diff options
authorclean2000-09-27 10:27:54 +0000
committerclean2000-09-27 10:27:54 +0000
commitd178557e591ca40ccbcd5dd967182a8eaa6eaef8 (patch)
parentbugfix: list inferred types printed types like f :: .[.a] instead of (diff)
optimizations and caching of dcl modules (without trans.icl)
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@232 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
35 files changed, 2190 insertions, 702 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/StdCompare.icl b/frontend/StdCompare.icl
index b40a1db..b772a73 100644
--- a/frontend/StdCompare.icl
+++ b/frontend/StdCompare.icl
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ where
= compare_indexes symb1 symb2
compare_indexes (SK_Function i1) (SK_Function i2) = i1 =< i2
+ compare_indexes (SK_LocalMacroFunction i1) (SK_LocalMacroFunction i2) = i1 =< i2
// compare_indexes (SK_ClassRecord i1) (SK_ClassRecord i2) = i1 =< i2
compare_indexes (SK_Constructor i1) (SK_Constructor i2) = i1 =< i2
// compare_indexes (SK_DeltaFunction i1) (SK_DeltaFunction i2) = i1 =< i2
diff --git a/frontend/analtypes.dcl b/frontend/analtypes.dcl
index ae9b48d..b955243 100644
--- a/frontend/analtypes.dcl
+++ b/frontend/analtypes.dcl
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ definition module analtypes
import checksupport, typesupport
-analTypeDefs :: !{#CommonDefs} !*TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin -> (!*TypeDefInfos, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+analTypeDefs :: !{#CommonDefs} !ModuleNumberSet !*TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin -> (!*TypeDefInfos, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
instance <<< TypeKind
diff --git a/frontend/analtypes.icl b/frontend/analtypes.icl
index b143d0b..3763652 100644
--- a/frontend/analtypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/analtypes.icl
@@ -243,9 +243,11 @@ where
check_types_of_cons :: ![AType] !Bool !Index !Level ![TypeVar] !TypeAttribute ![AttrInequality] !Conditions !*TypeSymbols !*TypeInfo !*CheckState
-> *(![AType], ![[ATypeVar]], ![AttrInequality], !TypeProperties, !Conditions, !Int, !*TypeSymbols, !*TypeInfo, !*CheckState)
+ new_local_kind_variables :: .[ATypeVar] *(*Heap TypeVarInfo,*Heap .KindInfo) -> (!Bool,!.Heap TypeVarInfo,!.Heap KindInfo);
new_local_kind_variables td_args (type_var_heap, as_kind_heap)
= foldSt new_kind td_args (True, type_var_heap, as_kind_heap)
+ new_kind :: ATypeVar *(.Bool,*Heap TypeVarInfo,*Heap .KindInfo) -> (!Bool,!.Heap TypeVarInfo,!.Heap KindInfo);
new_kind {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr},atv_attribute} (coercible, type_var_heap, kind_heap)
# (kind_info_ptr, kind_heap) = newPtr KI_Const kind_heap
= (coercible && is_not_a_variable atv_attribute, type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeKind kind_info_ptr),
@@ -293,6 +295,7 @@ emptyIdent name :== { id_name = name, id_info = nilPtr }
newKindVariables td_args (type_var_heap, as_kind_heap)
= mapSt new_kind td_args (type_var_heap, as_kind_heap)
+ new_kind :: ATypeVar *(*Heap TypeVarInfo,*Heap .KindInfo) -> (!.TypeKind,!(!.Heap TypeVarInfo,!.Heap KindInfo));
new_kind {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}} (type_var_heap, kind_heap)
# (kind_info_ptr, kind_heap) = newPtr KI_Const kind_heap
= (KindVar kind_info_ptr, (type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeKind kind_info_ptr), kind_heap <:= (kind_info_ptr, KI_Var kind_info_ptr)))
@@ -451,13 +454,16 @@ where
is_a_top_var var_number []
= False
+//import RWSDebug
-analTypeDefs :: !{#CommonDefs} !*TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin -> (!*TypeDefInfos, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
-analTypeDefs modules heaps error
+analTypeDefs :: !{#CommonDefs} !ModuleNumberSet !*TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin -> (!*TypeDefInfos, !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
+analTypeDefs modules used_module_numbers heaps error
// #! modules = modules ---> "analTypeDefs"
- # sizes = [ size mod.com_type_defs - size mod.com_class_defs \\ mod <-: modules ]
+// # sizes = [ size mod.com_type_defs - size mod.com_class_defs \\ mod <-: modules ]
+// # used_module_numbers = used_module_numbers <<- used_module_numbers
+ # sizes = [ if (in_module_number_set module_n used_module_numbers) (size mod.com_type_defs - size mod.com_class_defs) 0 \\ mod <-: modules & module_n<-[0..]]
- check_marks = { createArray nr_of_types AS_NotChecked \\ nr_of_types <- sizes }
+ check_marks = { createArray nr_of_types AS_NotChecked \\ nr_of_types <- sizes }
type_def_infos = { createArray nr_of_types EmptyTypeDefInfo \\ nr_of_types <- sizes }
as = { as_check_marks = check_marks, as_kind_heap = newHeap, as_heaps = heaps, as_td_infos = type_def_infos,
@@ -472,7 +478,6 @@ where
anal_type_defs _ _ [] as
= as
anal_type_def modules mod_index type_index as=:{as_check_marks}
| as_check_marks.[mod_index].[type_index] == AS_NotChecked
# (_, (_, as)) = analTypeDef modules mod_index type_index as
diff --git a/frontend/analunitypes.dcl b/frontend/analunitypes.dcl
index 8afc662..613190d 100644
--- a/frontend/analunitypes.dcl
+++ b/frontend/analunitypes.dcl
@@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ signClassification :: !Index !Index ![SignClassification] !{# CommonDefs } !*T
propClassification :: !Index !Index ![PropClassification] !{# CommonDefs } !*TypeVarHeap !*TypeDefInfos
-> (!PropClassification, !*TypeVarHeap, !*TypeDefInfos)
diff --git a/frontend/analunitypes.icl b/frontend/analunitypes.icl
index cbe99cf..f099825 100644
--- a/frontend/analunitypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/analunitypes.icl
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ removeTopClasses _ _
, scs_rec_appls :: ![RecTypeApplication (Sign, [SignClassification])]
-determineSignClassOfTypeDef :: !Int !Int ![ATypeVar] !TypeDefInfo ![SignClassification] {# CommonDefs} !*TypeVarHeap !*TypeDefInfos
+determineSignClassOfTypeDef :: !Int !Int ![ATypeVar] !TypeDefInfo ![SignClassification] !{# CommonDefs} !*TypeVarHeap !*TypeDefInfos
-> (!SignClassification, !*TypeVarHeap,!*TypeDefInfos)
determineSignClassOfTypeDef type_index module_index td_args {tdi_classification,tdi_cons_vars,tdi_group_vars,tdi_group,tdi_group_nr}
hio_signs ci type_var_heap td_infos
@@ -309,8 +309,7 @@ propClassification type_index module_index hio_props defs type_var_heap td_infos
(td_info, td_infos) = td_infos![module_index].[type_index]
= determinePropClassOfTypeDef type_index module_index td_args td_info hio_props defs type_var_heap td_infos
-determinePropClassOfTypeDef :: !Int !Int ![ATypeVar] !TypeDefInfo ![PropClassification] {# CommonDefs} !*TypeVarHeap !*TypeDefInfos
+determinePropClassOfTypeDef :: !Int !Int ![ATypeVar] !TypeDefInfo ![PropClassification] !{# CommonDefs} !*TypeVarHeap !*TypeDefInfos
-> (!PropClassification,!*TypeVarHeap, !*TypeDefInfos)
determinePropClassOfTypeDef type_index module_index td_args {tdi_classification, tdi_kinds, tdi_group, tdi_group_vars, tdi_cons_vars, tdi_group_nr}
hio_props ci type_var_heap td_infos
diff --git a/frontend/check.dcl b/frontend/check.dcl
index e69603a..8f482e0 100644
--- a/frontend/check.dcl
+++ b/frontend/check.dcl
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import syntax, transform, checksupport, typesupport, predef
cPredefinedModuleIndex :== 1
-checkModule :: !ScannedModule !IndexRange ![FunDef] !ScannedModule !ScannedModule ![ScannedModule] !*PredefinedSymbols !*SymbolTable !*File
- -> (!Bool, !*IclModule, *{# DclModule}, *{! Group}, !(Optional {# Index}), !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*SymbolTable, *File)
+checkModule :: !ScannedModule !IndexRange ![FunDef] !Int !Int !(Optional ScannedModule) ![ScannedModule] !{#DclModule} !{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*SymbolTable !*File !*Heaps
+ -> (!Bool, !*IclModule, *{# DclModule}, *{! Group}, !(Optional {# Index}), !.{#FunDef},!Int, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*SymbolTable, *File)
retrieveGlobalDefinition :: !SymbolTableEntry !STE_Kind !Index -> (!Index, !Index)
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index df7b7b2..daf7d7b 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ implementation module check
import StdEnv
-import syntax, typesupport, parse, checksupport, utilities, checktypes, transform, predef, RWSDebug
+import syntax, typesupport, parse, checksupport, utilities, checktypes, transform, predef //, RWSDebug
import explicitimports, comparedefimp
cPredefinedModuleIndex :== 1
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ where
# class_def = dcl_mod.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[ste_index]
= (ste_index, dcl_index, class_def, class_defs, modules)
get_class_def _ mod_index class_defs modules
- = (NotFound, cIclModIndex, abort "no class definition", class_defs, modules)
+ = (NotFound, -1/*cIclModIndex*/, abort "no class definition", class_defs, modules)
checkInstances :: !Index !*CommonDefs !u:{# DclModule} !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (![(Index,SymbolType)], !*CommonDefs, !u:{# DclModule}, !*VarHeap , !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
@@ -567,14 +567,15 @@ where
-> (No, selector_defs, type_defs, modules, { cs & cs_error = checkError "" " could not determine the type of this record" cs.cs_error })
+ check_and_rearrange_fields :: Int Int {#FieldSymbol} ![Bind ParsedExpr (Ident,[Global .Int])] *ErrorAdmin -> ([Bind ParsedExpr .(Global FieldSymbol)],!.ErrorAdmin);
check_and_rearrange_fields mod_index field_index fields field_ass cs_error
| field_index < size fields
# (field_expr, field_ass) = look_up_field mod_index fields.[field_index] field_ass
(field_exprs, cs_error) = check_and_rearrange_fields mod_index (inc field_index) fields field_ass cs_error
= ([field_expr : field_exprs], cs_error)
- | isEmpty field_ass
- = ([], cs_error)
- = ([], foldSt field_error field_ass cs_error)
+ | isEmpty field_ass
+ = ([], cs_error)
+ = ([], foldSt field_error field_ass cs_error)
look_up_field mod_index field []
@@ -620,11 +621,9 @@ where
// , ei_fun_kind :: !FunKind
cIsInExpressionList :== True
cIsNotInExpressionList :== False
:: UnfoldMacroState =
{ ums_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
, ums_modules :: !.{# DclModule}
@@ -701,12 +700,12 @@ checkPatternConstructor :: !Index !Bool !SymbolTableEntry !Ident !(Optional (Bin
-> (!AuxiliaryPattern, !*PatternState, !*ExpressionInfo, !*CheckState);
checkPatternConstructor _ _ {ste_kind = STE_Empty} ident _ ps e_info cs=:{cs_error}
= (AP_Empty ident, ps, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError ident " not defined" cs_error })
-checkPatternConstructor mod_index is_expr_list {ste_kind = STE_FunctionOrMacro _,ste_index} ident opt_var ps=:{ps_fun_defs} e_info cs=:{cs_error}
+checkPatternConstructor mod_index is_expr_list {ste_kind = STE_FunctionOrMacro _,ste_index} ident opt_var ps=:{ps_fun_defs} e_info cs=:{cs_error,cs_x}
# ({fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_kind,fun_priority},ps_fun_defs) = ps_fun_defs![ste_index]
ps = { ps & ps_fun_defs = ps_fun_defs }
| fun_kind == FK_Macro
| is_expr_list
- # macro_symbol = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol fun_symb ste_index fun_arity, glob_module = cIclModIndex }
+ # macro_symbol = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol fun_symb ste_index fun_arity, glob_module = cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n }
= (AP_Constant APK_Macro macro_symbol fun_priority, ps, e_info, cs)
| fun_arity == 0
# (pattern, ps, ef_modules, ef_cons_defs, cs_error)
@@ -896,9 +895,9 @@ checkPattern (PE_List [exp1, exp2 : exps]) opt_var p_input accus ps e_info cs
= (opt_var, error)
-checkPattern (PE_DynamicPattern pattern type) opt_var p_input accus ps e_info cs
+checkPattern (PE_DynamicPattern pattern type) opt_var p_input accus ps e_info cs=:{cs_x}
# (dyn_pat, accus, ps, e_info, cs) = checkPattern pattern No p_input accus ps e_info cs
- = (AP_Dynamic dyn_pat type opt_var, accus, ps, e_info, { cs & cs_needed_modules = cs.cs_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdDynamics })
+ = (AP_Dynamic dyn_pat type opt_var, accus, ps, e_info, { cs & cs_x.x_needed_modules = cs_x.x_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdDynamics })
checkPattern (PE_Basic basic_value) opt_var p_input accus ps e_info cs
= (AP_Basic basic_value opt_var, accus, ps, e_info, cs)
@@ -1072,13 +1071,13 @@ where
check_id_expression :: !SymbolTableEntry !Bool ![FreeVar] !Ident !ExpressionInput !*ExpressionState !u:ExpressionInfo !*CheckState
-> (!Expression, ![FreeVar], !*ExpressionState, !u:ExpressionInfo, !*CheckState)
- check_id_expression {ste_kind = STE_Empty} is_expr_list free_vars id e_input e_state e_info cs=:{cs_error,cs_predef_symbols}
+ check_id_expression {ste_kind = STE_Empty} is_expr_list free_vars id e_input e_state e_info cs=:{cs_error,cs_predef_symbols,cs_x}
# ({pds_ident=from_ident}) = cs_predef_symbols.[PD_From]
({pds_ident=from_then_ident}) = cs_predef_symbols.[PD_FromThen]
({pds_ident=from_to_ident}) = cs_predef_symbols.[PD_FromTo]
({pds_ident=from_then_to_ident}) = cs_predef_symbols.[PD_FromThenTo]
| id==from_ident || id==from_then_ident || id==from_to_ident || id==from_then_to_ident
- = (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_needed_modules = cs.cs_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdEnum})
+ = (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_x.x_needed_modules = cs_x.x_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdEnum})
// instead of giving an error message remember that StdEnum should have been imported.
// Error will be given in function check_needed_modules_are_imported
# ({pds_ident=createArray_ident}) = cs_predef_symbols.[PD__CreateArrayFun]
@@ -1086,7 +1085,7 @@ where
({pds_ident=update_ident}) = cs_predef_symbols.[PD_ArrayUpdateFun]
({pds_ident=usize_ident}) = cs_predef_symbols.[PD_UnqArraySizeFun]
| id==createArray_ident || id==uselect_ident || id==update_ident || id==usize_ident
- = (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_needed_modules = cs.cs_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdArray})
+ = (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_x.x_needed_modules = cs_x.x_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdArray})
// instead of giving an error message remember that StdArray should have been be imported.
// Error will be given in function check_needed_modules_are_imported
= (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError id "undefined" cs_error })
@@ -1109,16 +1108,20 @@ where
determine_info_of_symbol :: !SymbolTableEntry !SymbolPtr !ExpressionInput !*ExpressionState !u:ExpressionInfo !*CheckState
-> (!SymbKind, !Int, !Priority, !Bool, !*ExpressionState, !u:ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState)
determine_info_of_symbol entry=:{ste_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro calls,ste_index,ste_def_level} symb_info
- e_input=:{ei_fun_index, ei_mod_index} e_state=:{es_fun_defs,es_calls} e_info cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ e_input=:{ei_fun_index, ei_mod_index} e_state=:{es_fun_defs,es_calls} e_info=:{ef_is_macro_fun} cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_x}
# ({fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_kind,fun_priority}, es_fun_defs) = es_fun_defs![ste_index]
- # index = { glob_object = ste_index, glob_module = cIclModIndex }
+ # index = { glob_object = ste_index, glob_module = cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n }
| is_called_before ei_fun_index calls
| fun_kind == FK_Macro
= (SK_Macro index, fun_arity, fun_priority, cIsAFunction, { e_state & es_fun_defs = es_fun_defs }, e_info, cs)
- = (SK_Function index, fun_arity, fun_priority, cIsAFunction, { e_state & es_fun_defs = es_fun_defs }, e_info, cs)
+// = (SK_Function index, fun_arity, fun_priority, cIsAFunction, { e_state & es_fun_defs = es_fun_defs }, e_info, cs)
+ # symbol_kind = if ef_is_macro_fun (SK_LocalMacroFunction ste_index) (SK_Function index)
+ = (symbol_kind, fun_arity, fun_priority, cIsAFunction, { e_state & es_fun_defs = es_fun_defs }, e_info, cs)
# cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (symb_info, { entry & ste_kind = STE_FunctionOrMacro [ ei_fun_index : calls ]})}
e_state = { e_state & es_fun_defs = es_fun_defs, es_calls = [{ fc_index = ste_index, fc_level = ste_def_level} : es_calls ]}
- = (if (fun_kind == FK_Macro) (SK_Macro index) (SK_Function index), fun_arity, fun_priority, cIsAFunction, e_state, e_info, cs)
+// = (if (fun_kind == FK_Macro) (SK_Macro index) (SK_Function index), fun_arity, fun_priority, cIsAFunction, e_state, e_info, cs)
+ # symbol_kind = if (fun_kind == FK_Macro) (SK_Macro index) (if ef_is_macro_fun (SK_LocalMacroFunction ste_index) (SK_Function index))
+ = (symbol_kind, fun_arity, fun_priority, cIsAFunction, e_state, e_info, cs)
is_called_before caller_index []
= False
@@ -1545,6 +1548,7 @@ checkExpression free_vars rec=:(PE_Record record opt_type fields) e_input=:{ei_e
remove_fields binds = [ bind_src \\ {bind_src} <- binds ]
+ check_field_exprs :: [FreeVar] [Bind ParsedExpr (Global FieldSymbol)] Int RecordKind ExpressionInput !*ExpressionState !*ExpressionInfo !*CheckState -> *(![.Bind Expression (Global FieldSymbol)],![FreeVar],!*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
check_field_exprs free_vars [] field_nr record_kind e_input e_state e_info cs
= ([], free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
check_field_exprs free_vars [field_expr : field_exprs] field_nr record_kind e_input e_state e_info cs
@@ -1553,6 +1557,7 @@ where
(exprs, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs) = check_field_exprs free_vars field_exprs (inc field_nr) record_kind e_input e_state e_info cs
= ([expr : exprs], free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
+ check_field_expr :: [FreeVar] (Bind ParsedExpr (Global FieldSymbol)) Int RecordKind ExpressionInput *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState -> *(!.Bind Expression (Global FieldSymbol),![FreeVar],!*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
check_field_expr free_vars field=:{bind_src = PE_Empty, bind_dst={glob_object={fs_var,fs_name,fs_index},glob_module}} field_nr record_kind e_input e_state e_info cs
# (expr, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
= checkIdentExpression cIsNotInExpressionList free_vars fs_var e_input e_state e_info cs
@@ -1585,12 +1590,12 @@ where
get_field_var _
= ({ id_name = "** ERRONEOUS **", id_info = nilPtr }, nilPtr)
-checkExpression free_vars (PE_Dynamic expr opt_type) e_input e_state=:{es_expr_heap,es_dynamics} e_info cs
+checkExpression free_vars (PE_Dynamic expr opt_type) e_input e_state=:{es_expr_heap,es_dynamics} e_info cs=:{cs_x}
# (dyn_info_ptr, es_expr_heap) = newPtr (EI_Dynamic opt_type) es_expr_heap
(dyn_expr, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs) = checkExpression free_vars expr e_input
{e_state & es_dynamics = [dyn_info_ptr : es_dynamics], es_expr_heap = es_expr_heap } e_info cs
= (DynamicExpr { dyn_expr = dyn_expr, dyn_opt_type = opt_type, dyn_info_ptr = dyn_info_ptr, dyn_type_code = TCE_Empty, dyn_uni_vars = [] },
- free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_needed_modules = cs.cs_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdDynamics })
+ free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_x.x_needed_modules = cs_x.x_needed_modules bitor cNeedStdDynamics })
checkExpression free_vars (PE_Basic basic_value) e_input e_state e_info cs
# (basic_type, cs) = typeOfBasicValue basic_value cs
@@ -1717,6 +1722,7 @@ buildLetExpression let_strict_binds let_lazy_binds expr expr_heap
# (let_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
= (Let {let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds, let_expr = expr, let_info_ptr = let_expr_ptr }, expr_heap)
+checkLhssOfLocalDefs :: .Int .Int LocalDefs *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState -> (!.[NodeDef AuxiliaryPattern],!(![Ident],![ArrayPattern]),!.ExpressionState,!.ExpressionInfo,!.CheckState);
checkLhssOfLocalDefs def_level mod_index (CollectedLocalDefs {loc_functions={ir_from,ir_to},loc_nodes}) e_state=:{es_var_heap,es_fun_defs} e_info cs
# (loc_defs, accus, {ps_fun_defs,ps_var_heap}, e_info, cs)
= check_patterns loc_nodes {pi_def_level = def_level, pi_mod_index = mod_index, pi_is_node_pattern = True } ([], [])
@@ -1919,7 +1925,6 @@ where
(expr, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs) = check_opt_guarded_alts free_vars alt_expr e_input e_state e_info cs
= (let_vars_list, [(let_binds, guard, expr, alt_ident) : rev_guarded_exprs], ei_expr_level, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs )
- // JVG: added type
check_unguarded_expression :: [FreeVar] ExprWithLocalDefs ExpressionInput *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState -> *(!Expression,![FreeVar],!*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
check_unguarded_expression free_vars {ewl_nodes,ewl_expr,ewl_locals,ewl_position} e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index} e_state e_info cs
# this_expr_level = inc ei_expr_level
@@ -1946,7 +1951,8 @@ where
= symbol_table
remove_seq_let_vars level [let_vars : let_vars_list] symbol_table
= remove_seq_let_vars (dec level) let_vars_list (removeLocalIdentsFromSymbolTable level let_vars symbol_table)
+ check_sequential_lets :: [FreeVar] [NodeDefWithLocals] u:[[Ident]] !ExpressionInput *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState -> *(![.([Bind Expression FreeVar],![Bind Expression FreeVar])],!u:[[Ident]],!Int,![FreeVar],!*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
check_sequential_lets free_vars [seq_let:seq_lets] let_vars_list e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index} e_state e_info cs
# ei_expr_level
= inc ei_expr_level
@@ -1969,7 +1975,6 @@ where
check_sequential_lets free_vars [] let_vars_list e_input=:{ei_expr_level} e_state e_info cs
= ([], let_vars_list, ei_expr_level, free_vars, e_state, e_info, cs)
- // JVG: added type
check_sequential_let :: [FreeVar] NodeDefWithLocals ExpressionInput *ExpressionState *ExpressionInfo *CheckState -> *(!Expression,!AuxiliaryPattern,!(![Ident],![ArrayPattern]),![FreeVar],!*ExpressionState,!*ExpressionInfo,!*CheckState);
check_sequential_let free_vars {ndwl_def={bind_src,bind_dst},ndwl_locals, ndwl_position} e_input=:{ei_expr_level,ei_mod_index} e_state e_info cs
# cs = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition {id_name="node definition", id_info=nilPtr} ndwl_position) cs
@@ -2004,6 +2009,7 @@ determinePatternVariable No var_heap
# (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
= ({ bind_src = newVarId "_x", bind_dst = new_info_ptr }, var_heap)
+convertSubPatterns :: [AuxiliaryPattern] Expression Position *(Heap VarInfo) *(Heap ExprInfo) u:[Ptr ExprInfo] *CheckState -> *(!.[FreeVar],!Expression,!Position,!*Heap VarInfo,!*Heap ExprInfo,!u:[Ptr ExprInfo],!*CheckState);
convertSubPatterns [] result_expr pattern_position var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
= ([], result_expr, pattern_position, var_store, expr_heap, opt_dynamics, cs)
convertSubPatterns [pattern : patterns] result_expr pattern_position var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
@@ -2013,6 +2019,7 @@ convertSubPatterns [pattern : patterns] result_expr pattern_position var_store e
= convertSubPattern pattern result_expr pattern_position var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
= ([var_arg : var_args], result_expr, pattern_position, var_store, expr_heap, opt_dynamics, cs)
+convertSubPattern :: AuxiliaryPattern Expression Position *(Heap VarInfo) *(Heap ExprInfo) u:[Ptr ExprInfo] *CheckState -> *(!FreeVar,!Expression,!Position,!*Heap VarInfo,!*Heap ExprInfo,!u:[Ptr ExprInfo],!*CheckState);
convertSubPattern (AP_Variable name var_info (Yes {bind_src,bind_dst})) result_expr pattern_position var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
# (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
bound_var = { var_name = bind_src, var_info_ptr = bind_dst, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }
@@ -2243,7 +2250,7 @@ where
transform_patterns_into_cases [] _ result_expr pattern_position var_store expr_heap opt_dynamics cs
= (result_expr, pattern_position, var_store, expr_heap, opt_dynamics, cs)
transform_pattern_into_cases :: !AuxiliaryPattern !FreeVar !Expression !Position !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap ![DynamicPtr] !*CheckState
-> (!Expression, !Position, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap, ![DynamicPtr], !*CheckState)
transform_pattern_into_cases (AP_Variable name var_info opt_var) fun_arg=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_name} result_expr pattern_position
@@ -2417,14 +2424,13 @@ checkMacros mod_index range fun_defs e_info=:{ef_is_macro_fun=ef_is_macro_fun_ol
{ cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_predef_symbols = cs_predef_symbols, cs_error = cs_error })
checkInstanceBodies :: !IndexRange !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionInfo !*Heaps !*CheckState -> (!*{#FunDef},!*ExpressionInfo,!*Heaps, !*CheckState);
-checkInstanceBodies {ir_from, ir_to} fun_defs e_info heaps cs
- = checkFunctions cIclModIndex cGlobalScope ir_from ir_to fun_defs e_info heaps cs
+checkInstanceBodies {ir_from, ir_to} fun_defs e_info heaps cs=:{cs_x}
+ = checkFunctions cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n cGlobalScope ir_from ir_to fun_defs e_info heaps cs
instance < FunDef
(<) fd1 fd2 = fd1.fun_symb.id_name < fd2.fun_symb.id_name
createCommonDefinitions {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_macros,def_classes,def_members,def_instances}
= { com_type_defs = { type \\ type <- def_types }
, com_cons_defs = { cons \\ cons <- def_constructors }
@@ -2433,16 +2439,18 @@ createCommonDefinitions {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_macros,def
, com_member_defs = { member \\ member <- def_members }
, com_instance_defs = { next_instance \\ next_instance <- def_instances }
-IsMainDclMod is_dcl module_index :== is_dcl && module_index == cIclModIndex
+//IsMainDclMod is_dcl module_index :== is_dcl && module_index == cIclModIndex
+array_plus_list a [] = a
+array_plus_list a l = arrayPlusList a l
checkCommonDefinitions :: !Bool !Index !*CommonDefs !*{# DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*CheckState
-> (!*CommonDefs, !*{# DclModule}, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap, !*CheckState)
checkCommonDefinitions is_dcl module_index common modules type_heaps var_heap cs
+ #! is_main_dcl_mod = is_dcl && module_index == cs.cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
# (com_type_defs, com_cons_defs, com_selector_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
- = checkTypeDefs (IsMainDclMod is_dcl module_index) common.com_type_defs module_index
+ = checkTypeDefs is_main_dcl_mod common.com_type_defs module_index
common.com_cons_defs common.com_selector_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
(com_class_defs, com_member_defs, com_type_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
= checkTypeClasses 0 module_index common.com_class_defs common.com_member_defs com_type_defs modules type_heaps cs
@@ -2450,12 +2458,19 @@ checkCommonDefinitions is_dcl module_index common modules type_heaps var_heap cs
= checkMemberTypes module_index com_member_defs com_type_defs com_class_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs
(com_instance_defs, com_type_defs, com_class_defs, com_member_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
= checkInstanceDefs module_index common.com_instance_defs com_type_defs com_class_defs com_member_defs modules type_heaps cs
+ (size_com_type_defs,com_type_defs) = usize com_type_defs
+ (size_com_selector_defs,com_selector_defs) = usize com_selector_defs
+ (size_com_cons_defs,com_cons_defs) = usize com_cons_defs
(com_class_defs, modules, new_type_defs, new_selector_defs, new_cons_defs, th_vars, var_heap, cs)
- = createClassDictionaries module_index com_class_defs modules (size com_type_defs) (size com_selector_defs)
- (size com_cons_defs) type_heaps.th_vars var_heap cs
- com_type_defs = { type_def \\ type_def <- [ type_def \\ type_def <-: com_type_defs ] ++ new_type_defs }
- com_selector_defs = { sel_def \\ sel_def <- [ sel_def \\ sel_def <-: com_selector_defs ] ++ new_selector_defs }
- com_cons_defs = { cons_def \\ cons_def <- [ cons_def \\ cons_def <-: com_cons_defs ] ++ new_cons_defs }
+ = createClassDictionaries module_index com_class_defs modules size_com_type_defs size_com_selector_defs size_com_cons_defs
+ type_heaps.th_vars var_heap cs
+ com_type_defs = array_plus_list com_type_defs new_type_defs
+ com_selector_defs = array_plus_list com_selector_defs new_selector_defs
+ com_cons_defs = array_plus_list com_cons_defs new_cons_defs
= ({common & com_type_defs = com_type_defs, com_cons_defs = com_cons_defs, com_selector_defs = com_selector_defs, com_class_defs = com_class_defs,
com_member_defs = com_member_defs, com_instance_defs = com_instance_defs }, modules, { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, var_heap, cs)
@@ -2477,17 +2492,17 @@ collectCommonfinitions {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_macros,def_
sizes = { sizes & [cMemberDefs] = size }
= (sizes, defs)
- type_def_to_dcl {td_name, td_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
+ type_def_to_dcl {td_name, td_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
= (inc dcl_index, [{ dcl_ident = td_name, dcl_pos = td_pos, dcl_kind = STE_Type, dcl_index = dcl_index } : decls])
- cons_def_to_dcl {cons_symb, cons_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
+ cons_def_to_dcl {cons_symb, cons_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
= (inc dcl_index, [{ dcl_ident = cons_symb, dcl_pos = cons_pos, dcl_kind = STE_Constructor, dcl_index = dcl_index } : decls])
- selector_def_to_dcl {sd_symb, sd_field, sd_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
+ selector_def_to_dcl {sd_symb, sd_field, sd_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
= (inc dcl_index, [{ dcl_ident = sd_field, dcl_pos = sd_pos, dcl_kind = STE_Field sd_symb, dcl_index = dcl_index } : decls])
- class_def_to_dcl {class_name, class_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
+ class_def_to_dcl {class_name, class_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
= (inc dcl_index, [{ dcl_ident = class_name, dcl_pos = class_pos, dcl_kind = STE_Class, dcl_index = dcl_index } : decls])
- member_def_to_dcl {me_symb, me_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
+ member_def_to_dcl {me_symb, me_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
= (inc dcl_index, [{ dcl_ident = me_symb, dcl_pos = me_pos, dcl_kind = STE_Member, dcl_index = dcl_index } : decls])
- instance_def_to_dcl {ins_ident, ins_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
+ instance_def_to_dcl {ins_ident, ins_pos} (dcl_index, decls)
= (inc dcl_index, [{ dcl_ident = ins_ident, dcl_pos = ins_pos, dcl_kind = STE_Instance, dcl_index = dcl_index } : decls])
collectMacros {ir_from,ir_to} macro_defs sizes_defs
@@ -2508,11 +2523,89 @@ where
# ({fun_symb, fun_pos}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![dcl_index]
= ([{ dcl_ident = fun_symb, dcl_pos = fun_pos, dcl_kind = STE_FunctionOrMacro [], dcl_index = dcl_index } : defs], fun_defs)
-combineDclAndIclModule :: !ModuleKind !*{#DclModule} ![Declaration] !(CollectedDefinitions b c) !*{#Int} !*CheckState -> (!*{#DclModule},![Declaration],!CollectedDefinitions b c,!*{#Int},!*CheckState);
+renumber_icl_definitions_as_dcl_definitions MK_Main icl_decl_symbols modules cdefs icl_sizes cs
+ = (icl_decl_symbols,modules,cdefs,cs)
+renumber_icl_definitions_as_dcl_definitions _ icl_decl_symbols modules cdefs icl_sizes cs
+ #! main_dcl_module_n=cs.cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+ # (dcl_mod,modules) = modules![main_dcl_module_n]
+ # (Yes conversion_table) = dcl_mod.dcl_conversions
+ # icl_to_dcl_index_table = {create_icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind table_size dcl_to_icl_table \\ table_size <-: icl_sizes & dcl_to_icl_table <-: conversion_table }
+ with
+ create_icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind table_size dcl_to_icl_table
+ # icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind = {createArray table_size NoIndex & [dcl_to_icl_table.[dcl_index]]=dcl_index \\ dcl_index<- [0..size dcl_to_icl_table-1]}
+ #! max_index=size icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind-1
+ # icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind = number_NoIndex_elements max_index max_index icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind
+ with
+ number_NoIndex_elements :: Int Int *{#Int} -> .{#Int};
+ number_NoIndex_elements index free_position_index icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind
+ | index>=0
+ | icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind.[index]==NoIndex
+ = number_NoIndex_elements (index-1) (free_position_index-1) {icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind & [index]=free_position_index}
+ = number_NoIndex_elements (index-1) free_position_index icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind
+ = icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind
+ = icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind
+ # modules = {modules & [main_dcl_module_n] = { dcl_mod & dcl_conversions = Yes conversion_table}}
