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diff --git a/assignment11.tex b/assignment11.tex
index eec7ccb..ac824df 100644
--- a/assignment11.tex
+++ b/assignment11.tex
@@ -103,7 +103,23 @@
- \item %todo
+ \item \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Start with the set of intervals $I=\emptyset$. While $S$ is non-empty:
+ \begin{enumerate}[ref=\roman*]
+ \item Extract the smallest $x_i$ from $S$.
+ \item Add $[x_i,x_i+1]$ to $I$. \label{11-5-a-choice}
+ \item Remove all $x_j$ with $x_j \in [x_i,x_i+1]$ from $S$.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ Return $I$.
+ \item \begin{proof}
+ Suppose the algorithm was not correct. Then in step \ref{11-5-a-choice} we could have chosen a different interval containing $x_i$, all the $x_j$ from the next step \emph{and} at least one other $x_j'$. However, any other option for an interval would have a lower lower bound and a lower upper bound. Therefore, $x_j'<x_i$. However, since $x_i$ is minimal, this $x_j'$ cannot exist. Therefore, our choice of $[x_i,x_i+1]$ is optimal.
+ \end{proof}
+ The greedy choice is to take the interval which contains $x_i$ and as many as possible other values.
+ I don't get the question about the optimal substructure, it's a term I only know from dynamic programming which doesn't apply here.
+ \end{enumerate}