path: root/files/practicum
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authorCamil Staps2016-02-02 19:24:50 +0100
committerCamil Staps2016-02-02 19:24:50 +0100
commita7d7542dc646a5fd124ef71e71ce260889f1701b (patch)
tree04ed89503bbb3cc9933273a1326a53ca724c3492 /files/practicum
parentweek6 camil: working positioning of lines by putting empties at left and righ... (diff)
Moved to 1415 directoryHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'files/practicum')
-rw-r--r--files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree.zipbin2319 -> 0 bytes
235 files changed, 0 insertions, 48447 deletions
diff --git a/files/practicum/AVLTreeTest.icl b/files/practicum/AVLTreeTest.icl
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index 8f91031..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/AVLTreeTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-module AVLTreeTest
-import StdEnv, StdAVLTree, Subs
-// Test alle mogelijkheden:
-Start = filter (not o isAVLTree) (map (foldr deleteAVLTree tree) (subs elementen))
- elementen = [3,2,1,0,1,2,3,2,1,0,1,2,3]
- tree = foldr insertAVLTree mkAVLLeaf elementen
diff --git a/files/practicum/Abalone.icl b/files/practicum/Abalone.icl
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index 0963415..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Abalone.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Abalone
-import StdEnv
-Start = 0
diff --git a/files/practicum/BewijsInitTake.icl b/files/practicum/BewijsInitTake.icl
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index ef5e9b4..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BewijsInitTake.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Zij gegeven:
- init :: [a] -> [a]
- init [x] = [] (1)
- init [x:xs] = [x:init xs] (2)
- take :: Int [a] -> [a]
- take 0 xs = [] (3)
- take n [] = [] (4)
- take n [x:xs] = [x : take (n-1) xs] (5)
- length :: [a] -> Int
- length [] = 0 (6)
- length [x:xs] = 1 + length xs (7)
- (f o g) x = f (g x) (8)
-Bewijs de volgende stelling voor alle eindige, niet-lege lijsten xs:
- init xs = take (length xs - 1) xs
-Je mag aannemen dat het Int-bereik onbeperkt is.
diff --git a/files/practicum/BewijsMapFlatten.icl b/files/practicum/BewijsMapFlatten.icl
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index dc74766..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BewijsMapFlatten.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Zij gegeven:
-(++) :: [a] [a] -> [a]
-(++) [] xs = xs (1)
-(++) [y:ys] xs = [y : ys ++ xs] (2)
-map :: (a -> b) [a] -> [b]
-map f [] = [] (3)
-map f [x:xs] = [f x : map f xs] (4)
-flatten :: [[a]] -> [a]
-flatten [] = [] (5)
-flatten [x:xs] = x ++ (flatten xs) (6)
-Te bewijzen:
- voor iedere functie f, eindige lijst as en bs:
- map f (as ++ bs) = (map f as) ++ (map f bs)
-Te bewijzen:
- voor iedere functie f, voor iedere eindige lijst xs:
- flatten (map (map f) xs) = map f (flatten xs)
diff --git a/files/practicum/BewijsMapO.icl b/files/practicum/BewijsMapO.icl
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index 144a4d6..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BewijsMapO.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Zij gegeven:
- map :: (a -> b) [a] -> [b]
- map f [] = [] (1)
- map f [x:xs] = [f x : map f xs] (2)
- (f o g) x = f (g x) (3)
-Bewijs de volgende stelling voor alle eindige lijsten xs en functies f en g:
- map (f o g) xs = map f (map g xs)
diff --git a/files/practicum/BewijsMeppenEnTippen.icl b/files/practicum/BewijsMeppenEnTippen.icl
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index 720ff4d..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BewijsMeppenEnTippen.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Zij gegeven:
-:: BTree a = Tip a | Bin (BTree a) (BTree a)
-map :: (a -> b) [a] -> [b]
-map f [] = [] (1.)
-map f [x:xs] = [f x : map f xs] (2.)
-mapbtree :: (a -> b) (BTree a) -> BTree b
-mapbtree f (Tip a) = Tip (f a) (3.)
-mapbtree f (Bin t1 t2) = Bin (mapbtree f t1) (mapbtree f t2) (4.)
-foldbtree :: (a a -> a) (BTree a) -> a
-foldbtree f (Tip x) = x (5.)
-foldbtree f (Bin t1 t2) = f (foldbtree f t1) (foldbtree f t2) (6.)
-tips :: (BTree a) -> [a]
-tips t = foldbtree (++) (mapbtree unit t) (7.)
-unit :: a -> [a]
-unit x = [x] (8.)
-Te bewijzen:
- voor alle functies f, voor alle eindige bomen t:
- map f (tips t) = tips (mapbtree f t)
diff --git a/files/practicum/BewijsPeano.icl b/files/practicum/BewijsPeano.icl
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index 9d1bbe3..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BewijsPeano.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Zij gegeven:
- :: Nat = Zero | Suc Nat
- (##) :: Nat -> Int
- (##) Zero = 0 (1)
- (##) (Suc n) = 1 + ##n (2)
-1. Zij bovendien gegeven:
- add :: Nat Nat -> Nat
- add Zero n = n (3)
- add (Suc m) n = Suc (add m n) (4)
-Bewijs de volgende stelling voor alle Nat m en n:
- ## (add m n) = ##m + ##n
-2. Zij bovendien gegeven:
- mul :: Nat Nat -> Nat
- mul m Zero = Zero (5)
- mul m (Suc n) = add (mul m n) m (6)
-Bewijs de volgende stelling voor alle Nat m en n:
- ## (mul m n) = ##m * ##n
diff --git a/files/practicum/BewijsSubsEnMap.icl b/files/practicum/BewijsSubsEnMap.icl
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index 43329e3..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BewijsSubsEnMap.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Zij gegeven de volgende functie-definities:
-subs :: [a] -> [[a]]
-subs [] = [[]] (1.)
-subs [x:xs] = subs xs ++ map (cons x) (subs xs) (2.)
-map :: (a -> b) [a] -> [b]
-map f [] = [] (3.)
-map f [x:xs] = [f x : map f xs] (4.)
-(++) :: [a] [a] -> [a]
-(++) [] ys = ys (5.)
-(++) [x:xs] ys = [x : xs ++ ys] (6.)
-cons :: a [a] -> [a]
-cons x xs = [x : xs] (7.)
-Bewijs de volgende stelling voor alle functies f en eindige lijsten xs:
- subs (map f xs) = map (map f) (subs xs).
-Je kunt gebruik maken van de volgende hulpstellingen (lemma's) die gelden voor alle
-functies f, g en eindige lijsten xs en ys:
-map f (xs ++ ys) = map f xs ++ map f ys (8.)
-map g (map f xs) = map (g o f) xs (9.)
-(cons (f a)) o (map f) = (map f) o (cons a) (10.)
-(g o f) x = g (f x) (11.)
diff --git a/files/practicum/BinSearchTree.dcl b/files/practicum/BinSearchTree.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e480bb..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BinSearchTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-definition module BinSearchTree
-import StdClass
-import BinTree
-is_geordend :: // meest algemene type
-is_gebalanceerd :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/files/practicum/BinSearchTree.icl b/files/practicum/BinSearchTree.icl
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index 92e7548..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BinSearchTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-implementation module BinSearchTree
-import StdEnv
-import BinTree
-z0 = Leaf
-z1 = insertTree 50 z0
-z2 = insertTree 10 z1
-z3 = insertTree 75 z2
-z4 = insertTree 80 z3
-z5 = insertTree 77 z4
-z6 = insertTree 10 z5
-z7 = insertTree 75 z6
-z8 = deleteTree 50 z7
-// Uit het diktaat, blz. 73:
-insertTree :: a (Tree a) -> Tree a | Ord a
-insertTree e Leaf = Node e Leaf Leaf
-insertTree e (Node x le ri)
-| e <= x = Node x (insertTree e le) ri
-| e > x = Node x le (insertTree e ri)
-deleteTree :: a (Tree a) -> (Tree a) | Eq, Ord a
-deleteTree e Leaf = Leaf
-deleteTree e (Node x le ri)
-| e < x = Node x (deleteTree e le) ri
-| e == x = join le ri
-| e > x = Node x le (deleteTree e ri)
- join :: (Tree a) (Tree a) -> (Tree a)
- join Leaf b2 = b2
- join b1 b2 = Node x b1` b2
- where
- (x,b1`) = largest b1
- largest :: (Tree a) -> (a,(Tree a))
- largest (Node x b1 Leaf) = (x,b1)
- largest (Node x b1 b2) = (y,Node x b1 b2`)
- where
- (y,b2`) = largest b2
-is_geordend :: // meest algemene type
-is_geordend ...
-Start = map is_geordend [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-is_gebalanceerd :: // meest algemene type
-is_gebalanceerd ...
-//Start = map is_gebalanceerd [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
diff --git a/files/practicum/BinTree.dcl b/files/practicum/BinTree.dcl
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index 3b5e444..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BinTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-definition module BinTree
-:: Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf
-t0 :: Tree Int
-t1 :: Tree Int
-t2 :: Tree Int
-t3 :: Tree Int
-t4 :: Tree Int
-t5 :: Tree Int
-t6 :: Tree Int
-t7 :: Tree Int
-nodes :: // meest algemene type
-leaves :: // meest algemene type
-diepte :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/files/practicum/BinTree.icl b/files/practicum/BinTree.icl
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index 1875e86..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BinTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-implementation module BinTree
-import StdEnv
-:: Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf
-t0 :: Tree Int
-t0 = Leaf
-t1 :: Tree Int
-t1 = Node 4 t0 t0
-t2 :: Tree Int
-t2 = Node 2 t0 t1
-t3 :: Tree Int
-t3 = Node 5 t2 t0
-t4 :: Tree Int
-t4 = Node 5 t2 t2
-t5 :: Tree Int
-t5 = Node 1 Leaf (Node 2 Leaf (Node 3 Leaf (Node 4 Leaf Leaf)))
-t6 :: Tree Int
-t6 = Node 1 (Node 2 (Node 3 (Node 4 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) Leaf) Leaf
-t7 :: Tree Int
-t7 = Node 4 (Node 1 Leaf Leaf) (Node 5 (Node 2 Leaf Leaf) Leaf)
-// 2.
-nodes :: // meest algemene type
-nodes ...
-//Start = map nodes [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-leaves :: // meest algemene type
-leaves ...
-//Start = map leaves [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-diepte :: // meest algemene type
-diepte ...
-//Start = map diepte [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
diff --git a/files/practicum/BinTreeMapEnFold.icl b/files/practicum/BinTreeMapEnFold.icl
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index c74a454..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BinTreeMapEnFold.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-module BinTreeMapEnFold
-import StdEnv
-:: BTree a = Tip a | Bin (BTree a) (BTree a)
-testboom = Bin (Bin (Bin (Tip 1) (Tip 2)) (Tip 3)) (Bin (Bin (Tip 4) (Tip 5)) (Bin (Tip 6) (Bin (Tip 7) (Tip 8))))
-mapbtree :: (a -> b) (BTree a) -> BTree b
-mapbtree f (Tip a) = Tip (f a)
-mapbtree f (Bin t1 t2) = Bin (mapbtree f t1) (mapbtree f t2)
-foldbtree :: (a a -> a) (BTree a) -> a
-foldbtree f (Tip a) = a
-foldbtree f (Bin t1 t2) = f (foldbtree f t1) (foldbtree f t2)
-f1 :: // meest algemene type
-f1 = foldbtree (+)
-f2 :: // meest algemene type
-f2 = foldbtree (+) o (mapbtree (const 1))
-f3 :: // meest algemene type
-f3 = foldbtree (\x y -> 1 + max x y) o (mapbtree (const 0))
-f4 :: // meest algemene type
-f4 = foldbtree (++) o (mapbtree (\x -> [x]))
-Start :: (Int,Char,Int,Char,Int,Char,[Int],Char)
-Start = (f1 testboom, '\n'
- ,f2 testboom, '\n'
- ,f3 testboom, '\n'
- ,f4 testboom, '\n'
- )
diff --git a/files/practicum/BinTreePrint.dcl b/files/practicum/BinTreePrint.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index dd20021..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BinTreePrint.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-definition module BinTreePrint
-import StdClass
-import BinTree
-instance toString (Tree a) | toString a
diff --git a/files/practicum/BinTreePrint.icl b/files/practicum/BinTreePrint.icl
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index e2358a6..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BinTreePrint.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-implementation module BinTreePrint
-import StdEnv
-import BinTree
-import TextCompose // als je tree2D implementeert
-Start = map (flip (+++) "\n" o toString) [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-instance toString (Tree a) | toString a where
- toString tree = indentTree tree
-// toString tree = tree2D tree
- version with indented trees
-indentTree :: !(Tree a) -> String | toString a
-indentTree tree = ...
- version with TextCompose
-tree2D :: !(Tree a) -> String | toString a
-tree2D tree = ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/BinTreeTest.icl b/files/practicum/BinTreeTest.icl
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index 0cc7b48..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BinTreeTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-module BinTreeTest
-/* Test module BinTree
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' en '2M' Maximum Heap Size
-import gast
-import BinTree
- = testn 1000
- (\n -> let n` = abs (n/2) in
- nodes_vs_leaves n` /\
- leaves_vs_diepte n` /\
- True
- )
-nodes_vs_leaves :: Int -> Property
-nodes_vs_leaves n = name "nodes_vs_leaves"
- (nodes t == leaves t - 1)
-where t = lego_tree n
-leaves_vs_diepte :: Int -> Property
-leaves_vs_diepte n = name "leaves_vs_diepte"
- (leaves t <= 2^(diepte t))
-where t = lego_tree n
-// Function to construct semi-random trees, using those from BinTree:
-trees =: [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]
-nr_of_trees =: length trees
-lego_tree :: Int -> Tree Int
-lego_tree 0 = t0
-lego_tree n = glue n (trees !! (n rem nr_of_trees)) (lego_tree (n/10))
- glue :: !Int !(Tree Int) !(Tree Int) -> Tree Int
- glue n t Leaf = t
- glue n t (Node x l r)
- | isEven n = Node x (glue (n/10) t l) r
- | otherwise = Node x l (glue (n/10) t r)
diff --git a/files/practicum/BinTreeTraversal.icl b/files/practicum/BinTreeTraversal.icl
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index eb1ff04..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BinTreeTraversal.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-module BinTreeTraversal
-import StdEnv
-import BinTree
-testboom = Node 10
- (Node 6
- (Node 2 Leaf (Node 4 Leaf (Node 5 Leaf Leaf)))
- (Node 7 Leaf Leaf)
- )
- (Node 14
- (Node 12
- (Node 11 Leaf Leaf)
- (Node 13 Leaf Leaf)
- )
- (Node 17 Leaf Leaf)
- )
-lijstOplopend :: (Tree a) -> [a]
-lijstOplopend ...
-lijstAflopend :: (Tree a) -> [a]
-lijstAflopend ...
-lijstNaarBladen :: (Tree a) -> [a]
-lijstNaarBladen ...
-Start = (lijstOplopend testboom, '\n'
- ,lijstAflopend testboom, '\n'
- ,lijstNaarBladen testboom
- )
diff --git a/files/practicum/Blokus.icl b/files/practicum/Blokus.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index f3bb6d4..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Blokus.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Blokus
-import StdEnv
diff --git a/files/practicum/BoerZoektVrouw.dcl b/files/practicum/BoerZoektVrouw.dcl
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index b5a60cc..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BoerZoektVrouw.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-definition module BoerZoektVrouw
-:: Nr :== Int // 1..N
-/* boer_zoekt_vrouw (voorkeuren_mannen,voorkeuren_vrouwen)
- berekent een 'stable marriage' oplossing tussen de populatie mannen en vrouwen middels het
- Gale / Shapley algoritme mits de invoer aan de volgende voorwaarden voldoet:
- (1) de lengte N van voorkeuren_mannen is identiek aan de lengte van voorkeuren_vrouwen,
- en is bovendien een even waarde
- (2) de voorkeuren van iedere man en iedere vrouw is een permutatie van [1..N]
- De oplossing is een lijst van koppels (man,vrouw) die stabiel is.
-boer_zoekt_vrouw :: ([[Nr]],[[Nr]]) -> [(Nr,Nr)]
diff --git a/files/practicum/BoerZoektVrouw.icl b/files/practicum/BoerZoektVrouw.icl
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index 292ba36..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BoerZoektVrouw.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-implementation module BoerZoektVrouw
-import StdEnv
diff --git a/files/practicum/Boggle.icl b/files/practicum/Boggle.icl
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index de7e70e..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Boggle.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-module Boggle
-import StdEnv
-import GesorteerdBestandNaarBoom
diff --git a/files/practicum/Boid.icl b/files/practicum/Boid.icl
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index 9182066..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Boid.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-module Boid
-/* Dit raamwerk toont een verzameling boids.
- Zie voor achtergrondinformatie:
- Zet de 'Environment' op 'Object IO' en 'Project Options' op 'No Console'.
-import StdEnv, StdIO, support
-:: BoidSt
- = { boids :: ![Boid]
- , colours :: ![Colour]
- }
-:: Boid
- = { pos :: !Pos
- , vel :: !Vel
- , col :: !Colour
- }
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world = startIO SDI {boids=[],colours=flatten (repeat colours)} (openIds 2 `bind` initGUI) [ProcessClose closeProcess] world
-initGUI :: [Id] (PSt BoidSt) -> PSt BoidSt
-initGUI [windowId,timerId] pSt=:{ls}
-# (errors,pSt) = seqList [openWindow NilLS window,openTimer undef timer,openMenu undef menu] pSt
-| all ((==) NoError) errors
- = pSt
-| otherwise = abort "Could not create the entire GUI.\n"
- window = Window "Boids" NilLS
- [ WindowClose (noLS closeProcess)
- , WindowViewSize windowsize
- , WindowLook True (look ls.boids)
- , WindowMouse onlyDown Able (noLS1 mouse)
- , WindowId windowId
- , WindowPen [PenBack background]
- ]
- timer = Timer (ticksPerSecond / 20) NilLS [TimerFunction (noLS1 (const lockstep)),TimerId timerId,TimerSelectState Unable]
- menu = Menu "&File"
- ( MenuItem "&Clear" [MenuShortKey 'c',MenuFunction (noLS clear)]
- :+: MenuSeparator []
- :+: MenuItem "S&tep" [MenuShortKey 't',MenuFunction (noLS lockstep)]
- :+: MenuItem "&Go" [MenuShortKey 'g',MenuFunction (noLS (appPIO (enableTimer timerId)))]
- :+: MenuItem "&Halt" [MenuShortKey 'h',MenuFunction (noLS (appPIO (disableTimer timerId)))]
- :+: MenuSeparator []
- :+: MenuItem "&Quit" [MenuShortKey 'q',MenuFunction (noLS closeProcess)]
- ) []
- onlyDown mst = case mst of
- MouseDown _ _ _ = True
- _ = False
-/* look tekent de boids.
-*/ look :: [Boid] SelectState UpdateState *Picture -> *Picture
- look boids _ {newFrame} picture
- = foldr (\{pos,col} -> appPicture (fillAt (toPoint2 wsize pos) boidbody o setPenColour col)) (unfill newFrame picture) boids
- where
- wsize = rectangleSize newFrame
-/* lockstep berekent de volgende toestand van alle boids.
-*/ lockstep pSt=:{ls}
- = appPIO (setWindowLook windowId True (True,look new_boids)) {pSt & ls={ls & boids = new_boids}}
- where
- new_boids = simulatie ls.boids
-/* clear wist alle boids.
-*/ clear pSt=:{ls} = appPIO (setWindowLook windowId True (True,look [])) ({pSt & ls={ls & boids=[]}})
-/* mouse creeert een nieuwe boid met snelheid nul op de positie van de muis.
-*/ mouse mSt pSt=:{ls=ls=:{boids,colours}}
- = case mSt of
- MouseDown pos _ _
- # (wsize,pSt) = accPIO (getWindowViewFrame windowId) pSt
- # new = {pos=fromPoint2 (rectangleSize wsize) pos,vel=zero,col=hd colours}
- # boids = [new:boids]
- # pSt = {pSt & ls={ls & boids=boids,colours=tl colours}}
- # pSt = appPIO (setWindowLook windowId True (True,look boids)) pSt
- = pSt
- otherwise = pSt
-windowsize = {w=640,h=400}
-colours = [Red,Green,Blue,Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,LightGrey,Grey,DarkGrey]
-boidbody = circle 3
-background = Black
-threshhold_dist = 0.02
-threshhold_wall = 0.01
-viewing_distance = 0.3
-/** Dit is de functie die je zelf moet schrijven.
- Bereken de volgende toestand voor alle boids in de lijst.
-simulatie :: [Boid] -> [Boid]
-simulatie ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/BottlesOfBeer.icl b/files/practicum/BottlesOfBeer.icl
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index 1ebab04..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/BottlesOfBeer.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module BottlesOfBeer
-/* Creeer een applicatie met 'Project:Project Options...' 'Console:Basic Values Only'
-import StdEnv
-Start :: String
-Start = bottles_of_beer ...
-bottles_of_beer :: ...
-bottles_of_beer ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Braille.dcl b/files/practicum/Braille.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 063d349..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Braille.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-definition module Braille
-toonBrailleTeken :: Char -> [(String,String,String)]
-toonBrailleTekst :: [Char] -> [(String,String,String)]
-leesBrailleTekst :: [(String,String,String)] -> [Char]
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5f4e6d1..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Braille.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Braille
-import StdEnv
-toonBrailleTeken :: Char -> [(String,String,String)]
-toonBrailleTeken ...
-toonBrailleTekst :: [Char] -> [(String,String,String)]
-toonBrailleTekst ...
-leesBrailleTekst :: [(String,String,String)] -> [Char]
-leesBrailleTekst ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Cijferreeks.icl b/files/practicum/Cijferreeks.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1232ea2..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Cijferreeks.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-module Cijferreeks
-import StdEnv
-Start = charsInt ['3210'] == 3210 // het resultaat moet True zijn
-charsInt :: ([Char] -> Int)
-charsInt ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Cijfersom.icl b/files/practicum/Cijfersom.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0de5a44..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Cijfersom.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-module Cijfersom
-import StdEnv
-Start = (cijfersom 9876543, cijfersom 1000)
-cijfersom :: Int -> Int
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deleted file mode 100644
index 51a9092..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Domino.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-definition module Domino
-:: Steen :== (Int,Int) // (1..N,1..N)
-:: Slang :== [Steen]
-N :== 2
-/* alle_slangen max
- levert alle slangen van lengte max op van een dubbel-N spel.
-alle_slangen :: Int -> [Slang]
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deleted file mode 100644
index c460273..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Domino.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Domino
-import StdEnv
diff --git a/files/practicum/Echo.icl b/files/practicum/Echo.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index f612086..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Echo.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-module Echo
-import StdEnv
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world
- = ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/EersteIsLaatste.icl b/files/practicum/EersteIsLaatste.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7665c5d..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/EersteIsLaatste.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-module EersteIsLaatste
-import StdEnv
-last1 :: [a] -> a
-last1 [x] = x
-last1 [_:xs] = last1 xs
-last2 :: ([a] -> a)
-last2 = hd o reverse
-// 1.
-// Herschrijf de volgende Start-regels handmatig:
-Start = last1 [1,2,3,4]
-Start = last2 [1,2,3,4]
-// 2.
-// Verklaar het verschil tussen last1 en last2
diff --git a/files/practicum/EersteOfLaatste.dcl b/files/practicum/EersteOfLaatste.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index cf1d5e7..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/EersteOfLaatste.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-definition module EersteOfLaatste
-eerste2 :: [a] -> [a]
-laatste2 :: [a] -> [a]
-eersten :: Int [a] -> [a]
-laatsten :: Int [a] -> [a]
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deleted file mode 100644
index bb02c4c..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/EersteOfLaatste.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-implementation module EersteOfLaatste
-import StdEnv
-// 1.
-eerste2 :: [a] -> [a]
-eerste2 ...
-laatste2 :: [a] -> [a]
-laatste2 ...
-// 2.
-// Reduceer de volgende Start-regels met de hand:
-Start = hd (hd (hd [[[1,2,3],[4]],[[5],[6]]]))
-Start = hd (tl [1,2,3,4,5])
-Start = eerste2 [[1],[],[2,3],[4,5,6]]
-Start = laatste2 [[1],[],[2,3],[4,5,6]]
-// 3.
-eersten :: Int [a] -> [a]
-eersten ...
-laatsten :: Int [a] -> [a]
-laatsten ...
-// 4.
-// Maak de volgende beweringen af:
-Voor alle 0 <= n, xs :: [a] : eersten n (eersten n xs) =
-Voor alle 0 <= n, xs :: [a] : eersten n (laatsten n xs) =
-Voor alle 0 <= n, xs :: [a] : laatsten n (eersten n xs) =
-Voor alle 0 <= n, xs :: [a] : laatsten n (laatsten n xs) =
-Voor alle 0 <= m <= n, xs :: [a] : eersten m (eersten n xs) =
-Voor alle 0 <= m <= n, xs :: [a] : length (eersten m xs) ? length (eersten n xs)
diff --git a/files/practicum/EersteOfLaatsteTest.icl b/files/practicum/EersteOfLaatsteTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index d6e89f3..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/EersteOfLaatsteTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-module EersteOfLaatsteTest
-/* Test module EersteOfLaatste
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import EersteOfLaatste
-import StdEnv
-import gast
- = testn 1000
- (\n v ->
- eerste2_is_eerste_2 v /\
- laatste2_is_laatste_2 v /\
- eersten_is_eerste_n n v /\
- laatsten_is_laatste_n n v /\
- True
- )
-:: BaseType :== Int
-eerste2_is_eerste_2 :: [BaseType] -> Property
-eerste2_is_eerste_2 l = name "eerste2 is eerste twee"
- ((length l > 1) ==> let l` = eerste2 l in zelfde_deel 2 l` l)
-laatste2_is_laatste_2 :: [BaseType] -> Property
-laatste2_is_laatste_2 l = name "laatste2 is laatste twee"
- ((length l > 1) ==> let l` = laatste2 l in zelfde_deel 2 l` (drop (length l - 2) l))
-eersten_is_eerste_n :: Int [BaseType] -> Property
-eersten_is_eerste_n n l = name "eersten is eerste n"
- ((n >= 0 && n < length l) ==> let l` = eersten n l in zelfde_deel n l` l)
-laatsten_is_laatste_n :: Int [BaseType] -> Property
-laatsten_is_laatste_n n l = name "laatsten is laatste n"
- ((n >= 0 && n < length l) ==> let l` = laatsten n l in zelfde_deel n l` (drop (length l - n) l))
-zelfde_deel :: Int [BaseType] [BaseType] -> Bool
-zelfde_deel 0 _ _ = True
-zelfde_deel n [a:as] [b:bs] = a == b && zelfde_deel (n-1) as bs
-zelfde_deel _ _ _ = False
diff --git a/files/practicum/EllipsOmtrek.dcl b/files/practicum/EllipsOmtrek.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 911128a..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/EllipsOmtrek.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-definition module EllipsOmtrek
-/* perimeter precision (r1,r2) computes the perimeter of an ellipse with radii r1 and r2.
- All arguments must be positive Reals.
-perimeter :: Real (Real,Real) -> Real
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deleted file mode 100644
index 66f04ac..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/EllipsOmtrek.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-implementation module EllipsOmtrek
-import StdEnv
-Start = ( perimeter pr (4.0,3.0) // approximated perimeter of ellipse with radii 4.0 and 3.0
- , perimeter pr (4.0,4.0) // approximated perimeter of circle with radius 4.0
- , 2.0 * pi * 4.0 // perimeter of circle with radius 4.0
- )
-where pr = 0.0001
-/* perimeter precision (r1,r2) approximates the perimeter of an ellipse with radii r1 and r2 given
- the requested precision.
- All arguments must be positive Reals.
-perimeter :: Real (Real,Real) -> Real
-perimeter precision (r1,r2) ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/FQL.icl b/files/practicum/FQL.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d7a029..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/FQL.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-module FQL
-import StdEnv
-import StdT
-import Group
-:: Nummer = { groep :: String // De naam van de groep
- , album :: String // De naam van het album
- , jaar :: Int // Het jaar van uitgave
- , track :: Int // Track nummer van het nummer (1 ..)
- , titel :: String // Naam van het nummer
- , tags :: [String] // Beschrijvende tags van het nummer / album
- , lengte:: T // Lengte van het nummer
- , land :: [String] // Land van oorsprong van groep
- }
-Start world
-# (ok,dbs,world) = fopen "Nummers.dbs" FReadText world
-| not ok = abort "Kon bestand 'Nummers.dbs' niet openen."
-# (inhoud,dbs) = filelines dbs
-# (ok,world) = fclose dbs world
-| not ok = abort "Kon bestand 'Nummers.dbs' niet sluiten na lezen."
-# nummersDB = [ { groep = group
- , album = cd
- , jaar = toInt year
- , track = toInt track
- , titel = title
- , tags = sort (symbol_separated_list ',' tags)
- , lengte= fromString length
- , land = sort (symbol_separated_list ',' countries)
- }
- \\ [_,group,cd,year,track,title,tags,length,countries] <- collect (nr_of_fields+1) // verzamel alle elementen van een entry
- (drop (nr_of_fields+1) // verwijder eerste elementen (headers)
- (map initString inhoud)) // verwijder alle \n
- ]
-= (alle_groepen nummersDB,world)
- nr_of_fields = 8
-alle_groepen :: [Nummer] -> [String]
-alle_groepen db = abort "alle_groepen nog niet geimplementeerd\n"
-alle_jaarblokken :: [Nummer] -> [String]
-alle_jaarblokken db = abort "alle_jaarblokken nog niet geimplementeerd\n"
-alle_albums_van :: String [Nummer] -> [(Int,String)]
-alle_albums_van band db = abort "alle_albums_van nog niet geimplementeerd\n"
-alle_tracks :: String String [Nummer] -> [(Int,String,T)]
-alle_tracks cd band db = abort "alle_tracks nog niet geimplementeerd\n"
-speelduur_albums :: [Nummer] -> [(T,String,String)]
-speelduur_albums db = abort "speelduur_albums nog niet geimplementeerd\n"
-totale_speelduur :: [Nummer] -> T
-totale_speelduur db = abort "totale_speelduur nog niet geimplementeerd\n"
-nederlandse_metal :: [Nummer] -> [String]
-nederlandse_metal db = abort "nederlandse_metal nog niet geimplementeerd\n"
-/* De volgende functies zijn nodig in de Start functie om het bestand 'Nummers.dbs' in te lezen.
- Je hoeft op dit moment nog niet te begrijpen wat hier staat.
-// filelines leest alle regels in van file.
-filelines :: !*File -> (![String],!*File)
-filelines file
-# (end,file) = fend file
-| end = ([],file)
-# (line,file) = freadline file
-# (lines,file) = filelines file
-= ([line:lines],file)
-// initString verwijdert laatste teken aan het einde van een regel.
-initString :: !String -> String
-initString str = str%(0,size str-2)
-/* collect n [x_1, ..., x_n, x_{n+1}, ... x_{2n}, ..., x_{mn+1} ... x_{mn+k}]
- = [[x_1, ..., x_n], [x_{n+1}, ... x_{2n}], ..., [x_{(m-1)n+1} ... x_{mn}]]
- waar:
- n > 0 /\ m >= 0 /\ k <= n
-collect :: !Int ![x] -> [[x]]
-collect n list
-| length groupN < n = []
-| otherwise = [groupN:collect n list`]
- (groupN,list`) = splitAt n list
-symbol_separated_list :: !Char !String -> [String]
-symbol_separated_list c str
- = filter (\str -> str <> "" && str <> (toString c)) [toString cs \\ cs <- group ((==) c) (fromString str)]
diff --git a/files/practicum/Fibonacci.icl b/files/practicum/Fibonacci.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 42bce37..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Fibonacci.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module Fibonacci
-import StdEnv, EersteOfLaatste
-N = 46
-// 1.
-fibonacci :: Int -> Int
-fibonacci ...
-Start = [fibonacci i \\ i <- [1 .. N]]
-// 2.
-// Recursieve definitie:
-somLijsten :: // meest algemene type
-somLijsten ...
-// 3.
-Start = eersten N fibs
- fibs = [1,1 : somLijsten fibs (tl fibs)]
diff --git a/files/practicum/Figure.dcl b/files/practicum/Figure.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 479ce95..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Figure.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-definition module Figure
-/** Example library to demonstrate the use of Existential Types.
- The library implements a simple set of drawing objects.
- Author: Peter Achten
- Version: April 14 2008
-import StdPicture
-:: Figure
-// drawFigure f creates a window in which f is displayed
-drawFigure :: Figure -> *World -> *World
-// convenient lifting operations on the methods of a figure to the figure self
-move :: Vector2 Figure -> Figure
-// Specialized Figure constructor functions:
-// mkFigures figs combines all figs in left-to-right order
-mkFigures :: [Figure] -> Figure
-// line a b draws a line from a to b
-line :: Point2 Point2 -> Figure
-// rectangle a b forms a rectangle with diagonal-points a and b
-rectangle :: Point2 Point2 -> Figure
-// ellips a b forms an ellips that fits in the rectangle with diagonal-points a and b
-ellips :: Point2 Point2 -> Figure
-// text t a shows a text t with left-top corner at a
-text :: String Point2 -> Figure
diff --git a/files/practicum/Figure.icl b/files/practicum/Figure.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index fccd7a0..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Figure.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Figure
-/** Example library to demonstrate the use of Existential Types.
- The library implements a simple set of drawing objects.
- Author: Peter Achten
- Version: April 14 2008
-import StdEnv, StdIO
-:: Figure = E.s:
- { data :: s
- , impl :: FigureI s
- }
-:: FigureI s = { show :: s -> *Picture -> *Picture
- , move :: Vector2 s -> s
- }
-// drawFigure f creates a window in which f is displayed
-drawFigure :: Figure -> *World -> *World
-drawFigure figure = startIO SDI Void initGUI [ProcessClose closeProcess]
- initGUI :: (PSt .ps) -> PSt .ps
- initGUI pSt
- # (niceFont,pSt) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (openFont {SerifFontDef & fSize=36} `bind` \(_,f) -> return f)) pSt
- # wDef = Window "Figure" NilLS
- [ WindowClose (noLS closeProcess)
- , WindowLook True (look figure)
- , WindowPen [PenFont niceFont]
- , WindowViewSize maxFixedWindowSize
- ]
- = snd (openWindow undef wDef pSt)
- where
- look :: Figure SelectState UpdateState -> *Picture -> *Picture
- look figure _ updSt = show figure o unfill updSt.newFrame
-// Lifting methods to functions:
-show :: Figure *Picture -> *Picture
-show {data,impl} picture = data picture
-move :: Vector2 Figure -> Figure
-move v fig=:{data,impl} = {fig & data=impl.move v data}
-// General Figure constructor function:
-mkFigure :: s (FigureI s) -> Figure
-mkFigure data impl = { data=data, impl=impl }
-// Specialized Figure constructor functions:
-// mkFigures figs combines all figs in left-to-right order
-mkFigures :: [Figure] -> Figure
-mkFigures figs = mkFigure figs
- { show = flip (foldl (flip show))
- , move = \vector -> map (move vector)
- }
-// line a b draws a line from a to b
-line :: Point2 Point2 -> Figure
-line a b = mkFigure (a,b)
- { show = \(a,b) = drawLine a b
- , move = \v (a,b) = (movePoint v a,movePoint v b)
- }
-// rectangle a b forms a rectangle with diagonal-points a and b
-rectangle :: Point2 Point2 -> Figure
-rectangle a b = mkFigure {corner1=a,corner2=b}
- { show = \r = draw r
- , move = \v r = {corner1=movePoint v r.corner1,corner2=movePoint v r.corner2}
- }
-// ellips a b forms an ellips that fits in the rectangle with diagonal-points a and b
-ellips :: Point2 Point2 -> Figure
-ellips a b = mkFigure {corner1=a,corner2=b}
- { show = \r = let (pos,oval) = toOval r in drawAt pos oval
- , move = \v r = {corner1=movePoint v r.corner1,corner2=movePoint v r.corner2}
- }
- toOval :: Rectangle -> (Point2,Oval)
- toOval {corner1,corner2}= ({x=cx,y=cy},{oval_rx=abs rx,oval_ry=abs ry})
- where
- (rx,ry) = ((corner2.x-corner1.x)/2,(corner2.y-corner1.y)/2)
- (cx,cy) = (corner1.x+rx,corner1.y+ry)
-// text t a shows a text t with left-top corner at a
-text :: String Point2 -> Figure
-text line pos = mkFigure (pos,line)
- { show = \(pos,line) = getPenFontMetrics `bind` \fMetrics ->
- drawAt {pos & y=pos.y+fMetrics.fAscent+fMetrics.fLeading} line
- , move = \v (pos,line) = (movePoint v pos,line)
- }
diff --git a/files/practicum/Firsts.dcl b/files/practicum/Firsts.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 781477f..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Firsts.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-definition module Firsts
-firsts :: // meest algemene type
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9fcddc8..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Firsts.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Firsts
-import StdEnv
-Start = firsts [1,2,3,4,5]
-// Mogelijke oplossing die recursief over tail van de lijst gaat:
-firsts :: // meest algemene type
-firsts ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Flatten.icl b/files/practicum/Flatten.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d6d823..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Flatten.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-module Flatten
-import StdEnv
-// 1.
-Start = flatten [ [x 0,x 1,x 2], [x 3,x 4], [x 5], [] ]
-// 2.
-Start = flatten [ [ [x 0,x 1,x 2], [x 3,x 4] ], [], [ [x 5], [] ] ]
-// 3.
-Start = flatten (flatten [ [ [x 0,x 1,x 2], [x 3,x 4] ], [], [ [x 5],[] ] ] )
-x i = x +++ toString i
diff --git a/files/practicum/Flipper.icl b/files/practicum/Flipper.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 213248a..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Flipper.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-module Flipper
-import StdEnv
-Start = ( (+) 4 2, flip (+) 4 2 )
-Start = ( (-) 4 2, flip (-) 4 2 )
-Start = ( (*) 4 2, flip (*) 4 2 )
-Start = ( (/) 4 2, flip (/) 4 2 )
diff --git a/files/practicum/Frags.dcl b/files/practicum/Frags.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b7b5b3c..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Frags.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-definition module Frags
-frags :: // meest algemene type
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deleted file mode 100644
index f7c373d..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Frags.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Frags
-import StdEnv
-Start = frags [1..5]
-frags :: // meest algemene type
-frags ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/FragsTest.icl b/files/practicum/FragsTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index c146994..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/FragsTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-module FragsTest
-/* Test module Frags
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import StdEnv
-import gast
-import Frags
-Start = testn 1000
- ( \xs -> alle_lengtes_komen_voor xs /\
- alle_elementen_zijn_frag xs /\
- True
- )
-alle_lengtes_komen_voor :: [Int] -> Property
-alle_lengtes_komen_voor xs = name "alle_lengtes_komen_voor"
- (let n = length xs
- in sort (removeDup (map length (frags xs))) == [0..n]
- )
-alle_elementen_zijn_frag :: [Int] -> Property
-alle_elementen_zijn_frag xs = name "alle_elementen_zijn_frag"
- (and [is_frag f xs \\ f <- frags xs])
-/* is_frag fragment lijst is True alleen als fragment een strikte deellijst is
- van lijst, dwz: de elementen van fragment komen direct achter elkaar in lijst voor.
-is_frag :: [a] [a] -> Bool | Eq a
-is_frag [] _ = True
-is_frag _ [] = False
-is_frag [f:fs] [x:xs]
-| f == x
- | is_frag fs xs = True
- | otherwise = is_frag [f:fs] xs
-| otherwise = is_frag [f:fs] xs
diff --git a/files/practicum/Frequentielijst.dcl b/files/practicum/Frequentielijst.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bc0883..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Frequentielijst.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-definition module Frequentielijst
-import StdOverloaded
-frequentielijst :: [a] -> [(a,Int)] | == a
diff --git a/files/practicum/Frequentielijst.icl b/files/practicum/Frequentielijst.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index a0f6c58..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Frequentielijst.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Frequentielijst
-import StdEnv, FrequentielijstGUI
-// Zonder GUI:
-Start = lijst
-// Met GUI:
-Start world = toonFrequentielijst lijst world
-lijst = sort (frequentielijst tekst)
-tekst = ['Hello world! Here I am!']
-frequentielijst :: [a] -> [(a,Int)] | == a
-frequentielijst ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/FrequentielijstGUI.dcl b/files/practicum/FrequentielijstGUI.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b13f97..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/FrequentielijstGUI.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-definition module FrequentielijstGUI
-import StdEnv, StdIO
-/** toonFrequentielijst [(a_1,f_1) ... (a_n,f_n)] world
- toont in een staafdiagram de elementen en hun frequentie.
- Voor n=0 worden alleen de assen van de grafiek getekend.
-toonFrequentielijst :: [(a,Int)] *World -> *World | toString a
-toonFrequentielijst2 :: [(a,Int)] *World -> *World | toString a
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index 4d29906..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/FrequentielijstGUI.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-implementation module FrequentielijstGUI
-import StdEnv, StdIO
-toonFrequentielijst :: [(a,Int)] *World -> *World | toString a
-toonFrequentielijst freqs world
- = startIO SDI Void initGUI [ProcessClose closeProcess] world
- nrFreqs = length freqs
- domain = map fst freqs
- range = map snd freqs
- (r_min,r_max) = (minList range, maxList range)
- r_range = if (r_min <> r_max) (toReal (r_max - r_min + 1)) 1.0
- initGUI = snd o (openWindow Void wdef)
- wdef = Window "Frequentielijst" NilLS
- [ WindowClose (noLS closeProcess)
- , WindowLook False look
- ]
- look _ {newFrame} picture
- # (fm,picture) = getPenFontMetrics picture
- # picture = unfill newFrame picture
- # picture = setPenColour Red picture
- # picture = drawAt {x=hMargin,y=h-vMargin} {zero & vx=w} picture
- # picture = drawAt {x=hMargin,y=h-vMargin} {zero & vy=0-h} picture
- # picture = setPenColour Black picture
- # picture = seq [bar (fontLineHeight fm,fm.fDescent) af i \\ af <- freqs & i <- [0..]] picture
- = picture
- where
- frameSize = rectangleSize newFrame
- (w,h) = (frameSize.w,frameSize.h)
- wbar = (w-hMargin) / nrFreqs
- height f = toInt (toReal (h-vMargin) * toReal (f-r_min+1) / r_range)
- bar (fh,fd) (a,f) i picture
- # picture = fill { corner1={x=hMargin+ i *wbar+1,y=h-vMargin}
- , corner2={x=hMargin+(i+1)*wbar-1,y=h-vMargin-height f}
- } picture
- # (aw,picture) = getPenFontStringWidth (toString a) picture
- # (fw,picture) = getPenFontStringWidth (toString f) picture
- # picture = undrawAt {x=hMargin + i*wbar + (wbar-aw)/2, y=h-vMargin-fd} (toString a) picture
- # picture = undrawAt {x=hMargin + i*wbar + (wbar-fw)/2, y=h-vMargin-height f+fh} (toString f) picture
- = picture
-hMargin = 10
-vMargin = 10
-toonFrequentielijst2 :: [(a,Int)] *World -> *World | toString a
-toonFrequentielijst2 freqs world
- = startIO SDI Void initGUI [ProcessClose closeProcess] world
- nrFreqs = length freqs
- domain = map fst freqs
- range = map snd freqs
- (r_min,r_max) = (minList range, maxList range)
- r_range = if (r_min <> r_max) (toReal (r_max - r_min + 1)) 1.0
- initGUI = snd o (openWindow Void wdef)
- wdef = Window "Frequentielijst" NilLS
- [ WindowClose (noLS closeProcess)
- , WindowLook False look
- , WindowVScroll (stdScrollFunction Vertical 50)
- , WindowViewDomain {zero & corner2={x=2^16,y=nrFreqs*20}}
- ]
- look _ {newFrame} picture
- # (fm,picture) = getPenFontMetrics picture
- # picture = unfill newFrame picture
- # picture = setPenColour Red picture
- # picture = drawAt {x=hMargin,y=vMargin} {zero & vx=w} picture
- # picture = drawAt {x=hMargin,y=vMargin} {zero & vy=nrFreqs*fontLineHeight fm} picture
- # picture = setPenColour Black picture
- # picture = seq [bar (fontLineHeight fm,fm.fDescent) af i \\ af <- freqs & i <- [0..]] picture
- = picture
- where
- frameSize = rectangleSize newFrame
- (w,h) = (frameSize.w,frameSize.h)
- wbar = (w-hMargin) / nrFreqs
- height f = toInt (toReal (w-vMargin) * toReal (f-r_min+1) / r_range)
- bar (fh,fd) (a,f) i picture
- # picture = fill { corner1={y=vMargin+ i *fh,x=hMargin+1}
- , corner2={y=vMargin+(i+1)*fh,x=hMargin+height f}
- } picture
- # (fw,picture) = getPenFontStringWidth (toString f) picture
- # picture = undrawAt {y=vMargin+(i+1)*fh-fd,x=hMargin + 2} (toString a) picture
- # picture = undrawAt {y=vMargin+(i+1)*fh-fd,x=hMargin + height f - fw} (toString f) picture
- = picture
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index a9ab8dd..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/FunctieCompositie.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module FunctieCompositie
-import StdEnv
-e1 = ((*) 5) o ((+) 1)
-e2 = ((+) 1) o ((*) 5)
-e3 = ((*) 2) o ((*) 2)
-e4 = (min 100) o (max 0)
-e5 = ((<) 2) o length
-Start = 42
diff --git a/files/practicum/FunctieTypes.icl b/files/practicum/FunctieTypes.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index bf9596c..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/FunctieTypes.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-module FunctieTypes
-import StdEnv
-f1 :: Int
-f2 :: Int -> Bool
-f3 :: Real -> Real
-f4 :: Real Real -> Real
-f5 :: Real -> (Real -> Real)
-f6 :: (Real Real -> Real)
-f7 :: (Real -> Real) Real -> Real
-Start = 42
diff --git a/files/practicum/Galgje.icl b/files/practicum/Galgje.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b5dd68..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Galgje.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-module Galgje
-import StdEnv, SimpleFileIO, RandomGetallen
-Start = 0
diff --git a/files/practicum/GalgjeWF.dcl b/files/practicum/GalgjeWF.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a777b95..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/GalgjeWF.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-definition module GalgjeWF
-import iTasks
-galgje :: [Workflow]
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index a18a272..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/GenTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-definition module GenTree
-import StdClass
-:: GenTree a b = Node a [GenTree a b] | Leaf b
-:: Either a b = This a | That b
-root :: (GenTree a b) -> Either a b
-trees :: (GenTree a b) -> [GenTree a b]
-isNodeMember :: a (GenTree a b) -> Bool | Eq a
-isLeafMember :: b (GenTree a b) -> Bool | Eq b
-allNodes :: (GenTree a b) -> [a]
-allLeaves :: (GenTree a b) -> [b]
-allMembers :: (GenTree a a) -> [a]
-map2 :: (a -> c,b -> d) (GenTree a b) -> GenTree c d
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index 8fff381..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/GenTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-implementation module GenTree
-import StdEnv
-:: GenTree a b = Node a [GenTree a b] | Leaf b
-:: Either a b = This a | That b
-root :: (GenTree a b) -> Either a b
-root ...