+ # (icl_decl_symbols,cdefs) = renumber_icl_decl_symbols icl_decl_symbols cdefs
+ with
+ renumber_icl_decl_symbols [] cdefs
+ = ([],cdefs)
+ renumber_icl_decl_symbols [icl_decl_symbol : icl_decl_symbols] cdefs
+ # (icl_decl_symbol,cdefs) = renumber_icl_decl_symbol icl_decl_symbol cdefs
+ # (icl_decl_symbols,cdefs) = renumber_icl_decl_symbols icl_decl_symbols cdefs
+ = ([icl_decl_symbol : icl_decl_symbols],cdefs)
+ where
+ renumber_icl_decl_symbol icl_decl_symbol=:{dcl_kind = STE_Type, dcl_index} cdefs
+ # (type_def,cdefs) = cdefs!com_type_defs.[dcl_index]
+ # type_def = renumber_type_def type_def
+ # cdefs={cdefs & com_type_defs.[dcl_index]=type_def}
+ = ({icl_decl_symbol & dcl_index=icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cTypeDefs,dcl_index]},cdefs)
+ where
+ renumber_type_def td=:{td_rhs = AlgType conses}
+ # conses = [{cons & ds_index=icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cConstructorDefs,cons.ds_index]} \\ cons <- conses]
+ = { td & td_rhs = AlgType conses}
+ renumber_type_def td=:{td_rhs = RecordType rt=:{rt_constructor,rt_fields}}
+ # rt_constructor = {rt_constructor & ds_index=icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cConstructorDefs,rt_constructor.ds_index]}
+ # rt_fields = {{field & fs_index=icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cSelectorDefs,field.fs_index]} \\ field <-: rt_fields}
+ = {td & td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor=rt_constructor,rt_fields=rt_fields}}
+ renumber_type_def td
+ = td
+ renumber_icl_decl_symbol icl_decl_symbol=:{dcl_kind = STE_Constructor, dcl_index} cdefs
+ = ({icl_decl_symbol & dcl_index=icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cConstructorDefs,dcl_index]},cdefs)
+ renumber_icl_decl_symbol icl_decl_symbol=:{dcl_kind = STE_Field _, dcl_index} cdefs
+ = ({icl_decl_symbol & dcl_index=icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cSelectorDefs,dcl_index]},cdefs)
+ renumber_icl_decl_symbol icl_decl_symbol=:{dcl_kind = STE_Member, dcl_index} cdefs
+ = ({icl_decl_symbol & dcl_index=icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cMemberDefs,dcl_index]},cdefs)
+ renumber_icl_decl_symbol icl_decl_symbol=:{dcl_kind = STE_Class, dcl_index} cdefs
+ # (class_def,cdefs) = cdefs!com_class_defs.[dcl_index]
+ # class_members = {{class_member & ds_index=icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cMemberDefs,class_member.ds_index]} \\ class_member <-: class_def.class_members}
+ # class_def = {class_def & class_members=class_members}
+ # cdefs = {cdefs & com_class_defs.[dcl_index] =class_def}
+ = ({icl_decl_symbol & dcl_index=icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cClassDefs,dcl_index]},cdefs)
+ renumber_icl_decl_symbol icl_decl_symbol cdefs
+ = (icl_decl_symbol,cdefs)
+ # cdefs=reorder_common_definitions cdefs
+ with
+ reorder_common_definitions {com_type_defs,com_cons_defs,com_selector_defs,com_class_defs,com_member_defs,com_instance_defs}
+ # com_type_defs=reorder_array com_type_defs icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cTypeDefs]
+ # com_cons_defs=reorder_array com_cons_defs icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cConstructorDefs]
+ # com_selector_defs=reorder_array com_selector_defs icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cSelectorDefs]
+ # com_class_defs=reorder_array com_class_defs icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cClassDefs]
+ # com_member_defs=reorder_array com_member_defs icl_to_dcl_index_table.[cMemberDefs]
+ = {com_type_defs=com_type_defs,com_cons_defs=com_cons_defs,com_selector_defs=com_selector_defs,com_class_defs=com_class_defs,com_member_defs=com_member_defs,com_instance_defs=com_instance_defs}
+ where
+ reorder_array array index_array
+ # new_array={e\\e<-:array}
+ = {new_array & [index_array.[i]]=e \\ e<-:array & i<-[0..]}
+ # conversion_table = {if (kind_index<=cMemberDefs) {i\\i<-[0..size table-1]} table \\ table<-:conversion_table & kind_index<-[0..]}
+ # modules = {modules & [main_dcl_module_n].dcl_conversions=Yes conversion_table}
+ = (icl_decl_symbols,modules,cdefs,cs)
+combineDclAndIclModule :: ModuleKind *{#.DclModule} [.Declaration] (CollectedDefinitions a b) *{#.Int} *CheckState -> (!*{#DclModule},![Declaration],!CollectedDefinitions a b,!*{#Int},!.CheckState);
combineDclAndIclModule MK_Main modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
= (modules, icl_decl_symbols, icl_definitions, icl_sizes, cs)
combineDclAndIclModule _ modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
- # (dcl_mod=:{dcl_declared={dcls_local},dcl_macros, dcl_sizes, dcl_common}, modules) = modules![cIclModIndex]
+ #! main_dcl_module_n=cs.cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+ # (dcl_mod=:{dcl_declared={dcls_local},dcl_macros, dcl_sizes, dcl_common}, modules) = modules![main_dcl_module_n]
cs = addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable icl_decl_symbols cs
@@ -2523,7 +2616,7 @@ combineDclAndIclModule _ modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
= foldSt (add_dcl_definition dcl_common) moved_dcl_defs ([], [], [], [], [], cs)
cs_symbol_table = removeDeclarationsFromSymbolTable icl_decl_symbols cGlobalScope cs.cs_symbol_table
- = ( { modules & [cIclModIndex] = { dcl_mod & dcl_conversions = Yes conversion_table }}
+ = ( { modules & [main_dcl_module_n] = { dcl_mod & dcl_conversions = Yes conversion_table }}
, icl_decl_symbols
, { icl_definitions
& def_types = my_append icl_definitions.def_types new_type_defs
@@ -2532,7 +2625,7 @@ combineDclAndIclModule _ modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
, def_classes = my_append icl_definitions.def_classes new_class_defs
, def_members = my_append icl_definitions.def_members new_member_defs
- , icl_sizes
+ , icl_sizes
, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
@@ -2655,16 +2748,31 @@ where
(<=<) infixl
(<=<) state fun :== fun state
-checkModule :: !ScannedModule !IndexRange ![FunDef] !ScannedModule !ScannedModule ![ScannedModule] !*PredefinedSymbols !*SymbolTable !*File
- -> (!Bool, !*IclModule, *{# DclModule}, *{! Group}, !(Optional {# Index}), !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*SymbolTable, *File)
-checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs} icl_global_function_range fun_defs dcl_mod pre_def_mod scanned_modules predef_symbols symbol_table err_file
+checkModule :: !ScannedModule !IndexRange ![FunDef] !Int !Int !(Optional ScannedModule) ![ScannedModule] !{#DclModule} !{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*SymbolTable !*File !*Heaps
+ -> (!Bool, !*IclModule, *{# DclModule}, *{! Group}, !(Optional {# Index}), !.{#FunDef}, !Int,!*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*SymbolTable, *File)
+checkModule m icl_global_function_range fun_defs n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules dcl_module_n_in_cache optional_dcl_mod scanned_modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros predef_symbols symbol_table err_file heaps
+ # (optional_pre_def_mod,predef_symbols)
+ = case size dcl_modules of
+ 0 # (predef_mod,predef_symbols) = buildPredefinedModule predef_symbols
+ -> (Yes predef_mod,predef_symbols)
+ _ -> (No,predef_symbols)
+ # (mod_name,mod_imported_objects,mod_imports,mod_type,icl_global_function_range,nr_of_functions,first_inst_index,local_defs,icl_functions,init_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,cdefs,sizes,cs)
+ = check_module1 m icl_global_function_range fun_defs optional_dcl_mod optional_pre_def_mod scanned_modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros dcl_module_n_in_cache predef_symbols symbol_table err_file
+ # icl_instance_range = {ir_from = first_inst_index, ir_to = nr_of_functions}
+// # (ea_ok, icl_mod, dcl_modules, groups, dcl_icl_conversions, heaps, cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table, ea_file)
+ = check_module2 mod_name mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range nr_of_functions n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules optional_pre_def_mod local_defs icl_functions init_dcl_modules cdefs sizes heaps cs
+// = (ea_ok, icl_mod, dcl_modules, groups, dcl_icl_conversions, cached_functions_and_macros, heaps, cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table, ea_file)
+check_module1 {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs} icl_global_function_range fun_defs optional_dcl_mod optional_pre_def_mod scanned_modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros dcl_module_n_in_cache predef_symbols symbol_table err_file
# error = {ea_file = err_file, ea_loc = [], ea_ok = True }
- first_inst_index = length fun_defs
+ first_inst_index = length fun_defs + size functions_and_macros
(inst_fun_defs, def_instances) = convert_class_instances cdefs.def_instances first_inst_index
- icl_functions = { next_fun \\ next_fun <- fun_defs ++ inst_fun_defs }
+ new_icl_functions = { next_fun \\ next_fun <- fun_defs ++ inst_fun_defs }
+ icl_functions = {if (i<size functions_and_macros) functions_and_macros.[i] new_icl_functions.[i-size functions_and_macros] \\ i<-[0..size functions_and_macros+size new_icl_functions-1]}
cdefs = { cdefs & def_instances = def_instances }
#! nr_of_functions = size icl_functions
@@ -2672,45 +2780,175 @@ checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs
(icl_functions, sizes_and_local_defs) = collectGlobalFunctions cFunctionDefs icl_global_function_range.ir_from icl_global_function_range.ir_to icl_functions sizes_and_local_defs
(icl_functions, (sizes, local_defs)) = collectMacros cdefs.def_macros icl_functions sizes_and_local_defs
- (scanned_modules, icl_functions, cs)
- = add_modules_to_symbol_table [ dcl_mod, pre_def_mod : scanned_modules ] 0 icl_functions
- { cs_symbol_table = symbol_table, cs_predef_symbols = predef_symbols, cs_error = error, cs_needed_modules = 0 }
- init_dcl_modules = [ initialDclModule scanned_module \\ scanned_module <- scanned_modules ]
- (icl_sizes_without_added_dcl_defs, sizes) = memcpy sizes
- (dcl_modules, local_defs, cdefs, _, cs)
- = combineDclAndIclModule mod_type { dcl_module \\ dcl_module <- init_dcl_modules } local_defs cdefs sizes cs
+ main_dcl_module_n = if (dcl_module_n_in_cache<>NoIndex) dcl_module_n_in_cache (size dcl_modules)
+ cs = { cs_symbol_table = symbol_table, cs_predef_symbols = predef_symbols, cs_error = error, cs_x= {x_needed_modules=0,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n}}
+ (scanned_modules, icl_functions, cs) = add_dcl_module_predef_module_and_modules_to_symbol_table optional_dcl_mod optional_pre_def_mod scanned_modules (size dcl_modules) icl_functions cs
+ init_new_dcl_modules = { initialDclModule scanned_module module_n \\ scanned_module <- scanned_modules & module_n<-[size dcl_modules..]}
+ init_dcl_modules = {if (i<size dcl_modules) dcl_modules.[i] init_new_dcl_modules.[i-size dcl_modules] \\ i<-[0..size dcl_modules+size init_new_dcl_modules-1]}
+ = (mod_name,mod_imported_objects,mod_imports,mod_type,icl_global_function_range,nr_of_functions,first_inst_index,local_defs,icl_functions,init_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,cdefs,sizes,cs)
+ where
+ add_dcl_module_predef_module_and_modules_to_symbol_table (Yes dcl_mod) optional_predef_mod modules mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ # (mod_sizes_and_defs,macro_and_fun_defs,cs) = add_module_to_symbol_table dcl_mod mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ (mods, macro_and_fun_defs, cs) = add_predef_module_and_modules_to_symbol_table optional_predef_mod modules (inc mod_index) macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ = ([mod_sizes_and_defs : mods], macro_and_fun_defs, cs)
+ add_dcl_module_predef_module_and_modules_to_symbol_table No optional_predef_mod modules mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ = add_predef_module_and_modules_to_symbol_table optional_predef_mod modules mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ add_predef_module_and_modules_to_symbol_table (Yes predef_mod) modules mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ # (mod_sizes_and_defs,macro_and_fun_defs,cs) = add_module_to_symbol_table predef_mod mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ (mods, macro_and_fun_defs, cs) = add_modules_to_symbol_table modules (inc mod_index) macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ = ([mod_sizes_and_defs : mods], macro_and_fun_defs, cs)
+ add_predef_module_and_modules_to_symbol_table No modules mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ = add_modules_to_symbol_table modules mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ add_modules_to_symbol_table [] mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs=:{cs_predef_symbols,cs_symbol_table,cs_x}
+ # (cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table) = (cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table)
+ <=< adjust_predefined_module_symbol PD_StdArray
+ <=< adjust_predefined_module_symbol PD_StdEnum
+ <=< adjust_predefined_module_symbol PD_StdBool
+ <=< adjust_predefined_module_symbol PD_StdDynamics
+ <=< adjust_predefined_module_symbol PD_PredefinedModule
+ = ([], macro_and_fun_defs, { cs & cs_predef_symbols = cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table})
+ where
+ adjust_predefined_module_symbol :: !Index !(!*PredefinedSymbols, !*SymbolTable) -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*SymbolTable)
+ adjust_predefined_module_symbol predef_index (pre_def_symbols, symbol_table)
+ # (mod_symb, pre_def_symbols) = pre_def_symbols![predef_index]
+ # (mod_entry, symbol_table) = readPtr mod_symb.pds_ident.id_info symbol_table
+ = case mod_entry.ste_kind of
+ STE_Module _
+// -> ({ pre_def_symbols & [predef_index] = { mod_symb & pds_module = cIclModIndex, pds_def = mod_entry.ste_index }}, symbol_table)
+ -> ({ pre_def_symbols & [predef_index] = { mod_symb & pds_module = cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n, pds_def = mod_entry.ste_index }}, symbol_table)
+ _
+ -> (pre_def_symbols, symbol_table)
+ add_modules_to_symbol_table [mod=:{mod_defs} : mods] mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs=:{cs_predef_symbols,cs_symbol_table, cs_error}
+ # def_instances = convert_class_instances mod_defs.def_instances
+ mod_defs = { mod_defs & def_instances = def_instances }
+ sizes_and_defs = collectFunctionTypes mod_defs.def_funtypes (collectCommonfinitions mod_defs)
+ (macro_and_fun_defs, (sizes, defs)) = collectMacros mod_defs.def_macros macro_and_fun_defs sizes_and_defs
+ mod = { mod & mod_defs = mod_defs }
+ (cs_symbol_table, cs_error) = addDefToSymbolTable cGlobalScope mod_index mod.mod_name (STE_Module mod) cs_symbol_table cs_error
+ (mods, macro_and_fun_defs, cs)
+ = add_modules_to_symbol_table mods (inc mod_index) macro_and_fun_defs { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = cs_error }
+ = ([(mod, sizes, defs) : mods], macro_and_fun_defs, cs)
+ add_modules_to_symbol_table [mod : mods] mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ # (mod_sizes_and_defs,macro_and_fun_defs,cs) = add_module_to_symbol_table mod mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ (mods, macro_and_fun_defs, cs) = add_modules_to_symbol_table mods (inc mod_index) macro_and_fun_defs cs
+ = ([mod_sizes_and_defs : mods], macro_and_fun_defs, cs)
+ add_module_to_symbol_table mod=:{mod_defs} mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs=:{cs_predef_symbols,cs_symbol_table, cs_error}
+ # def_instances = convert_class_instances mod_defs.def_instances
+ mod_defs = { mod_defs & def_instances = def_instances }
+ sizes_and_defs = collectFunctionTypes mod_defs.def_funtypes (collectCommonfinitions mod_defs)
+ (macro_and_fun_defs, (sizes, defs)) = collectMacros mod_defs.def_macros macro_and_fun_defs sizes_and_defs
+ mod = { mod & mod_defs = mod_defs }
+ (cs_symbol_table, cs_error) = addDefToSymbolTable cGlobalScope mod_index mod.mod_name (STE_Module mod) cs_symbol_table cs_error
+ = ((mod,sizes,defs),macro_and_fun_defs,{ cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = cs_error })
+ where
+ convert_class_instances :: ![ParsedInstance a] -> [ClassInstance]
+ convert_class_instances [pi : pins]
+ = [ParsedInstanceToClassInstance pi {} : convert_class_instances pins]
+ convert_class_instances []
+ = []
+ convert_class_instances :: .[ParsedInstance FunDef] Int -> (!.[FunDef],!.[ClassInstance]);
+ convert_class_instances [pi=:{pi_members} : pins] next_fun_index
+ # ins_members = sort pi_members
+ (member_symbols, next_fun_index) = determine_indexes_of_members ins_members next_fun_index
+ (next_fun_defs, cins) = convert_class_instances pins next_fun_index
+ = (ins_members ++ next_fun_defs, [ParsedInstanceToClassInstance pi { member \\ member <- member_symbols} : cins])
+ convert_class_instances [] next_fun_index
+ = ([], [])
+ determine_indexes_of_members [{fun_symb,fun_arity}:members] next_fun_index
+ #! (member_symbols, last_fun_index) = determine_indexes_of_members members (inc next_fun_index)
+ = ([{ds_ident = fun_symb, ds_index = next_fun_index, ds_arity = fun_arity} : member_symbols], last_fun_index)
+ determine_indexes_of_members [] next_fun_index
+ = ([], next_fun_index)
+replace_icl_macros_by_dcl_macros MK_Main icl_macro_index_range decls dcl_modules cs
+ = (decls,dcl_modules,cs)
+replace_icl_macros_by_dcl_macros _ {ir_from=first_icl_macro_index,ir_to=end_icl_macro_index} decls dcl_modules cs
+ #! main_dcl_module_n=cs.cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+ # ({dcl_macros={ir_from=first_macro_n},dcl_conversions},dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![main_dcl_module_n]
+ | case dcl_conversions of No -> True ; _ -> False
+ = (decls,dcl_modules,cs)
+ # (Yes dcl_to_icl_table) = dcl_conversions
+ # macro_renumber_table = create_icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind dcl_to_icl_table.[cMacroDefs]
+ with
+ create_icl_to_dcl_index_table_for_kind dcl_to_icl_table
+ = {createArray (end_icl_macro_index-first_icl_macro_index) NoIndex & [dcl_to_icl_table.[dcl_index]-first_icl_macro_index]=dcl_index \\ dcl_index<- [0..size dcl_to_icl_table-1]}
+ # decls = replace_icl_macros_by_dcl_macros decls
+ with
+ replace_icl_macros_by_dcl_macros [decl=:{dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro _,dcl_index}:decls]
+ # icl_n=macro_renumber_table.[dcl_index-first_icl_macro_index]
+ # decls = replace_icl_macros_by_dcl_macros decls;
+ | dcl_index>=first_icl_macro_index && dcl_index<end_icl_macro_index && icl_n<>NoIndex
+// && trace_tn decl.dcl_ident
+ = [{decl & dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro [], dcl_index=first_macro_n+icl_n} : decls]
+ = [decl : decls]
+ replace_icl_macros_by_dcl_macros [decl:decls]
+ # decls = replace_icl_macros_by_dcl_macros decls;
+ = [decl : decls]
+ replace_icl_macros_by_dcl_macros []
+ = []
+ = (decls,dcl_modules,cs)
+check_module2 :: Ident [.ImportedObject] .[Import ImportDeclaration] .ModuleKind !.IndexRange !.IndexRange !Int !Int (Optional (Module a)) [.Declaration] *{#FunDef} *{#DclModule} (CollectedDefinitions ClassInstance IndexRange) *{#.Int} *Heaps *CheckState -> (!Bool,!.IclModule,!.{#DclModule},.{!Group},!Optional {#Int},!.{#FunDef},!Int,!.Heaps,!.{#PredefinedSymbol},!.Heap SymbolTableEntry,!.File);
+check_module2 mod_name mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_function_range icl_instance_range nr_of_functions n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules optional_pre_def_mod local_defs icl_functions init_dcl_modules cdefs sizes heaps cs
+ # (icl_sizes_without_added_dcl_defs, sizes) = memcpy sizes
+ (dcl_modules, local_defs, cdefs, icl_sizes, cs)
+ = combineDclAndIclModule mod_type init_dcl_modules local_defs cdefs sizes cs
icl_common = createCommonDefinitions cdefs
- heaps = { hp_var_heap = newHeap, hp_expression_heap = newHeap, hp_type_heaps = { th_vars = newHeap, th_attrs = newHeap }}
+ (local_defs,dcl_modules,icl_common,cs)
+ = renumber_icl_definitions_as_dcl_definitions mod_type local_defs dcl_modules icl_common {icl_sizes.[i] \\ i<-[0..cMacroDefs-1]} cs
(dcl_modules, icl_functions, heaps, cs)
- = check_predefined_module pre_def_mod.mod_name dcl_modules icl_functions heaps cs
+ = check_predefined_module optional_pre_def_mod dcl_modules icl_functions heaps cs
iinfo = { ii_modules = dcl_modules, ii_funs_and_macros = icl_functions, ii_next_num = 0, ii_deps = [] }
(iinfo, heaps, cs) = check_dcl_module iinfo heaps cs
- (_, {ii_modules,ii_funs_and_macros = icl_functions}, heaps=:{hp_expression_heap}, cs)
- = checkImports mod_imports iinfo heaps cs
- cs = { cs & cs_needed_modules = 0 }
+ (_, imported_module_numbers,{ii_modules,ii_funs_and_macros = icl_functions}, heaps, cs) = checkImports mod_imports EndModuleNumbers iinfo heaps cs
+ cs = { cs & cs_x.x_needed_modules = 0 }
+ # (main_dcl_module_n,cs)=cs!cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+ # imported_module_numbers = add_module_n main_dcl_module_n (add_module_n 1 imported_module_numbers)
+// ii_modules = print_imported_modules 0 ii_modules
+ (used_module_numbers,ii_modules) = compute_used_module_numbers imported_module_numbers imported_module_numbers ii_modules
+ #
+// (nr_of_modules, (f_consequences, ii_modules, icl_functions, hp_expression_heap, cs))
+// = check_completeness_of_all_dcl_modules ii_modules icl_functions heaps.hp_expression_heap cs
+ (nr_of_modules, ii_modules) = usize ii_modules
+ (nr_functions, icl_functions) = usize icl_functions
+ f_consequences = create_empty_consequences_array nr_functions
+ hp_expression_heap = heaps.hp_expression_heap
(dcls_explicit, dcl_modules, cs) = addImportsToSymbolTable mod_imports [] ii_modules cs
- cs = addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable local_defs cs
+ (local_defs,dcl_modules,cs ) = replace_icl_macros_by_dcl_macros mod_type cdefs.def_macros local_defs dcl_modules cs
+ cs = addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable local_defs cs
(dcl_modules, icl_functions, hp_expression_heap, cs)
- = checkExplicitImportCompleteness (mod_name.id_name+++".icl") dcls_explicit
- dcl_modules icl_functions hp_expression_heap cs
+ = checkExplicitImportCompleteness (mod_name.id_name+++".icl") main_dcl_module_n dcls_explicit dcl_modules icl_functions hp_expression_heap cs
heaps = { heaps & hp_expression_heap=hp_expression_heap }
(icl_common, dcl_modules, hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap, cs)
- = checkCommonDefinitions cIsNotADclModule cIclModIndex icl_common dcl_modules heaps.hp_type_heaps heaps.hp_var_heap cs
+ = checkCommonDefinitions cIsNotADclModule main_dcl_module_n icl_common dcl_modules heaps.hp_type_heaps heaps.hp_var_heap cs
(instance_types, icl_common, dcl_modules, hp_var_heap, hp_type_heaps, cs)
- = checkInstances cIclModIndex icl_common dcl_modules hp_var_heap hp_type_heaps cs
+ = checkInstances main_dcl_module_n icl_common dcl_modules hp_var_heap hp_type_heaps cs
heaps = { heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap }
@@ -2718,62 +2956,71 @@ checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs
ef_cons_defs = icl_common.com_cons_defs, ef_member_defs = icl_common.com_member_defs, ef_modules = dcl_modules,
ef_is_macro_fun = False }
- (icl_functions, e_info, heaps, cs) = checkMacros cIclModIndex cdefs.def_macros icl_functions e_info heaps cs
- (icl_functions, e_info, heaps, cs) = checkFunctions cIclModIndex cGlobalScope icl_global_function_range.ir_from icl_global_function_range.ir_to icl_functions e_info heaps cs
+ (icl_functions, e_info, heaps, cs) = checkMacros main_dcl_module_n cdefs.def_macros icl_functions e_info heaps cs
+ (icl_functions, e_info, heaps, cs) = checkFunctions main_dcl_module_n cGlobalScope icl_global_function_range.ir_from icl_global_function_range.ir_to icl_functions e_info heaps cs
cs = check_start_rule mod_type mod_name icl_global_function_range cs
cs = check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_name ".icl" cs
- (icl_functions, e_info, heaps, {cs_symbol_table, cs_predef_symbols, cs_error})
- = checkInstanceBodies {ir_from = first_inst_index, ir_to = nr_of_functions} icl_functions e_info heaps cs
+ (icl_functions, e_info, heaps, {cs_symbol_table, cs_predef_symbols, cs_error,cs_x})
+ = checkInstanceBodies icl_instance_range icl_functions e_info heaps cs
+ cs_symbol_table = removeDeclarationsFromSymbolTable local_defs cGlobalScope cs_symbol_table
(icl_imported, dcl_modules, cs_symbol_table) = retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable mod_imports [] e_info.ef_modules cs_symbol_table
+ icl_imported = {icl_import\\icl_import<-icl_imported}
| cs_error.ea_ok
# {hp_var_heap,hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars},hp_expression_heap} = heaps
(spec_functions, dcl_modules, class_instances, icl_functions, new_nr_of_functions, dcl_icl_conversions, var_heap, th_vars, expr_heap)
- = collect_specialized_functions_in_dcl_module dcl_modules icl_common.com_instance_defs icl_functions nr_of_functions
+ = collect_specialized_functions_in_dcl_module dcl_modules icl_common.com_instance_defs icl_functions nr_of_functions main_dcl_module_n
hp_var_heap th_vars hp_expression_heap
- icl_instances = {ir_from = first_inst_index, ir_to = nr_of_functions}
+ icl_instances = icl_instance_range
icl_specials = {ir_from = nr_of_functions, ir_to = new_nr_of_functions}
- icl_functions = copy_instance_types instance_types { icl_fun \\ icl_fun <- [ icl_fun \\ icl_fun <-: icl_functions ] ++ spec_functions }
+ icl_functions = copy_instance_types instance_types (array_plus_list icl_functions spec_functions)
(dcl_modules, class_instances, icl_functions, cs_predef_symbols)
- = adjust_instance_types_of_array_functions_in_std_array_icl dcl_modules class_instances icl_functions cs_predef_symbols
+ = adjust_instance_types_of_array_functions_in_std_array_icl dcl_modules class_instances icl_functions main_dcl_module_n cs_predef_symbols
(untransformed_fun_bodies, icl_functions) = copy_bodies icl_functions
+ # (cached_functions_and_macros,icl_functions) = arrayCopyBegin icl_functions n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules
(pds_alias_dummy, cs_predef_symbols) = cs_predef_symbols![PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun]
(groups, icl_functions, dcl_modules, var_heap, expr_heap, cs_symbol_table, cs_error)
- = partitionateAndLiftFunctions [icl_global_function_range, icl_instances] cIclModIndex pds_alias_dummy icl_functions
+ = partitionateAndLiftFunctions [icl_global_function_range, icl_instances] main_dcl_module_n pds_alias_dummy icl_functions
dcl_modules var_heap expr_heap cs_symbol_table cs_error
icl_common = { icl_common & com_type_defs = e_info.ef_type_defs, com_selector_defs = e_info.ef_selector_defs, com_class_defs = e_info.ef_class_defs,
com_cons_defs = e_info.ef_cons_defs, com_member_defs = e_info.ef_member_defs, com_instance_defs = class_instances }
icl_mod = { icl_name = mod_name, icl_functions = icl_functions, icl_common = icl_common, icl_instances = icl_instances, icl_specials = icl_specials,
- icl_imported_objects = mod_imported_objects,
- icl_declared = {dcls_local = local_defs, dcls_import = icl_imported, dcls_explicit = dcls_explicit} }
+ icl_imported_objects = mod_imported_objects, icl_used_module_numbers = used_module_numbers,
+ icl_import = icl_imported }
heaps = { heaps & hp_var_heap = var_heap, hp_expression_heap = expr_heap, hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}}
- (dcl_modules, icl_mod, heaps, cs_error)
- = compareDefImp icl_sizes_without_added_dcl_defs untransformed_fun_bodies dcl_modules icl_mod heaps cs_error
+// (dcl_modules, icl_mod, heaps, cs_error)
+// = compareDefImp icl_sizes_without_added_dcl_defs untransformed_fun_bodies main_dcl_module_n dcl_modules icl_mod heaps cs_error
- = (cs_error.ea_ok, icl_mod, dcl_modules, groups, dcl_icl_conversions, heaps, cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table, cs_error.ea_file)
+ = (cs_error.ea_ok, icl_mod, dcl_modules, groups, dcl_icl_conversions, cached_functions_and_macros, cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n, heaps, cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table, cs_error.ea_file)
# icl_common = { icl_common & com_type_defs = e_info.ef_type_defs, com_selector_defs = e_info.ef_selector_defs, com_class_defs = e_info.ef_class_defs,
com_cons_defs = e_info.ef_cons_defs, com_member_defs = e_info.ef_member_defs }
icl_mod = { icl_name = mod_name, icl_functions = icl_functions, icl_common = icl_common,
- icl_instances = {ir_from = first_inst_index, ir_to = nr_of_functions},
+ icl_instances = icl_instance_range,
icl_specials = {ir_from = nr_of_functions, ir_to = nr_of_functions},
- icl_imported_objects = mod_imported_objects,
- icl_declared = {dcls_local = local_defs, dcls_import = icl_imported, dcls_explicit = dcls_explicit} }
- = (False, icl_mod, dcl_modules, {}, No, heaps, cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table, cs_error.ea_file)
+ icl_imported_objects = mod_imported_objects, icl_used_module_numbers = used_module_numbers,
+ icl_import = icl_imported }
+ = (False, icl_mod, dcl_modules, {}, No, {}, cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n,heaps, cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table, cs_error.ea_file)
- check_start_rule mod_kind mod_name {ir_from, ir_to} cs=:{cs_predef_symbols,cs_symbol_table}
+ check_start_rule mod_kind mod_name {ir_from, ir_to} cs=:{cs_predef_symbols,cs_symbol_table,cs_x}
# (pre_symb, cs_predef_symbols) = cs_predef_symbols![PD_Start]
({ste_kind, ste_index}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr pre_symb.pds_ident.id_info cs_symbol_table
cs = { cs & cs_predef_symbols = cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
= case ste_kind of
STE_FunctionOrMacro _
| ir_from <= ste_index && ste_index < ir_to
- -> { cs & cs_predef_symbols = { cs.cs_predef_symbols & [PD_Start] = { pre_symb & pds_def = ste_index, pds_module = cIclModIndex }}}
+ -> { cs & cs_predef_symbols = { cs.cs_predef_symbols & [PD_Start] = { pre_symb & pds_def = ste_index, pds_module = cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n }}}
STE_Imported STE_DclFunction mod_index
-> { cs & cs_predef_symbols = { cs.cs_predef_symbols & [PD_Start] = { pre_symb & pds_def = ste_index, pds_module = mod_index }}}
@@ -2784,76 +3031,30 @@ checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs
-> cs
- convert_class_instances [pi=:{pi_members} : pins] next_fun_index
- # ins_members = sort pi_members
- (member_symbols, next_fun_index) = determine_indexes_of_members ins_members next_fun_index
- (next_fun_defs, cins) = convert_class_instances pins next_fun_index
- = (ins_members ++ next_fun_defs, [ParsedInstanceToClassInstance pi { member \\ member <- member_symbols} : cins])
- convert_class_instances [] next_fun_index
- = ([], [])
- determine_indexes_of_members [{fun_symb,fun_arity}:members] next_fun_index
- #! (member_symbols, last_fun_index) = determine_indexes_of_members members (inc next_fun_index)
- = ([{ds_ident = fun_symb, ds_index = next_fun_index, ds_arity = fun_arity} : member_symbols], last_fun_index)
- determine_indexes_of_members [] next_fun_index
- = ([], next_fun_index)
- add_modules_to_symbol_table [] mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs=:{cs_predef_symbols,cs_symbol_table}
- # (cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table) = (cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table)
- <=< adjust_predefined_module_symbol PD_StdArray
- <=< adjust_predefined_module_symbol PD_StdEnum
- <=< adjust_predefined_module_symbol PD_StdBool
- <=< adjust_predefined_module_symbol PD_StdDynamics
- <=< adjust_predefined_module_symbol PD_PredefinedModule
- = ([], macro_and_fun_defs, { cs & cs_predef_symbols = cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table})
- where
- adjust_predefined_module_symbol :: !Index !(!*PredefinedSymbols, !*SymbolTable) -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*SymbolTable)
- adjust_predefined_module_symbol predef_index (pre_def_symbols, symbol_table)
- # (mod_symb, pre_def_symbols) = pre_def_symbols![predef_index]
- # (mod_entry, symbol_table) = readPtr mod_symb.pds_ident.id_info symbol_table
- = case mod_entry.ste_kind of
- STE_Module _
- -> ({ pre_def_symbols & [predef_index] = { mod_symb & pds_module = cIclModIndex, pds_def = mod_entry.ste_index }}, symbol_table)
- _
- -> (pre_def_symbols, symbol_table)
- add_modules_to_symbol_table [mod=:{mod_defs} : mods] mod_index macro_and_fun_defs cs=:{cs_predef_symbols,cs_symbol_table, cs_error}
- # def_instances = convert_class_instances mod_defs.def_instances
- mod_defs = { mod_defs & def_instances = def_instances }
- sizes_and_defs = collectFunctionTypes mod_defs.def_funtypes (collectCommonfinitions mod_defs)
- (macro_and_fun_defs, (sizes, defs)) = collectMacros mod_defs.def_macros macro_and_fun_defs sizes_and_defs
- mod = { mod & mod_defs = mod_defs }
- (cs_symbol_table, cs_error) = addDefToSymbolTable cGlobalScope mod_index mod.mod_name (STE_Module mod) cs_symbol_table cs_error
- (mods, macro_and_fun_defs, cs)
- = add_modules_to_symbol_table mods (inc mod_index) macro_and_fun_defs { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, cs_error = cs_error }
- = ([(mod, sizes, defs) : mods], macro_and_fun_defs, cs)
- where
- convert_class_instances :: ![ParsedInstance a] -> [ClassInstance]
- convert_class_instances [pi : pins]
- = [ParsedInstanceToClassInstance pi {} : convert_class_instances pins]
- convert_class_instances []
- = []
- check_predefined_module {id_info} modules macro_and_fun_defs heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ check_predefined_module (Yes {mod_name={id_info}}) modules macro_and_fun_defs heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
# cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (id_info, { entry & ste_kind = STE_ClosedModule })}
{ste_kind = STE_Module mod, ste_index} = entry
(modules, macro_and_fun_defs, heaps, cs)
= checkDclModule False mod ste_index modules macro_and_fun_defs heaps cs
- ({dcl_declared={dcls_import,dcls_local}}, modules) = modules![ste_index]
- = (modules, macro_and_fun_defs, heaps, addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable cIsADclModule ste_index dcls_local dcls_import cs)
- check_dcl_module iinfo=:{ii_modules} heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # (dcl_mod, ii_modules) = ii_modules![cIclModIndex]
+ ({dcl_declared={dcls_import,dcls_local,dcls_local_for_import}}, modules) = modules![ste_index]
+// = (modules, macro_and_fun_defs, heaps, addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable cIsADclModule ste_index dcls_local dcls_import cs)
+ = (modules, macro_and_fun_defs, heaps, addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable2 cIsADclModule ste_index dcls_local_for_import dcls_import cs)
+ check_predefined_module No modules macro_and_fun_defs heaps cs
+ = (modules, macro_and_fun_defs, heaps, cs)
+ check_dcl_module :: *ImportInfo *Heaps *CheckState -> (!.ImportInfo,!.Heaps,!.CheckState);
+ check_dcl_module iinfo=:{ii_modules} heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table,cs_x}
+ # (dcl_mod, ii_modules) = ii_modules![cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n]
# dcl_info = dcl_mod.dcl_name.id_info
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr dcl_info cs_symbol_table
# (_, iinfo, heaps, cs) = checkImport dcl_info entry { iinfo & ii_modules = ii_modules } heaps { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
= (iinfo, heaps, cs)
- collect_specialized_functions_in_dcl_module :: !w:{# DclModule} !v:{# ClassInstance} !u:{# FunDef} !Index !*VarHeap !*TypeVarHeap !*ExpressionHeap
+ collect_specialized_functions_in_dcl_module :: !w:{# DclModule} !v:{# ClassInstance} !u:{# FunDef} !Index !Int !*VarHeap !*TypeVarHeap !*ExpressionHeap
-> (![FunDef], !w:{# DclModule}, !v:{# ClassInstance}, !u:{# FunDef}, !Index, !(Optional {# Index}), !*VarHeap, !*TypeVarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap)
- collect_specialized_functions_in_dcl_module modules icl_instances icl_functions first_free_index var_heap type_var_heap expr_heap
- # (dcl_mod, modules) = modules![cIclModIndex]
+ collect_specialized_functions_in_dcl_module modules icl_instances icl_functions first_free_index main_dcl_module_n var_heap type_var_heap expr_heap
+ # (dcl_mod, modules) = modules![main_dcl_module_n]
# {dcl_specials,dcl_functions,dcl_common,dcl_class_specials,dcl_conversions} = dcl_mod
= case dcl_conversions of
Yes conversion_table
@@ -2910,7 +3111,7 @@ checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs
(app_args, expr_heap) = mapSt new_bound_var tb_args expr_heap
(app_info_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
tb_rhs = App { app_symb = { symb_name = fun_symb, symb_arity = fun_arity,
- symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_module = cIclModIndex, glob_object = fun_index }},
+ symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_module = main_dcl_module_n, glob_object = fun_index }},
app_args = app_args,
app_info_ptr = app_info_ptr }
= ({ fun_def & fun_index = new_fun_index, fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs}, fun_type = Yes fun_type,
@@ -2934,11 +3135,11 @@ checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs
# (inst_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![index]
= { fun_defs & [index] = { inst_def & fun_type = Yes symbol_type }}
- adjust_instance_types_of_array_functions_in_std_array_icl dcl_modules class_instances fun_defs predef_symbols
+ adjust_instance_types_of_array_functions_in_std_array_icl dcl_modules class_instances fun_defs main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols
# ({pds_def}, predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![PD_StdArray]
- | pds_def == cIclModIndex
+ | pds_def == main_dcl_module_n
#! nr_of_instances = size class_instances
- # ({dcl_common, dcl_conversions = Yes conversion_table}, dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![cIclModIndex]
+ # ({dcl_common, dcl_conversions = Yes conversion_table}, dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![main_dcl_module_n]
({pds_def}, predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![PD_ArrayClass]
(offset_table, _, predef_symbols) = arrayFunOffsetToPD_IndexTable dcl_common.com_member_defs predef_symbols
array_class_index = conversion_table.[cClassDefs].[pds_def]
@@ -2952,7 +3153,7 @@ checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs
-> (!u:{# ClassInstance},!*{# FunDef},!v:{#PredefinedSymbol})
adjust_instance_types_of_array_functions array_class_index offset_table inst_index (class_instances, fun_defs, predef_symbols)
# ({ins_class={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}},ins_type,ins_members}, class_instances) = class_instances![inst_index]
- | glob_module == cIclModIndex && ds_index == array_class_index && elemTypeIsStrict ins_type.it_types predef_symbols
+ | glob_module == main_dcl_module_n && ds_index == array_class_index && elemTypeIsStrict ins_type.it_types predef_symbols
# fun_defs = iFoldSt (make_instance_strict ins_members offset_table) 0 (size ins_members) fun_defs
= (class_instances, fun_defs, predef_symbols)
= (class_instances, fun_defs, predef_symbols)
@@ -2976,14 +3177,14 @@ checkModule {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cdefs
# new = createArray size 0
= iFoldSt (\i (dst, src=:{[i]=src_i})->({ dst & [i] = src_i }, src)) 0 size (new, src)
-check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_name extension cs=:{cs_needed_modules}
- # cs = case cs_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdDynamics of
+check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_name extension cs=:{cs_x={x_needed_modules}}
+ # cs = case x_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdDynamics of
0 -> cs
_ -> check_it PD_StdDynamics mod_name "" extension cs
- # cs = case cs_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdArray of
+ # cs = case x_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdArray of
0 -> cs
_ -> check_it PD_StdArray mod_name " (needed for array denotations)" extension cs
- # cs = case cs_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdEnum of
+ # cs = case x_needed_modules bitand cNeedStdEnum of
0 -> cs
_ -> check_it PD_StdEnum mod_name " (needed for [..] expressions)" extension cs
= cs
@@ -3036,6 +3237,65 @@ makeElemTypeOfArrayFunctionStrict st=:{st_args,st_result} me_offset offset_table
st_result = { st_result & at_type = TA tuple [{ elem & at_annotation = AN_Strict } : res_array]}}
= st
+add_module_n n EndModuleNumbers
+ | n<32
+ = ModuleNumbers (1<<n) EndModuleNumbers
+ = ModuleNumbers 0 (add_module_n (n-32) EndModuleNumbers)
+add_module_n n (ModuleNumbers module_numbers rest_module_numbers)
+ | n<32
+ = ModuleNumbers (module_numbers bitor (1<<n)) rest_module_numbers
+ = ModuleNumbers module_numbers (add_module_n (n-32) rest_module_numbers)
+is_empty_module_n_set EndModuleNumbers
+ = True;
+is_empty_module_n_set (ModuleNumbers 0 module_numbers)
+ = is_empty_module_n_set module_numbers
+is_empty_module_n_set _
+ = False;
+remove_first_module_number (ModuleNumbers 0 rest_module_numbers)
+ # (bit_n,rest_module_numbers) = remove_first_module_number rest_module_numbers
+ = (bit_n+32,ModuleNumbers 0 rest_module_numbers)
+remove_first_module_number (ModuleNumbers module_numbers rest_module_numbers)
+ # bit_n = first_one_bit module_numbers
+ = (bit_n,ModuleNumbers (module_numbers bitand (bitnot (1<<bit_n))) rest_module_numbers)
+first_one_bit module_numbers
+ | module_numbers bitand 0xff<>0
+ = first_one_bit_in_byte 0 module_numbers
+ | module_numbers bitand 0xff00<>0
+ = first_one_bit_in_byte 8 module_numbers
+ | module_numbers bitand 0xff0000<>0
+ = first_one_bit_in_byte 16 module_numbers
+ = first_one_bit_in_byte 24 module_numbers
+first_one_bit_in_byte n module_numbers
+ | module_numbers bitand (1<<n)<>0
+ = n
+ = first_one_bit_in_byte (n+1) module_numbers
+add_new_module_numbers EndModuleNumbers module_numbers used_module_numbers
+ = (module_numbers,used_module_numbers)
+add_new_module_numbers (ModuleNumbers new_module_numbers new_rest_module_numbers) EndModuleNumbers EndModuleNumbers
+ # (rest_module_numbers,rest_used_module_numbers) = add_new_module_numbers new_rest_module_numbers EndModuleNumbers EndModuleNumbers
+ = (ModuleNumbers new_module_numbers rest_module_numbers,ModuleNumbers new_module_numbers rest_used_module_numbers)
+add_new_module_numbers (ModuleNumbers new_module_numbers new_rest_module_numbers) EndModuleNumbers (ModuleNumbers used_module_numbers rest_used_module_numbers)
+ # (rest_module_numbers,rest_used_module_numbers) = add_new_module_numbers new_rest_module_numbers EndModuleNumbers rest_used_module_numbers
+ = (ModuleNumbers (new_module_numbers bitand (bitnot used_module_numbers)) rest_module_numbers,ModuleNumbers (used_module_numbers bitor new_module_numbers) rest_used_module_numbers)
+add_new_module_numbers (ModuleNumbers new_module_numbers new_rest_module_numbers) (ModuleNumbers module_numbers rest_module_numbers) EndModuleNumbers
+ # (rest_module_numbers,rest_used_module_numbers) = add_new_module_numbers new_rest_module_numbers rest_module_numbers EndModuleNumbers
+ = (ModuleNumbers (new_module_numbers bitor module_numbers) rest_module_numbers,ModuleNumbers new_module_numbers rest_used_module_numbers)
+add_new_module_numbers (ModuleNumbers new_module_numbers new_rest_module_numbers) (ModuleNumbers module_numbers rest_module_numbers) (ModuleNumbers used_module_numbers rest_used_module_numbers)
+ # (rest_module_numbers,rest_used_module_numbers) = add_new_module_numbers new_rest_module_numbers rest_module_numbers rest_used_module_numbers
+ = (ModuleNumbers (module_numbers bitor (new_module_numbers bitand (bitnot used_module_numbers))) rest_module_numbers,ModuleNumbers (used_module_numbers bitor new_module_numbers) rest_used_module_numbers)
+compute_used_module_numbers module_numbers used_numbers modules
+ | is_empty_module_n_set module_numbers
+ = (used_numbers,modules)
+ # (first_module_number,module_numbers) = remove_first_module_number module_numbers
+ # (dcl_imported_module_numbers,modules) = modules![first_module_number].dcl_imported_module_numbers
+ # (module_numbers,used_numbers) = add_new_module_numbers dcl_imported_module_numbers module_numbers used_numbers
+ = compute_used_module_numbers module_numbers used_numbers modules
:: ImportInfo =
{ ii_modules :: !.{# DclModule}
@@ -3044,17 +3304,17 @@ makeElemTypeOfArrayFunctionStrict st=:{st_args,st_result} me_offset offset_table
, ii_deps :: ![SymbolPtr]
-checkImports :: ![ParsedImport] !*ImportInfo !*Heaps !*CheckState -> (!Int, !*ImportInfo, !*Heaps, !*CheckState)
-checkImports [] iinfo=:{ii_modules,ii_deps} heaps cs
+checkImports :: ![ParsedImport] !ModuleNumberSet !*ImportInfo !*Heaps !*CheckState -> (!Int,!ModuleNumberSet,!*ImportInfo, !*Heaps, !*CheckState)
+checkImports [] imported_module_numbers iinfo=:{ii_modules} heaps cs
#! mod_num = size ii_modules
- = (mod_num, iinfo, heaps, cs)
-checkImports [ {import_module = {id_info}}: mods ] iinfo heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ = (mod_num, imported_module_numbers,iinfo, heaps, cs)
+checkImports [ {import_module = {id_info}}: mods ] imported_module_numbers iinfo heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
+ # imported_module_numbers = add_module_n entry.ste_index imported_module_numbers
# (min_mod_num1, iinfo, heaps, cs) = checkImport id_info entry iinfo heaps { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- (min_mod_num2, iinfo, heaps, cs) = checkImports mods iinfo heaps cs
- = (min min_mod_num1 min_mod_num2, iinfo, heaps, cs)
+ (min_mod_num2, imported_module_numbers,iinfo, heaps, cs) = checkImports mods imported_module_numbers iinfo heaps cs
+ = (min min_mod_num1 min_mod_num2, imported_module_numbers,iinfo, heaps, cs)
checkImport :: SymbolPtr SymbolTableEntry *ImportInfo *Heaps *CheckState -> *(Int,*ImportInfo,*Heaps,*CheckState)
checkImport module_id_info entry=:{ste_kind = STE_OpenModule mod_num _} iinfo heaps cs
= (mod_num, iinfo, heaps, cs)
@@ -3065,8 +3325,8 @@ checkImport module_id_info entry=:{ste_kind = STE_Module mod, ste_index} iinfo=:
# entry = { entry & ste_kind = STE_OpenModule ii_next_num mod}
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (module_id_info,entry) }
iinfo = { iinfo & ii_next_num = inc ii_next_num, ii_deps = [module_id_info : ii_deps] }
- (min_mod_num, iinfo, heaps, cs) = checkImports mod.mod_imports iinfo heaps cs
+ (min_mod_num, imported_module_numbers,iinfo, heaps, cs) = checkImports mod.mod_imports EndModuleNumbers iinfo heaps cs
+ iinfo = {iinfo & ii_modules.[ste_index].dcl_imported_module_numbers=imported_module_numbers}
| ii_next_num <= min_mod_num
# {ii_deps,ii_modules,ii_funs_and_macros} = iinfo
(ii_deps, ii_modules, ii_funs_and_macros, heaps, cs)
@@ -3092,18 +3352,18 @@ checkImport module_id_info entry=:{ste_kind = STE_Module mod, ste_index} iinfo=:
= (ds, modules, macro_and_fun_defs, heaps, cs)
= check_component [ste_index:component] lowest_mod_info ds modules macro_and_fun_defs heaps cs
- check_explicit_import_completeness mod_index (modules, macro_and_fun_defs, hp_expression_heap, cs)
+ check_explicit_import_completeness mod_index (modules, macro_and_fun_defs, hp_expression_heap, cs=:{cs_x})
# ({dcl_name, dcl_declared}, modules) = modules![mod_index]
({dcls_local, dcls_import, dcls_explicit}) = dcl_declared
cs = addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable cIsADclModule mod_index dcls_local dcls_import cs
+ dcls_explicit = [dcl_explicit \\ dcl_explicit <-:dcls_explicit]
(modules, macro_and_fun_defs, hp_expression_heap, cs=:{cs_symbol_table})
- = checkExplicitImportCompleteness (dcl_name.id_name+++".dcl") dcls_explicit
- modules macro_and_fun_defs hp_expression_heap cs
- (_, cs_symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable [(mod_index, dcl_declared)] [] cs_symbol_table
+ = checkExplicitImportCompleteness (dcl_name.id_name+++".dcl") cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n dcls_explicit modules macro_and_fun_defs hp_expression_heap cs
+ cs_symbol_table = removeImportsAndLocalsOfModuleFromSymbolTable dcl_declared cs.cs_symbol_table
// XXX optimise by using version that does not allocate the first result value
= (modules, macro_and_fun_defs, hp_expression_heap, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
-initialDclModule ({mod_name, mod_defs=mod_defs=:{def_funtypes,def_macros}, mod_type}, sizes, all_defs)
+initialDclModule ({mod_name, mod_defs=mod_defs=:{def_funtypes,def_macros}, mod_type}, sizes, all_defs) module_n
# dcl_common= createCommonDefinitions mod_defs
= { dcl_name = mod_name
, dcl_functions = { function \\ function <- mod_defs.def_funtypes }
@@ -3114,19 +3374,29 @@ initialDclModule ({mod_name, mod_defs=mod_defs=:{def_funtypes,def_macros}, mod_t
, dcl_common = dcl_common
, dcl_sizes = sizes
, dcl_declared =
- { dcls_import = []
+ {
+ dcls_import = {}
, dcls_local = all_defs
- , dcls_explicit = []
+ , dcls_local_for_import = {local_declaration_for_import decl module_n \\ decl<-all_defs}
+ , dcls_explicit = {}
, dcl_conversions = No
, dcl_is_system = case mod_type of
MK_System -> True
_ -> False
+ , dcl_imported_module_numbers = EndModuleNumbers
+local_declaration_for_import decl=:{dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro _} module_n
+ = decl
+local_declaration_for_import decl=:{dcl_kind=STE_Imported _ _} module_n
+ = abort "local_declaration_for_import"
+local_declaration_for_import decl=:{dcl_kind} module_n
+ = {decl & dcl_kind = STE_Imported dcl_kind module_n}
checkDclModule :: !Bool !(Module (CollectedDefinitions ClassInstance IndexRange)) !Index !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*Heaps !*CheckState
-> (!*{#DclModule}, !*{#FunDef}, !*Heaps, !*CheckState)
-checkDclModule is_on_cycle {mod_name,mod_imports,mod_defs} mod_index modules icl_functions heaps=:{hp_var_heap, hp_type_heaps} cs
+checkDclModule is_on_cycle {mod_name,mod_imports,mod_defs} mod_index modules icl_functions heaps=:{hp_var_heap, hp_type_heaps,hp_expression_heap} cs
# (dcl_mod, modules) = modules![mod_index]
# dcl_defined = dcl_mod.dcl_declared.dcls_local
dcl_common = createCommonDefinitions mod_defs
@@ -3134,16 +3404,27 @@ checkDclModule is_on_cycle {mod_name,mod_imports,mod_defs} mod_index modules icl
(imports, modules, cs) = collect_imported_symbols mod_imports [] modules cs
cs = add_imported_symbols_to_symbol_table imports cs
cs = addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable dcl_defined cs
- cs = { cs & cs_needed_modules = 0 }
+ cs = { cs & cs_x.x_needed_modules = 0 }
nr_of_dcl_functions = size dcl_mod.dcl_functions
- (dcl_common, modules, hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap, cs)
+ (nr_functions, icl_functions) = usize icl_functions
+ f_consequences = create_empty_consequences_array nr_functions
+// dcls_explicit = flatten [dcls_explicit \\ (_,{dcls_explicit})<-imports]
+ dcls_explicit = flatten [[dcls_explicit\\dcls_explicit<-:dcls_explicit] \\ (_,{dcls_explicit})<-imports]
+ #! main_dcl_module_n = cs.cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+// # (_,modules,icl_functions,hp_expression_heap,cs)
+// = check_completeness_of_module mod_index main_dcl_module_n dcls_explicit (mod_name.id_name+++".dcl") (f_consequences, modules, icl_functions, hp_expression_heap, cs)
+ # (dcl_common, modules, hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap, cs)
= checkCommonDefinitions cIsADclModule mod_index dcl_common modules hp_type_heaps hp_var_heap cs
(memb_inst_defs, nr_of_dcl_functions_and_instances, rev_spec_class_inst, dcl_common, modules, hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap, cs)
= determineTypesOfInstances nr_of_dcl_functions mod_index dcl_common modules hp_type_heaps hp_var_heap cs
(nr_of_dcl_funs_insts_and_specs, rev_function_list, rev_special_defs, com_type_defs, com_class_defs, modules, heaps, cs)
= checkDclFunctions mod_index nr_of_dcl_functions_and_instances mod_defs.def_funtypes
- dcl_common.com_type_defs dcl_common.com_class_defs modules { heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap } cs
+// dcl_common.com_type_defs dcl_common.com_class_defs modules { heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap } cs
+ dcl_common.com_type_defs dcl_common.com_class_defs modules { heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap=hp_expression_heap} cs
(nr_of_dcl_funs_insts_and_specs, new_class_instances, rev_special_defs, all_spec_types, heaps, cs_error)
= checkSpecialsOfInstances mod_index nr_of_dcl_functions rev_spec_class_inst nr_of_dcl_funs_insts_and_specs []
@@ -3169,11 +3450,17 @@ checkDclModule is_on_cycle {mod_name,mod_imports,mod_defs} mod_index modules icl
cs = check_needed_modules_are_imported mod_name ".dcl" cs
- dcls_explicit = flatten [dcls_explicit \\ (_,{dcls_explicit})<-imports]
+ com_instance_defs = dcl_common.com_instance_defs
+ com_instance_defs = array_plus_list com_instance_defs new_class_instances
+ (ef_member_defs, com_instance_defs, dcl_functions, cs)
+ = adjust_predefined_symbols mod_index e_info.ef_member_defs com_instance_defs dcl_functions cs
+// dcls_explicit = flatten [dcls_explicit \\ (_,{dcls_explicit})<-imports]
+ dcls_explicit = flatten [[dcls_explicit\\dcls_explicit<-:dcls_explicit] \\ (_,{dcls_explicit})<-imports]
(modules, icl_functions, hp_expression_heap, cs)
= case is_on_cycle of
- False -> checkExplicitImportCompleteness (mod_name.id_name+++".dcl") dcls_explicit
- modules icl_functions hp_expression_heap cs
+ False -> checkExplicitImportCompleteness (mod_name.id_name+++".dcl") main_dcl_module_n dcls_explicit modules icl_functions hp_expression_heap cs
True -> (modules, icl_functions, hp_expression_heap, cs)
heaps = { heaps & hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap }
@@ -3184,8 +3471,14 @@ checkDclModule is_on_cycle {mod_name,mod_imports,mod_defs} mod_index modules icl
com_instance_defs = com_instance_defs, com_cons_defs = e_info.ef_cons_defs, com_member_defs = e_info.ef_member_defs }
(dcl_imported, cs_symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable imports [] cs.cs_symbol_table
+ dcl_imported = {dcl_import\\dcl_import<-dcl_imported}
cs_symbol_table = removeDeclarationsFromSymbolTable dcl_defined cModuleScope cs_symbol_table
+// dcls_explicit = flatten [dcls_explicit \\ (_,{dcls_explicit})<-imports]
+ dcls_explicit = {dcls_explicit \\ dcls_explicit<-dcls_explicit}
dcl_mod = { dcl_mod & dcl_declared = { dcl_mod.dcl_declared & dcls_import = dcl_imported, dcls_explicit = dcls_explicit },
dcl_common = dcl_common, dcl_functions = dcl_functions,
dcl_instances = { ir_from = nr_of_dcl_functions, ir_to = nr_of_dcl_functions_and_instances },
@@ -3207,7 +3500,7 @@ where
# cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table <:= (module_id_info, { entry & ste_kind = STE_LockedModule })}
(imported_decls, modules, cs) = collect_imported_symbols mod_imports [] modules cs
# (dcl_mod, modules) = modules![ste_index]
- # (declared, cs) = determine_declared_symbols ste_index dcl_mod.dcl_declared.dcls_local imported_decls cs
+ # (declared, cs) = determine_declared_symbols ste_index dcl_mod.dcl_declared imported_decls cs
= ( [(ste_index, declared) : all_decls]
, modules
, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs.cs_symbol_table <:= (module_id_info, { entry & ste_kind = old_kind })}
@@ -3218,14 +3511,19 @@ where
collect_declarations_of_module module_id_info entry=:{ste_kind= STE_LockedModule} all_decls modules cs
= (all_decls, modules, cs)
- determine_declared_symbols mod_index definitions imported_decls cs
- # cs = addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable definitions (add_imported_symbols_to_symbol_table imported_decls cs)
+ determine_declared_symbols mod_index {dcls_local,dcls_local_for_import} imported_decls cs
+ # cs = addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable dcls_local (add_imported_symbols_to_symbol_table imported_decls cs)
(dcls_import, cs_symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable imported_decls [] cs.cs_symbol_table
- cs_symbol_table = removeDeclarationsFromSymbolTable definitions cModuleScope cs_symbol_table
- = ( {dcls_import = dcls_import, dcls_local = definitions, dcls_explicit = []}, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
- add_imported_symbols_to_symbol_table [(mod_index, {dcls_import,dcls_local}) : imports] cs
- = add_imported_symbols_to_symbol_table imports (addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable cIsADclModule mod_index dcls_local dcls_import cs)
+ dcls_import = {dcl_import\\dcl_import<-dcls_import}
+ cs_symbol_table = removeDeclarationsFromSymbolTable dcls_local cModuleScope cs_symbol_table
+ = ( {dcls_import = dcls_import, dcls_local = dcls_local, dcls_local_for_import = dcls_local_for_import,
+ dcls_explicit = {}}, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
+ add_imported_symbols_to_symbol_table [(mod_index, {dcls_import,dcls_local,dcls_local_for_import}) : imports] cs
+// = add_imported_symbols_to_symbol_table imports (addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable cIsADclModule mod_index dcls_local dcls_import cs)
+ = add_imported_symbols_to_symbol_table imports (addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable2 cIsADclModule mod_index dcls_local_for_import dcls_import cs)
add_imported_symbols_to_symbol_table [] cs
= cs
@@ -3311,18 +3609,20 @@ where
NewEntry symbol_table symb_ptr def_kind def_index level previous :==
symbol_table <:= (symb_ptr,{ ste_kind = def_kind, ste_index = def_index, ste_def_level = level, ste_previous = previous })
-addImportsToSymbolTable :: ![ParsedImport] ![(!Declaration, !LineNr)] !*{# DclModule} !*CheckState
- -> (![(!Declaration, !LineNr)], !*{# DclModule}, !*CheckState)
-addImportsToSymbolTable [{import_module={id_info},import_symbols, import_file_position=LinePos filename line_nr} : mods ] explicit_akku modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # ({ste_index}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
+//addImportsToSymbolTable :: ![ParsedImport] ![(!Declaration, !LineNr)] !*{# DclModule} !*CheckState
+// -> (![(!Declaration, !LineNr)], !*{# DclModule}, !*CheckState)
+addImportsToSymbolTable :: ![ParsedImport] ![ExplicitImport] !*{# DclModule} !*CheckState
+ -> (![ExplicitImport], !*{# DclModule}, !*CheckState)
+addImportsToSymbolTable [{import_module={id_info},import_symbols, import_file_position=LinePos filename line_nr} : mods ] explicit_akku modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ # ({ste_index}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
# ({dcl_declared=decls_of_imported_module}, modules) = modules![ste_index]
- (imported_decls, modules, cs) = possibly_filter_decls import_symbols [(ste_index, decls_of_imported_module)] (filename, line_nr)
- modules { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
+ (imported_decls, modules, cs)
+ = possibly_filter_decls import_symbols [(ste_index, decls_of_imported_module)] (filename,line_nr) modules { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
| isEmpty imported_decls
= addImportsToSymbolTable mods explicit_akku modules cs
- # (_,{dcls_import,dcls_local,dcls_explicit}) = hd imported_decls
- = addImportsToSymbolTable mods (dcls_explicit++explicit_akku)
- modules (addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable cIsNotADclModule ste_index dcls_local dcls_import cs)
+ # (_,{dcls_import,dcls_local,dcls_local_for_import,dcls_explicit}) = hd imported_decls
+// = addImportsToSymbolTable mods (dcls_explicit++explicit_akku) modules (addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable cIsNotADclModule ste_index dcls_local dcls_import cs)
+ = addImportsToSymbolTable mods ([dcls_explicit\\dcls_explicit<-:dcls_explicit]++explicit_akku) modules (addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable2 cIsNotADclModule ste_index dcls_local_for_import dcls_import cs)
addImportsToSymbolTable [] explicit_akku modules cs
= (explicit_akku, modules, cs)
@@ -3386,7 +3686,8 @@ where
instance <<< Declarations
- (<<<) file { dcls_import, dcls_local } = file <<< "I:" <<< dcls_import <<< "L:" <<< dcls_local
+// (<<<) file { dcls_import, dcls_local } = file <<< "I:" <<< dcls_import <<< "L:" <<< dcls_local
+ (<<<) file { dcls_import, dcls_local } = file <<< "I:" <<< /*dcls_import <<< */ "L:" <<< dcls_local
instance <<< Specials
@@ -3435,6 +3736,3 @@ where
| level == entry.ste_def_level
= remove_defs_from_symbol_table level (inc from_index) to_index defs (symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous))
= remove_defs_from_symbol_table level (inc from_index) to_index defs symbol_table
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.dcl b/frontend/checksupport.dcl
index df8b8bb..d355952 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.dcl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.dcl
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ definition module checksupport
import StdEnv
import syntax, predef
-cIclModIndex :== 0
+//cIclModIndex :== 0
CS_NotChecked :== -1
NotFound :== -1
@@ -31,8 +30,9 @@ cNeedStdDynamics:== 4
:: ErrorAdmin = { ea_file :: !.File, ea_loc :: ![IdentPos], ea_ok :: !Bool }
-:: CheckState = { cs_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable, cs_predef_symbols :: !.PredefinedSymbols, cs_error :: !.ErrorAdmin,
- cs_needed_modules :: !BITVECT } // MW++
+:: CheckState = { cs_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable, cs_predef_symbols :: !.PredefinedSymbols, cs_error :: !.ErrorAdmin,cs_x :: !CheckStateX }
+:: CheckStateX = {x_needed_modules :: !BITVECT,x_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int }
// SymbolTable :== {# SymbolTableEntry}
@@ -68,22 +68,31 @@ cConversionTableSize :== 8
, dcl_index :: !Index
-:: Declarations =
- { dcls_import ::![Declaration]
+:: Declarations = {
+ dcls_import ::!{!Declaration}
, dcls_local ::![Declaration]
- , dcls_explicit ::![(!Declaration, !LineNr)]
+ , dcls_local_for_import ::!{!Declaration}
+ , dcls_explicit ::!{!ExplicitImport}
+:: ExplicitImport = ExplicitImport !Declaration !LineNr;
:: IclModule =
{ icl_name :: !Ident
, icl_functions :: !.{# FunDef }
, icl_instances :: !IndexRange
, icl_specials :: !IndexRange
, icl_common :: !.CommonDefs
- , icl_declared :: !Declarations
+// , icl_declared :: !Declarations
+ , icl_import :: !{!Declaration}
, icl_imported_objects :: ![ImportedObject]
+ , icl_used_module_numbers :: !ModuleNumberSet
+:: ModuleNumberSet = ModuleNumbers !Int !ModuleNumberSet | EndModuleNumbers;
+in_module_number_set :: !Int !ModuleNumberSet -> Bool
:: DclModule =
{ dcl_name :: !Ident
, dcl_functions :: !{# FunType }
@@ -96,6 +105,7 @@ cConversionTableSize :== 8
, dcl_declared :: !Declarations
, dcl_conversions :: !Optional ConversionTable
, dcl_is_system :: !Bool
+ , dcl_imported_module_numbers :: !ModuleNumberSet
class Erroradmin state
@@ -125,10 +135,13 @@ instance toInt STE_Kind
instance <<< STE_Kind, IdentPos, Declaration
retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable :: ![(.a,.Declarations)] [Declaration] *(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
-retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
+//retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
+//retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: !{!.Declaration} ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
addLocalFunctionDefsToSymbolTable :: !Level !Index !Index !u:{#FunDef} !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin -> (!u:{# FunDef}, !*SymbolTable, !*ErrorAdmin)
addDefToSymbolTable :: !Level !Index !Ident !STE_Kind !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin -> (!* SymbolTable, !*ErrorAdmin)
-addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable :: .Bool .Int ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+//addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable :: .Bool .Int ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable :: .Bool .Int ![.Declaration] !{!.Declaration} !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable2 :: .Bool .Int !{!.Declaration} !{!.Declaration} !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
//addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addFieldToSelectorDefinition :: !Ident (Global .Int) !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addGlobalDefinitionsToSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
@@ -137,3 +150,4 @@ removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition :: !Ident .Int .Int !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry)
removeDeclarationsFromSymbolTable :: ![Declaration] !Int !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> *Heap SymbolTableEntry;
removeLocalIdentsFromSymbolTable :: .Int !.[Ident] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry;
removeIdentFromSymbolTable :: !.Int !Ident !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry;
+removeImportsAndLocalsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: !Declarations !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.icl b/frontend/checksupport.icl
index bacf06b..225eb06 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.icl
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import utilities
:: VarHeap :== Heap VarInfo
-cIclModIndex :== 0
+//cIclModIndex :== 0
CS_NotChecked :== -1
NotFound :== -1
@@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ cNeedStdDynamics:== 4
:: ErrorAdmin = { ea_file :: !.File, ea_loc :: ![IdentPos], ea_ok :: !Bool }
-:: CheckState = { cs_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable, cs_predef_symbols :: !.PredefinedSymbols, cs_error :: !.ErrorAdmin,
- cs_needed_modules :: !BITVECT } // MW++
+:: CheckState = { cs_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable, cs_predef_symbols :: !.PredefinedSymbols, cs_error :: !.ErrorAdmin, cs_x :: !CheckStateX }
+:: CheckStateX = {x_needed_modules :: !BITVECT,x_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int }
:: ConversionTable :== {# .{# Int }}
@@ -75,11 +76,14 @@ where
, dcl_index :: !Index
-:: Declarations =
- { dcls_import ::![Declaration]
+:: Declarations = {
+ dcls_import ::!{!Declaration}
, dcls_local ::![Declaration]
- , dcls_explicit ::![(!Declaration, !LineNr)]
+ , dcls_local_for_import ::!{!Declaration}
+ , dcls_explicit ::!{!ExplicitImport}
+:: ExplicitImport = ExplicitImport !Declaration !LineNr;
:: IclModule =
{ icl_name :: !Ident
@@ -87,8 +91,10 @@ where
, icl_instances :: !IndexRange
, icl_specials :: !IndexRange
, icl_common :: !.CommonDefs
- , icl_declared :: !Declarations
+// , icl_declared :: !Declarations
+ , icl_import :: !{!Declaration}
, icl_imported_objects :: ![ImportedObject]
+ , icl_used_module_numbers :: !ModuleNumberSet
:: DclModule =
@@ -103,8 +109,19 @@ where
, dcl_declared :: !Declarations
, dcl_conversions :: !Optional ConversionTable
, dcl_is_system :: !Bool
+ , dcl_imported_module_numbers :: !ModuleNumberSet
+:: ModuleNumberSet = ModuleNumbers !Int !ModuleNumberSet | EndModuleNumbers;
+in_module_number_set :: !Int !ModuleNumberSet -> Bool
+in_module_number_set n EndModuleNumbers
+ = False;
+in_module_number_set n (ModuleNumbers module_numbers rest_module_numbers)
+ | n<32
+ = (module_numbers bitand (1<<n))<>0
+ = in_module_number_set (n-32) rest_module_numbers
class Erroradmin state // PK...
