diff options
6 files changed, 279 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL.dcl b/assignment-13/uFPL.dcl
index c061119..55c9c66 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL.dcl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL.dcl
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
definition module uFPL
from StdGeneric import :: Bimap
-from StdOverloaded import class +, class -, class *, class /, class ==, class <
+from StdOverloaded import class +, class -, class *, class /, class ==, class <, class toString
+from Data.Map import :: Map
+from Data.Maybe import :: Maybe
from uFPL.C import :: CType, :: CExpr, :: CBody, :: CVar, :: CFun, :: CProg
@@ -75,9 +78,9 @@ lit :: (t -> Expr t RO)
| When (Expr Bool rw) [Rule]
| (>>>) infixr 2 Trigger [Rule]
| E.rwa rwb: SetCursor (Expr Int rwa, Expr Int rwb)
- | E.t rw: Print (Expr t rw) & Expr t
+ | E.t rw: Print (Expr t rw) & Expr, toString t
-:: NamedRule = E.r: (:=:) infix 1 String r & gen r CBody & allShares r & TC r
+:: NamedRule = E.r: (:=:) infix 1 String r & gen r CBody & run, allShares, TC r
class gen f t :: f -> t
@@ -97,3 +100,31 @@ instance gen [r] CBody | gen r CBody
instance gen NamedRule CFun
instance gen NamedRule CProg
instance gen [NamedRule] CProg
+:: ShareState =
+ { val :: Dynamic
+ , dirty :: Int
+ , subscriptions :: Int
+ }
+:: Display =
+ { size :: (Int, Int)
+ , cursor :: (Int, Int)
+ , text :: Map (Int, Int) Char
+ }
+instance toString Display
+:: State =
+ { vars :: Map String ShareState
+ , display :: Display
+ }
+display :: String Display -> Display
+eval :: (Expr t rw) State -> Maybe t | Expr t
+evalTrigger :: Trigger State -> Maybe (Bool, State)
+class run r :: r -> State -> Maybe State
+instance run [r] | run r
+instance run Rule
+instance run NamedRule
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL.icl b/assignment-13/uFPL.icl
index 23bf85c..b87538e 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL.icl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL.icl
@@ -6,14 +6,21 @@ import StdClass
from StdFunc import const, flip, id, o
from StdGeneric import :: Bimap{..}, bimapId; bm :== bimapId
import StdInt
-import StdList
+from StdList import any, map, instance fromString [a]
import StdMisc
import StdOverloaded
import StdString
import StdTuple
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
from Data.Func import $
-import Data.List
+import Data.Functor
+import Data.Maybe
+from Data.List import intersperse, foldr1
+import Data.Map
+import Data.Tuple
+from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
import uFPL.Arduino
import uFPL.Bootstrap
@@ -172,20 +179,7 @@ where
, name = "t" +++ name
-instance gen [NamedRule] String
- gen rs = foldl1 (+++) $
- [rts] ++
- ["\n" +++ printToString var \\ var <- sharesMap genv (allShares rs)] ++
- ["\n" +++ printToString (genf rule) \\ rule <- rs]
- where
- genf :: (NamedRule -> CFun)
- genf = gen
- genv :: ((UShared t rw) -> CVar)
- genv = gen
-instance gen NamedRule CProg
+instance gen NamedRule CProg
gen r = combinePrograms zero
{ bootstrap = ""
@@ -197,7 +191,83 @@ instance gen [NamedRule] CProg
gen rs = foldr (combinePrograms o gen) zero rs
-Start w = startEngine (simulate example_countdown) w
+instance toString Display
+ toString d = concat $ intersperse "\n"
+ [{char c r \\ c <- [0..cols - 1]} \\ r <- [0..rows - 1]]
+ where
+ (cols,rows) = d.size
