module owner: Ronny Wichers Schreur
implementation module typereify
import checksupport
import typesupport
// import StdDebug
typeFunName :: Ident -> {#Char}
typeFunName {id_name}
= "TD;" +++ id_name
class makeTypeFun a :: Ident Position SymbolType *VarHeap *SymbolTable
-> (a, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable)
instance makeTypeFun FunDef where
makeTypeFun ident position symbol_type var_heap symbol_table
= (function, var_heap, symbol_table)
function =
{ fun_ident = ident
, fun_arity = 1
, fun_priority = NoPrio
, fun_body = GeneratedBody
, fun_type = Yes symbol_type
, fun_pos = position
, fun_kind = FK_Function False
, fun_lifted = 0
, fun_info = EmptyFunInfo
instance makeTypeFun FunType where
makeTypeFun ident position symbol_type var_heap symbol_table
# (entry, symbol_table)
= readPtr ident.id_info symbol_table
# entry
= { entry & ste_kind = STE_DclFunction}
# symbol_table
= writePtr ident.id_info entry symbol_table
# (ft_type_ptr, var_heap)
= newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
= ({ ft_ident = ident
, ft_arity = 1
, ft_priority = NoPrio
, ft_type = symbol_type
, ft_pos = position
, ft_specials = SP_None
, ft_type_ptr = ft_type_ptr
}, var_heap, symbol_table)
class isTypeSynonym a :: a -> Bool
instance isTypeSynonym (TypeDef a) | isTypeSynonym a where
isTypeSynonym {td_rhs}
= isTypeSynonym td_rhs
// Currently type functions are generated for all types, including type
// synonyms. This should be changed to only type synonyms that are abstract.
instance isTypeSynonym TypeRhs where
isTypeSynonym (AlgType _)
= False
isTypeSynonym (RecordType _)
= False
isTypeSynonym (AbstractType _)
= False
isTypeSynonym (SynType _)
= False
isTypeSynonym (AbstractSynType _ _)
= False
add_dcl_type_fun_types :: TypeSymbIdent Int *{#DclModule} *VarHeap *SymbolTable
-> (*{#DclModule}, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable)
add_dcl_type_fun_types ctTypeDefSymb add_dcl_type_fun_types dcl_mods var_heap symbols
# (n, dcl_mods)
= usize dcl_mods
= add_type_fun_types add_dcl_type_fun_types n ctTypeDefSymb dcl_mods var_heap symbols
add_type_fun_types :: Int Int TypeSymbIdent *{#DclModule} *VarHeap *SymbolTable
-> (*{#DclModule}, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable)
add_type_fun_types i n ctTypeDefSymb dcl_mods var_heap symbols
| i >= n
= (dcl_mods, var_heap, symbols)
| i == cPredefinedModuleIndex
= add_type_fun_types (i+1) n ctTypeDefSymb dcl_mods var_heap symbols
// otherwise
# (dcl_mod, dcl_mods)
= dcl_mods![i]
# (dcl_mod, var_heap, symbols)
= add_fun_types ctTypeDefSymb dcl_mod var_heap symbols
# dcl_mods
= {dcl_mods & [i] = dcl_mod}
= add_type_fun_types (i+1) n ctTypeDefSymb dcl_mods var_heap symbols
add_fun_types :: TypeSymbIdent DclModule *VarHeap *SymbolTable
-> (DclModule, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable)
add_fun_types ctTypeDefSymb
dcl_mod=:{dcl_name, dcl_functions, dcl_common={com_type_defs}}
var_heap symbols
# n_functions
= size dcl_functions
# (type_funs, com_type_defs, var_heap, symbols)
= addTypeFunctionsA dcl_name n_functions ctTypeDefSymb
{def \\ def <-: com_type_defs} var_heap symbols
# dcl_functions
= {function \\ function <- [e \\ e <-: dcl_functions] ++ type_funs}
# dcl_type_funs
= {ir_from = n_functions, ir_to = size dcl_functions}
# dcl_mod
= { dcl_mod
& dcl_functions = dcl_functions
, dcl_common.com_type_defs = com_type_defs
, dcl_type_funs = dcl_type_funs
= (dcl_mod, var_heap, symbols)
addTypeFunctions :: Ident Int *{#DclModule} *{#FunDef} *CommonDefs *PredefinedSymbols *VarHeap *SymbolTable
-> (IndexRange, *{#DclModule}, *{#FunDef}, *CommonDefs, *PredefinedSymbols, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable)
addTypeFunctions mod_ident nr_cached_dcls dcl_modules icl_functions icl_common
predefs var_heap symbols
# (ctTypeDefSymb, predefs)
= getCTTypeDefSymb predefs