-trees :: (GenTree a b) -> [GenTree a b]
-trees ...
-isNodeMember :: a (GenTree a b) -> Bool | Eq a
-isNodeMember ...
-isLeafMember :: b (GenTree a b) -> Bool | Eq b
-isLeafMember ...
-allNodes :: (GenTree a b) -> [a]
-allNodes ...
-allLeaves :: (GenTree a b) -> [b]
-allLeaves ...
-allMembers :: (GenTree a a) -> [a]
-allMembers ...
-map2 :: (a -> c,b -> d) (GenTree a b) -> GenTree c d
-map2 ...
-Start = allLeaves (Node 5 [Node 3 [Node 6 [Leaf 42.42]],Leaf 3.14])
diff --git a/files/practicum/GenTreePrint.dcl b/files/practicum/GenTreePrint.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c02b5..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/GenTreePrint.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-definition module GenTreePrint
-import StdClass
-import GenTree
-instance toString (GenTree a b) | toString a & toString b
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index 09bebe7..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/GenTreePrint.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-implementation module GenTreePrint
-import StdEnv
-import GenTree
-import TextCompose
-instance toString (GenTree a b) | toString a & toString b where
- toString tree = indentTree tree
-// toString tree = tree2D tree
- version with indented trees
-indentTree :: !(GenTree a b) -> String | toString a & toString b
-indentTree tree = ...
- version with TextCompose
-tree2D :: !(GenTree a b) -> String | toString a & toString b
-tree2D tree = ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/GesorteerdBestandNaarBoom.dcl b/files/practicum/GesorteerdBestandNaarBoom.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e604521..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/GesorteerdBestandNaarBoom.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-definition module GesorteerdBestandNaarBoom
-import StdFile
-:: BTree a // type definitie van binaire zoekboom
-readSortedFile :: String *env -> (BTree String,*env) | FileSystem env
-writeSortedFile :: String (BTree String) *env -> *env | FileSystem env
diff --git a/files/practicum/GesorteerdBestandNaarBoom.icl b/files/practicum/GesorteerdBestandNaarBoom.icl
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index 769b345..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/GesorteerdBestandNaarBoom.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-implementation module GesorteerdBestandNaarBoom
-import StdEnv
-import SimpleFileIO
-Start :: *World -> (BTree String,*World)
-Start world = readSortedFile pad world
-cleanpad :== // padnaam naar je Clean-distributie (directory waarin CleanIDE.exe staat)
-pad :== cleanpad +++ "Examples\\ObjectIO Examples\\scrabble\\Nederlands\\Nederlands_lexicon"
-:: BTree a = // type definitie van binaire zoekboom
-readSortedFile :: String *env -> (BTree String,*env) | FileSystem env
-readSortedFile ...
-writeSortedFile :: String (BTree String) *env -> *env | FileSystem env
-writeSortedFile ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/GetallenRaden.icl b/files/practicum/GetallenRaden.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index f03750a..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/GetallenRaden.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module GetallenRaden
-/* Dynamics werken alleen met de 32-bit versie van de Clean compiler.
- (*) Gebruik Environment 'Experimental'
- (*) In Project:Project Options: zet vlag 'Enable dynamics' aan
-import StdEnv
-import StdDynamic, StdDynamicFileIO // nodig voor dynamics en dynamics in files
-import StdFileSelect // platform file-selector dialoog
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world
- = world
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index 2191fee..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Group.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-definition module Group
-// Recursieve variant van group:
-group :: (a -> Bool) [a] -> [[a]]
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index 81e6b23..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Group.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Group
-import StdEnv
-Start = ( group isEven [1 .. 10]
- , group isOdd [1 .. 10]
- , group isDigit ['7 Dwergen en 11 princessen zoenden 3 kikkerprinsen.']
- )
-group :: (a -> Bool) [a] -> [[a]]
-group ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Huffman.icl b/files/practicum/Huffman.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d3fa44..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Huffman.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-module Huffman
-import StdEnv, SimpleFileIO
diff --git a/files/practicum/IKS.icl b/files/practicum/IKS.icl
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index cdcdce9..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/IKS.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-module IKS
-import StdEnv
-import StdMaybe
-import StdDynamic, StdDynamicFileIO
-/** Een interpreter voor IKS.
-// 1. Creeer de dynamics op disk
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world
-# (_,world) = writeDynamic "I" (dynamic i :: A. a: a -> a) world
- ...
-= world
-i :: a -> a
-i x = x
-k :: a b -> a
-k x y = x
-s :: (a -> b -> c) (a -> b) a -> c
-s x y z = x z (y z)
-// 2. Parseren van IKS expressies
-:: IKS = I | K | S | N Int | App IKS IKS
-pIKS :: [Char] -> Maybe IKS
-pIKS ...
-// 3. Interpreteren van IKS expressies
-interp :: (Dynamic,Dynamic,Dynamic) IKS -> Dynamic
-interp ...
-// 4. console
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/ImproveEnglishSpelling.txt b/files/practicum/ImproveEnglishSpelling.txt
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index 8c9d76c..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ImproveEnglishSpelling.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-A plan for the improvement of English spelling
-For example, in Year 1 that useless letter 'c' would be dropped to be replaced either by 'k' or 's', and likewise 'x' would no longer be part of the alphabet.
-The only case in which 'c' would be retained would be the 'ch' formation, which will be dealt with later.
-Year 2 might reform 'w' spelling, so that 'which' and 'one' would take the same consonant, while Year 3 might
-well abolish 'y' replacing it with 'i' and Year 4 might fix the 'g/j' anomaly once and for all.
-Generally, then, the improvement would continue year by year with Year 5 doing away with useless
-double consonants, and Years 6-12 or so modifying vowels and the remaining voiced and unvoiced consonants.
-By Year 15 or so, it would finally be possible to make just off the redundant letters 'c', 'y' and 'x'
--- by now just a memory in the minds of old dodderers -- to replace 'ch', 'sh', and 'th'
-Finally, then, after some 20 years of orthographical reform, we would have a logical, coherent spelling in just
-throughout the English-speaking world.
diff --git a/files/practicum/Kaart.dcl b/files/practicum/Kaart.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index d3588f1..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Kaart.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-definition module Kaart
-import StdEnv
-:: Kaart = // maak het type af
-instance == Kaart
-instance toString Kaart
-instance fromString Kaart
-kaartspel :: [Kaart]
-sorteer_naar_waarde :: [Kaart] -> [Kaart]
-sorteer_naar_kleur :: [Kaart] -> [Kaart]
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deleted file mode 100644
index 28d6eaa..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Kaart.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Kaart
-import StdEnv
-Start :: [Kaart]
-Start = sorteer_naar_kleur kaartspel
-:: Kaart // maak het type af
-:: Kleur // maak het type af
-:: Waarde // maak het type af
-instance == Kaart where // maak de instantie af
-instance toString Kaart where // maak de instantie af
-instance fromString Kaart where // maak de instantie af
-kaartspel :: [Kaart]
-kaartspel = // genereer alle kaarten zonder duplicaten
-sorteer_naar_waarde :: [Kaart] -> [Kaart]
-sorteer_naar_waarde kaarten = // sorteer naar waarde, dan kleur
-sorteer_naar_kleur :: [Kaart] -> [Kaart]
-sorteer_naar_kleur kaarten = // sorteer naar kleur, dan waarde
diff --git a/files/practicum/Kogelbaan.dcl b/files/practicum/Kogelbaan.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index c6fccdb..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Kogelbaan.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-definition module Kogelbaan
-:: T :== Real // T staat voor tijd (s).
-:: V :== Real // R staat voor snelheid (m/s).
-:: A :== Real // A staat voor hoek (radialen).
-:: G :== Real // G staat voor valversnelling (m/s^2).
-:: D :== Real // M staat voor afstand (m).
-// De valversnelling g is een 'echte' constante:
-g :: G
-v_x :: // geef type van v_x
-v_y :: // geef type van v_y
-x_at :: // geef type van x_at
-y_at :: // geef type van y_at
-h :: // geef type van h
-beste_hoek :: V -> ...
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7490b38..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Kogelbaan.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Kogelbaan
-import StdEnv
-:: T :== Real // T staat voor tijd (s).
-:: V :== Real // R staat voor snelheid (m/s).
-:: A :== Real // A staat voor hoek (radialen).
-:: G :== Real // G staat voor valversnelling (m/s^2).
-:: D :== Real // M staat voor afstand (m).
-// De valversnelling g is een 'echte' constante:
-g :: G
-g = 9.81
-// De gevraagde functies:
-v_x :: // geef type van v_x
-v_x = // geef functievoorschrift van v_x
-v_y :: // geef type van v_y
-v_y = // geef functievoorschrift van v_y
-x_at :: // geef type van x_at
-x_at = // geef functievoorschrift van x_at
-y_at :: // geef type van y_at
-y_at = // geef functievoorschrift van y_at
-h :: // geef type van h
-h = // geef functievoorschrift van h
-// Het bepalen van de beste hoek uit {0.01*pi, 0.02*pi .. 0.5*pi}:
-Start = beste_hoek 5.0
-pi = 3.1415926
-beste_hoek :: V -> ...
-beste_hoek v_0 =
diff --git a/files/practicum/Lambda.dcl b/files/practicum/Lambda.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ef7257..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Lambda.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-definition module Lambda
-import StdEnv
-:: Term = C Value // constante v (C v)
- | X Index // variabele x_i (X i)
- | (@.) infixl 7 Term Term // applicatie (t1 t2) (t1 @. t2)
- | \. Index Term // abstractie (\x_i . t) (\. i t)
-:: Value :== Int // willekeurige integer waarde
-:: Index :== Int // index (gebruikelijk i >= 0)
-instance toString Term
-nf :: Term -> Bool
-vars :: Term -> [Index]
-(<:) infixl 6 :: Term (Index,Term) -> Term
-normal_order :: Term -> Term
-applicative_order :: Term -> Term
-herschrijf :: (Term -> Term) Term -> Term
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deleted file mode 100644
index 25c5405..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Lambda.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Lambda
-import StdEnv
-:: Term = C Value // constante v (C v)
- | X Index // variabele x_i (X i)
- | (@.) infixl 7 Term Term // applicatie (t1 t2) (t1 @. t2)
- | \. Index Term // abstractie (\x_i . t) (\. i t)
-:: Value :== Int // willekeurige integer waarde
-:: Index :== Int // index (gebruikelijk i >= 0)
-t0 = (C 42) // 42
-t1 = (X 0) // x_0
-t2 = (\.0 (X 0)) // (\x_0 . x_0)
-t3 = (\.0 (X 0)) @. (C 42) // (\x_0 . x_0) 42
-t4 = (\.0 ((X 0) @. (X 0))) @. (\.1 ((X 1) @. (X 1))) // (\x_0 . x_0 x_0) (\x_1 . x_1 x_1)
-t5 = (\.0 (\.1 (X 0))) // (\x_0 . (\x_1 . x_0))
-t6 = (\.0 (\.1 (X 0))) @. (C 42) @. t4 // ((\x_0 . (\x_1 . x_0)) 42) ((\x_0 . x_0 x_0) (\x_1 . x_1 x_1))
-terms = [t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6]
-instance toString Term where
- toString ...
-Start = foldr (\s1 s2 -> s1 +++ "\n" +++ s2) "\n" (map toString terms)
-nf :: Term -> Bool
-nf ...
-//Start = map nf terms
-vars :: Term -> [Index]
-vars ...
-//Start = map vars terms
-fresh :: [Term] -> Index
-fresh ...
-//Start = fresh terms
-(<:) infixl 6 :: Term (Index,Term) -> Term
-(<:) ...
-//Start = (((X 2) @. t1) @. (\.0 t1)) <: (0,C 50)
-beta_reduce :: Term Term -> Term
-beta_reduce ...
-//Start = beta_reduce (\.0 ((X 0) @. (X 0))) (\.0 ((X 0) @. (X 0)))
-normal_order :: Term -> Term
-normal_order ...
-applicative_order :: Term -> Term
-applicative_order ...
-Start = ( toString t
- , '\n', toString (normal_order t)
- , '\n', toString (applicative_order t)
- )
- t = (\.0 (\.1 (X 0))) @. ((\.0 (X 0)) @. (C 42)) @. (C 50)
-herschrijf :: (Term -> Term) Term -> Term
-herschrijf ...
-//Start = herschrijf normal_order t3
diff --git a/files/practicum/LijstGenerator.dcl b/files/practicum/LijstGenerator.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4420140..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/LijstGenerator.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-definition module LijstGenerator
-import StdClass
-allemaal :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_met_stap :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_tot :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_tot_met_stap :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/files/practicum/LijstGenerator.icl b/files/practicum/LijstGenerator.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c3a230..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/LijstGenerator.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-implementation module LijstGenerator
-import StdEnv
-allemaal :: // meest algemene type
-allemaal x = ...
-vanaf :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf x = ...
-vanaf_met_stap :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_met_stap x z = ...
-vanaf_tot :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_tot x y = ...
-vanaf_tot_met_stap :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_tot_met_stap x y z = ...
-Start = ( take 10 (allemaal 'H')
- , '\n'
- , take 26 (vanaf 'a')
- , '\n'
- , take 10 (vanaf_met_stap 0 -2)
- , '\n'
- , vanaf_tot 0 10
- , '\n'
- , vanaf_tot_met_stap 0 -10 -2
- )
diff --git a/files/practicum/LijstGenerator2.dcl b/files/practicum/LijstGenerator2.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 97a5e34..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/LijstGenerator2.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-definition module LijstGenerator2
-import StdClass
-allemaal :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_met_stap :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_tot :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_tot_met_stap :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/files/practicum/LijstGenerator2.icl b/files/practicum/LijstGenerator2.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dd9761..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/LijstGenerator2.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-implementation module LijstGenerator2
-import StdEnv
-allemaal :: // meest algemene type
-allemaal x = ...
-vanaf :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf x = ...
-vanaf_met_stap :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_met_stap x z = ...
-vanaf_tot :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_tot x y = ...
-vanaf_tot_met_stap :: // meest algemene type
-vanaf_tot_met_stap x y z= ...
-Start = ( take 10 (allemaal 'H')
- , '\n'
- , take 26 (vanaf 'a')
- , '\n'
- , take 10 (vanaf_met_stap 0 -2)
- , '\n'
- , vanaf_tot 0 10
- , '\n'
- , vanaf_tot_met_stap 0 -10 -2
- )
diff --git a/files/practicum/LijstGeneratorTest.icl b/files/practicum/LijstGeneratorTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index f065e98..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/LijstGeneratorTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-module LijstGeneratorTest
-/* Test module LijstGenerator
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' en '2M' Maximum Heap Size
-import gast
-import LijstGenerator
- = testn 1000
- (\x y z ->
- eersten_gelijk x /\
- vanaf_verhoogt_met_one x /\
- vanaf_met_stap_verhoogt_met_stap x y /\
- vanaf_tot_verhoogt_met_one x y /\
- vanaf_tot_met_stap_verhoogt_met_stap x y z /\
- vanaf_tot_met_stap_0_is_leeg x y /\
- True
- )
-max_list_length = 1000
-eersten_gelijk :: Int -> Property
-eersten_gelijk x = name "eersten in lijst zijn gelijk"
- (let l` = take max_list_length (allemaal x)
- n = length l`
- in n == max_list_length && all ((==) x) l`
- )
-vanaf_verhoogt_met_one :: Int -> Property
-vanaf_verhoogt_met_one x = name "vanaf verhoogt met one"
- (let l` = take max_list_length (vanaf x)
- n = length l`
- in n == max_list_length && all ((==) one) (verschil l`)
- )
-vanaf_met_stap_verhoogt_met_stap :: Int Int -> Property
-vanaf_met_stap_verhoogt_met_stap x y = name "vanaf_met_stap verhoogt met stap"
- (let l` = take max_list_length (vanaf_met_stap x y)
- n = length l`
- in n == max_list_length && all ((==) y) (verschil l`)
- )
-vanaf_tot_verhoogt_met_one :: Int Int -> Property
-vanaf_tot_verhoogt_met_one x y = name "vanaf_tot verhoogt met one"
- (let l` = take max_list_length (vanaf_tot x y)
- n = length l`
- in if (x > y) (n == 0) (all ((==) one) (verschil l`))
- )
-vanaf_tot_met_stap_verhoogt_met_stap :: Int Int Int -> Property
-vanaf_tot_met_stap_verhoogt_met_stap x y z = name "vanaf_tot_met_stap verhoogt met stap"
- (ok ==> let l` = take max_list_length (vanaf_tot_met_stap x y z)
- n = length l`
- in if (x <= y && z > 0) (all ((==) z) (verschil l`))
- (if (x >= y && z < 0) (all ((==) z) (verschil l`))
- (n == 0)
- )
- )
- where ok = z <> 0
- &&
- all (\x->x <> abs x || x==0) [abs x, abs y, abs z]
-vanaf_tot_met_stap_0_is_leeg :: Int Int -> Property
-vanaf_tot_met_stap_0_is_leeg x y = name "vanaf_tot_met stap 0 is leeg"
- (isEmpty (vanaf_tot_met_stap x y 0))
-verschil :: [a] -> [a] | - a
-verschil [a,b:as] = [b-a : verschil [b:as]]
-verschil _ = []
diff --git a/files/practicum/LijstOverloading.dcl b/files/practicum/LijstOverloading.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b6f32bc..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/LijstOverloading.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-definition module LijstOverloading
-import StdEnv
-instance zero [a] | zero a
-instance one [a] | one a
-instance ~ [a] | ~ a
-instance + [a] | + a
-instance - [a] | - a
-instance * [a] | * a
-instance / [a] | / a
diff --git a/files/practicum/LijstOverloading.icl b/files/practicum/LijstOverloading.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d40186..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/LijstOverloading.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-implementation module LijstOverloading
-import StdEnv, LijstGenerator
-instance zero [a] | zero a where
-instance one [a] | one a where
-instance ~ [a] | ~ a where
-instance + [a] | + a where
-instance - [a] | - a where
-instance * [a] | * a where
-instance / [a] | / a where
-Start = (test [1,2,3], test [1.0,2.0,3.0])
-test a = ( zero + a == a && a == a + zero
- , a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a)
- , one * a == a && a == a * one
- , a / one == a
- , ~ (~ a) == a
- )
diff --git a/files/practicum/LijstTypes.icl b/files/practicum/LijstTypes.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f5ce0e..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/LijstTypes.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-module LijstTypes
-import StdEnv
-Start = 0
-e1 :: [Int]
-e1 =
-e2 :: [Bool]
-e2 =
-e3 :: [[Int]]
-e3 =
-e4 :: [[[Real]]]
-e4 =
-e5 :: [Int Int -> Int]
-e5 =
diff --git a/files/practicum/Map.dcl b/files/practicum/Map.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index f3fbe43..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Map.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-definition module Map
-import BinTree // voor het type Tree en voorbeelden t0 t/m t7
-import Maybe // voor het type Maybe
-class Map c :: ... // exporteer deze type constructor class definitie
-instance Map []
-instance Map Maybe
-instance Map Tree
diff --git a/files/practicum/Map.icl b/files/practicum/Map.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index deccc07..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Map.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Map
-import BinTree // voor het type Tree en voorbeelden t0 t/m t7
-import Maybe // voor het type Maybe
-import StdList // voor de standaard map functie
-class Map c :: ... // maak deze type constructor class af
-instance Map [] where ... // maak deze instance af
-instance Map Maybe where ... // maak deze instance af
-instance Map Tree where ... // maak deze instance af
-// voorgegeven functie, specifiek voor Maybe:
-mapMaybe :: (a -> b) (Maybe a) -> Maybe b
-mapMaybe f Nothing = Nothing
-mapMaybe f (Just x) = Just (f x)
-// voorgegeven functie, specifiek voor Tree:
-mapTree :: (a -> b) (Tree a) -> Tree b
-mapTree f Leaf = Leaf
-mapTree f (Node x l r) = Node (f x) (mapTree f l) (mapTree f r)
diff --git a/files/practicum/Mappen.icl b/files/practicum/Mappen.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dfdb72..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Mappen.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-module Mappen
-import StdEnv
-import Map
-Start = (Map ((+) 1) (Just 42), Map ((+) 1) [1..10], Map ((+) 1) t7)
diff --git a/files/practicum/Mastermind.icl b/files/practicum/Mastermind.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 88cc46d..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Mastermind.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Mastermind
-import StdEnv, RandomGetallen
-Start = 0
diff --git a/files/practicum/MatchStrings.dcl b/files/practicum/MatchStrings.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 527447c..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/MatchStrings.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-definition module MatchStrings
-head :: String -> Char
-tail :: String -> String
-is_gelijk :: String String -> Bool
-is_deelstring :: String String -> Bool
-is_deel :: String String -> Bool
-is_match :: String String -> Bool
diff --git a/files/practicum/MatchStrings.icl b/files/practicum/MatchStrings.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3519eb7..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/MatchStrings.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-implementation module MatchStrings
-import StdEnv
-head :: String -> Char
-head s = abort "head is nog niet geimplementeerd"
-tail :: String -> String
-tail s = abort "tail is nog niet geimplementeerd"
-is_gelijk :: String String -> Bool
-is_gelijk a b = abort "is_gelijk is nog niet geimplementeerd"
-is_deelstring :: String String -> Bool
-is_deelstring a b = abort "is_deelstring is nog niet geimplementeerd"
-is_deel :: String String -> Bool
-is_deel a b = abort "is_deel is nog niet geimplementeerd"
-is_match :: String String -> Bool
-is_match a b = abort "is_match is nog niet geimplementeerd"
-//Start = (head pink_floyd, tail pink_floyd)
-//Start = is_gelijk "" " "
-//Start = is_deelstring "there" pink_floyd
-//Start = is_deelstring "there" marillion
-//Start = is_deel "there" marillion
-//Start = is_deel "she and her" pink_floyd
-//Start = is_deel radiohead pink_floyd
-//Start = is_match "*.here*.here*." pink_floyd
-//Start = is_match "" pink_floyd
-pink_floyd = "Is there anybody in there?"
-marillion = "Just for the record"
-radiohead = "There there"
diff --git a/files/practicum/MatchStringsTest.icl b/files/practicum/MatchStringsTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 35c2d27..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/MatchStringsTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-module MatchStringsTest
-/* Test module MatchStrings
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import StdEnv
-import MatchStrings
-import gast
- = testn 1000
- (\s t ->
- eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijke_argumenten is_gelijk s /\
- eigenschap_onwaar_voor_groter_argument is_gelijk s /\
- eigenschap_onwaar_voor_groter_argument is_deelstring s /\
- eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijke_argumenten is_deelstring s /\
- eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_begin is_deelstring s t /\
- eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_midden is_deelstring s t /\
- eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_eind is_deelstring s t /\
- eigenschap_onwaar_voor_groter_argument is_deel s /\
- eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijke_argumenten is_deel s /\
- eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_begin is_deel s t /\
- eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_midden is_deel s t /\
- eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_eind is_deel s t /\
- eigenschap_waar_voor_uitbreiding is_deel s t /\
- kleenes_matcht_altijd s /\
- dots_matcht_zelfde_lengte s /\
- True
- )
-eigenschap_onwaar_voor_groter_argument :: (String String -> Bool) String -> Property
-eigenschap_onwaar_voor_groter_argument f a
- = name "eigenschap_onwaar_voor_groter_argument" (not (f (a +++ ".") a))
-eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijke_argumenten :: (String String -> Bool) String -> Property
-eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijke_argumenten f a
- = name "eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijke_argumenten" (f a a)
-eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_begin :: (String String -> Bool) String String -> Property
-eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_begin f a b
- = name "eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_begin" (f a (a +++ b))
-eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_midden :: (String String -> Bool) String String -> Property
-eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_midden f a b
- = name "eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_midden" (f a (b +++ a +++ b))
-eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_eind :: (String String -> Bool) String String -> Property
-eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_eind f a b
- = name "eigenschap_waar_voor_gelijk_eind" (f a (b +++ a))
-eigenschap_waar_voor_uitbreiding :: (String String -> Bool) String String -> Property
-eigenschap_waar_voor_uitbreiding f a extra
- = name "eigenschap_waar_voor_uitbreiding"
- ((extra <> "") ==> f a (breid_string_uit extra a))
-breid_string_uit :: String String -> String
-breid_string_uit extra string
- = toString (flatten [[c:cs] \\ c <-: string])
- cs = fromString extra
-kleenes_matcht_altijd :: String -> Property
-kleenes_matcht_altijd s
- = name "kleenes_matcht_altijd"
- (ForEach [{# '*' \\ _ <- [1..n]} \\ n <- [1..10]] (flip is_match s))
-dots_matcht_zelfde_lengte :: String -> Property
-dots_matcht_zelfde_lengte s
- = name "dots_matcht_zelfde_lengte"
- (is_match dots s
- &&
- not (is_match ("."+++dots) s)
- &&
- not (is_match dots (s+++"."))
- )
- dots = {# '.' \\ _ <-: s}
diff --git a/files/practicum/Maybe.dcl b/files/practicum/Maybe.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 500c6ac..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Maybe.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-definition module Maybe
-// Het (Maybe a) type representeert een collectie van hoogstens 1 element
-:: Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
diff --git a/files/practicum/Maybe.icl b/files/practicum/Maybe.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index a7c62ce..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Maybe.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Maybe
diff --git a/files/practicum/MetOfZonderCurry.icl b/files/practicum/MetOfZonderCurry.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index e65aaab..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/MetOfZonderCurry.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-module MetOfZonderCurry
-import StdEnv
-e1 = curry fst
-e2 = curry snd
-e3 = uncurry (+)
-e4 = uncurry (-)
-e5 = uncurry (*)
-e6 = uncurry (/)
-Start = 42
diff --git a/files/practicum/ModernEnglishSpelling.icl b/files/practicum/ModernEnglishSpelling.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f24a1d..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ModernEnglishSpelling.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-implementation module ModernEnglishSpelling
-import StdEnv
-Start =
diff --git a/files/practicum/Nim.dcl b/files/practicum/Nim.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d6df82..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Nim.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-definition module Nim
diff --git a/files/practicum/Nim.icl b/files/practicum/Nim.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index b9384ec..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Nim.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Nim
-import StdEnv
diff --git a/files/practicum/NotatieADT.icl b/files/practicum/NotatieADT.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3690ecc..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/NotatieADT.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-module NotatieADT
-:: Dag = Maandag | Dinsdag | Woensdag | Donderdag | Vrijdag | Zaterdag | Zondag
-:: Nat = Nat Int
-:: Getal = Geheel Nat | Decimaal Real
-:: Functies = F0 Int | F1 (Int -> Int) | F2 (Int Int -> Int)
-:: Void = Void
diff --git a/files/practicum/NotatieDynamics.icl b/files/practicum/NotatieDynamics.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 254b384..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/NotatieDynamics.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-module NotatieDynamics
-import StdEnv
-import StdDynamic, StdDynamicFileIO
-Start = f4 f3
-f1 :: // meest algemene type
-f1 (x :: Int) y = x + y
-f2 :: // meest algemene type
-f2 (b :: Bool) (e1 :: a) (e2 :: a) = dynamic if b e1 e2 :: a
-f3 :: // meest algemene type
-f3 = dynamic map fib [1 ..]
-fib 0 = 1
-fib 1 = 1
-fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
-f4 :: // meest algemene type
-f4 (xs :: [Int]) = take 10 xs
-f5 :: // meest algemene type
-f5 = f4 f3
diff --git a/files/practicum/NotatieFuncties.icl b/files/practicum/NotatieFuncties.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 87c9b8a..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/NotatieFuncties.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-module NotatieFuncties
-import StdEnv
-f1 :: Int
-f1 = 1 + 5
-f2 :: Int
-f2 = (+) 1 5
-f3 :: Int Int -> Int
-f3 m n
-| m < n = m
-| otherwise = n
-f4 :: String Int -> String
-f4 s n
-| n <= 0 = ""
-| otherwise = s +++ f4 s (n-1)
-f5 :: Int Int -> Int
-f5 x 0 = x
-f5 x y = f5 y (x rem y)
-f6 :: (Int,Int) -> Int
-f6 x = fst x + snd x
-f7 :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
-f7 (a,b) = (b,a)
-f8 :: (a,a) -> (a,a)
-f8 x = f7 (f7 x)
-Start = f1
diff --git a/files/practicum/NotatieHOF.icl b/files/practicum/NotatieHOF.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 65fe29e..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/NotatieHOF.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-module NotatieHOF
-import StdEnv
-f1 :: // geef meest algemene type
-f1 a b = a b
-f2 :: // geef meest algemene type
-f2 a b c = a c (b c)
-f3 :: // geef meest algemene type
-f3 a b = a (a b)
-f4 :: // geef meest algemene type
-f4 a b c = [x \\ x <- [b .. c] | a x]
-f5 :: // geef meest algemene type
-f5 a b (c,d) = (a c,b d)
-f6 :: // geef meest algemene type
-f6 = f5
-f7 :: // geef meest algemene type
-f7 "-" = -
-f7 "+" = +
-f7 "*" = *
-f7 "/" = /
-Start = 0
diff --git a/files/practicum/NotatieLijsten.icl b/files/practicum/NotatieLijsten.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f4dcbb..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/NotatieLijsten.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module NotatieLijsten
-Start = f1
-l1 = []
-l2 = [1000:[]]
-l3 = [[]]
-l4 = [[]:[]]
-l5 = ['a':['b':['c':['d':['e':[]]]]]]
-l6 = [[1],[],[2,3]:[[4,5,6]]]
-l7 = [[[1,2],[3,4]],[],[[],[],[5,6]]]
diff --git a/files/practicum/NotatieZF.icl b/files/practicum/NotatieZF.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8778794..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/NotatieZF.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-module NotatieZF
-import StdEnv
-g1 :: // meest algemene type
-g1 as bs = [(a,b) \\ a <- as, b <- bs]
-g2 :: // meest algemene type
-g2 as bs = [(a,b) \\ a <- as & b <- bs]
-g3 :: // meest algemene type
-g3 as bs = [(a,b) \\ a <- as, b <- bs | a <> b]
-g4 :: // meest algemene type
-g4 as bs = [a \\ a <- as, b <- bs | a == b]
-g5 :: // meest algemene type
-g5 xss = [x \\ xs <- xss, x <- xs]
-g6 :: // meest algemene type
-g6 a xs = [i \\ i <- [0 ..] & x <- xs | a == x]
diff --git a/files/practicum/NouEnOf.icl b/files/practicum/NouEnOf.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index cd56213..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/NouEnOf.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-module NouEnOf
-import StdEnv
-and` = ... all ...
-or` = ... any ...
-all_l p = foldl ...
-all_r p = foldr ...
-any_l p = foldl ...
-any_r p = foldr ...
-Start = all_l id [False:repeat True ]
-Start = any_l id [True :repeat False]
-Start = all_r id [False:repeat True ]
-Start = any_r id [True :repeat False]
diff --git a/files/practicum/Nummers.dbs b/files/practicum/Nummers.dbs
deleted file mode 100644
index 764d8cd..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Nummers.dbs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43182 +0,0 @@
-Track nr
-Track title
-pop,debut album
-My same
-pop,debut album
-pop,debut album
-Hometown glory
-pop,debut album
-Best for last
-pop,debut album
-Chasing pavements
-pop,debut album
-Cold shoulder
-pop,debut album
-Crazy for you
-pop,debut album
-Melt my heart to stone
-pop,debut album
-First love
-pop,debut album
-Right as rain
-pop,debut album
-Make you feel my love
-pop,debut album
-Rolling in the deep
-Someone like you
-Rumour has it
-Turning tables
-Don't you remember
-Set fire to the rain
-He won't go
-Take it all
-I'll be waiting
-One and only
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Green (nevermore instrumental)
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Afro Celt Sound System
-The other side
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Ayub's song / as you were
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Rise above it
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Deep channel
-Afro Celt Sound System
-All remains
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 1: sound magic
-Saor/free - news from nowhere
-folk,afrobeat,instrumental,debut album
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 1: sound magic
-folk,afrobeat,instrumental,debut album
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 1: sound magic
-folk,afrobeat,debut album
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 1: sound magic
-folk,afrobeat,instrumental,debut album
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 1: sound magic
-Nil cead againn dul abhaile/we cannot go home
-folk,afrobeat,debut album
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 1: sound magic
-Dark moon, high tide
-folk,afrobeat,instrumental,debut album
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 1: sound magic
-Whirl-y-reel 2
-folk,afrobeat,instrumental,debut album
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 1: sound magic
-House of the ancestors
-folk,afrobeat,instrumental,debut album
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 1: sound magic
-Eistigh liomsa sealad/listen to me - saor reprise
-folk,afrobeat,debut album
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-I think of...
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-Release it (instrumental)
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-Lovers of light
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-Urban aire
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-Big cat
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-Even in my dreams
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 2: release
-Riding the waves
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-Persistence of memory
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-The silken whip
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-North 2
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-When you're falling
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-Life begin again
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-Further in time
-Afro Celt Sound System
-Volume 3: Further in time
-Go on through
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-Ex cathedra - ouverture
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-The key
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-Forlorn hope
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-For the time being
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-Who wants to live forever
-gothic,metal,female fronted,cover
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-Imperfect tenses (duet with Damian Wilson)
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-Monolith of doubt (single version)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-Imperfect tenses (orchestral version)
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-Monolith of doubt
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-My pledge of allegiance #1
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-Imperfect tenses
-After forever
-Decipher - The Album
-My pledge of allegiance #2
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-The key (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-Zenith (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-Intrinsic (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-Who wants to live forever (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-Monolith of doubt (demo)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-Emphasis (demo)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-For the time being (demo)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-Monolith of doubt (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-My pledge of allegiance #2 (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-Emphasis (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-Estranged (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-My pledge of allegiance #1 (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-Imperfect tenses (rough mix)
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-For the time being (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Decipher - The Sessions
-Forlorn hope (rough mix)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-Childhood in minor
-gothic,metal,female fronted,instrumental
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-Victim of choices
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-Life's vortex
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-Beautiful emptiness
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-Between love and fire
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-Sins of idealism
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-Digital deceit
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-Through square eyes
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-Blind pain
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Invisible circles
-Two sides
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-Mea culpa
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-Beyond me
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-Leaden legacy
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-Semblance of confusion
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-Black tomb
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-Follow in the cry
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-Silence from afar
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-Inimical chimera
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-Tortuous Threnody
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-After forever
-Prison of desire
-Yield to temptation
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-Moon safari
-La femme d'argent
-ambient,electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Moon safari
-Le voyage de Penelope
-ambient,electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Moon safari
-Sexy boy
-ambient,electronica,debut album
-Moon safari
-All I need
-ambient,electronica,debut album
-Moon safari
-Kelly, watch the stars!
-ambient,electronica,debut album
-Moon safari
-ambient,electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Moon safari
-ambient,electronica,debut album
-Moon safari
-You make it easy
-ambient,electronica,debut album
-Moon safari
-Ce matin la
-ambient,electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Moon safari
-New star in the sky (chanson pour Solal)
-ambient,electronica,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-All I really want
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-Not the doctor
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-Wake up
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-You oughta know + bonus
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-You oughta know
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-Hand in my pocket
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-Right through you
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-You learn
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-Head over feet
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Jagged little pil
-Mary Jane
-rock,pop,debut album
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Front row
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-I was hoping
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Would not come
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-So pure
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Joining you
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Heart of the house
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Your congratulations
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Thank u
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Are you still mad
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Sympathetic character
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-That I would be good
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-The couch
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Can't not
-Alanis Morisette
-Supposed former infatuation junkie
-Alexander Borodin
-String Quartets Nos.1 and 2
-String Quartet No.1 - Moderato - Allegro
-classic,string quartet,romantic
-Alexander Borodin
-String Quartets Nos.1 and 2
-String Quartet No.1 - Andante con moto
-classic,string quartet,romantic
-Alexander Borodin
-String Quartets Nos.1 and 2
-String Quartet No.1 - Scherzo: Prestissimo
-classic,string quartet,romantic
-Alexander Borodin
-String Quartets Nos.1 and 2
-String Quartet No.1 - Allegro risoluto
-classic,string quartet,romantic
-Alexander Borodin
-String Quartets Nos.1 and 2
-String Quartet No.2 - Allegro moderato
-classic,string quartet,romantic
-Alexander Borodin
-String Quartets Nos.1 and 2
-String Quartet No.2 - Scherzo: Allegro
-classic,string quartet,romantic
-Alexander Borodin
-String Quartets Nos.1 and 2
-String Quartet No.2 - Notturno: Andante
-classic,string quartet,romantic
-Alexander Borodin
-String Quartets Nos.1 and 2
-String Quartet No.2 - Finale: Andante - Vivace
-classic,string quartet,romantic
-Alexander Borodin
-Symphonies Nos. 1,2 and 3
-Symphony No.1 in E-Flat major - (i) Adagio
-Alexander Borodin
-Symphonies Nos. 1,2 and 3
-Symphony No.3 in A minor - (ii) Vivo
-Alexander Borodin
-Symphonies Nos. 1,2 and 3
-Symphony No.1 in E-Flat major - (ii) Prestissimo
-Alexander Borodin
-Symphonies Nos. 1,2 and 3
-Symphony No.1 in E-Flat major - (iii) Andante
-Alexander Borodin
-Symphonies Nos. 1,2 and 3
-Symphony No.1 in E-Flat major - (iv) Allegro molto vivo
-Alexander Borodin
-Symphonies Nos. 1,2 and 3
-Symphony No.2 in B minor - (i) Allegro
-Alexander Borodin
-Symphonies Nos. 1,2 and 3
-Symphony No.2 in B minor - (ii) Prestissimo
-Alexander Borodin
-Symphonies Nos. 1,2 and 3
-Symphony No.2 in B minor - (iii) Andante
-Alexander Borodin
-Symphonies Nos. 1,2 and 3
-Symphony No.2 in B minor - (iv) Allegro
-Alexander Borodin
-Symphonies Nos. 1,2 and 3
-Symphony No.3 in A minor - (i) Moderato assai
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Unissons nous
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-I follow you (nia na fin)
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Welcome to Mali
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Ce n'est pas bon
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Je te kiffe
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Amadou & Mariam
-Welcome to Mali
-Compagnon de la vie
-Life beyond L.A.
-Life beyond L.A.
-soft rock
-Life beyond L.A.
-Ready for Camarillo
-soft rock
-Life beyond L.A.
-Art beware
-soft rock
-Life beyond L.A.
-soft rock
-Life beyond L.A.
-If heaven could find me
-soft rock
-Life beyond L.A.
-How much I feel
-soft rock
-Life beyond L.A.
-Dancin' by myself
-soft rock
-Life beyond L.A.
-soft rock
-Life beyond L.A.
-Heart to heart
-soft rock
-Life beyond L.A.
-Not as you were
-soft rock
-Emotional winter
-Wings of god
-Anyone, anywhere
-2000 & gone
-Forgotten hopes
-Destiny is dead
-Make it right (F.F.S.)
-One last goodbye
-Parisienne moonlight
-Don't look too far
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-alternative,rock,debut album,instrumental,piano
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-Days of being wild
-alternative,rock,debut album,noise
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-Relative ways
-alternative,rock,debut album
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-After the laughter
-alternative,rock,debut album,instrumental
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-Source tags & codes
-alternative,rock,debut album
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-It was there that I saw you
-alternative,rock,debut album,noise
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-Another morning stoner
-alternative,rock,debut album,noise
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-alternative,rock,debut album,noise
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-alternative,rock,debut album,noise
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-How near how far
-alternative,rock,debut album
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-Life is elsewhere
-alternative,rock,debut album
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-Heart in the hand of the matter
-alternative,rock,debut album
-And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
-Source tags & codes
-alternative,rock,debut album,noise
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Benjamin Britten's Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Brother of mine
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Heart of the sunrise
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Order of the universe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Jon Anderson solo
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Steve Howe solo
-progressive,rock,live,instrumental,guitar,guitar hero
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Rick Wakeman solo
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Long distance runaround
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-And you and I
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Starship trooper
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-An evening of Yes music plus
-Close to the edge
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Fist of fire
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Brother of mine
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-The meeting
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Teakbois ('The life and times of Bobby Dread')
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Order of the universe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
-Let's pretend
-For bitter or worse
-Three days in a row
-For bitter or worse
-For bitter or worse
-Faith in my moon
-For bitter or worse
-For bitter or worse
-For bitter or worse
-In this world
-For bitter or worse
-For bitter or worse
-Lay it down
-For bitter or worse
-8 years
-For bitter or worse
-My shoes
-For bitter or worse
-Walk to the bay
-For bitter or worse
-For bitter or worse
-Hold on
-Graduated fool
-Too long
-Graduated fool
-I live for you
-Graduated fool
-Bigger side
-Graduated fool
-Graduated fool
-Graduated fool
-Who cares
-Graduated fool
-Graduated fool
-Graduated fool
-Stop thinking
-Graduated fool
-No time to waste
-Graduated fool
-Graduated fool
-Margarita chum
-Sad singalong songs
-The rules
-Sad singalong songs
-The black side of my mind
-Sad singalong songs
-Pretending as always
-Sad singalong songs
-Sad singalong songs
-The good life
-Sad singalong songs
-Are you lonely
-Sad singalong songs
-Sad singalong songs
-Only a mother
-Sad singalong songs
-Sad singalong songs
-I don't know nothing
-Anton Bruckner
-Symphony No.7 E major (1881-1883)
-Allegro moderato
-Anton Bruckner
-Symphony No.7 E major (1881-1883)
-Adagio. Sehr feierlich und sehr langsam
-Anton Bruckner
-Symphony No.7 E major (1881-1883)
-Scherzo. Sehr schnell.
-Anton Bruckner
-Symphony No.7 E major (1881-1883)
-Finale. Bewegt, doch nicht schnell.
-Antonio Vivaldi
-Bassoon concertos
-Concerto in A Minor for bassoon: strings and continuo (RV 497)
-Antonio Vivaldi
-Bassoon concertos
-Concerto in D Minor for bassoon: strings and continuo (RV 481)
-Antonio Vivaldi
-Bassoon concertos
-Concerto in B Flat Major for bassoon: strings and continuo (RV 501)
-Antonio Vivaldi
-Bassoon concertos
-Concerto in C Major for bassoon: strings and continuo (RV 472)
-Antonio Vivaldi
-Bassoon concertos
-Concerto in E Minor for bassoon: strings and continue (RV 484)
-Atoms for peace
-Before your very eyes...
