path: root/Assignment1/assignment1.tex
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authorErin van der Veen2018-04-09 12:40:52 +0200
committerErin van der Veen2018-04-09 12:40:52 +0200
commitdcfb98a47be8fb31adff93b557a68357bf7f4592 (patch)
tree1b456f846231aea6d6c6bb79f847040999398a62 /Assignment1/assignment1.tex
parentExtend syntax (diff)
Intuitive Semantics
Diffstat (limited to 'Assignment1/assignment1.tex')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Assignment1/assignment1.tex b/Assignment1/assignment1.tex
index c00caf6..4875752 100644
--- a/Assignment1/assignment1.tex
+++ b/Assignment1/assignment1.tex
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
@@ -56,16 +58,83 @@ It is this option that we will use for this book, since it allows us to focus ex
$$\phi ::= l \mid \phi_1 \Sop \phi_2 \mid \Xop^{-1} \phi$$
where $l \in LTL$.
-Additionally, we extend LTLP further with the following abbreviations:
+In this grammar, $\Sop$ is the ``since'' operator and $\Xop^{-1}$ is the ``previous'' operator.
+Intuitively, the since operator defines that the second proposition must have occurred continuously since the first occurred.
+The previous operator defines that a proposition must have occurred in the previous state.
+Like we did in LTL, we can also derive additional operators in LTLP:
Given $\phi \in LTLP$, then\footnote{Note that we assume that the LTL formulas are also extended as given in subsection 5.1.1}:
%\Fop \phi &\defeq \top \Uop \phi\\
%\Gop \phi &\defeq \neg \Fop \neg \phi\\
\Fop^{-1} \phi &\defeq \top \Sop \phi\\
- \Gop^{-1} \phi &\defeq \neg \Fop^{-1} \neg \phi \end{align*}
+ \Gop^{-1} \phi &\defeq \neg \Fop^{-1} \neg \phi
+ \end{align*}
+As a result, we can derive the following intuitive meaning for $\Fop^{-1}$ and $\Gop^{-1}$.
+$\Fop^{-1} \phi$ ensures that at some point in the past $\phi$ was true.
+$\Gop^{-1} \phi$ is satisfied only if it is not true that $\phi$ didn't hold in the past.
+This is equivalent to the fact that $\phi$ held globally until this point.
+Figure \ref{fig:LTLP_intuitive} shows the intuitive meanings of the past modalities for the simple case where $a$ and $b$ are the only atomic propositions.
+The left hand side of the figure shows some LTLP formulae,
+the right hand side shows sequences for which this formula trivially holds.
+Since we need to also consider the past,
+we include an arrow that points to the state for which the formula holds.
+ \centering
+ $a \Sop b$
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,initial text={},baseline=-0.5ex]
+ \node (0) {\dots};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt] (1) [right of = 0] {};
+ \node[state,label=$b$ ,minimum size=15pt] (2) [right of = 1] {};
+ \node[state,label=$a$ ,minimum size=15pt] (3) [right of = 2] {};
+ \node[state,label=$a$ ,minimum size=15pt,initial below] (4) [right of = 3] {};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt] (5) [right of = 4] {};
+ \node (6) [right of = 5] {\dots};
+ \path[->] (0) edge (1) (1) edge (2)(2) edge (3)(3) edge (4)(4) edge (5)(5) edge (6);
+ \end{tikzpicture}\\
+ $\Xop^{-1} a$
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,initial text={},baseline=-0.5ex]
+ \node (0) {\dots};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt] (1) [right of = 0] {};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt] (2) [right of = 1] {};
+ \node[state,label=$a$ ,minimum size=15pt] (3) [right of = 2] {};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt,initial below] (4) [right of = 3] {};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt] (5) [right of = 4] {};
+ \node (6) [right of = 5] {\dots};
+ \path[->] (0) edge (1) (1) edge (2)(2) edge (3)(3) edge (4)(4) edge (5)(5) edge (6);
+ \end{tikzpicture}\\
+ $\Fop^{-1} a$
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,initial text={},baseline=-0.5ex]
+ \node (0) {\dots};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt] (1) [right of = 0] {};
+ \node[state,label=$a$ ,minimum size=15pt] (2) [right of = 1] {};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt] (3) [right of = 2] {};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt,initial below] (4) [right of = 3] {};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt] (5) [right of = 4] {};
+ \node (6) [right of = 5] {\dots};
+ \path[->] (0) edge (1) (1) edge (2)(2) edge (3)(3) edge (4)(4) edge (5)(5) edge (6);
+ \end{tikzpicture}\\
+ $\Gop^{-1} a$
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,initial text={},baseline=-0.5ex]
+ \node (0) {\dots};
+ \node[state,label=$a$ ,minimum size=15pt] (1) [right of = 0] {};
+ \node[state,label=$a$ ,minimum size=15pt] (2) [right of = 1] {};
+ \node[state,label=$a$ ,minimum size=15pt] (3) [right of = 2] {};
+ \node[state,label=$a$ ,minimum size=15pt,initial below] (4) [right of = 3] {};
+ \node[state,label=arbitrary,minimum size=15pt] (5) [right of = 4] {};
+ \node (6) [right of = 5] {\dots};
+ \path[->] (0) edge (1) (1) edge (2)(2) edge (3)(3) edge (4)(4) edge (5)(5) edge (6);
+ \end{tikzpicture}\\
+ \caption{Intuitive semantics of past modalities.}
+ \label{fig:LTLP_intuitive}
\subsection{LTL and LTL-Past}
%TODO: Consider/Analyse differences between LTL and LTL-Past