path: root/frontend/checksupport.icl
diff options
authorclean2000-09-27 10:27:54 +0000
committerclean2000-09-27 10:27:54 +0000
commitd178557e591ca40ccbcd5dd967182a8eaa6eaef8 (patch)
treef581ca424180415c6ac5e60636026cf020ebbbc5 /frontend/checksupport.icl
parentbugfix: list inferred types printed types like f :: .[.a] instead of (diff)
optimizations and caching of dcl modules (without trans.icl)
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@232 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/checksupport.icl')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.icl b/frontend/checksupport.icl
index bacf06b..225eb06 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.icl
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import utilities
:: VarHeap :== Heap VarInfo
-cIclModIndex :== 0
+//cIclModIndex :== 0
CS_NotChecked :== -1
NotFound :== -1
@@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ cNeedStdDynamics:== 4
:: ErrorAdmin = { ea_file :: !.File, ea_loc :: ![IdentPos], ea_ok :: !Bool }
-:: CheckState = { cs_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable, cs_predef_symbols :: !.PredefinedSymbols, cs_error :: !.ErrorAdmin,
- cs_needed_modules :: !BITVECT } // MW++
+:: CheckState = { cs_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable, cs_predef_symbols :: !.PredefinedSymbols, cs_error :: !.ErrorAdmin, cs_x :: !CheckStateX }
+:: CheckStateX = {x_needed_modules :: !BITVECT,x_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int }
:: ConversionTable :== {# .{# Int }}
@@ -75,11 +76,14 @@ where
, dcl_index :: !Index
-:: Declarations =
- { dcls_import ::![Declaration]
+:: Declarations = {
+ dcls_import ::!{!Declaration}
, dcls_local ::![Declaration]
- , dcls_explicit ::![(!Declaration, !LineNr)]
+ , dcls_local_for_import ::!{!Declaration}
+ , dcls_explicit ::!{!ExplicitImport}
+:: ExplicitImport = ExplicitImport !Declaration !LineNr;
:: IclModule =
{ icl_name :: !Ident
@@ -87,8 +91,10 @@ where
, icl_instances :: !IndexRange
, icl_specials :: !IndexRange
, icl_common :: !.CommonDefs
- , icl_declared :: !Declarations
+// , icl_declared :: !Declarations
+ , icl_import :: !{!Declaration}
, icl_imported_objects :: ![ImportedObject]
+ , icl_used_module_numbers :: !ModuleNumberSet
:: DclModule =
@@ -103,8 +109,19 @@ where
, dcl_declared :: !Declarations
, dcl_conversions :: !Optional ConversionTable
, dcl_is_system :: !Bool
+ , dcl_imported_module_numbers :: !ModuleNumberSet
+:: ModuleNumberSet = ModuleNumbers !Int !ModuleNumberSet | EndModuleNumbers;
+in_module_number_set :: !Int !ModuleNumberSet -> Bool
+in_module_number_set n EndModuleNumbers
+ = False;
+in_module_number_set n (ModuleNumbers module_numbers rest_module_numbers)
+ | n<32
+ = (module_numbers bitand (1<<n))<>0
+ = in_module_number_set (n-32) rest_module_numbers
class Erroradmin state // PK...
