path: root/frontend/parse.icl
diff options
authorronny2003-05-16 09:59:19 +0000
committerronny2003-05-16 09:59:19 +0000
commitd70d064e64fea680078f0248e6ddb8ece76e0cde (patch)
tree0976d44630b049a5ddfb70de86b279d71435af17 /frontend/parse.icl
parentfoldExp - added alternative for EE (diff)
renamed field names of type Ident in syntax tree
s/\<mod_name\>/mod_ident/g s/\<ps_field_name\>/ps_field_ident/g s/\<ps_selector_name\>/ps_selector_ident/g s/\<pc_cons_name\>/pc_cons_ident/g s/\<class_name\>/class_ident/g s/\<gen_name\>/gen_ident/g s/\<gen_member_name\>/gen_member_ident/g s/\<gc_name\>/gc_ident/g s/\<gc_gname\>/gc_gident/g s/\<fs_name\>/fs_ident/g s/\<td_name\>/td_ident/g s/\<fv_name\>/fv_ident/g s/\<var_name\>/var_ident/g s/\<type_name\>/type_ident/g s/\<symb_name\>/symb_ident/g s/\<tv_name\>/tv_ident/g s/\<av_name\>/av_ident/g s/\<me_symb\>/me_ident/g s/\<ft_symb\>/ft_ident/g s/\<fun_symb\>/fun_ident/g s/\<cons_symb\>/cons_ident/g s/\<sd_symb\>/sd__ident/g git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1340 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/parse.icl')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 57dfa52..971d2df 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ wantModule iclmodule file_id=:{id_name} import_file_position support_generics ha
# hash_table=set_hte_mark 0 hash_table
(No, files)
- -> let mod = { mod_name = file_id, mod_modification_time = "", mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] } in
+ -> let mod = { mod_ident = file_id, mod_modification_time = "", mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] } in
(False, mod, hash_table, error <<< "Error " <<< import_file_position <<< ": " <<< file_name <<< " could not be imported\n", files)
file_name = if iclmodule (id_name +++ ".icl") (id_name +++ ".dcl")
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ where
initModule :: String String ScanState !*HashTable !*File *Files
-> (!Bool, !ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*Files)
initModule file_name modification_time scanState hash_table error files
- # (succ, mod_type, mod_name, scanState) = try_module_header iclmodule scanState
+ # (succ, mod_type, mod_ident, scanState) = try_module_header iclmodule scanState
| succ
# pState = { ps_scanState = scanState
, ps_error = { pea_file = error, pea_ok = True }
@@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ where
, ps_hash_table = hash_table
, ps_support_generics = support_generics
- pState = verify_name mod_name id_name file_name pState
- (mod_ident, pState) = stringToIdent mod_name IC_Module pState
+ pState = verify_name mod_ident id_name file_name pState
+ (mod_ident, pState) = stringToIdent mod_ident IC_Module pState
pState = check_layout_rule pState
(defs, pState) = want_definitions (SetGlobalContext iclmodule) pState
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ where
defs = if (ParseOnly && id_name <> "StdOverloaded" && id_name <> "StdArray" && id_name <> "StdEnum" && id_name <> "StdBool" && id_name <> "StdDynamics" && id_name <> "StdGeneric")
[PD_Import imports \\ PD_Import imports <- defs]
- mod = { mod_name = mod_ident, mod_modification_time = modification_time, mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = defs }
+ mod = { mod_ident = mod_ident, mod_modification_time = modification_time, mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = defs }
= ( ps_error.pea_ok
, mod, ps_hash_table
, ps_error.pea_file
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ where
// otherwise // ~ succ
# ({fp_line}, scanState) = getPosition scanState
- mod = { mod_name = file_id, mod_modification_time = modification_time, mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] }
+ mod = { mod_ident = file_id, mod_modification_time = modification_time, mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] }
= (False, mod, hash_table, error <<< "Error [" <<< file_name <<< ',' <<< fp_line <<< "]: incorrect module header",
closeScanner scanState files)
@@ -497,11 +497,11 @@ where
# pState = wantToken FunctionContext "type argument" GenericCloseToken pState
| ok
-> case type_cons of
- (TypeConsSymb {type_name})
- | type_name == type_CONS_ident
+ (TypeConsSymb {type_ident})
+ | type_ident == type_CONS_ident
# (cons_CONS_ident, pState) = stringToIdent "GenericConsInfo" IC_Expression pState
-> (PE_List [PE_Ident cons_CONS_ident, geninfo_arg], pState)
- | type_name == type_FIELD_ident
+ | type_ident == type_FIELD_ident
# (cons_FIELD_ident, pState) = stringToIdent "GenericFieldInfo" IC_Expression pState
-> (PE_List [PE_Ident cons_FIELD_ident, geninfo_arg], pState)
@@ -534,8 +534,8 @@ where
# (rhs, _, pState) = wantRhs localsExpected (ruleDefiningRhsSymbol parseContext) pState
# generic_case =
- { gc_name = ident
- , gc_gname = generic_ident
+ { gc_ident = ident
+ , gc_gident = generic_ident