+ char :: Int Int -> Char
+ char c r = case get (c,r) d.text of
+ Just c -> c
+ Nothing -> ' '
+display :: String Display -> Display
+display s dis = foldr (\c -> next o write c) dis (fromString s)
+ write :: Char Display -> Display
+ write v dis = {dis & text=put dis.cursor v dis.text}
+ next :: Display -> Display
+ next dis = {dis & cursor=(nc,nr)}
+ where
+ (c,r) = dis.cursor
+ (cols,rows) = dis.size
+ nc = if (c == cols - 1) 0 (c + 1)
+ nr = if (c == cols - 1) (if (r == rows - 1) 0 (r + 1)) r
+eval :: (Expr t rw) State -> Maybe t | Expr t
+eval (ELit l) _ = Just l
+eval (EShared s) st = case get s.sname st.vars of
+ Just {val=v :: t^} -> Just v
+ _ -> Nothing
+eval (a +. b) st = onEval (+) st a b
+eval (a -. b) st = onEval (-) st a b
+eval (a *. b) st = onEval (*) st a b
+eval (a /. b) st = onEval (/) st a b
+eval (EEq bm a b) st = bm.map_from <$> onEval (==) st a b
+eval (ELt bm a b) st = bm.map_from <$> onEval (<) st a b
+eval (EAnd bm a b) st = bm.map_from <$> onEval (&&) st a b
+eval (EOr bm a b) st = bm.map_from <$> onEval (||) st a b
+eval (EIf b t e) st = liftA3 (\b t e -> if b t e) (eval b st) (eval t st) (eval e st)
+onEval :: (t u -> v) State (Expr t rwa) (Expr u rwb) -> Maybe v | Expr t & Expr u
+onEval f st a b = liftA2 f (eval a st) (eval b st)
+evalTrigger :: Trigger State -> Maybe (Bool, State)
+evalTrigger (Change (EShared s)) st = case get s.sname st.vars of
+ Just shr=:{dirty=n} | n > 0 -> Just (True, {st & vars=put s.sname {shr & dirty=n-1} st.vars})
+ Just shr -> Just (False, st)
+ _ -> Nothing
+evalTrigger (EShared s ?= e) st = case get s.sname st.vars of
+ Just shr=:{dirty=n} | n > 0 -> eval e st >>= \e -> flip tuple st <$> equals shr.val e
+ Just shr -> Just (False, st)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ equals :: Dynamic t -> Maybe Bool | ==, TC t
+ equals (v :: t^) x = Just (v == x)
+ equals _ _ = Nothing
+evalTrigger (a ?& b) st = evalTrigger a st >>= \(a,st) -> appFst ((&&) a) <$> evalTrigger b st
+evalTrigger (a ?| b) st = evalTrigger a st >>= \(a,st) -> appFst ((||) a) <$> evalTrigger b st
+instance run [r] | run r where run rs = flip (foldM (flip run)) rs
+instance run Rule
+ run (EShared s <# e) = \st -> eval e st >>= \e -> case get s.sname st.vars of
+ Just shr -> Just {st & vars=put s.sname {shr & val=dynamic e, dirty=shr.subscriptions} st.vars}
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ run (When b rs) = \st -> eval b st >>= \b -> if b (run rs) Just st
+ run (t >>> rs) = \st -> evalTrigger t st >>= \(b,st) -> if b (run rs) Just st
+ run (SetCursor (c,r)) = \st -> eval c st >>= \c -> eval r st >>= \r -> Just {State | st & display.cursor=(c,r)}
+ run (Print e) = \st -> eval e st >>= \e -> Just {State | st & display=display (toString e) st.State.display}
+instance run NamedRule
+ run (_ :=: r) = run r
+Start w = simulate example_countdown w
Start _ = printToString (genp example_score)
genp :: (a -> CProg) | gen a CProg
@@ -220,14 +290,15 @@ where
example_countdown :: [NamedRule]
example_countdown =
"time" :=:
- When (millis -. DELAY >. counter)
- (counter <# counter +. DELAY :.
+ When (millis -. DELAY >. counter) (
+ counter <# counter +. DELAY :.
seconds <# seconds -. lit 1 :.
SetCursor (lit 0, lit 0) :.
Print minutes :.
Print (lit ':') :.
- Print seconds)
- :. When (seconds ==. lit 0) (seconds <# lit 60 :. minutes <# minutes -. lit 1)
+ Print seconds
+ ) :.
