path: root/Assignment2/src/DTMC.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'Assignment2/src/DTMC.icl')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/Assignment2/src/DTMC.icl b/Assignment2/src/DTMC.icl
index 9c36b5b..c9696cf 100644
--- a/Assignment2/src/DTMC.icl
+++ b/Assignment2/src/DTMC.icl
@@ -71,15 +71,10 @@ where
| i < 0 = ss
# (Just s,ss) = ss![i]
| s.init || isAbsorbing s = prune (i-1) ss
- | otherwise = prune (i-1) $ remove i (nr_states-1) ss
+ | otherwise = prune (i-1) $ remove i ss
- remove :: !Int !Int !*{Maybe State} -> *{Maybe State}
- remove i j ss
- | j < 0 = {ss & [i]=Nothing}
- # (s,ss) = ss![j]
- | isNothing s = remove i (j-1) ss
- # s = fromJust s
- = remove i (j-1) ss
+ remove :: !Int !*{Maybe State} -> *{Maybe State}
+ remove i ss = {ss & [i]=Nothing}
elim :: !Int !Int !*{Maybe State} -> *{Maybe State}
elim s1 s ss
@@ -92,7 +87,7 @@ where
| succ.init || isAbsorbing succ = ss
# succ = succ.transitions
- # self_prob = fromMaybe "0" $ 'M'.get s succ
+ # self_prob = fromMaybe "0.0" $ 'M'.get s succ
# succ = 'M'.toList succ
| s1 == s
# ss = seqSt (uncurry $ update_eq self_prob) succ ss
@@ -112,7 +107,7 @@ where
# ss & [s1] = Just
{ s1s
& transitions = 'M'.put s2
- ("(" +++ prob2 +++ ")/(1-(" +++ self_prob +++ "))")
+ ("(" +++ prob2 +++ ")/(1.0-(" +++ self_prob +++ "))")
= ss
@@ -121,12 +116,12 @@ where
update_ne self_prob s2 prob2 ss
| s == s2 = ss
# (Just s1s,ss) = ss![s1]
- # ps1s2 = fromMaybe "0" $ 'M'.get s2 s1s.transitions
- # ps1s = fromMaybe "0" $ 'M'.get s s1s.transitions
+ # ps1s2 = fromMaybe "0.0" $ 'M'.get s2 s1s.transitions
+ # ps1s = fromMaybe "0.0" $ 'M'.get s s1s.transitions
# ss & [s1] = Just
{ s1s
& transitions = 'M'.put s2
- (ps1s2 +++ "+(" +++ ps1s +++ ")*(" +++ prob2 +++ ")/(1-(" +++ self_prob +++ "))")
+ (ps1s2 +++ "+(" +++ ps1s +++ ")*(" +++ prob2 +++ ")/(1.0-(" +++ self_prob +++ "))")
= ss
@@ -226,14 +221,15 @@ where
var = "v" <+ f <+ "x" <+ t
-repairConfig :: !*DTMC -> *(!RepairConfig, !*DTMC)
-repairConfig dtmc=:{nr_states,states}
+repairConfig :: !CostFunction !*DTMC -> *(!RepairConfig, !*DTMC)
+repairConfig cf dtmc=:{nr_states,parameters,states}
# (ss,states) = collectStates (nr_states-1) states
# transs = concatMap collectTransitions ss
# dtmc & states = states
# config =
{ totality_restrictions = map totality ss
, transition_restrictions = concatMap probabilityBounds transs
+ , minimalisation_goal = minimise cf parameters
= (config, dtmc)
@@ -250,16 +246,23 @@ where
collectTransitions s = [(s.state_id, to, prob) \\ (to,prob) <- 'M'.toList s.transitions]
totality :: !State -> String
- totality s = "(= 1 " <+ parenthesise (parseInfix expr) <+ ")"
+ totality s = "(= 1.0 " <+ parenthesise (parseInfix expr) <+ ")"
expr = "(" <+ (join ")+(" $ 'M'.elems s.transitions) <+ ")"
probabilityBounds :: !(!Int, !Int, !String) -> [String]
probabilityBounds (_,_,prob) =
- [ "(<= 0 " <+ parenthesise (parseInfix prob) <+ ")"
- , "(>= 1 " <+ parenthesise (parseInfix prob) <+ ")"
+ [ "(<= 0.0 " <+ parenthesise (parseInfix prob) <+ ")"
+ , "(>= 1.0 " <+ parenthesise (parseInfix prob) <+ ")"
+ minimise :: !CostFunction ![String] -> String
+ minimise cf params = foldr1 (\a b -> "(+ " <+ a <+ " " <+ b <+ ")") $ case cf of
+ NumberModifiedTransitions ->
+ ["(if (= 0.0 " <+ p <+ ") 0.0 1.0)" \\ p <- params]
+ SumSquaredErrors ->
+ ["(* " <+ p <+ " " <+ p <+ ")" \\ p <- params]
findInitial :: !*DTMC -> (!State, !*DTMC)
findInitial dtmc=:{nr_states,states}
# (init,states) = findInitial` (nr_states-1) states
@@ -320,14 +323,17 @@ Start w
# dtmc = addVars dtmc
# dtmc = stateElimination dtmc
+# (config,dtmc) = repairConfig SumSquaredErrors dtmc
# (z3,w) = startZ3 w
# (dtmc,w) = z3AddVars dtmc z3 w
# (dtmc,w) = assertProperties props dtmc z3 w
-# (rC,dtmc) = repairConfig dtmc
-# w = seqSt (addAssert z3) rC.totality_restrictions w
-# w = seqSt (addAssert z3) rC.transition_restrictions w
+# w = seqSt (addAssert z3) config.totality_restrictions w
+# w = seqSt (addAssert z3) config.transition_restrictions w
+//# w = addMinimize z3 config.minimalisation_goal w // TODO: not supported by Z3!
# (sat,w) = checkSat z3 w
| sat
# (model,w) = getModel z3 w
= model
-| otherwise = "Could not satisfy the property\n"
+= "Could not satisfy the property\n"