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+\fancyfoot[C]{Copyright {\textcopyright} 2015 Camil Staps}
+\title{Algoritmen en Datastructuren - assignment \assignment}
+\author{Camil Staps\\\small{s4498062}}
+ \item If job $i$ is not contained in the set of optimal jobs, we know that $V[i]=V[i-1]$. However, if it \emph{is} contained in that set, that equality does not hold. There is however a small edge case when $v[i]=0$, in which case the job should always be included in the solution even though the above equality holds. Therefore, \textsc{Print-Jobs} is given by:
+ \begin{minted}[linenos,xleftmargin=20pt,tabsize=0,fontsize=\footnotesize]{python}
+ def print_jobs(V, j):
+ for i in [j,j-1,...,1]:
+ if v[i] == 0 or V[i] != V[i-1]:
+ print(i)
+ \end{minted}
+ We walk through the array once, so this takes linear time.
+ \item We walk through the $c$ matrix from the bottom right to the top left. If for a cell $(j,i)$ we have $y[j]=x[i]$, we can go to $(j-1,i-1)$ and print $y[j]$, because the character there is in the LCS. If not, we can go either to $(j-1,i)$ or $(j,i-1)$ which would have the same value as $(j,i)$. This way, we print the number of characters that is in the bottom right of the $c$ table (the length of the LCS), and as argued above, all characters printed are in the LCS. Therefore, the algorithm is correct.
+ \begin{minted}[linenos,xleftmargin=20pt,tabsize=0,fontsize=\footnotesize]{python}
+ def print_lcs(X, Y, c, i, j):
+ if c[i][j] == 0:
+ return
+ if X[i] == Y[j]:
+ print(X[i])
+ print_lcs(X, Y, c, i-1, j-1)
+ elif c[i][j-1] == c[i][j]:
+ print_lcs(X, Y, c, i, j-1)
+ elif c[i-1][j] == c[i][j]: # True
+ print_lcs(X, Y, c, i-1, j)
+ \end{minted}
+ We walk only upwards and leftwards through the $c$ matrix which is $m$ by $n$, so this takes $\pazocal O(m+n)$ time.
+ \item \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Let's walk through the matrix from $(i,j)$ to $(0,0)$. On every step we go either up or left. Then the simple recursion follows:
+ \begin{equation}
+ \label{eq:10.3}
+ P[i,j,k] = \begin{cases}
+ 0 & \text{if $i=0$ or $j=0$ or $k<0$} \\
+ P\left[i-1,j,k-M[i,j]\right] + P\left[i,j-1,k-M[i,j]\right] & \text{otherwise}
+ \end{cases}
+ \end{equation}
+ \item Use a three-dimensional array to store $P[i,j,k]$ for all $0\le i\le m$, $0\le j\le n$, $0\le k\le C$. Iterate over $k$ in increasing order and then over $i$ and $j$ in increasing-sum order, so that the second case of \autoref{eq:10.3} always uses already computed values. Finally return $P[m,n,C]$.
+ Both cases of \autoref{eq:10.3} are executed in constant time because we only use already computed values in the second case. We only use the equation $(n+1)(m+1)(C+1)$ times, so this takes $\pazocal O(nmC)$ time.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item \begin{enumerate}
+ \item This is just the LCS problem with $Y=X^R$. So, as on the slide titled `Computing length of LCS':
+ \begin{equation*}
+ L[i,j] = \begin{cases}
+ 0 & \text{if $i=0$ or $j=0$} \\
+ L[i+1,j-1] + 1 & \text{if $i,j>0$ and $s_i=s_j$} \\
+ \max(L[i,j-1], L[i+1,j]) & \text{otherwise}
+ \end{cases}
+ \end{equation*}
+ \item We discussed the LCS algorithm in the lecture, I'm assuming it is given by \texttt{c}.
+ \begin{minted}[linenos,xleftmargin=20pt,tabsize=0,fontsize=\footnotesize]{python}
+ def longest_palindrome_subsequence(s):
+ l = list(s)
+ return c(s, s[::-1])
+ \end{minted}
+ The \texttt{c} algorithm depends on the bottom-up computation of itself with lower parameters, which is in this case equivalent to depending on the bottom-up computation of $L[i,j]$.
+ \texttt{c} runs in $\pazocal O(mn)$ as discussed, but here $m=n$, so that is $\pazocal O(n^2)$.
+ \end{enumerate}