path: root/contrib
diff options
authorMoritz Warning2017-01-02 16:06:06 +0100
committerMichael Stapelberg2017-01-02 16:06:06 +0100
commit3f6d71feb9b620f28396e7c980323f92081dc2fb (patch)
tree0ef43e8ec7ca9497c251e2af8f46a47c197e311d /contrib
parentRe-license contrib/netspeed to the same as i3status (#189) (diff)
Consolidate measure speed script (#188)
* remove old net speed scripts * add reworked net-speed script * add space between rate and speed suffix it is easier to parse visually * only use intervals greater zero * add ifaces examples * catch negativ byte count happens when the counter resets
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
4 files changed, 79 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/measure-net-speed-i3status.bash b/contrib/measure-net-speed-i3status.bash
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eec33b..0000000
--- a/contrib/measure-net-speed-i3status.bash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Public Domain
-# (someone claimed the next lines would be useful for…
-# people. So here goes: © 2012 Stefan Breunig
-# stefan+measure-net-speed@mathphys.fsk.uni-heidelberg.de)
-# append i3status output to the measure-net-speed’s one.
-# the quote and escape magic is required to get valid
-# JSON output, which is expected by i3bar (if you want
-# colors, that is. Otherwise plain text would be fine).
-# For colors, your i3status.conf should contain:
-# general {
-# output_format = i3bar
-# }
-# i3 config looks like this:
-# bar {
-# status_command measure-net-speed-i3status.bash
-# }
-i3status | (read line && echo $line && read line && echo $line && while :
- read line
- dat=$(measure-net-speed.bash)
- dat="[{ \"full_text\": \"${dat}\" },"
- echo "${line/[/$dat}" || exit 1
-done) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/measure-net-speed.bash b/contrib/measure-net-speed.bash
deleted file mode 100755
index cef4004..0000000
--- a/contrib/measure-net-speed.bash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Public Domain
-# (someone claimed the next lines would be useful for…
-# people. So here goes: © 2012 Stefan Breunig
-# stefan+measure-net-speed@mathphys.fsk.uni-heidelberg.de)
-# path to store the old results in
-# grabbing data for each adapter.
-# You can find the paths to your adapters using
-# find /sys/devices -name statistics
-# If you have more (or less) than two adapters, simply adjust the script here
-# and in the next block.
-read eth0_rx < "${eth0}/rx_bytes"
-read eth0_tx < "${eth0}/tx_bytes"
-read wlan0_rx < "${wlan0}/rx_bytes"
-read wlan0_tx < "${wlan0}/tx_bytes"
-# get time and sum of rx/tx for combined display
-time=$(date +%s)
-rx=$(( $eth0_rx + $wlan0_rx ))
-tx=$(( $eth0_tx + $wlan0_tx ))
-# write current data if file does not exist. Do not exit, this will cause
-# problems if this file is sourced instead of executed as another process.
-if ! [[ -f "${path}" ]]; then
- echo "${time} ${rx} ${tx}" > "${path}"
- chmod 0666 "${path}"
-# read previous state and update data storage
-read old < "${path}"
-echo "${time} ${rx} ${tx}" > "${path}"
-# parse old data and calc time passed
-old=(${old//;/ })
-time_diff=$(( $time - ${old[0]} ))
-# sanity check: has a positive amount of time passed
-if [[ "${time_diff}" -gt 0 ]]; then
- # calc bytes transferred, and their rate in byte/s
- rx_diff=$(( $rx - ${old[1]} ))
- tx_diff=$(( $tx - ${old[2]} ))
- rx_rate=$(( $rx_diff / $time_diff ))
- tx_rate=$(( $tx_diff / $time_diff ))
- # shift by 10 bytes to get KiB/s. If the value is larger than
- # 1024^2 = 1048576, then display MiB/s instead (simply cut off
- # the last two digits of KiB/s). Since the values only give an
- # rough estimate anyway, this improper rounding is negligible.
- # incoming
- rx_kib=$(( $rx_rate >> 10 ))
- if [[ "$rx_rate" -gt 1048576 ]]; then
- echo -n "${rx_kib:0:-3}.${rx_kib: -3:-2} M↓"
- else
- echo -n "${rx_kib} K↓"
- fi
- echo -n " "
- # outgoing
- tx_kib=$(( $tx_rate >> 10 ))
- if [[ "$tx_rate" -gt 1048576 ]]; then
- echo -n "${tx_kib:0:-3}.${tx_kib: -3:-2} M↑"
- else
- echo -n "${tx_kib} K↑"
- fi
- echo -n " ? "
-fi \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/net-speed b/contrib/net-speed
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f332b0..0000000
--- a/contrib/net-speed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © 2014 Zhong Jianxin <azuwis@gmail.com>
-# See file LICENSE at the project root directory for license information.
