path: root/fp2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fp2')
-rw-r--r--fp2/week1/camil/week1.tar.gzbin3450 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xfp2/week1/mart/Echobin103744 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xfp2/week1/mart/Galgjebin103512 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xfp2/week1/mart/RandomGetallenbin105976 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fp2/week2/mart/s4109503_s4498062_fp2_w2.tar.gzbin2207 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fp2/week3/week3.tar.gzbin1717 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fp2/week45/week45.tar.gzbin1091 -> 0 bytes
73 files changed, 0 insertions, 5469 deletions
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/Galgje.icl b/fp2/week1/camil/Galgje.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 75b09d0..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/Galgje.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Mart Lubbers s4109503, Camil Staps s4498062
-module Galgje
-import StdEnv, SimpleFileIO, RandomGetallen
-lexicon_file = "lexicon.txt"
-// Is a Char a member of a String
-isMemberString :: String Char -> Bool
-isMemberString "" c = False
-isMemberString s c = s.[0] == c || isMemberString (s % (1,size s - 1)) c
-// From the slides
-skip_nl :: String -> String
-skip_nl str = if (size str > 0 && str.[size str-1] == '\n') (str%(0,size str-2)) str
-// From a String and a List of guesses (Chars), return a String that shows dots for letters that were not guessed yet
-stripUnknown :: String [Char] -> String
-stripUnknown s g = toString [if (isMember c g) c '.' \\ c <- (fromString s)]
-// Get a random word from the lexicon file
-randomWord :: *env -> (Maybe String, *env) | FileSystem env
-randomWord env
-# (ss,env) = readLines lexicon_file env
-| ss == Nothing = (Nothing, env)
-# (seed,env) = getNewRandomSeed env
-| otherwise = (Just (skip_nl ((shuffle (fromJust ss) seed)!!0)), env)
-// word, guesses, mistakes left, stdio -> (win, new guesses, stdio)
-play :: String [Char] Int *File *env -> (Bool, [Char], *File, *env) | FileSystem env
-play w g n io world
-# io = io <<< stripUnknown w g <<< '\n'
-| stripUnknown w g == w = (True, g, io, world)
-# (round,world) = readFile ("round-" +++ (toString n) +++ ".txt") world
-| round == Nothing = abort "Couldn't get gallow"
-# io = io <<< (fromJust round)
-# io = io <<< "Guess (" <<< toString n <<< "): "
-# (ok,g`,io) = freadc io
-# (_,io) = freadline io // to read until the next \n
-| not ok = abort "Couldn't get guessed letter"
-| isMemberString w g` = play w [g`:g] n io world
-| n == 0 = (False, [g`:g], io, world)
-| otherwise = play w [g`:g] (n-1) io world
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world
-# (word,world) = randomWord world
-| word == Nothing = abort "Couldn't get random word"
-# word = fromJust word
-# (io,world) = stdio world
-# (win,g,io,world) = play word [] 5 io world
-# (lost,world) = readFile "round-lost.txt" world
-| lost == Nothing = abort "Couldn't get gallow"
-# io = if win (io <<< "You win!\n") (io <<< "You lose!\n" <<< fromJust lost)
-# (ok,world) = fclose io world
-| not ok = abort "Couldn't close stdio"
-| otherwise = world
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/Random.dcl b/fp2/week1/camil/Random.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a7c18..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/Random.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-definition module Random
- // Random number generator voor Linux gebruikers
- // interface compatible met Random.dcl (helaas)
- // --
-import StdFile
-:: RandomSeed
-// nullRandomSeed generates a fixed RandomSeed
-nullRandomSeed :: RandomSeed
-// GetNewRandomSeed generates a good RandomSeed, using /dev/urandom
-getNewRandomSeed :: !*env -> (!RandomSeed, !*env) | FileSystem env
-// Given a RandomSeed, Random generates a random number and a new RandomSeed.
-random :: !RandomSeed -> .(!Int, !RandomSeed)
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/Random.icl b/fp2/week1/camil/Random.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index b6e0768..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/Random.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Random
-import StdFile, StdList, StdMisc, StdArray, Random
-:: RandomSeed :== Int
-nullRandomSeed :: RandomSeed
-nullRandomSeed = 0
-getNewRandomSeed :: !*env -> (!RandomSeed, !*env) | FileSystem env
-getNewRandomSeed env
-# (ok, src, env) = sfopen "/dev/urandom" FReadData env
-| not ok => abort "could not open /dev/urandom"
-# (bytes, src) = sfreads src 4
- seed = foldl (\x y->(x<<8)+toInt y) 0 [c \\ c<-:bytes]
-| otherwise => (seed, env)
-random :: !RandomSeed -> .(!Int, !RandomSeed)
-random seed = (seed>>16 bitand 0xFFFF, seed*0x08088405+1)
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/SimpleFileIO.dcl b/fp2/week1/camil/SimpleFileIO.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bd97da..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/SimpleFileIO.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-definition module SimpleFileIO
-import StdFile, StdOverloaded, StdMaybe
-// 1.
-readFile :: String *env -> (Maybe String, *env) | FileSystem env
-writeFile :: String String *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env
-// 2.
-readLines :: String *env -> (Maybe [String],*env) | FileSystem env
-writeLines :: String [String] *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env
-// 3.
-//mapFile :: String String (a -> b) *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env & ... a & ... b
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/SimpleFileIO.icl b/fp2/week1/camil/SimpleFileIO.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a483a..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/SimpleFileIO.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-implementation module SimpleFileIO
-import StdEnv, StdFile, StdOverloaded, StdMaybe
-// 1.
-readFile :: String *env -> (Maybe String, *env) | FileSystem env
-readFile s env
-# (ss, env) = readLines s env
-| ss == Nothing = (Nothing, env)
-| otherwise = (Just (foldl (+++) "" (fromJust ss)), env)
-writeFile :: String String *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env
-writeFile fn s env
-# (ok, outfile, env) = fopen fn FWriteText env
-| not ok = (False, env)
-# outfile = fwrites s outfile
-# (ok, env) = fclose outfile env
-| otherwise = (ok, env)
-// 2.
-readLines :: String *env -> (Maybe [String],*env) | FileSystem env
-readLines s env
-# (ok, infile, env) = sfopen s FReadText env
-| not ok = (Nothing, env)
-| otherwise = (Just (fst (readLines` infile)), env)
- readLines` :: File -> ([String], File)
- readLines` file
- | sfend file = ([], file)
- # (line, file) = sfreadline file
- # (ss, file) = readLines` file
- | otherwise = ([line : ss], file)
-writeLines :: String [String] *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env
-writeLines fn ss env = writeFile fn (foldl (+++) "" [s +++ "\n" \\ s <- ss]) env
-// 3.
-//mapFile :: String String (a -> b) *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env & ... a & ... b
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/StdMaybe.dcl b/fp2/week1/camil/StdMaybe.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2403683..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/StdMaybe.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdMaybe
-// ********************************************************************************
-// Clean StdLib library module, version 1.0
-// ********************************************************************************
-from StdFunc import :: St;
-from StdOverloaded import class ==(..);
-:: Maybe x
- = Just x
- | Nothing
-isJust :: !(Maybe .x) -> Bool // case @1 of (Just _) -> True; _ -> False
-isNothing :: !(Maybe .x) -> Bool // not o isJust
-fromJust :: !(Maybe .x) -> .x // \(Just x) -> x
-// for possibly unique elements:
-u_isJust :: !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Bool, !u:Maybe .x)
-u_isNothing :: !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Bool, !u:Maybe .x)
-accMaybe :: .(St .x .a) !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Maybe .a,!u:Maybe .x)
-// accMaybe f (Just x) = (Just (fst (f x)),Just (snd (f x)))
-// accMaybe f Nothing = (Nothing,Nothing)
-mapMaybe :: .(.x -> .y) !(Maybe .x) -> Maybe .y
-// mapMaybe f (Just x) = Just (f x)
-// mapMaybe f Nothing = Nothing
-instance == (Maybe x) | == x
-// Nothing==Nothing
-// Just a ==Just b <= a==b
-maybeToList :: !(Maybe .a) -> [.a];
-// returns list with no or one element
-listToMaybe :: ![.a] -> .Maybe .a;
-// returns Just head of list if possible
-catMaybes :: ![Maybe .a] -> .[.a];
-// catMaybes ms = [ m \\ Just m <- ms ]
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/StdMaybe.icl b/fp2/week1/camil/StdMaybe.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eed325..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/StdMaybe.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdMaybe
-// ********************************************************************************
-// Clean StdLib library module, version 1.0
-// ********************************************************************************
-from StdFunc import :: St;
-from StdOverloaded import class ==(..);
-:: Maybe x
- = Just x
- | Nothing
-isJust :: !(Maybe .x) -> Bool
-isJust Nothing = False
-isJust _ = True
-isNothing :: !(Maybe .x) -> Bool
-isNothing Nothing = True
-isNothing _ = False
-u_isJust :: !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Bool, !u:Maybe .x)
-u_isJust nothing=:Nothing
- = (False, nothing)
-u_isJust just
- = (True, just)
-u_isNothing :: !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Bool, !u:Maybe .x)
-u_isNothing nothing=:Nothing
- = (True, nothing)
-u_isNothing just
- = (False,just)
-fromJust :: !(Maybe .x) -> .x
-fromJust (Just x) = x
-accMaybe :: .(St .x .a) !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Maybe .a,!u:Maybe .x)
-accMaybe f (Just x)
- # (a,x) = f x
- = (Just a,Just x)
-accMaybe _ nothing
- = (Nothing,nothing)
-mapMaybe :: .(.x -> .y) !(Maybe .x) -> Maybe .y
-mapMaybe f (Just x) = Just (f x)