pushErrorAdmin :: !IdentPos *state -> *state
@@ -180,7 +197,6 @@ where
envLookUp var []
= (False, abort "illegal value")
instance envLookUp ATypeVar
envLookUp var=:{atv_variable} [bind:binds]
@@ -190,21 +206,26 @@ where
envLookUp var []
= (False, abort "illegal value")
retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable :: ![(.a,.Declarations)] [Declaration] *(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
-retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable [(_, {dcls_import,dcls_local}) : imports] all_decls symbol_table
- # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable dcls_import dcls_local all_decls symbol_table
+retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable [(_, {dcls_import,dcls_local,dcls_local_for_import}) : imports] all_decls symbol_table
+// # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable dcls_import dcls_local all_decls symbol_table
+ # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable2 dcls_import dcls_local_for_import all_decls symbol_table
= retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable imports all_decls symbol_table
retrieveAndRemoveImportsFromSymbolTable [] all_decls symbol_table
= (all_decls, symbol_table)
-retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
+retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable2 :: !{!.Declaration} !{!.Declaration} ![.Declaration] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
+retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable2 imports locals_for_import all_decls symbol_table
+ # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array 0 imports all_decls symbol_table
+ = retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array 0 locals_for_import all_decls symbol_table
+retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: !{!.Declaration} ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> ([Declaration],.Heap SymbolTableEntry);
retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable imports locals all_decls symbol_table
- # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieve_declared_symbols imports all_decls symbol_table
+ # (all_decls, symbol_table) = retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array 0 imports all_decls symbol_table
= retrieve_declared_symbols locals all_decls symbol_table
retrieve_declared_symbols :: ![Declaration] ![Declaration] !*SymbolTable -> (![Declaration], !*SymbolTable)
- retrieve_declared_symbols [symbol=:{dcl_ident=ident=:{id_info},dcl_kind,dcl_index}:symbols] decls symbol_table
+ retrieve_declared_symbols [declaration=:{dcl_ident=ident=:{id_info},dcl_kind,dcl_index}:symbols] decls symbol_table
#! entry = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table
# {ste_kind,ste_def_level} = entry
| ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level > cModuleScope
@@ -215,62 +236,120 @@ where
| case dcl_kind of
STE_Field f -> f==selector_id
_ -> False
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
STE_Imported (STE_Field selector_id) def_mod
| case dcl_kind of
STE_Imported (STE_Field f) d -> d==def_mod && f==selector_id
_ -> False
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
| same_STE_Kind ste_kind dcl_kind
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] symbol_table
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [symbol : decls ] symbol_table
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] symbol_table
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols symbols [declaration : decls ] symbol_table
retrieve_declared_symbols [] decls symbol_table
= (decls, symbol_table)
- retrieve_declared_symbols :: ![Declaration] ![Declaration] !*SymbolTable -> (![Declaration], !*SymbolTable)
- retrieve_declared_symbols decls collected_decls symbol_table
- = foldSt retrieve_declared_symbol decls (collected_decls, symbol_table)
- retrieve_declared_symbol symbol=:{dcl_ident=ident=:{id_info},dcl_kind,dcl_index} (decls, symbol_table)
+retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array :: !Int !{!Declaration} ![Declaration] !*SymbolTable -> (![Declaration], !*SymbolTable)
+retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array symbol_index symbols decls symbol_table
+ | symbol_index<size symbols
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ # {dcl_ident=ident=:{id_info},dcl_kind}=declaration
#! entry = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table
-// # {ste_kind,ste_def_level,ste_previous} = entry
# {ste_kind,ste_def_level} = entry
| ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level > cModuleScope
- = (decls, symbol_table)
+ = retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols decls symbol_table
+ # symbol_table = symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)
= case ste_kind of
STE_Field selector_id
-// -> ([{ symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind } : decls ],
-// removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index (symbol_table <:= (id_info, ste_previous)))
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> ([symbol : decls ],
- removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index (symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)))
+ | case dcl_kind of
+ STE_Field f -> f==selector_id
+ _ -> False
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ #! dcl_index = symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ #! dcl_index = declaration.dcl_index
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
STE_Imported (STE_Field selector_id) def_mod
-// -> ([{ symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind } : decls ],
-// removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index (symbol_table <:= (id_info, ste_previous)))
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> ([symbol : decls ],
- removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index (symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)))
+ | case dcl_kind of
+ STE_Imported (STE_Field f) d -> d==def_mod && f==selector_id
+ _ -> False
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ #! dcl_index = symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ #! dcl_index = declaration.dcl_index
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
-// -> ([{ symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind } : decls ], symbol_table <:= (id_info, ste_previous))
- #! symbol = { symbol & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
- -> ([symbol : decls ], symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous))
+ | same_STE_Kind ste_kind dcl_kind
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] symbol_table
+ #! (declaration,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ #! declaration = { declaration & dcl_kind = ste_kind }
+ -> retrieve_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols [declaration : decls ] symbol_table
+ = (decls, symbol_table)
same_STE_Kind (STE_Imported s1 i1) (STE_Imported s2 i2) = i1==i2 && same_STE_Kind s1 s2
same_STE_Kind STE_DclFunction STE_DclFunction = True
+same_STE_Kind (STE_FunctionOrMacro []) (STE_FunctionOrMacro []) = True
same_STE_Kind STE_Type STE_Type = True
+same_STE_Kind STE_Constructor STE_Constructor = True
+same_STE_Kind (STE_Field f1) (STE_Field f2) = f1==f2
same_STE_Kind STE_Instance STE_Instance = True
same_STE_Kind STE_Member STE_Member = True
same_STE_Kind STE_Class STE_Class = True
-same_STE_Kind (STE_Field f1) (STE_Field f2) = f1==f2
same_STE_Kind _ _ = False
+removeImportsAndLocalsOfModuleFromSymbolTable :: !Declarations !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry
+removeImportsAndLocalsOfModuleFromSymbolTable {dcls_import,dcls_local} symbol_table
+ # symbol_table = remove_declared_symbols_in_array 0 dcls_import symbol_table
+ = remove_declared_symbols dcls_local symbol_table
+ remove_declared_symbols :: ![Declaration] !*SymbolTable -> !*SymbolTable
+ remove_declared_symbols [symbol=:{dcl_ident={id_info},dcl_index}:symbols] symbol_table
+ #! entry = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table
+ # {ste_kind,ste_def_level} = entry
+ | ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level > cModuleScope
+ = remove_declared_symbols symbols symbol_table
+ # symbol_table = symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)
+ = case ste_kind of
+ STE_Field selector_id
+ -> remove_declared_symbols symbols (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
+ STE_Imported (STE_Field selector_id) def_mod
+ -> remove_declared_symbols symbols (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
+ _
+ -> remove_declared_symbols symbols symbol_table
+ remove_declared_symbols [] symbol_table
+ = symbol_table
+ remove_declared_symbols_in_array :: !Int !{!Declaration} !*SymbolTable -> !*SymbolTable
+ remove_declared_symbols_in_array symbol_index symbols symbol_table
+ | symbol_index<size symbols
+ #! (symbol,symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ # {dcl_ident={id_info}}=symbol
+ #! entry = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table
+ # {ste_kind,ste_def_level} = entry
+ | ste_kind == STE_Empty || ste_def_level > cModuleScope
+ = remove_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols symbol_table
+ # symbol_table = symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)
+ = case ste_kind of
+ STE_Field selector_id
+ #! dcl_index = symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> remove_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id NoIndex dcl_index symbol_table)
+ STE_Imported (STE_Field selector_id) def_mod
+ #! dcl_index = symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> remove_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols (removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition selector_id def_mod dcl_index symbol_table)
+ _
+ -> remove_declared_symbols_in_array (symbol_index+1) symbols symbol_table
+ = symbol_table
addLocalFunctionDefsToSymbolTable :: !Level !Index !Index !u:{#FunDef} !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin -> (!u:{# FunDef}, !*SymbolTable, !*ErrorAdmin)
addLocalFunctionDefsToSymbolTable level from_index to_index fun_defs symbol_table error
| from_index == to_index
@@ -291,15 +370,21 @@ addDefToSymbolTable level def_index def_ident=:{id_info} def_kind symbol_table e
= (symbol_table <:= (id_info,entry), error)
= (symbol_table, checkError def_ident " already defined" error)
-addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable :: .Bool .Int ![.Declaration] ![.Declaration] !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable2 :: .Bool .Int !{!.Declaration} !{!.Declaration} !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable2 is_dcl_mod ste_index locals imported cs
+ # cs=add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table 0 is_dcl_mod imported cs
+ = addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable 0 locals ste_index cs
+addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable :: .Bool .Int ![.Declaration] !{!.Declaration} !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addDeclaredSymbolsToSymbolTable is_dcl_mod ste_index locals imported cs
- = addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable locals ste_index (add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod imported cs)
+ # cs=add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table 0 is_dcl_mod imported cs
+ = addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable locals ste_index cs
- add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod [{dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index} : symbols] cs
+ add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod [{dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index} : symbols] cs=:{cs_x}
= case dcl_kind of
STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
- | is_dcl_mod || def_mod <> cIclModIndex
-// -> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
+ | is_dcl_mod || def_mod <> cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+ // -> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
-> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols (addIndirectlyImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
-> add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod symbols cs
STE_FunctionOrMacro _
@@ -307,13 +392,40 @@ where
add_imports_to_symbol_table is_dcl_mod [] cs
= cs
+add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table symbol_index is_dcl_mod symbols cs=:{cs_x}
+ | symbol_index<size symbols
+ #! ({dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind},symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ = case dcl_kind of
+ STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
+// | is_dcl_mod || def_mod <> cIclModIndex
+ | is_dcl_mod || def_mod <> cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
+// -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
+ #! dcl_index= symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols (addIndirectlyImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind def_kind dcl_index def_mod cs)
+ -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols cs
+ STE_FunctionOrMacro _
+ #! dcl_index= symbols.[symbol_index].dcl_index
+ -> add_imports_in_array_to_symbol_table (symbol_index+1) is_dcl_mod symbols (addImportedFunctionOrMacro dcl_ident dcl_index cs)
+ = cs
+addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable :: !Int !{!.Declaration} Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
+addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable symbol_index symbols mod_index cs
+ | symbol_index<size symbols
+ # ({dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index},symbols) = symbols![symbol_index]
+ = case dcl_kind of
+ STE_FunctionOrMacro _
+ -> addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable (symbol_index+1) symbols mod_index (addImportedFunctionOrMacro dcl_ident dcl_index cs)
+ STE_Imported def_kind def_mod
+ -> addLocalSymbolsForImportToSymbolTable (symbol_index+1) symbols mod_index (addIndirectlyImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind def_kind dcl_index mod_index cs)
+ = cs
addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable :: ![.Declaration] Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable [{dcl_ident,dcl_pos,dcl_kind,dcl_index} : symbols] mod_index cs
= case dcl_kind of
STE_FunctionOrMacro _
-> addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable symbols mod_index (addImportedFunctionOrMacro dcl_ident dcl_index cs)
- -> addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable symbols mod_index (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind dcl_index mod_index cs)
+ -> addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable symbols mod_index (addImportedSymbol dcl_ident dcl_pos dcl_kind dcl_index mod_index cs)
addLocalSymbolsToSymbolTable [] mod_index cs
= cs
@@ -338,7 +450,7 @@ addFieldToSelectorDefinition {id_info} glob_field_index cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
-> { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs.cs_symbol_table <:= (id_info, { entry & ste_kind = STE_Selector [ glob_field_index : selector_list ] })}
-> { cs & cs_symbol_table = NewEntry cs.cs_symbol_table id_info (STE_Selector [glob_field_index]) NoIndex cModuleScope entry }
addImportedSymbol :: !Ident !Position !STE_Kind !.Int !.Int !*CheckState -> .CheckState;
addImportedSymbol ident pos def_kind def_index def_mod cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr ident.id_info cs_symbol_table
@@ -393,17 +505,18 @@ where
-> addFieldToSelectorDefinition selector_id { glob_module = NoIndex, glob_object = dcl_index } cs
-> cs
- = { cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition ident dcl_pos) "(global definition) already defined" cs.cs_error}
+ = { cs & cs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos (newPosition ident dcl_pos) "(global definition) already defined" cs.cs_error} ---> entry.ste_kind
retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable :: ![Import ImportDeclaration] ![Declaration] !*{#DclModule} !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> *(![Declaration],!*{#DclModule},!*Heap SymbolTableEntry);
retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable [{import_module=import_module=:{id_info},import_symbols} : mods ] decls modules symbol_table
# ({ste_index}, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
- ({dcl_declared={dcls_import,dcls_local}}, modules) = modules![ste_index]
- (decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable dcls_import dcls_local decls symbol_table
+ ({dcl_declared={dcls_import,dcls_local,dcls_local_for_import}}, modules) = modules![ste_index]
+// (decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable dcls_import dcls_local decls symbol_table
+ (decls, symbol_table) = retrieveAndRemoveImportsOfModuleFromSymbolTable2 dcls_import dcls_local_for_import decls symbol_table
= retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable mods decls modules symbol_table
retrieveImportsFromSymbolTable [] decls modules symbol_table
= (decls, modules, symbol_table)
removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition :: !Ident .Int .Int !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry;
removeFieldFromSelectorDefinition {id_info} field_mod field_index symbol_table
# (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
@@ -438,12 +551,10 @@ where
-> symbol_table <:= (id_info, ste_previous.ste_previous)
-> symbol_table <:= (id_info, ste_previous)
removeLocalIdentsFromSymbolTable :: .Int !.[Ident] !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry;
removeLocalIdentsFromSymbolTable level idents symbol_table
= foldSt (removeIdentFromSymbolTable level) idents symbol_table
removeIdentFromSymbolTable :: !.Int !Ident !*(Heap SymbolTableEntry) -> .Heap SymbolTableEntry;
removeIdentFromSymbolTable level {id_name,id_info} symbol_table
#! {ste_previous,ste_def_level} = sreadPtr id_info symbol_table
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index e681d85..c56865c 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -196,7 +196,11 @@ checkRhsOfTypeDef {td_name,td_arity,td_args,td_rhs = td_rhs=:RecordType {rt_cons
attr_vars type_lhs [rec_cons] ts_ti_cs
# (rec_cons_def, ts) = ts!ts_cons_defs.[ds_index]
# {cons_type = { st_vars,st_args,st_result,st_attr_vars }, cons_exi_vars} = rec_cons_def
- (ts_selector_defs, ti_var_heap, cs_error) = check_selectors 0 rt_fields cti_type_index st_args st_result st_vars st_attr_vars cons_exi_vars
+ | size rt_fields<>length st_args
+ = abort ("checkRhsOfTypeDef "+++rt_fields.[0].fs_name.id_name+++" "+++rec_cons_def.cons_symb.id_name+++toString ds_index)
+ # (ts_selector_defs, ti_var_heap, cs_error) = check_selectors 0 rt_fields cti_type_index st_args st_result st_vars st_attr_vars cons_exi_vars
ts.ts_selector_defs ti.ti_var_heap cs.cs_error
= (td_rhs, ({ ts & ts_selector_defs = ts_selector_defs }, { ti & ti_var_heap = ti_var_heap }, { cs & cs_error = cs_error}))
@@ -582,7 +586,7 @@ where
= (TA_Multi, oti, cs)
//JVG: added type
-checkOpenAType :: Int Int DemandedAttributeKind AType *(u:OpenTypeSymbols,*OpenTypeInfo,*CheckState) -> *(!AType,!*(!u:OpenTypeSymbols,!*OpenTypeInfo,!*CheckState));
+checkOpenAType :: Int Int DemandedAttributeKind AType !*(!u:OpenTypeSymbols,!*OpenTypeInfo,!*CheckState) -> *(!AType,!*(!u:OpenTypeSymbols,!*OpenTypeInfo,!*CheckState));
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = TV tv, at_attribute} (ots, oti, cs)
# (tv, at_attribute, (oti, cs)) = checkTypeVar scope dem_attr tv at_attribute (oti, cs)
= ({ type & at_type = TV tv, at_attribute = at_attribute }, (ots, oti, cs))
@@ -658,7 +662,11 @@ checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = arg_type --> result_typ
= ({ type & at_type = arg_type --> result_type, at_attribute = new_attr }, (ots, oti, cs))
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_type = CV tv :@: types, at_attribute} (ots, oti, cs)
# (cons_var, _, (oti, cs)) = checkTypeVar scope DAK_None tv TA_Multi (oti, cs)
+// JVG
(types, (ots, oti, cs)) = mapSt (checkOpenAType mod_index scope DAK_None) types (ots, oti, cs)
+// dak_None = DAK_None
+// (types, (ots, oti, cs)) = mapSt (checkOpenAType mod_index scope dak_None) types (ots, oti, cs)
(new_attr, oti, cs) = newAttribute dem_attr ":@:" at_attribute oti cs
= ({ type & at_type = CV cons_var :@: types, at_attribute = new_attr }, (ots, oti, cs))
checkOpenAType mod_index scope dem_attr type=:{at_attribute} (ots, oti, cs)
@@ -673,7 +681,10 @@ checkOpenType mod_index scope dem_attr type cot_state
= (at_type, cot_state)
checkOpenATypes mod_index scope types cot_state
+// JVG
= mapSt (checkOpenAType mod_index scope DAK_None) types cot_state
+// # dak_None=DAK_None
+// = mapSt (checkOpenAType mod_index scope dak_None) types cot_state
checkInstanceType :: !Index !InstanceType !Specials !u:{# CheckedTypeDef} !v:{# ClassDef} !u:{# DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (!InstanceType, !Specials, !u:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !v:{# ClassDef}, !u:{# DclModule}, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
diff --git a/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl b/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl
index 5750f6e..bf3ddae 100644
--- a/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl
+++ b/frontend/comparedefimp.dcl
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ import syntax, checksupport
// compare definition and implementation module
-compareDefImp :: !{#Int} !{!FunctionBody} !*{# DclModule} !*IclModule !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+compareDefImp :: !{#Int} !{!FunctionBody} !Int !*{# DclModule} !*IclModule !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!.{# DclModule}, !.IclModule,!.Heaps,!.ErrorAdmin)
diff --git a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
index 46ce20c..1aa0d69 100644
--- a/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
+++ b/frontend/comparedefimp.icl
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ import RWSDebug
:: !Conversions
, tc_visited_syn_types // to detect cycles in type synonyms
:: !.{#Bool}
+ , tc_main_dcl_module_n
+ :: !Int
:: TypesCorrespondMonad
@@ -84,12 +86,13 @@ class CorrespondenceNumber a where
initial_hwn hwn_heap = { hwn_heap = hwn_heap, hwn_number = 0 }
-compareDefImp :: !{#Int} !{!FunctionBody} !*{# DclModule} !*IclModule !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
+compareDefImp :: !{#Int} !{!FunctionBody} !Int !*{# DclModule} !*IclModule !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!.{# DclModule}, !.IclModule,!.Heaps,!.ErrorAdmin)
-compareDefImp size_uncopied_icl_defs untransformed dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
+compareDefImp size_uncopied_icl_defs untransformed main_dcl_module_n dcl_modules icl_module heaps error_admin
// icl definitions with indices >= size_uncopied_icl_defs.[def_type] don't have to be compared,
// because they are copies of definitions that appear exclusively in the dcl module
- # (main_dcl_module, dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![cIclModIndex]
+// # (main_dcl_module, dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![cIclModIndex]
+ # (main_dcl_module, dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![main_dcl_module_n]
= case main_dcl_module.dcl_conversions of
No -> (dcl_modules, icl_module, heaps, error_admin)
Yes conversion_table
@@ -110,6 +113,7 @@ compareDefImp size_uncopied_icl_defs untransformed dcl_modules icl_module heaps
, tc_icl_type_defs = icl_type_defs
, tc_type_conversions = conversion_table.[cTypeDefs]
, tc_visited_syn_types = createArray (size dcl_common.com_type_defs) False
+ , tc_main_dcl_module_n = main_dcl_module_n
(icl_com_type_defs, tc_state, error_admin)
= compareWithConversions
@@ -474,7 +478,8 @@ instance t_corresponds AType where
corresponds_with_expanded_syn_type {glob_module, glob_object} dclArgs icl_atype
- # is_defined_in_main_dcl = glob_module==cIclModIndex
+// # is_defined_in_main_dcl = glob_module==cIclModIndex
+ # is_defined_in_main_dcl = glob_module==tc_state.tc_main_dcl_module_n
| is_defined_in_main_dcl && tc_state.tc_visited_syn_types.[glob_object]
= (False, tc_state) // cycle in synonym types in main dcl
# ({dcl_common}, tc_state) = tc_state!tc_dcl_modules.[glob_module]
@@ -959,7 +964,9 @@ continuation_for_possibly_twice_defined_funs dcl_app_symb dcl_glob_index icl_app
| dcl_glob_index==icl_glob_index
= ec_state
- | dcl_glob_index.glob_module<>cIclModIndex || icl_glob_index.glob_module<>cIclModIndex
+// | dcl_glob_index.glob_module<>cIclModIndex || icl_glob_index.glob_module<>cIclModIndex
+ #! main_dcl_module_n=ec_state.ec_tc_state.tc_main_dcl_module_n
+ | dcl_glob_index.glob_module<>main_dcl_module_n || icl_glob_index.glob_module<>main_dcl_module_n
= give_error icl_app_symb.symb_name ec_state
// two different functions from the main module were referenced. Check their correspondence
# dcl_index = dcl_glob_index.glob_object
diff --git a/frontend/convertDynamics.dcl b/frontend/convertDynamics.dcl
index ed8071b..c87f335 100644
--- a/frontend/convertDynamics.dcl
+++ b/frontend/convertDynamics.dcl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ definition module convertDynamics
import syntax, transform, convertcases
-convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls :: {! GlobalTCType} !{# CommonDefs} !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap
+convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls :: {! GlobalTCType} !{# CommonDefs} !Int !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap)
diff --git a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
index b02a1f7..3360b59 100644
--- a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ import syntax, transform, utilities, convertcases
:: IndirectionVar :== BoundVar
-convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls :: {! GlobalTCType} !{# CommonDefs} !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap
+convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls :: {! GlobalTCType} !{# CommonDefs} !Int !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap)
-convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls global_type_instances common_defs groups fun_defs predefined_symbols var_heap type_heaps expr_heap
+convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls global_type_instances common_defs main_dcl_module_n groups fun_defs predefined_symbols var_heap type_heaps expr_heap
#! nr_of_funs = size fun_defs
# imported_types = {com_type_defs \\ {com_type_defs} <-: common_defs }
# (groups, (fun_defs, {ci_predef_symb, ci_var_heap, ci_expr_heap, ci_fun_heap, ci_new_functions}))
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls global_type_instances common_defs groups fu
ci_used_tcs = [] })
(groups, new_fun_defs, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, ci_var_heap)
- = addNewFunctionsToGroups common_defs ci_fun_heap ci_new_functions groups imported_types [] type_heaps ci_var_heap
+ = addNewFunctionsToGroups common_defs ci_fun_heap ci_new_functions main_dcl_module_n groups imported_types [] type_heaps ci_var_heap
= (groups, { fundef \\ fundef <- [ fundef \\ fundef <-: fun_defs ] ++ new_fun_defs }, ci_predef_symb, imported_types, imported_conses, ci_var_heap, type_heaps, ci_expr_heap)
convert_groups group_nr groups global_type_instances fun_defs_and_ci
diff --git a/frontend/convertcases.dcl b/frontend/convertcases.dcl
index 7f1e9ff..ef73041 100644
--- a/frontend/convertcases.dcl
+++ b/frontend/convertcases.dcl
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ import syntax, transform, trans
:: ImportedFunctions :== [Global Index]
-convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns :: !*{! Group} !{# {# FunType} } !{# CommonDefs} !*{#FunDef} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}
+convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns :: !*{! Group} !Int !{# {# FunType} } !{# CommonDefs} !*{#FunDef} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}
!ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!ImportedFunctions, !*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap)
-convertImportedTypeSpecifications :: !{# DclModule} !{# {# FunType} } !{# CommonDefs} !ImportedConstructors !ImportedFunctions
+convertImportedTypeSpecifications :: !Int !{# DclModule} !{# {# FunType} } !{# CommonDefs} !ImportedConstructors !ImportedFunctions
!*{# {#CheckedTypeDef}} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap -> (!*{#{#CheckedTypeDef}}, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
-convertDclModule :: !{# DclModule} !{# CommonDefs} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps
+convertDclModule :: !Int !{# DclModule} !{# CommonDefs} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps
-> (!*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps)
-convertIclModule :: !{# CommonDefs} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps
+convertIclModule :: !Int !{# CommonDefs} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps
-> (!*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps)
@@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ newFunction :: !(Optional Ident) !FunctionBody ![FreeVar] ![AType] !AType !Int !
copyExpression :: ![TypedVariable] !Expression !*VarHeap -> (![Expression], ![TypedVariable], ![FreeVar], !Expression, !*VarHeap)
-addNewFunctionsToGroups :: !{#.CommonDefs} FunctionHeap ![FunctionInfoPtr] !*{! Group} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedFunctions !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
+addNewFunctionsToGroups :: !{#.CommonDefs} FunctionHeap ![FunctionInfoPtr] !Int !*{! Group} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedFunctions !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
-> (!*{! Group}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
diff --git a/frontend/convertcases.icl b/frontend/convertcases.icl
index 65b9647..9b6df9d 100644
--- a/frontend/convertcases.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertcases.icl
@@ -461,9 +461,9 @@ toOptionalFreeVar No var_heap
:: ImportedFunctions :== [Global Index]
-addNewFunctionsToGroups :: !{#.CommonDefs} FunctionHeap ![FunctionInfoPtr] !*{! Group} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedFunctions !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
+addNewFunctionsToGroups :: !{#.CommonDefs} FunctionHeap ![FunctionInfoPtr] !Int !*{! Group} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedFunctions !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
-> (!*{! Group}, ![FunDef], !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
-addNewFunctionsToGroups common_defs fun_heap new_functions groups imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
+addNewFunctionsToGroups common_defs fun_heap new_functions main_dcl_module_n groups imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
= foldSt (add_new_function_to_group fun_heap common_defs) new_functions (groups, [], imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
@@ -474,21 +474,21 @@ where
# (FI_Function {gf_fun_def,gf_fun_index}) = sreadPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
group_index = gf_fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index
(Yes ft) = gf_fun_def.fun_type
- (ft, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap) = convertSymbolType common_defs ft imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
+ (ft, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap) = convertSymbolType common_defs ft main_dcl_module_n imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
# (group, groups) = groups![group_index]
= ({ groups & [group_index] = { group & group_members = [gf_fun_index : group.group_members]} },
[ { gf_fun_def & fun_type = Yes ft }: fun_defs], imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
-convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns :: !*{! Group} !{# {# FunType} } !{# CommonDefs} !*{#FunDef} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}
+convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns :: !*{! Group} !Int !{# {# FunType} } !{# CommonDefs} !*{#FunDef} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}
!ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!ImportedFunctions, !*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap)
-convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns groups dcl_functions common_defs fun_defs imported_types imported_conses var_heap type_heaps expr_heap
+convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns groups main_dcl_module_n dcl_functions common_defs fun_defs imported_types imported_conses var_heap type_heaps expr_heap
#! nr_of_funs = size fun_defs
# (groups, (fun_defs, collected_imports, {ci_new_functions, ci_var_heap, ci_expr_heap, ci_fun_heap}))
= convert_groups 0 groups dcl_functions common_defs
(fun_defs, [], { ci_new_functions = [], ci_fun_heap = newHeap, ci_var_heap = var_heap, ci_expr_heap = expr_heap, ci_next_fun_nr = nr_of_funs })
(groups, new_fun_defs, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, ci_var_heap)
- = addNewFunctionsToGroups common_defs ci_fun_heap ci_new_functions groups imported_types imported_conses type_heaps ci_var_heap
+ = addNewFunctionsToGroups common_defs ci_fun_heap ci_new_functions main_dcl_module_n groups imported_types imported_conses type_heaps ci_var_heap
// = foldSt (add_new_function_to_group ci_fun_heap common_defs) ci_new_functions (groups, [], imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, ci_var_heap)
(imported_functions, imported_conses) = foldSt split collected_imports ([], imported_conses)
= (imported_functions, groups, { fundef \\ fundef <- [ fundef \\ fundef <-: fun_defs ] ++ new_fun_defs },
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ where
eliminate_code_sharing_in_function dcl_functions common_defs (TransformedBody body=:{tb_rhs}) (collected_imports, ci=:{ci_expr_heap,ci_var_heap})
# {rc_var_heap, rc_expr_heap, rc_imports} = weightedRefCount dcl_functions common_defs 1 tb_rhs
- { rc_var_heap = ci_var_heap, rc_expr_heap = ci_expr_heap, rc_free_vars = [], rc_imports = collected_imports}
+ { rc_var_heap = ci_var_heap, rc_expr_heap = ci_expr_heap, rc_free_vars = [], rc_imports = collected_imports,rc_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n}
// ---> ("eliminate_code_sharing_in_function (weightedRefCount)", tb_rhs)
(tb_rhs, {di_lets,di_var_heap,di_expr_heap}) = distributeLets 1 tb_rhs { di_lets = [], di_var_heap = rc_var_heap, di_expr_heap = rc_expr_heap}
(tb_rhs, (var_heap, expr_heap)) = buildLetExpr di_lets tb_rhs (di_var_heap,di_expr_heap)
@@ -543,19 +543,19 @@ where
split (SK_Constructor cons_symb) (collected_functions, collected_conses)
= (collected_functions, [ cons_symb : collected_conses])
-convertDclModule :: !{# DclModule} !{# CommonDefs} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps
+convertDclModule :: !Int !{# DclModule} !{# CommonDefs} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps
-> (!*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps)
-convertDclModule dcl_mods common_defs imported_types imported_conses var_heap type_heaps
- # {dcl_functions,dcl_common=dcl_common=:{com_type_defs,com_cons_defs,com_selector_defs},dcl_conversions} = dcl_mods.[cIclModIndex]
+convertDclModule main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods common_defs imported_types imported_conses var_heap type_heaps
+ # {dcl_functions,dcl_common=dcl_common=:{com_type_defs,com_cons_defs,com_selector_defs},dcl_conversions} = dcl_mods.[main_dcl_module_n]
= case dcl_conversions of
Yes conversion_table
- # (icl_type_defs, imported_types) = imported_types![cIclModIndex]
+ # (icl_type_defs, imported_types) = imported_types![main_dcl_module_n]
common_defs = { common \\ common <-: common_defs }
- common_defs = { common_defs & [cIclModIndex] = dcl_common }
- types_and_heaps = convert_dcl_functions dcl_functions common_defs ( { imported_types & [cIclModIndex] = com_type_defs }, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
- types_and_heaps = convertConstructorTypes com_cons_defs common_defs types_and_heaps
- (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertSelectorTypes com_selector_defs common_defs types_and_heaps
- -> ({ imported_types & [cIclModIndex] = icl_type_defs}, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
+ common_defs = { common_defs & [main_dcl_module_n] = dcl_common }
+ types_and_heaps = convert_dcl_functions dcl_functions common_defs ( { imported_types & [main_dcl_module_n] = com_type_defs }, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
+ types_and_heaps = convertConstructorTypes com_cons_defs main_dcl_module_n common_defs types_and_heaps
+ (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertSelectorTypes com_selector_defs main_dcl_module_n common_defs types_and_heaps
+ -> ({ imported_types & [main_dcl_module_n] = icl_type_defs}, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
-> (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
@@ -564,49 +564,50 @@ where
convert_dcl_function dcl_functions common_defs dcl_index (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
# {ft_type, ft_type_ptr} = dcl_functions.[dcl_index]
- (ft_type, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap) = convertSymbolType common_defs ft_type imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
+ (ft_type, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
+ = convertSymbolType common_defs ft_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
= (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap <:= (ft_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType ft_type), type_heaps)
-convertConstructorTypes cons_defs common_defs types_and_heaps
+convertConstructorTypes cons_defs main_dcl_module_n common_defs types_and_heaps
= iFoldSt (convert_constructor_type common_defs cons_defs) 0 (size cons_defs) types_and_heaps
convert_constructor_type common_defs cons_defs cons_index (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
# {cons_type_ptr, cons_type} = cons_defs.[cons_index]
(cons_type, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
- = convertSymbolType common_defs cons_type imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
+ = convertSymbolType common_defs cons_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
= (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap <:= (cons_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType cons_type), type_heaps)
-convertSelectorTypes selector_defs common_defs types_and_heaps
+convertSelectorTypes selector_defs main_dcl_module_n common_defs types_and_heaps
= iFoldSt (convert_selector_type common_defs selector_defs) 0 (size selector_defs) types_and_heaps
convert_selector_type common_defs selector_defs sel_index (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
# {sd_type_ptr, sd_type} = selector_defs.[sel_index]
(sd_type, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
- = convertSymbolType common_defs sd_type imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
+ = convertSymbolType common_defs sd_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
= (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap <:= (sd_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType sd_type), type_heaps)
-convertIclModule :: !{# CommonDefs} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps
+convertIclModule :: !Int !{# CommonDefs} !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps
-> (!*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps)
-convertIclModule common_defs imported_types imported_conses var_heap type_heaps
- # types_and_heaps = convertConstructorTypes common_defs.[cIclModIndex].com_cons_defs common_defs (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
- = convertSelectorTypes common_defs.[cIclModIndex].com_selector_defs common_defs types_and_heaps
+convertIclModule main_dcl_module_n common_defs imported_types imported_conses var_heap type_heaps
+ # types_and_heaps = convertConstructorTypes common_defs.[main_dcl_module_n].com_cons_defs main_dcl_module_n common_defs (imported_types, imported_conses, var_heap, type_heaps)
+ = convertSelectorTypes common_defs.[main_dcl_module_n].com_selector_defs main_dcl_module_n common_defs types_and_heaps
-convertImportedTypeSpecifications :: !{# DclModule} !{# {# FunType} } !{# CommonDefs} !ImportedConstructors !ImportedFunctions
+convertImportedTypeSpecifications :: !Int !{# DclModule} !{# {# FunType} } !{# CommonDefs} !ImportedConstructors !ImportedFunctions
!*{# {#CheckedTypeDef}} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap -> (!*{#{#CheckedTypeDef}}, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
-convertImportedTypeSpecifications dcl_mods dcl_functions common_defs imported_conses imported_functions imported_types type_heaps var_heap
- # {dcl_common={com_type_defs},dcl_conversions} = dcl_mods.[cIclModIndex]
+convertImportedTypeSpecifications main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods dcl_functions common_defs imported_conses imported_functions imported_types type_heaps var_heap
+ # {dcl_common={com_type_defs},dcl_conversions} = dcl_mods.[main_dcl_module_n]
= case dcl_conversions of
Yes conversion_table
# abstract_type_indexes = iFoldSt (determine_abstract_type com_type_defs) 0 (size com_type_defs) []
| isEmpty abstract_type_indexes
-> convert_imported_type_specs dcl_functions common_defs imported_conses imported_functions imported_types type_heaps var_heap
- # (icl_type_defs, imported_types) = imported_types![cIclModIndex]
+ # (icl_type_defs, imported_types) = imported_types![main_dcl_module_n]
type_defs = foldSt (insert_abstract_type conversion_table.[cTypeDefs]) abstract_type_indexes { icl_type_def \\ icl_type_def <-: icl_type_defs }
(imported_types, type_heaps, var_heap)
= convert_imported_type_specs dcl_functions common_defs imported_conses imported_functions
- { imported_types & [cIclModIndex] = type_defs } type_heaps var_heap
- -> ({ imported_types & [cIclModIndex] = icl_type_defs }, type_heaps, var_heap)
+ { imported_types & [main_dcl_module_n] = type_defs } type_heaps var_heap
+ -> ({ imported_types & [main_dcl_module_n] = icl_type_defs }, type_heaps, var_heap)
-> convert_imported_type_specs dcl_functions common_defs imported_conses imported_functions imported_types type_heaps var_heap
@@ -633,7 +634,7 @@ where
convert_imported_function dcl_functions common_defs {glob_object,glob_module} (imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
# {ft_type_ptr,ft_type} = dcl_functions.[glob_module].[glob_object]
(ft_type, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
- = convertSymbolType common_defs ft_type imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
+ = convertSymbolType common_defs ft_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types imported_conses type_heaps var_heap
= (imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, var_heap <:= (ft_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType ft_type))
