path: root/project2/proj2_s4498062/dns/
diff options
authorCamil Staps2016-05-02 15:36:05 +0200
committerCamil Staps2016-05-02 15:36:05 +0200
commit7120add95d0c5b8a97af861785ec9fe1cfc7eaee (patch)
tree986d3801536e5d45937ee3d22474bc6eca120819 /project2/proj2_s4498062/dns/
parentAssignment 5 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'project2/proj2_s4498062/dns/')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/project2/proj2_s4498062/dns/ b/project2/proj2_s4498062/dns/
index f948f2f..3c86443 100644
--- a/project2/proj2_s4498062/dns/
+++ b/project2/proj2_s4498062/dns/
@@ -1,272 +1,272 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
-""" DNS messages
-This module contains classes for DNS messages, their header section and
-question fields. See section 4 of RFC 1035 for more info.
-import socket
-import struct
-from dns.classes import Class
-from dns.domainname import Parser, Composer
-from dns.resource import ResourceRecord
-from dns.types import Type
-class Message(object):
- """ DNS message """
- def __init__(self, header, questions=[], answers=[], authorities=[], additionals=[]):
- """ Create a new DNS message
- Args:
- header (Header): the header section
- questions ([Question]): the question section
- answers ([ResourceRecord]): the answer section
- authorities ([ResourceRecord]): the authority section
- additionals ([ResourceRecord]): the additional section
- """
- self.header = header
- self.questions = questions
- self.answers = answers
- self.authorities = authorities
- self.additionals = additionals
- @property
- def resources(self):
- """ Getter for all resource records """
- return self.answers + self.authorities + self.additionals
- def to_bytes(self):
- """ Convert Message to bytes """
- composer = Composer()
- # Add header
- result = self.header.to_bytes()
- # Add questions
- for question in self.questions:
- offset = len(result)
- result += question.to_bytes(offset, composer)
- # Add answers
- for answer in self.answers:
- offset = len(result)
- result += answer.to_bytes(offset, composer)
- # Add authorities
- for authority in self.authorities:
- offset = len(result)
- result += authority.to_bytes(offset, composer)
- # Add additionals
- for additional in self.additionals:
- offset = len(result)
- result += additional.to_bytes(offset, composer)
- return result
- @classmethod
- def from_bytes(cls, packet):
- """ Create Message from bytes
- Args:
- packet (bytes): byte representation of the message
- """
- parser = Parser()
- # Parse header
- header, offset = Header.from_bytes(packet), 12
- # Parse questions
- questions = []
- for i in range(header.qd_count):
- question, offset = Question.from_bytes(packet, offset, parser)
- questions.append(question)
- # Parse answers
- answers = []
- for i in range(header.an_count):
- answer, offset = ResourceRecord.from_bytes(packet, offset, parser)
- answers.append(answer)
- # Parse authorities
- authorities = []
- for i in range(header.ns_count):
- authority, offset = ResourceRecord.from_bytes(packet, offset, parser)
- authorities.append(authority)
- # Parse additionals
- additionals = []
- for i in range(header.ar_count):
- additional, offset = ResourceRecord.from_bytes(packet, offset, parser)
- additionals.append(additional)
- return cls(header, questions, answers, authorities, additionals)
-class Header(object):
- """ The header section of a DNS message
- Contains a number of properties which are accessible as normal member
- variables.
- See section 4.1.1 of RFC 1035 for their meaning.
