path: root/frontend/checktypes.icl
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authorronny2003-05-16 09:59:19 +0000
committerronny2003-05-16 09:59:19 +0000
commitd70d064e64fea680078f0248e6ddb8ece76e0cde (patch)
tree0976d44630b049a5ddfb70de86b279d71435af17 /frontend/checktypes.icl
parentfoldExp - added alternative for EE (diff)
renamed field names of type Ident in syntax tree
s/\<mod_name\>/mod_ident/g s/\<ps_field_name\>/ps_field_ident/g s/\<ps_selector_name\>/ps_selector_ident/g s/\<pc_cons_name\>/pc_cons_ident/g s/\<class_name\>/class_ident/g s/\<gen_name\>/gen_ident/g s/\<gen_member_name\>/gen_member_ident/g s/\<gc_name\>/gc_ident/g s/\<gc_gname\>/gc_gident/g s/\<fs_name\>/fs_ident/g s/\<td_name\>/td_ident/g s/\<fv_name\>/fv_ident/g s/\<var_name\>/var_ident/g s/\<type_name\>/type_ident/g s/\<symb_name\>/symb_ident/g s/\<tv_name\>/tv_ident/g s/\<av_name\>/av_ident/g s/\<me_symb\>/me_ident/g s/\<ft_symb\>/ft_ident/g s/\<fun_symb\>/fun_ident/g s/\<cons_symb\>/cons_ident/g s/\<sd_symb\>/sd__ident/g git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1340 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/checktypes.icl')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index 7ee610c..c19d55a 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ where
try_to_combine_attributes TA_Multi _
= True
try_to_combine_attributes (TA_Var attr_var1) (TA_Var attr_var2)
- = attr_var1.av_name == attr_var2.av_name
+ = attr_var1.av_ident == attr_var2.av_ident
try_to_combine_attributes TA_Unique TA_Unique
= True
try_to_combine_attributes TA_Unique TA_Multi
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ where
instance bindTypes TypeVar
- bindTypes cti tv=:{tv_name=var_id=:{id_info}} (ts, ti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
+ bindTypes cti tv=:{tv_ident=var_id=:{id_info}} (ts, ti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# (var_def, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
= case var_def.ste_kind of
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ where
bindTypes cti (TV tv) ts_ti_cs
# (tv, attr, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti tv ts_ti_cs
= (TV tv, attr, ts_ti_cs)
- bindTypes cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} type=:(TA type_cons=:{type_name=type_name=:{id_info}} types)
+ bindTypes cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} type=:(TA type_cons=:{type_ident=type_ident=:{id_info}} types)
(ts=:{ts_type_defs,ts_modules}, ti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# ((type_index, type_module), cs_symbol_table, ti_used_types) = retrieveTypeDefinition id_info cti_module_index cs_symbol_table ti.ti_used_types
ti = { ti & ti_used_types = ti_used_types }
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ where
= (TA { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module}} types, cti_lhs_attribute, ts_ti_cs)
= (TA { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module}} types,
determine_type_attribute td_attribute, ts_ti_cs)
- = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
- = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_name "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
- bindTypes cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} type=:(TAS type_cons=:{type_name=type_name=:{id_info}} types strictness)
+ = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_ident "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
+ = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_ident "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
+ bindTypes cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} type=:(TAS type_cons=:{type_ident=type_ident=:{id_info}} types strictness)
(ts=:{ts_type_defs,ts_modules}, ti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# ((type_index, type_module), cs_symbol_table, ti_used_types) = retrieveTypeDefinition id_info cti_module_index cs_symbol_table ti.ti_used_types
ti = { ti & ti_used_types = ti_used_types }
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ where
= (TAS { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module}} types strictness, cti_lhs_attribute, ts_ti_cs)
= (TAS { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module}} types strictness,
determine_type_attribute td_attribute, ts_ti_cs)
- = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
- = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_name "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
+ = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_ident "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error }))
+ = (TE, TA_Multi, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = checkError type_cons.type_ident "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
bindTypes cti (arg_type --> res_type) ts_ti_cs
# (arg_type, _, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti arg_type ts_ti_cs
(res_type, _, ts_ti_cs) = bindTypes cti res_type ts_ti_cs
@@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ emptyIdent name :== { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
checkTypeDef :: !Index !Index !*TypeSymbols !*TypeInfo !*CheckState -> (!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState);
checkTypeDef type_index module_index ts=:{ts_type_defs} ti=:{ti_type_heaps} cs=:{cs_error}
# (type_def, ts_type_defs) = ts_type_defs![type_index]
- # {td_name,td_pos,td_args,td_attribute,td_index} = type_def
+ # {td_ident,td_pos,td_args,td_attribute,td_index} = type_def
| td_index == NoIndex
- # position = newPosition td_name td_pos
+ # position = newPosition td_ident td_pos
cs_error = pushErrorAdmin position cs_error
- (td_attribute, attr_vars, th_attrs) = determine_root_attribute td_attribute td_name.id_name ti_type_heaps.th_attrs
+ (td_attribute, attr_vars, th_attrs) = determine_root_attribute td_attribute td_ident.id_name ti_type_heaps.th_attrs
(type_vars, (attr_vars, ti_type_heaps, cs))
= addTypeVariablesToSymbolTable cGlobalScope td_args attr_vars { ti_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs } { cs & cs_error = cs_error }
type_def = { type_def & td_args = type_vars, td_index = type_index, td_attrs = attr_vars, td_attribute = td_attribute }
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ checkTypeDef type_index module_index ts=:{ts_type_defs} ti=:{ti_type_heaps} cs=:
determine_root_attribute TA_None name attr_var_heap
# (attr_info_ptr, attr_var_heap) = newPtr AVI_Empty attr_var_heap
- new_var = { av_name = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
+ new_var = { av_ident = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
= (TA_Var new_var, [new_var], attr_var_heap)
determine_root_attribute TA_Unique name attr_var_heap
= (TA_Unique, [], attr_var_heap)
@@ -226,16 +226,16 @@ where
check_rhs_of_TypeDef :: !CheckedTypeDef ![AttributeVar] !CurrentTypeInfo !(!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-> (!TypeRhs, !(!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState))
- check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_name,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:AlgType conses} attr_vars cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} ts_ti_cs
+ check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_ident,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:AlgType conses} attr_vars cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} ts_ti_cs
# type_lhs = { at_attribute = cti_lhs_attribute,
- at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_name td_arity)
+ at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_ident td_arity)
[{at_attribute = atv_attribute,at_type = TV atv_variable} \\ {atv_variable, atv_attribute} <- td_args]}
ts_ti_cs = bind_types_of_constructors cti 0 [ atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args] attr_vars type_lhs conses ts_ti_cs
= (td_rhs, ts_ti_cs)
- check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_name,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:RecordType {rt_constructor=rec_cons=:{ds_index}, rt_fields}}
+ check_rhs_of_TypeDef {td_ident,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:RecordType {rt_constructor=rec_cons=:{ds_index}, rt_fields}}
attr_vars cti=:{cti_module_index,cti_type_index,cti_lhs_attribute} ts_ti_cs
# type_lhs = { at_attribute = cti_lhs_attribute,
- at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_name td_arity)
+ at_type = TA (MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = cti_type_index, glob_module = cti_module_index } td_ident td_arity)
[{ at_attribute = atv_attribute,at_type = TV atv_variable} \\ {atv_variable, atv_attribute} <- td_args]}
(ts, ti, cs) = bind_types_of_constructors cti 0 [ atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- td_args]
attr_vars type_lhs [rec_cons] ts_ti_cs
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ where
= ({ ts & ts_cons_defs = { ts.ts_cons_defs & [ds_index] =
{ cons_def & cons_type = cons_type, cons_index = cons_index, cons_type_index = cti.cti_type_index, cons_exi_vars = exi_vars,
cons_type_ptr = new_type_ptr, cons_arg_vars = cons_arg_vars }}}, { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }, cs)
-// ---> ("bind_types_of_constructors", cons_def.cons_symb, exi_vars, cons_type)
+// ---> ("bind_types_of_constructors", cons_def.cons_ident, exi_vars, cons_type)
bind_types_of_cons :: ![AType] !CurrentTypeInfo ![TypeVar] ![AttrInequality] !(!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-> (![AType], ![[ATypeVar]], ![AttrInequality], !(!*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState))
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ where
(attr_env, cs_error) = addToAttributeEnviron type_attr cti.cti_lhs_attribute attr_env cs.cs_error
= ([type : types], [local_vars : local_vars_list], attr_env, (ts, ti , { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = cs_error }))
- retrieve_local_vars tv=:{tv_name={id_info}} (local_vars, symbol_table)
+ retrieve_local_vars tv=:{tv_ident={id_info}} (local_vars, symbol_table)
# (ste=:{ste_kind = STE_BoundTypeVariable bv=:{stv_attribute, stv_info_ptr, stv_count }}, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
| stv_count == 0
= (local_vars, symbol_table)
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ where
, ots_modules :: .{# DclModule}
-determineAttributeVariable attr_var=:{av_name=attr_name=:{id_info}} oti=:{oti_heaps,oti_all_attrs} symbol_table
+determineAttributeVariable attr_var=:{av_ident=attr_name=:{id_info}} oti=:{oti_heaps,oti_all_attrs} symbol_table
# (entry=:{ste_kind,ste_def_level}, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
| ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level == cModuleScope
#! (new_attr_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty oti_heaps.th_attrs
@@ -387,15 +387,15 @@ instance toString DemandedAttributeKind where
newAttribute :: !DemandedAttributeKind {#Char} TypeAttribute !*OpenTypeInfo !*CheckState -> (!TypeAttribute, !*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-newAttribute DAK_Ignore var_name attr oti cs
+newAttribute DAK_Ignore var_ident attr oti cs
= case attr of
-> (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
-> (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
- -> (TA_Multi, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "attribute not allowed" cs.cs_error })
-newAttribute DAK_Unique var_name new_attr oti cs
+ -> (TA_Multi, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_ident "attribute not allowed" cs.cs_error })
+newAttribute DAK_Unique var_ident new_attr oti cs
= case new_attr of
-> (TA_Unique, oti, cs)
@@ -404,17 +404,17 @@ newAttribute DAK_Unique var_name new_attr oti cs
-> (TA_Unique, oti, cs)
- -> (TA_Unique, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "inconsistently attributed (2)" cs.cs_error })
-newAttribute DAK_None var_name (TA_Var attr_var) oti cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ -> (TA_Unique, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_ident "inconsistently attributed (2)" cs.cs_error })
+newAttribute DAK_None var_ident (TA_Var attr_var) oti cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (attr_var, oti, cs_symbol_table) = determineAttributeVariable attr_var oti cs_symbol_table
= (TA_Var attr_var, oti, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
-newAttribute DAK_None var_name TA_Anonymous oti=:{oti_heaps, oti_all_attrs} cs
+newAttribute DAK_None var_ident TA_Anonymous oti=:{oti_heaps, oti_all_attrs} cs
# (new_attr_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty oti_heaps.th_attrs
- new_attr = { av_info_ptr = new_attr_ptr, av_name = emptyIdent var_name }