convert_imported_constructors common_defs [] imported_types type_heaps var_heap
@@ -641,7 +642,7 @@ where
convert_imported_constructors common_defs [ {glob_module, glob_object} : conses ] imported_types type_heaps var_heap
# {com_cons_defs,com_selector_defs} = common_defs.[glob_module]
{cons_type_ptr,cons_type,cons_type_index,cons_symb} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs.[glob_object]
- (cons_type, imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap) = convertSymbolType common_defs cons_type imported_types conses type_heaps var_heap
+ (cons_type, imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap) = convertSymbolType common_defs cons_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types conses type_heaps var_heap
var_heap = var_heap <:= (cons_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType cons_type)
({td_rhs}, imported_types) = imported_types![glob_module].[cons_type_index]
// ---> ("convert_imported_constructors", cons_symb, cons_type)
@@ -657,7 +658,7 @@ where
convert_type_of_imported_field module_index selector_defs fields field_index (imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap)
# field_index = fields.[field_index].fs_index
{sd_type_ptr,sd_type} = selector_defs.[field_index]
- (sd_type, imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap) = convertSymbolType common_defs sd_type imported_types conses type_heaps var_heap
+ (sd_type, imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap) = convertSymbolType common_defs sd_type main_dcl_module_n imported_types conses type_heaps var_heap
= (imported_types, conses, type_heaps, var_heap <:= (sd_type_ptr, VI_ExpandedType sd_type))
convertRootExpression bound_vars group_index common_defs default_ptr (Let lad=:{let_strict_binds,let_lazy_binds,let_expr,let_info_ptr}) ci=:{ci_expr_heap}
@@ -966,6 +967,7 @@ where
, rc_imports :: ![SymbKind]
, rc_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
, rc_expr_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
+ , rc_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int
@@ -1083,7 +1085,7 @@ addPatternVariable depth {cv_variable = var_info_ptr, cv_count = ref_count} (fre
-> (free_vars, var_heap)
weightedRefCountOfCase dcl_functions common_defs depth this_case=:{case_expr, case_guards, case_default, case_info_ptr} (EI_CaseType case_type)
- rc_info=:{ rc_var_heap, rc_expr_heap, rc_imports }
+ rc_info=:{ rc_var_heap, rc_expr_heap, rc_imports,rc_main_dcl_module_n }
# (local_vars, vars_and_heaps) = weighted_ref_count_in_case_patterns dcl_functions common_defs (inc depth) case_guards rc_imports rc_var_heap rc_expr_heap
(default_vars, (all_vars, rc_imports, var_heap, expr_heap)) = weighted_ref_count_in_default dcl_functions common_defs (inc depth) case_default vars_and_heaps
rc_info = weightedRefCount dcl_functions common_defs depth case_expr { rc_info & rc_var_heap = var_heap, rc_expr_heap = expr_heap, rc_imports = rc_imports }
@@ -1094,7 +1096,7 @@ weightedRefCountOfCase dcl_functions common_defs depth this_case=:{case_expr, ca
// ---> ("weightedRefCountOfCase", ptrToInt case_info_ptr, case_expr)
weighted_ref_count_in_default dcl_functions common_defs depth (Yes expr) info
- = weightedRefCountInPatternExpr dcl_functions common_defs depth expr info
+ = weightedRefCountInPatternExpr rc_main_dcl_module_n dcl_functions common_defs depth expr info
weighted_ref_count_in_default dcl_functions common_defs depth No info
= ([], info)
@@ -1103,8 +1105,9 @@ weightedRefCountOfCase dcl_functions common_defs depth this_case=:{case_expr, ca
weighted_ref_count_in_algebraic_pattern dcl_functions common_defs depth {ap_expr,ap_symbol={glob_module, glob_object={ds_index}}} wrc_state
# (free_vars_with_rc, (all_free_vars, collected_imports, var_heap, expr_heap))
- = weightedRefCountInPatternExpr dcl_functions common_defs depth ap_expr wrc_state
- | glob_module <> cIclModIndex
+ = weightedRefCountInPatternExpr rc_main_dcl_module_n dcl_functions common_defs depth ap_expr wrc_state
+// | glob_module <> cIclModIndex
+ | glob_module <> rc_main_dcl_module_n
# {cons_type_ptr} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs.[ds_index]
(collected_imports, var_heap) = checkImportedSymbol (SK_Constructor {glob_module = glob_module, glob_object = ds_index})
cons_type_ptr (collected_imports, var_heap)
@@ -1112,9 +1115,9 @@ weightedRefCountOfCase dcl_functions common_defs depth this_case=:{case_expr, ca
= (free_vars_with_rc, (all_free_vars, collected_imports, var_heap, expr_heap))
weighted_ref_count_in_case_patterns dcl_functions common_defs depth (BasicPatterns type patterns) collected_imports var_heap expr_heap
- = mapSt (\{bp_expr} -> weightedRefCountInPatternExpr dcl_functions common_defs depth bp_expr) patterns ([], collected_imports, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ = mapSt (\{bp_expr} -> weightedRefCountInPatternExpr rc_main_dcl_module_n dcl_functions common_defs depth bp_expr) patterns ([], collected_imports, var_heap, expr_heap)
weighted_ref_count_in_case_patterns dcl_functions common_defs depth (DynamicPatterns patterns) collected_imports var_heap expr_heap
- = mapSt (\{dp_rhs} -> weightedRefCountInPatternExpr dcl_functions common_defs depth dp_rhs) patterns ([], collected_imports, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ = mapSt (\{dp_rhs} -> weightedRefCountInPatternExpr rc_main_dcl_module_n dcl_functions common_defs depth dp_rhs) patterns ([], collected_imports, var_heap, expr_heap)
weightedRefCountOfCase dcl_functions common_defs depth this_case=:{case_expr, case_guards, case_default, case_info_ptr} (EI_CaseTypeAndRefCounts case_type {rcc_all_variables})
rc_info=:{ rc_var_heap, rc_expr_heap, rc_imports }
@@ -1124,7 +1127,8 @@ weightedRefCountOfCase dcl_functions common_defs depth this_case=:{case_expr, ca
// ---> ("weightedRefCountOfCase 2", ptrToInt case_info_ptr, case_expr)
checkRecordSelector common_defs {glob_module, glob_object={ds_index}} rc_info=:{rc_imports,rc_var_heap}
- | glob_module <> cIclModIndex
+// | glob_module <> cIclModIndex
+ | glob_module <> rc_info.rc_main_dcl_module_n
# {com_selector_defs,com_cons_defs,com_type_defs} = common_defs.[glob_module]
{sd_type_index} = com_selector_defs.[ds_index]
{td_rhs = RecordType {rt_constructor={ds_index=cons_index}, rt_fields}} = com_type_defs.[sd_type_index]
@@ -1145,9 +1149,9 @@ where
weightedRefCount dcl_functions common_defs depth (RecordSelection selector _) rc_info
= checkRecordSelector common_defs selector rc_info
-weightedRefCountInPatternExpr dcl_functions common_defs depth pattern_expr (previous_free_vars, collected_imports, var_heap, expr_heap)
+weightedRefCountInPatternExpr main_dcl_module_n dcl_functions common_defs depth pattern_expr (previous_free_vars, collected_imports, var_heap, expr_heap)
# {rc_free_vars,rc_var_heap,rc_imports,rc_expr_heap} = weightedRefCount dcl_functions common_defs depth pattern_expr
- { rc_var_heap = var_heap, rc_expr_heap = expr_heap, rc_free_vars = [], rc_imports = collected_imports}
+ { rc_var_heap = var_heap, rc_expr_heap = expr_heap, rc_free_vars = [], rc_imports = collected_imports,rc_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n}
(free_vars_with_rc, rc_var_heap) = mapSt get_ref_count rc_free_vars rc_var_heap
(previous_free_vars, rc_var_heap) = foldSt (select_unused_free_variable depth) previous_free_vars ([], rc_var_heap)
(all_free_vars, rc_var_heap) = foldSt (collect_free_variable depth) rc_free_vars (previous_free_vars, rc_var_heap)
@@ -1184,7 +1188,8 @@ where
checkImportOfDclFunction dcl_functions common_defs mod_index fun_index rc_info=:{rc_imports, rc_var_heap}
- | mod_index <> cIclModIndex
+// | mod_index <> cIclModIndex
+ | mod_index <> rc_info.rc_main_dcl_module_n
# {ft_type_ptr} = dcl_functions.[mod_index].[fun_index]
(rc_imports, rc_var_heap) = checkImportedSymbol (SK_Function {glob_module=mod_index,glob_object=fun_index}) ft_type_ptr (rc_imports, rc_var_heap)
= { rc_info & rc_imports = rc_imports, rc_var_heap = rc_var_heap }
@@ -1199,7 +1204,8 @@ where
check_import dcl_functions common_defs {symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}} rc_info=:{rc_imports, rc_var_heap}
= checkImportOfDclFunction dcl_functions common_defs glob_module glob_object rc_info
check_import dcl_functions common_defs {symb_name,symb_kind=symb_kind=:(SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object})} rc_info=:{rc_imports, rc_var_heap}
- | glob_module <> cIclModIndex
+// | glob_module <> cIclModIndex
+ | glob_module <> rc_info.rc_main_dcl_module_n
# {cons_type_ptr} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs.[glob_object]
(rc_imports, rc_var_heap) = checkImportedSymbol symb_kind cons_type_ptr (rc_imports, rc_var_heap)
= { rc_info & rc_imports = rc_imports, rc_var_heap = rc_var_heap }
diff --git a/frontend/explicitimports.dcl b/frontend/explicitimports.dcl
index 15e346d..5d0f037 100644
--- a/frontend/explicitimports.dcl
+++ b/frontend/explicitimports.dcl
@@ -8,8 +8,19 @@ temporary_import_solution_XXX yes no :== yes
// This feature will be removed, when all programs are ported to Clean 2.0. The last Constructors of AtomType
// and StructureType should then be removed also
-possibly_filter_decls :: ![ImportDeclaration] ![(!Index,!Declarations)] !(!FileName,!LineNr) !*{#DclModule} !*CheckState
- -> (![(!Index,!Declarations)],!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState)
-checkExplicitImportCompleteness :: !String ![(!Declaration,!Int)]
- !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap !*CheckState
- -> (!.{#DclModule},!.{#FunDef},!.ExpressionHeap,!.CheckState)
+//:: FunctionConsequence
+possibly_filter_decls :: .[ImportDeclaration] u:[w:(.Index,y:Declarations)] (.FileName,.LineNr) *{#.DclModule} *CheckState -> (v:[x:(Index,z:Declarations)],.{#DclModule},.CheckState), [y <= z, w <= x, u <= v];
+//possibly_filter_decls :: ![ImportDeclaration] ![(Index,Declarations)] !(!FileName,!LineNr) !*{#DclModule} !*CheckState -> (![(Index,Declarations)],!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState)
+//check_completeness_of_module :: .Index !Int [(.Declaration,.Int)] .String *(*{!.FunctionConsequence},*{#.DclModule},*{#FunDef},*ExpressionHeap,*CheckState) -> (.{!FunctionConsequence},.{#DclModule},.{#FunDef},.ExpressionHeap,.CheckState);
+check_completeness_of_module :: .Index !Int [ExplicitImport] .String *(*{!.FunctionConsequence},*{#.DclModule},*{#FunDef},*ExpressionHeap,*CheckState) -> (.{!FunctionConsequence},.{#DclModule},.{#FunDef},.ExpressionHeap,.CheckState);
+check_completeness_of_all_dcl_modules :: !Int !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap !*CheckState
+ -> (!Int, !(!*{!FunctionConsequence}, !*{#DclModule}, !*{#FunDef}, !*ExpressionHeap, !*CheckState))
+create_empty_consequences_array :: !Int -> *{!FunctionConsequence}
+//checkExplicitImportCompleteness :: !String ![(!Declaration,!Int)] !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap !*CheckState -> (!.{#DclModule},!.{#FunDef},!.ExpressionHeap,!.CheckState)
+checkExplicitImportCompleteness :: !String !Int ![ExplicitImport] !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap !*CheckState -> (!.{#DclModule},!.{#FunDef},!.ExpressionHeap,!.CheckState)
diff --git a/frontend/explicitimports.icl b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
index 4487bf8..bcc6b0e 100644
--- a/frontend/explicitimports.icl
+++ b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ do_temporary_import_solution_XXX :== temporary_import_solution_XXX True False
:: OptimizeInfo :== Optional Index
-// XXX change !(!FileName,!LineNr) into Position
-possibly_filter_decls :: ![ImportDeclaration] ![(!Index,!Declarations)] !(!FileName,!LineNr) !*{#DclModule} !*CheckState
- -> (![(!Index,!Declarations)],!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState)
+possibly_filter_decls :: .[ImportDeclaration] u:[w:(.Index,y:Declarations)] (.FileName,.LineNr) *{#.DclModule} *CheckState -> (v:[x:(Index,z:Declarations)],.{#DclModule},.CheckState), [y <= z, w <= x, u <= v];
possibly_filter_decls [] decls_of_imported_module _ modules cs // implicit import can't go wrong
= (decls_of_imported_module, modules, cs)
possibly_filter_decls listed_symbols decls_of_imported_module (file_name, line_nr) modules cs
@@ -55,21 +53,34 @@ filter_explicitly_imported_decl import_symbols [(index,{dcls_import,dcls_local,d
structures = flatten (map toStructure import_symbols)
(checked_atoms, cs) = checkAtoms atoms cs
unimported = (checked_atoms, structures)
- ((dcls_import,unimported), modules, cs)
- = filter_decl dcls_import unimported undefined modules cs
+ (dcls_import,unimported, modules, cs) = filter_decl_array 0 dcls_import unimported undefined modules cs
((dcls_local,unimported), modules, cs)
= filter_decl dcls_local unimported index modules cs
cs_error = foldSt checkAtomError (fst unimported) cs.cs_error
cs_error = foldSt checkStructureError (snd unimported) cs_error
cs = { cs & cs_error=cs_error }
- | (isEmpty dcls_import && isEmpty dcls_local && isEmpty dcls_explicit)
+ | isEmpty dcls_import && isEmpty dcls_local && size dcls_explicit==0
= filter_explicitly_imported_decl import_symbols new_decls akku line_nr modules cs
- # local_imports = [ { declaration & dcl_kind = STE_Imported declaration.dcl_kind index }
- \\ declaration <- dcls_local]
- new_dcls_explicit = [ (dcls, line_nr) \\ dcls<-dcls_import++local_imports ]
- newAkku = [(index, { dcls_import=dcls_import, dcls_local=dcls_local , dcls_explicit=new_dcls_explicit}) : akku]
+ # local_imports = [ { declaration & dcl_kind = STE_Imported declaration.dcl_kind index } \\ declaration <- dcls_local]
+ new_dcls_explicit = [ ExplicitImport dcls line_nr \\ dcls<-dcls_import++local_imports ]
+ dcls_import = {dcls_import\\dcls_import<-dcls_import}
+ newAkku = [(index, { dcls_import=dcls_import, dcls_local=dcls_local ,
+ dcls_local_for_import = {local_declaration_for_import decl index \\ decl<-dcls_local},
+// dcls_explicit=new_dcls_explicit}) : akku]
+ dcls_explicit={new_dcls_explicit\\new_dcls_explicit<-new_dcls_explicit}}) : akku]
= filter_explicitly_imported_decl import_symbols new_decls newAkku line_nr modules cs
+ local_declaration_for_import decl=:{dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro _} module_n
+ = decl
+ local_declaration_for_import decl=:{dcl_kind=STE_Imported _ _} module_n
+ = abort "local_declaration_for_import"
+ local_declaration_for_import decl=:{dcl_kind} module_n
+ = {decl & dcl_kind = STE_Imported dcl_kind module_n}
toAtom (ID_Function {ii_ident})
= [(ii_ident, temporary_import_solution_XXX
(AT_stomme_funktion_die_alle_symbolen_kann_importeren_omdat_niemand_zin_heft_oude_pragrammen_naar_de_nieuwe_syntax_te_vertalen False)
@@ -116,16 +127,16 @@ filter_explicitly_imported_decl import_symbols [(index,{dcls_import,dcls_local,d
checkAtoms l cs
# groups = grouped l
- wrong = filter isErrornous groups
+ wrong = filter isErroneous groups
unique = map hd groups
| isEmpty wrong
= (unique, cs)
= (unique, foldSt error wrong cs)
- isErrornous l=:[(_,AT_Type),_:_] = True
- isErrornous l=:[(_,AT_AlgType),_:_] = True
- isErrornous l=:[(_,AT_RecordType),_:_] = True
- isErrornous _ = False
+ isErroneous l=:[(_,AT_Type),_:_] = True
+ isErroneous l=:[(_,AT_AlgType),_:_] = True
+ isErroneous l=:[(_,AT_RecordType),_:_] = True
+ isErroneous _ = False
error [(ident, atomType):_] cs
= { cs & cs_error = checkError ("type "+++ident.id_name) "imported more than once in one from statement"
@@ -210,6 +221,17 @@ filter_decl [decl:decls] unimported index modules cs
= (([decl:recurs],unimported), modules, cs)
= filter_decl decls unimported index modules cs
+filter_decl_array :: !Int {!.Declaration} ([(Ident,AtomType)],[(Ident,StructureInfo,StructureType,Optional Int)]) Int *{#DclModule} *CheckState -> (!.[Declaration],!([(Ident,AtomType)],![(Ident,StructureInfo,StructureType,Optional Int)]),!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState);
+filter_decl_array decl_index decls unimported index modules cs
+ | decl_index<size decls
+ # (decl,decls) = decls![decl_index]
+ # ((appears,unimported), modules, cs) = decl_appears decl unimported index modules cs
+ | appears
+ # (recurs, unimported, modules, cs) = filter_decl_array (decl_index+1) decls unimported index modules cs
+ = ([decl:recurs],unimported, modules, cs)
+ = filter_decl_array (decl_index+1) decls unimported index modules cs
+ = ([], unimported, modules, cs)
decl_appears :: !Declaration !ExplicitImports !Index !*{#DclModule} !*CheckState
-> (!(!Bool, !ExplicitImports), !*{#DclModule}, !*CheckState)
@@ -255,7 +277,6 @@ decl_appears {dcl_ident, dcl_kind, dcl_index} unimported index modules cs
isAtom STE_Type = True
isAtom STE_Instance = True
elementAppears :: .StructureType Ident !.Int !(.a,![(Ident,.StructureInfo,.StructureType,Optional .Int)]) !.Int !*{#.DclModule} !*CheckState -> (!(!Bool,(!.a,![(Ident,StructureInfo,StructureType,Optional Int)])),!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState);
elementAppears imported_st dcl_ident dcl_index (atomicImports, structureImports) index modules cs
# ((result, structureImports), modules, cs)
@@ -516,19 +537,21 @@ element_appears_in_struct imported_st element_ident dcl_index struct_ident index
, ccs_error :: !.ErrorAdmin
, ccs_heap_changes_accu :: ![SymbolPtr]
:: *CheckCompletenessStateBox = { box_ccs :: !*CheckCompletenessState }
:: CheckCompletenessInput =
{ cci_line_nr :: !Int
, cci_filename :: !String
, cci_expl_imported_ident :: !Ident
+ , cci_main_dcl_module_n::!Int
:: CheckCompletenessInputBox = { box_cci :: !CheckCompletenessInput }
-checkExplicitImportCompleteness :: !String ![(!Declaration,!Int)]
- !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap !*CheckState
- -> (!.{#DclModule},!.{#FunDef},!.ExpressionHeap,!.CheckState)
-checkExplicitImportCompleteness filename dcls_explicit dcl_modules icl_functions expr_heap
+checkExplicitImportCompleteness :: !String !Int ![ExplicitImport] !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap !*CheckState
+ -> (!.{#DclModule},!.{#FunDef},!.ExpressionHeap,!.CheckState)
+checkExplicitImportCompleteness filename main_dcl_module_n dcls_explicit dcl_modules icl_functions expr_heap
cs=:{cs_symbol_table, cs_error}
#! nr_icl_functions = size icl_functions
box_ccs = { ccs_dcl_modules = dcl_modules, ccs_icl_functions = icl_functions,
@@ -543,15 +566,15 @@ checkExplicitImportCompleteness filename dcls_explicit dcl_modules icl_functions
cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = ccs_symbol_table, cs_error = ccs_error }
= (ccs_dcl_modules, ccs_icl_functions, ccs_expr_heap, cs)
- checkCompleteness :: !String !(!Declaration, !Int) *CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox
- checkCompleteness filename ({dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro _}, line_nr) ccs
- = checkCompletenessOfMacro filename dcl_ident dcl_index line_nr ccs
- checkCompleteness filename ({dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_Imported (STE_FunctionOrMacro _) mod_index}, line_nr) ccs
- = checkCompletenessOfMacro filename dcl_ident dcl_index line_nr ccs
- checkCompleteness filename ({dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_Imported expl_imp_kind mod_index}, line_nr) ccs
+ checkCompleteness :: !String !ExplicitImport *CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox
+ checkCompleteness filename (ExplicitImport {dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro _} line_nr) ccs
+ = checkCompletenessOfMacro filename dcl_ident dcl_index main_dcl_module_n line_nr ccs
+ checkCompleteness filename (ExplicitImport {dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_Imported (STE_FunctionOrMacro _) mod_index} line_nr) ccs
+ = checkCompletenessOfMacro filename dcl_ident dcl_index main_dcl_module_n line_nr ccs
+ checkCompleteness filename (ExplicitImport {dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_Imported expl_imp_kind mod_index} line_nr) ccs
#! ({dcl_common,dcl_functions}, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_dcl_modules.[mod_index]
- cci = { box_cci = { cci_line_nr = line_nr, cci_filename = filename, cci_expl_imported_ident = dcl_ident }}
-/* XXX
+ cci = { box_cci = { cci_line_nr = line_nr, cci_filename = filename, cci_expl_imported_ident = dcl_ident,cci_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n }}
+ /* XXX
this case expression causes the compiler to be not self compilable anymore (12.7.2000). The bug is probably
in module refmark. The corresponding continuation function can be compiled
= case expl_imp_kind of
@@ -562,7 +585,7 @@ checkExplicitImportCompleteness filename dcls_explicit dcl_modules icl_functions
STE_Member -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_member_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
STE_Instance -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_instance_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
STE_DclFunction -> check_completeness dcl_functions.[dcl_index] cci ccs
+ */
= continuation expl_imp_kind dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
continuation STE_Type dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
@@ -579,19 +602,19 @@ checkExplicitImportCompleteness filename dcls_explicit dcl_modules icl_functions
= check_completeness dcl_common.com_instance_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs
continuation STE_DclFunction dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs
= check_completeness dcl_functions.[dcl_index] cci ccs
- checkCompletenessOfMacro :: !String !Ident !Index !Int *CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox
- checkCompletenessOfMacro filename dcl_ident dcl_index line_nr ccs
+ checkCompletenessOfMacro :: !String !Ident !Index !Int !Int *CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox
+ checkCompletenessOfMacro filename dcl_ident dcl_index main_dcl_module_n line_nr ccs
#! ({fun_body}, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_icl_functions.[dcl_index]
ccs = { ccs & box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[dcl_index] = True }
- cci = { box_cci = { cci_line_nr = line_nr, cci_filename = filename, cci_expl_imported_ident = dcl_ident }}
+ cci = { box_cci = { cci_line_nr = line_nr, cci_filename = filename, cci_expl_imported_ident = dcl_ident,cci_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n }}
= check_completeness fun_body cci ccs
replace_ste_with_previous :: !SymbolPtr !*SymbolTable -> .SymbolTable
replace_ste_with_previous changed_ste_ptr symbol_table
#! ({ste_previous}, symbol_table) = readPtr changed_ste_ptr symbol_table
= writePtr changed_ste_ptr ste_previous symbol_table
instance toString STE_Kind where
toString (STE_FunctionOrMacro _) = "function/macro"
toString STE_Type = "type"
@@ -807,13 +830,15 @@ instance check_completeness SymbIdent where
-> check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_name STE_Constructor cci ccs
SK_Function global_index
-> check_completeness_for_function symb_name global_index ste_fun_or_macro cci ccs
+ SK_LocalMacroFunction function_index
+ -> check_completeness_for_local_macro_function symb_name function_index ste_fun_or_macro cci ccs
SK_OverloadedFunction global_index
-> check_completeness_for_function symb_name global_index STE_Member cci ccs
SK_Macro global_index
-> check_completeness_for_function symb_name global_index ste_fun_or_macro cci ccs
check_completeness_for_function symb_name {glob_object,glob_module} wanted_ste_kind cci ccs
- | glob_module<>cIclModIndex
+ | glob_module<>cci.box_cci.cci_main_dcl_module_n
// the function that is referred from within a macro is a DclFunction
// -> must be global -> has to be imported
= check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_name wanted_ste_kind cci ccs
@@ -826,6 +851,16 @@ instance check_completeness SymbIdent where
#! ccs = { ccs & box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[glob_object] = True }
= check_completeness fun_def cci ccs
+ check_completeness_for_local_macro_function symb_name glob_object wanted_ste_kind cci ccs
+ #! (fun_def, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_icl_functions.[glob_object]
+ // otherwise the function was defined locally in a macro
+ // it is not a consequence, but it's type and body are consequences !
+ #! (already_visited, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[glob_object]
+ | already_visited
+ = ccs
+ #! ccs = { ccs & box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[glob_object] = True }
+ = check_completeness fun_def cci ccs
instance check_completeness SymbolType where
check_completeness {st_args, st_result, st_context} cci ccs
= ( (check_completeness st_args cci)
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.dcl b/frontend/frontend.dcl
index 941dcdd..a8720d1 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend.dcl
+++ b/frontend/frontend.dcl
@@ -8,15 +8,12 @@ import checksupport, transform, overloading
= { fe_icl :: !IclModule
, fe_dcls :: !{#DclModule}
, fe_components :: !{!Group}
- , fe_varHeap :: !.VarHeap
-// MdM
- , fe_typeHeap :: !.TypeVarHeap
-// ... MdM
, fe_dclIclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
, fe_iclDclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
, fe_globalFunctions :: !IndexRange
, fe_arrayInstances :: !IndexRange
:: FrontEndPhase
= FrontEndPhaseCheck
| FrontEndPhaseTypeCheck
@@ -25,5 +22,5 @@ import checksupport, transform, overloading
| FrontEndPhaseConvertModules
| FrontEndPhaseAll
-frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !(Optional Bool) !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree)
-// upToPhase name paths list_inferred_types predefs files error io out \ No newline at end of file
+frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !{#DclModule} !{#FunDef} !(Optional Bool) !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File !*Heaps
+ -> ( !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree,!.{# FunDef },!Int,!Int,!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File,!*Heaps)
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.icl b/frontend/frontend.icl
index 98af8c2..29b61f1 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend.icl
+++ b/frontend/frontend.icl
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
implementation module frontend
import scanner, parse, postparse, check, type, trans, convertcases, overloading, utilities, convertDynamics
-import RWSDebug
+//import RWSDebug
:: FrontEndSyntaxTree
= { fe_icl :: !IclModule
, fe_dcls :: !{#DclModule}
, fe_components :: !{!Group}
- , fe_varHeap :: !.VarHeap
-// MdM
- , fe_typeHeap :: !.TypeVarHeap
-// ... MdM
, fe_dclIclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
, fe_iclDclConversions ::!Optional {# Index}
, fe_globalFunctions :: !IndexRange
@@ -22,23 +18,6 @@ import RWSDebug
(-*->) value trace
:== value // ---> trace
-frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances var_heap /* MdM */ type_heap optional_dcl_icl_conversions
- global_fun_range
- :== (predef_symbols,hash_table,files,error,io,out,
- Yes { fe_icl = {icl_mod & icl_functions=fun_defs }
- , fe_dcls = dcl_mods
- , fe_components = components
- , fe_varHeap = var_heap
-// MdM
- , fe_typeHeap = type_heap
-// ... MdM
- , fe_dclIclConversions = optional_dcl_icl_conversions
- , fe_iclDclConversions = build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions (size fun_defs) optional_dcl_icl_conversions
- , fe_globalFunctions = global_fun_range
- , fe_arrayInstances = array_instances
- }
- )
build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions :: !Int !(Optional {# Index}) -> Optional {# Index}
build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions size No
= Yes (buildIclDclConversions size {})
@@ -78,46 +57,68 @@ instance == FrontEndPhase where
(==) a b
= equal_constructor a b
-frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !(Optional Bool) !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree)
-frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths list_inferred_types predef_symbols hash_table files error io out
+frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ global_fun_range heaps
+ :== (Yes {
+ fe_icl = {icl_mod & icl_functions=fun_defs }
+ , fe_dcls = dcl_mods
+ , fe_components = components
+ , fe_dclIclConversions = optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ , fe_iclDclConversions = build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions (size fun_defs) optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ , fe_globalFunctions = global_fun_range
+ , fe_arrayInstances = array_instances
+ }, {},0,0,predef_symbols,hash_table,files,error,io,out,heaps
+ )
+frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !{#DclModule} !{#FunDef} !(Optional Bool) !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File !*Heaps -> ( !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree,!.{# FunDef },!Int,!Int,!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File,!*Heaps)
+frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths dcl_modules functions_and_macros list_inferred_types predef_symbols hash_table files error io out heaps
# (ok, mod, hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
- = wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident NoPos (hash_table -*-> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)) error search_paths predef_symbols files
+ = wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident NoPos (hash_table ---> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)) error search_paths predef_symbols files
| not ok
- = (predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, No)
- # (ok, mod, global_fun_range, mod_functions, dcl_mod, predef_mod, modules, hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
- = scanModule (mod -*-> "Scanning") hash_table error search_paths predef_symbols files
+ = (No,{},0,0,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out,heaps)
+ # cached_module_idents = [dcl_mod.dcl_name \\ dcl_mod<-:dcl_modules]
+ # (ok, mod, global_fun_range, mod_functions, optional_dcl_mod, modules, dcl_module_n_in_cache,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
+ = scanModule (mod -*-> "Scanning") cached_module_idents (size functions_and_macros) hash_table error search_paths predef_symbols files
+ /* JVG: */
+// # hash_table = {hash_table & hte_entries={}}
+ # hash_table = remove_icl_symbols_from_hash_table hash_table
+ /**/
| not ok
- = (predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, No)
+ = (No,{},0,0,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out,heaps)
# symbol_table = hash_table.hte_symbol_heap
- (ok, icl_mod, dcl_mods, components, optional_dcl_icl_conversions, heaps, predef_symbols, symbol_table, error)
- = checkModule mod global_fun_range mod_functions dcl_mod predef_mod modules predef_symbols (symbol_table -*-> "Checking") error
+ (ok, icl_mod, dcl_mods, components, optional_dcl_icl_conversions,cached_functions_and_macros,main_dcl_module_n,heaps, predef_symbols, symbol_table, error)
+ = checkModule mod global_fun_range mod_functions n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules dcl_module_n_in_cache optional_dcl_mod modules dcl_modules functions_and_macros predef_symbols (symbol_table -*-> "Checking") error heaps
hash_table = { hash_table & hte_symbol_heap = symbol_table}
| not ok
- = (predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, No)
- # {icl_functions,icl_instances,icl_specials,icl_common,icl_declared} = icl_mod
+ = (No,{},0,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, heaps)
+ #! (icl_functions,icl_mod) = select_and_remove_icl_functions_from_record icl_mod
+ with
+ select_and_remove_icl_functions_from_record :: !*IclModule -> (!.{#FunDef},!.IclModule)
+ select_and_remove_icl_functions_from_record icl_mod=:{icl_functions} = (icl_functions,{icl_mod & icl_functions={}})
+// # {icl_functions,icl_instances,icl_specials,icl_common,icl_import} = icl_mod
+ # {icl_instances,icl_specials,icl_common,icl_import,icl_name,icl_imported_objects,icl_used_module_numbers} = icl_mod
// (components, icl_functions, error) = showComponents components 0 True icl_functions error
- dcl_mods = {{dcl_mod & dcl_declared={dcls_import=[],dcls_local=[],dcls_explicit=[]}}\\ dcl_mod<-:dcl_mods}
+// dcl_mods = {{dcl_mod & dcl_declared={dcls_import=[],dcls_local=[],dcls_explicit=[]}}\\ dcl_mod<-:dcl_mods}
+// # dcl_mods = {{dcl_mod & dcl_declared={dcls_import={},dcls_local=[],dcls_local_for_import={},dcls_explicit={}}}\\ dcl_mod<-:dcl_mods}
var_heap = heaps.hp_var_heap
-// MdM
type_heaps = heaps.hp_type_heaps
-// ... MdM
fun_defs = icl_functions
array_instances = {ir_from=0, ir_to=0}
| upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseCheck
- = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances
-// MdM
-// var_heap optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
- var_heap type_heaps.th_vars optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
-// ... MdM
- # (ok, fun_defs, array_instances, type_code_instances, common_defs, imported_funs, heaps, predef_symbols, error, out)
- = typeProgram (components -*-> "Typing") fun_defs icl_specials list_inferred_types icl_common
- icl_declared.dcls_import dcl_mods heaps predef_symbols error out
+ = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
+ # (ok, fun_defs, array_instances, type_code_instances, common_defs, imported_funs, heaps, predef_symbols, error,out)
+ = typeProgram (components -*-> "Typing") main_dcl_module_n icl_functions icl_specials list_inferred_types icl_common [a\\a<-:icl_import] dcl_mods icl_used_module_numbers heaps predef_symbols error out
| not ok
- = (predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, No)
+ = (No,{},0,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out,heaps)
# (components, fun_defs) = partitionateFunctions (fun_defs -*-> "partitionateFunctions") [ global_fun_range, icl_instances, icl_specials]
// (components, fun_defs, error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs error
@@ -125,61 +126,84 @@ frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths list_inferred_types predef_sy
// (fun_defs, error) = showFunctions array_instances fun_defs error
| upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseTypeCheck
- = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances
-// MdM
-// heaps.hp_var_heap optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
- heaps.hp_var_heap heaps.hp_type_heaps.th_vars optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
-// ... MdM
+ = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
# (components, fun_defs, predef_symbols, dcl_types, used_conses_in_dynamics, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
- = convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls type_code_instances common_defs (components -*-> "convertDynamics") fun_defs predef_symbols
+ = convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls type_code_instances common_defs main_dcl_module_n (components -*-> "convertDynamics") fun_defs predef_symbols
heaps.hp_var_heap heaps.hp_type_heaps heaps.hp_expression_heap
| upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseConvertDynamics
- = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances
-// MdM
-// var_heap optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
- var_heap type_heaps.th_vars optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
-// ... MdM
+ # heaps = {hp_var_heap=var_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap}
+ = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
// (components, fun_defs, error) = showComponents components 0 True fun_defs error
# (cleanup_info, acc_args, components, fun_defs, var_heap, expression_heap)
- = analyseGroups common_defs array_instances (components -*-> "Transform") fun_defs var_heap expression_heap
+ = analyseGroups common_defs array_instances main_dcl_module_n (components -*-> "Analyse") fun_defs var_heap expression_heap
(components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
- = transformGroups cleanup_info components fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs dcl_types used_conses_in_dynamics var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
+ = transformGroups cleanup_info main_dcl_module_n (components -*-> "Transform") fun_defs acc_args common_defs imported_funs dcl_types used_conses_in_dynamics var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
| upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseTransformGroups
- = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances
-// MdM
-// var_heap optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
- var_heap type_heaps.th_vars optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
-// ... MdM
+ # heaps = {hp_var_heap=var_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap}
+ = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
- # (dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertIclModule common_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps
- (dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertDclModule dcl_mods common_defs dcl_types used_conses var_heap type_heaps
+ # (dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertIclModule main_dcl_module_n common_defs (dcl_types -*-> "Convert icl") used_conses var_heap type_heaps
+ # (dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps) = convertDclModule main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods common_defs (dcl_types -*-> "Convert dcl") used_conses var_heap type_heaps
+// (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs out
| upToPhase == FrontEndPhaseConvertModules
- = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances
-// MdM
-// var_heap optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
- var_heap type_heaps.th_vars optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
-// ... MdM
+ # heaps = {hp_var_heap=var_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap}
+ = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range heaps
// (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs out
# (used_funs, components, fun_defs, dcl_types, used_conses, var_heap, type_heaps, expression_heap)
- = convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns components imported_funs common_defs fun_defs dcl_types used_conses
+ = convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns components main_dcl_module_n imported_funs common_defs fun_defs (dcl_types -*-> "Convert cases") used_conses
var_heap type_heaps expression_heap
- (dcl_types, type_heaps, var_heap)
- = convertImportedTypeSpecifications dcl_mods imported_funs common_defs used_conses used_funs dcl_types type_heaps var_heap
+ #! (dcl_types, type_heaps, var_heap)
+ = convertImportedTypeSpecifications main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods imported_funs common_defs used_conses used_funs (dcl_types -*-> "Convert types") type_heaps var_heap
+ # heaps = {hp_var_heap = var_heap, hp_expression_heap=expression_heap, hp_type_heaps=type_heaps}
// (components, fun_defs, error) = showTypes components 0 fun_defs error
// (components, fun_defs, out) = showComponents components 0 False fun_defs out
- = frontSyntaxTree predef_symbols hash_table files error io out icl_mod dcl_mods fun_defs components array_instances
-// MdM
-// var_heap optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
- var_heap type_heaps.th_vars optional_dcl_icl_conversions global_fun_range
-// ... MdM
+ #! fe ={ fe_icl =
+// {icl_mod & icl_functions=fun_defs }
+ {icl_functions=fun_defs,icl_instances=icl_instances,icl_specials=icl_specials,icl_common=icl_common,icl_import=icl_import,
+ icl_name=icl_name,icl_imported_objects=icl_imported_objects,icl_used_module_numbers=icl_used_module_numbers }
+ , fe_dcls = dcl_mods
+ , fe_components = components
+ , fe_dclIclConversions = optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ , fe_iclDclConversions = build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions (size fun_defs) optional_dcl_icl_conversions
+ , fe_arrayInstances = array_instances,fe_globalFunctions=global_fun_range
+ }
+ = (Yes fe,cached_functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols,hash_table,files,error,io,out,heaps)
+ where
+ build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions :: !Int !(Optional {# Index}) -> Optional {# Index}
+ build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions size No
+ = Yes (build_icl_dcl_conversions size {})
+ build_optional_icl_dcl_conversions size (Yes dcl_icl_conversions)
+ = Yes (build_icl_dcl_conversions size dcl_icl_conversions)
+ build_icl_dcl_conversions :: !Int !{# Index} -> {# Index}
+ build_icl_dcl_conversions table_size dcl_icl_conversions
+ # dcl_table_size = size dcl_icl_conversions
+ icl_dcl_conversions = update_conversion_array 0 dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions (createArray table_size NoIndex)
+ = fill_empty_positions 0 table_size dcl_table_size icl_dcl_conversions
+ update_conversion_array dcl_index dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions icl_conversions
+ | dcl_index < dcl_table_size
+ # icl_index = dcl_icl_conversions.[dcl_index]
+ = update_conversion_array (inc dcl_index) dcl_table_size dcl_icl_conversions
+ { icl_conversions & [icl_index] = dcl_index }
+ = icl_conversions
+ fill_empty_positions next_index table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
+ | next_index < table_size
+ | icl_conversions.[next_index] == NoIndex
+ = fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size (inc next_new_index) { icl_conversions & [next_index] = next_new_index }
+ = fill_empty_positions (inc next_index) table_size next_new_index icl_conversions
+ = icl_conversions
newSymbolTable :: !Int -> *{# SymbolTableEntry}
newSymbolTable size
diff --git a/frontend/hashtable.dcl b/frontend/hashtable.dcl
index 2d1621f..72a5544 100644
--- a/frontend/hashtable.dcl
+++ b/frontend/hashtable.dcl
@@ -7,10 +7,13 @@ import syntax
:: HashTable =
{ hte_symbol_heap :: !.SymbolTable
, hte_entries :: !.{! .HashTableEntry}
+ , hte_mark :: !Int // 1 for .icl modules, otherwise 0
newHashTable :: *HashTable
+set_hte_mark :: !Int !*HashTable -> *HashTable
:: IdentClass = IC_Expression
| IC_Type
| IC_TypeAttr
@@ -21,6 +24,9 @@ newHashTable :: *HashTable
| IC_Instance ![Type]
| IC_Unknown
+:: BoxedIdent = {boxed_ident::!Ident}
-putIdentInHashTable :: !String !IdentClass !*HashTable -> (!Ident, !*HashTable)
+//putIdentInHashTable :: !String !IdentClass !*HashTable -> (!Ident, !*HashTable)
+putIdentInHashTable :: !String !IdentClass !*HashTable -> (!BoxedIdent, !*HashTable)
+remove_icl_symbols_from_hash_table :: !*HashTable -> *HashTable
diff --git a/frontend/hashtable.icl b/frontend/hashtable.icl
index ed90380..e9ebca4 100644
--- a/frontend/hashtable.icl
+++ b/frontend/hashtable.icl
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ implementation module hashtable
import predef, syntax, StdCompare, compare_constructor
-:: HashTableEntry = HTE_Ident !String !SymbolPtr !IdentClass !HashTableEntry !HashTableEntry
- | HTE_Empty
+:: HashTableEntry