-mapMaybe _ nothing = Nothing
-instance == (Maybe x) | == x where
- (==) Nothing maybe = case maybe of
- Nothing -> True
- just -> False
- (==) (Just a) maybe = case maybe of
- Just b -> a==b
- nothing -> False
-maybeToList :: !(Maybe .a) -> [.a];
-maybeToList Nothing = []
-maybeToList (Just a) = [a]
-listToMaybe :: ![.a] -> .Maybe .a;
-listToMaybe [] = Nothing
-listToMaybe [a:_] = Just a
-catMaybes :: ![Maybe .a] -> .[.a];
-catMaybes ms = [ m \\ Just m <- ms ]
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/lexicon.txt b/fp2/week1/camil/lexicon.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c2ad4e..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/lexicon.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/round-0.txt b/fp2/week1/camil/round-0.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7236e17..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/round-0.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- ------
- | \ |
- o \|
- /O\ |
- |
- |
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/round-1.txt b/fp2/week1/camil/round-1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8694aad..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/round-1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- ------
- | \ |
- o \|
- |
- |
- |
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/round-2.txt b/fp2/week1/camil/round-2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d46d77c..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/round-2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- ------
- | \ |
- \|
- |
- |
- |
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/round-3.txt b/fp2/week1/camil/round-3.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bdd2ba..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/round-3.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- ------
- \ |
- \|
- |
- |
- |
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/round-4.txt b/fp2/week1/camil/round-4.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 41ca216..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/round-4.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/round-5.txt b/fp2/week1/camil/round-5.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f29c0dd..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/round-5.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/round-lost.txt b/fp2/week1/camil/round-lost.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ec2fa7..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/round-lost.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- ------
- | \ |
- o \|
- /O\ |
- / \ |
- |
diff --git a/fp2/week1/camil/week1.tar.gz b/fp2/week1/camil/week1.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 3533265..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/camil/week1.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/Echo b/fp2/week1/mart/Echo
deleted file mode 100755
index cf2fb79..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/Echo
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/Echo.icl b/fp2/week1/mart/Echo.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 30a6f4b..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/Echo.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module Echo
-import StdEnv
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world
-# (console, world) = stdio world
-# (line, console) = freadline console
-| not (fend console) = fwrites line
-| otherwise = world
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/Galgje b/fp2/week1/mart/Galgje
deleted file mode 100755
index d46de77..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/Galgje
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/Galgje.icl b/fp2/week1/mart/Galgje.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index e5106ee..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/Galgje.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Galgje
-import StdEnv, Random
-//randomWord :: *env -> (Maybe String, *env) | FileSystem env
-//randomWord env
-//# (ss,env) = readLines lexicon_file env
-//| ss == Nothing = (Nothing, env)
-//# (seed,env) = getNewRandomSeed env
-//| otherwise = (Just (skip_nl ((shuffle (fromJust ss) seed)!!0)), env)
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world = world
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/GalgjeWF.dcl b/fp2/week1/mart/GalgjeWF.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a777b95..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/GalgjeWF.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-definition module GalgjeWF
-import iTasks
-galgje :: [Workflow]
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/Random.dcl b/fp2/week1/mart/Random.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a7c18..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/Random.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-definition module Random
- // Random number generator voor Linux gebruikers
- // interface compatible met Random.dcl (helaas)
- // --
-import StdFile
-:: RandomSeed
-// nullRandomSeed generates a fixed RandomSeed
-nullRandomSeed :: RandomSeed
-// GetNewRandomSeed generates a good RandomSeed, using /dev/urandom
-getNewRandomSeed :: !*env -> (!RandomSeed, !*env) | FileSystem env
-// Given a RandomSeed, Random generates a random number and a new RandomSeed.
-random :: !RandomSeed -> .(!Int, !RandomSeed)
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/Random.icl b/fp2/week1/mart/Random.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index b6e0768..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/Random.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Random
-import StdFile, StdList, StdMisc, StdArray, Random
-:: RandomSeed :== Int
-nullRandomSeed :: RandomSeed
-nullRandomSeed = 0
-getNewRandomSeed :: !*env -> (!RandomSeed, !*env) | FileSystem env
-getNewRandomSeed env
-# (ok, src, env) = sfopen "/dev/urandom" FReadData env
-| not ok => abort "could not open /dev/urandom"
-# (bytes, src) = sfreads src 4
- seed = foldl (\x y->(x<<8)+toInt y) 0 [c \\ c<-:bytes]
-| otherwise => (seed, env)
-random :: !RandomSeed -> .(!Int, !RandomSeed)
-random seed = (seed>>16 bitand 0xFFFF, seed*0x08088405+1)
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/RandomGetallen b/fp2/week1/mart/RandomGetallen
deleted file mode 100755
index 0482437..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/RandomGetallen
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/RandomGetallen.dcl b/fp2/week1/mart/RandomGetallen.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 66a2c6c..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/RandomGetallen.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-definition module RandomGetallen
-import Random
-random_n :: Int RandomSeed -> ([Int],RandomSeed)
-random_inf :: RandomSeed -> [Int]
-//shuffle :: [a] RandomSeed -> [a]
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/RandomGetallen.icl b/fp2/week1/mart/RandomGetallen.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index b756c91..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/RandomGetallen.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-implementation module RandomGetallen
-import StdEnv, Random
-//Start :: *World -> ([Int],*World)
-//Start world
-//# (rs,world) = getNewRandomSeed world
-//= (shuffle [1..10] rs,world)
-Start = shuffle [1..10] nullRandomSeed
-random_n :: Int RandomSeed -> ([Int],RandomSeed)
-random_n n seed = seqList (repeatn n random) seed
-random_inf :: RandomSeed -> [Int]
-random_inf seed = iterateSt random seed
-iterateSt :: (s -> (a,s)) s -> [a]
-iterateSt f s = [a : iterateSt f s`]
- (a,s`) = f s
-shuffle :: [a] RandomSeed -> [a]
-shuffle xs seed = (perms xs) !! ((fst (random seed)) rem (fac (length xs)))
-fac :: Int -> Int
-fac 0 = 1
-fac n = n * fac (n-1)
-perms :: [a] -> [[a]]
-perms [] = [[]]
-perms xs = [[xs!!i : xs`] \\ i <- [0..length xs - 1] , xs` <- perms (take i xs ++ drop (i+1) xs)]
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/SimpleFileIO.dcl b/fp2/week1/mart/SimpleFileIO.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bd97da..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/SimpleFileIO.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-definition module SimpleFileIO
-import StdFile, StdOverloaded, StdMaybe
-// 1.
-readFile :: String *env -> (Maybe String, *env) | FileSystem env
-writeFile :: String String *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env
-// 2.
-readLines :: String *env -> (Maybe [String],*env) | FileSystem env
-writeLines :: String [String] *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env
-// 3.
-//mapFile :: String String (a -> b) *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env & ... a & ... b
diff --git a/fp2/week1/mart/SimpleFileIO.icl b/fp2/week1/mart/SimpleFileIO.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a483a..0000000
--- a/fp2/week1/mart/SimpleFileIO.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-implementation module SimpleFileIO
-import StdEnv, StdFile, StdOverloaded, StdMaybe
-// 1.
-readFile :: String *env -> (Maybe String, *env) | FileSystem env
-readFile s env
-# (ss, env) = readLines s env
-| ss == Nothing = (Nothing, env)
-| otherwise = (Just (foldl (+++) "" (fromJust ss)), env)
-writeFile :: String String *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env
-writeFile fn s env
-# (ok, outfile, env) = fopen fn FWriteText env
-| not ok = (False, env)
-# outfile = fwrites s outfile
-# (ok, env) = fclose outfile env
-| otherwise = (ok, env)
-// 2.
-readLines :: String *env -> (Maybe [String],*env) | FileSystem env
-readLines s env
-# (ok, infile, env) = sfopen s FReadText env
-| not ok = (Nothing, env)
-| otherwise = (Just (fst (readLines` infile)), env)
- readLines` :: File -> ([String], File)
- readLines` file
- | sfend file = ([], file)
- # (line, file) = sfreadline file
- # (ss, file) = readLines` file
- | otherwise = ([line : ss], file)
-writeLines :: String [String] *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env
-writeLines fn ss env = writeFile fn (foldl (+++) "" [s +++ "\n" \\ s <- ss]) env
-// 3.