+ new_attr = { av_info_ptr = new_attr_ptr, av_ident = emptyIdent var_ident }
= (TA_Var new_attr, { oti & oti_heaps = { oti_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }, oti_all_attrs = [new_attr : oti_all_attrs] }, cs)
-newAttribute DAK_None var_name TA_Unique oti cs
+newAttribute DAK_None var_ident TA_Unique oti cs
= (TA_Unique, oti, cs)
-newAttribute DAK_None var_name attr oti cs
+newAttribute DAK_None var_ident attr oti cs
= (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ getGenericDef generic_index type_module module_index generic_defs modules
checkTypeVar :: !Level !DemandedAttributeKind !TypeVar !TypeAttribute !(!*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
-> (! TypeVar, !TypeAttribute, !(!*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState))
-checkTypeVar scope dem_attr tv=:{tv_name=var_name=:{id_name,id_info}} tv_attr (oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
+checkTypeVar scope dem_attr tv=:{tv_ident=var_ident=:{id_name,id_info}} tv_attr (oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# (entry=:{ste_kind,ste_def_level},cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
| ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level == cModuleScope
# (new_attr, oti=:{oti_heaps,oti_all_vars}, cs) = newAttribute dem_attr id_name tv_attr oti { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -480,10 +480,10 @@ where
incr_ref_count tv_info_ptr _ th_vars
= th_vars
- check_attribute var_name DAK_Ignore (TVI_AttrAndRefCount prev_attr ref_count) this_attr oti cs=:{cs_error}
+ check_attribute var_ident DAK_Ignore (TVI_AttrAndRefCount prev_attr ref_count) this_attr oti cs=:{cs_error}
= (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
- check_attribute var_name dem_attr (TVI_AttrAndRefCount prev_attr ref_count) this_attr oti cs=:{cs_error}
- # (new_attr, cs_error) = determine_attribute var_name dem_attr this_attr cs_error
+ check_attribute var_ident dem_attr (TVI_AttrAndRefCount prev_attr ref_count) this_attr oti cs=:{cs_error}
+ # (new_attr, cs_error) = determine_attribute var_ident dem_attr this_attr cs_error
= check_var_attribute prev_attr new_attr oti { cs & cs_error = cs_error }
check_var_attribute (TA_Var old_var) (TA_Var new_var) oti cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ where
| old_var.av_info_ptr == new_var.av_info_ptr
= (TA_Var old_var, oti, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
= (TA_Var old_var, oti, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table,
- cs_error = checkError new_var.av_name "inconsistently attributed (3)" cs_error })
+ cs_error = checkError new_var.av_ident "inconsistently attributed (3)" cs_error })
check_var_attribute var_attr=:(TA_Var old_var) TA_Anonymous oti cs
= (var_attr, oti, cs)
check_var_attribute TA_Unique new_attr oti cs
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ where
-> (TA_Unique, oti, cs)
- -> (TA_Unique, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "inconsistently attributed (4)" cs.cs_error })
+ -> (TA_Unique, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_ident "inconsistently attributed (4)" cs.cs_error })
check_var_attribute TA_Multi new_attr oti cs
= case new_attr of
@@ -507,12 +507,12 @@ where
-> (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
- -> (TA_Multi, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "inconsistently attributed (5)" cs.cs_error })
+ -> (TA_Multi, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_ident "inconsistently attributed (5)" cs.cs_error })
check_var_attribute var_attr new_attr oti cs
- = (var_attr, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_name "inconsistently attributed (6)" cs.cs_error })// ---> (var_attr, new_attr)
+ = (var_attr, oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError var_ident "inconsistently attributed (6)" cs.cs_error })// ---> (var_attr, new_attr)
- determine_attribute var_name DAK_Unique new_attr error
+ determine_attribute var_ident DAK_Unique new_attr error
= case new_attr of
-> (TA_Unique, error)
@@ -521,13 +521,13 @@ where
-> (TA_Unique, error)
- -> (TA_Unique, checkError var_name "inconsistently attributed (1)" error)
- determine_attribute var_name dem_attr TA_None error
+ -> (TA_Unique, checkError var_ident "inconsistently attributed (1)" error)
+ determine_attribute var_ident dem_attr TA_None error
= (TA_Multi, error)
- determine_attribute var_name dem_attr new_attr error
+ determine_attribute var_ident dem_attr new_attr error
= (new_attr, error)
- check_attribute var_name dem_attr _ this_attr oti cs
+ check_attribute var_ident dem_attr _ this_attr oti cs
= (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
check_args_of_type_cons :: !Index !Int !DemandedAttributeKind ![AType] ![ATypeVar] !(!u:OpenTypeSymbols, !*OpenTypeInfo, !*CheckState)
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ checkOpenAType :: !Index !Int !DemandedAttributeKind !AType !(!u:OpenTypeSymbols
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = TV tv, at_attribute} (ots, oti, cs)
# (tv, at_attribute, (oti, cs)) = checkTypeVar scope dem_attr tv at_attribute (oti, cs)
= ({ type & at_type = TV tv, at_attribute = at_attribute }, (ots, oti, cs))
-checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = GTV var_id=:{tv_name={id_info}}} (ots, oti=:{oti_heaps,oti_global_vars}, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
+checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = GTV var_id=:{tv_ident={id_info}}} (ots, oti=:{oti_heaps,oti_global_vars}, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
(type_var, oti_global_vars, th_vars, entry) = retrieve_global_variable var_id entry oti_global_vars oti_heaps.th_vars
= ({type & at_type = TV type_var, at_attribute = TA_Multi }, (ots, { oti & oti_heaps = { oti_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, oti_global_vars = oti_global_vars },
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ where
# (var, global_vars, var_heap, ste_previous) = retrieve_global_variable var ste_previous global_vars var_heap
= (var, global_vars, var_heap, { entry & ste_previous = ste_previous })
-checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr_kind type=:{ at_type=TA type_cons=:{type_name=type_name=:{id_name,id_info}} types, at_attribute}
+checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr_kind type=:{ at_type=TA type_cons=:{type_ident=type_ident=:{id_name,id_info}} types, at_attribute}
(ots=:{ots_type_defs,ots_modules}, oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_x={x_check_dynamic_types}})
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -585,16 +585,16 @@ checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr_kind type=:{ at_type=TA type_cons=:{type
# ({td_arity,td_args,td_attribute,td_rhs},type_index,ots_type_defs,ots_modules) = getTypeDef type_index type_module mod_index ots_type_defs ots_modules
ots = { ots & ots_type_defs = ots_type_defs, ots_modules = ots_modules }
| x_check_dynamic_types && checkAbstractType type_module td_rhs
- = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "(abstract type) not permitted in a dynamic type" cs.cs_error}))
+ = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_ident "(abstract type) not permitted in a dynamic type" cs.cs_error}))
| checkArityOfType type_cons.type_arity td_arity td_rhs
# type_cons = { type_cons & type_index = { glob_object = type_index, glob_module = type_module }}
(types, (ots, oti, cs)) = check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope dem_attr_kind types td_args (ots, oti, cs)
(new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute (new_demanded_attribute dem_attr_kind td_attribute) id_name at_attribute oti cs
= ({ type & at_type = TA type_cons types, at_attribute = new_attr } , (ots, oti, cs))
- = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}))
- = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
-checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{ at_type=TAS type_cons=:{type_name=type_name=:{id_name,id_info}} types strictness, at_attribute}
+ = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_ident "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}))
+ = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_ident "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
+checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{ at_type=TAS type_cons=:{type_ident=type_ident=:{id_name,id_info}} types strictness, at_attribute}
(ots=:{ots_type_defs,ots_modules}, oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -607,8 +607,8 @@ checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{ at_type=TAS type_cons=:{type_nam
(types, (ots, oti, cs)) = check_args_of_type_cons mod_index scope dem_attr types td_args (ots, oti, cs)
(new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute (new_demanded_attribute dem_attr td_attribute) id_name at_attribute oti cs
= ({ type & at_type = TAS type_cons types strictness, at_attribute = new_attr} , (ots, oti, cs))
- = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}))
- = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_name "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
+ = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_ident "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}))
+ = (type, (ots, oti, {cs & cs_error = checkError type_ident "undefined" cs.cs_error}))
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = arg_type --> result_type, at_attribute} cot_state
# (arg_type, cot_state) = checkOpenAType mod_index scope DAK_None arg_type cot_state
(result_type, (ots, oti, cs)) = checkOpenAType mod_index scope DAK_None result_type cot_state
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr atype=:{at_type = TFA vars type, at_attr
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = foldSt remove_universal_var vars cs.cs_symbol_table }
= ( { checked_type & at_type = TFA vars checked_type.at_type }, (ots, oti, cs))
- add_universal_var atv=:{atv_variable = tv=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}}, atv_attribute} (oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error})
+ add_universal_var atv=:{atv_variable = tv=:{tv_ident={id_name,id_info}}, atv_attribute} (oti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error})
# (entry=:{ste_kind,ste_def_level},cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
| ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level < cRankTwoScope
# (new_attr, oti=:{oti_heaps}, cs) = newAttribute DAK_None id_name atv_attribute oti { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -648,10 +648,10 @@ where
ste_def_level = cRankTwoScope, ste_previous = entry })}))
= (atv, (oti, { cs & cs_error = checkError id_name "type variable already undefined" cs_error, cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }))
- remove_universal_var {atv_variable = {tv_name}, atv_attribute = TA_Var {av_name}} cs_symbol_table
- = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_name (removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cRankTwoScope tv_name cs_symbol_table)
- remove_universal_var {atv_variable = {tv_name}} cs_symbol_table
- = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cRankTwoScope tv_name cs_symbol_table
+ remove_universal_var {atv_variable = {tv_ident}, atv_attribute = TA_Var {av_ident}} cs_symbol_table
+ = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_ident (removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cRankTwoScope tv_ident cs_symbol_table)
+ remove_universal_var {atv_variable = {tv_ident}} cs_symbol_table
+ = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cRankTwoScope tv_ident cs_symbol_table
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_attribute} (ots, oti, cs)
# (new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute dem_attr "." at_attribute oti cs
@@ -699,10 +699,10 @@ checkInstanceType mod_index ins_class it=:{it_types,it_context} specials type_de
# (th_vars, cs_error) = foldSt check_linearity vars (th_vars, cs_error)
= ({heaps & th_vars = th_vars}, {cs & cs_error = cs_error})
- check_linearity {tv_name, tv_info_ptr} (th_vars, error)
+ check_linearity {tv_ident, tv_info_ptr} (th_vars, error)
# (TVI_AttrAndRefCount prev_attr ref_count, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
| ref_count > 1
- = (th_vars, checkError tv_name ": this type variable occurs more than once in an instance type" error)
+ = (th_vars, checkError tv_ident ": this type variable occurs more than once in an instance type" error)
= (th_vars, error)
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ checkSymbolType is_function mod_index st=:{st_args,st_result,st_context,st_attr_