pushErrorAdmin :: !IdentPos *state -> *state
@@ -180,7 +197,6 @@ where
envLookUp var []
= (False, abort "illegal value")
instance envLookUp ATypeVar
envLookUp var=:{atv_variable} [bind:binds]
@@ -190,21 +206,26 @@ where
envLookUp var []
= (False, abort "illegal value")
retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable :: ![(.a,.Declarations)] [Declaration] *(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
-retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable [(_, {dcls_import,dcls_local}) : imports] all_decls symbol_table
- # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable dcls_import dcls_local all_decls symbol_table
+retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable [(_, {dcls_import,dcls_local,dcls_local_for_import}) : imports] all_decls symbol_table
+// # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable dcls_import dcls_local all_decls symbol_table
+ # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable2 dcls_import dcls_local_for_import all_decls symbol_table
= retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable imports all_decls symbol_table
retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable [] all_decls symbol_table
= (all_decls, symbol_table)
-retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
+retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable2 :: !{!.Declaration} !{!.Declaration} ![.Declaration] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
+retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable2 imports locals_for_import all_decls symbol_table
+ # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array 0 imports all_decls symbol_table
+ = retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array 0 locals_for_import all_decls symbol_table
+retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: !{!.Declaration} ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable imports locals all_decls symbol_table
- # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieve_declared_symbols imports all_decls symbol_table
+ # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array 0 imports all_decls symbol_table
= retrieve_declared_symbols locals all_decls symbol_table
retrieve_declared_symbols :: ![Declaration] ![Declaration] !*SymbolTable -> (![Declaration], !*SymbolTable)
- retrieve_declared_symbols [symbol=:{dcl_ident=ident=:{id_info},dcl_kind,dcl_index}:symbols] decls symbol_table
+ retrieve_declared_symbols [declaration=:{dcl_ident=ident=:{id_info},dcl_kind,dcl_index}:symbols] decls symbol_table
#! entry = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table
# {ste_kind,ste_def_level} = entry
| ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level > cModuleScope
@@ -215,62 +236,120 @@ where
| case dcl_kind of
STE_Field f -> f==selector_id
_ -> False
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
STE_Imported (STE_Field selector_id) def_mod
| case dcl_kind of
STE_Imported (STE_Field f) d -> d==def_mod && f==selector_id
_ -> False
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
| same_STE_Kind ste_kind dcl_kind
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] symbol_table
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] symbol_table
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] symbol_table
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] symbol_table
retrieve_declared_symbols [] decls symbol_table
= (decls, symbol_table)
- retrieve_declared_symbols :: ![Declaration] ![Declaration] !*SymbolTable -> (![Declaration], !*SymbolTable)
- retrieve_declared_symbols decls collected_decls symbol_table
- = foldSt retrieve_declared_symbol decls (collected_decls, symbol_table)
- retrieve_declared_symbol symbol=:{dcl_ident=ident=:{id_info},dcl_kind,dcl_index} (decls, symbol_table)
+retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array :: !Int !{!Declaration} ![Declaration] !*SymbolTable -> (![Declaration], !*SymbolTable)
+retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array symbol_index symbols decls symbol_table
+ | symbol_index<size symbols
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ # {dcl_ident=ident=:{id_info},dcl_kind}=declaration
#! entry = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table
-// # {ste_kind,ste_def_level,ste_previous} = entry
# {ste_kind,ste_def_level} = entry
| ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level > cModuleScope
- = (decls, symbol_table)
+ = retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols decls symbol_table
+ # symbol_table = symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)
= case ste_kind of
STE_Field selector_id
-// -> ([{ symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind } : decls ],
-// removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index (symbol_table <:= (id_info, ste_previous)))
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> ([symbol : decls ],
- removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index (symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)))
+ | case dcl_kind of
+ STE_Field f -> f==selector_id
+ _ -> False
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ #! dcl_index = symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ #! dcl_index = declaration.dcl_index
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
STE_Imported (STE_Field selector_id) def_mod
-// -> ([{ symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind } : decls ],
-// removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index (symbol_table <:= (id_info, ste_previous)))
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> ([symbol : decls ],
- removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index (symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)))
+ | case dcl_kind of