-//mapFile :: String String (a -> b) *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env & ... a & ... b
diff --git a/fp2/week2/camil/StdIOMonad.dcl b/fp2/week2/camil/StdIOMonad.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 580efaa..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/camil/StdIOMonad.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdIOMonad
-// Deze module verpakt een aantal StdFile functies in een monadische jas
-import StdMonad, StdMaybe
-:: IO a
-:: *W
-:: Void = Void
-:: Filemode = Lees | Schrijf
-:: Filenaam :== String
-:: Filehandle :== String
-// voer monadische I/O actie uit op de wereld:
-doIO:: (IO a) *World -> *(a, *W)
-// IO is een monad:
-instance return IO
-instance >>= IO
-// lees regel van de console:
-read :: IO String
-// schrijf regel naar de console:
-write :: String -> IO Void
-// open de file met gegeven filenaam en mode:
-open :: Filenaam Filemode -> IO (Maybe Filehandle)
-// sluit de file met gegeven filenaam:
-close :: Filehandle -> IO Bool
-// bepaal of het lezen van de file klaar is:
-eof :: Filehandle -> IO Bool
-// lees een regel van een file:
-readline :: Filehandle -> IO (Maybe String)
-// schrijf een regel naar een file:
-writeline :: String Filehandle -> IO Bool
diff --git a/fp2/week2/camil/StdIOMonad.icl b/fp2/week2/camil/StdIOMonad.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index c25cb4c..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/camil/StdIOMonad.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdIOMonad
-import StdBool
-import StdEnum
-import StdFile
-import StdList
-import StdMaybe
-import StdMisc
-import StdMonad
-import StdOverloaded
-import StdString
-import StdTuple
-:: IO a = IO (*W -> *(a, *W))
-:: *W :== *(*World, *[*(Filehandle, *File)])
-:: Filemode = Lees | Schrijf
-:: Filenaam :== String
-:: Filehandle :== String
-instance toInt Filemode where
- toInt Lees = FReadText
- toInt Schrijf = FWriteText
-//voer monadische I/O actie uit op de wereld:
-doIO:: (IO a) *World -> *(a, *W)
-doIO (IO f) w = f (w, [])
-unIO:: (IO a) -> *W -> *(a, *W)
-unIO (IO f) = f
-// IO is een monad:
-instance return IO where
- return x = IO (\w -> (x, w))
-instance >>= IO where
- (>>=) (IO f) g = IO (\w = let (a, w1) = f w in unIO (g a) w1)
-read:: IO String
-read = IO read`
- where
- read`:: *W -> *(String, *W)
- read` (world, s)
- # (io, world) = stdio world
- # (line, io) = freadline io
- # (_, world) = fclose io world
- = (line, (world, s))
-// schrijf regel naar de console:
-write :: String -> IO Void
-write s = IO (write` s)
- where
- write`:: String *W -> *(Void, *W)
- write` line (world, s)
- # (io, world) = stdio world
- # io = io <<< line
- # (_, world) = fclose io world
- = (Void, (world, s))
-// open de file met gegeven filenaam en mode:
-find:: Filehandle *[*(Filehandle, *File)] -> (Maybe *(Filehandle, *File), *[*(Filehandle, *File)])
-find fh fs
-# (fhs, fis) = unzip fs
-# fhsC = zip2 [0..length fhs] fhs
-# index = [(i, h) \\ (i, h) <- fhsC | h == fh]
-| length index == 0 = (Nothing, zip2 fhs fis)
-# index = fst (hd index)
-# (fis1, fis2) = splitAt index fis
-# (fhs1, fhs2) = splitAt index fhs
-# (thefile, fis2) = splitAt 1 fis2
-# (thehandle, fhs2) = splitAt 1 fhs2
-= (Just (hd thehandle, hd thefile), zip2 (fhs1 ++ fhs2) (fis1 ++ fis2))
-open:: Filenaam Filemode -> IO (Maybe Filehandle)
-open s m = IO (open` s m)
- where
- open`:: String Filemode *W -> *(Maybe Filehandle, *W)
- open` fp m (world, fs)
- | any (\l = fp == fst l) fs = (Nothing, (world, fs))
- # (ok, file, world) = fopen fp (toInt m) world
- = (Just fp, (world, [(fp, file):fs]))
-// sluit de file met gegeven filenaam:
-close:: Filehandle -> IO Bool
-close fh = IO (close` fh)
- where
- close`:: Filehandle *W -> *(Bool, *W)
- close` fp (world, fs)
- # (currentfiletuple, fs) = find fp fs
- | isNothing currentfiletuple = (False, (world, fs))
- # (currentfh, currentfile) = fromJust currentfiletuple
- # (ok, world) = fclose currentfile world
- | not ok = abort "File can't be closed"
- | otherwise = (True, (world, fs))
-// bepaal of het lezen van de file klaar is:
-eof :: Filehandle -> IO Bool
-eof fh = IO (eof` fh)
- where
- eof`:: Filehandle *W -> *(Bool, *W)
- eof` fp (world, fs)
- # (currentfiletuple, fs) = find fp fs
- | isNothing currentfiletuple = abort "Can't do eof on non-existing file"
- # (currentfh, currentfile) = fromJust currentfiletuple
- # (ok, file) = fend currentfile
- = (ok, (world, [(currentfh, file):fs]))
-// lees een regel van een file:
-readline :: Filehandle -> IO (Maybe String)
-readline fh = IO (readline` fh)
- where
- readline` :: Filehandle *W -> *(Maybe String, *W)
- readline` fh (world, fs)
- # (currentfiletuple, fs) = find fh fs
- | isNothing currentfiletuple = (Nothing, (world, fs))
- # (currentfh, currentfile) = fromJust currentfiletuple
- # (s, currentfile) = freadline currentfile
- = (Just s, (world, [(currentfh, currentfile):fs]))
-// schrijf een regel naar een file:
-writeline :: String Filehandle -> IO Bool
-writeline s fh = IO (writeline` s fh)
- where
- writeline` :: String Filehandle *W -> *(Bool, *W)
- writeline` s fh (world, fs)
- # (currentfiletuple, fs) = find fh fs
- | isNothing currentfiletuple = (True, (world, fs))
- # (currentfh, currentfile) = fromJust currentfiletuple
- # currentfile = fwrites (s +++ "\n") currentfile
- = (True, (world, [(currentfh, currentfile):fs]))
diff --git a/fp2/week2/camil/StdMaybe.dcl b/fp2/week2/camil/StdMaybe.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2403683..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/camil/StdMaybe.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdMaybe
-// ********************************************************************************
-// Clean StdLib library module, version 1.0
-// ********************************************************************************
-from StdFunc import :: St;
-from StdOverloaded import class ==(..);
-:: Maybe x
- = Just x
- | Nothing
-isJust :: !(Maybe .x) -> Bool // case @1 of (Just _) -> True; _ -> False
-isNothing :: !(Maybe .x) -> Bool // not o isJust
-fromJust :: !(Maybe .x) -> .x // \(Just x) -> x
-// for possibly unique elements:
-u_isJust :: !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Bool, !u:Maybe .x)
-u_isNothing :: !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Bool, !u:Maybe .x)
-accMaybe :: .(St .x .a) !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Maybe .a,!u:Maybe .x)
-// accMaybe f (Just x) = (Just (fst (f x)),Just (snd (f x)))
-// accMaybe f Nothing = (Nothing,Nothing)
-mapMaybe :: .(.x -> .y) !(Maybe .x) -> Maybe .y
-// mapMaybe f (Just x) = Just (f x)
-// mapMaybe f Nothing = Nothing
-instance == (Maybe x) | == x
-// Nothing==Nothing
-// Just a ==Just b <= a==b
-maybeToList :: !(Maybe .a) -> [.a];
-// returns list with no or one element
-listToMaybe :: ![.a] -> .Maybe .a;
-// returns Just head of list if possible
-catMaybes :: ![Maybe .a] -> .[.a];
-// catMaybes ms = [ m \\ Just m <- ms ]
diff --git a/fp2/week2/camil/StdMaybe.icl b/fp2/week2/camil/StdMaybe.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eed325..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/camil/StdMaybe.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdMaybe
-// ********************************************************************************
-// Clean StdLib library module, version 1.0
-// ********************************************************************************
-from StdFunc import :: St;
-from StdOverloaded import class ==(..);
-:: Maybe x
- = Just x
- | Nothing
-isJust :: !(Maybe .x) -> Bool
-isJust Nothing = False
-isJust _ = True
-isNothing :: !(Maybe .x) -> Bool
-isNothing Nothing = True
-isNothing _ = False
-u_isJust :: !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Bool, !u:Maybe .x)
-u_isJust nothing=:Nothing
- = (False, nothing)
-u_isJust just
- = (True, just)
-u_isNothing :: !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Bool, !u:Maybe .x)
-u_isNothing nothing=:Nothing
- = (True, nothing)
-u_isNothing just
- = (False,just)
-fromJust :: !(Maybe .x) -> .x
-fromJust (Just x) = x
-accMaybe :: .(St .x .a) !u:(Maybe .x) -> (!Maybe .a,!u:Maybe .x)
-accMaybe f (Just x)
- # (a,x) = f x
- = (Just a,Just x)
-accMaybe _ nothing
- = (Nothing,nothing)
-mapMaybe :: .(.x -> .y) !(Maybe .x) -> Maybe .y
-mapMaybe f (Just x) = Just (f x)
-mapMaybe _ nothing = Nothing
-instance == (Maybe x) | == x where
- (==) Nothing maybe = case maybe of
- Nothing -> True
- just -> False
- (==) (Just a) maybe = case maybe of
- Just b -> a==b
- nothing -> False
-maybeToList :: !(Maybe .a) -> [.a];
-maybeToList Nothing = []
-maybeToList (Just a) = [a]
-listToMaybe :: ![.a] -> .Maybe .a;
-listToMaybe [] = Nothing
-listToMaybe [a:_] = Just a
-catMaybes :: ![Maybe .a] -> .[.a];
-catMaybes ms = [ m \\ Just m <- ms ]
diff --git a/fp2/week2/camil/StdMonad.dcl b/fp2/week2/camil/StdMonad.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index cd1c654..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/camil/StdMonad.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdMonad
-class return c :: a -> c a
-class (>>=) infix 0 c :: (c a) (a -> c b) -> c b
-class fail c :: c a
-class Monad c | return, >>= c
-class MonadFail c | Monad, fail c
diff --git a/fp2/week2/camil/StdMonad.icl b/fp2/week2/camil/StdMonad.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index db193ab..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/camil/StdMonad.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdMonad
diff --git a/fp2/week2/camil/Test.dcl b/fp2/week2/camil/Test.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f08d1..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/camil/Test.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-definition module Test
diff --git a/fp2/week2/camil/Test.icl b/fp2/week2/camil/Test.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8044d3f..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/camil/Test.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Test
-import StdIOMonad
-Start world = doIO (
- open "camil.txt" Lees >>=
- \_ = open "mart.txt" Schrijf >>=
- \_ = readline "camil.txt" >>=
- \l = writeline (fromJust l) "mart.txt" >>=
- \_ = close "camil.txt" >>=
- \_ = close "mart.txt"
- ) world
diff --git a/fp2/week2/mart/StdIOMonad.dcl b/fp2/week2/mart/StdIOMonad.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 580efaa..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/mart/StdIOMonad.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdIOMonad
-// Deze module verpakt een aantal StdFile functies in een monadische jas
-import StdMonad, StdMaybe
-:: IO a
-:: *W
-:: Void = Void
-:: Filemode = Lees | Schrijf
-:: Filenaam :== String
-:: Filehandle :== String
-// voer monadische I/O actie uit op de wereld:
-doIO:: (IO a) *World -> *(a, *W)
-// IO is een monad:
-instance return IO
-instance >>= IO
-// lees regel van de console:
-read :: IO String
-// schrijf regel naar de console:
-write :: String -> IO Void
-// open de file met gegeven filenaam en mode:
-open :: Filenaam Filemode -> IO (Maybe Filehandle)
-// sluit de file met gegeven filenaam:
-close :: Filehandle -> IO Bool
-// bepaal of het lezen van de file klaar is:
-eof :: Filehandle -> IO Bool
-// lees een regel van een file:
-readline :: Filehandle -> IO (Maybe String)
-// schrijf een regel naar een file:
-writeline :: String Filehandle -> IO Bool
diff --git a/fp2/week2/mart/StdIOMonad.icl b/fp2/week2/mart/StdIOMonad.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index ffa2857..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/mart/StdIOMonad.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdIOMonad
-import StdBool
-import StdEnum
-import StdFile
-import StdList
-import StdMaybe
-import StdMisc
-import StdMonad
-import StdOverloaded
-import StdString
-import StdTuple
-:: IO a = IO (*W -> *(a, *W))
-:: *W :== *(*World, *[*(Filehandle, *File)])
-:: Filemode = Lees | Schrijf
-:: Filenaam :== String
-:: Filehandle :== String
-// Conversion from our filemodes to StdFile filemodes
-instance toInt Filemode where
- toInt Lees = FReadText
- toInt Schrijf = FWriteText
-// Apply the monadic program on the world
-doIO:: (IO a) *World -> *(a, *W)
-doIO (IO f) w = f (w, [])
-// Lift the value out of the monadic domain
-unIO:: (IO a) -> *W -> *(a, *W)
-unIO (IO f) = f
-instance return IO where
- return x = IO (\w -> (x, w))
-instance >>= IO where
- (>>=) (IO f) g = IO (\w = let (a, w1) = f w in unIO (g a) w1)
-// Read one line from the console
-read:: IO String
-read = IO read`
- where
- read`:: *W -> *(String, *W)
- read` (world, s)
- # (io, world) = stdio world
- # (line, io) = freadline io
- # (_, world) = fclose io world
- = (line, (world, s))
-// Write a line from the console
-write :: String -> IO Void
-write s = IO (write` s)
- where
- write`:: String *W -> *(Void, *W)
- write` line (world, s)
- # (io, world) = stdio world
- # io = io <<< line
- # (_, world) = fclose io world
- = (Void, (world, s))
-// Open a file
-open:: Filenaam Filemode -> IO (Maybe Filehandle)
-open s m = IO (open` s m)
- where
- open`:: String Filemode *W -> *(Maybe Filehandle, *W)
- open` fp m (world, fs)
- | any (\l = fp == fst l) fs = (Nothing, (world, fs))
- # (ok, file, world) = fopen fp (toInt m) world
- = (Just fp, (world, [(fp, file):fs]))
-// Close a file. If the file can't be closed by the system the program will
-// abort
-close:: Filehandle -> IO Bool
-close fh = IO (close` fh)
- where
- close`:: Filehandle *W -> *(Bool, *W)
- close` fp (world, fs)
- # (currentfiletuple, fs) = getFH fp fs
- | isNothing currentfiletuple = (False, (world, fs))
- # (currentfh, currentfile) = fromJust currentfiletuple
- # (ok, world) = fclose currentfile world
- | not ok = abort "File can't be closed"
- | otherwise = (True, (world, fs))
-// Determine if the file is at the end. This will abort when the file is not
-// open or error if the file is not opened for reading.