getCTTypeDefSymb predefs
# ({pds_module, pds_def}, predefs)
= predefs![PD_CTTypeDef]
# ident
= predefined_idents.[PD_CTTypeDef]
# type_symb
= { MakeNewTypeSymbIdent ident 0
& type_index.glob_module = pds_module
, type_index.glob_object = pds_def
= (type_symb, predefs)
# (dcl_modules, var_heap, symbols)
= add_dcl_type_fun_types ctTypeDefSymb nr_cached_dcls dcl_modules var_heap symbols
# (icl_type_fun_range, icl_functions, icl_common, var_heap, symbols)
= add_icl_type_functions icl_functions ctTypeDefSymb icl_common var_heap symbols
add_icl_type_functions :: *{#FunDef} TypeSymbIdent *CommonDefs *VarHeap *SymbolTable
-> (IndexRange, *{#FunDef}, *CommonDefs, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable)
add_icl_type_functions icl_functions ctTypeDefSymb icl_common=:{com_type_defs} var_heap symbols
# (n_functions_before, icl_functions)
= usize icl_functions
# (type_funs, com_type_defs, var_heap, symbols)
= addTypeFunctionsA mod_ident n_functions_before ctTypeDefSymb com_type_defs var_heap symbols
# icl_common
= {icl_common & com_type_defs=com_type_defs}
# icl_functions
= {function \\ function <- [e \\ e <-: icl_functions] ++ type_funs}
# (n_functions_after, icl_functions)
= usize icl_functions
# type_fun_range
= {ir_from=n_functions_before,ir_to=n_functions_after}
= (type_fun_range, icl_functions, icl_common, var_heap, symbols)
# (nr_of_functions, icl_functions)
= usize icl_functions
= (icl_type_fun_range, dcl_modules, icl_functions, icl_common, predefs, var_heap, symbols)
getSymbol :: Index ((Global Index) -> SymbKind) *PredefinedSymbols -> (SymbIdent, !*PredefinedSymbols)
getSymbol index symb_kind predef_symbols
# ({pds_module, pds_def}, predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![index]
# pds_ident = predefined_idents.[index]
symbol = { symb_ident = pds_ident, symb_kind = symb_kind { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def} }
= (symbol, predef_symbols)
predefFunction :: Index *PredefinedSymbols -> (SymbIdent, !*PredefinedSymbols)
predefFunction cons_index predefs
= getSymbol cons_index SK_Function predefs
predefConstructor :: Index *PredefinedSymbols -> (SymbIdent, !*PredefinedSymbols)
predefConstructor cons_index predefs
= getSymbol cons_index SK_Constructor predefs
predefRecordConstructor :: Index {#CommonDefs} *PredefinedSymbols -> (SymbIdent, !*PredefinedSymbols)
predefRecordConstructor record_type_index common_defs predefs
# ({pds_module=pds_module1, pds_def=pds_def1}, predefs)
= predefs![record_type_index]
# {td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor,rt_fields}} = common_defs.[pds_module1].com_type_defs.[pds_def1]
# record_cons_symbol
= {glob_module = pds_module1, glob_object = rt_constructor}
# dynamic_type = {glob_module = pds_module1, glob_object = pds_def1}
# record_cons_symb_ident
= { SymbIdent |
symb_ident = rt_constructor.ds_ident
, symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module = pds_module1, glob_object = rt_constructor.ds_index}
= (record_cons_symb_ident, predefs)
:: BuildTypeFunState =
!{ bs_predefs :: !.PredefinedSymbols
, bs_type_heaps :: .TypeHeaps
, bs_var_heap :: .VarHeap
buildTypeFunctions :: !Int !*{#FunDef} !{#CommonDefs}
*PredefinedSymbols *VarHeap *TypeHeaps
-> (*{#FunDef}, *PredefinedSymbols, *VarHeap, *TypeHeaps)
buildTypeFunctions main icl_functions common_defs predefs var_heap type_heaps
# bs_state =
{ bs_predefs = predefs
, bs_var_heap = var_heap
, bs_type_heaps = type_heaps
# type_defs
= common_defs.[main].com_type_defs
# (type_funs, bs_state)
= build 0 (size type_defs) type_defs icl_functions bs_state
= (type_funs, bs_state.bs_predefs, bs_state.bs_var_heap,
build i n type_defs functions bs_state
| i < n
# info =
{ ri_main = main
, ri_common_defs = common_defs
, ri_type_var_num = 0
# (functions, bs_state)
= buildTypeFunction type_defs.[i] functions info bs_state