, gc_generic = {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
, gc_arity = length args
, gc_pos = pos
@@ -1068,8 +1068,8 @@ wantImports pState
wantFromImports :: !ParseState -> (!ParsedImport, !ParseState)
wantFromImports pState
- # (mod_name, pState) = wantModuleName pState
- (mod_ident, pState) = stringToIdent mod_name IC_Module pState
+ # (mod_ident, pState) = wantModuleName pState
+ (mod_ident, pState) = stringToIdent mod_ident IC_Module pState
pState = wantToken GeneralContext "from imports" ImportToken pState
(file_name, line_nr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
(import_symbols, pState) = wantSequence CommaToken GeneralContext pState
@@ -1139,12 +1139,12 @@ want_2_0_import_declaration token pState
-> (ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes members), pState)
-> (ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } No, tokenBack pState)
- # (class_name, pState) = want pState
+ # (class_ident, pState) = want pState
// (ii_extended, pState) = optional_extension pState // MW: removed but still not ok
ii_extended = False
(types, pState) = wantList "instance types" tryBrackType pState
- (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
- (inst_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance types) pState
+ (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_ident IC_Class pState
+ (inst_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_ident (IC_Instance types) pState
(context, pState) = optionalContext pState
-> (ID_Instance { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } inst_id (types,context), pState)
IdentToken fun_name
@@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ wantClassDefinition parseContext pos pState
| begin_members
# (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_or_member_name IC_Class pState
(members, pState) = wantDefinitions (SetClassOrInstanceDefsContext parseContext) pState
- class_def = { class_name = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
+ class_def = { class_ident = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
class_context = contexts, class_pos = pos, class_members = {}, class_cons_vars = class_cons_vars,
class_dictionary = { ds_ident = { class_id & id_info = nilPtr }, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = NoIndex},
class_arg_kinds = [] }
@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ wantClassDefinition parseContext pos pState
// otherwise
# pState = tokenBack pState
(class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_or_member_name IC_Class pState
- class_def = { class_name = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
+ class_def = { class_ident = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
class_context = contexts, class_pos = pos, class_members = {}, class_cons_vars = class_cons_vars,
class_dictionary = { ds_ident = { class_id & id_info = nilPtr }, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = NoIndex },
class_arg_kinds = []}
@@ -1268,8 +1268,8 @@ wantClassDefinition parseContext pos pState
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
(prio, pState) = optionalPriority cIsInfix token pState
= (cIsNotAClass, member_name, prio, pState)
- # (class_name, pState) = want_name token pState
- = (cMightBeAClass, class_name, NoPrio, pState)
+ # (class_ident, pState) = want_name token pState
+ = (cMightBeAClass, class_ident, NoPrio, pState)
want_name (IdentToken name) pState
= (name, pState)
@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ wantClassDefinition parseContext pos pState
(member_id, pState) = stringToIdent member_name IC_Expression pState
(class_id, pState) = stringToIdent member_name IC_Class pState
member = PD_TypeSpec pos member_id prio (Yes tspec) SP_None
- class_def = { class_name = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
+ class_def = { class_ident = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
class_context = contexts, class_pos = pos, class_members = {}, class_cons_vars = class_cons_vars,
class_dictionary = { ds_ident = { class_id & id_info = nilPtr }, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = NoIndex },
class_arg_kinds = []}
@@ -1306,10 +1306,10 @@ wantClassDefinition parseContext pos pState
wantInstanceDeclaration :: !ParseContext !Position !ParseState -> (!ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
wantInstanceDeclaration parseContext pi_pos pState
- # (class_name, pState) = want pState
- (pi_class, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
+ # (class_ident, pState) = want pState
+ (pi_class, pState) = stringToIdent class_ident IC_Class pState
((pi_types, pi_context), pState) = want_instance_type pState
- (pi_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance pi_types) pState
+ (pi_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_ident (IC_Instance pi_types) pState
// AA..
# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ wantInstanceDeclaration parseContext pi_pos pState
// otherwise // ~ (isIclContext parseContext)
| token == CommaToken
# (pi_types_and_contexts, pState) = want_instance_types pState
- (idents, pState) = seqList [stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance type) \\ (type,context) <- pi_types_and_contexts] pState
+ (idents, pState) = seqList [stringToIdent class_ident (IC_Instance type) \\ (type,context) <- pi_types_and_contexts] pState
= (PD_Instances
// [ { pi_class = pi_class, pi_ident = pi_ident, pi_types = type, pi_context = context // voor martin
[ { pi_class = pi_class, pi_ident = ident, pi_types = type, pi_context = context
@@ -1401,9 +1401,9 @@ where
build_contexts [] types arity pState
= ([], pState)
- build_contexts [class_name : class_names] types arity pState
+ build_contexts [class_ident : class_names] types arity pState
# (contexts, pState) = build_contexts class_names types arity pState
- (class_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
+ (class_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_ident IC_Class pState
tc_class = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol class_ident NoIndex (length types), glob_module = NoIndex }
= ([{ tc_class = tc_class, tc_types = types, tc_var = nilPtr } : contexts], pState)
@@ -1476,13 +1476,13 @@ optionalCoercions pState
# (more_inequals, pState) = want_inequalities pState
= (inequals ++ more_inequals, pState)
= (inequals, tokenBack pState)
- want_attr_inequality (IdentToken var_name) pState
- | isLowerCaseName var_name
- # (off_ident, pState) = stringToIdent var_name IC_TypeAttr pState
+ want_attr_inequality (IdentToken var_ident) pState
+ | isLowerCaseName var_ident
+ # (off_ident, pState) = stringToIdent var_ident IC_TypeAttr pState
(token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token == LessThanOrEqualToken
- # (var_name, pState) = wantLowerCaseName "attribute inequality" pState
- (dem_ident, pState) = stringToIdent var_name IC_TypeAttr pState
+ # (var_ident, pState) = wantLowerCaseName "attribute inequality" pState
+ (dem_ident, pState) = stringToIdent var_ident IC_TypeAttr pState
ai_demanded = makeAttributeVar dem_ident
= (ai_demanded, [{ ai_demanded = ai_demanded, ai_offered = makeAttributeVar off_ident }], pState)
# (ai_demanded, inequals, pState) = want_attr_inequality token pState
@@ -1516,8 +1516,8 @@ wantGenericDefinition parseContext pos pState
# (type, pState) = want_type pState // SymbolType
# pState = wantEndOfDefinition "generic definition" pState
# gen_def =
- { gen_name = ident
- , gen_member_name = member_ident
+ { gen_ident = ident
+ , gen_member_ident = member_ident
, gen_type = type
, gen_vars = arg_vars
, gen_pos = pos
@@ -1570,8 +1570,8 @@ where
# (generic_ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Generic pState
# (type_cons, pState) = get_type_cons type pState
# derive_def =
- { gc_name = ident
- , gc_gname = generic_ident
+ { gc_ident = ident
+ , gc_gident = generic_ident
, gc_generic = {gi_module=NoIndex,gi_index=NoIndex}
, gc_arity = 0
, gc_pos = pos
@@ -1650,8 +1650,8 @@ where
= (MakeTypeDef ident args (ConsList []) attr contexts pos, annot, pState)
