path: root/paper/While/Yard.dcl
diff options
authorCamil Staps2016-05-10 21:12:44 +0200
committerCamil Staps2016-05-10 21:12:44 +0200
commitd2b12fdf5681a71f1f6a295b0591e4d8213fb41d (patch)
treec242637b4491ce3d1a44b6f8b51f398f20fc0daf /paper/While/Yard.dcl
parentMakefile: bibtex may fail (diff)
Straightforward While lexer, parser and interpreter
Diffstat (limited to 'paper/While/Yard.dcl')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paper/While/Yard.dcl b/paper/While/Yard.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fcbfea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paper/While/Yard.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+definition module Yard
+// Stolen from;
+// minor changes made to not depend on clean-platform
+from StdString import class toString
+from StdClass import class ==
+import Common
+:: Parser a b = Parser ([a] -> (Either Error b, [a]))
+instance Functor (Parser a)
+instance Applicative (Parser a)
+instance Monad (Parser a)
+instance Alternative (Parser a)
+runParser :: (Parser a b) [a] -> (Either Error b, [a])
+(<?>) :: (Parser a b) Error -> Parser a b
+fail :: Parser a b
+top :: Parser a a
+peek :: Parser a a
+satisfy :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a a
+check :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a a
+(until) infix 2 :: (Parser a b) (Parser a c) -> Parser a [b]
+item :: a -> Parser a a | == a
+list :: [a] -> Parser a [a] | == a