path: root/frontend/typereify.icl
diff options
authorronny2004-03-23 14:12:20 +0000
committerronny2004-03-23 14:12:20 +0000
commitaf832f7864afe842fde64205548a044c8c8a6d10 (patch)
tree65013bd35f29ed2810b187b5a20fd37fa232ff7c /frontend/typereify.icl
parentclean up: introduced quote function for strings (diff)
introduced info parameter for reify functions
git-svn-id: https://svn.cs.ru.nl/repos/clean-compiler/trunk@1475 1f8540f1-abd5-4d5b-9d24-4c5ce8603e2d
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/typereify.icl')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/typereify.icl b/frontend/typereify.icl
index acdd9b2..9a94a17 100644
--- a/frontend/typereify.icl
+++ b/frontend/typereify.icl
@@ -209,29 +209,31 @@ buildTypeFunctions main icl_functions common_defs predefs var_heap type_heaps
# type_defs
= common_defs.[main].com_type_defs
+ # info
+ = 0
# (type_funs, bs_state)
- = build 0 (size type_defs) type_defs icl_functions bs_state
+ = build 0 (size type_defs) type_defs icl_functions info bs_state
= (type_funs, bs_state.bs_predefs, bs_state.bs_var_heap,
- build i n type_defs functions bs_state
+ build i n type_defs functions info bs_state
| i < n
# (functions, bs_state)
- = buildTypeFunction type_defs.[i] functions bs_state
- = build (i+1) n type_defs functions bs_state
+ = buildTypeFunction type_defs.[i] functions info bs_state
+ = build (i+1) n type_defs functions info bs_state
// otherwise
= (functions, bs_state)
-buildTypeFunction :: CheckedTypeDef *{#FunDef} *BuildTypeFunState
+buildTypeFunction :: CheckedTypeDef *{#FunDef} Info *BuildTypeFunState
-> (*{#FunDef}, *BuildTypeFunState)
-buildTypeFunction type_def=:{td_fun_index, td_args} functions bs_state
+buildTypeFunction type_def=:{td_fun_index, td_args} functions info bs_state
| td_fun_index == NoIndex
= (functions, bs_state)
// otherwise
# bs_state
- = numberTypeVariables td_args bs_state
+ = numberTypeVariables td_args info bs_state
# (rhs, bs_state)
- = reify type_def bs_state
+ = reify type_def info bs_state
# (new_info_ptr, bs_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty bs_state.bs_var_heap
# bs_state
= {bs_state & bs_var_heap=bs_var_heap}
@@ -246,8 +248,8 @@ buildTypeFunction type_def=:{td_fun_index, td_args} functions bs_state
= {functions & [td_fun_index].fun_body=TransformedBody body}
= (functions, bs_state)
-numberTypeVariables :: a *BuildTypeFunState -> *BuildTypeFunState | numberTypeVars a
-numberTypeVariables x bs_state
+numberTypeVariables :: a Info *BuildTypeFunState -> *BuildTypeFunState | numberTypeVars a
+numberTypeVariables x info bs_state
# bs_type_heaps
= bs_state.bs_type_heaps
# (_, th_vars)
@@ -351,16 +353,16 @@ apply f a
lift symb
= return (App {app_symb = symb, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr})
-cons :: Index *BuildTypeFunState
+cons :: Index Info *BuildTypeFunState
-> *(Expression, *BuildTypeFunState)
-cons cons_index bs=:{bs_predefs}
+cons cons_index info bs=:{bs_predefs}
# (symbol, bs_predefs)
= getSymbol cons_index SK_Constructor bs_predefs
= lift symbol {bs & bs_predefs=bs_predefs}
-record :: Index *BuildTypeFunState
+record :: Index Info *BuildTypeFunState
-> *(Expression, *BuildTypeFunState)
-record type_index bs=:{bs_common_defs, bs_predefs}
+record type_index info bs=:{bs_common_defs, bs_predefs}
# (symbol, bs_predefs)
= predefRecordConstructor type_index bs_common_defs bs_predefs
= lift symbol {bs & bs_predefs=bs_predefs}
@@ -369,22 +371,26 @@ quote :: {#Char} -> {#Char}
quote string
= "\"" +++ string +++ "\""
-function :: Index *BuildTypeFunState
+(o`) infixr 9
+(o`) f g info x :== g info (f info x)
+function :: Index Info *BuildTypeFunState
-> *(Expression, *BuildTypeFunState)
-function fun_index bs=:{bs_predefs}
+function fun_index info bs=:{bs_predefs}
# (symbol, bs_predefs)
= getSymbol fun_index SK_Function bs_predefs
= lift symbol {bs & bs_predefs=bs_predefs}
(`) infixl 9
-(`) f a s
- # (rf, s)
- = f s
- # (ra, s)
- = reify a s
- = (apply rf ra, s)
-:: Riefier :== BMonad Expression
+(`) f a info state
+ # (rf, state)
+ = f info state
+ # (ra, state)
+ = reify a info state
+ = (apply rf ra, state)
+:: Info :== Int
+:: Riefier :== Info -> BMonad Expression
class reify a :: a -> Riefier
instance reify [a] | reify a where
@@ -419,8 +425,8 @@ instance reify TypeRhs where