-eof :: Filehandle -> IO Bool
-eof fh = IO (eof` fh)
- where
- eof`:: Filehandle *W -> *(Bool, *W)
- eof` fp (world, fs)
- # (currentfiletuple, fs) = getFH fp fs
- | isNothing currentfiletuple = abort "Can't do eof on non-existing file"
- # (currentfh, currentfile) = fromJust currentfiletuple
- # (ok, file) = fend currentfile
- = (ok, (world, [(currentfh, file):fs]))
-// Read one line from a file (including newline). This will abort when the file
-// is not open or error if the file is not opened for reading.
-readline :: Filehandle -> IO (Maybe String)
-readline fh = IO (readline` fh)
- where
- readline` :: Filehandle *W -> *(Maybe String, *W)
- readline` fh (world, fs)
- # (currentfiletuple, fs) = getFH fh fs
- | isNothing currentfiletuple = abort "File not open"
- # (currentfh, currentfile) = fromJust currentfiletuple
- # (s, currentfile) = freadline currentfile
- = (Just s, (world, [(currentfh, currentfile):fs]))
-// Write one line from a file (will not append newline). This will abort when
-// the file is not open or error if the file is not opened for writing.
-writeline :: String Filehandle -> IO Bool
-writeline s fh = IO (writeline` s fh)
- where
- writeline` :: String Filehandle *W -> *(Bool, *W)
- writeline` s fh (world, fs)
- # (currentfiletuple, fs) = getFH fh fs
- | isNothing currentfiletuple = abort "File not open"
- # (currentfh, currentfile) = fromJust currentfiletuple
- # currentfile = fwrites s currentfile
- = (True, (world, [(currentfh, currentfile):fs]))
-// Gets the file associated with the filehandle given, this is done in a very
-// ugly way to retain uniqueness...
-getFH:: Filehandle *[*(Filehandle, *File)] ->
- (Maybe *(Filehandle, *File), *[*(Filehandle, *File)])
-getFH fh fs
-# (fhs, fis) = unzip fs
-# fhsC = zip2 [0..length fhs] fhs
-# index = [(i, h) \\ (i, h) <- fhsC | h == fh]
-| length index == 0 = (Nothing, zip2 fhs fis)
-# index = fst (hd index)
-# (fis1, fis2) = splitAt index fis
-# (fhs1, fhs2) = splitAt index fhs
-# (thefile, fis2) = splitAt 1 fis2
-# (thehandle, fhs2) = splitAt 1 fhs2
-= (Just (hd thehandle, hd thefile), zip2 (fhs1 ++ fhs2) (fis1 ++ fis2))
diff --git a/fp2/week2/mart/StdMonad.dcl b/fp2/week2/mart/StdMonad.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index cd1c654..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/mart/StdMonad.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdMonad
-class return c :: a -> c a
-class (>>=) infix 0 c :: (c a) (a -> c b) -> c b
-class fail c :: c a
-class Monad c | return, >>= c
-class MonadFail c | Monad, fail c
diff --git a/fp2/week2/mart/StdMonad.icl b/fp2/week2/mart/StdMonad.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index db193ab..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/mart/StdMonad.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdMonad
diff --git a/fp2/week2/mart/Test.dcl b/fp2/week2/mart/Test.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f08d1..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/mart/Test.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-definition module Test
diff --git a/fp2/week2/mart/Test.icl b/fp2/week2/mart/Test.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index ff32dfe..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/mart/Test.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Test
-import StdIOMonad
-// This assumes a file "camil.txt" and writes a line from it to "mart.txt"
-Start world = doIO (
- open "camil.txt" Lees >>=
- \_ = open "mart.txt" Schrijf >>=
- \_ = readline "camil.txt" >>=
- \l = writeline (fromJust l) "mart.txt" >>=
- \_ = close "camil.txt" >>=
- \_ = close "mart.txt"
- ) world
diff --git a/fp2/week2/mart/camil.txt b/fp2/week2/mart/camil.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b8b933b..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/mart/camil.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Line one
-Line two
diff --git a/fp2/week2/mart/s4109503_s4498062_fp2_w2.tar.gz b/fp2/week2/mart/s4109503_s4498062_fp2_w2.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 587d742..0000000
--- a/fp2/week2/mart/s4109503_s4498062_fp2_w2.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.dcl b/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 160af6c..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdDynSet
-import StdOverloaded
-class Set a | TC, ==, toString a
-:: Set
-instance zero Set
-instance toString Set
-instance == Set
-toSet :: a -> Set | Set a
-nrOfElts :: Set -> Int
-isEmptySet :: Set -> Bool
-memberOfSet :: a Set -> Bool | Set a
-isSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isStrictSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-union :: Set Set -> Set
-intersection :: Set Set -> Set
-without :: Set Set -> Set
diff --git a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.icl b/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 576bec9..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// Mart Lubbers s4109503, Camil Staps s4498062
-implementation module StdDynSet
-import StdEnv
-import StdMaybe
-import StdDynamic
-isEqual:: Dynamic t -> Bool | Set t
-isEqual (x :: t^) a = x == a
-isEqual _ _ = False
-class Set a | TC, ==, toString a
-:: Set = Set [(Dynamic, Dynamic -> Bool, String)]
-instance zero Set
-where zero = Set []
-instance toString Set
-where toString (Set [(_,_,a):as]) = "{" +++ a +++ (foldl (+++) "" ["," +++ s \\ (_,_,s) <- as]) +++ "}"
-instance == Set
-where == a b = nrOfElts a == nrOfElts b && isSubset a b
-toSet :: a -> Set | Set a
-toSet e = Set [(dynamic e, \x = isEqual x e, toString e)]
-nrOfElts :: Set -> Int
-nrOfElts (Set a) = length a
-isEmptySet :: Set -> Bool
-isEmptySet a = (nrOfElts a) == 0
-memberOfSet :: a Set -> Bool | Set a
-memberOfSet _ (Set []) = False
-memberOfSet x (Set [(y,_,_):ys]) = isEqual y x || memberOfSet x (Set ys)
-dynMemberOfSet :: Dynamic Set -> Bool
-dynMemberOfSet _ (Set []) = False
-dynMemberOfSet x (Set [(_,eq,_):ys]) = eq x || dynMemberOfSet x (Set ys)
-isSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isSubset a b = (nrOfElts a) == (nrOfElts (intersection a b))
-isStrictSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isStrictSubset a b = isSubset a b && nrOfElts a < nrOfElts b
-union :: Set Set -> Set
-union (Set a) (Set b) = Set (a ++ (fromSet (without (Set b) (Set a))))
- fromSet :: Set -> [(Dynamic, Dynamic -> Bool, String)]
- fromSet (Set x) = x
-intersection :: Set Set -> Set
-intersection as (Set []) = as
-intersection (Set as) (Set bs) = Set [(a,eq,ts) \\ (a,eq,ts) <- as | dynMemberOfSet a (Set bs)]
-without :: Set Set -> Set
-without (Set as) (Set bs) = Set [(a,eq,ts) \\ (a,eq,ts) <- as | not (dynMemberOfSet a (Set bs))]
-Start = toString (union (toSet 1) (toSet 2))
diff --git a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prj b/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prj
deleted file mode 100644
index 4328042..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-Version: 1.4
- ProjectRoot: .