+ = HTE_Ident !Ident !IdentClass !Int !HashTableEntry !HashTableEntry
+ | HTE_Empty
:: HashTable =
{ hte_symbol_heap :: !.SymbolTable
, hte_entries :: !.{! .HashTableEntry}
+ , hte_mark :: !Int // 1 for .icl modules, otherwise 0
:: IdentClass = IC_Expression
@@ -21,8 +22,13 @@ import predef, syntax, StdCompare, compare_constructor
| IC_Instance ![Type]
| IC_Unknown
+:: BoxedIdent = {boxed_ident::!Ident}
newHashTable :: *HashTable
-newHashTable = { hte_symbol_heap = newHeap, hte_entries = { HTE_Empty \\ i <- [0 .. dec cHashTableSize] }}
+newHashTable = { hte_symbol_heap = newHeap, hte_entries = { HTE_Empty \\ i <- [0 .. dec cHashTableSize] },hte_mark=0}
+set_hte_mark :: !Int !*HashTable -> *HashTable
+set_hte_mark hte_mark ht = {ht & hte_mark=hte_mark}
instance =< IdentClass
@@ -74,26 +80,109 @@ where
char = name.[index]
= hash_value name index (val << 2 + toInt char)
putIdentInHashTable :: !String !IdentClass !*HashTable -> (!Ident, !*HashTable)
-putIdentInHashTable name indent_class {hte_symbol_heap,hte_entries}
+putIdentInHashTable name ident_class {hte_symbol_heap,hte_entries}
# hash_val = hashValue name
(entries,hte_entries) = replace hte_entries hash_val HTE_Empty
- (ident, hte_symbol_heap, entries) = insert name indent_class hte_symbol_heap entries
- (_,hte_entries) = replace hte_entries hash_val entries
+ (ident, hte_symbol_heap, entries) = insert name ident_class hte_symbol_heap entries
+ hte_entries = update hte_entries hash_val entries
= (ident, { hte_symbol_heap = hte_symbol_heap, hte_entries = hte_entries })
insert :: !String !IdentClass !*SymbolTable *HashTableEntry -> (!Ident, !*SymbolTable, !*HashTableEntry)
- insert name indent_class hte_symbol_heap HTE_Empty
+ insert name ident_class hte_symbol_heap HTE_Empty
# (hte_symbol_ptr, hte_symbol_heap) = newPtr EmptySymbolTableEntry hte_symbol_heap
- = ({ id_name = name, id_info = hte_symbol_ptr}, hte_symbol_heap, HTE_Ident name hte_symbol_ptr indent_class HTE_Empty HTE_Empty)
- insert name indent_class hte_symbol_heap (HTE_Ident hte_name hte_symbol_ptr hte_class hte_left hte_right)
- # cmp = (name,indent_class) =< (hte_name,hte_class)
+ = ({ id_name = name, id_info = hte_symbol_ptr}, hte_symbol_heap, HTE_Ident name hte_symbol_ptr ident_class HTE_Empty HTE_Empty)
+ insert name ident_class hte_symbol_heap (HTE_Ident hte_name hte_symbol_ptr hte_class hte_left hte_right)
+ # cmp = (name,ident_class) =< (hte_name,hte_class)
| cmp == Equal
= ({ id_name = hte_name, id_info = hte_symbol_ptr}, hte_symbol_heap, HTE_Ident hte_name hte_symbol_ptr hte_class hte_left hte_right)
| cmp == Smaller
- #! (ident, hte_symbol_heap, hte_left) = insert name indent_class hte_symbol_heap hte_left
+ #! (ident, hte_symbol_heap, hte_left) = insert name ident_class hte_symbol_heap hte_left
= (ident, hte_symbol_heap, HTE_Ident hte_name hte_symbol_ptr hte_class hte_left hte_right)
- #! (ident, hte_symbol_heap, hte_right) = insert name indent_class hte_symbol_heap hte_right
+ #! (ident, hte_symbol_heap, hte_right) = insert name ident_class hte_symbol_heap hte_right
= (ident, hte_symbol_heap, HTE_Ident hte_name hte_symbol_ptr hte_class hte_left hte_right)
+putIdentInHashTable :: !String !IdentClass !*HashTable -> (!BoxedIdent, !*HashTable)
+putIdentInHashTable name ident_class {hte_symbol_heap,hte_entries,hte_mark}
+ # hash_val = hashValue name
+ (entries,hte_entries) = replace hte_entries hash_val HTE_Empty
+ (ident, hte_symbol_heap, entries) = insert name ident_class hte_mark hte_symbol_heap entries
+ hte_entries = update hte_entries hash_val entries
+ = (ident, { hte_symbol_heap = hte_symbol_heap, hte_entries = hte_entries,hte_mark=hte_mark })
+ insert :: !String !IdentClass !Int !*SymbolTable *HashTableEntry -> (!BoxedIdent, !*SymbolTable, !*HashTableEntry)
+ insert name ident_class hte_mark0 hte_symbol_heap HTE_Empty
+ # (hte_symbol_ptr, hte_symbol_heap) = newPtr EmptySymbolTableEntry hte_symbol_heap
+ # ident = { id_name = name, id_info = hte_symbol_ptr}
+ = ({boxed_ident=ident}, hte_symbol_heap, HTE_Ident ident ident_class hte_mark0 HTE_Empty HTE_Empty)
+ insert name ident_class hte_mark0 hte_symbol_heap (HTE_Ident hte_ident=:{id_name,id_info} hte_class hte_mark hte_left hte_right)
+ # cmp = (name,ident_class) =< (id_name,hte_class)
+ | cmp == Equal
+ = ({boxed_ident=hte_ident}, hte_symbol_heap, HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class (hte_mark bitand hte_mark0) hte_left hte_right)
+ | cmp == Smaller
+ #! (boxed_ident, hte_symbol_heap, hte_left) = insert name ident_class hte_mark0 hte_symbol_heap hte_left
+ = (boxed_ident, hte_symbol_heap, HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class hte_mark hte_left hte_right)
+ #! (boxed_ident, hte_symbol_heap, hte_right) = insert name ident_class hte_mark0 hte_symbol_heap hte_right
+ = (boxed_ident, hte_symbol_heap, HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class hte_mark hte_left hte_right)
+remove_icl_symbols_from_hash_table :: !*HashTable -> *HashTable
+remove_icl_symbols_from_hash_table hash_table=:{hte_entries}
+ # hte_entries=remove_icl_symbols_from_array 0 hte_entries
+ = {hash_table & hte_entries=hte_entries}
+ where
+ remove_icl_symbols_from_array i hte_entries
+ | i<size hte_entries
+ # (entries,hte_entries) = replace hte_entries i HTE_Empty
+ # (_,entries) = remove_icl_entries_from_tree entries
+ # hte_entries = update hte_entries i entries
+ = remove_icl_symbols_from_array (i+1) hte_entries
+ = hte_entries
+ // a tuple with a dummy value is used to change the calling convention to improve reuse of nodes
+ remove_icl_entries_from_tree :: !*HashTableEntry -> (!Int,!.HashTableEntry);
+ remove_icl_entries_from_tree HTE_Empty
+ = (0,HTE_Empty)
+ remove_icl_entries_from_tree (HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class 0 hte_left hte_right)
+ # (_,hte_left) = remove_icl_entries_from_tree hte_left
+ # (_,hte_right) = remove_icl_entries_from_tree hte_right
+ = (0,HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class 0 hte_left hte_right)
+ remove_icl_entries_from_tree (HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class _ hte_left hte_right)
+ # (depth_left,hte_left) = remove_icl_entries_from_tree_and_compute_depth hte_left
+ # (depth_right,hte_right) = remove_icl_entries_from_tree_and_compute_depth hte_right
+ = merge_trees hte_left hte_right depth_left depth_right
+ remove_icl_entries_from_tree_and_compute_depth :: !*HashTableEntry -> (!Int,!.HashTableEntry);
+ remove_icl_entries_from_tree_and_compute_depth HTE_Empty
+ = (0,HTE_Empty)
+ remove_icl_entries_from_tree_and_compute_depth (HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class 0 hte_left hte_right)
+ # (depth_left,hte_left) = remove_icl_entries_from_tree_and_compute_depth hte_left
+ # (depth_right,hte_right) = remove_icl_entries_from_tree_and_compute_depth hte_right
+ = (if (depth_left>=depth_right) depth_left depth_right,HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class 0 hte_left hte_right)
+ remove_icl_entries_from_tree_and_compute_depth (HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class _ hte_left hte_right)
+ # (depth_left,hte_left) = remove_icl_entries_from_tree_and_compute_depth hte_left
+ # (depth_right,hte_right) = remove_icl_entries_from_tree_and_compute_depth hte_right
+ = merge_trees hte_left hte_right depth_left depth_right
+ // the returned depth is an estimate
+ merge_trees :: !*HashTableEntry !*HashTableEntry !Int !Int -> (!Int,!.HashTableEntry)
+ merge_trees HTE_Empty hte_right depth_left depth_right
+ = (depth_right,hte_right)
+ merge_trees hte_left HTE_Empty depth_left depth_right
+ = (depth_left,hte_left)
+ merge_trees hte_left hte_right depth_left depth_right
+ | depth_left>=depth_right
+ = merge_trees_left hte_left hte_right depth_left depth_right
+ = merge_trees_right hte_left hte_right depth_left depth_right
+ where
+ merge_trees_left :: !*HashTableEntry !*HashTableEntry !Int !Int -> (!Int,!.HashTableEntry)
+ merge_trees_left (HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class hte_mark hte_left_left hte_left_right) hte_right depth_left depth_right
+ # (depth_right,hte_right)=merge_trees hte_left_right hte_right (depth_left-1) depth_right
+ # depth_right=depth_right+1
+ = (if (depth_left>=depth_right) depth_left depth_right,HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class hte_mark hte_left_left hte_right)
+ merge_trees_right :: !*HashTableEntry !*HashTableEntry !Int !Int -> (!Int,!.HashTableEntry)
+ merge_trees_right hte_left (HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class hte_mark hte_right_left hte_right_right) depth_left depth_right
+ # (depth_left,hte_left)=merge_trees hte_left hte_right_left depth_left (depth_right-1)
+ # depth_left=depth_left+1
+ = (if (depth_left>=depth_right) depth_left depth_right,HTE_Ident hte_ident hte_class hte_mark hte_left hte_right_right)
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.dcl b/frontend/overloading.dcl
index 509dd8f..4719aa2 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.dcl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.dcl
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import syntax, check, typesupport
:: LocalTypePatternVariable
:: DictionaryTypes :== [(Index, [ExprInfoPtr])]
-tryToSolveOverloading :: ![(Optional [TypeContext], [ExprInfoPtr], IdentPos, Index)] !{# CommonDefs } !ClassInstanceInfo !*Coercions !*OverloadingState
+tryToSolveOverloading :: ![(Optional [TypeContext], [ExprInfoPtr], IdentPos, Index)] !Int !{# CommonDefs } !ClassInstanceInfo !*Coercions !*OverloadingState
-> (![TypeContext], !*Coercions, ![LocalTypePatternVariable], DictionaryTypes, !*OverloadingState)
:: TypeCodeInfo =
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ tryToSolveOverloading :: ![(Optional [TypeContext], [ExprInfoPtr], IdentPos, Ind
, tci_type_var_heap :: !.TypeVarHeap
-removeOverloadedFunctions :: ![Index] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !*{#FunDef} !*{! FunctionType} !*ExpressionHeap
+removeOverloadedFunctions :: ![Index] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !Int !*{#FunDef} !*{! FunctionType} !*ExpressionHeap
!*TypeCodeInfo !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin !*{#PredefinedSymbol} //!*{#PredefinedSymbol}
-> (!*{#FunDef}, !*{! FunctionType}, !*ExpressionHeap, !*TypeCodeInfo, !*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin, !*{#PredefinedSymbol})
-updateDynamics :: ![Index] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !*{#FunDef} !*{! FunctionType} !*ExpressionHeap !*TypeCodeInfo !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin !*{#PredefinedSymbol}
+updateDynamics :: ![Index] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !Int !*{#FunDef} !*{! FunctionType} !*ExpressionHeap !*TypeCodeInfo !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin !*{#PredefinedSymbol}
-> (!*{#FunDef}, !*{! FunctionType}, !*ExpressionHeap, !*TypeCodeInfo, !*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin, !*{#PredefinedSymbol})
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.icl b/frontend/overloading.icl
index ca3c7d3..392c525 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.icl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.icl
@@ -129,17 +129,17 @@ containsContext new_tc [tc : tcs]
FoundObject object :== object.glob_module <> NotFound
ObjectNotFound :== { glob_module = NotFound, glob_object = NotFound }
-reduceContexts :: ![TypeContext] !{# CommonDefs} !ClassInstanceInfo ![TypeContext] !*SpecialInstances ![LocalTypePatternVariable]
+reduceContexts :: ![TypeContext] !Int !{# CommonDefs} !ClassInstanceInfo ![TypeContext] !*SpecialInstances ![LocalTypePatternVariable]
!(!*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps) !*Coercions !*PredefinedSymbols !*ErrorAdmin
-> *(![ClassApplication], ![TypeContext], !*SpecialInstances, ![LocalTypePatternVariable],
!(!*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps), !*Coercions, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*ErrorAdmin)
-reduceContexts [] defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
+reduceContexts [] main_dcl_module_n defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
= ([], new_contexts, special_instances, type_pattern_vars, heaps, coercion_env, predef_symbols, error)
-reduceContexts [tc : tcs] defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
+reduceContexts [tc : tcs] main_dcl_module_n defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
# (appl, new_contexts, special_instances, type_pattern_vars, heaps, coercion_env, predef_symbols, error)
= try_to_reduce_context tc defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
(appls, new_contexts, special_instances, type_pattern_vars, heaps, coercion_env, predef_symbols, error)
- = reduceContexts tcs defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
+ = reduceContexts tcs main_dcl_module_n defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
= ([appl : appls], new_contexts, special_instances, type_pattern_vars, heaps, coercion_env, predef_symbols, error)
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ where
= ({ rcs_class_context = rcs_class_context, rcs_constraints_contexts = []}, new_contexts,
special_instances, type_pattern_vars, (var_heap, type_heaps), coercion_env, predef_symbols, error)
# (appls, new_contexts, special_instances, type_pattern_vars, heaps, coercion_env, predef_symbols, error)
- = reduceContexts contexts defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars (var_heap, type_heaps) coercion_env predef_symbols error
+ = reduceContexts contexts main_dcl_module_n defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars (var_heap, type_heaps) coercion_env predef_symbols error
(constraints, new_contexts, special_instances, type_pattern_vars, heaps, coercion_env, predef_symbols, error)
= reduce_contexts_in_constraints tc_types class_args class_context defs instance_info new_contexts special_instances type_pattern_vars
heaps coercion_env predef_symbols error
@@ -328,7 +328,8 @@ where
= case opt_record of
Yes record
# (ins_members, special_instances) = add_record_to_array_instances record class_members special_instances
- -> ({ rc_class = ins_class, rc_inst_module = cIclModIndex, rc_inst_members = ins_members, rc_red_contexts = [], rc_types = types },
+// -> ({ rc_class = ins_class, rc_inst_module = cIclModIndex, rc_inst_members = ins_members, rc_red_contexts = [], rc_types = types },
+ -> ({ rc_class = ins_class, rc_inst_module = main_dcl_module_n, rc_inst_members = ins_members, rc_red_contexts = [], rc_types = types },
special_instances, predef_symbols_type_heaps, error)
-> ({ rc_class = ins_class, rc_inst_module = ins_module, rc_inst_members = ins_members, rc_red_contexts = [], rc_types = types },
@@ -551,9 +552,9 @@ where
:: DictionaryTypes :== [(Index, [ExprInfoPtr])]
-tryToSolveOverloading :: ![(Optional [TypeContext], [ExprInfoPtr], IdentPos, Index)] !{# CommonDefs } !ClassInstanceInfo !*Coercions !*OverloadingState
+tryToSolveOverloading :: ![(Optional [TypeContext], [ExprInfoPtr], IdentPos, Index)] !Int !{# CommonDefs } !ClassInstanceInfo !*Coercions !*OverloadingState
-> (![TypeContext], !*Coercions, ![LocalTypePatternVariable], DictionaryTypes, !*OverloadingState)
-tryToSolveOverloading ocs defs instance_info coercion_env os
+tryToSolveOverloading ocs main_dcl_module_n defs instance_info coercion_env os
# (reduced_contexts, contexts, coercion_env, type_pattern_vars, os) = foldSt (reduce_contexts defs instance_info) ocs ([], [], coercion_env, [], os)
| os.os_error.ea_ok
# (contexts, os_var_heap) = foldSt add_spec_contexts ocs (contexts, os.os_var_heap)
@@ -591,7 +592,7 @@ where
| otherwise
# (class_applications, new_contexts, os_special_instances, type_pattern_vars,
(os_var_heap, os_type_heaps), coercion_env, os_predef_symbols, os_error)
- = reduceContexts oc_context defs instance_info new_contexts os_special_instances type_pattern_vars
+ = reduceContexts oc_context main_dcl_module_n defs instance_info new_contexts os_special_instances type_pattern_vars
(os_var_heap, os_type_heaps) coercion_env os_predef_symbols os_error
= ([ (oc_symbol, fun_index, over_info_ptr, class_applications) : reduced_calls ], new_contexts, coercion_env, type_pattern_vars,
{ os & os_type_heaps = os_type_heaps, os_symbol_heap = os_symbol_heap, os_var_heap = os_var_heap,
@@ -830,9 +831,9 @@ getClassVariable symb var_info_ptr var_heap error
-> (symb, var_info_ptr, var_heap, overloadingError symb error)
-updateDynamics :: ![Index] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !*{#FunDef} !*{! FunctionType} !*ExpressionHeap !*TypeCodeInfo !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin !*{#PredefinedSymbol}
+updateDynamics :: ![Index] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !Int !*{#FunDef} !*{! FunctionType} !*ExpressionHeap !*TypeCodeInfo !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin !*{#PredefinedSymbol}
-> (!*{#FunDef}, !*{! FunctionType}, !*ExpressionHeap, !*TypeCodeInfo, !*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin, !*{#PredefinedSymbol})
-updateDynamics funs type_pattern_vars fun_defs fun_env symbol_heap type_code_info var_heap error predef_symbols
+updateDynamics funs type_pattern_vars main_dcl_module_n fun_defs fun_env symbol_heap type_code_info var_heap error predef_symbols
| error.ea_ok
= update_dynamics funs type_pattern_vars fun_defs fun_env symbol_heap type_code_info var_heap error predef_symbols
= (fun_defs, fun_env, symbol_heap, type_code_info, var_heap, error, predef_symbols)
@@ -848,10 +849,11 @@ where
# (type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
= convertDynamicTypes fi_dynamics (type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error) /* MV */ []
(TransformedBody tb) = fun_body
- (tb_rhs, {ui_instance_calls, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs, ui_fun_env, ui_error /* MV */, ui_type_code_info = type_code_info, ui_predef_symbols = predef_symbols /*, ui_new_variables */}) = updateExpression fi_group_index tb.tb_rhs
+ (tb_rhs, {ui_instance_calls, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs, ui_fun_env, ui_error /* MV */, ui_x={x_type_code_info = type_code_info, x_predef_symbols = predef_symbols} /*, ui_new_variables */})
+ = updateExpression fi_group_index tb.tb_rhs
{ ui_instance_calls = [], ui_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, ui_fun_defs = fun_defs, ui_local_vars = [],
- ui_fun_env = fun_env, ui_var_heap = var_heap, ui_error = error
- /* MV */, ui_type_code_info = type_code_info, ui_predef_symbols = predef_symbols} //, ui_new_variables = [] }
+ ui_fun_env = fun_env, ui_var_heap = var_heap, ui_error = error , /*ui_new_variables = [],*/
+ ui_x={x_type_code_info=type_code_info, x_predef_symbols=predef_symbols,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n}}
fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb & tb_rhs = tb_rhs}
// /* MV */ , fun_info = { fun_info & fi_local_vars = ui_new_variables ++ fun_info.fi_local_vars }}
@@ -863,10 +865,10 @@ where
= update_dynamics funs type_pattern_vars ({ ui_fun_defs & [fun] = fun_def })
ui_fun_env ui_symbol_heap type_code_info ui_var_heap ui_error predef_symbols
-removeOverloadedFunctions :: ![Index] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !*{#FunDef} !*{! FunctionType} !*ExpressionHeap
+removeOverloadedFunctions :: ![Index] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !Int!*{#FunDef} !*{! FunctionType} !*ExpressionHeap
!*TypeCodeInfo !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin !*{#PredefinedSymbol}
-> (!*{#FunDef}, !*{! FunctionType}, !*ExpressionHeap, !*TypeCodeInfo, !*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin, !*{#PredefinedSymbol})
-removeOverloadedFunctions group type_pattern_vars fun_defs fun_env symbol_heap type_code_info var_heap error predef_symbols
+removeOverloadedFunctions group type_pattern_vars main_dcl_module_n fun_defs fun_env symbol_heap type_code_info var_heap error predef_symbols
| error.ea_ok
# (fun_defs, fun_env, symbol_heap, type_code_info, var_heap, error, predef_symbols)
= foldSt (remove_overloaded_function type_pattern_vars) group (fun_defs, fun_env, symbol_heap, type_code_info, var_heap, error, predef_symbols)
@@ -882,10 +884,10 @@ where
(type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
= convertDynamicTypes fun_info.fi_dynamics (type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error) /* MV */ rev_variables
- (tb_rhs, {ui_instance_calls, ui_local_vars, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs, ui_fun_env, ui_error /* MV */, ui_type_code_info = type_code_info, ui_predef_symbols = predef_symbols}) //, ui_new_variables })
+ (tb_rhs, {ui_instance_calls, ui_local_vars, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs, ui_fun_env, ui_error /* MV */, ui_x={x_type_code_info = type_code_info, x_predef_symbols = predef_symbols}}) //, ui_new_variables })
= updateExpression fun_info.fi_group_index tb_rhs { ui_instance_calls = [], ui_local_vars = fun_info.fi_local_vars, ui_symbol_heap = symbol_heap,
ui_var_heap = var_heap, ui_fun_defs = fun_defs, ui_fun_env = fun_env, ui_error = error
- /* MV */, ui_type_code_info = type_code_info, ui_predef_symbols = predef_symbols}
+ /* MV */, ui_x={x_type_code_info = type_code_info, x_predef_symbols = predef_symbols,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n}}
(tb_args, var_heap) = foldSt retrieve_class_argument rev_variables (tb_args, ui_var_heap)
fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs}, fun_arity = length tb_args,
fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fun_info.fi_calls ++ ui_instance_calls, fi_local_vars = ui_local_vars } }
@@ -1087,10 +1089,13 @@ where
, ui_fun_defs :: !.{# FunDef}
, ui_fun_env :: !.{! FunctionType}
, ui_error :: !.ErrorAdmin
-// MV ..
- , ui_type_code_info :: !.TypeCodeInfo
- , ui_predef_symbols :: !.{#PredefinedSymbol}
-// .. MV
+ , ui_x :: !.UpdateInfoX
+ }
+:: UpdateInfoX = {
+ x_type_code_info :: !.TypeCodeInfo
+ , x_predef_symbols :: !.{#PredefinedSymbol}
+ , x_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int
class updateExpression e :: !Index !e !*UpdateInfo -> (!e, !*UpdateInfo)
@@ -1106,7 +1111,8 @@ where
ui = { ui & ui_symbol_heap = ui_symbol_heap }
= case symb_info of
- #! fun_index = get_recursive_fun_index group_index symb_kind ui.ui_fun_defs
+ #! main_dcl_module_n = ui.ui_x.UpdateInfoX.x_main_dcl_module_n
+ #! fun_index = get_recursive_fun_index group_index symb_kind main_dcl_module_n ui.ui_fun_defs
| fun_index == NoIndex
-> (App { app & app_args = app_args }, ui)
# (CheckedType {st_context}, ui) = ui!ui_fun_env.[fun_index]
@@ -1115,7 +1121,8 @@ where
{ ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error })
EI_Context context_args
# (app_args, ui=:{ui_var_heap, ui_error}) = adjustClassExpressions symb_name context_args app_args ui
- #! fun_index = get_recursive_fun_index group_index symb_kind ui.ui_fun_defs
+ #! main_dcl_module_n = ui.ui_x.UpdateInfoX.x_main_dcl_module_n
+ #! fun_index = get_recursive_fun_index group_index symb_kind main_dcl_module_n ui.ui_fun_defs
| fun_index == NoIndex
# app = { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_arity = length context_args + symb_arity }, app_args = app_args}
-> (App app, examine_calls context_args { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap, ui_error = ui_error })
@@ -1152,15 +1159,16 @@ where
-> abort "build_context_arg (overloading.icl)"
- get_recursive_fun_index :: !Index !SymbKind !{# FunDef} -> Index
- get_recursive_fun_index group_index (SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}) fun_defs
- | glob_module == cIclModIndex
+ get_recursive_fun_index :: !Index !SymbKind Int !{# FunDef} -> Index
+ get_recursive_fun_index group_index (SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}) main_dcl_module_n fun_defs
+// | glob_module == cIclModIndex
+ | glob_module == main_dcl_module_n
# {fun_info, fun_index} = fun_defs.[glob_object]
| fun_info.fi_group_index == group_index
= fun_index
= NoIndex
= NoIndex
- get_recursive_fun_index group_index _ fun_defs
+ get_recursive_fun_index group_index _ main_dcl_module_n fun_defs
= NoIndex
build_application def_symbol=:{glob_object} context_args orig_args nr_of_orig_args app_info_ptr
@@ -1175,7 +1183,8 @@ where
= ui
new_call mod_index symb_index ui=:{ui_instance_calls,ui_fun_defs}
- | mod_index == cIclModIndex && symb_index < size ui_fun_defs
+// | mod_index == cIclModIndex && symb_index < size ui_fun_defs
+ | mod_index == ui.ui_x.UpdateInfoX.x_main_dcl_module_n && symb_index < size ui_fun_defs
# ui_instance_calls = add_call symb_index ui_instance_calls
= { ui & ui_instance_calls = ui_instance_calls }
= ui
@@ -1396,14 +1405,15 @@ where
{ ui & ui_local_vars = [cyclic_fv : ui.ui_local_vars]})
getSymbol :: !Int !(!(Global !Int) -> !SymbKind) !Int !*UpdateInfo -> (SymbIdent,*UpdateInfo)
- getSymbol index symb_kind arity ui=:{ui_predef_symbols}
- # ({pds_module, pds_def, pds_ident}, ui_predef_symbols) = ui_predef_symbols![index]
- ui = { ui & ui_predef_symbols = ui_predef_symbols}
+ getSymbol index symb_kind arity ui=:{ui_x=ui_x=:{x_predef_symbols}}
+ # ({pds_module, pds_def, pds_ident}, x_predef_symbols) = x_predef_symbols![index]
+ ui_x = { ui_x & x_predef_symbols = x_predef_symbols}
+ ui={ui & ui_x=ui_x}
symbol = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = symb_kind { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def}, symb_arity = arity }
= (symbol,ui)
get_constructor :: !Int !*UpdateInfo -> !(!Expression,!*UpdateInfo)
- get_constructor index ui=:{ui_type_code_info={tci_instances}}
+ get_constructor index ui=:{ui_x={x_type_code_info={tci_instances}}}
** MV
** Inefficiency. The correct gtci_type referred to by index has to be selected from the list of
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index cd9ffa4..a7a25c5 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -107,13 +107,23 @@ makeConsExpression a1 a2 pState=:{ps_pre_def_symbols}
class try a :: !Token !*ParseState -> (!Optional a, !*ParseState)
class want a :: !*ParseState -> (!a, !*ParseState)
-stringToIdent :: !String !IdentClass !*ParseState -> (!Ident, !*ParseState)
-stringToIdent ident ident_class pState=:{ps_hash_table}
+stringToIdent s i p :== (ident,parse_state)
+ where
+ ({boxed_ident=ident},parse_state) = stringToBoxedIdent s i p
+//stringToIdent :: !String !IdentClass !*ParseState -> (!Ident, !*ParseState)
+stringToBoxedIdent :: !String !IdentClass !*ParseState -> (!BoxedIdent, !*ParseState)
+stringToBoxedIdent ident ident_class pState=:{ps_hash_table}
# (ident, ps_hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable ident ident_class ps_hash_table
= (ident, { pState & ps_hash_table = ps_hash_table } )
-internalIdent :: !String !*ParseState -> (!Ident, !*ParseState)
-internalIdent prefix pState
+internalIdent s p :== (ident,parse_state)
+ where
+ ({boxed_ident=ident},parse_state) = internaBoxedlIdent s p
+//internalIdent :: !String !*ParseState -> (!Ident, !*ParseState)
+internaBoxedlIdent :: !String !*ParseState -> (!BoxedIdent, !*ParseState)
+internaBoxedlIdent prefix pState
# ({fp_line,fp_col},pState=:{ps_hash_table}) = getPosition pState
// MW4 was: (changed to make it compatible with conventions used in postparse)
// case_string = prefix +++ toString fp_line +++ "_" +++ toString fp_col
@@ -246,17 +256,19 @@ isIclContext context :== not (isDclContext context)
cWantIclFile :== True
cWantDclFile :== False
-// MW3 was:wantModule :: !Bool !Ident !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
wantModule :: !Bool !Ident !Position !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
-> (!Bool, !ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
wantModule iclmodule file_id=:{id_name} import_file_position hash_table error searchPaths pre_def_symbols files
# file_name = if iclmodule (id_name +++ ".icl") (id_name +++ ".dcl")
= case openScanner file_name searchPaths files of
- (Yes scanState, files) -> initModule file_name scanState hash_table error pre_def_symbols files
- (No , files) -> let mod = { mod_name = file_id, mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] } in
-// MW3 was: (False, mod, hash_table, error <<< "Could not open: " <<< file_name <<< "\n", pre_def_symbols, files)
- (False, mod, hash_table, error <<< import_file_position <<< ":could not open " <<< file_name <<< "\n",
- pre_def_symbols, files)
+ (Yes scanState, files)
+ # hash_table=set_hte_mark (if iclmodule 1 0) hash_table
+ # (ok,mod,hash_table,file,pre_def_symbols,files) = initModule file_name scanState hash_table error pre_def_symbols files
+ # hash_table=set_hte_mark 0 hash_table
+ ->(ok,mod,hash_table,file,pre_def_symbols,files)
+ (No, files)
+ -> let mod = { mod_name = file_id, mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] } in
+ (False, mod, hash_table, error <<< import_file_position <<< ":could not open " <<< file_name <<< "\n", pre_def_symbols, files)
initModule :: String ScanState !*HashTable !*File !*PredefinedSymbols *Files
-> (!Bool, !ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
@@ -1437,9 +1449,9 @@ adjustAttribute attr type pState
stringToType :: !String !ParseState -> (!Type, !ParseState)
stringToType name pState
- # (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
| isLowerCaseName name
= nameToTypeVar name pState
+ # (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
= (TA (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent id 0) [], pState)
/* | isUpperCaseName name
= (TA (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent id 0) [], pState)
diff --git a/frontend/postparse.dcl b/frontend/postparse.dcl
index 9e5f2a1..eb388b7 100644
--- a/frontend/postparse.dcl
+++ b/frontend/postparse.dcl
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ import StdEnv
import syntax, parse, predef
-scanModule :: !ParsedModule !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
- -> (!Bool, !ScannedModule, !IndexRange, ![FunDef], !ScannedModule, !ScannedModule, ![ScannedModule], !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
+scanModule :: !ParsedModule ![Ident] !Int !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
+ -> (!Bool, !ScannedModule, !IndexRange, ![FunDef], !Optional ScannedModule, ![ScannedModule],!Int,!Int,!*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
diff --git a/frontend/postparse.icl b/frontend/postparse.icl
index 6ef3cc4..ae404a2 100644
--- a/frontend/postparse.icl
+++ b/frontend/postparse.icl
@@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ import StdEnv
import syntax, parse, predef, utilities, StdCompare
import RWSDebug
:: *CollectAdmin =
{ ca_error :: !*ParseErrorAdmin
, ca_fun_count :: !Int
@@ -56,8 +52,8 @@ exprToRhs expr
prefixAndPositionToIdent :: !String !LineAndColumn !*CollectAdmin -> (!Ident, !*CollectAdmin)
prefixAndPositionToIdent prefix {lc_line, lc_column} ca=:{ca_hash_table}
- # (ident, ca_hash_table)
- = putIdentInHashTable (prefix +++ ";" +++ toString lc_line +++ ";" +++ toString lc_column) IC_Expression ca_hash_table
+// # (ident, ca_hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable (prefix +++ ";" +++ toString lc_line +++ ";" +++ toString lc_column) IC_Expression ca_hash_table
+ # ({boxed_ident=ident}, ca_hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable (prefix +++ ";" +++ toString lc_line +++ ";" +++ toString lc_column) IC_Expression ca_hash_table
= (ident, { ca & ca_hash_table = ca_hash_table } )
(`) infixl 9
@@ -658,45 +654,49 @@ transformArrayDenot exprs pi
[{bind_dst=toParsedExpr i pi, bind_src=expr} \\ expr <- exprs & i <- [0..]]
-scanModules :: [ParsedImport] [ScannedModule] SearchPaths *Files *CollectAdmin -> (Bool, [ScannedModule], *Files, *CollectAdmin)
-scanModules [] parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
+scanModules :: [ParsedImport] [ScannedModule] [Ident] SearchPaths *Files *CollectAdmin -> (Bool, [ScannedModule], *Files, *CollectAdmin)
+scanModules [] parsed_modules cached_modules searchPaths files ca
= (True, parsed_modules, files, ca)
-// MW3 was:scanModules [{import_module,import_symbols} : mods] parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
-scanModules [{import_module,import_symbols,import_file_position} : mods] parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
- # (found, mod) = try_to_find import_module parsed_modules
- | found
- = scanModules mods parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
+scanModules [{import_module,import_symbols,import_file_position} : mods] parsed_modules cached_modules searchPaths files ca
+ | in_cache import_module cached_modules
+ = scanModules mods parsed_modules cached_modules searchPaths files ca
+ | try_to_find import_module parsed_modules
+ = scanModules mods parsed_modules cached_modules searchPaths files ca
# (succ, parsed_modules, files, ca)
-// MW3 was: = parseAndScanDclModule import_module parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
- = parseAndScanDclModule import_module import_file_position parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
+ = parseAndScanDclModule import_module import_file_position parsed_modules cached_modules searchPaths files ca
(mods_succ, parsed_modules, files, ca)
- = scanModules mods parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
+ = scanModules mods parsed_modules cached_modules searchPaths files ca
= (succ && mods_succ, parsed_modules, files, ca)
- try_to_find :: Ident [ScannedModule] -> (Bool, ScannedModule)
+ in_cache mod_id []
+ = False
+ in_cache mod_id [cached_module_ident : pmods]
+ | mod_id==cached_module_ident
+ =True
+ = in_cache mod_id pmods
+ try_to_find :: Ident [ScannedModule] -> Bool
try_to_find mod_id []
- = (False, abort "module not found")
+ = False
try_to_find mod_id [pmod : pmods]
| mod_id == pmod.mod_name
- = (True, pmod)
+ =True
= try_to_find mod_id pmods
MakeEmptyModule name :== { mod_name = name, mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [],
mod_defs = { def_types = [], def_constructors = [], def_selectors = [], def_classes = [], def_macros = { ir_from = 0, ir_to = 0 },
def_members = [], def_funtypes = [], def_instances = [] } }
-//MW3 was:parseAndScanDclModule :: !Ident ![ScannedModule] !SearchPaths !*Files !*CollectAdmin
-parseAndScanDclModule :: !Ident !Position ![ScannedModule] !SearchPaths !*Files !*CollectAdmin
+parseAndScanDclModule :: !Ident !Position ![ScannedModule] ![Ident] !SearchPaths !*Files !*CollectAdmin
-> *(!Bool, ![ScannedModule], !*Files, !*CollectAdmin)
-parseAndScanDclModule dcl_module import_file_position parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
+parseAndScanDclModule dcl_module import_file_position parsed_modules cached_modules searchPaths files ca
# {ca_error, ca_fun_count, ca_rev_fun_defs, ca_predefs, ca_u_predefs, ca_hash_table}
= ca
hash_table = ca_hash_table
pea_file = ca_error.pea_file
predefs = ca_u_predefs
// MW3 was: # (parse_ok, mod, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) = wantModule cWantDclFile dcl_module hash_table pea_file searchPaths predefs files
- # (parse_ok, mod, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files)
- = wantModule cWantDclFile dcl_module import_file_position hash_table pea_file searchPaths predefs files
+ # (parse_ok, mod, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) = wantModule cWantDclFile dcl_module import_file_position hash_table pea_file searchPaths predefs files
# ca = {ca_hash_table=hash_table, ca_error={pea_file=err_file,pea_ok=True}, ca_u_predefs=predefs, ca_fun_count=ca_fun_count, ca_rev_fun_defs=ca_rev_fun_defs, ca_predefs=ca_predefs}
| parse_ok
= scan_dcl_module mod parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
@@ -715,53 +715,94 @@ where
= { mod & mod_imports = imports, mod_imported_objects = imported_objects, mod_defs = { defs & def_macros = range }}
(import_ok, parsed_modules, files, ca)
- = scanModules imports [mod : parsed_modules] searchPaths files ca
+ = scanModules imports [mod : parsed_modules] cached_modules searchPaths files ca
= (pea_ok && import_ok, parsed_modules, files, ca)
-scanModule :: !ParsedModule !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
- -> (!Bool, !ScannedModule, !IndexRange, ![FunDef], !ScannedModule, !ScannedModule, ![ScannedModule], !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
-scanModule mod=:{mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs = pdefs} hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files
+scanModule :: !ParsedModule ![Ident] !Int !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
+ -> (!Bool, !ScannedModule, !IndexRange, ![FunDef], !Optional ScannedModule, ![ScannedModule],!Int,!Int,!*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
+scanModule mod=:{mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs = pdefs} cached_modules first_new_function_or_macro_index hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files
# (predefIdents, predefs) = SelectPredefinedIdents predefs
# ca = { ca_error = {pea_file = err_file, pea_ok = True}
- , ca_fun_count = 0
+ , ca_fun_count = first_new_function_or_macro_index
, ca_rev_fun_defs = []
, ca_predefs = predefIdents
, ca_u_predefs = predefs
, ca_hash_table = hash_table
(fun_defs, defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganiseDefinitions True pdefs 0 0 0 ca
- fun_count = length fun_defs
+ (import_dcl_ok, optional_parsed_dcl_mod,dcl_module_n,parsed_modules, cached_modules,files, ca)
+ = scan_dcl_module mod_name mod_type files ca
+ (import_dcls_ok, parsed_modules, files, ca)
+ = scanModules imports parsed_modules cached_modules searchPaths files ca
+ (pea_dcl_ok,optional_dcl_mod,ca) = collect_main_dcl_module optional_parsed_dcl_mod dcl_module_n ca
+ (n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,ca) =ca!ca_fun_count
+ modules = reverse parsed_modules
+ import_dcl_ok = import_dcl_ok && pea_dcl_ok;
+ ca = {ca & ca_hash_table=set_hte_mark 1 ca.ca_hash_table}
(fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions fun_defs ca
(fun_range, ca) = addFunctionsRange fun_defs ca
(macro_defs, ca) = collectFunctions defs.def_macros ca
(macro_range, ca) = addFunctionsRange macro_defs ca
- (def_instances, ca)
- = collectFunctions defs.def_instances ca
+ (def_instances, ca) = collectFunctions defs.def_instances ca
+ ca = {ca & ca_hash_table=set_hte_mark 0 ca.ca_hash_table}
(pea_ok, ca) = ca!ca_error.pea_ok
- (import_dcl_ok, parsed_modules, files, ca)
- = scan_dcl_module mod_name mod_type searchPaths files ca
- (import_dcls_ok, parsed_modules, files, ca)
- = scanModules imports parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
- { ca_error = {pea_file = err_file}
- , ca_predefs = predefs
- , ca_rev_fun_defs
- , ca_u_predefs
- , ca_hash_table = hash_table
- }
- = ca
+ { ca_error = {pea_file = err_file}, ca_predefs = predefs, ca_rev_fun_defs, ca_u_predefs, ca_hash_table = hash_table } = ca
mod = { mod & mod_imports = imports, mod_imported_objects = imported_objects, mod_defs = { defs & def_instances = def_instances,
def_macros = macro_range }}
- [dcl_mod : modules] = reverse parsed_modules
- (pre_def_mod, ca_u_predefs) = buildPredefinedModule ca_u_predefs
- = (pea_ok && import_dcl_ok && import_dcls_ok, mod, fun_range, reverse ca_rev_fun_defs, dcl_mod, pre_def_mod, modules, hash_table, err_file, ca_u_predefs, files)
+// (pre_def_mod, ca_u_predefs) = buildPredefinedModule ca_u_predefs
+ = (pea_ok && import_dcl_ok && import_dcls_ok, mod, fun_range, reverse ca_rev_fun_defs, optional_dcl_mod, /*pre_def_mod,*/ modules, dcl_module_n,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,hash_table, err_file, ca_u_predefs, files)
- scan_dcl_module :: Ident ModuleKind SearchPaths *Files *CollectAdmin -> (Bool, [ScannedModule], *Files, *CollectAdmin)
- scan_dcl_module mod_name MK_Main searchPaths files ca
- = (True, [MakeEmptyModule mod_name], files, ca)
- scan_dcl_module mod_name MK_None searchPaths files ca
- = (True, [MakeEmptyModule mod_name], files, ca)
- scan_dcl_module mod_name kind searchPaths files ca
- = parseAndScanDclModule mod_name NoPos [] searchPaths files ca
+ scan_dcl_module :: Ident ModuleKind *Files *CollectAdmin -> (!Bool,!Optional (Module (CollectedDefinitions (ParsedInstance FunDef) [FunDef])),!Int,![ScannedModule],![Ident],!*Files,!*CollectAdmin)
+ scan_dcl_module mod_name MK_Main files ca
+ = (True, No,NoIndex,[], cached_modules,files, ca)
+ scan_dcl_module mod_name MK_None files ca
+ = (True, No,NoIndex,[], cached_modules,files, ca)
+ scan_dcl_module mod_name kind files ca
+ # module_n_in_cache = in_cache 0 cached_modules;
+ with
+ in_cache module_n []
+ = NoIndex
+ in_cache module_n [cached_module_ident : pmods]
+ | mod_name==cached_module_ident
+ = module_n
+ = in_cache (module_n+1) pmods
+ | module_n_in_cache<>NoIndex
+ = (True,No,module_n_in_cache,[],cached_modules,files,ca)
+ # {ca_error, ca_fun_count, ca_rev_fun_defs, ca_predefs, ca_u_predefs, ca_hash_table} = ca
+ hash_table = ca_hash_table
+ pea_file = ca_error.pea_file
+ predefs = ca_u_predefs
+ # (parse_ok, mod, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) = wantModule cWantDclFile mod_name NoPos hash_table pea_file searchPaths predefs files
+ # ca = {ca_hash_table=hash_table, ca_error={pea_file=err_file,pea_ok=True}, ca_u_predefs=predefs, ca_fun_count=ca_fun_count, ca_rev_fun_defs=ca_rev_fun_defs, ca_predefs=ca_predefs}
+ | not parse_ok
+ = (False, No,NoIndex, [],cached_modules, files, ca)
+ # pdefs = mod.mod_defs
+ # (_, defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganiseDefinitions False pdefs 0 0 0 ca
+ # mod = { mod & mod_imports = imports, mod_imported_objects = imported_objects, mod_defs = defs}
+ # cached_modules = [mod.mod_name:cached_modules]
+ # (import_ok, parsed_modules, files, ca) = scanModules imports [] cached_modules searchPaths files ca
+ = (import_ok, Yes mod, NoIndex,parsed_modules, cached_modules,files, ca)
+ collect_main_dcl_module (Yes mod=:{mod_defs=defs}) dcl_module_n ca
+ # (macro_defs, ca) = collectFunctions defs.def_macros ca
+ (range, ca) = addFunctionsRange macro_defs ca
+ (pea_ok,ca) = ca!ca_error.pea_ok
+ mod = { mod & mod_defs = { defs & def_macros = range }}
+ = (pea_ok,Yes mod,ca)
+ collect_main_dcl_module No dcl_module_n ca
+ | dcl_module_n==NoIndex
+ = (True,Yes (MakeEmptyModule mod_name),ca)
+ = (True,No,ca)
instance collectFunctions (ParsedInstance a) | collectFunctions a where
collectFunctions inst=:{pi_members} ca
@@ -1044,18 +1085,15 @@ reorganiseLocalDefinitions [PD_TypeSpec pos1 name1 prio type specials : defs] ca
reorganiseLocalDefinitions [] ca
= ([], [], ca)
belongsToTypeSpec name prio new_name is_infix :==
name == new_name && sameFixity prio is_infix
determineArity :: [ParsedExpr] (Optional SymbolType) -> Int
determineArity args (Yes {st_arity})
= st_arity
determineArity args No
= length args
sameFixity :: Priority Bool -> Bool
sameFixity (Prio _ _) is_infix
= is_infix
diff --git a/frontend/predef.icl b/frontend/predef.icl
index c28aa2d..c9dc1eb 100644
--- a/frontend/predef.icl
+++ b/frontend/predef.icl
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ PD_TypeCodeClass :== 122
PD_TypeObjectType :== 124
PD_TypeConsSymbol :== 125
PD_unify :== 126
+// MV ..
