path: root/Assignment2/report/implementation.tex
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diff --git a/Assignment2/report/implementation.tex b/Assignment2/report/implementation.tex
index 1137163..f39df5e 100644
--- a/Assignment2/report/implementation.tex
+++ b/Assignment2/report/implementation.tex
@@ -5,43 +5,6 @@ Due to a lack of documentation of the Storm ecosystem,
However, we use Storm for parsing \PRISM\ programs.
The Model Repair procedure for a \PRISM\ program and a property $\phi$ consists of the following steps:
- \item
- The \PRISM\ program is read and parsed by stormpy.
- Storm generates a DTMC in its internal representation.
- \item
- The generated DTMC $\mathcal M$ is exported in DRN format using stormpy.
- The DRN format is an explicit textual representation of DTMCs.
- Some representative parts of the DRN of the Knuth-Yao die with $p=0.4$ are shown in \cref{fig:unfair-drn}.
- \item
- The DRN format is parsed in Clean.
- The transition probabilities are stored as strings for simplicity.
- This is enough for state elimination, as the internals of formulas are irrelevant.
- \item
- Parameters are added to transitions to generate $\mathcal M'$ as described above.
- This is done by a simple graph traversal of the data structure in Clean, using uniqueness~\cite{DeVries2007} for performance reasons.
- The result on the Knuth-Yao die with $p=0.4$ is shown in \cref{fig:var-unfair-die}.
- \item
- All non-initial non-absorbing states are eliminated, in Clean.
- The algorithm is a straightforward implementation of \cite[220]{Dehnert2015}.%
- \footnote{%
- The given algorithm is non-deterministic and requires a sensible choice for the next state to be eliminated.
- Our implementation only eliminates states with a transition to an absorbing state.
- Since this is always possible and the number of transitions strictly decreases,
- the algorithm always terminates, although it may not be the most efficient implementation.}
- \item
- We generate properties to ensure that the repaired model will still be a valid model.
- For all states $s$ in $\mathcal M$, we ensure that totality holds, i.e. $\sum_{s'\in\textsl{succ}(s)}P(s,s') + v_{s,s'}=1$.
- Also, for all transitions $s\to s'$ in $\mathcal M$, we ensure that $P(s,s') + v_{s,s'} \in [0,1]$.
- Additionally, we generate a property to ensure that the repaired model satisfies $\phi$.
- \item
- We generate a minimalisation goal depending on the cost function used.
- \item
- The properties and the minimalisation goal are passed to Z3 which satisfies the properties and produces a model.
- \item
- The generated model is the returned to the user.
state 0 init
@@ -53,13 +16,7 @@ The Model Repair procedure for a \PRISM\ program and a property $\phi$ consists
action 0
2 : 0.4
12 : 0.6
- state 7
- action 0
- 7 : 1
- state 12
- action 0
- 12 : 1
\caption{The DRN file representing the unfair Knuth-Yao die model with $p=0.4$.\label{fig:unfair-drn}}
@@ -72,7 +29,7 @@ The Model Repair procedure for a \PRISM\ program and a property $\phi$ consists
\node[state,above right=of s0] (s1) {$s_1$};
\draw (s0) -- node[above left] {$0.4 + v_{0,1}$} ++ (s1);
\node[state,above right=of s1] (s3) {$s_3$};
- \draw (s1) -- node[below right] {$0.4 + v_{0,3}$} ++ (s3);
+ \draw (s1) -- node[below right] {$0.4 + v_{1,3}$} ++ (s3);
\draw (s3) edge[bend right=45] node[above left] {$0.4 + v_{3,1}$} (s1);
\node[state,right=of s3,label={right:\enquote{1}}] (s7) {$s_7$};
\draw (s3) -- node[above] {$0.6 + v_{3,7}$} ++ (s7);
@@ -97,7 +54,45 @@ The Model Repair procedure for a \PRISM\ program and a property $\phi$ consists
\node[state,right=of s6,label={right:\enquote{6}}] (s12) {$s_{12}$};
\draw (s6) -- node[above] {$0.6 + v_{6,12}$} ++ (s12);
- \caption{An unfair instance of the Knuth-Yao die model with fresh variables~\cite{KnuthYao1976}.\label{fig:var-unfair-die}}
+ \caption{An unfair instance of the Knuth-Yao die model with fresh variables.\label{fig:var-unfair-die}}
-%TODO: Describe resulting model
+ \item
+ The \PRISM\ program is read and parsed by stormpy.
+ Storm generates a DTMC in its internal representation.
+ \item
+ The generated DTMC $\mathcal M$ is exported in DRN format using stormpy.
+ The DRN format is an explicit textual representation of DTMCs.
+ Some representative parts of the DRN of the Knuth-Yao die with $p=0.4$ are shown in \cref{fig:unfair-drn}.
+ \item
+ The DRN format is parsed in Clean.
+ The transition probabilities are stored as strings for simplicity.
+ This is enough for state elimination, as the internals of formulas are irrelevant.
+ \item
+ Parameters are added to transitions to generate $\mathcal M'$ as described above.
+ This is done by a simple graph traversal of the data structure in Clean, using uniqueness~\cite{DeVries2007} for performance reasons.
+ The result on the Knuth-Yao die with $p=0.4$ is shown in \cref{fig:var-unfair-die}.
+ \item
+ We generate properties to ensure that the repaired model will still be a valid model.
+ For all states $s$ in $\mathcal M$, we ensure that totality holds, i.e.:
+ $$\sum_{s'\in\textsl{succ}(s)}P(s,s') + v_{s,s'}=1$$
+ Also, for all transitions $s\to s'$ in $\mathcal M$, we ensure that $P(s,s') + v_{s,s'} \in [0,1]$.
+ Since Z3 does not prevent division by zero, we also add properties to prevent this ourselves.
+ Additionally, we generate a property to ensure that the repaired model satisfies $\phi$.
+ \item
+ All non-initial non-absorbing states are eliminated, in Clean.
+ The algorithm is a straightforward implementation of \cite[220]{Dehnert2015}%
+ \footnote{%
+ The given algorithm is non-deterministic and requires a sensible choice for the next state to be eliminated.
+ Our implementation only eliminates states with a transition to an absorbing state.
+ Since this is always possible and the number of transitions strictly decreases,
+ the algorithm always terminates, although it may not be the most efficient implementation.}.
+ \item
+ We generate a minimisation goal depending on the cost function used.
+ \item
+ The properties and the minimisation goal are passed to Z3 which satisfies the properties and produces a model.
+ \item
+ The generated Z3 model is returned to the user.
+ It contains the instantiations of the variables $v_{s,s'}$, with which $\mathcal M$ can be adapted to satisfy $\phi$.