- Built: True
- Target: Experimental
- Exec: {Project}\StdDynSet.exe
- CodeGen
- CheckStacks: False
- CheckIndexes: True
- Application
- HeapSize: 2097152
- StackSize: 512000
- ExtraMemory: 81920
- IntialHeapSize: 204800
- HeapSizeMultiplier: 4096
- ShowExecutionTime: False
- ShowGC: False
- ShowStackSize: False
- MarkingCollector: False
- StandardRuntimeEnv: True
- Profile
- Memory: False
- MemoryMinimumHeapSize: 0
- Time: False
- Stack: False
- Output
- Output: ShowConstructors
- Font: Courier
- FontSize: 9
- WriteStdErr: False
- Link
- LinkMethod: Static
- GenerateRelocations: False
- GenerateLinkMap: False
- LinkResources: False
- ResourceSource:
- GenerateDLL: False
- ExportedNames:
- Paths
- Path: {Project}
- Precompile:
- Postlink:
- Name: StdDynSet
- Dir: {Project}
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdCleanTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: BitSet
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DefaultElem
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: EnDecode
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynIDMacros
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicUtilities
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicLowLevelInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicVersion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicGraphConversion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicLinkerInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: read_function.obj
- Module
- Name: memory
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: mem.obj
- Module
- Name: memory_mapped_files
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: low.obj
- NeededLibraries
- Library: StdDynamic_kernel32_library
- Module
- Name: shared_buffer
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdBool
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdChar
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdCharList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdClass
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnv
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFile
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFunc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdInt
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdMisc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdOrdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdOverloaded
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdReal
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdString
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdTuple
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdMaybe
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
diff --git a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prp b/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prp
deleted file mode 100644
index 87899a5..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-Version: 1.4
- Name: StdDynSet
- Dir: {Project}
- Dcl
- WindowPosition
- X: 65
- Y: 47
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 640
- DclOpen: False
- Icl
- WindowPosition
- X: 10
- Y: 10
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 600
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdCleanTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Dcl
- WindowPosition
- X: 10
- Y: 10
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 600
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Dcl
- WindowPosition
- X: 276
- Y: 168
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 600
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: BitSet
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DefaultElem
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: EnDecode
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynIDMacros
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicUtilities
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicLowLevelInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicVersion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicGraphConversion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicLinkerInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: memory
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: memory_mapped_files
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: shared_buffer
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdBool
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdChar
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdCharList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdClass
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnv
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdFile
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdFunc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdInt
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdMisc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdOrdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdOverloaded
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Dcl
- WindowPosition
- X: 10
- Y: 10
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 600
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdReal
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdString
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdTuple
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdMaybe
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
diff --git a/fp2/week3/mart/GetallenRaden.icl b/fp2/week3/mart/GetallenRaden.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b2bb0..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/mart/GetallenRaden.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Mart Lubbers s4109503, Camil Staps s4498062
-module GetallenRaden
-import StdEnv
-import StdDynamic, StdDynamicFileIO
-import StdFileSelect
-// Example generation program
-//fib :: [Int]
-//fib = [fib` i \\ i <- [0..]]
-// where
-// fib` 0 = 0
-// fib` 1 = 1
-// fib` n = fib` (n-1) + fib` (n-2)
-//Start :: *World -> (Bool, *World)
-//Start world = writeDynamic "fib" (dynamic fib) world
-makeSeq :: Dynamic -> [Int]
-makeSeq (x :: [Int]) = x
-makeSeq _ = abort "You selected a file not containing a sequence"
-basename :: String Int -> String
-basename s 0 = toString s.[0]
-basename s n = let c = toString s.[n] in if (c == "\\") "" ((basename s (n-1)) +++ c)
-loadSeq :: String *World -> *([Int], String, *World)
-loadSeq s world
-# s = let l = size s in s % (0, l-5)
-# (ok, dyn, world) = readDynamic s world
-| not ok = abort "You didn't select a dynamic file"
-| otherwise = (makeSeq dyn, basename s ((size s)-1), world)
-play :: *File String [Int] Int Int -> *File
-play io _ _ _ 5 = io <<< "Congratulations, you had 5 correct answers\n"
-play io seqname [nextnum:sequence] currentnum correct
-# io = io <<< (seqname +++ "[" +++ toString currentnum +++ "] = " +++ toString nextnum +++ "\n")
-# (ok, guessednumber, io) = freadi io
-| not ok = play (snd (freadline io)) seqname sequence (currentnum + 1) correct
-# (io, correct) = if (guessednumber == hd sequence) (io, correct+1) (io <<< "Incorrect...\n", correct)
-= play (snd (freadline io)) seqname sequence (currentnum + 1) correct
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world
-# (inputfilepath, world) = selectInputFile world
-| isNothing inputfilepath = abort "Please select a file"
-# (sequence, sequencename, world) = loadSeq (fromJust inputfilepath) world
-# (io, world) = stdio world
-# io = (play io sequencename sequence 0 0) <<< "Press any key to close"
-# (_, world) = fclose io world
-= world
diff --git a/fp2/week3/mart/GetallenRaden.prj b/fp2/week3/mart/GetallenRaden.prj
deleted file mode 100644
index e857306..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/mart/GetallenRaden.prj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1594 +0,0 @@
-Version: 1.4
- ProjectRoot: .
- Built: True
- Target: Object IO
- Exec: {Project}\GetallenRaden.exe
- CodeGen
- CheckStacks: False
- CheckIndexes: True
- Application
- HeapSize: 2097152
- StackSize: 512000
- ExtraMemory: 81920
- IntialHeapSize: 204800
- HeapSizeMultiplier: 4096
- ShowExecutionTime: False
- ShowGC: False
- ShowStackSize: False
- MarkingCollector: False
- StandardRuntimeEnv: True
- Profile
- Memory: False
- MemoryMinimumHeapSize: 0
- Time: False
- Stack: False
- Output
- Output: NoReturnType
- Font: Courier
- FontSize: 9
- WriteStdErr: False
- Link
- LinkMethod: Dynamic
- GenerateRelocations: False
- GenerateLinkMap: False
- LinkResources: False
- ResourceSource:
- GenerateDLL: False
- ExportedNames:
- Paths
- Path: {Project}
- Path: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Path: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Path: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Path: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Path: {Application}\Libraries\Directory
- Precompile:
- Postlink:
- Name: GetallenRaden
- Dir: {Project}
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdCleanTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicFileIO
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynID
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynIDMacros
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicUtilities
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicLowLevelInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicVersion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicGraphConversion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicLinkerInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: read_function.obj
- Module
- Name: memory
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: mem.obj
- Module
- Name: memory_mapped_files
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: low.obj
- NeededLibraries
- Library: StdDynamic_kernel32_library
- Module
- Name: shared_buffer
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: BitSet
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DefaultElem
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: EnDecode
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: md5
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: Directory
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Directory
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: cDirectory.
- Module
- Name: StdBitmap
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdControlDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFileSelect
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdIOBasic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdIOCommon
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdId
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdKey
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdMenuDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdPSt
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdPicture
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdPictureDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdProcessAttribute
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdProcessDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdTimerDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdWindowDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: cast
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: commondef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: device
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: deviceevents
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: devicefunctions
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: devicesystemstate
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: id
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: iostate
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: keyfocus
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: menuhandle
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: processhandle
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: processstack
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: receiverhandle
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: receivermessage
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: receivertable
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: roundrobin
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: scheduler
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: semidynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: systemid
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: timerhandle
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: timertable
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: windowhandle
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: world
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: clCCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: util_121.
- ObjectFile: cpicture_121.
- ObjectFile: cdebug_121.
- ObjectFile: cCrossCall_121.
- ObjectFile: cCrossCallWindows_121.
- ObjectFile: cCCallWindows_121.
- ObjectFile: cCCallSystem_121.
- Module
- Name: clCrossCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: cCrossCallWindows_121.
- ObjectFile: cCrossCallProcedureTable_121.
- ObjectFile: cCrossCallCursor_121.
- ObjectFile: cCrossCall_121.
- ObjectFile: cCCallSystem_121.
- ObjectFile: cCCallWindows_121.
- ObjectFile: cAcceleratorTable_121.
- NeededLibraries
- Library: userExt_library
- Library: gdiExt_library
- Library: kernelExt_library
- Library: winspool_library
- Library: winmm_library
- Library: shell32_library
- Library: ole32_library
- Library: kernel32_library
- Library: comctl32_library
- Library: advapi32_library
- Module
- Name: menuCCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: cCrossCallMenus_121.
- Module
- Name: menuCrossCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: osactivaterequests
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: osbeep
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: osbitmap
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: osdocumentinterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: cCrossCallxDI_121.
- Module
- Name: osevent
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: osfileselect
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: cCrossCallFileSelectors_121.
- Module
- Name: osfont
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: osguishare
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: oskey
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: osmenu
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: osmouse
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: ospicture
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: osrgn
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: ossystem
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: ostime
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: ostoolbar
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: ostoolbox
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: cCrossCallFont_121.
- Module
- Name: ostypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: pictCCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: rgnCCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: windowCCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: cpicture_121.
- ObjectFile: cCCallWindows_121.
