path: root/fp1/week1/camil/2.3
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fp1/week1/camil/2.3')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.dcl b/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 527447c..0000000
--- a/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-definition module MatchStrings
-head :: String -> Char
-tail :: String -> String
-is_gelijk :: String String -> Bool
-is_deelstring :: String String -> Bool
-is_deel :: String String -> Bool
-is_match :: String String -> Bool
diff --git a/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.icl b/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 17859ae..0000000
--- a/fp1/week1/camil/2.3/MatchStrings.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-implementation module MatchStrings
-import StdEnv
-head :: String -> Char
-head "" = abort "head uitgevoerd op lege string"
-head s = s.[0]
-tail :: String -> String
-tail "" = abort "tail uitgevoerd op lege string"
-tail s = s % (1, size s - 1)
-is_gelijk :: String String -> Bool
-is_gelijk "" "" = True
-is_gelijk a "" = False
-is_gelijk "" b = False
-is_gelijk a b = (head a == head b) && (is_gelijk (tail a) (tail b))
-is_deelstring :: String String -> Bool
-is_deelstring "" b = True
-is_deelstring a "" = False
-is_deelstring a b = is_gelijk a (b % (0, size a - 1)) || is_deelstring a (tail b)
-is_deel :: String String -> Bool
-is_deel "" b = True
-is_deel a "" = False
-is_deel a b = head a == head b && is_deel (tail a) (tail b) || is_deel a (tail b)
-is_match :: String String -> Bool
-is_match "" "" = True
-is_match "" b = False
-is_match "*" "" = True
-is_match a "" = False
-is_match a b = (head a == '.' || head a == head b) && is_match (tail a) (tail b) || head a == '*' && (is_match a (tail b) || is_match (tail a) b)
-//Start = (head pink_floyd, tail pink_floyd)
-//Start = is_gelijk "" " "
-//Start = is_deelstring "there" pink_floyd
-//Start = is_deelstring "there" marillion
-//Start = is_deel "there" marillion
-//Start = is_deel "she and her" pink_floyd
-//Start = is_deel radiohead pink_floyd
-//Start = is_match "*.here*.here*." pink_floyd
-//Start = is_match "" pink_floyd
-pink_floyd = "Is there anybody in there?"
-marillion = "Just for the record"
-radiohead = "There there"