path: root/contrib/net-speed
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/net-speed')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/net-speed b/contrib/net-speed
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f332b0..0000000
--- a/contrib/net-speed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © 2014 Zhong Jianxin <azuwis@gmail.com>
-# See file LICENSE at the project root directory for license information.
-# Thank Stefan Breunig for the original implementation, see
-# contrib/measure-net-speed.bash.
-# i3status.conf should contain:
-# general {
-# output_format = i3bar
-# }
-# i3 config looks like this:
-# bar {
-# status_command exec /usr/share/doc/i3status/contrib/net-speed
-# }
-# Single interface
-# Multiple interfaces
-#ifaces="eth0 wlan0"
-# Auto detect
-ifaces=$(ls /sys/class/net | grep -E '^(eth|wlan)')
-# Interval must be the same as in i3status.conf
-if [ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]; then
- XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${HOME}/.config"
-# Auto detect
-if [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/i3status/config" ]; then
- i3status_conf="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/i3status/config"
-elif [ -f ~/.i3status.conf ]; then
- i3status_conf=~/.i3status.conf
- i3status_conf="/etc/i3status.conf"
-if [ -f "$i3status_conf" ]; then
- interval=$(grep -o '^[[:space:]]*interval[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]\+' $i3status_conf | grep -o '[[:digit:]]\+')
-if [ x"$interval" = x ]; then
- interval=5
-readable() {
- local byte=$1
- local kib=$(( byte >> 10 ))
- if [ "$kib" -gt 1024 ]; then
- local mib_int=$(( kib >> 10 ))
- local mib_dec=$(( kib % 1024 * 976 / 10000 ))
- if [ "$mib_dec" -lt 10 ]; then
- mib_dec="0${mib_dec}"
- fi
- echo "${mib_int}.${mib_dec}M"
- else
- echo "${kib}K"
- fi
-update_rate() {
- local rx=0
- local tx=0
- for iface in $ifaces; do
- local tmp_rx
- local tmp_tx
- local stat="/sys/class/net/${iface}/statistics"
- read tmp_rx < "${stat}/rx_bytes"
- read tmp_tx < "${stat}/tx_bytes"
- rx=$(( rx + tmp_rx ))
- tx=$(( tx + tmp_tx ))
- done
- rate="$(readable $(( (rx - last_rx) / interval )))↓ $(readable $(( (tx - last_tx) / interval )))↑"
- last_rx=$rx
- last_tx=$tx
-# while :; do
-# update_rate
-# echo "$rate"
-# sleep "$interval"
-# done
-i3status | (read line && echo "$line" && read line && echo "$line" && read line && echo "$line" && update_rate && while :
- read line
- update_rate
- echo ",[{\"full_text\":\"${rate}\" },${line#,\[}" || exit 1