- Module
- Name: windowCrossCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdBool
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdChar
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdCharList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdClass
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnv
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFile
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFunc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdInt
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdMisc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdOrdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdOverloaded
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdReal
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdString
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdTuple
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdArrayExtensions
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdLibMisc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdMaybe
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
diff --git a/fp2/week3/mart/GetallenRaden.prp b/fp2/week3/mart/GetallenRaden.prp
deleted file mode 100644
index cc79889..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/mart/GetallenRaden.prp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-Version: 1.4
- Name: GetallenRaden
- Dir: {Project}
- DclOpen: False
- Icl
- WindowPosition
- X: 10
- Y: 10
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 600
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdCleanTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicFileIO
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynID
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynIDMacros
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicUtilities
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicLowLevelInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicVersion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicGraphConversion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicLinkerInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: memory
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: memory_mapped_files
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: shared_buffer
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: BitSet
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DefaultElem
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: EnDecode
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: md5
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: Directory
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Directory
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdBitmap
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdControlDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdFileSelect
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdIOBasic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdIOCommon
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdId
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdKey
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdMenuDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdPSt
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdPicture
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdPictureDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdProcessAttribute
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdProcessDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdTimerDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdWindowDef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: cast
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: commondef
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: device
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: deviceevents
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: devicefunctions
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: devicesystemstate
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: id
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: iostate
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: keyfocus
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: menuhandle
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: processhandle
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: processstack
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: receiverhandle
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: receivermessage
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: receivertable
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: roundrobin
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: scheduler
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: semidynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: systemid
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: timerhandle
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: timertable
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: windowhandle
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: world
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: clCCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: clCrossCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: menuCCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: menuCrossCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osactivaterequests
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osbeep
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osbitmap
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osdocumentinterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osevent
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osfileselect
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osfont
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osguishare
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: oskey
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osmenu
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osmouse
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: ospicture
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: osrgn
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: ossystem
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: ostime
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: ostoolbar
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: ostoolbox
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: ostypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: pictCCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: rgnCCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: windowCCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: windowCrossCall_12
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\ObjectIO\OS Windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdBool
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdChar
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdCharList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdClass
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnv
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdFile
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdFunc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdInt
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdMisc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdOrdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdOverloaded
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdReal
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdString
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdTuple
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdArrayExtensions
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdLibMisc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdMaybe
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
diff --git a/fp2/week3/mart/NotatieDynamics.icl b/fp2/week3/mart/NotatieDynamics.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index da90675..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/mart/NotatieDynamics.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-module NotatieDynamics
-import StdEnv
-import StdDynamic, StdDynamicFileIO
-Start = f4 f3
-f1 :: Int Int -> Int
-f1 (x :: Int) y = x + y
-f2 :: Bool a a -> a
-f2 (b :: Bool) (e1 :: a) (e2 :: a) = dynamic if b e1 e2 :: a
-f3 :: [Int]
-f3 = dynamic map fib [1 ..]
-fib 0 = 1
-fib 1 = 1
-fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
-f4 :: [Int] -> [Int]
-f4 (xs :: [Int]) = take 10 xs
-f5 :: [Int] -> [Int]
-f5 = f4 f3
diff --git a/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.dcl b/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index de9a9b7..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdDynSet
-import StdOverloaded
-class Set a | TC, ==, toString a
-:: Set
-instance zero Set
-instance toString Set
-instance == Set
-toSet :: a -> Set | Set a
-nrOfElts :: Set -> Int
-isEmptySet :: Set -> Bool
-memberOfSet :: a Set -> Bool | Set a
-isSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isStrictSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-union :: Set Set -> Set
-intersection :: Set Set -> Set
-without :: Set Set -> Set
diff --git a/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.icl b/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1202ce2..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdDynSet
-import StdEnv
-import StdDynamic
-class Set a | TC, ==, toString a
-:: Set = Set [Dynamic]
-instance zero Set
-where zero = Set []
-instance toString Set
-where toString (Set a) = abort "toString not implemented"
-instance == Set
- (==) (Set []) (Set []) = True
- (==) (Set []) _ = False
- (==) _ (Set []) = False
-toSet :: a -> Set | Set a
-toSet a = Set [dynamic a]
-nrOfElts :: Set -> Int
-nrOfElts (Set a) = length a
-isEmptySet :: Set -> Bool
-isEmptySet (Set []) = True
-isEmptySet _ = False
-memberOfSet :: a Set -> Bool | Set a
-memberOfSet _ (Set []) = False
-memberOfSet x (Set [y:xs])
-| isEqual x y = True
-| otherwise = memberOfSet x xs
-isSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isSubset a b = abort "isSubset nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-isStrictSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isStrictSubset a b = abort "isStrictSubset nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-union :: Set Set -> Set
-union a b = abort "union nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-intersection :: Set Set -> Set
-intersection a b = abort "intersection nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-without :: Set Set -> Set
-without a b = abort "without nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-Start :: Set
-Start = toSet 1
diff --git a/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.prj b/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.prj
deleted file mode 100644
index 4328042..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.prj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-Version: 1.4
- ProjectRoot: .
- Built: True
- Target: Experimental
- Exec: {Project}\StdDynSet.exe
- CodeGen
- CheckStacks: False
- CheckIndexes: True
- Application
- HeapSize: 2097152
- StackSize: 512000
- ExtraMemory: 81920
- IntialHeapSize: 204800
- HeapSizeMultiplier: 4096
- ShowExecutionTime: False
- ShowGC: False
- ShowStackSize: False
- MarkingCollector: False
- StandardRuntimeEnv: True
- Profile
- Memory: False
- MemoryMinimumHeapSize: 0
- Time: False
- Stack: False
- Output
- Output: ShowConstructors
- Font: Courier
- FontSize: 9
- WriteStdErr: False
- Link
- LinkMethod: Static
- GenerateRelocations: False
- GenerateLinkMap: False
- LinkResources: False
- ResourceSource:
- GenerateDLL: False
- ExportedNames:
- Paths
- Path: {Project}
- Precompile:
- Postlink:
- Name: StdDynSet
- Dir: {Project}
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdCleanTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: BitSet
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DefaultElem
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: EnDecode
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynIDMacros
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicUtilities
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicLowLevelInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicVersion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicGraphConversion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicLinkerInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: read_function.obj
- Module
- Name: memory
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: mem.obj
- Module
- Name: memory_mapped_files
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: low.obj
- NeededLibraries
- Library: StdDynamic_kernel32_library
- Module
- Name: shared_buffer
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdBool
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdChar
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdCharList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdClass
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnv
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFile
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFunc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdInt
