path: root/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/test/Test.hs b/test/Test.hs
index b162a9f..1eea3ce 100644
--- a/test/Test.hs
+++ b/test/Test.hs
@@ -30,13 +30,17 @@ atAnyState = atAnyTwoStates . const
atAnyTwoStates :: (Board -> Board -> Bool) -> PGN -> Property
atAnyTwoStates ok pgn =
- let moveList = seqList [moveSAN m | m <- moves pgn] $ Right defaultBoard in
- let moves = length moveList in
- classify ( moves < 10) " <10 legal moves" $
- classify ( 10 <= moves && moves < 50) "10- 50 legal moves" $
- classify ( 50 <= moves && moves < 100) "50-100 legal moves" $
- classify (100 <= moves ) "100+ legal moves" $
- and [ok b1 b2 | Right b1 <- moveList | Right b2 <- tail moveList]
+ let moveList = seqList [\(_,b) -> (,) m <$> moveSAN m b | m <- moves pgn] $ Right ("", defaultBoard) in
+ let boards = [b | Right (_,b) <- moveList] in
+ let moves = [m | Right (m,_) <- moveList] in
+ let count = length moveList in
+ classify ( count < 10) " <10 legal moves" $
+ classify ( 10 <= count && count < 50) "10- 50 legal moves" $
+ classify ( 50 <= count && count < 100) "50-100 legal moves" $
+ classify (100 <= count ) "100+ legal moves" $
+ classify (any (`elem` ["O-O", "O-O-O"]) moves) "has castling" $
+ classify (any (\b -> check White b || check Black b) boards) "has check" $
+ and [ok b1 b2 | b1 <- boards | b2 <- tail boards]
seqList :: [r -> Either e r] -> Either e r -> [Either e r]
seqList (f:fs) (Right io) = f io:seqList fs (f io)