path: root/Assignment2
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authorCamil Staps2018-07-05 17:31:57 +0200
committerCamil Staps2018-07-05 17:31:57 +0200
commit594ca9b876b147e64833aa3dde4826c1a40a91f4 (patch)
tree81ff1a2a899d5fcd8b0d1d70f1e52b54a27aba27 /Assignment2
parentMerge branch 'master' of (diff)
State elimination works on the die example
Diffstat (limited to 'Assignment2')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Assignment2/src/DTMC.icl b/Assignment2/src/DTMC.icl
index 3b8b2a7..abcfd06 100644
--- a/Assignment2/src/DTMC.icl
+++ b/Assignment2/src/DTMC.icl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import StdString
import StdTuple
import Data.Error
-from Data.Func import $, seqSt
+from Data.Func import $, mapSt, seqSt
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
from Data.Map import :: Map
@@ -20,6 +20,112 @@ import System.File
import System.FilePath
import Text
+paths :: !*DTMC -> *([[Int]], !*DTMC)
+paths dtmc=:{nr_states,states}
+# (inits,states) = getInitStates (nr_states-1) states
+# (ps,states) = mapSt (paths` []) inits states
+= (flatten ps, {dtmc & states=states})
+ getInitStates :: !Int !*{Maybe State} -> *(![Int], !*{Maybe State})
+ getInitStates i ss
+ | i < 0 = ([], ss)
+ # (s,ss) = ss![i]
+ | isNothing s = ([], ss)
+ # s = fromJust s
+ | s.init
+ # (inits,ss) = getInitStates (i-1) ss
+ = ([i:inits],ss)
+ = getInitStates (i-1) ss
+ paths` :: ![Int] !Int !*{Maybe State} -> *(![[Int]], !*{Maybe State})
+ paths` seen cur ss
+ | isMember cur seen = ([], ss)
+ # (s,ss) = ss![cur]
+ | isNothing s = ([], ss)
+ # s = fromJust s
+ | isAbsorbing s = ([[cur]], ss)
+ # succ = 'M'.keys s.transitions
+ # (pss,ss) = mapSt (paths` [cur:seen]) succ ss
+ = ([[cur:p] \\ ps <- pss, p <- ps], ss)
+stateElimination :: !*DTMC -> *DTMC
+stateElimination dtmc=:{nr_states}
+# (ps,dtmc) = paths dtmc
+= case [p \\ p=:[_:_:_:_] <- ps] of
+ [] -> {dtmc & states=prune (nr_states-1) dtmc.states}
+ [p:_] -> stateElimination {dtmc & states=uncurry elim (penultimate_trans p) dtmc.states}
+ with
+ penultimate_trans [x,y,_] = (x,y)
+ penultimate_trans [_:xs] = penultimate_trans xs
+ prune :: !Int !*{Maybe State} -> *{Maybe State}
+ prune i ss
+ | i < 0 = ss
+ # (Just s,ss) = ss![i]
+ | s.init || isAbsorbing s = prune (i-1) ss
+ | otherwise = prune (i-1) $ remove i (nr_states-1) ss
+ where
+ remove :: !Int !Int !*{Maybe State} -> *{Maybe State}
+ remove i j ss
+ | j < 0 = {ss & [i]=Nothing}
+ # (s,ss) = ss![j]
+ | isNothing s = remove i (j-1) ss
+ # s = fromJust s
+ = remove i (j-1) ss
+ elim :: !Int !Int !*{Maybe State} -> *{Maybe State}
+ elim s1 s ss
+ # (Just s1s,ss) = ss![s1]
+ # prob = 'M'.get s s1s.transitions
+ # (succ,ss) = ss![s]
+ | isNothing succ = ss
+ # succ = fromJust succ
+ | succ.init || isAbsorbing succ = ss
+ # succ = succ.transitions
+ # self_prob = fromMaybe "0" $ 'M'.get s succ
+ # succ = 'M'.toList succ
+ | s1 == s
+ # ss = seqSt (uncurry $ update_eq self_prob) succ ss
+ # (Just s1s,ss) = ss![s1]
+ # ss & [s1] = Just {s1s & transitions='M'.del s s1s.transitions}
+ = ss
+ | otherwise
+ # ss = seqSt (uncurry $ update_ne self_prob) succ ss
+ # (Just s1s,ss) = ss![s1]
+ # ss & [s1] = Just {s1s & transitions='M'.del s s1s.transitions}
+ = ss
+ where
+ update_eq :: !String !Int !String !*{Maybe State} -> *{Maybe State}
+ update_eq self_prob s2 prob2 ss
+ | s == s2 = ss
+ # (Just s1s,ss) = ss![s1]
+ # ss & [s1] = Just
+ { s1s
+ & transitions = 'M'.put s2
+ ("(" +++ prob2 +++ ")/(1-(" +++ self_prob +++ "))")
+ s1s.transitions
+ }
+ = ss
+ update_ne :: !String !Int !String !*{Maybe State} -> *{Maybe State}
+ update_ne self_prob s2 prob2 ss
+ | s == s2 = ss
+ # (Just s1s,ss) = ss![s1]
+ # ps1s2 = fromMaybe "0" $ 'M'.get s2 s1s.transitions
+ # ps1s = fromMaybe "0" $ 'M'.get s s1s.transitions
+ # ss & [s1] = Just
+ { s1s
+ & transitions = 'M'.put s2
+ (ps1s2 +++ "+(" +++ ps1s +++ ")*(" +++ prob2 +++ ")/(1-(" +++ self_prob +++ "))")
+ s1s.transitions
+ }
+ = ss
+isAbsorbing :: !State -> Bool
+isAbsorbing s = all ((==) s.state_id) [to \\ (to,_) <- 'M'.toList s.transitions]
parseDTMC :: !FilePath !*World -> *(!DTMC, !*World)
parseDTMC fp w
# (lines,w) = readFileLines fp w
@@ -60,4 +166,4 @@ where
Start w
# (dtmc,w) = parseDTMC "die.drn" w
-= stateElimination dtmc
+= [(s.state_id, 'M'.toList s.transitions, '\n') \\ Just s <-: (stateElimination dtmc).states]