-Atoms for peace
-Atoms for peace
-Atoms for peace
-Atoms for peace
-Atoms for peace
-Stuck together pieces
-Atoms for peace
-Judge, jury and executioner
-Atoms for peace
-Reverse running
-Atoms for peace
-Actual Fantasy
-Actual Fantasy
-Actual Fantasy
-The stranger from within (single version)
-Actual Fantasy
-Abbey of synn
-Actual Fantasy
-The stranger from within
-Actual Fantasy
-Computer eyes
-Actual Fantasy
-Beyond the last horizon
-Actual Fantasy
-Far side of the world
-Actual Fantasy
-Back on planet Earth
-Actual Fantasy
-Actual Fantasy
-The dawn of man
-Flight of the migrator
-Flight of the migrator
-Dawn of a million souls
-Flight of the migrator
-Journey on the waves of time
-Flight of the migrator
-To the quasar
-Flight of the migrator
-Into the black hole
-Flight of the migrator
-Through the wormhole
-Flight of the migrator
-Out of the white hole
-Flight of the migrator
-To the solar system
-Flight of the migrator
-The new migrator
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Welcome to the new dimension
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-The castle hall
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Tower of hope
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Cosmic fusion
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-The mirror maze
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Evil devolution
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-The two gates
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-"Forever" of the stars
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Another time, another space
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Isis and Osiris
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Amazing flight
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Time beyond time
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-The decision tree (we're alive)
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Tunnel of light
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Across the rainbow bridge
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-The garden of emotions
-Into the electric castle - a space opera
-Valley of the queens
-The dream sequencer
-The dream sequencer
-The dream sequencer
-The first man on Earth
-The dream sequencer
-The dream sequencer reprise
-The dream sequencer
-My house on Mars
-The dream sequencer
-The dream sequencer
-One small step
-The dream sequencer
-The shooting company of captain Frans B. Cocq
-The dream sequencer
-Dragon on the sea
-The dream sequencer
-Temple of the cat
-The dream sequencer
-Carried by the wind
-The dream sequencer
-And the druids turn to stone
-The theory of everything
-Prologue: the blackboard
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything part 2
-The theory of everything
-The consultation
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything
-The argument 1
-The theory of everything
-The rival's dilemma
-The theory of everything
-Surface tension
-The theory of everything
-A reason to live
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything
-Quantum chaos
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything part 1
-The theory of everything
-Dark medicine
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything
-The prediction
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything
-Side effects
-The theory of everything
-Frequency modulation
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything
-Quid pro quo
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything
-String theory
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything
-Mirror of dreams
-The theory of everything
-The lighthouse
-The theory of everything
-The argument 2
-The theory of everything
-The parting
-The theory of everything
-The visitation
-The theory of everything
-The breakthrough
-The theory of everything
-The note
-The theory of everything
-The uncertainty principle
-The theory of everything
-The prodigy's world
-The theory of everything
-Dark energy
-The theory of everything
-The theory of everything part 3
-The theory of everything
-The blackboard (reprise)
-The theory of everything
-The teacher's discovery
-The theory of everything
-Love and envy
-The theory of everything
-Progressive waves
-The theory of everything
-The gift
-The theory of everything
-The eleventh dimension
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-New Zealand
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-New Zealand
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-New Zealand
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-Robot world
-New Zealand
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-New Zealand
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-Be on time
-New Zealand
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-New Zealand
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-New Zealand
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-Get lost
-New Zealand
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-New Zealand
-Bailter space
-Robot world
-New Zealand
-Barclay James Harvest
-The world goes on
-Barclay James Harvest
-May day
-Barclay James Harvest
-Barclay James Harvest
-Rock'n roll star
-Barclay James Harvest
-Polk street rag
-Barclay James Harvest
-Believe in me
-Barclay James Harvest
-progressive,radio play,gloomy
-Barclay James Harvest
-Loving is easy
-Barclay James Harvest
-Giving it up
-Barclay James Harvest
-The streets of San Francisco
-Barclay James Harvest
-Barclay James Harvest
-A tale of two sixties
-Barclay James Harvest
-Turning in circles
-Barclay James Harvest
-The closed shop
-Barclay James Harvest
-In search of England
-Barclay James Harvest
-Sip of wine
-Barclay James Harvest
-Barclay James Harvest
-Nova Lepidoptera
-Devils haircut
-High 5 (Rock the catskills)
-Lord only knows
-The new pollution
-Where it's at
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-We don't need other worlds, we need mirrors
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-Simulacra I
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-Simulacra II
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-Cruel miracles
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-Hydrogen sulfide
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-Unbreakable silence
-Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason
-You mean more to me than any scientific truth
-Benjamin Britten
-The young person's guide to the orchestra
-The young person's guide to the orchestra, op.34
-Benjamin Britten
-The young person's guide to the orchestra
-Cantus in memory of Benjamin Britten
-Benjamin Britten
-The young person's guide to the orchestra
-Symphony for cello and orchestra, op.68 - allegro maestoso
-Benjamin Britten
-The young person's guide to the orchestra
-Symphony for cello and orchestra, op.68 - presto inquieto
-Benjamin Britten
-The young person's guide to the orchestra
-Symphony for cello and orchestra, op.68 - adagio
-Benjamin Britten
-The young person's guide to the orchestra
-Symphony for cello and orchestra, op.68 - passacaglia, andante allegro
-Benjamin Britten
-The young person's guide to the orchestra
-Four sea interludes from Peter Grimes, op.33a - Dawn
-Benjamin Britten
-The young person's guide to the orchestra
-Four sea interludes from Peter Grimes, op.33a - Sunday morning
-Benjamin Britten
-The young person's guide to the orchestra
-Four sea interludes from Peter Grimes, op.33a - Moonlight
-Benjamin Britten
-The young person's guide to the orchestra
-Four sea interludes from Peter Grimes, op.33a - Storm
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Stolen car
-pop,debut album
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Devil song
-pop,debut album
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Feel to believe
-pop,debut album
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Central reservation (the then again version)
-pop,debut album
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Sweetest decline
-pop,debut album,tranquil
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Couldn't cause me harm
-pop,debut album
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-So much more
-pop,debut album
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Pass in time
-pop,debut album,duet,gloomy,tranquil
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Central reservation (original version)
-pop,debut album
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Stars all seem to weep
-pop,debut album,electronica
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Love like laughter
-pop,debut album
-Beth Orton
-Central reservation
-Blood red river
-pop,debut album
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Pork & beans
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Fallen foster
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-The link
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Dust bunny
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-What friends?
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Misery galore
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Story in a nutshell
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Sugar the pill
-Bettie serveert
-Dust bunnies
-Biffy Clyro
-Different people
-Biffy Clyro
-Biffy Clyro
-Trumpet or tap
-Biffy Clyro
-Modern magic formula
-Biffy Clyro
-The thaw
-Biffy Clyro
-Picture a knife fight
-Biffy Clyro
-Black chandelier
-Biffy Clyro
-Sounds like balloons
-Biffy Clyro
-Biffy Clyro
-The joke's on us
-Biffy Clyro
-Spanish radio
-Biffy Clyro
-Victory over the sun
-Biffy Clyro
-Biffy Clyro
-Stingin' belle
-Cheat the gallows
-Gravest show on earth
-Cheat the gallows
-Counting sheep
-Cheat the gallows
-Cheat the gallows
-Money, it's pure evil
-Cheat the gallows
-The evils of rock & roll
-Cheat the gallows
-No parachute
-Cheat the gallows
-The game
-Cheat the gallows
-Cheat the gallows
-Race with time
-Cheat the gallows
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-Hell's bells
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-Living space
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-The drum also waltzes
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-Split seconds
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-Fainting in coils
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-The Sahara of snow (Part II)
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-One of a kind (Part I)
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-One of a kind (Part II)
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-Travels with myself - and someone else
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-Gothic 17
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-Palewell park
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-If you can't stand the heat
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-Five G
-Bill Bruford
-Master strokes (1978-1985)
-Joe Frazier
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-Sunday's first light
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-Rainbow silence
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-Sharing the dream
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-Song for Sheryl
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-Dance town
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-Through the eyes of a child
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-Your beautiful smile
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-The cadence of breath
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-Open up
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Payne
-Cielo Norte
-Northern lights (ghosts in the sky)
-instrumental,jazz,ambient,debut album
-Bill Whelan
-Reel around the sun
-Bill Whelan
-Lift the wings
-Bill Whelan
-Macedonian morning
-Bill Whelan
-Marta's dance/the Russian dervish
-Bill Whelan
-Bill Whelan
-Home and the heartland
-Bill Whelan
-The harvest
-Bill Whelan
-Riverdance remix
-Bill Whelan
-The heart's cry
-Bill Whelan
-The countess Cathleen/Women of the Sidhe
-Bill Whelan
-Caoineadh Cu Chulainn (lament)
-Bill Whelan
-Bill Whelan
-Bill Whelan
-Slip into spring
-Bill Whelan
-Bill Whelan
-American wake (the Nova Scotia set)
-Billy Currie
-electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Billy Currie
-electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Billy Currie
-electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Billy Currie
-Rakaia River (mountains to sea)
-electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Billy Currie
-electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Billy Currie
-Perfect flight
-electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Billy Currie
-electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Billy Currie
-English home
-electronica,instrumental,debut album
-Human behaviour
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-Violently happy
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-The anchor song
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-Play dead
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-Venus as a boy
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-There's more to life than this
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album,live
-Like someone in love
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-Big time sensuality
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-One day
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-Come to me
-alternative,pop,electronica,debut album
-Promises of no man's land
-Promises of no man's land
-Ocean floor (from all the stars)
-Promises of no man's land
-Promises of no man's land
-Promises of no man's land
-Promises of no man's land
-Too many hopes for july
-Promises of no man's land
-Hollow people
-Promises of no man's land
-Kids around (hollow people revisited)
-Promises of no man's land
-Promises of no man's land
-Any cold wind (sweet Selene)
-Promises of no man's land
-Streets of Babylon
-Promises of no man's land
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Een meisje van zestien
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Tante Julia
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Welterusten, mijnheer de president
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Verdronken vlinder
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Het land van Maas en Waal
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Onder ons
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Boudewijn de Groot
-Grootste hits
-Als de rook om je hoofd is verdwenen
-Bozzio, Levin, Stevens
-Situation dangerous
-Bozzio, Levin, Stevens
-Situation dangerous
-Bozzio, Levin, Stevens
-Situation dangerous
-Bozzio, Levin, Stevens
-Situation dangerous
-Bozzio, Levin, Stevens
-Situation dangerous
-Bozzio, Levin, Stevens
-Situation dangerous
-Bozzio, Levin, Stevens
-Situation dangerous
-Bozzio, Levin, Stevens
-Situation dangerous
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-Across the border
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-Galveston bay
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-My best was never good enough
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-Straight time
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-Highway 28
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-Sinaloa cowboys
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-The line
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-Balboa park
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-Dry lightning
-Bruce Springsteen
-The ghost of Tom Joad
-The new timer
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Lonesome day
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-The fuse
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Mary's place
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-You're missing
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-The rising
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-My city of ruins
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Into the fire
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Waitin' on a sunny day
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Nothing man
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Countin' on a miracle
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Empty sky
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Worlds apart
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Let's be friends (skin to skin)
-Bruce Springsteen
-The rising
-Further on (up the road)
-Camille Saint-Saëns
-Symphonie Nr.3 Orgel-Symphonie
-Symphonie Nr.3 (i)
-Camille Saint-Saëns
-Symphonie Nr.3 Orgel-Symphonie
-Symphonie Nr.3 (ii)
-Camille Saint-Saëns
-Symphonie Nr.3 Orgel-Symphonie
-Symphonie Nr.3 (iii)
-Camille Saint-Saëns
-Symphonie Nr.3 Orgel-Symphonie
-Samson et Dalila - Bacchanale
-Camille Saint-Saëns
-Symphonie Nr.3 Orgel-Symphonie
-Le Déluge - prélude
-Camille Saint-Saëns
-Symphonie Nr.3 Orgel-Symphonie
-Danse Macabre
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 1, 2
-Symphony No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 7- 1. Allegro Orgoglioso
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 1, 2
-Symphony No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 7- 2. Andante
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 1, 2
-Symphony No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 7- 3. Allegro Comodo
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 1, 2
-Symphony No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 7- 4. Finale. Allegro Con Fuoco
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 1, 2
-Symphony No. 2, Op. 16 'the Four Temperaments'- 1. Allegro Collerico
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 1, 2
-Symphony No. 2, Op. 16 'the Four Temperaments'- 2. Allegro Comodo E Flemmatico
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 1, 2
-Symphony No. 2, Op. 16 'the Four Temperaments'- 3. Andante Malincolico
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 1, 2
-Symphony No. 2, Op. 16 'the Four Temperaments'- 4. Allegro Sanguinoso
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 3, 4
-Symphony No. 3, Op. 27 'espansiva'- 1. Allegro Espansivo
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 3, 4
-Symphony No. 3, Op. 27 'espansiva'- 2. Andante Pastorale
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 3, 4
-Symphony No. 3, Op. 27 'espansiva'- 3. Allegretto un Poco
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 3, 4
-Symphony No. 3, Op. 27 'espansiva'- 4. Finale. Allegro
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 3, 4
-Symphony No. 4, Op. 29 'the Inextinguishable'- 1. Allegro
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 3, 4
-Symphony No. 4, Op. 29 'the Inextinguishable'- 2. Poco Allegretto
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 3, 4
-Symphony No. 4, Op. 29 'the Inextinguishable'- 3. Poco Adagio Quasi Andante
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 3, 4
-Symphony No. 4, Op. 29 'the Inextinguishable'- 4. Allegro
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 5, 6
-Symphony No. 5, Op. 50- 1. Tempo Giusto
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 5, 6
-Symphony No. 5, Op. 50- 2. Allegro
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 5, 6
-Symphony No. 6 'semplice'- 1. Tempo Giusto
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 5, 6
-Symphony No. 6 'semplice'- 2. Humoreske. Allegretto
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 5, 6
-Symphony No. 6 'semplice'- 3. Proposta Seria. Adagio
-Carl Nielsen
-Symphonies 5, 6
-Symphony No. 6 'semplice'- 4. Theme & Variations
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-Fortune: empress of the world - O Fortune
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-On the green - Were the world all mine
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-In the tavern - Burning inside
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-In the tavern - The roast swan sings
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-In the tavern - I am the abbot of fool's paradise
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-In the tavern - When we are in the tavern
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-The court of love - Love files everywhere
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-The court of love - Day: night and everything
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-The court of love - There stood a girl
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-The court of love - In my heart
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-The court of love - If a boy with a girl
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-Fortune: empress of the world - I weep at Fortune's wounds
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-The court of love - Come! come! do come
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-The court of love - In the doubtful scales of my mind
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-The court of love - This is the joyful time
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-The court of love - Sweetest! Ah!
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-Blanchefleur and Helen - Hail: most beautiful
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-Fortune: empress of the world - O Fortune
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-Spring - Spring's cheerful face
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-Spring - The sun rules over all
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-Spring - See the pleasant
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-On the green - Dance
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-On the green - The noble wood is in flower
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-On the green - Shop-keeper: give me colour
-Carl Orff
-Carmina burana
-On the green - Round dance
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-It's all coming back to me now
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-I love you
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-If that's what it takes
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-I don't know
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-River deep: mountain high
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-Your light
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-Call the man
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-Because you loved me
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-Falling into you
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-Make you happy
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-Seduces me
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-All by myself
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-Declaration of love
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-Natural woman
-Celine Dion
-Falling into you
-Dreamin' of you
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Tiny's tempo
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Lover man
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-The gypsy
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-This is always
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Dark shadows
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Bird's nest
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Cool blues
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Donna Lee
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Chasin' the bird
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Billie's bounce
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Little Willie leaps
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Half Nelson
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Slippin' at Bell's
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Bongo bop
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Dewey square
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-The hymn
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Bird of paradise
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Now's the time
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Embraceable you
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Scrapple from the Apple
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-My old flame
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Out of nowhere
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Don't blame me
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Parker's mood
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Thrivin' froma riff
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Moose the Mooche
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-Charlie Parker with Miles Davis
-The Savoy recordings
-A night in Tunisia
-Croí Cróga
-Farewell love
-Fonn Mhárta
-Theme from Harry's game
-Robin (the hooded man)
-In a lifetime
-I will find you
-Something to believe in
-New grange
-A bridge (that carries us over)
-From your heart
-Alasdair MacColla
-Broken pieces
-Tráthnóna Beag Aréir
-Trail of tears
-Dealramh go deo
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Ancestors - Invisible white
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Elks - Destined for the sun
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Naam - Icy row
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Assemble head in sunburst sound - By the ripping green
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Imaad Wasif - Our skulls
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Lecherous gaze - Sold
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Quest for fire - Psychic reasons
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Night horse - Hard to bear
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Jason Simon - Good hope road
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Weird owl - Mountains on top of buried stars
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-Mirror queen - From earth below
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-The main street gospel - Getting through
-Classic Rock
-Tee Pee label sampler
-The fucking wrath - Blank slate
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 10
-Tarja - Anteroom (edit)
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 10
-The windmill - Don't be afraid
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 10
-Also Eden - Seeing red
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 10
-Touchstone - Zinomorph (live)
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 10
-Hawkwind - Prometheus
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 10
-Apocalyptica - At the gates of Manala
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 10
-Talanas - Diaphora
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 10
-Syzygy - Vanitas
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 10
-Jurojin - The equinox
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 10
-Enslaved - Ethica odini
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-Dream Theater - A rite of passage
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-Sine star project - Chinese drag queen
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-Aquaplanage - The sands of time
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-Gazpacho - Tick tock part III
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-Touchstone - Strange days
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-Also Eden - Skimming stones
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-Astra - The river under
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-Pictorial wand - Face of our fathers
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-Agah Bahari - Revolving universe
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-Haken - Black seed
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-The treat - Anger management
-Classic rock
-Prognosis 2
-IQ - Ryker skies
-Classic rock
-The butterfly effect
-Arjen Lucassen - Lost in the new real
-Classic rock
-The butterfly effect
-Coralspin - Songs of the sleeping giants
-Classic rock
-The butterfly effect
-Dead see apes - Rückstoß gondoliere
-Classic rock
-The butterfly effect
-Freedom to glide - Rain (part 1)
-Classic rock
-The butterfly effect
-Indrek Patte - Mount Meggido
-Classic rock
-The butterfly effect
-Jess & The Ancient Ones - Ghost riders
-Classic rock
-The butterfly effect
-Sweet Billy Pilgrim - Archaelogy
-Classic rock
-The butterfly effect
-Ordinary Brainwash - Unbirthday
-Classic rock
-The butterfly effect
-Galahad - Seize the day
-Frigid stars LP
-alternative,debut album
-Frigid stars LP
-alternative,debut album
-Frigid stars LP
-Gravel bed
-alternative,debut album
-Frigid stars LP
-Pickup song
-alternative,debut album
-Frigid stars LP
-New year's
-alternative,debut album
-Frigid stars LP
-Second chance
-alternative,debut album
-Frigid stars LP
-alternative,debut album
-Frigid stars LP
-Cigarette machine
-alternative,debut album
-Frigid stars LP
-Old things
-alternative,debut album
-Frigid stars LP
-3 Angels
-alternative,debut album
-Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
-Life in technicolor
-Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
-Death and all his friends
-Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
-Cemeteries of London
-Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
-Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
-Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
-Lovers in Japan / Reign of love
-Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
-Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
-Viva la Vida
-Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
-Violet hill
-Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
-Strawberry swing
-X & Y
-Square one
-X & Y
-The hardest part
-X & Y
-Swallowed in the sea
-X & Y
-Twisted logic
-X & Y
-Kingdom come
-X & Y
-What if
-X & Y
-White shadows
-X & Y
-Fix you
-X & Y
-X & Y
-X & Y
-X & Y
-Speed of sound
-X & Y
-A message
-X & Y
-Black black black
-Abbey reel - The West Clare reel
-Black black black
-Seacht suailci na maighdine muire
-Black black black
-The humours of Ballyloughlin - Liz Kelly's delight - The Kerry jig - Hardiman the fiddler
-Black black black
-Black black black
-Farewell to Nigg
-Black black black
-The Dunmore lasses - the Dublin reel
-Black black black
-Coleraine town
-Black black black
-Brendan Tonra's jig - the banks of lough Gowna
-Black black black
-Black black black is the colour of my true love's hair
-Black black black
-Willie Taylor
-Black black black
-The return from Fingal - Cathal McConnell's slip jig - Tom Busby's jig
-Come clean
-Chinese burn
-Come clean
-Cotton candy
-Come clean
-Beyond reach
-Come clean
-Come clean
-Come clean
-Come clean
-Coming up roses
-Come clean
-Something familiar
-Come clean
-Dog bone
-Come clean
-Alligators getting up
-Come clean
-Dirty high
-Come clean
-Killer baby
-Come clean
-Come clean
-Forgotten sanity
-Hell above water
-Bleeding heart
-Want more, need less
-Hung up
-Fly with the high
-My tiled white floor
-Trailer Tales
-A piece of work (I'm trying her)
-Trailer Tales
-Rosemary girl
-Trailer Tales
-Her manic frame
-Trailer Tales
-Trailer tales
-Trailer Tales
-It's only love
-Trailer Tales
-Serenades for the lonely
-Trailer Tales
-Equally sympathy
-Trailer Tales
-Pines and grenadine
-Trailer Tales
-Trailer Tales
-Swords and words
-Trailer Tales
-Old school
-Trailer Tales
-David Gilmour
-On an island
-guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-David Gilmour
-On an island
-Where we start
-guitar,rock,guitar hero
-David Gilmour
-On an island
-On an island
-guitar,rock,guitar hero
-David Gilmour
-On an island
-The blue
-guitar,rock,guitar hero
-David Gilmour
-On an island
-Take a breath
-guitar,rock,guitar hero
-David Gilmour
-On an island
-Red sky at night
-instrumental,guitar hero
-David Gilmour
-On an island
-This heaven
-guitar,rock,guitar hero
-David Gilmour
-On an island
-Then I close my eyes
-guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-David Gilmour
-On an island
-guitar,rock,guitar hero
-David Gilmour
-On an island
-A pocketfull of stones
-guitar,rock,guitar hero
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-I surrender
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-Pollen path
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-All of my mother's names
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-Darkest dreaming
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-Dobro #1
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-Midnight sun
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-God man
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-Alphabet angel
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-Krishna blue
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-The shining of things
-David Sylvian
-Dead beas on a cake
-Cafe Europa
-David Sylvian
-Secrets of the beehive
-David Sylvian
-Secrets of the beehive
-Forbidden colours
-David Sylvian
-Secrets of the beehive
-The boy with the gun
-David Sylvian
-Secrets of the beehive
-David Sylvian
-Secrets of the beehive
-David Sylvian
-Secrets of the beehive
-The devil's own
-David Sylvian
-Secrets of the beehive
-When poets dreamed of angels
-David Sylvian
-Secrets of the beehive
-Mother and child
-David Sylvian
-Secrets of the beehive
-Let the happiness in
-David Sylvian
-Secrets of the beehive
-David Sylvian and Robert Fripp
-The first day
-God's monkey
-David Sylvian and Robert Fripp
-The first day
-Jean the birdman
-David Sylvian and Robert Fripp
-The first day
-David Sylvian and Robert Fripp
-The first day
-Brightness falls
-David Sylvian and Robert Fripp
-The first day
-20th century dreaming (A shaman's song)
-David Sylvian and Robert Fripp
-The first day
-Darshan (The road to graceland)
-David Sylvian and Robert Fripp
-The first day
-Bringing down the light
-De Staat
-My bad
-De Staat
-I'll take you
-De Staat
-Down town
-De Staat
-De Staat
-The inevitable end
-De Staat
-All is dull
-De Staat
-Build that, buy that
-De Staat
-Devil's blood
-De Staat
-Witch doctor
-De Staat
-Get it together
-De Staat
-De Staat
-Make way for the passenger
-De Staat
-Input source select
-Dead can dance
-Children of the sun
-Dead can dance
-Dead can dance
-Dead can dance
-Dead can dance
-Dead can dance
-Dead can dance
-Return of the she-king
-Dead can dance
-All in good time
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Black night
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Speed king
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Flight of the rat
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Child in time
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Strange kind of woman
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Demon's eye
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-No one came (1996 remix)
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Highway star (1997 remix)
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Smoke on the water
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Mandrake root
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-When a blind man cries (1997 remix)
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Space truckin' (1997 remix)
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Lazy (live)
-hard rock,live
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Never before (live)
-hard rock,live
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Woman from Tokyo
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Smooth dancer
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Mary Long
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Burn [single edit]
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Might just take your life
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Coronarias Redig
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Hey Joe
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Hold on
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Soldier of fortune
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Mistreated (live)
-hard rock,live
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-You keep on moving
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Love child
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Perfect strangers (live)
-hard rock,live
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Ted the mechanic (live)
-hard rock,live
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Any fule kno that
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Kentucky woman
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Sun goes down
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Wring that neck
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-The bird has flown
-hard rock
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Deep Purple
-The platinum collection
-Life for rent
-White flag
-Life for rent
-This land is mine
-Life for rent
-See the sun
-Life for rent
-Life for rent
-Life for rent
-Life for rent
-Mary's in India
-Life for rent
-See you when you're 40
-Life for rent
-Don't leave home
-Life for rent
-Who makes you feel
-Life for rent
-Sand in my shoes
-Life for rent
-Do you have a little time
-Dirty three
-Horse stories
-1000 Miles
-Dirty three
-Horse stories
-Sue's last ride
-Dirty three
-Horse stories
-Dirty three
-Horse stories
-I remember a time when once you used to love me
-Dirty three
-Horse stories
-At the bar
-Dirty three
-Horse stories
-Dirty three
-Horse stories
-Warren's lament
-Dirty three
-Horse stories
-Dirty three
-Horse stories
-I knew it would come to this
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-Venus (Krezip)
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-Welterusten, meneer de president (De Dijk)
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-De bestemming (Marco Borsato remix) (Ferry Corsten)
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-15 Miljoen mensen (Guus Meeuwis)
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-Zing, vecht, huil, bid, lach, werk en bewonder (Blof)
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-De kleur van je hart (Zwart Wit 2005) (Brainpower)
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-Am I losing you forever? (Trijntje Oosterhuis)
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-Iedereen is van de wereld (Di-Rect)
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-Het werd zomer (Jan Smit)
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-Wat zullen we drinken? (7 dagen lang) (Ali B.)
-Diverse artiesten
-Made in Holland
-De glimlach van een kind (Acda en de Munnik)
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Close to the sky
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Blues for J.T.
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Julie (if you leave me)
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Death zone/whiteout
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Song for Al (Reprise)
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Sea of dreams (Part I)
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Sea of dreams (Part II)
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Voice of the mountain
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Song for Al (instrumental)
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Bali Lament
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Ascent to camp 4
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Can't make up your mind
-Don Airey
-K2 (Tales of Triumph and Tragedy)
-Summit fever
-Some cities
-Some cities
-Some cities
-Sky starts falling
-Some cities
-Some cities
-Black and white town
-Some cities
-Almost forgot myself
-Some cities
-Some cities
-The storm
-Some cities
-Walk in fire
-Some cities
-One of these days
-Some cities
-Someday soon
-Some cities
-Shadows of Salford
-The last broadcast
-The last broadcast
-Last broadcast
-The last broadcast
-The sulphur man
-The last broadcast
-Caught by the river
-The last broadcast
-The last broadcast
-There goes the fear
-The last broadcast
-M62 song
-The last broadcast
-Where we're calling from
-The last broadcast
-The last broadcast
-The last broadcast
-Friday's dust
-The last broadcast
-Over the under
-Three Suns And One Star
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-In the thrall of it all
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-Nothing in return (walk away)
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-Invest in fear
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-The Path
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-I scream
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-On march the saints
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-Never try
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-Beneath the tides
-heavy metal
-Over the under
-His majesty the desert
-heavy metal
-Dream Theater
-A change of seasons
-A change of seasons
-Dream Theater
-A change of seasons
-Funeral for a friend/love lies bleeding
-Dream Theater
-A change of seasons
-Perfect strangers
-Dream Theater
-A change of seasons
-The rover/Achilles last stand/The song remains the same
-Dream Theater
-A change of seasons
-The big medley
-Dream Theater
-A dramatic turn of events
-On the backs of angels
-Dream Theater
-A dramatic turn of events
-Build me up, break me down
-Dream Theater
-A dramatic turn of events
-Lost not forgotten
-Dream Theater
-A dramatic turn of events
-This is the life
-Dream Theater
-A dramatic turn of events
-Bridges in the sky
-Dream Theater
-A dramatic turn of events
-Dream Theater
-A dramatic turn of events
-Far from heaven
-Dream Theater
-A dramatic turn of events
-Breaking all illusions
-Dream Theater
-A dramatic turn of events
-Beneath the surface
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Space-dye vest
-Dream Theater
-Caught in a web
-Dream Theater
-Innocence faded
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-The silent man
-Dream Theater
-The mirror
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Lifting shadows off a dream
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings
-A nightmare to remember
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings
-A rite of passage
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings
-The shattered fortress
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings
-The best of times
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings
-The count of Tuscany
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 1)
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 1)
-Tenement funster / flick of the wrist / lily of the valley
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 1)
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 1)
-Take your fingers from my hair
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 1)
-Larks tongues in aspic pt. 2
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 1)
-To tame a land
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 2)
-A nightmare to remember
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 2)
-A rite of passage
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 2)
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 2)
-The shattered fortress
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 2)
-The best of times
-Dream Theater
-Black clouds & silver linings (bonus disc 2)
-The count of Tuscany
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-False awakening suite
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-The enemy inside
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-The looking glass
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Enigma machine
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-The bigger picture
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Behind the veil
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Surrender to reason
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Along for the ride
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Illumination theory
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-New millenium
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-Anna Lee
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-Trial of tears
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-You not me
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-Peruvian skies
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-Hollow years
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-Burning my soul
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-Hell's kitchen
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-Lines in the sand
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-Take away my pain
-Dream Theater
-Falling into infinity
-Just let me breathe
-Dream Theater
-Images and words
-Pull me under
-Dream Theater
-Images and words
-Another day
-Dream Theater
-Images and words
-Take the time
-Dream Theater
-Images and words
-Dream Theater
-Images and words
-Metropolis (Part I) (The miracle and the sleeper)
-Dream Theater
-Images and words
-Under a glass moon
-Dream Theater
-Images and words
-Wait for sleep
-Dream Theater
-Images and words
-Learning to live
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-As I am
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-New millenium
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Keyboard solo
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Only a matter of time
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Goodnight kiss
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Solitary shell
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Stream of consciousness
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Pull me under
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-In the name of God
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-This dying soul
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Beyond this life
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Hollow years
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-War inside my head
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-The test that stumped them all
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Endless sacrifice
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Dream Theater
-Live at Budokan
-Trial of tears
-Dream Theater
-The root of all evil
-Dream Theater
-The answer lies within
-Dream Theater
-These walls
-Dream Theater
-I walk beside you
-Dream Theater
-Panic attack
-Dream Theater
-Never enough
-Dream Theater
-Sacrified sons
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-A change of seasons I: the crimson sunrise
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-A change of seasons IV: the darkest of winters
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Ytse jam
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Mike Portnoy drum solo
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Trial of tears
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Hollow years
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Take away my pain
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Caught in a web
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Peruvian skies
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-John Petrucci guitar solo
-progressive,metal,live,solo,guitar,guitar hero
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-A change of seasons II: innocence
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Pull me under
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Learning to live
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-A change of seasons VII: the crimson sunset
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Puppies on acid
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Just let me breathe
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Take the time
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Derek Sherinian piano solo
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Lines in the sand
-Dream Theater
-Once in a livetime
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 1: Regression
-progressive,metal,radio play
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 7: II. One last time
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 8: The spirit carries on
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 9: Finally free
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 2: I. Overture 1928
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 2: II. Strange deja vu
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 3: I. Through my words
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 3: II. Fatal tragedy
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 4: Beyond this life
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 5: Through her eyes
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 6: Home
-Dream Theater
-Scenes from a memory
-Scene 7: I. The dance of eternity
-Dream Theater
-The root of all evil
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-The answer lies within
-Dream Theater
-Sacrificed sons
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-I walk beside you
-Dream Theater
-Another won
-Dream Theater
-Dream Theater
-Under a glass moon
-Dream Theater
-Innocence faded
-Dream Theater
-Raise the knife
-Dream Theater
-The spirit carries on
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-The glass prison
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-Goodnight kiss (Six degrees of inner turbulence)
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-Solitary shell (Six degrees of inner turbulence)
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-About to crash - reprise (Six degrees of inner turbulence)
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-Losing time/grand finale (Six degrees of inner turbulence)
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-Blind faith
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-The great debate
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-Overture (Six degrees of inner turbulence)
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-About to crash (Six degrees of inner turbulence)
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-War inside my head (Six degrees of inner turbulence)
-Dream Theater
-Six degrees of inner turbulence
-The test that stumped them all (Six degrees of inner turbulence)
-Dream Theater
-Systematic Chaos
-In The Presence Of Enemies Pt. 1: 1. Prelude / 2. Resurrection
-Dream Theater
-Systematic Chaos
-Dream Theater
-Systematic Chaos
-Constant motion
-Dream Theater
-Systematic Chaos
-The dark eternal night
-Dream Theater
-Systematic Chaos
-Repentance: VIII. Regret / IX. Restitution
-Dream Theater
-Systematic Chaos
-Prophets of war
-Dream Theater
-Systematic Chaos
-The Ministry Of Lost Souls
-Dream Theater
-Systematic Chaos
-In The Presence Of Enemies Pt. 2: III. Heretic / IV. The Slaughter of the Damne
-Dream Theater
-Train of thought
-As I am
-Dream Theater
-Train of thought
-This dying soul
-Dream Theater
-Train of thought
-Endless sacrifice
-Dream Theater
-Train of thought
-Honor thy father
-Dream Theater
-Train of thought
-Dream Theater
-Train of thought
-Stream of conciousness
-Dream Theater
-Train of thought
-In the name of God
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Hang 'em high
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Sunday hardcore matinee
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Peg o' my heart
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-The Irish rover
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Going out in style
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-The hardest mile
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Memorial day
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Climbing a chair to bed
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Broken hymns
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Deeds not words
-Dropkick Murphys
-Going out in style
-Take 'em down
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Hang 'em high
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Take 'em down
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Devil's brigade
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Boys on the docks
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-The dirty glass
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-The state of Massachusetts
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Kiss me, I'm shitfaced
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Time to go
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-I'm shipping up to Boston
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Sunday hardcore matinee
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Deeds not words
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Going out in style
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-The Irish rover
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Peg o' my heart
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Dropkick Murphys
-Live at Fenway
-Climbing a chair to bed
-An end has a start
-Smokers outside the hospital doors
-An end has a start
-Well worn hand
-An end has a start
-An end has a start
-An end has a start
-The weight of this world
-An end has a start
-An end has a start
-When anger shows
-An end has a start
-The racing rats
-An end has a start
-Push your head towards the air
-An end has a start
-Escape the nest
-An end has a start
-In this light and on this evening
-In this light and on this evening
-In this light and on this evening
-Bricks and mortar
-In this light and on this evening
-In this light and on this evening
-You don't know love
-In this light and on this evening
-The big exit
-In this light and on this evening
-The boxer
-In this light and on this evening
-Like treasure
-In this light and on this evening
-Eat raw meat = blood drool
-In this light and on this evening
-Walk the fleet road
-In this light and on this evening - cuttings II
-This house is full of noise
-In this light and on this evening - cuttings II
-I want a forest
-In this light and on this evening - cuttings II
-A life as a ghost
-In this light and on this evening - cuttings II
-In this light and on this evening - cuttings II
-For the money
-The back room
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The back room
-Open your arms
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The back room
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The back room
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The back room
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The back room
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The back room
-All sparks
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The back room
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The back room
-Fingers in the factories
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The back room
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The back room
-Someone says
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The weight of your love
-The weight
-The weight of your love
-The phone book
-The weight of your love
-Bird of prey
-The weight of your love
-The weight of your love
-A ton of love
-The weight of your love
-What is this thing called love
-The weight of your love
-The weight of your love
-The weight of your love
-The weight of your love
-The weight of your love
-Two hearted spider
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Peer Gynt Suite Nr.1 - Morgenstimmung
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Pelléas et Mélisande - Mélisande
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Pelléas et Mélisande - Am Meer
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Pelléas et Mélisande - Am Wunderborn im Park
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Pelléas et Mélisande - Die drei blinden Schwestern
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Pelléas et Mélisande - Pastorale
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Pelléas et Mélisande - Mélisande am Rocken
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Pelléas et Mélisande - Zwischenaktmusik
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Pelléas et Mélisande - Mélisandes tod
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Peer Gynt Suite Nr.1 - Åses tod
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Peer Gynt Suite Nr.1 - Anitras Tanz
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Peer Gynt Suite Nr.1 - In der Halle des Bergkönigs
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Peer Gynt Suite No.2 - Der Brautraub
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Peer Gynt Suite No.2 - Arabischer Tanz
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Peer Gynt Suite No.2 - Peer Gynts Heimkehr
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Peer Gynt Suite No.2 - Solvejgs Lied
-Edvard Grieg & Jean Sibelius
-Peer Gynt Suites/Pelléas et Mélisande
-Pelléas et Mélisande - Am Schlosstor
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-Zero is also a number
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-This aching isolation
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-The motives of the machine
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-The fire around the lotus
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-Non sum qualis eram
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-Creatio ex nihilio
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-In times of silence
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-For your glory, great deceiver
-Enochian theory
-Life... and all it entails
-Nisi credideritis, non intelligetis
-Donny X
-Not enuff love
-We come 1
-Crazy english summer
-Muhammed Ali
-Machines r us
-One step too far
-Giving myself away
-The bad in each other
-Cicadas and gulls
-Comfort me
-Get it wrong, get it right
-Caught a long wind
-How come you never go there
-A commotion
-The circle married the line
-Bittersweet melodies
-Undiscovered first
-Internal exile (a collection of a boys own stories)
-Internal exile (a collection of a boys own stories)
-Internal exile (a collection of a boys own stories)
-Just good friends (close)
-Internal exile (a collection of a boys own stories)
-Favourite stranger
-Internal exile (a collection of a boys own stories)
-Internal exile (a collection of a boys own stories)
-Dear friend
-Internal exile (a collection of a boys own stories)
-Internal exile (a collection of a boys own stories)
-Internal exile
-Internal exile (a collection of a boys own stories)
-Something in the air
-Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
-Big wedge
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
-State of mind
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
-The company
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
-A gentleman's excuse me
-progressive,rock,debut album,tranquil,ballad
-Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
-The voyeur (I like to watch)
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
-Family business
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
-View from the hill
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
-progressive,rock,debut album,ballad
-Focus III
-Round goes the gossip
-Focus III
-Love remembered
-Focus III
-Focus III
-Carnival fugue
-Focus III
-Focus III
-Focus III
-Answers? Questions! Questions? Answers!
-Focus III
-Elspeth of Nottingham
-Focus III
-Anonymous two
-Hamburger Concerto
-Delitae Musicae
-Hamburger Concerto
-Harem Scarem
-Hamburger Concerto
-La Cathédrale de Strasbourg
-Hamburger Concerto
-Hamburger Concerto
-Hamburger Concerto
-Hamburger Concerto
-Early birth
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-The talisman
-hard rock,instrumental
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-Black night/strange kind of woman
-hard rock
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-I lose again
-hard rock
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-Year of the dragon
-hard rock
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-Tired of waiting for you
-hard rock
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-hard rock
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-Good is good
-hard rock
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-hard rock
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-Without your love
-hard rock
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-I lose again
-hard rock
-Forcefield II
-The Talisman
-The mercenary
-hard rock,instrumental,drum
-Friends of Dean Martinez
-Lost horizon
-Friends of Dean Martinez
-Lost horizon
-Friends of Dean Martinez
-Lost horizon
-Heart of darkness
-Friends of Dean Martinez
-Lost horizon
-Somewhere over the waves
-Friends of Dean Martinez
-Lost horizon
-All in the golden afternoon
-Friends of Dean Martinez
-Lost horizon
-Two hundred miles
-Friends of Dean Martinez
-Lost horizon
-Hidden out of sight
-Friends of Dean Martinez
-Lost horizon
-Friends of Dean Martinez
-Lost horizon
-When the heart rules the mind
-progressive,rock,debut album
-progressive,rock,debut album
-The hunter
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Here I wait
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Sketches in the sun
-progressive,rock,instrumental,guitar,guitar hero,debut album
-Jekyll and Hide
-progressive,rock,debut album
-You can still get through
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Reach out (never say no)
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Toe the line
-progressive,rock,ballad,debut album
-Hackett to bits
-progressive,rock,instrumental,guitar,debut album
-Perrenette Gandillion
-Covent garden
-gothic,metal,female fronted,debut album
-Perrenette Gandillion
-gothic,metal,female fronted,debut album
-Perrenette Gandillion
-gothic,metal,female fronted,debut album
-Perrenette Gandillion
-...of many shapes
-gothic,metal,female fronted,debut album
-Perrenette Gandillion
-Escape to madness
-gothic,metal,female fronted,debut album
-Perrenette Gandillion
-gothic,metal,female fronted,debut album
-Perrenette Gandillion
-The hunt
-gothic,metal,female fronted,debut album
-Perrenette Gandillion
-To be, to ashes, to dust
-gothic,metal,female fronted,debut album
-Perrenette Gandillion
-...of many shapes (reprise)
-gothic,metal,female fronted,instrumental,debut album
-My lover's box
-Fix me now
-Only happy when it rains
-As heaven is wide
-Not my idea
-A stroke of luck
-Stupid girl
-Dog new tricks
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-Cold day in hell
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-The hurt inside
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-Nothing's the same
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-Don't you lie to me (I get evil)
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-Story of the blues
-blues,rock,guitar hero,tranquil
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-Since I met you baby
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-Separate ways
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-Only fool in town
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-Key to love
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-Jumpin' at shadows
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-After hours
-The blues is alright
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Run for cover
-Run for cover
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Run for cover
-Listen to your heartbeat
-hard rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Run for cover
-Reach for the sky
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Run for cover
-Military man
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Run for cover
-Empty rooms
-hard rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Run for cover
-Out of my system
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Run for cover
-Out in the fields
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Run for cover
-Nothing to lose
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Run for cover
-Once in a lifetime
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Run for cover
-All messed up
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-Moving on
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-That kind of woman
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-All your love
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-Stop messin' around
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-Oh pretty woman
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-Walking by myself
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-Still got the blues
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-Texas strut
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-Too tired
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-King of the blues
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-As the years go passing by
-blues,rock,guitar hero,tranquil
-Gary Moore
-Still got the blues
-Midnight blues
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-Over the hills and far away
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-Over the hills and far away (12" version)
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-Crying in the shadows
-hard rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-Wild frontier
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-Take a little time
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-The loner
-hard rock,instrumental,guitar,ballad,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-Wild frontier (12" version)
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-Friday on my mind
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-Strangers in the darkness
-hard rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-Thunder rising
-hard rock,guitar hero
-Gary Moore
-Wild frontier
-Johnny boy
-hard rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Tick tock
-Desert flight
-Tick tock
-The walk (part I)
-Tick tock
-The walk (part II)
-Tick tock
-Tick tock (part I)
-Tick tock
-Tick tock (part II)
-Tick tock
-Tick tock (part III)
-Tick tock
-Winter is never
-Watcher of the skies
-Time table
-Get 'em out by friday
-Can - utility and the coastliners
-Supper's ready
-Selling England by the pound
-Dancing with the moonlight knight
-Selling England by the pound
-I know what I like (in your wardrobe)
-Selling England by the pound
-Firth of Fifth
-Selling England by the pound
-More fool me
-Selling England by the pound
-The battle of Epping Forest
-Selling England by the pound
-After the ordeal
-Selling England by the pound
-The cinema show
-Selling England by the pound
-Aisle of plenty
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Carpet crawl
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The chamber of 32 doors
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Lilywhite Lilith
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The waiting room
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Here comes the supernatural anaesthetist
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The lamia
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Silent sorrow in empty boats
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The colony of slipperman
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Fly on a windshield
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The light dies down on Broadway
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Riding the scree
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-In the rapids
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Broadway melody of 1974
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Cuckoo cocoon
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-In the cage
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-The grand parade of lifeless packaging
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Back in N.Y.C.
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Hairless heart
-The lamb lies down on Broadway
-Counting out time
-Gentle Giant
-The advent of Panurge
-Gentle Giant
-Raconteur: troubadour
-Gentle Giant
-A cry for everyone
-Gentle Giant
-Gentle Giant
-The boys in the band
-Gentle Giant
-Dog's life
-Gentle Giant
-Think of me with kindness
-Gentle Giant
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Ouverture
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Allegro
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Alla Hornpipe
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Menuet
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Rigaudon
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Lentement
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Bourrée
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Menuet
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Allegro
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Coro: Menuet
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Music for the royal fireworks - Ouverture
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Adagio e staccato
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Music for the royal fireworks - Bourrée
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Music for the royal fireworks - La Paix
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Music for the royal fireworks - La Réjouissance
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Music for the royal fireworks - Menuet I
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Music for the royal fireworks - Menuet II
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Andante
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Allegro
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Air
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Menuet
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Bourrée
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Hornpipe
-Georg Friedrich Händel
-Water music - Allegretto
-George Gershwin
-Piano Concerto in F - (i) Allegro
-modern classic,american,piano
-George Gershwin
-Piano Concerto in F - (ii) Andante con moto - Adagio
-modern classic,american,piano
-George Gershwin
-Piano Concerto in F - (iii) Allegro agitato
-modern classic,american,piano
-George Gershwin
-An American in Paris
-modern classic,american
-George Gershwin
-Rhapsody in blue
-modern classic,american
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-intro,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-Cash and carry me home
-hip hop,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-Garden path
-hip hop,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-hip hop,electronica,rock,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-Run run run
-hip hop,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-Us against whatever ever
-hip hop,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-Finished I ain't
-hip hop,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-Longing for the night
-hip hop,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-Yeah pause
-hip hop,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-I just don't know
-hip hop,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-Survive it
-hip hop,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Peanut butter blues & melancholy jam
-hip hop,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Ooh la la
-Time out from the world
-Number 1
-Lovely 2 C U
-Ride a white horse
-You never know
-Let it take you
-Fly me away
-Slide in
-Satin chic
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Fair touching
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Glad girls
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Run wild
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Pivotal film
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-How's my drinking?
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-The brides have hit glass
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Fine to see you
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Skills like this
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Chasing heather crazy
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Twilight campfighter
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Sister I need wine
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Want one?
