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diff --git a/Implementation.md b/Implementation.md
index ae527d7..e340ace 100644
--- a/Implementation.md
+++ b/Implementation.md
@@ -1,30 +1,43 @@
# Implementation
## Feasibility
-The Plan mentions the following:
-> We consider a vector space where every possible search field represents a binary parameter.
-> A vector has `1` for the parameter if and only if it is included in the search (excluded from the blacklist).
-> We will then run a hill-climbing algorithm through this higher-dimensional vector space
-> in order to find a vector (an index setting) for which the ranking results are best.
-Soon after we began trying to implement this feature using a locally run version of nordlys, we encountered some issues.
-The most notable being that our machines were unable to index the full DB-Pedia set in a reasonable amount of time, using a reasonable amount of resources.
-When we encountered this issue, we decided that the best options was using a subset of the DB-Pedia dataset.
-The subset that we settled on is the subset that has relevance scores assigned to them for any query.
-We then only considered the result of a given query in our assessment.
-The above has the added benefit that the relevance (both the human assessment and the score) are precomputed.
-This meant that simply parsing the files that are provided by nordlys is enough to implement any kind of field selected assessment.
-Unfortunately, it turned out that hill-climbing was also out of the scope of the assignment.
-Having only 2 programmers, both of whom have not a lot of experience in implementing such algorithms, made the task slightly to much work.
-Instead, we decided to take a different approach and statically analyse the importance of all fields.
-The meansure that we use take the form of:
-![Field Relevance Measure](http://mathurl.com/yc2ptq63.png "Field Relevance Measure")
-Where `relevance` is the bm25 relevance that is stored by nordlys, `D` is the set of documents, `Q` the set of queries, `tf` the function that counts the amount of times any of the query terms was found in that field and `|f|` the size of the field.
+Our [Plan](Plan.md) mentions the following:
+> We consider a vector space where every possible search field represents a
+> binary parameter. A vector has `1` for the parameter if and only if it is
+> included in the search (excluded from the blacklist). We will then run a
+> hill-climbing algorithm through this higher-dimensional vector space in order
+> to find a vector (an index setting) for which the ranking results are best.
+Soon after we began trying to implement this feature using a locally run
+version of Nordlys, we encountered some issues, the most notable being that
+our machines were unable to index the full DBPedia set in a reasonable amount
+of time, using a reasonable amount of resources. When we encountered this
+issue, we decided that the best option was to use a subset of the DBPedia
+The subset that we settled on is the subset that has relevance scores assigned
+to them for any query. We then only consider the result of a given query in our
+The above has the additional benefit that the relevance judgements (both the
+human assessment and the score) need not be computed. This meant that simply
+parsing the files that are provided by Nordlys is enough to implement any kind
+of field selected assessment.
+Unfortunately, it turned out that we also did not have resources to implement a
+hill-climbing algorithm. Having only 2 programmers made the task slightly too
+much work. Instead, we decided to take a different approach and statically
+analyse the importance of all fields. The measure that we use takes the form
+![Field Relevance Measure](http://mathurl.com/yc2ptq63.png "Field Relevance
+Where *relevance* is the BM25 relevance that is stored by Nordlys, *D* is the
+set of documents, *Q* the set of queries, *tf* the function that counts the
+amount of times any of the query terms was found in that field and |*f*| the
+size of the field.
## Code
@@ -43,7 +56,7 @@ We will now discuss the implementation of each of these files.
### `scrape.py`
- In this file we read lines from `stdin`. These lines are supposed to come
- from a BM25 run. That way, we only download DBPedia entities that we
+ from a BM25 run. That way, we only download DBPedia entities that we
actually need.