from os.path import commonprefix
from itertools import groupby
import re
def grpm(regex):
return grp(regex, matching=True)
def grp(regex, matching=False):
return r'(' + (r'' if matching else r'?:') + regex + r')'
def opt(regex):
return grp(grp(regex) + r'?')
def regex_opt_r(regexes):
return grp(r'|'.join(regexes))
# The below functions were taken from the pygments package
# (, in particular pygments.regexopt and pygments.lexer
# Some small modifications have been made.
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
"""Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
# print strings, repr(open_paren)
if not strings:
# print '-> nothing left'
return ''
first = strings[0]
if len(strings) == 1:
# print '-> only 1 string'
return open_paren + re.escape(first) + close_paren
if not first:
# print '-> first string empty'
return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
+ '?' + close_paren
if len(first) == 1:
# multiple one-char strings? make a charset
oneletter = []
rest = []
for s in strings:
if len(s) == 1:
if len(oneletter) > 1: # do we have more than one oneletter string?
if rest:
# print '-> 1-character + rest'
return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
+ make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
# print '-> only 1-character'
return make_charset(oneletter)
prefix = commonprefix(strings)
if prefix:
plen = len(prefix)
# we have a prefix for all strings
# print '-> prefix:', prefix
return open_paren + re.escape(prefix) \
+ regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
+ close_paren
# is there a suffix?
strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
if suffix:
slen = len(suffix)
# print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
return open_paren \
+ regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
+ re.escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
# recurse on common 1-string prefixes
# print '-> last resort'
return open_paren + \
'|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
+ close_paren
def regex_opt(strings, prefix='', suffix=''):
"""Return a compiled regex that matches any string in the given list.
The strings to match must be literal strings, not regexes. They will be
*prefix* and *suffix* are pre- and appended to the final regex.
strings = sorted(strings)
return prefix + regex_opt_inner(strings, '(?:') + suffix
## From here it is own work again
# RFC 2396
IPv4address = grp(r'(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}')
reserved = grp(r'[;\/?:@&=+$,]')
alphanum = grp(r'[\da-zA-Z]')
mark = grp(r'[\-_\.!~\*\'\(\)]')
hex = grp(r'[\da-fA-F]')
unreserved = regex_opt_r([alphanum, mark])
escaped = grp(r'%' + hex + hex)
pchar = regex_opt_r([unreserved, escaped, r'[:@&=+$,]'])
param = grp(pchar + r'*')
segment = grp(pchar + r'*' + grp(r';' + param) + r'*')
path_segments = grp(segment + grp(r'\/' + segment) + r'*')
abs_path = grp(r'\/' + path_segments)
scheme = grp(r'[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z\d+\-\.]*)')
userinfo = grp(regex_opt_r([unreserved, escaped, r'[;:&=+$,]']) + r'*')
domainlabel = grp(r'[a-zA-Z\d]|(?:[a-zA-Z\d](?:[a-zA-Z\d\-])*[a-zA-Z\d])')
toplabel = grp(r'[a-zA-Z]|(?:[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z\d\-])*[a-zA-Z\d])')
hostname = grp(opt(domainlabel + r'\.') + r'*' + toplabel + opt(r'\.'))
host = regex_opt_r([hostname, IPv4address])
port = r'\d+'
hostport = grp(host + opt(r':' + port))
server = opt(opt(userinfo + r'@') + hostport)
reg_name = grp(regex_opt_r([unreserved, escaped, r'[;:&=+]']) + r'*')
authority = regex_opt_r([server, reg_name])
net_path = grp(r'\/\/' + authority + opt(abs_path))
hier_part = regex_opt_r([net_path, abs_path])
uric = regex_opt_r([reserved, unreserved, escaped])
uric_no_slash = regex_opt_r([unreserved, escaped, r'[;?:@&=+$,]'])
opaque_part = grp(uric_no_slash + grp(uric) + r'*')
absoluteURI = grp(scheme + r':' + regex_opt_r([hier_part, opaque_part]))
# RFC 2616
CTL = r'[\x00-\x1f\x7f]'
CR = r'\r'
LF = r'\n'
HT = r'\t'
SP = r' '
LWS = grp(opt(CRLF) + regex_opt_r([SP, HT]))
TEXT = grp(r'[^\x00-\x1f\x7f]|' + LWS)
TEXT_NO_LWS = r'[^\x00-\x1f\x7f \t]'
separator = r'[\(\)<>@,;:\\"\/\[\]?=\{\} \t]'
token = r'[^\x00-\x1f\(\)<>@,;:\\"\/\[\]?=\{\} \t]+'
qdtext = r'^\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f"]'
quotedPair = r'\\[\x00-\x7f]'
quotedString = grp(r'"' + regex_opt_r([qdtext, quotedPair]) + r'*"')
qvalue = regex_opt_r([r'0(?:\.\d{0,3})?', r'1(?:\.0{0,3})?'])
HTTPVersion = r'HTTP\/\d\.\d'
Method = regex_opt(['OPTIONS', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'TRACE',
RequestURI = regex_opt_r([r'\*', absoluteURI, abs_path, authority])
RequestLine = grp(grpm(Method) + SP + grpm(RequestURI) + SP +
grpm(HTTPVersion) + CRLF)
StatusCode = r'\d{3}'
ReasonPhrase = r'[^\r\n]*'
StatusLine = grp(grpm(HTTPVersion) + SP + grpm(StatusCode) + SP +
grpm(ReasonPhrase) + CRLF)
FieldName = token
FieldContent = regex_opt_r([TEXT_NO_LWS + TEXT + r'*(?!' + LWS + r')'])
FieldValue = grp(regex_opt_r([grp(FieldContent), LWS]) + r'*')
MessageHeader = grp(grpm(FieldName) + r':' + grpm(FieldValue))
ETagSplit = grp(r',' + LWS + r'*')
EncodingSplit = ETagSplit
contentCoding = token
coding = regex_opt_r([contentCoding, r'\*'])
AcceptEncodingValue = grp(grpm(coding) + grp(r';q=' + grpm(qvalue)) + r'?')