path: root/fp1/week3/camil/StdStack.icl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/fp1/week3/camil/StdStack.icl b/fp1/week3/camil/StdStack.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index dd51a94..0000000
--- a/fp1/week3/camil/StdStack.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdStack
-import StdEnv
-import StdList
-:: Stack a :== [a]
-newStack :: (Stack a)
-newStack = []
-push :: a (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
-push a s = [a] ++ s
-pop :: (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
-pop [a:s] = s
-pop [] = []
-popn :: Int (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
-popn 0 s = s
-popn n s = popn (n-1) (pop s)
-pushes :: [a] (Stack a) -> (Stack a)
-pushes [] s = s
-pushes a s = pushes (tl a) (push (hd a) s)
-top :: (Stack a) -> a
-top [] = abort "`top s` with s = []"
-top s = hd s
-topn :: Int (Stack a) -> [a]
-topn n s
- | n > length s = abort "`topn n s` with n > length s"
- | otherwise = take n s
-count :: (Stack a) -> Int
-count s = length s
-elements :: (Stack a) -> [a]
-elements s = s
-Start = ( "s0 = newStack = ", s0,'\n'
- , "s1 = push 1 s0 = ", s1,'\n'
- , "s2 = pushes [2..5] s1 = ",s2,'\n'
- , "s3 = pop s2 = ", s3,'\n'
- , "s4 = popn 3 s3 = ", s4,'\n'
- , "s5 = top s4 = ", s5,'\n'
- , "s6 = topn 3 s2 = ", s6,'\n'
- , "s7 = elements s2 = ", s7,'\n'
-// , "s8 = push 10 s1 = ", s8,'\n'
-// , "s9 = popn 10 s8 = ", s9,'\n'
-// , "sa = topn 5 s4 = ", sa,'\n'
-// , "sb = top s0 = ", sb,'\n'
- )
- s0 = newStack
- s1 = push 1 s0
- s2 = pushes [2..5] s1
- s3 = pop s2
- s4 = popn 3 s3
- s5 = top s4
- s6 = topn 3 s2
- s7 = elements s2
-// s8 = push 10 s1
-// s9 = popn 10 s8
-// sa = topn 5 s4
-// sb = top s0