path: root/assignment-13/ufpl.tex
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authorCamil Staps2018-01-07 18:55:32 +0100
committerCamil Staps2018-01-07 18:55:32 +0100
commit3cd65cd63425ab21205c0b1cbde9568bd2add7c1 (patch)
treed6c5078d97ee752997a6ca163e687565965250cf /assignment-13/ufpl.tex
parentAdd report (diff)
Minor improvements
Diffstat (limited to 'assignment-13/ufpl.tex')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-13/ufpl.tex b/assignment-13/ufpl.tex
index 2129484..462180a 100644
--- a/assignment-13/ufpl.tex
+++ b/assignment-13/ufpl.tex
@@ -31,12 +31,14 @@ Rewrite rules can be set to trigger only when a share changes.
There are specialised instructions to deal with an LCD shield.
Buttons and timing are provided by way of predefined read-only shares.
Type safety is guaranteed using poor man's GADTs by John van Groningen.
+An iTasks simulator can be used to interactively design programs.%
+ \footnote{\uFPL\ is tested on the nightly of January 7, 2018.}
An example of a program in \uFPL\ is given in \cref{lst:score}.
It keeps scores of two players and displays it on the LCD.
There are four named rules (\texttt{a}, \texttt{b}, \texttt{r} and \texttt{print})
- that are executed in parallel by means of the \texttt{|||} operator.
-The first two rules ensure that the scores of player A and player B are incremented when a button is pressed.
+ that are executed in parallel using the \texttt{|||} operator.
+The first two rules increment the scores when a button is pressed.
The third rule resets the scores when button 2 is pressed.
The fourth rule is triggered whenever either score changes,
and prints the score on the screen.
@@ -74,8 +76,7 @@ The first checks whether some condition holds,
Rules can be chained with \clean{:.} and named rules with \clean{|||}.
- \inputminted[firstline=76,lastline=80]{clean}{uFPL.dcl}
- \inputminted[firstline=84,lastline=93]{clean}{uFPL.dcl}
+ \inputminted[firstline=76,lastline=93]{clean}{uFPL.dcl}
\caption{Rules in our DSL.\label{lst:rules}}
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ Wrapper functions as \clean{rwInt :: String Int -> Expr Int RW} from \module{uFP
\subsection{Code generation}
-A separate module, \module{uFPL.C}, provides types to represent simple (Arduino) C programs.
+A separate module, \module{uFPL.C}, provides types to represent simple C programs.
In \module{uFPL}, the \clean{gen} class takes care of generation to this C representation.
Every named rule becomes a separate C function.
@@ -209,18 +210,18 @@ Example errors are shown in \cref{fig:itasks-errors}.
A number of actions is available to simulate the program.
-It is not possible to update arbitrary shares, but for buttons and timing specialised actions are available (\cref{fig:itasks-score:simulation}).
The most basic action is \enquote{Step},
which executes every named rule once.
-Buttons can be toggled, which changes their value but does not execute any code.
+It is not possible to update arbitrary shares, but for buttons and timing specialised actions are available (\cref{fig:itasks-score:simulation}).
+Buttons can be toggled, which changes their value without executing any code.
Pressing a button means setting it to \clean{true}, doing a step and resetting it to \clean{false}.%
\footnote{The system does not take into account that only one button can be pressed at the same time due to the resistor ladder on the LCD shield.}
When a program uses timing,
- actions exist for incrementing the value of \clean{millis} with \clean{100} or \clean{1000} (without stepping the program).
+ actions exist for incrementing the value of \clean{millis} with \clean{100} or \clean{1000} (without stepping).
There also exists a fully automatic simulator
which increments the value of \clean{millis} by \clean{1000} and performs a step every second.
However, due to (presumed) limitations of the iTasks framework,
- this uses a lot of CPU power and the state share sometimes misses an iteration.
+ this is CPU-intensive and the state share sometimes misses an iteration.
In the left bottom view, the states of the shares and the display ($16\times2$ is assumed) are shown.