path: root/fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.icl
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authorCamil Staps2016-02-02 19:24:50 +0100
committerCamil Staps2016-02-02 19:24:50 +0100
commita7d7542dc646a5fd124ef71e71ce260889f1701b (patch)
tree04ed89503bbb3cc9933273a1326a53ca724c3492 /fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.icl
parentweek6 camil: working positioning of lines by putting empties at left and righ... (diff)
Moved to 1415 directoryHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.icl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.icl b/fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 559846b..0000000
--- a/fp1/week7/camil/BinSearchTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Mart Lubbers, s4109503
-// Camil Staps, s4498062
-implementation module BinSearchTree
-import StdEnv
-import BinTree
-z0 = Leaf
-// Leaf
-z1 = insertTree 50 z0
-// 50
-// |
-// -------------
-// | |
-// Leaf Leaf
-z2 = insertTree 10 z1
-// 50
-// |
-// -------------
-// | |
-// 10 Leaf
-// |
-// ---------
-// | |
-// Leaf Leaf
-z3 = insertTree 75 z2
-// 50
-// |
-// ---------------
-// | |
-// 10 75
-// | |
-// --------- ---------
-// | | | |
-// Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf
-z4 = insertTree 80 z3
-// 50
-// |
-// ---------------
-// | |
-// 10 75
-// | |
-// --------- ---------
-// | | | |
-// Leaf Leaf Leaf 80
-// |
-// ---------
-// | |
-// Leaf Leaf
-z5 = insertTree 77 z4
-// 50
-// |
-// ---------------
-// | |
-// 10 75
-// | |
-// --------- ---------
-// | | | |
-// Leaf Leaf Leaf 77
-// |
-// ---------
-// | |
-// Leaf 80
-// |
-// ---------
-// | |
-// Leaf Leaf
-z6 = insertTree 10 z5
-// 50
-// |
-// ---------------
-// | |
-// 10 75
-// | |
-// --------- ---------
-// | | | |
-// 10 Leaf Leaf 77
-// | |
-// --------- ---------
-// | | | |
-// Leaf Leaf Leaf 80
-// |
-// ---------
-// | |
-// Leaf Leaf
-z7 = insertTree 75 z6
-// 50
-// |
-// ----------------
-// | |
-// 10 75
-// | |
-// --------- -----------
-// | | | |
-// 10 Leaf 75 77
-// | | |
-// --------- ------ -------
-// | | | | | |
-// Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf 80
-// |
-// ---------
-// | |
-// Leaf Leaf
-z8 = deleteTree 50 z7
-// 10
-// |
-// ----------------
-// | |
-// 10 75
-// | |
-// --------- -----------
-// | | | |
-// Leaf Leaf 75 77
-// | |
-// ------ -------
-// | | | |
-// Leaf Leaf Leaf 80
-// |
-// ---------
-// | |
-// Leaf Leaf
-// Uit het diktaat, blz. 73:
-insertTree :: a (Tree a) -> Tree a | Ord a
-insertTree e Leaf = Node e Leaf Leaf
-insertTree e (Node x le ri)
-| e <= x = Node x (insertTree e le) ri
-| e > x = Node x le (insertTree e ri)
-deleteTree :: a (Tree a) -> (Tree a) | Eq, Ord a
-deleteTree e Leaf = Leaf
-deleteTree e (Node x le ri)
-| e < x = Node x (deleteTree e le) ri
-| e == x = join le ri
-| e > x = Node x le (deleteTree e ri)
- join :: (Tree a) (Tree a) -> (Tree a)
- join Leaf b2 = b2
- join b1 b2 = Node x b1` b2
- where
- (x,b1`) = largest b1
- largest :: (Tree a) -> (a,(Tree a))
- largest (Node x b1 Leaf) = (x,b1)
- largest (Node x b1 b2) = (y,Node x b1 b2`)
- where
- (y,b2`) = largest b2
-is_geordend :: (Tree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-is_geordend Leaf = True
-is_geordend (Node x le ri) = (foldr (&&) True (map ((>) x) (members le))) && (foldr (&&) True (map ((<=) x) (members ri))) && is_geordend le && is_geordend ri
- members :: (Tree a) -> [a]
- members Leaf = []
- members (Node x le ri) = [x:(members le) ++ (members ri)]
-//Start = map is_geordend [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-is_gebalanceerd :: (Tree a) -> Bool | Ord a // meest algemene type
-is_gebalanceerd Leaf = True
-is_gebalanceerd (Node x le ri) = abs ((depth le) - (depth ri)) <= 1 && is_gebalanceerd le && is_gebalanceerd ri
- depth :: (Tree a) -> Int
- depth Leaf = 0
- depth (Node x le ri) = max (depth le) (depth ri) + 1
-//Start = map is_gebalanceerd [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]