path: root/assignment-4
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authorCamil Staps2017-10-02 17:39:35 +0200
committerCamil Staps2017-10-02 17:39:35 +0200
commita363bd59012bf190542c3ad398070fa498602d65 (patch)
tree07360f02eb5b09a42da1f5bc9f1973435ce83e5f /assignment-4
parentAdded outputs as comments (diff)
Bootstrap 4
Diffstat (limited to 'assignment-4')
2 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-4/serialize4.icl b/assignment-4/serialize4.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10026eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assignment-4/serialize4.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+module serialize4
+import StdEnv, StdMaybe, monad
+ Pieter Koopman,
+ Advanced Programming, week 4, 2017
+ import StdMaybe from Libraries/StdLib
+ use StdEnv or StdEnv 64
+ use Basic Values Only as conclose option for a nicer output.
+// ---
+:: State s a = S (s -> (Maybe a,s))
+unS :: (State s a) -> s -> (Maybe a,s)
+unS (S f) = f
+instance Functor (State s) where
+ fmap f s = fail
+instance Applicative (State s) where
+ pure a = fail
+ (<*>) f x = fail
+instance fail (State s) where
+ fail = S \s.(Nothing,s)
+instance Monad (State s) where
+ bind a f = fail
+instance OrMonad (State s) where
+ (<|>) f g = fail
+// ---
+:: Serialized = Serialized
+ser :: Serialized
+ser = Serialized
+toStrings :: Serialized -> [String]
+toStrings _ = ["to be done\n"]
+:: Serialize a :== State Serialized a
+wrt :: a -> Serialize String | toString a
+wrt a = fail
+rd :: Serialize String
+rd = fail
+match :: a -> Serialize a | toString a
+match a = fail
+pred :: (String->Bool) -> Serialize String
+pred f = fail
+// ---
+:: EITHER a b = LEFT a | RIGHT b
+:: PAIR a b = PAIR a b
+:: CONS a = CONS String a
+:: Write a :== a -> Serialize String
+:: Read a :== Serialize a
+class serialize a | isUNIT a where
+ write :: a -> Serialize String
+ read :: Serialize a
+class serialize1 t where
+ write1 :: (Write a) (t a) -> Serialize String
+ read1 :: (Read a) -> Serialize (t a)
+class serializeCONS a where
+ writeCons :: (Write a) (CONS a) -> Serialize String
+ readCons :: String (Read a) -> Serialize (CONS a)
+class serialize2 t where
+ write2 :: (Write a) (Write b) (t a b) -> Serialize String
+ read2 :: (Read a) (Read b) -> Serialize (t a b)
+class isUNIT a :: a -> Bool
+instance isUNIT UNIT where isUNIT _ = True
+instance isUNIT a where isUNIT _ = False
+instance serialize Bool where
+ write b = fail
+ read = fail
+instance serialize Int where
+ write i = fail
+ read = fail
+instance serialize String where
+ write s = wrt s
+ read = fail
+instance serialize UNIT where
+ write _ = fail
+ read = fail
+instance serializeCONS UNIT where
+ writeCons wa (CONS name a) = fail
+ readCons name ra = fail
+instance serializeCONS a where
+ writeCons wa (CONS name a) = fail
+ readCons name ra =fail
+instance serialize2 EITHER where
+ write2 wa wb (LEFT a) = fail
+ write2 wa wb (RIGHT b) = fail
+ read2 ra rb = fail
+instance serialize2 PAIR where
+ write2 wa wb (PAIR a b) = fail
+ read2 ra rb = fail
+// ---
+:: ListG a :== EITHER (CONS UNIT) (CONS (PAIR a [a]))
+fromList :: [a] -> ListG a
