diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'assignment-3/serialize3Start.icl')
-rw-r--r-- | assignment-3/serialize3Start.icl | 526 |
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-3/serialize3Start.icl b/assignment-3/serialize3Start.icl index 962716a..73f7df4 100644 --- a/assignment-3/serialize3Start.icl +++ b/assignment-3/serialize3Start.icl @@ -1,263 +1,263 @@ -module serialize3Start
- Definitions for assignment 3 in AFP 2017
- Kind indexed gennerics
- Pieter Koopman, pieter@cs.ru.nl
- September 2017
- use environment: StdMaybe from Libraries/StdLib
-import StdEnv, StdMaybe
-:: Write a :== a [String] -> [String]
-:: Read a :== [String] -> Maybe (a,[String])
-// use this as serialize0 for kind *
-class serialize a
- write :: a [String] -> [String]
- read :: [String] -> Maybe (a,[String])
-class serialize1 t
- write1 :: (Write a) (t a) [String] -> [String]
- read1 :: (Read a) [String] -> Maybe (t a, [String])
-class serialize2 t
- write2 :: (Write a) (Write b) (t a b) [String] -> [String]
- read2 :: (Read a) (Read b) [String] -> Maybe (t a b, [String])
-// ---
-instance serialize Bool where
- write b c = [toString b:c]
- read ["True":r] = Just (True,r)
- read ["False":r] = Just (False,r)
- read _ = Nothing
-instance serialize Int where
- write i c = [toString i:c]
- read [s:r]
- # i = toInt s
- | s == toString i
- = Just (i,r)
- = Nothing
- read _ = Nothing
-// ---
-:: EITHER a b = LEFT a | RIGHT b
-:: PAIR a b = PAIR a b
-:: CONS a = CONS String a
-instance serialize UNIT
- write UNIT s = s
- read l = Just (UNIT, l)
-instance serialize2 EITHER
- write2 f _ (LEFT x) s = f x s
- write2 _ g (RIGHT x) s = g x s
- read2 f g s = case f s of
- Just (x,s) -> Just (LEFT x,s)
- Nothing -> case g s of
- Just (x,s) -> Just (RIGHT x,s)
- Nothing -> Nothing
-instance serialize2 PAIR
- write2 f g (PAIR x y) s = f x [" ":g y s]
- read2 f g s = case f s of
- Just (x,[" ":s]) -> case g s of
- Just (y,s) -> Just (PAIR x y,s)
- Nothing -> Nothing
- _ -> Nothing
-instance serialize1 CONS
- write1 f (CONS c x) s = cleanup ["(":c:" ":f x [")":s]]
- where
- // Remove redundant parentheses
- cleanup :: [String] -> [String]
- cleanup ["(":c:" ":")":s] = [c:s]
- cleanup s = s
- read1 _ _ = abort "Use read1Cons instead\n"
- * Special read1 variant which checks for a constructor name.
- * @param The constructor name to match
- * @param The read function for the constructor argument
- * @param The stream
- * @result The parsed constructor and the rest of the stream, if successful
- */
-read1Cons :: String (Read a) [String] -> Maybe (CONS a, [String])
-read1Cons n f ["(":c:" ":s]
-| c == n = case f s of
- Just (x,[")":s]) -> Just (CONS c x,s)
- _ -> Nothing
-| otherwise = Nothing
-// Special case for constructors without parentheses. After reading the
-// argument, we continue with the original stream, because cleanup only removes
-// parentheses for constructors where the write of the argument did not write
-// anything. It is probably equivalent to continuing with the new stream (as
-// the read should not read anything), but this seems safer.