+ When (seconds ==. lit 0) (seconds <# lit 60 :. minutes <# minutes -. lit 1)
||| "status" :=:
When (seconds ==. lit 60 &&. minutes ==. lit 0) [running <# false]
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL/Bootstrap.dcl b/assignment-13/uFPL/Bootstrap.dcl
index 201957c..583dc75 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL/Bootstrap.dcl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL/Bootstrap.dcl
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ millis :: Expr Int RO
false :: Expr Bool RO
true :: Expr Bool RO
+predefShares :: Shares
rts :: String
instance zero CProg
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL/Bootstrap.icl b/assignment-13/uFPL/Bootstrap.icl
index b0ccf66..1ca75ac 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL/Bootstrap.icl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL/Bootstrap.icl
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
implementation module uFPL.Bootstrap
-from StdFunc import const
+from StdFunc import const, o
import StdGeneric
from StdMisc import undef
import StdString
+from Data.Func import $
import uFPL.Arduino
import uFPL.C
import uFPL
@@ -72,6 +74,19 @@ false = lit False
true :: Expr Bool RO
true = lit True
+predefShares :: Shares
+ = share b0
+ $ share b1
+ $ share b2
+ $ share b3
+ $ share b4
+ $ share millis
+ NoShares
+ share :: ((Expr t rw) Shares -> Shares) | Expr t
+ share = Shares o (\(EShared s) -> s)
rts :: String
rts =
"#include <LiquidCrystal.h>" +:
@@ -117,4 +132,4 @@ where
" return 0;" +:
-instance zero CProg where zero = {bootstrap=rts, globals=[], funs=[]}
+instance zero CProg where zero = {bootstrap=rts, globals=sharesMap gen predefShares, funs=[]}
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.dcl b/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.dcl
index f30e107..b4d8528 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.dcl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.dcl
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ definition module uFPL.Sim
from Data.Map import :: Map
-import iTasks
import uFPL
from uFPL.C import :: Signedness
@@ -11,12 +9,10 @@ from uFPL.C import :: Signedness
= LiftException String
| NoShareException ISharedRef
| WriteToROShare ISharedRef
+ | RunException
instance toString UFPLException
-class lift a :: a -> Task Dynamic
-class unlift a b :: b -> a
:: ReadOrWrite = ReadOnly | ReadWrite
:: IShared
@@ -60,26 +56,17 @@ class unlift a b :: b -> a
:: INamedRule = Rule String [IRule]
-:: IState =
- { isvalues :: Map String Int
- , uisvalues :: Map String Int
- , lsvalues :: Map String Int
- , ulsvalues :: Map String Int
- , bsvalues :: Map String Bool
+:: IShareState t =
+ { isval :: t
+ , isdirty :: Int
+ , issubscriptions :: Int
-derive class iTask Signedness, CType, ReadOrWrite, IShared, IExpr, ITrigger,
- IRule, INamedRule, IState
-instance lift [a] | lift a
-instance unlift [a] [b] | unlift a b
-instance lift IExpr
-instance unlift IExpr (Expr t rw) | Expr t
-instance lift ITrigger
-instance unlift ITrigger Trigger
-instance lift IRule
-instance unlift IRule Rule
-instance lift INamedRule
-instance unlift INamedRule NamedRule
+:: IState =
+ { isvalues :: Map String (IShareState Int)
+ , csvalues :: Map String (IShareState Char)
+ , bsvalues :: Map String (IShareState Bool)
+ , display :: Display
+ }
-simulate :: [NamedRule] -> Task ()
