path: root/ex9-4.tex
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authorCamil Staps2015-08-31 13:37:51 +0200
committerCamil Staps2015-08-31 13:37:51 +0200
commit881e7a215b63584d0bfc02c4e378692c9bb1d0e1 (patch)
treea40fc5eeae61b8ea07309fc1d62323561e8e342e /ex9-4.tex
parentSome issues with fourier's spacing in math mode; switching back to the defaul... (diff)
Ex 9.4
Diffstat (limited to 'ex9-4.tex')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ex9-4.tex b/ex9-4.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c33eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ex9-4.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ See figure \ref{fig:9.4}.
+ \begin{figure*}[t]
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[->, node distance=2cm]
+ \node[state,initial] (q0) {$q_0$};
+ \node[state] (q1) [right=of q0] {$q_1$};
+ \node[state] (q2) [right=of q1] {$q_2$};
+ \node[state] (q3) [right=of q2] {$q_3$};
+ \node[state] (q4) [right=of q3] {$q_4$};
+ \node[state] (q5) [right=of q4] {$q_5$};
+ \draw (q0) -- node[above] {$B/B,R$} ++ (q1);
+ \draw (q1) -- node[above] {$a/a,R$} ++ (q2);
+ \draw (q2) -- node[above] {$a/a,R$} ++ (q3);
+ \draw (q3) -- node[above] {$a/a,R$} ++ (q4);
+ \draw (q4) -- node[above] {$c/c,L$} ++ (q5);
+ \draw (q1) edge[loop above] node[above,align=left] {$B/B,R$\\$b/b,R$\\$c/c,R$} (q1);
+ \draw (q2) edge[bend left] node[below,align=left] {$B/B,R$\\$b/b,R$\\$c/c,R$} (q1);
+ \draw (q3) edge[bend right] node[above,align=left] {$B/B,R$\\$b/b,R$\\$c/c,R$} (q1);
+ \draw (q4) edge[bend left] node[below,align=left] {$B/B,R$\\$b/b,R$} (q1);
+ \draw (q4) edge[loop above] node[above,align=left] {$a/a,R$} (q4);
+ \draw (q5) edge[loop above] node[above,align=left] {$a/a,L$\\$b/b,L$\\$c/c,L$} (q5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{The state machine of exercise 9.4.}
+ \label{fig:9.4}
+ \end{figure*}