+ STE_Imported (STE_Field f) d -> d==def_mod && f==selector_id
+ _ -> False
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ #! dcl_index = symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ #! dcl_index = declaration.dcl_index
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
-// -> ([{ symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind } : decls ], symbol_table <:= (id_info, ste_previous))
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> ([symbol : decls ], symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous))
+ | same_STE_Kind ste_kind dcl_kind
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] symbol_table
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] symbol_table
+ = (decls, symbol_table)
same_STE_Kind (STE_Imported s1 i1) (STE_Imported s2 i2) = i1==i2 && same_STE_Kind s1 s2
same_STE_Kind STE_DclFunction STE_DclFunction = True
+same_STE_Kind (STE_FunctionOrMacro []) (STE_FunctionOrMacro []) = True
same_STE_Kind STE_Type STE_Type = True
+same_STE_Kind STE_Constructor STE_Constructor = True
+same_STE_Kind (STE_Field f1) (STE_Field f2) = f1==f2
same_STE_Kind STE_Instance STE_Instance = True
same_STE_Kind STE_Member STE_Member = True
same_STE_Kind STE_Class STE_Class = True
-same_STE_Kind (STE_Field f1) (STE_Field f2) = f1==f2
same_STE_Kind _ _ = False
+removeImportsAndLocalsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: !Declarations !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry
+removeImportsAndLocalsOfModuleFromSymbolTable {dcls_import,dcls_local} symbol_table
+ # symbol_table = remove_declared_symbols_in_array 0 dcls_import symbol_table
+ = remove_declared_symbols dcls_local symbol_table
+ remove_declared_symbols :: ![Declaration] !*SymbolTable -> !*SymbolTable
+ remove_declared_symbols [symbol=:{dcl_ident={id_info},dcl_index}:symbols] symbol_table
+ #! entry = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table
+ # {ste_kind,ste_def_level} = entry
+ | ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level > cModuleScope
+ = remove_declared_symbols symbols symbol_table
+ # symbol_table = symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)
+ = case ste_kind of
+ STE_Field selector_id
+ -> remove_declared_symbols symbols (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
+ STE_Imported (STE_Field selector_id) def_mod
+ -> remove_declared_symbols symbols (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
+ _
+ -> remove_declared_symbols symbols symbol_table
+ remove_declared_symbols [] symbol_table
+ = symbol_table
+ remove_declared_symbols_in_array :: !Int !{!Declaration} !*SymbolTable -> !*SymbolTable
+ remove_declared_symbols_in_array symbol_index symbols symbol_table
+ | symbol_index<size symbols
+ #! (symbol,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ # {dcl_ident={id_info}}=symbol
+ #! entry = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table
+ # {ste_kind,ste_def_level} = entry
+ | ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level > cModuleScope
+ = remove_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols symbol_table
+ # symbol_table = symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)
+ = case ste_kind of
+ STE_Field selector_id
+ #! dcl_index = symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> remove_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
+ STE_Imported (STE_Field selector_id) def_mod
+ #! dcl_index = symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> remove_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
+ _
+ -> remove_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols symbol_table
+ = symbol_table
addLocalFunctionDefsToSymbolTable :: !Level !Index !Index !u:{#FunDef} !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin -> (!u:{# FunDef}, !*SymbolTable, !*ErrorAdmin)
addLocalFunctionDefsToSymbolTable level from_index to_index fun_defs symbol_table error
| from_index == to_index
@@ -291,15 +370,21 @@ addDefToSymbolTable level def_index def_ident=:{id_info} def_kind symbol_table e
= (symbol_table <:= (id_info,entry), error)
= (symbol_table, checkError def_ident " already defined" error)
-addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable :: .Bool .Int ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable2 :: .Bool .Int !{!.Declaration} !{!.Declaration} !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable2 is_dcl_mod ste_index locals imported cs
+ # cs=add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table 0 is_dcl_mod imported cs
+ = addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable 0 locals ste_index cs
+addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable :: .Bool .Int ![.Declaration] !{!.Declaration} !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable is_dcl_mod ste_index locals imported cs
- = addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable locals ste_index (add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod imported cs)
+ # cs=add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table 0 is_dcl_mod imported cs
+ = addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable locals ste_index cs
- add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod [{dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index} : symbols] cs
+ add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod [{dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index} : symbols] cs=:{cs_x}
= case dcl_kind of
STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
- | is_dcl_mod || def_mod <> cIclModIndex
-// -> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
+ | is_dcl_mod || def_mod <> cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+ // -> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
-> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols (addIndirectlyImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
-> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols cs
STE_FunctionOrMacro _
@@ -307,13 +392,40 @@ where
add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod [] cs
= cs
+add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table symbol_index is_dcl_mod symbols cs=:{cs_x}
+ | symbol_index<size symbols
+ #! ({dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind},symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ = case dcl_kind of
+ STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
+// | is_dcl_mod || def_mod <> cIclModIndex
+ | is_dcl_mod || def_mod <> cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+// -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
+ #! dcl_index= symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols (addIndirectlyImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
+ -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols cs
+ STE_FunctionOrMacro _
+ #! dcl_index= symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedFunctionOrMacro dcl_ident dcl_index cs)
+ = cs
+addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable :: !Int !{!.Declaration} Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable symbol_index symbols mod_index cs
+ | symbol_index<size symbols
+ # ({dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index},symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ = case dcl_kind of
+ STE_FunctionOrMacro _
+ -> addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable (symbol_index+1) symbols mod_index (addImportedFunctionOrMacro dcl_ident dcl_index cs)
+ STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
+ -> addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable (symbol_index+1) symbols mod_index (addIndirectlyImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind def_kind dcl_index mod_index cs)
+ = cs
addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable [{dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index} : symbols] mod_index cs
= case dcl_kind of
STE_FunctionOrMacro _
-> addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable symbols mod_index (addImportedFunctionOrMacro dcl_ident dcl_index cs)
- -> addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable symbols mod_index (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind dcl_index mod_index cs)
+ -> addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable symbols mod_index (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind dcl_index mod_index cs)
addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable [] mod_index cs
= cs
@@ -338,7 +450,7 @@ addFieldToSelectorDefinition {id_info} glob_field_index cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
-> { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs.cs_symbol_table <:= (id_info, { entry & ste_kind = STE_Selector [ glob_field_index : selector_list ] })}
-> { cs & cs_symbol_table = NewEntry cs.cs_symbol_table id_info (STE_Selector [glob_field_index]) NoIndex cModuleScope entry }
addImportedSymbol :: !Ident !Position !STE_Kind !.Int !.Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addImportedSymbol ident pos def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr ident.id_info cs_symbol_table
@@ -393,17 +505,18 @@ where
-> addFieldToSelectorDefinition selector_id { glob_module = NoIndex, glob_object = dcl_index } cs
-> cs
- = { cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition ident dcl_pos) "(global definition) already defined" cs.cs_error}
+ = { cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition ident dcl_pos) "(global definition) already defined" cs.cs_error} ---> entry.ste_kind
retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable :: ![Import ImportDeclaration] ![Declaration] !*{#DclModule} !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> *(![Declaration],!*{#DclModule},!*Heap SymbolTableEntry);
retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable [{import_module=import_module=:{id_info},import_symbols} : mods ] decls modules symbol_table
# ({ste_index}, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
- ({dcl_declared={dcls_import,dcls_local}}, modules) = modules![ste_index]
- (decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable dcls_import dcls_local decls symbol_table
+ ({dcl_declared={dcls_import,dcls_local,dcls_local_for_import}}, modules) = modules![ste_index]
+// (decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable dcls_import dcls_local decls symbol_table
+ (decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable2 dcls_import dcls_local_for_import decls symbol_table
= retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable mods decls modules symbol_table
retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable [] decls modules symbol_table
= (decls, modules, symbol_table)
removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition :: !Ident .Int .Int !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry;
removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition {id_info} field_mod field_index symbol_table
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
@@ -438,12 +551,10 @@ where
-> symbol_table <:= (id_info, ste_previous.ste_previous)
-> symbol_table <:= (id_info, ste_previous)
removeLocalIdentsFromSymbolTable :: .Int !.[Ident] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry;
removeLocalIdentsFromSymbolTable level idents symbol_table
= foldSt (removeIdentFromSymbolTable level) idents symbol_table
removeIdentFromSymbolTable :: !.Int !Ident !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry;
removeIdentFromSymbolTable level {id_name,id_info} symbol_table
#! {ste_previous,ste_def_level} = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table