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-The enemy
-Guided by voices
-Isolation drills
-Gustav Holst and Györgi Ligeti
-The planets/Lux aeterna
-The planets - Mars: the bringer of war
-Gustav Holst and Györgi Ligeti
-The planets/Lux aeterna
-The planets - Venus: the bringer of peace
-Gustav Holst and Györgi Ligeti
-The planets/Lux aeterna
-The planets - Mercury: the winged messenger
-Gustav Holst and Györgi Ligeti
-The planets/Lux aeterna
-The planets - Jupiter: the bringer of jollity
-Gustav Holst and Györgi Ligeti
-The planets/Lux aeterna
-The planets - Saturn: the bringer of old age
-Gustav Holst and Györgi Ligeti
-The planets/Lux aeterna
-The planets - Uranus: the magician
-Gustav Holst and Györgi Ligeti
-The planets/Lux aeterna
-The planets - Neptune: the mystic
-Gustav Holst and Györgi Ligeti
-The planets/Lux aeterna
-Lux aeterna
-Gustav Mahler
-Symphony No.5
-(i) Trauermarsch. In gemessenem Schritt. Streng. Wie ein Kondukt.
-Gustav Mahler
-Symphony No.5
-(ii) Sturmisch bewegt, mit grosster Vehemenz
-Gustav Mahler
-Symphony No.5
-(iii) Scherzo
-Gustav Mahler
-Symphony No.5
-(iv) Adagietto
-Gustav Mahler
-Symphony No.5
-(v) Rondo-Finale: Allegro
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-Pharoah's treasures
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-High energy
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-Blue clown
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-The time is right
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-Indian summer
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-A touch of Brazil
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-Summer's end
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-Juicy fruit
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-Water colors
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-Dragon's tooth
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-Hot line & Darryl Kennedy
-Lazy walker
-Are you sitting comfortably?
-War heroes
-Are you sitting comfortably?
-Drive on
-Are you sitting comfortably?
-Are you sitting comfortably?
-Falling apart at the seams
-Are you sitting comfortably?
-Sold on you
-Are you sitting comfortably?
-Through my fingers
-Are you sitting comfortably?
-Are you sitting comfortably?
-Nothing at all
-Dark matter
-Sacred sound
-Dark matter
-Red dust shadow
-Dark matter
-You never will
-Dark matter
-Born brilliant
-Dark matter
-Harvest of souls
-No love lost
-No love lost
-Promises (as the years go by)
-Still life
-Passing strangers
-Human nature
-Common ground
-The sense in sanity
-State of mine
-Laid low
-The other side
-Unsolid ground
-Somewhere in time
-High waters
-The narrow margin
-Sleepless incidental
-Speak my name
-Tunnel vision
-Infernal chorus
-King of fools
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The firebird (i) - The firebird and its dance
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (iv) - Spring round dances
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (v) - Games of the rival tribes / Procession of the wise elder / Adoration of the earth - the wise elder
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (vi) - Dance of the earth
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (vii) - introduction part 2
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (viii) - Mystical circles of the young girls
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (ix) - Glorification of the chosen victim / Summoning of the ancestors
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (x) - Ritual of the ancestors
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (xi) - Sacrificial dance / The chosen victim
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The firebird (ii) - Variation of the firebird
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The firebird (iii) - The princesses' round
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The firebird (iv) - Infernal dance of king Kashchei
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The firebird (v) - Lullaby
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The firebird (vi) - Finale
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (i) - Introduction
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (ii) - The augurs of spring / Dance of the young girls
-Igor Strawinsky
-L'oiseau de Feu / Le Sacre du Printemps
-The rite of spring (iii) - Mock abduction
-Open sky
-Woven cord
-Open sky
-Songs of ascent (part III)
-Open sky
-Friendship's door
-Open sky
-Wave after wave
-Open sky
-Open sky
-Open sky
-Open sky
-A million stars
-Open sky
-Light reflected
-Open sky
-Open sky
-Songs of ascent (part I)
-Open sky
-Songs of ascent (part II)
-Iron maiden
-The number of the beast
-heavy metal
-Iron maiden
-The number of the beast
-Children of the damned
-heavy metal
-Iron maiden
-The number of the beast
-The prisoner
-heavy metal
-Iron maiden
-The number of the beast
-22 Acacia avenue
-heavy metal
-Iron maiden
-The number of the beast
-The number of the beast
-heavy metal
-Iron maiden
-The number of the beast
-Run to the hills
-heavy metal
-Iron maiden
-The number of the beast
-heavy metal
-Iron maiden
-The number of the beast
-Total eclipse
-heavy metal
-Iron maiden
-The number of the beast
-Hallowed be thy name
-heavy metal
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-In too deep
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-James LaBrie
-Elements of persuasion
-Slightly out of reach
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-One more time
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-This is war
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-Coming home
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-Jekyll or Hyde (demo)
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-Coming home (acoustic mix)
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-Jekyll or Hyde
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-Over the edge
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-I need you
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-Who you think I am
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-I tried
-heavy metal,rock
-James LaBrie
-Static Impulse
-Just watch me
-heavy metal,rock
-Jan Akkerman
-My pleasure
-guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Jan Akkerman
-Just because: so!
-guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Jan Akkerman
-Lost & found
-guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Jan Akkerman
-guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Jan Akkerman
-Winterborn: lyric
-guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Jan Akkerman
-Lonely street of dreams
-guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Jan Akkerman
-guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Jean Sibelius
-Finlandia/Karelia suite
-Finlandia (Op.26)
-Jean Sibelius
-Finlandia/Karelia suite
-Karelia Suite - Intermezzo
-Jean Sibelius
-Finlandia/Karelia suite
-Karelia Suite - Ballade
-Jean Sibelius
-Finlandia/Karelia suite
-Karelia Suite - Alla marcia
-Jean Sibelius
-Finlandia/Karelia suite
-Lemminkäinen Suite
-Jean Sibelius
-Finlandia/Karelia suite
-Pohjola's daughter (Op.49)
-Jean Sibelius
-Finlandia/Karelia suite
-The swan of Tuonela (Op.22 No.3)
-Jean Sibelius
-Finlandia/Karelia suite
-Valse triste (Op.26)
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (1 van 3)
-Symphonie No.1 in E minor, op.39 - Andante - Allegro energico
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (1 van 3)
-Symphonie No.1 in E minor, op.39 - Andante
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (1 van 3)
-Symphonie No.1 in E minor, op.39 - Scherzo: Allegro
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (1 van 3)
-Symphonie No.1 in E minor, op.39 - Finale
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (1 van 3)
-Symphonie No.4 in A minor, op.63 - Tempo molto moderato, quasi adagio
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (1 van 3)
-Symphonie No.4 in A minor, op.63 - Allegro molto vivace
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (1 van 3)
-Symphonie No.4 in A minor, op.63 - Il tempo largo
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (1 van 3)
-Symphonie No.4 in A minor, op.63 - Allegro
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (2 van 3)
-Symphonie No.2 in D major, op.43 - Allegretto
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (2 van 3)
-Symphonie No.2 in D major, op.43 - Tempo andante
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (2 van 3)
-Symphonie No.2 in D major, op.43 - Vivacissimo
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (2 van 3)
-Symphonie No.2 in D major, op.43 - Allegro moderato
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (2 van 3)
-Symphonie No.3 in C major, op.52 - Allegro moderato
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (2 van 3)
-Symphonie No.3 in C major, op.52 - Andantino con moto, quasi allegretto
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (2 van 3)
-Symphonie No.3 in C major, op.52 - Moderato - Allegro (ma non tanto)
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (3 van 3)
-Symphonie No.5 in E flat major, op.82 - Tempo molto moderato
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (3 van 3)
-Symphonie No.5 in E flat major, op.82 - Andante mosso, quasi allegretto
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (3 van 3)
-Symphonie No.5 in E flat major, op.82 - Allegro molto
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (3 van 3)
-Symphonie No.6 in D minor, op.104 - Allegro molto moderato
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (3 van 3)
-Symphonie No.6 in D minor, op.104 - Allegro moderato
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (3 van 3)
-Symphonie No.6 in D minor, op.104 - Poco vivace
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (3 van 3)
-Symphonie No.6 in D minor, op.104 - Allegro molto
-Jean Sibelius
-The symphonies (3 van 3)
-Symphonie No.7 in C major, op.105
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Hey Joe
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Stone free
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Highway chile
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Manic depression
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Long hot summer night
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Cross town traffic
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-51st amniversary
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Let me light your fire
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Purple haze
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-The wind cries Mary
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Foxy lady
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Gypsy eyes
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-All along the watchtower
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Voodoo chile
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Jimi Hendrix
-All the hits
-Burning of the midnight lamp
-rock,guitar,psychedelic,blues,guitar hero
-Joan As Police Woman
-The deep field
-Joan As Police Woman
-The deep field
-I was everyone
-Joan As Police Woman
-The deep field
-The magic
-Joan As Police Woman
-The deep field
-The action man
-Joan As Police Woman
-The deep field
-Joan As Police Woman
-The deep field
-Run for love
-Joan As Police Woman
-The deep field
-Human condition
-Joan As Police Woman
-The deep field
-Kiss the specifics
-Joan As Police Woman
-The deep field
-Joan As Police Woman
-The deep field
-Forever and a year
-Joaquín Rodrigo
-Concierto de Aranjuez
-Concierto de Aranjuez - Allegro con spirito
-Joaquín Rodrigo
-Concierto de Aranjuez
-Concierto de Aranjuez - Adagio
-Joaquín Rodrigo
-Concierto de Aranjuez
-Concierto de Aranjuez - Allegro gentile
-Joaquín Rodrigo
-Concierto de Aranjuez
-Fantasía para un gentilhombre - Villany y Recercare
-Joaquín Rodrigo
-Concierto de Aranjuez
-Fantasía para un gentilhombre - Españoleta y fanfare de la cabellería de Nápoles
-Joaquín Rodrigo
-Concierto de Aranjuez
-Fantasía para un gentilhombre - Danza de las hachas
-Joaquín Rodrigo
-Concierto de Aranjuez
-Fantasía para un gentilhombre - Canario
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Steal your heart away
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Look over yonder's wall
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Athens to Athens
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Blue and evil
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Baby you gotta change your mind
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-I know a place
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-When the fire hits the sea
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Quarryman's lament
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Spanish boots
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Bird on a wire
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Three times a fool
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Night life
-Joe Bonamassa
-Black rock
-Wandering earth
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-Dislocated boy
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-Somewhere trouble don't go
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-Too much ain't enough love
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-Stones in my passway
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-Driving towards the daylight
-rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-Who's been talking
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-I got all you need
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-A place in my heart
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-Lonely town lonely street
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-Heavenly soul
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Driving towards the daylight
-New coat of paint
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-Slow train
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-The whale that swallowed Jonah
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-Sweet Rowena
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-Dust bowl
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-Tennessee plates
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-The meaning of the blues
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-Black lung heartache
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-You better watch yourself
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-The last matador of Bayonne
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Bonamassa
-Dust bowl
-No love on the street
-blues,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-Wind in the trees
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-God is crying
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-Dream song
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-Pyrrhic victoria
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-Light years away
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-Littleworth lane
-metal,guitar,instrumental,blues,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-The golden room
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-Two sides to every story
-metal,guitar,instrumental,jazz,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Blacks swans and wormhole wizards
-Wormhole wizards
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-Up in the sky
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-Secret prayer
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-A train of angels
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-A piece of liquid
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-Psycho monkey
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-Z.Z.'s song
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-House full of bullets
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-Crystal planet
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-Love thing
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-Lights of heaven
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-Raspberry jam delta-v
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Crystal planet
-With Jupiter in mind
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-Devil's slide
-metal,guitar,electronica,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-Slow and easy
-metal,guitar,electronica,tranquil,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-Engines of creation
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-Flavor crystal 7
-metal,guitar,electronica,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-Borg sex
-metal,guitar,electronica,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-Until we say goodbye
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-metal,guitar,instrumental,blues,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-Clouds race across the sky
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-The power cosmic 2000 - part I
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Engines of creation
-The power cosmic 2000 - part II
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-Flying in a blue dream
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-The phone call
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-Day at the beach (new rays from an ancient sun)
-metal,guitar,tranquil,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-Back to Shalla-Bal
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-The forgotten (Part I)
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-The forgotten (Part II)
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-The bells of Lal (Part I)
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-The bells of Lal (Part II)
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-Into the light
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-The mystical potato head groove thing
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-Can't slow down
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-I believe
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-One big rush
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-Big bad moon
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Flying in a blue dream
-The feeling
-metal,guitar,instrumental,blues,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-metal,guitar,instrumental,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-Up in flames
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-Hands in the air
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-Is there love in space?
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-If I could fly
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-The souls of distortion
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-Just look up
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Is there love in space?
-I like the rain
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-Cool #9
-metal,guitar,jazz,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-Slow down blues
-metal,guitar,blues,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-(You're) my world
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-Sittin' 'round
-metal,guitar,blues,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-Down: down: down
-metal,guitar,blues,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-Luminous flesh giants
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-metal,guitar,blues,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-Look my way
-metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-Moroccan sunset
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Joe Satriani
-Killer bee bop
-metal,guitar,jazz,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Not of this earth
-Not of this earth
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,debut album,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Not of this earth
-The headless horseman
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,debut album,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Not of this earth
-The snake
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,debut album,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Not of this earth
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,debut album,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Not of this earth
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,debut album,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Not of this earth
-Brother John
-metal,guitar,instrumental,blues,debut album,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Not of this earth
-The enigmatic
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,debut album,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Not of this earth
-Driving at night
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,debut album,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Not of this earth
-Hordes of locusts
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,debut album,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Not of this earth
-New day
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,debut album,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Professor Satchafunkilus and the musterion of rock
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Professor Satchafunkilus and the musterion of rock
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,spanish,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Professor Satchafunkilus and the musterion of rock
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Professor Satchafunkilus and the musterion of rock
-I just wanna rock
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Professor Satchafunkilus and the musterion of rock
-Professor Satchafunkilus
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Professor Satchafunkilus and the musterion of rock
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Professor Satchafunkilus and the musterion of rock
-Come on baby
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Professor Satchafunkilus and the musterion of rock
-Out of the sunrise
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Professor Satchafunkilus and the musterion of rock
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,experimental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Professor Satchafunkilus and the musterion of rock
-Asik Vaysel
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-Oriental melody
-metal,guitar,instrumental,middle east,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-Seven string
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-Hill groove
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-The journey
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-The traveler
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-You saved my life
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-Belly dancer
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-Starry night
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-Chords of life
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-Mind storm
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-Sleep walk
-metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-New last jam
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-Mountain song
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Strange beautiful music
-What breaks a heart
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-Super colossal
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-Theme for a strange world
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-Movin' on
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-A love eternal
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-Crowd chant
-metal,guitar,live,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-Just like lightnin'
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,blues,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-It's so good
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-Redshift riders
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-Ten words
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-A cool new way
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-One robot's dream
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-The meaning of love
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Super colossal
-Made of tears
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Surfing with the alien
-Surfing with the alien
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Surfing with the alien
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Surfing with the alien
-Ice nine
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Surfing with the alien
-Crushing day
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Surfing with the alien
-Always with me, always with you
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Surfing with the alien
-Satch boogie
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Surfing with the alien
-Hill of the skulls
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Surfing with the alien
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Surfing with the alien
-Lords of Karma
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Surfing with the alien
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-The extremist
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-The extremist
-New blues
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-The extremist
-The extremist
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-The extremist
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-The extremist
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-The extremist
-Rubina's blue sky happiness
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-The extremist
-Summer song
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-The extremist
-Tears in the rain
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-The extremist
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-The extremist
-Motorcycle driver
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Time machine
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Banana mango
-metal,guitar,instrumental,experimental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Dreaming #II
-metal,guitar,instrumental,experimental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-I am become death
-metal,guitar,instrumental,experimental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Saying goodbye
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Woodstock jam
-metal,guitar,experimental,jazz,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Satch boogie
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Summer song
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Flying in a blue dream
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-The crush of love
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-The mighty turtle head
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Tears in the rain
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Always with me: always with you
-metal,guitar,live,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Big bad moon
-metal,guitar,live,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Surfing with the alien
-metal,guitar,live,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-metal,guitar,live,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-metal,guitar,live,rock,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Drum solo
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Lords of Karma
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-All alone
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,ballad,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Banana mango II
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Thinking of you
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Speed of light
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-metal,guitar,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Time machine
-Dweller on the threshold
-metal,guitar,instrumental,rock,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-Unstoppable momentum
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-The weight of the world
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-A celebration
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-Can't go back
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-Lies and truths
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-Three sheets to the wind
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-I'll put a stone on your cairn
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-A door into summer
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-Shine on American dreamer
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-Jumpin' in
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani
-Unstoppable momentum
-Jumpin' out
-metal,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-Cool No9
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-Going down
-metal,guitar,live,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-My guitar wants to kill your mama
-metal,guitar,live,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-Red house
-metal,guitar,live,blues,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-Flying in a blue dream
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-Summer song
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-Camel's night out
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-For the love of God
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai
-G3 Live in concert
-The attitude song
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-The extremist
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-Trilogy suite op.5 the first movement
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-Red house
-metal,guitar,live,blues,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-Fugue (concerto suite for electric guitar and orchestra in E flat minor op.1)
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-Voodoo chile (slight return)
-metal,guitar,live,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-Little wing
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-Rockin' in the free world
-metal,guitar,live,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-Crystal planet
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-Always with me, always with you
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-The mystical potato head groove thing
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-You're here
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-Whispering a prayer
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen
-G3 Live Rockin' in the free world
-metal,guitar,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Tumble and fall
-Time and time again
-I mean I guess
-Day is done
-I feel fine
-Paper planes
-Save game
-How does it feel
-Johan de Meij & Jerry Bilik
-The lord of the rings
-The lord of the rings - Gandalf (the wizard)
-classic,wind band
-Johan de Meij & Jerry Bilik
-The lord of the rings
-The lord of the rings - Lotlórien (the elvenwood)
-classic,wind band
-Johan de Meij & Jerry Bilik
-The lord of the rings
-The lord of the rings - Gollum (Sméagol)
-classic,wind band
-Johan de Meij & Jerry Bilik
-The lord of the rings
-The lord of the rings - Journey in the dark
-classic,wind band
-Johan de Meij & Jerry Bilik
-The lord of the rings
-The lord of the rings - Hobbits
-classic,wind band
-Johan de Meij & Jerry Bilik
-The lord of the rings
-Symphony for band - Allegro vivace
-classic,wind band
-Johan de Meij & Jerry Bilik
-The lord of the rings
-Symphony for band - Andante
-classic,wind band
-Johan de Meij & Jerry Bilik
-The lord of the rings
-Symphony for band - Andante maestoso, allegro ritmico
-classic,wind band
-Johann Sebastian Bach
-Brandenburg concertos Nos. 1, 2 & 3
-Concerto No.1 in F Major (BWV 1046)
-Johann Sebastian Bach
-Brandenburg concertos Nos. 1, 2 & 3
-Concerto No.2 in F Major (BWV 1047)
-Johann Sebastian Bach
-Brandenburg concertos Nos. 1, 2 & 3
-Concerto No.3 in G Major (BWV 1048)
-Johann Sebastian Bach
-Brandenburg concertos Nos. 4, 5 & 6
-Concerto No.4 in G Major (BWV 1049)
-Johann Sebastian Bach
-Brandenburg concertos Nos. 4, 5 & 6
-Concerto No.5 in D Major (BWV 1050)
-Johann Sebastian Bach
-Brandenburg concertos Nos. 4, 5 & 6
-Concerto No.6 in B Flat Major (BWV 1051)
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Friday night in San Francisco
-Mediterranean sundance
-guitar,jazz,live,guitar hero,instrumental,debut album
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Friday night in San Francisco
-Short tales of the black forest
-guitar,jazz,live,guitar hero,instrumental,debut album
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Friday night in San Francisco
-Frevo Rasgado
-guitar,jazz,live,guitar hero,instrumental,debut album
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Friday night in San Francisco
-Fantasia suite
-guitar,jazz,live,guitar hero,instrumental,debut album
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Friday night in San Francisco
-Guardian angel
-guitar,jazz,live,guitar hero,instrumental,debut album
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Passion, grace and fire
-guitar,jazz,guitar hero,instrumental
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Passion, grace and fire
-Orient blue
-guitar,jazz,guitar hero,instrumental
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Passion, grace and fire
-guitar,jazz,guitar hero,instrumental
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Passion, grace and fire
-guitar,jazz,guitar hero,instrumental
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Passion, grace and fire
-guitar,jazz,guitar hero,instrumental
-John McLaughlin: Al di Meola: Paco de Lucia
-Passion, grace and fire
-Passion, grace and fire
-guitar,jazz,guitar hero,instrumental
-John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-An evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-Furia taurina
-guitar,keyboard,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-An evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-Bite of the mosquito
-guitar,keyboard,instrumental,guitar hero
-John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-An evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-guitar,keyboard,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-An evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-Fife and drum
-guitar,keyboard,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-An evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-State of grace
-guitar,keyboard,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-An evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-Hang 11
-guitar,keyboard,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-An evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-From within
-guitar,keyboard,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-An evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-The rena song
-guitar,keyboard,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-An evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-In the moment
-guitar,keyboard,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-An evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
-Black ice
-guitar,keyboard,live,instrumental,guitar hero
-Jon Lord
-Gemini suite
-Jon Lord
-Gemini suite
-Jon Lord
-Gemini suite
-Jon Lord
-Gemini suite
-Jon Lord
-Gemini suite
-Jon Lord
-Gemini suite
-Jon Lord
-Jon Lord
-Jon Lord
-Jon Lord
-Jon Lord
-Jon Lord
-Jon Lord
-Jon Lord
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Wisdom chain
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Journey to Ixtlan
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Little guitar
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Page of life
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Jazzy box
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Garden of senses
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Is it love
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Anyone can light a candle
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Be a good friend of mine
-Jon and Vangelis
-Page of life
-Shine for me
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-Quiet little place
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-God in my bed
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-In your room
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-Everything for free
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-Now is mine
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-Butterflies instead
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-If you're not scared
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-20,000 seconds
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-Too many happy faces
-K's choice
-Cocoon crash
-Cocoon crash
-Regalis apertura
-Elizabeth (i) mirror mirror
-Elizabeth (ii) requiem for the innocent
-Elizabeth (iii) fall from grace
-Wings of despair
-The spell
-Don't you cry
-The light I shine on you
-Temples of gold
-Across the highlands
-King Crimson
-Neal and Jack and me
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-Sartori in Tangier
-King Crimson
-Waiting man
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-Two hands
-King Crimson
-The howler
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-In the court of the crimson king
-21st century schizoid man
-progressive,rock,experimental,debut album
-King Crimson
-In the court of the crimson king
-I talk to the wind
-progressive,rock,experimental,debut album
-King Crimson
-In the court of the crimson king
-progressive,rock,experimental,debut album
-King Crimson
-In the court of the crimson king
-progressive,rock,experimental,debut album
-King Crimson
-In the court of the crimson king
-The court of the crimson king
-progressive,rock,experimental,debut album
-King Crimson
-In the wake of Poseidon
-Peace - a beginning
-King Crimson
-In the wake of Poseidon
-Pictures of a city
-King Crimson
-In the wake of Poseidon
-Cadence and Cascade
-King Crimson
-In the wake of Poseidon
-In the wake of Poseidon
-King Crimson
-In the wake of Poseidon
-Peace - a theme
-King Crimson
-In the wake of Poseidon
-Cat food
-King Crimson
-In the wake of Poseidon
-The devil's triangle
-King Crimson
-In the wake of Poseidon
-Peace - an end
-King Crimson
-Formentera lady
-King Crimson
-Sailor's tale
-King Crimson
-The letters
-King Crimson
-Ladies of the road
-King Crimson
-Prelude: song of the gulls
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-Larks' tongues in aspic
-Larks' tongues in aspic: Part I
-King Crimson
-Larks' tongues in aspic
-Book of saturday
-King Crimson
-Larks' tongues in aspic
-King Crimson
-Larks' tongues in aspic
-Easy money
-King Crimson
-Larks' tongues in aspic
-The talking drum
-King Crimson
-Larks' tongues in aspic
-Larks' tongues in aspic: Part II
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-One time
-King Crimson
-Radio II
-King Crimson
-Inner garden II
-King Crimson
-Sex sleep eat drink dream
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-Code: marine 475
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-Walking on air
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-Inner garden I
-King Crimson
-King Crimson
-Radio I
-King Crimson
-Three of a perfect pair
-Three of a perfect pair
-King Crimson
-Three of a perfect pair
-Model man
-King Crimson
-Three of a perfect pair
-King Crimson
-Three of a perfect pair
-Man with an open heart
-King Crimson
-Three of a perfect pair
-Nuages (that which passes: passes like clouds)
-King Crimson
-Three of a perfect pair
-King Crimson
-Three of a perfect pair
-Dig me
-King Crimson
-Three of a perfect pair
-No warning
-King Crimson
-Three of a perfect pair
-Larks' tongues in aspic: Part III
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-The end
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-Pony up
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-Mi amigo
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-Pickup truck
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-The face
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-The immortals
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-Back down south
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-Beach side
-Kings of Leon
-Come around sundown
-No money
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-Be somebody
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-Cold desert
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-Sex on fire
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-Use somebody
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-Kings of Leon
-Only by the night
-I want you
-Kula shaker
-Hey dude
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-Grateful when you're dead/Jerry was here
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-Start all over
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-Hollow man (parts 1 & 2)
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-Knight on the town
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-Temple of everlasting light
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-Smart dogs
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-Magic theatre
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-Into the deep
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-Sleeping Jiva
-psychedelic,rock,instrumental,debut album
-Kula shaker
-psychedelic,rock,debut album
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-Great hosannah
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-Last farewell
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-Golden avatar
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-Namami nanda-nandana
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-Mystical machine gun
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-Radhe radhe
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-I'm still here
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-Shower your love
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-108 battles (of the mind)
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-Sound of drums
-Kula shaker
-Peasants, pigs & astronauts
-Leonard Bernstein
-Bernstein conducts
-Rhapsody in blue (G. Gershwin)
-Leonard Bernstein
-Bernstein conducts
-Ouverture solenelle 1812 (P. Tschaikowsky)
-Leonard Bernstein
-Bernstein conducts
-Adagio for strings (S. Barber)
-Leonard Bernstein
-Bernstein conducts
-L'Oiseau de feu - Introduction
-Leonard Bernstein
-Bernstein conducts
-L'Oiseau de feu - L'Oiseau de feu et sa danse
-Leonard Bernstein
-Bernstein conducts
-L'Oiseau de feu - Variation de l'oiseau de feu
-Leonard Bernstein
-Bernstein conducts
-L'Oiseau de feu - Rondes des princesses
-Leonard Bernstein
-Bernstein conducts
-L'Oiseau de feu - Danse infernale du roi Kastchei
-Leonard Bernstein
-Bernstein conducts
-L'Oiseau de feu - Berceuse
-Leonard Bernstein
-Bernstein conducts
-L'Oiseau de feu - Final
-Liquid tension experiment
-Paradigm shift
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-Three minute warning (ii)
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-Three minute warning (iii)
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-Three minute warning (iv)
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-Three minute warning (v)
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-Kindred spirits
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-The stretch
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-Freedom of speech
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-Chris and Kevin's excellent adventure
-progressive,metal,experimental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-State of grace
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-Universal mind
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-Three minute warning (i)
-progressive,metal,experimental,instrumental,debut album
-Liquid tension experiment
-Acid rain
-Liquid tension experiment
-Liquid tension experiment
-Liquid tension experiment
-Another dimension
-Liquid tension experiment
-When the water breaks
-Liquid tension experiment
-Liquid tension experiment
-Liquid dreams
-Liquid tension experiment
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-Violina: the last embrace
-middle east,mystic,symphonic,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-instrumental,orchestral,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-middle east,mystic,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-middle east,mystic,orchestral,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-middle east,mystic,orchestral,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-middle east,mystic,orchestral,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-middle east,mystic,orchestral,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-middle east,mystic,orchestral,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-La bas: song of the drowned
-middle east,mystic,symphonic,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-Persian love song: the silver gun
-middle east,mystic,symphonic,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-Sanvean: I am your shadow
-middle east,mystic,symphonic,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-The rite
-middle east,mystic,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-middle east,mystic,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-middle east,mystic,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-Majhnavea's music box
-middle east,mystic,instrumental,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard
-The mirror pool
-baroque,orchestral,debut album
-Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
-Shadow magnet
-folk,middle east,mystic
-Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
-Nadir (synchronicity)
-folk,middle east,mystic
-Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
-folk,middle east,mystic
-Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
-Forest veil
-folk,middle east,mystic
-Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
-The comforter
-folk,middle east,mystic
-Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
-The unfolding
-folk,middle east,mystic
-Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
-Pilgrimage of lost children
-folk,middle east,mystic
-Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
-The human game
-folk,middle east,mystic
-Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
-The circulation of shadows
-folk,middle east,mystic
-Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
-folk,middle east,mystic
-Throwing copper
-The dam at Otter creek
-Throwing copper
-Throwing copper
-Throwing copper
-Pillar of Davidson
-Throwing copper
-White: discussion
-Throwing copper
-Selling the drama
-Throwing copper
-I alone
-Throwing copper
-Throwing copper
-Lightning crashes
-Throwing copper
-Throwing copper
-All over you
-Throwing copper
-Shit towne
-Throwing copper
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-The holly & the ivy
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-Seeds of love
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-Gloucestershire wassail
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-In the bleak midwinter
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-The seven rejoices of Mary
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-Noël Nouvelet!
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-Good king Wenceslas
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-Coventry carol
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-God rest ye merry, gentlemen (Abdelli version)
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-Loreena McKennitt
-A midwinter night's dream
-Breton carol
-Loreena McKennitt
-An ancient muse
-folk,mystical,middle east
-Loreena McKennitt
-An ancient muse
-The gates of Istanbul
-folk,mystical,middle east
-Loreena McKennitt
-An ancient muse
-folk,mystical,middle east
-Loreena McKennitt
-An ancient muse
-The English ladye and the knight
-folk,mystical,middle east
-Loreena McKennitt
-An ancient muse
-folk,mystical,middle east,instrumental
-Loreena McKennitt
-An ancient muse
-Penelope's song
-folk,mystical,middle east
-Loreena McKennitt
-An ancient muse
-Sacred shabbat
-folk,mystical,middle east,instrumental
-Loreena McKennitt
-An ancient muse
-Beneath a Phrygian sky
-folk,mystical,middle east
-Loreena McKennitt
-An ancient muse
-Never-ending road (Amhran duit)
-folk,mystical,middle east
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-The mystic's dream
-folk,mystical,irish,middle east,live
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-Bonny portmore
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-Raglan road
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-All souls night
-folk,mystical,irish,middle east,live
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-The lady of Shalott
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-The old ways
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-Never-ending road (Amhran Duit)
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-Huron 'Beltane' fire dance
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-She moved through the fair
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-Stolen child
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-The mummer's dance
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-Penelope's song
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-Marco Polo
-folk,mystical,irish,middle east,live
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-The bonny swans
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-Dante's prayer
-Loreena McKennitt
-Nights from the Alhambra
-folk,mystical,irish,middle east,live
-Loreena McKennitt
-Parallel dreams
-Samain night
-Loreena McKennitt
-Parallel dreams
-Moon cradle
-Loreena McKennitt
-Parallel dreams
-Huron 'beltane' fire dance
-Loreena McKennitt
-Parallel dreams
-Annachie Gordon
-Loreena McKennitt
-Parallel dreams
-Standing stones
-Loreena McKennitt
-Parallel dreams
-Dicken's Dublin (the palace)
-Loreena McKennitt
-Parallel dreams
-Breaking the silence
-Loreena McKennitt
-Parallel dreams
-Ancient pines
-Loreena McKennitt
-The book of secrets
-Loreena McKennitt
-The book of secrets
-The mummer's dance
-Loreena McKennitt
-The book of secrets
-Loreena McKennitt
-The book of secrets
-Marco Polo
-folk,mystical,irish,instrumental,middle east
-Loreena McKennitt
-The book of secrets
-The highwayman
-Loreena McKennitt
-The book of secrets
-La serenissima
-Loreena McKennitt
-The book of secrets
-Night ride across the Caucasus
-Loreena McKennitt
-The book of secrets
-Dante's prayer
-Loreena McKennitt
-The mask and mirror
-The mystic's dream
-Loreena McKennitt
-The mask and mirror
-The bonny swans
-Loreena McKennitt
-The mask and mirror
-The dark night of the soul
-Loreena McKennitt
-The mask and mirror
-Marrakesh night market
-folk,mystical,irish,middle east
-Loreena McKennitt
-The mask and mirror
-Full circle
-Loreena McKennitt
-The mask and mirror
-Loreena McKennitt
-The mask and mirror
-Cé hé mise le ulaingt? The two trees
-Loreena McKennitt
-The mask and mirror
-Prospero's speech
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Newton's cradle
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Discovery at night
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Ludovico Einaudi
-In a time lapse
-Two trees
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-The everlasting
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-Be natural
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-Black dog on my shoulder
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-Nobody loved you
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-If you tolerate this your children will be next
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-You stole the sun from my heart
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-Ready for drowning
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-My little empire
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-I'm not working
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-You're tender and you're tired
-Manic street preachers
-This is my truth tell me yours
-Born a girl
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Duizend scherven
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Al die tijd
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Schouder aan schouder
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Als rennen geen zin meer heeft
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Zwart en wit
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Branden aan de zon
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Niemand weet
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Het donker
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Marco Borsato
-Dromen durven delen
-Droom, durf, doe en deel
-The great escape
-Made again
-Living with the big lie
-Goodbye to all that
-Hard as love
-The hollow man
-Alone again in the lap of luxury - now wash your hands
-Paper lies
-Clutching at straws
-Hotel hobbies
-Clutching at straws
-Sugar mice
-Clutching at straws
-The last straw
-Clutching at straws
-Warm wet circles
-Clutching at straws
-That time of the night (the short straw)
-Clutching at straws
-Going under
-Clutching at straws
-Just for the record
-Clutching at straws
-White Russian
-Clutching at straws
-Clutching at straws
-Torch song
-Clutching at straws
-Slàinte mhath
-Punch & Judy
-Emerald lies
-She chameleon
-Misplaced childhood
-Pseudo silk kimono
-Misplaced childhood
-White feather
-Misplaced childhood
-Misplaced childhood
-Misplaced childhood
-Bitter suite
-Misplaced childhood
-Heart of Lothian
-Misplaced childhood
-Waterhole (expresso bongo)
-Misplaced childhood
-Lords of the backstage
-Misplaced childhood
-Blind curve
-Misplaced childhood
-Childhoods end?
-Script for a jester's tear
-Script for a jester's tear
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Script for a jester's tear
-He knows you know
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Script for a jester's tear
-The web
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Script for a jester's tear
-Garden party
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Script for a jester's tear
-Chelsea monday
-progressive,rock,gloomy,debut album
-Script for a jester's tear
-Forgotton sons
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Seasons end
-The king of Sunset town
-Seasons end
-Seasons end
-The uninvited guest
-Seasons end
-Seasons end
-Seasons end
-Holloway girl
-Seasons end
-Seasons end
-After me
-Seasons end
-Hooks in you
-Seasons end
-The space
-Crack the skye
-progressive,heavy metal
-Crack the skye
-progressive,heavy metal
-Crack the skye
-progressive,heavy metal
-Crack the skye
-The czar
-progressive,heavy metal
-Crack the skye
-Ghost of Karelia
-progressive,heavy metal
-Crack the skye
-Crack the skye
-progressive,heavy metal
-Crack the skye
-The last baron
-progressive,heavy metal
-Maurice Ravel & Claude Debussy
-Ravel & Debussy
-Bolero (Maurice Ravel)
-Maurice Ravel & Claude Debussy
-Ravel & Debussy
-La mer - De l'aube á midi sur la mer (Claude Debussy)
-Maurice Ravel & Claude Debussy
-Ravel & Debussy
-La mer - Jeux de vagues
-Maurice Ravel & Claude Debussy
-Ravel & Debussy
-La mer - Dialogue du vent et de la mer (Claude Debussy)
-Maurice Ravel & Claude Debussy
-Ravel & Debussy
-Daphnis et Chloé: fragments symphoniques (Maurice Ravel)
-Maurice Ravel & Claude Debussy
-Ravel & Debussy
-Prélude á l'après-midi d'un faune (Claude Debussy)
-Dialectic chaos
-heavy metal
-How the story ends
-heavy metal
-The right to go insane
-heavy metal
-This day we fight
-heavy metal
-44 Minutes
-heavy metal
-1, 320'
-heavy metal
-Bite the hand
-heavy metal
-heavy metal
-heavy metal
-The hardest part of letting go... sealed with a kiss
-heavy metal
-Head crusher
-heavy metal
-Miles Davis
-Kind of blue
-So what
-Miles Davis
-Kind of blue
-Freddie Freeloader
-Miles Davis
-Kind of blue
-Blue in green
-Miles Davis
-Kind of blue
-All blues
-Miles Davis
-Kind of blue
-Flamenco sketches
-Miles Davis
-Kind of blue
-Flamenco sketches (alternate take)
-Miles Davis
-Sketches of Spain
-Concierto de Aranjuez (adagio)
-Miles Davis
-Sketches of Spain
-Will o' the wisp
-Miles Davis
-Sketches of Spain
-The pan piper
-Miles Davis
-Sketches of Spain
-Miles Davis
-Sketches of Spain
-Miles Davis
-Sketches of Spain
-Song of our country
-Miles Davis
-Sketches of Spain
-Concierto de Aranjuez (part one)
-Miles Davis
-Sketches of Spain
-Concierto de Aranjuez (part two ending)
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-A thousand days
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Everytime I close my eyes
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Falling from the sea
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-This morning
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Trip to heaven
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Tomorrow in june
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-A lullaby
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Some blue song
-Mitchell Froom
-A thousand days
-Night eternal
-At tragic heights
-Night eternal
-Age of mothers
-Night eternal
-Scorpion flower (dark lush cut)
-Night eternal
-Scorpion flower (the feeble cut)
-Night eternal
-Night eternal
-Night eternal
-Shadow sun
-Night eternal
-Scorpion flower
-Night eternal
-Moon in Mercury
-Night eternal
-Hers is the twilight
-Night eternal
-Dreamless (Lucifer and Lilith)
-Night eternal
-Spring of rage
-Night eternal
-First light
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-Never be scared
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-Silent hill
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-Sing along
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-I like the chemistry
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-The comfort
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-Angry young man
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-I apologise (dear Simon)
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-Don't be a hero
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-New arms
-Never be scared / don't be a hero
-The brick moon
-I am human
-Good people
-Tiny love
-Almost a year
-Give love to the ones you love
-Everything died in your heart
-The hunter
-What you want
-A real hero dies in the end
-Tell me
-Venice burning
-Confronting the devil
-A simple man
-Save me
-Keep it to yourself
-His voice
-Keep it to yourself
-Keep it to yourself
-Shores of Avalon
-Keep it to yourself
-Keep it to yourself
-Guardian angel
-Keep it to yourself
-Keep it to yourself
-Keep it to yourself
-Slow burn
-Keep it to yourself
-As a man thinks
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-Sigh no more
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-Awake my soul
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-Dust bowl dance
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-After the storm
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-The cave
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-Winter winds
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-Roll away your stone
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-White blank page
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-I gave you all
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-Little lion man
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-folk,rock,debut album
-Mumford & Sons
-Sigh no more
-Thistle & weeds
-folk,rock,debut album
-Butterflies and hurricanes
-The small print
-Thoughts of a dying atheist
-Ruled by secrecy
-Apocalypse please
-Time is running out
-Sing for absolution
-Stockholm syndrome
-Falling away with you
-Black holes and revelations
-Take a bow
-Black holes and revelations
-Black holes and revelations
-Knights of Cydonia
-Black holes and revelations
-Black holes and revelations
-Supermassive black hole
-Black holes and revelations
-Map of the problematique
-Black holes and revelations
-Soldier's poem
-Black holes and revelations
-Black holes and revelations
-Black holes and revelations
-Black holes and revelations
-City of delusion
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Guiding light
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Supermassive black hole
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Panic station
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Knights of Cydonia
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Follow me
-Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
-Origin of symmetry
-New born
-Origin of symmetry
-Feeling good
-Origin of symmetry
-Origin of symmetry
-Origin of symmetry
-Space dementia
-Origin of symmetry
-Hyper music
-Origin of symmetry
-Plug in baby
-Origin of symmetry
-Citizen erased
-Origin of symmetry
-Micro cuts
-Origin of symmetry
-Origin of symmetry
-alternative,rock,debut album
-alternative,rock,debut album
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Hate this & I'll love you
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Muscle museum
-alternative,rock,debut album
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Falling down
-alternative,rock,debut album
-alternative,rock,debut album
-alternative,rock,debut album
-alternative,rock,debut album
-alternative,rock,debut album
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The 2nd law
-The 2nd law
-Save me
-The 2nd law
-Liquid state
-The 2nd law
-The 2nd law: unsustainable
-The 2nd law
-The 2nd law: isolated system
-The 2nd law
-The 2nd law
-Panic station
-The 2nd law
-The 2nd law
-The 2nd law
-Follow me
-The 2nd law
-The 2nd law
-The 2nd law
-Big freeze
-The resistance
-The resistance
-Exogenesis: symphony part 2 (cross-pollination)
-The resistance
-Exogenesis: symphony part 3 (redemption)
-The resistance
-The resistance
-Undisclosed desires
-The resistance
-United states of Eurasia (+ collateral damage)
-The resistance
-Guiding light
-The resistance
-Unnatural selection
-The resistance
-MK ultra
-The resistance
-I belong to you (+ mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix)
-The resistance
-Exogenesis: symphony part 1 (overture)
-Tales of the sands
-Under siege
-Tales of the sands
-Time to grow
-Tales of the sands
-Apostrophe for a legend
-Tales of the sands
-Braving the seas
-Tales of the sands
-Merciless times
-Tales of the sands
-Tales of the sands
-Tales of the sands
-Sour sigh
-Tales of the sands
-Dawn within
-Tales of the sands
-Wide shut
-Tales of the sands
-Requiem for a goodbye
-Tales of the sands
-Beyond the stars
-A darker shade of white
-The red queen effect
-alternative,rock,debut album
-A darker shade of white
-Highland bull
-alternative,rock,debut album
-A darker shade of white
-Quarter rest
-alternative,rock,debut album,instrumental
-A darker shade of white
-alternative,rock,debut album
-A darker shade of white
-On my knees
-alternative,rock,debut album
-A darker shade of white
-alternative,rock,debut album
-A darker shade of white
-alternative,rock,debut album
-A data at the chapel
-A data at the chapel
-The red queen effect
-A data at the chapel
-A data at the chapel
-Devil's ferry
-A data at the chapel
-A data at the chapel
-A data at the chapel
-Quarter restless
-A data at the chapel
-A data at the chapel
-Indigo blue
-A data at the chapel
-Bottom line
-A data at the chapel
-A data at the chapel
-Highland bull
-A data at the chapel
-Murder and misery
-A data at the chapel
-Vim and vigor
-Vim and vigor
-Vim and vigor
-Bottom line
-Vim and vigor
-Vim and vigor
-Smash 'n grab it
-Vim and vigor
-Black and blue
-Vim and vigor
-Gimme a shot
-Vim and vigor
-Psycho vaquero
-Vim and vigor
-Indigo blue
-Vim and vigor
-Murder and misery
-Vim and vigor
-Century child
-Bless the child
-metal,symphonic,female fronted
-Century child
-Beauty of the beast
-metal,symphonic,female fronted
-Century child
-End of all hope
-metal,symphonic,female fronted
-Century child
-Dead to the world
-metal,symphonic,female fronted
-Century child
-Ever dream
-metal,symphonic,female fronted
-Century child
-Slaying the dreamer
-metal,symphonic,female fronted
-Century child
-Forever yours
-metal,symphonic,female fronted
-Century child
-Ocean soul
-metal,symphonic,female fronted
-Century child
-Feel for you
-metal,symphonic,female fronted
-Century child
-The phantom of the opera
-metal,symphonic,female fronted
-Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov & Alexander Glazunov
-Scheherazada/Stenka Razin
-Scheherazade - The sea and Sindbad's ship
-Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov & Alexander Glazunov
-Scheherazada/Stenka Razin
-Scheherazade - The fantastic tale of the kalendar prince
-Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov & Alexander Glazunov
-Scheherazada/Stenka Razin
-Scheherazade - The young prince and the young princess
-Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov & Alexander Glazunov
-Scheherazada/Stenka Razin
-Scheherazade - The Baghdad festival and the shipwreck on the rock with the bronze warrior
-Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov & Alexander Glazunov
-Scheherazada/Stenka Razin
-Stenka Razin: Symphonic Poem Op.13 (A. Glazunov)
-Broken wing
-Bauhaus chair
-Soap bubble box
-Radio shoes
-Sketches of Spain
-Red tape
-The train
-Da da da
-Giant normal dwarf
-Cars & cars
-Home before dark
-J.O.S. days
-Road not taken
-Adieu sweet Bahnhof
-Bike in head
-The dream
-A touch of Henry Moore
-In the Dutch mountains
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-Don't know why
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-Painter song
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-One flight down
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-The long day is over
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-The nearness of you
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-Seven years
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-Cold, cold heart
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-Feelin' the same way
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-Come away with me
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-Shoot the moon
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-Turn me on
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Come away with me
-I've got to see you again
-jazz,debut album
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-Above ground
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-The long way home
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-The prettiest thing
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-Don't miss you at all
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-What am I to you?