= build (i+1) n type_defs functions bs_state
// otherwise
= (functions, bs_state)
buildTypeFunction :: CheckedTypeDef *{#FunDef} Info *BuildTypeFunState
-> (*{#FunDef}, *BuildTypeFunState)
buildTypeFunction type_def=:{td_fun_index, td_args} functions info bs_state
| td_fun_index == NoIndex
= (functions, bs_state)
// otherwise
# (rhs, bs_state)
= numberTypeVarsBeforeRiefy td_args (reify type_def) info bs_state
# (new_info_ptr, bs_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty bs_state.bs_var_heap
# bs_state
= {bs_state & bs_var_heap=bs_var_heap}
# var_id
= {id_name = "_x", id_info = nilPtr}
= {fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = var_id,
fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = 0}
# body
= {tb_args = [lhs_free_var], tb_rhs = rhs}
# functions
= {functions & [td_fun_index].fun_body=TransformedBody body}
= (functions, bs_state)
numberTypeVarsBeforeRiefy :: a Riefier Info *BuildTypeFunState
-> (Expression, *BuildTypeFunState) | numberTypeVars a
numberTypeVarsBeforeRiefy vars riefier info bs_state
# bs_type_heaps
= bs_state.bs_type_heaps
# (ri_type_var_num, th_vars)
= numberTypeVars vars (info.ri_type_var_num, bs_type_heaps.th_vars)
# bs_type_heaps
= {bs_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}
# bs_state
= {bs_state & bs_type_heaps = bs_type_heaps}
# (expr, bs_state)
= riefier {info & ri_type_var_num=ri_type_var_num} bs_state
= (expr, bs_state)
class numberTypeVars a :: a (!Int, !*TypeVarHeap) -> (!Int, !*TypeVarHeap)
instance numberTypeVars [a] | numberTypeVars a where
numberTypeVars l h
= foldSt numberTypeVars l h
instance numberTypeVars ATypeVar where
numberTypeVars {atv_variable} h
= numberTypeVars atv_variable h
instance numberTypeVars TypeVar where
numberTypeVars {tv_info_ptr} (n, h)
= (n+1, writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Reify n) h)
addTypeFunctionsA :: Ident Int TypeSymbIdent *{#CheckedTypeDef} *VarHeap *SymbolTable
-> ([a], *{#CheckedTypeDef}, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable) | makeTypeFun a
addTypeFunctionsA mod first_td_fun_index ct_type_def type_defs var_heap symbol_table
= add_td_fun_defs first_td_fun_index ct_type_def type_defs var_heap symbol_table
add_td_fun_defs :: Int TypeSymbIdent *{#CheckedTypeDef} *VarHeap *SymbolTable
-> ([a], *{#CheckedTypeDef}, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable) | makeTypeFun a
add_td_fun_defs type_fun_index ct_type_def type_defs var_heap symbol_table
# (n, type_defs)
= usize type_defs
= add_td_funs_acc 0 n type_fun_index ct_type_def type_defs [] var_heap symbol_table
add_td_funs_acc :: Int Int Int TypeSymbIdent *{#CheckedTypeDef} [a] *VarHeap *SymbolTable
-> ([a], *{#CheckedTypeDef}, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable) | makeTypeFun a
add_td_funs_acc i n index ct_type_def type_defs rev_type_fun_defs var_heap symbol_table
| i >= n
= (reverse rev_type_fun_defs, type_defs, var_heap, symbol_table)
// otherwise
# (type_def, type_defs)
= type_defs![i]
| isTypeSynonym type_def || is_dictionary type_def
= add_td_funs_acc (i+1) n index ct_type_def type_defs rev_type_fun_defs var_heap symbol_table
// otherwise
# (type_fun_def, var_heap, symbol_table)
= add_td_fun_def index ct_type_def type_def var_heap symbol_table
# type_defs
= {type_defs & [i].td_fun_index = index}
# rev_type_fun_defs
= [type_fun_def : rev_type_fun_defs]
= add_td_funs_acc (i+1) n (index+1) ct_type_def type_defs rev_type_fun_defs var_heap symbol_table
is_dictionary {td_ident} // FIXME, fragile
= name.[size name - 1] == ';'
= td_ident.id_name
add_td_fun_def :: Int TypeSymbIdent CheckedTypeDef *VarHeap *SymbolTable
-> (a, *VarHeap, *SymbolTable) | makeTypeFun a
add_td_fun_def index ct_type_def type_def=:{td_ident, td_pos} var_heap symbol_table
# entry
= { ste_kind = STE_Empty
, ste_index = index
, ste_def_level = -1