want_type_rhs :: !ParseContext !ParsedTypeDef !Token !Annotation !ParseState -> (ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
- want_type_rhs parseContext td=:{td_name,td_attribute} EqualToken annot pState
- # name = td_name.id_name
+ want_type_rhs parseContext td=:{td_ident,td_attribute} EqualToken annot pState
+ # name = td_ident.id_name
pState = verify_annot_attr annot td_attribute name pState
(exi_vars, pState) = optionalExistentialQuantifiedVariables pState
(token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState // should be TypeContext
@@ -1677,13 +1677,13 @@ where
-> (PD_Type td, parseError "Algebraic type" No ("No lhs strictness annotation for the algebraic type "+name) pState)
want_record_type_rhs name is_boxed_record exi_vars pState
- # (fields, pState) = wantFields td_name pState
+ # (fields, pState) = wantFields td_ident pState
pState = wantToken TypeContext "record type def" CurlyCloseToken pState
(rec_cons_ident, pState) = stringToIdent ("_" + name) IC_Expression pState
= (PD_Type { td & td_rhs = SelectorList rec_cons_ident exi_vars is_boxed_record fields }, pState)
want_type_rhs parseContext td=:{td_attribute} ColonDefinesToken annot pState // type Macro
- # name = td.td_name.id_name
+ # name = td.td_ident.id_name
pState = verify_annot_attr annot td_attribute name pState
(atype, pState) = want pState // Atype
td = {td & td_rhs = TypeSpec atype}
@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@ where
want_type_rhs parseContext td=:{td_attribute} token=:DefinesColonToken annot pState
| isIclContext parseContext
= (PD_Erroneous, parseError "type RHS" (Yes token) "type definition" pState)
- # name = td.td_name.id_name
+ # name = td.td_ident.id_name
(atype, pState) = want pState // Atype
# (td_attribute, properties) = determine_properties annot td_attribute
td = {td & td_rhs = AbstractTypeSpec properties atype, td_attribute=td_attribute}
@@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@ where
# (td_attribute, properties) = determine_properties annot td_attribute
# td = { td & td_attribute = td_attribute, td_rhs = EmptyRhs properties}
= (PD_Type td, tokenBack pState)
- # name = td.td_name.id_name
+ # name = td.td_ident.id_name
= (PD_Type { td & td_rhs = EmptyRhs cAllBitsClear}, parseError "abstract type" No ("type attribute "+toString td_attribute+" for abstract type "+name+" is not") (tokenBack pState))
verify_annot_attr :: !Annotation !TypeAttribute !String !ParseState -> ParseState
@@ -1735,9 +1735,9 @@ where
want_constructor_list :: ![ATypeVar] !Token !ParseState -> (.[ParsedConstructor],ParseState)
want_constructor_list exi_vars token pState
# token = basic_type_to_constructor token
- # (pc_cons_name, pc_cons_prio, pc_cons_pos, pState) = want_cons_name_and_prio token pState
+ # (pc_cons_ident, pc_cons_prio, pc_cons_pos, pState) = want_cons_name_and_prio token pState
(pc_arg_types, pState) = parseList tryBrackSAType pState
- cons = { pc_cons_name = pc_cons_name, pc_arg_types = atypes_from_satypes pc_arg_types, pc_args_strictness=strictness_from_satypes pc_arg_types, pc_cons_arity = length pc_arg_types,
+ cons = { pc_cons_ident = pc_cons_ident, pc_arg_types = atypes_from_satypes pc_arg_types, pc_args_strictness=strictness_from_satypes pc_arg_types, pc_cons_arity = length pc_arg_types,
