path: root/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTreeImage.icl
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authorCamil Staps2016-02-02 19:24:50 +0100
committerCamil Staps2016-02-02 19:24:50 +0100
commita7d7542dc646a5fd124ef71e71ce260889f1701b (patch)
tree04ed89503bbb3cc9933273a1326a53ca724c3492 /fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTreeImage.icl
parentweek6 camil: working positioning of lines by putting empties at left and righ... (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTreeImage.icl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTreeImage.icl b/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTreeImage.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 00ae8b1..0000000
--- a/fp2/week6/camil/BinSearchTreeImage.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-module BinSearchTreeImage
-/* Instructions:
-(1) copy BinTree.(i/d)cl and BinSearchTree.(i/d)cl from Practicum to
- {iTasks-SDK}\Experiments\SVG_tests\
-(2) in these modules change the type
- :: Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf
- to
- :: BTree a = BLeaf | BNode a (BTree a) (BTree a) // ORDER OF DATACONSTRUCTORS IS ESSENTIAL!!
- and adapt the corresponding function definitions.
-(3) this main file (BinSearchTreeImage.icl) must be in the same folder:
- {iTasks-SDK}\Experiments\SVG_tests\
-(4) create a new project and set de environment to 'iTasks'
-(5) Bring-Up-To-Date and start generated application
-(6) Open a browser and navigate to localhost.
- The application creates two tasks:
- (a) The task on the left allows you to enter subsequent elements that are inserted in the tree, one after another.
- (b) The task on the right must be finished by you by writing the function treeImage. This function must render the tree structure in such a way
- that Nodes of the same depth have the same y-coordinate, and the root having the smallest y-coordinate.
-import iTasks // de algemene iTask API
-import iTasks.API.Extensions.SVG.SVGlet // specialiseer task editors
-from StdFunc import flip
-import BinSearchTree // type definition of Tree and sample trees z0 .. z8
-derive class iTask BTree
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world = startEngine [publish "/" (WebApp []) (\_ -> task)] world
-task :: Task [Int]
-task = withShared [] (\sharedList ->
- ( (updateSharedInformation (Title "Edit list") [] sharedList <<@ ArrangeHorizontal)
- -||-
- (viewSharedInformation (Title "Tree view") [imageView treeImage` (\_ _ -> Nothing)] sharedList <<@ ArrangeHorizontal)
- ) <<@ ArrangeHorizontal
- ) <<@ FullScreen
-font = normalFontDef "Courier New" fonthoogte
-fonthoogte = 14.0
-treeImage` :: [Int] *TagSource -> Image m
-treeImage` nrs tags = fst(treeImage (foldl (flip insertTree) BLeaf nrs) tags)
-TMargin = 10.0
-treeImage :: (BTree Int) *TagSource -> (Image m, *TagSource)
-treeImage BLeaf ts = (margin (px zero, px TMargin) (circle (px fonthoogte)), ts)
-treeImage (BNode x t1 t2) [(tg1, utg1),(tg2, utg2):ts]
-= (above (repeat AtMiddleX) [] [textbox, lines, subtrees] Nothing, ts2)
- where
- (i1, ts1) = treeImage t1 ts
- (i2, ts2) = treeImage t2 ts1
- subtrees = beside (repeat AtTop) [] [tag utg1 i1, tag utg2 i2] Nothing
- box = rect (textxspan font (toString x)) (px fonthoogte) <@< {fill=toSVGColor "none"}
- lines_with_subtrees = above (repeat AtMiddleX) [] [lines, subtrees] Nothing
- textbox = overlay (repeat (AtMiddleX, AtMiddleY)) [] [box, text font (toString x)] Nothing
- lines = beside (repeat AtBottom) [] [
- empty (((imagexspan tg1) /. 2) - ((imagexspan tg2) /. 2)) (px TMargin), // ignored if negative
- line Nothing Slash ((imagexspan tg2) /. 2) (px TMargin),
- line Nothing Backslash ((imagexspan tg1) /. 2) (px TMargin),
- empty (((imagexspan tg2) /. 2) - ((imagexspan tg1) /. 2)) (px TMargin)] // ignored if negative
- Nothing