, ste_previous = EmptySymbolTableEntry
# (fun_ident, symbol_table)
= newPtr entry symbol_table
# type_fun_ident
= {id_name=typeFunName td_ident, id_info=fun_ident}
# ident = predefined_idents.[PD_CTTypeDef]
# type_symb = ct_type_def
# result_type
= TA ct_type_def []
# symbol_type =
{ st_vars = []
, st_args = [{at_attribute= TA_None, at_type = TB BT_Bool}]
, st_args_strictness = NotStrict
, st_arity = 1
, st_result = {at_attribute = TA_None, at_type = result_type}
, st_context = []
, st_attr_vars = []
, st_attr_env = []
= makeTypeFun type_fun_ident td_pos symbol_type var_heap symbol_table
:: ExpressionM :== BMonad Expression
:: BMonad a :== *BuildTypeFunState -> *(a, *BuildTypeFunState)
apply :: Expression Expression -> Expression
apply (App app=:{app_args}) a
= App {app & app_args = app_args ++ [a]}
apply f a
= f @ [a]
lift symb
= return (App {app_symb = symb, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr})
cons :: Index Info *BuildTypeFunState
-> *(Expression, *BuildTypeFunState)
cons cons_index info bs=:{bs_predefs}
# (symbol, bs_predefs)
= getSymbol cons_index SK_Constructor bs_predefs
= lift symbol {bs & bs_predefs=bs_predefs}
record :: Index Info *BuildTypeFunState
-> *(Expression, *BuildTypeFunState)
record type_index info=:{ri_common_defs} bs=:{bs_predefs}
# (symbol, bs_predefs)
= predefRecordConstructor type_index ri_common_defs bs_predefs
= lift symbol {bs & bs_predefs=bs_predefs}
quote :: {#Char} -> {#Char}
quote string
= "\"" +++ string +++ "\""
(o`) infixr 9
(o`) f g info x :== g info (f info x)
function :: Index Info *BuildTypeFunState
-> *(Expression, *BuildTypeFunState)
function fun_index info bs=:{bs_predefs}
# (symbol, bs_predefs)
= getSymbol fun_index SK_Function bs_predefs
= lift symbol {bs & bs_predefs=bs_predefs}
(`) infixl 9
(`) f a info state
# (rf, state)
= f info state
# (ra, state)
= reify a info state
= (apply rf ra, state)
:: Info =
{ ri_main :: !Int
, ri_common_defs :: !{#CommonDefs}
, ri_type_var_num :: !Int
:: Riefier :== Info -> BMonad Expression
class reify a :: a -> Riefier
instance reify [a] | reify a where
reify []
= cons PD_NilSymbol
reify [h:t]
= cons PD_ConsSymbol ` h ` t
instance reify Int where
reify int
= basic (BVInt int)
instance reify Bool where
reify bool
= basic (BVB bool)
instance reify {#Char} where
reify string
= basic (BVS string)
instance reify CheckedTypeDef where
reify {td_ident, td_arity, td_attribute, td_rhs}
= record PD_CTTypeDef ` quote td_ident.id_name ` td_arity
` is_unq_attribute td_attribute ` td_rhs
is_unq_attribute (TA_Var _)
= False
is_unq_attribute TA_Unique
= True
instance reify TypeRhs where
reify (AlgType constructors)
= cons PD_CTAlgType ` get constructors
get constructors info=:{ri_main, ri_common_defs} state
= reify [(ds_index,common_defs.[ds_index]) \\ {ds_index} <- constructors] info state
= ri_common_defs.[ri_main].com_cons_defs
reify (RecordType record_type)
= reify record_type
reify (SynType _)
= cons PD_CTSynType
instance reify (Int, ConsDef) where
reify (cons_index, {cons_ident, cons_type, cons_exi_vars})
= numberTypeVarsBeforeRiefy cons_exi_vars
(record PD_CTConsDef
` (function PD__CTToCons ` consSymbol cons_ident cons_index)
` cons_type.st_args ` length cons_exi_vars)
consSymbol cons_ident cons_index info=:{ri_main} state
# cons_symb =
{ symb_ident = cons_ident
, symb_kind = SK_Constructor { glob_module = ri_main, glob_object = cons_index}
= reify cons_symb info state
instance reify RecordType where
reify {rt_fields} // +++ constructor ??? +++ is_boxed
= cons PD_CTRecordType ` [field \\ field <-: rt_fields]
instance reify FieldSymbol where
reify {fs_index}
= selector fs_index
selector fs_index info=:{ri_main,ri_common_defs} st
= (numberTypeVarsBeforeRiefy vars
(record PD_CTFieldDef
` quote def.sd_ident.id_name
` length (def.sd_exi_vars)
` def.sd_type.st_result))
info st
= ri_common_defs.[ri_main]