pc_cons_prio = pc_cons_prio, pc_exi_vars = exi_vars, pc_cons_pos = pc_cons_pos}
(token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token == BarToken
@@ -1784,7 +1784,7 @@ where
basic_type_to_constructor DynamicTypeToken = IdentToken "Dynamic"
basic_type_to_constructor token = token
-makeAttributeVar name :== { av_name = name, av_info_ptr = nilPtr }
+makeAttributeVar name :== { av_ident = name, av_info_ptr = nilPtr }
optionalAnnot :: !ParseState -> (!Bool,!Annotation, !ParseState)
optionalAnnot pState
@@ -1889,13 +1889,13 @@ wantFields record_type pState
want_field record_type pState
# (field_name, pState) = wantLowerCaseName "record field" pState
(fname, linenr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
- (ps_field_name, pState) = stringToIdent field_name (IC_Field record_type) pState
- (ps_selector_name, pState) = stringToIdent field_name IC_Selector pState
+ (ps_field_ident, pState) = stringToIdent field_name (IC_Field record_type) pState
+ (ps_selector_ident, pState) = stringToIdent field_name IC_Selector pState
(ps_field_var, pState) = stringToIdent field_name IC_Expression pState
pState = wantToken TypeContext "record field" DoubleColonToken pState
// (ps_field_type, pState) = want pState // wantAType
(annotation,ps_field_type, pState) = wantAnnotatedAType pState
- = ({ ps_field_name = ps_field_name, ps_selector_name = ps_selector_name, ps_field_type = ps_field_type,
+ = ({ ps_field_ident = ps_field_ident, ps_selector_ident = ps_selector_ident, ps_field_type = ps_field_type,
ps_field_annotation = annotation,
ps_field_var = ps_field_var, ps_field_pos = LinePos fname linenr}, pState)
@@ -2023,10 +2023,10 @@ where
// Sjaak 210801 ...
adjustAttribute :: !TypeAttribute Type *ParseState -> (!TypeAttribute, !*ParseState)
-adjustAttribute attr (TV {tv_name}) pState
- = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr tv_name pState
-adjustAttribute attr (GTV {tv_name}) pState
- = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr tv_name pState
+adjustAttribute attr (TV {tv_ident}) pState
+ = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr tv_ident pState
+adjustAttribute attr (GTV {tv_ident}) pState
+ = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr tv_ident pState
adjustAttribute attr type pState
= (attr, pState)
@@ -2230,8 +2230,8 @@ convertAAType [atype:atypes] attr pState
# (attr, pState) = determAttr_ attr atype.at_attribute type pState
determAttr_ :: !TypeAttribute !TypeAttribute !Type !ParseState -> (!TypeAttribute, !ParseState)
- determAttr_ TA_None (TA_Var {av_name}) (TV {tv_name}) pState
- | av_name.id_name==tv_name.id_name
+ determAttr_ TA_None (TA_Var {av_ident}) (TV {tv_ident}) pState
+ | av_ident.id_name==tv_ident.id_name
= (TA_Anonymous,pState)
determAttr_ attr1 attr2 type pState
= determAttr attr1 attr2 type pState
@@ -2496,7 +2496,7 @@ tryQuantifiedTypeVar pState
(succ, attr, pState) = try_attribute token pState
| succ
# (typevar, pState) = wantTypeVar pState
- (attr, pState) = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr typevar.tv_name pState
+ (attr, pState) = adjustAttributeOfTypeVariable attr typevar.tv_ident pState
= (True, {atv_attribute = attr, atv_variable = typevar}, pState)
# (succ, typevar, pState) = tryTypeVarT token pState
| succ