= (checked_st, specials, type_defs, class_defs, modules, heaps, cs)
// ---> ("checkSymbolType", checked_st)
- check_attr_inequality ineq=:{ai_demanded=ai_demanded=:{av_name=dem_name},ai_offered=ai_offered=:{av_name=off_name}} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
+ check_attr_inequality ineq=:{ai_demanded=ai_demanded=:{av_ident=dem_name},ai_offered=ai_offered=:{av_ident=off_name}} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
# (dem_entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr dem_name.id_info cs_symbol_table
# (found_dem_attr, dem_attr_ptr) = retrieve_attribute dem_entry
| found_dem_attr
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ checkSuperClasses class_args class_contexts mod_index type_defs class_defs modul
add_variable_to_symbol_table :: !TypeVar !(![TypeVar], !*SymbolTable, !*TypeVarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
-> (![TypeVar],!*SymbolTable,!*TypeVarHeap,!*ErrorAdmin)
- add_variable_to_symbol_table tv=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}} (rev_class_args, symbol_table, th_vars, error)
+ add_variable_to_symbol_table tv=:{tv_ident={id_name,id_info}} (rev_class_args, symbol_table, th_vars, error)
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
| entry.ste_kind == STE_Empty || entry.ste_def_level < cGlobalScope
# (new_var_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ where
= (rev_class_args, symbol_table, th_vars, checkError id_name "(variable) already defined" error)
retrieve_variables_from_symbol_table :: ![TypeVar] ![TypeVar] !*SymbolTable -> (![TypeVar],!*SymbolTable)
- retrieve_variables_from_symbol_table [var=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}} : vars] class_args symbol_table
+ retrieve_variables_from_symbol_table [var=:{tv_ident={id_name,id_info}} : vars] class_args symbol_table
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
= retrieve_variables_from_symbol_table vars [var : class_args] (symbol_table <:= (id_info,entry.ste_previous))
retrieve_variables_from_symbol_table [] class_args symbol_table
@@ -872,13 +872,13 @@ where
# cs_error = checkError cl.glob_object.ds_ident "class undefined" cs.cs_error
= (TCClass cl, (class_defs, ots, {cs & cs_error = cs_error}))
check_context_class (TCGeneric gtc=:{gtc_generic, gtc_kind}) (class_defs, ots, cs)
- # gen_name = gtc_generic.glob_object.ds_ident
- # (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr gen_name.id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
+ # gen_ident = gtc_generic.glob_object.ds_ident
+ # (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr gen_ident.id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
# cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
# clazz =
{ glob_module = -1
, glob_object =
- { ds_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gen_name gtc_kind
+ { ds_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gen_ident gtc_kind
, ds_arity = 1
, ds_index = -1
@@ -892,16 +892,16 @@ where
, glob_object = {gtc_generic.glob_object & ds_index = generic_index}
= (TCGeneric {gtc & gtc_generic = checked_gen, gtc_class=clazz}, (class_defs, ots, cs))
- # cs_error = checkError gen_name "generic used with wrong arity: generic has always has one class argument" cs.cs_error
+ # cs_error = checkError gen_ident "generic used with wrong arity: generic has always has one class argument" cs.cs_error
= (TCGeneric {gtc & gtc_class=clazz}, (class_defs, ots, {cs & cs_error = cs_error}))
- # cs_error = checkError gen_name "generic undefined" cs.cs_error
+ # cs_error = checkError gen_ident "generic undefined" cs.cs_error
= (TCGeneric {gtc & gtc_class=clazz}, (class_defs, ots, {cs & cs_error = cs_error}))
check_context_types tc_class [] cs=:{cs_error}
= { cs & cs_error = checkError tc_class "type context should contain one or more type variables" cs_error}
- check_context_types tc_class [((CV {tv_name}) :@: _):_] cs=:{cs_error}
+ check_context_types tc_class [((CV {tv_ident}) :@: _):_] cs=:{cs_error}
= cs
-// = { cs & cs_error = checkError tv_name "not allowed as higher order type variable in context" cs_error}
+// = { cs & cs_error = checkError tv_ident "not allowed as higher order type variable in context" cs_error}
check_context_types tc_class [TV _ : types] cs
= cs
check_context_types tc_class [type : types] cs
@@ -919,16 +919,16 @@ where
check_class_variables class_variables cs
= foldSt check_class_variable class_variables cs
- check_class_variable {tv_name} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
- = { cs & cs_symbol_table = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope tv_name cs_symbol_table,
- cs_error = checkError tv_name "wrongly used or not used at all" cs_error}
+ check_class_variable {tv_ident} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
+ = { cs & cs_symbol_table = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope tv_ident cs_symbol_table,
+ cs_error = checkError tv_ident "wrongly used or not used at all" cs_error}
check_class_attributes class_attributes cs
= foldSt check_class_attribute class_attributes cs
- check_class_attribute {av_name} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
- = { cs & cs_symbol_table = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_name cs_symbol_table,
- cs_error = checkError av_name "undefined" cs_error}
+ check_class_attribute {av_ident} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
+ = { cs & cs_symbol_table = removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_ident cs_symbol_table,
+ cs_error = checkError av_ident "undefined" cs_error}
checkDynamicTypes :: !Index ![ExprInfoPtr] !(Optional SymbolType) !u:{# CheckedTypeDef} !u:{# DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap !*CheckState
@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ where
remove_global_type_variables global_vars symbol_table
= foldSt remove_global_type_variable global_vars symbol_table
- remove_global_type_variable {tv_name=tv_name=:{id_info}} symbol_table
+ remove_global_type_variable {tv_ident=tv_ident=:{id_info}} symbol_table
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
| entry.ste_kind == STE_Empty
= symbol_table
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ checkDynamicTypes mod_index dyn_type_ptrs (Yes {st_vars}) type_defs modules type