reify (AlgType constructors)
= cons PD_CTAlgType ` get constructors
- get constructors state=:{bs_common_defs, bs_main}
- = reify [(ds_index,common_defs.[ds_index]) \\ {ds_index} <- constructors] state
+ get constructors info state=:{bs_common_defs, bs_main}
+ = reify [(ds_index,common_defs.[ds_index]) \\ {ds_index} <- constructors] info state
= bs_common_defs.[bs_main].com_cons_defs
@@ -431,17 +437,17 @@ instance reify TypeRhs where
instance reify (Int, ConsDef) where
reify (cons_index, {cons_ident, cons_type, cons_exi_vars})
- = (record PD_CTConsDef
+ = numberTypeVariables cons_exi_vars
+ o` (record PD_CTConsDef
` (function PD__CTToCons ` consSymbol cons_ident cons_index)
` cons_type.st_args ` length cons_exi_vars)
- o numberTypeVariables cons_exi_vars
- consSymbol cons_ident cons_index state=:{bs_main}
+ consSymbol cons_ident cons_index info state=:{bs_main}
# cons_symb =
{ symb_ident = cons_ident
, symb_kind = SK_Constructor { glob_module = bs_main, glob_object = cons_index}
- = reify cons_symb state
+ = reify cons_symb info state
instance reify RecordType where
reify {rt_fields} // +++ constructor ??? +++ is_boxed
@@ -451,13 +457,14 @@ instance reify FieldSymbol where
reify {fs_index}
= selector fs_index
- selector fs_index st=:{bs_main, bs_common_defs}
- = (record PD_CTFieldDef
+ selector fs_index info st=:{bs_main, bs_common_defs}
+ = (numberTypeVariables def.sd_exi_vars
+ o` numberTypeVariables def.sd_type.st_vars
+ o` (record PD_CTFieldDef
` quote def.sd_ident.id_name
` length (def.sd_exi_vars)
- ` def.sd_type.st_result)
- (numberTypeVariables def.sd_type.st_vars
- (numberTypeVariables def.sd_exi_vars st))
+ ` def.sd_type.st_result))
+ info st
= bs_common_defs.[bs_main]
@@ -493,23 +500,24 @@ instance reify Type where
reify (TB basic_type)
= reify basic_type
reify (TFA vars type)
- = reify type
- o numberTypeVariables vars
+ = numberTypeVariables vars
+ o` reify type
reify t
= undef // <<- ("reify", t)
-reifyApp :: TypeSymbIdent [AType] *BuildTypeFunState -> (Expression, *BuildTypeFunState)
-reifyApp symb args bs_state=:{bs_common_defs, bs_type_heaps}
+reifyApp :: TypeSymbIdent [AType] Info *BuildTypeFunState
+ -> (Expression, *BuildTypeFunState)
+reifyApp symb args info bs_state=:{bs_common_defs, bs_type_heaps}
# (expanded, expanded_type, bs_type_heaps)
= expandTypeSynonym bs_common_defs symb args bs_type_heaps
# bs_state
= {bs_state & bs_type_heaps=bs_type_heaps}
| expanded
- = reify expanded_type bs_state
+ = reify expanded_type info bs_state
// otherwise
- = foldl` reifyApply (reify symb) args bs_state
+ = foldl` reifyApply (reify symb) args info bs_state
-foldl` op r l = foldl r l // crash
+foldl` op r l = foldl r l // crashes if it's a macro
foldl r [] = r
foldl r [a:x] = foldl (op r a) x
@@ -525,7 +533,7 @@ instance reify TypeVar where
reify {tv_info_ptr, tv_ident}
= cons PD_Dyn_TypeVar ` typeVarNum tv_info_ptr
- typeVarNum tv_info_ptr bs=:{bs_type_heaps}
+ typeVarNum tv_info_ptr info bs=:{bs_type_heaps}
# (tv_info, th_vars)
= readPtr tv_info_ptr bs_type_heaps.th_vars
# tv_num
@@ -536,7 +544,7 @@ instance reify TypeVar where
-> abort "typeVar" // <<- (tv_ident.id_name, tv_info)
# bs_type_heaps
= {bs_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}
- = reify tv_num {bs & bs_type_heaps = bs_type_heaps}
+ = reify tv_num info {bs & bs_type_heaps = bs_type_heaps}
instance reify BasicType where
reify (BT_String string_type)
@@ -565,11 +573,10 @@ instance reify SymbIdent where
instance reify TypeSymbIdent where
reify symb
- = reifyTypeIdent symb `bind` \type
- -> cons PD_Dyn_TypeCons ` type
+ = cons PD_Dyn_TypeCons ` reifyTypeIdent symb
- reifyTypeIdent {type_index} st=:{bs_common_defs}
- = (toTypeCodeConstructor type_index bs_common_defs, st)
+ reifyTypeIdent {type_index} info st=:{bs_common_defs}
+ = reify (toTypeCodeConstructor type_index bs_common_defs) info st
instance reify GlobalTCType where
reify (GTT_PredefTypeConstructor {glob_object=type_index})
@@ -612,11 +619,11 @@ instance reify App where
instance reify Expression where
reify expr
- = return expr
+ = \x -> return expr
basic :: BasicValue -> Riefier
basic value
- = return (BasicExpr value)
+ = \x -> return (BasicExpr value)
// copied and adopted from overloading
toTypeCodeConstructor type=:{glob_object=type_index, glob_module=module_index} common_defs