tips t1) (tips t2)) // 9.4.1
- = (map f (tips t1)) ++ (map f (tips t2)) // inductiehypothese
- = (tips (mapbtree f t1)) ++ (tips (mapbtree f t2)) // definitie tips (7)
- = (foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit (f t1))) ++ (foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit (f t2))) // herschrijven infixnotatie
- = (++) (foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit (f t1))) (foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit (f t2))) // definitie foldbtree (6)
- = foldbtree (++) (Bin (mapbtree unit (f t1)) (mapbtree unit (f t2))) // definitie mapbtree (4)
- = foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit (Bin (mapbtree f t1) (mapbtree f t2))) // definitie tips (7)
- = tips (Bin (mapbtree f t1) (mapbtree f t2)) // definitie mapbtree (4)
- = tips (mapbtree f (Bin t1 t2))
- Conclusie:
- We hebben laten zien dat de stelling geldt voor elke f met t = Tip a. Vervolgens hebben we laten zien dat als de stelling geldt voor elke f met t=t1 of t=t2, de stelling óók geldt voor elke f met t = Bin t1 t2.
- Met het principe van inductie volgt nu
- map f (tips t) = tips (mapbtree f t)
- voor alle functies f en alle eindige bomen t.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.dcl b/fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 696b065..0000000 --- a/fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -definition module BinSearchTree
-import StdClass
-import BinTree
-is_geordend :: (Tree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-is_gebalanceerd :: (Tree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
diff --git a/fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.icl b/fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 559846b..0000000 --- a/fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ -// Mart Lubbers, s4109503 -// Camil Staps, s4498062 - -implementation module BinSearchTree - -import StdEnv -import BinTree - -z0 = Leaf -// Leaf - -z1 = insertTree 50 z0 -// 50 -// | -// ------------- -// | | -// Leaf Leaf - -z2 = insertTree 10 z1 -// 50 -// | -// ------------- -// | | -// 10 Leaf -// | -// --------- -// | | -// Leaf Leaf - -z3 = insertTree 75 z2 -// 50 -// | -// --------------- -// | | -// 10 75 -// | | -// --------- --------- -// | | | | -// Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf - -z4 = insertTree 80 z3 -// 50 -// | -// --------------- -// | | -// 10 75 -// | | -// --------- --------- -// | | | | -// Leaf Leaf Leaf 80 -// | -// --------- -// | | -// Leaf Leaf - -z5 = insertTree 77 z4 -// 50 -// | -// --------------- -// | | -// 10 75 -// | | -// --------- --------- -// | | | | -// Leaf Leaf Leaf 77 -// | -// --------- -// | | -// Leaf 80 -// | -// --------- -// | | -// Leaf Leaf - -z6 = insertTree 10 z5 -// 50 -// | -// --------------- -// | | -// 10 75 -// | | -// --------- --------- -// | | | | -// 10 Leaf Leaf 77 -// | | -// --------- --------- -// | | | | -// Leaf Leaf Leaf 80 -// | -// --------- -// | | -// Leaf Leaf - -z7 = insertTree 75 z6 -// 50 -// | -// ---------------- -// | | -// 10 75 -// | | -// --------- ----------- -// | | | | -// 10 Leaf 75 77 -// | | | -// --------- ------ ------- -// | | | | | | -// Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf 80 -// | -// --------- -// | | -// Leaf Leaf - -z8 = deleteTree 50 z7 -// 10 -// | -// ---------------- -// | | -// 10 75 -// | | -// --------- ----------- -// | | | | -// Leaf Leaf 75 77 -// | | -// ------ ------- -// | | | | -// Leaf Leaf Leaf 80 -// | -// --------- -// | | -// Leaf Leaf - -// Uit het diktaat, blz. 73: -insertTree :: a (Tree a) -> Tree a | Ord a -insertTree e Leaf = Node e Leaf Leaf -insertTree e (Node x le ri) -| e <= x = Node x (insertTree e le) ri -| e > x = Node x le (insertTree e ri) - -deleteTree :: a (Tree a) -> (Tree a) | Eq, Ord a -deleteTree e Leaf = Leaf -deleteTree e (Node x le ri) -| e < x = Node x (deleteTree e le) ri -| e == x = join le ri -| e > x = Node x le (deleteTree e ri) -where - join :: (Tree a) (Tree a) -> (Tree a) - join Leaf b2 = b2 - join b1 b2 = Node x b1` b2 - where - (x,b1`) = largest b1 - - largest :: (Tree a) -> (a,(Tree a)) - largest (Node x b1 Leaf) = (x,b1) - largest (Node x b1 b2) = (y,Node x b1 b2`) - where - (y,b2`) = largest b2 - - -is_geordend :: (Tree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type -is_geordend Leaf = True -is_geordend (Node x le ri) = (foldr (&&) True (map ((>) x) (members le))) && (foldr (&&) True (map ((<=) x) (members ri))) && is_geordend le && is_geordend ri -where - members :: (Tree a) -> [a] - members Leaf = [] - members (Node x le ri) = [x:(members le) ++ (members ri)] - -//Start = map is_geordend [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7] - -is_gebalanceerd :: (Tree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type -is_gebalanceerd Leaf = True -is_gebalanceerd (Node x le ri) = abs ((depth le) - (depth ri)) <= 1 && is_gebalanceerd le && is_gebalanceerd ri -where - depth :: (Tree a) -> Int - depth Leaf = 0 - depth (Node x le ri) = max (depth le) (depth ri) + 1 - -//Start = map is_gebalanceerd [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7] diff --git a/fp1/week7/camil/BinTree.dcl b/fp1/week7/camil/BinTree.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 7774ece..0000000 --- a/fp1/week7/camil/BinTree.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -definition module BinTree
-:: Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf
-t0 :: Tree Int
-t1 :: Tree Int
-t2 :: Tree Int
-t3 :: Tree Int
-t4 :: Tree Int
-t5 :: Tree Int
-t6 :: Tree Int
-t7 :: Tree Int
-//nodes :: // meest algemene type
-//leaves :: // meest algemene type
-//diepte :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/fp1/week7/camil/BinTree.icl b/fp1/week7/camil/BinTree.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 601efcc..0000000 --- a/fp1/week7/camil/BinTree.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -implementation module BinTree
-import StdEnv
-:: Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf
-t0 :: Tree Int
-t0 = Leaf
-t1 :: Tree Int
-t1 = Node 4 t0 t0
-t2 :: Tree Int
-t2 = Node 2 t0 t1
-t3 :: Tree Int
-t3 = Node 5 t2 t0
-t4 :: Tree Int
-t4 = Node 5 t2 t2
-t5 :: Tree Int
-t5 = Node 1 Leaf (Node 2 Leaf (Node 3 Leaf (Node 4 Leaf Leaf)))
-t6 :: Tree Int
-t6 = Node 1 (Node 2 (Node 3 (Node 4 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) Leaf) Leaf
-t7 :: Tree Int
-t7 = Node 4 (Node 1 Leaf Leaf) (Node 5 (Node 2 Leaf Leaf) Leaf)
-// 2.
-//nodes :: // meest algemene type
-//nodes ...
-//Start = map nodes [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-//leaves :: // meest algemene type
-//leaves ...
-//Start = map leaves [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-//diepte :: // meest algemene type
-//diepte ...
-//Start = map diepte [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
diff --git a/fp1/week7/mart/BewijsMeppenEnTippen.icl b/fp1/week7/mart/BewijsMeppenEnTippen.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 720ff4d..0000000 --- a/fp1/week7/mart/BewijsMeppenEnTippen.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -Zij gegeven:
-:: BTree a = Tip a | Bin (BTree a) (BTree a)
-map :: (a -> b) [a] -> [b]
-map f [] = [] (1.)
-map f [x:xs] = [f x : map f xs] (2.)