(expr_heap, cs) = check_global_type_variables_in_dynamics dyn_type_ptrs (expr_heap, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
= (type_defs, modules, heaps, expr_heap, cs)
- add_type_variable_to_symbol_table {tv_name={id_info},tv_info_ptr} (var_heap,symbol_table)
+ add_type_variable_to_symbol_table {tv_ident={id_info},tv_info_ptr} (var_heap,symbol_table)
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
= ( var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty),
symbol_table <:= (id_info, {ste_index = NoIndex, ste_kind = STE_TypeVariable tv_info_ptr,
@@ -994,12 +994,12 @@ where
check_global_type_variables global_vars cs
= foldSt check_global_type_variable global_vars cs
- check_global_type_variable {tv_name=tv_name=:{id_info}} cs=:{cs_symbol_table, cs_error}
+ check_global_type_variable {tv_ident=tv_ident=:{id_info}} cs=:{cs_symbol_table, cs_error}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
| entry.ste_kind == STE_Empty
= { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
= { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous),
- cs_error = checkError tv_name.id_name "global type variable not used in type of the function" cs_error }
+ cs_error = checkError tv_ident.id_name "global type variable not used in type of the function" cs_error }
checkDynamics mod_index scope dyn_type_ptrs type_defs modules type_heaps expr_heap cs
= foldSt (check_dynamic mod_index scope) dyn_type_ptrs (type_defs, modules, type_heaps, expr_heap, cs)
@@ -1046,11 +1046,11 @@ where
# cs_symbol_table = removeAttributesFromSymbolTable oti_all_attrs cs_symbol_table
= ({ dt & dt_uni_vars = dt_uni_vars, dt_global_vars = oti_global_vars, dt_type = dt_type },
oti_all_vars, ots_type_defs, ots_modules, { oti_heaps & th_vars = th_vars },
- { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError (hd oti_all_attrs).av_name "type attribute variable not allowed" cs.cs_error})
+ { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError (hd oti_all_attrs).av_ident "type attribute variable not allowed" cs.cs_error})
add_type_variable_to_symbol_table :: !Level !ATypeVar !*(!*TypeVarHeap,!*CheckState) -> (!ATypeVar,!(!*TypeVarHeap, !*CheckState))
- add_type_variable_to_symbol_table scope atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_name}, atv_attribute} (type_var_heap, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error})
- # var_info = tv_name.id_info
+ add_type_variable_to_symbol_table scope atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_ident}, atv_attribute} (type_var_heap, cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error})
+ # var_info = tv_ident.id_info
(var_entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr var_info cs_symbol_table
| var_entry.ste_kind == STE_Empty || scope < var_entry.ste_def_level
#! (new_var_ptr, type_var_heap) = newPtr TVI_Empty type_var_heap
@@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ where
(var_info, {ste_index = NoIndex, ste_kind = STE_TypeVariable new_var_ptr, ste_def_level = scope, ste_previous = var_entry })
= ({atv & atv_attribute = TA_Multi, atv_variable = { atv_variable & tv_info_ptr = new_var_ptr }}, (type_var_heap,
{ cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = check_attribute atv_attribute cs_error}))
- = (atv, (type_var_heap, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_name.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error }))
+ = (atv, (type_var_heap, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_ident.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error }))
check_attribute TA_Unique error
= error
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ where
# (binds,cs) = check_type_vars binds cs
= ([bind:binds],cs)
- check_type_var bind=:{bind_dst=type_var=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}}} binds cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
+ check_type_var bind=:{bind_dst=type_var=:{tv_ident={id_name,id_info}}} binds cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_error}
# ({ste_kind,ste_def_level}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
| ste_kind <> STE_Empty && ste_def_level == cGlobalScope
# (STE_TypeVariable tv_info_ptr) = ste_kind
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ where
= (bind, { cs & cs_symbol_table= cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError id_name "type variable not used in type" cs_error })
id_info_occurs_in_list id_info [{bind_dst}:l]
- = id_info==bind_dst.tv_name.id_info || id_info_occurs_in_list id_info l
+ = id_info==bind_dst.tv_ident.id_info || id_info_occurs_in_list id_info l
id_info_occurs_in_list id_info []
= False
checkSpecialTypeVars SP_None cs
@@ -1126,21 +1126,21 @@ addTypeVariablesToSymbolTable scope type_vars attr_vars heaps cs
add_type_variable_to_symbol_table :: !Level !ATypeVar !(![AttributeVar], !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
-> (!ATypeVar, !(![AttributeVar], !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState))
- add_type_variable_to_symbol_table scope atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_name}, atv_attribute}
+ add_type_variable_to_symbol_table scope atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_ident}, atv_attribute}
(attr_vars, heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs}, cs=:{ cs_symbol_table, cs_error })
- # tv_info = tv_name.id_info
+ # tv_info = tv_ident.id_info
(entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr tv_info cs_symbol_table
| entry.ste_def_level < scope // cOuterMostLevel
# (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
atv_variable = { atv_variable & tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr }
- (atv_attribute, attr_vars, th_attrs, cs_error) = check_attribute (scope == cRankTwoScope) atv_attribute tv_name.id_name attr_vars th_attrs cs_error
+ (atv_attribute, attr_vars, th_attrs, cs_error) = check_attribute (scope == cRankTwoScope) atv_attribute tv_ident.id_name attr_vars th_attrs cs_error
cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (tv_info, {ste_index = NoIndex, ste_kind = STE_BoundTypeVariable {stv_attribute = atv_attribute,
stv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr, stv_count = 0}, ste_def_level = scope /* cOuterMostLevel */, ste_previous = entry })
heaps = { heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
