path: root/week3/mart/StdStack.icl
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1 files changed, 57 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/week3/mart/StdStack.icl b/week3/mart/StdStack.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13220e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week3/mart/StdStack.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+implementation module StdStack
+import StdEnv
+:: Stack a = Stack [a]
+newStack :: Stack a
+newStack = Stack []
+push :: a (Stack a) -> Stack a
+push x (Stack xs) = Stack [x:xs]
+pushes :: [a] (Stack a) -> Stack a
+pushes [] (Stack s) = Stack s
+pushes [x:xs] (Stack s) = pushes xs (push x (Stack s))
+pop :: (Stack a) -> Stack a
+pop (Stack []) = abort "Can't pop from empty stack..."
+pop (Stack [x:xs]) = Stack xs
+popn :: Int (Stack a) -> Stack a
+popn 0 s = s
+popn n s = popn (n-1) (pop s)
+top :: (Stack a) -> a
+top (Stack []) = abort "Can't give top of empty stack..."
+top (Stack [x:_]) = x
+topn :: Int (Stack a) -> [a]
+topn 0 _ = []
+topn n x = [top x:topn (n-1) (pop x)]
+elements :: (Stack a) -> [a]
+elements (Stack s) = s
+count :: (Stack a) -> Int
+count (Stack []) = 0
+count (Stack [_:xs]) = 1 + count (Stack xs)
+Start = ( "s0 = newStack = ", s0,'\n'
+ , "s1 = push 1 s0 = ", s1,'\n'
+ , "s2 = pushes [2..5] s1 = ",s2,'\n'
+ , "s3 = pop s2 = ", s3,'\n'
+ , "s4 = popn 3 s3 = ", s4,'\n'
+ , "s5 = top s4 = ", s5,'\n'
+ , "s6 = topn 3 s2 = ", s6,'\n'
+ , "s7 = elements s2 = ", s7,'\n'
+ )
+ s0 = newStack
+ s1 = push 1 s0
+ s2 = pushes [2..5] s1
+ s3 = pop s2
+ s4 = popn 3 s3
+ s5 = top s4
+ s6 = topn 3 s2
+ s7 = elements s2