+simulate :: [NamedRule] -> *World -> *World
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl b/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl
index 09c9a3b..3d38b67 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
implementation module uFPL.Sim
-from StdFunc import seq
+from StdFunc import flip, seq
from Data.Func import $
import Data.Functor
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from Text import <+
import Text.HTML
import iTasks
+import iTasks.UI.Editor.Common
import uFPL
import uFPL.Bootstrap
@@ -22,12 +23,16 @@ where
toString (LiftException s) = "Lift exception: " +++ s
toString (NoShareException s) = "No such share: " +++ s
toString (WriteToROShare s) = "Write to RO share: " +++ s
+ toString RunException = "Could not run"
derive class iTask Signedness, CType, ReadOrWrite, IShared, IExpr, ITrigger,
- IRule, INamedRule, IState
+ IRule, INamedRule, IState, IShareState, Display
+class lift a :: a -> Task Dynamic
+class unlift a b :: b -> a
istate :: Shared IState
-istate = sharedStore "istate" gDefault{|*|}
+istate = sharedStore "state" gDefault{|*|}
irules :: Shared [INamedRule]
irules = sharedStore "irules" []
@@ -36,15 +41,23 @@ ishares :: Shared IShares
ishares = sharedStore "ishares" gDefault{|*|}
getShared :: ISharedRef -> Task Dynamic
-getShared n = get ishares >>= \shrs -> case filter ((==) n o name) shrs of
+getShared n = get ishares >>= \shrs -> case filter ((==) n o isharedName) shrs of
[] -> throw (NoShareException n)
[s:_] -> lift s
- name (ISharedInt n _ _) = n
- name (ISharedUInt n _ _) = n
- name (ISharedLong n _ _) = n
- name (ISharedULong n _ _) = n
- name (ISharedBool n _ _) = n
+isharedName :: IShared -> String
+isharedName (ISharedInt n _ _) = n
+isharedName (ISharedUInt n _ _) = n
+isharedName (ISharedLong n _ _) = n
+isharedName (ISharedULong n _ _) = n
+isharedName (ISharedBool n _ _) = n
+isharedInit :: IShared -> Dynamic
+isharedInit (ISharedInt _ i _) = dynamic i
+isharedInit (ISharedUInt _ i _) = dynamic i
+isharedInit (ISharedLong _ i _) = dynamic i
+isharedInit (ISharedULong _ i _) = dynamic i
+isharedInit (ISharedBool _ i _) = dynamic i
instance lift [a] | lift a
@@ -132,9 +145,9 @@ where
ISharedBool n i ReadWrite -> dynamic {sname=n, stype=CTBool, sinit=i, srepr=boolmap, srw=RW}
// NOTE: Compiler doesn't allow instances for both Int and Bool or RW and RO,
-// so we use ABC code here. Otherwise, there would have been separate instances
-// for UShared Int RO, UShared Int RW, etc. If rw = RO, we get ReadOnly. In all
-// other cases, we get ReadWrite.
+// so we use dynamics and ABC code here. Otherwise, there would have been
+// separate instances for UShared Int RO, UShared Int RW, etc.
+// If rw = RO, we get ReadOnly. In all other cases, we get ReadWrite.
instance unlift IShared (UShared t rw) | Expr t
unlift s = case dynamic s.sinit of
@@ -173,7 +186,9 @@ where
(s :: UShared Int rw) -> return (dynamic Change (EShared s))
_ -> throw (LiftException "IChange")
lift (IBecomes s e) = getShared s >>= \s -> lift e >>= \e -> case (s,e) of
- (s :: UShared Int rwa, e :: Expr Int rwb) -> return (dynamic EShared s ?= e)
+ (s :: UShared Int rwa, e :: Expr Int rwb) -> return (dynamic EShared s ?= e)
+ (s :: UShared Char rwa, e :: Expr Char rwb) -> return (dynamic EShared s ?= e)
+ (s :: UShared Bool rwa, e :: Expr Bool rwb) -> return (dynamic EShared s ?= e)