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-Those sweet words
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-Carnival town
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-In the morning
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-Be here to love me
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-Creepin' in
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-Norah Jones
-Feels like home
-Humble me
-Office of Strategic Influence
-The new math (what he said)
-progressive,metal,instrumental,debut album
-Office of Strategic Influence
-Standby (looks like rain)
-progressive,metal,debut album
-Office of Strategic Influence
-progressive,metal,debut album
-Office of Strategic Influence
-When you're ready
-progressive,metal,debut album
-Office of Strategic Influence
-Horseshoes and B-52's
-progressive,metal,instrumental,debut album
-Office of Strategic Influence
-progressive,metal,debut album
-Office of Strategic Influence
-Hello, helicopter!
-progressive,metal,debut album
-Office of Strategic Influence
-progressive,metal,debut album
-Office of Strategic Influence
-Dirt from a holy place
-progressive,metal,instrumental,debut album
-Office of Strategic Influence
-Memory daydreams lapses
-progressive,metal,debut album
-Be here now
-D'you what I mean?
-Be here now
-All around the world
-Be here now
-It's gettin' better (man!!)
-Be here now
-All around the world (reprise)
-Be here now
-My big mouth
-Be here now
-Magic pie
-Be here now
-Stand by me
-Be here now
-I hope, I think, I know
-Be here now
-The girl in the dirty shirt
-Be here now
-Fade in-out
-Be here now
-Don't go away
-Be here now
-Be here now
-America is not the world (Morrissey)
-Who's who (Dilated peoples)
-hip hop,compilation
-Wow (Snow patrol)
-Northern Ireland
-Catch me up (Gomez)
-Pressure point (The zutons)
-Messin' around (The datsuns)
-hard rock,compilation
-New Zealand
-Pulse of the maggots (Slipknot)
-The life and death of mr. Badmouth (P.J. Harvey)
-Hunting season (Felix da housecat)
-Professional distortion (Miss Kittin)
-Blackwater park
-The leper affinity
-Blackwater park
-Blackwater park
-Blackwater park
-The drapery falls
-Blackwater park
-Dirge for november
-Blackwater park
-The funeral portrait
-Blackwater park
-Patterns in the ivy
-Blackwater park
-Blackwater park
-In my time of need
-Death whispered a lullaby
-Hope leaves
-To rid the disease
-Ending credits
-Ghost reveries
-Ghost of perdition
-Ghost reveries
-The baying of the hounds
-Ghost reveries
-Beneath the mire
-Ghost reveries
-Ghost reveries
-Reverie / Harlequin forest
-Ghost reveries
-Hours of wealth
-Ghost reveries
-The grand conjuration
-Ghost reveries
-Isolation years
-Pale communion
-Eternal rains will come
-Pale communion
-Var kommer barnen in live
-Pale communion
-Cusp of eternity
-Pale communion
-Moon above, sun below
-Pale communion
-Elysian woes
-Pale communion
-Pale communion
-Pale communion
-Voice of treason
-Pale communion
-Faith in others
-Pale communion
-Solitude live
-Heir apparent
-The lotus eater
-Porcelain heart
-Hessian peel
-Hex omega
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Roman festivals: circus games
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Pines of Rome: pines near a catacomb
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Pines of Rome: the pines of the Janiculum
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Pines of Rome: the pines of the Appian way
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Roman festivals: the jubilee
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Roman festivals: harvest festivals in october
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Roman festivals: epiphany
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Fountains of Rome: the fountain of Valle Giulia at dawn
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Fountains of Rome: the Triton fountain in the morning
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Fountains of Rome: the Trevi fountain at mid-day
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Fountains of Rome: the villa Medici fountain at sunset
-Ottorino Respighi
-Symphonic Poems
-Pines of Rome: the pines of villa Borghese
-Panic room
-Song for tomorrow
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-Panic room
-Hiding the world
-progressive,rock,female fronted
-Panic room
-progressive,rock,female fronted
-Panic room
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-Panic room
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-Panic room
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-Panic room
-Tightrope walking
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-Panic room
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-Panic room
-Velvet & stars
-progressive,metal,female fronted,tranquil
-Panic room
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-Panic room
-progressive,rock,female fronted
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-Fuzz universe
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-Mantra the lawn
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-Batter up
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-Count Juan Chutrifo
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-Bach partita in Dm
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,classic
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-Blue Orpheus
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-Will my screen door stop Neptune
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-Don't rain on my firewood
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-Plastic Dracula
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Fuzz Universe
-guitar,guitar hero,instrumental,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-Bultaca saturno
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-Paul vs Godzilla
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-Eudaimonia overture
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-The rino
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-Norwegian cowbell
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-I cannot tell a lie
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-Bronx 1971
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-Suite modale
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-The garboyle
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Silence followed by a deafening roar
-I still have that other girl
-instrumental,metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Enemies (in jail)
-guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-I want to be loved
-guitar hero,live,blues
-Paul Gilbert
-Go down
-guitar hero,live,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-Rain and thunder and lightning
-guitar hero,instrumental,rock,jazz
-Paul Gilbert
-guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-Put it on the char
-guitar hero,jazz,rock,instrumental
-Paul Gilbert
-Bivalve blues
-guitar hero,blues
-Paul Gilbert
-Blue rondo a la turk
-guitar hero,jazz,rock,instrumental
-Paul Gilbert
-Atmosphere on the moon
-guitar hero
-Paul Gilbert
-The pronghorn
-guitar hero,instrumental,jazz,rock
-Paul Gilbert
-guitar hero,live,progressive,rock
-Paul Simon
-The boy in the bubble
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-That was your mother
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-All around the world or the myth of fingerprints
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-Homeless (demo)
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-Diamonds on the soles of her shoes (alternate version)
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-All around the world or the myth of fingerprints (early version)
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-I know what I know
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-Diamonds on the soles of her shoes
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-You can call me Al
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-Under African skies
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Paul Simon
-Crazy love, vol. II
-U.S.A.,South Africa
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-The feeling begins
-score,middle east,instrumental
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-score,middle east
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-Before night falls
-score,middle east,instrumental
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-With this love
-score,middle east,instrumental,tranquil
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-score,middle east,instrumental,soundscape
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-score,middle east,instrumental
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-score,middle east,tranquil
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-With this love - choir
-score,middle east,tranquil
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-Wall of breath
-score,middle east,instrumental,soundscape
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-The promise of shadows
-score,middle east,instrumental,soundscape
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-score,middle east,instrumental
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-score,middle east,instrumental,soundscape
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-It is accomplished
-score,middle east
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-Bread and wine
-score,middle east,instrumental,tranquil
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-Of these: hope
-score,middle east,instrumental
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-Lazarus raised
-score,middle east,instrumental,soundscape
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-Of these: hope - reprise
-score,middle east,instrumental
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-In doubt
-score,middle east,instrumental,soundscape
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-A different drum
-score,middle east
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-score,middle east,instrumental
-Peter Gabriel
-Passion (Music for The Last Temptation Of Christ: a film by Martin Scorsese)
-score,middle east
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-Moribund the Burgermeister
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-Solsbury hill
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-Modern love
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-Excuse me
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-progressive,rock,debut album,gloomy
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-Waiting for the big one
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-Down the Dolce Vita
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-Here comes the flood
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-The rhythm of the heat
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-Solsbury hill
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-No self control
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-I don't remember
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-Shock the monkey
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-On the air
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-I have the touch
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-Not one of us
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-Family snapshot
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-The family and the fishing net
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-I go swimming
-Peter Gabriel
-Plays live
-San Jacinto
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Solsbury hill
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Red rain
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Games without frontiers
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Shock the monkey
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-I have the touch
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Big time
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-score,middle east,instrumental,soundscape
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-I don't remember
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Family snapshot
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Mercy street
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Shaking the tree
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Don't give up
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-San Jacinto
-Peter Gabriel
-Shaking the tree (Sixteen golden hits)
-Here comes the flood
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-The drop
-Peter Gabriel
-Growing up
-Peter Gabriel
-Sky blue
-Peter Gabriel
-No way out
-Peter Gabriel
-I grieve
-Peter Gabriel
-The Barry Williams show
-Peter Gabriel
-My head sounds like that
-Peter Gabriel
-More than this
-Peter Gabriel
-Signal to noise
-Peter Gabriel
-Come talk to me
-Peter Gabriel
-Secret world
-Peter Gabriel
-Love to be loved
-Peter Gabriel
-Blood of Eden
-Peter Gabriel
-Peter Gabriel
-Only us
-Peter Gabriel
-Washing of the water
-Peter Gabriel
-Digging in the dirt
-Peter Gabriel
-Fourteen black paintings
-Peter Gabriel
-Kiss that frog
-Doomsday afternoon
-Micro softdeathstar
-Doomsday afternoon
-Microdeath softstar
-Doomsday afternoon
-The doctrine of eternal ice (part one)
-Doomsday afternoon
-Doomsday afternoon
-Doomsday afternoon
-The doctrine of eternal ice (part two)
-Doomsday afternoon
-Thank you for the evil
-Doomsday afternoon
-A wasteland of memories
-Doomsday afternoon
-Doomsday afternoon
-Philip Glass
-Itaipu - Mato grosso
-Philip Glass
-Itaipu - The lake
-Philip Glass
-Itaipu - The dam
-Philip Glass
-Itaipu - To the sea
-Philip Glass
-The canyon
-Philip Glass
-Philip Glass
-Philip Glass
-Philip Glass
-Pruit igoe
-Philip Glass
-The grid
-Philip Glass
-Philip Glass
-Serra Pelada
-Philip Glass
-New cities in ancient lands: China
-Philip Glass
-New cities in ancient lands: Africa
-Philip Glass
-New cities in ancient lands: India
-Philip Glass
-The unutterable
-Philip Glass
-Philip Glass
-Mr. Suso #1
-Philip Glass
-From Egypt
-Philip Glass
-Mr. Suso #2 with reflection
-Philip Glass
-Philip Glass
-The title
-Philip Glass
-Anthem-Part I
-Philip Glass
-That place
-Philip Glass
-Anthem-Part II
-Philip Glass
-Mosque and temple
-Philip Glass
-Anthem-Part III
-Philip Glass
-Train to São Paulo
-Philip Glass
-Video dream
-Pink Floyd
-A momentary lapse of reason
-Signs of life
-Pink Floyd
-A momentary lapse of reason
-Pink Floyd
-A momentary lapse of reason
-Learning to fly
-Pink Floyd
-A momentary lapse of reason
-The dogs of war
-Pink Floyd
-A momentary lapse of reason
-One slip
-Pink Floyd
-A momentary lapse of reason
-On the turning away
-Pink Floyd
-A momentary lapse of reason
-Yet another movie
-Pink Floyd
-A momentary lapse of reason
-A new machine (Part I)
-Pink Floyd
-A momentary lapse of reason
-Terminal frost
-Pink Floyd
-A momentary lapse of reason
-A new machine (Part II)
-Pink Floyd
-Pigs on the wing 1
-Pink Floyd
-Pink Floyd
-Pigs (three different ones)
-Pink Floyd
-Pink Floyd
-Pigs on the wing 2
-Pink Floyd
-Dark side of the moon
-Speak to me / Breathe
-Pink Floyd
-Dark side of the moon
-On the run
-Pink Floyd
-Dark side of the moon
-Pink Floyd
-Dark side of the moon
-The great gig in the sky
-Pink Floyd
-Dark side of the moon
-Pink Floyd
-Dark side of the moon
-Us and them
-Pink Floyd
-Dark side of the moon
-Any colour you like
-Pink Floyd
-Dark side of the moon
-Brain damage
-Pink Floyd
-Dark side of the moon
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-In the flesh?
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-One of my tunes
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Don't leave me now
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Another brick in the wall
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Goodbye cruel world
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Hey you
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Is there anybody out there?
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Nobody home
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Bring the boys back home
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Comfortably numb
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-The thin ice
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-The show must go on
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-In the flesh
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Run like hell
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Waiting for the worms
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-The trial
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Outside the wall
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Another brick in the wall (Part I)
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-The happiest days of our lives
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Another brick in the wall (Part II)
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Goodbye blue sky
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Empty spaces
-Pink Floyd
-The wall
-Young lust
-Pink Floyd
-Wish you were here
-Shine on you crazy diamond (Part I)
-Pink Floyd
-Wish you were here
-Welcome to the machine
-Pink Floyd
-Wish you were here
-Have a cigar
-Pink Floyd
-Wish you were here
-Wish you were here
-Pink Floyd
-Wish you were here
-Shine on you crazy diamond (Part II)
-Planet X
-Moon babies
-Planet X
-Moon babies
-Ignotus per ignotium
-Planet X
-Moon babies
-The noble savage
-Planet X
-Moon babies
-Planet X
-Moon babies
-70 vir
-Planet X
-Moon babies
-Planet X
-Moon babies
-Interlude in Milan
-Planet X
-Moon babies
-Digital vertigo
-Planet X
-Moon babies
-Ground zero
-Planet X
-Moon babies
-Midnight bell
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-De bom (Doe maar)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Nederwiet (Doe maar)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Net als in de film (Toontje lager)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-1 nacht alleen (Doe maar)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-In het donker (Kadanz)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Ben ik te min (Armand)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Waar kom jij vandaan (Frank Boeijen)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Sollicitere (gimme some lovin') (Janse Bagge Bend)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Vriendschap (Het goede doel)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Ik wil jou (Polle Eduard)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Intimiteit (Kadanz)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-De loop van een geweer (Peter Koelewijn)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Louise (Circus Custers)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Swingking (Erik Mesie)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Thuis ben (Hans de Booij)
-Pop in je moerstaal
-Pop in je moerstaal Deel 2 (Nederbeat door de jaren heen)
-Bloedend hart (De dijk)
-Porcupine Tree
-Fear of a blank planet
-Fear of a blank planet
-Porcupine Tree
-Fear of a blank planet
-My ashes
-Porcupine Tree
-Fear of a blank planet
-Porcupine Tree
-Fear of a blank planet
-Porcupine Tree
-Fear of a blank planet
-Way out of here
-Porcupine Tree
-Fear of a blank planet
-Sleep together
-Porcupine tree
-Porcupine tree
-Porcupine tree
-Porcupine tree
-Porcupine tree
-Arriving somewhere (but not here)
-Porcupine tree
-Mellotron scratch
-Porcupine tree
-Open car
-Porcupine tree
-The start of something beautiful
-Porcupine tree
-Glass arm shattering
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-Blackest eyes
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-Heartattack in a lay by
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-Strip the soul
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-Collapse the light into earth
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-Lips of ashes
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-The sound of muzak
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-Gravity eyelids
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-Wedding nails
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia
-The creator has a mastertape
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia (bonus CD)
-Drown with me
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia (bonus CD)
-Porcupine tree
-In absentia (bonus CD)
-Strip the soul (video edit)
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Glory box
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Sour times
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-It could be sweet
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Wandering star
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-It's a fire
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-alternative,electronica,gloomy,debut album
-Prince and the Revolution
-Purple rain
-Let's go crazy
-Prince and the Revolution
-Purple rain
-Take me with u
-Prince and the Revolution
-Purple rain
-The beautiful ones
-Prince and the Revolution
-Purple rain
-Computer blue
-Prince and the Revolution
-Purple rain
-Darling Nikky
-Prince and the Revolution
-Purple rain
-When doves cry
-Prince and the Revolution
-Purple rain
-I would die 4 u
-Prince and the Revolution
-Purple rain
-Baby I'm a star
-Prince and the Revolution
-Purple rain
-Purple rain
-American soldier
-American soldier
-Remember me
-American soldier
-Home again
-American soldier
-The voice
-American soldier
-American soldier
-Hundred mile stare
-American soldier
-At 30,000 ft.
-American soldier
-A dead man's words
-American soldier
-The killer
-American soldier
-The middle of hell
-American soldier
-If I were king
-American soldier
-Man down!
-Operation: mindcrime
-I remember now
-progressive,metal,radio play
-Operation: mindcrime
-Electric requiem
-Operation: mindcrime
-Breaking the silence
-Operation: mindcrime
-I don't believe in love
-Operation: mindcrime
-Waiting for 22
-Operation: mindcrime
-My empty room
-Operation: mindcrime
-Eyes of a stranger
-Operation: mindcrime
-Operation: mindcrime
-Revolution calling
-Operation: mindcrime
-Operation: mindcrime
-Operation: mindcrime
-Operation: mindcrime
-Spreading the disease
-Operation: mindcrime
-The mission
-Operation: mindcrime
-Suite sister Mary
-progressive,metal,radio play,duet
-Operation: mindcrime
-The needle lies
-Promised land
-9:28 a.m.
-Promised land
-One more time
-Promised land
-Someone else?
-Promised land
-I am I
-Promised land
-Promised land
-Out of mind
-Promised land
-Promised land
-Promised land
-Promised land
-Promised land
-Lady Jane
-Promised land
-My global mind
-Falling down
-Wot kinda man
-The right side of my mind
-Sacred ground
-One life
-When the rain comes...
-How could I?
-Beside you
-Liquid sky
-Burning man
-The warning
-hard rock,metal
-The warning
-En force
-hard rock,metal
-The warning
-hard rock,metal
-The warning
-No sanctuary
-hard rock,metal
-The warning
-NM 156
-hard rock,metal
-The warning
-Take hold of the flame
-hard rock,metal
-The warning
-Before the storm
-hard rock,metal
-The warning
-Child of fire
-hard rock,metal
-The warning
-Roads to madness
-hard rock,metal
-New adventures in hi-fi
-How the west was won and where it got us
-New adventures in hi-fi
-Binky the doormat
-New adventures in hi-fi
-New adventures in hi-fi
-So fast: so numb
-New adventures in hi-fi
-Low desert
-New adventures in hi-fi
-New adventures in hi-fi
-The wake-up bomb
-New adventures in hi-fi
-New test leper
-New adventures in hi-fi
-New adventures in hi-fi
-E-bow the letter
-New adventures in hi-fi
-New adventures in hi-fi
-New adventures in hi-fi
-Bittersweet me
-New adventures in hi-fi
-Be mine
-Out of time
-Radio song
-Out of time
-Country feedback
-Out of time
-Me in honey
-Out of time
-Losing my religion
-Out of time
-Out of time
-Near wild heaven
-Out of time
-Out of time
-Shiny happy people
-Out of time
-Out of time
-Half a world away
-Out of time
-Why not smile
-Falls to climb
-At my most beautiful
-The apologist
-Sad professor
-You're in the air
-Walk unafraid
-Hail to the thief
-2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm)
-Hail to the thief
-I will (No man's land)
-Hail to the thief
-A punchup at a wedding (No no no no no no no no)
-Hail to the thief
-Myxomatosis (Judge, Jury & Executioner)
-Hail to the thief
-Scatterbrain (As Dead as Leaves)
-Hail to the thief
-A wolf at the door (It Girl. Rag Doll.)
-Hail to the thief
-Sit down. Stand up. (Snakes & Ladders)
-Hail to the thief
-Sail to the moon (Brush the cobwebs out of the sky)
-Hail to the thief
-Backdrifts (Honeymoon is over)
-Hail to the thief
-Go to sleep (Little man being erased)
-Hail to the thief
-Where I end and you begin (The sky is falling in)
-Hail to the thief
-We suck young blood (Your time is up)
-Hail to the thief
-The gloaming (Softly open our mouths in the cold)
-Hail to the thief
-There there (The boney king of nowhere)
-In rainbows
-15 steps
-In rainbows
-In rainbows
-In rainbows
-In rainbows
-Weird fishes/arpeggi
-In rainbows
-All I need
-In rainbows
-Faust ARP
-In rainbows
-In rainbows
-House of cards
-In rainbows
-Jigsaw falling into place
-My iron lung [EP]
-My iron lung
-My iron lung [EP]
-The trickster
-My iron lung [EP]
-Lewis (mistreated)
-My iron lung [EP]
-Punchdrunk lovesick singalong
-My iron lung [EP]
-Permanent daylight
-My iron lung [EP]
-Lozenge of love
-My iron lung [EP]
-You never wash up after yourself
-My iron lung [EP]
-Creep (acoustic)
-OK Computer
-OK Computer
-No surprises
-OK Computer
-OK Computer
-The tourist
-OK Computer
-Paranoid android
-OK Computer
-Subterranean homesick alien
-OK Computer
-Exit music (for a film)
-OK Computer
-Let down
-OK Computer
-Karma police
-OK Computer
-Fitter happier
-OK Computer
-OK Computer
-Climbing up the walls
-Pablo Honey
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-I can't
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-Blow out
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-How do you?
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-Stop whispering
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-Thinking about you
-rock,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-Anyone can play guitar
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Pablo Honey
-Prove yourself
-rock,alternative,debut album
-The bends
-Planet telex
-The bends
-Black star
-The bends
-The bends
-Street spirit (fade out)
-The bends
-The bends
-The bends
-High and dry
-The bends
-Fake plastic trees
-The bends
-The bends
-Nice dream
-The bends
-The bends
-My iron lung
-The bends
-Bullet proof ... I wish I was
-The king of limbs
-The king of limbs
-Morning mr. Magpie
-The king of limbs
-Little by little
-The king of limbs
-The king of limbs
-Lotus flower
-The king of limbs
-The king of limbs
-Give up the ghost
-The king of limbs
-Snowfall on judgment day
-Snowfall on judgment day
-Love kills us all / life in one day
-Snowfall on judgment day
-Snowfall on judgment day
-Leviathan rising
-Snowfall on judgment day
-Black and white world
-Snowfall on judgment day
-Snowfall on judgment day
-Keep breathing
-Snowfall on judgment day
-Another day dies
-Snowfall on judgment day
-What will you say
-Snowfall on judgment day
-Fistful of sand
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Don Juan
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Durch Dickicht und Gestrüpp auf Irrwegen
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Auf dem Gletscher
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Gefahrvolle Augenblicke
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Nebel steigen auf
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Die Sonne verdüstert sich allmählich
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Stille vor dem Sturm
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Gewitter und Sturm, Abstieg
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Der Anstieg
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Eintritt in den Wald
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Am Wasserfall
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Aug Blumigen Wiesen
-Richard Strauss
-Don Juan/Eine Alpensinfonie
-Auf der Alm
-Richard Wagner
-The ring - orchestral highlights
-Das Rheingold - Entrance of the gods into Valhalla
-Richard Wagner
-The ring - orchestral highlights
-Die Walküre - Ride of the Valkyries
-Richard Wagner
-The ring - orchestral highlights
-Die Walküre - Wotan's farewell & magic fire
-Richard Wagner
-The ring - orchestral highlights
-Siegfried - Forest murmurs
-Richard Wagner
-The ring - orchestral highlights
-Götterdämmerung - Siegfried's Rhine journey
-Richard Wagner
-The ring - orchestral highlights
-Götterdämmerung - Siegfried's death & funeral march
-Rival sons
-Classic Rock High Voltage Rock & Roll Prime Cuts
-Get what's coming
-Rival sons
-Classic Rock High Voltage Rock & Roll Prime Cuts
-Rival sons
-Classic Rock High Voltage Rock & Roll Prime Cuts
-Rival sons
-Classic Rock High Voltage Rock & Roll Prime Cuts
-Sacred tongue
-Rival sons
-Classic Rock High Voltage Rock & Roll Prime Cuts
-Rival sons
-Classic Rock High Voltage Rock & Roll Prime Cuts
-Rapid eye movement
-Beyond the eyelids
-Rapid eye movement
-Behind the eyelids
-Rapid eye movement
-Lucid dream IV
-Rapid eye movement
-02 Panic room (remix)
-Rapid eye movement
-Back to the river
-Rapid eye movement
-Rapid eye movement
-Rapid eye movement
-Rainbow box
-Rapid eye movement
-02 Panic room
-Rapid eye movement
-Schizophrenic prayer
-Rapid eye movement
-Rapid eye movement
-Through the other side
-Rapid eye movement
-Rapid eye movement
-Cybernetic pillow
-Rapid eye movement
-Ultimate trip
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Dark water part three: Neptune's sun
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Wake me up - live in Tokyo
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Stardust - MM96 mix
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Aqua vitae
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Oblivion days
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Banquo's ghost
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Space: 1999
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Break the silence
-Rocket Scientists
-Oblivion days
-Dark water part four: heavy water
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-The ballad of Bill Hubbard
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-What God wants: Part III
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-Watching t.v.
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-Three wishes
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-It's a miracle
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-Amused to death
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-What God wants: Part I
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-Perfect sense: Part I
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-Perfect sense: Part II
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-The bravery of being out of range
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-Late home tonight: Part I
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-Late home tonight: Part II
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-Too much rope
-Roger Waters
-Amused to death
-What God wants: Part II
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-In the flesh
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Wish you were here
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Shine on you crazy diamond (parts 1-8)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Set the controls for the heart of the sun
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Breathe (In The Air)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking (part 2)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Perfect sense (parts 1 & 2)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Bravery of being out of range
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-It's a miracle
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Happiest days of our lives
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Amused to death
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Brain damage
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Comfortably numb
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Each small candle
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Another brick in the wall (part 2)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Get your filthy hands off my desert
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Southampton dock
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Pigs on the wing (part 1)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Roger Waters
-In the flesh (live)
-Welcome to the machine
-Roger Waters
-Radio KAOS
-Radio waves
-Roger Waters
-Radio KAOS
-Who needs information
-Roger Waters
-Radio KAOS
-Me or him
-Roger Waters
-Radio KAOS
-The powers that be
-Roger Waters
-Radio KAOS
-Sunset strip
-Roger Waters
-Radio KAOS
-Roger Waters
-Radio KAOS
-Four minutes
-Roger Waters
-Radio KAOS
-The tide is turning (after Live Aid)
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-Apparantly they were travelling abroad
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-Every strangers eyes
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-The moment of clarity
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-Running shoes
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-Arabs with knives and West German skies
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-For the first time today: part II
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-Sexual revolution
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-The remains of our love
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-Go fishing
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-For the first time today: part I
-Roger Waters
-The pros and cons of hitch hiking
-Dunroamin: duncarin: dunlivin
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Street fighting man
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Have you seen your mother baby?
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Sympathy for the devil
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Mother's little helper
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-She's a rainbow
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Get off my cloud
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Wild horses
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Ruby tuesday
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Paint it, black
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Honky tonk women
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-It's all over now
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Gimme shelter
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Let's spend the night together
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Start me up
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Brown sugar
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Miss you
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Beast of burden
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Don't stop
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-You got me rocking
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-(I can't get no) satisfaction
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Fool to cry
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Love is strong
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Mixed emotions
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Keys to your love
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Anybody seen my baby?
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Stealing my heart
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Tumbling dice
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Undercover of the night
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Emotional rescue
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-It's only rock 'n' roll
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-The last time
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Losing my touch
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Jumpin' Jack flash
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-You can't always get what you want
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-19th nervous breakdown
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Under my thumb
-Rolling Stones
-Forty Licks
-Not fade away
-A show of hands
-A show of hands
-Witch hunt
-A show of hands
-The rhythm method
-A show of hands
-Force ten
-A show of hands
-Time stand still
-A show of hands
-Red sector A
-A show of hands
-Closer to the heart
-A show of hands
-The big money
-A show of hands
-A show of hands
-A show of hands
-Turn the page
-A show of hands
-Manhattan project
-A show of hands
-A show of hands
-Distant early warning
-A show of hands
-Mystic rhythms
-Sam Brown
-Walking back to me
-Sam Brown
-I'll be in love
-Sam Brown
-Merry go round
-Sam Brown
-Sam Brown
-Can I get a witness
-Sam Brown
-High as a kite
-Sam Brown
-Nutbush city limits
-Sam Brown
-Your love is all
-Sam Brown
-Sam Brown
-It makes me wonder
-Sam Brown
-This feeling
-Sam Brown
-Sam Brown
-Piece of my luck
-Sam Brown
-Ball and chain
-Sam Brown
-Wrap me up
-Samuel Barber
-Music of Samuel Barber
-Overture to 'The school for Scandal' (Op.5)
-Samuel Barber
-Music of Samuel Barber
-Adagio for strings (Op.11)
-Samuel Barber
-Music of Samuel Barber
-Essay for orchestra (Op.12)
-Samuel Barber
-Music of Samuel Barber
-Second essay (Op.17)
-Samuel Barber
-Music of Samuel Barber
-Third essay (Op.47)
-Samuel Barber
-Music of Samuel Barber
-Medea's dance of vengeance (Op.23a)
-Best Of
-Black magic woman
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-Best Of
-La puesta del sol
-rock,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-Best Of
-El corazón manda
-latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-Best Of
-As the years go by
-blues,latin,guitar hero
-Best Of
-Fried neckbone and some home fries
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-Best Of
-Santana jam
-jazz,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-Best Of
-Everyday I have the blues
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-Best Of
-Travellin' blues
-blues,latin,guitar hero
-Best Of
-Samba pa ti
-rock,ballad,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-Best Of
-Soul sacrifice
-rock,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-Best Of
-Acapulco sunrise
-rock,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-Best Of
-Coconut grove
-rock,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-Best Of
-With a little help from my friends
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-Best Of
-Let's get ourselves together
-rock,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-Best Of
-Jin-go-lo-ba (jingo)
-rock,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-Best Of
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-La fuente del ritmo
-rock,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-In a silent way
-rock,latin,instrumental,guitar hero,live
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Love, devotion and surrender
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Let the children play
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-rock,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-She's not there
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Dance sister dance (baila mi hermana) (live)
-rock,latin,live,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Evil ways
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Europa (Earth's cry heaven's smile)
-rock,latin,instrumental,ballad,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Well all right
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Open invitation
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Aqua marine
-latin,instrumental,tranquil,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-You know that I love you
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-All I ever wanted
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Hold on
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Nowhere to run
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Soul sacrifice
-rock,latin,instrumental,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Say it again
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Blues for Salvador
-rock,blues,latin,guitar hero,instrumental
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-The healer
-rock,latin,blues,guitar hero,instrumental
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Black magic woman / gypsy queen
-rock,latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Oye como va
-latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Samba pa ti
-rock,latin,ballad,instrumental,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Everybody's everything
-latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-No one to depend on
-latin,guitar hero
-The essential Santana [Columbia]
-Toussaint l'overture
-rock,latin,guitar hero,instrumental
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 1 Ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 3 (ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 3 (iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 3 (iv)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 3 (v)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 3 (vi)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 3 (vii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 3 (iix)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 3 (ix)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 1 Iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 1 Iiii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 1 Iiv)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 2 Ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 2 Iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 2 Iiii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 2 Iiv)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 1-2-3
-Piano concerto no. 3 (i)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 4-5
-Piano concerto no. 4 (i)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 4-5
-Overture on Hebrew themes, for clarinet, string quartet and piano
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 4-5
-Piano concerto no. 4 (ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 4-5
-Piano concerto no. 4 (iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 4-5
-Piano concerto no. 4 (iv)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 4-5
-Piano concerto no. 5 (i)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 4-5
-Piano concerto no. 5 (ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 4-5
-Piano concerto no. 5 (iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 4-5
-Piano concerto no. 5 (iv)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano concertos 4-5
-Piano concerto no. 5 (v)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 1-2-3-4
-Piano sonata no. 1
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 1-2-3-4
-Piano sonata no. 2 (i)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 1-2-3-4
-Piano sonata no. 2 (ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 1-2-3-4
-Piano sonata no. 2 (iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 1-2-3-4
-Piano sonata no. 2 (iv)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 1-2-3-4
-Piano sonata no. 3
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 1-2-3-4
-Piano sonata no. 4 (i)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 1-2-3-4
-Piano sonata no. 4 (ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 1-2-3-4
-Piano sonata no. 4 (iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 5-6-7
-Piano sonata no. 5 (i)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 5-6-7
-Piano sonata no. 7 (iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 5-6-7
-Piano sonata no. 5 (ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 5-6-7
-Piano sonata no. 5 (iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 5-6-7
-Piano sonata no. 6 (i)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 5-6-7
-Piano sonata no. 6 (ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 5-6-7
-Piano sonata no. 6 (iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 5-6-7
-Piano sonata no. 6 (iv)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 5-6-7
-Piano sonata no. 7 (i)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 5-6-7
-Piano sonata no. 7 (ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 8-9
-Piano sonata no. 8 (i)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 8-9
-Piano sonata no. 8 (ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 8-9
-Piano sonata no. 8 (iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 8-9
-Piano sonata no. 9 (i)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 8-9
-Piano sonata no. 9 (ii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 8-9
-Piano sonata no. 9 (iii)
-Serge Prokofiev
-Piano sonatas nos. 8-9
-Piano sonata no. 9 (iv)
-Sergey Prokofiev
-Symphonies No.1 "Classical" and 5
-Symphony No.1 "Classical" - Allegro
-Sergey Prokofiev
-Symphonies No.1 "Classical" and 5
-Symphony No.1 "Classical" - Larghetto
-Sergey Prokofiev
-Symphonies No.1 "Classical" and 5
-Symphony No.1 "Classical" - Gavotta
-Sergey Prokofiev
-Symphonies No.1 "Classical" and 5
-Symphony No.1 "Classical" - Final: Molto vivace
-Sergey Prokofiev
-Symphonies No.1 "Classical" and 5
-Symphony No.5 - Andante
-Sergey Prokofiev
-Symphonies No.1 "Classical" and 5
-Symphony No.5 - Allegro marcato
-Sergey Prokofiev
-Symphonies No.1 "Classical" and 5
-Symphony No.5 - Adagio
-Sergey Prokofiev
-Symphonies No.1 "Classical" and 5
-Symphony No.5 - Allegro giocoso
-Shadow gallery
-Digital ghosts
-With honor
-Shadow gallery
-Digital ghosts
-Shadow gallery
-Digital ghosts
-Shadow gallery
-Digital ghosts
-Gold dust
-Shadow gallery
-Digital ghosts
-Shadow gallery
-Digital ghosts
-Digital ghost
-Shadow gallery
-Digital ghosts
-Sinéad o'Connor
-I do not want what I haven't got
-Feel so different
-Sinéad o'Connor
-I do not want what I haven't got
-I do not want what I haven't got
-Sinéad o'Connor
-I do not want what I haven't got
-I am stretched on your grave
-Sinéad o'Connor
-I do not want what I haven't got
-Three babies
-Sinéad o'Connor
-I do not want what I haven't got
-The emperor's new clothes
-Sinéad o'Connor
-I do not want what I haven't got
-Black boys on mopeds
-Sinéad o'Connor
-I do not want what I haven't got
-Nothing compares 2 u
-Sinéad o'Connor
-I do not want what I haven't got
-Jump in the river
-Sinéad o'Connor
-I do not want what I haven't got
-You cause as much sorrow
-Sinéad o'Connor
-I do not want what I haven't got
-The last day of our acquaintance
-Sinéad o'Connor
-The lion and the cobra
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Sinéad o'Connor
-The lion and the cobra
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Sinéad o'Connor
-The lion and the cobra
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Sinéad o'Connor
-The lion and the cobra
-Just like u said it would b
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Sinéad o'Connor
-The lion and the cobra
-Never get old
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Sinéad o'Connor
-The lion and the cobra
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Sinéad o'Connor
-The lion and the cobra
-I want your (hands on me)
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Sinéad o'Connor
-The lion and the cobra
-Drink before the war
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Sinéad o'Connor
-The lion and the cobra
-Just call me Joe
-alternative,rock,live,debut album
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Burnt like you
-rock,alternative,tranquil,debut album
-'Til morning
-rock,alternative,tranquil,debut album
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Don't let me down
-rock,alternative,tranquil,debut album
-Listen to yourself
-rock,alternative,debut album
-rock,alternative,debut album
-The trouble with me
-rock,alternative,tranquil,debut album
-I'll try
-rock,alternative,debut album
-You've made your bed
-rock,alternative,tranquil,debut album
-As long as that's true
-rock,alternative,debut album
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-Charlie big potato
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-You'll follow me down
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-And this is nothing that I thought I had
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-I'm not afraid
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-On my hotel t.v.
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-We don't need who you think you are
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-Tracy's flaw
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-The skank heads
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-Good things don't always come to you
-Skunk Anansie
-Post orgasmic chill
-Cheap honesty
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-Sleep is wrong
-experimental,chaotic,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-More time
-experimental,chaotic,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-experimental,chaotic,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-Powerless (live 01/06/06)
-experimental,chaotic,live,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-experimental,chaotic,instrumental,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-experimental,chaotic,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-1997 (tonight we're gonna party like it's...)
-experimental,chaotic,rock,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-The miniature
-experimental,chaotic,instrumental,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-experimental,chaotic,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-The stain
-experimental,chaotic,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-experimental,chaotic,debut album
-Sleepytime gorilla museum
-Grand opening and closing
-experimental,chaotic,instrumental,tranquil,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-I am one
-alternative,rock,grunge,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-alternative,pop,tranquil,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-alternative,rock,grunge,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-alternative,rock,grunge,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Bury me
-alternative,rock,grunge,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-alternative,rock,grunge,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-alternative,rock,tranquil,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-alternative,rock,grunge,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-alternative,rock,grunge,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Window paine
-alternative,rock,grunge,debut album
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Cupid de Locke
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Porcelina of the vast oceans
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Take me down
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Where boys fear to tread
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-In the arms of sleep
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Tonight: tonight
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Tales of a scorched earth
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Thru the eyes of Ruby
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-We only come out at night
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Lily (my one and only)
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-By starlight
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Farewell and goodnight
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Here is no why
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Bullet with butterfly wings
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-To forgive
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Fuck you (an ode to no one)
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Girl named Sandoz
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-La dolly vita
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Frail and bedazzled
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Blew away
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Hello kitty kat
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Pisces Iscariot
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Cherub rock
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Sweet sweet
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Geek U.S.A.
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Siamese dream
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-You're all I have
-Northern Ireland
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-Open your eyes
-Northern Ireland
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-The finish line
-Northern Ireland
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-Hands open
-Northern Ireland
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-Chasing cars
-Northern Ireland
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-Shut your eyes
-Northern Ireland
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-It's beginning to get to me
-Northern Ireland
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-You could be happy
-Northern Ireland
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-Make this go on forever
-Northern Ireland
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-Set the fire to the third bar
-Northern Ireland
-Snow patrol
-Eyes open
-Headlights on dark roads
-Northern Ireland
-The Light The Dead See
-La Ribera
-The Light The Dead See
-I can't stay
-The Light The Dead See
-The Light The Dead See
-The Light The Dead See
-In the morning
-The Light The Dead See
-Longest day
-The Light The Dead See
-Presence of God
-The Light The Dead See
-Just try
-The Light The Dead See
-Gone too far
-The Light The Dead See
-Point sur Pt.1
-The Light The Dead See
-Take me back home
-The Light The Dead See
-Spyro Gyra
-Morning dance
-Morning dance
-Spyro Gyra
-Morning dance
-Spyro Gyra
-Morning dance
-Spyro Gyra
-Morning dance
-Song for Lorraine
-Spyro Gyra
-Morning dance
-Spyro Gyra
-Morning dance
-Spyro Gyra
-Morning dance
-It doesn't matter
-Spyro Gyra
-Morning dance
-Little Linda
-Spyro Gyra
-Morning dance
-End of romanticism
-St. Germain
-Rose rouge
-St. Germain
-Montego bay spleen
-St. Germain
-So flute
-St. Germain
-Land of...
-St. Germain
-Latin note
-St. Germain
-Sure thing
-St. Germain
-Pont des arts
-St. Germain
-La goutte d'or
-St. Germain
-What you think about...
-Stabbing westward
-metal,industrial,doom,debut album
-Stabbing westward
-Can't happen here
-metal,industrial,doom,debut album
-Stabbing westward
-metal,industrial,doom,heavy,debut album
-Stabbing westward
-metal,industrial,doom,heavy,debut album
-Stabbing westward
-metal,industrial,doom,debut album
-Stabbing westward
-metal,industrial,doom,heavy,debut album
-Stabbing westward
-metal,industrial,doom,heavy,debut album
-Stabbing westward
-metal,industrial,doom,heavy,debut album
-Stabbing westward
-Violent mood swings
-metal,industrial,doom,heavy,debut album
-Stabbing westward
-Red on white
-metal,industrial,doom,debut album
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-Down the rabbit hole
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-As the crow dies
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-Two plus two equals five
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-Closer to the stars
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-Knife edge
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-Digital rain
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-Earth that was
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-Victim of the modern age
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-Human see, human do
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-24 Hours
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-Cassandra complex
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-It's alive, she's alive, we're alive
-Star one
-Victims of the modern age
-It all ends here
-Steve Hunter
-The deacon
-The idler
-blues,rock,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Hunter
-The deacon
-The surge
-blues,rock,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Hunter
-The deacon
-Black cat moan
-blues,rock,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Hunter
-The deacon
-blues,rock,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Hunter
-The deacon
-Hidden portrait
-blues,rock,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Hunter
-The deacon
-The old man in the boat
-blues,rock,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Hunter
-The deacon
-Ghost riders
-blues,rock,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Hunter
-The deacon
-blues,rock,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Hunter
-The deacon
-Road to Jakarta
-blues,rock,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Hunter
-The deacon
-Pig jam (Op.#2 in E Major)
-blues,rock,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Ya-yo gakk
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Blue powder
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero,ballad
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Bad horsie
-metal,guitar,experimental,rock,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Tender surrender
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero,instrumental
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-All about Eve
-metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Dyin' day
-metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-The blood & tears
-metal,guitar,experimental,indian,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-The silent within
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-metal,guitar,tranquil,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-metal,guitar,rock,guitar hero,instrumental
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Die to live
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero,instrumental
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Boston rain melody
-metal,guitar,experimental,instrumental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Kittens got claws
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Lighter shade of green
-metal,guitar,experimental,instrumental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Giant balls of gold
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero,live,instrumental
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Whispering a prayer
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-metal,guitar,rock,instrumental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Windows to the soul
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero,voice
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Brandos costumes (gentle ways)
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero,instrumental,tranquil
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-The reaper
-metal,guitar,heavy,instrumental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Christmas time is here
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-The attitude song
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero,instrumental
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-metal,guitar,experimental,instrumental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Rescue me or bury me
-metal,guitar,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Burnin' down the mountain
-metal,guitar,instrumental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Salamanders in the sun
-metal,guitar,experimental,instrumental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-The animal
-metal,guitar,heavy,instrumental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-The riddle
-metal,guitar,experimental,guitar hero,voice
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-For the love of god
-metal,guitar,ballad,guitar hero,instrumental
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-metal,guitar,experimental,instrumental,guitar hero
-Steve Vai
-The infinite Steve Vai - an anthology
-Fire garden suite: bull whip, Pusa road, Angel food, Taurus bulba
-metal,guitar,experimental,instrumental,guitar hero
-Nothing like the sun
-The Lazarus heart
-Nothing like the sun
-Sister moon
-Nothing like the sun
-Little wing
-Nothing like the sun
-The secret marriage
-Nothing like the sun
-Be still my beating heart
-Nothing like the sun
-Englishman in New York
-Nothing like the sun
-History will teach us nothing
-Nothing like the sun
-They dance alone (gueca solo)
-Nothing like the sun
-Nothing like the sun
-We'll be together
-Nothing like the sun
-Straight to my heart
-Nothing like the sun
-Rock steady
-The dream of the blue turtles
-If you love somebody set them free
-pop,debut album
-The dream of the blue turtles
-Fortress around your heart
-pop,debut album
-The dream of the blue turtles
-Love is the seventh wave
-pop,debut album
-The dream of the blue turtles
-pop,debut album
-The dream of the blue turtles
-Children's crusade
-pop,debut album
-The dream of the blue turtles
-Shadows in the rain
-blues,pop,debut album
-The dream of the blue turtles
-We work the black seam
-pop,debut album
-The dream of the blue turtles
-Consider me gone
-pop,debut album
-The dream of the blue turtles
-The dream of the blue turtles
-pop,instrumental,debut album
-The dream of the blue turtles
-Moon over Bourbon street
-blues,debut album
-The very best of Supertramp
-The very best of Supertramp
-Ain't nobody but me
-The very best of Supertramp
-Hide in your shell
-The very best of Supertramp
-From now on
-The very best of Supertramp
-Give a little bit
-The very best of Supertramp
-It's raining again
-The very best of Supertramp
-The very best of Supertramp
-Goodbye stranger
-The very best of Supertramp
-The logical song
-The very best of Supertramp
-Bloody well right
-The very best of Supertramp
-Breakfast in America
-The very best of Supertramp
-The very best of Supertramp
-Take the long way home
-The very best of Supertramp
-Crime of the century
-The very best of Supertramp
-Suzanne Vega
-Rock in this pocket (song of David)
-Suzanne Vega
-When heroes go down
-Suzanne Vega
-As girls go
-Suzanne Vega
-Song of sand
-Suzanne Vega
-Private goes public
-Suzanne Vega
-Blood makes noise
-Suzanne Vega
-In Liverpool
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-Blood sings
-Suzanne Vega
-Fat man & dancing girl
-Suzanne Vega
-(If you were) in my movie
-Suzanne Vega
-As a child
-Suzanne Vega
-Bad wisdom
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-Tom's diner
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-Wooden horse (Caspar Hauser's song)
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-Tom's diner (reprise)
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-Ironbound/fancy poultry
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-In the eye
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-Night vision
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-Solitude standing
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-Suzanne Vega
-Solitude standing
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-pop,debut album
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-Neighborhood girls
-pop,debut album
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-Freeze tag
-pop,debut album
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-Marlene on the wall
-pop,debut album
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-Small blue thing
-pop,debut album,tranquil
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-Straight lines
-pop,debut album
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-pop,debut album
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-Some journey
-pop,debut album
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-The queen and the soldier
-pop,debut album
-Suzanne Vega
-Suzanne Vega
-Knight moves
-pop,debut album
-To be kind
-Screen shot
-To be kind
-To be kind
-To be kind
-Just a little boy (for Chester Burnett)
-To be kind
-A little god in my hands
-To be kind
-Bring the sun / toussaint l'ouverture
-To be kind
-Some things we do
-To be kind
-She loves us
-To be kind
-Kirsten Supine
-To be kind
-To be kind
-Nathalie Neal
-Force of gravity
-Force of gravity
-Force of gravity
-God of rubbish
-Force of gravity
-Vapour trail
-Force of gravity
-Follow me
-Force of gravity
-Isle in me
-Force of gravity
-Force of gravity
-Turn of the tide
-Force of gravity
-From the silence
-Force of gravity
-Midnight sun
-Force of gravity
-King porn
-Force of gravity
-Episode 609
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-Light up the night
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-The lords of chaos
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-Reign in madness
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-The end of innocence
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-Bastards of the machine
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-Children of a faceless god
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-When all is lost
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-Electric messiah
-Symphony X
-Iconoclast [special edition]
-Prometheus (I am alive)
-Symphony X
-Paradise lost
-Oculus Ex Inferni
-Symphony X
-Paradise lost
-Revelation (divus pennae ex tragoedia)
-Symphony X
-Paradise lost
-Set The World On Fire (The Lie of Lies)
-Symphony X
-Paradise lost
-Symphony X
-Paradise lost
-Serpent's kiss
-Symphony X
-Paradise lost
-Paradise lost
-Symphony X
-Paradise lost
-Eve of seduction
-Symphony X
-Paradise lost
-The walls of Babylon
-Symphony X
-Paradise lost
-Symphony X
-Paradise lost
-The sacrifice
-Symphony X
-The Odyssey
-Inferno (unleash the fire)
-Symphony X
-The Odyssey
-Symphony X
-The Odyssey
-Incantations of the apprentice
-Symphony X
-The Odyssey
-Accolade II
-Symphony X
-The Odyssey
-King of terrors
-Symphony X
-The Odyssey
-The turning
-Symphony X
-The Odyssey
-Symphony X
-The Odyssey
-The odyssey
-Symphony X
-Twilight in Olympus - special edition
-Smoke and mirrors
-Symphony X
-Twilight in Olympus - special edition
-Church of the machine
-Symphony X
-Twilight in Olympus - special edition
-Symphony X
-Twilight in Olympus - special edition
-In the dragon's den
-Symphony X
-Twilight in Olympus - special edition
-Through the looking glass - part I, II & III -
-Symphony X
-Twilight in Olympus - special edition
-The relic
-Symphony X
-Twilight in Olympus - special edition
-Orion - the hunter
-Symphony X
-Twilight in Olympus - special edition
-Lady of the snow
-Talk Talk
-The colour of spring
-Happiness is easy
-Talk Talk
-The colour of spring
-I don't believe in you
-Talk Talk
-The colour of spring
-Life's what you make it
-Talk Talk
-The colour of spring
-April 5th
-Talk Talk
-The colour of spring
-Living in another world
-Talk Talk
-The colour of spring
-Give it up
-Talk Talk
-The colour of spring
-Chameleon day
-Talk Talk
-The colour of spring
-Time it's time
-Tangerine Dream
-Alpha Centauri
-Sunrise in the third system
-Tangerine Dream
-Alpha Centauri
-Fly and collision of Comas Sola
-Tangerine Dream
-Alpha Centauri
-Alpha Centauri
-Tangerine Dream
-Green desert
-Green desert
-Tangerine Dream
-Green desert
-White clouds
-Tangerine Dream
-Green desert
-Astral voyager
-Tangerine Dream
-Green desert
-Indian summer
-Tangerine Dream
-Livemiles (Tangerine Dream in concert)
-Livemiles Part I
-Tangerine Dream
-Livemiles (Tangerine Dream in concert)
-Livemiles Part II
-What lies beneath
-Anteroom of death
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-What lies beneath
-The archive of lost dreams
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-What lies beneath
-Crimson deep
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-What lies beneath
-Until my last breath
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-What lies beneath
-I feel immortal
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-What lies beneath
-In for a kill
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-What lies beneath
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-What lies beneath
-Little lies
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-What lies beneath
-Rivers of lust
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-What lies beneath
-Dark star
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-What lies beneath
-Falling awake
-symphonic,metal,gothic,female fronted
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Ammonia avenue
-Prime time
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Ammonia avenue
-Let me go home
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Ammonia avenue
-One good reason
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Ammonia avenue
-Since the last goodbye
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Ammonia avenue
-Don't answer me
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Ammonia avenue
-Dancing on a highwire
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Ammonia avenue
-You don't believe
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Ammonia avenue
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Ammonia avenue
-Ammonia avenue
-The Alan Parsons Project
-The Alan Parsons Project
-You lie down with dogs
-The Alan Parsons Project
-I'd rather be a man
-The Alan Parsons Project
-You won't be there
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Winding me up
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Damned if I do
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Don't hold back
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Secret garden
-The Alan Parsons Project
-If I could change your mind
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Eye in the sky
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Eye in the sky
-Old and wise
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Eye in the sky
-Eye in the sky
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Eye in the sky
-Children of the moon
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Eye in the sky
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Eye in the sky
-Silence and I
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Eye in the sky
-You're gonna get your fingers burned
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Eye in the sky
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Eye in the sky
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Eye in the sky
-Step by step
-The Alan Parsons Project
-The Alan Parsons Project
-The Alan Parsons Project
-The Alan Parsons Project
-The Alan Parsons Project
-In the real world
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Where's the walrus?