= [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- def.sd_exi_vars]
++ def.sd_type.st_vars
instance reify AType where
reify {at_type}
= reify at_type
instance reify Riefier where
reify x
= x
instance reify Type where
reify type=:(TA symb args)
= reifyApp symb args
reify type=:(TAS symb args _)
= reifyApp symb args
reify (TV var)
= reify var
reify (TQV var)
= reify var
reify (a :@: args)
= foldl` reifyApply (reify a) args
reify TArrow
= cons PD_Dyn_TypeCons ` function PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_Arrow
reify (TArrow1 a)
= cons PD_Dyn_TypeApp `
(cons PD_Dyn_TypeCons ` function PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_Arrow) ` a
reify (a --> b)
= cons PD_Dyn_TypeApp ` (cons PD_Dyn_TypeApp `
(cons PD_Dyn_TypeCons ` function PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_Arrow) ` a) ` b
reify (TB basic_type)
= reify basic_type
reify (TFA vars type)
= numberTypeVarsBeforeRiefy vars (reify type)
reify t
= undef // <<- ("reify", t)
reifyApp :: TypeSymbIdent [AType] Info *BuildTypeFunState
-> (Expression, *BuildTypeFunState)
reifyApp symb args info=:{ri_common_defs} bs_state=:{bs_type_heaps}
# (expanded, expanded_type, bs_type_heaps)
= expandTypeSynonym ri_common_defs symb args bs_type_heaps
# bs_state
= {bs_state & bs_type_heaps=bs_type_heaps}
| expanded
= reify expanded_type info bs_state
// otherwise
= foldl` reifyApply (reify symb) args info bs_state
foldl` op r l = foldl r l // crashes if it's a macro
foldl r [] = r
foldl r [a:x] = foldl (op r a) x
reifyApply a h
= cons PD_Dyn_TypeApp ` a ` h
instance reify ConsVariable where
reify (CV var)
= reify var
instance reify TypeVar where
reify {tv_info_ptr, tv_ident}
= cons PD_Dyn_TypeVar ` typeVarNum tv_info_ptr
typeVarNum tv_info_ptr info bs=:{bs_type_heaps}
# (tv_info, th_vars)
= readPtr tv_info_ptr bs_type_heaps.th_vars
# tv_num
= case tv_info of
TVI_Reify tv_num
-> tv_num
-> abort "typeVar" // <<- (tv_ident.id_name, tv_info)
# bs_type_heaps
= {bs_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}
= reify tv_num info {bs & bs_type_heaps = bs_type_heaps}
instance reify BasicType where
reify (BT_String string_type)
= reify string_type
reify basic_type
= cons PD_Dyn_TypeCons ` function (predef basic_type)
predef BT_Int
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorInt
predef BT_Char
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorChar
predef BT_Real
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorReal
predef BT_Bool
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorBool
predef BT_Dynamic
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorDynamic
predef BT_File
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorFile
predef BT_World
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorWorld
instance reify SymbIdent where
reify symb
= reify {app_symb = symb, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr}
instance reify TypeSymbIdent where
reify symb
= cons PD_Dyn_TypeCons ` reifyTypeIdent symb
reifyTypeIdent {type_index} info=:{ri_common_defs} st
= reify (toTypeCodeConstructor type_index ri_common_defs) info st
instance reify GlobalTCType where
reify (GTT_PredefTypeConstructor {glob_object=type_index})
| PD_Arity2TupleTypeIndex <= type_index && type_index <= PD_Arity32TupleTypeIndex
# arity
= type_index - PD_Arity2TupleTypeIndex + 2
= function PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_Tuple ` arity
// otherwise
# predef_type_index
= type_index + FirstTypePredefinedSymbolIndex
= function (predefinedTypeConstructor predef_type_index)
reify (GTT_Constructor type_fun)
= function PD_Dyn__to_TypeCodeConstructor ` type_fun
predefinedTypeConstructor predef_type_index
| predef_type_index == PD_ListType
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_List
| predef_type_index == PD_StrictListType