-mapbtree :: (a -> b) (BTree a) -> BTree b
-mapbtree f (Tip a) = Tip (f a) (3.)
-mapbtree f (Bin t1 t2) = Bin (mapbtree f t1) (mapbtree f t2) (4.)
-foldbtree :: (a a -> a) (BTree a) -> a
-foldbtree f (Tip x) = x (5.)
-foldbtree f (Bin t1 t2) = f (foldbtree f t1) (foldbtree f t2) (6.)
-tips :: (BTree a) -> [a]
-tips t = foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit t) (7.)
-unit :: a -> [a]
-unit x = [x] (8.)
-Te bewijzen:
- voor alle functies f, voor alle eindige bomen t:
- map f (tips t) = tips (mapbtree f t)
diff --git a/fp1/week7/mart/BinSearchTree.dcl b/fp1/week7/mart/BinSearchTree.dcl deleted file mode 100644 index 2e480bb..0000000 --- a/fp1/week7/mart/BinSearchTree.dcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -definition module BinSearchTree
-import StdClass
-import BinTree
-is_geordend :: // meest algemene type
-is_gebalanceerd :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/fp1/week7/mart/BinSearchTree.icl b/fp1/week7/mart/BinSearchTree.icl deleted file mode 100644 index 8f9f05c..0000000 --- a/fp1/week7/mart/BinSearchTree.icl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -implementation module BinSearchTree
-import StdEnv
-import BinTree
- Leaf
- 50
- |
- ----------
- | |
- Leaf Leaf
- 50
- |
- ----------
- | |
- 10 Leaf
- |
- ------
- | |
- Leaf Leaf
- 50
- |
- ----------
- | |
- 10 75
- | |
- ------ ------
- | | | |
- Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf
- 50
- |
- ----------
- | |
- 10 75
- | |
- ------ ------
- | | | |
- Leaf Leaf Leaf 80
- |
- ------
- | |
- Leaf Leaf
- 50
- |
- ----------
- | |
- 10 75
- | |
- ------ ------
- | | | |
- Leaf Leaf Leaf 77
- |
- ------
- | |
- Leaf 80
- |
- ------
- | |
- Leaf Leaf
- 50
- |
- ----------
- | |
- 10 75
- | |
- ------ ------
- | | | |
- 10 Leaf Leaf 77
- | |
- ------ ------
- | | | |
-Leaf Leaf Leaf 80
- |
- ------
- | |
- Leaf Leaf
- 50
- |
- ----------
- | |
- 10 75
- | |
- ------ -----------
- | | | |
- 10 Leaf 75 77
- | | |
- ------ ------ ------
- | | | | | |
-Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf 80
- |
- ------
- | |
- Leaf Leaf
-// Uit het diktaat, blz. 73:
-insertTree :: a (Tree a) -> Tree a | Ord a
-insertTree e Leaf = Node e Leaf Leaf
-insertTree e (Node x le ri)
-| e <= x = Node x (insertTree e le) ri
-| e > x = Node x le (insertTree e ri)
-deleteTree :: a (Tree a) -> (Tree a) | Eq, Ord a
-deleteTree e Leaf = Leaf
-deleteTree e (Node x le ri)
-| e < x = Node x (deleteTree e le) ri
-| e == x = join le ri
-| e > x = Node x le (deleteTree e ri)
- join :: (Tree a) (Tree a) -> (Tree a)
- join Leaf b2 = b2
- join b1 b2 = Node x b1` b2
- where
- (x,b1`) = largest b1
- largest :: (Tree a) -> (a,(Tree a))
- largest (Node x b1 Leaf) = (x,b1)
- largest (Node x b1 b2) = (y,Node x b1 b2`)
- where
- (y,b2`) = largest b2
-is_geordend :: // meest algemene type
-is_geordend ...
-Start = map is_geordend [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-is_gebalanceerd :: // meest algemene type
-is_gebalanceerd ...
-//Start = map is_gebalanceerd [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]