path: root/fp2/week3/camil
diff options
authorCamil Staps2016-02-02 19:24:50 +0100
committerCamil Staps2016-02-02 19:24:50 +0100
commita7d7542dc646a5fd124ef71e71ce260889f1701b (patch)
tree04ed89503bbb3cc9933273a1326a53ca724c3492 /fp2/week3/camil
parentweek6 camil: working positioning of lines by putting empties at left and righ... (diff)
Moved to 1415 directoryHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'fp2/week3/camil')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 872 deletions
diff --git a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.dcl b/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 160af6c..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdDynSet
-import StdOverloaded
-class Set a | TC, ==, toString a
-:: Set
-instance zero Set
-instance toString Set
-instance == Set
-toSet :: a -> Set | Set a
-nrOfElts :: Set -> Int
-isEmptySet :: Set -> Bool
-memberOfSet :: a Set -> Bool | Set a
-isSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isStrictSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-union :: Set Set -> Set
-intersection :: Set Set -> Set
-without :: Set Set -> Set
diff --git a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.icl b/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 576bec9..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// Mart Lubbers s4109503, Camil Staps s4498062
-implementation module StdDynSet
-import StdEnv
-import StdMaybe
-import StdDynamic
-isEqual:: Dynamic t -> Bool | Set t
-isEqual (x :: t^) a = x == a
-isEqual _ _ = False
-class Set a | TC, ==, toString a
-:: Set = Set [(Dynamic, Dynamic -> Bool, String)]
-instance zero Set
-where zero = Set []
-instance toString Set
-where toString (Set [(_,_,a):as]) = "{" +++ a +++ (foldl (+++) "" ["," +++ s \\ (_,_,s) <- as]) +++ "}"
-instance == Set
-where == a b = nrOfElts a == nrOfElts b && isSubset a b
-toSet :: a -> Set | Set a
-toSet e = Set [(dynamic e, \x = isEqual x e, toString e)]
-nrOfElts :: Set -> Int
-nrOfElts (Set a) = length a
-isEmptySet :: Set -> Bool
-isEmptySet a = (nrOfElts a) == 0
-memberOfSet :: a Set -> Bool | Set a
-memberOfSet _ (Set []) = False
-memberOfSet x (Set [(y,_,_):ys]) = isEqual y x || memberOfSet x (Set ys)
-dynMemberOfSet :: Dynamic Set -> Bool
-dynMemberOfSet _ (Set []) = False
-dynMemberOfSet x (Set [(_,eq,_):ys]) = eq x || dynMemberOfSet x (Set ys)
-isSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isSubset a b = (nrOfElts a) == (nrOfElts (intersection a b))
-isStrictSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isStrictSubset a b = isSubset a b && nrOfElts a < nrOfElts b
-union :: Set Set -> Set
-union (Set a) (Set b) = Set (a ++ (fromSet (without (Set b) (Set a))))
- fromSet :: Set -> [(Dynamic, Dynamic -> Bool, String)]
- fromSet (Set x) = x
-intersection :: Set Set -> Set
-intersection as (Set []) = as
-intersection (Set as) (Set bs) = Set [(a,eq,ts) \\ (a,eq,ts) <- as | dynMemberOfSet a (Set bs)]
-without :: Set Set -> Set
-without (Set as) (Set bs) = Set [(a,eq,ts) \\ (a,eq,ts) <- as | not (dynMemberOfSet a (Set bs))]
-Start = toString (union (toSet 1) (toSet 2))
diff --git a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prj b/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prj
deleted file mode 100644
index 4328042..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-Version: 1.4
- ProjectRoot: .
- Built: True
- Target: Experimental
- Exec: {Project}\StdDynSet.exe
- CodeGen
- CheckStacks: False
- CheckIndexes: True
- Application
- HeapSize: 2097152
- StackSize: 512000
- ExtraMemory: 81920
- IntialHeapSize: 204800
- HeapSizeMultiplier: 4096
- ShowExecutionTime: False
- ShowGC: False
- ShowStackSize: False
- MarkingCollector: False
- StandardRuntimeEnv: True
- Profile
- Memory: False
- MemoryMinimumHeapSize: 0
- Time: False
- Stack: False
- Output
- Output: ShowConstructors
- Font: Courier
- FontSize: 9
- WriteStdErr: False
- Link
- LinkMethod: Static
- GenerateRelocations: False
- GenerateLinkMap: False
- LinkResources: False
- ResourceSource:
- GenerateDLL: False
- ExportedNames:
- Paths
- Path: {Project}
- Precompile:
- Postlink:
- Name: StdDynSet
- Dir: {Project}
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdCleanTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: BitSet
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DefaultElem
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: EnDecode
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynIDMacros
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicUtilities
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicLowLevelInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicVersion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicGraphConversion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicLinkerInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: read_function.obj
- Module
- Name: memory
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: mem.obj
- Module
- Name: memory_mapped_files
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- NeededObjFiles
- ObjectFile: low.obj
- NeededLibraries
- Library: StdDynamic_kernel32_library
- Module
- Name: shared_buffer
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdBool
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdChar
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdCharList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdClass
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnv
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFile
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFunc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdInt
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdMisc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdOrdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdOverloaded
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdReal
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdString
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdTuple
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdMaybe
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
diff --git a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prp b/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prp
deleted file mode 100644
index 87899a5..0000000
--- a/fp2/week3/camil/StdDynSet.prp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-Version: 1.4
- Name: StdDynSet
- Dir: {Project}
- Dcl
- WindowPosition
- X: 65
- Y: 47
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 640
- DclOpen: False
- Icl
- WindowPosition
- X: 10
- Y: 10
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 600
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdCleanTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Dcl
- WindowPosition
- X: 10
- Y: 10
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 600
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics
- Dcl
- WindowPosition
- X: 276
- Y: 168
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 600
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: BitSet
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DefaultElem
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: EnDecode
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\general
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynIDMacros
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicUtilities
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicLowLevelInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicTypes
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdDynamicVersion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemDynamic
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicGraphConversion
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: DynamicLinkerInterface
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: memory
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: memory_mapped_files
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: shared_buffer
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\Dynamics\implementation\windows
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdBool
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdChar
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdCharList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdClass
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnv
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdFile
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdFunc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdInt
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdMisc
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdOrdList
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdOverloaded
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- Dcl
- WindowPosition
- X: 10
- Y: 10
- SizeX: 800
- SizeY: 600
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdReal
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdString
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdTuple
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemArray
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemEnum
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdEnv
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False
- Module
- Name: StdMaybe
- Dir: {Application}\Libraries\StdLib
- DclOpen: False
- IclOpen: False