PD_coerce :== 127
PD_variablePlaceholder :== 128
PD_StdDynamics :== 129
@@ -96,7 +97,8 @@ PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 133
(<<-) infixl
(<<-) (array, hash_table) (name, table_kind, index)
- # (id, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable name table_kind hash_table
+// # (id, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable name table_kind hash_table
+ # ({boxed_ident=id}, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable name table_kind hash_table
= ({ array & [index] = { pds_ident = id, pds_module = NoIndex, pds_def = NoIndex } }, hash_table)
GetTupleConsIndex tup_arity :== PD_Arity2TupleSymbol + tup_arity - 2
@@ -191,7 +193,6 @@ cTCMemberSymbIndex :== 0
cTCInstanceSymbIndex :== 0
buildPredefinedModule :: !*PredefinedSymbols -> (!ScannedModule, !.PredefinedSymbols)
buildPredefinedModule pre_def_symbols
# (type_var_id, pre_def_symbols) = pre_def_symbols![PD_TypeVar_a0]
@@ -228,10 +229,9 @@ buildPredefinedModule pre_def_symbols
(class_def, member_def, pre_def_symbols) = make_TC_class_def pre_def_symbols
= ({ mod_name = pre_mod_id, mod_type = MK_System, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [],
mod_defs = {
- def_types = [string_def, list_def : type_defs],
- def_constructors = [ParsedConstructorToConsDef cons_def, ParsedConstructorToConsDef nil_def : cons_defs],
- def_selectors = [], def_classes = [class_def], def_macros = { ir_from = 0, ir_to = 0 }, def_members = [member_def],
- def_funtypes = [alias_dummy_type], def_instances = [] }}, pre_def_symbols)
+ def_types = [string_def, list_def : type_defs], def_constructors
+ = [ParsedConstructorToConsDef cons_def, ParsedConstructorToConsDef nil_def : cons_defs], def_selectors = [], def_classes = [class_def],
+ def_macros = { ir_from = 0, ir_to = 0 }, def_members = [member_def], def_funtypes = [alias_dummy_type], def_instances = [] }}, pre_def_symbols)
add_tuple_defs pre_mod_id tup_arity type_defs cons_defs pre_def_symbols
| tup_arity >= 2
@@ -290,6 +290,3 @@ where
= { ft_symb = alias_dummy_id, ft_arity = 1, ft_priority = NoPrio, ft_type = id_symbol_type, ft_pos = NoPos,
ft_specials = SP_None, ft_type_ptr = nilPtr }
// ..MW
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index cda1c8c..efb68d2 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ instance toString Ident
:: ParsedModule :== Module [ParsedDefinition]
:: ScannedModule :== Module (CollectedDefinitions (ParsedInstance FunDef) IndexRange)
:: ModuleKind = MK_Main | MK_Module | MK_System | MK_None
@@ -80,7 +79,6 @@ instance toString Ident
| TypeSpec !AType
| EmptyRhs !BITVECT
:: CollectedDefinitions instance_kind macro_defs =
{ def_types :: ![TypeDef TypeRhs]
, def_constructors :: ![ConsDef]
@@ -539,6 +537,7 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
:: SymbKind = SK_Unknown
| SK_Function !(Global Index)
+ | SK_LocalMacroFunction !Index
| SK_OverloadedFunction !(Global Index)
| SK_Constructor !(Global Index)
| SK_Macro !(Global Index)
@@ -1170,8 +1169,11 @@ ErrorToString :: Error -> String
-EmptySymbolTableEntry :==
- { ste_kind = STE_Empty, ste_index = NoIndex, ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = abort "empty SymbolTableEntry" }
+EmptySymbolTableEntry :== EmptySymbolTableEntryCAF.boxed_symbol_table_entry
+::BoxedSymbolTableEntry = {boxed_symbol_table_entry::!SymbolTableEntry}
+EmptySymbolTableEntryCAF :: BoxedSymbolTableEntry
cNotAGroupNumber :== -1
@@ -1193,12 +1195,20 @@ PostiveSignClass :== { sc_pos_vect = bitnot 0, sc_neg_vect = 0 }
NoPropClass :== 0
PropClass :== bitnot 0
+newTypeSymbIdentCAF :: TypeSymbIdent;
+//MakeNewTypeSymbIdent name arity
+// :== MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = NoIndex, glob_module = NoIndex } name arity
MakeNewTypeSymbIdent name arity
- :== MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = NoIndex, glob_module = NoIndex } name arity
+ :== {newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_name=name, type_arity=arity }
+//MakeTypeSymbIdent type_index name arity
+// :== { type_name = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index,
+// type_prop = { tsp_sign = BottomSignClass, tsp_propagation = NoPropClass, tsp_coercible = True }}
MakeTypeSymbIdent type_index name arity
- :== { type_name = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index,
- type_prop = { tsp_sign = BottomSignClass, tsp_propagation = NoPropClass, tsp_coercible = True }}
+ :== { newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_name = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index }
MakeSymbIdent name arity :== { symb_name = name, symb_kind = SK_Unknown, symb_arity = arity }
MakeConstant name :== MakeSymbIdent name 0
@@ -1215,7 +1225,6 @@ ParsedConstructorToConsDef pc :==
st_arity = pc.pc_cons_arity, st_context = [], st_attr_env = [], st_attr_vars = []},
cons_exi_vars = pc.pc_exi_vars, cons_type_ptr = nilPtr, cons_arg_vars = [] }
ParsedInstanceToClassInstance pi members :==
{ ins_class = {glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol pi.pi_class NoIndex (length pi.pi_types), glob_module = NoIndex}, ins_ident = pi.pi_ident,
ins_type = { it_vars = [], it_types = pi.pi_types, it_attr_vars = [],
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 8fb217a..086c7b3 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -507,6 +507,7 @@ cNotVarNumber :== -1
:: SymbKind = SK_Unknown
| SK_Function !(Global Index)
+ | SK_LocalMacroFunction !Index
| SK_OverloadedFunction !(Global Index)
| SK_Constructor !(Global Index)
| SK_Macro !(Global Index)
@@ -1293,6 +1294,7 @@ where
instance <<< SymbIdent
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function symb_index } = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
+ (<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction symb_index } = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction _ symb_index } = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '@' <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction symb_index } = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "[o]@" <<< symb_index
(<<<) file symb = file <<< symb.symb_name
@@ -1455,7 +1457,7 @@ where
instance <<< Selection
(<<<) file (RecordSelection selector _) = file <<< selector
- (<<<) file (ArraySelection _ _ index_expr) = file <<< '[' <<< index_expr <<< ']'
+ (<<<) file (ArraySelection {glob_object={ds_index}} _ index_expr) = file <<< '<' <<< ds_index <<< '>' <<< '[' <<< index_expr <<< ']'
(<<<) file (DictionarySelection var selections _ index_expr) = file <<< '(' <<< var <<< '.' <<< selections <<< ')' <<< '[' <<< index_expr <<< ']'
instance <<< LocalDefs
@@ -1830,8 +1832,15 @@ instance == Annotation
(==) a1 a2 = equal_constructor a1 a2
-EmptySymbolTableEntry :==
- { ste_kind = STE_Empty, ste_index = NoIndex, ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = abort "empty SymbolTableEntry" }
+EmptySymbolTableEntry :== EmptySymbolTableEntryCAF.boxed_symbol_table_entry
+::BoxedSymbolTableEntry = {boxed_symbol_table_entry::!SymbolTableEntry}
+EmptySymbolTableEntryCAF :: BoxedSymbolTableEntry
+EmptySymbolTableEntryCAF =: {boxed_symbol_table_entry = { ste_kind = STE_Empty, ste_index = NoIndex, ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = abort_empty_SymbolTableEntry } }
+abort_empty_SymbolTableEntry :: a
+abort_empty_SymbolTableEntry = abort "empty SymbolTableEntry"
cNotAGroupNumber :== -1
@@ -1853,10 +1862,23 @@ PostiveSignClass :== { sc_pos_vect = bitnot 0, sc_neg_vect = 0 }
NoPropClass :== 0
PropClass :== bitnot 0
+newTypeSymbIdentCAF :: TypeSymbIdent;
+newTypeSymbIdentCAF =: MakeTypeSymbIdentMacro { glob_object = NoIndex, glob_module = NoIndex } {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr} 0
+//MakeNewTypeSymbIdent name arity
+// :== MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = NoIndex, glob_module = NoIndex } name arity
MakeNewTypeSymbIdent name arity
- :== MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = NoIndex, glob_module = NoIndex } name arity
+ :== {newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_name=name, type_arity=arity }
+//MakeTypeSymbIdent type_index name arity
+// :== { type_name = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index,
+// type_prop = { tsp_sign = BottomSignClass, tsp_propagation = NoPropClass, tsp_coercible = True }}
MakeTypeSymbIdent type_index name arity
+ :== { newTypeSymbIdentCAF & type_name = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index }
+MakeTypeSymbIdentMacro type_index name arity
:== { type_name = name, type_arity = arity, type_index = type_index,
type_prop = { tsp_sign = BottomSignClass, tsp_propagation = NoPropClass, tsp_coercible = True }}
diff --git a/frontend/trans.dcl b/frontend/trans.dcl
index 640fc0a..dd6d153 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.dcl
+++ b/frontend/trans.dcl
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ cAccumulating :== -3
:: CleanupInfo
-analyseGroups :: !{# CommonDefs} !IndexRange !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap
+analyseGroups :: !{# CommonDefs} !IndexRange !Int !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!CleanupInfo, !*{! ConsClasses}, !*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap)
-transformGroups :: !CleanupInfo !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !{!.ConsClasses} !{# CommonDefs} !{# {# FunType} }
+transformGroups :: !CleanupInfo !Int !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !{!.ConsClasses} !{# CommonDefs} !{# {# FunType} }
!*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ partitionateFunctions :: !*{# FunDef} ![IndexRange] -> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef
:: ImportedConstructors :== [Global Index]
-convertSymbolType :: !{# CommonDefs} !SymbolType !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
+convertSymbolType :: !{# CommonDefs} !SymbolType !Int !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}} !ImportedConstructors !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
-> (!SymbolType, !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
addTypesOfDictionaries :: !{#CommonDefs} ![TypeContext] ![AType] -> [AType]
diff --git a/frontend/transform.icl b/frontend/transform.icl
index 42dee93..6751298 100644
--- a/frontend/transform.icl
+++ b/frontend/transform.icl
@@ -4,10 +4,16 @@ import syntax, check, StdCompare, utilities, RWSDebug
:: LiftState =
{ ls_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
- , ls_fun_defs :: !.{#FunDef}
+// , ls_fun_defs :: !.{#FunDef}
+ , ls_x :: !.LiftStateX
, ls_expr_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
+:: LiftStateX = {
+ x_fun_defs :: !.{#FunDef},
+ x_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int
+ }
class lift a :: !a !*LiftState -> (!a, !*LiftState)
instance lift [a] | lift a
@@ -94,8 +100,10 @@ instance lift App
lift app=:{app_symb = app_symbol=:{symb_arity,symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_object,glob_module}}, app_args} ls
# (app_args, ls) = lift app_args ls
- | glob_module == cIclModIndex
- #! fun_def = ls.ls_fun_defs.[glob_object]
+// | glob_module == cIclModIndex
+ | glob_module == ls.ls_x.LiftStateX.x_main_dcl_module_n
+// #! fun_def = ls.ls_fun_defs.[glob_object]
+ #! fun_def = ls.ls_x.x_fun_defs.[glob_object]
# {fun_info={fi_free_vars}} = fun_def
fun_lifted = length fi_free_vars
| fun_lifted > 0
@@ -120,6 +128,33 @@ where
-> add_free_variables free_vars [Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr } : app_args]
var_heap expr_heap
+ lift app=:{app_symb = app_symbol=:{symb_arity,symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction glob_object}, app_args} ls
+ # (app_args, ls) = lift app_args ls
+// #! fun_def = ls.ls_fun_defs.[glob_object]
+ #! fun_def = ls.ls_x.x_fun_defs.[glob_object]
+ # {fun_info={fi_free_vars}} = fun_def
+ fun_lifted = length fi_free_vars
+ | fun_lifted > 0
+ # (app_args, ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap) = add_free_variables fi_free_vars app_args ls.ls_var_heap ls.ls_expr_heap
+ = ({ app & app_args = app_args, app_symb = { app_symbol & symb_arity = symb_arity + fun_lifted }},
+ { ls & ls_var_heap = ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap = ls_expr_heap })
+ = ({ app & app_args = app_args }, ls)
+ where
+ add_free_variables :: ![FreeVar] ![Expression] !u:VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap -> (![Expression],!u:VarHeap,!*ExpressionHeap)
+ add_free_variables [] app_args var_heap expr_heap
+ = (app_args, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ add_free_variables [{fv_name, fv_info_ptr} : free_vars] app_args var_heap expr_heap
+ #! var_info = sreadPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
+ = case var_info of
+ VI_LiftedVariable var_info_ptr
+ # (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
+ -> add_free_variables free_vars [Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr } : app_args]
+ var_heap expr_heap
+ _
+ # (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap
+ -> add_free_variables free_vars [Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr } : app_args]
+ var_heap expr_heap
lift app=:{app_args} ls
# (app_args, ls) = lift app_args ls
= ({ app & app_args = app_args }, ls)
@@ -329,6 +364,8 @@ where
is_function_or_macro (SK_Function _)
= True
+ is_function_or_macro (SK_LocalMacroFunction _)
+ = True
is_function_or_macro (SK_Macro _)
= True
is_function_or_macro (SK_OverloadedFunction _)
@@ -506,6 +543,7 @@ examineFunctionCall {id_info} fc=:{fc_index} (calls, symbol_table)
-> ( [ fc : calls ], symbol_table <:=
(id_info, { ste_kind = STE_Called [fc_index], ste_index = NoIndex, ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = entry }))
//unfoldMacro :: !FunDef ![Expression] !*ExpandInfo -> (!Expression, !*ExpandInfo)
unfoldMacro {fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}, fun_info = {fi_calls}} args fun_defs (calls, es=:{es_var_heap,es_symbol_heap, es_symbol_table})
# (let_binds, var_heap) = bind_expressions tb_args args [] es_var_heap
@@ -624,12 +662,12 @@ where
partitionateAndLiftFunctions :: ![IndexRange] !Index !PredefinedSymbol !*{# FunDef} !u:{# DclModule} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!*{! Group}, !*{# FunDef}, !u:{# DclModule}, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap, !*SymbolTable, !*ErrorAdmin )
-partitionateAndLiftFunctions ranges mod_index alias_dummy fun_defs modules var_heap symbol_heap symbol_table error
+partitionateAndLiftFunctions ranges main_dcl_module_n alias_dummy fun_defs modules var_heap symbol_heap symbol_table error
#! max_fun_nr = size fun_defs
# partitioning_info = { pi_var_heap = var_heap, pi_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, pi_symbol_table = symbol_table,
pi_error = error, pi_deps = [], pi_next_num = 0, pi_next_group = 0, pi_groups = [] }
(fun_defs, modules, {pi_groups, pi_symbol_table, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap, pi_error})
- = foldSt (partitionate_functions mod_index max_fun_nr) ranges (fun_defs, modules, partitioning_info)
+ = foldSt (partitionate_functions main_dcl_module_n max_fun_nr) ranges (fun_defs, modules, partitioning_info)
groups = { {group_members = group} \\ group <- reverse pi_groups }
= (groups, fun_defs, modules, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap, pi_symbol_table, pi_error)
@@ -658,7 +696,9 @@ where
-> (max_fun_nr, ({ fun_defs & [fun_index] = {fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = pi.pi_next_group }}, modules,
{pi & pi_next_group = inc pi.pi_next_group, pi_groups = [ [fun_index] : pi.pi_groups]}))
-> (max_fun_nr, (fun_defs, modules, pi))
+ BackendBody _
+ -> abort "partitionate_function BackendBody"
visit_function mod_index max_fun_nr {fc_index} (min_dep, funs_modules_pi)
# (next_min, funs_modules_pi) = partitionate_function mod_index max_fun_nr fc_index funs_modules_pi
= (min next_min min_dep, funs_modules_pi)
@@ -668,8 +708,10 @@ where
| fun_number <= min_dep
# (pi_deps, group_without_macros, group_without_funs, fun_defs)
= close_group fun_index pi_deps [] [] max_fun_nr pi_next_group fun_defs
- (fun_defs, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap)
- = liftFunctions def_level (group_without_macros ++ group_without_funs) pi_next_group fun_defs pi_var_heap pi_symbol_heap
+// (fun_defs, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap)
+ {ls_x={x_fun_defs=fun_defs}, ls_var_heap=pi_var_heap, ls_expr_heap=pi_symbol_heap}
+// = liftFunctions def_level (group_without_macros ++ group_without_funs) pi_next_group cIclModIndex fun_defs pi_var_heap pi_symbol_heap
+ = liftFunctions def_level (group_without_macros ++ group_without_funs) pi_next_group main_dcl_module_n fun_defs pi_var_heap pi_symbol_heap
(fun_defs, modules, es)
= expand_macros_in_group mod_index group_without_funs (fun_defs, modules,
{ es_symbol_table = pi_symbol_table, es_var_heap = pi_var_heap, es_symbol_heap = pi_symbol_heap,
@@ -707,7 +749,6 @@ where
fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs},
fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fi_calls, fi_local_vars = fi_local_vars }}
= ({ fun_and_macro_defs & [fun_index] = fun_def }, modules, es)
-// ---> ("expand_macros", fun_symb, fi_local_vars)
add_called_macros calls macro_defs_and_pi
= foldSt add_called_macro calls macro_defs_and_pi
@@ -1013,16 +1054,17 @@ mergeCases (case_expr=:(Case first_case=:{case_default, case_default_pos}), case
mergeCases expr_and_pos _ var_heap symbol_heap error
= (expr_and_pos, var_heap, symbol_heap, checkWarning "" " alternative will never match" error)
-liftFunctions min_level group group_index fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
+liftFunctions min_level group group_index main_dcl_module_n fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
# (contains_free_vars, lifted_function_called, fun_defs)
= foldSt (add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_calls_to_function group_index) group (False, False, fun_defs)
| contains_free_vars
# fun_defs = iterateSt (add_free_vars_of_recursive_calls_to_functions group_index group) fun_defs
- = lift_functions group fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
+// = lift_functions group fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
+ = lift_functions group {ls_x={x_fun_defs=fun_defs,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n},ls_var_heap=var_heap,ls_expr_heap=expr_heap}
| lifted_function_called
- = lift_functions group fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
- = (fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ = lift_functions group {ls_x={x_fun_defs=fun_defs,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n},ls_var_heap=var_heap,ls_expr_heap=expr_heap}
+// = (fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ = {ls_x={x_fun_defs=fun_defs,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n},ls_var_heap=var_heap, ls_expr_heap=expr_heap}
add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_calls_to_function group_index fun (contains_free_vars, lifted_function_called, fun_defs)
@@ -1077,18 +1119,24 @@ where
# (free_var_added, free_vars) = newFreeVariable var free_vars
= add_free_global_variables vars (free_var_added || free_vars_added, free_vars)
- lift_functions group fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
- = foldSt lift_function group (fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
+// lift_functions group fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
+// = foldSt lift_function group (fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ lift_functions group lift_state
+ = foldSt lift_function group lift_state
- lift_function fun (fun_defs=:{[fun] = fun_def}, var_heap, expr_heap)
+// lift_function fun (fun_defs=:{[fun] = fun_def}, var_heap, expr_heap)
+ lift_function fun {ls_x=ls_x=:{x_fun_defs=fun_defs=:{[fun] = fun_def}}, ls_var_heap=var_heap, ls_expr_heap=expr_heap}
# {fi_free_vars} = fun_def.fun_info
fun_lifted = length fi_free_vars
(PartioningFunction {cb_args,cb_rhs} fun_number) = fun_def.fun_body
(cb_args, var_heap) = add_lifted_args fi_free_vars cb_args var_heap
- (cb_rhs, {ls_fun_defs,ls_var_heap,ls_expr_heap}) = lift cb_rhs { ls_fun_defs = fun_defs, ls_var_heap = var_heap, ls_expr_heap = expr_heap }
+// (cb_rhs, {ls_fun_defs,ls_var_heap,ls_expr_heap}) = lift cb_rhs { ls_fun_defs = fun_defs, ls_var_heap = var_heap, ls_expr_heap = expr_heap }
+ (cb_rhs, {ls_x,ls_var_heap,ls_expr_heap}) = lift cb_rhs { ls_x={ls_x & x_fun_defs = fun_defs}, ls_var_heap = var_heap, ls_expr_heap = expr_heap }
ls_var_heap = remove_lifted_args fi_free_vars ls_var_heap
+ ls_fun_defs = ls_x.x_fun_defs
ls_fun_defs = { ls_fun_defs & [fun] = { fun_def & fun_lifted = fun_lifted, fun_body = PartioningFunction {cb_args = cb_args, cb_rhs = cb_rhs} fun_number}}
- = (ls_fun_defs, ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap)
+// = (ls_fun_defs, ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap)
+ = {ls_x={ls_x & x_fun_defs=ls_fun_defs}, ls_var_heap=ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap= ls_expr_heap}
// ---> ("lift_function", fun_def.fun_symb, fi_free_vars, cb_args, cb_rhs)
remove_lifted_args vars var_heap
diff --git a/frontend/type.dcl b/frontend/type.dcl
index 8366dc5..40a2352 100644
--- a/frontend/type.dcl
+++ b/frontend/type.dcl
@@ -3,9 +3,5 @@ definition module type
import StdArray
import syntax, check
-/* MW4 was:
-typeProgram ::!{! Group} !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File
- -> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File)
-typeProgram ::!{! Group} !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !(Optional Bool) !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File !*File
+typeProgram ::!{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !(Optional Bool) !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !ModuleNumberSet !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File !*File
-> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File, !*File)
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index 333694f..e500538 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
implementation module type
import StdEnv
import syntax, typesupport, check, analtypes, overloading, unitype, refmark, predef, utilities, compare_constructor
import RWSDebug
:: TypeInput =
- { ti_common_defs :: {# CommonDefs }
- , ti_functions :: {# {# FunType }}
+ { ti_common_defs :: !{# CommonDefs }
+ , ti_functions :: !{# {# FunType }}
+ , ti_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int
:: TypeState =
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ import RWSDebug
instance toString BoundVar
toString varid = varid.var_name.id_name
-class arraySubst type :: !type !u:{!Type} -> (!type, !u:{! Type})
+class arraySubst type :: !type !u:{!Type} -> (!type, !u:{! Type})
instance arraySubst AType
arraySubst atype=:{at_type} subst
@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ where
# (tc_types, subst) = arraySubst tc_types subst
= ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types}, subst)
-instance arraySubst OverloadedCall
- arraySubst oc=:{oc_context} subst
- # (oc_context, subst) = arraySubst oc_context subst
- = ({ oc & oc_context = oc_context }, subst)
+ /*
+ instance arraySubst OverloadedCall
+ where
+ arraySubst oc=:{oc_context} subst
+ # (oc_context, subst) = arraySubst oc_context subst
+ = ({ oc & oc_context = oc_context }, subst)
+ */
instance arraySubst CaseType
@@ -135,6 +135,240 @@ where
(ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst ct_cons_types subst
= ({ ct & ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
+instance arraySubst AType
+ arraySubst atype=:{at_type} subst
+ # (changed,at_type, subst) = arraySubst2 at_type subst
+ | changed
+ = ({ atype & at_type = at_type }, subst)
+ = (atype, subst)
+instance arraySubst Type
+ arraySubst tv=:(TempV tv_number) subst
+ #! type = subst.[tv_number]
+ = case type of
+ TE -> (tv, subst)
+ _ -> arraySubst type subst
+ arraySubst type=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) subst
+ # (changed,arg_type, subst) = arraySubst2 arg_type0 subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,res_type, subst) = arraySubst2 res_type0 subst
+ | changed
+ = (arg_type --> res_type, subst)
+ = (arg_type --> res_type0, subst)
+ # (changed,res_type, subst) = arraySubst2 res_type0 subst
+ | changed
+ = (arg_type0 --> res_type, subst)
+ = (type, subst)
+ arraySubst type=:(TA cons_id cons_args) subst
+ # (changed,cons_args, subst) = arraySubst2 cons_args subst
+ | changed
+ = (TA cons_id cons_args, subst)
+ = (type, subst)
+ arraySubst tcv=:(TempCV tv_number :@: types) subst
+ #! type = subst.[tv_number]
+ = case type of
+ TE
+ # (changed,types, subst) = arraySubst2 types subst
+ | changed
+ -> (TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst)
+ -> (tcv, subst)
+ _
+ # (type, subst) = arraySubst type subst
+ (types, subst) = arraySubst types subst
+ -> (simplify_type_appl type types, subst)
+ where
+ simplify_type_appl :: !Type ![AType] -> Type
+ simplify_type_appl (TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args) type_args
+ = TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + length type_args } (cons_args ++ type_args)
+ simplify_type_appl (cons_var :@: types) type_args
+ = cons_var :@: (types ++ type_args)
+ simplify_type_appl (TempV tv_number) type_args
+ = TempCV tv_number :@: type_args
+ simplify_type_appl (TempQV tv_number) type_args
+ = TempQCV tv_number :@: type_args
+ arraySubst type subst
+ = (type, subst)
+instance arraySubst [a] | arraySubst2 a
+ arraySubst [] subst
+ = ([],subst)
+ arraySubst t=:[type0:types0] subst
+ # (changed,types,subst) = arraySubst2 types0 subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,type,subst) = arraySubst2 type0 subst
+ | changed
+ = ([type:types],subst)
+ = ([type0:types],subst)
+ # (changed,type,subst) = arraySubst2 type0 subst
+ | changed
+ = ([type:types0],subst)
+ = (t,subst)
+instance arraySubst TempSymbolType
+ arraySubst tst=:{tst_args,tst_result,tst_context} subst
+ # (changed,tst_args, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_args subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,tst_result, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_result subst
+ # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
+ = ({tst & tst_args = tst_args,tst_result = tst_result,tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
+ # (changed,tst_result, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_result subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
+ = ({tst & tst_result = tst_result,tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
+ # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
+ | changed
+ = ({tst & tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
+ = (tst, subst)
+instance arraySubst TypeContext
+ arraySubst tc=:{tc_types} subst
+ # (changed,tc_types, subst) = arraySubst2 tc_types subst
+ | changed
+ = ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types}, subst)
+ = ( tc, subst)
+instance arraySubst CaseType
+ arraySubst ct=:{ct_pattern_type,ct_result_type,ct_cons_types} subst
+ # (changed,ct_pattern_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_pattern_type subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,ct_result_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_result_type subst
+ # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
+ = ({ ct & ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
+ # (changed,ct_result_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_result_type subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
+ = ({ ct & ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
+ # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
+ | changed
+ = ({ ct & ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
+ = (ct, subst)
+class arraySubst2 type :: !type !u:{!Type} -> (!Bool,!type, !u:{! Type})
+instance arraySubst2 AType
+ arraySubst2 atype=:{at_type} subst
+ # (changed,at_type, subst) = arraySubst2 at_type subst
+ | changed
+ = (True,{ atype & at_type = at_type }, subst)
+ = (False,atype, subst)
+instance arraySubst2 Type
+ arraySubst2 tv=:(TempV tv_number) subst
+ #! type = subst.[tv_number]
+ = case type of
+ TE -> (False,tv, subst)
+ _
+ # (t,s) = arraySubst type subst
+ -> (True,t,s)
+ arraySubst2 type=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) subst
+ # (changed,arg_type, subst) = arraySubst2 arg_type0 subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,res_type, subst) = arraySubst2 res_type0 subst
+ | changed
+ = (True,arg_type --> res_type, subst)
+ = (True,arg_type --> res_type0, subst)
+ # (changed,res_type, subst) = arraySubst2 res_type0 subst
+ | changed
+ = (True,arg_type0 --> res_type, subst)
+ = (False,type, subst)
+ arraySubst2 type=:(TA cons_id cons_args) subst
+ # (changed,cons_args, subst) = arraySubst2 cons_args subst
+ | changed
+ = (True,TA cons_id cons_args, subst)
+ = (False,type, subst)
+ arraySubst2 tcv=:(TempCV tv_number :@: types) subst
+ #! type = subst.[tv_number]
+ = case type of
+ TE
+ # (changed,types, subst) = arraySubst2 types subst
+ | changed
+ -> (True,TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst)
+ -> (False,tcv, subst)
+ _
+ # (type, subst) = arraySubst type subst
+ (types, subst) = arraySubst types subst
+ -> (True,simplify_type_appl type types, subst)
+ where
+ simplify_type_appl :: !Type ![AType] -> Type
+ simplify_type_appl (TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args) type_args
+ = TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + length type_args } (cons_args ++ type_args)
+ simplify_type_appl (cons_var :@: types) type_args
+ = cons_var :@: (types ++ type_args)
+ simplify_type_appl (TempV tv_number) type_args
+ = TempCV tv_number :@: type_args
+ simplify_type_appl (TempQV tv_number) type_args
+ = TempQCV tv_number :@: type_args
+ arraySubst2 type subst
+ = (False,type, subst)
+instance arraySubst2 [a] | arraySubst2 a
+ arraySubst2 [] subst
+ = (False,[],subst)
+ arraySubst2 t=:[type0:types0] subst
+ # (changed,types,subst) = arraySubst2 types0 subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,type,subst) = arraySubst2 type0 subst
+ | changed
+ = (True,[type:types],subst)
+ = (True,[type0:types],subst)
+ # (changed,type,subst) = arraySubst2 type0 subst
+ | changed
+ = (True,[type:types0],subst)
+ = (False,t,subst)
+instance arraySubst2 TempSymbolType
+ arraySubst2 tst=:{tst_args,tst_result,tst_context} subst
+ # (changed,tst_args, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_args subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,tst_result, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_result subst
+ # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
+ = (True,{tst & tst_args = tst_args,tst_result = tst_result,tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
+ # (changed,tst_result, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_result subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
+ = (True,{tst & tst_result = tst_result,tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
+ # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
+ | changed
+ = (True,{tst & tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
+ = (False,tst, subst)
+instance arraySubst2 TypeContext
+ arraySubst2 tc=:{tc_types} subst
+ # (changed,tc_types, subst) = arraySubst2 tc_types subst
+ | changed
+ = (True,{ tc & tc_types = tc_types}, subst)
+ = (False, tc, subst)
+instance arraySubst2 CaseType
+ arraySubst2 ct=:{ct_pattern_type,ct_result_type,ct_cons_types} subst
+ # (changed,ct_pattern_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_pattern_type subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,ct_result_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_result_type subst
+ # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
+ = (True,{ ct & ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
+ # (changed,ct_result_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_result_type subst
+ | changed
+ # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
+ = (True,{ ct & ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
+ # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
+ | changed
+ = (True,{ ct & ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
+ = (False,ct, subst)
class contains_var a :: !Int !a -> Bool
instance contains_var [a] | contains_var a
@@ -262,7 +496,8 @@ where
= unify t1x t2x modules subst heaps
= (False, subst, heaps)
-instance unify [a] | unify, arraySubst a
+//instance unify [a] | unify, arraySubst a
+instance unify [a] | unify, arraySubst, arraySubst2 a
unify [t1 : ts1] [t2 : ts2] modules subst heaps
= unify (t1,ts1) (t2,ts2) modules subst heaps
@@ -564,9 +799,12 @@ freshSymbolType fresh_context_vars st=:{st_vars,st_args,st_result,st_context,st_
{ ts & ts_var_store = ts_var_store, ts_attr_store = ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps = copy_heaps, ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap})
// ---> ("freshSymbolType", tst_args, tst_result, tst_context)
+ fresh_type_variables :: .[TypeVar] *(*Heap TypeVarInfo,.Int) -> (!.Heap TypeVarInfo,!Int);
fresh_type_variables type_variables state
= foldr (\{tv_info_ptr} (var_heap, var_store) -> (writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Type (TempV var_store)) var_heap, inc var_store))
state type_variables
+ fresh_attributes :: .[AttributeVar] *(*Heap AttrVarInfo,.Int) -> (!.Heap AttrVarInfo,!Int);
fresh_attributes attributes state
= foldr (\{av_info_ptr} (attr_heap, attr_store) -> (writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar attr_store)) attr_heap, inc attr_store))
state attributes
@@ -654,7 +892,9 @@ attribute_error type_attr err
# err = errorHeading "Type error" err
= { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< "* attribute expected instead of " <<< type_attr <<< '\n' }
-addPropagationAttributesToAType modules type=:{at_type = TA cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} cons_args, at_attribute} ps
+addPropagationAttributesToAType :: {#CommonDefs} !AType !*PropState -> *(!AType,Int,!*PropState);
+//addPropagationAttributesToAType modules type=:{at_type = TA cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} cons_args, at_attribute} ps
+addPropagationAttributesToAType modules type=:{at_type = TA cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_name} cons_args, at_attribute} ps
# (cons_args, props, ps=:{prop_td_infos,prop_type_heaps,prop_attr_vars,prop_attr_env,prop_error})
= add_propagation_attributes_to_atypes modules cons_args ps
(prop_class, th_vars, prop_td_infos) = propClassification glob_object glob_module props modules prop_type_heaps.th_vars prop_td_infos
@@ -847,8 +1087,11 @@ storeAttribute (Yes expt_ptr) type_attribute symbol_heap
storeAttribute No type_attribute symbol_heap
= symbol_heap
-getSymbolType ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs} {symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_arity, symb_name} ts
- | glob_module == cIclModIndex
+getSymbolType ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_arity, symb_name} ts
+// | glob_module == cIclModIndex
+ | glob_module == ti_main_dcl_module_n
+ | glob_object>=size ts.ts_fun_env
+ = abort symb_name.id_name;
# (fun_type, ts) = ts!ts_fun_env.[glob_object]
= case fun_type of
UncheckedType fun_type
@@ -864,9 +1107,11 @@ getSymbolType ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs} {symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_m
(fun_type_copy,ts) = currySymbolType fun_type_copy symb_arity ts
-> (fun_type_copy, cons_variables, [], ts)
- -> abort "getSymbolType (type.icl)" ---> (symb_name, fun_type)
+ -> abort "getSymbolType (type.icl)" ---> (symb_name, glob_object, fun_type)
# {ft_type,ft_type_ptr,ft_specials} = ti_functions.[glob_module].[glob_object]
- (fun_type_copy, cons_variables, ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction symb_name symb_arity ft_type ft_type_ptr ti_common_defs ts
+ | glob_module>=size ti_functions || glob_object>=size ti_functions.[glob_module]
+ = abort (toString glob_module+++" "+++toString glob_object+++" "+++toString ti_main_dcl_module_n+++" "+++symb_name.id_name);
+ # (fun_type_copy, cons_variables, ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction symb_name symb_arity ft_type ft_type_ptr ti_common_defs ts
= (fun_type_copy, cons_variables, get_specials ft_specials, ts)
get_specials (SP_ContextTypes specials) = specials
@@ -874,6 +1119,25 @@ getSymbolType ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs} {symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_m
getSymbolType ti {symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_arity} ts
# (fresh_cons_type, ts) = standardRhsConstructorType glob_object glob_module symb_arity ti ts
= (fresh_cons_type, [], [], ts)
+getSymbolType ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction glob_object, symb_arity, symb_name} ts
+ | glob_object>=size ts.ts_fun_env
+ = abort symb_name.id_name;
+ # (fun_type, ts) = ts!ts_fun_env.[glob_object]
+ = case fun_type of
+ UncheckedType fun_type
+ # (fun_type_copy, ts) = currySymbolType fun_type symb_arity ts
+ -> (fun_type_copy, [], [], ts)
+ SpecifiedType fun_type lifted_arg_types _
+ # (fun_type_copy=:{tst_args,tst_arity}, cons_variables, ts) = freshSymbolType cWithoutFreshContextVars fun_type ti_common_defs ts
+ (fun_type_copy, ts) = currySymbolType { fun_type_copy & tst_args = lifted_arg_types ++ fun_type_copy.tst_args,
+ tst_arity = tst_arity + length lifted_arg_types } symb_arity ts
+ -> (fun_type_copy, cons_variables, [], ts)
+ CheckedType fun_type
+ # (fun_type_copy, cons_variables, ts) = freshSymbolType cWithFreshContextVars fun_type ti_common_defs ts
+ (fun_type_copy,ts) = currySymbolType fun_type_copy symb_arity ts
+ -> (fun_type_copy, cons_variables, [], ts)
+ _
+ -> abort "getSymbolType (type.icl)" ---> (symb_name, glob_object, fun_type)
getSymbolType ti=:{ti_common_defs} {symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_arity} ts
# {me_symb, me_type,me_type_ptr} = ti_common_defs.[glob_module].com_member_defs.[glob_object]
(fun_type_copy, cons_variables, ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction me_symb symb_arity me_type me_type_ptr ti_common_defs ts
@@ -1610,30 +1874,26 @@ addLiftedArgumentsToSymbolType st=:{st_arity,st_args,st_vars,st_attr_vars,st_con