- """
- def __init__(self, ident, flags, qd_count, an_count, ns_count, ar_count):
- """ Create a new Header object
- Args:
- ident (int): identifier
- qd_count (int): number of entries in question section
- an_count (int): number of entries in answer section
- ns_count (int): number of entries in authority section
- ar_count (int): number of entries in additional section
- """
- self.ident = ident
- self._flags = flags
- self.qd_count = qd_count
- self.an_count = an_count
- self.ns_count = ns_count
- self.ar_count = ar_count
- def to_bytes(self):
- """ Convert header to bytes """
- return struct.pack("!6H",
- self.ident,
- self._flags,
- self.qd_count,
- self.an_count,
- self.ns_count,
- self.ar_count)
- @classmethod
- def from_bytes(cls, packet):
- """ Convert Header from bytes """
- if len(packet) < 12:
- raise ShortHeader
- return cls(*struct.unpack_from("!6H", packet))
- @property
- def flags(self):
- return self._flags
- @flags.setter
- def flags(self, value):
- if value >= (1 << 16):
- raise ValueError("value too big for flags")
- self._flags = value
- @property
- def qr(self):
- return self._flags & (1 << 15)
- @qr.setter
- def qr(self, value):
- if value:
- self._flags |= (1 << 15)
- else:
- self._flags &= ~(1 << 15)
- @property
- def opcode(self):
- return (self._flags & (((1 << 4) - 1) << 11)) >> 11
- @opcode.setter
- def opcode(self, value):
- if value > 0b1111:
- raise ValueError("invalid opcode")
- self._flags &= ~(((1 << 4) - 1) << 11)
- self._flags |= value << 11
- @property
- def aa(self):
- return self._flags & (1 << 10)
- @aa.setter
- def aa(self, value):
- if value:
- self._flags |= (1 << 10)
- else:
- self._flags &= ~(1 << 10)
- @property
- def tc(self):
- return self._flags & (1 << 9)
- @tc.setter
- def tc(self, value):
- if value:
- self._flags |= (1 << 9)
- else:
- self._flags &= ~(1 << 9)
- @property
- def rd(self):
- return self._flags & (1 << 8)
- @rd.setter
- def rd(self, value):
- if value:
- self._flags |= (1 << 8)
- else:
- self._flags &= ~(1 << 8)
- @property
- def ra(self):
- return self._flags & (1 << 7)
- @ra.setter
- def ra(self, value):
- if value:
- self._flags |= (1 << 7)
- else:
- self._flags &= ~(1 << 7)
- @property
- def z(self):
- return (self._flags & (((1 << 3) - 1) << 4) >> 4)
- @z.setter
- def z(self, value):
- if value:
- raise ValueError("non-zero zero flag")
- @property
- def rcode(self):
- return self._flags & ((1 << 4) - 1)
- @rcode.setter
- def rcode(self, value):
- if value > 0b1111:
- raise ValueError("invalid return code")
- self._flags &= ~((1 << 4) - 1)
- self._flags |= value
-class Question(object):
- """ An entry in the question section.
- See section 4.1.2 of RFC 1035 for more info.
- """
- def __init__(self, qname, qtype, qclass):
- """ Create a new entry in the question section
- Args:
- qname (str): QNAME
- qtype (Type): QTYPE
- qclass (Class): QCLASS
- """
- self.qname = qname
- self.qtype = qtype
- self.qclass = qclass
- def to_bytes(self, offset, composer):
- """ Convert Question to bytes """
- bqname = composer.to_bytes(offset, [self.qname])
- bqtype = struct.pack("!H", self.qtype)
- bqclass = struct.pack("!H", self.qclass)
- return bqname + bqtype + bqclass
- @classmethod
- def from_bytes(cls, packet, offset, parser):
- """ Convert Question from bytes """
- qnames, offset = parser.from_bytes(packet, offset, 1)
- qname = qnames[0]
- qtype, qclass = struct.unpack_from("!2H", packet, offset)
- return cls(qname, qtype, qclass), offset + 4
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+""" DNS messages
+This module contains classes for DNS messages, their header section and
+question fields. See section 4 of RFC 1035 for more info.
+import socket
+import struct
+from dns.classes import Class
+from dns.domainname import Parser, Composer
+from dns.resource import ResourceRecord
+from dns.types import Type
+class Message(object):
+ """ DNS message """
+ def __init__(self, header, questions=[], answers=[], authorities=[], additionals=[]):
+ """ Create a new DNS message
+ Args:
+ header (Header): the header section
+ questions ([Question]): the question section
+ answers ([ResourceRecord]): the answer section
+ authorities ([ResourceRecord]): the authority section
+ additionals ([ResourceRecord]): the additional section
+ """
+ self.header = header
+ self.questions = questions
+ self.answers = answers
+ self.authorities = authorities
+ self.additionals = additionals
+ @property
+ def resources(self):
+ """ Getter for all resource records """
+ return self.answers + self.authorities + self.additionals
+ def to_bytes(self):
+ """ Convert Message to bytes """
+ composer = Composer()
+ # Add header
+ result = self.header.to_bytes()
+ # Add questions
+ for question in self.questions:
+ offset = len(result)
+ result += question.to_bytes(offset, composer)
+ # Add answers
+ for answer in self.answers:
+ offset = len(result)
+ result += answer.to_bytes(offset, composer)
+ # Add authorities
+ for authority in self.authorities:
+ offset = len(result)
+ result += authority.to_bytes(offset, composer)
+ # Add additionals
+ for additional in self.additionals:
+ offset = len(result)
+ result += additional.to_bytes(offset, composer)
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def from_bytes(cls, packet):
+ """ Create Message from bytes
+ Args:
+ packet (bytes): byte representation of the message
+ """
+ parser = Parser()
+ # Parse header
+ header, offset = Header.from_bytes(packet), 12
+ # Parse questions
+ questions = []
+ for i in range(header.qd_count):
+ question, offset = Question.from_bytes(packet, offset, parser)
+ questions.append(question)
+ # Parse answers
+ answers = []
+ for i in range(header.an_count):
+ answer, offset = ResourceRecord.from_bytes(packet, offset, parser)
+ answers.append(answer)
+ # Parse authorities
+ authorities = []
+ for i in range(header.ns_count):
+ authority, offset = ResourceRecord.from_bytes(packet, offset, parser)
+ authorities.append(authority)
+ # Parse additionals
+ additionals = []
+ for i in range(header.ar_count):
+ additional, offset = ResourceRecord.from_bytes(packet, offset, parser)
+ additionals.append(additional)
+ return cls(header, questions, answers, authorities, additionals)
+class Header(object):
+ """ The header section of a DNS message
+ Contains a number of properties which are accessible as normal member
+ variables.
