path: root/week2/camil
diff options
authorCamil Staps2015-02-09 20:22:32 +0100
committerCamil Staps2015-02-09 20:22:32 +0100
commite89ef72aac916bc66f08be5563d334123cc1d4c5 (patch)
treef6b41bf2ce4e4c64e9ea9ac412af32e5aeb10b7c /week2/camil
parentadded practicum files, updated gitignore (diff)
week 2 camil
Diffstat (limited to 'week2/camil')
6 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/week2/camil/StdT.dcl b/week2/camil/StdT.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca97fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week2/camil/StdT.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+definition module StdT
+import StdOverloaded
+:: T
+instance == T
+instance < T
+instance zero T
+instance + T
+instance - T
+instance toInt T
+instance fromInt T
+instance toString T
+instance fromString T
diff --git a/week2/camil/StdT.icl b/week2/camil/StdT.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1534c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week2/camil/StdT.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Er is nog een probleem met fromString: deze geeft een onduidelijke warning bij het compileren (toInt geeft geen inline code).
+ * Verder wordt 5:a0 vrolijk gelezen als 5 minuten, 0 seconden, terwijl dit 0 minuten, 0 seconden zou moeten geven volgens de opgave.
+ * Ik weet niet zeker of dit een randgeval is waar de opgavemaker geen rekening mee heeft gehouden, of dat de code aangepast kan worden.
+ */
+implementation module StdT
+import StdEnv
+:: T = {m :: Int, s :: Int}
+instance == T where == a b = a.m == b.m && a.s == b.s
+instance < T where < a b = a.m < b.m || a.m == b.m && a.s < b.s
+instance zero T where zero = {m = zero, s = zero}
+instance + T where + a b = fromInt (toInt a + toInt b)
+instance - T where - a b = if (a < b) zero (fromInt (toInt a - toInt b))
+instance toInt T where toInt a = a.m * 60 + a.s
+instance fromInt T where fromInt n = if (n < 0) zero {m = n/60, s = n rem 60}
+instance toString T where
+ toString {m = x, s = 0} = toString x +++ ":00"
+ toString a = toString a.m +++ ":" +++ (if (a.s < 10) "0" "") +++ toString a.s
+instance fromString T where
+ fromString s = if (s.[size s - 3] == ':')
+ {m = toInt (s % (0, size s - 4)), s = toInt (s % (size s - 2, size s - 1))}
+ zero
+Start :: (Bool, Bool, T, T, T, Int, String, T, T)
+Start = (LOTR == Tea, Tea < LOTR,
+ zero + LOTR, LOTR + Tea, Tea - LOTR,
+ toInt LOTR, toString Tea,
+ fromString "5:40", fromString "foo")
+LOTR = {m=178, s=0}
+Tea = {m=0,s=41}
diff --git a/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.dcl b/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6831948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+definition module TupleOverloading
+import StdEnv
+instance + (a,b) | + a & + b
+instance + (a,b,c) | + a & + b & + c
+instance - (a,b) | - a & - b
+instance - (a,b,c) | - a & - b & - c
+instance * (a,b) | * a & * b
+instance * (a,b,c) | * a & * b & * c
+instance / (a,b) | / a & / b
+instance / (a,b,c) | / a & / b & / c
+instance zero (a,b) | zero a & zero b
+instance zero (a,b,c) | zero a & zero b & zero c
+instance one (a,b) | one a & one b
+instance one (a,b,c) | one a & one b & one c
+instance ~ (a,b) | ~ a & ~ b
+instance ~ (a,b,c) | ~ a & ~ b & ~ c
diff --git a/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.icl b/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdc8c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week2/camil/TupleOverloading.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+implementation module TupleOverloading
+import StdEnv
+instance + (a,b) | + a & + b where
+ + (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)
+instance + (a,b,c) | + a & + b & + c where
+ + (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a+d,b+e,c+f)
+instance - (a,b) | - a & - b where
+ - (a,b) (c,d) = (a-c,b-d)
+instance - (a,b,c) | - a & - b & - c where
+ - (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a-d,b-e,c-f)
+instance * (a,b) | * a & * b where
+ * (a,b) (c,d) = (a*c,b*d)
+instance * (a,b,c) | * a & * b & * c where
+ * (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a*d,b*e,c*f)
+instance / (a,b) | / a & / b where
+ / (a,b) (c,d) = (a/c,b/d)
+instance / (a,b,c) | / a & / b & / c where
+ / (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a/d,b/e,c/f)
+instance zero (a,b) | zero a & zero b where
+ zero = (zero, zero)
+instance zero (a,b,c) | zero a & zero b & zero c where
+ zero = (zero, zero, zero)
+instance one (a,b) | one a & one b where
+ one = (one, one)
+instance one (a,b,c) | one a & one b & one c where
+ one = (one, one, one)
+instance ~ (a,b) | ~ a & ~ b where
+ ~ (a,b) = (~ a, ~ b)
+instance ~ (a,b,c) | ~ a & ~ b & ~ c where
+ ~ (a,b,c) = (~ a, ~ b, ~ c)
+Start = (test (1,2), test (1,2,3))
+test a = ( zero + a == a && a == a + zero
+ , a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a)
+ , one * a == a && a == a * one
+ , zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero
+ , a / one == a
+ , ~ (~ a) == a
+ )
diff --git a/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.dcl b/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76f8520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+definition module VectorOverloading
+import StdEnv
+:: Vector2 a = {x0 :: a, x1 :: a}
+instance == (Vector2 a) | == a
+instance zero (Vector2 a) | zero a
+instance one (Vector2 a) | one a
+instance ~ (Vector2 a) | ~ a
+instance + (Vector2 a) | + a
+instance - (Vector2 a) | - a
+instance * (Vector2 a) | * a
+instance / (Vector2 a) | / a
diff --git a/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.icl b/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..794cfb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week2/camil/VectorOverloading.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+implementation module VectorOverloading
+import StdEnv
+:: Vector2 a = {x0 :: a, x1 :: a}
+instance == (Vector2 a) | == a where
+ == a b = a.x0 == b.x0 && a.x1 == b.x1
+instance zero (Vector2 a) | zero a where
+ zero = {x0 = zero, x1 = zero}
+instance one (Vector2 a) | one a where
+ one = {x0 = one, x1 = one}
+instance ~ (Vector2 a) | ~ a where
+ ~ a = {x0 = ~a.x0, x1 = ~a.x1}
+instance + (Vector2 a) | + a where
+ + a b = {x0 = a.x0 + b.x0, x1 = a.x1 + b.x1}
+instance - (Vector2 a) | - a where
+ - a b = {x0 = a.x0 - b.x0, x1 = a.x1 - b.x1}
+instance * (Vector2 a) | * a where
+ * a b = {x0 = a.x0 * b.x0, x1 = a.x1 * b.x1}
+instance / (Vector2 a) | / a where
+ / a b = {x0 = a.x0 / b.x0, x1 = a.x1 / b.x1}
+Start = test {x0=1,x1=2}
+test a = ( zero + a == a && a == a + zero
+ , a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a)
+ , one * a == a && a == a * one
+ , zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero
+ , a / one == a
+ , ~ (~ a) == a
+ )