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diff --git a/assignment-10/sets.icl b/assignment-10/sets.icl
index 2a19584..de4a62a 100644
--- a/assignment-10/sets.icl
+++ b/assignment-10/sets.icl
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ for :== For bimapId
:: Logical :== Expression Bool
:: Ident :== String
+fail :: (String -> StateT s (MaybeError String) a)
+fail = StateT o const o Error
store :: Ident v -> StateT SetState m v | Monad m & TC v
store i v = modify ('M'.put i (dynamic v)) $> v
@@ -86,9 +89,6 @@ read i = gets ('M'.get i) >>= \v -> case v of
Just d -> fail $ "type error, " <+ typeCodeOfDynamic d <+ " for '" <+ i <+ "'"
Nothing -> fail $ "unknown variable '" <+ i <+ "'"
-fail :: String -> StateT s (MaybeError String) a
-fail e = StateT \_ -> Error e
eval :: (Expression a) -> Sem a | TC a
eval (New bm xs) = pure $ bm.map_from xs
eval (Elem bm x) = pure $ bm.map_from x
@@ -113,6 +113,14 @@ eval (If b t e) = eval b >>= \b -> eval $ if b t e
eval (For bm id s e) = bm.map_from <$> (eval s >>= mapM (\x -> store id x >>| eval e))
eval (s :. t) = eval s >>| eval t
+ * I did not manage to get the iTasks simulator working, because the compiler
+ * 'cannot build a generic representation of an existential type'.
+ * I'm sure it would be *possible* by implementing an Editor manually, forcing
+ * all Bimaps to bimapId and using cast :: a -> b in case of type errors, but
+ * did not try to do this due to time constraints.
+ */
Start = evalStateT (eval stmt) 'M'.newMap
stmt :: Expression [Int]