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdMisc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdOrdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdOverloaded
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdReal
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdString
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdTuple
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdMaybe
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
diff --git a/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.prp b/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.prp
deleted file mode 100644
index f2a25e4..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/mart/StdDynSet.prp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-Version: 1.4
- Name: StdDynSet
- Dir: {Project}
- DclOpen: False
- Icl
- WindowPosition
- X: 10
- Y: 10
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 600
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdCleanTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: BitSet
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DefaultElem
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: EnDecode
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynIDMacros
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicUtilities
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicLowLevelInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicVersion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicGraphConversion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicLinkerInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: memory
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: memory_mapped_files
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: shared_buffer
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdBool
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdChar
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdCharList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdClass
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnv
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdFile
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdFunc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdInt
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdMisc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdOrdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdOverloaded
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdReal
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdString
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdTuple
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdMaybe
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
diff --git a/fp2/week3/mart/fib.dyn b/fp2/week3/mart/fib.dyn
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b8335a..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/mart/fib.dyn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/fp2/week3/week3.tar.gz b/fp2/week3/week3.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c7697..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/week3.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fp2/week45/camil/RefactorX.dcl b/fp2/week45/camil/RefactorX.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ddc8a4..0000000
--- a/fp2/week45/camil/RefactorX.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-definition module RefactorX
-import StdEnv
-:: Expr = NR Int
- | VAR Name
- | OP Expr Operator Expr
- | LET Name Expr Expr
-:: Name :== String
-:: Operator = PLUS | MIN | MUL | DIV
-:: Val = Result Int | Undef
-from StdClass import class toString
-instance toString Expr
-free :: Expr -> [Name]
-remove_unused_lets :: Expr -> Expr
-eval :: Expr -> Val
diff --git a/fp2/week45/camil/RefactorX.icl b/fp2/week45/camil/RefactorX.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index a7bf909..0000000
--- a/fp2/week45/camil/RefactorX.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-implementation module RefactorX
-import StdEnv
-Start = map eval [E1,E2,E3,E4,E5]
-E1 = OP (LET "x" (OP (NR 42) MIN (NR 3)) (OP (VAR "x") DIV (NR 0)))
- (LET "y" (NR 6) (OP (VAR "y") MUL (VAR "y")))
-E2 = LET "x" (NR 42) (OP (VAR "x") PLUS (LET "x" (NR 58) (VAR "x")))
-E3 = LET "x" (NR 1) (LET "y" (NR 2) (LET "x" (NR 3) (NR 4)))
-E4 = LET "x" (NR 1) (OP (VAR "x") PLUS (VAR "y"))
-E5 = OP (LET "x" (NR 1) (VAR "x")) MUL (VAR "x")
-:: Expr = NR Int
- | VAR Name
- | OP Expr Operator Expr
- | LET Name Expr Expr
-:: Name :== String
-:: Operator = PLUS | MIN | MUL | DIV
-:: Val = Result Int | Undef
-(<+) infixl 9 :: String a -> String | toString a
-(<+) str a = str +++ toString a
-instance toString Operator where
- toString PLUS = "+"
- toString MIN = "-"
- toString MUL = "*"
- toString DIV = "/"
-// expressies afdrukken:
-instance toString Expr where
- toString (NR n) = toString n
- toString (VAR s) = s
- toString (LET s e1 e2) = "let " <+ s <+ " = " <+ e1 <+ " in " <+ e2
- toString (OP e1 o e2) = bracket e1 <+ o <+ bracket e2
- where
- bracket :: Expr -> String
- bracket (OP e1 o e2) = "(" <+ e1 <+ o <+ e2 <+ ")"
- bracket (LET s e1 e2) = "(" <+ (LET s e1 e2) <+ ")"
- bracket x = toString x
-// vrije variabelen:
-free :: Expr -> [Name]
-free (NR _) = []
-free (VAR s) = [s]
-free (LET s _ e2) = [n \\ n <- free e2 | n <> s]
-free (OP e1 _ e2) = removeDup ((free e1) ++ (free e2))
-// verwijder deelexpressies met ongebruikte let-variabelen:
-remove_unused_lets :: Expr -> Expr
-remove_unused_lets (LET s e1 e2)
-| isMember s (free e2) = (LET s (remove_unused_lets e1) (remove_unused_lets e2))
-| otherwise = remove_unused_lets e2
-remove_unused_lets (OP e1 o e2) = OP (remove_unused_lets e1) o (remove_unused_lets e2)
-remove_unused_lets x = x
-// evaluator met tabel van naam-waarde paren:
-eval :: Expr -> Val
-eval e = eval` e []
- eval` :: Expr [(Name, Val)] -> Val
- eval` (NR n) vs = Result n
- eval` (VAR s) vs = find s vs
- where
- find :: Name [(Name, Val)] -> Val
- find _ [] = Undef
- find s [(t,v):vs]
- | s == t = v
- | otherwise = find s vs
- eval` (LET s e1 e2) vs = eval` e2 [(s,eval` e1 vs):vs]
- eval` (OP e1 o e2) vs = op o (eval` e1 vs) (eval` e2 vs)
- where
- op :: Operator Val Val -> Val
- op _ Undef _ = Undef
- op _ _ Undef = Undef
- op PLUS (Result x) (Result y) = Result (x + y)
- op MIN (Result x) (Result y) = Result (x - y)
- op MUL (Result x) (Result y) = Result (x * y)
- op DIV _ (Result 0) = Undef
- op DIV (Result x) (Result y) = Result (x / y)
diff --git a/fp2/week45/mart/RefactorX.dcl b/fp2/week45/mart/RefactorX.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 393c097..0000000
--- a/fp2/week45/mart/RefactorX.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// Mart Lubbers s4109503, Camil Staps s4498062
-definition module RefactorX
-from StdClass import class toString
-import StdEnv
-:: Expr = NR Int | VAR Name | OP Expr Operator Expr | LET Name Expr Expr
-:: Name :== String
-:: Operator = PLUS | MIN | MUL | DIV
-:: Val = Result Int | Undef
-instance toString Expr
-free :: Expr -> [Name]
-remove_unused_lets :: Expr -> Expr
-eval :: Expr -> Val
diff --git a/fp2/week45/mart/RefactorX.icl b/fp2/week45/mart/RefactorX.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index c74df08..0000000
--- a/fp2/week45/mart/RefactorX.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Mart Lubbers s4109503, Camil Staps s4498062
-implementation module RefactorX
-import StdEnv
-//Start = map toString [E1,E2,E3,E4,E5]
-//Start = map free [E1,E2,E3,E4,E5]
-//Start = map toString (map remove_unused_lets [E1,E2,E3,E4,E5])
-Start = map eval [E1,E2,E3,E4,E5]
- where
- E1 = OP (LET "x" (OP (NR 42) MIN (NR 3)) (OP (VAR "x") DIV (NR 0))) PLUS (LET "y" (NR 6) (OP (VAR "y") MUL (VAR "y")))
- E2 = LET "x" (NR 42) (OP (VAR "x") PLUS (LET "x" (NR 58) (VAR "x")))
- E3 = LET "x" (NR 1) (LET "y" (NR 2) (LET "x" (NR 3) (NR 4)))
- E4 = LET "x" (NR 1) (OP (VAR "x") PLUS (VAR "y"))
- E5 = OP (LET "x" (NR 1) (VAR "x")) MUL (VAR "x")
-(<+) infixl 9 :: String a -> String | toString a
-(<+) str a = str +++ toString a
-instance toString Operator where
- toString PLUS = "+"
- toString MIN = "-"
- toString MUL = "*"
- toString DIV = "/"
-instance toString Expr where
- toString (NR n) = toString n
- toString (VAR v) = v
- toString (LET n e1 e2) = "(let " <+ n <+ "=" <+ e1 <+ " in " <+ e2 <+ ")"
- toString (OP e1 o e2) = bracket e1 <+ o <+ bracket e2
- where
- bracket :: Expr -> String
- bracket (OP e1 o e2) = "(" <+ (OP e1 o e2) <+ ")"
- bracket e = toString e
-free:: Expr -> [Name]
-free (NR n) = []
-free (VAR v) = [v]
-free (OP e1 o e2) = removeDup (free e1 ++ free e2)
-free (LET n e1 e2) = removeMember n (free e2)
-remove_unused_lets:: Expr -> Expr
-remove_unused_lets (LET n e1 e2)
-| isMember n (free e2) = (LET n (remove_unused_lets e1) (remove_unused_lets e2))
-| otherwise = remove_unused_lets e2
-remove_unused_lets (OP e1 o e2) = (OP (remove_unused_lets e1) o (remove_unused_lets e2))
-remove_unused_lets e = e
-apply:: Operator Val Val -> Val
-apply _ Undef _ = Undef
-apply _ _ Undef = Undef
-apply DIV _ (Result 0) = Undef
-apply o (Result e1) (Result e2) = Result (apply` o e1 e2)
- where
- apply`:: Operator -> Int Int -> Int
- apply` PLUS = +
- apply` MIN = -
- apply` MUL = *
- apply` DIV = /
-eval:: Expr -> Val
-eval e = eval` e []
- where
- eval`:: Expr [(Name, Val)] -> Val
- eval` (NR n) _ = Result n
- eval` (VAR v) [] = Undef
- eval` (VAR v) [(n, e):xs]
- | v == n = e
- | otherwise = eval` (VAR v) xs
- eval` (OP e1 o e2) xs = apply o (eval` e1 xs) (eval` e2 xs)
- eval` (LET n e1 e2) xs = eval` e2 [(n, eval` e1 xs):xs]
diff --git a/fp2/week45/week45.tar.gz b/fp2/week45/week45.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 690e838..0000000
--- a/fp2/week45/week45.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTree.dcl b/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTree.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b2ab3a..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-definition module BinSearchTree
-import StdClass
-import BinTree
-is_geordend :: (BTree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-is_gebalanceerd :: (BTree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-insertTree :: a (BTree a) -> BTree a | Ord a \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTree.icl b/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTree.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 83ca73b..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Mart Lubbers, s4109503
-// Camil Staps, s4498062
-implementation module BinSearchTree
-import StdEnv
-import BinTree
-insertTree :: a (BTree a) -> BTree a | Ord a
-insertTree e BLeaf = BNode e BLeaf BLeaf
-insertTree e (BNode x le ri)
-| e <= x = BNode x (insertTree e le) ri
-| e > x = BNode x le (insertTree e ri)
-deleteTree :: a (BTree a) -> (BTree a) | Eq, Ord a
-deleteTree e BLeaf = BLeaf
-deleteTree e (BNode x le ri)
-| e < x = BNode x (deleteTree e le) ri
-| e == x = join le ri
-| e > x = BNode x le (deleteTree e ri)
- join :: (BTree a) (BTree a) -> (BTree a)
- join BLeaf b2 = b2
- join b1 b2 = BNode x b1` b2
- where
- (x,b1`) = largest b1
- largest :: (BTree a) -> (a,(BTree a))
- largest (BNode x b1 BLeaf) = (x,b1)
- largest (BNode x b1 b2) = (y,BNode x b1 b2`)
- where
- (y,b2`) = largest b2
-is_geordend :: (BTree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-is_geordend BLeaf = True
-is_geordend (BNode x le ri) = (foldr (&&) True (map ((>) x) (members le))) && (foldr (&&) True (map ((<=) x) (members ri))) && is_geordend le && is_geordend ri
- members :: (BTree a) -> [a]
- members BLeaf = []
- members (BNode x le ri) = [x:(members le) ++ (members ri)]
-is_gebalanceerd :: (BTree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-is_gebalanceerd BLeaf = True
-is_gebalanceerd (BNode x le ri) = abs ((depth le) - (depth ri)) <= 1 && is_gebalanceerd le && is_gebalanceerd ri
- depth :: (BTree a) -> Int
- depth BLeaf = 0
- depth (BNode x le ri) = max (depth le) (depth ri) + 1 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTreeImage.icl b/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTreeImage.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 00ae8b1..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTreeImage.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-module BinSearchTreeImage
-/* Instructions:
-(1) copy BinTree.(i/d)cl and BinSearchTree.(i/d)cl from Practicum to
- {iTasks-SDK}\Experiments\SVG_tests\
-(2) in these modules change the type
- :: Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf
- to
- :: BTree a = BLeaf | BNode a (BTree a) (BTree a) // ORDER OF DATACONSTRUCTORS IS ESSENTIAL!!
- and adapt the corresponding function definitions.
-(3) this main file (BinSearchTreeImage.icl) must be in the same folder:
- {iTasks-SDK}\Experiments\SVG_tests\
-(4) create a new project and set de environment to 'iTasks'
-(5) Bring-Up-To-Date and start generated application
-(6) Open a browser and navigate to localhost.
- The application creates two tasks:
- (a) The task on the left allows you to enter subsequent elements that are inserted in the tree, one after another.
- (b) The task on the right must be finished by you by writing the function treeImage. This function must render the tree structure in such a way
- that Nodes of the same depth have the same y-coordinate, and the root having the smallest y-coordinate.