, fe_location :: !IdentPos
-// MW4 was:typeProgram ::!{! Group} !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File
-typeProgram ::!{! Group} !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !(Optional Bool) !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File !*File
-// MW4 was: -> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File)
+typeProgram ::!{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !(Optional Bool) !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !ModuleNumberSet !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File !*File
-> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File, !*File)
-// MW4 was:typeProgram comps fun_defs specials icl_defs imports modules {hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, hp_type_heaps} predef_symbols file
-typeProgram comps fun_defs specials list_inferred_types icl_defs imports modules {hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, hp_type_heaps} predef_symbols file out
+typeProgram comps main_dcl_module_n fun_defs specials list_inferred_types icl_defs imports modules used_module_numbers {hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, hp_type_heaps} predef_symbols file out
#! fun_env_size = size fun_defs
# ts_error = {ea_file = file, ea_loc = [], ea_ok = True }
- ti_common_defs = {{dcl_common \\ {dcl_common} <-: modules } & [cIclModIndex] = icl_defs }
+ ti_common_defs = {{dcl_common \\ {dcl_common} <-: modules } & [main_dcl_module_n] = icl_defs }
ti_functions = {dcl_functions \\ {dcl_functions} <-: modules }
type_def_sizes = [ size com_type_defs \\ {com_type_defs} <-: ti_common_defs ]
class_def_sizes = [ size com_class_defs \\ {com_class_defs} <-: ti_common_defs ]
class_instances = { { IT_Empty \\ i <- [0 .. dec size] } \\ size <- class_def_sizes }
- (td_infos, hp_type_heaps, ts_error) = analTypeDefs ti_common_defs hp_type_heaps ts_error
+ (td_infos, hp_type_heaps, ts_error) = analTypeDefs ti_common_defs used_module_numbers hp_type_heaps ts_error
state = collect_imported_instances imports ti_common_defs {} ts_error class_instances hp_type_heaps.th_vars td_infos
(_, ts_error, class_instances, th_vars, td_infos) = collect_and_check_instances (size icl_defs.com_instance_defs) ti_common_defs state
ts = { ts_fun_env = InitFunEnv fun_env_size, ts_var_heap = hp_var_heap, ts_expr_heap = hp_expression_heap, ts_var_store = 0, ts_attr_store = FirstAttrVar,
-// MW4 was: ts_type_heaps = { hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, ts_td_infos = td_infos, ts_error = ts_error }
ts_type_heaps = { hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, ts_td_infos = td_infos, ts_error = ts_error, ts_out = out }
- ti = { ti_common_defs = ti_common_defs, ti_functions = ti_functions }
+ ti = { ti_common_defs = ti_common_defs, ti_functions = ti_functions,ti_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n }
special_instances = { si_next_array_member_index = fun_env_size, si_array_instances = [], si_next_TC_member_index = 0, si_TC_instances = [] }
// MW4 was: # (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts) = type_components 0 comps class_instances ti (False, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts)
# (type_error, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts) = type_components list_inferred_types 0 comps class_instances ti (False, fun_defs, predef_symbols, special_instances, ts)
@@ -1647,7 +1907,6 @@ typeProgram comps fun_defs specials list_inferred_types icl_defs imports modules
(fun_defs, predef_symbols, ts_type_heaps) = convert_array_instances si_array_instances ti_common_defs fun_defs predef_symbols ts_type_heaps
type_code_instances = {createArray si_next_TC_member_index GTT_Function & [gtci_index] = gtci_type \\ {gtci_index, gtci_type} <- si_TC_instances}
= (not type_error, fun_defs, { ir_from = fun_env_size, ir_to = si_next_array_member_index }, type_code_instances, ti_common_defs, ti_functions,
-// MW4 was: {hp_var_heap = ts_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = ts_expr_heap, hp_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps }, predef_symbols, ts_error.ea_file)
{hp_var_heap = ts_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = ts_expr_heap, hp_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps }, predef_symbols, ts_error.ea_file, ts_out)
// ---> ("typeProgram", array_inst_types)
@@ -1660,7 +1919,8 @@ where
= state
collect_and_check_instances nr_of_instances common_defs state
- = iFoldSt (update_instances_of_class common_defs cIclModIndex) 0 nr_of_instances state
+// = iFoldSt (update_instances_of_class common_defs cIclModIndex) 0 nr_of_instances state
+ = iFoldSt (update_instances_of_class common_defs main_dcl_module_n) 0 nr_of_instances state
update_instances_of_class common_defs mod_index ins_index (dummy, error, class_instances, type_var_heap, td_infos)
# {ins_class={glob_object={ds_index},glob_module},ins_type={it_types}} = common_defs.[mod_index].com_instance_defs.[ins_index]
@@ -1749,7 +2009,8 @@ where
get_index_of_start_rule predef_symbols
# ({pds_def, pds_module}, predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![PD_Start]
- | pds_def <> NoIndex && pds_module == cIclModIndex
+// | pds_def <> NoIndex && pds_module == cIclModIndex
+ | pds_def <> NoIndex && pds_module == main_dcl_module_n
= (pds_def, predef_symbols)
= (NoIndex, predef_symbols)
@@ -1773,7 +2034,7 @@ where
(over_info, (subst, ts_expr_heap)) = collect_and_expand_overloaded_calls fun_reqs [] (subst, ts_expr_heap)
(contexts, coercion_env, local_pattern_variables, dict_types,
{ os_type_heaps, os_var_heap, os_symbol_heap, os_predef_symbols, os_special_instances, os_error })
- = tryToSolveOverloading over_info ti_common_defs class_instances coercion_env
+ = tryToSolveOverloading over_info main_dcl_module_n ti_common_defs class_instances coercion_env
{ os_type_heaps = {ts_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}, os_var_heap = ts_var_heap, os_symbol_heap = ts_expr_heap,
os_predef_symbols = predef_symbols, os_error = ts_error, os_special_instances = special_instances }
| not os_error.ea_ok
@@ -1800,7 +2061,7 @@ where
type_code_info = { tci_next_index = os_special_instances.si_next_TC_member_index, tci_instances = os_special_instances.si_TC_instances,
tci_type_var_heap = ts_type_heaps.th_vars }
(fun_defs, ts_fun_env, ts_expr_heap, {tci_next_index,tci_instances,tci_type_var_heap}, ts_var_heap, ts_error, os_predef_symbols)
- = updateDynamics comp local_pattern_variables fun_defs ts.ts_fun_env ts.ts_expr_heap type_code_info ts.ts_var_heap ts.ts_error os_predef_symbols
+ = updateDynamics comp local_pattern_variables main_dcl_module_n fun_defs ts.ts_fun_env ts.ts_expr_heap type_code_info ts.ts_var_heap ts.ts_error os_predef_symbols
= ( type_error || not ts_error.ea_ok,
fun_defs, os_predef_symbols, { os_special_instances & si_next_TC_member_index = tci_next_index, si_TC_instances = tci_instances },
{ ts & ts_var_store = 0, ts_attr_store = FirstAttrVar, ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_error = { ts_error & ea_ok = True },
@@ -1809,7 +2070,7 @@ where
type_code_info = { tci_next_index = os_special_instances.si_next_TC_member_index, tci_instances = os_special_instances.si_TC_instances,
tci_type_var_heap = ts_type_heaps.th_vars }
(fun_defs, ts_fun_env, ts_expr_heap, {tci_next_index,tci_instances,tci_type_var_heap}, ts_var_heap, ts_error, os_predef_symbols)
- = removeOverloadedFunctions comp local_pattern_variables fun_defs ts.ts_fun_env
+ = removeOverloadedFunctions comp local_pattern_variables main_dcl_module_n fun_defs ts.ts_fun_env
ts.ts_expr_heap type_code_info ts.ts_var_heap ts.ts_error os_predef_symbols
= ( type_error || not ts_error.ea_ok,
fun_defs, os_predef_symbols, { os_special_instances & si_next_TC_member_index = tci_next_index, si_TC_instances = tci_instances },
@@ -1868,15 +2129,7 @@ where
(prev_vect, bitvects) = bitvects![bit_index]
= { bitvects & [bit_index] = prev_vect bitor (1 << BITNUMBER var_number) }
-/* MW4 was
- build_coercion_env [{fe_requirements={req_type_coercions},fe_location} : reqs_list] subst coercion_env common_defs cons_var_vects type_signs type_var_heap error
- # error = setErrorAdmin fe_location error
- (subst, coercion_env, type_signs, type_var_heap, error)
- = add_to_coercion_env req_type_coercions subst coercion_env common_defs cons_var_vects type_signs type_var_heap error
- = build_coercion_env reqs_list subst coercion_env common_defs cons_var_vects type_signs type_var_heap error
- build_coercion_env [] subst coercion_env common_defs cons_var_vects type_signs type_var_heap error
- = (subst, coercion_env, type_signs, type_var_heap, error)
+ build_coercion_env :: [.FunctionRequirements] v:{!Type} *Coercions {#CommonDefs} {#Int} *{#*{#TypeDefInfo}} *TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin -> (!w:{!Type},!.Coercions,!u:{#u:{#TypeDefInfo}},!.TypeHeaps,!.ErrorAdmin), [v <= w];
build_coercion_env [{fe_requirements={req_type_coercion_groups},fe_location={ip_ident}} : reqs_list] subst coercion_env common_defs cons_var_vects type_signs type_var_heap error
# (subst, coercion_env, type_signs, type_var_heap, error)
= foldSt (build_coercion_env_for_alternative ip_ident common_defs cons_var_vects)
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.icl b/frontend/unitype.icl
index 14c38ce..046a8c0 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.icl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.icl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ FirstAttrVar :== 3
:: PartitioningInfo =
{ pi_marks :: !.AttributePartition
, pi_next_num :: !Int
- , pi_groups :: ![[Int]]
+ , pi_groups :: !.[[Int]]
, pi_deps :: ![Int]
@@ -86,6 +86,14 @@ determineAttributeCoercions off_type dem_type coercible position subst coercions
---> ("determineAttributeCoercions", exp_off_type, exp_dem_type)
-> (subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps, error)
-> undef
+file_to_true :: !File -> Bool
+file_to_true file = code {
+ .inline file_to_true
+ pop_b 2
+ pushB TRUE
+ .end
+ }
@@ -114,8 +122,8 @@ where
= visit_attributes right max_attr_nr min_dep coer_offered pi
visit_attributes tree max_attr_nr min_dep coer_offered pi
= (min_dep, pi)
- reverse_and_length :: ![a] !Int ![a] -> (!Int, ![a])
+ reverse_and_length :: !*[a] !Int ![a] -> (!Int, ![a])
reverse_and_length [] length list = (length, list)
reverse_and_length [ x : xs ] length list = reverse_and_length xs (inc length) [x : list]
@@ -237,9 +245,9 @@ liftTempTypeVariable modules cons_vars tv_number subst ls
TE -> (TempV tv_number, subst, ls)
_ -> lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
-class lift a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*{! Type} !*LiftState
- -> (!a, !*{! Type}, !*LiftState)
+class lift a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*{! Type} !*LiftState -> (!a, !*{! Type}, !*LiftState)
instance lift Type
lift modules cons_vars (TempV tv_number) subst ls
@@ -248,11 +256,14 @@ where
# (arg_type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars arg_type subst ls
(res_type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars res_type subst ls
= (arg_type --> res_type, subst, ls)
- lift modules cons_vars (TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity} cons_args) subst ls
+// lift modules cons_vars (TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity} cons_args) subst ls
+ lift modules cons_vars (TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity,type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) subst ls
# ({tdi_kinds}, ls) = ls!ls_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
(cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds subst ls
(type_prop, ls_type_var_heap, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls.ls_type_var_heap ls.ls_td_infos
- = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (TA cons_id cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !*{!Type} !*LiftState
-> (![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState)
@@ -314,6 +325,237 @@ where
= True
type_is_non_coercible _
= False
+instance lift Type
+ lift modules cons_vars t=:(TempV tv_number) subst ls
+ #! type = subst.[tv_number]
+ = case type of
+ TE -> (t,subst, ls)
+ _ -> lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
+ lift modules cons_vars t=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) subst ls
+ # (changed,arg_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars arg_type0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ # (changed,res_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars res_type0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ = (arg_type --> res_type, subst, ls)
+ = (arg_type --> res_type0, subst, ls)
+ # (changed,res_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars res_type0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ = (arg_type0 --> res_type, subst, ls)
+ = (t,subst, ls)
+ lift modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity,type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) subst ls
+ # ({tdi_kinds}, ls) = ls!ls_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
+ # (changed,cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds subst ls
+ | changed
+ # (type_prop, ls_type_var_heap, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls.ls_type_var_heap ls.ls_td_infos
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (TA cons_id cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ # (type_prop, ls_type_var_heap, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls.ls_type_var_heap ls.ls_td_infos
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (t0, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ where
+ lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !*{!Type} !*LiftState
+ -> (!Bool,![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState)
+ lift_list modules cons_vars [] _ subst ls
+ = (False,[], [], [], subst, ls)
+ lift_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] [tk : tks] subst ls
+ # (changed,t,subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars t0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ # (_,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
+ = (True,[t:ts],sign_classes,prop_classes,subst,ls)
+ = (True,[t:ts],sign_classes,prop_classes,subst,ls)
+ # (changed,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
+ | changed
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
+ = (True,[t0:ts], sign_classes,prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ = (True,[t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
+ = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TA {type_arity,type_prop} _) sign_classes prop_classes
+ = ([adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes], [adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes])
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TempV tmp_var_id) sign_classes prop_classes
+ | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
+ = ([PostiveSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
+ = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes])
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind _ sign_classes prop_classes
+ = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
+ lift modules cons_vars (TempCV temp_var :@: types) subst ls
+ # (type, subst, ls) = liftTempTypeVariable modules cons_vars temp_var subst ls
+ (_,types, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars types subst ls
+ = case type of
+ TA type_cons cons_args
+ # nr_of_new_args = length types
+ -> (TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_cons.type_arity + nr_of_new_args } (cons_args ++ types), subst, ls)
+ TempV tv_number
+ -> (TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst, ls)
+ cons_var :@: cv_types
+ -> (cons_var :@: (cv_types ++ types), subst, ls)
+ where
+ lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![a] !*{!Type} !*LiftState -> (!Bool,![a], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState) | lift2 a
+ lift_list modules cons_vars [] subst ls
+ = (False,[], subst, ls)
+ lift_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] subst ls
+ # (changed,t, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars t0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ # (_,ts, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
+ = (True,[t:ts], subst, ls)
+ # (changed,ts, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
+ | changed
+ = (True,[t0:ts], subst, ls)
+ = (False,ts0, subst, ls)
+ lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
+ = (type, subst, ls)
+instance lift AType
+ lift modules cons_vars attr_type=:{at_attribute,at_type} subst ls
+ # (changed,at_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars at_type subst ls
+ | changed
+ | type_is_non_coercible at_type
+ = ({attr_type & at_type = at_type },subst, ls)
+ = ({attr_type & at_attribute = TA_TempVar ls.ls_next_attr, at_type = at_type}, subst, {ls & ls_next_attr = inc ls.ls_next_attr})
+ | type_is_non_coercible at_type
+ = (attr_type,subst, ls)
+ = ({attr_type & at_attribute = TA_TempVar ls.ls_next_attr}, subst, {ls & ls_next_attr = inc ls.ls_next_attr})
+ where
+ type_is_non_coercible (TempV _)
+ = True
+ type_is_non_coercible (TempQV _)
+ = True
+ type_is_non_coercible (_ --> _)
+ = True
+ type_is_non_coercible (_ :@: _)
+ = True
+ type_is_non_coercible _
+ = False
+class lift2 a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*{! Type} !*LiftState -> (!Bool,!a, !*{! Type}, !*LiftState)
+instance lift2 Type
+ lift2 modules cons_vars t=:(TempV tv_number) subst ls
+ #! type = subst.[tv_number]
+ = case type of
+ TE -> (lift2_False,t,subst, ls)
+ _ # (type,subst, ls) =lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
+ -> (lift2_True,type,subst, ls)
+ lift2 modules cons_vars t=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) subst ls
+ # (changed,arg_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars arg_type0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ # (changed,res_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars res_type0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ = (lift2_True,arg_type --> res_type, subst, ls)
+ = (lift2_True,arg_type --> res_type0, subst, ls)
+ # (changed,res_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars res_type0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ = (lift2_True,arg_type0 --> res_type, subst, ls)
+ = (lift2_False,t,subst, ls)
+ lift2 modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity,type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) subst ls
+ # ({tdi_kinds}, ls) = ls!ls_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
+ # (changed,cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds subst ls
+ | changed
+ # (type_prop, ls_type_var_heap, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls.ls_type_var_heap ls.ls_td_infos
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (lift2_True,TA cons_id cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ = (lift2_True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ # (type_prop, ls_type_var_heap, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls.ls_type_var_heap ls.ls_td_infos
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (lift2_False,t0, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ = (lift2_True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ where
+ lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !*{!Type} !*LiftState
+ -> (!Bool,![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState)
+ lift_list modules cons_vars [] _ subst ls
+ = (False,[], [], [], subst, ls)
+ lift_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] [tk : tks] subst ls
+ # (changed,t,subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars t0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ # (_,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
+ = (True,[t:ts],sign_classes,prop_classes,subst,ls)
+ = (True,[t:ts],sign_classes,prop_classes,subst,ls)
+ # (changed,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
+ | changed
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
+ = (True,[t0:ts], sign_classes,prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ = (True,[t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
+ = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TA {type_arity,type_prop} _) sign_classes prop_classes
+ = ([adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes], [adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes])
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TempV tmp_var_id) sign_classes prop_classes
+ | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
+ = ([PostiveSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
+ = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes])
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind _ sign_classes prop_classes
+ = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
+ lift2 modules cons_vars (TempCV temp_var :@: types) subst ls
+ # (type, subst, ls) = liftTempTypeVariable modules cons_vars temp_var subst ls
+ (_,types, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars types subst ls
+ = case type of
+ TA type_cons cons_args
+ # nr_of_new_args = length types
+ -> (lift2_True,TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_cons.type_arity + nr_of_new_args } (cons_args ++ types), subst, ls)
+ TempV tv_number
+ -> (lift2_True,TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst, ls)
+ cons_var :@: cv_types
+ -> (lift2_True,cons_var :@: (cv_types ++ types), subst, ls)
+ where
+ lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![a] !*{!Type} !*LiftState -> (!Bool,![a], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState) | lift2 a
+ lift_list modules cons_vars [] subst ls
+ = (False,[], subst, ls)
+ lift_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] subst ls
+ # (changed,t, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars t0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ # (_,ts, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
+ = (True,[t:ts], subst, ls)
+ # (changed,ts, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
+ | changed
+ = (True,[t0:ts], subst, ls)
+ = (False,ts0, subst, ls)
+ lift2 modules cons_vars type subst ls
+ = (lift2_False,type, subst, ls)
+lift2_True :== True
+lift2_False :== False
+instance lift2 AType
+ lift2 modules cons_vars attr_type=:{at_attribute,at_type} subst ls
+ # (changed,at_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars at_type subst ls
+ | changed
+ | type_is_non_coercible at_type
+ = (True,{attr_type & at_type = at_type },subst, ls)
+ = (True,{attr_type & at_attribute = TA_TempVar ls.ls_next_attr, at_type = at_type}, subst, {ls & ls_next_attr = inc ls.ls_next_attr})
+ | type_is_non_coercible at_type
+ = (False,attr_type,subst, ls)
+ = (True,{attr_type & at_attribute = TA_TempVar ls.ls_next_attr}, subst, {ls & ls_next_attr = inc ls.ls_next_attr})
+ where
+ type_is_non_coercible (TempV _)
+ = True
+ type_is_non_coercible (TempQV _)
+ = True
+ type_is_non_coercible (_ --> _)
+ = True
+ type_is_non_coercible (_ :@: _)
+ = True
+ type_is_non_coercible _
+ = False
:: ExpansionState =
@@ -322,7 +564,7 @@ where
class expandType a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!a, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
instance expandType AType
expandType modules cons_vars attr_type=:{at_type, at_attribute} (subst, es=:{es_type_heaps})
@@ -338,6 +580,52 @@ where
-> abort ("expand_attribute (unitype.icl)" ---> (av_name <<- info ))
expand_attribute attr attr_var_heap
= (attr, attr_var_heap)
+instance expandType AType
+ expandType modules cons_vars attr_type=:{at_type, at_attribute} (subst, es=:{es_type_heaps})
+ # (changed,at_attribute, th_attrs) = expand_attribute at_attribute es_type_heaps.th_attrs
+ | changed
+ # (at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
+ = ({ attr_type & at_type = at_type, at_attribute = at_attribute }, subst_and_es)
+ # (changed,at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
+ | changed
+ = ({ attr_type & at_type = at_type }, subst_and_es)
+ = (attr_type, subst_and_es)
+ where
+ expand_attribute :: TypeAttribute *(Heap AttrVarInfo) -> (!.Bool,TypeAttribute,!.Heap AttrVarInfo);
+ expand_attribute (TA_Var {av_name,av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
+ = case (readPtr av_info_ptr attr_var_heap) of
+ (AVI_Attr attr, attr_var_heap)
+ -> (True,attr, attr_var_heap)
+ (info, attr_var_heap)
+ -> abort ("expand_attribute (unitype.icl)" ---> (av_name <<- info ))
+ expand_attribute attr attr_var_heap
+ = (False,attr, attr_var_heap)
+class expandType2 a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!Bool,!a, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
+instance expandType2 AType
+ expandType2 modules cons_vars attr_type=:{at_type, at_attribute} (subst, es=:{es_type_heaps})
+ # (changed,at_attribute, th_attrs) = expand_attribute at_attribute es_type_heaps.th_attrs
+ | changed
+ # (at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
+ = (True,{ attr_type & at_type = at_type, at_attribute = at_attribute }, subst_and_es)
+ # (changed,at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
+ | changed
+ = (True,{ attr_type & at_type = at_type }, subst_and_es)
+ = (False,attr_type, subst_and_es)
+ where
+ expand_attribute :: TypeAttribute *(Heap AttrVarInfo) -> (!.Bool,TypeAttribute,!.Heap AttrVarInfo);
+ expand_attribute (TA_Var {av_name,av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
+ = case (readPtr av_info_ptr attr_var_heap) of
+ (AVI_Attr attr, attr_var_heap)
+ -> (True,attr, attr_var_heap)
+ (info, attr_var_heap)
+ -> abort ("expand_attribute (unitype.icl)" ---> (av_name <<- info ))
+ expand_attribute attr attr_var_heap
+ = (False,attr, attr_var_heap)
expandTempTypeVariable :: !TempVarId !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!Type, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
expandTempTypeVariable tv_number (subst, es)
@@ -349,6 +637,10 @@ expandTempTypeVariable tv_number (subst, es)
IsArrowKind (KindArrow _) = True
IsArrowKind _ = False
+equal_type_prop {tsp_sign=sign0,tsp_propagation=prop0,tsp_coercible=coerc0} {tsp_sign=sign1,tsp_propagation=prop1,tsp_coercible=coerc1}
+ = prop0==prop1 && coerc0==coerc1 && sign0.sc_pos_vect==sign1.sc_pos_vect && sign0.sc_neg_vect==sign1.sc_neg_vect
instance expandType Type
expandType modules cons_vars (TempV tv_number) es
@@ -360,13 +652,17 @@ where
# (arg_type, es) = expandType modules cons_vars arg_type es
(res_type, es) = expandType modules cons_vars res_type es
= (arg_type --> res_type, es)
- expandType modules cons_vars (TA cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} cons_args) (subst, es)
+// expandType modules cons_vars (TA cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} cons_args) (subst, es)
+ expandType modules cons_vars (TA cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) (subst, es)
# ({tdi_kinds}, es) = es!es_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
(cons_args, hio_signs, hio_props, (subst,es=:{es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds (subst, es)
(type_prop, th_vars, es_td_infos)
= typeProperties glob_object glob_module hio_signs hio_props modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
- = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (TA cons_id cons_args,
(subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
+ (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
// ---> ("expandType", type_name, type_prop.tsp_propagation)
expand_type_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState)
@@ -406,6 +702,207 @@ where
instance expandType [a] | expandType a
expandType modules cons_vars l es = mapSt (expandType modules cons_vars) l es
+instance expandType Type
+ expandType modules cons_vars t0=:(TempV tv_number) est=:(subst,es)
+ #! type = subst.[tv_number]
+ = case type of
+ TE -> (t0, est)
+ _ -> (type, est)
+ expandType modules cons_vars (TV {tv_info_ptr}) (subst, es=:{es_type_heaps})
+ # (TVI_Type type, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr es_type_heaps.th_vars
+ = (type, (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ expandType modules cons_vars t0=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) es
+ # (changed,arg_type, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars arg_type0 es
+ | changed
+ # (res_type, es) = expandType modules cons_vars res_type0 es
+ = (arg_type --> res_type, es)
+ # (changed,res_type, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars res_type0 es
+ | changed
+ = (arg_type0 --> res_type, es)
+ = (t0, es)
+ expandType modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) (subst, es)
+ # ({tdi_kinds}, es) = es!es_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
+ (changed,cons_args, hio_signs, hio_props, (subst,es=:{es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds (subst, es)
+ | changed
+ # (type_prop, th_vars, es_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module hio_signs hio_props modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (TA cons_id cons_args,
+ (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
+ (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ // ---> ("expandType", type_name, type_prop.tsp_propagation)
+ # (type_prop, th_vars, es_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module hio_signs hio_props modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (t0,
+ (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
+ (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ // ---> ("expandType", type_name, type_prop.tsp_propagation)
+ where
+ expand_type_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState)
+ -> (!Bool,![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState))
+ expand_type_list modules cons_vars [] _ es
+ = (False,[], [], [], es)
+ expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] [tk : tks] es
+ # (changed,t, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars t0 es
+ | changed
+ # (_,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, es) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts tks es
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes;
+ = (True,[t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ = (True,[t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ # (changed,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, es) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts tks es
+ | changed
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes;
+ = (True,[t0:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ = (True,[t0:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes;
+ = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TA {type_arity,type_prop} _) sign_classes prop_classes
+ =([adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes],[adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes])
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind ( TempV tmp_var_id) sign_classes prop_classes
+ | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
+ = ([PostiveSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
+ = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes])
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind _ sign_classes prop_classes
+ = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
+ expandType modules cons_vars (TempCV temp_var :@: types) es
+ # (type, es) = expandTempTypeVariable temp_var es
+ (types, es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
+ = case type of
+ TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args
+ # nr_of_new_args = length types
+ -> (TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + nr_of_new_args } (cons_args ++ types), es)
+ TempV tv_number
+ -> (TempCV tv_number :@: types, es)
+ cons_var :@: cv_types
+ -> (cons_var :@: (cv_types ++ types), es)
+ expandType modules cons_vars type es
+ = (type, es)
+instance expandType [a] | expandType,expandType2 a
+ expandType modules cons_vars [] es
+ = ([],es)
+ expandType modules cons_vars types0=:[type0:types] es
+ # (changed,type,es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars type0 es
+ | changed
+ # (types,es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
+ = ([type:types],es)
+ # (changed,types,es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars types es
+ | changed
+ = ([type0:types],es)
+ = (types0,es)
+instance expandType2 Type
+ expandType2 modules cons_vars t0=:(TempV tv_number) est=:(subst,es)
+ #! type = subst.[tv_number]
+ = case type of
+ TE -> (False,t0, est)
+ _ -> (True,type, est)
+ expandType2 modules cons_vars (TV {tv_info_ptr}) (subst, es=:{es_type_heaps})
+ # (TVI_Type type, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr es_type_heaps.th_vars
+ = (True,type, (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ expandType2 modules cons_vars t0=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) es
+ # (changed,arg_type, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars arg_type0 es
+ | changed
+ # (changed,res_type, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars res_type0 es
+ | changed
+ = (AexpandType2_True,arg_type --> res_type, es)
+ = (AexpandType2_True,arg_type --> res_type0, es)
+ # (changed,res_type, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars res_type0 es
+ | changed
+ = (AexpandType2_True,arg_type0 --> res_type, es)
+ = (AexpandType2_False,t0, es)
+ expandType2 modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) (subst, es)
+ # ({tdi_kinds}, es) = es!es_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
+ (changed,cons_args, hio_signs, hio_props, (subst,es=:{es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds (subst, es)
+ | changed
+ # (type_prop, th_vars, es_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module hio_signs hio_props modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (AexpandType2_True,TA cons_id cons_args,
+ (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ = (AexpandType2_True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
+ (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ # (type_prop, th_vars, es_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module hio_signs hio_props modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (AexpandType2_False,t0,
+ (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ = (AexpandType2_True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
+ (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ where
+ expand_type_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState)
+ -> (!Bool,![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState))
+ expand_type_list modules cons_vars [] _ es
+ = (False,[], [], [], es)
+ expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] [tk : tks] es
+ # (changed,t, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars t0 es
+ | changed
+ # (_,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, es) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts tks es
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes;
+ = (True,[t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ = (True,[t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ # (changed,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, es) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts tks es
+ | changed
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes;
+ = (True,[t0:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ = (True,[t0:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes;
+ = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TA {type_arity,type_prop} _) sign_classes prop_classes
+ =([adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes],[adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes])
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind ( TempV tmp_var_id) sign_classes prop_classes
+ | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
+ = ([PostiveSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
+ = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes])
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind _ sign_classes prop_classes
+ = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
+ expandType2 modules cons_vars (TempCV temp_var :@: types) es
+ # (type, es) = expandTempTypeVariable temp_var es
+ (types, es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
+ = case type of
+ TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args
+ # nr_of_new_args = length types
+ -> (AexpandType2_True,TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + nr_of_new_args } (cons_args ++ types), es)
+ TempV tv_number
+ -> (AexpandType2_True,TempCV tv_number :@: types, es)
+ cons_var :@: cv_types
+ -> (AexpandType2_True,cons_var :@: (cv_types ++ types), es)
+ expandType2 modules cons_vars type es
+ = (False,type, es)
+AexpandType2_False :== False
+AexpandType2_True :== True
+instance expandType2 [a] | expandType,expandType2 a
+ expandType2 modules cons_vars [] es
+ = (False,[],es)
+ expandType2 modules cons_vars types0=:[type0:types] es
+ # (changed,type,es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars type0 es
+ | changed
+ # (types,es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
+ = (True,[type:types],es)
+ # (changed,types,es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars types es
+ | changed
+ = (True,[type0:types],es)
+ = (False,types0,es)
instance toInt TypeAttribute
@@ -431,6 +928,8 @@ offered_attribute according to sign. Failure is indicated by returning False as
+coerceAttributes :: !.TypeAttribute !.TypeAttribute !.Sign *Coercions -> (!Bool,.Coercions);
/* Just Temporary */
coerceAttributes TA_TempExVar dem_attr _ coercions
@@ -637,6 +1136,7 @@ where
adjust_sign sign _ cons_vars
= sign
+ add_propagation_inequalities :: TypeAttribute !Type *Coercions -> (!.Bool,.Coercions);
add_propagation_inequalities attr (TA {type_name,type_prop={tsp_propagation}} cons_args) coercions
= add_inequalities tsp_propagation attr cons_args coercions
@@ -731,12 +1231,3 @@ where
(<<<) file CT_Unique = file <<< "CT_Unique"
(<<<) file CT_NonUnique = file <<< "CT_NonUnique"
(<<<) file CT_Empty = file <<< "##"
-file_to_true :: !File -> Bool
-file_to_true file = code {
- .inline file_to_true
- pop_b 2
- pushB TRUE
- .end
- }