+fromList [] = LEFT (CONS NilString UNIT)
+fromList [a:x] = RIGHT (CONS ConsString (PAIR a x))
+toList :: (ListG a) -> [a]
+toList (LEFT (CONS NilString UNIT)) = []
+toList (RIGHT (CONS ConsString (PAIR a x))) = [a:x]
+NilString :== "Nil"
+ConsString :== "Cons"
+instance serialize [a] | serialize a where
+ write a = write1 write a
+ read = read1 read
+instance serialize1 [] where
+ write1 writea l = fail
+ read1 reada = fail
+// ---
+:: Bin a = Leaf | Bin (Bin a) a (Bin a)
+:: BinG a :== EITHER (CONS UNIT) (CONS (PAIR (Bin a) (PAIR a (Bin a))))
+fromBin :: (Bin a) -> BinG a
+fromBin Leaf = LEFT (CONS LeafString UNIT)
+fromBin (Bin l a r) = RIGHT (CONS BinString (PAIR l (PAIR a r)))
+toBin :: (BinG a) -> Bin a
+toBin (LEFT (CONS _ UNIT)) = Leaf
+toBin (RIGHT (CONS _ (PAIR l (PAIR a r)))) = Bin l a r
+LeafString :== "Leaf"
+BinString :== "Bin"
+instance == (Bin a) | == a where
+ (==) Leaf Leaf = True
+ (==) (Bin l a r) (Bin k b s) = l == k && a == b && r == s
+ (==) _ _ = False
+instance serialize (Bin a) | serialize a where
+ write b = fail
+ read = fail
+instance serialize1 Bin where
+ write1 writea b = fail
+ read1 reada = fail
+// ---
+:: Coin = Head | Tail
+fromCoin :: Coin -> CoinG
+fromCoin Head = LEFT (CONS "Head" UNIT)
+fromCoin Tail = RIGHT (CONS "Tail" UNIT)
+toCoin :: CoinG -> Coin
+toCoin (LEFT (CONS _ UNIT)) = Head
+toCoin (RIGHT (CONS _ UNIT)) = Tail
+instance == Coin where
+ (==) Head Head = True
+ (==) Tail Tail = True
+ (==) _ _ = False
+instance serialize Coin where
+ write c = fail
+ read = fail
+// ---
+instance serialize (a,b) | serialize a & serialize b where
+ write (a,b) = fail
+ read = fail
+// ---
+Start =
+ [test True
+ ,test False
+ ,test 0
+ ,test 123
+ ,test -36
+ ,test Head
+ ,test Tail
+ ,test [42]
+ ,test [0..4]
+ ,test [[True],[]]
+ ,test [[[1]],[[2],[3,4]],[[]]]
+ ,test [[True],[]]
+ ,test (Bin Leaf True Leaf)
+ ,test [Bin (Bin Leaf [1] Leaf) [2] (Bin Leaf [3] (Bin Leaf [4,5] Leaf))]
+ ,test [Bin (Bin Leaf [1] Leaf) [2] (Bin Leaf [3] (Bin (Bin Leaf [4,5] Leaf) [6,7] (Bin Leaf [8,9] Leaf)))]
+ ,test Head
+ ,test Tail
+ ,test (7,True)
+ ,test (Head,(7,[Tail]))
+ ,["End of the tests.\n"]
+ ]
+test :: a -> [String] | serialize, == a
+test a = toStrings (snd ((unS t) ser)) where
+ t
+ = write a
+ >>| read
+ >>= \b. guard (a == b)
+ >>| write "Oke "
+ <|> write "Failure "
diff --git a/assignment-4/student.icl b/assignment-4/student.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fad269e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assignment-4/student.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+module student
+import StdEnv, StdMaybe, monad
+ Pieter Koopman,
+ Advanced Programming, week 4
+// ---- an IO monad with maybe results --- //
+:: *State = {w :: *World, c :: *Maybe *File}
+:: IO a = IO (State -> *(Maybe a, State))
+open :: State -> State
+open {w, c=Nothing}
+ # (console, w) = stdio w
+ = {w = w, c = Just console}
+open s = s
+close :: State -> State
+close { w, c=Just f} = { w = snd (fclose f w), c = Nothing}
+close s = s
+unIO :: (IO a) -> State -> *(Maybe a, State)
+unIO (IO f) = f
+run :: (IO a) *World -> *World
+run m w = (close (snd (unIO m {w=w, c=Nothing}))).w