= ({atv & atv_variable = atv_variable, atv_attribute = atv_attribute},
(attr_vars, heaps, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = cs_error }))
= (atv, (attr_vars, { heaps & th_vars = th_vars },
- { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_name.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error }))
+ { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_ident.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error }))
check_attribute :: !Bool !TypeAttribute !String ![AttributeVar] !*AttrVarHeap !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!TypeAttribute, ![AttributeVar], !*AttrVarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -1153,11 +1153,11 @@ where
check_global_attribute TA_Multi name attr_vars attr_var_heap cs
# (attr_info_ptr, attr_var_heap) = newPtr AVI_Empty attr_var_heap
- new_var = { av_name = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
+ new_var = { av_ident = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
= (TA_Var new_var, [new_var : attr_vars], attr_var_heap, cs)
check_global_attribute TA_None name attr_vars attr_var_heap cs
# (attr_info_ptr, attr_var_heap) = newPtr AVI_Empty attr_var_heap
- new_var = { av_name = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
+ new_var = { av_ident = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
= (TA_Var new_var, [new_var : attr_vars], attr_var_heap, cs)
check_global_attribute _ name attr_vars attr_var_heap cs
= (TA_Multi, attr_vars, attr_var_heap, checkError name "specified attribute variable not allowed" cs)
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ where
check_rank_two_attribute TA_Anonymous attr_vars attr_var_heap cs
= abort "check_rank_two_attribute (TA_Anonymous, check_types.icl)"
/* # (attr_info_ptr, attr_var_heap) = newPtr AVI_Empty attr_var_heap
- new_var = { av_name = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
+ new_var = { av_ident = emptyIdent name, av_info_ptr = attr_info_ptr}
= (TA_Var new_var, [new_var : attr_vars], attr_var_heap, cs)
*/ check_rank_two_attribute attr attr_vars attr_var_heap cs
= (attr, attr_vars, attr_var_heap, cs)
@@ -1181,21 +1181,21 @@ addExistentionalTypeVariablesToSymbolTable root_attr type_vars heaps cs
add_exi_variable_to_symbol_table :: !TypeAttribute !ATypeVar !(!*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
-> (!ATypeVar, !(!*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState))
- add_exi_variable_to_symbol_table root_attr atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_name}, atv_attribute}
+ add_exi_variable_to_symbol_table root_attr atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_ident}, atv_attribute}
(heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs}, cs=:{ cs_symbol_table, cs_error})
- # tv_info = tv_name.id_info
+ # tv_info = tv_ident.id_info
(entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr tv_info cs_symbol_table
| entry.ste_def_level < cGlobalScope // cOuterMostLevel
# (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
atv_variable = { atv_variable & tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr }
- (atv_attribute, th_attrs, cs_error) = check_attribute atv_attribute root_attr tv_name.id_name th_attrs cs_error
+ (atv_attribute, th_attrs, cs_error) = check_attribute atv_attribute root_attr tv_ident.id_name th_attrs cs_error
cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (tv_info, {ste_index = NoIndex, ste_kind = STE_BoundTypeVariable {stv_attribute = atv_attribute,
stv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr, stv_count = 0 }, ste_def_level = cGlobalScope /* cOuterMostLevel */, ste_previous = entry })
heaps = { heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
= ({atv & atv_variable = atv_variable, atv_attribute = atv_attribute},
(heaps, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = cs_error}))
= (atv, ({ heaps & th_vars = th_vars },
- { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_name.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error}))
+ { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = checkError tv_ident.id_name "type variable already defined" cs_error}))
check_attribute :: !TypeAttribute !TypeAttribute !String !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!TypeAttribute, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ where
removeAttributedTypeVarsFromSymbolTable :: !Level ![ATypeVar] !*SymbolTable -> *SymbolTable
removeAttributedTypeVarsFromSymbolTable level vars symbol_table
- = foldr (\{atv_variable={tv_name}} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable level tv_name) symbol_table vars
+ = foldr (\{atv_variable={tv_ident}} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable level tv_ident) symbol_table vars
cExistentialVariable :== True
@@ -1261,11 +1261,11 @@ removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable level {id_info} symbol_table
removeAttributesFromSymbolTable :: ![AttributeVar] !*SymbolTable -> *SymbolTable
removeAttributesFromSymbolTable attrs symbol_table
- = foldr (\{av_name} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_name) symbol_table attrs
+ = foldr (\{av_ident} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope av_ident) symbol_table attrs
removeVariablesFromSymbolTable :: !Int ![TypeVar] !*SymbolTable -> *SymbolTable
removeVariablesFromSymbolTable scope vars symbol_table
- = foldr (\{tv_name} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable scope tv_name) symbol_table vars
+ = foldr (\{tv_ident} -> removeDefinitionFromSymbolTable scope tv_ident) symbol_table vars
:: Indexes =
{ index_type :: !Index
@@ -1346,14 +1346,14 @@ where
collect_fields field_nr fields (sel_defs, symbol_table)
| field_nr < size fields
# (sel_defs, symbol_table) = collect_fields (inc field_nr) fields (sel_defs, symbol_table)
- ({ ste_kind = STE_DictField sel_def }, symbol_table) = readPtr fields.[field_nr].fs_name.id_info symbol_table
+ ({ ste_kind = STE_DictField sel_def }, symbol_table) = readPtr fields.[field_nr].fs_ident.id_info symbol_table
= ( [ sel_def : sel_defs ], symbol_table)
= ( sel_defs, symbol_table)
store_fields_in_selector_array field_nr fields (sel_defs, symbol_table)
| field_nr < size fields
# field = fields.[field_nr]
- # ({ ste_kind = STE_DictField sel_def }, symbol_table) = readPtr field.fs_name.id_info symbol_table