-import iTasks // de algemene iTask API
-import iTasks.API.Extensions.SVG.SVGlet // specialiseer task editors
-from StdFunc import flip
-import BinSearchTree // type definition of Tree and sample trees z0 .. z8
-derive class iTask BTree
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world = startEngine [publish "/" (WebApp []) (\_ -> task)] world
-task :: Task [Int]
-task = withShared [] (\sharedList ->
- ( (updateSharedInformation (Title "Edit list") [] sharedList <<@ ArrangeHorizontal)
- -||-
- (viewSharedInformation (Title "Tree view") [imageView treeImage` (\_ _ -> Nothing)] sharedList <<@ ArrangeHorizontal)
- ) <<@ ArrangeHorizontal
- ) <<@ FullScreen
-font = normalFontDef "Courier New" fonthoogte
-fonthoogte = 14.0
-treeImage` :: [Int] *TagSource -> Image m
-treeImage` nrs tags = fst(treeImage (foldl (flip insertTree) BLeaf nrs) tags)
-TMargin = 10.0
-treeImage :: (BTree Int) *TagSource -> (Image m, *TagSource)
-treeImage BLeaf ts = (margin (px zero, px TMargin) (circle (px fonthoogte)), ts)
-treeImage (BNode x t1 t2) [(tg1, utg1),(tg2, utg2):ts]
-= (above (repeat AtMiddleX) [] [textbox, lines, subtrees] Nothing, ts2)
- where
- (i1, ts1) = treeImage t1 ts
- (i2, ts2) = treeImage t2 ts1
- subtrees = beside (repeat AtTop) [] [tag utg1 i1, tag utg2 i2] Nothing
- box = rect (textxspan font (toString x)) (px fonthoogte) <@< {fill=toSVGColor "none"}
- lines_with_subtrees = above (repeat AtMiddleX) [] [lines, subtrees] Nothing
- textbox = overlay (repeat (AtMiddleX, AtMiddleY)) [] [box, text font (toString x)] Nothing
- lines = beside (repeat AtBottom) [] [
- empty (((imagexspan tg1) /. 2) - ((imagexspan tg2) /. 2)) (px TMargin), // ignored if negative
- line Nothing Slash ((imagexspan tg2) /. 2) (px TMargin),
- line Nothing Backslash ((imagexspan tg1) /. 2) (px TMargin),
- empty (((imagexspan tg2) /. 2) - ((imagexspan tg1) /. 2)) (px TMargin)] // ignored if negative
- Nothing
diff --git a/fp2/week6/camil/BinTree.dcl b/fp2/week6/camil/BinTree.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e8b1700..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/camil/BinTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-definition module BinTree
-:: BTree a = BNode a (BTree a) (BTree a) | BLeaf
-t0 :: BTree Int
-t1 :: BTree Int
-t2 :: BTree Int
-t3 :: BTree Int
-t4 :: BTree Int
-t5 :: BTree Int
-t6 :: BTree Int
-t7 :: BTree Int
-//nodes :: // meest algemene type
-//leaves :: // meest algemene type
-//diepte :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/fp2/week6/camil/BinTree.icl b/fp2/week6/camil/BinTree.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a16da5..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/camil/BinTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-implementation module BinTree
-import StdEnv
-:: BTree a = BNode a (BTree a) (BTree a) | BLeaf
-t0 :: BTree Int
-t0 = BLeaf
-t1 :: BTree Int
-t1 = BNode 4 t0 t0
-t2 :: BTree Int
-t2 = BNode 2 t0 t1
-t3 :: BTree Int
-t3 = BNode 5 t2 t0
-t4 :: BTree Int
-t4 = BNode 5 t2 t2
-t5 :: BTree Int
-t5 = BNode 1 BLeaf (BNode 2 BLeaf (BNode 3 BLeaf (BNode 4 BLeaf BLeaf)))
-t6 :: BTree Int
-t6 = BNode 1 (BNode 2 (BNode 3 (BNode 4 BLeaf BLeaf) BLeaf) BLeaf) BLeaf
-t7 :: BTree Int
-t7 = BNode 4 (BNode 1 BLeaf BLeaf) (BNode 5 (BNode 2 BLeaf BLeaf) BLeaf)
-// 2.
-//nodes :: // meest algemene type
-//nodes ...
-//Start = map nodes [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-//leaves :: // meest algemene type
-//leaves ...
-//Start = map leaves [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-//diepte :: // meest algemene type
-//diepte ...
-//Start = map diepte [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
diff --git a/fp2/week6/mart/BinSearchTree.dcl b/fp2/week6/mart/BinSearchTree.dcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 460dcf1..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/mart/BinSearchTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-definition module BinSearchTree
-import StdClass
-import BinTree
-is_geordend :: (BTree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-is_gebalanceerd :: (BTree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-insertTree :: a (BTree a) -> BTree a | Ord a \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fp2/week6/mart/BinSearchTree.icl b/fp2/week6/mart/BinSearchTree.icl
deleted file mode 100755
index 83ca73b..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/mart/BinSearchTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Mart Lubbers, s4109503
-// Camil Staps, s4498062
-implementation module BinSearchTree
-import StdEnv
-import BinTree
-insertTree :: a (BTree a) -> BTree a | Ord a
-insertTree e BLeaf = BNode e BLeaf BLeaf
-insertTree e (BNode x le ri)
-| e <= x = BNode x (insertTree e le) ri
-| e > x = BNode x le (insertTree e ri)
-deleteTree :: a (BTree a) -> (BTree a) | Eq, Ord a
-deleteTree e BLeaf = BLeaf
-deleteTree e (BNode x le ri)
-| e < x = BNode x (deleteTree e le) ri
-| e == x = join le ri
-| e > x = BNode x le (deleteTree e ri)
- join :: (BTree a) (BTree a) -> (BTree a)
- join BLeaf b2 = b2
- join b1 b2 = BNode x b1` b2
- where
- (x,b1`) = largest b1
- largest :: (BTree a) -> (a,(BTree a))
- largest (BNode x b1 BLeaf) = (x,b1)
- largest (BNode x b1 b2) = (y,BNode x b1 b2`)
- where
- (y,b2`) = largest b2
-is_geordend :: (BTree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-is_geordend BLeaf = True
-is_geordend (BNode x le ri) = (foldr (&&) True (map ((>) x) (members le))) && (foldr (&&) True (map ((<=) x) (members ri))) && is_geordend le && is_geordend ri
- members :: (BTree a) -> [a]
- members BLeaf = []
- members (BNode x le ri) = [x:(members le) ++ (members ri)]
-is_gebalanceerd :: (BTree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-is_gebalanceerd BLeaf = True
-is_gebalanceerd (BNode x le ri) = abs ((depth le) - (depth ri)) <= 1 && is_gebalanceerd le && is_gebalanceerd ri
- depth :: (BTree a) -> Int
- depth BLeaf = 0
- depth (BNode x le ri) = max (depth le) (depth ri) + 1 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fp2/week6/mart/BinSearchTreeImage.icl b/fp2/week6/mart/BinSearchTreeImage.icl
deleted file mode 100755
index 9b93810..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/mart/BinSearchTreeImage.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-module BinSearchTreeImage
-/* Instructions:
-(1) copy BinTree.(i/d)cl and BinSearchTree.(i/d)cl from Practicum to
- {iTasks-SDK}\Experiments\SVG_tests\
-(2) in these modules change the type
- :: Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf
- to
- :: BTree a = BLeaf | BNode a (BTree a) (BTree a) // ORDER OF DATACONSTRUCTORS IS ESSENTIAL!!
- and adapt the corresponding function definitions.
-(3) this main file (BinSearchTreeImage.icl) must be in the same folder:
- {iTasks-SDK}\Experiments\SVG_tests\
-(4) create a new project and set de environment to 'iTasks'
-(5) Bring-Up-To-Date and start generated application
-(6) Open a browser and navigate to localhost.
- The application creates two tasks:
- (a) The task on the left allows you to enter subsequent elements that are inserted in the tree, one after another.
- (b) The task on the right must be finished by you by writing the function treeImage. This function must render the tree structure in such a way
- that Nodes of the same depth have the same y-coordinate, and the root having the smallest y-coordinate.
-import iTasks // de algemene iTask API
-import iTasks.API.Extensions.SVG.SVGlet // specialiseer task editors
-from StdFunc import flip
-import BinSearchTree // type definition of Tree and sample trees z0 .. z8
-derive class iTask BTree
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world = startEngine [publish "/" (WebApp []) (\_ -> task)] world
-task :: Task [Int]
-task = withShared [] (\sharedList ->
- ( (updateSharedInformation (Title "Edit list") [] sharedList <<@ ArrangeHorizontal)
- -||-
- (viewSharedInformation (Title "Tree view") [imageView treeImage` (\_ _ -> Nothing)] sharedList <<@ ArrangeHorizontal)
- ) <<@ ArrangeHorizontal
- ) <<@ FullScreen
-font = normalFontDef "Courier New" fonthoogte
-fonthoogte = 14.0
-treeImage` :: [Int] *TagSource -> Image m
-treeImage` nrs tags = fst(treeImage (foldl (flip insertTree) BLeaf nrs) tags)
-TMargin = 10.0
-treeImage :: (BTree Int) *TagSource -> (Image m, *TagSource)
-treeImage BLeaf ts = (margin (px TMargin) (circle (px fonthoogte)), ts)
-treeImage (BNode x t1 t2) [(tg1, utg1),(tg2, utg2):ts]
-= (above (repeat AtMiddleX) [] [textbox, lines, subtrees] Nothing, ts2)
- where
- (i1, ts1) = treeImage t1 ts
- (i2, ts2) = treeImage t2 ts1
- subtrees = beside (repeat AtTop) [] [tag utg1 i1, tag utg2 i2] Nothing
- box = rect (textxspan font (toString x)) (px fonthoogte) <@< {fill=toSVGColor "none"}
- textbox = overlay (repeat (AtMiddleX, AtMiddleY)) [] [box, text font (toString x)] Nothing
- lines = beside (repeat AtBottom) [] [
- line Nothing Slash ((imagexspan tg1) /. 2) (px TMargin),
- line Nothing Backslash ((imagexspan tg2) /. 2) (px TMargin)] Nothing
diff --git a/fp2/week6/mart/BinTree.dcl b/fp2/week6/mart/BinTree.dcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 93d8ed8..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/mart/BinTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-definition module BinTree
-:: BTree a = BNode a (BTree a) (BTree a) | BLeaf
-t0 :: BTree Int
-t1 :: BTree Int
-t2 :: BTree Int
-t3 :: BTree Int
-t4 :: BTree Int
-t5 :: BTree Int
-t6 :: BTree Int
-t7 :: BTree Int
-//nodes :: // meest algemene type
-//leaves :: // meest algemene type
-//diepte :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/fp2/week6/mart/BinTree.icl b/fp2/week6/mart/BinTree.icl
deleted file mode 100755
index 7b14e1e..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/mart/BinTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-implementation module BinTree
-import StdEnv
-:: BTree a = BNode a (BTree a) (BTree a) | BLeaf
-t0 :: BTree Int
-t0 = BLeaf
-t1 :: BTree Int
-t1 = BNode 4 t0 t0
-t2 :: BTree Int
-t2 = BNode 2 t0 t1
-t3 :: BTree Int
-t3 = BNode 5 t2 t0
-t4 :: BTree Int
-t4 = BNode 5 t2 t2
-t5 :: BTree Int
-t5 = BNode 1 BLeaf (BNode 2 BLeaf (BNode 3 BLeaf (BNode 4 BLeaf BLeaf)))
-t6 :: BTree Int
-t6 = BNode 1 (BNode 2 (BNode 3 (BNode 4 BLeaf BLeaf) BLeaf) BLeaf) BLeaf
-t7 :: BTree Int
-t7 = BNode 4 (BNode 1 BLeaf BLeaf) (BNode 5 (BNode 2 BLeaf BLeaf) BLeaf)
-// 2.
-//nodes :: // meest algemene type
-//nodes ...
-//Start = map nodes [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-//leaves :: // meest algemene type
-//leaves ...
-//Start = map leaves [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-//diepte :: // meest algemene type
-//diepte ...
-//Start = map diepte [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]