path: root/assignment-7/appointments.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'assignment-7/appointments.icl')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-7/appointments.icl b/assignment-7/appointments.icl
index 54b2d86..c65ed71 100644
--- a/assignment-7/appointments.icl
+++ b/assignment-7/appointments.icl
@@ -45,16 +45,19 @@ derive class iTask Appointment
derive JSEncode Appointment, User, Time, DateTime, Maybe
instance == Appointment where == a b = a === b
+// Some examples. Change the day fields (+7) if working later than 2017-11-18.
+// For these tasks, no user tasks are created (this is done in addAppointment).
+// They are just here to make it easier to develop the SVG calendar.
appointments :: Shared [Appointment]
appointments = sharedStore "appointments"
- [ {title="Advanced Programming", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day= 6,hour=10,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
- , {title="Information Retrieval", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day= 6,hour=15,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
- , {title="Cultural Contacts", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day= 7,hour=13,min= 0,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
- , {title="Historical Grammar", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day= 7,hour=15,min= 0,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
- , {title="Text Mining", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day= 8,hour= 8,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
- , {title="Testing Techniques", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day= 8,hour= 8,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
- , {title="Testing Techniques", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=10,hour= 8,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
- , {title="Advanced Programming", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=10,hour=10,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
+ [ {title="Advanced Programming", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=13,hour=10,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
+ , {title="Information Retrieval", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=13,hour=15,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
+ , {title="Cultural Contacts", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=14,hour=13,min= 0,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
+ , {title="Historical Grammar", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=14,hour=15,min= 0,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
+ , {title="Text Mining", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=15,hour= 8,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
+ , {title="Testing Techniques", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=15,hour= 8,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
+ , {title="Testing Techniques", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=17,hour= 8,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
+ , {title="Advanced Programming", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=17,hour=10,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
belongsTo :: User Appointment -> Bool
@@ -85,8 +88,10 @@ where
finishTask :: Task ()
finishTask =
wait (Title "Wait for the start of this appointment") (\now -> now >= app.when) currentDateTime >>= \_ ->
- viewInformation (Title app.Appointment.title) [] "Click 'Done' to finish this task." >>*
- [OnAction (Action "Done") (always $ return ())]
+ viewSharedInformation (Title app.Appointment.title) [ViewAs (const "Click 'Done' to finish this task.")] currentDateTime >>*
+ [ OnAction (Action "Done") (always $ return ())
+ , OnValue (ifValue (\now -> now >= addTime app.duration app.when) (const $ return ()))
+ ]
attrs :: User -> TaskAttributes
attrs u = workerAttributes u
@@ -129,7 +134,8 @@ addProposedAppointment papp=:{appointment={Appointment|title}} =
chooseTask :: Int User -> Task (Int, 'M'.Map Int ProposedAppointment)
chooseTask idx user =
- allTasks [updateInformation (toString w) [] Maybe \\ (w,_) <- papp.startOptions] >>= \avail ->
+ viewSharedInformation (Title title) [ViewUsing (fromJust o 'M'.get idx o snd) proposalViewer] proposedAppointments
+ ||- allTasks [updateInformation (toString w) [] Maybe \\ (w,_) <- papp.startOptions] >>= \avail ->
upd (second $ 'M'.alter (fmap (setAvailability user avail)) idx) proposedAppointments
setAvailability :: User [Availability] ProposedAppointment -> ProposedAppointment
@@ -156,13 +162,19 @@ where
) $> ()
- proposalViewer :: Editor ProposedAppointment
- proposalViewer = comapEditorValue toTuple $ container4
- (withLabelAttr "Title" gEditor{|*|})
- (withLabelAttr "Duration" gEditor{|*|})
- (withLabelAttr "Participants" usersViewer)
- (withLabelAttr "Start options" grid)
+ schedule start = addAppointment {papp.appointment & when=start} >>| cancel
+ cancel =
+ allTasks (map (flip removeTask topLevelTasks) chooseTasks) >>|
+ upd (second $ 'M'.del idx) proposedAppointments
+ proposalViewer :: Editor ProposedAppointment
+ proposalViewer = comapEditorValue toTuple $ container4
+ (withLabelAttr "Title" gEditor{|*|})
+ (withLabelAttr "Duration" gEditor{|*|})
+ (withLabelAttr "Participants" usersViewer)
+ (withLabelAttr "Start options" grid)
+ where
toTuple :: ProposedAppointment -> (String, Time, [User], (ChoiceGrid, [Int]))
toTuple papp =
( papp.appointment.Appointment.title
@@ -179,12 +191,6 @@ where
- schedule start = addAppointment {papp.appointment & when=start} >>| cancel
- cancel =
- allTasks (map (flip removeTask topLevelTasks) chooseTasks) >>|
- upd (second $ 'M'.del idx) proposedAppointments
manageAttrs :: User -> TaskAttributes
manageAttrs u = workerAttributes u
[ ("title", "Manage " +++ title)
@@ -214,7 +220,7 @@ showAppointments =
editor = listEditor Nothing False False Nothing (bijectEditorValue toTuple fromTuple tupEdit)
- tupEdit = toolbar5 gEditor{|*|} gEditor{|*|} gEditor{|*|} userViewer usersViewer
+ tupEdit = listitem5 gEditor{|*|} gEditor{|*|} gEditor{|*|} userViewer usersViewer <<@ directionAttr Horizontal
userViewer = comapEditorValue toString gEditor{|*|}
toTuple app = (app.Appointment.title, app.when, app.duration, app.owner, app.participants)
fromTuple (t,w,d,o,p) = {title=t, when=w, duration=d, owner=o, participants=p}