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Light of the world
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Chinese whispers
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Stereotomy Two
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-A dream within a dream
-pop,debut album
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-The fall of the house of Usher - Fall
-pop,symphonic,instrumental,chaotic,debut album
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-To one in paradise
-pop,debut album,tranquil
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-The raven
-pop,gloomy,debut album
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-The tell-tale heart
-pop,debut album
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-The cask of Amontillado
-pop,debut album
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-(The system of) Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
-pop,debut album
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-The fall of the house of Usher - Prelude
-pop,symphonic,spoken,instrumental,gloomy,debut album
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-The fall of the house of Usher - Arrival
-pop,symphonic,instrumental,debut album
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-The fall of the house of Usher - Intermezzo
-pop,symphonic,instrumental,gloomy,debut album
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Tales of mystery and imagination (Edgar Allan Poe)
-The fall of the house of Usher - Pavane
-pop,symphonic,instrumental,debut album
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Turn of a friendly card
-May be a price to pay
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Turn of a friendly card
-Games people play
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Turn of a friendly card
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Turn of a friendly card
-I don't wanna go home
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Turn of a friendly card
-The gold bug
-The Alan Parsons Project
-Turn of a friendly card
-The turn of a friendly card
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-Smile fades fast
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-Song for the morning to sing
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-Lazy day
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-Towards the light
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-Losing it (song for Abigail)
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-Memory babe
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-I feel nothing
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-Room at the top
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-Does this hurt?
-The Boo Radleys
-Everything's alright forever
-The Clash
-London calling
-London calling
-The Clash
-London calling
-The guns of Brixton
-The Clash
-London calling
-Wrong 'em boyo
-The Clash
-London calling
-Death or glory
-The Clash
-London calling
-Koka kola
-The Clash
-London calling
-The card cheat
-The Clash
-London calling
-Lover's rock
-The Clash
-London calling
-Four horsemen
-The Clash
-London calling
-I'm not down
-The Clash
-London calling
-Revolution rock
-The Clash
-London calling
-Train in vain
-The Clash
-London calling
-Brand new cadillac
-The Clash
-London calling
-Jimmy Jazz
-The Clash
-London calling
-The Clash
-London calling
-Rudie can't fail
-The Clash
-London calling
-Spanish bombs
-The Clash
-London calling
-The right profile
-The Clash
-London calling
-Lost in the supermarket
-The Clash
-London calling
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-Would you be happier?
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-Forgiven, not forgotten
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-Lough Erin shore
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-Only when I sleep
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-Love to love you
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-All the love in the world
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-Everybody hurts
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-Give me a reason
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-Make you mine
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-So young
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-What can I do?
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-The right time
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-I never loved you anyway
-The Corrs
-The best of the Corrs
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-I still do
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-I will always
-alternative,tranquil,gloomy,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-Put me down
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-Waltzing back
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-Not sorry
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?
-Still can't...
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-Ode to my family
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-Dreaming my dreams
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-Yeat's grave
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-Daffodil lament
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-No need to argue
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-I can't be with you
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-Twenty one
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-Everything I said
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-The icicle melts
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-The Cranberries
-No need to argue
-Ridiculous thoughts
-The Gathering
-Strange machines
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-In motion (Part I)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-Fear the sea
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-gothic,metal,female fronted,instrumental
-The Gathering
-Sand and mercury
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-In motion (Part II)
-gothic,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-Nighttime birds
-On most surfaces
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-Nighttime birds
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-Nighttime birds
-The May song
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-Nighttime birds
-The earth is my witness
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-Nighttime birds
-New moon, different day
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-Nighttime birds
-Third chance
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-Nighttime birds
-Kevin's telescope
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-Nighttime birds
-Nighttime birds
-progressive,metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-Nighttime birds
-progressive,metal,female fronted,tranquil
-The Gathering
-The west pole
-When trust becomes sound
-The Gathering
-The west pole
-A constant run
-metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-The west pole
-metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-The west pole
-All you are
-metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-The west pole
-The west pole
-metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-The west pole
-No bird call
-metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-The west pole
-Capital of nowhere
-metal,female fronted
-The Gathering
-The west pole
-You promised me a symphony
-female fronted,tranquil
-The Gathering
-The west pole
-Pale traces
-female fronted,tranquil
-The Gathering
-The west pole
-No one spoke
-metal,female fronted
-The church
-After everything now this
-The church
-After everything now this
-The church
-After everything now this
-After everything
-The church
-After everything now this
-The awful ache
-The church
-After everything now this
-Song for the asking
-The church
-After everything now this
-The church
-After everything now this
-The church
-After everything now this
-The church
-After everything now this
-Night friends
-The church
-After everything now this
-Seen it coming
-The church
-Forget yourself
-The church
-Forget yourself
-Don't you fall
-The church
-Forget yourself
-I kept everything
-The church
-Forget yourself
-Nothing seeker
-The church
-Forget yourself
-The church
-Forget yourself
-The church
-Forget yourself
-Serpent easy
-The church
-Forget yourself
-The church
-Forget yourself
-The church
-Forget yourself
-Song in space
-The church
-Forget yourself
-The theatre and its double
-The church
-Forget yourself
-The church
-Forget yourself
-See your lights
-The church
-Forget yourself
-Lay low
-The church
-Forget yourself
-The church
-Forget yourself
-The church
-Forget yourself
-The decemberists
-The tain
-The tain (parts i-iv)
-The flaming lips
-Convinced of the hex
-The flaming lips
-The ego's last stand
-The flaming lips
-I can be a frog
-The flaming lips
-Sagittarius silver announcement
-The flaming lips
-Worm mountain
-The flaming lips
-Scorpio sword
-The flaming lips
-The impulse
-The flaming lips
-Silver trembling hands
-The flaming lips
-Virgo self-esteem broadcast
-The flaming lips
-Watching the planets
-The flaming lips
-The sparrow looks up at the machine
-The flaming lips
-The flaming lips
-Aquarius sabotage
-The flaming lips
-See the leaves
-The flaming lips
-The flaming lips
-Gemini syringes
-The flaming lips
-Your bats
-The flaming lips
-The golden palominos
-Little suicides
-The golden palominos
-The golden palominos
-The golden palominos
-The golden palominos
-The golden palominos
-No skin
-The golden palominos
-The golden palominos
-Break in the road
-The golden palominos
-Touch you
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Lola stars and stripes
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Still in love song
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Yesterday never tomorrows
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Still in love song
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Killer bees
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Talk to me
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Still in love song [12" extended remix]
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Gender bombs
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Changes are no good
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Love & death
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Of Montreal
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Ready for it
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Let's roll
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Allison Krausse
-alternative,rock,debut album
-The stills
-Logic will break your heart
-Animals & insects
-alternative,rock,debut album
-Thom Yorke
-Tomorrow's modern boxes
-A brain in a bottle
-Thom Yorke
-Tomorrow's modern boxes
-Guess again!
-Thom Yorke
-Tomorrow's modern boxes
-Thom Yorke
-Tomorrow's modern boxes
-The mother lode
-Thom Yorke
-Tomorrow's modern boxes
-Truth ray
-Thom Yorke
-Tomorrow's modern boxes
-There is no ice (for my drink)
-Thom Yorke
-Tomorrow's modern boxes
-Pink section
-Thom Yorke
-Tomorrow's modern boxes
-Nose grows some
-The temple of the crescent moon
-Via dolorosa
-Equinox of the gods
-Until the hellhounds sleep again
-Will they come?
-Summertime is gone
-Katarraktis apo aima
-Raining dead angels
-The grudge
-Faaip de oiad
-Eon blue apocalypse
-The patient
-Ticks & leeches
-Live in europe
-Duel with the devil
-Live in europe
-My new world
-Live in europe
-We all need some light
-Live in europe
-Suite Charlotte Pike Medley
-Live in europe
-Stranger in your soul
-Live in europe
-All of the above
-Achtung baby
-Zoo station
-Achtung baby
-Ultra violet (light my way)
-Achtung baby
-Achtung baby
-Love is blindness
-Achtung baby
-Even better than the real thing
-Achtung baby
-Achtung baby
-Until the end of the world
-Achtung baby
-Who's gonna ride your wild horses
-Achtung baby
-So cruel
-Achtung baby
-The fly
-Achtung baby
-Mysterious ways
-Achtung baby
-Tryin' to throw your arms around the world
-All that you can't leave behind
-Beautiful day
-All that you can't leave behind
-New York
-All that you can't leave behind
-All that you can't leave behind
-Stuck in a moment you can't get out of
-All that you can't leave behind
-All that you can't leave behind
-Walk on
-All that you can't leave behind
-All that you can't leave behind
-In a little while
-All that you can't leave behind
-Wild honey
-All that you can't leave behind
-Peace on Earth
-All that you can't leave behind
-When I look at the world
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-Original of the species
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-Fast cars
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-Miracle drug
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-Sometimes you can't make it on your own
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-Love and peace or else
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-City of blinding lights
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-All because of you
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-A man and a woman
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-Crumbs from your table
-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
-One step closer
-No line on the horizon
-No line on the horizon
-No line on the horizon
-No line on the horizon
-Cedars of Lebanon
-No line on the horizon
-No line on the horizon
-Moment of surrender
-No line on the horizon
-Unknown caller
-No line on the horizon
-I'll go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight
-No line on the horizon
-Get on your boots
-No line on the horizon
-Stand up comedy
-No line on the horizon
-Fez-being born
-No line on the horizon
-White as snow
-If you wear that velvet dress
-Wake up dead man
-Do you feel loved
-If god will send his angels
-Staring at the sun
-Last night on earth
-The playboy mansion
-Rattle and hum
-Helter skelter
-Rattle and hum
-Angel of Harlem
-Rattle and hum
-Love rescue me
-Rattle and hum
-When love comes to town
-Rattle and hum
-Rattle and hum
-God Part II
-Rattle and hum
-The star spangled banner
-Rattle and hum
-Bullet the blue sky
-Rattle and hum
-All I want is you
-Rattle and hum
-Van Diemen's land
-Rattle and hum
-Rattle and hum
-Hawkmoon 269
-Rattle and hum
-All along the watchtower
-Rattle and hum
-I still haven't found what I'm looking for
-Rattle and hum
-Freedom for my people
-Rattle and hum
-Silver and gold
-Rattle and hum
-Pride (in the name of love)
-The Joshua tree
-Where the streets have no name
-The Joshua tree
-The Joshua tree
-Mothers of the disappeared
-The Joshua tree
-I still haven't found what I'm looking for
-The Joshua tree
-With or without you
-The Joshua tree
-Bullet the blue sky
-The Joshua tree
-Running to stand still
-The Joshua tree
-Red hill mining town
-The Joshua tree
-In God's country
-The Joshua tree
-Trip through your wires
-The Joshua tree
-One tree hill
-The unforgettable fire
-A sort of homecoming
-The unforgettable fire
-The unforgettable fire
-Pride (in the name of love)
-The unforgettable fire
-The unforgettable fire
-The unforgettable fire
-The unforgettable fire
-The unforgettable fire
-4th of july
-The unforgettable fire
-The unforgettable fire
-Indian summer sky
-The unforgettable fire
-Elvis Presley & America
-Under a blood red sky (Live)
-Under a blood red sky (Live)
-11 o'clock tick tock
-Under a blood red sky (Live)
-I will follow
-Under a blood red sky (Live)
-Party girl
-Under a blood red sky (Live)
-Sunday bloody sunday
-Under a blood red sky (Live)
-The electric company
-Under a blood red sky (Live)
-New year's day
-Under a blood red sky (Live)
-Sunday bloody sunday
-New year's day
-Like a song
-Drowning man
-The refugee
-Two hearts beat as one
-Red light
-The wanderer
-Stay (faraway: so close!)
-Daddy's gonna pay for your crashed car
-Some days are better than others
-The first time
-Dirty day
-Childhood's end
-Bracelets of fingers
-Childhood's end
-Dark is the bark
-Childhood's end
-Magic hollow
-Childhood's end
-Soon there will be thunder
-Childhood's end
-Velvet sunsets
-Childhood's end
-Lament of the astral cowboy
-Childhood's end
-I can see the light
-Childhood's end
-Where is yesterday
-Childhood's end
-Everybody's been burned
-Childhood's end
-The trap
-Childhood's end
-In the past
-Childhood's end
-Childhood's end
-Can you travel in the dark alone?
-Childhood's end
-I had too much to dream last night
-Childhood's end
-Street song
-Childhood's end
-In a flesh aquarium
-Chromatic chimera
-In a flesh aquarium
-Psychic juggles
-In a flesh aquarium
-Feasting fools
-In a flesh aquarium
-Desert urbania
-In a flesh aquarium
-Summoning scences
-In a flesh aquarium
-Silence 011010701
-In a flesh aquarium
-Megalomaniac trees
-In a flesh aquarium
-The shiver: a clown's mindtrap
-In a flesh aquarium
-The shiver: meet me at the carrousel
-In a flesh aquarium
-The shiver: another dissonant chord
-To the unknown man
-Conquest of paradise
-Sauvage et Beau
-Chariots of fire
-So long ago, so clear
-Italian song
-La petite fille de la mer
-I hear you now
-I'll find my way home
-State of independence
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Watani laysa hakiba (Palestinian Student Karmel Group)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Thuto kelefa (Mahlathini & the Mahotella Queens)
-South Africa
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Oppskrift for herrefolk (Mari Boine Persen)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Akatswela (love is so bewildering) (Eyuphuro)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Mix up (The Gladiators)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Ngoma yekwedu (Thomas Mapfumo & the Blacks Unlimited)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-El juguito (Henry Fiol)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Step by step (The Guo brothers)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Ma-nsal (Cheb Zahouaini)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Dancé bonne pà dancé (Gerard Hubert)
-French Antilles
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Mustt mustt (Massive Attack remix) (Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-African typic collection (Sam Fan Thomas)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Land of Anaka (Geoffrey Oryema)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Porushka (The Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble)
-Virgin Records Ltd.
-The virgin (Directory of world music)
-Camina y ven (Celina Gonzalez)
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Spring - Allegro
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Winter - Allegro non molto
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Winter - Largo
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Winter - Allegro
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Violin concerto in A Minor - Allegro moderato e deciso
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Violin concerto in A Minor - Largo
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Violin concerto in A Minor - Presto
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Concerto Op.6/4 - Adagio - allegro
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Concerto Op.6/4 - Adagio
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Concerto Op.6/4 - Vivace
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Concerto Op.6/4 - Allegro
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Spring - Largo
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Concerto a cinque - Allegro moderato
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Concerto a cinque - Adagio
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Concerto a cinque - Allegro vivace
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Spring - Allegro
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Summer - Allegro non molto - allegro
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Summer - Adagio - Presto - Adagio
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Summer - Presto
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Autumn - Allegro
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Autumn - Adagio molto
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-Vivaldi & Corelli & Albinoni
-The four seasons - Autumn - Allegro
-Last resistance
-Ask the tree
-Last resistance
-Threat of happiness
-Last resistance
-Last resistance
-Do Berlin
-Last resistance
-Last resistance
-Dragon's tongue
-Last resistance
-Last resistance
-Last resistance
-Devil's pact
-Last resistance
-Not today, you're mine
-Last resistance
-Black feather
-Last resistance
-The garden
-Within Temptation
-Mother Earth
-Mother earth
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-Mother Earth
-In perfect harmony
-metal,gothic,female fronted,ballad
-Within Temptation
-Mother Earth
-Ice queen
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-Mother Earth
-Our farewell
-metal,gothic,female fronted,ballad
-Within Temptation
-Mother Earth
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-Mother Earth
-The promise
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-Mother Earth
-Never-ending story
-metal,gothic,female fronted,ballad
-Within Temptation
-Mother Earth
-Deceiver of fools
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-Mother Earth
-metal,gothic,female fronted,instrumental,progressive
-Within Temptation
-Mother Earth
-Dark wings
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-It's the fear
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-Video stand my ground
-metal,gothic,female fronted
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-See who I am
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-Jillian (I'd give my heart)
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-Stand my ground
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Within Temptation
-The silent force
-metal,gothic,female fronted,progressive
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Introitus: requiem aeternam
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Offertorium - Hostias et preces
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Agnus dei
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Communio: lux aeterna
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Kyrie eleison
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Sequentia - Dies irea
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Sequentia - Tuba mirum
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Sequentia - Rex tremendae majestatis
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Sequentia - Recordare: Jesu pie
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Sequentia - Confutatis maledictis
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Sequentia - Lacrimosa dies illa
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Offertorium - Domine Jesu Christe
-Cosmic egg
-California queen
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-In the castle
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-Violence of the sun
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-New moon rising
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-White feather
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-In the morning
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-10,000 feet
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-Cosmic egg
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-Far away
-hard rock
-Cosmic egg
-hard rock
-hard rock,debut album
-hard rock,debut album
-hard rock,debut album
-Love train
-hard rock,debut album
-hard rock,debut album
-White unicorn
-hard rock,debut album
-hard rock,debut album
-Where eagles have been
-hard rock,debut album
-Apple tree
-hard rock,debut album
-Joker & the thief
-hard rock,debut album
-hard rock,debut album
-Mind's eye
-hard rock,debut album
-hard rock,debut album
-Owner of a lonely heart
-Hold on
-It can happen
-Leave it
-Our song
-City of love
-Big generator
-Rhythm of love
-Big generator
-Big generator
-Big generator
-Shoot high aim low
-Big generator
-Almost like love
-Big generator
-Love will find a way
-Big generator
-Final eyes
-Big generator
-I'm running
-Big generator
-Holy lamb (Song for harmonic convergence)
-Close to the edge
-Close to the edge
-Close to the edge
-And you and I
-Close to the edge
-Siberian khatru
-Fly from here
-Fly from here - overture
-Fly from here
-guitar hero,instrumental,tranquil
-Fly from here
-Into the storm
-Fly from here
-Fly from here pt.1 - we can fly
-Fly from here
-Fly from here pt.2 - sad night at the airfield
-Fly from here
-Fly from here pt.3 - madman at the screens
-Fly from here
-Fly from here pt.4 - bumpy ride
-Fly from here
-Fly from here pt.5 - we can fly reprise
-Fly from here
-The man you always wanted me to be
-Fly from here
-Life on a film set
-Fly from here
-Hour of need
-Cans and Brahms (Extracts from Brahms' 4th Symphony in E Minor Third Movement)
-We have heaven
-South side of the sky
-Five per cent for nothing
-Long distance runaround
-The fish (Shindleria Praematurus)
-Mood for a day
-Heart of the sunrise
-Going for the one
-Going for the one
-Going for the one
-Turn of the century
-Going for the one
-Going for the one
-Wonderous stories
-Going for the one
-Time is time
-Spirit of survival
-Don't go
-Give love each day
-Can you imagine
-We agree
-Soft as a dove
-In the presence of
-The gates of delirium
-Sound chaser
-To be over
-Tales from topographic oceans
-The revealing science of God / Dance of the dawn
-Tales from topographic oceans
-The remembering / High the memory
-Tales from topographic oceans
-The ancient giants under the sun
-Tales from topographic oceans
-Ritual (nous sommes du soleil)
-Tales from topographic oceans
-Dance of the dawn (studio run-through)
-Tales from topographic oceans
-Giants under the sun (studio run-through)
-The Yes album
-Yours is no disgrace
-The Yes album
-The clap
-The Yes album
-Starship trooper
-The Yes album
-I've seen all good people
-The Yes album
-A venture
-The Yes album
-Perpetual change
-The ladder
-Homeworld (the ladder)
-The ladder
-New language
-The ladder
-Nine voices (longwalker)
-The ladder
-It will be a good day (the river)
-The ladder
-Lightning strikes
-The ladder
-Can I?
-The ladder
-Face to face
-The ladder
-If only you knew
-The ladder
-To be alive (hep yadda)
-The ladder
-The ladder
-The messenger
-Time and a word
-No opportunity necessary: no experience needed
-Time and a word
-Time and a word
-Time and a word
-Sweet dreams
-Time and a word
-The prophet
-Time and a word
-Clear days
-Time and a word
-Astral traveller
-Time and a word
-Time and a word
-Future times / Rejoice
-Don't kill the whale
-Release: release
-Arriving UFO
-Circus of heaven
-On the silent wings of freedom
-I would have waited forever
-Angkor Wat
-Dangerous (look in the light of what you're searching for)
-Holding on
-Take the water to the mountain
-Give and take
-Shock to the system
-Lift me up
-Without hope you cannot start the day
-Saving my heart
-Miracle of life
-Silent talking
-The more we live - let go
-Beyond and before
-progressive,rock,debut album
-I see you
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Yesterday and today
-progressive,rock,debut album,tranquil
-Looking around
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Harold Land
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Every little thing
-progressive,rock,debut album
-progressive,rock,debut album,tranquil
-progressive,rock,debut album
-Following sea
-Quatre mains
-Following sea
-One thing about waves
-Following sea
-Following sea
-Hidden wounds
-Following sea
-Girls keep drinking
-Following sea
-Following sea
-The soft fall
-Following sea
-Crazy about you
-Following sea
-The give up gene
-Following sea
-Fire up the Google beast algorithm
-Keep you close
-Keep you close
-Keep you close
-The final blast
-Keep you close
-Dark sets in
-Keep you close
-Twice (we survive)
-Keep you close
-Keep you close
-Constant now
-Keep you close
-The end of romance
-Keep you close
-Second nature
-Keep you close
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Luka (Suzanne Vega)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Is there anybody out there (Pink Floyd)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Everybody hurts (R.E.M.)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Many rivers to cross (Joe Cocker)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Here comes the sun (The Beatles)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Give a little bit (Supertramp)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-J'y suis jamais alle (Yann Tiersen)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Forbidden colour (David Sylvian)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Heaven still cries (16 Down)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Porcelain (Moby)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Mad about you (Hooverphonic)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Day is done (Johan)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Stay (Lisa Loeb)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Brand new friend (Lloyd Cole & The Commotions)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 1
-Wherever I lay my hat (Paul Young)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Sing (Travis)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Perfect day (Lou Reed)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Day is done (Johan)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Save tonight (Eagle Eye Cherry)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Flowers in the window (Travis)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-I mean I guess (Johan)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Hallelujah (Jeff Buckley)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Tumble and fall (Johan)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Mr. E's beautiful blues (Eels)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Graceland (Kashmir)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-A thousand miles (Vanessa Carlton)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Drawn from memory (Embrace)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-The second you sleep (Saybia)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Fallin' (Alicia Keys)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-In my place (Coldplay)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-I am calling you (Jevetta Steele)
-van Dinter records
-Easy does it, vol. 2
-Alcoholic (Starsailor)
diff --git a/files/practicum/OTP.icl b/files/practicum/OTP.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index f138a63..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/OTP.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-module OTP
-import StdEnv, RandomGetallen, SimpleFileIO
diff --git a/files/practicum/OhDennenboom.dcl b/files/practicum/OhDennenboom.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e298d68..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/OhDennenboom.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-definition module OhDennenboom
-driehoek :: Int -> String
-dennenboom :: Int -> String
diff --git a/files/practicum/OhDennenboom.icl b/files/practicum/OhDennenboom.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bb4782..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/OhDennenboom.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-implementation module OhDennenboom
-import StdEnv
-Start = driehoek 5
-//Start = dennenboom 5
-driehoek :: Int -> String
-dennenboom :: Int -> String
diff --git a/files/practicum/OhDennenboom2.icl b/files/practicum/OhDennenboom2.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 56ae4ba..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/OhDennenboom2.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-implementation module OhDennenboom2
-import StdEnv
-import OhDennenboom
-Start world = ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Origami.icl b/files/practicum/Origami.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c4dcc4..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Origami.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module Origami
-import StdEnv
-Start = and
- [ sum` [1 .. 5] == sum [1 .. 5]
- , prod` [1 .. 5] == prod [1 .. 5]
- , flatten` [[],[1],[1,2],[1,2,3]] == flatten [[],[1],[1,2],[1,2,3]]
- , length` [1 .. 5] == length [1 .. 5]
- , reverse` [1 .. 5] == reverse [1 .. 5]
- , filter` isEven [1 .. 100] == filter isEven [1 .. 100]
- , takeWhile` ((<>) 0) [1,2,3,0,4,5,6] == takeWhile ((<>) 0) [1,2,3,0,4,5,6]
- , maxList` [1 .. 5] == maxList [1 .. 5]
- ]
-sum` xs = ...
-prod` xs = ...
-flatten` xs = ...
-length` xs = ...
-reverse` xs = ...
-filter` p xs = ...
-takeWhile` p xs = ...
-maxList` xs = ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Othello.icl b/files/practicum/Othello.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aa46f9..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Othello.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Othello
-import StdEnv
diff --git a/files/practicum/Partities.dcl b/files/practicum/Partities.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 87f7424..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Partities.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-definition module Partities
-partities :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/files/practicum/Partities.icl b/files/practicum/Partities.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index cdf1bcc..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Partities.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Partities
-import StdEnv
-Start = partities [4,4,4,4]
-partities :: // meest algemene type
-partities ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Perms.dcl b/files/practicum/Perms.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b17db00..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Perms.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-definition module Perms
-perms :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/files/practicum/Perms.icl b/files/practicum/Perms.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index bc294b7..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Perms.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Perms
-import StdEnv
-Start = perms [1..5]
-perms :: // meest algemene type
-perms ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Pesten.icl b/files/practicum/Pesten.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b981e4..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Pesten.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Pesten
-import StdEnv, RandomGetallen, Kaart
-Start = 0
diff --git a/files/practicum/Priemfactoren.icl b/files/practicum/Priemfactoren.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2944b85..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Priemfactoren.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-module Priemfactoren
-import StdEnv
-import Priemgetal
-priemfactoren :: Int -> String
-Start = ( priemfactoren 36, '\n'
- , priemfactoren 133, '\n'
- , priemfactoren 52, '\n'
- , priemfactoren 123456789,'\n'
- )
diff --git a/files/practicum/Priemgetal.dcl b/files/practicum/Priemgetal.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2740660..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Priemgetal.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-definition module Priemgetal
-isPriemgetal :: Int -> Bool
diff --git a/files/practicum/Priemgetal.icl b/files/practicum/Priemgetal.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 98656a3..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Priemgetal.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Priemgetal
-import StdEnv
-// Hier moet True uitkomen:
-Start = [x \\ x <- [1 .. 1000] | isPriemgetal x]
- ==
- [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71,
- 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173,
- 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281,
- 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409,
- 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541,
- 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659,
- 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809,
- 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941,
- 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997
- ]
-isPriemgetal :: Int -> Bool
diff --git a/files/practicum/PropositieLogica2.dcl b/files/practicum/PropositieLogica2.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 555022f..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/PropositieLogica2.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-definition module PropositieLogica2
-import StdEnv
-// Definitie PropL moet gekopieerd worden uit PropositieLogica2.icl
-:: PropL = Waar // logische waarheid
- | Onwaar // logische onwaarheid
- | Niet PropL // ontkenning van een term
- | En PropL PropL // logische conjunctie
- | Of PropL PropL // logische disjunctie
- | Var Ident // variabele v met gegeven index i
-:: Ident :== Int // variabelen hebben een index i (> 0)
-:: Valuatie // valuatie van variabelen naar booleans
-instance toString PropL
-eval1 :: PropL -> Bool
-eval2 :: Valuatie PropL -> Bool
-vars :: PropL -> [Ident]
-vals :: [Ident] -> [Valuatie]
-truths :: PropL -> [Valuatie]
diff --git a/files/practicum/PropositieLogica2.icl b/files/practicum/PropositieLogica2.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index af19488..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/PropositieLogica2.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-implementation module PropositieLogica2
-import StdEnv
-:: PropL ...
-:: Valuatie ...
-instance toString PropL where
- toString ...
-eval1 :: PropL -> Bool
-eval1 ...
-eval2 :: Valuatie PropL -> Bool
-eval2 ...
-vars :: PropL -> ...
-vars ...
-vals :: ...
-vals ...
-truths :: PropL -> [Valuatie]
-truths ...
-Start = 0
diff --git a/files/practicum/PropositieLogica3.dcl b/files/practicum/PropositieLogica3.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index af03b10..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/PropositieLogica3.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-definition module PropositieLogica3
-import StdBool2, StdClass
-// Definitie PropL moet gekopieerd worden uit PropositieLogica3.icl
-:: PropL d = Con d // constante d (2-waardig of 3-waardig)
- | Var Ident // variabele met gegeven naam
- | Niet (PropL d) // ontkenning van een term
- | En (PropL d) (PropL d) // logische conjunctie
- | Of (PropL d) (PropL d) // logische disjunctie
-:: Ident :== Int // variabelen hebben een index i (> 0)
-:: Valuatie d // valuatie van variabelen naar booleans
-:: Bool3 = Waar | Onwaar | Onbekend
-class domein d :: [d]
-class true d :: d
-instance domein Bool
-instance domein Bool3
-instance true Bool
-instance true Bool3
-instance == Bool3
-instance ~~ Bool3
-instance ||| Bool3
-instance &&& Bool3
-instance toString Bool3
-instance toString (PropL d) | toString d
-vars :: (PropL d) -> [Ident]
-vals :: [Ident] -> [Valuatie d] | domein d
-eval :: (Valuatie d) (PropL d) -> d | ~~, |||, &&& d
-truths :: (PropL d) -> [Valuatie d] | ~~, |||, &&&, ==, domein, true d
diff --git a/files/practicum/PropositieLogica3.icl b/files/practicum/PropositieLogica3.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 12a2110..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/PropositieLogica3.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-implementation module PropositieLogica3
-import StdEnv
-:: PropL ...
-:: Valuatie ...
-:: Waarde ...
-instance toString PropL where
- toString ...
-eval :: Valuatie PropL -> Waarde
-eval ...
-vars :: PropL -> ...
-vars ...
-vals :: ...
-vals ...
-truths :: PropL -> [Valuatie]
-truths ...
-Start = 0
diff --git a/files/practicum/Random.dcl b/files/practicum/Random.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index cc4f646..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Random.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-definition module Random
-// **************************************************************************************************
-// General utility for random number generation.
-// This module has been written in Clean 1.3.2 and uses the Clean Standard Object I/O library 1.2
-// **************************************************************************************************
-import StdTime
-:: RandomSeed
-nullRandomSeed :: RandomSeed
-// nullRandomSeed generates a useless RandomSeed (random nullRandomSeed = (0,nullRandomSeed)).
-getNewRandomSeed:: !*env -> (!RandomSeed, !*env) | TimeEnv env
-// GetNewRandomSeed generates a useful RandomSeed, using the current time.
-random :: !RandomSeed -> .(!Int, !RandomSeed)
-// Given a RandomSeed, Random generates a random number and a new RandomSeed.
diff --git a/files/practicum/Random.icl b/files/practicum/Random.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2983656..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Random.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Random
-import StdInt, StdClass
-import StdTime
-:: RandomSeed :== Int
-nullRandomSeed :: RandomSeed
- = 0
-getNewRandomSeed :: !*env -> (!RandomSeed, !*env) | TimeEnv env
-getNewRandomSeed env
-# ({hours,minutes,seconds}, env) = getCurrentTime env
-= (1+(hours+minutes+seconds) bitand 65535, env)
-random :: !RandomSeed -> .(!Int,!RandomSeed)
-random seed
- = (newSeed,newSeed)
- newSeed = if (nextSeed>=0) nextSeed (nextSeed+65537)
- nextSeed = (seed75 bitand 65535)-(seed75>>16)
- seed75 = seed*75
diff --git a/files/practicum/RandomGetallen.dcl b/files/practicum/RandomGetallen.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ca4b27..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/RandomGetallen.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-definition module RandomGetallen
-import Random
-random_n :: Int RandomSeed -> ([Int],RandomSeed)
-random_inf :: RandomSeed -> [Int]
-shuffle :: [a] RandomSeed -> [a]
diff --git a/files/practicum/RandomGetallen.icl b/files/practicum/RandomGetallen.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d57268..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/RandomGetallen.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-implementation module RandomGetallen
-import StdEnv, Random
-Start :: *World -> ([Int],*World)
-Start world
-# (rs,world) = getNewRandomSeed world
-= (shuffle [1..10] rs,world)
-random_n :: Int RandomSeed -> ([Int],RandomSeed)
-random_n ...
-random_inf :: RandomSeed -> [Int]
-random_inf ...
-iterateSt :: (s -> (a,s)) s -> [a]
-iterateSt ...
-shuffle :: [a] RandomSeed -> [a]
-shuffle ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/ReducerenVanLijsten.icl b/files/practicum/ReducerenVanLijsten.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 42eda28..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ReducerenVanLijsten.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-module ReducerenVanLijsten
-import StdEnv
-// 1.
-= [] ++ []
-// 2.
-= [] ++ [x 0,x 1] ++ []
-// 3.
-= [[]] ++ [x 0,x 1]
-// 4.
-= [[x 0,x 1]] ++ [[]]
-// 5.
-= [] ++ ([x 0] ++ ([x 1,x 2] ++ [x 3,x 4,x 5]))
-// 6.
-= (([] ++ [x 0]) ++ [x 1,x 2]) ++ [x 3,x 4,x 5]
-x i = "x" +++ toString i
diff --git a/files/practicum/RefactorX.dcl b/files/practicum/RefactorX.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ddc8a4..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/RefactorX.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-definition module RefactorX
-import StdEnv
-:: Expr = NR Int
- | VAR Name
- | OP Expr Operator Expr
- | LET Name Expr Expr
-:: Name :== String
-:: Operator = PLUS | MIN | MUL | DIV
-:: Val = Result Int | Undef
-from StdClass import class toString
-instance toString Expr
-free :: Expr -> [Name]
-remove_unused_lets :: Expr -> Expr
-eval :: Expr -> Val
diff --git a/files/practicum/RefactorX.icl b/files/practicum/RefactorX.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index a2b5614..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/RefactorX.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-implementation module RefactorX
-import StdEnv
-Start = map toString [E1,E2,E3,E4,E5]
-E1 = (let x = 42 - 3 in x / 0) + (let y = 6 in y * y)
-E2 = let x = 42 in x + (let x = 58 in x)
-E3 = let x = 1 in let y = 2 in let x = 3 in 4
-E4 = let x = 1 in x + y
-E5 = (let x = 1 in x) * x
-:: Expr = NR Int
- | VAR Name
- | OP Expr Operator Expr
- | LET Name Expr Expr
-:: Name :== String
-:: Operator = PLUS | MIN | MUL | DIV
-:: Val = Result Int | Undef
-// expressies afdrukken:
-instance toString Expr where
- toString ...
-// vrije variabelen:
-free :: Expr -> [Name]
-// verwijder deelexpressies met ongebruikte let-variabelen:
-remove_unused_lets :: Expr -> Expr
-// evaluator met tabel van naam-waarde paren:
-eval :: Expr -> Val
diff --git a/files/practicum/RefactorXX.dcl b/files/practicum/RefactorXX.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b7748f..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/RefactorXX.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-definition module RefactorXX
-:: Expr = NR Int
- | VAR Name
- | OP Expr Operator Expr
- | LET Name Expr Expr
-:: Name :== String
-:: Operator = PLUS | MIN | MUL | DIV
-:: Val a = Result a | Undef
-class fail c :: c a
-class return c :: a -> c a
-class (>>=) infix 0 c :: (c a) (a -> c b) -> c b
-class Monad c | return, >>= c
-class MonadFail c | Monad, fail c
-instance fail [], Val
-instance return [], Val
-instance >>= [], Val
-from StdClass import class toString
-instance toString Expr
-free :: Expr -> [Name]
-remove_unused_lets :: Expr -> Expr
-eval :: Expr -> c Int | MonadFail c
diff --git a/files/practicum/RefactorXX.icl b/files/practicum/RefactorXX.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index e7d249f..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/RefactorXX.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-implementation module RefactorXX
-import StdClass, StdInt, StdList, StdOverloaded, StdString
-//Start = map toString [E1,E2,E3,E4,E5]
-E1 = (let x = 42 - 3 in x / 0) + (let y = 6 in y * y)
-E2 = let x = 42 in x + (let x = 58 in x)
-E3 = let x = 1 in let y = 2 in let x = 3 in 4
-E4 = let x = 1 in x + y
-E5 = (let x = 1 in x) * x
-E6 = let x = 5 in let y = x in 0
-E1 = (OP (LET "x" (OP (NR 42) MIN (NR 3)) (OP (VAR "x") DIV (NR 0))) PLUS (LET "y" (NR 6) (OP (VAR "y") MUL (VAR "y"))))
-E2 = (LET "x" (NR 42) (OP (VAR "x") PLUS (LET "x" (NR 58) (VAR "x"))))
-E3 = (LET "x" (NR 1) (LET "y" (NR 2) (LET "x" (NR 3) (NR 4))))
-E4 = (LET "x" (NR 1) (OP (VAR "x") PLUS (VAR "y")))
-E5 = (OP (LET "x" (NR 1) (VAR "x")) MUL (VAR "x"))
-E6 = (LET "x" (NR 5) (LET "y" (VAR "x") (NR 0)))
-:: Expr = NR Int
- | VAR Name
- | OP Expr Operator Expr
- | LET Name Expr Expr
-:: Name :== String
-:: Operator = PLUS | MIN | MUL | DIV
-:: Val a = Result a | Undef
-class fail c :: c a
-class return c :: a -> c a
-class (>>=) infix 0 c :: (c a) (a -> c b) -> c b
-class Monad c | return, >>= c
-class MonadFail c | Monad, fail c
-instance fail Val where // maak deze instance af
-instance return Val where // maak deze instance af
-instance >>= Val where // maak deze instance af
-instance fail [] where // maak deze instance af
-instance return [] where // maak deze instance af
-instance >>= [] where // maak deze instance af
-// expressies afdrukken:
-instance toString Expr where // maak deze instance af
-// vrije variabelen:
-free :: Expr -> [Name]
-free // maak deze functie af
-// verwijder deelexpressies met ongebruikte let-variabelen:
-remove_unused_lets :: Expr -> Expr
-remove_unused_lets // maak deze functie af
-// evaluator, monadische stijl:
-eval :: Expr -> c Int | MonadFail c
-eval // maak deze functie af
-Start :: [[Int]]
-Start = [eval E1, eval E2, eval E3, eval E4, eval E5]
diff --git a/files/practicum/ReturnEnBind.icl b/files/practicum/ReturnEnBind.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index c6cf089..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ReturnEnBind.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-module ReturnEnBind
-import StdEnv, Random
-Start = 42
-(bind1) infix 0 :: (St s a) (a -> (St s b)) -> St s b
-(bind1) f1 f2 = ...
-som2 :: (RandomSeed -> (Int,RandomSeed))
-som2 ...
-seqList1 :: [St s a] -> St s [a]
-seqList1 ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/RomeinsGetal.dcl b/files/practicum/RomeinsGetal.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4657184..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/RomeinsGetal.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-definition module RomeinsGetal
-import StdEnv
-:: RD = M | D | C | L | X | V | I
-:: Roman = Roman [RD]
-instance toInt Roman
-instance fromInt Roman
diff --git a/files/practicum/RomeinsGetal.icl b/files/practicum/RomeinsGetal.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f85866..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/RomeinsGetal.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-implementation module RomeinsGetal
-import StdEnv
-Start :: [Roman]
-Start = [fromInt 42, fromInt 999, fromInt 1024]
-:: RD = M | D | C | L | X | V | I
-:: Roman = Roman [RD]
-instance toInt Roman where // maak deze instantie af
-instance fromInt Roman where // maak deze instantie af
diff --git a/files/practicum/ScanEnIterate.icl b/files/practicum/ScanEnIterate.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a8034b..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ScanEnIterate.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module ScanEnIterate
-import StdEnv
-Start = scan (+) 0 [1 .. 10] = ?
-Start = scan (*) 1 [2 .. 10] = ?