-read1Cons n f [c:s]
-| c == n = case f s of
- Just (x,_) -> Just (CONS c x,s)
- Nothing -> Nothing
-| otherwise = Nothing
-read1Cons _ _ _ = Nothing
-// ---
-:: ListG a :== EITHER (CONS UNIT) (CONS (PAIR a [a]))
-fromList :: [a] -> ListG a
-fromList [] = LEFT (CONS NilString UNIT)
-fromList [a:x] = RIGHT (CONS ConsString (PAIR a x))
-toList :: (ListG a) -> [a]
-toList (LEFT (CONS NilString UNIT)) = []
-toList (RIGHT (CONS ConsString (PAIR a x))) = [a:x]
-NilString :== "Nil"
-ConsString :== "Cons"
-instance serialize [a] | serialize a
- write xs s = write2 (write1 write) (write1 (write2 write write)) (fromList xs) s
- read s = case read2 (read1Cons NilString read) (read1Cons ConsString (read2 read read)) s of
- Just (xs,s) -> Just (toList xs,s)
- Nothing -> Nothing
-// ---
-:: Bin a = Leaf | Bin (Bin a) a (Bin a)
-:: BinG a :== EITHER (CONS UNIT) (CONS (PAIR (Bin a) (PAIR a (Bin a))))
-fromBin :: (Bin a) -> BinG a
-fromBin Leaf = LEFT (CONS LeafString UNIT)
-fromBin (Bin l a r) = RIGHT (CONS BinString (PAIR l (PAIR a r)))
-toBin :: (BinG a) -> Bin a
-toBin (LEFT (CONS _ UNIT)) = Leaf
-toBin (RIGHT (CONS _ (PAIR l (PAIR a r)))) = Bin l a r
-LeafString :== "Leaf"
-BinString :== "Bin"
-instance == (Bin a) | == a where
- (==) Leaf Leaf = True
- (==) (Bin l a r) (Bin k b s) = l == k && a == b && r == s
- (==) _ _ = False
-instance serialize (Bin a) | serialize a where
- write b s = write2 (write1 write) (write1 (write2 write (write2 write write))) (fromBin b) s
- read l = case read2 (read1Cons LeafString read) (read1Cons BinString (read2 read (read2 read read))) l of
- Just (b,s) -> Just (toBin b,s)
- Nothing -> Nothing
-// ---
-:: Coin = Head | Tail
-fromCoin :: Coin -> CoinG
-fromCoin Head = LEFT (CONS "Head" UNIT)
-fromCoin Tail = RIGHT (CONS "Tail" UNIT)
-toCoin :: CoinG -> Coin
-toCoin (LEFT (CONS _ UNIT)) = Head
-toCoin (RIGHT (CONS _ UNIT)) = Tail
-instance == Coin where
- (==) Head Head = True
- (==) Tail Tail = True
- (==) _ _ = False
-instance serialize Coin where
- write c s = write2 (write1 write) (write1 write) (fromCoin c) s
- read l = case read2 (read1Cons "Head" read) (read1Cons "Tail" read) l of
- Just (c,l) -> Just (toCoin c,l)
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Define a special purpose version for this type that writes and reads
- the value (7,True) as ["(","7",",","True",")"]
-instance serialize (a,b) | serialize a & serialize b where
- write t c = write2 write write t c
- read l = read2 read read l
-instance serialize2 (,)
- write2 f g (x,y) s = ["(":f x [",":g y [")":s]]]
- read2 f g ["(":s] = case f s of
- Just (x,[",":s]) -> case g s of
- Just (y,[")":s]) -> Just ((x,y), s)
- _ -> Nothing
- _ -> Nothing
- read2 _ _ _ = Nothing
-// ---
-// output looks nice if compiled with "Basic Values Only" for console in project options
-Start =
- [test True
- ,test False
- ,test 0
- ,test 123
- ,test -36
- ,test [42]
- ,test [0..4]
- ,test [[True],[]]
- ,test [[[1]],[[2],[3,4]],[[]]]
- ,test (Bin Leaf True Leaf)
- ,test [Bin (Bin Leaf [1] Leaf) [2] (Bin Leaf [3] (Bin Leaf [4,5] Leaf))]