_ -> throw (LiftException "IBecomes")
lift (ITAnd a b) = lift a >>= \a -> lift b >>= \b -> case (a,b) of
(a :: Trigger, b :: Trigger) -> return (dynamic a ?& b)
@@ -234,54 +249,72 @@ where
(r :: Rule) -> Rule s [unlift r]
(rs :: [Rule]) -> Rule s (unlift rs)
-simulate :: [NamedRule] -> Task ()
-simulate rs = setupShares >>| run $> ()
+instance lift IState
- setupShares :: Task ()
- setupShares =
- set
- /*( [ISharedInt n (case i of (i :: Int) -> i) ReadWrite \\ (n,t,i) <- shrs | t=:(CTInt Sig)]
- ++ [ISharedUInt n (case i of (i :: Int) -> i) ReadWrite \\ (n,t,i) <- shrs | t=:(CTInt Unsig)]
- ++ [ISharedLong n (case l of (l :: Int) -> l) ReadWrite \\ (n,t,l) <- shrs | t=:(CTLong Sig)]
- ++ [ISharedULong n (case l of (l :: Int) -> l) ReadWrite \\ (n,t,l) <- shrs | t=:(CTLong Unsig)]
- ++ [ISharedBool n (case b of (b :: Bool) -> b) ReadWrite \\ (n,t,b) <- shrs | t=:CTBool]
- )*/ (unlift (allShares rs)) ishares >>|
- set (unlift rs) irules $>
- ()
+ lift ist = return (dynamic
+ { display = ist.IState.display
+ , vars = 'M'.fromList $
+ map (appSnd liftSharedState) ('M'.toList ist.isvalues) ++
+ map (appSnd liftSharedState) ('M'.toList ist.csvalues) ++
+ map (appSnd liftSharedState) ('M'.toList ist.bsvalues)
+ })
- shrs :: [(String, CType, Dynamic)]
- shrs = sharesMap (\shr -> (shr.sname,shr.stype,dynamic shr.sinit)) (allShares rs)
+ liftSharedState :: (IShareState t) -> ShareState | TC t
+ liftSharedState st = {val=dynamic st.isval, dirty=st.isdirty, subscriptions=st.issubscriptions}
- run =
+instance unlift IState State
+ unlift st =
+ { isvalues = 'M'.fromList [(n,{isval=v,isdirty=s.dirty,issubscriptions=s.subscriptions}) \\ (n,s=:{val=v :: Int}) <- 'M'.toList st.vars]
+ , csvalues = 'M'.fromList [(n,{isval=v,isdirty=s.dirty,issubscriptions=s.subscriptions}) \\ (n,s=:{val=v :: Char}) <- 'M'.toList st.vars]
+ , bsvalues = 'M'.fromList [(n,{isval=v,isdirty=s.dirty,issubscriptions=s.subscriptions}) \\ (n,s=:{val=v :: Bool}) <- 'M'.toList st.vars]
+ , display = st.State.display
+ }
+simulate :: [NamedRule] -> *World -> *World
+simulate rs = startEngine (setupShares >>| sim)
+ setupShares =
+ set (unlift (allShares rs)) ishares >>|
+ set (unlift rs) irules
+ sim =
(updateSharedInformation (Title "Rules") [] irules
-&&- updateSharedInformation (Title "Shares") [] ishares
) -&&-
- (sim -&&- check)
+ (show -&&- check)
<<@ ArrangeHorizontal
- sim :: Task IState
- sim = whileUnchanged (irules >*< ishares) (\(_,shrs) ->
- newShares >>| viewSharedInformation (Title "State") [aslist] istate)
+ show :: Task IState
+ show = whileUnchanged (irules >*< ishares) (\(_,shrs) ->
+ newShares shrs >>|
+ viewSharedInformation (Title "State") [viewAsLists] istate)
- newShares :: Task IState
- newShares = get ishares >>= \shrs -> upd (\is ->
- { is
- & isvalues = seq [alter n i \\ ISharedInt n i _ <- shrs] is.isvalues
- , uisvalues = seq [alter n i \\ ISharedUInt n i _ <- shrs] is.uisvalues
- , lsvalues = seq [alter n i \\ ISharedLong n i _ <- shrs] is.lsvalues
- , ulsvalues = seq [alter n i \\ ISharedULong n i _ <- shrs] is.ulsvalues
- , bsvalues = seq [alter n i \\ ISharedBool n i _ <- shrs] is.bsvalues
- }) istate
- where
- alter :: k v ('M'.Map k v) -> 'M'.Map k v | Eq, < k
- alter k nv vs = 'M'.alter (\v -> case v of Nothing -> Just nv; v -> v) k vs
+ newShares :: IShares -> Task IState
+ newShares shrs = get istate >>= lift >>= \ist -> case ist of