-Start = take 5 (iterate (flip (^) 2) 2) = ?
-Start = take 10 (iterate (flip (/) 10) 123456) = ?
diff --git a/files/practicum/SeqEnSeqList.icl b/files/practicum/SeqEnSeqList.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index c303c57..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/SeqEnSeqList.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-module SeqEnSeqList
-import StdEnv, StdStack
-Start = and
- [ elements` s1 == elements s2
- , elements` (popn` 3 s1) == elements (popn 3 s2)
- , topn` 3 s1 == topn 3 s2
- , elements` s1 == elements s2
- ]
-where (s1,s2) = (pushes` [1..5] newStack, pushes [1..5] newStack)
-pushes` = // expressie met seq en push
-popn` = // expressie met seq en pop
-topn` n s = // expressie met seqList, top en pop
-elements` s = // expressie met seqList, top en pop
diff --git a/files/practicum/SimpleFileIO.dcl b/files/practicum/SimpleFileIO.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 30ef941..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/SimpleFileIO.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-definition module SimpleFileIO
-import StdFile, StdOverloaded, StdMaybe
-// 1.
-readFile :: String *env -> (Maybe String, *env) | FileSystem env
-writeFile :: String String *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env
-// 2.
-readLines :: String *env -> (Maybe [String],*env) | FileSystem env
-writeLines :: String [String] *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env
-// 3.
-mapFile :: String String (a -> b) *env -> (Bool, *env) | FileSystem env & ... a & ... b
diff --git a/files/practicum/SimpleFileIO.icl b/files/practicum/SimpleFileIO.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1339769..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/SimpleFileIO.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-implementation module SimpleFileIO
-import StdBool, StdFile, StdList, StdMaybe
-// 1.
-readFile :: String *env -> (Maybe String,*env) | FileSystem env
-readFile ...
-writeFile :: String String *env -> (Bool,*env) | FileSystem env
-writeFile ...
-// 2.
-readLines :: String *env -> (Maybe [String],*env) | FileSystem env
-readLines ...
-writeLines :: String [String] *env -> (Bool,*env) | FileSystem env
-writeLines ...
-// 3.
-mapFile :: String String (a -> b) *env -> (Bool,*env) | FileSystem env & ... a & ... b
-mapFile ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/StamBoom.dcl b/files/practicum/StamBoom.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b8bf99e..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StamBoom.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-definition module StamBoom
-import GenTree
-:: FamilyTree :== GenTree Couple Single
-:: Couple = Couple Person Person
-:: Single = Single Person
-:: Person = Person DateOfBirth Gender String
-:: Gender = Male | Female
-:: DateOfBirth = DoB Year Month Day
-:: Year :== Int
-:: Month :== Int
-:: Day :== Int
-instance < DateOfBirth
-instance == DateOfBirth
-instance == Couple
-instance == Person
-instance == Gender
-okFamilyTree :: FamilyTree -> Bool
-rootAncestor :: FamilyTree -> Person
-inFamilyTree :: Person FamilyTree -> Bool
-marry :: Person Person FamilyTree -> FamilyTree
-addChild :: Person Couple FamilyTree -> FamilyTree
-children :: Person FamilyTree -> [Person]
-offspring :: Person FamilyTree -> [Person]
diff --git a/files/practicum/StamBoom.icl b/files/practicum/StamBoom.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index d2ca227..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StamBoom.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StamBoom
-import StdEnv, GenTree
-Start = 0
-:: FamilyTree :== GenTree Couple Single
-:: Couple = Couple Person Person
-:: Single = Single Person
-:: Person = Person DateOfBirth Gender String
-:: Gender = Male | Female
-:: DateOfBirth = DoB Year Month Day
-:: Year :== Int
-:: Month :== Int
-:: Day :== Int
-okFamilyTree :: FamilyTree -> Bool
-okFamilyTree ...
-rootAncestor :: FamilyTree -> Person
-rootAncestor ...
-inFamilyTree :: Person FamilyTree -> Bool
-inFamilyTree ...
-marry :: Person Person FamilyTree -> FamilyTree
-marry ...
-addChild :: Person Couple FamilyTree -> FamilyTree
-addChild ...
-children :: Person FamilyTree -> [Person]
-children ...
-offspring :: Person FamilyTree -> [Person]
-offspring ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/StamBoomPrint.icl b/files/practicum/StamBoomPrint.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9359b89..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StamBoomPrint.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-module StamBoomPrint
-import StdEnv
-import StamBoom
-import GenTreePrint
-import TextCompose
-Start = toString Baggins_of_Hobbiton
-/** source family tree Bilbo Baggins:
- (date december 10 2011)
- = Node (Couple (m "Balbo Baggins") (f "Berylla Boffin"))
- [Node (Couple (m "Mungo Baggins") (f "Laura Grubb"))
- [Node (Couple (m "Bungo Baggins") (f "Belladonna Took"))
- [Leaf (Single (m "Bilbo Baggins"))
- ]
- ,Node (Couple (f "Belba Baggins") (m "Rudigar Bolger"))
- []
- ,Node (Couple (m "Longo Baggins") (f "Camellia Sackville"))
- [Node (Couple (m "Otho Sackville-Baggins") (f "Lobelia Bracegirdle"))
- [Leaf (Single (m "Lotho"))
- ]
- ]
- ,Node (Couple (f "Linda Baggins") (m "Bodo Proudfoot"))
- [Leaf (Single (m "Odo Proudfoot"))
- ]
- ,Node (Couple (m "Bingo Baggins") (f "Chica Chubb"))
- [Node (Couple (m "Falco Chubb-Baggins") unknown)
- [Node (Couple (f "Poppy Chubb-Baggins") (m "Filibert Bolger"))
- []
- ]
- ]
- ]
- ,Node (Couple (f "Pansy Baggins") (m "Fastolph Bolger"))
- []
- ,Node (Couple (m "Ponto Baggins") (f "Mimosa Bunce"))
- [Node (Couple (f "Rosa Baggins") (m "Hildigrim Took"))
- []
- ,Node (Couple (m "Polo Baggins") unknown)
- [Node (Couple (m "Posco Baggins") (f "Gilly Brownlock"))
- [Node (Couple (m "Ponto Baggins") unknown)
- [Leaf (Single (f "Angelica Baggins"))]
- ,Leaf (Single (m "Porto Baggins"))
- ,Node (Couple (f "Peony Baggins") (m "Milo Burrows"))
- [Leaf (Single (m "Mosco Baggins"))
- ,Leaf (Single (m "Moro Baggins"))
- ,Leaf (Single (f "Myrtle Baggins"))
- ,Leaf (Single (m "Minto Baggins"))
- ]
- ]
- ,Node (Couple (f "Prisca Baggins") (m "Wilibald Bolger"))
- []
- ]
- ]
- ,Node (Couple (m "Largo Baggins") (f "Tanta Hornblower"))
- [Node (Couple (m "Fosco Baggins") (f "Ruby Bolger"))
- [Leaf (Single (f "Dora Baggins"))
- ,Node (Couple (m "Drogo Baggins") (f "Primula Brandybuck"))
- [Leaf (Single (m "Frodo Baggins"))
- ]
- ,Node (Couple (m "Dudo Baggins") unknown)
- [Node (Couple (f "Daisy Baggins") (m "Griffo Boffin"))
- []
- ]
- ]
- ]
- ,Node (Couple (f "Lily Baggins") (m "Togo Goodbody"))
- []
- ]
- unknown = m "?"
-instance zero (a,b,c) | zero a & zero b & zero c where zero = (zero,zero,zero)
-p (d,m,y) gender name = Person (DoB y m d) gender name
-m name = p zero Male name
-f name = p zero Female name
diff --git a/files/practicum/Start.icl b/files/practicum/Start.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ac8e81..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Start.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-module Start
-import StdEnv
-Start = expr0
-expr0 = "Hello World!"
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdAVLTree.dcl b/files/practicum/StdAVLTree.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 68d2acd..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdAVLTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdAVLTree
-import StdClass
-:: AVLTree a
-mkAVLLeaf :: AVLTree a
-mkAVLNode :: a -> AVLTree a
-isMemberAVLTree :: a (AVLTree a) -> Bool | Eq, Ord a
-insertAVLTree :: a (AVLTree a) -> AVLTree a | Eq, Ord a
-deleteAVLTree :: a (AVLTree a) -> AVLTree a | Eq, Ord a
-isAVLTree :: (AVLTree a) -> Bool | Eq, Ord a
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdAVLTree.icl b/files/practicum/StdAVLTree.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 741c936..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdAVLTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdAVLTree
-import StdEnv
-:: AVLTree a = ...
-mkAVLLeaf :: AVLTree a
-mkAVLLeaf ...
-mkAVLNode :: a -> AVLTree a
-mkAVLNode ...
-isMemberAVLTree :: a (AVLTree a) -> Bool | Eq, Ord a
-isMemberAVLTree ...
-insertAVLTree :: a (AVLTree a) -> AVLTree a | Eq, Ord a
-insertAVLTree ...
-deleteAVLTree :: a (AVLTree a) -> AVLTree a | Eq, Ord a
-deleteAVLTree ...
-isAVLTree :: (AVLTree a) -> Bool | Eq, Ord a
-isAVLTree ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdAssocList.dcl b/files/practicum/StdAssocList.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 95c9e51..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdAssocList.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdAssocList
-import StdClass
-:: AssocList k a
-newAssocList :: AssocList k a // lege associatie lijst
-countValues :: (AssocList k a) -> Int // aantal elementen
-lookupKey :: k (AssocList k a) -> [a] | Eq, Ord k // elementen met sleutelwaarde
-updateKey :: k a (AssocList k a) -> AssocList k a | Eq, Ord k // verander waarde van key-value paar
-removeKey :: k (AssocList k a) -> AssocList k a | Eq, Ord k // verwijder elementen
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdAssocList.icl b/files/practicum/StdAssocList.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cf9754..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdAssocList.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdAssocList
-import StdClass
-:: AssocList k a
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdAssocListTest.icl b/files/practicum/StdAssocListTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f112c..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdAssocListTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-module StdAssocListTest
-/* Test module StdAssocList
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' en '2M' Maximum Heap Size
-import gast
-import StdAssocList
- = testn 1000
- (\x ->
- newAssocList_is_leeg /\
- aantal_elementen_klopt x /\
- lookup_after_update x /\
- lookup_after_update2 x /\
- keys_zijn_uniek x /\
- True
- )
-newIntStringAssocList :: AssocList Int String
-newIntStringAssocList = newAssocList
-vulIntStringAssocList :: (AssocList Int String) Int -> AssocList Int String
-vulIntStringAssocList l n = seq [updateKey k (toString k) \\ k <- [1..n]] l
-newAssocList_is_leeg :: Property
-newAssocList_is_leeg = name "newAssocList_is_leeg"
- (countValues newIntStringAssocList == 0)
-aantal_elementen_klopt :: Int -> Property
-aantal_elementen_klopt n = name "aantal_elementen_klopt"
- (countValues (vulIntStringAssocList newIntStringAssocList n`) == max 0 n`)
-where n` = min n 100
-lookup_after_update :: Int -> Property
-lookup_after_update n = name "lookup_after_update"
- (lookupKey k (updateKey k v (vulIntStringAssocList newIntStringAssocList n`)) == [v])
-where n` = min n 100
- k = n+1
- v = toString k
-lookup_after_update2 :: Int -> Property
-lookup_after_update2 n = name "lookup_after_update"
- (lookupKey k (vulIntStringAssocList (updateKey k v newIntStringAssocList) n`) == [v])
-where n` = min n 100
- k = n+1
- v = toString k
-keys_zijn_uniek :: Int -> Property
-keys_zijn_uniek n = name "keys_zijn_uniek"
- (lookupKey k (removeKey k (vulIntStringAssocList newIntStringAssocList n`)) == [])
-where n` = min n 100
- k = n/2
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdBool2.dcl b/files/practicum/StdBool2.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 66172cc..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdBool2.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdBool2
-import StdBool
-class ~~ a :: !a -> a
-class (|||) infixr 2 a :: !a !a -> a
-class (&&&) infixr 3 a :: !a !a -> a
-instance ~~ Bool
-instance ||| Bool
-instance &&& Bool
-instance ~~ (a -> Bool)
-instance ||| (a -> Bool)
-instance &&& (a -> Bool)
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdBool2.icl b/files/practicum/StdBool2.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9efebc4..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdBool2.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdBool2
-import StdEnv
-lift0 :: // meest algemene type
-lift0 f a = f a
-lift1 :: // meest algemene type
-lift1 f g1 a = f (g1 a)
-lift2 :: // meest algemene type
-lift2 f g1 g2 a = f (g1 a) (g2 a)
-lift3 :: // meest algemene type
-lift3 f g1 g2 g3 a = f (g1 a) (g2 a) (g3 a)
-instance ~~ Bool where ...
-instance ||| Bool where ...
-instance &&& Bool where ...
-instance ~~ (a -> Bool) where ...
-instance ||| (a -> Bool) where ...
-instance &&& (a -> Bool) where ...
-Start = ( filter ((<) 3 &&& (>) 8) [1 .. 10]
- , filter (~~ ((==) 5)) [1 .. 10]
- )
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdDynSet.dcl b/files/practicum/StdDynSet.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index de9a9b7..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdDynSet.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdDynSet
-import StdOverloaded
-class Set a | TC, ==, toString a
-:: Set
-instance zero Set
-instance toString Set
-instance == Set
-toSet :: a -> Set | Set a
-nrOfElts :: Set -> Int
-isEmptySet :: Set -> Bool
-memberOfSet :: a Set -> Bool | Set a
-isSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isStrictSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-union :: Set Set -> Set
-intersection :: Set Set -> Set
-without :: Set Set -> Set
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdDynSet.icl b/files/practicum/StdDynSet.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index ee43631..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdDynSet.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdDynSet
-import StdEnv
-import StdDynamic
-class Set a | TC, ==, toString a
-:: Set = Set [Dynamic]
-instance zero Set
-where zero = abort "zero instance voor Set nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-instance toString Set
-where toString a = abort "toString instance voor Set nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-instance == Set
-where == a b = abort "== instance voor Set nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-toSet :: a -> Set | Set a
-toSet a = abort "toSet nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-nrOfElts :: Set -> Int
-nrOfElts a = abort "nrOfElts nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-isEmptySet :: Set -> Bool
-isEmptySet a = abort "isEmptySet nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-memberOfSet :: a Set -> Bool | Set a
-memberOfSet x a = abort "memberOfSet nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-isSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isSubset a b = abort "isSubset nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-isStrictSubset :: Set Set -> Bool
-isStrictSubset a b = abort "isStrictSubset nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-union :: Set Set -> Set
-union a b = abort "union nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-intersection :: Set Set -> Set
-intersection a b = abort "intersection nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
-without :: Set Set -> Set
-without a b = abort "without nog niet geimplementeerd.\n"
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdGameTree.dcl b/files/practicum/StdGameTree.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 85948a2..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdGameTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdGameTree
-import StdRoseTree
-:: Moves s :== s -> [s]
-:: Worth s w :== s -> w
-gametree :: (Moves s) s -> RoseTree s
-minimaxvalue :: (RoseTree w) -> w | Ord,~ w
-ab_minimaxvalue :: (w,w) (RoseTree w) -> w | Ord,~,Eq w
-minimaxtree :: (RoseTree w) -> RoseTree w | Ord,~ w
-nextmoves :: PruneDepth (Worth s w) (Moves s) s -> [s] | Ord,~,Eq w
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdGameTree.icl b/files/practicum/StdGameTree.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 57e7ef6..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdGameTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdGameTree
-import StdRoseTree
-import StdEnv
-// bereken game tree met moves functie en begin toestand:
-gametree :: (Moves s) s -> RoseTree s
-gametree moves s = iteratetree moves s
-// bereken minimax-waarde van de root van de game tree:
-minimaxvalue :: (RoseTree w) -> w | Ord,~ w
-minimaxvalue (Node w []) = w
-minimaxvalue (Node _ ts) = w
-where ws = map minimaxvalue ts
- w = ~(minList ws)
-// bereken minimax-waarde m.b.v. alpha-beta pruning:
-ab_minimaxvalue :: (w,w) (RoseTree w) -> w | Ord,~,Eq w
-ab_minimaxvalue (a,b) (Node w [ ]) = max a (min w b)
-ab_minimaxvalue (a,b) (Node _ ts) = bound (a,b) ts
- bound :: (w,w) [RoseTree w] -> w | Ord,~,Eq w
- bound (a,b) [] = a
- bound (a,b) [t : ts] = if (a` == b) a` (bound (a`,b) ts)
- where a` = ~ (ab_minimaxvalue (~b,~a) t)
-// bereken minimax-waarden van alle nodes van de game tree:
-minimaxtree :: (RoseTree w) -> RoseTree w | Ord,~ w
-minimaxtree (Node w []) = Node w []
-minimaxtree (Node _ ts) = Node w ts`
-where ts` = map minimaxtree ts
- w = ~(minList (map root ts`))
-// bereken look-ahead van n ronden, en bereken alle minimax-waarden van de nodes:
-minimax :: PruneDepth (Worth s w) (Moves s) -> s -> RoseTree w | Ord, ~ w
-minimax n w moves = minimaxtree
- o (maptree w)
- o (prunetree (2*n))
- o (gametree moves)
-// selecteer optimale volgende zet, met look-ahead n ronden, gebruik makend van minimax waarden
-// van alle nodes van de game tree:
-nextmoves :: PruneDepth (Worth s w) (Moves s) s -> [s] | Ord,~,Eq w
-nextmoves n w moves s = [ s` \\ s` <- moves s
- & w` <- children mtree
- | ~(root w`) == root mtree
- ]
-where mtree = minimax n w moves s
-// sorting sub trees for better states first:
-high (Node w ts) = Node w (sortBy higher (map low ts))
-low (Node w ts) = Node w (sortBy lower (map high ts))
-higher t1 t2 = root t1 > root t2
-lower t1 t2 = root t1 <= root t2
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8b33bb5..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdGameTree.dcl b/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdGameTree.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 85948a2..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdGameTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdGameTree
-import StdRoseTree
-:: Moves s :== s -> [s]
-:: Worth s w :== s -> w
-gametree :: (Moves s) s -> RoseTree s
-minimaxvalue :: (RoseTree w) -> w | Ord,~ w
-ab_minimaxvalue :: (w,w) (RoseTree w) -> w | Ord,~,Eq w
-minimaxtree :: (RoseTree w) -> RoseTree w | Ord,~ w
-nextmoves :: PruneDepth (Worth s w) (Moves s) s -> [s] | Ord,~,Eq w
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdGameTree.icl b/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdGameTree.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 57e7ef6..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdGameTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdGameTree
-import StdRoseTree
-import StdEnv
-// bereken game tree met moves functie en begin toestand:
-gametree :: (Moves s) s -> RoseTree s
-gametree moves s = iteratetree moves s
-// bereken minimax-waarde van de root van de game tree:
-minimaxvalue :: (RoseTree w) -> w | Ord,~ w
-minimaxvalue (Node w []) = w
-minimaxvalue (Node _ ts) = w
-where ws = map minimaxvalue ts
- w = ~(minList ws)
-// bereken minimax-waarde m.b.v. alpha-beta pruning:
-ab_minimaxvalue :: (w,w) (RoseTree w) -> w | Ord,~,Eq w
-ab_minimaxvalue (a,b) (Node w [ ]) = max a (min w b)
-ab_minimaxvalue (a,b) (Node _ ts) = bound (a,b) ts
- bound :: (w,w) [RoseTree w] -> w | Ord,~,Eq w
- bound (a,b) [] = a
- bound (a,b) [t : ts] = if (a` == b) a` (bound (a`,b) ts)
- where a` = ~ (ab_minimaxvalue (~b,~a) t)
-// bereken minimax-waarden van alle nodes van de game tree:
-minimaxtree :: (RoseTree w) -> RoseTree w | Ord,~ w
-minimaxtree (Node w []) = Node w []
-minimaxtree (Node _ ts) = Node w ts`
-where ts` = map minimaxtree ts
- w = ~(minList (map root ts`))
-// bereken look-ahead van n ronden, en bereken alle minimax-waarden van de nodes:
-minimax :: PruneDepth (Worth s w) (Moves s) -> s -> RoseTree w | Ord, ~ w
-minimax n w moves = minimaxtree
- o (maptree w)
- o (prunetree (2*n))
- o (gametree moves)
-// selecteer optimale volgende zet, met look-ahead n ronden, gebruik makend van minimax waarden
-// van alle nodes van de game tree:
-nextmoves :: PruneDepth (Worth s w) (Moves s) s -> [s] | Ord,~,Eq w
-nextmoves n w moves s = [ s` \\ s` <- moves s
- & w` <- children mtree
- | ~(root w`) == root mtree
- ]
-where mtree = minimax n w moves s
-// sorting sub trees for better states first:
-high (Node w ts) = Node w (sortBy higher (map low ts))
-low (Node w ts) = Node w (sortBy lower (map high ts))
-higher t1 t2 = root t1 > root t2
-lower t1 t2 = root t1 <= root t2
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdRoseTree.dcl b/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdRoseTree.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d6609d..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdRoseTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdRoseTree
-import StdClass
-/** This module defines rose trees.
-:: RoseTree a = Node a [RoseTree a]
-:: Children a :== a -> [a]
-:: PruneDepth :== Int
-iteratetree :: !(Children a) a -> RoseTree a
-root :: !(RoseTree a) -> a
-children :: !(RoseTree a) -> [RoseTree a]
-depth :: !(RoseTree a) -> Int
-maptree :: (a -> b) !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree b
-prunetree :: !PruneDepth !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree a
-bonsai :: !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree a | Eq a
-paths :: !(RoseTree a) -> [[a]]
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdRoseTree.icl b/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdRoseTree.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index ddefbca..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdGameTree_en_StdRoseTree/StdRoseTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdRoseTree
-/** This module defines rose trees.
-import StdEnv
-root :: !(RoseTree a) -> a
-root (Node r _) = r
-children :: !(RoseTree a) -> [RoseTree a]
-children (Node _ ts) = ts
-depth :: !(RoseTree a) -> Int
-depth (Node _ []) = 1
-depth (Node _ xs) = 1 + maxList (map depth xs)
-prunetree :: !PruneDepth !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree a
-prunetree d (Node x ts)
-| d <= 1 = Node x []
-| otherwise = Node x (map (prunetree (d-1)) ts)
-bonsai :: !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree a | Eq a
-bonsai t = bonsai` [] t
- bonsai` :: ![a] !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree a | Eq a
- bonsai` path (Node v ts) = Node v (filter (\t -> not (isMember (root t) [v:path]))
- (map (bonsai` [v:path]) ts)
- )
-iteratetree :: !(Children a) a -> RoseTree a
-iteratetree f s = Node s (map (iteratetree f) (f s))
-maptree :: (a -> b) !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree b
-maptree f (Node x ts) = Node (f x) (map (maptree f) ts)
-paths :: !(RoseTree a) -> [[a]]
-paths (Node x []) = [[x]]
-paths (Node x ts) = [[x:path] \\ t <- ts, path <- paths t]
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdIOMonad.dcl b/files/practicum/StdIOMonad.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a37a979..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdIOMonad.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdIOMonad
-// Deze module verpakt een aantal StdFile functies in een monadische jas
-import StdMonad, StdMaybeMonad
-:: IO a
-:: Void = Void
-:: Filemode = Lees | Schrijf
-:: Filenaam :== String
-:: Filehandle
-// voer monadische I/O actie uit op de wereld:
-doIO :: (IO a) *World -> (a,*World)
-// IO is een monad:
-instance return IO
-instance >>= IO
-// lees regel van de console:
-read :: IO String
-// schrijf regel naar de console:
-write :: String -> IO Void
-// open de file met gegeven filenaam en mode:
-open :: Filenaam Filemode -> IO (Maybe Filehandle)
-// sluit de file met gegeven filenaam:
-close :: Filehandle -> IO Bool
-// bepaal of het lezen van de file klaar is:
-eof :: Filehandle -> IO Bool
-// lees een regel van een file:
-readline :: Filehandle -> IO (Maybe String)
-// schrijf een regel naar een file:
-writeline :: String Filehandle -> IO Bool
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdIOMonad.icl b/files/practicum/StdIOMonad.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ddaa5..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdIOMonad.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdIOMonad
-// Deze module verpakt StdFile in een monadische jas
-import StdFile
-import StdMonad
-:: IO a // kies een geschikte representatie voor IO
-:: Filemode = Lees | Schrijf
-:: Filenaam :== String
-:: Filehandle // kies een geschikte representatie voor Filehandle
-instance toInt Filemode where
- toInt Lees = FReadText
- toInt Schrijf = FWriteText
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdListMonad.dcl b/files/practicum/StdListMonad.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 576ef55..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdListMonad.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdListMonad
-import StdMonad
-instance return []
-instance >>= []
-instance fail []
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdListMonad.icl b/files/practicum/StdListMonad.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index b3b3d62..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdListMonad.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdListMonad
-import StdMonad
-instance return [] where return x = [x]
-instance >>= [] where >>= xs f = [y \\ x <- xs, y <- f x]
-instance fail [] where fail = []
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdMaybeMonad.dcl b/files/practicum/StdMaybeMonad.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e9ebec1..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdMaybeMonad.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdMaybeMonad
-import StdMonad
-:: Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
-instance return Maybe
-instance >>= Maybe
-instance fail Maybe
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdMaybeMonad.icl b/files/practicum/StdMaybeMonad.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c6277d..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdMaybeMonad.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdMaybeMonad
-import StdMonad
-:: Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
-instance return Maybe where return x = Just x
-instance >>= Maybe where >>= (Just x) f = f x
- >>= Nothing f = Nothing
-instance fail Maybe where fail = Nothing
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdNum.dcl b/files/practicum/StdNum.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c091c6..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdNum.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdNum
-import StdClass
-import StdQ // optioneel als je StdQ geimplementeerd hebt
-:: Num
-instance == Num
-instance < Num
-instance + Num
-instance - Num
-instance zero Num
-instance * Num
-instance / Num
-instance one Num
-instance abs Num
-instance sign Num
-instance ~ Num
-instance toInt Num
-instance toReal Num
-instance toQ Num // optioneel als je StdQ geimplementeerd hebt
-class fromNum a :: !Num -> a
-instance fromNum Int
-instance fromNum Real
-instance fromNum Q // optioneel als je StdQ geimplementeerd hebt
-class toNum a :: !a -> Num
-instance toNum Int
-instance toNum Real
-instance toNum Q // optioneel als je StdQ geimplementeerd hebt
-instance toString Num
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdNum.icl b/files/practicum/StdNum.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 32ad0a3..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdNum.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdNum
-import StdEnv
-import StdQ // optioneel als je StdQ geimplementeerd hebt
-:: Num = ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdQ.dcl b/files/practicum/StdQ.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 71d3f5a..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdQ.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdQ
-import StdOverloaded
-:: Q
-instance == Q // gelijkheid van rationale getallen
-instance < Q // ordening op rationale getallen
-instance + Q // optellen van rationale getallen
-instance - Q // aftrekken van rationale getallen
-instance zero Q // het neutrale element van optellen (x+zero = zero+x = x)
-instance * Q // vermenigvuldigen van rationale getallen
-instance / Q // delen van rationale getallen
-instance one Q // het neutrale element van vermenigvuldigen (x*one = one*x = x)
-instance abs Q // de absolute waarde van een rationaal getal
-instance sign Q // het teken van het rationale getal
-instance ~ Q // teken-omkering van het rationale getal
-isInt :: Q -> Bool // test of het rationale getal een geheel getal representeert
-instance toInt Q // zet een rationaal getal om naar een Int (met evt. afronding)
-instance toReal Q // zet een rationaal getal om naar een Real (bij benadering)
-class toQ a :: a -> Q
-instance toQ Int // zet een Int om naar een rationaal getal
-instance toQ Real // zet een Real om naar een rationaal getal
-instance toQ (Int,Int) // zet een (t,n) om naar rationaal getal met t de teller, en n de noemer
-instance toQ (Int,Int,Int) // zet een (x,t,n) om naar het rationale getal toQ (x*n+t,n)
-instance toString Q // toon een rationaal getal q als "s(x+t/n)" zodanig dat:
- // q = x + t/n (volgens wiskundige regels)
- // 0 < abs (t/n) < 1
- // s = "" als q>=0; s = -1 anders
- // vb: toString (toQ 11 2) = "(5+1/2)"
- // vb: toString (toQ -11 2) = "-(5+1/2)"
- // als abs (t/n) == 0, toon dan alleen x
- // vb: toString (toQ 10 2) = "5"
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdQ.icl b/files/practicum/StdQ.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9883f91..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdQ.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdQ
-import StdEnv
-:: Q = ... // maak deze type definitie af
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdQTest.icl b/files/practicum/StdQTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a9717..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdQTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-module StdQTest
-/* Test module StdQTest
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import StdQ
-import StdEnv
-import gast
- = testn 1000
- (\ a b c ->
- let qa = fromInt a
- in zero_is_neutral_for_addition qa /\
- zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction qa /\
- one_is_neutral_for_multiplication qa /\
- one_is_neutral_for_division qa /\
- negation_is_idempotent qa /\
- add_then_subtract_yields_identity qa /\
- subtract_then_add_yields_identity qa /\
- abs_is_positive qa /\
- isInt_holds_for_Ints qa /\
- toQ_yields_rational a b c /\
- True
- )
-zero_is_neutral_for_addition :: Q -> Property
-zero_is_neutral_for_addition a = name "zero_is_neutral_for_addition"
- (zero + a == a && a == a + zero)
-zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction :: Q -> Property
-zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction a = name "zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction"
- (a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a))
-one_is_neutral_for_multiplication :: Q -> Property
-one_is_neutral_for_multiplication a = name "one_is_neutral_for_multiplication"
- (one * a == a && a == a * one)
-zero_is_zero_for_multiplication :: Q -> Property
-zero_is_zero_for_multiplication a = name "zero_is_zero_for_multiplication"
- (zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero)
-one_is_neutral_for_division :: Q -> Property
-one_is_neutral_for_division a = name "one_is_neutral_for_division"
- (a / one == a)
-negation_is_idempotent :: Q -> Property
-negation_is_idempotent a = name "negation_is_idempotent"
- (~ (~ a) == a)
-add_then_subtract_yields_identity :: Q -> Property
-add_then_subtract_yields_identity a = name "add then subtract" ((a + a) - a == a)
-subtract_then_add_yields_identity :: Q -> Property
-subtract_then_add_yields_identity a = name "subtract then add" ((zero - a - a) + a + a == zero)
-abs_is_positive :: Q -> Property
-abs_is_positive a = name "abs is positive" (abs a >= zero)
-isInt_holds_for_Ints :: Q -> Property
-isInt_holds_for_Ints a = name "isInt holds for Ints" (isInt a && (a == zero || not (isInt (a / (a+a)))))
-toQ_yields_rational :: Int Int Int -> Property
-toQ_yields_rational a b c = name "toQ yields rational"
- ( (abs a > 2^30 || abs b > 2^30 || a*b == zero || toQ (a,b) * toQ b == toQ a)
- &&
- (abs a > 2^30 || abs b > 2^30 || abs c > 2^30 || a*b*c == zero || (toQ (c,a,b) - toQ c) * toQ b == toQ a)
- )
-instance fromInt Q where fromInt i = toQ i
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdRoman.dcl b/files/practicum/StdRoman.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a9756c9..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdRoman.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdRoman
-import RomeinsGetal
-import StdOverloaded
-instance + Roman
-instance - Roman
-instance zero Roman
-instance * Roman
-instance / Roman
-instance one Roman
-instance ^ Roman
-instance abs Roman
-instance sign Roman
-instance ~ Roman
-instance == Roman
-instance < Roman
-instance isEven Roman // True if arg1 is an even number
-instance isOdd Roman // True if arg1 is an odd number
-class toRoman a :: !a -> Roman
-instance toRoman Char
-instance toRoman Int
-instance toRoman Real
-instance toRoman {#Char}
-class fromRoman a :: !Roman -> a
-instance fromRoman Int
-instance fromRoman Char
-instance fromRoman Real
-instance fromRoman {#Char}
-instance rem Roman
-instance gcd Roman
-instance lcm Roman
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdRoman.icl b/files/practicum/StdRoman.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index fec4461..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdRoman.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdRoman
-import StdEnv, RomeinsGetal
-instance + Roman where ...
-instance - Roman where ...
-instance zero Roman where ...
-instance * Roman where ...
-instance / Roman where ...
-instance one Roman where ...
-instance ^ Roman where ...
-instance abs Roman where ...
-instance sign Roman where ...
-instance ~ Roman where ...
-instance == Roman where ...
-instance < Roman where ...
-instance isEven Roman where ...
-instance isOdd Roman where ...
-class toRoman a :: !a -> Roman
-instance toRoman Char where ...
-instance toRoman Int where ...
-instance toRoman Real where ...
-instance toRoman {#Char} where ...
-class fromRoman a :: !Roman -> a
-instance fromRoman Int where ...
-instance fromRoman Char where ...
-instance fromRoman Real where ...
-instance fromRoman {#Char}where ...
-instance rem Roman where ...
-instance gcd Roman where ...
-instance lcm Roman where ...
-Start :: (Roman,String,Int,Int)
-Start = (r,fromRoman r,toInt r,n)
- r = (toRoman 42) * (toRoman 101)
- n = 42 * 101
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdRoseTree.dcl b/files/practicum/StdRoseTree.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d6609d..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdRoseTree.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdRoseTree
-import StdClass
-/** This module defines rose trees.
-:: RoseTree a = Node a [RoseTree a]
-:: Children a :== a -> [a]
-:: PruneDepth :== Int
-iteratetree :: !(Children a) a -> RoseTree a
-root :: !(RoseTree a) -> a
-children :: !(RoseTree a) -> [RoseTree a]
-depth :: !(RoseTree a) -> Int
-maptree :: (a -> b) !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree b
-prunetree :: !PruneDepth !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree a
-bonsai :: !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree a | Eq a
-paths :: !(RoseTree a) -> [[a]]
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdRoseTree.icl b/files/practicum/StdRoseTree.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index ddefbca..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdRoseTree.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdRoseTree
-/** This module defines rose trees.
-import StdEnv
-root :: !(RoseTree a) -> a
-root (Node r _) = r
-children :: !(RoseTree a) -> [RoseTree a]
-children (Node _ ts) = ts
-depth :: !(RoseTree a) -> Int
-depth (Node _ []) = 1
-depth (Node _ xs) = 1 + maxList (map depth xs)
-prunetree :: !PruneDepth !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree a
-prunetree d (Node x ts)
-| d <= 1 = Node x []
-| otherwise = Node x (map (prunetree (d-1)) ts)
-bonsai :: !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree a | Eq a
-bonsai t = bonsai` [] t
- bonsai` :: ![a] !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree a | Eq a
- bonsai` path (Node v ts) = Node v (filter (\t -> not (isMember (root t) [v:path]))
- (map (bonsai` [v:path]) ts)
- )
-iteratetree :: !(Children a) a -> RoseTree a
-iteratetree f s = Node s (map (iteratetree f) (f s))
-maptree :: (a -> b) !(RoseTree a) -> RoseTree b
-maptree f (Node x ts) = Node (f x) (map (maptree f) ts)
-paths :: !(RoseTree a) -> [[a]]
-paths (Node x []) = [[x]]
-paths (Node x ts) = [[x:path] \\ t <- ts, path <- paths t]
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdSet.dcl b/files/practicum/StdSet.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cad7f1..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdSet.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdSet
-import StdClass
-:: Set a
-toSet :: [a] -> Set a | Eq a
-fromSet :: (Set a) -> [a]
-isEmptySet :: (Set a) -> Bool
-isDisjoint :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-isStrictSubset :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-memberOfSet :: a (Set a) -> Bool | Eq a
-union :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-intersection :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-nrOfElements :: (Set a) -> Int
-without :: (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a | Eq a
-product :: (Set a) (Set b) -> Set (a,b)
-instance zero (Set a)
-instance == (Set a) | Eq a
-powerSet :: (Set a) -> Set (Set a)
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdSet.icl b/files/practicum/StdSet.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index b152f37..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdSet.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdSet
-import StdEnv
-:: Set a
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdSetTest.icl b/files/practicum/StdSetTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b75c3e..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdSetTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-module StdSetTest
-/* Test module StdSet
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' en '8M' Maximum Heap Size.
-import gast
-import GenLexOrd
-import StdSet
-Start = testn 2000
- (\n` n2` m -> let n = cast [A,B,C] n`
- n2 = cast [A,B,C] n2`
- in
- membership m n /\
- conversion_invariant n /\
- length_property n /\
- subset_property n n2 /\
- strictsubset_property n n2 /\
- empty_properties m n /\
- disjoint_properties n n2 /\
- product_properties n n2 /\
- intersect_properties n n2 /\
- setminus_properties n n2 /\
- union_properties n n2 /\
- powset_properties n /\
- True
- )
-:: Enum = A | B | C
-derive bimap []
-derive ggen Enum
-derive genShow Enum
-derive gEq Enum
-derive gLexOrd Enum
-instance == Enum where (==) x y = gEq{|*|} x y
-instance < Enum where (<) x y = gEq{|*|} (gLexOrd{|*|} x y) LT
-// clean should have something like this!
-cast :: a a -> a
-cast _ x = x
-membership :: Enum [Enum] -> Property
-membership x xs
- = name "membership"
- ( memberOfSet x s <==> isMember x xs )
- where s = toSet xs
-conversion_invariant :: [Enum] -> Property
-conversion_invariant xs
- = name "conversion_invariant"
- ( toSet (fromSet xs`) == xs` )
- where xs` = toSet xs
-length_property :: [Enum] -> Property
-length_property xs
- = name "length_property"
- ( nrOfElements s == length (removeDup xs) )
- where s = toSet xs
-subset_property :: [Enum] [Enum] -> Property
-subset_property xs ys
- = name "subset_property"
- ( (isSubset u v) <==> all (flip isMember ys) xs)
- where (u,v) = (toSet xs, toSet ys)
-strictsubset_property :: [Enum] [Enum] -> Property
-strictsubset_property xs ys
- = name "strictsubset_property"
- ( (isStrictSubset u v) <==> (all (flip isMember ys) xs && not (all (flip isMember xs) ys)) )
- where (u,v) = (toSet xs, toSet ys)
-// everything you alwys wanted to know about the empty set...
-// ... but were afraid to ask
-empty_properties :: Enum [Enum] -> Property
-empty_properties x xs
- = name "empty_properties"
- ( isEmptySet (cast dummy zero) /\ isEmptySet (toSet (cast [A] [])) /\
- ((nrOfElements s == 0) <==> isEmptySet s) /\
- ((zero == s) <==> isEmptySet s) )
- where s = toSet xs
- dummy :: Set Enum
- dummy = undef
-product_properties :: [Enum] [Enum] -> Property
-product_properties xs ys
- = name "product_properties"
- ( product u v == toSet [(x,y) \\ x<-xs, y<-ys ] )
- where (u,v) = (toSet xs, toSet ys)
-powset_properties :: [Enum] -> Property
-powset_properties xs
- = name "powset_properties"
- ( powerSet s == toSet (map toSet (subs xs)) )
- where s = toSet xs
- subs [] = [[]]
- subs [x:xs] = subs xs ++ [ [x:xs`] \\ xs` <- subs xs ]
-union_properties :: [Enum] [Enum] -> Property
-union_properties xs ys
- = name "union_properties"
- ( union u v == toSet (xs++ys) )
- where (u,v) = (toSet xs, toSet ys)
-intersect_properties :: [Enum] [Enum] -> Property
-intersect_properties xs ys
- = name "intersect_properties"
- ( intersection u v == toSet [ x \\ x<-xs | isMember x ys ] )
- where (u,v) = (toSet xs, toSet ys)
-setminus_properties :: [Enum] [Enum] -> Property
-setminus_properties xs ys
- = name "setminus_properties"
- ( without u v == toSet [ x \\ x<-xs | not (isMember x ys) ])
- where (u,v) = (toSet xs, toSet ys)
-disjoint_properties :: [Enum] [Enum] -> Property
-disjoint_properties xs ys
- = name "disjoint_properties"
- ( isDisjoint u v <==> (nrOfElements u + nrOfElements v == nrOfElements (union u v)) )
- where (u,v) = (toSet xs, toSet ys)
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdSortList.dcl b/files/practicum/StdSortList.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 46bd238..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdSortList.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdSortList
-import StdClass
-:: SortList a
-newSortList :: SortList a // lege gesorteerde lijst
-memberSort :: a (SortList a) -> Bool | Eq, Ord a // is element van
-insertSort :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Ord a // voeg element toe
-removeFirst :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a // verwijder eerste voorkomen
-removeAll :: a (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a // verwijder alle voorkomens
-elements :: (SortList a) -> [a] // geef alle elementen
-count :: (SortList a) -> Int // aantal elementen
-minimum :: (SortList a) -> a // huidige minimum waarde
-maximum :: (SortList a) -> a // huidige maximum waarde
-mergeSortList :: (SortList a) (SortList a) -> SortList a | Eq, Ord a // meng gesorteerde lijsten
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdSortList.icl b/files/practicum/StdSortList.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 20acaf7..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdSortList.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdSortList
-import StdEnv
-:: SortList a = ... // maak deze type definitie af (mag ook een synoniem type zijn, maar gebruik dan :== in plaats van =)
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index 411f7ca..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdSortListTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-module StdSortListTest
-/* Test module StdSortList
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' en '16M' Maximum Heap Size.
-import gast
-import GenLexOrd
-import StdSortList
-Start = testn 10000
- (\n` n2` m -> let n = lst2slst (cast [A,B,C] n` )
- n2 = lst2slst (cast [A,B,C] n2`)
- in
- leeg_is_leeg /\
- count_matches_elems n /\
- is_sorted_elems n /\
- member_is_member n m /\
- member_na_insert n m /\
- member_na_remove n m /\
- insert_remove_invariant n m /\
- minimum_property n /\
- maximum_property n /\
- merge_additive n n2 /\
- merge_member n n2 m /\
- True
- )
-:: Enum = A | B | C
-derive bimap []
-derive ggen Enum
-derive genShow Enum
-derive gEq Enum
-derive gLexOrd Enum
-instance == Enum where (==) x y = gEq{|*|} x y
-instance < Enum where (<) x y = gEq{|*|} (gLexOrd{|*|} x y) LT
-// clean should have something like this!
-cast :: a a -> a
-cast _ x = x
-leeg_is_leeg :: Property
- = name "leeg_is_leeg"
- (count newSortList == 0)
-count_matches_elems :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-count_matches_elems n
- = name "count_matches_elems"
- (length (elements n) == count n)
-is_sorted_elems :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-is_sorted_elems n
- = name "is_sorted_elems"
- (isSorted (elements n))
- where isSorted lst = and [ x<=y \\ x<-lst & y<-tl lst ]
-member_is_member :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-member_is_member lst e
- = name "member_is_member"
- ((isMember e (elements lst)) <==> (memberSort e lst))
-member_na_insert :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-member_na_insert lst e
- = name "member_na_insert"
- (memberSort e (insertSort e lst))
-member_na_remove :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-member_na_remove lst e
- = name "member_na_remove"
- (not (memberSort e (removeAll e lst)))
-insert_remove_invariant :: (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq, Ord a
-insert_remove_invariant lst e
- = name "insert_remove_invariant"
- (memberSort e lst <==> memberSort e lst`)
- where lst` = removeFirst e (insertSort e lst)
-minimum_property :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq,Ord a
-minimum_property n
- = name "minimum_property"
- (count n > 0 ==> (memberSort min n /\ all ((<=) min) (elements n)))
- where min = minimum n
-maximum_property :: (SortList a) -> Property | Eq,Ord a
-maximum_property n
- = name "maximum_property"
- (count n > 0 ==> (memberSort max n /\ all ((>=) max) (elements n)))
- where max = maximum n
-merge_member :: (SortList a) (SortList a) a -> Property | Eq,Ord a
-merge_member n m e
- = name "merge_member"
- (memberSort e nm <==> (memberSort e n \/ memberSort e m))
- where nm = mergeSortList n m
-merge_additive :: (SortList a) (SortList a) -> Property | Eq,Ord a
-merge_additive n m
- = name "merge_additive"
- (count n + count m == count nm)
- where nm = mergeSortList n m
-lst2slst :: [a] -> SortList a | Eq,Ord a
-lst2slst xs = seq (map insertSort xs) newSortList
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdStack.dcl b/files/practicum/StdStack.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c861a1..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdStack.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdStack
-:: Stack a
-newStack :: Stack a // lege stack
-push :: a (Stack a) -> Stack a // plaats nieuw element bovenop de stack
-pushes :: [a] (Stack a) -> Stack a // plaats elementen achtereenvolgens bovenop stack
-pop :: (Stack a) -> Stack a // haal top element van stack
-popn :: Int (Stack a) -> Stack a // haal bovenste $n$ top elementen van stack
-top :: (Stack a) -> a // geef top element van stack
-topn :: Int (Stack a) -> [a] // geef bovenste $n$ top elementen van stack
-elements :: (Stack a) -> [a] // geef alle elementen van stack
-count :: (Stack a) -> Int // tel aantal elementen in stack
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index 4b3a1f8..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdStack.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdStack
-import StdEnv
-:: Stack a = ... // maak deze type definitie af (mag ook een synoniem type zijn, maar gebruik dan :== in plaats van =)
-Start = ( "s0 = newStack = ", s0,'\n'
- , "s1 = push 1 s0 = ", s1,'\n'
- , "s2 = pushes [2..5] s1 = ",s2,'\n'
- , "s3 = pop s2 = ", s3,'\n'
- , "s4 = popn 3 s3 = ", s4,'\n'
- , "s5 = top s4 = ", s5,'\n'
- , "s6 = topn 3 s2 = ", s6,'\n'
- , "s7 = elements s2 = ", s7,'\n'
- )
- s0 = newStack
- s1 = push 1 s0
- s2 = pushes [2..5] s1
- s3 = pop s2
- s4 = popn 3 s3
- s5 = top s4
- s6 = topn 3 s2
- s7 = elements s2
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deleted file mode 100644
index 064d8f7..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdStack2.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdStack2
-:: Stack2 elem = E.impl: { stack :: impl
- , push :: elem impl -> impl
- , pop :: impl -> impl
- , top :: impl -> elem
- , elements :: impl -> [elem]
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3d4e80c..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdStack2.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdStack2
-import StdEnv
-:: Stack2 elem = E.impl: { stack :: impl
- , push :: elem impl -> impl
- , pop :: impl -> impl
- , top :: impl -> elem
- , elements :: impl -> [elem]
- }
-push :: elem (Stack2 elem) -> Stack2 elem
-push ...
