path: root/files/practicum/RefactorXX.icl
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authorCamil Staps2016-02-02 19:24:50 +0100
committerCamil Staps2016-02-02 19:24:50 +0100
commita7d7542dc646a5fd124ef71e71ce260889f1701b (patch)
tree04ed89503bbb3cc9933273a1326a53ca724c3492 /files/practicum/RefactorXX.icl
parentweek6 camil: working positioning of lines by putting empties at left and righ... (diff)
Moved to 1415 directoryHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'files/practicum/RefactorXX.icl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/files/practicum/RefactorXX.icl b/files/practicum/RefactorXX.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index e7d249f..0000000
--- a/files/practicum/RefactorXX.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-implementation module RefactorXX
-import StdClass, StdInt, StdList, StdOverloaded, StdString
-//Start = map toString [E1,E2,E3,E4,E5]
-E1 = (let x = 42 - 3 in x / 0) + (let y = 6 in y * y)
-E2 = let x = 42 in x + (let x = 58 in x)
-E3 = let x = 1 in let y = 2 in let x = 3 in 4
-E4 = let x = 1 in x + y
-E5 = (let x = 1 in x) * x
-E6 = let x = 5 in let y = x in 0
-E1 = (OP (LET "x" (OP (NR 42) MIN (NR 3)) (OP (VAR "x") DIV (NR 0))) PLUS (LET "y" (NR 6) (OP (VAR "y") MUL (VAR "y"))))
-E2 = (LET "x" (NR 42) (OP (VAR "x") PLUS (LET "x" (NR 58) (VAR "x"))))
-E3 = (LET "x" (NR 1) (LET "y" (NR 2) (LET "x" (NR 3) (NR 4))))
-E4 = (LET "x" (NR 1) (OP (VAR "x") PLUS (VAR "y")))
-E5 = (OP (LET "x" (NR 1) (VAR "x")) MUL (VAR "x"))
-E6 = (LET "x" (NR 5) (LET "y" (VAR "x") (NR 0)))
-:: Expr = NR Int
- | VAR Name
- | OP Expr Operator Expr
- | LET Name Expr Expr
-:: Name :== String
-:: Operator = PLUS | MIN | MUL | DIV
-:: Val a = Result a | Undef
-class fail c :: c a
-class return c :: a -> c a
-class (>>=) infix 0 c :: (c a) (a -> c b) -> c b
-class Monad c | return, >>= c
-class MonadFail c | Monad, fail c
-instance fail Val where // maak deze instance af
-instance return Val where // maak deze instance af
-instance >>= Val where // maak deze instance af
-instance fail [] where // maak deze instance af
-instance return [] where // maak deze instance af
-instance >>= [] where // maak deze instance af
-// expressies afdrukken:
-instance toString Expr where // maak deze instance af
-// vrije variabelen:
-free :: Expr -> [Name]
-free // maak deze functie af
-// verwijder deelexpressies met ongebruikte let-variabelen:
-remove_unused_lets :: Expr -> Expr
-remove_unused_lets // maak deze functie af
-// evaluator, monadische stijl:
-eval :: Expr -> c Int | MonadFail c
-eval // maak deze functie af
-Start :: [[Int]]
-Start = [eval E1, eval E2, eval E3, eval E4, eval E5]