- ,test [Bin (Bin Leaf [1] Leaf) [2] (Bin Leaf [3] (Bin (Bin Leaf [4,5] Leaf) [6,7] (Bin Leaf [8,9] Leaf)))]
- ,test Head
- ,test Tail
- ,test (7,True)
- ,test (Head,(7,[Tail]))
- ,["End of the tests.\n"]
- ]
-test :: a -> [String] | serialize, == a
-test a =
- (if (isJust r)
- (if (fst jr == a)
- (if (isEmpty (tl (snd jr)))
- ["Oke"]
- ["Not all input is consumed! ":snd jr])
- ["Wrong result: ":write (fst jr) []])
- ["read result is Nothing"]
- ) ++ [", write produces: ": s]
- where
- s = write a ["\n"]
- r = read s
- jr = fromJust r
-Oke, write produces: True
-Oke, write produces: False
-Oke, write produces: 0
-Oke, write produces: 123
-Oke, write produces: -36
-Oke, write produces: (Cons 42 Nil)
-Oke, write produces: (Cons 0 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 4 Nil)))))
-Oke, write produces: (Cons (Cons True Nil) (Cons Nil Nil))
-Oke, write produces: (Cons (Cons (Cons 1 Nil) Nil) (Cons (Cons (Cons 2 Nil) (Cons (Cons 3 (Cons 4 Nil)) Nil)) (Cons (Cons Nil Nil) Nil)))
-Oke, write produces: (Bin Leaf True Leaf)
-Oke, write produces: (Cons (Bin (Bin Leaf (Cons 1 Nil) Leaf) (Cons 2 Nil) (Bin Leaf (Cons 3 Nil) (Bin Leaf (Cons 4 (Cons 5 Nil)) Leaf))) Nil)
-Oke, write produces: (Cons (Bin (Bin Leaf (Cons 1 Nil) Leaf) (Cons 2 Nil) (Bin Leaf (Cons 3 Nil) (Bin (Bin Leaf (Cons 4 (Cons 5 Nil)) Leaf) (Cons 6 (Cons 7 Nil)) (Bin Leaf (Cons 8 (Cons 9 Nil)) Leaf)))) Nil)
-Oke, write produces: Head
-Oke, write produces: Tail
-Oke, write produces: (7,True)
-Oke, write produces: (Head,(7,(Cons Tail Nil)))
-End of the tests.
+module serialize3Start + +/* + Definitions for assignment 3 in AFP 2017 + Kind indexed gennerics + Pieter Koopman, pieter@cs.ru.nl + September 2017 + + use environment: StdMaybe from Libraries/StdLib +*/ + +import StdEnv, StdMaybe + +:: Write a :== a [String] -> [String] +:: Read a :== [String] -> Maybe (a,[String]) + +// use this as serialize0 for kind * +class serialize a +where + write :: a [String] -> [String] + read :: [String] -> Maybe (a,[String]) + +class serialize1 t +where + write1 :: (Write a) (t a) [String] -> [String] + read1 :: (Read a) [String] -> Maybe (t a, [String]) + +class serialize2 t +where + write2 :: (Write a) (Write b) (t a b) [String] -> [String] + read2 :: (Read a) (Read b) [String] -> Maybe (t a b, [String]) + +// --- + +instance serialize Bool where + write b c = [toString b:c] + read ["True":r] = Just (True,r) + read ["False":r] = Just (False,r) + read _ = Nothing + +instance serialize Int where + write i c = [toString i:c] + read [s:r] + # i = toInt s + | s == toString i + = Just (i,r) + = Nothing + read _ = Nothing + +// --- + +:: UNIT = UNIT +:: EITHER a b = LEFT a | RIGHT b +:: PAIR a b = PAIR a b +:: CONS a = CONS String a + +instance serialize UNIT +where + write UNIT s = s + read l = Just (UNIT, l) + +instance serialize2 EITHER +where + write2 f _ (LEFT x) s = f x s + write2 _ g (RIGHT x) s = g x s + read2 f g s = case f s of + Just (x,s) -> Just (LEFT x,s) + Nothing -> case g s of + Just (x,s) -> Just (RIGHT x,s) + Nothing -> Nothing + +instance serialize2 PAIR +where + write2 f g (PAIR x y) s = f x [" ":g y s] + read2 f g s = case f s of + Just (x,[" ":s]) -> case g s of + Just (y,s) -> Just (PAIR x y,s) + Nothing -> Nothing + _ -> Nothing + +instance serialize1 CONS +where + write1 f (CONS c x) s = cleanup ["(":c:" ":f x [")":s]] + where + // Remove redundant parentheses + cleanup :: [String] -> [String] + cleanup ["(":c:" ":")":s] = [c:s] + cleanup s = s + read1 _ _ = abort "Use read1Cons instead\n" + +/** + * Special read1 variant which checks for a constructor name. + * @param The constructor name to match + * @param The read function for the constructor argument + * @param The stream + * @result The parsed constructor and the rest of the stream, if successful + */ +read1Cons :: String (Read a) [String] -> Maybe (CONS a, [String]) +read1Cons n f ["(":c:" ":s] +| c == n = case f s of + Just (x,[")":s]) -> Just (CONS c x,s) + _ -> Nothing +| otherwise = Nothing +// Special case for constructors without parentheses. After reading the +// argument, we continue with the original stream, because cleanup only removes +// parentheses for constructors where the write of the argument did not write +// anything. It is probably equivalent to continuing with the new stream (as +// the read should not read anything), but this seems safer. +read1Cons n f [c:s] +| c == n = case f s of + Just (x,_) -> Just (CONS c x,s) + Nothing -> Nothing +| otherwise = Nothing +read1Cons _ _ _ = Nothing + +// --- + +:: ListG a :== EITHER (CONS UNIT) (CONS (PAIR a [a])) + +fromList :: [a] -> ListG a +fromList [] = LEFT (CONS NilString UNIT) +fromList [a:x] = RIGHT (CONS ConsString (PAIR a x)) + +toList :: (ListG a) -> [a] +toList (LEFT (CONS NilString UNIT)) = [] +toList (RIGHT (CONS ConsString (PAIR a x))) = [a:x] + +NilString :== "Nil" +ConsString :== "Cons" + +instance serialize [a] | serialize a +where + write xs s = write2 (write1 write) (write1 (write2 write write)) (fromList xs) s + read s = case read2 (read1Cons NilString read) (read1Cons ConsString (read2 read read)) s of + Just (xs,s) -> Just (toList xs,s) + Nothing -> Nothing + +// --- + +:: Bin a = Leaf | Bin (Bin a) a (Bin a) + +:: BinG a :== EITHER (CONS UNIT) (CONS (PAIR (Bin a) (PAIR a (Bin a)))) + +fromBin :: (Bin a) -> BinG a +fromBin Leaf = LEFT (CONS LeafString UNIT) +fromBin (Bin l a r) = RIGHT (CONS BinString (PAIR l (PAIR a r))) + +toBin :: (BinG a) -> Bin a +toBin (LEFT (CONS _ UNIT)) = Leaf +toBin (RIGHT (CONS _ (PAIR l (PAIR a r)))) = Bin l a r + +LeafString :== "Leaf" +BinString :== "Bin" + +instance == (Bin a) | == a where + (==) Leaf Leaf = True + (==) (Bin l a r) (Bin k b s) = l == k && a == b && r == s + (==) _ _ = False + +instance serialize (Bin a) | serialize a where + write b s = write2 (write1 write) (write1 (write2 write (write2 write write))) (fromBin b) s + read l = case read2 (read1Cons LeafString read) (read1Cons BinString (read2 read (read2 read read))) l of + Just (b,s) -> Just (toBin b,s) + Nothing -> Nothing + +// --- + +:: Coin = Head | Tail +:: CoinG :== EITHER (CONS UNIT) (CONS UNIT) + +fromCoin :: Coin -> CoinG +fromCoin Head = LEFT (CONS "Head" UNIT) +fromCoin Tail = RIGHT (CONS "Tail" UNIT) + +toCoin :: CoinG -> Coin +toCoin (LEFT (CONS _ UNIT)) = Head +toCoin (RIGHT (CONS _ UNIT)) = Tail + +instance == Coin where + (==) Head Head = True + (==) Tail Tail = True + (==) _ _ = False + +instance serialize Coin where + write c s = write2 (write1 write) (write1 write) (fromCoin c) s + read l = case read2 (read1Cons "Head" read) (read1Cons "Tail" read) l of + Just (c,l) -> Just (toCoin c,l) + Nothing -> Nothing + +/* + Define a special purpose version for this type that writes and reads + the value (7,True) as ["(","7",",","True",")"] +*/ +instance serialize (a,b) | serialize a & serialize b where + write t c = write2 write write t c + read l = read2 read read l + +instance serialize2 (,) +where + write2 f g (x,y) s = ["(":f x [",":g y [")":s]]] + read2 f g ["(":s] = case f s of + Just (x,[",":s]) -> case g s of + Just (y,[")":s]) -> Just ((x,y), s) + _ -> Nothing + _ -> Nothing + read2 _ _ _ = Nothing + +// --- +// output looks nice if compiled with "Basic Values Only" for console in project options +Start = + [test True + ,test False + ,test 0 + ,test 123 + ,test -36 + ,test [42] + ,test [0..4] + ,test [[True],[]] + ,test [[[1]],[[2],[3,4]],[[]]] + ,test (Bin Leaf True Leaf) + ,test [Bin (Bin Leaf [1] Leaf) [2] (Bin Leaf [3] (Bin Leaf [4,5] Leaf))] + ,test [Bin (Bin Leaf [1] Leaf) [2] (Bin Leaf [3] (Bin (Bin Leaf [4,5] Leaf) [6,7] (Bin Leaf [8,9] Leaf)))] + ,test Head + ,test Tail + ,test (7,True) + ,test (Head,(7,[Tail])) + ,["End of the tests.\n"] + ] + +test :: a -> [String] | serialize, == a +test a = + (if (isJust r) + (if (fst jr == a) + (if (isEmpty (tl (snd jr))) + ["Oke"] + ["Not all input is consumed! ":snd jr]) + ["Wrong result: ":write (fst jr) []]) + ["read result is Nothing"] + ) ++ [", write produces: ": s] + where + s = write a ["\n"] + r = read s + jr = fromJust r + +/* +Oke, write produces: True +Oke, write produces: False +Oke, write produces: 0 +Oke, write produces: 123 +Oke, write produces: -36 +Oke, write produces: (Cons 42 Nil) +Oke, write produces: (Cons 0 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 4 Nil))))) +Oke, write produces: (Cons (Cons True Nil) (Cons Nil Nil)) +Oke, write produces: (Cons (Cons (Cons 1 Nil) Nil) (Cons (Cons (Cons 2 Nil) (Cons (Cons 3 (Cons 4 Nil)) Nil)) (Cons (Cons Nil Nil) Nil))) +Oke, write produces: (Bin Leaf True Leaf) +Oke, write produces: (Cons (Bin (Bin Leaf (Cons 1 Nil) Leaf) (Cons 2 Nil) (Bin Leaf (Cons 3 Nil) (Bin Leaf (Cons 4 (Cons 5 Nil)) Leaf))) Nil) +Oke, write produces: (Cons (Bin (Bin Leaf (Cons 1 Nil) Leaf) (Cons 2 Nil) (Bin Leaf (Cons 3 Nil) (Bin (Bin Leaf (Cons 4 (Cons 5 Nil)) Leaf) (Cons 6 (Cons 7 Nil)) (Bin Leaf (Cons 8 (Cons 9 Nil)) Leaf)))) Nil) +Oke, write produces: Head +Oke, write produces: Tail +Oke, write produces: (7,True) +Oke, write produces: (Head,(7,(Cons Tail Nil))) +End of the tests. +*/ |