-pop :: (Stack2 elem) -> Stack2 elem
-pop ...
-top :: (Stack2 elem) -> elem
-top ...
-elements :: (Stack2 elem) -> [elem]
-elements ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdStackTest.icl b/files/practicum/StdStackTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8127f53..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdStackTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-module StdStackTest
-/* Test module StdStack
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only' en '2M' Maximum Heap Size
-import gast
-import StdStack
- = testn 1000
- (\x n ->
- newStack_is_empty /\
- stack_is_reverse n /\
- pop_empty_is_ok /\
- top_na_push n x /\
- pop_na_push x /\
- count_counts n x /\
- pop_maakt_stack_korter n /\
- True
- )
-newStack_is_empty :: Property
-newStack_is_empty = name "newStack_is_empty" (isEmpty (elements empty))
-stack_is_reverse :: Int -> Property
-stack_is_reverse n = name "stack_is_reverse"
- (elements (pushes [1..n`] newStack) == reverse [1..n`])
-where n` = min (abs n) 100
-pop_empty_is_ok :: Property
-pop_empty_is_ok = name "pop_empty_is_ok" (count (pop empty) == 0)
-top_na_push :: Int Int -> Property
-top_na_push x n = name "top_na_push"
- (top (push x (pushes [1..n`] newStack)) == x)
-where n` = min (abs n) 100
-pop_na_push :: Int -> Property
-pop_na_push a = name "pop_na_push"
- (top (pop (pop (pushes [a,b,c] newStack))) == a)
-where b = a + a + one
- c = b + a + one
-count_counts :: Int Int -> Property
-count_counts n x = name "count_counts"
- (length (elements stack) == count stack)
-where stack = pushes [1..n`] newStack
- n` = min (abs n) 100
-pop_maakt_stack_korter :: Int -> Property
-pop_maakt_stack_korter n = name "pop_maakt_stack_korter"
- (count stack == 0 || count (pop stack) == count stack - 1)
-where stack = pushes [1..n`] newStack
- n` = min (abs n) 100
-empty :: Stack Int
-empty = newStack
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdStateMonad.dcl b/files/practicum/StdStateMonad.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a825dbc..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdStateMonad.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdStateMonad
-import StdMonad
-:: ST s a
-instance return (ST s)
-instance >>= (ST s)
-mkST :: (s -> *(a,s)) -> ST s a
-unST :: (ST s a) -> s -> *(a, s)
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdStateMonad.icl b/files/practicum/StdStateMonad.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 527ac5c..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdStateMonad.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdStateMonad
-import StdMonad
-:: ST s a = ST (s -> (a, s))
-instance return (ST s) where return x = ST (\w = (x, w))
-instance >>= (ST s) where >>= (ST f) g = ST (\w = let (a, w1) = f w
- in unST (g a) w1
- )
-mkST :: (s -> (a,s)) -> ST s a
-mkST f = ST f
-unST :: (ST s a) -> s -> (a, s)
-unST (ST f) = f
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdT.dcl b/files/practicum/StdT.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index ca97fdc..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdT.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-definition module StdT
-import StdOverloaded
-:: T
-instance == T
-instance < T
-instance zero T
-instance + T
-instance - T
-instance toInt T
-instance fromInt T
-instance toString T
-instance fromString T
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4136172..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdT.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-implementation module StdT
-import StdEnv
-:: T = // implementeer een algebraisch type *of* een record type
-instance == T where == // maak implementatie af
-instance < T where < // maak implementatie af
-instance zero T where zero // maak implementatie af
-instance + T where + // maak implementatie af
-instance - T where - // maak implementatie af
-instance toInt T where toInt // maak implementatie af
-instance fromInt T where fromInt // maak implementatie af
-instance toString T where toString // maak implementatie af
-instance fromString T where fromString // maak implementatie af
diff --git a/files/practicum/StdTTest.icl b/files/practicum/StdTTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6af64fc..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/StdTTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-module StdTTest
-/* Test module StdTTest
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import StdT
-import StdEnv
-import gast
- = testn 1000
- (\ i ->
- gelijkheid_is_symmetrisch i /\
- ordening_is_monotoon i /\
- negatieve_tijd_bestaat_niet i /\
- omzetten_naar_Int_is_consistent i /\
- parse_print_is_consistent i /\
- True
- )
-t :: Int -> T
-t x = fromInt x
-gelijkheid_is_symmetrisch :: Int -> Property
-gelijkheid_is_symmetrisch i = name "gelijkheid_is_symmetrisch"
- (t i == t i)
-ordening_is_monotoon :: Int -> Property
-ordening_is_monotoon i = name "ordening_is_monotoon"
- ((i <= i+1) ==> t i <= t (i+1))
-negatieve_tijd_bestaat_niet :: Int -> Property
-negatieve_tijd_bestaat_niet i = name "negatieve_tijd_bestaat_niet"
- ((i + 1 >= i) ==> t i - t (i+1) == zero)
-omzetten_naar_Int_is_consistent :: Int -> Property
-omzetten_naar_Int_is_consistent i = name "omzetten_naar_Int_is_consistent"
- ((abs i >= 0) ==> toInt (t (abs i)) == abs i)
-parse_print_is_consistent :: Int -> Property
-parse_print_is_consistent i = name "parse_print_is_consistent"
- (fromString (toString (t i)) == t i)
diff --git a/files/practicum/Subs.dcl b/files/practicum/Subs.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ef6e97..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Subs.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-definition module Subs
-subs :: // meest algemene type
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deleted file mode 100644
index f7f2d94..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Subs.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Subs
-import StdEnv
-Start = subs [1..5]
-subs :: // meest algemene type
-subs ...
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6092bc0..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/SubsTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-module SubsTest
-/* Test module Subs
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import StdEnv
-import gast
-import Subs
- = testn 1000
- (\xs -> alle_lengtes_komen_voor xs /\
- alle_elementen_zijn_sub xs /\
- subs_xs_bevat_xs xs /\
- True
- )
-alle_lengtes_komen_voor :: [Int] -> Property
-alle_lengtes_komen_voor xs = name "alle_lengtes_komen_voor"
- (let n = length xs
- in sort (removeDup (map length (subs xs))) == [0..n]
- )
-alle_elementen_zijn_sub :: [Int] -> Property
-alle_elementen_zijn_sub xs = name "alle_elementen_zijn_sub" (and [is_sub f xs \\ f <- subs xs])
-subs_xs_bevat_xs :: [Int] -> Property
-subs_xs_bevat_xs xs = name "subs_xs_bevat_xs" (isMember xs (subs xs))
-/* is_sub sub lijst is True alleen als alle elementen van sub achtereenvolgens voorkomen in lijst.
-is_sub :: [a] [a] -> Bool | Eq a
-is_sub [] _ = True
-is_sub _ [] = False
-is_sub [x:xs] [y:ys]
-| x == y = is_sub xs ys
-| otherwise = is_sub [x:xs] ys
diff --git a/files/practicum/TaylorReeks.icl b/files/practicum/TaylorReeks.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ee6ff8..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/TaylorReeks.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module TaylorReeks
-import StdEnv
-/* 1. Schrijf de functie plusminus die een lijst van waarden krijgt, [x0 ... xn], en die de
- waarde x0 - x1 + x2 - x3 + ... oplevert.
-plusminus :: // meest algemene type
-plusminus ...
-Start = (1-2+3-4+5-6+7-8+9-10,plusminus [1..10])
-/* 2. Implementeer de Taylor-reeks voor de sinus functie m.b.v. de plusminus functie.
-sinus x = plusminus ...
-Start = (sin 0.25, sinus 0.25)
-/* 3. Implementeer de Taylor-reeks voor de cosinus functie m.b.v. de plusminus functie.
-cosinus x = plusminus ...
-Start = (cos 0.25, cosinus 0.25)
diff --git a/files/practicum/TestFigure.icl b/files/practicum/TestFigure.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index a04c726..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/TestFigure.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-module TestFigure
-/** Example library to demonstrate the use of Existential Types.
- The library implements a simple set of drawing objects.
- Create a new project. Set the Environment to "Object IO".
- Set "Project Options" to "No Console".
- Have fun.
- Peter Achten
- April 14 2008.
-import StdEnv, Figure
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world = drawFigure figure6 world
-figure0 = mkFigures
- [ rectangle a b
- , ellips a b
- , text "Hello" (movePoint {vx=(b.x-a.x)/5,vy=(b.y-a.y)/2} a)
- ]
- a = {x=20, y=20 }
- b = {x=180,y=180}
-figure1 = mkFigures
- [ ellips a (movePoint {vx=r,vy=r} a) \\ r <- [10,20..400]]
- a = {x=20,y=20}
-figure2 = mkFigures
- [ text (toString c) {x=r,y=r} \\ c <- ['a'..'z'] & r <- [0,25..]]
-figure3 = mkFigures [figure0,figure1,figure2]
-figure4 = mkFigures
- [ line c (movePoint {vx=toInt (r*(cos angle)),vy=toInt (r*(sin angle))} c)
- \\ angle <- [0.0,2.0*PI/360.0..2.0*PI]
- ]
- c = {x=200,y=200}
- r = 180.0
-figure5 = mkFigures
- [ text (toString cc) (movePoint {vx=toInt (radius*(cos angle)),vy=toInt (radius*(sin angle))} c)
- \\ angle <- [0.0,2.0*PI/(toReal nrchars)..2.0*PI]
- & cc <- chars
- ]
- c = {x=200,y=200}
- radius = 180.0
- chars = ['A'..'Z']
- nrchars = length chars
-figure5` = mkFigures
- [ mkFigures [pencolour colour, text (toString cc) (movePoint {vx=toInt (radius*(cos angle)),vy=toInt (radius*(sin angle))} c)]
- \\ angle <- [0.0,2.0*PI/(toReal nrchars)..2.0*PI]
- & cc <- chars
- & colour <- [ RGB { r = begin.r + (eind.r-begin.r)*i/nrchars
- , g = begin.g + (eind.g-begin.g)*i/nrchars
- , b = begin.b + (eind.b-begin.b)*i/nrchars
- }
- \\ i <- [1..nrchars]
- ]
- ]
- c = {x=200,y=200}
- radius = 180.0
- chars = ['A'..'Z']
- nrchars = length chars
- begin = {r=255, g= 20, b=200}
- eind = {r=0, g=234, b=100}
-figure6 = mkFigures (
- [ pensize 3 ] ++
- [ move {vx=(edges-1)*(toInt (2.0 * radius)),vy=toInt (1.5 * radius)}
- ( mkFigures [ line {x=toInt (cos ( i *2.0*PI/(toReal edges))*radius), y=toInt (sin ( i *2.0*PI/(toReal edges))*radius)}
- {x=toInt (cos ((i+1.0)*2.0*PI/(toReal edges))*radius), y=toInt (sin ((i+1.0)*2.0*PI/(toReal edges))*radius)}
- \\ i <- map toReal [1..edges]
- ]
- )
- \\ edges <- [2..8]
- ])
- radius = 80.0
diff --git a/files/practicum/TestSimpleFileIO.icl b/files/practicum/TestSimpleFileIO.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 539e155..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/TestSimpleFileIO.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-module TestSimpleFileIO
-import SimpleFileIO, StdEnv
-bestand n :== "TestSimpleFileIO" +++ toString n +++ ".icl"
-Start :: *World -> (String,*World)
-/* Test onderdeel 1: */
-Start world
- = case readFile (bestand "") world of
- (Just inhoud,world)
- = case writeFile (bestand 1) inhoud world of
- (True,world) = ("Bestand '" +++ bestand 1 +++ "' geschreven.\n", world)
- (_, world) = ("Bestand '" +++ bestand 1 +++ "'niet geschreven.\n",world)
- (nothing, world) = ("Kon '" +++ bestand "" +++ "' niet lezen.\n",world)
-/* Test onderdeel 2: */
-Start world
- = case readLines (bestand 1) world of
- (Just regels,world)
- = case writeLines (bestand 2) (reverse regels) world of
- (True, world) = ("Bestand '" +++ bestand 2 +++ "' geschreven.\n", world)
- (False,world) = ("Bestand '" +++ bestand 2 +++ "' niet geschreven.\n",world)
- (nothing,world) = ("Kon '" +++ bestand 1 +++ "' niet lezen.\n",world)
-/* Test onderdeel 3: */
-Start world
- = case mapFile (bestand 2) (bestand 3) (map toUpper) world of
- (False,world) = ("Kon '" +++ bestand 2 +++ "' niet lezen of '" +++ bestand 3 +++ "' niet schrijven.\n",world)
- (_, world) = ("Bestand '" +++ bestand 3 +++ "' geschreven.\n",world)
diff --git a/files/practicum/TestStdStack2.icl b/files/practicum/TestStdStack2.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7df0734..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/TestStdStack2.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-module TestStdStack2
-import StdStack2
-listStack :: Stack2 a
-listStack = { stack = [], ... }
-charStack :: Stack2 Char
-charStack = { stack = "", ... }
diff --git a/files/practicum/TextCompose.dcl b/files/practicum/TextCompose.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 85962d6..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/TextCompose.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-definition module TextCompose
-import StdEnv
-/** This module implements a number of operations to compose blocks of text.
-:: Text
-:: AlignH = LeftH | CenterH | RightH // align left, center, right horizontally
-:: AlignV = TopV | CenterV | BottomV // align top, center, bottom vertically
-:: Width :== NrOfChars
-:: Height :== NrOfLines
-:: NrOfChars :== Int // 0 <= nr of chars
-:: NrOfLines :== Int // 0 <= nr of lines
-/** zero
- returns the empty text: horz align [zero] = zero and vert align [zero] = zero.
-instance zero Text
-/** toText (ah,reqw) (av,reqh) a
- transforms the String representation of a into a text block that is atleast
- reqw characters wide and consists of atleast reqh lines.
- The String representation of a determines whether more width or height is
- required.
- The text is aligned horizontally according to ah, and vertically according to av.
-toText :: !(!AlignH,!Width) !(!AlignV,!Height) !a -> Text | toString a
-/** fitText a
- transforms the String representation of a with: toText (LeftH,0) (TopV,0) a.
-fitText :: !a -> Text | toString a
-/** toString text
- adds a newline character to each line in text, and concatenates them.
-instance toString Text
-/** sizeOf x
- determines the number of characters text block x is wide and the number of lines
- it consists of.
-class sizeOf a :: !a -> (!Width,!Height)
-instance sizeOf String
-instance sizeOf Text
-/** horz av texts
- puts all text blocks within texts next to each other, and aligning them according to av.
- It is assumed that all lines within a text block have the same width.
-horz :: !AlignV ![Text] -> Text
-/** vert ah texts
- puts all text blocks within text below each other, and aligning them according to ah.
-vert :: !AlignH ![Text] -> Text
-/** repeath n c
- creates a single line of text consisting of n occurrences of c.
- It is illegal to pass '\n' as argument c.
-repeath :: !Int !Char -> Text
-/** repeatv n c
- creates a single column of text consisting of n occurrences of c.
- It is illegal to pass '\n' as argument c.
-repeatv :: !Int !Char -> Text
-/** frame t
- creates a new text that has a frame around t.
-frame :: !Text -> Text
diff --git a/files/practicum/TextCompose.icl b/files/practicum/TextCompose.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index a87395f..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/TextCompose.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-implementation module TextCompose
-import StdEnv
diff --git a/files/practicum/TupleOverloading.dcl b/files/practicum/TupleOverloading.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6831948..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/TupleOverloading.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-definition module TupleOverloading
-import StdEnv
-instance + (a,b) | + a & + b
-instance + (a,b,c) | + a & + b & + c
-instance - (a,b) | - a & - b
-instance - (a,b,c) | - a & - b & - c
-instance * (a,b) | * a & * b
-instance * (a,b,c) | * a & * b & * c
-instance / (a,b) | / a & / b
-instance / (a,b,c) | / a & / b & / c
-instance zero (a,b) | zero a & zero b
-instance zero (a,b,c) | zero a & zero b & zero c
-instance one (a,b) | one a & one b
-instance one (a,b,c) | one a & one b & one c
-instance ~ (a,b) | ~ a & ~ b
-instance ~ (a,b,c) | ~ a & ~ b & ~ c
diff --git a/files/practicum/TupleOverloading.icl b/files/practicum/TupleOverloading.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d34276..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/TupleOverloading.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-implementation module TupleOverloading
-import StdEnv
-instance + (a,b) | + a & + b where
-instance + (a,b,c) | + a & + b & + c where
-instance - (a,b) | - a & - b where
-instance - (a,b,c) | - a & - b & - c where
-instance * (a,b) | * a & * b where
-instance * (a,b,c) | * a & * b & * c where
-instance / (a,b) | / a & / b where
-instance / (a,b,c) | / a & / b & / c where
-instance zero (a,b) | zero a & zero b where
-instance zero (a,b,c) | zero a & zero b & zero c where
-instance one (a,b) | one a & one b where
-instance one (a,b,c) | one a & one b & one c where
-instance ~ (a,b) | ~ a & ~ b where
-instance ~ (a,b,c) | ~ a & ~ b & ~ c where
-Start = (test (1,2), test (1,2,3))
-test a = ( zero + a == a && a == a + zero
- , a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a)
- , one * a == a && a == a * one
- , zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero
- , a / one == a
- , ~ (~ a) == a
- )
diff --git a/files/practicum/TupleOverloadingTest.icl b/files/practicum/TupleOverloadingTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 91417f7..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/TupleOverloadingTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-module TupleOverloadingTest
-/* Test module VectorOverloading
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import TupleOverloading
-import StdEnv
-import gast
- = testn 1000
- (\v ->
- zero_is_neutral_for_addition v /\
- zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction v /\
- one_is_neutral_for_multiplication v /\
- one_is_neutral_for_division v /\
- negation_is_idempotent v /\
- add_then_subtract_yields_identity v /\
- subtract_then_add_yields_identity v /\
- True
- )
-:: Vector2 a :== (a,a)
-:: BaseType
- :== Int
-// :== Real
-zero_is_neutral_for_addition :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-zero_is_neutral_for_addition a = name "zero_is_neutral_for_addition"
- (zero + a == a && a == a + zero)
-zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction a = name "zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction"
- (a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a))
-one_is_neutral_for_multiplication :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-one_is_neutral_for_multiplication a = name "one_is_neutral_for_multiplication"
- (one * a == a && a == a * one)
-zero_is_zero_for_multiplication :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-zero_is_zero_for_multiplication a = name "zero_is_zero_for_multiplication"
- (zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero)
-one_is_neutral_for_division :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-one_is_neutral_for_division a = name "one_is_neutral_for_division"
- (a / one == a)
-negation_is_idempotent :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-negation_is_idempotent a = name "negation_is_idempotent"
- (~ (~ a) == a)
-add_then_subtract_yields_identity :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-add_then_subtract_yields_identity a = name "add then subtract" ((a + a) - a == a)
-subtract_then_add_yields_identity :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-subtract_then_add_yields_identity a = name "subtract then add" ((zero - a - a) + a + a == zero)
-//derive genShow (,)
-//derive ggen (,)
-derive bimap []
diff --git a/files/practicum/Twice.icl b/files/practicum/Twice.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7602d7a..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Twice.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-module Twice
-// Zet de Maximum Heap Size *en* de Stack Size beide op 1M.
-import StdEnv
-Start = ( inc 0
- , twice inc 0
- , twice twice inc 0
- , twice twice twice inc 0
- , twice twice twice twice inc 0
- )
diff --git a/files/practicum/Uitlijnen.icl b/files/practicum/Uitlijnen.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 44bb8ac..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Uitlijnen.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-module Uitlijnen
-import StdEnv, StdIO
-// Een aantal synomiem types:
-:: UitlijnMode :== Char
-:: Tekst :== String
-:: Woord :== String
-:: Regel :== String
-:: TekstBreedte :== Int
-:: LetterBreedte :== Int
-:: Spatie :== String // De witruimte tussen twee woorden. Lengte > 0, en alle tekens zijn ' '.
-// UitlijnMode geeft de mogelijkheden weer van het algoritme.
-Links = 'l'
-Centreren = 'c'
-Rechts = 'r'
-Uitlijnen = 'u'
-/* uitlijnen is de functie die je zelf moet schrijven.
- Argumenten:
- UitlijnMode: hoe moet de uitvoer uitgelijnd worden (links, gecentreerd, rechts, of uitgelijnd)
- LetterBreedte: breedte van een letterteken (alle lettertekens zijn even breed)
- TekstBreedte: breedte van het uitvoervenster
- Tekst: de brontekst die uitgelijnd dient te worden.
- Uitvoer:
- [Regel]: de lijst van regels die onder elkaar getekend worden.
- De lengte van alle regels moet gelijk zijn.
-uitlijnen :: UitlijnMode LetterBreedte TekstBreedte Tekst -> [Regel]
-uitlijnen ...
-/* Vanaf hier volgt het voorgegeven deel van het programma dat een venster op je scherm
- tevoorschijn tovert. Dit deel hoef je niet te snappen. We nodigen je wel van harte uit
- om eens naar dit stuk functioneel programma te kijken als je nieuwsgierig bent hoe dat
- werkt.
- Uit gewoonte is de rest van dit programma in het Engels geschreven.
-// The data types used in the program:
-:: FontInfo
- = { font :: !Font
- , width :: !Int
- , height :: !Int
- }
-:: State
- = { fontInfo:: !FontInfo
- , mode :: !UitlijnMode
- , window :: !Id
- }
-/* The text to be outlined. You can change this value to test your program. This example contains sufficient
- problems. ;-)
-text =: "In dit kleine verhaaltje komen korte woorden voor, zoals 'a', 'b', 'c' en 'd' maar ook " +++
- "exorbitant lange woorden zoals 'hottentottententententoonstellingexhibitieruimte'. " +++
- "Je algoritme moet natuurlijk ook regels met zulke lange woorden aankunnen. "
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world
-# (fontInfo,world) = accScreenPicture (getFontInfo 8) world
-# (windowId,world) = openId world
-# initialState = {fontInfo=fontInfo,mode=Links,window=windowId}
-= startIO SDI initialState initialiseGUI [ProcessClose closeProcess] world
-// initialiseGUI creates the window and menu of this interactive process.
- initialiseGUI :: (PSt State) -> PSt State
- initialiseGUI pst=:{ls=state}
- # (error,pst) = openWindow undef wdef pst
- | error<>NoError= abort "Could not open the window."
- # (error,pst) = openMenu undef mdef pst
- | error<>NoError= abort "Could not open the menu."
- | otherwise = pst
- where
- // mdef defines the menu of the application.
- mdef = Menu
- "&File" // The menu title
- ( // The menu elements
- SubMenu "Font&Size"
- ( RadioMenu [ (toString fsize,Nothing,Nothing,noLS (setFontSize fsize))
- \\ fsize<-[8,10..30]
- ] 0 []
- ) []
- :+: SubMenu "Mode"
- ( RadioMenu [ (toString mode,Nothing,Nothing,noLS (setMode mode))
- \\ mode<-[Links,Centreren,Rechts,Uitlijnen]
- ] 0 []
- ) []
- :+: MenuSeparator []
- :+: MenuItem "E&xit" [MenuShortKey 'q',MenuFunction (noLS closeProcess)]
- ) [] // The menu has no attributes
- where
- // setFontSize sets the new size of the current font and redraws everything.
- setFontSize :: Int (PSt State) -> PSt State
- setFontSize fsize pst=:{ls=state,io}
- # (maybe_info,io) = accWindowPicture window (getFontInfo fsize) io
- | isNothing maybe_info
- = abort ("Could not retrieve font information of size "+++toString fsize)
- | otherwise
- # info = fromJust maybe_info
- # state = {state & fontInfo=fromJust maybe_info}
- # io = appWindowPicture window (setPenFont info.font) io
- # io = setWindowLook window True (False,look state) io
- = {pst & ls=state,io=io}
- where
- window = state.window
- // setMode sets the new UitlijnMode and redraws everything.
- setMode :: UitlijnMode (PSt State) -> PSt State
- setMode mode pst=:{ls=state,io}
- # state = {state & mode=mode}
- # io = setWindowLook window True (False,look state) io
- = {pst & ls=state,io=io}
- where
- window = state.window
- // wdef defines the window that displays the text.
- wdef = Window
- "Uitlijnen" // The window title
- NilLS // The window contains no controls
- [ // Window attributes:
- WindowClose (noLS closeProcess) // Closing the window terminates the program
- , WindowLook False (look state) // The visible content of the window
- , WindowId state.window // The identification value of the window
- , WindowInit (noLS (appPIO (appWindowPicture state.window (setPenFont state.fontInfo.font))))
- // Set a non-proportional font
- , WindowViewSize {w=300,h=300}
- ]
-// getFontInfo retrieves the font metrics and non-proportional font.
- getFontInfo :: Int *Picture -> (FontInfo,*Picture)
- getFontInfo fsize picture
- # ((ok,font),picture) = openFont {NonProportionalFontDef & fSize=fsize} picture
- | not ok
- = abort "Could not retrieve NonProportionalFontDef from screen picture"
- | otherwise
- # (metrics,picture) = getFontMetrics font picture
- = ({font=font,width=metrics.fMaxWidth,height=fontLineHeight metrics},picture)
-// look draws the visible content of the window.
- look :: State SelectState UpdateState *Picture -> *Picture
- look {fontInfo,mode} _ {oldFrame,newFrame} picture
- # picture = unfill newFrame picture
- # picture = setPenColour Red picture
- # picture = drawAt {zero & x=framewidth/charwidth*charwidth} {zero & vy=frameheight} picture
- # picture = setPenColour Black picture
- = seq [ drawAt {x=i*charwidth,y=y} line.[i]
- \\ line<-linedtext & y<-[lineheight,2*lineheight..], i<-[0..size line-1]
- ] picture
- where
- linedtext = uitlijnen mode charwidth framewidth text
- framesize = rectangleSize newFrame
- framewidth = framesize.w
- frameheight = framesize.h
- lineheight = fontInfo.height
- charwidth = fontInfo.width
diff --git a/files/practicum/VectorOverloading.dcl b/files/practicum/VectorOverloading.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f8520..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/VectorOverloading.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-definition module VectorOverloading
-import StdEnv
-:: Vector2 a = {x0 :: a, x1 :: a}
-instance == (Vector2 a) | == a
-instance zero (Vector2 a) | zero a
-instance one (Vector2 a) | one a
-instance ~ (Vector2 a) | ~ a
-instance + (Vector2 a) | + a
-instance - (Vector2 a) | - a
-instance * (Vector2 a) | * a
-instance / (Vector2 a) | / a
diff --git a/files/practicum/VectorOverloading.icl b/files/practicum/VectorOverloading.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index ad11e4e..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/VectorOverloading.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-implementation module VectorOverloading
-import StdEnv
-:: Vector2 a = {x0 :: a, x1 :: a}
-instance == (Vector2 a) | == a where // maak instantie af
-instance zero (Vector2 a) | zero a where // maak instantie af
-instance one (Vector2 a) | one a where // maak instantie af
-instance ~ (Vector2 a) | ~ a where // maak instantie af
-instance + (Vector2 a) | + a where // maak instantie af
-instance - (Vector2 a) | - a where // maak instantie af
-instance * (Vector2 a) | * a where // maak instantie af
-instance / (Vector2 a) | / a where // maak instantie af
diff --git a/files/practicum/VectorOverloadingTest.icl b/files/practicum/VectorOverloadingTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index e5571bb..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/VectorOverloadingTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-module VectorOverloadingTest
-/* Test module VectorOverloading
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import VectorOverloading
-import StdEnv
-import gast
- = testn 1000
- (\v ->
- zero_is_neutral_for_addition v /\
- zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction v /\
- one_is_neutral_for_multiplication v /\
- one_is_neutral_for_division v /\
- negation_is_idempotent v /\
- add_then_subtract_yields_identity v /\
- subtract_then_add_yields_identity v /\
- True
- )
-:: BaseType
- :== Int
-// :== Real
-zero_is_neutral_for_addition :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-zero_is_neutral_for_addition a = name "zero_is_neutral_for_addition"
- (zero + a == a && a == a + zero)
-zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction a = name "zero_is_neutral_for_subtraction"
- (a - zero == a && a == ~ (zero - a))
-one_is_neutral_for_multiplication :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-one_is_neutral_for_multiplication a = name "one_is_neutral_for_multiplication"
- (one * a == a && a == a * one)
-zero_is_zero_for_multiplication :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-zero_is_zero_for_multiplication a = name "zero_is_zero_for_multiplication"
- (zero * a == zero && zero == a * zero)
-one_is_neutral_for_division :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-one_is_neutral_for_division a = name "one_is_neutral_for_division"
- (a / one == a)
-negation_is_idempotent :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-negation_is_idempotent a = name "negation_is_idempotent"
- (~ (~ a) == a)
-add_then_subtract_yields_identity :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-add_then_subtract_yields_identity a = name "add then subtract" ((a + a) - a == a)
-subtract_then_add_yields_identity :: (Vector2 BaseType) -> Property
-subtract_then_add_yields_identity a = name "subtract then add" ((zero - a - a) + a + a == zero)
-derive genShow Vector2
-derive ggen Vector2
-derive bimap []
diff --git a/files/practicum/VierOpEenRij.icl b/files/practicum/VierOpEenRij.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index fd93358..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/VierOpEenRij.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-module VierOpEenRij
-import StdEnv
-Start = ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/VindtDeRedex.icl b/files/practicum/VindtDeRedex.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index a53462a..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/VindtDeRedex.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module VindtDeRedex
-import StdEnv
-e1 = 42
-e2 = 1 + 125 * 8 / 10 - 59
-e3 = not True || True && False
-e4 = 1 + 2 == 6 - 3
-e5 = "1 + 2" == "6 - 3"
-e6 = "1111 + 2222" == "1111" +++ " + " +++ "2222"
diff --git a/files/practicum/WC.dcl b/files/practicum/WC.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 28f30e1..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/WC.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-definition module WC
-import StdFile
-wc :: String *env -> (Int,*env) | FileSystem env
diff --git a/files/practicum/WC.icl b/files/practicum/WC.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bc88be..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/WC.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-implementation module WC
-import StdEnv, Words, SimpleFileIO
-Start :: *World -> (Int,*World)
-Start world = wc "WC.icl" world
-wc :: String *env -> (Int,*env) | FileSystem env
-wc ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/WF.dcl b/files/practicum/WF.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a9036e1..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/WF.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-definition module WF
-import StdFile
-wf :: String *env -> ([(String,Int)],*env) | FileSystem env
diff --git a/files/practicum/WF.icl b/files/practicum/WF.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index d8b8d52..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/WF.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-implementation module WF
-import StdEnv, Woordfrequentie, SimpleFileIO
-import FrequentielijstGUI
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start world
-# (fl,world) = wf "WF.icl" world
-= toonFrequentielijst2 fl world
-wf :: String *env -> ([(String,Int)],*env) | FileSystem env
-wf ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Wisselgeld.dcl b/files/practicum/Wisselgeld.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9348eab..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Wisselgeld.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-definition module Wisselgeld
-:: Bedrag :== Int // een positief getal
-:: Valuta :== Int // een positief getal
-:: Valutas :== [Valuta] // een niet-lege lijst
-:: Munt :== Int // een positief getal
-:: K :== Int // een positief getal
-:: WisselGeld :== [Munt]
-// Implementeer en test onderstaande functie:
-wissel :: Bedrag Valutas K -> [WisselGeld]
diff --git a/files/practicum/Wisselgeld.icl b/files/practicum/Wisselgeld.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 493e507..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Wisselgeld.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Wisselgeld
-import StdEnv
-:: Bedrag :== Int // een positief getal
-:: Valuta :== Int // een positief getal
-:: Valutas :== [Valuta] // een niet-lege lijst
-:: Munt :== Int // een positief getal
-:: K :== Int // een positief getal
-:: WisselGeld :== [Munt]
-// Implementeer en test onderstaande functie:
-wissel :: Bedrag Valutas K -> [WisselGeld]
-wissel ...
-// Test-cases uit opdrachtenbundel:
-Start = ( wissel 50 [100,50,20,10,5,1] 1
- , wissel 50 [100,50,20,10,5,1] 2
- , wissel 50 [100,50,20,10,5,1] 3
- , wissel 50 [100,50,20,10,5,1] 4
- )
diff --git a/files/practicum/Woordfrequentie.dcl b/files/practicum/Woordfrequentie.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b7092de..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Woordfrequentie.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-definition module Woordfrequentie
-woordfrequentie :: String -> [(String,Int)]
diff --git a/files/practicum/Woordfrequentie.icl b/files/practicum/Woordfrequentie.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc03ad..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Woordfrequentie.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Woordfrequentie
-import StdEnv, Frequentielijst, Words, FrequentielijstGUI
-// Zonder GUI:
-Start = lijst
-// Met GUI:
-Start world = toonFrequentielijst2 lijst world
-woordfrequentie :: String -> [(String,Int)]
-woordfrequentie ...
-lijst = woordfrequentie tekst
-tekst = foldl (+++) "" regels
- regels = ["Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral\n"
- ,"arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.\n"
- ,"\n"
- ,"Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly\n"
- ,"insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so \n"
- ,"amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.\n"
- ,"\n"
- ,"This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people\n"
- ,"living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time.\n"
- ,"Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these where largely\n"
- ,"concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because\n"
- ,"on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.\n"
- ]
diff --git a/files/practicum/Woordzoeker.dcl b/files/practicum/Woordzoeker.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e16d475..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Woordzoeker.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-definition module Woordzoeker
-import VectorOverloading
-:: Puzzel :== [[Char]] // lijst van rijen van leestekens (van links naar rechts, van boven naar beneden)
-:: Woord :== [Char]
-:: Coord :== Vector2 Int
-woordZoeker :: Puzzel [Woord] -> Woord
diff --git a/files/practicum/Woordzoeker.icl b/files/practicum/Woordzoeker.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 10a7f81..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Woordzoeker.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Woordzoeker
-import StdEnv
-import VectorOverloading
-:: Puzzel :== [[Char]] // lijst van rijen van leestekens (van links naar rechts, van boven naar beneden)
-:: Woord :== [Char]
-:: Coord :== Vector2 Int
-woordZoeker :: Puzzel [Woord] -> Woord
-woordZoeker ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/Words.dcl b/files/practicum/Words.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index d7494ef..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Words.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-definition module Words
-words :: // meest algemene type
diff --git a/files/practicum/Words.icl b/files/practicum/Words.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 804d70c..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Words.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Words
-import StdEnv, Group
-Start = words tekst
-tekst = flatten
- [ [ 'Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral\n' ]
- ,[ 'arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.\n' ]
- ,[ '\n' ]
- ,[ 'Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly\n' ]
- ,[ 'insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so \n' ]
- ,[ 'amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.\n' ]
- ,[ '\n' ]
- ,[ 'This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people\n' ]
- ,[ 'living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time.\n' ]
- ,[ 'Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these where largely\n' ]
- ,[ 'concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because\n' ]
- ,[ 'on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.\n' ]
- ]
-words :: // meest algemene type
-words ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/ZFRemoveAt.dcl b/files/practicum/ZFRemoveAt.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 73c61b8..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ZFRemoveAt.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-definition module ZFRemoveAt
-removeAt2 :: Int [a] -> [a]
diff --git a/files/practicum/ZFRemoveAt.icl b/files/practicum/ZFRemoveAt.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 60f59c9..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ZFRemoveAt.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-implementation module ZFRemoveAt
-import StdEnv
-Start = removeAt 101 [1 .. 100] == removeAt2 101 [1 .. 100]
-removeAt2 :: Int [a] -> [a]
-removeAt2 ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/ZFRemoveAtTest.icl b/files/practicum/ZFRemoveAtTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eca25d..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ZFRemoveAtTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module ZFRemoveAtTest
-/* Test module ZFRemoveAt
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import gast
-import ZFRemoveAt
- = testn 1000
- (\m n ->
- let l = [1 .. (n>>20)] in
- identiek_aan_removeAt m l /\
- True
- )
-identiek_aan_removeAt :: Int [Int] -> Property
-identiek_aan_removeAt m l = name "identiek aan removeAt"
- (removeAt m l == removeAt2 m l)
- /\
- (ForEach [1..length l] (\i -> removeAt i l == removeAt2 i l))
diff --git a/files/practicum/ZFSort.icl b/files/practicum/ZFSort.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index c4cf192..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ZFSort.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module ZFSort
-import StdEnv
-import Perms
-is_gesorteerd :: // meest algemene type
-is_gesorteerd ...
-sorteer :: // meest algemene type
-sorteer ...
-Start = sorteer [10,9..1]
diff --git a/files/practicum/ZFUpdateAt.dcl b/files/practicum/ZFUpdateAt.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index cae5f7e..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ZFUpdateAt.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-definition module ZFUpdateAt
-updateAt2 :: !Int a ![a] -> [a]
diff --git a/files/practicum/ZFUpdateAt.icl b/files/practicum/ZFUpdateAt.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4059352..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ZFUpdateAt.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-implementation module ZFUpdateAt
-import StdEnv
-Start = updateAt2 300 42 [100,90 .. 0] == updateAt 300 42 [100,90 .. 0]
-updateAt2 :: !Int a ![a] -> [a]
-updateAt2 ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/ZFUpdateAtTest.icl b/files/practicum/ZFUpdateAtTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c096bd..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ZFUpdateAtTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module ZFUpdateAtTest
-/* Test module ZFUpdateAt
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import gast
-import ZFUpdateAt
- = testn 1000
- (\m n x ->
- let l = [1 .. n bitand 0xFF] in
- identiek_aan_updateAt m l x /\
- True
- )
-identiek_aan_updateAt :: Int [Int] Int -> Property
-identiek_aan_updateAt m l x = name "identiek aan updateAt"
- (updateAt m x l == updateAt2 m x l)
- /\
- (ForEach [1 .. length l] (\i -> updateAt i x l == updateAt2 i x l))
diff --git a/files/practicum/ZFZoek.dcl b/files/practicum/ZFZoek.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a395cb7..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ZFZoek.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-definition module ZFZoek
-import StdEnv
-(??) infixl 9 :: ![a] !a -> Int | Eq a
diff --git a/files/practicum/ZFZoek.icl b/files/practicum/ZFZoek.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index cc4c725..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ZFZoek.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-implementation module ZFZoek
-import StdEnv
-(??) infixl 9 :: ![a] !a -> Int | Eq a
-//(??) ...
-// Het resultaat moet True zijn.
-Start = [ [1,2,3,4,5,6] ?? 3
- , [1,2,3,4,5,6] ?? 10
- , ['Hello world'] ?? 'o'
- ]
- ==
- [ 2, -1, 4 ]
diff --git a/files/practicum/ZFZoekTest.icl b/files/practicum/ZFZoekTest.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index f45d2a9..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/ZFZoekTest.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-module ZFZoekTest
-/* Test module ZFZoek
- Voor werken met Gast:
- (*) gebruik Environment 'Gast'
- (*) zet Project Options op 'Basic Values Only'
-import gast
-import ZFZoek
- = testn 1000
- (\m n ->
- let l = [1 .. n bitand 0xFF] in
- elementen_worden_gevonden l /\
- niet_elementen_worden_niet_gevonden m l /\
- True
- )
-elementen_worden_gevonden :: [Int] -> Property
-elementen_worden_gevonden l = name "elementen worden gevonden"
- (ForEach l (\x -> let i = l??x in 0 <= i && i < length l && l!!i == x))
-niet_elementen_worden_niet_gevonden :: Int [Int] -> Property
-niet_elementen_worden_niet_gevonden m l = name "niet-elementen worden niet gevonden"
- (not (isMember m l)) ==> l??m == -1
diff --git a/files/practicum/Zakkenvuller.icl b/files/practicum/Zakkenvuller.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index ffb620a..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Zakkenvuller.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module Zakkenvuller
-import StdEnv
diff --git a/files/practicum/Zakkenvuller2.icl b/files/practicum/Zakkenvuller2.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8054baf..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Zakkenvuller2.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-module Zakkenvuller2
-import StdEnv
diff --git a/files/practicum/Zinspelingen.icl b/files/practicum/Zinspelingen.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 633892b..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/Zinspelingen.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-implementation module Zinspelingen
-import StdEnv, Firsts, Frags, Subs, Perms, Words
-Start :: *World -> ...
-Start world = ...
diff --git a/files/practicum/freqNL.txt b/files/practicum/freqNL.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b168d6..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/freqNL.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-A 7.49
-B 1.58
-C 1.24
-D 5.93
-E 18.91
-F 0.81
-G 3.40
-H 2.38
-I 6.50
-J 1.46
-K 2.25
-L 3.57
-M 2.21
-N 10.03
-O 6.06
-P 1.57
-Q 0.01
-R 6.41
-S 3.73
-T 6.79
-U 1.99
-V 2.85
-W 1.52
-X 0.04
-Y 0.03
-Z 1.39
diff --git a/files/practicum/huffmanNL.txt b/files/practicum/huffmanNL.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d465a..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/huffmanNL.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-A 0010
-B 001101
-C 0001010
-D 1001
-E 11
-F 00010110
-G 01100
-H 10110
-I 0101
-J 101000
-K 10111
-L 00111
-M 000100
-N 0000
-O 1000
-P 011010
-Q 0001011101
-R 0111
-S 00011
-T 0100
-U 001100
-V 10101
-W 011011
-X 000101111
-Y 0001011100
-Z 101001
diff --git a/files/practicum/support.dcl b/files/practicum/support.dcl
deleted file mode 100644
index c96ece6..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/support.dcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-definition module support
-import StdEnv, StdIO
-:: Pos // A position
- = { rx :: !Real // 0.0 <= rx <= 1.0
- , ry :: !Real // 0.0 <= ry <= 1.0
- }
-:: Vel // A velocity
- = { v0 :: !Real // -1.0 <= v0 <= 1.0
- , v1 :: !Real // -1.0 <= v1 <= 1.0
- }
-toPoint2 :: Size Pos -> Point2
-fromPoint2 :: Size Point2 -> Pos
-circle :: Int -> Oval
-movePos :: Vel Pos -> Pos
-instance zero Pos
-instance zero Vel
-instance + Pos
-instance - Pos
-instance + Vel
-instance - Vel
-class scale a :: !Real !a -> a
-class toVel a :: !a -> Vel
-class dist a :: !a !a -> Real
-instance scale Pos
-instance scale Vel
-instance toVel Pos
-instance dist Pos
-instance dist Real
diff --git a/files/practicum/support.icl b/files/practicum/support.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 612b00d..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/support.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-implementation module support
-import StdEnv, StdIO
-toPoint2 :: Size Pos -> Point2
-toPoint2 {w,h} {rx,ry} = {x=toInt ((toReal w)*rx),y=toInt ((toReal h)*ry)}
-fromPoint2 :: Size Point2 -> Pos
-fromPoint2 {w,h} {x,y} = {rx=(toReal x)/(toReal w),ry=(toReal y)/(toReal h)}
-circle :: Int -> Oval
-circle r = {oval_rx=r,oval_ry=r}
-instance zero Pos where
- zero = {rx=zero,ry=zero}
-instance zero Vel where
- zero = {v0=zero,v1=zero}
-instance + Pos where
- (+) p1 p2 = {rx=p1.rx+p2.rx,ry=p1.ry+p2.ry}
-instance - Pos where
- (-) p1 p2 = {rx=p1.rx-p2.rx,ry=p1.ry-p2.ry}
-instance + Vel where
- (+) a b = {v0=a.v0+b.v0,v1=a.v1+b.v1}
-instance - Vel where
- (-) a b = {v0=a.v0-b.v0,v1=a.v1-b.v1}
-class scale a :: !Real !a -> a
-instance scale Pos where
- scale r p = {rx=r*p.rx,ry=r*p.ry}
-instance scale Vel where
- scale r v = {v0=r*v.v0,v1=r*v.v1}
-class toVel a :: !a -> Vel
-instance toVel Pos where
- toVel p = {v0=p.rx,v1=p.ry}
-class dist a :: !a !a -> Real
-instance dist Pos where
- dist p1 p2 = sqrt ((p1.rx - p2.rx)^2.0 + (p1.ry - p2.ry)^2.0)
-instance dist Real where
- dist r1 r2 = abs (r1 - r2)
-movePos :: Vel Pos -> Pos
-movePos v p = {p & rx=p.rx+v.v0,ry=p.ry+v.v1}