+ See section 4.1.1 of RFC 1035 for their meaning.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ident, flags, qd_count, an_count, ns_count, ar_count):
+ """ Create a new Header object
+ Args:
+ ident (int): identifier
+ qd_count (int): number of entries in question section
+ an_count (int): number of entries in answer section
+ ns_count (int): number of entries in authority section
+ ar_count (int): number of entries in additional section
+ """
+ self.ident = ident
+ self._flags = flags
+ self.qd_count = qd_count
+ self.an_count = an_count
+ self.ns_count = ns_count
+ self.ar_count = ar_count
+ def to_bytes(self):
+ """ Convert header to bytes """
+ return struct.pack("!6H",
+ self.ident,
+ self._flags,
+ self.qd_count,
+ self.an_count,
+ self.ns_count,
+ self.ar_count)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_bytes(cls, packet):
+ """ Convert Header from bytes """
+ if len(packet) < 12:
+ raise ShortHeader
+ return cls(*struct.unpack_from("!6H", packet))
+ @property
+ def flags(self):
+ return self._flags
+ @flags.setter
+ def flags(self, value):
+ if value >= (1 << 16):
+ raise ValueError("value too big for flags")
+ self._flags = value
+ @property
+ def qr(self):
+ return self._flags & (1 << 15)
+ @qr.setter
+ def qr(self, value):
+ if value:
+ self._flags |= (1 << 15)
+ else:
+ self._flags &= ~(1 << 15)
+ @property
+ def opcode(self):
+ return (self._flags & (((1 << 4) - 1) << 11)) >> 11
+ @opcode.setter
+ def opcode(self, value):
+ if value > 0b1111:
+ raise ValueError("invalid opcode")
+ self._flags &= ~(((1 << 4) - 1) << 11)
+ self._flags |= value << 11
+ @property
+ def aa(self):
+ return self._flags & (1 << 10)
+ @aa.setter
+ def aa(self, value):
+ if value:
+ self._flags |= (1 << 10)
+ else:
+ self._flags &= ~(1 << 10)
+ @property
+ def tc(self):
+ return self._flags & (1 << 9)
+ @tc.setter
+ def tc(self, value):
+ if value:
+ self._flags |= (1 << 9)
+ else:
+ self._flags &= ~(1 << 9)
+ @property
+ def rd(self):
+ return self._flags & (1 << 8)
+ @rd.setter
+ def rd(self, value):
+ if value:
+ self._flags |= (1 << 8)
+ else:
+ self._flags &= ~(1 << 8)
+ @property
+ def ra(self):
+ return self._flags & (1 << 7)
+ @ra.setter
+ def ra(self, value):
+ if value:
+ self._flags |= (1 << 7)
+ else:
+ self._flags &= ~(1 << 7)
+ @property
+ def z(self):
+ return (self._flags & (((1 << 3) - 1) << 4) >> 4)
+ @z.setter
+ def z(self, value):
+ if value:
+ raise ValueError("non-zero zero flag")
+ @property
+ def rcode(self):
+ return self._flags & ((1 << 4) - 1)
+ @rcode.setter
+ def rcode(self, value):
+ if value > 0b1111:
+ raise ValueError("invalid return code")
+ self._flags &= ~((1 << 4) - 1)
+ self._flags |= value
+class Question(object):
+ """ An entry in the question section.
+ See section 4.1.2 of RFC 1035 for more info.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, qname, qtype, qclass):
+ """ Create a new entry in the question section
+ Args:
+ qname (str): QNAME
+ qtype (Type): QTYPE
+ qclass (Class): QCLASS
+ """
+ self.qname = qname
+ self.qtype = qtype
+ self.qclass = qclass
+ def to_bytes(self, offset, composer):
+ """ Convert Question to bytes """
+ bqname = composer.to_bytes(offset, [self.qname])
+ bqtype = struct.pack("!H", self.qtype)
+ bqclass = struct.pack("!H", self.qclass)
+ return bqname + bqtype + bqclass
+ @classmethod
+ def from_bytes(cls, packet, offset, parser):
+ """ Convert Question from bytes """
+ qnames, offset = parser.from_bytes(packet, offset, 1)
+ qname = qnames[0]
+ qtype, qclass = struct.unpack_from("!2H", packet, offset)
+ return cls(qname, qtype, qclass), offset + 4