+ (st :: State) -> set (unlift
+ { st & vars = foldr (uncurry 'M'.put) st.vars
+ [(isharedName shr, {val=isharedInit shr, dirty=0, subscriptions=0}) \\ shr <- shrs]}) istate
+ viewAsLists = ViewUsing tolists $ container3 listView listView listView
+ with
+ listView :: Editor [(String,IShareState a)] | iTask, == a
+ listView = listEditor Nothing False False Nothing itemView
- aslist = ViewAs \ist ->
- map (appSnd toString) ('M'.toList ist.isvalues) ++
- map (appSnd toString) ('M'.toList ist.uisvalues) ++
- map (appSnd toString) ('M'.toList ist.lsvalues) ++
- map (appSnd toString) ('M'.toList ist.ulsvalues) ++
- map (appSnd toString) ('M'.toList ist.bsvalues)
+ itemView :: Editor (String, IShareState a) | iTask, == a
+ itemView = comapEditorValue
+ (\(s,shr) -> (s, shr.isval, shr.isdirty, shr.issubscriptions))
+ (listitem4
+ textView
+ gEditor{|*|}
+ (intView "Dirty")
+ (intView "Subscriptions")
+ <<@ directionAttr Horizontal)
+ with
+ intView s = comapEditorValue (\i -> s <+ ": " <+ i) textView
+ tolists :: IState -> ([(String, IShareState Int)], [(String, IShareState Char)], [(String, IShareState Bool)])
+ tolists st = ('M'.toList st.isvalues, 'M'.toList st.csvalues, 'M'.toList st.bsvalues)
check :: Task String
check = whileUnchanged (irules >*< ishares) (\(rs,shrs) -> catchAll (lift rs >>| return "OK") return
@@ -289,17 +322,49 @@ where
[ViewUsing id $ viewComponent (\text -> 'M'.unions
[ valueAttr (JSONString (escapeStr text))
, styleAttr (if (text == "OK") "" "color:red;font-weight:bold;")
- ]) UITextView])
+ ]) UITextView]
- [ OnAction (Action "Step") $ ifOk $ step >>| check
- ]
+ buttonActions shrs ++
+ millisActions shrs ++
+ [action "Step" $ step])
+ action :: String (Task a) -> TaskCont String (Task String) | iTask a
+ action s t = OnAction (Action s) $ ifOk $ t >>| check
ifOk :: a (TaskValue String) -> Maybe a
ifOk t (Value "OK" _) = Just t
ifOk _ _ = Nothing
- step :: Task ()
- step = return ()
+ step :: Task IState
+ step = get istate >>= lift >>= \st -> case st of
+ (st :: State) -> get irules >>= lift >>= \rs -> case rs of
+ (rs :: [NamedRule]) -> case run rs st of
+ Just st -> set (unlift st) istate
+ Nothing -> throw RunException
+ _ -> throw (LiftException "step rules")
+ _ -> throw (LiftException "step state")
+ buttonActions :: IShares -> [TaskCont String (Task String)]
+ buttonActions shrs =
+ [action ("Toggle B" <+ i) $ press i \\ i <- [0..5] | any ((==) ("b" <+ i) o isharedName) shrs]
+ where
+ press :: Int -> Task IState
+ press i = get istate >>= lift >>= \st -> case st of
+ (st :: State) -> set (unlift {st & vars='M'.alter upd ("b" <+ i) st.vars}) istate
+ with upd (Just s=:{val=v :: Bool}) = Just {s & val=dynamic not v, dirty=s.subscriptions}
+ millisActions :: IShares -> [TaskCont String (Task String)]
+ millisActions shrs
+ | any ((==) "millis" o isharedName) shrs =
+ [ action "Millis +100" $ addMillis 100
+ , action "Millis +1000" $ addMillis 1000
+ ]
+ | otherwise = []
+ where
+ addMillis :: Int -> Task IState
+ addMillis n = get istate >>= lift >>= \st -> case st of
+ (st :: State) -> set (unlift {st & vars='M'.alter upd "millis" st.vars}) istate
+ with upd (Just s=:{val=v :: Int}) = Just {s & val=dynamic v+n, dirty=s.subscriptions}
// From iTasks.UI.Editor.Controls
viewComponent toAttributes type = {Editor|genUI=genUI,onEdit=onEdit,onRefresh=onRefresh}