+ # ({ ste_kind = STE_DictField sel_def }, symbol_table) = readPtr field.fs_ident.id_info symbol_table
# sel_defs = {sel_defs & [field.fs_index] = sel_def }
= store_fields_in_selector_array (inc field_nr) fields (sel_defs, symbol_table)
= ( sel_defs, symbol_table)
@@ -1393,11 +1393,11 @@ where
create_class_dictionary :: !Index !Index !*{#ClassDef} !w:{#DclModule} !u:Indexes !*TypeVarHeap !*VarHeap !*SymbolTable
-> (!*{#ClassDef}, !w:{#DclModule}, !SymbolPtr, !u:Indexes, !*TypeVarHeap, !*VarHeap, !*SymbolTable)
create_class_dictionary mod_index class_index class_defs =:{[class_index] = class_def } modules indexes type_var_heap var_heap symbol_table
- # {class_name,class_args,class_arity,class_members,class_context,class_dictionary=ds=:{ds_ident={id_name,id_info}}} = class_def
+ # {class_ident,class_args,class_arity,class_members,class_context,class_dictionary=ds=:{ds_ident={id_name,id_info}}} = class_def
# (type_id_info, symbol_table) = newPtr EmptySymbolTableEntry symbol_table
nr_of_members = size class_members
nr_of_fields = nr_of_members + length class_context
- rec_type_id = { class_name & id_info = type_id_info}
+ rec_type_id = { class_ident & id_info = type_id_info}
class_dictionary = { ds & ds_ident = rec_type_id }
{ index_type, index_cons, index_selector } = indexes
@@ -1414,14 +1414,14 @@ where
[ field_type \\ i <- [1..nr_of_members] ] class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
(cons_id_info, symbol_table) = newPtr EmptySymbolTableEntry symbol_table
- rec_cons_id = { class_name & id_info = cons_id_info}
+ rec_cons_id = { class_ident & id_info = cons_id_info}
cons_symbol = { ds_ident = rec_cons_id, ds_arity = nr_of_fields, ds_index = index_cons }
(cons_type_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
(td_args, type_var_heap) = mapSt new_attributed_type_variable class_args type_var_heap
type_def =
- { td_name = rec_type_id
+ { td_ident = rec_type_id
, td_index = index_type
, td_arity = 0
, td_args = td_args
@@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@ where
cons_def =
- { cons_symb = rec_cons_id
+ { cons_ident = rec_cons_id
, cons_type = { st_vars = [], st_args = reverse rev_field_types, st_args_strictness = first_n_strict nr_of_fields, st_result = rec_type,
st_arity = nr_of_fields, st_context = [], st_attr_vars = [], st_attr_env = [] }
, cons_priority = NoPrio
@@ -1468,10 +1468,10 @@ where
build_context_fields mod_index field_nr [{tc_class = TCClass {glob_module, glob_object={ds_index}}}:tcs] rec_type rec_type_index
next_selector_index rev_fields rev_field_types class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
- # ({class_name, class_arity, class_dictionary = {ds_ident, ds_index}}, _, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ds_index glob_module mod_index class_defs modules
+ # ({class_ident, class_arity, class_dictionary = {ds_ident, ds_index}}, _, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ds_index glob_module mod_index class_defs modules
type_symb = MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = ds_index, glob_module = glob_module } ds_ident class_arity
field_type = makeAttributedType TA_Multi (TA type_symb [makeAttributedType TA_Multi TE \\ i <- [1..class_arity]])
- (field, var_heap, symbol_table) = build_field field_nr class_name.id_name rec_type_index rec_type field_type next_selector_index var_heap symbol_table
+ (field, var_heap, symbol_table) = build_field field_nr class_ident.id_name rec_type_index rec_type field_type next_selector_index var_heap symbol_table
= build_context_fields mod_index (inc field_nr) tcs rec_type rec_type_index (inc next_selector_index) [ field : rev_fields ]
[field_type : rev_field_types] class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
build_context_fields mod_index field_nr [{tc_class = TCGeneric {gtc_generic, gtc_kind}} :tcs] rec_type rec_type_index
@@ -1479,8 +1479,8 @@ where
// FIXME: We do not know the type before the generic phase.
// The generic phase currently does not update the type.
# field_type = makeAttributedType TA_Multi TE
- # class_name = genericIdentToClassIdent gtc_generic.glob_object.ds_ident gtc_kind
- # (field, var_heap, symbol_table) = build_field field_nr class_name.id_name rec_type_index rec_type field_type next_selector_index var_heap symbol_table
+ # class_ident = genericIdentToClassIdent gtc_generic.glob_object.ds_ident gtc_kind
+ # (field, var_heap, symbol_table) = build_field field_nr class_ident.id_name rec_type_index rec_type field_type next_selector_index var_heap symbol_table
= build_context_fields mod_index (inc field_nr) tcs rec_type rec_type_index (inc next_selector_index) [ field : rev_fields ]
[field_type : rev_field_types] class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
build_context_fields mod_index field_nr [] rec_type rec_type_index next_selector_index rev_fields rev_field_types class_defs modules var_heap symbol_table
@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@ where
(sd_type_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
field_id = { id_name = field_name, id_info = id_info }
sel_def =
- { sd_symb = field_id
+ { sd__ident = field_id
, sd_field = field_id
, sd_type = { st_vars = [], st_args = [ rec_type ], st_args_strictness=Strict 1, st_result = field_type, st_arity = 1,
st_context = [], st_attr_vars = [], st_attr_env = [] }
@@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ where
, sd_type_ptr = sd_type_ptr
, sd_pos = NoPos
- field = { fs_name = field_id, fs_var = field_id, fs_index = selector_index }
+ field = { fs_ident = field_id, fs_var = field_id, fs_index = selector_index }
= (field, var_heap, symbol_table <:= (id_info, { ste_kind = STE_DictField sel_def, ste_index = selector_index,
ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = abort "empty SymbolTableEntry" }))
@@ -1509,11 +1509,11 @@ class toVariable var :: !STE_Kind !Ident -> var
instance toVariable TypeVar
- toVariable (STE_TypeVariable info_ptr) ident = { tv_name = ident, tv_info_ptr = info_ptr }
+ toVariable (STE_TypeVariable info_ptr) ident = { tv_ident = ident, tv_info_ptr = info_ptr }
instance toVariable AttributeVar
- toVariable (STE_TypeAttribute info_ptr) ident = { av_name = ident, av_info_ptr = info_ptr }
+ toVariable (STE_TypeAttribute info_ptr) ident = { av_ident = ident, av_info_ptr = info_ptr }
instance <<< DynamicType