+// ---- reading from console --- //
+class read a :: IO a
+instance read String where
+ read = IO r where
+ r s
+ #! {w,c=Just c} = open s
+ (line, c) = freadline c
+ s = rmNL line
+ | size s > 0
+ = (Just s,{w = w, c = Just c})
+ #! c = c <<< "String must be not empty "
+ (line, c) = freadline c
+ s = rmNL line
+ | size s > 0
+ = (Just s, {w = w, c = Just c})
+ = (Nothing, {w = w, c = Just c})
+instance read Int where
+ read = IO r where
+ r s
+ #! {w,c=Just c} = open s
+ (b,i,c) = freadi c
+ | b
+ = (Just i, {w = w, c = Just c})
+ #! (_, c) = freadline c
+ c = c <<< "An integer please "
+ (b,i,c) = freadi c
+ | b
+ = (Just i, {w = w, c = Just c})
+ #! (_, c) = freadline c
+ = (Nothing, {w = w, c = Just c})
+write :: String -> IO String
+write mess = IO w where
+ w s
+ #! {w,c=Just c} = open s
+ = (Just mess,{w=w,c=Just (c <<< mess)})
+// ---- make IO a monad --- //
+instance Functor IO where
+ fmap f (IO g)
+ = IO \ g s of
+ (Just a, s) = (Just (f a),s)
+ (Nothing,s) = (Nothing , s)
+instance Applicative IO where
+ pure a = IO \s.(Just a, s)
+ (<*>) (IO f) (IO g)
+ = IO \ f s of
+ (Just f,s) = case g s of
+ (Just a,s) = (Just (f a),s)
+ (n, s) = (Nothing, s)
+ (n, s) = (Nothing, s)
+instance Monad IO where
+ bind (IO f) g
+ = IO \ f s of
+ (Just a, s) = unIO (g a) s
+ (n, s) = (Nothing, s)
+instance fail IO where fail = IO \s.(Nothing,s)
+instance OrMonad IO where
+ <|> (IO f) (IO g) =
+ IO \ f s of
+ (Nothing, s) = g s
+ other = other
+// ---- reading a student record --- //
+Start w = run f2 w
+:: Student =
+ { fname :: String
+ , lname :: String
+ , snum :: Int
+ }
+instance toString Student where
+ toString {fname,lname,snum} = "{Student|fname=" + fname + ",lname=" + lname + ",snum=" + toString snum + "}"
+instance + String where + s t = s +++ t
+f0 :: *World -> (Student, *World)
+f0 world = ({fname = rmNL fname, lname = rmNL lname, snum = snum}, world2) where
+ (console1, world1) = stdio world
+ console2 = console1 <<< "Your first name please: "
+ (fname,console3) = freadline console2
+ console4 = console3 <<< "Your last name please: "
+ (lname,console5) = freadline console4
+ console6 = console5 <<< "Your student nmber please: "
+ (b1,snum,console7) = freadi console6
+ (b2, world2) = fclose console7 world1
+f1 :: *World -> (Student, *World)
+f1 world
+ #! (console, world) = stdio world
+ console = console <<< "Your first name please: "
+ (fname,console) = freadline console
+ console = console <<< "Your last name please: "
+ (lname,console) = freadline console
+ console = console <<< "Your student nmber please: "
+ (b1,snum,console) = freadi console
+ (b2, world) = fclose console world
+ = ({fname = rmNL fname, lname = rmNL lname, snum = snum}, world)
+f2 :: IO String
+ = ( write "Your first name please: "
+ >>| read
+ >>= \fname.write "Your last name please: "
+ >>| read
+ >>= \lname.write "Your student nmber please: "
+ >>| read
+ >>= \snum. rtrn {fname = rmNL fname, lname = rmNL lname, snum = snum}
+ >>= write o toString)
+ <|> write "failed to read a student"
+rmNL :: String -> String
+rmNL string
+ # len = size string
+ | len > 0 && string.[len-1] == '\n'
+ = string % (0, len - 2)
+ = string