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_StrictList
| predef_type_index == PD_UnboxedListType
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedList
| predef_type_index == PD_TailStrictListType
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_TailStrictList
| predef_type_index == PD_StrictTailStrictListType
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_StrictTailStrictList
| predef_type_index == PD_UnboxedTailStrictListType
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedTailStrictList
| predef_type_index == PD_LazyArrayType
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_LazyArray
| predef_type_index == PD_StrictArrayType
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_StrictArray
| predef_type_index == PD_UnboxedArrayType
= PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedArray
// otherwise
= fatal "predefinedType" "TC code from predef"
instance reify App where
reify app
= reify (App app)
instance reify Expression where
reify expr
= \x -> return expr
basic :: BasicValue -> Riefier
basic value
= \x -> return (BasicExpr value)
// copied and adopted from overloading
toTypeCodeConstructor type=:{glob_object=type_index, glob_module=module_index} common_defs
| module_index == cPredefinedModuleIndex
= GTT_PredefTypeConstructor type
// otherwise
# type
= common_defs.[module_index].com_type_defs.[type_index]
# td_fun_index
= type.td_fun_index
// sanity check ...
| td_fun_index == NoIndex
= fatal "toTypeCodeConstructor" ("no function (" +++ type.td_ident.id_name +++ ")")
// ... sanity check
# type_fun
= { symb_ident = {type.td_ident & id_info = nilPtr} // this is wrong but let's give it a try
, symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module = module_index, glob_object = td_fun_index}
= GTT_Constructor type_fun
fatal :: {#Char} {#Char} -> .a
fatal function_name message
= abort ("typereflection, " +++ function_name +++ ": " +++ message)
expandTypeSynonym :: {#CommonDefs} TypeSymbIdent [AType] *TypeHeaps
-> (Bool, Type, *TypeHeaps)
expandTypeSynonym defs cons_id type_args type_heaps
# {type_ident,type_index={glob_object,glob_module}}
= cons_id
# {td_ident,td_rhs,td_args,td_attribute}
= defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
= case td_rhs of
SynType {at_type}
# (expanded_type, type_heaps)
= substituteType td_attribute TA_Multi td_args type_args
at_type type_heaps
-> (True, expanded_type, type_heaps)
-> (False, undef, type_heaps)
sanityCheckTypeFunctions :: !Int !CommonDefs !{#DclModule} !{#FunDef}
-> Bool
sanityCheckTypeFunctions main_dcl icl_common dcl_mods fun_defs
= checkType {def.fun_ident.id_name \\ def <-: fun_defs} icl_common
&& all checkDcl [dcl \\ dcl <-: dcl_mods]
&& compareTypes icl_common dcl_mods.[main_dcl].dcl_common
checkDcl :: DclModule -> Bool
checkDcl {dcl_functions, dcl_common}
= checkType {f.ft_ident.id_name \\ f <-: dcl_functions} dcl_common
class checkType a :: {{#Char}} a -> Bool
instance checkType CommonDefs where
checkType names {com_type_defs}
= checkType names com_type_defs
instance checkType (a e) | Array a e & checkType e where
checkType names a
= all (checkType names) [e \\ e <-: a]
instance checkType (TypeDef a) where
checkType names {td_ident, td_fun_index}
| td_fun_index == NoIndex
= True
| names.[td_fun_index] == typeFunName td_ident
= True
// otherwise
= False // ->> (names.[td_fun_index], "<>", typeFunName td_ident)
class compareTypes a :: a a -> Bool
instance compareTypes CommonDefs where
compareTypes a b
= compareTypes a.com_type_defs b.com_type_defs
instance compareTypes (a e) | Array a e & compareTypes e where
compareTypes a b
= and [compareTypes ea eb \\ ea <-: a & eb <-: b]
instance compareTypes (TypeDef a) where
compareTypes a b
| a.td_fun_index == b.td_fun_index
= True
// otherwise
= False // ->> (a.td_ident.id_name, a.td_fun_index, "<>",
// b.td_ident.id_name, b.td_fun_index)