-# Thank Stefan Breunig for the original implementation, see
-# contrib/measure-net-speed.bash.
-# i3status.conf should contain:
-# general {
-# output_format = i3bar
-# }
-# i3 config looks like this:
-# bar {
-# status_command exec /usr/share/doc/i3status/contrib/net-speed
-# }
-# Single interface
-# Multiple interfaces
-#ifaces="eth0 wlan0"
-# Auto detect
-ifaces=$(ls /sys/class/net | grep -E '^(eth|wlan)')
-# Interval must be the same as in i3status.conf
-if [ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]; then
- XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${HOME}/.config"
-# Auto detect
-if [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/i3status/config" ]; then
- i3status_conf="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/i3status/config"
-elif [ -f ~/.i3status.conf ]; then
- i3status_conf=~/.i3status.conf
- i3status_conf="/etc/i3status.conf"
-if [ -f "$i3status_conf" ]; then
- interval=$(grep -o '^[[:space:]]*interval[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]\+' $i3status_conf | grep -o '[[:digit:]]\+')
-if [ x"$interval" = x ]; then
- interval=5
-readable() {
- local byte=$1
- local kib=$(( byte >> 10 ))
- if [ "$kib" -gt 1024 ]; then
- local mib_int=$(( kib >> 10 ))
- local mib_dec=$(( kib % 1024 * 976 / 10000 ))
- if [ "$mib_dec" -lt 10 ]; then
- mib_dec="0${mib_dec}"
- fi
- echo "${mib_int}.${mib_dec}M"
- else
- echo "${kib}K"
- fi
-update_rate() {
- local rx=0
- local tx=0
- for iface in $ifaces; do
- local tmp_rx
- local tmp_tx
- local stat="/sys/class/net/${iface}/statistics"
- read tmp_rx < "${stat}/rx_bytes"
- read tmp_tx < "${stat}/tx_bytes"
- rx=$(( rx + tmp_rx ))
- tx=$(( tx + tmp_tx ))
- done
- rate="$(readable $(( (rx - last_rx) / interval )))↓ $(readable $(( (tx - last_tx) / interval )))↑"
- last_rx=$rx
- last_tx=$tx
-# while :; do
-# update_rate
-# echo "$rate"
-# sleep "$interval"
-# done
-i3status | (read line && echo "$line" && read line && echo "$line" && read line && echo "$line" && update_rate && while :
- read line
- update_rate
- echo ",[{\"full_text\":\"${rate}\" },${line#,\[}" || exit 1
diff --git a/contrib/net-speed.sh b/contrib/net-speed.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..71a563f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/net-speed.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Authors:
+# - Moritz Warning <moritzwarning@web.de> (2016)
+# - Zhong Jianxin <azuwis@gmail.com> (2014)
+# See file LICENSE at the project root directory for license information.
+# i3status.conf should contain:
+# general {
+# output_format = i3bar
+# }
+# i3 config looks like this:
+# bar {
+# status_command exec /usr/share/doc/i3status/contrib/net-speed.sh
+# }
+# Single interface:
+# ifaces="eth0"
+# Multiple interfaces:
+# ifaces="eth0 wlan0"
+# Auto detect interfaces
+ifaces=$(ls /sys/class/net | grep -E '^(eth|wlan|enp|wlp)')
+readable() {
+ local bytes=$1
+ local kib=$(( bytes >> 10 ))
+ if [ $kib -lt 0 ]; then
+ echo "? K"
+ elif [ $kib -gt 1024 ]; then
+ local mib_int=$(( kib >> 10 ))
+ local mib_dec=$(( kib % 1024 * 976 / 10000 ))
+ if [ "$mib_dec" -lt 10 ]; then
+ mib_dec="0${mib_dec}"
+ fi
+ echo "${mib_int}.${mib_dec} M"
+ else
+ echo "${kib} K"
+ fi
+update_rate() {
+ local time=$(date +%s)
+ local rx=0 tx=0 tmp_rx tmp_tx
+ for iface in $ifaces; do
+ read tmp_rx < "/sys/class/net/${iface}/statistics/rx_bytes"
+ read tmp_tx < "/sys/class/net/${iface}/statistics/tx_bytes"
+ rx=$(( rx + tmp_rx ))
+ tx=$(( tx + tmp_tx ))
+ done
+ local interval=$(( $time - $last_time ))
+ if [ $interval -gt 0 ]; then
+ rate="$(readable $(( (rx - last_rx) / interval )))↓ $(readable $(( (tx - last_tx) / interval )))↑"
+ else
+ rate=""
+ fi
+ last_time=$time
+ last_rx=$rx
+ last_tx=$tx
+i3status | (read line && echo "$line" && read line && echo "$line" && read line && echo "$line" && update_rate && while :
+ read line
+ update_rate
+ echo ",[{\"full_text\":\"${rate}\" },${line#,\[}" || exit 1